by Lydia Cornell on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 2:16pm
Magic and miracles... If you want to get rid of your fear of sheep, you can bet you will soon be surrounded by sheep. God gives you what you ask for, believe me.
I thought I had married a man who needed to be healed. The truth was, I needed to be healed too. I thought we found each other and married, to heal the ancient wounds of our childhood.
God speaks to me via what Jung called synchronicity. I get big neon signs. "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." Other people get visions, or hear voices.. or receive quiet thoughts that seem to come from a higher, more loving place. It takes practice, but you can hear your higher self speaking to you when you take time to shut down the mind, and be still and meditate everyday. (Start with 20 minutes.)
When I married Paul, I thought we were together to heal the ancient wounds of our respective childhoods. I had a fantasy that because he was named Paul, and I was named Lydia, we were supposed to be on the Road to Damascus together.
To be continued...