Exxon Oil just posted a $10.36 Billion profit. Now that is what the Iraq war is all about. Trading lives for oil. Posted by: Larry
Soldiers in Iraq were asked by Washington Post reporter Josh Partlow about their feelings on the war. Such answers like "It Sucks, it feels like we are just driving around, waiting to get blown up." Another said " noone wants to be here, and no one is truly enthused about what we do." True words from the mouths of those who are there. This is from a soldiers own mouth.
President Clinton, the Rhodes scholar with brilliant diplomatic skills is right: ISRAEL HAS GONE TOO FAR. He also said Israel went too far in bombing the airport in Beirut. "I understand why (Israel) wanted to degrade their military capacity, but I question whether it was worth it to wreck the airport because the airport was the symbol of the new Lebanon."
Clinton said the United States and other western countries should be pushing hard for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, along with the insertion of an international peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, former U.S. president Bill Clinton said Wednesday.
NATO is probably the only international group with the military muscle capable of fielding a peacekeeping force, said Clinton.
"If we're ever going to have a peaceful Middle East, then the peacemakers will have to be protected in a way that won't get them blamed every time they fight back," he said.
"The Force of Peace" is a multi-part series I'm writing. The first part here will be revelatory findings from the military. The second installment, will offer viable solutions for peace from a moral and spiritual point of view. I am working on that section this weekend.
From CLIF, U.S. Combat Vet, Desert Storm Commander: "This is how the fiasco in Iraq became as bad as it is right now. Sorry but we tried to tell you and now the military records say the same basic story we have...but since it is from military sources they must have more legitimacy than Coultergeist's anal brain extrusions. This story is written from the militaries own records...just like the Pentagon Papers was during the Vietnam War, but you repugs will attack the messenger instead of reading the message and trying to actually LEARN from it..."
I Hate To Say I Told You So by Ethan Heitner July 24, 2006
Those of us who were labeled America-haters for saying that Iraq was a mess and that our military presence was making things worse are actually being proven right – by the military’s own documentation.
Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq, written by Washington Post senior Pentagon correspondent Thomas Ricks and set to be published this summer, is not to be dismissed as the opinions of shifty Iraqis or pointy-headed academics. Instead, for his material Ricks went straight to the good old, blood-and-guts sources, the Armed Services archives themselves – or, as The Washington Post puts it in its excerpts from the book, which started running in the paper Sunday, "a review of more than 30,000 pages of military documents and several hundred interviews with U.S. military personnel."
And what do they tell us ? ...There is ... strong evidence, based on a review of thousands of military documents and hundreds of interviews with military personnel, that the U.S. approach to pacifying Iraq in the months after the collapse of Hussein helped spur the insurgency and made it bigger and stronger than it might have been. ...
What did the army do wrong? Massive troop presence that only served to remind the Iraqis of the constant presence of foreign occupiers. Indiscriminate sweeps that caught up thousands of ordinary Iraqi citizens in the maws of a gulag system without accountability or order, where they were exposed to abuse at every level by U.S. soldiers and enticed by actual members of the insurgency to find vent for their understandable rage. Or, as Ricks has it (again, based on the military's own evaluations):
Senior U.S. intelligence officers in Iraq later estimated that about 85 percent of the tens of thousands rounded up were of no intelligence value. But as they were delivered to Abu Ghraib prison, they overwhelmed the system and often waited for weeks to be interrogated, during which time they could be recruited by hard-core insurgents, who weren't isolated from the general prison population.
Or, in Ricks' portrait of one particularly bad unit, the 4th Infantry Division :
The unit, a heavy armored division despite its name, was known for "grabbing whole villages, because combat soldiers [were] unable to figure out who was of value and who was not," according to a subsequent investigation of the 4th Infantry Division's detainee operations by the Army inspector general's office. Its indiscriminate detention of Iraqis filled Abu Ghraib prison, swamped the U.S. interrogation system and overwhelmed the U.S. soldiers guarding the prison.
Lt. Col. David Poirier, who commanded a military police battalion attached to the 4th Infantry Division and was based in Tikrit from June 2003 to March 2004, said the division's approach was indiscriminate. ... "Every male from 16 to 60" that the 4th Infantry could catch was detained, he said. "And when they got out, they were supporters of the insurgency."
This is the draft of history written by the military, for the military:
In language unusual for an officially produced document, the history of the operation produced by the Marines 1st Division is disapproving, even contemptuous, of what it calls the 4th Infantry Division's "very aggressive" posture as the unit came into Iraq.
The history dryly noted that the Marines, "despite some misgivings," turned over the area to the 4th Infantry Division and departed April 21. "Stores that had re-opened quickly closed back up as the people once again evacuated the streets, adjusting to the new security tactics," the final draft of the history reported. "A budding cooperative environment between the citizens and American forces was quickly snuffed out. The new adversarial relationship would become a major source of trouble in the coming months."
Is it any surprise that the result is exactly what we said it would be?
Cumulatively, the American ignorance of long-held precepts of counterinsurgency warfare impeded the U.S. military during 2003 and part of 2004. Combined with a personnel policy that pulled out all the seasoned forces early in 2004 and replaced them with green troops, it isn't surprising that the U.S. effort often resembled that of Sisyphus, the king in Greek legend who was condemned to perpetually roll a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll back down as he neared the top.
Again and again, in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, U.S. forces launched major new operations to assert and reassert control in Fallujah, in Ramadi, in Samarra, in Mosul.
Read the whole thing to get details of how the U.S. military hierarchy ignored common sense, their own experience in Vietnam and all standards of decency to make everything worse.
While I'm on the "things we knew already but it's nice to hear them say," for a long time it's been obvious that military abuses of civillians in Iraq were neither confined to "a few bad apples" at Abu Ghraib prison, nor did they end with the imprisonment of those few. Systematic lack of leadership regarding detainee abuse is another area documented extensively by Ricks:
On the morning of Aug. 14, 2003 Capt. William Ponce, an officer in the "Human Intelligence Effects Coordination Cell" at the top U.S. military headquarters in Iraq, sent a memo to subordinate commands asking what interrogation techniques they would like to use ...
The 4th Infantry Division's intelligence operation responded three days later with suggestions that captives be hit with closed fists and also subjected to "low-voltage electrocution." (This was in addition to facial slaps and mid-section punches.)
Ricks chillingly details more specific incidents of abuse from the military records. Surprise surprise, they closely parallel the allegations made in a new report by Human Rights Watch. From their summary :
“Soldiers were told that the Geneva Conventions did not apply, and that interrogators could use abusive techniques to get detainees to talk,” said John Sifton, the author of the report and the senior researcher on terrorism and counterterrorism at Human Rights Watch. “These accounts rebut U.S. government claims that torture and abuse in Iraq was unauthorized and exceptional – on the contrary, it was condoned and commonly used.”
The accounts reveal that detainee abuse was an established and apparently authorized part of the detention and interrogation processes in Iraq for much of 2003-2005. They also suggest that soldiers who sought to report abuse were rebuffed or ignored. ...
Herrington concluded, “It seems clear that TF 121 needs to be reined in with respect to its treatment of detainees.” Despite this warning, abuses by the task force continued.
Human Rights Watch said that the new report shows how soldiers who felt abusive practices were wrong or illegal faced significant obstacles at every turn when they attempted to report or expose the abuses. For example, an MP guard at the facility near al-Qaim, who complained to an officer about beatings and other abuse he witnessed, was told, “You need to go ahead and drop this, sergeant.”
Look, all I'm saying is, the facts are actually not hard to obtain.The information is out there. The documentation exists. These are not baseless allegations—they are the eyewitness testimonies of those involved.
Someday there will have to be justice.
Just don't say you didn't know, and don't let anyone currently sitting in a position of power in Washington D.C. claim it either.
George Santayana, a notable philosopher, coined the phrase, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
ReplyDeleteAnd the repugs prove that quote DAILY
clif said...
ReplyDeleteDusty simpleton said;
Yesterday he called the P.M. of Iraq an anti-semite.
is this the same prime minister who was in Damascus who directally aided Hezbollah during their formative years and still supports them?
9:43 AM
clif said...
BTw Tiny inTellect Man has been on softball before and tweety falls all over it, must be lust...eh?
9:44 AM
clif said...
Dusty this Prime Minister of Iraq?
The US Congress, aside from a strange inability to recognize the disproportionate use of force when it sees it, does not seem to realize that the Dawa Party of Iraq, from which Nuri al-Maliki hails, is a revolutionary Shiite religious party not that much different from the Lebanese Hizbullah.
The members of Congress also don't seem to realize that the Iraqi Dawa helped to form the Lebanese Hizbullah back in the early 1980s. The Dawa was in exile in Tehran, Damascus and Beirut and it formed a shadowy terror wing called, generically, Islamic Jihad. The IJ cell of the Dawa attacked the US and French embassies in Kuwait in 1983, in an operation probably directed by the Tehran branch, which was close to Khomeini.
My understanding is that Nuri al-Maliki was the bureau chief of the Dawa cell in Damascus in the 1980s. He must have been closely involved with the Iraqi Dawa in Beirut, which in turn was intimately involved in Hizbullah. I am not saying he himself did anything wrong. I don't know what he was doing in specific, other than trying to overthrow Saddam, which was heroic. But, did they really think he was going to condemn Hizbullah and take Israel's side?
9:48 AM
clif said...
Is that the prime minister you speak of?
9:49 AM
Drum away son....
But with the normal Orwellian speak the repugs use...claiming you "won" the debate actually means you have to remove your ass from your head to put ypur tin foil hat back on again
ReplyDeleteOr is that remove your head from your ass?
ReplyDeletedo enlighten me about if the Prime Minister of Iraq who aided the creation of Hezbollah is the same one who you speak of...or is the PNAC cabasl going to remove him because they did not check him out any better than they did Bernard Keric when they put him up for Secretary of Homeland Insecurity
ReplyDeleteNo son I know Cole can't prove it but he WAS there when they created hezbollah and he is a radical Shite by the party he belongs to and they are for hezbollah and Against Israel which means Dean was basically right
ReplyDeleteDusty said;
ReplyDeleteWatch it pastie boy or I'll ban you.
Go ahead , if you can.....son
Dusty simpleton said;
ReplyDeleteShould'nt you be over at the echo chamber.
what echo chamber freeper ville where they ban you the first post which calls them on their delusional thinking..
Or coulterguist's "blog" where your comments must meet approval and if you do not post enough they kick you off..
those echo chambers
Dusty simpleton said;
ReplyDeleteClif,I doubt if you could find the cheeks of your ass using both hands.You're a real tribute to the military.
at least I served and have 2 honorable discharges...how many do you have?
Actually Dusty ban me for about 4 hours since I do have some things to do...but when I log back on immediately lift the ban so you won't be disappointed when your ban no longer works.......
ReplyDeleteProly to you as a good repug
ReplyDeleteAn honorable discharge from the military is about the same as your anal discharge to a CHICKEN HAWK
You proly look at an Honorable discharge from military service the same way georgie does the constitution, just
ReplyDelete"a goddamned piece of paper"
Dusty the stupid simpleton doers not reconise that quoting somebody correctally means postingh exactally the words they used....
