I was a radioactive drinker and there were times of
suicidal depression. I've struggled with low self-esteem, terrifying demons, inability to finish projects, procrastination, self-loathing, fear and the lust for fame. But after a chain of events that can only be described as
‘miracles,’ my biggest downfall turned out to be my greatest gift.
I've spoken about this in recovery circles, and often
stopped to wonder ‘how did these seemingly miraculous events happen?’ There was
one common element: SURRENDER. When I gave up fighting (and worrying), the
outside picture changed. But what is the metaphysics of surrender? How did an
inner change affect an outer result? By letting go and tapping into an
unsuspected inner resource, I’ve had healings that are beyond human
understanding, even major financial ones. I’ve finally figured how to recreate
the mind-set necessary to activate these events. What appear to be miracles are
actually natural laws according to Quantum Physics. Our loving attention to
something literally alters the physical universe. It’s hard to talk about these
things because they appear to exist in the realm of the magical. But they are real
and everyone has access to them, they just don’t pay attention or take them
seriously — and that makes all the difference. As Einstein said, “No
problem can be solved on the same level it was created on.” In other words, you
can't fight fire with fire; you can't cure alcoholism with more alcohol or
drugs; you can’t go to war to create peace — you have to go to a higher level —
a spiritual or diplomatic solution. Or as George Carlin put it, “Fighting
for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
The mainstream media rarely mentions the vital, mysterious spiritual element of 12-step programs. And no one asks the root question: why are so many celebrities either dead or in rehab? What breed of person comes to Hollywood seeking the adoration of strangers? Wanting to be famous is an American malaise. With all due respect to Dr. Pinsky, shows like Celebrity Rehab seem dangerously self-conscious. How can a person heal when he’s playing to the camera? “You can’t save your ass and your face at the same time." - Lydia Cornell
~ Lydia Cornell Luv xo 11:11
Originally written in 2012: Rest in peace Whitney Houston. You are soaring with the angels now. And as someone posted on Twitter, "another voice was added to Heaven's Choir." Addiction, suicide, depression are all spiritual maladies that can be corrected by the power of Divine Love. And life is eternal; there is no death. Michael Jackson, Don Cornelius, Elvis, Marilyn, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis, Jim Morrison, River Phoenix, the list goes on... Let's wipe out this strange disease and help our children's generation wake up to the Truth of Being, Light and Love. xo

The mainstream media rarely mentions the vital, mysterious spiritual element of 12-step programs. And no one asks the root question: why are so many celebrities either dead or in rehab? What breed of person comes to Hollywood seeking the adoration of strangers? Wanting to be famous is an American malaise. With all due respect to Dr. Pinsky, shows like Celebrity Rehab seem dangerously self-conscious. How can a person heal when he’s playing to the camera? “You can’t save your ass and your face at the same time." - Lydia Cornell
Our society rewards glitz, glamour, competition, obsession
with winning and achieving. We never allow young artists to fail and you must
be allowed to write, paint and sing badly in order to grow.
“It’s not enough to put down the drug or drink; once you
put down the ‘spirits’ you have to fill the void with true spirit, and lasting
peace. You have to go out in the
world and live your life with joy."
I found my precious brother’s body after his drug overdose. I,
too, have struggled with low self-esteem, demons and the lust for fame. But I
would not be alive nor would I have been able to raise children if I hadn't
gotten sober 25 ears ago by giving up my self-will and surrendering to a power
greater than myself. This is the easier, softer way. Once you stop struggling,
everything becomes so calm and sweet. It’s like plugging into an electric
socket: once you lean on a power greater than yourself, you have more power.
The creative force of love which I call God really exists and is always ready
to take care of us completely when we stop resisting. Then we have true power.
You have to take the leap of believing that the Universe,
your higher Power, love, God or whatever you want to call it, exists. Then the
magic happens.
The creative force that
sustains the universe is interactive; it needs our participation. In fact, it
can’t exist in our lives without our consent, belief, faith or interaction. It
needs playmates. It needs to express itself through us. More and more I’m
beginning to believe what Elizabeth Gilbert said in her Ted Talks on Genius -- that there are no individual geniuses. Mozart, Beethoven, Einstien... we are all just
transcribers of creative consciousness – we are taking down God’s thoughts.
Some are expressing God through music, some through art, some through writing
and poetry and movies, some through comedy, some through tragedy, some through
cooking, planting and growing, some through design, building, teaching,
science, discoveries.
What is the point of gaining the
whole world if you lose your soul?
