THE HONOR CODE by Mike Graham
When I was in Officer Training School back in the sixties, the very first thing we cadets were taught was the Honor Code. It was simplicity itself, and it was drummed into our heads daily:
"I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate among us those who do."
Stanley McChrystal is a West Point graduate whose own father was a General Officer and whose brother was an Army chaplain (Assemblies of God variety), Yet McChrystal seems somehow not to have learned the Honor Code. What were they teaching up there on the Hudson in the early seventies?
McChrystal is a war-lover who did an end-run around his Commander-in-Chief with the adoring press to get what he wanted in Afghanistan. For that he should have been court-martialed for insubordination. Instead, it seems to have worked. According to McClatchy News today, Obama is about to give him 34,000 more warm bodies.
Here is a little reminder of McChrystal's behavior in the Pat Tillman matter: Please tell me how it squares with the Honor Code::
Then there's this little issue:
PIty the soldiers and Marines in this new surge.
Finally, take a look at last week's Bill Moyers Journal, which he described as the most important show he ever did. It's about the decision-making by LBJ that escalated that war in Vietnam. Those who do not learn from history...:

LYDIA CORNELL: AFI Best Actress Nominee, People's Choice Award winner; Actor, Writer, Director, Producer; woman and children advocate; teen mentor, comedienne, talk show host, inspirational pubic speaker best known for her starring role on ABC's "Too Close for Comfort" as TV legend Ted Knight's daughter 'Sara'; HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm, and over 250 shows, episodes and movies worldwide. Turns tragedy into comedy, life-saving issues for women and equal pay for equal work...