ReplyDeleteAnd those are George Bush's words,
Could it be because the repugs misquote so many people so much of the time hhe can't reconise correctally quoting somebody when he actually sees it?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe he does not actually know that the pResident called the constitution a "goddamned piece of paper"
ReplyDeleteactually I doubt that since we have quoted that before and he had to read it...he just wants to deflect from the actual quote by the pResident
For dusty since he doesn't understand where the quote came from
ReplyDeleteLast month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.
Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.
GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the s**t that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”
Later dusty but please do tell the repoug leadership to try and find better tolet paper than the constitution and honorable discharges
ReplyDeleteSpelling was never my strength...but my bad spelling does not CHANGE the facts.... son
ReplyDeleteHowever hang on to what ever you can since your not actually debating the facts.
ReplyDeleteThat will allow you to "claim" victory again with out actually debating anything ....... son
But then why deride me for correctally quoting the pResident...
ReplyDeleteand it does actually compare with your slander of an Honorable Discharge,
a document EVERY soldier who serves honorably recieves at the end of their service...
slander the discharge slander the service...of all who served
but I would not expect a chicken hawk to actually know or understand that
No dippy but dusty did...
ReplyDeleteRusty Shackelford said...
Well woop de do! Two discharges you say.What a coincidence,I discharged this morning.Is that the same thing?
10:13 AM
He didn't go far back enough to remove that comment like he did his other ones
ReplyDeletedusty said then erased;
ReplyDeleteRusty Shackelford said...
Hey pastie boy,you gotta be smarting real bad from that bitch slapping I gave you last night.I went back to review the post and have reached the conclusion that you're a dope.Its easy to see why the army got rid of you.I'd guess the day they drummed you out a couple officers had a drink or two to celebrate getting rid of a pain in the ass.Kind of like getting a boil lanced.
9:43 AM
too bad so sad I have the ability to recall deleted comments eh son?
That better explains my replies doesn't it dippy?
ReplyDeleteToo bad dusty is not quick enough
clif said...
If you think you even came CLOSE to bitch slapping me you are MORE of a delusional chicken hawk, than I though you were
9:56 AM
clif said...
But with the normal Orwellian speak the repugs use...claiming you "won" the debate actually means you have to remove your ass from your head to put ypur tin foil hat back on again
9:58 AM
clif said...
Or is that remove your head from your ass?
9:58 AM
Is it just me or is Maliki the new republican-owned Saddam Hussein? Yeah, the republicans are oozing all over this guy and saying such nice things about him, shaking his hand, allowing him to speak at our joint session of Congress which is a huge honor, but can't you see years from now the same guys who love him now hating him then only to illegally invade and occupy his nation? I do!
ReplyDeleteThe republicans love the dictators or those that are not for peace. The End.
Things would have been different in Iraq if Atty. General Alberto Gonzales had taken the time to explain what the definition of torture was to alert the Generals so they could pass it on! But no, he chose to not define it except to say that as long as it doesn't cause organ failure he's all for it! Yup, breaking bones, smashing heads, holding people under water until they're on the brink of death, using dogs to attack them, strapping them to the ceiling to be beaten, starving them, and shoving toilet plungers up their asses is okay according to Bushitler's Heinrich Himmler! Anything goes! Oh what fun they're having and they can thank the very moral Bush White House for that. Yup, according to Bush's Bible, it's okay to torture, kill, and do it all after illegally invading and occupying a sovereign nation!
ReplyDeleteNow, these same Christians are sending in drobes high-tech precision guided missiles filled with white phosophorus to not only kill innocent Lebanese, but to set them on fire...a fire that you cannot see and a fire that doesn't burn clothes....just burns the skin to the bone!
What a bunch of fascist Pigs we have running our country right now. Shameful.
Exactly James and this is why the Bush Admin is coiling around Maliki right now. They're using him because he despises Israel and this is the same type of behavior the repubs were using with Saddam Hussein back in the 1980's!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right when you say that these guys in the WH want the Holy War as much as the Muslims do in the Middle East! It's so hard to tell who are the real terrorists nowadays, isn't it? I think so!
BTW Dusty McSimpleton you can unban me now.......
ReplyDeleteAwwwwww yes, the moral republicans. They walk around like their s**t don't stink and point fingers to accuse others of being immoral, but yet, republican Senator Norm Coleman's 81 year old father was just caught having sex in public with a 38 year old woman! Wow! Is she a prostitute? Well, of course she is or she's one of those floozies that hang around republicans hoping to get rich! It's hard to tell. Here's the story (and it's true neocons because Norm Coleman made a public statement about it!):
GOP Senator Norm Coleman's father in public sex bust
ReplyDeleteRAW STORY
Published: Thursday July 27, 2006
A report in this morning's Roll Call shows that Norm Coleman, Sr., the father of Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman, was arrested after he was caught having sex in public in St. Paul, Minnesota, RAW STORY has learned.
Coleman's father was arrested for lewd and disorderly conduct after he was found having sex outside a pizzeria with 38-year old Patrizia Marie Schrag. Norm Coleman, Sr., is 81-years old.
Senator Coleman released a statement declaring “I love my father dearly. I do not condone his actions or behavior, and I am deeply disturbed by what I have learned. He clearly has some issues that need to be dealt with, and I will encourage him to seek the necessary help.”
Coleman, Sr., was a constant presence during his son's 2002 Senate campaign, in which he ran neck and neck with Democrat Paul Wellstone until the incumbent died in a plane crash. A November 3, 2002 article in Minnesota's Star Tribune reported "Coleman's father, Norman Sr., travels with his son these days, campaigning. The mayor holds him up as a hero, a veteran of the Normandy invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. "He's the smartest man I know," Coleman said."
An excerpt from the subscribers' only article is included below.
On Tuesday, the 81-year-old father of Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) was cited for lewd and disorderly conduct after police arrested him allegedly having sex with a 38-year-old woman in a car outside a pizza joint.
Police picked up Norman Bertram Coleman Sr. and the woman, Patrizia Marie Schrag, Tuesday evening in
downtown St. Paul outside the Savoy Inn pizzeria, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. (Did Mr. Coleman think the Savoy Inn was a motel, then couldn’t control himself once he got there?)
Kay I would say Colman's father should be ashamed...but repugs NEVER are.
ReplyDeleteHi Clif, sorry to take so long to respond to your post!
ReplyDeleteI thought what Norm Coleman said about his father showed great courage because I think anyone would be embarrassed if their father was caught doing something like that.
What urks me to no end is the hypocracy that comes out of the republican party constantly. They point their fingers at everyone and then act superior only to find out that they are no different than anyone else! If they could just accept others as they would want themselves to be accepted, I think our nation would be that much more peaceful.
Hey where did everyone go?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they're all scared cuz Lydia shouted at them.
At least FF and TT and Volt can carry on intelligent conversation.
Nice new photo Kay.
ReplyDeleteKay no problem I was reading a few articles and working on this;
ReplyDeleteThere is a very good story at;
about the Bush's administration's moves that led to the war in Iraq and how it spun out of control...
one main point is they had NO strategy to fight the real terrorists instead of Labeling everybody the disagreed with and wanted to attack terrorists...
this led to lumping the Iraqi people in the same class as Al Qaeda which they clearly were NOT in the spring of 2003..
They did not have camps to train people to fly planes into buildings...
The ignorance with which Bush and Cheney lumped the Al Qaeda and Iraqi people together led to a disastrous set of tactical operations that treated every person as a terrorist and locking up many people who not guilty of anything but being where they decided to raid even if the intel was non existent.. or as a soldier says;
""But once they began breaking into Iraqi homes, cool and competent GIs turned into Keystone Kops, pressed into a counterinsurgency role they'd never been taught. So the soldiers improvised, often amateurishly, apparently—according to Ricks—directed by Odierno to kick down doors. The American soldiers themselves were aware of how inane many of their night raids were. Back in January 2004, the unit I was with jokingly called their raids "Jerry Springers." Why? Because the intelligence was often based on unreliable sources who had agendas of their own. "Lots of times it turns out to be some guy who wants us to arrest another guy who's interested in the same girl," one soldier told me.""
which leads the prisoners being very bitter of the imprisonment and humiliation let alone the torture they endured...so that if they were not mad at the American military before ...they sure were after...and the insurgency grew off that anger....just as an infection grows in a wound that is not properly treated..
and surgery with a chain saw is a very bad surgical procedure for a small wound.....
which was compounded by the Bush approach;
""The Bush administration has fought the "war on terror" as a series of Jerry Springers, one lunatic leap of logic after another based on unreliable sources, linking up enemies that had little to do with each other. The White House's failure to understand counterinsurgency in Iraq is, writ large, its failure to understand the radical Muslim enemy as a whole. The president has used Al Qaeda to gin up the threat from Iraq, just as he is now conflating Hizbullah and Hamas with Al Qaeda as "terrorists" of the same ilk. Actually these groups had little connection to one another—or at least they didn't until America decided to make itself their common enemy. Al Qaeda was always, in truth, the only "terrorist group of global reach" in the world—which is how Bush accurately defined things back in that long-ago fall of 2001. Both Hizbullah and Hamas had publicly disavowed any interest in backing Osama bin Laden's goals. Al Qaeda was Sunni, Hizbullah is Shiite. Even within the Muslim world these groups had scant support, although Hamas and Hizbullah had a lot more than Al Qaeda did because they were providing social services in Lebanon and Gaza.""
And this was compounded by Bush:
""But inexorably, month by month, the Bush administration broadened the war on terror to include ever more peoples and countries, especially Saddam's Iraq, relying on thinner and thinner evidence to do so. And what began as a hunt for a relatively contained group of self-declared murderers like bin Laden became a feckless dragnet of tens of thousands of hapless Arab victims like the sons of the hostel owner in Samarra, the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or terror, just as Saddam had little to do with Al Qaeda, just as the Iraqi insurgency had little to do with Al Qaeda (at least at the start), just as Hizbullah has nothing to do with Al Qaeda. And as the war broadened beyond reason, and the world questioned the legitimacy of the enterprise, our friends dropped away. Worse, we have found ourselves making enemies in the Islamic world faster than we could round them up or kill them.""
As the war dragged on the excuses for starting the war in Iraq became more implausible..while the battles in Afghanistan were basically not news...
this spring the war in Iraq has spiraled into a CIVIL WAR and the Taliban re-emerged to fight for control of Afghanistan,..thus:
""Today, more from the muddled strategic thinking of the Bush administration than the actual threat from Al Qaeda, the "war on terror" has become an Orwellian nightmare: an ill-defined war without prospect of end. We are now nearly five years into a war against a group that was said to contain no more then 500 to 1,000 terrorists at the start (in case anyone's counting, 1,776 days have now passed since 9/11; that is more than a full year longer than the time between Pearl Harbor and the surrender of Japan, which was 1,347 days). The war just grows and grows. And now Lebanon, too, is part of it.""
