News Alert: George Allen's staffers beat up a Marine for asking the Senator an uncomfortable question!
If there were ever a more urgent reason to replace each and every member of Congress virtually without exception, one need only look at the breathtaking new martial law powers granted to the Bush administration this month. It has always been a sacred tenet of our Democracy that the U.S. military should not be deployed AGAINST American citizens. But literally in the dead of night and almost without comment, an amendment to the Insurrection Act was slipped into the just passed Defense Authorization bill stating:
"...The President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when . . . the President determines that domestic violence has occurred" !!! ARE YOU READING THIS?
Shame on each and every member of Congress who allowed this to happen with hardly as much as peep or a whimper. Shame on them for their lack of diligence and lack of oversight.
So let's just say for example that the electronic election results in 8 days are so far out of line with pre-election and exit polling data so as to defy credulity. And let's just say that people organized massive peaceful protests of the theft of their elections. And let's just say that the Bush administration provoked "police" riots, or even had their own provocateurs commit violent acts so as to justify a military crackdown. Voila . . . now you have American soldiers shooting at otherwise peaceful political protesters. And you thought Kent State was a party!
And if you don't think that could ever happen, then why the hell have they pushed for such changes, which are now the law of the land?
The whole concept of the president as an unaccountable determiner, or "decider", insulated from any kind of oversight by Congress or the Courts has been the hallmark of the Cheney/Bush executive coup, which just keeps steamrollering along while our presumptive protectors in Congress are asleep at the switch, or cowering in their cloakrooms.
But there are some candidates who ARE fighting to be the people's voice. There are candidates who were calling for our troops in Iraq to start coming home, and standing strong on that call, BEFORE the general public began to realize the scale of the Iraq disaster, doomed as it was from the start by its illegal and immoral underpinnings.
And what we are asking you to do, in this last 7 days before the upcoming election, is to donate anything you can, if you have not done so already, to help the brave candidates on the Peace Team to get their Lie/Die TV spots on the air, so the people know that there is at least somebody out there taking a stand on principle.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN. IS BUSH COMMITTING TREASON? We must get rid of the thugs running our country NOW. Democrats will win Congress next week. Please VOTE next Tuesday, November 7, 2006. There is still hope for a civilized, peaceful, powerful, united AMERICA. But onlyl if you vote out the corrupt politicians currently in power. There is nothing more dangerous to our freedoms than these politicians. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. These Godless people are hiding behind a false version of "Christianity" that is not only anti-Christian but amoral. This is something no Christian or upright moralist can condone.
Please read Larisa Alexandrovna's ( great article below. Got this email from the insightful Garth Bishop: "The end of habeas corpus may just be a smoke screen (which the Sup Court will overturn) to cover the fact what it's really all about----giving GW Bush and his wrecking crew a "get out of jail free" card. I'm trying to find a complete copy of the "MCA of 2006" to find out what I heard about the real reason for this act. In the document, according to my sources, ALL WAR CRIMES committed prior to December 30, 2005 are forgiven. So in essence WBush is pardoning himself (and all) in advance. Anyone with info please advise. Meanwhile I will find and read the entire bill to verify this startling fact which I'm convinced is true." - Garth Bishop
Excerpts From "Bush Signs the Reichstag Fire Decree" By Larisa Alexandrovna RAWSTORY.COM
"I am certain that my right-wing fellow Americans will no doubt soil themselves silly and cite Biblical curses at me for daring to label their beloved leader a traitor to the United States of America. But he is not only a traitor, he is an aristocratic wannabe despot who is so mentally deranged, that he believes that God tells him to go out and spread Americana into the world, and in the process murder hundreds of thousands of people abroad and destroy thousands of lives at home. Does that sound like something a sane person would do, or even attempt to justify, in public by evoking Jesus, the complete antithesis to these activities?" - Larisa Alexandrovna
With a flip of the wrist, Bush signed into law the anti-Habeas Corpus, pro-torture law (cleverly repackaged as the Military Commissions Act of 2006), signaling with it the end of American democracy. On October 17, 2006, however, the latest Bush scoundrel outdid his kin at sucking the marrow of this nation and signed into law that which our founding fathers would have called treason, essentially taking the people's rights of liberty, justice, and property solely for himself. What Mr. Bush signed was, in essence, the final assault of a carefully orchestrated, six year long war on the Constitution of the United States.
....To add insult to injury, when Bush was finished with his butchery, this half-witted crook had the audacity, the sheer nerve, to claim that he was slitting the throat of America in the memory of those who died on September 11, 2001:
"And now, in memory of the victims of September the 11th, it is my honor to sign the Military Commissions Act of 2006 into law." Yes, those in attendance not only applauded the man who cannot be bothered to govern or to attend to any business beneficial to the health and vitality of this nation, they actually cheered the destruction of this country and allowed Bush to claim the memory of those who died because of his very own indifference.
Please support California Secretary of State for the latest on the Diebold touch-screen voting problems in the upcoming election.
Hey Troll Tex, the otherday you asked who I would rather babysit my kids between GWB, Jim Webb or Bill Clinton.
ReplyDeleteHere's my answer, I most certainly would want Webb or Clinton to babysit my kids because I would much rather have two honest intelligent and decent men, who seek and prefer diplomacy over conflict, and who portray the horrors of war realistically rather than glorifying war death and torture and reveling and basking in the power that using fear tactics and warmongering hatespeak to play politics and polarize the nation allow.Not to mention lying and deceiving the nation into a war of choice where we become the agressor and very thing we have decried an enemy of peace and freedom and a chaotic force which is the antithesis of stability.
I would prefer two men who are intelligent enough to value human life and personal freedom and doing the right thing over power, selfish personal gain (conflict of interest) and personal glory/attention,as opposed to a megalomaniac buffoon, punch drunk on his own omnipotence and the sound of his own voice who deems no counsel other than his own or that of his inner circle of cronnies is worthy of a voice, and who deems no freedoms or liberties that do not suit his dark designs or self serving agenda as vital to the lifeblood of our vibrant democracy as outlined by the Constitution and our Founding Fathers.
The man I would not want to babysit my kids GWB, holds no freedoms as sacred, brooks no rivalry or dissenting voices as legitimate, and takes sinister action to smear and silence any dissenting voices who exercise their freedom of speech to oppose him with slimy dishonest fear tactics, personal attacks and lies, this man oozes and preaches hate and divisivness, lives for conflict, agression and war and revels and lobbies for torture when he is not wearing his fair seeming mask of benevolence that states torture and death is "NECESSARY" for safety and democracy, yet this same man has stated in a moment of honesty that he prefers other man comes to mind who has so polarized a nation as well as the world with fear tactics and hatespeak, who has used a tragedy to seize power and hijack a country by giving them a common enemy to hate and fear and a pseudo patriotic cause to rally around and who supported torture, pre-emptive war, secret prisons where death and torture are condoned as is spying on and terrorizing the citizens of your country and changing laws to take away personal freedoms and cement his power and make him omnipotent..........the man Bush and the Neo Cons have used as a role model or mirror immage for their power grab and coup to dismantle the Constititution is none other than Adolph Hitler a vile thug of a man forever associated with pure Evil!
TT Jim Webb wrote a book FOR ADULTS not children that was honest and accurately portayed the horrors and attrocities of war on a particular culture, he did not sugarcoat or spin things he was honest unlike Bush and the lying repugs who lie as naturally as they breathe, Bush lied to the masses about the reasons and justification for the war, incompently failed to take any substantial steps to secure our border or ports to make our country safer despite the 9/11 commisssion recommendations, Bush either purposely let Bin Laden escape or let him escape becase of his incompentent tunnel vision to overthrow Saddam from iraq and open up Iraqs vast resources to American companies. then although Bush has stated Bin Laden is no longer worthy of his thoughts or capture he contines to use him to deceive and scare the masses for political gain during elections or when he is under fire for coruption or incompetence or lies.
When your at the voting booths just remember
Repugs are the party of "Smear and Fear"
Dems are the party of honesty!
Larisa Alexandrovna
Bush Signs the Reichstag Fire Decree (124 comments )
READ MORE: 9/11, Iraq, Dick Cheney, 2006, Afghanistan, Supreme Court, Hurricane Katrina, George W. Bush
With a flip of the wrist, Bush signed into law the anti-Habeas Corpus, pro-torture law (cleverly repackaged as the Military Commissions Act of 2006), signaling with it the end of American democracy.
For the Bush family it was simply another day - like any other day - for the entitled nobility, who take from others that which does not belong to them.
The Bush dynasty was always filthy rotten, with not a single member of the imperial family ever doing an actual honest day's work in their pathetic and miserable blue-blooded lives.
On October 17, 2006, however, the latest Bush scoundrel outdid his kin at sucking the marrow of this nation and signed into law that which our founding fathers would have called treason, essentially taking the people's rights of liberty, justice, and property solely for himself. What Mr. Bush signed was, in essence, the final assault of a carefully orchestrated, six year long war on the Constitution of the United States.
Much like his predecessor, Paul Von Hindenburg - who rose to power on the family fortune, with fabricated credentials such fortune can purchase, and went on to end German democracy by signing the Reichstag Fire Decree and ushering in the silent dictatorship - Bush signed into law that which grants him the power to be judge, jury, and executioner.
With such power granted, there is no room for turning back, as all roads of justice and freedom have been measured out and blockades have been erected in the event that a sleeping public might wake to find themselves pillaged and raped.
And how is such a vulgarity of power-lust greeted by those in attendance at the signing? With applause and with rounds of hand shakes signaling a mission accomplished, the wrong mission of course, but that need not matter any longer.
To add insult to injury, when Bush was finished with his butchery, this half-witted crook had the audacity, the sheer nerve, to claim that he was slitting the throat of America in the memory of those who died on September 11, 2001:
"And now, in memory of the victims of September the 11th, it is my honor to sign the Military Commissions Act of 2006 into law." (Applause).
Yes, those in attendance not only applauded the man who cannot be bothered to govern or to attend to any business beneficial to the health and vitality of this nation, they actually cheered the destruction of this country and allowed Bush to claim the memory of those who died because of his very own indifference.
The irony is as ugly as it is irrelevant to the majority of the American public, sedated, strung out, and watching reality on the television because they are too lazy or cowardly to actually live life or fight for something real.
