So use them wisely. Radiate love. Bless everyone you meet. Your thoughts create your reality.
Every thought changes our biochemistry. Pay attention to what brings you joy. Dr Christiane Northup
My brother Paul, who passed away on December 1, 1995. At the Grand Canyon. He is also in the photo below at the Hollywood Christmas Parade.HAPPY FRIDAY! TODAY IS A DAY OF LIBERATION AND COMPLETION!My son has Chemistry finals today, and I finally complete phase one of a wonderful task, which, through perseverance, actually transformed itself from a terrifying chore to a joyous journey. I enjoyed every minute of the writing, and the spaces. This was the first time in my life I committed to shutting the world out and going within. We are going to have a great weekend!! Love to all of you! xoxoxoxoxo
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness"
"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy -- meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8
"Each friend represents a world in us.
A world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin
These are the best years of our lives. Surrounded by so much love and laughter.
My Beautiful, Amazing friend Jim Hillis
"What if tomorrow never comes? It didn't today." Bill Murray in Groundhog Day
Sobriety came when I surrendered my ego; love came when I surrendered my desperate search for a man; financial security came when I gave up agonizing about money.
Please check out my amazing friend Jim Hillis' website:
James Hillis Ford And His Quest...To Always Do The Right Thing...And God's Work...
"Our thoughts are just as potent and real as bullets." Naweko
"Stress is the consequence of resistance to your life. (Most disease is stress-related, even cancer.) When we resist, argue, are angry or make others wrong... we are not at peace with our true nature. When you relax into acceptance, that's when you can start reclaiming your peace.
Your life is now; you can't wait to become peaceful." - Gary Zukav
Acceptance of whatever is going on, is the key to serenity.
Weapons (Implements) of violence serve evil. Humanity has failed to learn this profound teaching. There is no victory in any activiity where killing takes place.
We are all connected by our originating spirit. What appears to be a victory is really false.
Taking pleasure in winning a battle is onlly the ego's will to kill. Our lowest nature. Our highest nature rebels against this.
Anything "won" by force is not a victory. It will turn against you.
Arms serve evil; they are the tools of those who oppose wise rule. If you kill someone you must feel compassion for the one you killed.
My grandfather and brother Paul at the Hollywood Christmas Parade in the 80's.
And Sasha, our rescue dog.