The trolls will not be happy with it's length or the fact that I used source material to back up my statements..but most of all they will be angry with the TRUTH it tells about how they have dishonestly mixed local insurgency with the Al Qaeda terrorists until they got a civil war in Iraq...and have NO clue what to do about it...except for changing the subject or checking spelling...or calling for MORE war....
They even make Kissinger blush with their incessant call for MORE WAR
ReplyDeleteAll of your slanderous accusations are 100%, completely false.
PROOF, Ms.Cornell, PROOF!!!
If you can prove I am not a single father of a daughter, then I will pay you ten thousand dollars.
However, when easily proven, that I am in fact, a cool, single father who has sole custody of the exact girl in the pics I sent you, then you agree to pay me ten thousand dollars.
I consider this post 100% legally binding. You already have my real name, phone number, and e-mail address.
Your slanderous comments indicate fact...not suggested. Therefore, put your money where your mouth is and prove to your followers just how sure you are of your undeniable proof.
I,ll be expecting a call from your lawyer, whereupon I will redirect him to mine.
Unless, of course, your a slanderous liar???
Also, Ms. Cornell, hackers dont give out all their personal information.
Take care
Thursday, July 27th, 2006
ReplyDelete(BREAKING) Iraqi WMD, Possible Transfer To Syria
Senator Rick Santorum on Sean Hannity today (5:00 PM EST) has announced a document ( ISGQ-2005-00022470 Title: “Information from a source about the transfer of weapons of mass destruction to Syria prior to the attack of the Coalition Forces on Iraq”) has been released by the “US Army Foreign Military Studies Office” that convoys consisting of 50 trucks carried an unknown cargo to Syria from Baghdad before the American invasion. The trucks were accompanied by Iraqi Intelligence. Upon arrivial at the Syria border, Syrian Inteligence took the trucks and emptied the cargo.
Dear Respected Sir
Warm salute… and then
To review with regards and please and return the document to Mrs. Mona after the translation with thanks.
Abu Abdallah
To the Respected Responsible for the bureau of follow up and coordination.
Subject: We have information about the location of the Weapons of Mass Destruction
In the day of 10 Mouharam before the coalition forces started the war on Iraq, 50 trucks for land transportation entered Syria on an intermittent convoy. I met some of the drivers and they did not know what they carried in these trucks. These trucks were loaded from an unknown location in Baghdad and was brought to the drivers and the Iraqi Intelligence was with them. Each time they crossed a certain distance, the Iraqi Intelligence stopped them and asked them what are they carrying and their answer was we do not know. And when these trucks arrived to Syria in the area of Deir Al Zour the drivers were taken out of their trucks and the Syrian Intelligence ride instead. These trucks were entered into large warehouses and when these trucks were emptied it was given back to the Iraqi drivers. And they were given a reward worth of 200 dollars for the safety of arrival. One of the drivers mentioned to me that this was second time they carry these secrets loads and the first time was 1 Mouharam.
I have a friend in Syria who works in a Syrian company as partner with a Syrian merchant. This person is an Iraqi ex-Consul in the Iraqi embassies and he resigned from the diplomatic circle and he has strong connection with the Iraqi Embassy in Syria and he knows all the Iraqi Intelligence and those knows that I work for the Iraqi opposition in Syria. I was visiting him daily during this period to find out the important news. When the trucks entered Syria I went to him and told him that Iraqi Weapons entered Syria so he said to me who told you that and I said to him I knew from my sources, and he told me to keep this confidential and not tell anyone because it indeed entered.
Under translation and print
Moustafa Al Khaliye.
D.O.D only, 7/13
UPDATE: This document supports earlier comments:
“Retired Gen. Tommy Franks, who commanded the successful U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, said Thursday that he saw persuasive evidence that Saddam Hussein had transferred his weapons of mass destruction to Syria.
“We saw all kinds of suspicious activity which, all of us could have speculated, meant for certain that weapons were being moved into Syria,” the top military man told WWRL Radio’s Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter.”
“Two days before the war, on March 17 [2003], we saw through multiple intelligence channels - both human intelligence and technical intelligence - large caravans of people and things, including some of the top 55 [most wanted] Iraqis, going to Syria.”
Suddenly all the Liberals have had their computers hacked into and the Conservatives have no problem posting here.
ReplyDeleteYeah, right. And I have a bridge to sell you.
Lydia, you couldn't be more right if you wrote a book on these two topics. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnd Rusty? Think you're all that, threatening people on someone else's blog?
Big fucking deal. You're a pussy, you always will be and banning folks or threatening to ban them for knowing that isn't going to make you one bit less of a pussy.
In fact, it only proves they're right.
Rusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteAn 81 year old guy boinkin a 38 year old woman outside a pizza place,godbless him.Just goes to show you how virile conservative men are.A liberal guy would have run away.
Personally, I was surprised the 38 year old wasn't a guy...
The Coleman thing...just keep in mind two things:
ReplyDelete1) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and I have it on good info that Norm Jr is not exactly...loyal.
2) Norm's dad is NOT the only person in Norm's family to have a history of run-ins with the law regarding vice.
Johnny, I don't even know if that was Lydia. It didn't seem like the kind of thing she would say.
ReplyDeleteBut, and I've said this before, a fake dad would not have gotten as mad as you did if someone verbally attacked his daughter.
Anyway, Worf is the sys admin over there (that's quite obvious) and I don't trust him with my personal data. (Sorry Worf, but you wouldn't be comfortable if the reverse were true -- if I were the sys admin and asked you to post.)
I posted this this morning. I wasn't too far off:
ReplyDeleteAnn Coulter will be on Hardball tonight. Let me save Clif and Mike some time in describing the interview:
Clif: "Chris really bitchslapped IT around tonight."
Mike: "That's right, Clif. Ann Coultergeist really had her ass handed to her in that interview."
Clif: "He cleaned her clock. I guess KKKarl Rove and his rich publishing buddies are still buying up copies of her book."
Mike: "You know it Clif. When faced with a real interviewer, IT folded up like a cheap suitcase."
Clif: "Have a good night, Mike. I'm going to listen to my tape of today's Randi Rhodes program."
Mike: "Good night, Clif."
There, I hope I saved you two some time.
9:39 AM
Tiny inTellect said...
ReplyDeletethat convoys consisting of 50 trucks carried an unknown cargo to Syria from Baghdad before the American invasion.
However the US Air Force has a plane called E-8 Joint STARS which can trtack enemy vehicles just as it did in Desert Storm, which allowed them to track the Armored convoys before the got to Kafji..and destroy them...it also can track CONVOYS of trucks...and It was operating in Iraq...which means the AIR FORCE would have the evidence of those convoys which they for some reason do not...other wise Dummy Rummy and dead eye would have rooled that tidbit of intell faster than they could out Valire Plame..
Too Bad Soo Sad you have to stoop to lies and spin to make up facts that do not EXIST
Check out Wikipedia on the E-8 Joint STARS program and plane...
Clif the Spelling Bee Champion, Wikipedia is not the ultimate authority on all things. Besides, this is new news. Wikipedia wouldn't have it.
ReplyDeleteNo Tiny inTellect but do continue making up what you wish we would say so you can "win" the debate, it helps if you FRAME both sides so yours sounds more intelligent than what it really does...
ReplyDeleteNice repug trick putting words in the others mouth so you only have to respond to your own LIMITED intellect
Clif the Speller is a little testy tonight.
ReplyDeleteTry Sanka Brand.
The wiki article is to just show you what the plane is...not the fact it nevber found the convoys otherwise Rummy and dead eyey would have leaked that fact fast to prove the weapons noyt your unsubstantiated post which has NO DOD source....and the DOD has no claim for the convoys....
ReplyDeletecan't you read any better than I can spell?
Don't drink coffee boy...but out right lies after three and a half years of stupidity are trying ...but since it is the Tiny inTellect who posted this we know his source is probably some Iraqi general who has realised he needs to warm up to the neo-cons to get in on the money trail peddling lies and spin for the repug neo-cons...like limpman and the anorexic nazi does
ReplyDeleteI think Clif is about to break his keyboard.
ReplyDeleteBut since your brain limits your ability to read ; I'll help you son;
ReplyDeleteThe E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) is a United States Air Force airborne battle management and command and control (C2) platform that conducts ground surveillance to develop an understanding of the enemy situation and to support attack operations and targeting that contributes to the delay, disruption and destruction of enemy forces. These functions support the primary mission of Joint STARS -- to provide dedicated support of ground and air theatre commanders.
In support of air-to-ground operations, the E-8C can provide real time information needed to increase ground situation awareness with intelligence support, attack support and targeting operations including attack aviation, naval surface fire, field artillery and friendly maneuver forces. It also provides information for air and land commanders to gain and maintain control of the battle-space and execute against enemy forces.
As a battle management and command and control asset, the E-8C can support the full spectrum of roles and missions from peacekeeping operations to major theater war. However, as capable as the E-8's systems are, the information returned has very little detail. While it can pick up moving vehicles on the complete other side of the battlefield, it can give very little information about the vehicles. Approximate number of vehicles, location, speed, direction of travel, and the time that the target was detected is about all that can be detected. Identifying who the target is, what equipment they have, whether it is friendly, hostile, or bystanders, is not possible with this system. That is one of the reasons why it is a joint system, so that other sensors from the other services may reference each other to positively verify JSTARS reports. In the Army, JSTARS is analyzed in the Common Ground Station (CGS) and disseminated from there.
How I know about it;
These aircraft deployed in 1991 to participate in Operation Desert Storm, even though they were still in development. The joint program accurately tracked mobile Iraqi forces, including tanks and Scud missiles. Crews flew developmental aircraft on 49 combat sorties accumulating more than 500 combat hours and a 100 % mission effectiveness rate.
and it was in Iraq...
The 116 ACW has been heavily involved in both Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom, earning high marks for operational effectiveness and recently completing 10,000 combat hours. The wing took delivery of the 17th and final E-8C on March 23, 2005.
All from their article on the program
Tiny inTellect why ever would you think I was even the least bit upset...because you BLOG that way?
ReplyDeleteWell looks like Dummy Rummy the most incompetent Sec of Dec appoiunted by the worst pResident ECER is gonna RAISE troop levels AGAIN when does the LAST throes they keep claiming ever actually end?
ReplyDelete"clif said...
ReplyDeleteWell looks like Dummy Rummy the most incompetent Sec of Dec appoiunted by the worst pResident ECER is gonna RAISE troop levels AGAIN when does the LAST throes they keep claiming ever actually end?
5:36 PM"
Good. we should have a draft, like Israel.
I mean they keep saying they are in their LAST throes...and the violence gets worse..
ReplyDeletethey clain we are turning a corner..and the violence gets worse...
and they claim there is a democracy in Iraq...even though the government must live inside the green zone ..
And their intelligence service is fully funded by OUR CIA and reports to them..not the Iraqi government...
if this is their definition of sucess...I would HATE to see their definition of FAILURE
Chicken hawks ( and their Kids) first and I would be all for it
ReplyDeleteBye bye Jenna...bye bye barbra
Bye bye Mary bye bye elizabeth..wait she can't go she outed herself
Or was it mary cheney who worked for coors?