When the President evoked the memory of my neighbors and friends who died due to his decisive vacationing and stay-the-course golfing, in order to remind those he will no longer protect of those he already failed to protect, his words rang as a threat to me. I heard him and my stomach dropped straight into the earth, leaving no room for hope. I heard a threat and it rang on my walls and ears like an alarm, a man riding on a horse in the middle of the night, screaming "The Constitution is dying, the Constitution is dying."
But first, a matter of treason:
I am certain that my right-wing fellow Americans will no doubt soil themselves silly and cite Biblical curses at me for daring to label their beloved leader a traitor to the United States of America. But he is not only a traitor, he is an aristocratic wannabe despot who is so mentally deranged, that he believes that God tells him to go out and spread Americana into the world, and in the process murder hundreds of thousands of people abroad and destroy thousands of lives at home. Does that sound like something a sane person would do, or even attempt to justify, in public by evoking Jesus, the complete antithesis to these activities?
But treason, often overused by the fanatical right - not unlike their counterpart, the fanatical suicide bombers (apparently the only difference being that the latter group blasts their way into heaven while the former group is merely lifted by a magic carpet ride) - is a term that exists for a reason. It exists to identify those who would destroy this country for whatever reason and do so using illicit means and in concert with declared enemies of the United States.
Since the President so often evokes the memory of those his actions helped place in their graves to begin with in order to wage war against the Constitution, then his own failures and subsequent corruption must be addressed in order to reclaim the voices of our lost Americans who can no longer speak for themselves.
If he insists on reminding us of an enemy, unidentified, lurking just at the edge of our collective eye, hazy and out of sight, but there, waiting to take America as bounty and murder all of us in our beds, then let us first examine what such an enemy might accomplish before, during, and after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Before September 11th, Bush was warned over and over that an attack on the United States was coming, even in what manner and by whom. Yet, never one to be productive, the coked-out drunkard of a mock President spent most of his time on vacation.
Would the attackers have succeeded in their evil deed if the President and his cabal actually cared to protect us, even a little? Would it not be accurate to say that, just as with Katrina, it was in fact not only the original event, but the reaction of those in leadership that caused such a massive loss of life on US soil?
The terrorists attacked because no one stopped them from attacking, making the President and his cronies, in part, directly responsible for thousands of deaths. Just as with Katrina, in which one event did some of the damage, it was the second and by far more important action that did the most damage. In both instances, the President and his crummy ideologues aggravated and exacerbated that which was first preventable and after, even manageable.
After the first plane hit, Bush thought it wise to do a photo-op instead of checking with his officials to see if something was, perhaps, wrong.
If this President and his mob had actually for a moment put country before politics, and acted immediately to secure the air, would the second plane have ever made it to its target?
After the second plane hit and after he was told by his chief of staff that "the nation is under attack," this sorry excuse of a leader did not bother to even ask "Nuclear?"
Imagine for a moment what would have happened if it had been a WMD attack that Bush, so stay-the-course, ignored? Had this been a nuclear attack, his nearly 10 minutes of face time and cowardice would have resulted in an American wasteland and made him the king of a new Chernobyl.
But even after the second plane hit, the President did nothing to secure the air or his citizens and through this decisive inaction, causing unprecedented damage to this nation.
He failed over and over to do his job, before the attack, during the attack, and even after the attack, when he did not reprimand, fire, or even slap gently on the wrist a single person in any government agency who failed to do their own job to prevent such a tragedy.
This man chose to give his friends and donors jobs, and then refused to fire the incompetent and corrupt, choosing once again politics over national security and his duty to us, the citizens he was tasked with protecting. But the assault did not end there, by any measure, because no sooner had the victims landed into death than Mr. Bush forced the Environmental Protection Agency to give an "all-clear" on the air quality at ground zero
Bush's all-clear order alone was an act of war on the American public, the American people. Knowing full well that the air was not safe, the President ordered those with the authority to ascertain safety to lie to the public and march more Americans into a city sized coffin.
And yet, without an ounce of humility or regret, this President and his fascist party dared to dance on the graves of those who died by evoking their memories in order to perpetuate their own lies and to destroy more and more lives.
Fathom this for a moment if you can, the sheer perversion of it, and see if this is what our founding fathers might call treason. The Pinto mentality of cost analysis, that is to say, political gain vs. the loss of life is what the fascist state excels at, not a democracy.
But instead of removing from office the monstrosity of this entire gang of thugs and lunatics, our Congress gave this President more power to inflict more harm by passing an outright violation of the Constitution in the form of the perversely named PATRIOT Act.
Yes, by all means, reward a strangler by giving him a gun by which to expedite his murders.
The Unlimited Power to Protect Us, from what or whom?
Who exactly are we being protected from? If it is supposedly the alleged mastermind of September 11, Osama bin Laden, then why was he allowed to vanish from the face of the earth when we had him cornered in Tora Bora and his henchmen from Konduz?
Just in case you missed reality the first time around:
And why is he now appearing in Republican campaign ads all over the country, as the star of fear and somehow a warning against voting for Democrats?
Is there a logical explanation for such failure? Is is it quite simply the obvious, that once again politics take priority over national security and that a dead Osama does little to energize the GOP base? Is it possible that the President allowed Osama to escape so that he can continue conjuring up his image as needed? Yes, it is possible, and given the moral depravity of this administration, it is likely.
Yes, by all means, give a murderer with a gun an imaginary missile to use and then stand idly by while he launches it at the innocent public in order to frighten them away from their own Constitution.
We did not secure Afghanistan, contrary to popular propaganda, not by a long shot. Instead, we pulled a drive-by shooting type war, where we hit a few targets and left the enemy, the Taliban, largely in control and made worse a drug plague dragging that nation into the underworld. Instead of attacking those who harbored our enemy, those who would not surrender our enemy after the attacks of September 11, we attacked a sovereign nation who did nothing to us and murdered nearly one million people. What can something like this be called? Shock and Awe?
Yes, I am shocked at the rogue insanity of the Bush regime and I am in awe of our Congress' lack of oversight at the so obviously criminal.
By all means, hand a man with a God complex the keys to this nation's survival because political consultants don't think impeachment will be popular during the mid-term elections. Does anyone in Washington every actually work once elected or are they all indefinitely running for reelection?
The politics of shame
And yet this man has the indecency to invoke those whom he failed to protect, avenge or in any way provide justice for, in order to make into law that which will deny those of us who have managed to survive this administration the very basics of Constitutional protection. How is this not obscene? How is this not treason, all of it?
Those who are about to die salute you (do they have a choice?)
On October 17 2006, surely a day that will live in infamy, when you, Mr. Bush, said that:
"The bill I'm about to sign also provides a way to deliver justice to the terrorists we have captured. In the months after 9/11, I authorized a system of military commissions to try foreign terrorists accused of war crimes. These commissions were similar to those used for trying enemy combatants in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War and World War II. Yet the legality of the system I established was challenged in the court, and the Supreme Court ruled that the military commissions needed to be explicitly authorized by the United States Congress"
- did you stop to consider what it is that you actually dribbled out of your twitching mouth?
This statement is so grotesque, so vile, that it is almost impossible to address without resorting to violence. It is almost incomprehensible when one considers not only what the maggot of a half-wit said, but the comparisons he made with another grotesque time in history. Consider it, if you can, and see if your mind can withstand the absolute slap against morality and reason.
The President of the United States conjured up a legal framework, without any authority to do so, to try those whom he found guilty of "war crimes," he says, despite the fact that at least 70,000 people, were simply kidnapped, tortured, raped, and in some cases murdered without ever having been put on trial and for crimes they had never committed. The only things these people had in common were their Middle-Eastern sounding names, the color of their skin, and their religious background.
The trials of Nazi war criminals, however, delivered judgment against those who did what? Kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered innocent people based on the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, their given names, and their religious practices.
Then consider how absolutely misguided and morally vacuous this man is when he dares to insinuate that his own "judgments" and "methods" are similar to those used to try WWII war criminals, that is, those whose actions resulted in crimes against humanity.
Have you, sir, lost your fucking idiotic mind?
In sum, yes, you have and took the nation's soul with it!
In ordering Operation Copper Green, through which you, Mr. Bush, ordered the capture, torture, rape, and murder of countless people at your secret concentration camps, you committed the very crimes for which you would be the enemy combatant standing trial, the war criminal standing trial at The Hague. It is not you who would be the judge, Mr. President, or the prosecution, or the jury, in trying enemy combatants and delivering some form of justice to those who have thus far been so unjustly treated.
Mr. Bush, if this was World War II, your father would be fighting the enemy, and he would be fighting an enemy not unlike his own son.
And, as though drugged on perma-kool-aid, Mr. President, you actually said:
"One of the terrorists believed to have planned the 9/11 attacks said he hoped the attacks would be the beginning of the end of America. He didn't get his wish."
No, you are right Mr. Bush, that person, whoever he was, could not have achieved what you have managed to achieve through dereliction of duty, complete criminality, and absolute abuse of power: the destruction of the Constitution and the greatest loss of life on US soil since the Civil War.
You, Mr. Bush, could not be bothered with the duties of governance, and in doing so, you let the attacks of 911 cause the damage that they did, attacks that could have been avoided, and damage and loss of life that was preventable.
You failed to do your job, Mr. Bush, not the terrorists.
Yet instead of feeling some sense of responsibility or humility in the light of such a catastrophe, you, Mr. Bush, moved on and evolved from the Decider who would not do his job to protect this nation to a murderer who gave an illegal order to have the air at ground zero declared safe.
The terrorists did not declare the air at Ground Zero safe; you did that Mr. Bush, knowing full well it was not.
And with the appetite that only such depravity could feed, you attacked another nation, killing nearly a million innocents, all the while illegally capturing, torturing, raping, and murdering those whom you found to be a threat.
This, Mr. President, is almost exactly what those who stood on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity did, and yet you have the nerve to compare those trials to your own criminal activity? You dare to evoke those whom you helped put in their graves as a reason to still murder others?
No suicide bomber could have done what you, Mr. Bush, have so devilishly achieved and now stand proud of, to a clapping gaggle of people who cannot or will not take the time to comprehend that which they are so willing to celebrate.
But perhaps we can be thankful for small favors, in that the Decider did not extend his memorial signing of the pro-death, pro-torture, anti-humanity bill to the victims of Katrina and the loss of New Orleans. Perhaps there is still left one group of the murdered whom we can mourn without having their memories degraded and robbed.
In this brave new America, where we all once dreamed together, we have little left to protect and hold dear, and that little is usually the pieces and parts of those destroyed by the Bush administration, not some random "enemy combatants" who could never have caused the devastation in New Orleans the way a crony-appointing bigot had.
