So use them wisely. Radiate love. Bless everyone you meet. Your thoughts create your reality.
Every thought changes our biochemistry. Pay attention to what brings you joy. Dr Christiane Northup
My brother Paul, who passed away on December 1, 1995. At the Grand Canyon. He is also in the photo below at the Hollywood Christmas Parade.HAPPY FRIDAY! TODAY IS A DAY OF LIBERATION AND COMPLETION!My son has Chemistry finals today, and I finally complete phase one of a wonderful task, which, through perseverance, actually transformed itself from a terrifying chore to a joyous journey. I enjoyed every minute of the writing, and the spaces. This was the first time in my life I committed to shutting the world out and going within. We are going to have a great weekend!! Love to all of you! xoxoxoxoxo
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness"
"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy -- meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8
"Each friend represents a world in us.
A world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin
These are the best years of our lives. Surrounded by so much love and laughter.
My Beautiful, Amazing friend Jim Hillis
"What if tomorrow never comes? It didn't today." Bill Murray in Groundhog Day
Sobriety came when I surrendered my ego; love came when I surrendered my desperate search for a man; financial security came when I gave up agonizing about money.
Please check out my amazing friend Jim Hillis' website:
James Hillis Ford And His Quest...To Always Do The Right Thing...And God's Work...
"Our thoughts are just as potent and real as bullets." Naweko
"Stress is the consequence of resistance to your life. (Most disease is stress-related, even cancer.) When we resist, argue, are angry or make others wrong... we are not at peace with our true nature. When you relax into acceptance, that's when you can start reclaiming your peace.
Your life is now; you can't wait to become peaceful." - Gary Zukav
Acceptance of whatever is going on, is the key to serenity.
Weapons (Implements) of violence serve evil. Humanity has failed to learn this profound teaching. There is no victory in any activiity where killing takes place.
We are all connected by our originating spirit. What appears to be a victory is really false.
Taking pleasure in winning a battle is onlly the ego's will to kill. Our lowest nature. Our highest nature rebels against this.
Anything "won" by force is not a victory. It will turn against you.
Arms serve evil; they are the tools of those who oppose wise rule. If you kill someone you must feel compassion for the one you killed.
My grandfather and brother Paul at the Hollywood Christmas Parade in the 80's.
And Sasha, our rescue dog.
That's a great photo of you with your grandfather and brother.
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought you were Audrey Landers in it.
Hi Lydia...
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting my site on your blog. I haven't updated since 15Jul09...I've been busy, weddings, appointments and then the bout of my kidney thing really had me thrown down.
I did do a story for cnn Ireport about the whole Sgt Crowley and Prof. Gates hate thriving media twisting mess.
I live in a Suburb near Cambridge...I know the area. It's like when I lived in Beverly cross 1 streeet and you go from Hell's Kitchen to a totally opposite place.
I know Sgt Crowley, I've worked with him a few times over the past few years. Put it this way, he would always come with his best friend, not that it matters, a black man. He teaches his "racial profiling" classes with urgency to NOT be a racist...people aren't always what they seem...and the folks you'd never expect...are the bad guys...etc...
I also know of the Prof. Gates reputation. He teaches here. My friend, a female, took a course of his for "enlightment" and bridging gaps. Let's just say this, he bashes the "oppression" thing into the ground...and doesn't have positive things to say about society and good people. He creates a wedge with his teachings of racism and oppression. This is a bit of what I know as a professional...and on a personal level...he's rude, abrupt and arrogant.
The whole media thing grabbed and ran with this...and it shouldn't have happened. People chose sides...didn't have all facts...and it was a crime like the L.A. riots. I lived through of the very few incidents in Beverly Hills, found me like always, right smack in the middle. I was waiting in line for gas...traffic bumper to bumper on all people were fleeing home. I had friends that flew from Boston and were airborn before the Riots broke out. Sitting in the gas line I started to see a crowd of men with bats and chains etc...stomping from car roof top to car rooftop...screaming, breaking windsheilds...etc...then I saw a man take a baby from the back of an SUV and run...I was about to get out of my car when I saw he came back for the was the station attendant bringing them to saftey. Not that it matters, the mom and child were white...the rescue hero Gas Station guy was Latino...and the violent crowd of men were African Americans. Then out of nowhere 20 squad cars screeched up with guns in hand. I didn't stay for the rest...I went home and suffered from the curfews, lungs burning from smoke and pay because productions were paused as well as my bartending job was closed.
These are the type of things that happen when a racial slur is spat...from any culture...and the person feeling "entitled" to hurl these statements are the actual racists.
My opinon based of personal and professional knowledge. Research from all sides of what the American people were doing. An assesment of the situation...and the following nonsense that went on and on. People, including the president were quick to judge and make statements and slurs...without any knowledge of the full facts.
BTW it's all on tape.
Anyway, I was at an "in-law" wedding over the weekend and met a wife of one of the cousins. Somehow she got talking about her journalism and writing...mostly freelance now, for Womens Day, People, Business Week etc...
ReplyDeleteWe talked about format and writing styles...then my website, which led me to talk about yours. She said, "oh my god! I just interviewd her for an article I was assigned. She went on to tell me all about you...and I told her you were one of my best friends...for years. She flipped and said, you were very intelligent, wise, creative, and spiritual. She said she felt a great lifting of spirit after you shared some of your thoughts and how you live your life. She said, the article is great...and that to say, "hi" and she has another project coming up for a similar assignment. Something to do with stereo-typing women because of what they look like and what they do for work...etc... Her whole take was she was glad to expose the woman behind the image. It got to the point of almost, "ENOUGH!" I already know that....hahahaha.
I have just got news from 4 friends that they received a "reference check" call regarding the position I applied for with the Gov/State/Town. I guess everyone followed up with a lot of hype about me...I'm surprised, the interview went well...and it's more than 6 months and 3 phone calls later. I'd really dig being one of the advocates for folks that need someone like me.
After my whole kidney scare again...I woke up today feeling better...and fearless. When I have a flare up I hibernate...this time I thought I had "end stage renal failure" beacuse, I read a lot of medical sites, and I have no chemistry skills, and I was diagnosing myself. I saw my doctor and same old same and remission.
At least I know...and have been there a million times.
Lastly, you know how we almost pick up each others thoughts and call or email or message a few words pertinent to what is going on? This time is was your turn and I woke to read your 1 line about today being a great day and feeling fine and yesterday is over and no worries, kind of sentance. There are no co incidents...and my check in with you confirmed you had a hunch.
I'm so blessed...and so are you and everyone.
A lot of people just don't know it.
Some just need to get out of self and into God.
And the world can return to harmony and away from destruction and selfishness.
Buy an elderly woman in line at the doughnut shop....her coffee and muffin.
I do stuff like that to express my gratitude to those that worked so hard for all we have.
Full Circle
Two words for you on the kidney thing.