ReplyDeleteBut if we got to have a draft
ReplyDeletechicken hawks FIRST
we'll even wave the age limit so they can furfill their desires of actually defending this country
and lessen the burden on those not as enthusiastic..
because moral is important to military bearing and repug chicken hawks should have very high moral
President George W. Bush on Thursday signed legislation that will establish a national sex offender registry and try to make it harder for sexual predators to reach children on the Internet.
ReplyDeletehell just send them the GrOPer rolls and they can save a lot of time compiling the same list a second time......
we finally agree on something there..but the gay cheney daughter is inelligable for military service because when she worked for coors beer she admitted she was gay
ReplyDelete“Following on the heels of daily papers in Augusta, Ga., and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a weekly in Greensboro, N.C., has decided to drop Ann Coulter’s regular column.” The paper explained reader feedback showed approval for “cutting her column at a ratio of two to one. And numbers don’t lie (unless, some would say, they’re being wielded by Ann Coulter).”
Gays and lesbians should not be drafted. It introduces sexual tension into situations that already have enough tension. Bad for unit cohesion as well.
ReplyDeleteTiny inTellect speaking from military expierence..or what you read somewhere?
ReplyDeleteRusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteI was reading a study done by the AMA in it they said that 72% of liberal men sit down to pee.Pastie boy,where do you stand...oops,sit on that.
interesting question for somebody who daily extrudes anal brain droppings
Dusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeleteTT,dont you know you cant say ANYTHING pertaining to the military unless you have served like Pastie boy did.Jeesh,when are you going to learn.Pastie did 10 years as a supply officer,or was it NCO so therefore he is the resident expert.
well as usual your wrong,
and my question was what did he base his opinion on personal expierence or the views of others who have been there.
It would be like you claiming to KNOW about childbirth you have no personal expierence as a mother giving birth so your opinion is by it's nature second hand
dippy said...
ReplyDeleteI agree gays should not be drafted.
same question from your personal expierence or thjat of others you read or heard?
The End.
Sorry for the delay, Clif, but a neighbor came to my door. I've never been a government employee, but I would volunteer, even on an unoffcial basis, to serve my country.
ReplyDeleteSo you've never been in the military,?
ReplyDelete72% of liberal men sit down to pee.Pastie boy,where do you stand...
Actually Muslim men have been commanded to do this by Muhammad (piss be upon him) for sanitary reasons.
He also commanded them to wash their hands after striking off the heads of the infidels (I just made up the last part; they don't really need to wash their hands after that).
FF, what is "dkb"?
ReplyDeletefantasy foole said...
ReplyDelete72% of liberal men sit down to pee.Pastie boy,where do you stand...
Actually Muslim men have been commanded to do this by Muhammad (piss be upon him) for sanitary reasons.
well son I will leave any further investigation on this subject to you.....enjoy
dippy said...
ReplyDeleteClif, I guess when Bill Clinton banned gays from military service, he had a hell of a good reason.
Don't know son I was out before Clinton was elected...and was not paying too much attention back then
and until you mooks bring it up i do not worry about it...I wonder why repugs focus on gays so much..something subliminal they are working out perhaps?
Dusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeletePastie,are you saying you're Muslim? I've thought that for a while.
No son your reading comprehension MUST be even worse thanTiny inTellects
Now, these same Christians are sending in drobes high-tech precision guided missiles filled with white phosophorus to not only kill innocent Lebanese, but to set them on fire...a fire that you cannot see and a fire that doesn't burn clothes....just burns the skin to the bone!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of fascist Pigs we have running our country right now. Shameful.
Rite on. I say we set up a war tribunal and immediately lynch all Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Unitarians who have attended church during the last 6 months. These peaceful appearing people are really just "Little Eichmanns".
Clif I love your nicknames like Tiny inTellect for Tall Texan, etc. These are wonderful and hilarious!
ReplyDeleteNever in the military, but I would have gladly served if asked (in a heartbeat) or if the situation were right. I had worked for a contractor of a contractor (a subcontractor) of the government, but I hope you will understand if I don't want to go into it further on a public Internet forum.
ReplyDeleteI have the utmost respect for our country's fighting men and women, including you.
Fantasy foole said;
ReplyDeleteRite on. I say we set up a war tribunal and immediately lynch all Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Unitarians who have attended church during the last 6 months. These peaceful appearing people are really just "Little Eichmanns".
wonder why you want to kill so manty people, who do not deserve it, latent nazi tendencies showing again as that was what they did...kill people for their religion
Wonderful news Georgie is getting a new neighbor in Crawford and she a can visit pickles and listen her go on about georgie milking a male cow.....
ReplyDeleteYeah libs long for the draft; they had so much fun when the social fabric was ripped asunder by this during Vietnam. Those were the good ol days.
ReplyDeleteCharley "Tax cuts are Racism" Rangel even introduced legislation to reinstitute the draft, just to try to "trick" the Republicans somehow. His addled mind didn't have it fully figured out, but he ended up hypocritically voting against his own bill! Gawd I luv libs.
Actually, Clif, if you recall, before Clinton, gays were not allowed in the military, and one of the first things Clinton tried to do was to reverse that policy. The brass rebelled and the compromise was "don't ask don't tell," which created a rebuttable presumption that a serviceman or woman is straight unless evidence to contrary is given.
ReplyDeletewonder why you want to kill so manty people, who do not deserve it, latent nazi tendencies showing again
Gawd I luv it when libs pretend to be too stupid to recognize sarcasm. clippy please tell me you are pretending...
I am for some sort of service to the country which could be military service or take other forms for those who do not wish to serve in the military..like working in a civilian service to state and local governments
ReplyDeletefantasy foole said;
ReplyDeleteGawd I luv it when libs pretend to be too stupid to recognize sarcasm. clippy please tell me you are pretending...
hey with your insane posts about other religions I am just making sure your not a complete raving foole but just a foole who lives in his own fantasy land
Clif [you studmuffin] I love your ...
clippy, I see you're quite a hit with the lib women. Are you cool with armpit hair?
"Marcy said...
ReplyDeleteClif I love your nicknames like Tiny inTellect for Tall Texan, etc. These are wonderful and hilarious!
6:30 PM"
Lydia, was that you??
Despite what everyone thinks, I am 99% sure that Johnny is not Clippy.
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteClif [you studmuffin] I love your ...
clippy, I see you're quite a hit with the lib women. Are you cool with armpit hair?
Actually since I was assigned to Germany in the 70's and knew a few local women it does not bother me because in Germany most women do not shave their armpits....
Living in Europe for 3 years was great, as most people try and cram Europe into 2 weeks or a month
Plus you couldn't beat the autobahn for fast speed driving....
ReplyDeleteNO speed limits
Tiny inTellect said;
ReplyDeleteDespite what everyone thinks, I am 99% sure that Johnny is not Clippy.
who cares what a troll hides behind to spew their anal brain diarreha
I love armpit hair on women also women with hairy legs and why not a hairy back as well
Cool so Marcy looks like ya got a shot. Hafta warn ya tho that clippy is a wounded war hero who mistakenly picked up a live grenade thinking it was one of those ubiquitous desert pinecones and blammo. That's right he lost your favorite part. So if you're still interested...What? Oh I mean his mind was unfortunately damaged beyond repair and he is awaiting a donor-- but everything else is normal so to speak.
fantasy foole proves he still lives in his own seperate world when he said;
ReplyDeleteI love armpit hair on women also women with hairy legs and why not a hairy back as well
Cool so Marcy looks like ya got a shot. Hafta warn ya tho that dippy is a wounded war hero who mistakenly picked up a live grenade thinking it was one of those ubiquitous desert pinecones and blammo. That's right he lost your favorite part. So if you're still interested...What? Oh I mean his mind was unfortunately damaged beyond repair and he is awaiting a donor-- but everything else is normal so to speak.
Fantasy foole I though dippy said he never served?
But maybe in your fantasy alter-reality he did...cool dippy eh son? gfantasy foole believes you served...
ReplyDeleteOH-GOV: Ohio GOP Backs Off Gay-Baiting Email -- Sort Of
ReplyDeleteA few days back we brought you word that a hard-nosed political operative in the Ohio Republican party was circulating info meant to raise questions about Dem gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland's churchgoing record and sexual orientation.
Well, now the Ohio GOP has finally come out and disavowed the tactic -- sort of. The Republicans are verbally disavowing an offending e-mail sent out by the operative which floated speculation that Strickland and his wife are gay. But the party's apology has only gone so far. Party officials did not distribute a follow-up e-mail or take any other action to repudiate it.
Now Strickland has hit back at the GOPers, saying rather memorably: "They are scared to death of me. I've dealt with these kinds of people. I worked in a maximum-security prison that was full of liars."
Strickland's past work includes stints as a minister and prison psychologist.
He's got you repugs pegged right
ReplyDeleteSo where's Lydia?
ReplyDeleteOsama and al Zarwhari are jealous of somebody getting the insane muslim award and will try to hog all the press to win it again this year,
ReplyDeleteI mean Osama didn't have a problem with the US until the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia spurned him for the US military in the lead up to desert storm....
Osama just doesn't take rejection well
I Love You Too, Cecilia Lucas
ReplyDeleteby Omar Worfeus Muhammed
Chairman, Hezbollah Poetry Club
Dear Cecila Lucas of the Berkeley in the California:
I am have monitoring the infidel Little Green Footballs site where to much surprise I am to be reading your tender poems to the Hezbollah. Although they do not having the rhymes, the sweetful beauty of your many words have bringing a tear to my eye in tender feelings. They have make me wants to leap from my bunker and sing to the Zionist Colonialist controlled world of you, my beloved. Cupid has launched his Katushka of love and splatter me with the shrapnel of your beauty. Yes, I Love You Too, Cecilia Lucas, and I offer you too a poem:
You were born in the Valley to a life in a suburban cage
Encino, where mean girls and cheerleaders
Drop bombs of hate on the unpopular girls
Shy poetry club chicks like you
With 1480 SATs and early admission to Berkeley
Fed by the violence and lookism of the dance squad
Raised in a four bedroom colonial
They wouldn't let you wear your Che T-shirt to prom
But your heart and your armpit hair still grew proud and strong
You scare me too
Not just because you have that Code Pink Manson girl freak-vibe
Not just because you repeat, repeat, repeat
All those quotes from your dog-eared volumes of Chomsky
and Zinn
and Edward Said
Begging me to understand
Can't we just hold each other
Instead of talking, talking, talking
About your Masters thesis?
It scares me
When I admit to myself
When I look at you
My mousy infidel grad student who can't shut up
That yeah, I'd hit that
The other Jihadis laugh and scowl
They repeat, repeat, repeat
The story of Abdul and the nasty crab lice
He picked from the International ANSWER chick
And how it itched like a mofo
Until his martyrdom
If only they took the time to see
To look
To sense
The beauty of your mind
Your fundraising potential
To look beyond your face
and realize your booty isn't half bad
And how you could maybe help organize a sleeper cell in Oakland
But I don’t sleep much these days
And I’ve tried hard
But the thought of you, my beloved
And the Zionist airstrikes
Make me more jittery than chugging two liters of Jolt cola
I am learning to have hope in you
I am learning to see you as so much more
I am thinking maybe you could shave those legs and wear this grocery sack
If ever we make love
You amaze me.