Even after there were only the dead left, this President robbed them of all dignity by watching as they rotted in the streets for weeks and weeks, while he attended fundraisers and ate cake.
Even terrorists would treat their own dead with more honor than how the American dead in New Orleans were treated by their President and his party. No terrorist group, not 19 men, not even endless attacks could have caused, what you have done, Mr. Bush, in damaging and dishonoring America.
These crimes, and others not listed, together present nothing short of direct war on the United States of America and the Constitution, and that is treason. There is no other way to describe these actions and reactions to events.
To simply claim dereliction of duty may have been applicable to the attacks of September 11. But not to direct orders, such as the EPA order and the order to march to war with Iraq. One cannot call it dereliction of duty when the President knew that Katrina was coming, knew how bad it would be, knew that he had appointed unqualified cronies to protect those in the path of the storm, and still, knowing all this, went on vacation.
One cannot call it incompetence when, for nearly a week, the entire world watched in horror as Americans died in America and the President could not be bothered, the Vice President was house hunting, and the National Security Advisor was buying shoes.
One cannot call it American democracy when our dead are not buried and are left to rot in the streets. One cannot call it Constitutional when the President puts himself and his henchmen above the law or creates laws that absolve him of his Constitutional constraints or criminal activities. One cannot call it simply a high crime when the President takes away that which is not his to take, our freedom, our justice, our Constitutional protections. We surpassed high crimes at Ground Zero and since then, there is only one word that can be used to describe what has transpired and that word is treason.
The signing of the pro-torture, pro-murder, anti-humanity, unconstitutional law called the Military Commissions Act is but the final direct, frontal assault on America by a tyrant and his misanthropic gang of criminals, and it is yet another act of treason, applauded and lauded. And just like with the Reichstag Fire Decree, it may well be the final wound that causes the fall of the American experiment.
The Constitution is dying, The Constitution is dying, The Constitution is dying...(Applause.)
Lydia, those are awesome pictures!
ReplyDeletePoll: GOP success with black voters in doubt
ReplyDeleteIraq war, economy mean Republican outreach likely to be spurned again
AP Updated: 52 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - So much for the Republican charm offensive toward minorities.
Black voters are far less likely to approve of the way President Bush is doing his job than voters generally and they are more likely to feel that the country is on the wrong track, disheartening news for a Republican Party that has been trying to curry favor with minority voters in recent years.
In what could be a particularly bad sign for Republicans in next week’s midterm elections, black voters also are more likely to say that the Iraq war was a mistake and that recent disclosures of scandal and corruption in Congress will be very important to their vote, according to an Associated Press-AOL Black Voices poll conducted Oct. 23 through Monday.
Unhappiness among black voters is reflected by L.C. Washington, a 41-year-old Democratic graduate student from Montgomery, Ala., who says Bush is “the worst president in history,” not to mention “the dumbest president I’ve ever seen — he’s the devil.” Washington lays blame for a laundry list of ills at the Republican Party’s doorstep.
“Republicans are trying to win over black voters,” says Washington, but “not doing a good job. Doing a poor job — the war, gas prices, job losses and the layoffs.”
Prominent black candidates this year include Republican gubernatorial hopefuls Kenneth Blackwell in Ohio and Lynn Swann in Pennsylvania, GOP Senate candidate Michael Steele in Maryland, and Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr., in Tennessee. Republicans Steele, Blackwell and Swann are behind in the polls; Democrat Ford is running about even with his opponent.
Blacks are disproportionately unhappy with Bush; 89 percent of likely voters disapprove, compared with 61 percent of all likely voters.
But blacks’ approval ratings for Congress — disapproval ratings, actually — are roughly similar to those for all likely voters. Some 83 percent of likely black voters disapprove of the way Congress is doing its job, compared with 75 percent of all likely voters.
Gee 89% of Blacks disapprove of Bush and 83% disapprove of and distrust the repug Congress............HECKUVA JOB TT...............but dont get too down, only 75% of the voting public in general think the repug controlled congress is doing a terrible job that means there are a few percent of Americans who are undecided or have no comment and even a few percent of the backwash of America, the dregs of society who actually support the do nothing rubberstamping repug congress and actually think they are doing a good job.......................................BTW, is a few percent alot TT??????????????? BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteUproar over Kerry Iraq remarks
ReplyDeleteBush says troops deserve apology; Kerry says joke aimed at president
.Updated: 23 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The White House and Sen. John Kerry traded their harshest accusations since the 2004 presidential race on Tuesday, with President Bush accusing the Democrat of troop-bashing and Kerry calling the president's men hacks who are "willing to lie."
Bush statement asks for apology
The White House also released in advance remarks Bush was to deliver later in the day while campaigning in Georgia, in which the president called Kerry's statement "insulting and shameful." Bush, like his spokesman earlier, said soldiers deserve an apology from Kerry.
"Our troops did not enlist because they did not study hard in school or do their homework," Bush said in his prepared remarks for a former GOP congressman, Mac Collins, who is trying to oust Democratic Rep. Jim Marshall. "The men and women who serve in our all-volunteer armed forces are plenty smart and are serving because they are patriots."
Kerry, who is considering another run for the White House in 2008, angrily fired back.
His statement called Republicans "assorted right-wing nut jobs."
And at a hastily arranged news conference in Seattle, Kerry said: "I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy."
Kerry explanation
Kerry said the comment in question was "a botched joke about the president and the president's people, not about the troops ... and they know that's what I was talking about."
It came during a campaign rally for California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides. Kerry opened his speech at Pasadena City College with several one-liners, saying at one point that Bush had lived in Texas but now "lives in a state of denial."
He then said: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
That, Kerry said, was meant as a reference to Bush, not troops. Kerry said it is the president who owes U.S. soldiers an apology - for "a Katrina foreign policy" that misled the country into war in Iraq, failed to adequately study and plan for the aftermath, has not properly equipped troops and has expanded the terrorist threat.
The Massachusetts Democrat called the White House attack "a classic GOP textbook Republican campaign tactic" that reveals Republicans' "willingness to reduce anything in America to raw politics."
"I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes," he said. "It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."
Unsubstantiated allegations about Kerry's Vietnam War heroism from a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth figured prominently in the 2004 Kerry-Bush race. Even Kerry has blamed his slow and uncertain response to the group's claims for helping to doom his White House chances, and Democrats viewed the Tuesday fracas as a test of that lesson.
"Enough is enough. We're not going to stand for this," Kerry said. "We are going to stay in their face with the truth."
What I find interesting is that Bush referes to those Soldiers as "PATRIOTS".................but yet any soldier particularly generals who have spoken out against the war have had their patriotism and competence questioned and been slimed, smeared and insulted, including some on this very blog by these lying Reich wing Chickenhawk trolls and cowards, its dispicable how these lying hippocrites talk out of both sides of their mouths.
ReplyDeleteBTW TT, I just voted today, I figured what better day to vote all these monsters with no soul masquerading as public servants and congressmen out of office that Halloween!
ReplyDeleteTT the lying spinmeister said "He kicked his fellow service men when they were down, and perhaps enduring torture at the time.
ReplyDeleteAnd he just did it again. It's a pattern with him.
Further, he just happened to be wrong. Over 98% of enlisted men and women have a college degree, while the figure for the general population is only 75%.
Mike, I heard Sean Hannity cite the stat on the way home. I figured he's got a nice staff that digs up these nuggets.
If it's wrong, so be it, but the fact remains that GIs are better educated that the country as a whole."
Listening to Sean Hannity for facts and truth is like listening to Adolph Hitler for freedom and democracy or Paris Hilton on how to make it on your own without the Famous family name or money.
Service demographics offer snapshot of force
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1/19/2005 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Air Force Personnel Center officials here recently published the quarterly demographics report offering a snapshot of the service's active-duty and civilian force, as of Dec. 31.
More information can be found online at
Statistics rounded to the nearest tenth.
Active-Duty Demographics
-- 365,377 people are on active duty which is divided into 73,451 officers and
Academic Education
-- 48.6 percent of the officers have advanced or professional degrees; 39.2 percent have master's degrees, 8 percent have professional degrees, and 1.4 percent have doctorate degrees.
-- 22.4 percent of company grade officers have advanced degrees; 16.3 percent have master's degrees, 5.6 percent have professional degrees, and 0.4 percent have doctorate degrees.
-- 86.7 percent of field grade officers have advanced degrees; 72.2 percent have master's degrees, 11.6 percent have professional degrees, and 2.8 percent have doctorate degrees.
-- 99.9 percent of enlisted Airmen have at least a high school education; 75.1 percent have some semester hours towards a college degree; 14.4 percent have an associate's degree or equivalent semester hours; 4.4 percent have a bachelor's degree; .7 percent have a master's degree, and 0.01 percent have a professional or doctorate degree."
So TT according to this statistic only 4.4% of enlisted airmen have a 4 year Bachelor's degree, while Sean Hannitty claimed that a big difference TT or were "YOU" or Hannity trying to misrepresent facts or lie?
4.4% TT is that a big difference from 98%....................LOL, I guess not to a halfwit lying political operative spinmeister?
ReplyDeleteHey check it out. George W. Bush is on Larry King live.
ReplyDeleteLOL your only off by about 94% Troll Tex which is probably par for the course for you assclowns who are wrong at least 94% of the time LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteso let me get this straight you just tried to slander Kerry with a lie you or hannity attemped to pass off as many other lies have you repugs don the same with?
ReplyDeletenow i'm no fan of Kerry, but if you want to attack him at least stick to facts and the are capable of dealing in facts and truth arent you?
does he have the mask on worf?
ReplyDeleteBTW, TT has had his clock cleaned pretty much daily and he doesnt even spend very much time here, I reposted a few gems from our resident blog idiot.GOP political operative so Clif can have some fun cleaning his clock again tonight too.
ReplyDeleteLOL TT and Sean Hannity said that 75% of the American population has a college degree, LOL are you lying fools really trying to say that 225 million Americans have college degrees, you may as well go for the gusto and lie and say 90% of Americans are millionaires making over 6 figures a'll sound good for the election........................................"oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive"......Aye Troll Tex/
ReplyDeleteHappy Halloween, Lydia. Just letting you know that I still stop to read what you have to say. Nice touch with the photo - I've always thought of Bush as a "pumpkinhead", anyway...
