The Sandy Hook tragecy -- a horrifying sacrifice of lambs in the most horrific scene of gun violence our nation has ever witnessed, had to have happened for a reason. These children can't have died in vain. It had to have happened in order to wake us up. How can anyone in Congress -- Democrat or Republican -- vote against their conscience? How can anyone vote against common sense gun control? How can anyone vote against universal background checks and a limit on military assault weapon sales?
What has happened to reasonable, sane, good people? Why are we paying the salaries of Congress people that go against 90% of all Americans who want sane, common sense gun control laws? Can't you all see the strange intervention of all these horrific gun shootings? Can't you see the way the universe responds to our sick worshp of the gun, a weapon of mass destruction? Should the government allow everyone to have a stash of Anthrax or a personal nuclear weapon or a missle in their closet, just in case you need it to kill a group of people with? You think a weapon that can kill 30 people in rapid succession is a normal weapon?
Is it really fear driving you or "eye for an eye" renegade justice? Tell the truth. I hear enough on late night talk radio, even on Coast to Coast, about storing food and building bunkers. Since Timothy McVeigh there has been an anti-government fear mongering that is way out of control. Obviously you can't be following Christ if you are living in fear and storing up "treasures on earth" even if it's just corn in silos.. or weapons. This is surreal. It's all in your head. You are not living life at all if you are in fear. Love casts out fear. Haven't you heard?
If I believed in evil, which I don't as an objective force -- it is obvious that anyone who is against background checks and banning weapons of mass destruction that are hand-held - is walking the edge.
Every show on TV glorifies violence. Primitive men slashing each other. We seem to have a blood lust that won't quit. My theory is that we are snowballing toward violence so we can find that nothing else will satisfy us but the OPPOSITE OF VIOLENCE. Today in Court where I had to renew my restraining order against the most mallicious stalker, But my job is to not even think of this man. He is nothing. I have to turn the other cheek and see no enemy. I have no enemies. There are no enemies.
The only way out of hell is to realize that there is no hell.
How dare our TAXPAYER-funded Congressmen and women back down on the most important issue of our time. The main issues I am concerned about as a mother: are mental illness, bullying, hate speech and alcoholism/drug addiction. It's too easy to pick up a gun when you're depressed or in a rage and you've had too much to drink. Whether a person is suicidal or depressed, angry or full of road rage as is the case on California freeways -- we need to keep guns out of the hands of people with temper issues and those who have substance abuse problems.
In the face of such a tragedy as this (nothing could be more of of a sign that our country is out of control on this issue than the Sandy Hook school shootings of all innocent school children -- how tragic that the gun lobby can bribe our representatives.
The gun lobby, like all powerful lobbies, represents the GUN MANUFACTURERS. There is no moneyed interest in "banning assault weapons." There is no moneyed interest in "background checks." Follow the money: there is TONS OF MONEY in the NRA GUN LOBBY. It is backed by corporate interests. The gun lobby, like the oil or pharamceutical lobbies, has one prime motive: profit for the gun manufacturers. They make millions of dollars as a collective whose one purpose is to make money for the manufacturers of guns!!
Several people had the nerve to dispute my idea that the gun lobby makes a profit off promoting guns in every form -- guns, guns, and more guns.
I have to ask them: what is the purpose of a lobby? Answer that.
I will never vote for anyone who backs down off common sense legislastion to at least consider a ban on ASSAULT WEAPONS and to institute and enforce UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.
I am a mother. Mothers raise the future grownups of our society and most mothers I know, have the interests of all our young people at heart. The more guns on the street the more accidents. The easier it is to use a gun for a temporary problem. It's a permanent solution.
Who on earth could promote such an ugly weapon of mass destruction as an assault weapon or AK-47? Why even talk about it?
Love is everywhere. The more you look for good, the more you will find it. That is my mission now. I love all my friends, even those who are brainwashed by the gun pushers and the drug pushers.
There is an easier, softer way. Love one another. Or at least soften the blows by laughing together. We should all be learning new ways to get along by simply listening to each other, and deflecting the anger with humor.
I try to turn every tragedy in my life into comedy. And what I most want is for our young people to get their innocence back. We need to be inspired again -- to enjoy life and this beautiful universe!
30 DAYS TO TRANSFORMATION: Get your thoughts right, and everything else will follow. What you focus on GROWS! Each day when you wake up, take a pad and paper and make a list of things you are grateful for, even if it is just that you woke up! You have hands, a pen, eyes to see... or a roof over your head. Add 5 new things each day, or one new thing to be grateful for each day. Do this for 30 days. YOUR ENTIRE LIFE WILL CHANGE. Depression will be gone. I promise you, you will have a healing if you fill your thoughts with the ideas and things you love or want --- and the things you are grateful for.
When we withdraw our attention from our enemies, they expire from neglect.
Death may be sexier than sex to Ann Coulter and the bigots and haters, but not to normal Americans.
DEATH IS NOT SEXIER THAN SEX - as I wrote to Ann Coulter once.
It boggles the mind that anyone can dare call them a follower of Christ and brag about their guns.
For those of you who call yourselves Christian, maybe you should read the Great Peacemaker's words. Christ, the Prince of Peace, would never condone the use of a gun or weapon of ANY KIND. His message was always "love casts out fear." The metaphorical sword he speaks of is the sword that cuts between love and hate.