Born in the suburbs
Raised in a colonial
You did not accept ROTC on Campus
You did not accept the injustice of UC defunding the Young Maoist League
You did not accept late homework submissions
Of fratboy freshmen
When you TA'd Critical Lit 1406
I love you too
But I will never be yours
I'm a rebel
A loner
I'm bad news, baby
And you don’t want me inside you
Because once you go Omar, you'll never go kuffar
But we'll resist together
You and I, my beloved hippie cooch
I will be your Jihadi Angel
The Leader of Your Pack
Turn me loose, turn me loose
Like Fabian
Like Bobby Vee
Like Elvis himself
I will croon my ballad of Zionist resistance
To your screams of delight
I had a dream that we met in Paradise
as lovers
as martyrs
Me in a Tel Aviv pizza parlor
You in the Encino mall
What was it you were looking for
That took your life that night?
They said they found my semtex belt
Clutched in your fingers tight.
Burma Shave
Actually, tonight's poetry reading was brought to you by me, courtesy of Iowahawk.
ReplyDeleteSeems David Frum went from calling Jack Murtha a cut and runner to agreeing with his redeployment of our troops tom the outside of the Iraqi civil war, just six months later than Murtha understood Iraq is a total fiasco it sinks into Frums head.....
And Frum is not the only one...
ReplyDeleteThursday, July 27, 2006
David Frum: Murtha was right!
I've tried to explain this before, but the conservatives had a "meme" to push: Rep. John Murtha's call for a withdrawal or troops from Iraq proved that Democrats were the "party of cut and run." At least that's what David Frum wrote, saying that "Toughness is tested and proven in times of adversity. And once again the Democrats are flunking."
(Because he was a speechwriter for the White House, bitches. He knows adversity like no Vietnam Vet retired Marine colonel has ever seen.)
What Frum and his fellow rightwing dingleberries always failed to mention, however, was that Murtha wasn't saying abandon Iraq, but, as I've pointed out before, let's pull back and wait over the hill. Our presence, Murtha suggested, was probably making things worse in Iraq. Republicans, of course, failed to actually listen to what Murtha was saying and,today, they look like fools because of it--just as one of their own predicted they would.
You see, today, David Frum, who, as far as I can tell, coined the "cut and run" phrase in this regard, is backing the plan suggested by Peter Galbraith in Tuesday's New York Times. A big part of that plan sounds suspiciously Murthaesque:
Seeing as we cannot maintain the peace in Iraq, we have but one overriding interest there today — to keep Al Qaeda from creating a base from which it can plot attacks on the United States. Thus we need to have troops nearby prepared to re-engage in case the Sunni Arabs prove unable to provide for their own security against the foreign jihadists.
This would be best accomplished by placing a small “over the horizon” force in Kurdistan.
Doesn't that sound vaguely familiar...no, wait! Doesn't that sound exactly like Murtha's plan!?
To immediately redeploy U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces.
To create a quick reaction force in the region.
To create an over-the-horizon presence of Marines.
To diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq
Someone should figure out exactly how many dollars have been spent, how much of our international good will has been lost and how many people have died in Iraq since Murtha presented his plan on November 17, 2005. If you do, you will have figured out exactly what it takes to make David Frum see reason.
Update: I failed to point out Glenn Greenwald's much more in-depth look at what Frum's neocon apostasy means.
Update: Another holy warrior falls.
In April, John Kerry said it was time to give the Iraqis a deadline and tell them to get their shit together or we were leaving.
MoveOn and others said, "Damn straight!"
America must insist on more progress from the Iraqis and give them deadlines. The deadlines must be real—backed with troop departures. This is how progress will be finalized in Iraq and how we’ll be able to bring our troops home. This is the rationale reflected in the exit strategies of leaders like Rep. John Murtha and groups like the Center for American Progress.
Today, retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a frequent guest of Sean Hannity's, Panglossian supporter of the war and author of Never Quit the Fight says, well, it's time to quit the fight.
We should never publicize a timetable for a troop withdrawal, but here's what President Bush should have told Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, yesterday: "You are failing your country. We'll give you six months. If your government can't produce a unified response to sectarian violence that treats all sides impartially, we'll withdraw our troops and our support. Then you can fight it out among yourselves."
Failure in Iraq would be a victory for terror. In the short run. But the terrorists might then find themselves mired in a long and crippling struggle. An Iraqi civil war might become al Qaeda's Vietnam, not ours.
Damn! How many terrorists did he just "embolden" and does this means he wants the good guys to lose?
Rusty, I think Lydia made a cameo appearance earlier as "Marcy."
ReplyDeleteNo, what makes you think that?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Dusty is as competent at banning Lydia as Bush is fighting a war
ReplyDeleteLydia, I thought maybe it was you. Guess not.
ReplyDeleteI have an idea for a guest blogger: Mason Reese!
Didn't he play the likeable young newcomer on the Partridge Family when their ratings started to tank. His banter with Danny Bonaduce was priceless!
Dusty what act you claimed to be able to ban Lydia ans as usual for a repug all talk but a bit short when it actually calls for action
ReplyDeleteSort of like when you claim this;
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton said...
It works,I banned Lydia about an hour ago,have'nt heard from her since.Be careful you may be next.
well that did not go well either as I have not been banned by you foole yet.....
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteit is so hard to tell he claims so much that is not true
ReplyDeleteWhen he is not slandering people and calling them names
ReplyDeleteBut if you say he is kidding well maybe he does not believe he should be able to run the Blog
ReplyDeleteClif, I think Rusty was kidding.
ReplyDeleteTiny intellect you said that in the, 9:48 post you deleted..so I said I accept your belief that Dusty might not think he should run the blog
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm back. So clippy, how'd it go with Marcy?
ReplyDeleteFantasy foole who is Marcy?
ReplyDeleteHey clippy I see you're a fan of glenn greenwald. Jealous much?
ReplyDeleteHave you seen his talent as a sock puppet?
Glenn Greenwald, leftist tool.
ReplyDeleteFantasy foole's style of debate calling people he dislikes names and linkingh to pictures like juvenile minded people do
ReplyDeleteRead it clippy.
ReplyDeletegreenwald is easily the left's most dishonest blogger. He pretends to be other people and leaves comments supporting and complimenting himself! The guy is the biggest joke on the internet.
He bills himself as a former Conservative who saw the light and became this screaming lib...the darling of al franken and all the libs.
He is a fraud. A shyster. A goofy puffed up buffoon.
But as a fellow lib, I can easily see why you would admire him.
Funny you would speak about people who pretend to be somebody else on THIS blog and i read what he says..because like Saul it is possible to see the error of your ways
ReplyDeleteLike so many repugs seem to be doing now like Davis Frum among others
ReplyDeleteWith Bush's poll numbers between 35 to 40% many people must have changed their minds
ReplyDeleteThis is how the neo-con cabal thinks...
ReplyDeletePatrick McGreevy writes from Beirut:
' Criminalizing Civilians
In the days before the US-commanded forces unleashed the second siege of Falluja in November 2004, a quarter million women, children and old men fled the city, but males between the ages of 15 and 45 were denied passage. They were essentially criminalized and forced to remain in a zone upon which hell was about to descend. These poor souls were condemned to a legal category that philosopher Giorgio Agamben calls hominus sacres, those without rights who can be killed without it being called the murder of a human, homicide.
Israeli leaders have a decision to make. After the IDF’s devastating losses at Bint Jabeil on Wednesday, the Washington Post Foreign Service reported this statement from former Mossad officer Yossi Alpher: “I dare say, based on what we’ve seen so far, these may be the best Arab troops we’ve seen so far.” An Nahar today reported that, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon proclaimed: “Everyone who is still in south Lebanon is linked to Hizbullah, we have called on all who are there to leave.” He then suggested that “maximum firepower has to be used.” As justification, he cited the meeting in Rome, from which “we have in effect obtained the authorization to continue our operations until Hisbullah is no longer present in southern Lebanon.”
Look at this logic: since Israel has asked civilians to leave, any that disobeyed have forfeited their status as civilians. Because the United States and its British followers have blocked the resolution to stop the killing, Israel will continue until Hezbollah “is no longer present.” But remember Hezbollah has been redefined to include all those “still in south Lebanon.” This crude logic renders all the people of southern Lebanon hominus sacres.
A serious war crime may be imminent. The responsibility to protect civilians does not end when an invading army asks them to clear out. An Nahar also reported that hundreds of people were trapped in southern villages. Moreover, there is evidence that some who tried to flee north in cars have been targeted.
MOO MOO, I find it hard to believe the kind and good-looking father of that beautiful daughter Little miss moo moo, could have said such filthy things to Larry's wife on this blog -- remember those dirty comments?
ReplyDeleteThe pictures you sent me looked very real, and really touched me.
And then I got a very kind email from you after I gave you my spiritual writings.
But after that, I got a very cruel email.
That's why I'm upset!
John Bolton may like the security concil even less than he does currently, because;
ReplyDeleteWhile the world was focused on the tragic events taking place in Lebanon and northern Israel, something very disturbing happened in South America last week.
The trading bloc known as Mercosur (the South American common market), at its summit meeting in the Argentine city of Cordoba, formally supported Venezuela's bid for one of the two Latin American seats on the United Nations Security Council.
President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela had worked the summit to make sure he could defeat Guatemala, Washington's preferred candidate, and gain the coveted seat when Argentina's two-year term expires in October.
Chávez wants to become a world power broker as a member of the Security Council that will deal with highly sensitive issues such as Iran and North Korea. The seat would also make him the voice of Latin America at the UN.
Mercosur comprises Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and, as of last week, Venezuela - with Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia as associate members. The formal declaration of support means that most of South America is now behind Chávez's bid.
Until the summit, there was a chance that Chile, whose moderate left-wing government follows a very different path than the one chosen by Chávez, would promote a third candidacy, perhaps with the support of Peru's new president, Alan Garcia.
Adding insult to the injury, Mercosur invited Fidel Castro to the summit and signed a "trade" deal with him that was more political than commercial, while the host nation, Argentina, provided him with a platform for a three-hour speech at the University of Cordoba in which he defended everything that Mercosur is supposedly against: one- party rule, jailing political opponents, ideological confrontation with the United States and a socialist economy.
What's bush-bolton gonna do if they have to deal with Venezula on the security council until they leave office?
Looks like they can not focus on more than one problem at a time, Every other problem is allowed to fester until it too becomes out side their ability to manage...then it's a new fear to worry about.
And also this: Chavez just left a meeting with Putin where they spent a good deal of time disparaging Bush.
ReplyDeleteThey shook hands on a deal for Russia to give Venezuela a stockpile of weapons.
I hope Clinton or Carter can offer their diplomatic skills. I also pray that world leaders do not blame the American people for being unable to get rid of Bush.