ReplyDeleteOne last thing - I'm already on an "absentee ballot" list, and I did already vote (Democrats, for the majority).
ReplyDeleteMike. As I thought, TT and apparently Sean Hannity are off base as usual.
ReplyDeleteWay off base.
The figure they are reporting as college graduates actually represents HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES.
Back in 2002 USA Today reported Census statistics that showed that roughly 80 percent of Americans were graduates of high school or higher, compared with 75.2% in 1990.
But as for College Graduates?
TT is not just off. He is WAY WAY off. Just as I thought he basically inverted the numbers. Only about 15 percent of Americans have even a 4 year college degree.
Below are Census statistics reported by USA Today in 2002.
- 21% of Americans had taken some college courses but had not earned a degree in 2000, compared with 18.7% 10 years earlier.
- 15.5% had earned a bachelor's degree but no higher, compared with 13.1% in 1990.
- 8.9% earned graduate or professional degrees, compared with 7.2% earlier.
There TT.
ReplyDeleteYour clock is about as clean as I can get it for now.
Actually I should say as clean as we can get it.
ReplyDeleteVoltron must run a script that tells him whenever Worfeus posts the words "clock clean".
That was like, a minute after I posted.
What pals Volt and TT must be, for Voltron to come running to his aid like this.
Sorry Volt. He lost again.
You're too late.
See, TT's problem, is he actually BELIEVES the statistics they give him on FOX.
ReplyDeleteHe should've learned by now.
He's like Charlie Brown.
ReplyDeleteHe keeps believing Lucy is going to hold onto the ball, and he keeps falling on his ass.
I think the words you're looking for TT are "Oh Good Grief!".
ReplyDeleteHe spoke the truth. Those things DID go on in Viet Nam, and more.
Its all been documented.
You republicans love the truth as long as it is flattering to you.
But go ahead Volt. Dig back through my earlier comments because you can't keep up.
ReplyDeleteWe know you're slow.
Cause GOD KNOWS you can't defend TT.
ReplyDeleteHe got his clock cleaned but good.
You've got to come in and fill up type now for him so you can hide his folly.
Work hard little troll. Work hard.
Right about now I imagine TT is off purchasing a new keyboard, to replace the one he just smashed.
anyone watching CNN tonight, they have something called "Broken Government" that is absolutely shredding the bush administration, they are just stomping on the pack of fools running our country!
ReplyDeleteBTW, dolt, glad you like the first two posts of the thread, i'll try to stay on the ball and keep up the good work just for you...............BTW, wheres your buddy Troll Tex, is he sulking or throwing a tantrum, or he is he out trolling for little boys with lots of Candy?
ReplyDeleteHi Charlie,
So you have a record of it.
We never know these days if our vote gets to the right place, or is "accidentally" lost or thrown away.
These guys "claim" they're not Nazi's, but I don't know...
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see the right wing THUGS beat a constiuent of George Allens today, as they drug him from a PUBLIC HOTEL???
Under Virginia law it is illegal for anyone other than an appointed officer of the law to physically restrict the movements of any citizen. It is a felony.
Yet these right wing thugs, these servants of their master the Devil, descended on one who dared to ask an opposition question, like the BROWN SHIRTS ON THE JEWS.
It was a public lobby, and they were not authorized staff of any kind. They had no right to put their hands on him and they had no right to tackle him to the ground. They belong in JAIL.
Pay attention people.
They're starting to get physical now.
Nazi Germany is looming just over the horizon.
Republicans believe they can pound their versions of the truth into the Iraqi's, and now they are starting to believe they can pound it into us as well. Us being more than HALF this country.
ReplyDeleteI've got news for them. Most of them are in the south. Most of us are in the North.
And last time the south didn't do so well.
just saw that a second ago, that was unbelievable, if the foul George Allen wins that race, Virginia really is a state of inbred redneck thugs.
ReplyDeleteLook at the scene today from a PUBLIC HOTEL LOBBY in what is supposedly the free state of Virginia.
ReplyDeleteWatch as the Govenor looks on, like Goering from a staff car, as his Brown Shirt thugs drag off another person who dares to voice opposition.
If this doesn't alert you to the sign of the times, than nothing will.
Mike said;
ReplyDeleteVirginia really is a state of inbred redneck thugs.
And one wascally wabbit.
Like I told Clif last week, I sense a historic swing of the pendulem like when Johnson lost the South to the repugs, for generations, I think the repugs are about to lose the military vote for generations, the repugs have always counted on the military vote and I think that has changed drastically and they are about to find out that disloyalty is a double edged sword.
ReplyDeleteThey're BROWN SHIRTS MIKE.
ReplyDeleteNot even the most staunch republican could look at that video and not summon up images of the Brown Shirts bullying the Jews in the early years of Nazi Germany.
It was like a scene from the History Channel.
Those images should be played over and over again between now and the election.
ReplyDeleteTo remind people of whats at stake, not with words, but with reality.
Couple those with the image of the mother of a dead soldier being drug from the capital in handcuffs because the local republican guard did not like her shirt.
ReplyDeleteThat ought to make everyone feel real fuckin proud.
I'm sure thats what the soldiers in Iraq are fighting for.
ReplyDeleteSo their Moms can be DRAGGED FROM THE CAPITAL in handcuffs and hauled off to jail, like a criminal, for wearing an opposition message on their T-Shirt.
Thats what they're fighting for.
Hear that Moms?
Better toe the line.
By the way. That was me today in the hotel.
ReplyDelete"Broken Government" is about to be replayed on CNN, it rips the Bush Admin for an unprescedented "Power Grab"
ReplyDeleteit sickens me to hear that Nazi moron say "if your not with me your with the terrorist"
that halfwit isnt fit to run a lemonade stand and he's running our country with an iron fist and a blank check issued to him by the do nothing rubberstamping repug Congress.
Worf said "By the way. That was me today in the hotel."
ReplyDeleteLOL, I was gonna say that was me also :D
It could have been any of us.
ReplyDeleteAnd THAT should make Anericans afraid.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I side with them when the kids at the college campus try to silence them. Silencing someones speech is an evil, and its unAmerican. But at least these are kids. They don't know any better yet.
But look at whose doing it now. Grey haired middle aged and older men. Fully grown adults. Do it when you're young, you're most likely just stupid. Do it when you're 50 and you're most likely a Nazi.
Remember. Inside of every republican, is a Nazi, trying to get out.
ReplyDeleteUh oh Mike.
ReplyDeleteMore bad news for the SA.
Looks like the citizen George Allens henchmen attacked today was not a moonbat protestor like the right wing claimed.
He was.....wait for it......thats right, a MARINE.
Watch as the Republican Senator smiles on, as his SA Henchmen tackle a United States Marine to the ground, for asking a question.
God Bless America.
The citizen who was attacked today by Senator Allens henchmen, was Mike Stark, a University of Virgina Law Student and United States Marine.
ReplyDeleteHere are some excerpts from a letter he wrote today.
My name is Mike Stark. I am a law student at the University of Virginia, a marine, and a citizen journalist. Earlier today at a public event, I was attempting to ask Senator Allen a question about his sealed divorce record and his arrest in the 1970s, both of which are in the public domain.
ReplyDeleteHis people assaulted me, put me in a headlock, and wrestled me to the ground.
George Allen defends his support of the Iraq war by saying that our troops are defending the ideals America stands for. Indeed, he says our troops are defending our very freedom.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of country is it when a Senator's constituent is assaulted for asking difficult and uncomfortable questions?
What freedoms do we have left?
Maybe we need to bring the troops home so that they can fight for freedom at George Allen's campaign events.
Demanding accountability should not be an offense worthy of assault.
You can bet we haven't heard the last of Mike Stark.
ReplyDeleteI will be pressing charges against George Allen and his surrogates later today.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Allen, at any time, could have stopped the fray. All he had to do was say, "This is not how my campaign is run. Take your hands off that man." He could have ignored my questions. Instead he and his thugs chose violence.
I spent four years in the Marine Corps. I'll be damned if I'll let my country be taken from me by thugs that are afraid of taking responsibility for themselves.
It just isn't the America I know and love.
Somebody needs to take a stand against those that would bully and intimidate their fellow citizens.
That stand begins right here, right now.
W. Michael Stark
See the real story isn't some single unfortunate choice of words by a senator who is famous for his unfortunate choice of words.
ReplyDeleteThe real story, is gonna be the "reel" story.
The reel that is, of a University of Virgina Law Student who was also a United States Marine, being tackled to the ground in a chokehold (chokeholds kill) by senator Allens staff, while the senator watches and smiles.
Kerry handed the republicans a small gift, and someone needs to muzzle him until the election is over.
But Allens Brown Shirts made the biggest upset, and turned over the ball by UNLAWFULLY SLAMMING and CHOKING a US Citizen, and a US Marine.
THATS the reel story and the real story.
I think our service men and women are going to see this video, and I think they are going to see what they are really fighting for, and who.
ReplyDeleteI think they are going to see their real value in the face of a fellow Marine, grimacing as he is slammed to the ground by a herd of fat, self righteous pricks.
I don't think they'll like it to much.
Now watch the circus begin, as the republicans do what they are famous for. Since they can't deny the charges, they will attack his character. Right now you can bet there are people busy digging up smut on this guy, to discredit him.
ReplyDeleteThey can't deny the charges, show they try to fool everyone into forgetting about them by focusing on the man.
Dolt and Tiny, a simple proposal for an agreement to resolve the issue.
ReplyDeleteWe progressives will ask the democratic party and all John Kerry's speechwriters to forbid John Kerry from making any JOKES,to keep you assclowns from dishonestly saying Kerry SLANDERED the troops.
If You repug chicken hawks and reichwingnutjobs will ask the GOP and the Idiot' and Dead Eye's speechwriters from LYING about going into a WAR, and then Lying about the course of the WAR, to keep those same troops from getting KILLED..
Simple, we will stop Kerry from bad Jokes which you say are SLANDERING the troops, if you will stop the Idiot and dead Eye from Lying about a WAR which is Killing the same troops, OK?
NO JOKES, NO lies about SLANDER, for NO LIES about WAR no DEAD SOLDIERS, to me that is a good bargain.
You assclowns wouldn't have to get your panties in a bunch obver a bad joke, and we progressives would stop seeing the daily slaughter of the troops that you cry about their feelings.
BTW I'm pretty sure the troops and their parents would prefer the BADF jokes which you claim is slander to the lies which are leading to their DEATHS..........
