Cherish your children, help others. That is our main purpose: forget yourself, think of others first. If the whole world did this, imagine the circle of harmony, love and plenty that would result. "It is by self-forgetting that we find. It's by dying (to selfishness) that we are born to eternal life." ~ St. Francis
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My favorite celebrity, Audrey Hepburn, doing what we are all here for. |
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CalArts Mural in Choinard Hall |
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Calarts Chouinard Hall Mural |
Spirit Orb above my head, Dec. 2012 (4 pictures in a row turned out like this) |
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Producer Anselmo Martini ("The Apprentice" Brazil) , Lydia Cornell at London Hotel for Blessings in a Backpack at Kentucky Pre-Derby party |
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Deborah Van Valkenburgh, Lydia Cornell at DVV's August, 2012 birthday |
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Lydia Cornell, December 2012 |
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Lydia Cornell, son Jack walking down the aisle at Cornell's wedding to Paul H. |
Lydia Cornell at London Hotel for Blessings in a Backpack, 2012 We are not material, biological beings in a state of decomposition. We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. |
Hey worf, it ain't just you;
ReplyDeleteSweden's 'warmest December in 250 years'
Sweden is experiencing one of its warmest Decembers on record, according to meteorologists, as record high temperatures have spawned signs of spring in the middle of winter.
You know after enough of the globe reports extreme warm events with virtually NO parts of the globe reporting extreme cold events, you would think the dumb as dirt wingnuts would catch on.
But then again if they could catch on in the first place they wouldn't have bought into the ridicules ideology they spew here .......
Worf, once said, that he embraces global warming.
ReplyDeleteThe universe is reaching a higher state of entropy. Eventually over billions of years that will cause the planets, galaxies and the universe to decay.
ReplyDeleteNothing can reverse the laws of physics, so the states of entropy are a given.
Nothing can last forever, not even our universe.
So since in about 100 TRILLION years the universe might do something, we shouldn't try to stop destroying the environment of the only planet we have to live our lives on?
ReplyDeleteInteresting but ridicules comments from dummytron.
BTW dummytron try the sun will use up all the hydrogen which is currently powering it's nuclear fusion, and start fusing higher order elements in it's nuclear furnace. This will result in it's turning from a medium sized yellow star to a red giant which will have grown to encompass everything inside the orbit of Mars in around 3-5 billion years.
Still doesn't stop us from having the responsibility to try to stop the damage to the environment and allow the next 3 or four generations to find a way to liver on a planet that has very few fossil fuels but lots of solar power for eons to come.
Since none of us know what will truly happen in the years to come, all of mans thoughts on the subject are moot.
ReplyDeleteHA HA Clif. You dumb bastard You.
ReplyDeleteClif, you don't know the first thing about physics, partial information is NOT enough, you dumb bastard you.
ReplyDelete100 trillion years, is nonsense to start with, the universe itself has a lifespan of about 20 billion years.
ReplyDeleteThe big bang "THEORY" is presumed to have started 7 to 10 billion years dumb bastard you.
How Old is the Universe?
ReplyDeleteUntil recently, astronomers estimated that the Big Bang occurred between 12 and 14 billion years ago. To put this in perspective, the Solar System is thought to be 4.5 billion years old and humans have existed as a genus for only a few million years. Astronomers estimate the age of the universe in two ways: 1) by looking for the oldest stars; and 2) by measuring the rate of expansion of the universe and extrapolating back to the Big Bang; just as crime detectives can trace the origin of a bullet from the holes in a wall.
Older Than the Oldest Stars?
Astronomers can place a lower limit to the age of the universe by studying globular clusters. Globular clusters are a dense collection of roughly a million stars. Stellar densities near the center of the globular cluster are enormous. If we lived near the center of one, there would be several hundred thousand stars closer to us than Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to the Sun
Funny, some stupid foole claims the big bang is presumed to have started 7 to 10 billion years ago, even though the universe scientifically has been determined to be;
ReplyDelete13.75 billion years old +/- 0.1 billion years.
and nobody with any intelligence would ever try to put an ending date on the universe since very little is actually known about the long term processes that are at play in the entire universe.
But the foole still doesn't want to talk about the human time scales that climate change is going to make the only planet we have to live our lives on very uninhabitable for many many people, if not all of the human race and warm blooded animals.
ReplyDeletemook mook, might not be using his normal handle, but somebody is using his normal ignore the actual problem at hand and bloviate on anything else.
ReplyDeleteUnless we do something to change the path we have followed since the dawning of the industrial revolution, the CO2 levels in the atmosphere will exceed 450PPM which will allow most of the sequestered CH4 under the Arctic Ocean near the coastlines of North America and Asia to be released.
ReplyDeleteThe planet will warm far enough that for months at a time the day time temps will exceed the levels where the human body can cool itself, and any large scale agriculture will ever be possible.
That heating will also melt the ice cap on Greenland raising sea levels so every port city will be under water world wide.
The science behind each of these scenarios are well understood and track the historically record quite closely.
Clif, I do understand there are terrible climate changes at force on our Earth, what with polar ice caps melting, and the most frozen parts of the earth are thawing at alarming rates.
ReplyDeleteAt this time, there is nothing we can do to stop it, until technology renders differently.
But the resident troll doesn't want to think about that just how old the universe is, and how it might end, long after we have destroyed the only planet we know that life exists on.
ReplyDeleteIt's sorta like worrying about what is on TV long after you fell asleep.
Clippy said...
ReplyDeleteThe universe is reaching a higher state of entropy. Eventually over billions of years that will cause the planets, galaxies and the universe to decay.
The same could be said for your underwear.
At this time, there is nothing we can do to stop it, until technology renders differently.
ReplyDeleteWrong, if we had the will as a society we COULD change, but certain very wealthy patrons of the extreme right wing don't want that because they make their wast wealth from destroying the environment, and don't want to stop.
BTW there is no technological fix to keep business as usual, and make the needed changes to the societal CO2 releases, to prevent the raise of CO2 levels above 450 PPM.
We could change if certain extremists who hold the economic power to prevent change would get the hell out of the way, and stop paying people to lie for them, like many right wing trolls do.