After all the years of struggling to make it — to find true love, to be
rich, to have a happy family with a lagoon pool and water-slides, to live my dreams
in a hammock in Maui — I’ve come to the conclusion that there is only one
urgent need of mankind: to find God. But
I’m not talking about the kind of “god” you may be thinking of — the kind
that divides and judges. I thought I was too hip to believe in God and used to wonder if I find God canl
I still have a sex life? I’m talking about unconditional love and an
inner peace that is unshakable.
The word God has become so
political and dirty and misunderstood, I’m embarrassed to use it. I feel guilty
about being embarrassed, and I’m not even Catholic. Or Jewish. (This
is a joke, as in "Jewish or Catholic guilt.") All I know is, no human power
was able to lift me out of my suicidal despair. The God I’m talking about has no
religion attached – no rules, dogma, yarmulkes, pointy bishops hats, long
velvet robes, crystals, coins, rosaries, bows toward Mecca or steps to the
left. No long, memorized prayers or deciphering of archaic doctrines. Only
I have had astonishing results from
prayer. I know that prayer actually changes things in the physical universe.
But the kind of prayer I’m talking about does not involve begging some
anthropomorphic being who rules by fear and punishment. It involves letting go of your fears and worries and
truly surrendering them to a loving higher power, whatever your own concept of
this is. Substituting your worries with Divine Love, the power of the universe.
God is love. It is really that simple. I had to get my intellect out of
the way and surrender my doubts first. Then I quietly screamed HELP!
Addiction is the disease of our time. Alcohol is the number one drug of choice among teens in America, and girls ages 10-15 have the lowest self-esteem and highest rate of suicide attempts of any other group. Add to this the fact that over 85% of violent crime is alcohol and drug related, and we have an epidemic — yet this is rarely mentioned in media reports.
~ Lydia Cornell Luv xo 11:11
Originally written in 2012: Rest in peace Whitney Houston. You are soaring with the angels now. And as someone posted on Twitter, "another voice was added to Heaven's Choir." Addiction, suicide, depression are all spiritual maladies that can be corrected by the power of Divine Love. And life is eternal; there is no death. Michael Jackson, Don Cornelius, Elvis, Marilyn, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis, Jim Morrison, River Phoenix, the list goes on... Let's wipe out this strange disease and help our children's generation wake up to the Truth of Being, Light and Love. xo
Cats Dancing on Jupiter cast |
This is a beautiful post Lydia and one that is important for each of us to read because while it is about drug and alcohol addiction, there are other important themes. Beliefs, Faith, Acceptance, Higher Power, Judgements and the troublesome stats of young girls and alcohol/drugs.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your heartfelt sharing of such human experiences.
It's hard to read about your difficult struggle. The pain, while not the details, reminds me of my own. But you raise a light of hope with your insight and the way you lovingly risk sharing your own discoveries. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing Lydia. I have struggled similarly and appreciate your self-disclosure. I too lost my brother to a drug overdose in Oct 2007. It was in my parents home (our childhood home) & my parents found his lifeless body that morning. I don't think I could have handled it had I been there. Instead of sobering up after this tragedy I sunk deeper into drugs, depression, codependency, abusive relationships & legal problems, until 2008 when I hit rock bottom & finally decided "Imma Do Me!" This included a partial letting go or surrender, I say "partial" because I sometimes slip or lose my footing as I try to take back control. I was never religious, but have become quite spiritual in the past 18 months, developing a practice that consists of daily meditation, law of attraction/Quantum Physics, Course in Miracles...reading Eckhart Tolle, listening to podcasts of OSHO, Tolle, HayHouse Radio, Healing Masters and consuming massive amounts of content related to Buddhism, Taoism and other Eastern philosophies. I am "addicted" to Spirituality & Positive Thinking now, rather than relationships (dysfunctional), drugs & People-pleasing! I am a work in progress, as we all are, but I am full of love & hope now instead of bitterness & despair. THANK YOU FOR BEING AN INSPIRATION TO ME!! Love, Light & Laughter <3 Lisa xoxo
ReplyDeleteIn response to this thread here is my reply:
Remember,for every positive there is a negative and vice-verse.
Love is an illusion, however, unconditional love is a human impossibility and does not exist.
The answer can be found in the bottle, you just have to drink further down to find it.
Just kidding…………too much of anything is not good!
As an Atheist I must admit that Buddhism (which is not a religion but a way of life) is something that I have practiced in the past due to its peaceful attributes.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, far more realistic, it does have its problems philosophically.