Another repug reichwingnutjob who likes to abuse women Like Rep Bob Sherwood(R)Pa and George Felix Allen (R) Va do;
ReplyDeleteCongressman's wife called police
Sweeney campaign says the document concerning a domestic incident is ``false and concocted''
The wife of U.S. Rep. John Sweeney called police last December to complain her husband was ``knocking her around'' during a late-night argument at the couple's home, according to a document obtained last week by the Times Union.
The emergency call to a police dispatcher triggered a visit to the couple's residence by a state trooper from Clifton Park, who filed a domestic incident report after noting that the congressman had scratches on his face, the document states. No criminal charges were filed.
Gaia M. Sweeney, 36, told a trooper that her husband had grabbed her by the neck and was pushing her around the house, according to the document.
I'll bet Denny hastert will NOT investigate Republican Sweeny any better than he Investigated Republican Sherwood, after his mistress filed a 5 million dollar lawsuit against Republican Sherwood for PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING her during their extra marital affair.
BTW Republican Sherwood settled the suit instead of fighting for his reputation in court, must be something to be a congressman who assualts women, and he doesn't get investigated for it by the Ethics committee. But of course Poor Poor Denny Hastert was working HARD to cover up for republican Mark Foley, and as Richard Nixon could have told us cover ups are Hard Work, so Poor Poor Denny might have missed the republican congressman who assualts adult women, because he was working hard to cover up for the republican child predator.
I'll bet republican ToM Delay, who Poor Poor Denny never investigated either, and even forced republican Congressman Joel Hefley off the ethics committee for trying to, never told Poor Poor denny being a puppet speaker for ole republican Tommy Boy was gonna be this hard after ole republican Tommy Boy got caught and had to resign in disgrace. I'll bet ole republican Tommy Boy never thought he would leave Poor Poor Denny twisting in the Bad political winds Ole republican tommy boy brought to congress......Because he wanted somebody as Dumb as a box of rocks to front for him, just as the Idiot
is fronting for Dead Eye..........
It must SUCK to be a repug and see what the GOP has become today....
ReplyDeleteOH right the Kool Aid.
Hopefully for them I hope it wears off slowly, and they have a good support grouop when it does.
Hopefully for the rest of the world I hope it wears off pretty soon.
Ken Melhman Chairman if the GOP might not appreciate this add, any more than harold ford did the one that inspired it.
ReplyDeleteKen Melhman, GOP icon
Another Good one;
A good song for Georgie to listen to, and actually think about...
ReplyDeleteDolty you proly won't like it, because it doesn't disney up the facts any, but gives us REALITY.
Dear Mr president
More James Webb tiny will find OFFENSIVE, because he slanders Bush 10 years before the supreme court gave him the office, and 12 years before bush decided to do exactly what the combat veteran warned the AWOL National Guardsman not to do.
ReplyDelete"There is a lesson that our leaders should carry next to their breasts, and contemplate every time they face a crisis, however small, which puts our military at risk. It should echo in their consciences, from the power of a million graves.
It is simply this: You hold our soldiers' lives in sacred trust. When a citizen has sworn to obey you, and follow your judgment, and walk onto a battlefield to defend the interests you define as worthy of his blood, do not abuse that awesome power through careless policy, unclear objectives, or inflexible leadership."
-- James Webb, 1990
G Felix A should listen also when he is not getting his staff to attack his constituents.
From Juan Coles blog
ReplyDeleteFormer Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said in a talk at Indiana U. of Iraq, "“The country gradually deteriorates to civil war [and] the US presence is more and more a part of the problem and not the solution,” he said, adding that “Democratization may lead to a radical Shi’a government.”' I think Barak's remarks reflect a general anxiety among centrist and left of center Israelis on where this Iraq thing is going and what it will mean for Israel (almost certainly not good things). There is also an increasingly obvious split between the Israeli elite and the American Neoconservatives. The Neocon doctrine over here is that the Arab Shiites would be more likely sympathetic to Israel than the Sunnis and so their taking over Iraq is a good thing. As usual, this theory of theirs is only true in the 25th dimension in the Orbit of Xubaro.
Worf said:
ReplyDelete"Couple those with the image of the mother of a dead soldier being drug from the capital in handcuffs because the local republican guard did not like her shirt."
I can't believe this Mike Stark thing. You are right! Couple that with Cindy Sheehan being removed from her seat for wearing a T-shirt...
Thanks Worf! I cannot believe this Marine got beaten up for asking a Republican an uncomfortable question
What a pathetic loser.
ReplyDeleteCan't even post under his real handle, Moo Moo.
The issue is NOT John Kerry, Kerry is not involved in this election, the issue is George Allen.................................and Allen should resign after what happened last night, Allen is there to serve the people and in a democratic society that values freedom, he had no right to deny an American citizen whose job if he wins it would be to serve his Freedom of speech or his voice to express his opinion and ask a potential candidate a relevant question......instead the fould brownshirt thug George Allen assaulted an American citizen in a public place and denied him his constitutional right to freedom of speech,the right to assemble and the right to speak to a potential elected official.....................he should do the RIGHT THING, concede the election and resign and apologize to the American People!
ReplyDeleteAllen sat there smirking and condoning his goon sqaud while they assaulted an American citizen and denied him his Constitutional rights, Allens thugs pysically accosted the man and silenced him by pysically forcing him to leave a public place........there is NO EXCUSE OR JUSTIFICATION FOR THAT, and foul little boy bitchs like thomas or johnny cant distract from the real issues like that by coming in here and posting bile and 3rd grad BS!
ReplyDeleteYea. These idiots would make this election about George McGovern if they thought it would save their hides.
ReplyDeleteRepublican Party = NAZI Party.
He has a RIGHT to ask those questions of a candidate in HIS state DOLT!
ReplyDeleteAnd for the Record Stark's Background is completely irrelevant, it wouldnt matter if he were a mass murderer or child molestor like Foley and the repugs, in that context, behaving the way he was he had EVERY RIGHT to be there asking questions of a political candidate and potential public figure and Allen and his thugs had ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT OR JUSTIFICATION TO DO WHAT THEY DID, Allen should do the honorable thing and resign!
Dolt said "He asks about him using the 'n' word, and wether he has a confederate flag and a noose in his office."
ReplyDeletesounds like legitimate questions for a political candidate and public figure to mee........................but Allen's response wasnt legitimate nor appropriate and he should resign, he assaulted an American citizen and tried to deny him his constitutional rights in front of the world just like he arrogantly made a racial slur calling someone Macacca..............thats a pattern Dolt, and unlike Kerry this thug is in an election!
why is it you repug fools like to talk about 30 year old scandals or people who arent even in the election or serving in a public capacity...................................oh yeah because you buffoons got nothing else you cant run on your accomplishments or records and you cant debate real issues because the facts and truth arent very kind to you repugs, so you slime, smear and distract from the real issues.
ReplyDeleteCome on Dolt isnt it time to run away or appear as hippie joe to distract.
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice a pattern here? -TT
ReplyDeleteSeptember 27, 2004, 8:36 a.m.
Wounds That Never Heal
The wounds Kerry inflicted continue to pain Vietnam veterans.
By Dexter Lehtinen
American soldiers "raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, cut off limbs, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan...." — John Kerry, 1971
In 1971, I awoke from three days of unconsciousness aboard a hospital ship off the coast of Vietnam. I could not see, my jaws were wired shut, and my left cheekbone was missing, a gaping hole in its place.
Later, while still in that condition at St. Albans Naval Hospital, one of my earliest recollections was hearing of John Kerry's testimony before Congress. I remember lying there, in disbelief, as I learned how Kerry told the world that I served in an Army reminiscent of Genghis Khan's; that officers like me routinely let their men plunder villages and rape villagers at will; that "war crimes" committed in Vietnam by my fellow soldiers "were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command."
Then Kerry went to Paris, meeting with North Vietnamese enemy officials, while our soldiers continued to fight in the field. The pain and disbelief I felt listening to his words went deeper than the pain I felt from the enemy fire that seriously wounded my face.
Eighteen months later I was discharged from the hospital, the enemy-inflicted wounds fully healed. But more than 30 years later, the wounds inflicted by John Kerry continue to bring pain to scores of Vietnam veterans. Those wounds — from the bearing of false witness against a generation of courageous young Americans who fought and died in Vietnam — are much more serious than any wound warranting a Purple Heart. Those wounds go to the heart and soul. Those wounds never go away.
Today, my son is a Marine Corps weapons officer, flying the F/A 18 Hornet. He belongs to the same Marine Corps Kerry ridiculed with his 1971 book cover, which showed protestors simulating the Iwo Jima Memorial, raising an upside-down American flag. He flies the same fighter jet Kerry voted against in the U.S. Senate. And today, Kerry's picture hangs in an honored place in Saigon's war museum, as a hero to the Vietnamese Communists.
Yet John Kerry shamelessly drapes himself in the imagery of Vietnam, his military service, and the support of veterans. Criticism and disapproval by scores of veterans often falls on deaf ears. Legitimate objections to Kerry's post-war record are discredited as "personal" attacks or attacks against his service.
John Kerry is quick to surround himself with a handful of veterans, and he claims he has overwhelming support from the veteran community. But he ignores the wounds he inflicted on millions of veterans, and he refuses to sign a waiver to release his military records. This is the portrait of a man who has failed to come to terms with his treacherous past.
— Dexter Lehtinen is former United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. He was severely wounded in 1971 while a reconnaissance-platoon leader in Vietnam.
HEY TT, The pattern is George Allen's physical assault, disregard and disrespect for the constitution and overt and even verbal racism and disrespect..........................not a guy who is not even in the election
ReplyDeleteFocus Troll Tex, I know its hard because of your reading comprehension problem and ADHD and all but KERRY IS NOT IN THE ELECTION and ALLEN "IS"......................
after all Troll TEx it was YOU that pointed out the other day that Lynn Cheney and Scooter Libby were not in the election so they were irrelevant so i would think that even a slimy halfwit lying political operative with a reading comprehension problem could understamd that since it was YOU that made that point a mere few days ago!!!
come on little halfwit troll focus and maybe some day you'll get of the little bus and be semi functioning semi coherent overachiever like your hero the Idiot in Chief!
ReplyDeleteGEORGE ALLEN NEEDS TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND RESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know Kerry did mean it the way it was being spun. But if he would have just kept his mouth shut this election would have been a wrap. Jesus. I felt alot better when I saw that he came out of the corner swinging yesterday. Where the hell was that guy October 2004? At least he learned his lesson.
