This picture of Sedona lowers my stress level.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Thomas Jefferson.
Just posted a wonderful article "Disowning Conservative Politics Is Costly for Pastor." You can read it at my Peacemakers Blog. Blessings to a brave Christian who woke up and realized the truth. Of course he will be persecuted for it. For spiritual solutions to the world crises, and some amazing prayer miracles in the next few weeks, please check out RADICAL PRAYER at my other blog: THE PEACEMAKERS
For TROLL-FREE blogging (without the malicious opposition trolls that personally insult people who comment here) please check out my Progressive Freedom Blog at: FREEDOM BLOG
The online "news" journal HUMAN EVENTS recently published a hit-piece written by Lisa De Pasquale (Coulter's publicist) assassinating the character of lifelong conservative Daniel Borchers in order to quell rising interest in Ann Coulter’s current plagiarism problems. Here "Part One" of Coulter Mystery is solved. Stay tuned for Part Two, which is most titillating.
I realize Coulter is distracting us from real news, but she is to blame for the hate-speak and annihilation prevalent today and must be called on it. Obviously her defenders on this blog are here to spread even more "politics of personal destruction."
My friend went through hell with Coulter's propaganda team, and with Coulter herself. Her slander, lies and criminally malicious behavior has to be stopped. Here on this website I have suffered from very similar tactics.
But first this: WHAT IS UP WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS? HE NO LONGER PLAYS HARDBALL. I used to trust him. He must be a paid shill, fawning all over Coulter. Or he was bribed by her publisher and was repaying a favor. This was one of the most bizarrely ingratiating interviews we've ever seen. I've always wondered how she manages to get air time for her hateful, horrendous agenda. She repeatedly called for killing, killing and more killing, and then resorted to repeating her insane accusation that Bill Clinton is gay, with a Gore comment thrown in. Is she jealous of Bill Clinton?
Human Events Trashes Ann Coulter Critic; Scrubs Story
Retraction By a Thousand Deletions
By Daniel Borchers
[NOTE: That defamatory essay has been removed – but without a formal retraction.
Their problem: I had published a well-researched exposé revealing that portions of Coulter’s first book, "High Crimes and Misdemeanors", had been plagiarized, thus making it difficult to refute her pattern of plagiarism.
Their solution: use the politics of personal destruction to discredit those who know the truth.
Coulter protégé and publicist Lisa De Pasquale led the attack with gusto. Her deplorable diatribe emulated the tactics of her mentor, Ann Coulter, fabricating falsehoods, asserting opinion as fact and distorting what little truth actually existed.
It took two weeks to clear things up, and even then, suppression of the truth remains in full force.
From the beginning, Human Events Online Editor Robert Bluey manipulated reality to defend Human Events premiere polemicist. At first, everything seemed straightforward with his first email:
Terry Jeffrey passed along your note. At Human Events, we have a reputation of always correcting errors. What part of the article are you asking us to retract?
“Ridiculous Article” (which can be read in the comment section here courtesy of "Voltaire."
The first correction was relatively easy. I replied as follows:
Thank you for getting back to me so promptly. What should be corrected you ask? Virtually every accusation against me. Ms. De Pasquale should insist upon evidence and refrain from concocting fantasies.
Let’s deal with just one charge as representative of the whole: her claim that I went “to great lengths to sneak into CPAC under false pretenses, including making a phony press pass on his home computer and registering under fake names.” Her accusation is totally false in every respect.
Is Ms. De Pasquale’s attempt to discredit me designed to vindicate Ms. Coulter of plagiarism, past and present? She dismisses my “ridiculous article” about Ms. Coulter’s plagiarism of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, even though the facts substantiate my essay, which is far more accurate than her own. My fact-checking included personal interviews with Michael Chapman (in person, via email and telephone), the Boston Globe reporter who broke the story and Ms. Coulter’s attorney at that time. My own evidence included correspondence from Mr. Chapman, the Boston Globe, and Ms. Coulter’s attorney. Further, I meticulously compared High Crimes with material written by Mr. Chapman and published in Human Events. (If you need a copy of the Special Report from which Ms. Coulter drew some of her material, I would be happy to provide it to you.)
While there is nothing “ridiculous” about my article on Ms. Coulter’s previous plagiarism, “ridiculous” barely begins to describe Ms. De Pasquale’s polemical cover-up of her favorite author’s misdeeds.
Please retract in its entirety all negative personal references to me.
Bluey corrected the portion dealing with the allegedly “ridiculous” nature of my plagiarism essay, but he refused to make any other corrections, claiming to have verified sources.
I have made some changes to the article. However, other things you cite have either been verified by Lisa's sources (as noted in the article) or witnessed firsthand by her or my colleagues at Human Events.
“False Pretenses, Phony Press Pass, Fake Names”
The second correction required more diligence. I had to disprove what Bluey claimed to have verified:
The following statement is false in its entirety: “[Borchers went] to great lengths to sneak into CPAC under false pretenses, including making a phony press pass on his home computer and registering under fake names.”
That never happened! No sneaking. No false pretenses. No phony press pass. No fake names. None of that is true! There is no evidence because it never happened!
Perhaps these facts can help dispel the fantasies of Ms. De Pasquale’s fevered imagination.
CPAC 99 I requested and received press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch.
CPAC 00 I requested and received press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch.
CPAC 01 I requested and received press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch.
CPAC 02 I requested and received press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch. Ian Walters gave me permission to distribute both my newsletter and press kit, then revoked that permission upon discovering it was critical of Ms. Coulter.
CPAC 03 I requested but was denied press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch.
CPAC 04 I requested press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch. Stacie Rumenap emailed me that my request would be forwarded. At CPAC, I registered at the press booth as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch. A short while later, Ian Walters confronted me. At that time – recorded on audiotape and in the presence of a City Paper reporter – I gave Mr. Walters the email from Ms. Rumenap. (Not even a ten-year-old could mistake a genuine email for a phony press pass.) After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Walters confiscated the press pass given to me at the press booth.
CPAC 05 I registered as a paying member of the public.
CPAC 06 My request for press credentials as Daniel Borchers, Editor of BrotherWatch was denied. The stated reason: that I was not a real journalist. Subsequently, Brad Blog commissioned me to cover the event for them. They received permission and provided my name as their representative. I was sent a confirmation email, press kit and other emails at my Daniel Borchers at yahoo dot come email address. I registered at press booth as Daniel Borchers.
Where were the false pretenses? The phony press pass? The fake name? For that matter, where is the “sneaking in?” Everything was done aboveboard.
Truth and facts can be so inconvenient, can’t they? Please correct, as necessary. Thank you.
Bluey’s email was brief, to the point, and unapologetic: “I’ve deleted the sentence from the article.”
Removal, No Retraction, No Apology
In the end, after a lengthy series of emails, Human Events removed De Pasquale’s vicious essay in its entirety – only because I could document my case. Bluey’s final email was extremely brief:
The article was deleted in its entirety last week. Please do not contact me again. If you continue to harass me, I will contact the FBI.
To which I replied, in part:
You astonish me. First, you publish a defamatory article about me. Then, you accuse me of harassment for merely seeking to clear my good name. You even have the audacity to threaten me!
Still, you have not even dealt with my initial request – retraction. Removal is not the same as retraction. Many people read the slanderous diatribe against me but they have not been apprised of the lies contained therein. Many websites have cited, reprinted or linked to that article. They are not aware of its many egregious errors.
Still, as of this writing, Human Events refuses to retract their defamatory diatribe. Indeed, not even an apology was given. Rather, Robert Bluey had the gall to threaten me for seeking to clear my name.
Such are the depths to which Coulter’s defenders will sink to ensure that Coulter’s peculiar brand of polemicism will remain profitable.
Plagiarism Redux
Despite their best efforts, new evidence of plagiarism in Godless continues to emerge. In High Crimes, Coulter used the work and the words of one of her colleagues and took them as her own. Coulter did the same in Godless. Consider this from Cliff Kincaid:
[Robert] Knight, who now directs the Culture & Family Institute at Concerned Women for America, tells me that all of the NEA examples cited in the Coulter column “were right out of my paper, although the phrasing was changed. Several were in the exact order I had them in my paper. It appears that Miss Coulter cribbed them directly from my Heritage report. Since it involves a considerable number of examples (nine), it would have been nice if she had credited me or Heritage, but I’m not upset. I’m glad she used this stuff to good effect.”
Let’s be clear here: Ann Coulter plagiarized from a colleague at her very own newspaper – and got away with it – so why shouldn’t she plagiarize from a stranger?
Setting aside (for now) her defamation of me, Lisa De Pasquale (designated Coulter apologist at Human Events) made one striking point: “Most telling is the fact that none of the authors or publications that liberals claim Ann Coulter plagiarized have come forward.”
Human Events seeks to discredit me because I have interviewed the one person who has come forward – Michael Chapman, a former editor for Human Events and former colleague of Coulter. (Yet, Coulter denies ever have even heard of Chapman.) Human Events was both privy to and party to Coulter’s use of Chapman’s material in her first book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors (see “The Plagiarism Trap”).
Both Human Events and Regnery (the book imprint for Eagle Publishing) assured Chapman that he would be credited for his work. After High Crimes publication, Chapman sought some form of credit, but was denied. Human Events still turns a blind eye to the plagiarism of its premiere polemicist. Regnery even released High Crimes and Misdemeanors in paperback form, long after the Boston Globe had revealed Chapman’s role in its publication, again without acknowledging Chapman’s contribution (or correcting some of its more egregious errors).
The truth about Ann Coulter is unwelcome at Human Events, which clearly prefers profit to principle.
[Daniel Borchers is the Editor of BrotherWatch and the President of Citizens for Principled Conservatism. He can be reached at]
Dusty is almost ads delusional as fantasy foole is, soon he will find his very own fantasy pic to post...when he learns how....
ReplyDeleteLisa De Pasquale is CPAC director at the American Conservative Union in Alexandria, Va.
ReplyDeleteDolt you have posted a reichwing talking head defending a reichwingnut shrill....who'd a thunk it?
Barrie, a graduate from the People’s Republic of Berkeley,
ReplyDeletereal accurate there, but that never let a slimemeister from slithering under the excrement to do their very own repug doo doo duty
Most telling is the fact that none of the authors or publications that liberals claim Ann Coulter plagiarized have come forward.
ReplyDeletedebunked here by one story I posted but since she makes the claim I'll be happy to re-post for ya dolty boy;
Wonder how Ann Coulter fills her books?
Shrill voice: Who is it? Whattya want?
Me: Ann Coulter, please.
SV: You've got her. Who's this?
Me: Oh . . . hello, Ms. Coulter. This is the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. We're calling to ask why your new book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" includes a sentence that matches almost verbatim one from our newspaper.
SV: Who is this really? Is that you, Al Franken?
Me: No, ma'am. It's true. You see, back in 1999, we asked our readers what they thought were Maine's top news stories for the 20th century. One ballot entry went like this: "The massive Dickey-Lincoln Dam, a $227 million hydroelectric project proposed on upper St. John River, is halted by the discovery of the Furbish lousewort, a plant believed to be extinct."
SV: So what?
Me: Well, on page 5 of "Godless," you wrote: "The massive Dickey-Lincoln Dam, a $227 million hydroelectric project proposed on upper St. John River in Maine, was halted by the discovery of the Furbish lousewort, a plant previously believed to be extinct."
SV: You lobotomized little liberal media creep. Are you calling me a plagiarist?
Me: Excellent question. But after much deliberation, the consensus here is that lifting one factual sentence out of a daily newspaper isn't really plagiarism.
SV: Hallelujah. Now bug off.
Me: Still, we find it a bit strange that someone like you, being a cable TV talking head and all, would have to poach from our newspaper to fill your book. I mean when you wrote in your book that the 9/11 widows are "harpies" and just last week said the editor of The New York Times should be executed by a firing squad, you didn't sound like someone who has trouble speaking extemporaneously.
SV: Drop dead.
Me: See what I mean?
SV: So, if you're not accusing me of plagiarism, why are you bothering me? I've got calls backed up from Larry King to Bill O'Reilly, and here I am talking to some podunk newspaper in Maine! What'd you say your name was . . . Lincoln Dickey?
Me: No, that would have been the name of the dam. And it's Dickey-Lincoln.
SV: Whatever!