ReplyDeleteClippy said...
ReplyDelete100 trillion years, is nonsense to start with, the universe itself has a lifespan of about 20 billion years.
The big bang "THEORY" is presumed to have started 7 to 10 billion years dumb bastard you.
Really? Because everyone in the scientific community says 14.5 billion years.
: |
Of course, you Tea Baggers always did have your own math.
You know the people who fund the Heartland Institute, and other right wing disinformation campaigns to prevent honest scientific change to prevent the worst planetary catastrophe we face as a species.
ReplyDeleteOr pay people like the clowns at GMU to attack honest climate research which under peer review stands up. but the dishonest attacks fail.
Or spread discredited lies over and over like the lie of climategate.
and screech about the very conservative reports from the IPCC which have under predicted the changes the climate will make, and how fast those changes will come.
ReplyDeleteTheir report in 2007 claimed the Arctic ice free by 2100, most honest scientists today admit now after th43 2012 melt season, by 2020.
BTW no IPCC report deals with the disastrous feedback mechanisms of CH4 from the melted Arctic region, which did cause the greatest mass die off of life on the planet, what happened some 250 million -- a quarter of a billion -- years ago during the the Permian-Triassic boundary period.
Ker Than
ReplyDeletefor National Geographic News
Published October 28, 2010
Our universe has existed for nearly 14 billion years, and as far as most people are concerned, the universe should continue to exist for billions of years more.
But according to a new paper, there's one theory for the origins of the universe that predicts time itself will end in just five billion years—coincidentally, right around the time our sun is slated to die.
The prediction comes from the theory of eternal inflation, which says our universe is part of the multiverse. This vast structure is made up of an infinite number of universes, each of which can spawn an infinite number of daughter universes. (Related: "New Proof Unknown 'Structures' Tug at Our Universe.")
It has been scientifically studied;
ReplyDeleteMETHANE CATASTROPHE (Continental Margin Methane Release)
Happened before, and we are ignorantly setting the same thing to happen again, to all our detriment.
The multiverse concensus is highly speculative, simple to say in around 5 billionn years all will be caput...HA HA Clif.
ReplyDeleteThe irony here is pretty much NO ONE, not even the insurance companies are denying global warming now. We're living in it.
ReplyDeleteWinter comes in February and is gone in March. In what world does one need a science degree to see the issue.
And the blanket effect is not rocket science, its simple easy to understand basic physics.
Trap heat, the area where the heat is trapped heats up.
How fu#king stupid, does someone have to be to not understand that?
Funny dunntytron wants to talk about predictions, not actual science.
ReplyDeleteAs stupid as this inbred maggot calling itself "Clippy" I reckon.
ReplyDeleteSorry but that isn't a fact just speculation, but the id-a-jet thunks he knows what will happen.
ReplyDeleteMust suck to have yer panties that twisted eh dummytron, you show your own ignorance to try to taunt another?
Clif, I know the end of time flares up your temper, but tough shit.
ReplyDeleteAre you really that irked?
ReplyDeleteSorry but you have actually proven nothing just repeated somebody else's speculation as fact, like you usually do here.
ReplyDeleteI swear Clif, I wish these inbreds would go get their guns and start the civil war they're all talking about and threatening to do.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to sit back and watch on CNN as Apache Attack Copters and drones took these hayseed pricks out once and for all.
Then maybe we could get on with life.
But problem is, we all know they're nothing but talk and hot air. ...which is probably contributing to global warming as well.
Then try to pretend your so happy while the real anger you feel seethes out of most every post you make here.
ReplyDeletewe KNOW dummytron is all hot air,
ReplyDeleteAfter he LIED about having a son,
Then LIED about going to Iraq.
I still wonder who the hell he thought he was fooling.
Now he pretends to know something, but keeps getting the facts all mangled up.
ReplyDeleteWith a 10 billion year old big bang creating a 14 billion year old universe.
Home schoolin' at its wingnut teatard best on display with that one.
Gots math dummytron?
He probably shares a pup tent in the woods with that other psychopath, "Yeager".
ReplyDeletewe KNOW dummytron is all hot air,
ReplyDeleteAfter he LIED about having a son,
Then LIED about going to Iraq.
I still wonder who the hell he thought he was fooling.
What does this mean, I think I would have recalled writing that...LOL....Calm down Cliffy, you are losing control of dumb bastad you.
You don't understand physics like I said, Worf is pulling your prick or something...queers
ReplyDeleteSo we know this is dummytron.
ReplyDeleteHe did claim he had a son till worf called him on his lies.
Clif, are you and Worf homosexual?
ReplyDeleteNow he is ranting.
ReplyDeleteAll you GUYS do is cause dissention by your homo attitudes.
ReplyDeleteHe seems stuck on stupid with his ignorant rants after his lack op cognitive abilities are revealed.
ReplyDeleteTypical wingnut teatard who cannot keep up.
From illiterate rants about physics to proving once again he is a real bigot inside.
ReplyDeleteClif, global warming is here to stay HA HA dumb bastard you.
ReplyDeleteStill that angry, dummytron?
ReplyDeleteIt's like listening to a 5 year old.
ReplyDeleteYou know he's on drugs.
Clippy said...
ReplyDeleteClif, are you and Worf homosexual?
Still lookin for love in all the wrong places, huh big mouth?
So much anger, so little cognitive ability to deal with it.
ReplyDeleteYep probably some chemical alteration of his mental facilities to deal with his anger.
ReplyDeleteSorry, can't help you there...not that there's anything wrong with that.
You might try hanging outside of Rush Limbaugh's studio around 9:00 PM.
ReplyDelete..but if you see a bottle of Viagra hanging out of his pocket, ....RUN!
Sorta like the clown from Tennessee, who ran off at the mouth then had to run and hide behind his lawyers skirts.
ReplyDeleteDummytron is far to old fer rush, he goers to the Dominican Republic for a reason with his Viagra.
ReplyDeleteDummytron ain't the jail-bait rush looks fer on his trips.
clif said...
ReplyDeleteDummytron is far to old fer rush, he goers to the Dominican Republic for a reason with his Viagra.
Dummytron ain't the jail-bait rush looks fer on his trips.