ReplyDeleteMike, if this is so old and irrelevent, then are are Hillary Clinton and Harold Ford calling for apologies?
ReplyDeleteActually the idiot and His minions KNOW what Kerry meant, that Bush Blew IT. But instead of dealing with the fact they created a fiasco, they pass that buck and try to HIDE behind the troops they pit in the middle of that fiasco.
ReplyDeleteGutless chicken hawks and they just proved it ONCE again.
And all you FOOLES ranting and wailing is actually pointing that out ONCE AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteKeep this in front of the VOTERS, and they will see it more clearly every day until they vote you corrupt chicken hawk repugs out!
ReplyDeleteLike I said, i'm not a huge fan of john Kerry's even though i voted for him in 2004,but your right, its nice to see him being a man and hitting the spinmeisters back....................kerry used a poor choice of words that was vague and easily misconstrued by the public, but he's not a total idiot who would attack the military particularly before an election, Kerry obviously meant that he is frustrated as are we all the the military is being used as a tool then thrown away like a piece of garbage when no longer useful by the wealthy elite, he was trying to say work hard and get an education so you dont get used and manipulated by pieces of human crap like Bush and Cheney.......................but he had a vague condescending pitiful way of saying it, just like we waged a vague, condescending and pitiful campaign in 2004..................
ReplyDeleteBTW Kerry just issued an apology.
Because they are fools thinking of themselves George Allen is in the Election not John Kerry..................................................but I bet a slimy stupid politicaloperative like you just LOVES that the MSM is focusing on Kerry and NOT George Allen dont ya Troll the way still obsessed with Hillary I see!
ReplyDeleteFine, now do you want to get back to defending the sick, perverse, and revolting passages in Webb's book?
ReplyDeleteI guess you guys did not find a context to justify those writings.
Troll Tex when did I ever say the Kerry Foible was Old..........try to keep up you halfwit I said it was irrelevant when Geoge Allen and his thugs are assaulting American citizens and denying them their constitutional rights on national tv,its your 30 year old child molestation scandal you keep throwing out to justify what Foley did that is OLD and try to pay attention halfwit, GWB at least has an excuse that his brain is damaged by coke and alcohol...whats your excuse moron?
ReplyDeleteSam Seder had a comment on his show on AAR about a bunch of people my age who go to a polo club in DC to wind down at the end of the day. They are described as "young, up-and-coming, political insiders." You know what pisses me off about this? These are the same guys that are going to get elected to office within the next twenty years because Daddy has money, and daddy has the connections. So, never having worked a day in their life, never having put their ass on the line, or made a deep committment to their country or anything in their life, THEY are going to be the people in power. They are going to be the same type of people as Bush, Cheney, and Macacawitz sending people into combat having no idea what it is all about. How damaging it is to people and families? The keys to this country are just being handed down from one generation of elitist assholes to the next. At some point this cycle is going to have to be broken. I'm just sick of it. This was a country established of for and by the people. The people arent all rich, arent all college graduates, arent all lawyers and doctors. I know farmers with 9th grade educations that with their common sense and work ethic could do a hell of a good job in House and the Senate.
ReplyDeleteKerry's statement was NOT apology?
ReplyDeleteWell with that apology, we can stop with the manufactured sideshow, and get back to discussing the FIASCO which George Bush has wrought upon us all.
ReplyDeleteAnd his incompetence, along with Dead Eye and Ronald McDumsfeld is glaring in it's totality and hubris.
He is not competent to wage war, and too stubborn to admit it.
Kinda like the idiot he chose to lead the pentagon.
When is George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld gonna apologize for the FIASCO they created?
ReplyDeleteTiny the WHITE HOUSE said it was stupid,
ReplyDeleteRusty. I would refrain from calling a soldier IN A COMBAT zone names, it is exactly what the idiots are screaming to John Kerry about asswipe.
BTW dusty when you gonna serve punk?
ReplyDeleteMike, I never defended Foley. I challenge you to find one instance where I defended him.
ReplyDeleteHey Troll Tex, the other day you asked who I would rather babysit my kids between GWB, Jim Webb or Bill Clinton.
ReplyDeleteHere's my answer, I most certainly would want Webb or Clinton to babysit my kids because I would much rather have two honest intelligent and decent men, who seek and prefer diplomacy over conflict, and who portray the horrors of war realistically rather than glorifying war death and torture and reveling and basking in the power that using fear tactics and warmongering hatespeak to play politics and polarize the nation allow. Not to mention lying and deceiving the nation into a war of choice where we become the agressor and very thing we have decried, an enemy of peace and freedom and a chaotic force which is the antithesis of world stability.
I would prefer two men who are intelligent enough to value human life and personal freedom and doing the right thing over power, selfish personal gain (conflict of interest) and personal glory/attention,as opposed to a megalomaniac buffoon, punch drunk on his own omnipotence and the sound of his own voice who deems no counsel other than his own or that of his inner circle of cronnies is worthy of a voice, and who deems no freedoms or liberties that do not suit his dark designs or self serving agenda as vital to the lifeblood of our vibrant democracy as outlined by the Constitution and our Founding Fathers.
The man I would not want to babysit my kids GWB, holds no freedoms as sacred, brooks no rivalry or dissenting voices as legitimate, and takes sinister action to smear and silence any dissenting voices who exercise their freedom of speech to oppose him with slimy dishonest fear tactics, personal attacks and lies, this man oozes and preaches hate and divisivness, lives for conflict, agression and war and revels and lobbies for torture and when he is not wearing his fair seeming mask of benevolence states that torture and death is "NECESSARY" for safety and democracy, yet this same man has stated in a moment of honesty that he prefers other man comes to mind who has so polarized a nation as well as the world with fear tactics and hatespeak, who has used a tragedy to seize power and hijack a country by giving them a common enemy to hate and fear and a pseudo patriotic cause to rally around and who supported torture, pre-emptive war, secret prisons where death and torture are condoned as is spying on and terrorizing the citizens of your country and changing laws to take away personal freedoms and cement his power and make him omnipotent..........the man Bush and the Neo Cons have used as a role model or mirror immage for their power grab and coup to dismantle the Constititution is none other than Adolph Hitler a vile thug of a man forever associated with pure Evil!
TT Jim Webb wrote a book FOR ADULTS not children that was honest and accurately portayed the horrors and attrocities of war on a particular culture, he did not sugarcoat or spin things he was honest unlike Bush and the lying repugs who lie as naturally as they breathe, Bush lied to the masses about the reasons and justification for the war, incompently failed to take any substantial steps to secure our border or ports to make our country safer despite the 9/11 commisssion recommendations, Bush either purposely let Bin Laden escape or let him escape becase of his incompentent tunnel vision to overthrow Saddam from iraq and open up Iraqs vast resources to American companies. then although Bush has stated Bin Laden is no longer worthy of his thoughts or capture he contines to use him to deceive and scare the masses for political gain during elections or when he is under fire for coruption or incompetence or lies.
When your at the voting booths just remember
Repugs are the party of "Smear and Fear"
Dems are the party of honesty!
Or are you as gutless as Chimpy McFlightsuit and Dead Eye?
ReplyDeleteBTW gutless Kerry served a year in Vietnam then went back to serve on a swift boat, when is you gutless punk ass going?
ReplyDeleteMike said, "Dems are the party of honesty!"
ReplyDeleteI have one word to answer that: Clinton.
posting a comment about a child molestor from 30 years ago sure sounds like defending Foley and his enablers in congress to me................................or were you so appalled by what happened 30 years ago that you want to MAKE SURE that Foley, Hastert and ANY OTHER Congressmen that Knew of his actions are forced to resign and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, in fact how about coming out and asking for Hastert's resignation right now, since you are so vehemently against child molestors, and "claim" this isnt about MAINTAINING POWER!
ReplyDeleteOh that is right gutless your a chicken hawk repug who lets others do you fighting.
ReplyDeleteTT I challenge you to count up times we KNOW that Clinton lied and the Times We KNOW that Bush lied and what each was about and see if you want to open your fat trap then,Bush's lies were numerous and were Treasonous!
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton is MORE honest than Tom Delay, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bob Ney, Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, John Doolittle, George Allen, Richard Palmbo, Denny Hastert, among others.
ReplyDeleteyeah Troll Tex you were obviously too stupid or reading challenged to read the first comment on the thread so I thought i'd post it again just for wanns bring up Webb again,i can post it again halfwit..............when will the repugs get political operatives capable of reading?
ReplyDeleteAnd Bill Clinton is MUCH more honest than the trolls on this blog.
ReplyDeleteBTW tiny I proved YOU LIE asswipe.
ReplyDeleteTINY LIED on this very blog, and he wants to continue the repug tradition of being a hypocrite....good for him, hopefully (for him)God was kidding when he included it on that list he handed Moses.
ReplyDeleteSo Tiny how does it feel to be known as a liar?
ReplyDeleteBush lied us into a war, he lied about evidence, about the existence of secret prisons, about spying on every single American without warrants, about torture, about being against torture,ABOUT NOT BEING FOR STAY THE COURSE etc.....etc..........what did Clinton lie about.......oh yeah a blow job where no one died.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mike, I read your rambling comment twice. Did it have a point?
ReplyDeleteFrom NOW on dusty should be referred as the Gutless Troll
ReplyDeleteand Tiny as the Lying Troll
it fits both of them.
"clif said...
ReplyDeleteSo Tiny how does it feel to be known as a liar?
2:05 PM"
How dies it feel to be the blog idiot? Can't spell (without a spell checker), can't link (without babysitting from worf), and posted the most incoherent post ever -- the one about "central orange."
Hey LYING TROLL how about an apology for lying on this blog?
ReplyDeleteNo son your the lying bolg idiot, sorry but you have proven both day after day......week after week,... month after month......
ReplyDeleteHey Troll Tex, you watching Sean Hannity on Faux lies for your "NEWS" today LMAO..................................98% of military and 75% of the American population have college degrees you really are a moron Troll Tex, and you want to be taken seriously, LOL you better lick Karl Roves boots a few more times and maybe he'll feel sorry for you and keep you around and give you another chance BTW does he send the little bus all the way to Texas to pick you up for trol school...................................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 98% your only off by about 94% Troll Tex!
ReplyDeleteand you sycophantic ranting here day after day for Rush Limpballs is telling son, you got squat if you can not repost OTHERS the Iowa Chicken gutless hawk, Anny Tranny the chickenhawk, or Rush the lying chicken hawk Limpballs.
