Okay, I changed this a little from my published version ("BUSH'S LAST WILL AND TESTICLE" in Macon Daily and Lone Star Icon)
Ann Coulter's Last Will and Testicle: With a "god" like Coulter's, who needs a devil?
by Lydia Cornell
Maybe we're all on PUNKED or Candid Camera or this is just a great big reality show called "The Government". Like "The Truman Show", the producers are just seeing how far they can go until we figure out it's a big joke! Wouldn't it be fitting to find out Ann Coulter is just an actor-clown they hired to make us go crazy? And the Blue team is going crazier than the Red team because we think it's real. I just wish Donald Trump would hurry up and say "Coulter, you're fired!"
Coulter keeps wondering why we're not offended that she calls us "godless" in her new book. With a "god" like Ann Coulter's, who needs a devil? Who would want Ann Coulter's brand, when it is the opposite of God? We can't even be offended by her perverse book title calling more than half of all Americans godless. Just to "play with liberals heads", she chose the Number of the Beast 6/6/06 as her release date. Actually Ms. Coulter, all this does is tell us something about YOU!
Silence is complicity, so I'm going to alternate speaking directly to you Ms. Coulter and to the reader. Putting aside your comments about the 911 widows, please explain to me how you justify hate-speak, death-threats against Democrats, and torture on Arabs... (does dropping "daisy cutters" throughout the mideast and engaging in "torture as spectator sport" ring a bell? You wrote this in your column not long ago.) Do you wonder why our own troops have suffered torture recently? Could it be payback for our relaxed attitude about the Geneva Convention?
In 2005 Coulter said: "I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties. I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning. Boom! I just think it would be fun to nuke them…” Seriously, I think the rest of the countries in the Middle East, after Afghanistan and Iraq, they're pretty much George Bush's bitch." Interview: 1/2/05
In light of the above statement, it is interesting to note that Coulter spoke at a moral reformation conference three months later, on 4/16/05 at The Center for Moral Clarity. Coulter remains a conservative icon and pro-life leader.
Just for the record, your obsession with Bill Clinton has got to stop; it's pathological. Your party's irresponsible Ken Starr-led witch-hunt/persecution/media blitz to expose the affair of Clinton and Lewinsky, two consenting adults, was in itself immoral and damaging to kids. In painstaking detail you paraded these blow-by-blowjob horrors for the press, not caring what effect it had on childhood innocence. And yes, we were all rightly appalled by President Clinton's behavior. But where was the right-wing morality brigade in keeping this porn out of the mainstream news for our children's sake? I still hear Republican mothers talk about how shameful Clinton was, yet they never see how the media salivated and profited at the sex appeal of it all. These same mothers never castigate your favorite president, Bush, for moral corruption on a life-threatening scale.
While your "Christian" supporters like Ralph Reed scour the cartoon channel for sexual immorality, seeing gays in square pants, how do I explain to my kids this pervasive news coverage of children being blown to bits because WE played the bully; we invaded a country that was pretty much under the world's watchful control? How do I explain your "Christian" morality of killing, invading and turning a blind eye to torture and corruption? Last week a little 3-year-old Iraqi girl died after the 3rd bomb hit her tiny apartment; the only piece her brother's found was her hand clutching her teddy bear.
Ms. Coulter, my children have lost their innocence partly because of you. I have to explain to my kids what good morals are: the opposite of yours and of our president, the leader of the greatest nation on earth. I would rather my sons have an appetite for love, not war. People who have morals do not use hate-speak and elimination rhetoric. You have destroyed the very definition of moral values. You say you're "pro-life" but that seems to only apply to the unborn. You promote war and condone the death penalty quite casually, yet think fetal cells in a Petri dish are too sacred to be used for stem cell research in order to save lives! This seems perversely immoral to the vast silent majority of Conservatives, Progressives and Christians who are not fundamentalists.
George Bush is Ann Coulter's favorite president. She says the war in Iraq is going "stunningly well," and defends Bush to the death. She forgets that he sat in a Katrina briefing playing his Nintendo Gameboy under the table, as detailed evidence was being shown to him of a catastrophic hurricane and levee breach on its way to the Gulf. Coulter doesn't mind that he had the nerve to later say: "I never knew the storms were gonna be that bad! I never knew the levees were gonna be breached till I saw it on TV four days later!"
Tell me we're not inside a Simpson's episode!? Little Dubya probably got out of a lot of spankings as a kid with his cute little "aw shucks" grin. Right now our president is probably asking Rove when he gets to go to the playroom and have his ice cream cone.
You condone illegal spying on Americans, yet you don't admonish Bush for his high crimes and misdemeanors. Not too long ago, he was willing to sell our ports to the very people he was afraid we were talking to on the phone! My jaw dropped open the day he said something like, "Heck other countries get to own parts of America, why not the United Arab Emirates, who've been our allies on the war on terror? Just because they harbored some 911 terrorists and cooked their books for them, and don't keep any paperwork and go on hunting trips with Osama and support the Taliban - is no reason for bigotry. We don't want them to think it's because they're Muslim. " But Mr. Bush, wasn't it only a short time ago that you said something like: "Any nation that does business with terrorists, or harbors terrorists, is a terrorist...” I guess you only meant that about your fellow Americans: Democrats or liberals - since Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and talk-radio constantly bash liberals as being traitors! Why are we traitors? Because we value life so much we are horrified by death and killing in this illegal war? Because we are pro-LIFE in the best sense of the word: we want our troops home alive? And this offends you?
Our troops are fighting for our freedoms; is this so we can be wiretapped so we can have no freedoms? Or are they fighting for our president to be able to break the law and sell our ports to a nation that funds terrorists? Does the UAE get to be wiretapped too? Or just American moms and dads who might be wearing 'Peace' signs on their t-shirts. And by the way, does FOX News fall under Freedom of the Press?
I have to admit I'm a little more carefree these days, a little less paranoid that my phones are tapped or I might be taken away in the dead of night for e-mailing jokes about Ann Coulter. In researching my book about Stalin, what horrified me the most were the pedestrian things that are now seeping into America: a woman, sitting in her communal kitchen in Stalinist Russia, said something about the Mediterranean Sea being as beautiful as Russia's Black Sea. A roommate overheard her, and reported this comment as being "unpatriotic." That night, a white "bread truck" came by and took the woman away; she was never heard from again. I also read about a young mother accidentally putting her coffee cup down on a newspaper photo of Stalin's face. Someone watching in the cafe, reported this as "defaming our great leader." A white "bread truck" took her away to a prison camp in Siberia. She left 3 young children behind. After I heard about James Moore, the author of "Bush's Brain" suddenly being on the "No -Fly list", banned from flying outside of America, and unable to get through the red tape to understand why, that's when I began to wonder what kind of country we are living in. I have a theory about when this all started, but that will take more space than I have here.
Uh-oh, spoke too soon; strange things are happening. This just in: Last night, March 15 at about 8 p.m., no joke, a white “bread truck” was parked outside our house. It didn't mean anything to me, until my little boy came running to the back of the house screaming, “There's a big man in our front yard looking through our junk mail-box, he came in the gate and he's wearing a knit cap.” I ran to the front door and peeked out. I saw a dark figure move through the lawn. I waited until I thought it was safe, and then opened the front door. Suddenly across the street, I saw this white van. A man wearing a knit cap was sitting in the driver's side, lights on, reading something. I immediately felt this person was reading addresses off my mail, maybe to see if I lived there. My son and I sneaked out the back door, and headed over to the van, but the van took off. Who knows? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Again. But in light of the fact that Ann Coulter STILL has my home number on her website, it's not too far fetched to have a wingnut stalking me. After hearing Ruth Bader Ginzburg talk about the right-wing death threats she and Sandra Day O'Connor received, I have one question: WHY ARE RIGHT-WINGERS THE ONLY ONES WHO WANT PEOPLE KILLED FOR THEIR THOUGHTS? You never hear about Left-wingers threatening people's lives whose ideologies they disagree with.
After 911, we had the whole world on the brink of love. Everyone's heart was open. Most Muslims were shedding tears for us. At that moment, our leader had a choice: Love or Fear.
Worfeus, a commenter on this blog said: "Vladimir Putin actually CALLED Bush on the phone that morning and not only offered condolences, but offered to do whatever he could to help. He even assured him that even though Protocol required he raise the Russian Defense Condition in proportion to ours, he understood WHY we were raising ours and assured Mr. Bush that Russia would stand down. It was an EPIC moment in history, that one single phone call. Mr. Bush called it "nice of him".
"And I think if the Taliban were part of the planning body of 911, then we should have invaded Afghanistan after 9/11, it seemed like the right thing to do. But the idea that they were hiding Bin Laden doesn't wash with me," Worfeus says. "If getting Bin Laden was the goal, WHY on earth did we BROADCAST for 2 months Exactly WHEN and WHERE we were coming, and WHAT we'd do when we got there? That's like calling up criminals and telling them you're coming over to arrest them later in the week. What idiot would possibly think they'd still be there when they got there?"
I went through agony when I lost my younger brother; I cannot fathom my mother's grief and heartache, having lost her only son. Her eyes well up with tears every time she hears my husband's name, Paul, which was my brother's name. It is too much to bear when I think of parents losing sons & daughters needlessly in Iraq. This is a war that was "sold" to us and shoved down our throats by a certifiable lunatic. George Bush has caused nothing but chaos, poverty, death, bankruptcy, bad global relations, division, hatred and sadness in the world. "By their fruits you shall know them."