One of the main principles of Buddhism, which I personally identify with, suggests that much of our lives are illusory and filled with suffering therefore we should do everything possible to ease that suffering during our time on the ant-farm, albeit through meditation, mantras, etc……
The Upanishads are a little heavy on the brain though……LOL!
Johnny Poo Poo said...
ReplyDeleteRemember,for every positive there is a negative
You're definitely the negative to every positive here.
My supplier ran out of blue pills.......anybody care to front me a few until my next shipment arrives?
ReplyDeleteThese red ones are too much.
My supplier ran out of blue pills.......anybody care to front me a few until my next shipment arrives?
ReplyDeleteThese red ones are too much.
Just say no.
ReplyDeleteI think people that are alcoholics have no self esteem or worth. That is where the real problems lies. I have never had a problem with alcohol because I am loved by my family and I worked hard to get where I got. Alcoholism is not a disease but an addiction just like any other drug. One example of a disease is cancer. There is a difference.
ReplyDeleteAt least I understand you more now Lydia and I know now why you get angry at me because I disagreed with you politically. You have to find happiness in yourself because drugs and alcohol are only a mask to happiness. I do know what I am talking about because I have had relatives the were alcoholics and they had the same attitude. they were angry most of the time, they blamed everyone else for their problems and they were mostly of the liberal mindset. I saw a similar pattern with you lydia. There is nothing wrong or arrogant with thinking of number one first. If you can't do that, then you cannot truly love others.
ReplyDeletehave had relatives the were alcoholics and they had the same attitude. they were angry most of the time, they blamed everyone else for their problems and they were mostly of the liberal mindset
ReplyDeleteLol, that is too funny Volt. We love the new handle.
How you turned that whole study done providing conservatives are of low intelligence, and pretending that alcoholism is a "liberal thingy".
You're such a funny guy.
A real clown in fact.
ReplyDeleteEspecially for someone shackled by their own innate lowbrow "mindset".
ReplyDeleteCourse, ...you'd have to be a lowbrow to think its the liberals who are angry when its the conservative Tea Baggers who are out waving signs and guns telling everyone how angry they are all the time.
ReplyDeleteAnd how the "liberals, gays, Jews and blacks" are the reason for their problems.
ReplyDelete....and the immigrants. Lets not forget all the immigrants.
ReplyDeleteYou guys really are angry about them, particularly the Mexicans.
So we see, its not a "liberal" thing, regardless of Wizard-Voltrons pouting whine that it is.
The "always angry" thing belongs to the lesser brained conservative, who struts around waving guns and signs condemning the evil "homos, liberals, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and Socialists".
Same groups the Nazis complained about.
Which is fitting, since they're as big of a bunch of liars as the Nazi's were too.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot read very well can you?
ReplyDeleteSure I can.
ReplyDeleteI have never had a problem with alcohol because I am loved by my family and I worked hard to get where I got.
So Lydia (and those of the "liberal mindset") don't work hard to get where they are?
I have been to some tea parties and I have never seen anger there, but concerned Americans that are worried about the future of our country. I have been with many conservatives and I will tell you that they are the nicest people that you ever want to meet. I have never seen a happy liberal unless it is at the expense of somebody's suffering. We believe in our constitution and will fight to preserve it at all costs. Tea parties are merely exercising their constitutional rights and are not angry but passionate. Liberals hate freedom or anything associated with it. that is why you see so many in rehab.
ReplyDeleteThe "always pissed" thing belongs to the lesser brained conservative, who struts around waving guns and signs condemning the evil "homosexuals, liberals, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and Socialists
ReplyDeleteI think people that are alcoholics have no self esteem or worth.
I see you left out the word "self" in front of worth.
So your sentence reads that alcoholics have no self esteem......and no worth.
ReplyDeleteI have been to some tea parties and I have never seen anger there,
Yea...all those guns, ....angry signs, ...showing Obama as Hitler......calling for ARMED OVERTHROW of the government.
What's angry about that?
. I have never seen a happy liberal unless it is at the expense of somebody's suffering.
ReplyDeletelol, so Lydia's only happy when she sees someone suffer?
Liberals, working in shelters, undeveloped countries, inner cities.....giving, ....helping the poor and needy.....
...are only happy when they see people suffer?
Lydia isn't much to the Hollywood scene, but most of the Hollywood scene is devoted to alcohol and drugs, which leads to their early death.
