Women in the 1930s and '40s were accomplished, headstrong, interesting human beings and STARS in movies.
But today, from watching mainstream movies the question that comes up is: Do only boys have value in the universe? Do women, as separate, thinking human beings, have a right to exist in movies, video games and TV shows?
In most American media, it would appear that women are just objects for men's use. And there are only two or three uses for a girl.
Are these the only options form the guy's point of view: CAN YOU BANG HER, CAN SHE NURTURE YOU?
Comment from Worf, one of my FAVORITE, (sexy) male commenters: "I have to disagree
at least to a point. The movies I see coming out are all about beautiful women
in tight leather outfits with guns blowing away bad guys. Even in the most
popular genre out there, the Zombie flicks women seem to outweigh the men both
in number and the likability of the character. The "Resident Evil"
series is a prime example. Not only is the hero a woman, there are several
other strong female leads in the roles. Another popular blockbuster series
"X-Men" should have been called "X-Women". The strong leads
were predominantly women except for Wolverine. All sorts of movies these days
seem to focus on strong female leads.
Why do women have to wear tight-leather outfits?! Why is it
always a man's world and a man's fantasy? These are not movies made for women
with intelligence. This is a man's porn fantasy. Real women don’t like cartoon
There are few if any movies that have great dialogue and are not
about romance or blood lust or fantasy violence. There are few “geeky” nerdy
cool intelligent women doing amazing cool intelligent thoughtful things -- and
not desperately trying to catch a man either. Men get to have all the fun. We
don't even get to be geeky -- unless we have a 22" waist.
There is not
one bit of intelligent material out there for me to watch.
I am not into the Housewives of Goldigger Hills or Redneck
Hillbilly shows or Cable romance. I'm into smart, talky films – that make you
think -- Da Vinci code, My Dinner with Andre, Manhattan, Annie Hall, and
intelligent thrillers or psychological dramas like Erin Brokovich -- but they
are nowhere to be found.
I am also NOT into desperate mommy porn like 50 SHADES OF GREY.
There is one intelligent grown up film per year, if that. Everything else is
for little boys. Or boys my sons' age.
And forget older women altogether like the ‘Golden Girls” -
there is not one movie about real women and the humorous struggles they go
through to get through college or create art or get a business started.. or
sing in a band or even dream a big dream… Remember “Social Network” and “The
Descendants?” All these movies are from a man’s point of view. Very few movies
from a woman’s point of view are GREENLIGHTED by major studios.
There aren’t even any movies about strong women going up against
crappy husbands as Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton and Bette Midler did in “First Wives Club”
I hate to say the
real reason why this is happening. I really don’t want to say it.
Kudos to Disney for finally hiring two female directors for
their new animation movies, “Frozen” and …
The Bechdel test (/ˈbɛkdəl/ bek-dəl) asks whether a work of fiction features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. Many contemporary works fail this test of gender bias.
- Is there more than one character in the female that has lines and a real character name? In other words, she is not just a generic "Bartender" "Sexy woman," Young woman, Woman in park, etc.
- Do these women talk to each other?
- Is their conversation about something other than the GUY they both like?

HOLLYWOOD HATES WOMEN - all that matters is if she is "bangable"
Men in movies and TV shows are always looking at women simply as objects that can serve or service them. Men basically want:
1. Someone who will bang them (sex, hooker, girlfriend)
2. Someone who will nurture them (mom)
3. Someone who will bring them coffee (Secretary)
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