Me: We're just curious about a couple of things. First, how did you find this 6-year-old sentence in the first place? And second, you don't note that the Dickey-Lincoln project was killed way back in 1976. Haven't liberals offended you more recently than that?
SV: Wait a minute, are you getting testy on me?
Me: No, that was Matt Lauer on the "Today" show.
SV: That's it. I want to talk to your editor.
Me: Sorry, you can't.
SV: Why not?
Me: Because this is what you call a fictional phone call. You see, I've tried and tried to reach you, but you haven't called back. (I got close once, but your publicist said you lost your voice from talking too much, which we agreed was ironic.) So I figured since this newspaper is already in the business of putting words in your mouth, we might as well have a little fun while we're at it.
SV: I think you're out of your mind.
Me: Wow, now that's truly weird.
SV: What now?
Me: All summer long, that's exactly what we've been saying about you.
They do come forward dolty boy the anorexic nazi does not answer any questions by them and that allows morons like De passed of as real to write they don't because AS usual she like all good reichwingnuts ignore reality to continue their fairy tale world view( you know the one Bush is intelligent and the repugs care about Live people not just unborn ones)or they really do want to win the war on terra, not continue it until Halliburton and Cheney are rich enough
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteNor should anyone take obsessive rants seriously just because they are recycled in tabloids and in the liberal blogosphere.
ReplyDeletewhat she said;
Nor should anyone take obsessive rants seriously just because they are recycled on riechwingnut talk radio and in the reichwingnut hate spewing propoganda machine as exampled by al.
reality she was representing (dishonestly) [as usual]
BTW dolty boy you should read the main article lydia makes your author out to be a paid appologist and propogandist for thr anorexic Nazi sort of a goebbels jr, in training.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your amazing wit and intelligence.
ReplyDeleteI was asked to post this article by my friend, who went through hell with Coulter's propaganda team. I posted it very quickly at his request.
I realize Coulter is distracting us from real news, but she is to blame for the hate-speak and annihilation prevalent today and must be called on it. Obviously her defenders here, Rusty, Moo Moo, Clippy and the rest are hired or paid to spread even more "politics of personal destruction."
What is up with Chris Matthews? Some people think he was forced to have her on and compliment her as a favor to her publisher. In other words, they promised him a favor on his own book if he would promote Coulter. Especially since Matthews never promoted her other books.
Either that, or he just likes drag queens. Either way, she can't wati to nuke somebody because that's all she talks about.
God Bless you all! This includes Ann Coulter and her trolls.
ReplyDeleteFF said
ReplyDelete"Moomeister, why don't you join LGC? Drop JustDanny an email. I'll vouch for ya."
Thanx for the invitation FF; I am honored! Does LGC accept moderates who possess an open mind by examining two different viewpoints without being slandered and incorrectly labelled for the crime of failing to blindly agree with only their views?
This is why I have reseved "Prophet of Doom" by Winn. I feel I should properly reasearch the Islam mindset, thereby allowing me to form a more balanced opinion and not place complete trust in the liberal view that the U.S is attempting global domination through it's efforts in the ME.
Additionally, after witnessing the emotional, paranoid, wacky, and comical conspiracy theories of the libs for myself, my sponge is even more open.
Something very strange happened a few weeks ago while tanning at the park.
ReplyDeleteA squirrel, whom I had not had the pleasure of meeting before, jumped up on our picnic table... then onto our cooler and allowed us to hand feed him; he was more gentle than a bunny rabbit when taking the food. He even turned his back to us while dining a mere 12 inches away.
Was this God?
The squirells normally run away when you get within 15-20 feet of them, and only accept food when thrown.
Lydia, I saw Coulter's appearance on Hardball and thought that Chris was very, very tough on her in the first segment, and then eased up on her in the second segment.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, Matthews can be a real bully at times. He talks faster than an auctioneer on crack, and usually shouts his guests down when he doesn't agree with them.
I remember the time he took issue with Michelle Malkin on his show, and he just asked her question after question before she could get two words out. Finally, he said "This interview is over -- you're outta here." He was not a gentleman, and Rush Limbaugh, who saw the interview, was so incensed by it that he had Malkin on his show the next day. Rush's audience is about 100 times that of Matthews', and her appearance on Rush's show crashed her Web site from the sheer volume of listeners visiting, which has happened several times with guests on Rush, such is his influence.
That said, I did read Matthews's book on Kennedy and Nixon several years ago. It was pretty good.
ReplyDeleteSuch are the depths to which Coulter’s defenders will sink to ensure that Coulter’s peculiar brand of polemicism will remain profitable.
-Lydia Cornell
So a big chunk of this post is devoted not to discrediting Ann Coulter but her business associate? How is that relevant exactly -- guilt by association perhaps?
And Coulter's biggest accuser of plagarism, Robert Knight, sounds miffed but is not ready to press charges. it would have been nice if she had credited me or Heritage, but I’m not upset. I’m glad she used this stuff to good effect.
Once again sounds like we have bupkis here -- another urban legend just like the Diebold myth.
I have found from this very blog that libs will say and do just about anything in their worship of liberalism. Pardon me if I remain skeptical.
Johnny Troll you were banned for like the third possibly fourth time and are still here, you just cant take a hint can you, why dont you go hand out with your slimy troll buddies somewhere.
ReplyDeleteClippy said "Iranian Leader Bans Usage of Foreign Words
ReplyDeleteTEHRAN, Iran -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered government and cultural bodies to use modified Persian words to replace foreign words that have crept into the language, such as "pizzas" which will now be known as "elastic loaves," state media reported Saturday.
The presidential decree, issued earlier this week, orders all governmental agencies, newspapers and publications to use words deemed more appropriate by the official language watchdog, the Farhangestan Zaban e Farsi, or Persian Academy, the Irna official news agency reported.
The academy has introduced more than 2,000 words as alternatives for some of the foreign words that have become commonly used in Iran, mostly from Western languages. The government is less sensitive about Arabic words, because the Quran is written in Arabic.
Among other changes, a "chat" will become a "short talk" and a "cabin" will be renamed a "small room," according to official Web site of the"
Ah trying to regualate freedom of speech and control what people can say...............the Iranians are not that different from the Bush Administration, not that different at all.
FF you dont believe anything that isnt alligned with your warped political views and doesent come from your biased, slanted Reich Wing sources.
ReplyDeletedippy said;
ReplyDeleteIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered government and cultural bodies to use modified Persian words to replace foreign words that have crept into the language, such as "pizzas" which will now be known as "elastic loaves," state media reported Saturday.
The Iranian's version of "freedom fries"
"The massive Dickey-Lincoln Dam, a $227 million hydroelectric project proposed on upper St. John River, is halted by the discovery of the Furbish lousewort, a plant believed to be extinct."
Yeah clippy ya libs got evidence about as important as a furbish lousewort.
You know, Borchers would have been a lot more convincing if he had refuted all the points made about him -- not just the lame one about sneaking into certain events.
Even this point was not convincingly rebutted. Just because he entered certain events with proper credentials, doesn't mean he did not enter other events without credentials. However, since this charge was not substantiated in the article, it was fair to retract it.
But what about the other charges, Borchers? If you were a jilted stalker, that would utterly destroy any credibility whatsoever.
Ann is a "bad girl" who has made a good living off her rep as a quick witted, humorous liberal slayer. Her books bristle with devastating, easily verifiable facts.
Libs' attempts to smear her as a bad girl only serve to further enhance her bad girl reputation, not diminish it.
However if substantiated, charges of plagarism or spreading falsehoods would indeed damage her credibility with Conservatives who highly value truth.
Consider that on this very blog without any evidence whatsoever, lib posters on this blog such as worf have smeared me as someone advocating mass murder of innocents. kayinmaine has smeared me as a child molester. clif and mike have both smeared me as a bigot.
Ms. Cornell has charged Republican government employees with hacking into her web site and intends to go on radio talking about it, but I have yet to see any actual proof.
Based upon my experience with liberals on this blog and elsewhere, I believe Ann.
Fantasy foole said;
ReplyDeleteI have found from this very blog that libs will say and do just about anything in their worship of liberalism.
damn talk about one trick take the hay for that one son.
Pardon me if I remain skeptical.
No problem with your skepitism since it is based on your delusional fantasy world view
FF -- ut what about the other charges, Borchers? If you were a jilted stalker, that would utterly destroy any credibility whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS PART 2.
You are in for a big surprise.
FF dont lie and say I smeared you as a bigot, I made one comment that refered to you as a bigot based on your self admitted false generalizations that appeared bigoted, I however IMMEDIATELY apologized and was big enough to retract my statement unkike certain ideologues from the Reich Wing who never see anyone elses point but their own and never acknowledge or admit when they are wrong.
ReplyDeleteI have only one thing to say:
Good. Another lib who presumably would gleefully murder a twice democratically elected American President, just to advance his worship of the Godless religion of liberalism.
Yes, so please tell me again how Ann Coulter is "mean-spirited".
I really dont care what you or any of the other slimy trolls tell me Clippy, I dont take orders from you and never will, I replied to you veiled threat yesterday, i'm done with you you are a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteI however IMMEDIATELY apologized and was big enough to retract my statement...
You're right Mike, you did apologize. You are an honorable adversary.
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteI have only one thing to say:
Must be related to hippiejoe....
Good. Another lib who presumably would gleefully murder a twice democratically elected American President, just to advance his worship of the Godless religion of liberalism.
Ah Fantasy foole gets called on his false generalisations..and a posted who registered this month in the exact same way dusty simpletoin registered, wufuss crybaby registered, hippiejoe registered, seems the trolls are registering with shallow attempts to disguise themselves so that they can respond to the "troll disguised as a liberal" statements, thus making them SEEM more astute if they did not dishonestly do repug things like this..
Yes, so please tell me again how Ann Coulter is "mean-spirited".
Coulter does not HIDE behind a computer screen
like the GUTLESS trolls here do
BTW, It is mean spirited, must be the image IT see's every morning in the Mirror that drives IT's venomous rages
dippy said...
You were already told, to Mind Your Own Business! what part of that don't you understand there...fat boy.
Chicken hawk boy who you trying to scare...hiding behind the Keyboard of the 102nd fighting chickenhawk keyboard brigade?
dippy said...
ReplyDeleteThank God for that, like I said yesterday, I don't like talking with you, and never really did in the first place, you are nothing more than a blowhard!
that's funny coming from a paid troll trying to defend the biggest BLOWHARD in the world, to bad It can't actually do much else
seems the trolls are registering with shallow attempts to disguise themselves so that they can respond to the "troll disguised as a liberal" statements...
clippy it would appear that you libs like your hero, glenn greenwald have a virtual monopoly on sock puppetry.
BTW clippy based upon your cryptic posts, are you really a sock puppet for yoda?
US earmarks 10 million dollars for Lebanese army
ReplyDeleteand we pay 25% of Israel's defence budget, and sell them weapons and munitions at a reduced cost...we are back to the Iran-Iraq war style of sellinh weapons to BOTH sides....repugs NEVER learn do they?
ReplyDelete#1. But what about the other charges, Borchers? If you were a jilted stalker, that would utterly destroy any credibility whatsoever.
#2. Ms. Cornell has charged Republican government employees with hacking into her web site and intends to go on radio talking about it, but I have yet to see any actual proof.
No, I now know who they are. And I'm not sure I want to waste my gifts on this low-life propaganda on the radio.
Who is JULES? It must be one of the Republican trolls.
ReplyDeleteBTW TT, not only is it a slanderous personal attack and a blatent lie accusing Clinton of being gay without a shred of evidence to support her unsubstantiated allegation, but it also serves to illustrate that Coulter has no credibility whatsoever and is a fool that no one should take seriously, one minute she says Clinton is a womanizer that chases every skirt that comes his way then the next she is saying he is gay and likes men, typical repug lies and outrageous BS to to help themselves politically or financially.
ReplyDeletein one breath Coulter says he loves women and hits on any woman a few seconds later it is he is gay.
ReplyDeleteYou are in for a big surprise.
-Lydia Cornell
Oooh stay tuned for the sequel -- a Hollywood favorite. Can't wait for the "smoking gun".
Ya know...actual facts showing that Coulter has stated something of substance without any supporting facts?
How about the Maine newes paper whoi printed a column calling IT on It's plagerism of their know the one fantasy foole where they say IT will not answer their inquiries...
ReplyDeleteMust be a repug thing not acknowledge inconvient questions about questional behavior...
and then claim nobody has come foward
must be because they ignore those that do....