ReplyDeleteMore "anecdotal tales" from our butthlole boy himself, Herr Oberfuhrer Voltron, .....of the Goosestep Brigade.
ReplyDeleteLiberals hate freedom or anything associated with it.
ReplyDeleteSorry inbred.
We spotted you the minute you opened your mouth and the crap started falling out....
The right wing is now desperate.
ReplyDeleteWith their choices looking between the milktoast Romney, and the unelectable Rick Sanitarium, .....they're desperate to further their attacks on the "evil libs".
Because there's nothing positive they can think of, to say about their own pathetic candidates.
So like the Nazi's, they just repeat the same lies they were given by their masters, over and over and over.
ReplyDeleteLike Lemmings.
Liberals are only generous with other people's money never their own. I know liberals too well to be wrong on this. You are the stupid one and someday you will be paying a big price for that. Socialism fails no matter where it is tried and it will fail here too. Stupid boy.
ReplyDeleteMore "anecdotal tales" from our asshole boy himself, Herr Oberfartner Voltron, .....of the Bullstep Brigade.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ was a liberal and a socialist. He taught liberal values of peace, equality and brotherhood, and sharing our bounty in life with everyone, particularly the poor.
ReplyDeleteSo were the apostles of Christ, who with regards to earthly possessions had "all things in common". (See ACTS).
So we see that the Christian Conservative, actually hates Jesus Christ and his Gospel.
They want nothing to do with it.
They had cold, apathetic and ignorant Conservatives in Christ's day too.
They were called "Pharisees".
..and Christ told them where they could go.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding.
ReplyDeleteJesus wanted it to be from the heart not forced upon us. He would be appalled at what is going on now.
ReplyDeleteChrist would never damn anyone to hell, because all souls come from Gods eternal kingdom, and go back from which they came....capeesh.
ReplyDeleteNo one is forcing you to vote to share a portion of your taxes with the poor.
ReplyDeleteYou are free to choose.
ReplyDeleteFree to choose to vote to share a portion of your taxes with the poor.
ReplyDelete...and free to choose not to.
ReplyDeleteThe human brain is what sins.
ReplyDeleteThe soul can never sin
And you "Christian Conservatives" choose to not share a portion of your taxes with the poor.
ReplyDeleteAnd you work like the devil himself, ....to make sure no one else does either.
ReplyDeleteInstead you say "f#$k em....they're lazy.....tell em to get a job".......
ReplyDeleteHow man chooses to live his life is his OWN business
ReplyDeleteAnd if others don't like it they can kiss my ass.
ReplyDeleteWhich part of "you're FREE to CHOOSE", didn't your tiny, inbred brain comprehend?
ReplyDeleteWorf knows how to kiss ass.
ReplyDeleteI mean I realize you guys have low intelligence, ..but come on.
ReplyDeleteAs for kissing your ass, which one?
ReplyDeleteWe help the poor help themselves. that is the best way. November is coming up and we will see who will win on this.
ReplyDeleteThe one sitting on your shoulders, or the other one?
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Wizard said...
ReplyDeleteWe help the poor help themselves. that is the best way. November is coming up and we will see who will win on this
Ebeneezer Scrooge said the same thing.
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ReplyDeleteAnd again, I don't recall Jesus Christ telling someone asking for food to "get a job".
ReplyDeleteHelping the poor is a choice, and it's the best choice.
ReplyDeleteIt's also important to help the poor to become educated and employed....God helps those thst help themselves.
Like the Pharisees, you bathe yourselves in your evil, your lies and your apathetic heartless indifference towards your fellow man, ...all the while desperately trying to convince yourself that you are somehow virtuous in your wickedness.
ReplyDeleteHelping the poor is a choice, and it's the best choice.
Once more for the low brow ignorant conservative, who can't read.....
You have a choice, scumbag.
You can choose to share a portion of your taxes with the poor....
ReplyDelete...or you can choose to NOT share a portion of your taxes with the poor.
ReplyDeleteAnd you chose to NOT share with the poor.
ReplyDeleteGod gives us all free will and free choice to live the way we choose.
ReplyDeleteJesus loves us all to prosper to the best of our abilities.
....and try to convince yourself that its somehow a virtue.
ReplyDelete....which is easy, ....because you're stupid.
ReplyDelete....and will believe anything.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance is bliss.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why Conservatives always think they're happy.
Just as the Lord has choices, and sometimes the answer is no.
ReplyDeleteLiberals choose to share a portion of their tax dollars with the poor.
ReplyDeleteConservatives choose not to.
