There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ Shakespeare
Keep your thoughts on the beautiful, the good and the true ~ and you will bring these into your life in exact proportion to your thoughts. ~ My paraphrase of Mary Baker Eddy
More Quotes for the day:
Every person has a spark of divinity built into their very molecules which is compelled to make a major contribution. Like a blueprint you were born with, this unique gift works through you and is committed to lifting the suffering of others through the expression of a specific virtue. When you are living in alignment with your blueprint, invisible hands seem to assist your every effort.
- from the Amazing Darren Gibson's website.
If news is not really news unless it is bad news, it may be difficult to claim we are an informed nation. - Norman Cousins, editor of Saturday Review
"Give up the need to be more, better or different. Give up wanting to be like or liked by someone else."