Coulter is not as important as the bigger picture of what her enablers allow.
ReplyDeleteExactly Coulter is a shill supported and financed by the Big Money Powers that be, without her backers she is nothing!
ReplyDeleteBTW did you see David Letterman's excellent piece on why coulterguist thinks Bill is gay..
ReplyDeleteHis take;
"Clinton Only gay when it comes to evil crazy bitches"
Letterman's words as seen on national TV
And the more credibility Coulter loses the more those deep Pocketed backers will desert her.
ReplyDelete"clif said...
ReplyDeleteBTW did you see David Letterman's excellent piece on why coulterguist thinks Bill is gay..
His take;
"Clinton Only gay when it comes to evil crazy bitches"
Letterman's words as seen on national TV
10:56 AM"
There you go again, Clif -- can't tell the difference between a news program and a comedy program
"Mike said...
ReplyDeleteExactly Coulter is a shill supported and financed by the Big Money Powers that be, without her backers she is nothing!
10:55 AM"
Two words, Mike: George Soros.
George Soros is a good man TT, him and Warren Buffet despite being 100 times richer than any of you clowns on your best day, they constantly speak out against corruption and support the poor, the little working class guy and speak out about dangerous policies that enrich the few elite but create long term inbalances in the economy that can have devasting consequences for EVERYONE.
ReplyDeleteTiny inTellect said;
ReplyDeleteThere you go again, Clif -- can't tell the difference between a news program and a comedy program
you sir are no Ronald Reagan but you could pretend by wearing DEPENDS for a while, BTW no cheating you can't change them yourself....
and I have watched Letterman for years..even though he is a comedian he is pretty accurate with his pieces
Mike, when Bush ran in 2000 and rasied $200 million, the average contribution was $56. And you guys have George Soros who is also propping up Air America.
ReplyDeleteU.S. economy slows sharply, inflation heats up in second quarter
ReplyDeleteEven though the economy cooled in the second quarter, inflation heated up.
An inflation gauge closely watched by the Federal Reserve showed that core prices - excluding food and energy - jumped by 2.9 percent in the second quarter - far outside the Fed's comfort zone. That was up from a 2.1 percent increase in the first quarter and marked the highest inflation reading since the third quarter of 1994, when core inflation rose by 3.2 percent.
The inflation reading was taken before the latest run-up in energy prices. Oil prices hit a record closing high of $77.03 a barrel on July 14. Gasoline prices also have marched higher, topping $3 a gallon in many areas.
Looks like ronnies friend stagflation is making a try at a comeback...which could spell problems for the GrOPer in Chief and his idiot repug cohorts
look at all the trolls creating new alias's faster than we can blink, enjoy while you can boys, because your time is over Johnny et al.
ReplyDeleteCoulter is not as important as the bigger picture...
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
True. The baseless vitriol spewed against Coulter tells us all we need to know about the dearth of integrity abundantly apparent among her lib detractors.
California heat wave deaths reach 130 -- notice that the French aren't mocking us when our citizens die from deadly temperatures
ReplyDeleteYes they have class something repugs are notoriusly lacking and they try like hell to make upo for their lack of class with money and slimely attacks on those who do have class...
Insecurity is the repugs best friend (when they render it in others) and worst nightmare (when they look in the mirror)
Moscow snubs US to sell arms to Venezuela
ReplyDeleteRussia signed a £1.6bn arms deal with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela today, risking a confrontation with the US, which has imposed an arms embargo on the South American country.
The outspoken Venezuelan president, who has claimed that America wants to assassinate him and pledged cheap heating fuel for London's poor, also told reporters in Moscow that his country could develop its own nuclear programme.
"Maybe some day we will start using nuclear energy," he said, according to Interfax. He did not specify when or how he might obtain nuclear power, but his ambitions will rile a Bush administration already deeply concerned by Iran's nuclear programme. Moscow has agreed to build nuclear power plants for Tehran, despite Washington's claim that the scheme is a front for a nuclear weapons programme.,,1831875,00.html?gusrc=rss
Remember the line from JAWS where the sheriff said; "we're gonna need a bigger boat," when he saw the size of the shark
Well if georgie keeps pissing off the world as he does, he's gonna need a hell of a lot more troops and planes and BOATS if he thinks he can use the military solution to his self created problems
FF I thought Conservatives hate unsubstantiated accusations not supported by facts in other words lies and slander like Coulter calling Bill Clinton gay, not only did she not provide a shred of evidence to support this outrageous lie and unsubstantiated allegation, but she also made this outrageous claim a mere 30 seconds or so after saying he is a womanizer that hits on any woman in a skirt that walks by, and several minutes after saying libs use personal attacks further calling into question her complete lack of credibility. you guys cant have it both ways, either Clinton finds women irresistable or he likes men, but you cant have it both ways.
ReplyDeleteand after all the lies slander, personal attacks and unsubstantiated allegations that Conservatives and FF claim they hate...........FF Still supports Coulter.
fartman said...
ReplyDeleteClif, are you now attacking all those who have Alzheimers....sick man you are Clif!
You HAD to see that one coming fartman,
Reagan is no more above giving the coulterguist treatment than IT itself is, he is not a saint or even a very good president, as he
Started us on the road to financial instability,
and he denioed the problems we NOW have with oil and cut back efforts to alieviate the problem when it would have been rather easy and would have made a lerger difference with LESS pain...stupid or senile it does not matter he did many things that are not good for us NOW,
however he did aid in finishing the Soviet Union
Let Israel Win the War
ReplyDeleteBy Charles Krauthammer
WASHINGTON -- What other country, when attacked in an unprovoked aggression across a recognized international frontier, is then put on a countdown clock by the world, given a limited time window in which to fight back, regardless of whether it has restored its own security?
What other country sustains 1,500 indiscriminate rocket attacks into its cities -- every one designed to kill, maim and terrorize civilians -- and is then vilified by the world when it tries to destroy the enemy's infrastructure and strongholds with precision-guided munitions that sometimes have the unintended but unavoidable consequence of collateral civilian death and suffering?
Hearing the world pass judgment on the Israel-Hezbollah war as it unfolds is to live in an Orwellian moral universe. With a few significant exceptions (the leadership of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and a very few others), the world -- governments, the media, U.N. bureaucrats -- has completely lost its moral bearings.
The word that obviates all thinking and magically inverts victim into aggressor is "disproportionate," as in the universally decried "disproportionate Israeli response."
When the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor, it did not respond with a parallel "proportionate" attack on a Japanese naval base. It launched a four-year campaign that killed millions of Japanese, reduced Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki to a cinder, and turned the Japanese home islands to rubble and ruin. Disproportionate? No. When one is wantonly attacked by an aggressor, one has every right -- legal and moral -- to carry the fight until the aggressor is disarmed and so disabled that it cannot threaten one's security again. That's what it took with Japan.
Britain was never invaded by Germany in World War II. Did it respond to the blitz and V-1 and V-2 rockets with "proportionate" aerial bombardment of Germany? Of course not. Churchill orchestrated the greatest land invasion in history that flattened and utterly destroyed Germany, killing untold innocent German women and children in the process.
The perversity of today's international outcry lies in the fact that there is indeed a disproportion in this war, a radical moral asymmetry between Hezbollah and Israel: Hezbollah is deliberately trying to create civilian casualties on both sides while Israel is deliberately trying to minimize civilian casualties, also on both sides.
In perhaps the most blatant terror campaign from the air since the London blitz, Hezbollah is raining rockets on Israeli cities and villages. These rockets are packed with ball bearings that can penetrate automobiles and shred human flesh. They are meant to kill and maim. And they do.
But it is a dual campaign. Israeli innocents must die in order for Israel to be terrorized. But Lebanese innocents must also die in order for Israel to be demonized, which is why Hezbollah hides its fighters, its rockets, its launchers, its entire infrastructure among civilians. Creating human shields is a war crime. It is also a Hezbollah specialty.
On Wednesday, CNN cameras showed destruction in Tyre. What does Israel have against Tyre and its inhabitants? Nothing. But the long-range Hezbollah rockets that have been raining terror on Haifa are based in Tyre. What is Israel to do? Leave untouched the launch sites that are deliberately placed in built-up areas?
Had Israel wanted to destroy Lebanese civilian infrastructure, it would have turned out the lights in Beirut in the first hour of the war, destroying the billion-dollar power grid and setting back Lebanon 20 years. It did not do that. Instead, it attacked dual-use infrastructure -- bridges, roads, airport runways -- and blockaded Lebanon's ports to prevent the reinforcement and resupply of Hezbollah. Ten-thousand Katyusha rockets are enough. Israel was not going to allow Hezbollah 10,000 more.
Israel's response to Hezbollah has been to use the most precise weaponry and targeting it can. It has no interest, no desire to kill Lebanese civilians. Does anyone imagine that it could not have leveled south Lebanon, to say nothing of Beirut? Instead, in the bitter fight against Hezbollah in south Lebanon, it has repeatedly dropped leaflets, issued warnings, sent messages by radio and even phone text to Lebanese villagers to evacuate so that they would not be harmed.
Israel knows that these leaflets and warnings give the Hezbollah fighters time to escape and regroup. The advance notification as to where the next attack is coming has allowed Hezbollah to set up elaborate ambushes. The result? Unexpectedly high Israeli infantry casualties. Moral scrupulousness paid in blood. Israeli soldiers die so that Lebanese civilians will not, and who does the international community condemn for disregarding civilian life?
Page Printed from: at July 29, 2006 - 01:16:47 PM CDT
FF said "True. The baseless vitriol spewed against Coulter tells us all we need to know about the dearth of integrity abundantly apparent among her lib detractors."
ReplyDeleteNo FF the baseless Vitriol spewed by Coulter tells us all we need to know about the dearth of integrity abundantly apparent among her troll supporters."
apparent facts to Conservatives are like holy water to vampires, those facts will get you every time FF.............BTW FF where were those facts to support Coulter's dispicacle unsubstsntiated allegation that Clinton is gay.......oh yea THERE WERENT ANY just another baseless repug personal attack and smear job.
Tiny inTellect why not tell the HISTORY of the Israeli side more fully?
ReplyDeleteDown the Memory Hole
Israeli contribution to conflict is forgotten by leading papers
In the wake of the most serious outbreak of Israeli/Arab violence in years, three leading U.S. papers—the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times—have each strongly editorialized that Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon were solely responsible for sparking violence, and that the Israeli military response was predictable and unavoidable. These editorials ignored recent events that indicate a much more complicated situation.
Beginning with the Israeli attack on Gaza, a New York Times editorial (6/29/06) headlined "Hamas Provokes a Fight" declared that "the responsibility for this latest escalation rests squarely with Hamas," and that "an Israeli military response was inevitable." The paper (7/15/06) was similarly sure in its assignment of blame after the fighting spread to Lebanon: "It is important to be clear about not only who is responsible for the latest outbreak, but who stands to gain most from its continued escalation. Both questions have the same answer: Hamas and Hezbollah."
The Washington Post (7/14/06) agreed, writing that "Hezbollah and its backers have instigated the current fighting and should be held responsible for the consequences." The L.A. Times (7/14/06) likewise wrote that "in both cases Israel was provoked." Three days and scores of civilian deaths later, the Times (7/17/06) was even more direct: "Make no mistake about it: Responsibility for the escalating carnage in Lebanon and northern Israel lies with one side...and that is Hezbollah."
As FAIR noted in a recent Action Alert (7/19/06), the portrayal of Israel as the innocent victim in the Gaza conflict is hard to square with the death toll in the months leading up to the current crisis; between September 2005 and June 2006, 144 Palestinians in Gaza were killed by Israeli forces, according to a list compiled by the Israeli human rights group B'tselem; 29 of those killed were children. During the same period, no Israelis were killed as a result of violence from Gaza.
In a July 21 CounterPunch column, Alexander Cockburn highlighted some of the violent incidents that have dropped out of the media’s collective memory:
Let's go on a brief excursion into pre-history. I’m talking about June 20, 2006, when Israeli aircraft fired at least one missile at a car in an attempted extrajudicial assassination attempt on a road between Jabalya and Gaza City. The missile missed the car. Instead it killed three Palestinian children and wounded 15.
Back we go again to June 13, 2006. Israeli aircraft fired missiles at a van in another attempted extrajudicial assassination. The successive barrages killed nine innocent Palestinians.