I do help the poor but it is by personal donations. Taxation is too high and needs to be reduced. All high taxes do is help the politicians and nobody else. Look at all the free vacations that this president takes on our dime. Now that is real greed. I pay for mine or any thing else I choose to do. The real greed is in DC
ReplyDeleteYup, we know.
ReplyDeleteYou say "NO" to the poor.
Unfortunately for you, ...Jesus commanded you to choose yes.
ReplyDeleteAll people are stupid
ReplyDeleteWhen you put man in charge of anything, expect major f---ups.
ReplyDeleteConservatives when cornered, will lie. Like this.
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Voltron said...
I do help the poor but it is by personal donations. Taxation is too high and needs to be reduced.
The truth of course is a TINY portion of our budget goes to helping the poor.
They are stupid for voting for a president that has a main goal to destroy this country.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSee, liberals aren't raising taxes on the working class.
ReplyDeleteThey simply want to raise the already LOW taxes, on the RICH.
That's the truth.
ReplyDeleteBut the lying, scumbag conservative troll Voltron, ...doesn't want to admit that.
But the conservative scum,....Pharisees and Scrooges that they are, ....don't want Exxon to have to pay any taxes.
ReplyDeleteThey'd rather the poor starve, then see Exxon actually pay a percent or two of their massive wealth, ...in taxes.
Raising taxes on the rich, will greatly help the poor.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama released his budget today calling on tax increases for the RICH.
ReplyDeleteAnd the conservative scumbags are out in force, balling their heads off over it.
So once again.
ReplyDelete1. Jesus commanded us to give to the poor, and to share our wealth with those in need.
2. Liberals choose to vote to share a portion of their tax dollars with the poor and those in need.
3. Conservatives choose to vote AGAINST sharing their tax dollars with the poor.
Tax the rich, such as the Catholic Church, that too will help the poor.
ReplyDeleteIts as easy as 1,2 3.
You are so worried that you might lose your freebies aren't you. We are going to show up in masses in November. Believe me on that one. If you ever had the brains to run a business then you can understand it otherwise you are an ignorant fool.
ReplyDeleteConservatives are cold, apathetic, greedy, and selfish.
ReplyDeleteThey don't care if people die if they don't have insurance.
They don't care if innocent men are executed on death row.
They don't care about those in prison.
They don't care about the unemployed.
All they care about, is their own greed and lust of blood, guns and power.
Which makes them...
ReplyDeleteObama MIGHT extend unemployment to the end of the year for those laid off a year ago
ReplyDeleteThen shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
ReplyDeleteFor I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
Then shall he answer them, saying, "I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the LEAST of these, ye did it not to me".
ReplyDeleteThey should have their backsides paddled for such chicanery.
ReplyDeleteAnd no Voltron....while I know in your slowly imploding peabrain, ..you have to try to convince yourself that anyone supporting the poor must also be poor themselves, ...but as I'm sure Larry can tell you, I earn more in a month, than you likely make in a year.
ReplyDeleteYou have a distorted view on Jesus or religion. Believe me on that, I do go to church with my wife and we understand what Jesus stood for. It was not socialism or any of this big government nonsense.
ReplyDeleteYou have a distorted view on Jesus or religion.
No "view" about it big mouth.
HIS words. Not mine.
Then shall he answer them, saying, "I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the LEAST of these, ye did it not to me". - Jesus Christ
ReplyDeleteWorf is the one that needs his backside paddled.
ReplyDeleteI do go to church with my wife and we understand what Jesus stood for. It was not socialism or any of this big government nonsense.
ReplyDeleteYou blasphemy his Gospel with every foul word out of your mouth, and you and your "wife" worship at the altar of "Anti-Christ".
I probably earn many more times than you do. If you want to pay more in taxes, write a check to the treasury dept. I choose to spend the money I earn for my family and personal donations. Which is none of your business.
ReplyDeleteWorf, don't get Volt pissed.
ReplyDeleteYou're a liar voltron. You were from the beginning, like your father the devil.
ReplyDeleteMost the people here including the indefatigbile Cornell, don't have a pot to squirt in.
ReplyDeleteSee how the lying scumbag conservative troll tries desperately to seed a straw argument?
ReplyDeleteI agree, after taxes we will not have a pot to piss in.
ReplyDeleteNo ones "raising taxes" on him, or me, to pay for the poor.
ReplyDeleteThat's his lie.
Seeded in greed, contempt and corruption.
ReplyDeleteIn fact this country spends about a 5 percent of our overall budget on actually helping "the poor".