This makes democracy not look too attractive if we can't even get rid of a leader as corrupt as Bush.
Bush Finally Speaks Out on Israeli Aggression
ReplyDeleteBy Scott Ott, Editor-in-Chief, ScrappleFace.com
News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.
(2007-07-27) — In an effort to halt his slide in global popularity polls, an emotional President George Bush today finally spoke out on Israeli aggression in the current battle against Hezbollah along its border with Lebanon.
“I’m greatly concerned about Israel’s aggression,” said Mr. Bush, “Every time I see the video on Fox News of Israeli tanks and jets pounding the Hezbollah strongholds I find myself crying out ‘Don’t … stop … don’t … stop’.”
The president said Israel’s bold action could lead to the “decimation of a once-proud organization that, along with its brothers in Hamas and al Qaeda, had seemed destined for global greatness.”
Mr. Bush called on Israel to “work rapidly toward a unilateral cease fire in which the weapons of one side cease firing so that the other side can cease firing as well.”
Jimmah will save us. Our enemies trust him.
ReplyDeleteWufuss/dufuss,your mom still likes me.I love that thing she does with her tongue.
ReplyDeleteWufuss Dandy/Johnny you were banned a long time ago, why dont you be a good troll and slither back under your bridge, its a crime to be here after you were banned and told to leave.
ReplyDeleteLydia said "“Soldiers were told that the Geneva Conventions did not apply, and that interrogators could use abusive techniques to get detainees to talk,” said John Sifton, the author of the report and the senior researcher on terrorism and counterterrorism at Human Rights Watch. “These accounts rebut U.S. government claims that torture and abuse in Iraq was unauthorized and exceptional – on the contrary, it was condoned and commonly used.”
ReplyDeleteThe accounts reveal that detainee abuse was an established and apparently authorized part of the detention and interrogation processes in Iraq for much of 2003-2005. They also suggest that soldiers who sought to report abuse were rebuffed or ignored. ...
Herrington concluded, “It seems clear that TF 121 needs to be reined in with respect to its treatment of detainees.” Despite this warning, abuses by the task force continued.
Human Rights Watch said that the new report shows how soldiers who felt abusive practices were wrong or illegal faced significant obstacles at every turn when they attempted to report or expose the abuses. For example, an MP guard at the facility near al-Qaim, who complained to an officer about beatings and other abuse he witnessed, was told, “You need to go ahead and drop this, sergeant.”
Look, all I'm saying is, the facts are actually not hard to obtain.The information is out there. The documentation exists. These are not baseless allegations—they are the eyewitness testimonies of those involved.
So true, I've said the abuse and corruption started at the top and that the few soldiers who were charged and convicted were just patsies taking the fall for their higher ups, just the fact the the Bush Administration defied the Geneva convention says it all, if you dont support torture then why would you try to circumvent an international rule that insures humane treatment of captives.
when you factor in the part that many, possibly even most of the detainees where released because they are not terrorists, but might be either sympathetic to them or might now become terrorists because of the inhumane abusive treatment they received while imprisoned.
And for a president whose whole presidency as well as the primary focus during his campaign was defined by the claim that he was the one who would protect us and keep us safe from terrorists it seems utterly riddiculous that he would be creating more possible terrorists who hate us with his defiance of the Geneva convention, his obsession with torture,and depriving detainees or due process and basic human rights, as well as his pulling the majority of our military out of Afghanistan to invade an oil rich Country that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with attacking us on 9/11, not to mention the fact that after 6 years in office this man has done absolutely nothing to secure our ports and borders.
In fact If someone were trying to make our Country less safe and inspire more people to hate us and want to harm us, I dont think they could do a better job than GWB has done
First of all punk, you are johnny, and secondly, i'll say what ever I want and there isnt much of anything you can do to stop me!
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whether you are johnny or not, you are vermin just like Rusty and all the other aliass are I dont care if you are TT or FF you guys with the alias think you are cute, what you are is pathetic and cowardly.
ReplyDeleteyou threatening me now Clippy?
ReplyDeleteFunny Troll Tex, how you have to use your anonymous aliass to issue threats.
ReplyDeleteWell Clippy, my reply to you is this, the reason I am here speaking out is to try and make the world a better place, despite your kinds best attempts to squelch and stifle it, Freedom of Speech still exists for the most part in this Country.......and a word to the wise if any of you slimy trolls were to ever invade my home and try and silence me or stifle my freedom of speech, well lets just say I will continue to make the world a better place.
ReplyDeleteChris Matthews says only two countries in the Mid East will talk to sweet little Condi.
ReplyDeleteAll the rest think she hasn't a clue.
I luv the name "Freedom Blog" which was set up specifically to be under the thumb of Worf.
ReplyDeleteThat is not me who posted on the Jelly Donut Freedom Blog.
I would prefer the coyote flatten me under a steamroller and squish me under a huge boulder before I join/post on that controlled, communist style freedom of speech.
Their comical version of peace & love needs some serious brain renovation.
Thanks TT, Clippy, FF, Volt, Rusty....I owe you guy's a pack of smokes, an ice cold Molson, and a Chia pet (without seeds).
TT...hope your working on that blog....dont forget it must have gif's!!
Moomeister, why don't you join LGC? Drop JustDanny an email. I'll vouch for ya.
ReplyDelete"Mike said...
ReplyDeleteFunny Troll Tex, how you have to use your anonymous aliass to issue threats.
1:49 PM"
Sorry, Mike, you got the wrong guy. Further, I am quite certain that Johnny is not clippy. It's not hard to figure out. In fact, the evidence is right in front of your nose if you know what to look for.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Malkin
Wed Jul 26, 6:50 AM ET
You're walking down the street when you spot an anti-war protester wielding a peace sign on the corner. Quick, what do you do? Duck!
As we battle global jihad, perplexed and apoplectic pacifists are showing their true colors. Rainbow tie-dye has turned to raging-bull red.
Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams displayed what the Australian media called "her feisty Irish spirit" to hundreds of schoolchildren this week in a murder-minded diatribe against President Bush. "I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence,' because I don't believe that I am non-violent," confessed Williams. On the plus side, the rest of the sane world will no longer make the mistake of believing that Peace Prize-winner Williams is non-violent, either (though the Nobel committee took the peace out of Peace Prize when it handed one to suicide bomber manufacturer Yasser Arafat in 1994).
While the kids cheered, Williams, the world-renowned pacifist, fumed: "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." In America, we don't call this irrational hatred "feisty Irish spirit." We call it "unhinged." Or, as Charles Krauthammer first diagnosed it, Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Williams would no doubt endorse the disgusting comments left on an America Online message board for Sgt. Leonid Milkin, whose wife, two sons and sister-in-law were murdered in Kirkland, Wash., last week while he was serving in Iraq. Human Events Online writer Lisa De Pasquale documented the comments of anti-military Bush-haters:
"Too bad the paid assasin [sic] wasn't home also . . . Got what he deserved for serving an illegal government in an illegal war."
"Maybe he signed up for the wrong profession because who in their right mind would want to be a army man? He should have studied harder in school and found a real job instead of joining the army. Lmao, be all u can be? Don't patronize me ! People who join the army either have no education or come from small towns.. He should blame himself for his family dying due to his lack of education."
Then there's Dan Frazier, an anti-war huckster in Arizona selling T-shirts with the names of fallen soldiers, including Marine Cpl. Scott Michael Vincent, who was killed by a suicide bomber two years ago. The peace-loving Frazier demonstrated his "feisty" pacifist "spirit" by ignoring Vincent's mother's pleas to remove her son's name.
Want another dose? Earlier this month, a New Zealand peace activist and former Green Party candidate who served as a "human shield" for Saddam Hussein in 2003 was charged with assaulting a teen-age rock singer in London. Peace-loving Christiaan Briggs reportedly harassed the boy's girlfriend and then knocked the boy to the ground. Briggs ran off laughing before turning himself in to police. The victim had to have part of his skull removed and only days ago awoke from a coma.
Announcing his decision to take a stand for peace three years ago, Briggs preached: "'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' But here in lies the twist. The change I wish to see is not simply that of countless Iraqi lives spared, but that of possibly inspiring just a small group of people I know; my family, friends, and community, illustrating to them an unbelievably important and simple lesson I learnt recently: Wanna be happy? Just centre your life around making others happy."
By sending them into unconsciousness. Saddam would approve.
Meanwhile, at a peace rally in Boston convened by the Muslim American Society, a Jewish man who attended with a video camera was threatened verbally and physically by hostile demonstrators. Seva Brodsky was accosted by pro-Hezbollah thugs who grabbed him, cursed at him and attempted to prevent him from filming the terrorist sympathizers. It was caught on tape and posted at the Solomonia.com blog this weekend. A rally marshal apathetically told Brodsky: "We cannot guarantee your safety."
If the "peace" activists gone wild had an iota of the same anger, contempt and callousness toward the jihadists as they do toward us, we'd be a lot closer to achieving the peace they love to preach.
Michelle Malkin is author of the new book "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild." Her e-mail address is malkin@comcast.net.
FF, I visited LGC, and I like the layout. Is this your blog? Also, does it allow comments. I coudn't find a place to post comments.
ReplyDeleteLydia, your complaint with Ann Coulter was a joke. Ann did not list your home address as you cried to everyone to get sympathy. That address Ann posted was a p.o. box your husband uses. Stop lying Lydia
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton you would be a, nazi, troll, KKK and my personal favorite repug. But you'd have to find some class to rise to that level of excrement which you have not, your just the slime left after they pump a septic tank
ReplyDeleteOh boy,who the hell is this after Lydia?
ReplyDeleteTinu inTellect has to Stoop to reposting what micheal malkin's husband writes for her
ReplyDeleteMel ''The Passion of the Christ'' Gibson, 50, was stopped at 2:36 a.m. local time Friday for speeding on the Pacific Coast Highway, and officers smelled alcohol on his breath. He was given a sobriety test, taken into custody and released later that morning after posting $5,000 bail.
Dusty I was just responding to this post;
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton said...
...........I'm kind of going to miss being called....lets see,nazi,troll,KKK and my personal favorite repug.
9:16 PM
"That Shall Never Call Retreat..."
ReplyDeleteBush/Blair made it clear at their newsie today that we are engaged in a global struggle not to restore the "old-think" of the post Westphalia search for stability in the world, but rather to conquer the world for "good," for better and more worthy ideas. The acknowledgment was made that the enemy is also motivated by ideas but their ideas are "bad." At the end of the 30 Years War, a war fought largely over religious belief and allegiance, the treaty system that merged created the modern state system, and established the principle that stability in the principle of state sovereignty was needed to limit the scope and extent of future wars. This set of principles worked well when it was not corrupted by ideological madmen like Hitler.
We did this once before in this country. We fought it out over the ideas of nationalism, state sovereignty and eventually the abolition of slavery. There were a million casualties, and the best men of a generation died. Once it started and the grip of ideas took over, then there was no way to stop the war short of total victory or defeat. All, all was sacrificed to that goal. Habeas Corpus? A triviality suspended by Lincoln until he could suspend it no more.