True, but I was thinking his intellectual level might make him appear like jail-bait.
Trust me, if dummytron looks anything like you said he does, old rush would swim to the Dominican Republic to run from him, when he is in one of his Viagra trip moods.
ReplyDeleteThe picture he sent me looked like a cross between John Merrick and Alfred E Newman.
ReplyDelete..only Merrick had better hair.
ReplyDelete...and Newman had better teeth.
ReplyDeleteNewman and volty do have similar eyes though.
ReplyDeleteOnly I think volty's spun in the opposite direction.
The hands of the infamous "Doomsday Clock" will remain firmly in their place at five minutes to midnight — symbolizing humans' destruction — for the year 2013, scientists announced today (Jan. 14).
ReplyDeleteKeeping their outlook for the future of humanity quite dim, the group of scientists also wrote an open letter to President Barack Obama, urging him to partner with other global leaders to act on climate change.
The clock is a symbol of the threat of humanity's imminent destruction from nuclear or biological weapons, climate change and other human-caused disasters. In making their deliberations about how to update the clock's time this year, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists considered the current state of nuclear arsenals around the globe, the slow and costly recovery from events like Fukushima nuclear meltdown, and extreme weather events that fit in with a pattern of global warming.
"2012 was the hottest year on record in the contiguous United States, marked by devastating drought and brutal storms," the letter says. "These extreme events are exactly what climate models predict for an atmosphere laden with greenhouse gases."
At the same time, the letter did give a nod to some progress, applauding the president for taking steps to "nudge the country along a more rational energy path," with his support for wind and other renewable energy sources.
But hey, why listen to all those "smarty pants sciency guys" when you've got some inbred low life cowardly little piece of human shit, calling itself "clippy", ...giggling like a schoolgirl on the internet saying it ain't so?
ReplyDeleteI mean,..who you gonna listen to?
The world leading scientific minds?
Or a talking human turd named Clippy?
Come on Worf, didn't his erudite postings convince you????
ReplyDeleteI mean the scientific research must have taken him all of 5 minutes;
That is five minutes of his life he will never get back to do something important, like rant about how mean we all are.
....not really.
ReplyDeleteI think when he got the age of the universe off by SEVEN BILLION YEARS....that sort of shook my confidence in his "erudite mind".
: |
If you know what I mean.
When your scientific knowledge comes from a political party that encourages home schooling you pretty much have already yielded any higher ground on matters of science.
ReplyDeleteWe listen to scientists.
They hire scientists, to listen to them.
Well if he didn't fool you and he didn't fool me,
ReplyDeleteWho does the foole think he fooled?
Me thinks he should look in the mirror, if he can.
How can an adult, not know the age of the universe? Seriously? I don't mean the exact age, but the general age. Every school kid knows its around 14 billion years. So how can this "clippy" think its 7 billion years old?
ReplyDeleteWhere do they get these numbers?
It just goes to show when these loonies start talking about how science doesn't know anything about global warming, that they haven't a leg to stand on.
When you think the universe is 7 billion years old, (or worse, 6000 years like most of them think), then you've yielded any right to even talk about science.
At that point its time for you to stop talking, and start learning.
Of course a quick peruse of "clippys" comments shows he has the mental age of a 6 year old.
ReplyDeleteIncoherent babble, baby talk and silly nonsensical insults and infantile drivel.
Of course voltron's no less embarrassing to listen to, as he "tries" to sound erudite and ends up sounding like a tea party half with with a home schooled education and half a deck shy of a full house.
ReplyDeleteThe worlds getting tired of these pieces of shit, running their mouths, fighting science, our country, economic growth, and the working man.
Its time for them to shut up, and take a back seat and let the grown ups run things for a while.
Gunman wounds man, himself at St. Louis school
ReplyDeleteBy JIM SALTER | Associated Press – 30 mins ago
ST. LOUIS (AP) — A part-time student strode into the office of a longtime administrator at a downtown St. Louis business school Tuesday and shot the man in the chest, creating panic in the school before turning the gun on himself, police said.
The great thing about a gun in the hands of "law abiding citizens" is when one of them "loses it" and gets upset over something, ...its so easy to just walk up to someone and blow them away before blowing yourself away.
ReplyDeleteWe need more guns, right? Lots of everyone with a beef, gripe, conspiracy theory, mental issue, or who's just fed up with life can just go out and blow someone away before blowing themselves away.
Guns. Thinning the herd, one innocent person, at a time.
What the NRA never admits is that we had a time when almost everyone was armed.
ReplyDeleteThe early to mid 1800's.
And most cites and towns enacted laws against freely carrying weapons to stop exactly what we suffer from today.
Angry people using a gun to resolve their anger on another person, or sometimes more than one.
It just wasn't "liberal" cities like NY who outlawed carrying guns,
Dodge City KS., and Tombstone AZ. both had laws against carrying guns, and the most famous shoot out in US history, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, was about people disobeying these laws.
So the NRA isn't telling the truth.
Gun control is both historically allowed, and necessary to keep good order.
LOL, That's rich.
ReplyDelete"Dodge City KS., and Tombstone AZ. both had laws against carrying guns, and the most famous shoot out in US history, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, was about people disobeying these laws."
We need to ban guns because shoot outs occur when gun bans are enacted...
And you people think I'm dense.
After noticing how often my name comes up in the last couple of threads, you're also paranoid...
Oh and Worf?
ReplyDeleteYou ain't no prize either.
The picture you sent me has been useful in keeping vermin out of the house...
We need to ban guns because shoot outs occur when gun bans are enacted...
ReplyDeleteNotice how stupid ignores the FACT the shoot out was between outlaws, and local law enforcement.
Like most extremist gun fetishists they were willing to shoot instead of obeying the law, like ALL TERRORISTS.
Oh and regarding your "Law abiding citizen" remark,
ReplyDeleteYou claim people who carry guns are cowards, and you're partially right.
CRIMINALS are cowards, most of them carry guns and they normally don't attack people who are armed.
And IF a "law abiding citizen" did "lose it", he wouldn't have time for mass murder if everyone else was carrying, and he might just rethink his options before pulling the trigger.
Guns make for a polite society.