ReplyDeleteSee the lie?
We spend 10 times that much on corporate tax breaks and defense spending.
But this mook, pretends that the few, paltry pennies we throw at the poor....is the reason for his plight.
We spend trillions on defense and corporate tax breaks for the rich, and he's fine with that.
ReplyDeleteDon't raise any taxes on them....no sir.
...but spend a few measly percent on the poor?
ReplyDeleteThen its "NO".
Because like evil, greedy and corrupt men since the dawn of time, they lie to themselves, and anyone dumb enough to buy their filth.
ReplyDeleteSo once again.
ReplyDelete1. Jesus commanded we share our wealth with the poor.
2. Liberals vote to do just that, and share a portion of our tax dollars with the poor.
3. Conservatives vote AGAINST sharing a portion of their tax dollars with the poor.
My tax rates will be raised because I fall in the upper tax bracket and I do pay my taxes. They have to have limit on this. They are too high and it does affect me from expanding my business. The middle will pay more too because they got rid of many tax credits and deductions. So even the middle class will be shell shocked.
ReplyDeleteLook, Voltron wants us to think that a guy who does a low skilled job for a trucking company makes over a QUARTER OF A MILLION dollars per year.
No one likes paying taxes.
ReplyDeleteBut only the conservative has the greed and corruption to blame high taxes on the poor.
Because he lives in lies.
ReplyDeleteHe is a lie.
His entire facade, is a lie.
Which is why he can lie so easily that its the programs for the poor raising taxes on the rich, when in fact what we spend on the poor isn't enough to even come into the picture.
ReplyDeleteSo once more.
ReplyDelete1. Jesus commanded us to share our wealth with the poor.
2. Liberals accept that and vote to share a portion of their tax dollars with the poor.
3. Conservatives don't want to share any of their tax dollars with the poor, and vote against it.
They are free to choose.
ReplyDeleteAnd they choose greed over their fellow man.
They are free to choose.
ReplyDeleteAnd they choose greed over their fellow man.
What I see here is total ignorance and no experience in the private sector. You are obvious a total ignoranus.
ReplyDeleteWhat you see here, is a glaring light being shined on your own, innate wickedness.
ReplyDeleteWhat you see here, is the mask being ripped off your facade, and your Anti-Christ doctrines being exposed in the light of truth.
ReplyDeleteYou are free to choose.
ReplyDeleteAnd you choose evil.
Screamin' Wizard said:
ReplyDelete“Liberals are only generous with other people's money never their own. I know liberals too well to be wrong on this. You are the stupid one and someday you will be paying a big price for that. Socialism fails no matter where it is tried and it will fail here too.”
I certainly share your concern for your hard earned money. I myself dislike giving to those who prosper from the back-breaking efforts of the industrious and laugh about it all the way to the beer store.
Nevertheless, we must give to those less fortunate and have good social programs as it is this humane quality that keeps us from evolving into indifferent barbarians.
What's more perplexing?
ReplyDeleteThe idea that Johnny thinks no one realizes he's nothing more than sockpuppet handle to support his own neoconservative bullshit that he just got done spewing under another handle, ....or that he thinks anyone cares?
Screaming Wizard, Clippy, Voltron, Johnny Moo Moo.
ReplyDeleteaka "Unitroll".
And like his sock puppet counterpart, ...he simply continues pushing the right wing neoconservative lie, that "lazy poor" are taking his "hard earned dollars".
ReplyDeleteNot only is that a complete lie, as charity makes up such a small portion of our overall budget as to add up to a few pennies per person, but we all know Moo Moos never had a "hard earned" dollar in his life.
But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
ReplyDeleteMy little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth
1 John 3:17-18
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
ReplyDeleteThat they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute...
1 Tim. 6:17-18
He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 28:27
For pure and holy ministry before God The Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their affliction;
ReplyDeleteJames 1:27
He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 22:9
Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, ... he also shall cry himself, .. but shall not be heard.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 21:14
I wonder if Jesus would support a million and a half abortions every year.
ReplyDeleteWell, since neither I nor anyone I know supports "a million and a half abortions per year", the questions moot.
ReplyDeleteJust like your education.
Like the worm-weasel he is, the right wing troll can't deal with the discussion he started, so when he gets his clock cleaned but good.....he tries changing the subject.
ReplyDeleteYeah right, you are the sucker not me. I think for myself unlike you who can only believe in what someone else tells you. Oh by the way I do have a college degree because of my work I do.