ReplyDeleteSorry son but your a lying gutless blog idiot.
ReplyDelete"Hey Troll Tex, you watching Sean Hannity on Faux lies for your "NEWS" today LMAO..................................98% of military and 75% of the American population have college degrees you really are a moron Troll Tex, and you want to be taken seriously, LOL you better lick Karl Roves boots a few more times and maybe he'll feel sorry for you and keep you around and give you another chance BTW does he send the little bus all the way to Texas to pick you up for trol school...................................................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 98% your only off by about 94% Troll Tex!
ReplyDelete2:14 PM"
That was a mistake, and I admitted as much at the time. A lie is something totally different.
No Blog idiot is all you Troll Tex you halfwit slimy operative you.......LOL 98% what a buffoon!!!
ReplyDeleteBut that should not deter you Bush was the college idiot at Yale, and the coked up idiot in the Texas national Guard, and an Idiot that drove three business into the ground before becoming the National Idiot, and our embarrassment in front of the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteI know your just trying to emulate your idiot hero.
So was it a lie when Hannity with his huge "fact checking Crew" tried to pass that lie off as FACT on national tv?????????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeleteClif, I try to almost ALWAYS cite my sources for the wrings of others (except for certain satire articles, just to see who get it).
ReplyDeleteThe LIE was this asswipe;
ReplyDeleteTalllTexan said...
Clif, when I first mentioned the writings of Jim Webb, you said that you wanted to research the context of those scenes. Well, it's been a few days, please tell us what context justifies those sick scenes.
Clif said, "Bush was the college idiot at Yale, and the coked up idiot in the Texas national Guard."
ReplyDeleteThis makes you a liar.
Did Hannity with all the resources of Fox News and their so you say fact checking staff lie and try to deceive the American public by passing off misinformation as the truth on a highly rated nation forum..............................................and what would your reaction be if a Democrat was using a highly rated nationally televised forum to spread lies and misinformation to deceive the masses.
ReplyDeleteThat IS all you do foole quote others, you have written very LITTLE of your own here IDIOT.
ReplyDeleteNo son because you can not prove it is FALSE and some say it is true, what I am talking about is your LYING about me directly son, your lies about me.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting Troll Tex, Did HANNITY LIE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeletePaul, are you Lydia's husband, the Republican?
ReplyDeleteTalllTexan said...
ReplyDeleteClif, when I first mentioned the writings of Jim Webb, you said that you wanted to research the context of those scenes. Well, it's been a few days, please tell us what context justifies those sick scenes.
Post-traumatic stress disorder. It does many strange things to people. And effects each person differently, and each person has a different way of dealing with it. Well, if Republicons can use alcoholism as an excuse for selling the country to corpoations and pedophilia, I figure PTSD is just as good an excuse for writing a dirty novel.
Yo Paul take that advice to the White House and GOP where it might do some real good.
ReplyDeleteOh Look a new alias calling himself paul is trying to smear the blog owner and blame her foe slandering people calling names and starting the Iraq War..............................
ReplyDeletehey coward why dont you stay and debate me instead of slandering people who arent even here who NEVER EVER did any of the things you lie and accuse her of, ok Moo Moo!
Tompaine, I posted about the cultural relevance about Webb's writing.
ReplyDeleteTiny is too stupid to know what it means or too dishonest to admit what it says.
no its johnny or rusty, how bout we check the trolls IP and find out.
ReplyDeleteThe Gutless troll who calls everyone names wants to condemn it?
"paul said...
ReplyDeleteTall Texan
I really don't know Lydia, and I never knew she was married.
2:29 PM"
Fair enough. Welcome aboard.
But it wasnt a dirty novel it was honest and culturally realistic and showed the horrors of war and the problems and customs of that culture.
ReplyDeleteI for one could give a good god damn what ever that slimy little sack of SH*T drudge puts on his usless blog.
ReplyDeleteafter all Drudge LIED about what the writing of Webb means, he is either as stupid as Tiny or as dishonest as tiny either way he is useless to me.
ReplyDeletePaul, I also wanted to prase your call for a more civil debate. I get sucked into the name calling as well, but I prefer being civil.
ReplyDeleteall the little boy kings men and trolls can huff and puff all they want but by this time next week you fools will be losers in the election just as you are losers in real life.
ReplyDeleteRusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteYou guys should go to Drudge to see the picture of the banner some of the troops made for Kerry.It shows what they think of him.
I dont care who you that's funny. But I must give the caveat that everyone I've talked to knows what he meant. You know why? Because soldiers are smart enought to see through partisan BULLSHIT and SPIN.
paul said...
ReplyDeleteWars start from the seed that's planted in anger, we are all to blame...sorry folks if the truth hurts
since I fought in a war your words mean little to me
and even Jesus showed anger at the sycophants who used religion for money in his days.
there are times when anger is justified, like when an Idiot lies to get a war and lies about that war.
I apologize for calling you a moron TT, now in light of being more civil are you going to apologize for Lying like a true bastion of integrity would?
ReplyDeleteMe thinks Paul is a troll.....he is starting to "smell" like one.
ReplyDeletegood post marcus!
ReplyDeleteI for ONE am not willing to PLAY nice at this point, it is just a bit too late in the game to say play nice, so get over it.
ReplyDeleteMike, if I accidentally got facts wrong, I apologize, but I won't apologize for something I didn't do.
ReplyDeleteRusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteSo Klink,you have no interest in what these fighting men think about Kerry? Oh,thats right you're a "former" fighting man who is now on welfare....I guess if I was in your situation I'd be a bit envious of them.
At least his hands have been dirty before. I dont like to get involved in the bickering, but dont try to belittle someone's military service in my presence. But unless you have a DD214 lay off the service issue because you dont have a leg to stand on Yellow Elephant.
Hey Rusty Since my good friend Troll Tex wont answer, what do you think of Sean Hannitty lying on national tv yesterday.........................that is if TT is telling the truth?
ReplyDeletepaul said...
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry says that soldiers and anyone that goes to war is dumb.
NOW I know "paul" is a slimy little troll. Because THAT is NOT what Kerry said, so GFY
Tompaine the gutless troll dusty does not care, he is a slimy troll who is here just to throw slime bombs around the blog.
ReplyDeletePaul is lying when he said;
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry says that soldiers and anyone that goes to war is dumb.
John Kerry NEVER said those words.
Paul appears to be another lying troll, unless he another form of out sockpuppet population of wanna be repug trolls.
ReplyDeleteNo son John Kerry never said what YOU lie and claim he said.
ReplyDeleteBut then again lying is a sin right?
Paul, were the soldiers who went to war in 1941, dumb?
ReplyDeleteWere the soldiers who went to war in 1991 dumb also?
ReplyDeletethink about it paul just happens to appear with rusty right when tt is getting pummeled and getting his daily clock cleaning you be the judge, my bet is moo moo
ReplyDeleteIs the blogger here named Tompaine dumb, Paul?
ReplyDeletePaul is a sockpuppet and NOTHING more.
ReplyDeletePaul is repug slime, and a troll. wasted your time here Paul, go back to the kneepads for Ken Melhman.
ReplyDeleteAt least when you use the kneepads for Melhman your doing something he might reward you for son.
ReplyDeleteHere your just another troll who is wasting his time.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is NOT John Kerry, Kerry is not involved in this election, the issue is George Allen.................................and Allen should resign after what happened last night, Allen is there to serve the people and in a democratic society that values freedom, he had no right to deny an American citizen whose job if he wins it would be to serve his Freedom of speech or his voice to express his opinion and ask a potential candidate a relevant question......instead the fould brownshirt thug George Allen assaulted an American citizen in a public place and denied him his constitutional right to freedom of speech,the right to assemble and the right to speak to a potential elected official.....................he should do the RIGHT THING, concede the election and resign and apologize to the American People!
ReplyDeleteMe thinks Paul is either tiny, or Dolt who is being a gutless dishonest troll as usual
ReplyDeleteAllen sat there smirking and condoning his goon sqaud while they assaulted an American citizen and denied him his Constitutional rights, Allens thugs pysically accosted the man and silenced him by pysically forcing him to leave a public place........there is NO EXCUSE OR JUSTIFICATION FOR THAT, and foul little boy bitchs like thomas or johnny cant distract from the real issues like that by coming in here and posting bile and 3rd grad BS!
ReplyDeleteBTW paul wipe your chin, it looks disgusting with all that dripping off of it.
ReplyDeletePaul it seems suck for the repugs just like dolt and tiny do.
ReplyDeleteI am not Paul.
ReplyDeleteAllens goons could be in trouble because there is video tape of their assault.
ReplyDeleteBut repugs always get violent when they are losing.
and the repugs are LOSING the House, and Allen it seems is losing his seat.
ReplyDeleteRepugs are gonna LOSE the House, and never get to gut social security like they want to. They FAILED in 2005, and will never get another chance to give wall street all that money.
ReplyDeleteThis is much more relevant to the troops than what ever some politician says in a campaign;
ReplyDeleteFrom TPM
I think this is what's called a bad sign (from the AP) ...
Manhattan security company Kroll has withdrawn its bodyguard teams from Iraq and Afghanistan after it lost four workers in Iraq, its parent company said Wednesday.
Michael Cherkasky, president and chief executive of Kroll owner Marsh & McLennan Cos., told The Associated Press that the business in the two countries wasn't worth risking the lives of their employees.
Too dangerous for the hired paramilitaries.
Late Update: Apparently Bechtel has just announced they're pulling out too.
Iraq: Not secure enough for mercenaries. Helluva job.
-- Josh Marshall
Florida legislator quits after voice-mail flap
ReplyDeletePhone message scandal involves obscenities, racial slur toward colleague
AP Updated: 35 minutes ago
HIALEAH, Fla. - A state lawmaker under fire for leaving a message filled with obscenities and a racial slur on a colleague’s voice mail resigned Wednesday from the Florida Legislature.
State Rep. Ralph Arza had been urged to step down by fellow House Republicans and by Gov. Jeb Bush."
Repugs the party of lies and racism!
Or this list of repugs under investigation for sexual crimes;
ReplyDeleteWe're always trying to do our best to help our readers make sense of the news. And along those lines we just got this email from TPM Reader AB ...