ReplyDeleteGREEN TEA.
Drink it.
Drink lots of it.
Worf, stick the green tea up your ass!
ReplyDeleteSeriously Jim, ignore the nonsense and try the green tea. I got rid of a kidney stone by drinking it. Not the same thing I realize but it might help.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the green tea advice. I had some and I made a strong iced green tea. Now, lets just say my kidneys are very busy in a good way.
ReplyDeleteThank You
Who is this green tea anal-onymous?
ReplyDeleteJim, I totally believe you. I had an intuition that Gates was over-reactive. I honestly think the cop Crowley was not at all racist.
ReplyDeleteThe major racists are Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and their kind, et al.
They keep projecting their racism onto the population. Poor souls
Jim, I'm still working. It's like weaving an embroidered tapestry -- all these pieces.
ReplyDeleteBut the freedom is that I now feel so good about it and all I'm doing is the tech edits.
They are tedious and the clock seems to have a mind of its own. I don't live in linear time.
Meanwhile, my son just had chemistry finals, and he is making a movie -- editing today for a midnight deadline for YouTube!
he's amazing.
Rusty Crusty Moo Moo Freedom Fan -- why do you say such mean things?
ReplyDeleteGhost - thanks for the comment about my photo with Poppie and Paul.
ReplyDeleteRusty Crusty Moo Moo Freedom Fan -- why do you say such mean things?.
ReplyDeleteBecause you made anonymous posting possible again and that is their normal style.
They did it back in 2006 also.
I have to admit Crusty's grumpy "SIUYA" belligerence made me LOL.
ReplyDeleteWho can figure out what SIUYA means?
Who can figure out what SIUYA means?
SIUYA...Shove It Up Your A$$
Hey will .... I found the originations of one of your main talking points;
ReplyDeleteEnsuring Accurate Perceptions of the Health
Insurance Industry
It is this section;
III. Reframe the Debate:
Highlight Threats and Weaknesses of Government-Run Systems
Improve the US system instead of enacting Government run care. .
Which is your tired OLD talking point, And NOT what is actually being suggested by the Obama Administration.
BTW this comment caught my eyes;
Understand that the film - and the attendant media coverage - will be a major source of conversation and frustration for employees of the industry.
Because with the ranting angry comments you keep leaving here, we all can see how frustrated you are.
And we all know you are an employee of the health care system, sounds like you are pushing their views well even though you claim you aren't doing it.
"SIUYA" ms cornell you let a psycho stalker sniff your ass on here day after day and you say never a bad word to psycho worfy
ReplyDeletems cornell noticed you psycho worfy ms cornell noticed you psycho so cream your jeans and SIUYA"
ReplyDeleteClear Channel not interested in hiring Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteOn Monday, Inside Radio reported that former governor Sarah Palin’s representatives “have been quietly testing the waters to see how much interest radio syndicators have for her.” While Palin isn’t committed to radio, she is reportedly open to it as “a possible next step.” But the interest in her might not be as great as some had speculated. According to Broadcasting & Cable, Clear Channel Broadcasting, the country’s biggest radio conglomerate, has already turned Palin down because of fears that she wouldn’t be able to “hold forth for three hours a day.”
In other words too stoopid to do three hours of knuckle dragging reich wing moron radio ......
Damn it must suck when the leading reich wing radio bosses say your too f*&king dumb to work for them.
ReplyDeleteClif, I haven't made ANY criticisms of Obama/his plan in this debate. I've only been critical of "single payer". But that's O.K.. Continue to mischaracterize me.
ReplyDeleteBut nobody in congress has a bill suggesting single payer, so why are YOU tilting at wind mills again
ReplyDeleteLike you did last summer runnin' around the tubes screeching when ever somebody said something you personally didn't approve about St Johnny the delusional?
And why are you using the talking points pushed by Alex Castellanos
Like the ones he pushes in this Washington Post piece.
* "They want a Washington-centered plan.
* "We support patient-centered reforms.
* "They want a big Washington Experiment with our health.
* "We want common-sense simple fixes that will yield real results.
* "They want to start building a closed health care system where Washington decides how much money will be saved on health care by controlling the doctors you can see and limiting the treatments and cures your doctor can prescribe.
* "The patient-centered health care movement supports an open health-care system where patients and doctors make those decisions.
* "They want a top-down system where bureaucrats far away end up deciding what health care is worth paying for and what isn't, and for whom.
* "We want a bottom-up, patient-centered system where control remains with your doctor and with you.
* "They want political and artificial cost-reductions from Washington.
* "We want to get politics out of health care not put more politics in. We want common sense fixes not politically driven experiments.
* "They want to empower a big Washington-run monopoly to control your health care.
* "We say monopolies are just not natural. Big monopolies are bad no matter who runs them, whether it is big government or big insurance businesses. ,
Right there are most of the reich wing talking points you keep trying to put in your rantings here.
They mirror the Frank Luntz set of talking points the reich wingers in congress keep spewing,
and of course the
The Lewin Group a wholly owned subsidiary of United Health Group, one of the nation's largest insurers. Which pushes almost exactly the same talking points.
If you aren't a fellow traveler of the reich wing,
Why do you sound exactly like one?
did you impress her psycho worf did you impress ms cornell psycho worf did she really notice you this time you sick freak
ReplyDeleteoh happy happy day finally ms cornell noticed psycho worf oh happy day ms cornell noticed that sick stalking freak
ReplyDeleteHow I wish she would notice me.
ReplyDeleteI wish worfy would notice me.
ReplyDeleteCongressman Weiner has proposed/introduced a single-payer system. Bragged about it on Rachel Maddow's show. And this whole thing started with me debating Mike on, HELLO, single-payer! You really need to get your facts a little straighter there Cliffy.
ReplyDeleteGood insights into the Crowley-Gates story, Jim. Thanks for sharing them with us.
ReplyDeleteCongressman Wiener introduced an amendment called the "Elimination of Eligibility and Benefits" to terminate medicare and medicaid and social security because they are "socialism".
ReplyDeleteHe did it to show how stupid people are who are against a single payer system, by pointing out we already have single payer systems.
From the Amendment.
(a)Findings.-Congress finds that-
(1) Medicare is socialized medicine;and
(2) Medicare is a single-payer system.
(b)Elimination of Medicare Eligibility Under Parts B,C and D.
It's a shame our congressmen have to go to such extremes to shame liars and fools who either don't realize or won't acknowledge that we already have single-payer systems.
Well, for some reason, I guess Republicans don’t like publicly funded, publicly administered health plans except for Medicare, and, I guess, except for the Veterans Administration and except for the health care that our military gets from the Department of Defense. The fact of the matter is, what we’ve learned is that government administered health care works pretty darn well. It’s got lower overhead and people like it.
ReplyDeleteSo, when my Republican colleagues pound the drum and pound the podium about how they hate government-run health care, I guess they haven’t looked at what they get.
Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY)
Amazingly, for all their blather to the contrary, not one single republican congressman voted to end socialized medicine or the single-payer system.
ReplyDeleteNot one.
Imagine that.
uh oh, worfy's making sense again.
ReplyDeletei better cover it up with some more of my brilliant insults
Will's LIE:
ReplyDeleteCongressman Weiner has proposed/introduced a single-payer system.
the truth;
NEWS: Weiner to Offer Amendment to End Medicare.
Litmus Test for Foes of Government Run Healthcare
Put-Up or Shut-Up Time for GOP?
Washington, DC – On the 44th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Medicare program into law, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn and Queens), a member of the Health Subcommittee, announced he will offer an amendment to the America's Affordable Health Choices Act that would eliminate the Medicare program. The move comes amid a chorus of Republican members decrying the notion of government run healthcare.
"It’s put-up or shut-up time for the phonies who deride the so-called ‘public option’," Rep. Weiner said .
From the congressman's own website, which obviously widdle will never checked before spouting his LIE
widdle will's whine about the publicity a US congressman gets;
Bragged about it on Rachel Maddow's show.
Exposing reich wing hypocrisy, like congressman Weiner did makes you frustrated and angry it seems widdle will.
I wonder why?
Why would a known concern troll get frustrated and angry when reich wing hypocrisy is exposed?
Me thinks he can't stand any truth about the people he fronts their talking points and spin as his own being exposed for the frauds they are, because that exposes him as a bigger fraud here.
And this whole thing started with me debating Mike on, HELLO, single-payer !
Funny your rants full of reich wing talking points and sound bites PRE-DATE the congressman's actions (IE two days ago,) or Rachel Maddow's publicizing those actions, (yesterday)which makes this either another lie or you as delusional as you normally are.
Your delusional rants complete with reich wing spin and talking points has been going for a couple weeks at least.
Wanna try spinnin' that one again junior?
BTW which single payer system are you against?
Single payer health care OR single payer health insurance?
Because there are major differences between the two.
You really need to get your facts a little straighter there Cliffy.
Facts, try the actual facts son, not the ones you get by reaching around in your rectum to access your personal stash of facts which have no connection to the reality the rest of us live in son.
You seem light on any FACTS or the back up of those supposed facts.
The US Military and veterans Administration as fine examples of single payer health care.
ReplyDeleteMedicare and Medicaid are examples of single payer health care insurance,
Which one or ones are you against?
He has no answers clif. Just the behavior of a typical neocon troll.
ReplyDeleteMakes accusations, false claims and when he's proven wrong he just disappears.
The next day once the posts are moved off the main window he's back, saying "nuh uh" all over again.
Now mind you I'm not "calling" him a troll.
I'm just pointing out that he does exactly what a troll does.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it about time for my anonymous stalker to call me some more names?
I hope he hurries up.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to miss it.
Clif said:
ReplyDeleteThe US Military and veterans Administration as fine examples of single payer health care.
Medicare and Medicaid are examples of single payer health care insurance,
Which one or ones are you against?
ReplyDeleteThe fact of the matter is quite simple. Even you should be able to grasp it.
Your examples of Medicare and Medicaid or even the VA are not open to all people.
A private for profit company cannot compete financially with a not for profit venture with the deep pockets of the American taxpayer.
Whether the coverage was better or not people would slowly gravitate to the cheaper option until finally the others would go out of business.
And if a free option was available many employers would drop their employees private coverage to increase their profit.
The other companies may not go out of business overnight, but go out of business they would.
And we would all be left with just ONE option.
You also fail to notice that the cost of "free" health care is unsustainable. Either taxes would be raised to unbearable levels or rationing would HAVE to occur.
Look at programs in Mass. or Hawaii
for examples of that here.
You recently held up Britain as an good example.
The elderly there can't even get life prolonging procedures if their near the end of their estimated life expectancy.
Women are routinely refused the latest treatments and medicines for breast cancer.
Get the trascripts to the Maddow show. He said that he was introducing legislation for single-payer. It wasn't just that dog and pony show on Medicare. You're the frigging liar, Clif. Show me one instance where I was criticizing the current plans in conrgess during this discussion (I probably could, but I wasn't). You can't. That's because I was debating, HELLO (again), single-payer (yes, idiot, I know the difference between insurance and actual healthcare).
ReplyDeleteYou're the talking points guy, Clif. You NEVER, EVER criticize the Dems. I criticize those on the right constantly. Even on this very site, I said that I didn't think that Palin had the gravitas to be president. Where in the right-wing talking points is THAT mentioned. And I said some good things about Senator Conrad and his proposal. Did I get THAT from the RNC? You are so full of crap that I can smell it through my computer screen.
ReplyDelete1)Medicare is laced with fraud. 2)It's heading for a demographic nightmare in less than a generation. We're either going to have to raise taxes drastically or cut benefits. These are not partisan observations, Cliffy. Or maybe they are here. Who knows. P.S. I'm not going to debate (i.e., address directly) Bartlebee anymore. The stupidity is just too palpable. He tried to tell me that single-payer isn't necessarity one payer. I mean, seriously, how do you deal with somebody like that? YOU DON'T!
ReplyDeleteTwisted panties seems angry again
ReplyDeleteMedicare is laced with fraud.
ReplyDeleteSo you are saying the private providers the government are cheating the government, BUT you want MORE private providers to cheat more people?
You are so full of crap that I can smell it through my computer screen.
ReplyDeleteMe thinks the breeze is just blowing your breath back in your face son ..... cause computers can do what you delusionally claim they can do, transfer smells between locations almost a thousand miles apart ......
BTW you seem to need some sort of anger management help.
Voltron said...
The fact of the matter is quite simple. Even you should be able to grasp it.
Your examples of Medicare and Medicaid or even the VA are not open to all people.
A private for profit company cannot compete financially with a not for profit venture with the deep pockets of the American taxpayer.
Whether the coverage was better or not people would slowly gravitate to the cheaper option until finally the others would go out of business.
Well how can that be true, if as you and your troll friends claim, "the majority of Americans don't want govt health care"?
If people are as happy with their medical insurance as you knuckleheads have been claiming for the past few weeks, then your newest argument must be wrong.
ReplyDeleteEither people are as slap happy with their insurance as you two chowderheads claim and the introduction of a public option wouldn't make them switch, or they're not and they would.
Can't have it both ways junior.
By the way, why are you responding for will again?
ReplyDeleteI debate will, he takes a powder when his lies about Rep Weiner fall short, and you come back and pick up his failed argument without missing a beat.
Like a little two step there.
Which is odd since will's supposed to be a "moderate liberal" and you're supposed to be a card carrying Rush Limbaugh ball fondling neocon.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin...
Oh well, no matter. We still appreciate you presenting a new argument (that I've been waiting for you to present) that defeats your old argument.
ReplyDeleteFor the past several weeks you two knuckleheads have been claiming the public doesn't want national health care.