ReplyDeleteDiscussion is on charity and taxes, and he goes a few rounds, ...gets his teeth rattled.....and when he can't refute the fact that Christ condemned the apathy and greed he displays here towards the poor, ...he simply tries changing the subject.
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteYeah right, you are the sucker not me. I think for myself unlike you who can only believe in what someone else tells you.
lol, well since I don't belong to a political party, ...and you do....and I don't preach a political parties dogma, but you do.....how exactly does that work again?
I didn't change the subject, you were talking about Jesus I just threw that in because you are the moral authority. Are you not? Asshole.
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a minute to unravel your brain.
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Wizard said...
ReplyDeleteI didn't change the subject, you were talking about Jesus
So you're so inbred stupid.....that you don't remember what you were talking about?
Maybe you're not Voltron. Even he was smarter than this.
You don't have a brain to unravel so what is your point?
ReplyDeleteHere big mouth, let me refresh your memory.
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Wizard said...
Liberals are only generous with other people's money never their own.
Now...drug induced brainfog starting to lift troll?
ReplyDeleteBrainfart starting to pass?
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Wizard said...
ReplyDeleteWe help the poor help themselves. that is the best way. November is coming up and we will see who will win on this.
See dumbass?
ReplyDeleteThe discussion wasn't about Jesus.
It was about charity, the poor and taxes.
See what drugs do to your brain?
We were talking, about what a tight ass, inbred greedy bunch of apathetic self righteous pricks....you "Conservative Christians" are.
ReplyDeleteYou are the one that is drug induced because think of that statement. Who was I referring to? Liberal politicians. Nobody else can spend taxpayer money other then them and it it spent on empowering themselves not on raising the poor. If their policies work, then why are there still poor people? Use your tiny little brain you worthless piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteWith your douchebag pious hypocrite leaders like Michelle Bachmann, Rick Sanitarium, Rick Perry or the Newtster....who get up, run their mouths about what "great Christians" you scumbags are, right before telling the poor to "get a job".
ReplyDeleteIf their policies work, then why are there still poor people?
ReplyDeleteuhhh, no one said giving a poor person assistance would make them rich, troll.
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Wizard said...
You are the one that is drug induced because think of that statement. Who was I referring to? Liberal politicians.
....a....a minute ago you said we were talking about Jesus;
Screamin' Wizard said...
I didn't change the subject, you were talking about Jesus I
So clearly the drug induced moron, would be you.
ReplyDeleteBecause you can't keep track of what we're talking about from one minute to the next.
And no scumbag.
ReplyDeleteJesus never told the poor to "get a job".
That's what you inbred, Tea Bagging filth say.
ReplyDeleteWords that will lead your clan of Klansman...carefully down to hell.
...as if just being the angry, trailer trash homeschooled twits that you are...isn't hell in and of itself.
ReplyDeleteWe help them get a job but you need money to pay them which is impossible when it is taxed out of your hands. Getting people off the government dole is always better than having them dependent on some government entitlement. What this moron in the white is propose can't even be done even if you were to confiscate every penny from every American. Funny about how this subject got change to poor people when it was about addiction to begin with. Who changed that subject?
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Wizard said...
ReplyDeleteWe help them get a job but you need money to pay them which is impossible when it is taxed out of your hands.
Who is "we"?
What you mean businesses? You're saying that if we cut taxes on business, you'll help the poor get a job?
Lets see, Exxon pays currently, .....ZERO...taxes.
...how low does it need to go before they hire all the poor?
If you are going to talk about clansmen then you better mention the party that was responsible. The democrat party. don't believe me? Do your own research and you will find the truth.
ReplyDeleteAnd since most small businesses pay lower taxes than the average working man, .....gee....how low does it have to go before you business owning heroes hire the poor?
ReplyDeleteAnd no douchebag, the subject ain't the Klansman, and you wont' worm out of it that easy.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit what happened before you and I were born?
The Klansman today is made up of nothing but CONSERVATIVES. Won't find a liberal, in the crowd.
Exxon gave a sizable contribution to the Democrat party along with GE. I guess they can buy the democrats. They should pay what they owe like I do. They bought their way out of it.
ReplyDeleteTaxes for businesses are lower than they've ever been.
ReplyDeleteYet there's no way you can hire all the poor.
Besides.What the old widows supposed to work? The children? The single mother? The injured and sick?
Christ's charity was not factored on ones status, or whether or not they "deserved" help.
He gave freely, and commanded you do likewise.