Now we're really in the dark ages, reaching far, far back to June 9, 2006, when Israel shelled a beach in Beit Lahiya killing eight civilians and injuring 32.
That's just a brief trip down Memory Lane, and we trip over the bodies of twenty dead and forty-seven wounded, all of them Palestinians, most of them women and children.
On June 24, the day before Hamas' cross-border raid, Israel made an incursion of its own, capturing two Palestinians that it said were members of Hamas (something Hamas denied—L.A. Times, 6/25/06). This incident received far less coverage in U.S. media than the subsequent seizure of the Israeli soldier; the few papers that covered it mostly dismissed it in a one-paragraph brief (e.g., Chicago Tribune, 6/25/06), while the Israeli taken prisoner got front-page headlines all over the world. It's likely that most Gazans don’t share U.S. news outlets' apparent sense that captured Israelis are far more interesting or important than captured Palestinians.
The situation in Lebanon is also more complicated than its portrayal in U.S. media, with the roots of the current crisis extending well before the July 12 capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah. A major incident fueling the latest cycle of violence was a May 26, 2006 car bombing in Sidon, Lebanon, that killed a senior official of Islamic Jihad, a Palestinian group allied with Hezbollah. Lebanon later arrested a suspect, Mahmoud Rafeh, whom Lebanese authorities claimed had confessed to carrying out the assassination on behalf of Mossad (London Times, 6/17/06).
Israel denied involvement with the bombing, but even some Israelis are skeptical. "If it turns out this operation was effectively carried out by Mossad or another Israeli secret service," wrote Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s top-selling daily (6/16/06; cited in AFP, 6/16/06), "an outsider from the intelligence world should be appointed to know whether it was worth it and whether it lays groups open to risk."
In Lebanon, Israel's culpability was taken as a given. "The Israelis, in hitting Islamic Jihad, knew they would get Hezbollah involved too," Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a professor at Beirut’s Lebanese American University, told the New York Times (5/29/06). "The Israelis had to be aware that if they assassinated this guy they would get a response."
And, indeed, on May 28, Lebanese militants in Hezbollah-controlled territory fired Katyusha rockets at a military vehicle and a military base inside Israel. Israel responded with airstrikes against Palestinian camps deep inside Lebanon, which in turn were met by Hezbollah rocket and mortar attacks on more Israeli military bases, which prompted further Israeli airstrikes and "a steady artillery barrage at suspected Hezbollah positions" (New York Times, 5/29/06). Gen. Udi Adam, the commander of Israel’s northern forces, boasted that "our response was the harshest and most severe since the withdrawal" of Israeli troops from Lebanon in 2000 (Chicago Tribune, 5/29/06).
This intense fighting was the prelude to the all-out warfare that began on July 12, portrayed in U.S. media as beginning with an attack out of the blue by Hezbollah. While Hezbollah's capture of two Israeli soldiers may have reignited the smoldering conflict, the Israeli air campaign that followed was not a spontaneous reaction to aggression but a well-planned operation that was years in the making.
"Of all of Israel’s wars since 1948, this was the one for which Israel was most prepared," Gerald Steinberg, a political science professor at Israel's Bar-Ilan University, told the San Francisco Chronicle (7/21/05). "By 2004, the military campaign scheduled to last about three weeks that we’re seeing now had already been blocked out and, in the last year or two, it’s been simulated and rehearsed across the board." The Chronicle reported that a "senior Israeli army officer" has been giving PowerPoint presentations for more than a year to "U.S. and other diplomats, journalists and think tanks" outlining the coming war with Lebanon, explaining that a combination of air and ground forces would target Hezbollah and "transportation and communication arteries."
Which raises a question: If journalists have been told by Israel for more than a year that a war was coming, why are they pretending that it all started on July 12? By truncating the cause-and-effect timelines of both the Gaza and Lebanon conflicts, editorial boards at major U.S. dailies gravely oversimplify the decidedly more complex nature of the facts on the ground.
BTW, its good to see johnny troll realized he was breaking the law being here after he was banned and left with his slimy tail between his legs.
ReplyDeleteClif, YOU are the chickenhawk because the implication of your post is that Israel should send postcards to Hezbollah politely asking them to stop kidnapping their soldiers and launching missiles at her.
ReplyDeletefartman said...
Who said Mr. Gorbachev "tear down this wall"?
Why the depends president hisself, about 7 years after I served in Germany as part of the US Army where DID YOU serve son?
TT do you even know what the terms troll and chickenhawk mean, maybe you should buy yourself a dictionary so you dont come across as a complete fool.
ReplyDeleteMcCain-Feingold — without McCain
ReplyDeleteBy: Steve @ 7:37 AM - PDT
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) likes to joke that the campaign-finance reform measure that bears his name is so well-known that a large part of the country thinks his first name is "McCain." As it turns out, that may not be a problem anymore — McCain has given up on campaign-finance reform because it may interfere with his presidential campaign.
The quartet of lawmakers behind every major federal campaign finance restriction in the past decade is suddenly missing one of its members.
The elided surnames of the four men, "McCain-Feingold-Shays-Meehan," have become synonymous with so-called campaign finance reform, but Senator McCain, a Republican of Arizona, is conspicuously absent from the latest effort.
Kevin Drum responded, "Can we start keeping score on the number of positions that Mr. Straight Talk has abandoned now that he thinks he has a serious shot at the presidency?"
Like these;
* McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as "an agent of intolerance" in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans "deserved" the 9/11 attacks.
* McCain used to oppose Bush's tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.
* In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending "dirty money" to help finance Bush's presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.
* McCain used to think that Grover Norquist was a crook and a corrupt shill for dictators. Then McCain got serious about running for president and began to reconcile with Norquist.
* McCain took a firm line in opposition to torture, and then caved to White House demands.
And now McCain has given up on his signature policy issue, campaign-finance reform, and won't back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.
Just think, it's only July 2006. He still has a year and a half to reverse course on any number of other issues he pretended to care about.
FYI Troll Tex,
ReplyDelete1) a chickenhawk is a warmongering coward who wants other people to die while they are or were too afraid to put their life on the line to go over there and fight for something they claim to believe in so vehemently.
2) a troll is someone in an opposition blog or message board who insults people, resorts to personal attacks and attempts to hijack the thread and change the topic being discussed.
Tiny inTellect said...
ReplyDeleteClif, YOU are the chickenhawk
Not hardly boy I served something the trolls here haven't fopund the testicular fortitude to do....because the implication of your post is that Israel should send postcards to Hezbollah politely asking them to stop kidnapping their soldiers and launching missiles at her.
No son it is more about the FULL TRUTH of what is happening, like two small children who are arguing ..they both do things they claim the other does,,and they then cry innocence when they are called about THEIR actions.
ARE you that particin you can not admit Israel is doing what they are screaming about hezbollah did...
Or are you just THAT STUPID?
dippy said...
How do you know, that Johnny isn't in this room?...PUD
Dippy are yopu insinuating your brokebacking with Johnny now?
If he is, he is breaking the law and like a little insect vermin, he wont leave until he is forced to leave, but johnny troll your time is over, thats why you and your little troll buddies are shrieking and shrilling while you still can.
ReplyDeletefartman said...
ReplyDeleteColonel Clifford, I never served...sir!
I kind of figgered that, your posts fit the chicken hawk style of posting,
better question is WHEN you gonna sign upo son..or are you "too old" also?
I see you are monitoring the blog though troll, obviously you have nothing better to do in your pathetic life.
ReplyDeleteI think that sort of rampant promiscuity does show some level of latent homosexuality.
ReplyDelete-Ann Coulter
Note that Coulter did not identify Clinton as a homosexual, nor even one who has ever engaged in homosexuality.
She says that promiscuity (with women) is simlar to the promiscuity associated with homosexual behavior.
Note also that she was coaxed into saying this on the air by her host.
I don't personally agree with what she said. But again this just serves to bolster her bad girl image, not detract from the substance of the charges she credibly levels against liberals.
fartman said...
I agree Reagan wasn't the best president economically, but he did have great rapport with other nations.
Yes he at least knew how to speak words and what the words mean.
the current pResident NOT SO MUCH
fartman said...
ReplyDeleteColonel Clifford, I do support the troops...sir
I do too son, I helped my daughter enlist...she must have more "balls" than you do son?
No FF on Donny Deutche she said point blank "Clinton is a homosexual" dont try and pull a dishonest bait and switch with another quote she "MAY" have used later, I was watching the show, Coulter said ""Clinton is a homosexual" with no facts to back up her unsubstantiated slanderoud lie.
ReplyDeletenice try at spin though
fartman said...
I'm 46, and yes too old.
how did the college repugs get so many old farts?
Mike spin is how fantasy foole tries to get us to drink the kool aid and participate in his delusional fantasies
ReplyDeleteWell little ones this has been enjoyable but I have a few errands to run...
ReplyDeletefartman said...
ReplyDeleteClif, I never said that I was Democrat or Republican.
I don't care what you claim but waht you actually act like...sort of like Bush claiming he was either compasionate or a conservative,
well he fails on both counts
BTW are you in Dallas or Denver?
ReplyDeleteMike said:
ReplyDelete"...Coulter is a shill supported and financed by the Big Money Powers that be, without her backers she is nothing!"
But guess what? No one of any integrity or moral standards will back Coulter now. All good republicans are distancing themselves from her ugliness. She is a liability.
Coulter's only defenders are ex-boyfriends with jobs that enable them to hack into computers.
I agree. And I am ashamed at myself for taking the bait and not being more of a uniter, not a divider.
ReplyDeleteI guess venting and getting anger out is healthy, but it's not productive toward peace.
I welcome your productive comments that will help us bridge the gap and bring peace between the parties so we can see the good in each other.
I find that Coulter gets in the way of solutions. We need to start working on solutions as opposed to Coulter's pessimistic view of "just nuke em!" and "I'm sick of hearing about civilian casualties."
There is no excuse anymore for this kind of neanderthal language.
Not only is MaNN Coulter a big mouth lunatic and plaigarizer, she also is in trouble for VOTING AT TWO DIFFERENT POLLING PLACES IN THE LAST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! Yup, one of the poll workers noticed that she was voting in her OLD district, even though it was publically known in that district that she no longer lived there and had moved away! I think there is a lawsuit against her about this too.
ReplyDeleteAnd...isn't it ironic that MaNN Coulter has been using the 9/11 victims for years now to her own advantage, but yet, she lambastes some of the 9/11 widows?
MaNN is a lunatic.
Since "she" can call Bill Clinton a homosexual and get away with it, I have some information that I want to share:
George Bush and Karl Rove are lovers and just recently the two were spotted together in the Oval office lounging around naked and drinking from each other's athletic cup after a bike ride they took together (Bush especially needs to wear an atheltic cup because he can't ride a straight line without crashing!).
Wow, this is fun. Thanks MaNN for giving Americans to make up shit about YOUR PRESIDENT too!
BREAKING NEWS: This just in....Scooter Libby was seen jumping the White House fence and has now made his way into the Oval office! He's naked too and is demanding that he get to drink from Bushitler's cup before he heads to prison for obstructing justice, perjury, and lying under Oath! Laura Bush has now come into the office and is demanding that Rove get on the phone and call Ann Coulter to set up a back rub for her!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Washington is sure getting weird ever since MaNN Coulter called Bill Clinton a homosexual! Wow.
fartman said;
ReplyDeleteLife won't be much fun if it's spent thinking angry and sad thoughts ALL the time.
Good thing I riude a Harley isn't it...have a lot of relaxing hours of riding already this year..and as a plus it gets 45 MPG
Kay Mann claims Clinton is gay and Gore is gay but it is the repugs who keep coming out of the Jeff Gannon who they white house went to extraordinary lengths to give dfaily press passes to and he even stayed LONG after the press conference was officially over...he must have been in a "PRIVATE" conference but exactally who was pressing who is classified right now
ReplyDeleteAt least chicken hawk does not run in the McCain family;
ReplyDeleteThis September, Senator John McCain's youngest son, Jimmy, 18, will report to a U.S. Marine Corps depot near Camp Pendleton in San Diego. After three months of boot camp and a month of specialized training, he will be ready to deploy. Depending on the unit he joins, he could be in Iraq as early as this time next year, and his chances of seeing combat at some point are high. Of the 178,000 active-duty Marines in the world, some 80,000 have seen a tour in Iraq or Afghanistan, and there are 25,000 bearing the brunt of some of the worst fighting in Iraq now. About 6,000 Marines have been wounded there, and about 650 have been killed. "I'm obviously very proud of my son," says the elder McCain, "but also understandably a little nervous.",8599,1220414,00.html?cnn=yes
I wonder if Jenna or Barbra are considering followinbg in their father's footsteps...Oh that's right they have gotten drunk and had daddy's friends.. (and the secret service ) bail them out
Tempory new blog update, from:
(Remember, three "l"s in "Talll."