And now this morning you introduce a new argument that say people DO want national health care, and would leave their current providers in droves were it available.
Medicare and Medicaid or even the VA are not open to all people.
ReplyDeleteNo volty just around 45% of the American people where as around 37% depend on the private insurance industry not ripping them off when they need health care.
So more people depend on the care that works and is there when they need it then rely on the screw the public maximize profits wall street crooks insurance industry.
The people who rip off Medicare, Clif, aren't other insurance companies. They're doctors and patients who know how to game the system. I work in a healthcare facility and the games that are played are legendary. And, no, I'm not in favor of doing away with Medicare, just not in favor expanding it until we look at other options first (which is Obama's opinion, too, evidently).
ReplyDeleteThey're doctors and patients who know how to game the system. I work in a healthcare facility and the games that are played are legendary.
ReplyDeleteSo you admit it IS the private sector ripping off Medicare making it cost more .............. and you even KNOW about it but for some reason haven't done anything at all about it so you must agree with the ripping off being done by the private sector of Medicare and Medicaid.
Damn and you claim wer are the ones with problems.
no wonder you are so angry watching other get rich while you just keep your mouth shut and get what ever is left over.
Clif, go to and under Weiner TV click "Weiner pushes for single-payer plan". I think that that will clear it up for you. P.S. I'll be waiting patiently for my apology.
ReplyDeleteDamn you lie about whether you are a liberal or NOT. and now admit being complacent is watching doctors rip off Medicaid and Medicare.
ReplyDeleteDamn son you seem to think you are about the law and morality
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, Clif, it's technically legal what these people are doing. What they're doing is taking advantage of the system. And if I made waves, I'd never be hired again anywhere. If it was patient abuse, of course, I'd speak up.......So, what are you saying now, Clif, you want all doctors and facilities to be under the rubric of the federal government. You want not just socialized insurance but socialized medicine as well. Wow. Now YOU'RE out of the closet, buddy. LOL
ReplyDeleteSo, what are you saying now, Clif, you want all doctors and facilities to be under the rubric of the federal government..
ReplyDeleteNo never said that any where here, you dishonestly tried to insinuate did, which is a form of LYING, which you seem to have NO problem at all doing,
Like the LIE you told about never claiming of being a liberal, when you did exactly that at media matters begging people to come to your waste of bandwidth.
Seems part of your stock in trade along with your straw man arguments like you tried to construct after telling this lie is LYING repeatedly.
You want not just socialized insurance but socialized medicine as well..
No never said that either, a continuation of the lies you tell son.
Yes it is quite amazing how easily you lie repeatedly here about what others post.
Now YOU'RE out of the closet, buddy. LOL
project much?
What they're doing is taking advantage of the system. And if I made waves, I'd never be hired again anywhere. If it was patient abuse, of course, I'd speak up.......
ReplyDeleteSo as long as YOU get something out of the deal it's OK?
hypocritical considering all the delusional ranting you do about others,
but interesting just the same.
No, Clif, you never said it. But I'm going with your logic here; the private sector is screwing things up, etc.. And I was asking it in the form of a question. Man, are you linguistically challenged.
ReplyDeleteSo, did you listen to the Weiner link yet? Come on, listen to it. I want to see you weasel out of this one. LOL
ReplyDeleteHere's how it works, Clif. A patient/resident gets referred for therapy. The therapist/therapy department knows exactly how many visits that Medicare allows. And, yes, that's exactly how many they go for, whether or not that many are needed. And when the therapy rolls are low, sometimes they go trolling (to use one of your buzzwords) for "business" (i.e., looking for people to treat). The end result is that a lot of unncessary treatments end up happening. Yeah, I could try and be a trouble-maker and speak up. But I'm not a medical person, Clif (I work in recreation). As you know, doctors and therapists are very good at justifying things (the lingo, etc.). It would be my opinion against theirs. I would lose and I would probably be fired. I'm not like you, Clif. I can't sit at home and wait for that monthly check. I need to work.
ReplyDeleteNo, Clif, you never said it.
ReplyDeleteRight, so you admitted you lied here like you do repeatedly ....
But I'm going with your logic here; the private sector is screwing things up, etc..
Um will that is what YOU said son,
YOU said and I quote;
The people who rip off Medicare, Clif, aren't other insurance companies. They're doctors and patients who know how to game the system. I work in a healthcare facility and the games that are played are legendary.
Which I simply stated they worked in the private sector billing the US government in a very similar way private contractors who defraud the DOD do.
So you tried to molify your statement by saying this.
They're doctors and patients who know how to game the system. I work in a healthcare facility and the games that are played are legendary.
YOU said it son, NOT me.
But for some reason you wanna say I said it,
Delusional sorta fits I think.
Or you are exactly what worf said you were a fraud pushing your concern trolling techniques as much as possible
Seems to be the case given how much you blame me and others for what you actually type
Damn son why?
Here's how it works, Clif. A patient/resident gets referred for therapy. The therapist/therapy department knows exactly how many visits that Medicare allows. And, yes, that's exactly how many they go for, whether or not that many are needed.
ReplyDeleteSo they are bilking the system proscribing treatment or tests that aren't medically necessary, which is the definition of fraud.
The federal government prosecute and sometimes even send to prison people for doing exaclty what you claim you know about.
And YOU go along with it just to get your tiny little cut?
And when the therapy rolls are low, sometimes they go trolling (to use one of your buzzwords) for "business" (i.e., looking for people to treat).
So they have mulitiple ways to commite out right fraud, finding people who aren't in need of the treatemnts they wanna bilk medicare or medicaid out of?
And widdle will keeps his mouth shut for his pieces of silver he covents it seems.
The end result is that a lot of unncessary treatments end up happening.
So you admit it is fraud?
Why did you then say it was legal above?
Trying to justify your complicity?
Yeah, I could try and be a trouble-maker and speak up. But I'm not a medical person, Clif (I work in recreation). As you know, doctors and therapists are very good at justifying things (the lingo, etc.). It would be my opinion against theirs. I would lose and I would probably be fired.
Seems you really are trying to justify your complicity for getting your little pittance.
I'm not like you, Clif.
You are right there lack the testicular fortitude to do what is right whether the costs is a physical or financial detriment to your self,
Me, I took the risk all uniformed service members take for the country and paid a minor cost as a result. I know you do not under stand that, but I don't expect a little weasle like you to understand
I can't sit at home and wait for that monthly check.
Seems you are channeling crusty and his attacks on those who get wounded defending all of our country, even though you never offered to do so yourself,
Quite a hypocrite you turn out to be.
I need to work.
And make sure you don't rock the boat so you are safely getting your silver while you knowingluy allow opeople to cheat the system,
Like I said you lack the testicular fortitude to ever put your self in harms way for others, and you just proved it in spades.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteThe people who rip off Medicare, Clif, aren't other insurance companies. They're doctors and patients who know how to game the system
Well what do ya know?