Police are rarely there to stop a crime. They usually show up afterwards to take reports.
"Notice how stupid ignores the FACT the shoot out was between outlaws, and local law enforcement."
ReplyDeleteYes but they weren't shot for their outlaw activities, just for not surrendering their weapons to the local law enforcement, which wasn't exactly sterling examples of legal conduct themselves...
Guns make for a polite society
Historically that is a lie.
BTW numbnuts, they were outlaws disobeying the law, even if you don't like the law you still have to obey it.
ReplyDeletestill lying I see.
The reason the gun laws were enacted in the 1800's was because most everyone had guns and far too many used them, with disastrous results for the cities like Dodge City.
ReplyDeleteBut dumb as dirt clowns like dummytron ignores this simple fact and spread his lies as usual.
Having been in combat, and seeing what it looks like when numerous people are shooting at each other,
ReplyDeleteI would NEVER want to be in any area where numerous armed citizens decide to shoot at whom ever they thought were the bad guys.
Cause very few people can in a very stressful situation hit every target they shoot at. Trust me, lots of bullets miss their mark, and some end up killing innocent people.
But that ain't part of the dumb insane propaganda your pushing here is it dummytron.
Actually, almost everyone back then DID carry a gun, but very few used them in pursuit of criminal activity.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise there would be multi voulume encyclopedias of shoot outs.
That's WHY the gunfight at OK corral stands out. It simply didn't happen that often.
But don't worry Cliffy,
ReplyDeleteI still think it's amusing that you hold up a shoot out that occurred over a gun ban, to promote a gun ban.
It was typical Cliffy, and priceless.
The gun fight stands out because of the number of outlaws fighting against law enforcement, lots of violence was done with a gun, which is why the gun laws appeared in the first place,
ReplyDeleteThat is the simple fact your trying to lie about,
The fact people back in the 1800's felt they needed gun ;laws to stop the gun violence to make their cities and towns safer.
Cannot get around that fact dummytron.
You clueless as usual, with your extremist right wing gun fetish talking points.
ReplyDeleteThe problem existed, and the law was created to try to solve the problem, and only OUTLAWS decided to ignore the law.
ReplyDeleteBTW skippy it wasn't a ban.
It was a LAW.
Just like the new Law ...
ReplyDeleteNY just passed tonight.
The state not the city.
More are to follow, even if childish fetishists like you don't like it.
ReplyDeleteWhile the Clanton gang were criminals and probably deserved to be shot, the Earps and Holiday weren't exactly saints either.
ReplyDeleteIf a corrupt cop who would like to see you dead anyway demands you hand over your gun to him, would you?
Sorry son, but I don't answer stupid questions from a delusional foole like you.
ReplyDeleteBetter question how many lies do you tell?
ReplyDeleteand of course why?
Cause most everyone sees through your delusional; lies and right wing-nuttery.
ReplyDeleteBut that doesn't stop a right wing propagandist does it.
ReplyDeleteFunny your trying to spin the law is corrupt so we all need guns,
ReplyDeletenice try skippy,
Funny all the big gun talk from somebody who claimed he was going to Iraq, but never quit made it.
ReplyDeleteWhy are the chicken hawks such big bad yellow belly cowards they need lots of guns to feel better.
ReplyDeleteSounds like they are making up for some deep felt inadequacy.
I didn't say that Cliffy.
ReplyDeleteI just pointed out that in the situation you chose to focus on, it was.
my powers Clif...are greater than I knew.
ReplyDelete: |
I'm like the Pied Piper of Hamlin.
sorry dummytron but you'll have to tell me which lie your disowning now.
ReplyDeleteHey'd you like that can of whoopass we opened on you?
Gee Cliffy, with all the insults, chest beating and going off topic whenever you get called on your bullshit I'd say you must be the one feeling inadequate.
ReplyDeleteActually Worf I think the septic system just backed up a little, and spit him out again.
ReplyDeleteGee, short term memory loss too.
ReplyDeleteThe Mighty Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI still think it's amusing that you hold up a shoot out that occurred over a gun ban, to promote a gun ban.
You know what I find amusing clif?
That scrotumhead here thinks the long standing feud between the Earp's and the Clanton's was over a gun ban.
Yeah Worf I saw that.
ReplyDeleteToo bad I wasn't here for it.
ReplyDelete....sorry..took a short trip to the Bahamas, but I'm back now.
He's trying to claim there was NO problems in the west with guns,
ReplyDeleteThe truth about the real problems and the people's reactions back in the 1800's totally ignored and lied about,
Then he tries to paint law enforcement as corrupt trying to take all the guns.
To justify his fetish for guns to make up for something he seems to be missing.
The Mighty Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteYeah Worf I saw that.
...yea, you and 6 billion other people.
Never said that either Worf.
ReplyDeleteThe Frighty Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteToo bad I wasn't here for it.
...oh..but you were.
Like the handle he uses here, making up for something for all to see.
ReplyDeletelike mook mook's claim to be the one,
ReplyDeletehe is transparent to every one but himself.
there he seems quite clueless.
ReplyDeleteOr just lying as usual.
ReplyDelete....we count hiding in a corner downing Paxil like tic tacs and chanting ...."...its only a dream....its only a dream...its only a dream...."
like his lie he weren't the one posting childish taunts after I told him if his panties got twisted by what I posted, it was a good thing.
ReplyDeleteDamn, could you people PLEASE stay on topic?
ReplyDeleteI was expressing my views on ONE specific incident as brought up by Cliffy.
My remarks weren't aimed at ALL law enforcement, nor to the entire old west, nor to any other aspect of the bad blood between the Clantons and the Earps.
Does that clarify it any for you idiots?
The Mighty Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteNever said that either Worf.
...yea, they call that a state of denial...
The only one he is foolin' is the clown typing on his keyboard.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible he does black out when he uses enough chemical alteration to his mental facilities even as he burns them out.
The Whitey Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteDamn, could you people PLEASE stay on topic?
....oh I'm sorry..we weren't aware you were dictating topics in here....
: |
...did you know Clif?
...cuz I didn't know.