Obviously, this is pretty bare bones, but if Lydia shifts her blogger site to the Worfeus site (where he is the sys admin), we can use this humble blog to discuss alternatives, such as blogging at pre-existing sites that some of you already know about, or perhaps creating a brand-new fancy blog. If one you could do the same thing, but with comment moderation on, then we can also have a forum not visible to everyone. I did this in about five minutes, but I might have more time next weekend
I'm still trying to figure this thing out, so please bear with me.
Thanks. TT
I think that sort of rampant promiscuity does show some level of latent homosexuality.
ReplyDelete-Video and transcript of Ann Coulter to Donny Deutsch July 26, 2006
Note that Coulter did not identify Clinton as a homosexual, nor even one who has ever engaged in homosexuality.
No FF on Donny Deutche she said point blank "Clinton is a homosexual" dont try and pull a dishonest bait and switch with another quote she "MAY" have used later, I was watching the show, Coulter said ""Clinton is a homosexual" with no facts to back up her unsubstantiated slanderoud lie. nice try at spin though
I have already demonstrated that libs; especially those on this site like kayinmaine, worf and clif; are masters at gleefully smearing their opponents with vicious lies. As you can clearly see above, this is one of kayinmaine's favorite sick hobbies.
Perhaps you are really different, but I doubt it. If you are indeed honorable, please retract your statement or provide a link to the transcript which supports your charge.
Tiny inTellect said;
ReplyDeleteIf one you could do the same thing, but with comment moderation on, then we can also have a forum not visible to everyone.
repugs always trying to hide...must be from all their incompetence
FF post a viscious LIE I smeared somebody with...not just a jab but something I claimed which I can not actually support...and not when I REFUSED to accept artificial limits just to make your particin point which was based on distorted statistics
ReplyDeleteclippy I said you called me a bigot. Do you deny that? I challenged you to provide support but you had none. You are one step up the food chain from kayinmaine and blowfly larvae.
ReplyDeleteWell looks like the wharf echo chamber is humming along with a whopping three comments so far.
ReplyDeleteOne comment is another delightful poem by wharf smearing Ann Coulter.
Another comment is cliffy smearing George Dubya's cute young daughters.
In other words, typical liberal fare, except that there has been no mention of Conservatives as mass murdering nazis yet, but the thread is young...
He didn’t support invading Iraq. He says national security decisions are too often made for political gain. And he maintains that Tom DeLay used “legal plunder” for the “immoral purpose of holding onto power.”
ReplyDeleteA Democrat? No – His name is Richard Viguerie, a conservative icon and key architect of Ronald Reagan’s 1980 victory. Known to many as the godfather of direct-mail campaign fundraising, his four-decade career has succored scores of conservative candidates and grassroots causes.
A balding grandfather with a wry Texan’s smile, Viguerie is a seasoned conservative who confidently brushes aside accusations that his criticism of Republicans is intended for personal gain. On Monday, he sat down with RAW STORY to talk about his new book, Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause.
Modeling himself after Barry Goldwater, a 1960s conservative iconoclast whose reactionary stances later positioned Ronald Reagan for victory in 1980, Viguerie says the worst day of his political life was when Lyndon Johnson defeated Goldwater for president in 1964. Viguerie, who aided Reagan’s election but later became critical of some of his policies, today sees a landscape where Republicans run using a mantle of traditional values but carry the banner of conservatism only as far as it takes them to get elected.
Viguerie begins his book with two quotes. “The first is from Ronald Reagan and it says something along the lines of: ‘I tell my people that when we begin to refer to the federal government as us, we’ve been here too long.’ And then I recount a story of [former House Majority Leader] Tom DeLay (R-TX), late one night after dinner, he wants to light up a cigar and the manager says I’m sorry, Mr. DeLay… it’s against the law to smoke in a federal building. And DeLay says, ‘I am the federal government.’”
Viguerie spares little in attacking DeLay.
“DeLay is singlehandedly the primary person responsible for the most expansion of the government since [Democratic President] Lyndon Johnson,” he remarks. Subsequent research by RAW STORY revealed that, according to the CATO Institute, President Bush has exceeded Johnson in terms of discretionary spending.
Citing the recent bribery conviction of Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-CA), Viguerie says the real threat to government isn’t illegal activity – which he believes will eventually be caught by the law – but legal “plunder.”
“What really affects our life is the legal stuff, the legal thefts, the legal plunder of people like Tom DeLay, for the sole, in my opinion immoral, purpose of holding onto power,” the Texas politico said. “They are engaged in this illegal theft, spending money that doesn’t belong to them to hold onto power. And that’s corrupt and immoral. And people who are engaged in that are in no way worthy of the label conservative.”
Viguerie says he blames DeLay for passing President Bush’s Medicare prescription drug benefit, which conservatives say adds $18 trillion to Medicare’s unfunded liabilities. He also breaks with Bush on Iraq, noting that Bush used his opposition to “nation building” as a means to win conservative support during the 2000 campaign.
“I opposed the Iraq war,” he says. “It’s just nation building, and it’s just, you know, conservatives, true conservatives oppose America going in there, and now that we’re in there I don’t know how to get out.”
Asked where conservatives draw the line between restraining spending and defense, Viguerie framed his response by saying conservatives place defense spending above all other government projects. The United States spends more than six times as much on its military as the next largest spender, I noted, but this didn’t faze the Texas Republican.
“The purpose of government is not to redistribute the wealth, not to promote diversity, not to promote this cause or that cause -- it’s national defense,” he says. “That’s the purpose of government.”
“People are free wherever they’re free not because of their defense budget, but because of America’s defense budget,” he adds.
He does, however, believe military spending is rife with abuse. “The decisions are made far too many times for political reasons and not for defense reasons. Homeland Security is just riddled with pork.”
Viguerie was among the block of conservatives who perceived Bush’s statement in support of the federal marriage amendment -- which would define marriage as being between one man and one woman – as tepid. He believes if Bush stood fast to conservative principles his approval rating would climb out of the mid-thirties.
“The president is in his 30s not because he’s governing as a conservative, but because he’s not governing as a conservative,” Viguerie avers. “He needs to pick ideological fights with the Democrats: judges, spending priorities, taxes...He needs to make some appointments and have the Democrats filibuster them. He needs to be a partisan conservative president. If he does that he’s going to see his numbers go way back up.”
Citing his recent criticism of conservative leaders in the Washington Post, I asked who he’d prefer to see running the Senate. Viguerie named Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), a reactionary Republican from the Gingrich class of 1994, who’s made his name opposing gay rights and positioning himself as a bedrock conservative. For example, Coburn held up a 2007 spending bill over an 8 percent increase in Senate spending.
“Almost the entire leadership in my opinion should be changed,” Viguerie says. “They’re all complicit in the problem. I think conservatives are in the similar position as the biblical Jews who had to wander in the desert for 40 years until the corrupt leaders had passed away. Then they can go to the promised land.”
Ronald Reagan's campaign manager says Bush and Delay aren't true conservatives, now that is Funny...because what are they gonna slander HIM with.."senility?" or Pre 9-11 thinking?
Good comment about McCain and Gulianni;
ReplyDeleteRaw Story: John McCain seems – at least right now – to be the front-runner among Republicans for the 2008 race, and has done so by asserting his independent streak while courting the Bush team and Bush’s supporters. What’s your opinion of McCain, or say, Rudy Giuliani?
Viguerie: The idea that Giuliani is a serious candidate for a Republican nomination is not a serious idea. It would destroy the Republican Party. He’s a serial adulterer, he doesn’t agree with Republicans on virtually anything... He doesn’t agree with the Republicans on the second amendment.
McCain is interesting. He’s a serious candidate. McCain is like a political broken clock. He’s right a couple of times now and then. Right on spending primarily, and right on other issues. But he has a real problem with conservatives because conservatives don’t see him as a conservative.
Fantasy Foole said...
ReplyDeleteclippy I said you called me a bigot. Do you deny that?
Noi because your sliming the religion of Islam with your twisted and distorted view about it ..which you get from you I hate muslims website
I challenged you to provide support but you had none.
Support my assertion your a bigot in the way you slander 1.4 billion people, well your no better than any other bigots in history..because you calim to know more about them and their religion than they do.
You claim you opinion of them is true no matter if they actually deny that opinion..
You claim the ones who do not do the same as you claim they are...are actually "Bad Muslims"
Which seems to me a VERY BIGOTED self serving opinion
The conservatives have taken control!
All your base are belong to us!
On the Worfeus-Lydia blog, Worfeus said he wouldn't "let them talk for two more minutes [on that blog]"
ReplyDeleteFantasy Foole is telling the truth as reported by the MSM, smearing George Dubya's cute young daughters.
ReplyDeletebecause theyactually did what I posted they drunk ..were falling down and had the secret service help cover it up...even though at the time they were not old enough to consum alcohol
Seems the secret service has their hands full with this administration, Bush daughters who use the secret service as aids to break the law,
ReplyDeleteand dead eye uses it to sober up after shooting a man in the face with a shotgun
Clif, is your sliming the GOP as "Nazis" any worse?
In other words, typical liberal fare, except that there has been no mention of Conservatives as mass murdering nazis yet, but the thread is young...
ReplyDeletenot as son....... but LIKE
I actually never said they were card carring Nazi's in fact I said they probably did not pay dues to the Nazi party, but did act a lot like the Nazi party in Germany during their rise to total power in the early 30's
ReplyDeleteAnd Tiny inTellect the Presscott Bush has been proven to have aided the Nazi party during that rise to power
ReplyDeleteHe did it while working as a DIRECTOR for the bank that funded the Nazi Party during the early 30's when the German nazi party almost went broke...think what might have happened if prerscott had not helped them get funding
ReplyDeleteLike Hitler would not have enough money to launch his propoganda and assume power in the early 30's the world history of the 40's would probably been quite different
ReplyDeleteOh and BTW rusty claimed to have taken control here...well it looks like repugs are good at claiming control but weak at exercising it...just as they have in Iraq
ReplyDeleteSupport my assertion your a bigot in the way you slander 1.4 billion people, well your no better than any other bigots in history..because you calim to know more about them and their religion than they do.
I criticize beliefs not groups of people. I abhor any belief based upon hatred, misogyny and intolerance. Muslims, especially the women, are the first victims of Islamic beliefs.
Shouldn't every decent person be intolerant of intolerance?
You attack Christians for intolerance, even though it is not supported by their religion, unlike Islam. Are you a bigot?
Speaking out against Islamic intolerance is the new civil rights movement. You cowardly, politically-correct, multi-culture worshipping libs will be AWOl in this fight, just as the democrats led by george wallace stood in the schoolhouse door to block black children a generation ago.
Clif, honestly now, is that the best you can do? Posting unporven allegations against GWB's grandfather and assigning blame to the grandson? That is very weak.
ReplyDeleteSorry foole but the old southern democrats who turned repugs after they lost the civil rights fight..though just as you claim
ReplyDeleteClippy, don't you need to go revive the [Anti-] Freedom Blog? Those kids are dyin on the vine over there. They sure could use some more of your cheap smears or bogus cut-and-paste wisdom.
ReplyDeleteTiny inTellect said;
ReplyDeleteClif, honestly now, is that the best you can do? Posting unporven allegations against GWB's grandfather
Proven other wise the federal government would not have seized the bank where he was a director in 1943, and held the assets until the mid 50's
and assigning blame to the grandson?
I do not blame georgie for Prescott's actions...jus his own which make Prescott look pretty good by comparison
That is very weak.
If you want to disbelieve it like reichwingnuts disbelieve inevolution or the catholic church disbelieved in the solar centric version of our sloar system
Fantasy foole said...
ReplyDeleteClippy, don't you need to go revive the [Anti-] Freedom Blog?
no it is simply idle for a few hours like this bolg is also
Those kids are dyin on the vine over there.
Far from it son...far from it...your projecting your wishes again
They sure could use some more of your cheap smears or bogus cut-and-paste wisdom.