Will here thinks that doctors and patients don't rip of insurance companies.
Imagine that.
Insurance fraud.
Will's never heard of it.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI work in a healthcare facility
Custodial or cafeteria?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteClif, go to and under Weiner TV click "Weiner pushes for single-payer plan". I think that that will clear it up for you. P.S. I'll be waiting patiently for my apology.
You said he introduced a bill to switch to a single-payer plan.
You were wrong.
You owe clif the apology.
Worf he said recreational, guy who hands out the playing cards and sets up the movie Friday night.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not a medical person, Clif (I work in recreation)
I'm not sure gurney races in back of the loading dock with the rest of the custodial staff qualifies as working in recreation.
clif said...
ReplyDeleteWorf he said recreational, guy who hands out the playing cards and sets up the movie Friday night.
Well I guess that's possible.
He sure does play a lot of games in here.
Um will there is NO bill yet on the house floor or in any committee for mark up, the ONLY way bills get made into law in the house, .... so you were wrong and I was right
ReplyDeleteCon. Weiner has NOT introduced any bill for single payer so your statement he did is as factually challanged as most the rest of your delusional rants are.
I'll a-wait your apology for lying and claiming he did, then accusing me of distroting what he did put in the bill he had the entire house vote on.
BUT I know you won't cause in your delusional world view something on his website is exactly like it is already on the house floor for debate.
Like pretending insurance fraud is any less rampant than medicare fraud.
ReplyDeleteWiddle will oprobably ran away after realizing he just showed the entire world what a coward he really is.
ReplyDeleteWell hypocritical coward to be technically correct
ReplyDeleteNo wonder why he seems to lose his temper here with us so much, he realizes we see it also.
ReplyDeleteclif said...
ReplyDeleteCon. Weiner has NOT introduced any bill for single payer so your statement he did is as factually challanged as most the rest of your delusional rants are.
The irony here is Wiener's Amendment actually was designed to teach thickheads like will here that we already DO have single payer systems that co-exist in our country alongside of public insurance plans.
Something he tried to claim couldn't happen.
He tried claiming people would be "forced" to give up their current plans under a single payer system, which just happens to be the current RNC talking point.
Congressman Wiener's amendment was designed to drive home the point that we already have single payer systems and no ones been forced to give up their insurance just because those options exist.
Unfortunately wills skull is a bit too thick for even a mock amendment like that.... a "teaching amendment" to do any good.
When you're such a radical, died in the wool neocon that you'd troll liberal blogs pretending to be a "moderate", there's pretty much nothing anyone can do to set you straight.
Did I say that out loud?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI need to work
That's what we keep saying but you're still always in here.
ReplyDeleteOr is THAT your work?
BTW widdle will don't ya thunk when doctors are ripping off the Medicaid and Medicare programs, by inflasting costs and proscribing treatemnts which according to you is not medically justified, they aren't also ripping off the Medigap insurance policies which are sold and administered by private companies, with exactly the same proceedure?
ReplyDeleteThe same total bill for treatement for all medicare patients always have a co-pay which many people buy private isnsurance policies to cover.
fraud is fraud which it seems you can accept if it means you get to keep your little position.
Like I said NO testicular fortitude at all.
I hope not because you're not too good at it.
ReplyDeleteYou've been claiming for days now that the public doesn't want govt health care, and then lo and behold in comes your tag team troll partner Voltron to declare that IF there were a public option, the people would leave their current plans you claim they love so much, in droves.
You guys gotta work on your timing.
Kinda hard to sell your right wing talking point Will about the American people not wanting public health care when your buddy Voltron comes in and declares the masses would run to it in droves.
Maybe you guys need to sit out a round or two and work on strategy.
I was asking a question, Clif. You were pissing on the private sector and so I was wodering if you wanted to eliminate it completely. You don't seem to like the private sector, Clif. And I didn't run anywhere, boy. I just don't have a computer growing out of my chest like you apparently do.
ReplyDeleteI haven't taken a stand on the public option as it's been talked about in Congress. The bill is over 1,000 pages and, yes, knowing Congress, it's probaly bullshit but I haven't. I've only been debating a single-payer system. Continue to lie and misrepresent, though. It's what you do best.
ReplyDeleteNo, Clif, I'm not a custodian. Some of my friends are, but I'm not. What, you don't like custodians, Clif? Hey, at least they work.
ReplyDeleteSo, have you gone to the link yet, Clif? Weiner tells the folks exactly what he intends to do. It's called, oh yeah, SINGLE PAYER!!!!! You guys called me a liar and I proved that I wasn't. Live with it.
ReplyDeleteLet me educate you here, buddy. 90-95% of the people in a convalescent home are on Title 19 AND DON"T HAVE MEDIGAP INSURANCE. Still, when they get therapy, that is covered by Medicare. So, no, the private insurance companies aren't getting ripped off. You really shouldn't talk about something you don't know anything about.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear that, folks, Cliffy's making fun of custodians now. For Christ's sakes, what a pompous bastard, huh?
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI've only been debating a single-payer system.
That's right. You claimed repeatedly that if we went to one then everyone would lose their coverage.
That was a lie and a was proven wrong.
You also claimed Rep Weiner sponsored a bill to move us all to a single payer system.
That was a lie and was proven wrong.
So you disappeared, then reappeared starting all over as if nothing happened.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't run anywhere, boy. I just don't have a computer growing out of my chest like you apparently do.
Yea you did.
Like you do every single time someone clearly exposes one of your lies.
Then you come back later and act like nothing happened trying to relaunch the argument ignoring the fact that you were proven wrong on several issues, this time Weiner and your claims that people would be forced to lose their current coverage if we had a single payer system.
ReplyDeleteThe truth of course was spoken clearly by your tag team friend Voltron, who nailed the coffin shut on that nonsense by pointing out that people would LEAVE their current insurance if we had a single payer option. Not lose it.
That's the truth, and we thank Voltron for sharing it with us.
As Voltron so clearly illustrated, people won't "LOSE" their coverage if we had a single payer system.
ReplyDeleteThey'd LEAVE it.
In droves.
ReplyDeleteWhat Voltron pointed out was that people with NO insurance who didn't want insurance who would be FINED for not having insurance would gravitate to the cheapest option.
People whose employers dropped their private coverage because of the higher taxes imposed by Obama's plan would probably fall back on the free option due to their tax burden as well.
And I'm sure they'll make the free option as attractive as hell until they get most of us trapped in it.
Like I said a private for profit business cannot compete with a not for profit venture backed by the US taxpayer.
I doubt YOU Worf could stay in business long if someone were to start offering the same services as you only for free.
The problem is, after they drove you out of business what stipulations would they then be able to impose on that service?