Bush based his "evidence" for going to war in Iraq on LIES that Cheney and Scooter Libby had to cover up. He took money from corrupt lobbyists, grinned and lied about it, and he's still not helping the people of New Orleans! Guess why? Apparently certain "companies" don't want the people to come back; that's why the trailers are sitting empty, undelivered. These companies are waiting like vultures to clear the land for profitable building developments. A side benefit is that all these scattered homeless souls cannot register to vote, nor can they obtain absentee ballots. The longer the delay in rebuilding New Orleans, the better for the Corruption party.
Also, Bush's own mother said he shouldn't soil his mind with visions of poverty and ugliness. Weren't these the same parents who went to play golf the day their baby daughter died, Dubya's baby sister, who died crib death? So Bush can't deal with death or grieving. Well he should have had some therapy before going to the White House. In fact, someone better be writing legislation to ensure that the next leader of the Free World has a brain scan to rule out mental disorders.
I'll never forget when you first said you would go to the ends of the earth to find Osama, then you turned around and acted like we were all crazy for asking if you'd caught him yet! You said, "Osama? I don't spend that much time (thinkin') about him.
Maybe the reason you are so eager to hand over our ports (aside from war-profiteering motives, the Carlyle Group, James Baker, et al) — maybe you're finally getting the concept of "loving your enemies" and you're just ready for a group hug. But I must say your timing is strange. They say we are only as "sick as our secrets", but why pick NOW to release your inner child? Couldn't you have tried to become evolved BEFORE you declared war? If only you had a 12-step program. This is the fastest route to actual character change. It helps to look at YOUR part in a conflict, take some responsibility, and take a "moral inventory of your character defects".
Mr. Bush, why did you have to invade a foreign land? Was there really imminent danger to America from Saddam, even though the whole world was hovering over him, watching him? Weren't there more brainy, imaginative ways of gaining allies in the underground - attracting people to our light, who would gladly usurp Saddam from within? Even if it had taken a few more years of clever spy-work, wouldn't it have been creatively challenging and fun - to work out diplomatic solutions to grotesque problems? Christ waited over 2,000 years for someone to finally put his teachings to use. And when biggest challenge comes along, our "Christian" leader disses Christ! You don't even give his method a half-hearted try. Wouldn't it have been worth saving lives and winning hearts to the cause of true Democracy and true Christianity? And after all the Mission Impossible spy movies you've seen, couldn't you figure out a more clever way than carpet-bombing?
Did you do it to show off your heavy metal machinery, your SHOCK and AWE capabilities so the "enemy" (or anybody who doesn't agree with you) would be scared off? Mr. Bush, you have single-handedly robbed the world of its hope and innocence. To say nothing of the mockery you have made of true Christianity: the most peaceful force that ever came to man. You have rearranged the fragile building blocks of this planet with your Neanderthal eye-for-an-eye fraudulent, militant "Christianity". Maybe you don't realize the word Christ is in the word Christianity because the vowel sounds are different. But eye-for-an-eye is the OLD TESTAMENT! Christ came with the new law: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU. RESIST NOT EVIL. This means, “Do not fight or resist evil; do not fight anyone or anything, it doesn't work. Most evolved people know this. Schools teach that you deal with bullies on the playground by not engaging them in battle, by walking away, not hitting them back.
There's a saying: If you're in the jungle and a jaguar is chasing you, get out of his way because he's going to eat you. It's nothing personal; it's just the nature of the beast. So go back to your house and stay out of his way. Muslim fundamentalists would not be killing us if we would get our footprints off their oil, mind our own business, and pray for them. They do not seem to know the God of love, but since love is all there is, evil has no real power, no matter how much you physicalize it by focusing on it. In other words, what you focus on GROWS! It also wouldn't hurt to protect our borders and make our country as invincible as Israel is. My girlfriend says she feels safer in Israel than here.
You are a barbarian Mr. Bush, hiding behind a kind of idiocy. And I know that's very judgmental of me to say that, but Christ called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers." And "evil triumphs when good people do nothing,” as Edmund Burke said (and we keep hearing over and over and over these days.)
Fortunately I believe in a power greater than ourselves and I know we're going to be all right. God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Einstein did say "goodness, truth and beauty are laws in the universe" as is harmony. Play the piano and you'll hear it. Kiss your child and you'll feel it. Go outside and breathe in the sunshine while playing with an amazingly beautiful striped animal or a butterfly. Bring coffee to someone who thinks you hate them.
Why do people keep arguing about God when God is simply love? Who can argue with human kindness? Asking to prove God is like asking to prove you love your kids. Love is actually the energy of our focused attention on Good, which I define as God. You can be attractive even if you're not "good looking" because if you radiate love, you attract people. This energy is molecular. Einstein's Unified Field therefore is love, which is God. Science proves God; the two are not mutually exclusive.
copyright Lydia cornell
Lydia geat post, i'm sure we will have plenty of heated discussion about Coulter in this thread, but since you also posted about the Geneva Convention, i'm going to repost the article I posted in the previous blog abouit the Supreme Court taking a stand on this issue.
ReplyDeleteJustices say Bush went too far at Guantanamo
ReplyDelete5-3 ruling says military trials would violate U.S. law, Geneva conventions
AP Updated: 49 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President Bush overstepped his authority in ordering military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees.
The ruling, a rebuke to the administration and its aggressive anti-terror policies, was written by Justice John Paul Stevens, who said the proposed trials were illegal under U.S. law and international Geneva conventions.
Two years ago, the court rejected Bush’s claim to have the authority to seize and detain terrorism suspects and indefinitely deny them access to courts or lawyers. In this follow-up case, the justices focused solely on the issue of trials for some of the men.
Moderate joins liberals
The vote was split 5-3, with moderate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joining the court’s liberal members in ruling against the Bush administration. Chief Justice John Roberts, named to the lead the court last September by Bush, was sidelined in the case because as an appeals court judge he had backed the government over Hamdan.
Thursday’s ruling, handed down on the last day of the court’s 2005-06 term, overturned that decision.
Two years ago, the court rejected Bush’s claim to have the authority to seize and detain terrorism suspects and indefinitely deny them access to courts or lawyers. In this follow-up case, the justices focused solely on the issue of trials for some of the men.
Moderate joins liberals
The vote was split 5-3, with moderate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joining the court’s liberal members in ruling against the Bush administration. Chief Justice John Roberts, named to the lead the court last September by Bush, was sidelined in the case because as an appeals court judge he had backed the government over Hamdan.
Thursday’s ruling, handed down on the last day of the court’s 2005-06 term, overturned that decision.
In his own opinion siding with the majority, Justice Stephen Breyer said that “Congress has not issued the executive a ’blank check.”’
“Trial by military commission raises separation-of-powers concerns of the highest order,” Kennedy wrote in his opinion.
9:27 AM
GREAT ARTICLE!! You should run for congress.
Lydia, nice reception pix. Thanks for posting them.
ReplyDeleteQuestion for you, Lyd: as a Christian, which is worse, pornography or abortion?
Also, as a Christian, do you consider the taking of an unborn human life to be a sin?
If abortion is not a sin, why not? Is it because Liberals think that they have a right to abortions because it is a right that derives from the right to privacy?
If you think that abortion is a derivative right of the right to privacy, do you think the right to privacy extends to taking crack cocaine and heroin? After all, according to Liberal theology, women (and people) should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, right? Especially in the privacy of their own homes, right? So you think that it's ok to take cocaine and heroin in the privacy of your own home, right, because it derives from the same right of privacy that you say gives you the right to have an abortion, right?
Which is worse, Lydia, the spreading of fundamental human rights and democracy to 50 million people in Afganistan and Iraq, or the murder of 50 million innocent babies through abortion (in the United States alone) since the Roe v. Wade decision?
Lydia, did you recycle part of your latest blog entree with the referneces to the bread truck, etc.?
ReplyDeleteMike & Worf (the happy couple), glad to know that you support a bill of rights for al-Qaeda.
ReplyDeleteThis is good for Bush because Democrats will now have to vote on whether or not to support the president on his war on terror. This is another fight that Rove wants.
You see, all these votes will come back to haunt certain members of Congress in November.
Lydia, do you agree with Worf that the issues of abortion and pornography constitute "silly bullshit," as Worf just suggested?
ReplyDeleteSee the tide is turning, America believes the Bush Administration has gone TOO FAR and is overstepping its bounds with its powermad omnipotent megalomaniac policies and the other branches of government are finally starting to wake up as are the American public and reign in the spoiled brat executive branch before its too late.
ReplyDeleteSee America is about freedom, not about torture or murder or transforming itself into a police state and giving up those very freedoms that make us special to as the Bush Administration Claim "keep us safe"
Bush claims "the terrorists hate us for our freedom" yet he is willing to give up those very freedoms that make us special and sacrifice our Constitutional rights and freedoms to as he claims "keep us safe"
ReplyDeleteIf we sacrifice everything that makes our country great and special for safety, then the terrorists have won.............is Bush admiting defeat?????????I mean sacrificing everything our Founding Father's fought for doesnt sound patriotic, it sounds treasonous and cowardly to me!
Tt said "Lydia, did you recycle part of your latest blog entree with the referneces to the bread truck, etc.?"
ReplyDeleteYeah kind of like you recycled your latest post playing 20 questions with Lydia were you attempt to infer and make her positio for her......yeah kind of like that Troll Tex.