Testy again? remember what fartman said;
Anger is healthy to let out, otherwise physical ailments can develop, i.e. ulcers, heart attacks.
But focusing on the same anger day in and day out, will only create more anger until it manifests itself into something much more serious.
Take time out to rechannel the thinking processes through meditation so that way there your mind has an escape route from other angering thoughts that enter the mind.
Life won't be much fun if it's spent thinking angry and sad thoughts ALL the time.
Good advise to heed boy since you seem to get riled up quick there...after all it is just words on a screen
All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh.
Sorry foole but the old southern democrats who turned repugs after they lost the civil rights fight..though just as you claim.
Switched at birth? sock puppets? You be the judge.
Fantasy foole said;
ReplyDeleteSwitched at birth? sock puppets? You be the judge.
Is that the best you got in a supposed intellectual debate,
well your less of an stellar intellect and more of a fantasy in your own mind than I even thought
Size matters not, ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?
ReplyDelete-yoda (aka clippy) on his wedding nite.
Besides what you so upset for Fantasy foole I just noted your bigotry but did not call you a deranged bigot like Andrew Sullivan did to the coulterguist
See Fantasy foole I do not think your deranged (yet) but try to live in a typical repug fantasy world like other repug fooles do....
ReplyDeleteForeplay, cuddling - a Jedi craves not these things
ReplyDelete-yoda aka clippy in rebuffing romantic overtures from Marcy
Fantasy foole said...
ReplyDeleteSize matters not, ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?
-yoda (aka dippy) on his wedding nite.
What did dippy who posts here also ever do to you son?
I mean we can ascertain that dippy is proly a alter ego of one of you wingnuts...proly maybe even you so why attack dippy especially if you are also posting as dippy
ReplyDeleteI was not strong enough to defeat him. Like his master before him, be destroyed, he must.
ReplyDelete-yoda aka clippy frantically urging fellow libs to defeat George Dubya
Fantasy Foole said...
ReplyDeleteForeplay, cuddling - a Jedi craves not these things
-yoda aka dippy in rebuffing romantic overtures from Marcy
Viscious slander for somebody who seems to support your delusional thinking?
Must be the alternate personality is trying to take over in the fooles delusional mind
I would suggest getting help but that might entail you reliving the horrible events that make you sooo unhinged
ReplyDeleteFantasy Foole said...
ReplyDeleteForeplay, cuddling - a Jedi craves not these things
-yoda aka clippy in rebuffing romantic overtures from Marcy
acyually it is good to work out these errant mental episodes but just not in public, think of your wife's embarrasment
You should go to Tiny InTellects blog where;
ReplyDeleteIf one you could do the same thing, but with comment moderation on, then we can also have a forum not visible to everyone.
and your poor family could be spared the disgrace of your meltdowns in public
Save them we must. They are our last hope.
ReplyDelete-yoda aka clippy rallying fellow libs to support leftist heroines janeane garafalo and randi rhoades kill.
Fantasy Foole said...
ReplyDeleteSave them we must. They are our last hope.
-yoda aka dippy rallying fellow libs to support leftist heroines janeane garafalo and randi rhoades kill.
well dippy your on your own after all when the fantasy foole gets this woirked up as Kirk12 fought out reality is not in his took weeks for the foole to return to mentally living within some semblence of reality
Hopefully you do not have a flag as that seems to set him off real bad
ReplyDeleteBTW dippy don't take hiom personnally we never do he's a bit touched if you know what I mean but generally harmless...
ReplyDeleteAnd he barks real loud as most repugs do from time to time but they have very little bites as their chicken hawk stsaus can attend to, but beware he did serve in the Army reserve so like the repug Timmy McVeigh he actually might just be dangerous....
ReplyDeleteAngus Reid Global Scan : Polls & Research
ReplyDeleteHalf of Americans Believe Hussein Had WMD
July 28, 2006
- Many adults in the United States think Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction before the start of the coalition effort, according to a poll by Harris Interactive. 50 per cent of respondents believe Saddam Hussein’s regime had such weapons when the U.S. invaded, up 14 points since February 2005.
The coalition effort against Saddam Hussein’s regime was launched in March 2003. At least 2,568 American soldiers have died during the military operation, and more than 18,900 troops have been wounded in action.
Pre-war speeches by U.S. president George W. Bush mentioned specific chemical agents, such as mustard gas, sarin and VX nerve gas as banned substances allegedly secured by Iraq. State secretary Colin Powell assured the United Nations (UN) Security Council in February 2003 that Hussein possessed biological weapons.
The final report of the Iraq Survey Group—presented to the U.S. Congress on Sept. 30, 2004—concluded that Hussein’s regime did not possess chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, and had not implemented a significant program for their development.
In April, Bush discussed his rationale for launching the coalition effort, saying, "I saw a threat in Iraq. Not only did I see a threat in Iraq, the previous administration saw a threat in Iraq (and) passed a resolution in the United States Congress that said we ought to have a regime change in Iraq. Not only did the previous administration see a threat in Iraq, members of both political parties in both chambers during my time as president saw a threat in Iraq. And the reason we saw threats is because the intelligence said that Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction."
Hussein was captured by coalition soldiers in Adwar—near his hometown of Tikrit—in December 2003. The deposed leader is currently being tried for assassinating Shiite men and expelling women and children from the northeastern Iraqi town of Dujail in 1982. The actions were regarded as retaliation for an attempt on Hussein’s life organized by members of the Dawa Party. If convicted, Hussein could be executed. 72 per cent of respondents believe Iraqis are better off now than they were under Hussein, and 64 per cent think he had strong links with al-Qaeda.
In December 2005, Iraqi voters renewed their National Assembly. In May, Shiite United Iraqi Alliance member Nouri al-Maliki officially took over as prime minister. 55 per cent of respondents think history will give the U.S. credit for bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq, down nine points since February 2005.
Polling Data
Do you believe that the following statements are true?
Jul. 2006
Feb. 2005
Oct. 2004
The Iraqis are better off now than
they were under Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein had strong
links with al-Qaeda
History will give the U.S. credit for bringing
freedom and democracy to Iraq
Iraq had weapons of mass destruction
when the U.S. invaded
Source: Harris Interactive
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,002 American adults, conducted from Jul. 7 to Jul. 10, 2006. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
DoD Report: 50 Trucks Carried Iraqi WMD To Syria
ReplyDeleteThe following is a translation of a newly posted Iraqi document done by an unofficial translator. The document, posted in Arabic, is from a Department Of Defense program.
In the document an Iraqi opposition source working in Syria reports on the movement of Iraqi trucks to Syria before the start of the US invasion of Iraq. It is his understanding that the trucks contained proscribed weapons of mass destruction.
The translation is dated July 13 — probably 2003. But the original document is dated March 14th, 2003. (Moharram 10th is the tenth day of the Muslim New Year, which in 2003 began on March 4th.) The International Coalition Forces attacked Iraq on March 20, 2003
Tiny inTellect that is the same drivil Dolty boy posted which has been debunked...unless you want to believe Bush sees NO problem with Syria having Chemical or Biological weapons for over three years and NOT a PEEP out of them, since they are state sponsors of terrorism it would seem that according to you Bush has dropped the balll here worse than he did when he let Osama escape,
ReplyDeleteI on the other hand KNOW it is bunk since the E-8 Joint STARS would have identified those convoys and Rummy wopuld have touted them as proof . not some third rate hack on Lydia's Blog
Hell Tiny inTellect your starting to sound as delusional as the blog foole did when he ranted against dippy today
ReplyDeleteFatso Wimp mike said
ReplyDelete"Johnny Troll you were banned for like the third possibly fourth time and are still here, you just cant take a hint can you,"
Uhhhhhhhh.......fatso, I have yet to hear the word "permanent" from the morally correct hostess.
BTW, no offense or anything, but your ugly....LOL!
Nayouf writes that the transfer of Iraqi WMD to Syria was organized by the commanders of Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard, including General Shalish, with the help of Assif Shoakat , Bashar Assad's cousin. Shoakat is the CEO of Bhaha, an import/export company owned by the Assad family.
Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says
By IRA STOLL - Staff Reporter of the Sun
January 26, 2006
The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.
The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.
Russia Moved Iraqi WMD
Charles R. Smith
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Moscow Moved Weapons to Syria and Lebanon
According to a former top Bush administration official, Russian special forces teams moved weapons of mass destruction out of Iraq to Syria.
"I am absolutely sure that Russian Spetsnatz units moved WMD out of Iraq before the war," stated John Shaw, the former deputy undersecretary for international technology security.
According to stories that circulate the internet either Saddam did it by convoy or no maybe he did it by Plane, or no maybe he outsourced it to the Russians...hell son this sounds like the neo-con version of they ain't got a "CLUE"
Unless you read these reports;
U.S. study: Iraq likely didn't ship WMD to Syria
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Posted: 1729 GMT (0129 HKT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It is unlikely Iraq shipped banned weapons material into Syria before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, according to report released by the Iraq Survey Group, a CIA/Pentagon team searching for Iraqi weapons programs.
In October, the group said that the 1991 Persian Gulf War likely destroyed Iraq's capabilities of producing weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq had none when the United States invaded. (Full story)
After the October report, Vice President Dick Cheney and other U.S. officials said they believed Iraq possessed such material before the war and had moved it across the border into Syria, where the weapons may have been transferred to terrorists.
Addenda to the group's final report -- released Monday on the U.S. Government Printing Office's Web site -- threw doubt on that scenario.
"ISG judged that it was unlikely that an official transfer of WMD material from Iraq to Syria took place," the report said.
The group also said it had been unable to complete its investigation because of security concerns and couldn't rule out an "unofficial" transfer of material.
The report said that 12 years of international sanctions against Baghdad after the Gulf War had left Iraq's scientific community decimated and these experts' skills in a state of "natural decay."
The group added it was unlikely that scientists were capable of re-creating the destroyed weapons programs, meaning Iraq would have possessed little, if anything, to transfer.
"It is worth noting that even if ISG had been able to fully examine all the leads it possessed, it is unlikely that conclusive information would have been found," the report said.
Instead, the report said, detainees interviewed by the group "uniformly denied any knowledge of residual WMD that could have been secreted to Syria."
Charles Duefler, head of the Iraq Survey Group, recommended that many of the detained scientists could be released because they had been cooperative, were no longer a security risk and had no more information to share.
And here;
Report Finds No Evidence Syria Hid Iraqi Arms
By Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 26, 2005; Page A01
U.S. investigators hunting for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq have found no evidence that such material was moved to Syria for safekeeping before the war, according to a final report of the investigation released yesterday.
Although Syria helped Iraq evade U.N.-imposed sanctions by shipping military and other products across its borders, the investigators "found no senior policy, program, or intelligence officials who admitted any direct knowledge of such movement of WMD." Because of the insular nature of Saddam Hussein's government, however, the investigators were "unable to rule out unofficial movement of limited WMD-related materials."
The Iraq Survey Group's main findings -- that Hussein's Iraq did not possess chemical and biological weapons and had only aspirations for a nuclear program -- were made public in October in an interim report covering nearly 1,000 pages. Yesterday's final report, published on the Government Printing Office's Web site ( ), incorporated those pages with minor editing and included 92 pages of addenda that tied up loose ends on Syria and other topics.
U.S. officials have held out the possibility that Syria worked in tandem with Hussein's government to hide weapons before the U.S.-led invasion. The survey group said it followed up on reports that a Syrian security officer had discussed collaboration with Iraq on weapons, but it was unable to complete that investigation. But Iraqi officials whom the group was able to interview "uniformly denied any knowledge of residual WMD that could have been secreted to Syria," the report said.
The report, which refuted many of the administration's principal arguments for going to war in Iraq, marked the official end of a two-year weapons hunt led most recently by former U.N. weapons inspector Charles A. Duelfer. The team found that the 1991 Persian Gulf War and subsequent U.N. sanctions had destroyed Iraq's illicit weapons capabilities and that, for the most part, Hussein had not tried to rebuild them. Iraq's ability to produce nuclear arms, which the administration asserted was a grave and gathering threat that required an immediate military response, had "progressively decayed" since 1991. Investigators found no evidence of "concerted efforts to restart the program."
Administration officials have emphasized that, while the survey group uncovered no banned arms, it concluded that Hussein had not given up the goal of someday acquiring them.