So until the "CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVES", ...the "CHRISTIAN RIGHT", ...starts acting like it, and starts honoring HIS teachings, and HIS commandments, then people like me will always be here to call out your hypocrisy, and shove it right down your big, fat mouths.
ReplyDeleteScreamin' Moron said...
ReplyDeleteExxon gave a sizable contribution to the Democrat party along with GE. I guess they can buy the democrats
1. I ain't a democrat asshole.
2. Their donations to republicans outweigh their donations to democrats 3 to 1.
3. Who said anything about donations to political parties. We're talking about businesses and the wealthy paying their fair share of taxes, not who's campaign they contribute to.
Liberals are racist, not us. Another lie. That is why you see far more liberals in rehab than conservatives to straighten out there pathetic lives.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I'm not sure where you buy your crack from, ..but....better try a new vendor.
ReplyDeleteI' think the stuff you're smokin now is rotting what's left of your tiny, underdeveloped brain.
Screamin' Wizard said...
ReplyDeleteLiberals are racist, not us. Another lie.
The lie is you, and all you stand for.
And again, we haven't finished discussing taxes used for the poor yet, so no matter how much you try to tap dance around it and change the subject, I'll be here to shove it right back down your big, fat mouth.
Of course since you lost that debate, and aren't man enough to admit it, I'm sure you want to try to change the subject to anything you can think of.
ReplyDeleteWhich is why now you've tried three times to change it.
Because you got your ass whooped.
ReplyDeleteWent away smashing your keyboard and cussing....and now you're back for some more.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll be glad to give you some.
ReplyDeleteI am never going to be silenced so and you go ahead and do what you do and I going to spend the day with my wife. I am done here for now but will be back in a few days. I don't really care who you are or what you think or if you even think.
ReplyDeleteBecause you people worship evil, and try selling it under the banner of Christianity.
ReplyDeleteWhich makes you far worse than anything the liberals put out there.
ReplyDeleteAt least they don't pretend to be pious leaders of the world.
They admit what they are. Fornicators, adulterers, drunkards and socialites.
All of which Christ had no problem forgiving, or even dining with.
Because these personal transgressions, are no where near as severe as the PIOUS HYPOCRISY of the HYPOCRITES who stand up and declare themselves the "MORAL MAJORITY", ...the "CHRISTIANS PARTY".....and who then proceed to defile and blasphemy everything Christ taught and commanded.
That makes them "Anti-Christ", of whom he said there was none worse.
ReplyDeleteMeet the Worfeus said...
ReplyDeleteSo once again.
1. Jesus commanded we share our wealth with the poor.
2. Liberals vote to do just that, and share a portion of our tax dollars with the poor.
Meet the Worfeus said...
So when your nuh uhs fall flat, you turn to the tired argument that the money should be given to the poor.
Which is such an inane and lame argument that one can only respond that when you start giving every cent you now waste on toy models and booze, (and most likely cigarettes)to the poor, then come tell us what everyone else should do with their money.
Thou hypocrite.
Have a helping of Crow Worfy...
I really didn't think the opportunity would come so quickly.
Christ preached peace.
ReplyDeleteThe Conservative Christians preach war.
Christ preached charity for the poor.
The Christian Conservatives preach greed, and apathy to the poor.
And as for eating crow "Screaming Voltron", you've just outed yourself as Screaming Wizard.
ReplyDeleteSo enjoy that plate big mouth.
And as for the crow, ....I told Johnny that with regards to telling people they couldn't do a study but instead should spend the money for the study on the poor.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't say ANYTHING about our collective taxes for the poor.
So crow....nicely shoved back down your big, fat....sock-puppet mouth.
....but don't choke on it.
ReplyDeleteThe Tea bagging filth, preach hate for our enemies.
ReplyDeleteChrist taught love for them.
The Tea bagging filth preach apathy towards the poor.
Christ taught charity for them.
The Tea bagging filth, preach war.
Christ taught peace.
...add it all up....
ReplyDelete...and it equals....
ReplyDeleteClaiming to be of Christ, but teaching the opposite of his doctrine.
ReplyDeleteYe hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
ReplyDeleteThis people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Jesus Christ (Matthew Chapter 15)
That's the republican party.
ReplyDeleteHonoring Christ with their lips...
...but their hearts are far,....far from him.
ReplyDeleteThus they worship him, in vain.
ReplyDelete...teaching for his doctrines.....the commandments of men.
ReplyDeleteCold apathy.....war......and greed.....
ReplyDelete...these are their gods.