Lydia, I hate to break it to you, but if there was ever a day when America lost its innocense, it was on Sept 11, 2001, not Bush's actions thereafter.
ReplyDeleteNo TT I support International law, namely the Geneva Convention as well as Due Process that makes us superior to animals, terrorists, war criminals etc TT.......apparently you do not though.
ReplyDeleteeverything that makes our country great, from our democracy to our freedoms to our due process and our International laws and treaty's like the Geneva Convention you and your kind is out to destroy.
You guys are quick to show your outrage when our soldiers are tortured or murdered yet you gleefully support inhumane torture factories like Gitmo and Abu ghraib that defy the Geneva Convention, if we have no problem mistreating them, why should they have a problem mistreating our soldiers TT??????
Troll Tex said"Mike, glad to know that you support a bill of rights for al-Qaeda."
ReplyDeleteI love how you attempt to make my arguments "for me" troll tex and twist them into the absurd, you show me where I said I support a bill of rights for al-Qaeda, supporting the Geneva Convention is far differnent than as you say supporting a bill of rights for al-Qaeda, but please continue with your weak and foolish arguments Troll Tex, i'm having fun making you guys look like the incompetent bunch of fools that you are.
Lydia writes: "Ms. Coulter, my children have lost their innocence partly because of you."
ReplyDeletePlease. That doesn't even pass the laugh test. If your kids even read Ann Coulter at their age, it's because of you. Please don't become a drama queen on us.
Besides, I thought you said they lost their innocense because of Bush. Make up your mind.
Now, while Mike just jumped all over Johnny for invoking his daughter, let's see him go after Lydia with the same intensity for invoking her son. Liberals. Can't keep one consistent thought in their brains.
Tt said Lydia, I hate to break it to you, but if there was ever a day when America lost its innocense, it was on Sept 11, 2001, not Bush's actions thereafter."
ReplyDeletestop using 9/11 as a shield Tt, I mean you and Ann Coulter obviously despise these sacred cow type shields that no one can speak out against........right? I mean you have blabbered on about that hundreds of times.
Mike writes: "everything that makes our country great, from our democracy to our freedoms to our due process and our International laws and treaty's like the Geneva Convention you and your kind is out to destroy."
ReplyDeleteMike, what makes you think these animals are entitled to the protections of the Geneva Convention. No uniforms, no insignias, not fighting for any nation. They have forfeitted this right.
Besides, this decision was not about the Geneva COnvention.
TT said "Lydia, did you recycle part of your latest blog entree with the references to the bread truck, etc.?"
ReplyDeleteRight up front I state that this is a revamped article that was published in several papers. I added stuff too. There's a method to my ...
We lost our innocence when Bush claimed to be a Christian and instead of going after the real terrorists, invaded a country, carpet bombing with shock and awe, killing CHILDREN and more of our own JUST TO GET ONE TYRANT, whom we helped create. Now was that a smart move? Look at our resources; just when we need more troops, our best and brightest are being killed. As many as died in 911. FOR WHAT?
I feel soft-core pornography is a Republican disease, spread by corporations that want higher ratings.
ReplyDeleteI feel the porn industry is run by heathens who have no morals. They are definitely in it for money. They are republicans.
I feel abortion is a the sacred decision and there are no easy answers. But we live in a democracy, where the rights of the individual count. Otherwise we are in a totalitarian state.
Lydia writes: "You condone illegal spying on Americans, yet you don't admonish Bush for his high crimes and misdemeanors."
ReplyDeleteLydia, show me one court that has found that the terrorist intelligence program has violated the laws of this country. You guys are so enamored with today's Court ruling, so show me where the Supreme Court has found this program of intelligence collection to be unconstitutional.
Well, there is one place it is unconstitutional: in your dreams.
Liberal rage. You gotta love it.
"Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination." - Harry S Truman
ReplyDeleteI never went after johnny for using his daughter, Troll Tex, pay attention son, maybe Rush can help you get some Ritalin for the ADHD so you can focus better, I called johnny out for being a lying hippocrite for saying he doent bring girls or women onto a heated debate/fight, and he ran and hid because he didnt have a response other than making a smily face and running away.
ReplyDeletebut please keep lying inferring I said stuff that I never did and posting foolish stuff it just makes you look like the foolish parisen hack that you are.
Lydia writes: "I feel the porn industry is run by heathens who have no morals. They are definitely in it for money. They are republicans."
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats do hard core porn. If Bill Clinton didn't engage in unnatural acts with an intern and a cigar and then lie about it under oath, he could have avoided the perjury rap. Funny, but Clinton acted illegally, and Republicans are to blame. Get a reality check.
Mike, you need to learn the difference between the words "imply" and "infer."
ReplyDeleteTT, you are just like Johnny, I purely partisan political hack who is obsessed with making several members of this blog look like hippocrites, i've NEVER seen anyone work so hard to pick apart Lydia's mine and Worf's arguments and discredit us, only difference is unlike Johnny you dont have to hide you are political.
ReplyDeleteYou made Ann look like a ghoul.
Why did you give her an improvement?
Tall Texan said...
ReplyDeleteLydia writes: "I feel the porn industry is run by heathens who have no morals. They are definitely in it for money. They are republicans."
The Democrats do hard core porn.
Oh really?
Then why did Ann Coulter date a Guccione, TrollTart?
Tall Texan said...
ReplyDeleteLydia writes: "You condone illegal spying on Americans, yet you don't admonish Bush for his high crimes and misdemeanors."
Lydia, show me one court that has found that the terrorist intelligence program has violated the laws of this country.
It ain't made it to court, yet, numbnuts, because the administration has stalled on any case filed on it.
God, you really are ignert, aintcha?
Troll Tex said"Mike, you need to learn the difference between the words "imply" and "infer."
ReplyDeleteAnd you need to actually read the posts so you know what people actually said and can reply accurately instead of infering and/or implying other people's arguments for them. thats the oldest repug trick in the book troll tex constructing the opponents position for them and taking it into the absurd, if you want any credibility, you have to actually read people's posts and accurately and truthfully portray their positions when you craft a response not take the oponents position into the Troll Tex fantasy land you wish it was so you can easily refute that position.
Lydia wrote: "I feel abortion is a the sacred decision and there are no easy answers."
ReplyDeleteA real Christian would say abortion is wrong. Period.
Shame on you.
Why don't you rename this blog "Pro Abortion Christians."
How about taking illegal drugs? Is that a sacred and personal decision as well?
Worf, I wasn't talking about today's decision. I was talking about the NSA matters that you Libs love to cry about.
ReplyDeleteDid the Court rule that unconstitutional?
come on troll tex, we are talking about the supreme court reigning in your little dictator not Coulter's pre-packaged talking points, you can actually respond outside of your heroine's talking points..........cant you???????
ReplyDeletebecause you seem to try to twist everything said back to Coulter's talking points about liberals.
Troll Tex said "A real Christian would say abortion is wrong. Period.
ReplyDeleteWho appointed you judge of what real Christian's would say Troll Tex??????......A real Christian would not support torture, or imprisonment without due process, or setting asside the Geneva Convention, or genocide, or killing children and civillians or nuking another country etc................
So Lydia thinks porn is wrong (and I agree), but the murder of 50 million US babies since the Roe v. Wade is a complicated issue? That's code for "I think it's ok, but better phrase it carefully."
ReplyDeleteNo true Christian would not condemn abortion.
How about partial birth abortion, Lydia? Are you going to waffle on that and hold yourself out as a true Christian?
Tt said "Tall Texan said...
ReplyDeleteWorf, I wasn't talking about today's decision. I was talking about the NSA matters that you Libs love to cry about.
Did the Court rule that unconstitutional?
Thats coming next slappy.
Exactly, thats coming next!!!
you wouldnt know a true Cheristian Troll Tex if he walked up and bashed you on your snout.
ReplyDeletebut you are attempting to chage the topic as hard as you possibly can like a good little troll because you are incensed that your group of Nazi like thugs has lost the first of many battles and that turns your stomach hence the attempt to twist the discussion away from the Supreme Court ruling and.........onto another repug talking point.....abortion.
ReplyDeleteexactly, not only did bush get scolded by the Supreme Court, but that is what is known as legal prescedent that will clearly be used to interpret other cases of presidential abuse of power that are pending.
ReplyDeletesee the line has been drawn in the sand and Bush can no longer cross that line with impunity whenever he chooses.
New slogan for Democrats: "Attack the United States and we'll defend your right to do it."
ReplyDeleteWay to go Dems. I'm sure you'll retake the House with that strategy.
So, Worf, if you give so much credence to the Supreme Court, you must agree with their decision in Bush v. Gore, no?
ReplyDeleteTt said "New slogan for Democrats: "Attack the United States and we'll defend your right to do it."
ReplyDeleteWay to go Dems. I'm sure you'll retake the House with that strategy. "
Why TT there you go again with the lies, i'm not attacking the United States, far from i'm celebrating our Supreme Court showing their wisdom and ruling in favor of freedom amd democracy on the eve of the weekend of our independence, instead of siding with the fascist side that wishes to destroy those freedoms.
Tt said "So, Worf, if you give so much credence to the Supreme Court, you must agree with their decision in Bush v. Gore, no?"
ReplyDeleteanother attempt to take our position into the absurd.......just because we agree with one decision does not mean we agree with every decision, do you agree with EVERY DECISION or EVERYTHING your people do and say TT, you guys always deal in absolutes and see the world as black and white, when the world is much more complex than that with shades of grey.