These are Confederate dead at Sharpsburg, Maryland. Somehow the bodies in the photographs are always Confederate except for that poor Black man in Alexandria, Virgina with his back cut to ribbons.
Now we are committed to a new war of ideology which may soon become a war of all against all. Will it last more than 30 years this time?
I thought the British had more sense.
Pat Lang
Bush Talks and Talks and Talks
ReplyDeleteBy Paul Kiel - July 28, 2006, 4:27 PM
Over at TPM, Josh referred to an answer by Bush during today's press conference that showed “in really frightening detail how President Bush seems to be basically brain dead” on the Middle East situation.
Here it is in all its glory:
Q: Mr. President, both of you, I'd like to ask you about the big picture that you're discussing.
Mr. President, three years ago, you argued that an invasion of Iraq would create a new stage of Arab-Israeli peace. And yet today there is an Iraqi prime minister who has been sharply critical of Israel.
Arab governments, despite your arguments, who first criticized Hezbollah, have now changed their tune. Now they're sharply critical of Israel.
And despite from both of you warnings to Syria and Iran to back off support from Hezbollah, effectively, Mr. President, your words are being ignored.
So what has happened to America's clout in this region that you've committed yourself to transform?
Bush: David, it's an interesting period because, instead of having foreign policies based upon trying to create a sense of stability, we have a foreign policy that addresses the root causes of violence and instability.
For a while, American foreign policy was just, Let's hope everything is calm - kind of, managed calm. But beneath the surface brewed a lot of resentment and anger that was manifested on September the 11th.
And so we have, we've taken a foreign policy that says: On the one hand, we will protect ourselves from further attack in the short run by being aggressive in chasing down the killers and bringing them to justice.
And make no mistake: They're still out there, and they would like to harm our respective peoples because of what we stand for.
In the long term, to defeat this ideology - and they're bound by an ideology - you defeat it with a more hopeful ideology called freedom.
And, look, I fully understand some people don't believe it's possible for freedom and democracy to overcome this ideology of hatred. I understand that. I just happen to believe it is possible.
And I believe it will happen.
And so what you're seeing is, you know, a clash of governing styles.
For example, you know, the notion of democracy beginning to emerge scares the ideologues, the totalitarians, those who want to impose their vision. It just frightens them.
And so they respond. They've always been violent.
You know, I hear this amazing kind of editorial thought that says, all of a sudden, Hezbollah's become violent because we're promoting democracy. They have been violent for a long period of time. Or Hamas?
One reason why the Palestinians still suffer is because there are militants who refuse to accept a Palestinian state based upon democratic principles.
And so what the world is seeing is a desire by this country and our allies to defeat the ideology of hate with an ideology that has worked and that brings hope.
And one of the challenges, of course, is to convince people that Muslims would like to be free, you know, that there's other people other than people in Britain and America that would like to be free in the world.
There's this kind of almost – you know, kind of a weird kind of elitism that says well maybe - maybe certain people in certain parts of the world shouldn't be free; maybe it's best just to let them sit in these tyrannical societies.
And our foreign policy rejects that concept. We don't accept it. And so we're working.
Let me make an additional point about this answer. We know the president isn't very articulate in news conference settings. But national leaders don't have to be articulate to be good leaders. In fact there have been a number very good ones who could scarcely speak coherently for thirty seconds.
But if you watch this passage I think you see something different. Namely, that pretty much everything that's happened over the last three years, and certainly over the last three months has just gone in one presidential ear and out the other. He is, in both the deepest and most superficial sense, out of it.
-- Josh Marshall
Brain dead and out of it...the cocaine mush have killed motre brain cells than previously thought........
Bush is not actually that stupid from birth...he took too much cocaine instead of finishing his Natiuonal Guadrd hide from Vietnam obligation
ReplyDeleteYes Duisty Bush's stupid statements ARE drivel too bad people still listen to this Idiot who acts as the GrOPer in Chief
ReplyDeleteBTW dusty I hear bubble boy is getting a new neighbor maybe pickles can relate her stories about georgie boy trying to milk a BULL
ReplyDeleteDolty boy that Bullsh*t has been debunked before, like why did the US Air Force E-8 Joint Stars survailance aircraft not spy convoys of up to 50 trucks? when the could find armor convoys during Desert Storm and it was just a test version pressed in bto service for that war...too bad soo sad you fooles have to dreg up brain dead droppings cheney wished were true
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeleteYou know I always thought that what would solve the worlds problems is a three day open season on people.That would cure everything.
10:16 PM
Too bad, sooo sad, chicken hawks never recieved sniper training compliments of the US Military
Not what I saw...and Lincoln Chafee had the idiot we sent to the UN squirming for a while as he was clearly as clueless as Bush shows us he is Daily...too bad the rest of the world is watching and LAUGHING their asses off at us.....
ReplyDeleteDusty you could not intimidate my shadow...
ReplyDeleteJack Cafferty has a good take on the tapes from the guy bush forgot...maybe that is why Osama keeps sending them;
ReplyDeleteAnother day, another tape from al Qaeda. So what? What exactly is the world supposed to do because some al Qaeda dirtbag releases a tape saying he’s going to support Hezbollah? Should we all get under the bed now? The fact is, these morons have been sending out tapes for years and
threatening all kinds of dire things, but as far as we know, the leadership of what’s left of this organization is still scurrying around from cave to cave in
Afghanistan trying to keep their cooking fires lit so they can roast their goats.
It’s far more likely that they’re starved for attention. Between the war in Iraq, the war in Gaza, the war in Lebanon, the crazies in North Korea
and Iran, the world doesn’t have time to pay attention to these worms anymore. So, like spoiled little brats who throw a fit in a department store because
their mother is busy shopping and not paying attention to them, these idiots rush out another videotape so they can get their name in the paper.
Here’s the question. Do the media overreact every time al Qaeda
releases another tape?
The Next War and Phase II
ReplyDeleteby emptywheel
By now the link to James Bamford's latest Rolling Stone article has circulated widely in the blogosphere. There were two details in it I had not yet heard. First, that we currently have a same-day strike capability against Iran.
In November 2003, Rumsfeld approved a plan known as CONPLAN 8022-02, which for the first time established a pre-emptive-strike capability against Iran. That was followed in 2004 by a top-secret "Interim Global Strike Alert Order" that put the military on a state of readiness to launch an airborne and missile attack against Iran, should Bush issue the command. "We're now at the point where we are essentially on alert," said Lt. Gen. Bruce Carlson, commander of the 8th Air Force. "We have the capacity to plan and execute global strikes in half a day or less."
And second, Bamford confirms what many observers of the AIPAC scandal had surmised, that the FBI is after some bigger spy for Israel, a Mr. X.
But as the Pentagon moved the country closer to war with Iran, the FBI was expanding its investigation of AIPAC and its role in the plot.
To locate the spy sometimes referred to as Mr. X, agents working for Szady began focusing on a small group of neoconservatives in the Pentagon—including Feith, Ledeen and Rhode.
Both disconcerting facts in their own right. But I'd like to consider the article--and the last bit--in light of Pat Roberts' refusal to complete Phase II of the Iraq intelligence investigation.
The latest update on Roberts' intransigence about the Phase II investigation comes from Spencer Ackerman reporting to TPMM (as a side note--did TNR not think this was news? Why not?).
Not even last November's Democratic shutdown of the Senate has managed to pry the report out of Roberts, and committee insiders aren't hopeful that anything will change. A particular bone of contention is what the committee should say about Douglas Feith's famous Pentagon intelligence operation, which sought to highlight mostly-illusory links between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.
(The other bone of contention, of course, is evaluating administration speeches to see what they did with the shitty intelligence they received.)
Roberts has managed to stall the Dougie Feith part of the investigation the same way he avoided any consideration of the source of the Niger forgeries, by "deferring" to an ongoing investigation. In the case of the Niger forgeries, that meant Roberts avoided all mention of the Neocons role in stovepiping the Niger claims by pointing to the mythical FBI investigation on them. In the case of Dougie Feith's trumped up claims of a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq, Roberts has pointed to the Defense Department's IG investigation of Feith's antics.
So let's see. That means the Defense Department investigation is moving along at the pace Rummy wants it to. And the only way to get Roberts to budge on the issue is to give his chairmanship to Rockefeller by winning back the Senate. It's not even clear that'll get us closer to an investigation of Feith. Larisa reported a full Friedman ago that it wasn't so much the ongoing investigation, as stonewalling on the part of Defense.
At the heart of the Senate Intelligence Committee's delay is the fact that Feith and the Defense Department refuse to provide documents and witnesses to the Committee. Senate sources say that Feith and the Pentagon have made the case that they will not share any information until the Senate provides them with full documentation of what the investigation is looking into, documentary evidence that Senate staff have acquired, and any other key findings that Feith's lawyers believe should be made available to them.
So Feith--and Rummy--won't let the Senate investigate Feith unless it reveals precisely what kind of dirt it has on Feith. That's what counts for oversight in the era of the Eunuch Congress, I guess.
Now put this back into the context of Bamford's article. The FBI busted Larry Franklin for cooperating with AIPAC and Israeli officials to help sway America's Iran policy, but after Michael Ledeen set him up with a crack lawyer, Franklin got a whole lot less cooperative. Now the remaining AIPAC charges rest on really dicey Constitutional ground. The FBI would like to investigate Chalabi for acting as a double agent, but apparently, when he last came to the US, State shielded him with diplomatic protection. From Bamford again:
Yet the FBI has been unable to so much as question Chalabi as part of its ongoing espionage case. Last November, when Chalabi returned to the United States for a series of speeches and media events, the FBI tried to interview him. But because he was under State Department protection during his visit, sources in the Justice Department say, the bureau's request was flatly denied.
"Chalabi's running around saying, 'I have nothing to hide,' " says one senior FBI official. "Yet he's using our State Department to keep us from him at the same time. And we've got to keep our mouth shut."
And the Senate can't get at Feith because his buddy Rummy is protecting him.
I used to think Roberts just timed his intransigence according to the next election. He postponed the politically charged aspects of the Iraq intelligence investigation past the 2004 presidential election, and now he has (apparently) succeeded in pushing it out further, past at least the 2006 election (and we'll only be able to investigate then if we win the Senate, which isn't likely).
But it may not be just elections Roberts is stalling past. The Neocons obviously want their Iraq now, faster please, as Ledeen writes at the end of almost every column. Who knows whether the Lebanon crisis will morph into a full regional war. But at the least, the Neocons went on the record yesterday predicting the failure of Condi's diplomatic approach and her transfer just after the elections. So it's possible Roberts just needs to delay until then.
They've managed so far to obscure how they trumped up the last war. Will they manage to do so long enough to give them time to trump up the next war?
Dusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeleteCliffy,why do you call me Dusty Simpleton?
because it fits, son
your taunts are juvenile, your suppositions are sophmoric and your about as intelligent as the Character Tom Hanks played in Forest Gump but not as likeable and even more pathetic
Stephen Colbert on John Bolton: Reminds me a lot of Colonel Mustard–He is building alliances. He’s bringing the whole world together in their opposition to him.
