At home December 29, 2012
And we impose so many harsh punishments for innocent mistakes. I just ran out to my car to put another quarter in the meter, in the rain and saw a $53 parking ticket on my car for being THREE MINUTES late. Are we a fascist state? If this is the kind of government people are against, I'm against it too. But these exhorbitant crimes started with Congress witholding a living wage and proper taxes for the common good. Cities are hungry and desperately imposing higher fines because of the corruption and greed. It all started with a certain trickle down mindset.
Like debauched piggy teenagers speeding toward our own demise, we've seen too much, done too much, been too naked. We've raped, pillaged, invaded, coveted, envied, forced ourselves on nations, started false wars and generally lusted after excess. We praised "selfishness" as a vitue, We made preteens sexy as a form of advertising pedophilia and pretended it was freedom of speech. And everyone blamed the artists for the loose morals of Hollywood, when in fact, it was the opposite: it the people making huge advertising profits by over-sexualizing teens and objectifying the young. It was all about ratings. It has always been about the dollar, the bottom line.
The filmmakers and artists I know loathe homogenized pop culture and are almost allergic to high ratings for ratings sake. NOt fans of the middle, the lowest common denominator or the bell curve, most artists are too sensitive to withstand The Jerry Springer Show. Someone is buying it: lovers of red meat in the modern gladiator forum. The best "liberal" filmmakers like Spielberg, Payne, Stone, Soderbergh, Affleck, Damon love films and TV shows with heart, depth and social justice.
But it had to happen this way. We had to reach a chaotic, criminally insane breaking point. And it might get worse before it gets better. We are so immature; we thrive on style over substance. And though we've had too much too soon, reason and sanity are returning, despite appearances. The physical picture, the so-called "reality" we see with our senses has very little to do with reality. Like the software inside a computer, it's what's invisible that counts: the underlying harmony, love and hope we all hold in our hearts. Our desire for justice, equality, peace and the common good. These are the principles that hold mankind together. These are spiritual qualities. It's a "thought universe" and thoughts make the world, as Ralph Waldo Emerson put it.
After we've had all the perversions, all the sex, drugs and rock and roll.. the excess crap and materialism -- where else can we go but to the real, the love that runs all things, feeds all things, forgives all things?