Worf writes: "And so does the one today. The one thats gonna hang your boy out to dry."
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary. Legislation will be proposed in Congress to allow the CINC to do what he should be allowed to do, and God help the Democrats that vote for the rights of the terrorists at Gitmo. That's how Rove will play this, and it's the smart play.
Tt said "and God help the Democrats that vote for the rights of the terrorists at Gitmo. That's how Rove will play this, and it's the smart play."
ReplyDeleteYeah lying and trying to deceive people by saying the Democrats are voting to support the terrorusts at Gitmo is the smart thing for you guys because you got NOTHING ELSE, the truth wouldnt fly would it.....you know that you guys are against human rights and support torture and genocide and imprisonment indefinately without due process and dont care if our troops suffer because of these corrupt barbaric policies because thats just collateral damage for the grater good, your good.
see you guys dont care if our good name is tarnished and everything America has stood for like freedom, democracy, Geneva Convention is compromised, as long as it benefits you and your ilk Troll Tex.
see Troll Tex, today was a historic day, it signifies that the reign of terror is over and democracy will prevail and what a fitting time for this ruling right before the celebration of outr independence this weekend,
ReplyDeletenope, was it better than scottie's?
ReplyDeleteMike writes: "see Troll Tex, today was a historic day..."
ReplyDeleteNope. By Tuesday NO ONE will be talking about this ruling, but Rove will be sure to get Democrats on record on voting to give Bush this authority, and those who vote against it can be painted into a very tight corner.
Troll Texan said "Nope. By Tuesday NO ONE will be talking about this ruling, but Rove will be sure to get Democrats on record on voting to give Bush this authority, and those who vote against it can be painted into a very tight corner."
ReplyDeleteso let me get this straight Troll Tex, your saying Rove will go on record asking to give Bush the authority to torture and detain prisoners indefinately without being charged or receiving due process despite the Geneva Convention, then try to paint those who dont vote for this as unpatriotic????? because I for one hope he does then when he is tried for war crimes like the nazi's committed it will be an open and shut case......in fact TT I for one would even fly out there to watch the trial and see him convicted of war crimes and treason and see him swing from the gibet when justice is finally served.
Excellent article Lydia. I wish our Democratic leaders would speak the truth about Bush and Twiggy Coulter, instead of leaving it up to a few progressive writers.
ReplyDeleteSince the right-wing can't dispute the facts in your article, they will continue to discredit and label.
exactly Larry, notice how Troll Tex was franticly asking Lydia questions yet when she responded will good well thought out arguments he couldnt counter he ignored her responses and kept attacking her blog article with Coulter's pre-packaged one size fits all talking points and labels.
ReplyDeleteFirst the Canadiexan questioned the marital status, so we got nice wedding photos.
ReplyDeleteSince that wasn't good enough, we now have useless questions about abortions and porn.
What does Lydia's thoughts on abortion and porn, have to do with the needless slaugthter of thousands of innocent people, both Americans and Iraqi's?
What does porn have to do with Bush's spying on innocent Americans, unless Bush is into window peeping for his own porn pleasure.
What does one person attacking every thing in Lydia's life, have to do with Twiggy Coulter wanting Bush to Nuke most of the world?
I see you didnt miss that either larry, its pretty obvious Troll Tex is a partisan hack obsessed with trying to make Lydia look like a hippocrite, or look foolish, he's flat out obsessed with attacking and trying to discredit EVERYTHING Lydia and to a lesser extent Worf and I say, i'm wondering if I should be flattered that the "powers that be" think i'm a threat and send their minions out to atte,pt to discredit me.
ReplyDeletehe's just all worked up into a lather about the supreme court ruling.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Canadiexan will ask Twiggy for her wedding photos, since they certainly can't discuss Bush's illegal detainee trials.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they can discuss Twiggy Coulter's views on porn, since that will distract them from talking about Bush spying on Americans.
"Mike said...
ReplyDeleteexactly Larry, notice how Troll Tex was franticly asking Lydia questions yet when she responded will good well thought out arguments he couldnt counter he ignored her responses and kept attacking her blog article with Coulter's pre-packaged one size fits all talking points and labels.
12:37 PM"
Hate to break it you, Mike, but I've never read any of Ann Coulter's books. I, frankly, don't even know what her talking points are. My points are my own.
worf actually Lydia focused on the Geneva Convention in her article, thats why I thought the Supreme Court ruling was relevant and posted it at the top og the thread.
ReplyDelete"Larry said...
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Canadiexan will ask Twiggy for her wedding photos, since they certainly can't discuss Bush's illegal detainee trials."
I never requested the photos.
Troll Tex said "Hate to break it you, Mike, but I've never read any of Ann Coulter's books. I, frankly, don't even know what her talking points are. My points are my own."
ReplyDeletesorry Troll Tex but I dont believe you your talking points are verbatim from that witch's book and thats all you focus on are Coulter's examples you keep twisting the debate back to Coulter to somehow prove we are hippocrites.
Bush is on CNN saying in spite of the Supreme Court ruling, he isn't going to put detainees out on the street.
ReplyDeleteThe White House says they will look to find a way around it.
It looks like Bush loves the Supreme Court when it put him in office, but his own appointed boys didn't follow the script this time.
Worf wrote: "Now they can be brought before legislative bodies to answer for their crimes."
ReplyDeleteActually, Worf, if you read the opinion by John Paul Stevens, he suggested in his comments that Bush's actions would be quite legal if Congress sent him a bill that he signed enacting a law that more fully defined the rules of evidence of in a military tribunal. That's what Bush and Rove will ask Congress to do, hence my comments earlier about being on the right side of the vote.
Guess what? The opinion also said that the Executive (Bush) still retains the authority to hold the detainees indefinetely.
Next time read the opinion before you opine.
Worf, it was pretty much this site that brought Coulter to my attention. Before that, she was just another commentator.
ReplyDeleteI don't even agree with many of her positions.
Tt said "Worf, it was pretty much this site that brought Coulter to my attention. Before that, she was just another commentator.
ReplyDeleteI don't even agree with many of her positions."
yeah sure Troll tex, you dont agree with Ann Coulter, Your not A supporter of her, thats why the past 3 weeks almost all of your posts were using Coulter's rhetoric and talking points to try to make us look silly.........but you dont agree with coulter do ya........so I guess your saying you are willing to resort to talking points you "dont agree with to slander and discredit your opponents for political gain...........but your just a regular non political guy who doesnt agree with Coulter........BS!!!!!
But if true, then we're glad we did our part to show you what a true peice of human slime she is, and what an enemy to America she, aed consistent in both of these important men in your life.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that you seem t
"Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI see you didnt miss that either larry, its pretty obvious Troll Tex is a partisan hack obsessed with trying to make Lydia look like a hippocrite, or look foolish, he's flat out obsessed with attacking and trying to discredit EVERYTHING Lydia and to a lesser extent Worf and I say, i'm wondering if I should be flattered that the "powers that be" think i'm a threat and send their minions out to atte,pt to discredit me.
12:56 PM"
You guys do a decent job of that on your own. As far as Lydia is concerned, she seems like a harmless soul who *wants* to do God's work, and I applaud her for that, but she is misguided when she procleims herself to be a Christian (and calls this a Christian-oriented blog) and yet won't take a firm stand on abortion.
Why is she more worked up by one death in Iraq than 50 million deaths by abortion in the United States alone? That's worse than WWII, but she ducks the question.
How would her pastor at Reagan's church answer? Better yet, how would Jesus answer on the issue of abortion. I doubt he would condone it. I doubt it very much.
Worf writes: "I couldn't help but notice that I cleaned your clock on your 10:51 post"
ReplyDeleteWorf, you confuse quantity of postings with quality. When I've cleaned your clock, it's gone over your head. I think you were just happy that someone mentioned your name.
As far as your proposed wager, how do we determine the winner? Yes, someone might mention it, but I doubt it will dominate the news like it did today.
Here's my counteroffer. If this decision is the lead story in the NY Times on Tuesday, I'll donate $100 to the Democratic National Committe. If it isn't, you donate $100 to the Republican National Committee.
Worf writes: "Lydia answered the same questions to you before, and has made her stand on Abortion crystal clear in several threads, posts and articles."
ReplyDeleteOh, really!? She hasn't addressed my questions about whether it ought to be legal to take crack cocaine or heroin in the privacy of one's home.
And, as far as her books are concerned, she has NO NEWS whatsover about publishing dates, etc. I don't think she's even found a willing publisher to out her book out.
Tt said "Why is she more worked up by one death in Iraq than 50 million deaths by abortion in the United States alone? That's worse than WWII, but she ducks the question."
ReplyDeleteFirst of all Troll Tex were do you get one death in iraq, thats almost laughable considering counting both sides there is close to 100,000 deaths......but its only a number right Troll Tex?
And regarding your statement of 50 million deaths by abortion do you have any evidence to support this, is this in one year, in 300 years, is the counting all the sperm that die each time you are done having sex with your right hand??????.............vaugueness is the friend of those with weak argumemts troll tex.
I see. Worf is playing the "I'm so dumb I take everyhting literally" game. You will be talking out of your ass, as usual, on Tuesday, but it won't be a major news item like it is today.
ReplyDeleteDid you really think that I meant that not one of 300 million Americans would mention the topic on Tuesday. Are you that obtuse?