In a single payer system, there is one payer. Are there private health insurance companies in Canada or England. A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM IS A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was lied about twice during this discusion. I was accused of using RNC/right-wing talking points to criticize a Democratic plan. I didn't engage in that discussion once. A bald-faced lie. And then I was called a liar for saying that Congressman Weiner was proposing a single-payer system. This, despite the fact that I provided the link from Weiner's own web site to verify my claim. You're busted and you don't have the integrity to admit to it.
ReplyDeleteI check this site out a couple of times a day. I don't frigging live on it like you guys do.
ReplyDelete"Weiner pushes for single-payer plan" It's on his own frigging web site, for Christ!!!
ReplyDeleteFrom the Rachel Maddow Show, Congressman Weiner's own words. "The question isn't why have a public option. It's why have a private option at all." "Why do we even need the insurance companies?" "Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step and offering a true single-oayer health care plan." It's like, what, you guys don't have youtube? BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry Will.
ReplyDeleteThey get all their news from Comedy Central...
Worf already said earlier Britain was a great system to model.
ReplyDeleteSince they're a much smaller country I'd expect their breast cancer rates would drop below ours significantly if they'd only allow women to have the latest treatments and drugs.
They'd probably have a longer life expectancy too if they'd provide better care for their elderly instead of just allowing them to die.
Still ya gotta wonder, if our system is SOOOO bad, why do foreign leaders from all over the world come here for treatment?
Are there private health insurance companies in Canada or England.
ReplyDeleteUm will YES;
Though the public system dominates healthcare provision in England, private health care and a wide variety of alternative and complementary treatments are available for those willing to pay.
Private health care has continued parallel to the NHS, paid for largely by private insurance, but it is used by less than 8% of the population, and generally as a top-up to NHS services. Recently there have been some examples where unused private sector capacity has been used to increase NHS capacity amd in some cases the NHS has commissioned the private sector to establish and run new facilities on a sub contracted basis. Some new capital programs have been financed through the private finance initiative. The involvement of the private sector remains relatively small yet, according to one survey by the BMA, a large proportion of the public oppose such involvement.
And Canada:
About 30% of Canadians' health care is paid for through the private sector. This mostly goes towards services not covered or only partially covered by Medicare, such as prescription drugs, dentistry and optometry. Some 65% of Canadians have some form of supplementary private health insurance; many of them receive it through their employers. There are also large private entities that can buy priority access to medical services in Canada, such as WCB in BC.
(from wiki)
So will you should probably take this idiot's advice;
You really shouldn't talk about something you don't know anything about.
You were pissing on the private sector
ReplyDeleteUm dipsh*t you are the one openly stating doctors are committing fraud.
Seems you are as big a liar as a coward eh will?
And dipshit,
ReplyDeletethe bill Congressman Weiner INTRODUCED and that Congress voted on was NOT a single payer bill,
NO actually it was a bill to eliminate Medicare,
Why do YOU keep lying about it?
Yes Will,
ReplyDeleteIn Britain they DO have supplemental insurance to pay for things the government refuses to.
The problem is, that once you use that insurance the government no longer considers you part of their system and will no longer pay for any care.
And in Canada they have for profit companies that will take you across the border to America for immediate treatment and then help you sue the Canadian government for payment coverage.
John Stossel recently did an excellent piece on how marvelous health care in Canada is. No waiting lines, same day service and the latest technology etc...
Only thing is to get that level of care you have to bark or meow.
(Evidently their veterinary clinics are top notch!)
Just viewed the Weiner link.
ReplyDeleteWill is correct, You guys are morons.
And Worfy is actually trying to over think Weiners comments, Amazing.
If there was a joke on anyone in that Worf it was on you.
No Doltron, you're the moron.
ReplyDeleteYou're the idiot who just came in yesterday telling us that if we had a single payer option, that Americans would run to it in droves.
Thanks for saying something honest for a change.
Will would like you to stop helping him now.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteJust viewed the Weiner link.
Will is correct, You guys are morons.
And Worfy is actually trying to over think Weiners comments, Amazing
No, Will claimed Weiners bill was for a single payer option. It was actually and amendment to mock idiots like you who don't realize we already have single payer options that work.
You're so stupid you don't even know what you're saying.
And it wasn't "worfy overthinking weiners comments" dolt.
ReplyDeleteIt was worfy correctly showing what wieners AMENDMENT was outlined to do.
Show dummies like you that we already have single payer systems.
Like I said dolt.
ReplyDeleteThanks for admitting that IF we introduced a single payer system, the American people would overwhelmingly chose it over your beloved private insurance.
And thanks for admitting that your position is fundamentally opposed to the will of the people.
We're in your debt.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteWhether the coverage was better or not people would slowly gravitate to the cheaper option until finally the others would go out of business.
Thanks for admitting that the people would chose national public health care if given the option.
You've come a long way baby.
Are you guys afraid to go to youtube and view the Maddow clip? I thought you might be and that's why I provided some direct quotes. You also seem to be afraid to go to Weiner's OWN site where he proposes exactly what I said he proposed; A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM!!
ReplyDeleteIf single-payer is so good, why then is there a need for supplemental? And how 'bout Weiner's own words, "Why have a private option at all? and "Why do we even need the insurance companies?" These are Weiner's own words, Cliffy, and you could hear them yourself if you just went to youtube.
ReplyDeleteHey, Volt, I was just thinking. On this whole single-payer debate, it's me, you, and President Obama vs. these guys. LOL Who'd a ever thunk that?
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteAre you guys afraid to go to youtube and view the Maddow clip?
We're quaking in our boots.
If private healthcare insurance is allowed in these countries, then, yes, I stand corrected (I, unlike you, Clif, admit to a mistake). But if what Volt says is accurate, and they drop you once you use these plans, then that is a hell of an indictment. Youza!
ReplyDelete"Tomorrow, I'll be taking the next step and offering a true single-payer health care plan." Miss Maddow was pleased.
ReplyDeleteVolt, is one of these companies that helps Canadians out called Timely Medical Alternatives? I recently saw the head of this outfit on cable news show. It sounds like they do a lot of business.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteIf private healthcare insurance is allowed in these countries, then, yes, I stand corrected (I, unlike you, Clif, admit to a mistake)
You haven't admitting anything. No one even knows what you're talking about here.
What are you admitting to?
If private insurance is permitted in this country what? What are you admitting to?
I didn't think that private health insurance companies existed in Canada and England. It appears that I was wrong and I'm admitting to it. There, now if we could only get Clif to admit to Congressman Weiner's own words.
ReplyDeleteYou mean if we could only get you to admit you were wrong about Congressman Weiner's Amendment, which was to REMOVE medicare so the stupid people figure out that we already have single payer systems coexisting with private insurance.
ReplyDeleteWe even posted the Amendment.
Here it is again for the perpetually stupid.
From the Amendment.
(a)Findings.-Congress finds that-
(1) Medicare is socialized medicine;and
(2) Medicare is a single-payer system.
(b)Elimination of Medicare Eligibility Under Parts B,C and D.