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeleteOBL is meaningless.Hes hiding in a cave.
TRhanks to Bubbble boy and Dummy Rummy their incompetence is BOUNDLESS,
they let the worst criminal murderer in the history of the country ESCAPE John Wayne would bitch slap them for that....
Not hardly foole I'm still here and your pathetic attemps to get my goat leaves your lack of intellect open for ALL to see
ReplyDeleteThe worst murder in the history of OUR country try reading sometimes you would not sound soooo stupid
ReplyDeleteDon't worry dusty no body will see you attempt to mouth out the bigger words and there are online dictionaries to look up their meanings...
ReplyDeleteBut it might mean learning and we know that is not a repug thing...they use their gut to think with just like the GrOPer in Chief does...
ReplyDeleteDusty there was NO silver platter and no Arab country would take Osama in to turn him over the same offer Bush got after 9-11 the Taliban offered to sent him to a third party Arab country to be captured by the US there too bad no Arab countries were open to that either
ReplyDeleteAs usual repug spin and talking points with out the ACTUAL facts just the ones you pulled out of your ass again
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeleteCliffy,you're out of you league here.
Not hardly
Although,I never served in the military
good little chicken hawk there...boy
I'm kind of a really smart guy,
REALLY? I would never have guessed that..
a good education,
Why are you wasting it by NOT using it....
a good place in life and most of all I really love screwing with you libs
Sorry but I do not screw men but I heard of this group they gop by a name...
LOG CABIN I think?
because your anger makes you such easy targets.
Son you haven't even raised my anger...it takes much more than you got
Tommy Franks was the General that allowed Rumsfeld screw up both Afghanistan and Iraq...which makes his opinion suspect just as Westmorelands was about Vietnam and Swartzcoph has said little I find but he did question the small number of troops to actually acomplish the mission in Iraq....
ReplyDeleteAsking Tommy Frank's opinion of what went wrtong in the wars of Iraq or Afghanistan would be asking Kenny boy Lay or Jeff Skilling what went wrong with Enron
ReplyDeleteAnd quite a few people who actrually know more than me openly question Franks military thinking on the iraqi invasion and the phase 4 of that operation
ReplyDeleteThere are reports that Franks was openly rebuffed by some commanders while they were advancing toward Baghdad because so many enemy troops were being bypassed...which did lead directally to the insurgency we have today, but Franks Ordered them to advance and ignore the bypassed enemy troops which also led to the ambush Jessica Lynch was involved in
ReplyDeleteDusty Simpleton, plays fortune teller...
ReplyDeleteCliffy,I'm just guessing here but I'm thinking that unless you were a general or something the most you made was like 40 or 50 grand a year.Am I right there?
with in 50,000
And then something happened that caused you to leave the army after,I dont know 10 to 15 years,but long before you wanted to leave.
possible but your not sure are you?
Am I on the right track?
Don't know is the train coming?
The army,for what ever reason kind of forced you out but you're now collecting some sort of disability for your service time.
Think about it a bit son
Your a little bit angry
because you wanted to do about 20 to 30 years in the army.
Not angry boy quit projecting your anger on others...it would help you a lot with your insecurities
I'm right so far,right?
Has the train hit you yet?
You'd like to be there in the midle of things and feel frustrated because you cant.
NOT even close...I would not want to be in that cluster fvck that Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld have made of Iraq at all...it is not something I would even wish on you son....
Dusty Simpleton said...
ReplyDeleteO.K. Tommy Franks is a shit bird,I get it now
your entitled to your opinion...I just think he made several militarily questional decisions like Westy did in Vietnam and now defends them even though he has been called on them by people who held his exact position before him
Franks probably would wish he could redo that invasion if he could
ReplyDeleteSwartzcoph did the exact opposite of Franks in Desert Storm overwhelming force to crush the opposition and quickly secure the battle field...we had * divisions for invading Kuwait and kicking Saddam out, Franks tried to take ALL of Iraq and secure it with about 4 divisions
ReplyDeleteFranks should have emulated Schwarzkopf instead of allowing Rumsfeld to try out an untested and untrained strategy in Iraq
ReplyDeleteSchwartzcopf used the lessons of Ft Irwin to plann the Desert Storm battle...Franks used Rummy's ideas of fighting on the cheap
ReplyDeletethe entire Army was trained to fight a particular style of attack and they changed that for the invasion which left many enemy troops free and much territory unsecured
ReplyDeleteAnd instead of securing the Ammo and weapons they just sort of ignored them because they did not have enough personnel to actually guard the enemy stores and hold the important MSR's and stragetic locations through out the country
ReplyDeleteBut they DID have enough to guard the ministry of OIL which from a tactical and militarily stragetic stand point was not too important
ReplyDeleteBecause those in DC wanted the Iraqi oil feild maps which were in that building...
ReplyDeleteBut they did not care if thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition fell into the hands of those bypassed enemy troops and foriegn fighters....as Cheney said they would welcome us with open arms....REMEMBER?
ReplyDeleteSo we do have the Iraqi oil field maps and the insurgents have a lot of weapons and ammunition...and they call that MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
ReplyDeleteWell dusty I hope I was helpful but I'm gonna turn in
Oh and BTW dusty do tell all the other trolls how you bitch slapped me again OK?
ReplyDeleteTO Anonymous at 9:48 PM
Aside from the harrasser who posted that comment about my address --
ReplyDeleteTo the Trolls:
We know who you are and what you're doing.
You are criminals and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
George Santayana, a notable philosopher, coined the phrase, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
ReplyDeleteAnd the repugs prove that quote DAILY
and they did prove it in spades in their abysmal way they allowed the military to fight in Iraq
Susty they didn't need me they had Gen Shinsiki, and he said the same thing like we need about 300,000 troops to invade Iraq,, he said it to congress, but they went with a lot less...looks like they should have listened to him instead of PUSHING him out
ReplyDeleteBut do continue vetting your delusional anger, and rage..here son.......LOL
ReplyDeleteLydia, harrassing phone calls and death threats are no laughing matter. In fact, they are felonies in many states, and federal crimes if placed across state lines.
ReplyDeleteYou need to (if you haven't alrady done so) involve the authorities and get a kick ass lawyer and finally put a stop to this. Also, don't hire a PI yourself. Have your lawyer do it. If the PI engages in Anthony Pellicano tactics, then this is not your fault (if the lawyer retains the PI). Also, if you hire the PI yourself, your dealings with him are not confidential, but if your lawyer hires him, they are protected.
In another words, hit back and hit back HARD. Just do it by the book.
That's my two cents.
Good luck.
Dusty there is more places our country finds good military minds....but since you never offered to serve you wouldn't know that ...at least till now...
ReplyDeleteGeneral Antony Zinni, In 1965, Zinni graduated from Villanova University with a degree in economics and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps.
General Colin Powell; While at City College Powell joined the ROTC.
Admiral David Elmer Jeremiah, USN Admiral Jeremiah earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Oregon. Admiral Jeremiah served four years as Vice Chairman in the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Generals Colin L. Powell
John Malchase David Shalikashvili (born June 27, 1936) is a retired American general who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1993 to 1997. He entered the US Army as a private, enjoyed it and applied to Officer Candidate School, and received his commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army in 1959 after graduating.
General Joseph P. Hoar (born December 30, 1934) is a retired U.S. Marine Corps officer, former Commander in Chief of United States Central Command. Hoar graduated from Tufts University and received a second lieutenant's commission in the Marine Corps in 1957
George B. Crist is a retired four-star general in the United States Marine Corps and was the first Marine to be designated as a Unified Commander — Commander in Chief, United States Central Command. Crist graduated cum laude from Villanova University in 1952, and later earned an M.S. in political science from Auburn University. He also received an honorary doctorate from Villanova.
Vice Admiral David C. Nichols is the Deputy Commander of United States Central Command as of 2006. Following graduation from the University of Tennessee, Vice Admiral Nichols was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army through the ROTC program.
General Robert Charles Kingston was the former commander of United States Central Command.
Kingston entered the Army as an enlisted soldier in November 1948. The following year he attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Riley, Kansas and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Infantry on December 20, 1949.
General Gordon R. Sullivan (born September 25, 1937 in Boston, Massachusetts) was a U.S. Army general. He graduated from Norwich University in 1959 and was commissioned as an armor officer. He served as the 32nd Chief of Staff of the United States Army, from 1991 to 1995.
BTW I did get offered West Point but preferred to go to a civilian school and attend ROTC
Rusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteCliffy,I see where you go back and forth between here and the echo chamber .......
Poor, Poor Dusty, you keep track of me? Well son I read about five blogs and leave comments on them all..(happy hunting troll)....and BTW I also check out links to other blogs sometimes and might even leave an occasional comment there also...more tracking,
your gonna need your cling-on brokeback brothers to help you with this one son
But to each their own eh boy?
ReplyDeleteBush Finds the Time to Meet with American Idol Contestants, But Not His New Texas Neighbor Cindy Sheehan
ReplyDeleteSomehow, George Bush is taking time out of his busy day of thinking up new ways to ruin the world to meet with the ten finalists of American Idol. Unfortunately, he still can't muster the courtesy to meet with his new neighbor Cindy Sheehan, who just bought property near his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
It's certainly a wise investment since Bush spends so much time at his so-called "Western White House" to avoid the distractions of that pesky job he ran for.
Set aside the fact that Sheehan's son was killed in Bush's disastrous war in Iraq, or that Sheehan has become one of the world's leading peace activists. What ever happened to good ol' fashion Southern Hospitality? A real cowboy (who would not be all hat and no cattle, or AFRAID of horses) would throw a housewarming party. Granted, Bush was born and "educated" up north, but you'd think that at least Laura might bring over a fruitcake ( or have the fruitcake carry a cake)or something.
There are obviously many ceremonial duties of the president. (Nintendo does not count) He hosts dignitaries, heroic Americans like injured soldiers, and even sports greats like Olympians and national championship teams. But this is American Idol. And he's meeting with nine contestants who didn't even win!(Sorta fits)
Maybe he's just trying to compensate for the fact that the final contest drew millions more votes than he did in 2004. After all, he spent his whole first term compensating for losing to Al Gore.
Bush's "regular guy" shtick works great on simpleminded folks during the campaigns (dusty), but it's not so great when there are so many significant world events going on. As Wayne Fields, director of American culture studies at Washington University, said, "the problem is that in times of real crisis, people begin to think maybe you need somebody who is extraordinary."
If Bush can find the time to have a party with people who have done little more to advance the American cause than to sing TV jingles for Ford cars (which, to be fair, are mostly produced domestically), how can he not take a few minutes out of his day to listen to an opposing view for once? If anyone has earned the opportunity, it's Cindy Sheehan.
With a little added commentary
Rusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteSo Cliffy,where did you go to school?
On plante earth
What year did you graduate?
some number of years after I graduated from kindergarden
Dusty why you so interested in me...the Log Cabin repugs seem to be your type