How many times did Rudy mention how great he was during 911?
If I had to choose a Republican candidate, I'd choose Ron Paul. But I liked Mike Huckabee's brave response to one question. He said it is criminal for CEOs to take 100 million dollar bonuses, while employees who have worked there for 30 years are laid off and they lose their pension plans. He said this is criminal if its not taken care of or prosecuted, no Republican deserves to win in 2008. Here he clearly blamed the Republicans.
One thing for sure, the Reagan Library is a spectacular place. We visited it on Spring Break with the kids.
Before we talk about the Iraq Accountability Act and bringing our troops home, here's how you can SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. This is a great organization that I just donated to. I tried sending my own homemade care packages to the troops, but this group does it better. Donate whatever you can; let's make our troops' last few months in Iraq full of as much comfort and love as we can send them!
Uncle Sam's question of service to country speaks to us all. Will you help those volunteer servicemen and women stationed far from home in harms way? Will you support our troops and Project: Hollywood Cares? They need donations and volunteer help. Project Hollywood Cares
When 1st Class Petty Officer Tyler Borgwardt of the 1/57 EOD company stationed in Iraq was sent a care package containing a selection of DVDs and CDs, he was invited to send us the names of his fellow service members who would also enjoy a package. This invitation is always extended in the personal letter we include in every individually addressed package we send. Here is his grateful reply...
Petty officer 1st class Cedric Wilson
Petty officer 1st class Rob Lewis
Petty officer 2nd class Krishna Hadyen
Petty officer 2nd class Steve Andrews
Petty officer 2nd class John Mantle
Petty officer 2nd class Mike Healy
Petty officer 2nd class Eric Konkel
Petty officer 2nd class Curtis Hall
Petty officer 2nd class Kyle Dewey
Petty officer 2nd class Jeremiah Crum
Petty officer 3rd class Nate Breen
Chief petty officer Ron Olmsted
All these people are at the same address that you reached me at. Again thank you very much. We'll be getting some pics together soon and sending them to you.
This is pretty much standard operating procedure for Project: Hollywood Cares these days, - send one package and receive 19 requests. But what we are now able to do (AND DID) is send completely different programs and movies in each of the 20 boxes and create a video collection for all hands of this large EOD company to share and enjoy. It's the military way "to share".
By the way, what's an EOD company do in Iraq? It's an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit who's daily job is handling,diffusing and disposing of IED's, booby traps and munitions.
Take a moment to again look at the appreciative reaction of these tough bomb experts in the photos above! Would you not agree that we are making a difference in helping our brave servicemen and women serving America far from home in extremely difficult duty!
God Bless the Navy's 1/57 EOD Company and the sacrifices & casualties these tough sailors have endured & suffered
in serving their country.........
Here's a letter I received from John Conley, the disabled Marine combat vet who sent me his Purple Heart:
The grand plan (I'm sure this was addressed at the Cheney super-secret 'energy pow wow' with oil execs in 2000) was for Exxon Mobile and others to basically stake their greedy claims to oil drilling and production rights once we took control of the country while 'granting' the Iraqi government a pittance in royalties. The problem is that big oil is refusing to enter Iraq with workers until the violence drops drastically.
Although he'd never admit it, this scenario is the true indicator of success as described by Cheney and Co: that is, when big oil can begin stealing the country's oil without fear of being blown up. Peace is a great idea, but there will never be peace, short of big oil having control of the Iraqi fields.
This is in reality the only 'bench mark' these guys are interested in no matter what it costs in blood and treasure.
Just thought I'd drop you a note to brighten your day."
Clif, our veteran from the Gulf War asked me to post this today. Congressman Jack Murtha is right, Impeachment is a moral imperative. According to the Constitution, and the laws of our nation President Bush has committed many high crimes and misdemeanors, and should be removed from office before he causes more harm. His war powers should be immediately frozen. No person with morals or good conscience — and no true Christian — can stand by and allow this president to lie, break laws and usurp the U.S. Constitution the way Bush has.
If we can't impeach, can't we start the process and freeze Bush's war powers in the meantime? Read the historic resolution of the California Democratic Party below.
Speaker is taking tally for IMPEACHMENT:
PLEASE CALL Nancy Pelosi's office right now. House Speaker Pelosi's office is taking calls voting for Impeachment of Bush/Cheney at 202-225-0100.
Sparked by an insurgency among delegates, the California Democratic Party has taken an historic step forward on the issue of impeachment. In a resolution affirmed by the full state party convention Sunday, the Democrats called on the U.S. Congress to use its subpoena power to investigate misdeeds of President Bush and Vice President Cheney – and to hold the Administration accountable “with appropriate remedies and
punishment, including impeachment.” The delegate insurgency was coordinated by PDA and our allies.
While Speaker Pelosi had declared impeachment “off the table,” the DemocraticParty rank-and-file has demonstrated its commitment to putting the issue “on” the table. And it’s no longer just the rank-and-file: Even among the members of the
convention’s Resolutions Committee (appointed by the California Party chair), the impeachment resolution was the top vote- getter (tied with one other resolution). Coming on the heels of mass actions and resolutions across the country in support of
impeachment, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s introduction of Articles of
Impeachment against Cheney, this action by the powerful California Democratic Party
builds on the pro-impeachment momentum.
The resolution refers to Bush and Cheney
having acted in a manner “subversive of the
Constitution” by. . .
1) using false information to justify the
invasion of Iraq
2) authorizing “the torture of prisoners of
3) “authorizing wiretaps on U.S. citizens
without obtaining a warrant”
4) “disclosing the name of an undercover CIA
5) suspending “the historic Writ of Habeas
Corpus by ordering the indefinite detention
of so-called enemy combatants”
6) “signing statements used to ignore or
circumvent portions of over 750
Congressional statutes”
The resolution ends by calling for “vigorous investigation” and “appropriate remedies
and punishment, including impeachment.”
Thanks to all your help and support - we
really are making a difference!