You lied and you're still lying now.
You said he introduced a bill to implement a single payer system.
ReplyDeleteYou were wrong.
Clif pointed out you were wrong.
I pointed out you were wrong.
It was an amendment to remove medicare because medicare is a single payer system.
But you lied and you're lying still, rather than owning up to it like a big boy.
The Amendments out there for anyone who wants to see it.
ReplyDeleteYou just misunderstood what he was talking about (subtle irony is lost on the neoconservative mind) and started spouting off about an imaginary bill you invented that you claimed he already introduced, when in fact he simply introduced an amendment to end medicare as a token gesture to the dumb assess like yourself who can't figure out that single payer systems coexist with private insurance already.
Something you claimed could not happen.
You claimed if we had a single payer system we'd be forced to lose our coverage.
You even mocked me and said "duh" like I was stupid for simply stating the truth, and that you were wrong about that.
Well, you were wrong about that.
And you were wrong about Weiners amendment.
And you've yet to own up to any of that, troll.
Hell widdle will has lied about lots of stuff in the last two years then quibbles better then freedom fraud ever did when caught.
ReplyDeleteand a far reich winger always seems to have his back when caught
interesting how that works.
I was NOT wrong and if you had the guts to go to Weiner's OWN web-site (I provided the link) and/or to youtube to see the Maddow interview, you'd see that I wasn't wrong. "Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a TRUE SINGLE-PAYER HEALTH CARE PLAN." What part of this direct quote from Congressman Weiner do you guys not undersatnd? Man, oh man. This is almost getting comical.
ReplyDeleteHave you gone to Congressman Weiner's web-site yet, Cliffy? If not, why not?
ReplyDeleteI'm aware of that Medicare stunt that Weiner pulled. I wasn't referring to that. I'm referring to what he said on the Rachel Maddow Show (it's easy to access, fellows, just go to youtube and put Maddow and Weiner into the search and it's the first thing that comes up) and what he says on his own web-site. "Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true SINGLE-PAYER health care plan." I never get tired of that quote. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou can evidently get private health insurance in some parts of Canada. But you have to pay for it out of your own pocket. Really, how many working/middle class people would be able to afford that? Face it fellas, most people are stuck with that government run program or nothing.
ReplyDeleteYou don't seem to realize we watched Rachel Maddow and the interview live, and don't need your little links stupid.
ReplyDeleteWe were there before you opened your big fat troll mouth about it.
Perhaps it's you who need to visit his website, because right on the front page is his information about the AMENDMENT we've been talking about all along, which does what WE said it does, i.e. proposes to end medicare.
And it does so to shame idiots like you into admitting that we already have a single payer system working in conjunction with private systems.
Something you said could not happen.
Clif's not around. He must be over at Weiner's web-site, reading how Weiner wants to gut the current plans and push for instead a single-payer plan.
ReplyDeleteLooks like twisted panties hasn't tried anger management yet.
ReplyDeleteWiddle will hawking the same tired old talking points the reich wing has lost two election cycles on.
ReplyDeleteSeems the non liberal who lied about that also, isn't the moderate, just a concern troll who got caught.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry he still has his "celluloid memories" to keep him company at night.
ReplyDeleteYou evidently weren't paying attention to the whole interview. Because, right after they talked about that Medicare stunt, he brought up single-payer and said, "Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true single-payer health care plan." I think you need to watch it again.
ReplyDeleteHere's what's on the cover of Congressman Weiner's website.
Press Releases
NEWS: Weiner to Offer Amendment to End Medicare
Litmus Test for Foes of Government Run Healthcare
Put-Up or Shut-Up Time for GOP?
Washington, DC – On the 44th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Medicare program into law, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn and Queens), a member of the Health Subcommittee, announced he will offer an amendment to the America's Affordable Health Choices Act that would eliminate the Medicare program.
THAT's the amendment he introduced.
Not what you claimed.
No one doubts that Weiner, like the rest of us want a single payer option.
No one.
But YOU said he introduced a bill for a single payer option when in fact he introduced a bill to end medicare.
Like WE said.
We were right.
You were wrong.
Suck on that, troll.
BTW son I watched the Rachel Maddow show LIVE,
ReplyDeleteI don't need some lying fraud to screech at me, because he thinks he has solved all the problems if we would just listen to his idiocy.
friggin' idiot
ReplyDeleteStick to fantasizing about long dead grade b actresses son.
ReplyDeleteI'm arguing against single-payer health care, Clif. And I'm doing in a manner that is virtually equivalent to the way that Dr. Ezekial Emanuel (Obama advisor) does. Nothing right-wing about that, Cliffy. So, what did you think about Weiner's web-site? Pretty cool, huh? LOL
ReplyDeleteClick on the link that says, "Weiner pushes for SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM (my emphasis)". That should clear it up for you.
ReplyDeleteFunny widdle will thinks he is arguing against single payer, but can't define EXACTLY what type of single payer is being proposed, nor can he state why single payer is bad for any body but rich wall street corporate medical conglomerates and their greedy owners.
ReplyDeleteAll he has is the same TIRED old RNC reich wing talking points he pushes
well widdle will seems you are becoming delusional
ReplyDeletewhats the matter nobody listen to you?
ReplyDeleteor give a rats ass what you think?
ReplyDeleteI'm not asking you to listen to me, boy. I'm asking you to listen to Weiner. (Here we go again LOL) "Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true single-payer health care plan." You must have tuned that part out, Cliffy. And, yes, that's why you really need to listen to it again. LOL
ReplyDeleteexactly which single payer system are you arguing against son?
ReplyDeletethe VA system?
Medicare system
Medicaid system
Canadian system where well over 90% of the Canadians are satisfied.
German system where more then 90% of the citizens of ermany give it high marks?
What is the problem widdle will?
What is so bad about the German system?
ReplyDeleteOr Swedish system?
Why do more Americans go to Canada just to buy drugs then the total number of Canadians come to the US for all aspects of health care?
ReplyDeleteYou're just name calling now, Clif. As I said, I'm expressing the exact same criticisms (of single payer) as an Obama advisor. And Weiner's words are absolutely on tape. Face it, Clif, ya' got nothin' here. LOL
ReplyDeleteCome on widdle will you are against these style systems, so you should be able to explain what is wrong with them.
ReplyDeleteExplain what is your exact objection to the systems the vast majority of the civilized world uses to handle the health care of their citizens?
ReplyDeleteYou spout so much you MUST have studied them right?
Come on will you seem to be claiming you know MORE then a congressman who studied this.
ReplyDeletewhats the matta boy,
ReplyDeleteno talking points on the questions I asked?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI'm not asking you to listen to me, boy. I'm asking you to listen to Weiner. (Here we go again LOL) "Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true single-payer health care plan."
Funny, this quote doesn't appear on his site.
No one doubt's congressman Weiner is for a single payer plan."
We all are.