So I’m lost and maybe TPM can help. Just how many GOP senators or congressmen are currently accused of sex-related crimes? Y’all might come up with some handy-dandy chart so that we can keep Sweeney from Gibbons from Foley from whosiewhatsits in Pennsylvania who started the whole strangling fad.
Okay, let me see if I can give a run-down here.
We have Rep. Foley (R-FL) accused of various inappropriate sexual contact with underage congressional pages.
Then we have Rep. Gibbons (R-NV) in an on-going story about allegedly accosting/propositioning a woman other than his wife in a parking garage in Las Vegas. Gibbons is currently running for governor. And there's a separate dimension of this scandal where his cronies are trying to cover up what happened. I guess this explains how things that happen in Vegas stay in Vegas.
Next we've got the older story of Rep. Don Sherwood (R-PA) who allegedly tried to strangle his mistress.
Then just last night we learned that the apparently more traditionally-minded Rep. John Sweeney (R-NY) "got into [a] verbal argument [with his wife] that turned a little physical by her being grabbed by the neck and pushed around the house."
Anyway, that's the House GOP sex/assault/battery checklist. Am I missing anyone?
-- Josh Marshall
same link
You repug asswipes scream about words but are a wee bit too silent about actual, assaults by your own.....
ReplyDeletePaul I for one could give a rats as what you think son, go suck on a door knob.
ReplyDeleteTomPaine said...
ReplyDeleteI know Kerry did mean it the way it was being spun.
I wouldn't be too sure. I've heard buzz that he actually blew the line.
Kerry said; "study hard and make an effort to get smart you can do well.
If you don't you get stuck in Iraq"
But thats not what I heard the line was. I heard the line was SUPPOSED to read.
study hard and make an effort to get smart you can do well(,) if you don't get stuck in Iraq.
See the difference?
Instead of a period, there was supposed to be a comma, and instead of saying "If you don't YOU get stuck in Iraq", but it should have read, If you DON'T get stuck in Iraq.
Two completely different sayings, and from what I understand Kerry was too stubborn to admit he'd flubbed the line, and instead let us down once again.
I cannot tell you if this is true but its the most plausible thing I've heard so far.
and this from Andrew Sullivan
ReplyDeleteWhile the media is obsessed parsing the ad libs of someone on no ballot this fall, something truly ominous has just happened in Iraq. The commander-in-chief has abandoned an American soldier to the tender mercies of a Shiite militia. Yes, there are nuances here, and the NYT fleshes out the story today. But the essential fact is clear. In a showdown for control of Baghdad, the Iraqi prime minister took orders from Moqtada al-Sadr, and instructed the U.S. military to withdraw from Sadr City. The American forces were trying both to stabilize the city but also to find a missing American serviceman. He is still missing. Money quote from the WaPo:
The move lifted a near siege that had stood at least since last Wednesday. U.S. military police imposed the blockade after the kidnapping of an American soldier of Iraqi descent. The soldier's Iraqi in-laws said they believed he had been abducted by the Mahdi Army as he visited his wife at her home in the Karrada area of Baghdad, where U.S. military checkpoints were also removed as a result of Maliki's action.
The crackdown on Sadr City had a second motive, U.S. officers said: the search for Abu Deraa, a man considered one of the most notorious death squad leaders. The soldier and Abu Deraa both were believed by the U.S. military to be in Sadr City.
The U.S. military does not have a tradition of abandoning its own soldiers to foreign militias, or of taking orders from foreign governments. No commander-in-chief who actually walks the walk, rather than swaggering the swagger, would acquiesce to such a thing. The soldier appears to be of Iraqi descent who is married to an Iraqi woman. Who authorized abandoning him to the enemy? Who is really giving the orders to the U.S. military in Iraq? These are real questions about honor and sacrifice and a war that is now careening out of any control. They are not phony questions drummed up by a partisan media machine to appeal to emotions to maintain power.
And where, by the way, is McCain on this? Silent on Cheney's "no-brainer" on waterboarding. Silent recently on Iraq. But vocal - oh, how vocal - on Kerry. It tells you something about what has happened to him. And to America.
Bush Rumsfeld, and Cheney ET AL just abandoned a prisoner just as Henry Kissinger and Nixon did at the end of Vietnam.
Heckler scuffles with backers of Sen. Allen
ReplyDeleteAllen supporters wrestle blogger to ground after ‘inappropriate questions’
Three men, all wearing blue Allen lapel stickers, grabbed Stark, put him in a chokehold, dragged him backward and pushed him to the floor at one point outside a meeting room.
Stark later said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press: “I am a constituent. I am allowed to ask my U.S. senator questions.” He later demanded that Allen fire the staffers involved and threatened to press charges.
The story BY Andrew Sullivan might be the reason Bush ET Al screamed so loud about Kerry's words, because they acted like gutless punks when confronted by Maliki, and seems to have Abandoned an American soldier in a combat zone to the enemy.
ReplyDeleteand abandoning a soldier to the enemy is MUCH worse than flubbing a line in a speech.
ReplyDeleteBecause the military NEVER leaves anyone behind, that is the reason so many were killed in Somolia, because some troops would not abandon others, too bad Georgie is willing to do just that.
ReplyDeleteThey scream about Kerry's words to cover up their unconscionable crimes against the troops.
ReplyDeleteBut to a repug gutless chicken hawk troll they will never condemn the criminal behavior of the PNAC clown posse in Washington DC
ReplyDeleteI mean it is just ONE troop which the Sadr militia has kidnapped, and is HOLDING.
ReplyDeleteNot some repug operative, so no way to make political gain from it.
Do you think the president was right to abandon a US soldier in Iraq to the Sadr Militia Paul?
ReplyDeleteTiny was it the politically expedient thing to do just 6 days before losing the House?
ReplyDeletepaul said...
you too...bwe careful out there "BOYS"
sorry son, I do not scare that easily boy.
I know Henry Kissinger who advises Bush and Cheney has NO problem with it, after all he abandoned a lot of people in Vietnam.
ReplyDeleteRusty the piece of human waste said "Well there Tom Pain,look at Col.Klink,that might be your future,a bitter ex-soldier,who spent over ten years as a supply officer,gets drummed out and now spends the vast majority of his life behind a keyboard while his kid is playing video games and his wife is boinking the bagboy from the Piggly Wiggly."
ReplyDeleteread this real and see why these foul evil pieces of dirt need to be fought even toour last breath, no integrity, no decency no conscience just smear and slime two soldiers who put their lives on the line for this country or anyone else that speaks their mind or voices an opinion that opposes their own.
BTW Rusty and TT and Dolt read what Rusty just said to two soldiers and ask your selves how different it is from what you lying hippocrites are "CLAIMING" John Kerry said to our soldiers then ask your self where your moral outrage is there....................................i'l tell you all it is is phony pseudo politically moptivated outrage to try to deflect from the realissues like the lies and utter incompetence of the repugs and try to smear democrats for political gain during an election......something you cried and pissed and moaned about during the Foley scandal.
Rusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteWell there Tom Pain,look at Col.Klink,that might be your future,a bitter ex-soldier,who spent over ten years as a supply officer,gets drummed out and now spends the vast majority of his life behind a keyboard while his kid is playing video games and his wife is boinking the bagboy from the Piggly Wiggly.
Actually Tom, what you have to look forward to is coming home to guys like good old boy republican rusty, who will insult your service and your family.
Betcha can't wait.
Here goes another repug dishonest spin story,
ReplyDeleteAttorney: No Backstory in CIA Leak Case
"Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby agree on something: keeping Libby's perjury trial in the CIA leak case focused solely on his actions. The two are separately asking a federal judge not to allow three years of politically charged backstory in the case to seep into Libby's trial starting in January.
"In new court documents, Fitzgerald argued that he shouldn't have to explain why Libby was charged while others, including the source of the leak, escaped prosecution. Libby said jurors shouldn't hear about New York Times reporter Judith Miller's 85-day jail term for refusing to discuss her conversations with him."
Paul said "Mike,
ReplyDeleteYour opinions are dangerous, watch where you tread fella"
any time your feeling squirrelly punk!
It was criminal PAUL, wrong is flubbing a joke.
ReplyDeleteBTW when Darth Vader says your losing and your a repug, your in trouble;
ReplyDeleteVA-SEN: Influential Analysts Paint Grim Picture For Allen
In the wake of polls showing Dem Jim Webb edging ahead of GOP Senator George Allen, political analysts are beginning to paint a grim picture of his reelection chances. CQ Politics has just downgraded the race from "Leans Republican" to "No Clear Favorite." Says CQ: "even though other Republican senators are as or more vulnerable than Allen, it can be argued than none has fallen further over the course of this year." Robert Novak, meanwhile, is even tougher: He's just shifted his rating of the race from "Leans GOP" to "Leans Dem," saying that Allen "is on the verge of losing his Senate seat." Novak labels Allen's effort a "circus campaign," and concludes ominously, "it is much easier to dump an incumbent in a circus campaign than it is in a serious campaign."
Rusty the piece of human waste said "Well there Tom Pain,look at Col.Klink,that might be your future,a bitter ex-soldier,who spent over ten years as a supply officer,gets drummed out and now spends the vast majority of his life behind a keyboard while his kid is playing video games and his wife is boinking the bagboy from the Piggly Wiggly."
ReplyDeleteread this real closely and see why these foul evil pieces of dirt need to be fought even to our last breath, no integrity, no decency no conscience just smear and slime two soldiers who put their lives on the line for this country or anyone else that speaks their mind or voices an opinion that opposes their own.
BTW Rusty and TT and Dolt read what Rusty just said to two soldiers and ask your selves how different it is from what you lying hippocrites are "CLAIMING" John Kerry said to our soldiers then ask your self where your moral outrage is there.................................................................i'll tell you all, it is phony pseudo politically motivated outrage to try to deflect from the real issues like the lies and utter incompetence of the repugs and try to smear democrats for political gain during an election......something you cried and pissed and moaned about during the Foley scandal.
Good bye pauly boy, enjoy your kneepad assignment for the evening.
ReplyDeleteClif was EOD, and rusty honors his service in the Gulf War by calling him Col Klink, saying he was a "supply-officer" (*like theres anything wrong with being a supply officer?)and offering to have sex with his wife.
ReplyDeleteCome on TT,Volt etc.........Rusty just insulted twosoldiers on this blog in a very similar but worse fashion to what you CLAIM Kerry did and you are silent....................................................all that moral bluster and outrage over Kery's remark wasnt just phony partisan spin for political gain was it?????????????????????????????????????????????????????