We all need to read Eckhart Tolle's new book A NEW EARTH — which has a section about how the rise of the male ego has dominated the world and virtually annihilated the nurturing, sacred feminine. This has created a catastrophic imbalance in our world and we are reaping the pain now. That said, I saw IRONMAN on Friday night and loved it. I thought Robert Downey, Jr. was brilliant — and I loved his inventor's lab with the 3-D computers. Of course the villain was a company like Halliburton and Blackwater or any giant weapons manufacturer. It was a morality tale about our blood lust. Why on earth is the U.S. so proud of it's hi-tech "smart" weapons that annihilate tribes of helpless civilians?
Took my stepson to the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu for extra credit this weekend. It's the home of ancient Greek, Roman and Etruscan antiquities. It is the most spectacular place, an exact replica of a spectacular Roman villa. Saw the bronze Victorious Youth, the Herculaneum Women. Here is Hercules, and below is a papyrus scroll piece from Homer's original Odyssey -- the actual original writing by Homer from 100 B.C.
Taped a great show "Better Living with Steve Spitz" where I cooked my favorite Sesame Tofu recipe and chatted with the amazing Steve Spitz. SteveSpitz.com What a cool human being! Spitz does humanitarian work for Children with Aids, cooks, designs, is very spiritual and was the original inventor of honey mustard dressing. We filmed his really fun new talk show in the Desert at Morongo - a stunning hotel and casino which has five star dining at a sky-high all glass 3-story dining room overlooking the beautiful canyon below Idyllwilde. (Remember Albert Brook's classic Modern Romance when he and Kathryn Harold go to Idyllwilde?) Tony Dennison from The Closer was another guest on the show.
People who create music blow me away. This song is so gorgeous it made me cry. And the generosity of the free piano teachers on You Tube that show close up lessons are like angels.
My stepson Kevin (12) has been learning this song "APOLOGIZE" by One Republic on his Yamaha piano. Click on this You Tube video and watch this gifted pianist play the piano part to this beautiful song. The version with TIMBLALAND and ONE REPUBLIC is below.
Another wonderfully generous pianist named "Ryan" shows you CLOSE UP how to play this song:
Apologize Close UP piano lesson
Also: please comment on Rush Limpbotomy's comments and the way he is inciting a riot with his "Operation Chaos." The FCC needs to revoke Rush Limbaugh's license. This divisive, hateful "excellence in broadcasting has no place on the public airwaves. The propaganda must cease.
On Monday April 28, 2008, Bill Press will be the guest on the Basham and Cornell Radio heard weekday mornings at 8 a.m. on 1230 AM KLAV in Las Vegas and worldwide on the web.
Bill Press is a political commentator and author. He was the chair of the California Democratic Party from 1993 to 1996. He has served in different appointed positions such as a chief of staff to California State Sen. Peter Behr (a Republican) and director of the California Office of Planning and Research under Gov. Jerry Brown. One of the country's most well-known progressive commentators addresses how--and why--the conservative movement went off the rails in his new book “Trainwreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution (and Not a Moment Too Soon)”
According to even Newt Gingrich, "Republicans have lost their way." Always better with one-liners than worthwhile policies, John McCain recently said, "We spent money like a drunken sailor. Although I never really knew a sailor, drunk or sober, with the imagination of my colleagues."
Bill Press, however, says the Republicans have been governing exactly the way you'd expect. If a politician's most basic belief is that government always fails, why would anyone think he'd try to prove otherwise? Trainwreck details the rise of the modern conservative movement from Robert Taft to Ronald Reagan and its fall from Newt Gingrich to the abject failure of George W. Bush.
Once champions of fiscal responsibility, conservatives have brought us, instead, record high federal spending and bloated budget deficits. Once leery of foreign entanglements, conservatives have launched us, instead, into an unprecedented age of imperial wars and conquests. Once apostles of honesty and integrity in government, conservatives have, instead, used their positions of power to enrich themselves or evade the rule of law.
For decades, conservatives struggled to topple liberals from the federal throne, but, once in power, they didn't deliver. Everything they touched, they trashed. Here is the story of who, how, and why.
UPCOMING GUESTS: Bill Press, Senators Tom Daschle, Lincoln Chaffee and Arlen Specter. If you live in Vegas you can tune in Live or go to our website and listen in the audio archives.
The Basham and Cornell Show broadcasts weekday mornings at 8 am Pacific (11 a.m. Eastern) on KLAV 1230 AM Radio live in Las Vegas. Again, all shows are simulcast worldwide on the Internet (and archived) and can be listened to at Basham and Cornell Radio If you've missed our show, check out the audio archives. We have interviewed John & Elizabeth Edwards, Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich, John Dean, Pat Buchanan, NBC Bureau Chief in Tel Aviv Martin Fletcher, Pulitzer Prize winner Charlie Savage, Congressman Charlie Rangel,Valerie Plame, Christine Pelosi, Larisa Alexandrovna, Dahr Jamail, Senator Mike Gravel; Senator Byron Dorgan; bestselling authors Greg Palast, Paul Krugman, Greg Anrig.
The Basham and Cornell Show broadcasts weekday mornings at 8 am Pacific (11 a.m. Eastern). All shows are simulcast on the Internet (and archived) and can be listened to at www.BashamAndCornell.com