What about my counter-wager?
Troll Tex said "And, as far as her books are concerned, she has NO NEWS whatsover about publishing dates, etc. I don't think she's even found a willing publisher to out her book out.'
ReplyDeleteSo she has to clear her publication dates with you now Troll Tex, the hubris of you clowns LOL :D
Mike writes: "So she has to clear her publication dates with you now Troll Tex, the hubris of you clowns LOL :D"
ReplyDeleteYou would think that she would announce the publication dates like any other "author"* almost always does. The silence is suspicious.
Has she ever had a book published????
No Troll Tex like usual you pulled the bait and switch, of course it wont be on the front page Tuesday, since it was breaking news today, but that was a landmark case that focused on division and abuse of power and checks and balances and that will be talked about and quite relevant for quite a while despite your lame attempts to change the topic, see that ruling makes people like you sick to their stomach because the wheels of democracy and the checks and balances are functioning again.
ReplyDeleteTt said "Has she ever had a book published????
once again Troll Tex if you knew what the hell you were talking about before opening your pie hole, then you'd know the answer to this question, but like usual you shoot off your mouth with out knowing what the hell your talking about.
and BTW Troll Tex, you've had your clock cleaned all day today you just ignored the posts that you couldnt refute and attacked people personally on other issues or attepted to change the topic.
ReplyDeleteWe must be back to trying to get Lydia to show us her book since the wedding photos took out one accusation.
ReplyDeleteIf we concentrate on the book, or porn then we can forget how Bush is violating the law with detainees.
If we concentrate on the book, or porn,then we can forget about thousands of Iraqi citizens killed, thousands of US soldiers killed and even many more thousands left disabled.
Why would Twiggy Coulter be worried about a book from Lydia if the accusation is, it doesn't exist?
you didnt win one point today Troll tex not one..........although you did make a valiant effort to change the topic to abortion and pornography and Crack Cocaine and Lydia's Book and Lydia's Kids.....bravo at least you get an A for effort.
ReplyDeleteWorf is a desperate literalist, and anyone on this site with an announce of intellectual honesty knows that. So to win your bet, all you have to do is mention the issue here on Tuesday. Is that what you thought I really meant??
ReplyDeleteDo you have problems inferring someone's real meaning from the literal text of their words? Do you have autism. I suspect you do.
If you propose a more reasonable wager, maybe we can do business.
TT said "Do you have problems inferring someone's real meaning from the literal text of their Words"
ReplyDeleteNo that would be you my little green friend, you seem to make a habit of inferring your opponenets position and arguments and coincidently they all seem to favor your position while not even remotely resembling what the person actually said or meant.
you've had your clock cleaned ALL DAY TT
ReplyDeleteALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW Troll TEX, how many times in the last week have you accused me of saying something someone else actually said or something I never said at all I'll bet at least 5 in the last 48 hours and thats not even counting the times you tried to construct my postions/arguments for me so they would be easier for you to attack or refute.
ReplyDeleteyou need to actually concentrate on and focus on what people are actually saying not what you wish they had said.......there is help for ADHD TT, you know Ritalin and what not, maybe Rush can help you with the prescription before his doctor loses her medical license.
If your the best the repugs have TT.......come on 2008!!!!!
ReplyDeletetake one look at the absurdity of TT posts, he tried to turn my support of the Geneva Convention into me supporting a Bill of Rights for Al Queda, and being a traitor.
ReplyDeleteSo would it be correct to assume that TT is saying that anyone who supports the Geneva Convention is guilty of treason and a traitor to our country?????? just curious Troll Tex?
ReplyDeleteAnd TT and his people HATE hearing that, its like nails on a blackboard to these guys.
ReplyDeleteSo, Mike and Worf, are you two crazy kids planning a romantic 4th of July together somewhere. (Don't forget the Crisco.) Be sure NOT to tell me about it. I just had lunch.
ReplyDeleteMore likely, Worf, will be spending the holiday in his mom's basement attending to the family sump pumps with an overinflated view of himself. Too afraid to even get on an airplane. How sad.
Still waiting on Lydia's booknews. Seems she's been on a false deadline for a few months now.
So, Lyd, do you have a real book deal or not? And, if you do, when will it be published?
TT your like this inflatable Bozo The Clown punching bag I had when I was 4, you'd just kept boppin that dumb clown and knocking him down and he never knew when to quit, that clown was a glutton for punishment and just kept coming back for more.
ReplyDeletefabricating stories again I see Troll Tex, my my those are some pretty vivid fantaies a little too bizaire for me though although mine usually dont involve Crisco and two men......but to each their own...and live and let live Troll Tex.
ReplyDelete4 Killed and 27 wounded today in Iraq, but does that matter?
ReplyDeleteBush's war for profit is a failure for everyone but the Oil rich and now Bush has been labeled a rule breaker by the Supremes, but does that matter?
Lydia posted her wedding photos to squelch that petty accusation, but does that matter?
It looks like all that matter NOW, is does Lydia really have a book.
Now that is as important as the status of Lydia's marriage.
Whats next. What kind of nail polish does she use.
Earlier today I said "New slogan for Democrats: "Attack the United States and we'll defend your right to do it."
ReplyDeleteWay to go Dems. I'm sure you'll retake the House with that strategy.
After seeing Mike and Worf's glee, it doesn't seem like such a joke anymore.
Some of the folks at DailyKos were calling for Bush to get the death penalty. How unpatriotic of you and enabling for the terrorists to hear you and your ilk talking like this.
I really can see that by these posts, that Mike and Worf are the same person.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way 2 people can be in total agreement
A) Worf talks with vulgar hateful words.
B) Mike comes across more soft-spoken.
These are the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Shame on you 2 motherf-----s!
more absurdity Troll tex, we are enabling the terrorists now by supporting the Geneva Convention?
ReplyDeleteyou keep trying to call us traitors to silence us, and i'll keep calling you guys Nazi's because those are the same tactics the Nazi's used.
If you ever notice Worf and Mike are on at the same time.
ReplyDeleteAlso they both use moving pics next to their handle name
well he would know all about schizophrenia, hell didnt they make a movie or write a book about him.......the seven faces of Eve......on multiple identies.......something he is also an expert on.
ReplyDeleteMike's personality is easily swayed by other people, the sign of a passive attitude.
ReplyDeleteWorf is the aggressor, of course.
Does Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ring a bell.
You have been found out!
BTW JOHN how come you couldnt make it in the DOJ, or is it that Mr Scaife just pays much better than the DOJ?
ReplyDeleteJust as Johnny Moo Moo, Tall Texan, Voltaire and Freedom Fan are all the same person
ReplyDeletebelieve me John If you ever met me in person you would not say I am passive.
ReplyDeletenever said Voltaire was anyone else!
ReplyDeleteyou're 1 asshole in the same brain.
ReplyDeleteAs they're are 4 assholes in the same brain
But back to you john, Mr Scaife must must really dig your conections at the DOJ, they could come inm real handy for targeting political enemies or hacking into the blog to bring it down when you guys are getting your clocks cleaned.....you know that kind of stuff
ReplyDeleteand we all know your hear to seek the truth right John.........................................Btw hows the weather in Canada.....does richard own any vacation properties there???
ReplyDeleteMike you are extremely passive, I can tell by how you speak and are servile to the point that you can't even stand up for you girlfriend, unless she's not worthy of it...LOL
ReplyDeleteCome on John, show a backbone and use your real handle.....you are man enough arent you?
ReplyDeleteMike, for god sake already, grow hair on your chest, or start acting like your alter-ego, WORF
ReplyDeleteBut yes since these guys are doing everything in their power to keep us from talking about that pivotal SUPREME COURT RULING lets by all means focus on it and what a glaring and resounding defeat it was for the Bush Administration.
ReplyDeletethink about this a second the Justices not only ruled Against Bush, but scolded him in their opinions!
ReplyDeleteThis ruling but the president and the executive branch back in their place annd made it clear their reign of terror is OVER...FINISHED....FINITO!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWorf's personality, comes across very simply...SUPRESSED ANGER
ReplyDeleteMike/Worf, very few schizophrenics get married, which of course creates a lot of pent up frustations, Mike/Worf are the same person palying 2 different roles. Mike you said: "you are 36 and 0 children"
Whoever you think is writing this doesn't matter to me, it's just what I've noticed since March of this year
I understand that the truth hurts somtimes, and to talk abruptly to you, is only to try to help you
ReplyDeleteThis Ruling proves we support the Geneva Convention and are opposed to torture and indefinate imprisonment without due process.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the Supreme Court will overturn Bush's illegal domestic spying program next to help us take back our country and get it on the right track.
As for abortion it's directly a sin in Gods eyes, it takes away His very creation, and that life can NEVER be CREATED again.
ReplyDeleteEver think about all the aborted lives throughout time, countless numbers of life wasted. Well how do we know that maybe 1 of those lives couldn't of developed a cure for cancer, or maybe famine, or a way not to have Bush in power and just maybe these discussions wouldn't be taking place.
Also remember ...."Thou Shall Not KILL"...."GET IT DUMBASSES"
Another Mike/Worf expression....THAT LAST POST "REALLY CLEANED YOUR CLOCK"....LOL
ReplyDeleteLike Lydia said you guys are more concerned about a fetus or embryo in a petry dish than those currently living, what about the soldiers or innocent civilians killed in Iraq, what about the abortion doctors killed by pro lifers who claim to value human life, what about Coulter calling for the killing of Liberals or poisoning of Supreme Court Justices?