ReplyDeleteTouchy touchy dummytron.
the incident was a result of the friction between an OUTLAW gang and local law enforcement dummytron
Learn some real history instead of the crap you eat daily off right wing hate radio.
clif said...
ReplyDeleteYou know I was wondering about that. ....I pictured him sitting in a corner imagining he was writing Mitten's victory speech.
He don't like his slimly propaganda tactic exposed
ReplyDelete...I mean....2 hours ago he thought he was a guy named Clippy and that the universe was 7 billion years old.
ReplyDeleteCliffy started the topic, and since I answered he want's to talk about anything but.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have no coherent counter or you wouldn't have sunk to insults and diversion.
Sorry, I have better things to do.
2 hours ago the chemicals probably were different.
ReplyDelete....then when we ridiculed that back into the Planck Epoch, suddenly out comes the scrotum top KKK waterboy.
Awww he cannot push his stupid right wing memes so he's leaving.
ReplyDeletebye bye dummytron,
come back as clippy or anymouse.
then you can claim your not as stupid as you really are.
The Mighty Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteSorry, I have better things to do.
Translation: ....nurse is coming around for med time.
ReplyDelete...the only thing I want the racist piece of shit was it a voluntary or involuntary committal.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is the piece of shit crawls in here with a racist image of the President, and thinks someones going to talk to his dumb ass with respect.
: |
Go figure.
He wants to ONLY talk about 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 1881,
ReplyDeleteand NOT anything connected with the reason it happened.
Like all right wing nuts, he don't want any facts that exposes the stupidity of his position.
Like he did during the complete fiasco of the illegal war in Iraq, he was really glad others were fighting.
Or before the economic meltdown when Mike and I were saying the economy was slowing and couldn't continue, he tiny the liar and rusty laughed.
Of course the facts now show how stupid they were, but we aren't supposed to talk about that either,
just allow him to spout right wing talking points based on his strawman arguments he tries to tell us we have to stick to.
ReplyDeleteListen up you lying low life mental midget racist piece of shit, you can crawl your racist, inbred piece of low life shit ass out of here the same door you came in from.
Because I'm done with racist trash like you. You wanna wear that filth in here?
Then expect to be treated like the filth you're being.
Naw he is just turning back to fake news, a few cold ones and strokin' his gun to feel better about himself.
ReplyDeleteDon't like it?
What sort of low life comes in with a racist image of the President and his skin color, and expects to be treated with respect?
ReplyDeleteIf he'd come in showing an ounce of class, I'd have talked to him. But I'm done with racist filth. I'm sick of them, the worlds sick of them, and people are done putting up with them.
Worlds changing. The shit like Voltron's being flushed, and either he grows a pair and learns to act like a human being, or he can be flushed with the rest of that filthy crowd.
BTW since he ran away again;
ReplyDeletethis is another very real problem he lies about
Heat, Flood or Icy Cold, Extreme Weather Rages Worldwide
Britons may remember 2012 as the year the weather spun off its rails in a chaotic concoction of drought, deluge and flooding, but the unpredictability of it all turns out to have been all too predictable: Around the world, extreme has become the new commonplace.
Especially lately. China is enduring its coldest winter in nearly 30 years. Brazil is in the grip of a dreadful heat spell. Eastern Russia is so freezing — minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and counting — that the traffic lights recently stopped working in the city of Yakutsk.
Bush fires are raging across Australia, fueled by a record-shattering heat wave. Pakistan was inundated by unexpected flooding in September. A vicious storm bringing rain, snow and floods just struck the Middle East. And in the United States, scientists confirmed this week what people could have figured out simply by going outside: last year was the hottest since records began.
“Each year we have extreme weather, but it’s unusual to have so many extreme events around the world at once,” said Omar Baddour, chief of the data management applications division at the World Meteorological Organization, in Geneva...
Such events are increasing in intensity as well as frequency, Mr. Baddour said, a sign that climate change is not just about rising temperatures, but also about intense, unpleasant, anomalous weather of all kinds...
in South America, energy analysts say that Brazil may face electricity rationing for the first time since 2002, as a heat wave and a lack of rain deplete the reservoirs for hydroelectric plants. The summer has been punishingly hot. The temperature in Rio de Janeiro climbed to 109.8 degrees on Dec. 26, the city’s highest temperature since official records began in 1915...
The climate is changing world wide for the worse, when only 1-1.5 degrees of heating has happened, but the CO2 levels in the atmosphere historically dictate a 3-5 degree rise in temp.
This is very real as the people living along the coastline of NY NJ and Conn found out this fall.
and that is just the beginning.
They wanna get their guns and start "another civil war"? Fine.
ReplyDeleteLET EM.
Let's see what big men they are when the drones come a callin...
Get rid of their asses once and for all.
Every decade since the 1950s has been hotter in Australia than the one before, said Mark Stafford Smith, science director of the Climate Adaptation Flagship at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
ReplyDeleteHey just like here in the USA.
2012 hottest year on record.
Sorry Clif, didn't mean to step on that. Just tired of seeing that stuff.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even vote for the President, only now I wish I had. Just to spite the racist trash that's coming out of the woodwork now. The mans trying, and that's more than I can say for their ilk.
You want to know something funny.
ReplyDeleteThe teatards in South Florida have decided to STOP using the tea party moniker, because it has too bad a rap, in just 3 short years.
GOpers are starting to realize if they don't cut ties from the racists like dummytron, they will keep losing.
But since they enabled them with billionaires money there will be a fight for control over the republican brand between the billionaire money men and the front groups who spew their right wing propaganda, and the professional politicos who know that is a losing proposition for the future demographically.
ReplyDeleteDummytron is a true teatard, so we know who he is rooting for,
the base racist elements.
But the powers near the top of the GOp know they cannot win so they are trying to rig the next election but this time rigging the electoral college cause dishonestly denying the right to vote like they did in 2000, 2004, and tried but failed to do in 2012 ain't a working for them now.
ReplyDeleteTheir propaganda is losing them votes.
ReplyDeleteTheir illogical hatred is losing them votes.
Their tired 30 year old failed ideology is losing them votes.
So they want to try to rig the game in new ways to stop the inevitable.
Permanent loser status, nation wide.
I'm so sick of the racist tea party I could puke.
