Last night on Adult Swim, Adam Scott unloaded the third installment of his The Greatest Event in Television History project with an attempt at re-creating the opening credits of the oft-forgotten early-eighties Ted Knight sitcom Too Close for Comfort. He donned the rugby shirt and sheepish affect of Monroe, a character name that will cause any fan of the series to bellow, à la Knight’s bombastic softie Henry Rush (played here by Jon Glaser), “Oh, Monroe!” How’d this little reenactment — which also co-starred Catherine O’Hara, Kathryn Hahn, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Chelsea Peretti — go? You be the judge, with this handy side-by-side comparison of the original and remade opening-credits sequence. (The bovine hand puppet’s name, if you’re wondering, is Cosmic Cow, the namesake of the syndicated comic strip drawn by Henry Rush.) ~ From Vulture