ReplyDeleteyeah turn the discussion to the bloggers and away from the issues, cause thats all you guys have left.
ReplyDeleteIt's wrong that ANY life should be taken..."STOP ALL KILLING"
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with a world that can't understand that simple point
Maybe you should tell Coulter and the Bush Administration that.....they just dont seem to get it.
ReplyDeleteMore Americans killed in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the 17th straight time which will cost more American jobs.
Another Bush staffer charged in the Abramhoff Bribery Scandal.
The Supreme Court ruled that Bush is violating the law with the detainees.
The big subject from Canadiexanville is does Lydia really have a book?
Or has it changed to Does Lydia use a red brush or a blue brush on her hair.
" Mike said...
ReplyDeleteLike Lydia said you guys are more concerned about a fetus or embryo in a petry dish than those currently living, what about the soldiers or innocent civilians killed in Iraq, what about the abortion doctors killed by pro lifers who claim to value human life, what about Coulter calling for the killing of Liberals or poisoning of Supreme Court Justices?
3:18 PM"
Many fetuses have brainwaves, heartbeats, and some scientists say they can feel pain.
Most astoundingly, Lydia, a sel-professed Christian, has not even come out against partial-birth aborting. That is a gruesome procedure whereby the baby is partially born, but killed before he or she has fully come out of the womb. If Lydia can't denounce that practice, then she should not be talking about what kind of Christian she is.
Tt said "If Lydia can't denounce that practice, then she should not be talking about what kind of Christian she is."
ReplyDeleteOh I see Troll Tex, you get to decide who is worthy enough to talk and speak out.......how convienient for you.
How many unborn children have been killed in their mothers womb, from bombings of innocent citizens in Iraq, at the hands of King Bush?
ReplyDeleteand BTW Troll Tex, Lydia has made her views on abortion very clear, why dont you show the same zeal in looking for them that you did last night trying to find a post to defend your associate Johnny.
ReplyDeleteAreed TT:
ReplyDeletePeople have to stay focused on what they believe and teach their children about "HUMAN LIFE"
There are Dems and Repubs out there that will kill you to look at you, such as Mike/Worf
Sexuality is a big determinate in sin...wasn't it the gay people that brought about AIDS. Countless lives wasted to AIDS and VD, but there are Christians out there that condone such practices.
Bush just made another deal to let foreign interests to take over US ports.
ReplyDeleteBush was found to be breaking the law by the Supreme Court.
Does that matter?
All that matters is whether or not Lydia is "Christian" enough for those who hate her.
How sad.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAnd who is wise enough to decide who is Christian enough to be able to speak out and voice their opinion and who is worthy of protection from torture and indefinate imprisonment without due process and who gets to live and die......why Troll Tex of course...........maybe we should start praying and bowing to TT since him and Bush are obviously omnipotent.
ReplyDeleteBush is an abortionist.
ReplyDeleteBush sent US troops, bribed Britain among other to send their troops to bomb Iraqis, no matter who they were.
Bush's war has resulted in unborn children in Iraq being killed, along with their mothers.
Bush is now guilty of breaking our nations law by the Supreme Court.
Why does it matter who is "Christian" enough for the Coulter lovers?
Mike/Worf, what type of conversations do you have with yourself?
ReplyDeleteWorf probably "SLAPpy" the crap out of Mike
Worf loves Slappy White, do ya
BACK TO THE SUPREME COURT RULING...............ISNT IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCould you explain the Supreme Court ruling for those of us who missed the Tony Snow press brief?
I want to hear more.
Agreed, Bush is an abortionist, that bastard son of a bitch, doesn't give 2 shits about human life.
ReplyDeleteWhat would Bush say if his daughters were in Iraq...he'd be the first to say..."HELL NO THEY WON'T GO"
Can you imagine what might come out in those hearings, I have a feeling the abuses we are currently aware of are only the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteI think what comes out may be truly shocking.
ReplyDeleteSupreme Court Blocks Guantanamo Trials
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court rebuked President Bush and his anti-terror policies Thursday, ruling that his plan to try Guantanamo Bay detainees in military tribunals violates U.S. and international law.
The president and congressional Republicans immediately pledged to work on a new strategy for special trials for some of the hundreds of suspected al-Qaida and Taliban operatives rounded up in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries.
Bush said the ruling "won't cause killers to be put out on the street."
The court declared 5-3 that the president's attempt to resurrect a type of military trial last used in the aftermath of World War II violates U.S. military law and the Geneva conventions that set international standards for dealing with people captured in armed conflicts.
The ruling focused on Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a one-time driver for Osama bin Laden who has spent four years in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He faces a single count of conspiring to commit terrorism.
Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift, Hamdan's Navy lawyer, said he told the Yemeni about the ruling by telephone. "I think he was awe-struck that the court would rule for him, and give a little man like him an equal chance. Where he's from, that is not true," Swift said.
The decision could have a broad impact on the administration's legal justification for many of its policies in the global fight against terrorism, from eavesdropping to detention policies in Iraq.
The ruling united the four most liberal justices with moderate Anthony M. Kennedy in an opinion that showed the high court would not watch the controversy over Bush policies from the sidelines.
It was a sequel to a ruling two years ago that found the administration did not have a "blank check" to lock up alleged combatants without any legal rights. Again, the court said the Bush administration had gone too far.
"The Constitution is best preserved by reliance on standards tested over time and insulated from the pressures of the moment," Kennedy wrote in one opinion.
The ruling came on the court's final day before the justices began a three-month break. Court members spent more than half an hour announcing the decision and reading dissents.
Chief Justice John Roberts was sidelined in the case because as an appeals court judge he had backed the government in this case last year. That ruling was overturned Thursday.
The other three conservative justices, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, strongly supported the government.
"It is not clear where the court derives the authority -- or the audacity -- to contradict" Congress and the executive branch, Scalia wrote.
Thomas, reading a dissent from the bench for only the second time in his 15-year career, said the court's decision would "sorely hamper the president's ability to confront and defeat a new and deadly enemy."
The majority found that Congress had not given Bush the authority to create a special type of military trial and that the president did not have a valid reason for the new system. The justices also said the proposed trials did not provide for minimum legal protections under international law.
While the administration could come up with a new system, a better option would be to hold regular military courts-martial for detainees, the high court said. Those trials, used for soldiers, provide somewhat similar legal protections to those that defendants receive in U.S. courts.
The Bush administration did not appear ready to accept that.
White House counselor Dan Bartlett said the administration's task now is to determine how to design military tribunals that will pass muster. Bartlett said Bush could portray any lawmaker who objected to legislation as supporting the release of dangerous terrorists.
Late Thursday, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., filed legislation authorizing the president to create military tribunals and providing due process guidelines for trials of terrorist combatants. The Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee plan hearings over the summer.
Bush: I'll work with Congress on Gitmo
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON – President Bush, visibly troubled by the Supreme Court's repudiation of his handling of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, pledged today to "find a way forward" with Congress on trials for many people who the president maintains cannot be returned home.
"We will work with the Congress," Bush said, adding that he takes the ruling "very seriously."
If Congress can draft a law that will enable military tribunals to handle detainees in a way that conforms with the court ruling, Bush said, he will be open to that. "To the extent that there is latitude to work with the Congress to determine whether or not the military tribunals will be an avenue in which to give people their day in court, we will do so," the president said.
Bush, who has said he wants to close Guantanamo once plans are made to either try detainees or send them home, attempted to turn the issue today to a question of continuing to protect the American public from terrorism.
"The American people need to know that this ruling, as I understand it, won't cause killers to be put out on the street," he said, cautiously delivering his first public reaction to the ruling at an East Room press conference with the visiting prime minister of Japan.
"I'm not going to jeopardize the safety of the American people,'' Bush said. "I will … protect the people, and at the same time conform with the findings of the Supreme Court."
Bush said he had received only a "drive-by briefing" on the ruling, which was issued during his morning meeting with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. "I haven't had a chance to fully review the findings," he said when first asked about it. When asked a second time, he said: "I wish I could comment on it… I would… I haven't been briefed enough.''
"I'm sorry you had to waste your question," Bush told the reporter during a session with a visiting foreign leader in which traditionally only two questions are taken from reporters of each nation.
Bush was celebrating the friendship between the United States and Japan with a prime minister who is an Elvis Presley fan, and Bush said he had given Koizumi a juke box for a gift. But, visibly disturbed by the court ruling overshadowing their meeting, Bush opened the floor of the East Room to questions with an allusion to Presley by imploring of reporters: "Don't be Cruel."
"Walking in, I reminded the prime minister of one of Elvis's greatest songs, "Don't Be Cruel," Bush told reporters. "So keep that in mind, huh, when you ask a question."
Bush: I'll work with Congress on Gitmo
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON – President Bush, visibly troubled by the Supreme Court's repudiation of his handling of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, pledged today to "find a way forward" with Congress on trials for many people who the president maintains cannot be returned home.
"We will work with the Congress," Bush said, adding that he takes the ruling "very seriously."
If Congress can draft a law that will enable military tribunals to handle detainees in a way that conforms with the court ruling, Bush said, he will be open to that. "To the extent that there is latitude to work with the Congress to determine whether or not the military tribunals will be an avenue in which to give people their day in court, we will do so," the president said.