Hussein "retained the intent and capability and he intended to resume full-scale WMD efforts once the U.N. sanctions were lifted," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said yesterday. "Duelfer provides plenty of rationale for why this country went to war in Iraq."
In one of the addenda released yesterday, investigators addressed the risk that Iraqi scientists will share their knowledge or material with other countries, particularly Syria and Iran, given previous contacts, financial inducements and professional opportunities. The report concluded that the risk exists but said "there is only very limited reporting suggesting that this is actually taking place and no reports that indicate scientists were recruited to work in a WMD program."
As for the possibility that insurgents in Iraq will draw on the expertise of Iraqi scientists to develop unconventional weapons for use against the United States and its coalition forces, the report describes these efforts so far as being "limited and contained by coalition action." The survey group was aware of only one scientist assisting terrorists or insurgents. He helped them fashion chemical mortar munitions.
The report found that missing equipment, however, "could contribute to insurgent or terrorist production of chemical or biological agents."
In most cases the equipment appeared to have been randomly looted, but in selected cases it appeared "to be taken away carefully," Duelfer said in an interview yesterday. Overall, though, "it's like going to a demolition derby for car parts," said Duelfer. The right equipment "is hard to get."
Four military personnel assigned to the survey group's mission perished in the violence that engulfed Iraq, and five others were seriously wounded, in a mission that cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
No further work is planned, although teams are on hand to be dispatched when credible reports of weapons material are received in Iraq. The report says, however, that continued reports of banned arms in Iraq "are usually scams or misidentification of materials or activities." It predicts that such reports will continue.
Although new information may be forthcoming, Duelfer said in an accompanying letter that he has "confidence in the picture of events and programs covered by this report."
"If there were to be a surprise in the future," he added, "it most likely would be in the biological weapons area" because the size of those facilities can be so small.
Duelfer also recommended that the United States release some of the scientists and technocrats who are still being held captive in Iraq strictly because of their work on Iraq's weapons programs dating back to the Gulf War. "Many have been very cooperative and provided great assistance in understanding the WMD programs" and Iraq's intentions, and have exhausted their knowledge of these subjects, he wrote. "In my view, certain detainees are overdue for release."
Of 300 individuals on a "blacklist" developed by U.S. military and intelligence officials before the war, 105 have been detained. But the list, said the report, was flawed. "Some very despicable individuals who should have been listed were not, while many technocrats and even opponents of the Saddam regime made the list and hence found themselves either in jail or on the run."
The Pentagon's Whitman said that he was unaware of any scientists who had been released recently because of Duelfer's appeal and that the Defense Department routinely reviews detainees' status to see "whether or not they are a threat to the coalition and Iraqi security forces and whether or not they continue to have intelligence value."
You think they didn't have access to old documents which supposedly the DOD has at west point?
I kindly request all the good people on the blog drop in on TT to say hello......his effort to provide a safe haven from communisn deserve our respect.
ReplyDeleteJohnny I have seen enough reichwingnut circlke jerks in my time I don't want to watch one in action..........LOL
ReplyDeletePlease tell me again how our alleged attacks on the freshie were unmanly......LOL!
Thanks, Johnny. "Safe haven" is a good term for it because it is manifestly clear that I do not design Web sites or blogs for a living.
ReplyDeleteI use a computer for five things, in descending order of importance: 1) Compose documents on Word, 2) Send/receive email, 3) Browse the Web, 4) Doorjam, and 5) Paper weight.
As I indicated, my intention was to provide a backup in case this eblogger blog goes dark, so people like you, Volt, FF, Clippy, et. al., will have a place to go to talk about other cool blogs, rather than go to the Lydia-Worfeus blog.
Anyway, I'm happy to debate and talk here, but there is a backup option.
Your ok TT.
ReplyDeleteMy intentions may appear personal, but they are not.
Conservatives have proven to be civil debaters who seem to have honorable tactics.
Johnny Doo Doo said...
ReplyDeleteYour ok TT.
My intentions may appear personal, but they are not.
Conservatives have proven to be civil debaters who seem to have honorable tactics.
How's the Kool Aid taste son?
I suggest an end to finger pointing by the christians on the site. Perhaps a unified, positive approach, by the people of the world, towards the U.N, might make it a real organization again that could benefit everyone?
ReplyDeleteFunny, is it not, how mankind fails to work together to solve problems?
As sure as shit is brown, finger pointing and name calling solves dick F@cken shit....period!!
ReplyDeleteBTW Tiny inTellect your comment to worfeus is appropo if your gonna run a blog of your own;
ReplyDeleteTiny inTellect said;
Anyway, Worf is the sys admin over there (that's quite obvious) and I don't trust him with my personal data. (Sorry Worf, but you wouldn't be comfortable if the reverse were true -- if I were the sys admin and asked you to post.)
thus to all non trolls if you do not want TT to have what he does not trust Worfeus
DO NOT POST ON A BLOG CONTROLLED BY HIM...Or any other trolls here
Clif, A) eBlogger does not provide IP numbers and Typepad does, and B) I am not looking for a lot of traffic. I merely set it up in case this blog goes dark.
ReplyDeleteTalllTexan said...
ReplyDeleteClif, A) eBlogger does not provide IP numbers and Typepad does, and B) I am not looking for a lot of traffic. I merely set it up in case this blog goes dark.
Funny you SEEM to know alot but somebody told me different
I trust you anyways TT.
ReplyDeleteAs these comments show you are friends with Iowa Chicken hawk and do know a lot more than YOU pretend can recite much about blogs and even pretended not to know how to register, but almost as soon as you Had to register you were able to link your registered handle to websites not blogger,
ReplyDeleteYou play dumb but have shown much more than you want us to believe you know right now
TalllTexan said...
FF, seems Lydia as appointed Worf to set up her new blog at the other blogging service. That means he will have access to everyone's IP number, but he won't display his. I suggest we stay here.
I trust Lydia with that info, but not Worf. Sorry, Worf.
TalllTexan said...
Johnny, if you look ast last night's blog, Worf said we was examining all forensic information going into, and today he, not Lydia, announces the beta site. Clearly Lydia has asked him to be the system admin, and I know that Typepad provides all IP numbers from every post, which is not something does, except in cases of abuse.
As I said, I trust Lydia with my IP number, but not Worf.
I've been thinking of setting up a blog myself, so, in the course of research, I came across this fact.
TalllTexan said...
I think Worf has Lydia brainwashed into setting up a whole new site when this one works just fine, as far as my experience goes.
FYI, Iowahawk totally shut down his typepad comment sections because he couldn't handle it.
If it ain broke, why fix it.
TalllTexan said...
Not only has my buddy Iowahawk shut down his comments section, he told me he will be moving from typepad in the next six months, possibly to the paid version of blogger.
TalllTexan said...
Iowahawk gets about 100 times, or more, the traffic than LC.
TalllTexan said...
Both, Mike, but will provide the sys admin the IP only in the cases of abuse. Typepad provides it for all posts. To display it is an option of the sys admin.
Since Worfeus is now the de facto sys admin, I will still post, but I will have one more hoop to jump through.
TalllTexan said...
One more thing, Lydia, how do you feel about Mike stating that his email address is "" Is that not a personal attack?
Lydia, I've always respected your fairness, but, quite frankly, you are not exhibiting it right now.
11:17 AM
TalllTexan said...
The way I see things, most blogger services at more or less equal. Sure, some have features that others don't have, and they all have tiered plans wherein for more money you can have more bells and whistles, but the plusses and minusses even out in the end.
I guess I'm just tired of signing up for things, and I know for damn sure that WE WILL ALL have to sign up with typepad because once the anonymous posts get out of hand, like they did here, Lydia, like any responsible blogger, will require people to sign up. So it's a lot of effort for everyone for what??
My friend, the proprietor of Iowahawk, turned off comments entirely on his Typepad account because a) they were getting out of hand (even the ones who signed up) and b) because what he does is a true blog. He writes an essay now and then, and really couldn't care about the feedback on his blog, and once the "hassle factor" got too much, he just turned comments off.
As I said yesterday, I've considered starting some kind of blog, but the one thing that I like about Eblogger is that the blogmaster can get all of responses by email, and can even post new entries and responses by email as well. That is great if you are on vacation or on a business trip. Some hotels and businesses have filters that block access to blogs, but the email option allows me to bypass that.
I've actually signed up with several blog services with some cool names (none are "Tall Texan," FYI)
TalllTexan said...
That's right, Johnny, Larry C. Johnson wrote and / or said those words in July of 2001. I'm glad he was drummed out of the CIA so he can't endanger us anymore. Now he has been reduced to threatening the lives of bloggers from the following email accounts:, and and from the IP number
Newsflash to Larry C: the GOP has taken back the CIA. Get used to it and get over it.
TalllTexan said...
Lydia, the Web site has a picture next to a bio of Larry C. Johnson, and he looks like a dead ringer for the "Larry J" on your Web site, sans moustache.
But I'll leave it there for now if you say they are not the same.
6:16 AM
TalllTexan said...
Lydia, one more thing: the name of the guy posting on your beta site is "Larry Johnson."
TalllTexan said...
Suddenly all the Liberals have had their computers hacked into and the Conservatives have no problem posting here.
Yeah, right. And I have a bridge to sell you.
TalllTexan said...
Johnny, I don't even know if that was Lydia. It didn't seem like the kind of thing she would say.
But, and I've said this before, a fake dad would not have gotten as mad as you did if someone verbally attacked his daughter.
Anyway, Worf is the sys admin over there (that's quite obvious) and I don't trust him with my personal data. (Sorry Worf, but you wouldn't be comfortable if the reverse were true -- if I were the sys admin and asked you to post.)
TalllTexan said...
Tempory new blog update, from:
(Remember, three "l"s in "Talll."
Obviously, this is pretty bare bones, but if Lydia shifts her blogger site to the Worfeus site (where he is the sys admin), we can use this humble blog to discuss alternatives, such as blogging at pre-existing sites that some of you already know about, or perhaps creating a brand-new fancy blog. If one you could do the same thing, but with comment moderation on, then we can also have a forum not visible to everyone. I did this in about five minutes, but I might have more time next weekend
I'm still trying to figure this thing out, so please bear with me.
As these comments show you are friends with Iowa Chicken hawk and do know a lot more than YOU pretend son....
Thanks. TT
TalllTexan said...
On the Worfeus-Lydia blog, Worfeus said he wouldn't "let them talk for two more minutes [on that blog]"
I apologize for sounding a little insane in suggesting mankind works together in solving world problems....I have no intention in denying people their purpose.
ReplyDeleteBTW since you mooks have no problem reposting fron lydias other Blog you all won't have any problem with me reposting from your little corner of the net either;
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fan said...
I'm in, lanky one.
2:01 PM
TalllTexan said...
Thanks, FF. Personally, the status quo is fine with me, but I figured if we all just bookmarked this blog, then one (or more) of us could create an alternative to the Wrofeus-Lydia blog.
Heck, I could even play chess with Johnny if there is nothing else going on here.
2:06 PM
Johnny moo moo said...
Ditto for me TT!!
Trust me TT, I suggest Lydia is an expert in the art of buttering up the weak minded, single males, with her provocative photos and promises of love.....surely you realize this cant hurt sales?
I, respectfully insist, you be very careful.....she's much smarter than she appears on the blog and would hate to see you accused of a manufactured, false accusation.
I suspect Ms.Cornell is milking the controversial name of Ann Coulter to further her own selfish interests and could care a less about anyone or anything; her ego ridden, breast revealing pics are proof of this.
If her buttering up fails, then she becomes angry and resorts to slander and falsehoods to discredit your person as you have now endangered her hidden agenda.
No proper woman, who preaches peace and love, stands by a man who calls a young girl a cheap whore. To protect her position, she had no choice but to insist my daughter was a fake.... and thats why I called her on it.
Confronted with a legal choice, of which their was no escape, she quickly backed down from her immoral, slanderous comments, and ran away like the fake christian woman she is and tried to butter me up again.
I am not seeking sympathy, I am merely pointing out the immoral, fraudulent, qualities of Ms.Cornell.
4:01 PM
TalllTexan said...
Hi, Johnny. This "blog" ain't much, but I figured if she closes down the eblogger site, as long as we have this site bookmarked, we don't have to post to the Worfeus-Lydia site (in which I feel in my bones he is participating technically).
At that point, we can inform each other about other cool blogs, or whatever -- maybe I could find a real good tech person to help me set up a slick looking site with a cool name.