ReplyDeleteI mean there's life. There's WORK. There's money. There's marriage. There's family. There's WORK. There's creating things. There's doing things. There's WORK. ....
Why do we have to have this RACISM FILTH?
with demographic changes,
ReplyDeleteFlorida is slipping away, Virginia also,
North Carolina ain't far behind, and if Texas keeps growing it's Hispanic population, Texas might soon become a battle ground state.
If they lose Texas, they have lost the White House until the racists like dummytron are given the boot.
Heck a city council member in Tuscon is quitting the GOp over their illogical gun fetish.
ReplyDeleteThere's so much to do. So much to see, so much to create, before this short, short life is over.
ReplyDeleteHow can someone WASTE their days on RACISM?
NRA extremism like their racism is shrinking their base, to a ship of fooles sinking to irrelevance politically.
ReplyDeleteClif said...
ReplyDeleteclif said...
with demographic changes,
Florida is slipping away, Virginia also,
North Carolina ain't far behind, and if Texas keeps growing it's Hispanic population, Texas might soon become a battle ground state.
If they lose Texas, they have lost the White House until the racists like dummytron are given the boot.
You know you're right. They're only burying themselves. Why do you think that piece of crap "Yeager" ran his mouth about killing people?
Why do you think the Tea Party carries guns to rallies and threatens armed overthrow?
Because they KNOW, ....their time is up. And they've got no way to win, other than armed overthrow of our duly elected government.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately for them, that'll never work either.
Because there's just to many good people out there, outnumbering their evil.
Worf I cannot phantom the racist mind.
ReplyDeleteThat kind of hate especially the way the wingnut teatards in the USA HATE those who historically have been oppressed is simply beyond comprehension.
ReplyDeleteAnd in 2016, assuming Doltron summons the nerve to crawl back in here again, we'll laugh at him some more, because they aren't taking back the White House in 2016, just like they lost it in 2012, just like they lost in 2008, and just like they'll most likely loose it in 2020. Because until they lose the RACIST element in their party, like VOLTRON, ....they'll never take back the White House. EVER.
ReplyDeleteGet used to losing Voltron.
Get used to being on the outside, looking in.
Clif said..
ReplyDeleteclif said...
Worf I cannot fathom the racist mind
That's because you're a good man Clifford.
A good man will never understand how the mind of an evil man works, or why. It goes against everything in your soul.
And that's why Voltron hates you so badly. Because he can only dream about being what you are.
ReplyDeleteHe wants, but he can't have.
Actually he can, worf.
ReplyDeleteHe needs to let go of his extreme ideology, and try being human for a while.
The more he works on being human, and the less he works on maintaining an illogical delusional ideology, the better he will feel about the world he lives in.
Oh yea, and he has to allow himself to be fully human, which means allowing other to be human also.
Being his equal.
If he'd come in with a regular picture, one of his old ones like in the old days, the pirate one or the voltron cartoon, whatever, then I'd have talked to him.
ReplyDeleteBut I refuse to talk with respect to anyone using that sort of racist imagery in here.
He lost the election, AGAIN, ..and he could have come in and showed an ounce of class.
Instead all he did was show his ass.
Given the way he is acting, he is working on anger in the five stages of grief, after losing the second time to the islamofascistcommiehippyusurpertraitorkenyannonwiteguyintheir whitehouse .....
ReplyDeletefor some reason wingnut teatards get stuck there alot.
2 killed, 1 injured in shooting in parking lot of Kentucky college
ReplyDeleteBy Beth Campbell, The Associated Press | Associated Press – 2 hrs 29 mins ago
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A gunman firing into a vehicle killed two people and wounded a juvenile Tuesday as they sat in the parking lot of an eastern Kentucky community college.
The campus was locked down for more than an hour while police searched the two buildings of Hazard Community and Technical College in Hazard, Ky., to ensure there was no further danger before allowing students to leave, police told a news conference broadcast live on WYMT-TV's website.
College President Stephen Greiner said that at the time of the shooting, there were probably about 30 students on campus, which is based 90 miles southeast of Lexington, Ky.
Police recovered the weapon, a semiautomatic pistol, at the scene, and a man who walked into an office of the Kentucky State Police in Hazard and said he knew something about the shooting was being questioned as a suspect, Hazard Police Chief Minor Allen said.
A male and female were already dead when police arrived about 6 p.m., Allen said. The wounded juvenile, a female, was taken to University of Kentucky Hospital, he said.
A hospital spokeswoman said she could not provide any information about the juvenile's condition without a name, which police did not release.
Time to wake the NRA trolls, and let them know its time to go to work.
ReplyDeleteGod knows we don't need no gun control...or so they keep telling us.
The great thing about a gun, is angry people, ...of who we have so many now..can just go grab it quickly, and unload their anger, the form of bullets...on anyone around them.
ReplyDeleteIts so easy....even a caveman could do it.
The tea party's really angry right now.
ReplyDeleteIts not about "mental illness" as they keep saying. Its about anger.
ReplyDeleteAnders Brevik, the clown who shot almost 100 kids in Norway, wasn't mentally ill.
He was just mad.
"Tea Party" mad.
You know I wish Voltron had come in last night with his old picture. I was sort of hoping all his time in self imposed exile was reflection time for him and he was going to come in and you know, not suddenly be pro Obama or something, but be know..."big" about it. I gave Bush credit for winning at least the second time and said I was praying he was successful in stabilizing the economy, pulling us out of Iraq, etc.
ReplyDeleteI mean we're starting 4 more years. Ok, I understand the last 4 the goal was to ruin his chances for reelection. They wanted to fight him on everything, make him fail, help the economy crash, etc so they could unseat the incumbent. Ok I get that.
I don't agree with it, but I get it.
But why start 4 more years for America, kicking your government in the shins, trying to tear it down?
What happened to patriotism? Or just basic success strategies? I didn't vote for him for personal reasons but I can support him in his efforts. After all its my country too. I want it to succeed so I succeed. So why after Obama kicking the crap out of them, can't they at least show some basic sportsmanship and say "ok, you got it, we didn't want you there but you're there for 4 more years so we're going to try to work with you here and at least give you a chance".