Bush, who has said he wants to close Guantanamo once plans are made to either try detainees or send them home, attempted to turn the issue today to a question of continuing to protect the American public from terrorism.
"The American people need to know that this ruling, as I understand it, won't cause killers to be put out on the street," he said, cautiously delivering his first public reaction to the ruling at an East Room press conference with the visiting prime minister of Japan.
"I'm not going to jeopardize the safety of the American people,'' Bush said. "I will … protect the people, and at the same time conform with the findings of the Supreme Court."
Bush said he had received only a "drive-by briefing" on the ruling, which was issued during his morning meeting with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. "I haven't had a chance to fully review the findings," he said when first asked about it. When asked a second time, he said: "I wish I could comment on it… I would… I haven't been briefed enough.''
"I'm sorry you had to waste your question," Bush told the reporter during a session with a visiting foreign leader in which traditionally only two questions are taken from reporters of each nation.
Bush was celebrating the friendship between the United States and Japan with a prime minister who is an Elvis Presley fan, and Bush said he had given Koizumi a juke box for a gift. But, visibly disturbed by the court ruling overshadowing their meeting, Bush opened the floor of the East Room to questions with an allusion to Presley by imploring of reporters: "Don't be Cruel."
"Walking in, I reminded the prime minister of one of Elvis's greatest songs, "Don't Be Cruel," Bush told reporters. "So keep that in mind, huh, when you ask a question."
Bush likely to get tribunal power from GOP Congress
ReplyDeleteIn its decision handed down today in the case of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, in which the Supreme Court majority essentially said President Bush didn’t have the authority to use military tribunals to try accused terrorist detainees, it added that to abide by the law, Bush needed to go back to Congress to get that power.
After digesting the high court’s decision, Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), the Senate’s majority leader, indicated this afternoon that, if he has anything to do with it, Congress will speedily give the president that authority.
While the Supreme Court did in fact *invoke* the Geneva Convention, the case was *ABOUT* the detainees at Gitmo. In any event, there is a legislative workaround to accomplish the exact same goals had SCOTUS not intervened.
ReplyDeleteThat is the good news. There is no bad news. It will just be more red tape to prosecute them.
I still stand by my earlier comment:
"New slogan for Democrats: "Attack the United States and we'll defend your right to do it."
Way to go Dems. I'm sure you'll retake the House with that strategy."
Johnny's comments about "turban ripping" were prescient since Worf and Mike have let their hatred for Bush blind them so much that a small defeat for Bush, in their opinion, outweighs the small and temporary victory for terrorists.
This is consistent with my comments that it was a bad day for Worf when we got Saddam because that made it a good day for Bush.
Do you know what explains this? Two words: Liberal rage.
Liberal lovers (of each other) Mike and Worf should be putting their turbans in celebration.
Worf, I will bet you ANY amount of money that the House will not be retaken by the Dems in this year. I win, you give to a charity of my choice, and vice versa. Deal?
(Now watch him wiggle out of this.)
72% of our Country Think Bush has abused and overstepped his power and authority, with an election coming up I would have to say that congress better be mindful of the will of the American people before just rubberstamping anything Bush wants, or the repugs may pay the price and be held accountable come election time, see congress are public servants and serve at the pleasure of the public.......and to ignore the will of 72% of the public with an election coming up................well lets just say it would be....unwise.
ReplyDeleteWould you prefer to watch a five year old girl burn to death at the hands of the SS, or have her aborted before experiencing such indescribable suffering?
Quite simply, abortion boils down to numerous social factors! To ignore these social factors is immoral and narrow minded.....period!
Troll Tex said "Johnny's comments about "turban ripping" were prescient since Worf and Mike have let their hatred for Bush blind them so much that a small defeat for Bush, in their opinion, outweighs the small and temporary victory for terrorists."
ReplyDeleteHow did the terorists win Troll Tex, they are still in jail, if they are guilty give them a fair trial and then let the court decide what happens to to them, and i'm fine with that but imprisoning them indefinately without due process i'm not ok with and no decent american would be you dirty reich wing troll, we are better than that despite your atempts to try to bring us down to the terrorists barbaric level.
And your attemps to portray me as a traitor or in league with or supporting terrorists are lame Troll Tex and show how weak and riddiculous your arguments really are......I am for justice Troll tex I support justice not terrorists, but nice try with your KKKarl Rove talking points TROLL TEX!
Oh look they are crying about rigged polls and trying to wrench the debate back to abortion again.
ReplyDeleteNo human being with a heart could ever know or comprehend the true agony of a 5 year old being burned that way...but how would anyone know that 5 years earlier!
ReplyDeleteLife Rules unless you are Mike/Worf
Mike, can you point to any comments from Rove that you say I've copied.
ReplyDeleteMy comments are my own.
Posted 3 articles on Bush...open your eyes mike...Godalmighty Mike can't ya even do that
ReplyDeleteBuffalo Girl won't ya come out tonight....LOL
The trying to paint people who oppose bush as for the terrorists and against keeping our country safe, that talking point that you attributed to Rove several times today Troll Tex.
ReplyDeleteJohnny, there is an axiom in the practice of law which says "hard cases make for bad law," and you presented a very heartbreaking choice which I hope none of us have to make.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, I must respectfully defer to Volt's comments, above, on that scenario, but your hypothetical does give one pause.
TT is right again
ReplyDeleteYou just can't make up your own rules in life..."Thou Shall Not Kill" has to be taken to the letter
Also The Golden Rule
Volt if they are involved in a war....and Bush has called it a war numerous times then the Geneva Convention applies.......and Volt, sorry but i'll take the Supreme Courts word that the Geneva Convention applies over a guy's on a blog named Voltaire.
ReplyDeleteBTW Volt if these guys are guilty and your so positive they are evil terrorists then why are you guys so afraid to give them a fair trial and due process......if they are found guilty.....then execute them imprison them for life what ever the court rules....but everyone deserves due process.
ReplyDeleteGood point!
However, please describe to me the meaning and purpose of life that you have determined/judged for all, to be the fine line of acceptable human suffering?
Just heard a promo for Ann Coulter's appearance on Hannity and Colmes tonight.
ReplyDeleteLydia, get your publicist to book you on one of these shows where the two of you can debate! That would be very cool.
No TT/Anonymous, you guys are right! I humbly bow out of this one.
ReplyDeleteThe 1 common exception for abortion is to save the mothers life...agreed
ReplyDeleteSorry Voltaire, I forgot to include you.....your 4:35 pm post smashes me.
ReplyDeleteI never was good on this subject.
That's right, all any of us can do is live one day at a time. Every act of suffering that happens to the children the greater their reward in Heaven
ReplyDeleteWars have been here since time began, and will eventually end this world by Armageddon.
WE are all on the precipice of some major catastrophes, whether it will be WW3, more horrendous inclement weather, unemployment...lower wages, bird flu, and other major epidemics
ReplyDeletepolitical upheaval that this country has never seen, brutal rapings and killings.
ReplyDeleteYou should register a handle!!! You have my support.
Kind of what like Viktor Frankl said:
"Life is like a movie, each frame of the film does not know the end result."
Something like that anyways.
Lydia is right, that the days of innocence are over, it's time for the rose-colored glasses to come off, and face some harsh realities for our childrens sake.
ReplyDeleteOur children may never know what we experienced in this life, and that is profoundly sad.
Johnny, even though I am not an atheist, I don't judge you for your beliefs.
ReplyDeleteTo my mind, it seems that once a human life has been created, we mortal humans should not thereafter play God with the lives of others unless it is to save another's life, like the life of the mother in certain abortion cases, or in defending our own lives, which justifies, often very controversially, in times of War.
At least that's the way I see things, but your question did provoke some interesting thoughts, as all difficult situations do.
Thanks Johhnny for your support...I'll do that
ReplyDeleteThe eve of destruction has been growing ever since
ReplyDelete2008 might just very well bring us the worst US president in history...next to GWB of course
ReplyDeleteYou haven't seen anything yet!!
Agreed Volt
ReplyDeleteProblem with democrats is they think they can solve the worlds problems....horse-hooey
Actually GWB is just playing his part in the harsh realities of the future...is it his fault or not?
ReplyDeleteIt can be looked at from the point of view of defense against terrorism, and he didn't see any other options to avoid this situation.
Man can be one mean prick when riled, and hostilities between countries tend to never heal and it doesn't take much to exacerbate situations that reoccur again
Putting Hillary in office, will sure end our world...We are not ready for a woman president yet
ReplyDeleteYou're right Great Britian and Japan are great allies
what is this the Reich wing Love fest?
ReplyDeleteBelieve you me, somehow Bushy will wiggle his ass out of it
ReplyDeleteBush likely to get tribunal power from GOP Congress
After digesting the high court’s decision, Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), the Senate’s majority leader, indicated this afternoon that, if he has anything to do with it, Congress will speedily give the president that authority.
Worf...Volt got you on that one
ReplyDeleteWorf, obviously will have a retort
72% of our Country Think Bush has abused and overstepped his power and authority, with an election coming up I would have to say that congress better be mindful of the will of the American people before just rubberstamping anything Bush wants, or the repugs may pay the price and be held accountable come election time, see congress are public servants and serve at the pleasure of the public.......and to ignore the will of 72% of the public with an election coming up................well lets just say it would be....unwise.
ReplyDeleteWorf, I'm not for GWB, but within a few days it will probably just blow over
ReplyDeleteBlow is a word the Dems like
ReplyDeleteSICK MEN
Dems think that adultery is a good thing...you Dems need to have your asses whoooped, and I mean hard.