I agree with you -- Lydia should not have commented about your daughter that way. It's not even like her to do that and I thought it was an imposter, but I guess she really said those things.
I will say this, most women I've encountered are a hell of a lot smarter than what most people give them credit for.
4:37 PM
Johnny moo moo said...
Additionally, I am dissapointed in Cliff for indicating our alleged attacks on the freshie were "unmanly", however, he seems to appreciate attacks on children; obviously he lacks the courage to stand up to his master worf??
Some officer....LOL!!
4:48 PM
Johnny moo moo said...
Dont say I didnt warn you....she preys on our emotions.
4:51 PM
TalllTexan said...
Johnny, she's not the only one who knows how to play dumb!
5:00 PM
Like I said Tiny inTellect your a lot more Knowledgeable about the net and Blogs than you want to let on.....
And If you don't like me reposting your slander well try and stop me...........................LOL
ReplyDeletePerhaps, the answer is, both sides sit down over a cold one, look each other in the eye and admit each side has its own strength and weaknesse's.
ReplyDeleteWould that be a reasonable start?
Oh much for my attempted change of heart.
ReplyDeleteCalm down Cliff...
You have a good point, Johnny.
ReplyDeletePardon my directness, but Clif is a sucker. I would love to play poker with him.
johnny I am calm unlike your post on TT's site suggests you are, I mean after all it has been months and your still whining about it, GET OVER IT BOY.
ReplyDeletePlay away son I am not "home" right now....
ReplyDeleteOK, heres the truth, I'm full of pure shit, as I know this will never happen....LOL!
But, it is kinda fun to see if anyone supports my theory of working together.....NOT!
ReplyDeleteJohnny you get almost 7 billion people to sit down to discuss this and we will talk other wise you've got to attempt to get the various propoganda machines to SHUT UP because they and their minions muddy the waters so much nobody has a clear picture of the situation as a whole, thus everyside is like a child in preschool who is crying about others "crimes" claiming they did not do any thing wrong, when in fact any political/ military organisation has done a lot to bend every situation to their advantage
Ive been barking this since Ive been here, thus allowing me to emphasize Agent Smith's philosophy.
Mankind is incapable of getting along. There are billions of individuals who each possess their own version of how they feel the trains should run on time.
Im not saying Agent Smith is correct, however, his speech is interesting and thought provoking.
ReplyDeletePolitics is merely a daily circle of human incompatibility; it takes a true peacemaker, not a finger pointer, to break the endless circle.
ReplyDeletejohnny it is not the common people as they do not try to get others to do for them it is the "leaders" who try and change the people's from their best interests to fight for the leaders best interest...
ReplyDeleteor as a bumper sticker I saw said a common man voting for Bush
is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders
JMM said;
ReplyDeletePolitics is merely a daily circle of human incompatibility; it takes a true peacemaker, not a finger pointer, to break the endless circle.
one persons peacemaker is another's rabble rouser,
odr another way to put it one sides freedom fighters are the other sides terrorists
A very good question is
ReplyDeleteA world order...according to whom?
Because every side will jockey for their best advantage, and try to get more if they can..
ReplyDeletePeople like Ghandi, Christ or King are far and few between
Cliff said
ReplyDelete"one persons peacemaker is another's rabble rouser,
or another way to put it one sides freedom fighters are the other sides terrorists"
Why, Mr. Anderson, why? Why, why do you do it? Why, why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something, for more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is, do you even know? Is it freedom or truth, perhaps peace - could it be for love?
Illusions, Mr. Anderson, vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose.
Although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson, you must know it by now! You can't win, it's pointless to keep fighting! Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?
Johnny I am watching C-Span and Thomas Hicks author of FIASCO: the American Military Adventure in Iraq is on discussing his book about what went wrong in Iraq, and who is responsible,
ReplyDeleteHe Blames Bush-Cheney, Rumsfeld,
for pushing so hard with a dubious plan based on a nless than honest senario for how the war was supposed togo.
he blames the top brass especially Tommy Franks, for abborgating their duty to keep to SOUND military stragety and the way they were taught and trained to go to war, even if Bush-Cheney wanted to push the unrealistic senario, the brass should have said that is not very realiustic, no enemy is going to act as you claim, and truly access the true need for personnel and equipment especially for phase $ follow on to combat operations(commonly known as winning the peace..
he blames the CIA, for not challanging the intell and for not challanging the rosey senario, which they could easily debunk an Arab people were going to act when invaded by a western power
he Blames the press for not actually questioning the rush to war, publishing basically Admin talking points with not a question about how accurate it was
but he has special Blame for congress for doing NOTHING as for their constitutional duties of OVERSIGHT
ReplyDeleteTop brass are always responsible for failures in war or agenda....period!
I am a believer that a point in war can be reached where it is futile and meaningless to carry on...
ReplyDeleteHowever, a peace movement, without doubt, raises the moral of the enemy.
Hitler was a master in convincing his people that all was not lost, despite evidence that the game was clearly over.
Right but the author said they aborgated their responsibility BEFORE the war even started by agreeing to Rumsfeld's idea of fighting a war on the cheap, we invaded Iraq attempting to capture and control it with one half the number of combat divisions than we needed to retake Kuwasit and defend a country where the populace would thank us fpr evicting the army that invaded them
ReplyDeletejohnny Hitler had raised the German people from the despair of the failure of the weinmar a very stable and productive society because he used government money to rebuild the military which employes many people, the fall was really from jun 44 to their surrender, because before late 1944 the people of Germany did not have boots on the ground, which they could SEE that hitler was not telling the truth, no real press to challange his propoganda, and no clear evidence to challange it either, except for the bombing which most could not relate to
ReplyDeleteI dont know......
But I do know the PM of Canada does not install human beings into shredders or invade other countries.
Lets face it, the U.S did not line up 2.5 million soldiers on the borders of Iraq, with 105 mm Howitzers 75 feet apart, without due provocation.
If I remember correctly, Saddam was given several warnings prior to invasion....he chose death!
ReplyDeleteCliff said
ReplyDelete"which they could SEE that hitler was not telling the truth, no real press to challange his propoganda, and no clear evidence to challange it either"
True Cliff, however, several attempts on his life were made by officers who possessed honor. In 1942 a bomb was implanted in a wine bottle aboard hitlers private plane....incredibly, the fuse failed to ignite.
johnny how early did the mnilitary forces begin deploying to the theater of operations for the invcasion?
ReplyDeleteAnd have you ever heard of 4 divisions being sent 9000 miles away unless they were actually going to be used?
Bush claimed he would not attack if Saddam would abide, but when the inspectors were let back in by Saddam, bush undercut they and forced them back out ,
Right but the Nazi's covered those attempts up as fast as Cheney tried to do his hunting accident
ReplyDeleteI admire people who have indepedent thought....I abhor people who simply follow others.
ReplyDeletethink about how long it took to fully deploy the $ divisions with all the support they needed, and that was the time the administration decidedthat they were FOR going into Iraq, and they worked activly to prevent any attempts to broker a deal, or find a way that did not involve an invasion
ReplyDeleteFor all we know the four divisions sent was a preparation for Saddam's unpredictable behavior?
Can't disagree about not liking sheeple
ReplyDeleteNo Johnny ther four divisions were the southern part of the plan, the northern was cut off when Turkey would nbot allow then to disembark on Turkish soil to invade from the north, which was changed to the 173rd airborne brigade when they jumped into Kurdish territory, But a light infantry brigade is not replacement for a heavy mechnised Infantry division
ReplyDeleteCliff said
ReplyDelete"and they worked activly to prevent any attempts to broker a deal, or find a way that did not involve an invasion"
I feel an ultimatum was the right thing to do in this case as Saddam was consistently breaking the rules set upon him.
No Johnny an ultimatium is not an answer if you hold all the cards which Bush did, you play it out, however political reality necessitated a fully finished war before the 2004 election campaigns begun, which was PART of the plan, so he was a successful wartime president
ReplyDeleteI mean, how many times did he break the "No Fly Zone."
ReplyDeleteI am not convinced this man was a reasonable individul.
I am still astonished, one of his own officers did not pop him to relieve the people of their misery.
see the run upo to the war was part of the 2002 election cycle, which forced the democrats vote for it or be challanged as being soft on terrorism, which was how it was played, and it was supposed to be finished by late 2003 so Bush and the repugs could run as winning a major battle in the war on bad the Iraqi's would not obey with Bush(Rove) and Rummy's plan
ReplyDeletejohnny some tried as they tried to get Hitler, but Saddam studied Stalin and how Stalin kept power,
ReplyDeleteand breaking the no fly zone actually worked to Bush's favor because we could bomb many stragetic targets before the invasion begun
Cliff said
ReplyDelete'ultimatium is not an answer if you hold all the cards which Bush did, you play it out,"
True Cliff, ultimatum is not always the answer, however, I feel enough time was given to Saddam to examine his ideals and start acting civily.
Also,only an asshole lights oil wells on fire to pollute the earth.
Saddam was working to his benefit, and it was not what the PNAC crowd wanted, because they knew that they were closed out of developing the Iraqi oil fields, and control over their production quotas, let alone he was selling oil for Euro's which undercut the bedrock which the dollar has rested upon since Nixon took the US off the GOLD standard
ReplyDeletejohnny what did the russians dop during their retreat to Moscow in 1941...
ReplyDeleteand Saddam was willing to open up as much as we forced him to, but Bush wanted Saddam to fall and choose his replacement, which is the reason a CIA backed coup from the inside was not their choice
Cliff said
ReplyDelete"and Saddam was willing to open up as much as we forced him to, but Bush wanted Saddam to fall and choose his replacement, which is the reason a CIA backed coup from the inside was not their choice"
How do you know this Cliff? I have always supported a coup prior to invasion.
becasue if the CIA sponsored a coup, they did not actually control the MINISTRY OF OIL, where they could use the latest Iraqi oil field maps to recreate the oil contracts which were written right after L Paul Bremer got there to benefit the major oil companies..and that is one reason he was chosen, because he would do what J Garner would not...
ReplyDeleteBecause look at what they went for, Chalibi a person who had NO standing in iraq..and he was Cheney's guy the one that Cheney listened to
ReplyDeleteNo coup would put chaslibi in power and after his playing both sides even the PNAC crowd had to abandon chalibi...and by then they had control and had to find peoiple to do their bidding in the country
ReplyDeleteOk Cliff, but are you defending Saddam over a U.S replacement?
ReplyDeleteif a coup was the way they were to go they needed somebody like the Shah in Iran or Pinochet in Chile to do their bidding, but nobody inside like that existed, thus a coup was nt a viable option, especially with Bush's desire to be a war time president, and Roves plan for re-election
ReplyDeleteNot at all Saddam is not defendable...but it should have been the Iraqi people not the PNAC crowd who choose where and when he was replaced
ReplyDeleteI mean anyone is better than that child, kurd killin dictator!!
ReplyDeleteOtherwise .. we are at the point where we clain sovernty over their future..which we both agree Canada and the US would reject any other country exert over our countries
ReplyDeleteCliff said
ReplyDelete"but nobody inside like that existed, thus a coup was nt a viable option,"
Gimmee a break Cliff...... a local garbage man could have done a better job than Saddam.
No Johnny Ude (Saddam's oldest son)was actually worse than Saddam...he was actually more ruthless and much more unstable....
ReplyDeleteJohnny nobody who could seize power and hold it with out the country tearing itself apart just as it has after we invaded existed....
ReplyDeleteJohnny it is not nobody who would do a better job than saddam ruling the country for the people existed, it was no coup would allow then to take power, and hold the country together...because of the history of sectarian violence the country goes throuygh everytime it's leadership is in doubt, in the past the sunni minority has won every confklict over power since the British left in 1919
ReplyDeleteCliff said
ReplyDelete"Not at all Saddam is not defendable...but it should have been the Iraqi people not the PNAC crowd who choose where and when he was replaced"
Are you suggesting that thirty million deaths by stalins enforced ideals should have been chosen by the people without international aid?
Not at all Johnny...if we can decide Saddam awas no good for ziraq, does that go for other countries?
ReplyDeleteCan Russia decide to replace the leadership of Austrailia, because they do not like them...china replace a south American leader so they can use that country to outsource when their economy does no longer alloew the low wages that make them so competive right now?
what criteria do we use, and how do we decide somebody has violated that criteria?