Why not try that for a change?
But when he came in that "Gangsta Ghetto Obama" icon, my hopes sank.
Voltron's posting Spanish porn Spam?
ReplyDeleteOr is that "Clippy"?
ReplyDeleteIt's obviously not an outside spammer selling something because its different each time.
I'll say though I'm disappointed in Obama and the Democrats for passing up a golden opportunity handed them by the NRA here to both address the gun issue and the debt ceiling at the same time. They just don't seem to know how to fight the good fights.
ReplyDeleteThe NRA's official statement was "lets put a cop in every school". That was their official plan.
If the DNC folks and Obama were smart, they'd have called his bluff and put the republicans in a lose-lose situation.
Say "Ok, we'll do it. We're going to take the NRA's recommended plan to combat school shootings and put a cop in each school in the nation."
Then, go to the House to get emergency funding, to pay for it.
No riders, no piggyback bills, no earmarks. Nothing but emergency funding to pay for a full time armed police officer in each and every school.
As the NRA plan demands.
: )
See what happens here?
Either the House declines funding, pitting them AGAINST their own constituents, creating a larger rift than ever in the RNC and leaving the NRA pitted against the republicans, which is their base not to mention being able to lay blame on them for not funding their own constituents plan.
Or, the House votes to approve funding, which in turn means they instantly lose the high ground on spending and the current debt crises debate.
Its win win for Obama.
Lose lose for the republicans.
The cost would be staggering.
ReplyDeleteAdding the average policeman's salary plus support costs, (cars, insurance, gas, radios, etc a safe estimate is an average of $100,000 per cop, per school.
Figuring just the nations 132,656 K-12 schools alone that comes in at over $13 billion per year.($13,265,600,000). And that's not even counting private schools, although they might be ordered to buy their own. Either way, authorizing 13 billion a year would put the Tea Party at odds with itself. lol
Can't whine about spending cuts when you're suddenly doling out 13 BILLION a year to go to the Schools you don't like funding in the first place.
Wouldn't that be a hoot?
They officially have gone completely out of their minds;
ReplyDeleteConservative host Glenn Beck and "historian" David Barton on Tuesday debuted a new show called "Foundations of Freedom" and suggested that history proved that school shootings could be prevented if all elementary school children were armed.
Go to ANY inner city and spend a few days watching what happens when school age children are armed.
The right wing tells each other dishonest stories to keep their lies and propaganda alive while children die.
How they live with themselves is beyond me.
Glen Beck and anybody who thinks like he does, should be made to view the photos and videos of the classrooms from sandy Hook, every time they open their mouths with their idiotic ideas.
ReplyDeleteTwo classrooms filled with little kids' jaws and eyeballs and brains and guts, young bodies ripped apart by as many as eleven military style ammo shot at point blank range, surrounded by all the things that first-graders bring to school and work on in class.
Each and every member of congress should be made to view this before they sell their vote on controlling the gun violence for another NRA contribution.
What? ..he's saying give the kids guns?
ReplyDelete: |
Give guns to the 6 year olds...did I read that right?
...oh yea...that oughta cut down on gun deaths..cuz kids never misuse anything.
ReplyDeleteWhat is he on drugs?
ReplyDeleteIs this the way the schools will be run in his "Beckistan" village he wants to make here in the US?
You heard about that right? He wants to build his own community in the US that is "self sustaining" and has schools, churches, everything we have except Nordstrom's, or something like that.
Of which I suppose he'll be mayor, fuhrer, kaiser and king.
and full time town foole.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why military type assault rifles are so dangerous outside of a combat zone, they fire projectiles that go for over a mile in very rapid secession.
ReplyDeleteRecreational assault weapons fire riddles Ohio home, narrowly misses officer
Two men were arrested in Ohio on Wednesday after their target practice with an AK-47 assault rifle accidentally shot up a woman’s home and nearly hit a officer who was responding to reports of gunfire.
Mary Kuruc told WEWS that her daughter discovered a bullet hole in the siding of their Montville Township home and other holes inside the house. After calling 911, Montville Police Sgt. Matt Neil began investigating and the home was hit again.
“We noticed a second bullet hole, followed the trajectory of it and noticed the bullet landed in the microwave,” Kuruc recalled.
Neil found himself in the line of fire as he tried to track down where the bullets were coming from.
“When I get about a half mile back in the field up on a hill, gunfire started again, and started hearing rounds go over my head,” the officer explained.
Neil called for backup and police discovered two men who thought they were safely shooting at paper targets, but the bullets were skipping off the ground and riddling the suburban neighborhood.
“They were drinking alcohol, they had some drugs on them and they were just outside, in their backyard shooting paper targets,” Neil said. “They felt because they were shooting at a downward angle, that it would have been OK.”
Police suspect that “dozens” of shots were fired and have asked other residents to come forward if their homes were hit.
Two men, 53-year-old Mark Bornino and 45-year-old R. Daniel Volpone, were arrested and are facing felony charges. Police seized an AK-47 with two high-capacity magazines, three handguns, over 700 rounds of ammunition and some marijuana.
Just yer typical redneck gun fetishists here folks, nothing to see here,
Return to your bunker... er I mean homes so you don't get shot by them or their friends.
Neil called for backup and police discovered two men who thought they were safely shooting at paper targets, but the bullets were skipping off the ground and riddling the suburban neighborhood.
ReplyDelete“They were drinking alcohol, they had some drugs on them and they were just outside, in their backyard shooting paper targets,” Neil said. “They felt because they were shooting at a downward angle, that it would have been OK.”
Police suspect that “dozens” of shots were fired and have asked other residents to come forward if their homes were hit.
Responsible, licensed gun owners.
Like that photo of Sarah Palin with a beer and an AK47
GOP eyes new election laws
ReplyDeleteBy STEVE PEOPLES | Associated Press – 3 hrs ago
BOSTON (AP) — After back-to-back presidential losses, Republicans in key states want to change the rules to make it easier for them to win.