ReplyDeleteLadies and gentlemen, Worf likes the paddle please.
Johnny/anonyfool said "Blow is a word the Dems like"
ReplyDeleteYou got that right anonyfool, the only reason you clowns dont like it is cause the only way you can get one is to pay for it.
anonyfools said "Dems think that adultery is a good thing..."
ReplyDeleteLike usual your just shooting your mouth off with no facts to support what you say.......kind of like Coulter and rush and Rove and Bush.....all a bunch of cowardly windbags.
Christian has the word Christ in it. Christ's MAIN concern was "religious People" who focused on the "letter" of the law, the "Body" over the spirit -- and those who judged others. Christ knew life was spiritual. He said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
ReplyDeleteYou are obsessed with abortion, but not with actual living breathing souls. why? Are not they important too?
Do you know what a pharisee is?
That was for Tall Texan. Please read the 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All of Christ's teachings are contained here.
ReplyDeleteIf you really see what Christ is saying, you will see that he deals with human kindness, tolerance and love. All he concerns himself is the Golden Rule. He was not of a primitive, fundamentalist mindset. He brought the truth, the spiritual truth of being. See THE SECRET.
The Sermon on the Mount. Christ came to bring the NEW LAW, in the new testament.
God Bless you.
Lydia they wont respond to you, its all about spewing talking points and attacking the messenger when they cant defeat the message.
ReplyDelete"Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination." - Harry S Truman
ReplyDeleteBTW, I dont know if this is new or I just missed it, but this is a great quote.
ReplyDeleteExplain to our readers again what the latest Supreme Court ruling means.
Perhaps they are confusing that with all their other sidebar topics of no interest.
Volt said "You're reading WAY too much into this descision. We can STILL hold them while the hostilities are ongoing. We can STILL try 'em in a courts martial."
ReplyDeleteWhat were you trying to spin it like we wanted to just open the door to the cage and just up and let em go volt, I said many times all I said was they deserve fair trials and due process not torture and indefinate improisonment with out being charged, if the court finds them guilty then I stand by the ruling if it is a fair trial.........but I said numerous times that they should stand trial and if there is evidence they are guilty they shold be dealt with and you keep repeatedly lying and insinuating we want to just let them go, are you that afraid of the truth that you have to resort to dishonest VOLT???????
Back to your talking points I see volt, Gays and abortion and Coulter.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Coulter is a fool, most of the people on this blog could make her look silly in a fair and balanced debate.
Bin Laden has reportedly released a video and in it he issues more threats to the US.
ReplyDeleteYou were right Worf.
We must forget Bush being labeled a criminal by the Supreme Court and concentrate on this convenient threat.
I didnt need to read a news paper to know something like that would happen volt, I just hope something tragic like 9/11 doesnt happen after all a terrorist atack would be awefully.....convienient for Bush in light of his big legal setback......ok i'll say it just for you volt BUSH"S BIG LOSSS, YEP THAY LOSER LOST BIGTIME!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteand BTW Volt what makes you think Coulter is such a powerful debater, all she is, is a crazy bitch with a big mouth, i've neber heard her actually debate anyone or say anything inteligent, she says a bunch of lies and slander that she cant prove or back up with facts at all, like the widows are glad their husbands are dead(she reads minds now huh) or that liberals should be exeecuted or Supreme Court justices she doesnt agree with should be poisoned.......thats real intelligent Volt.......in fact after todays verdict i'll bet theres lots of Supreme Court justices she would love to poison.....betcha she's buying lots of striknyne.
ReplyDeleteBTW Volt dont you just love that Supreme Court ruling I posted right at the top of the thread, couldnt be in a better place, you trolls gotta see it each and every time you enter the thread....... come to think of it i think i'll post it at the top of the next thread as well so its the first thing you clowns see when you enter the thread.
ReplyDeleteCould you explain the Supreme Court ruling that was issued today, before America gets scared over this latest Bin Laden exclusive?
You clowns use the same tired tactics every time volt, you guys are completely transparrent I can read you like a book, whenever Bush is on the ropes he uses fear tactics that hes protecting us and tries to scare people, trouble is he's kind of over used the fear card and its grown stale so now he actually needs something bad to happen like 9/11 to get people back on board......you know volt, Bush and co are kinda like a poker player that bluffs too much and people dont take his dog and pony act seriously anymore.
ReplyDeleteEarlier tonight I posted about a poll that stated that 72% of Americans thinks Bush has abused and overstepped his power and authority.......and how does he respond, he attacks the accuracy of the poll.....typical repug if you dont like the message attack the messenger.......wonder what he'd say if Fox News had done that poll?
ReplyDeleteVolt said "If Bush has any cahones he can just IGNORE the ruling. SCOTUS can't enforce it, and we OWN congress....
you own Congress for now.......but with an election It wouldnt be to smart to defy the will of the people.
Ok Volt how about addresseing my earlier post that I have yet to see Coulter debate anyone or say anything intelligent that can be proven.
ReplyDeleteWow! There really are a few people that REALLY need to get a life.
ReplyDelete401 comments and on average 3 posters. What is one to learn from such repartee?
The President didn't break the law you truth stretching sissy.
ReplyDeleteThey prohibited military trials. Which indeed is a sissy position to take, mind you.
Hopefully we'll get one more justice before 2008.
How does Janice Rogers Brown sound?
Worfeus said: "It means that the door is now WIDE OPEN, to prosecute the Bush administration for their crimes against humanity."
ReplyDeleteOh really? Please cite the text of the decision where it says that.
But you can't. Why? Because it isn't in there, "slappy." Try again. Oh, you were telling us about your psychic abilities? How about reality. How about showing us where the decision supports your comment, "It means that the door is now WIDE OPEN, to prosecute the Bush administration for their crimes against humanity."
Behold Worfeus the Reality-challenged Frog.
The sad thing is that Worfeus us acting like he just won the lottery, and this is a very small setback on the war on terror.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta wonder, if this means so much to Worf, what kind of life does this "mook" have. Hey, "slappy," read the friggin decision and tell me where it supports your contention that "It means that the door is now WIDE OPEN, to prosecute the Bush administration for their crimes against humanity."
Hey, "slappy," get sober and read the decision. Then tell me where it says that.
Poor, sad, deperate Worfeus, acting like this was the biggest story of the year, or, maybe the biggest story of the week, or even the biggest story of the day.
ReplyDeleteAccoring Yahoo! News, this story doesn't even rank in the Yahoo! News top 25 most viewed stories. But, Worf, you go on acting like this is huge. You go on acting like you just won ten million dollars from Ed McMahon. Poor, deluded soul.
Any progress on getting back up for your claim that "It means that the door is now WIDE OPEN, to prosecute the Bush administration for their crimes against humanity."
Didn't think so. So, Worf, whose clock just got cleaned, "slappy"? As I suggested, READ THE DECISION and tell me where is says that.
Yo Worf:
ReplyDeleteI don't know what the heck is going on...but "Not One" or "No One" to me means negative, void, etc.
I just have to ask the "Good Guys" here...what about that nice old addage of letting trolls twittle amongst themselves. He's just trying to get us mad at him because he gets a kick out of pressing people's buttons. I mean think about how lonely someone like him must be that he has to sit there all day thinking of ways to try to twist things around to try to take jabs at us (people he doesn't even know on a blog of all things) and make ignorant remarks trying to get a rise out of some of us here.
Or, perhaps people like this really never out grew that elementary school mentality of being mean to people you secretly like - in which case maybe he/she is really looking for companionship but has some sort of social disorder, and hasn't quite learned how to communicate in an appropriate way.
Furthermore, I wasn't even on here on Tuesday anyway, so how could I comment when I didn't even know what was going on in here?
ReplyDeleteSorry everyone, I miss it very much, and I'll try to pop on whenever I can. My schedule is just really wacked with the usual: work, school, homework, and thinning my already hectic schedule with the addition of a new girlfriend. :D
Hey, Rene, how's life as a massage therapist? Do you go to many bathhouses?
ReplyDeleteRene said: "my already hectic schedule with the addition of a new girlfriend. :D"
ReplyDeleteTrying very hard to prove you are straight?
Lydia, why don't you just ask Ms Coulter to step outside and take care of business the old fashion way...........Your bigger then her you just might win the battle. I think we should focus on and address other issues like removing "criminals" and "Con Men" from our streets so our children and senior citzens don't become a food source by the "scum bags" that are free to roam around collecting more victims. political bannering back and forth is a wasted effort. Why knot pick a more worthy cause,one you can win......I really doubt by posting your number on her web site will put you on a hit list, your not that important. So rest easy about men who wear beenie and drive white vans. I think you are both in the wrong.............
ReplyDeleteWhile I do appreciate the intelligence of your posts regarding abortion, I have rethunk this issue.
While I do not possess the power of clairavoyance, I do, unfortunately, unintentionally observe television, radio, and newspaper reports indicating violence, hatred, war, disaese, pollution, natural disasters, murder, hunger, poverty, greed, inflation, fake religion, theft, overpopulation, prozac, etc....
This allows me to paint a picture of all the wonderful things that a fetus, (created by a horny, uncaring couple with no intention of providing emotional and physical support)) can look forward to.
Not to mention the boring, daily circle of life.
I geuss Im kinda like Meathead from "All in the Family." I sometimes feel its a crime to bring children into this world for the purpose of......????