From Wisconsin to Pennsylvania, GOP officials who control legislatures in states that supported President Barack Obama are considering changing state laws that give the winner of a state's popular vote all of its Electoral College votes, too. Instead, these officials want Electoral College votes to be divided proportionally, a move that could transform the way the country elects its president.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus endorsed the idea this week, and other Republican leaders support it, too, suggesting that the effort may be gaining momentum. There are other signs that Republican state legislators, governors and veteran political strategists are seriously considering making the shift as the GOP looks to rebound from presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Electoral College shellacking and the demographic changes that threaten the party's long-term political prospects.
"It's something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at," Priebus told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, emphasizing that each state must decide for itself.
So the republicans response to seeing their failed ideological messages lose in both of the last two Presidential elections?
ReplyDeleteChange the message? Refocus the message towards more practical palatable topics?
Their plan?
When at first you don't succeed, try cheating.
ReplyDeleteI will give em this. Usually they just try the old Gerrymandering approach.
ReplyDeleteYou know, find a pro democratic district that's got about 30 to 40 percent republican in it that sits next to a larger fully republican district that's 90 percent or better republican then split up the pro democratic district by dividing it so that the bulk of the democratic voters (works well in "black neighborhoods") are absorbed by the larger republican district, turning the balance of the democratic district into a republican district and wall.
Now you have two republican districts and have effectively nullified the votes of all those nasty black folks.
But this time its different. This time, they just want to play electoral college switcheroo.
At least its a spin, although its been done before. Likely by both parties I'm sure, but nonetheless it doesn't say much for what the last two elections taught these people.
Governments don't want to stop global warming, because it makes it easier to dig into a warm planet, to get to the resources.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunatly the damage done will be severe.
Governments go by the old addage;
ReplyDeleteMoney talks and bullshit walks.
well worf sure showed the voltron
ReplyDeleteworf grew testicles and kicked him out after he already left
too bad they always fall off when he comes back
Dummytron so brave he hides behind any-mouse he can find.
ReplyDeleteI can't "kick him out" or anyone else. I just gave him crap for his racist logo coming in months after the election sporting that stuff.
ReplyDeleteRacism is so last year.
You would think you would be safe from getting shot at gun shows where almost everyone has a gun, but you would be wrong;
ReplyDeleteFive Injured In Accidental Gun Show Shootings On ‘Gun Appreciation Day’
The NRA NEVER talks about the people accidentally shot by people who thunked the gun was unloaded.
Or how some clown might leave the gun they are supposed to keep a school safe unattended in a boys room in a school.
Armed School Guard Leaves Gun In Student Bathroom
The NRA ignoring how stupid the people who support them really are, to the detriment of everyone else.
When I think of highly trained competent people who's judgement and focus in life qualifies them to carry a loaded handgun around a thousand schoolkids all day, I think "School Janitor", or "3rd grade English teacher".
ReplyDelete: |
Put a few hundred loaded handguns around a few thousand grade school kids every day, ...what could possibly go wrong?
I'm sure that no school Janitors out there are frustrated with their lives.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they all love the kids in their schools, even when the kids tease and make fun of them, non in, day out. I'm sure none of them would ever "snap" and turn the gun on themselves or the kids.
I'm sure there aren't any teachers out there who are frustrated or stressed,...who might react by drawing their gun when threatened by a large teenager and putting one in their chest.
I'm sure that no guns,..will ever accidentally discharge and put a round in a 6 year old's head.
I'm sure none of those thousands of handguns we're talking about injecting into our public schools, ...will never get lost or misplaced.
I'm sure they'll never be accidentally picked up by a school kid and fired.
I'm sure none of them, will ever be stolen by a schoolkid...,....
: |
..because we all know schoolkids never get into anything they're not supposed to.
...I'm sure...
ReplyDeleteAlbuquerque Shooting: Teenager Kills 5 People, Including 3 Children
ReplyDeleteBy SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN 01/20/13 04:39 PM ET EST
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A 15-year-old boy fatally shot two adults and three children at a home near Albuquerque, authorities said Sunday.
The teenager was arrested on murder and other charges in connection with the shootings Saturday night at the home in a rural area 10 miles southwest of downtown Albuquerque, Bernalillo County sheriff's spokesman Aaron Williamson said.
The victims' identities haven't been released, and the boy's motive and connection to the five victims weren't immediately known. Williamson said investigators were trying to determine if the victims were related.
"We are trying to identify the victims," Williamson said.
Each victim suffered more than one gunshot wound, he said.
Investigators also were trying to determine who owned several guns that were found at the home, one of which was a semi-automatic military-style rifle.
Authorities declined to release details of any conversation that the 15-year-old had with investigators.
The teenager was booked on two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death.
On Sunday, a police roadblock cut off public access to the narrow dirt road that leads to the home.
Worf, it turns out it was a teenage son shooting his mother, father, two sisters and brother with an AR-15. and the wingnut gun fetishists are complaining the reporting is mentioning an AR-15 was used,
Read the brain-deadender comments by the screwed up people trying to defend their precious guns
Yep they got their priorities all screwed up, defend the gun ... to hell with the murdered people.
This is how a weapon in the home like an AR-15 ends up, killing many people and only defending the shooter.
The wounds an AR-15 create quite a lot of the time are not survivable, because of how the round tumbles inside a body,
since it is a combat round.
The round rips the body apart from the inside, and if it exits usually creates a very large exit wound, almost impossible to successfully treat.
This is why no children and only two adults survived at Sandy Hook.
Yea I just read that. Again the AR15 does what its designed to do.
ReplyDeleteMake it easy for any idiot, skilled or not to kill multiple people in a matter of seconds.
But the wingnuts want to argue about the definition of an assault rifle.
Now that crazy people see that weapon as being the weapon of choice of mass murderers, we'll likely see more of it.
ReplyDeleteAll the cries it won't work by the wingnuts are laughable.
ReplyDeleteWhen the Tommygun became the weapon of choice of Al Capone and the gangsters of the 30's, they outlawed it, along the BAR, and other machine guns.
..doesn't work you say?
: |
Well when's the last time you heard about someone robbing a convenience store with a TommyGun?
It worked then, it will work now.
ReplyDeleteOnly in America;
ReplyDeleteGuy kills mother, declared mentally ill, years later amasses an arsenal of weapons with a gun permit
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the NRA to help these people get guns.