But that quote's not on his site, at least not anywhere on the main pages.
What is there is his amendment to end medicare. The one you claimed was to introduce a single payer system.
Either way it's moot.
No one doubts Weiner wants a single payer system.
But what you said about him introducing a bill into the house last week to switch to a single payer system, was a lie.
He did not.
Why SOOO silent son?
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteYou're just name calling now, Clif. As I said, I'm expressing the exact same criticisms (of single payer) as an Obama advisor. And Weiner's words are absolutely on tape. Face it, Clif, ya' got nothin' here. LOL
You lied.
You said last week that he HAD introduced a bill into the house to go to a single payer system.
He did NOT.
You were wrong.
It's you've who've got nothing, troll.
Looks like widdle will can't answer REAL questions instead of the straw man arguments he got from RNC central in his daily email.
ReplyDeleteSeems widdle will is GOOD at repeating RNC reich wing talking points attacking a strawman that doesn't exist. BUT not good at answering questions about real working systems the vast majority of the rest of industrialized world uses.
ReplyDeleteCome on widdle will,
ReplyDeleteyou screech so much that YOU are against these systems,
Seems widdle ran away again
ReplyDeleteAs usual.
Looks like this Clif guy is just pleased at anything thats free.
ReplyDeleteI guess if you dont have to work for it thats like hitting the lottery.
Isn't it nice how the troll who is too ashamed of his own comments to post his handle with them, doesn't believe our veterans of foreign wars should receive benefits?
ReplyDeleteWhat a miserable wretch he must be to be so ashamed of his own comments he can't even use his regular handle.
ReplyDeleteWe should pity him.
" Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true single-payer health care plan." He said that in the Rachel Maddow interview. About half-way through the interview he says it. On his own site (Weiner's), there is a link that says, "Weiner pushes for single-payer system". If you click that link, you can hear him address the committee. It's all there, Clif. Don't blame me if you choose to ignore it.
ReplyDeleteI only post under my own handle, unlike other people.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama and his advisors (Dr. Ezekial Emanuel, etc.), Clif - they're apparently agianst a single-payer system, too. Why the hell aren't you attacking them, too?
ReplyDeleteI never once said that I was against Medicare, Clif (strawman!!). I just don't think that we should be adding to the dole until we can figure out a way in which we can save, HELLO!!!!!!, Medicare. Seriously, Clif, you need to learn a little about demographics, the fact that the baby boomers are going to be stretching this program that we both apparently like.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDelete" Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true single-payer health care plan." He said that in the Rachel Maddow interview. About half-way through the interview he says it
And how does any of that translate into the BILL you claimed he introduced into congress last week?
Huh troll?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI never once said that I was against Medicare, Clif (strawman!!). I just don't think that we should be adding to the dole until we can figure out a way in which we can save, HELLO!!!!!!, Medicare.
uhhh, don't know how to break this to you dumbass, but medicare is suffering from a lack of funding.
The way to "save" it is to increase funding.
Did your mom have any kids who lived?
I tend to stop blogging around Midnight, Cliffy (CT's in the Eastern time zone) - FYI. It has to do with work (going to bed so I can get up, etc.)
ReplyDeleteSee troll, if we voted for increasing coverage under medicare to cover all Americans, that would include FUNDING.
You really are a stupid little troll.
Rachel Maddow's show was last week and THAT is how I got the frigging information. HELLO!!!!!! What, now that you're busted, you're going to do a Clintonian parcing of words. At first you guys denied that he said these words. Now that you can't deny them (because they on a frigging video) anymore, here comes the legalese. Absolutely pathetic.
ReplyDeleteAll you're basically saying is that taxes would go up astronomically if we put forth a single-payer, one size fits all model. You're definitely right about that.
ReplyDeleteObama evidently hasn't gotten your guys' memo. Is he stupid, too. He must be. He agrees with me.
ReplyDeleteThe government can't even run a frigging cash for clunkers program. And you guys want them to take over 16% of the U.S. economy. I'm comforted. LOL
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteRachel Maddow's show was last week and THAT is how I got the frigging information. HELLO!!!!!!
Hello is right, troll.
You're a liar and you were from the beginning.
HERE is what you said troll.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Talk to Congressman Weiner. He just introduced single-payer legislation/told Rachel Maddow that his goal was to eliminate private health insurance coverage.
8:48 PM
THATS what you said, troll.
Only he didn't introduce legislation to end private health insurance coverage on Maddow's show.
He introduced legislation to end MEDICARE.
Here's what Will actually said one more time.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Talk to Congressman Weiner. He just introduced single-payer legislation/told Rachel Maddow that his goal was to eliminate private health insurance coverage.
8:48 PM
We corrected him, pointing out that the LEGISLATION he introduced was to end medicare, not private insurance coverage.
We pointed this out to Will, and willy boy disappeared.
Then, he waits until his original comment gets buried, and then comes back in a days later and LIES through his rotted teeth.
Once more the troll's own words reveal him for a liar.
ReplyDeleteWill's normal operation.
When busted on the lie, disappear.
Wait a few hours or days until the post count buries the lie, then return and pretend he never said it.
Then, when someone reposts the lie so he can't wriggle out of it, disappear again until he can shift attention off of it.
Trollology 101.
We already pay taxes.
ReplyDeleteWe already get services for those taxes.
Leave it to the republicans to find a group of people so dirt dumb ignorant as to protest against getting one more service in exchange for paying taxes.
Stupidity is the number one resource of the RNC.
"hmmm...lemme see...... I could continue to pay taxes and get the services I already get and nothing more....or ..............I could continue pay taxes and get the services I already get plus health care too.
ReplyDeleteGee.....I'll choose "A" Monty....."
The golden beer of republican kings.
So widdle will you have NO answers to the questions I asked,
ReplyDeleteYOU just ignore then and continue your don Quixote routine against single payer with out actually explaining why the rest of the planet that has them hasn't collapsed like you claim we would do.
Typical concern trolling there bub
...(crickets chirping)...
ReplyDeleteGetting EVERYBODY in the country onto Medicare won't cost any additional revenue? Now THAT is some left-wing stupidity. I'll be back. I'm going to leave the computer and exercise. Is that O.K.?
ReplyDeleteI thought that would get the lurking troll to burp.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteGetting EVERYBODY in the country onto Medicare won't cost any additional revenue
See folks? Took this two bit scumbag just a few hours to dream up this lie.
Notice how he, as I predicted, completely ignores being exposed in his lie about Weiners bill?
Notice how he just changes the issue by inventing another lie?
No one said that it wouldn't cost money.
No one.
No where.
At no time.
But this douchebag troll just pretends we did.
No one said it wouldn't cost more money troll.
ReplyDeleteWhen you get back from jerking off, you can own up to that lie too.
Alright, I'm going to try this one more time. The only thing that I ask is that you read these words slowly and carefully. 1) Yes I am aware of the Medicare legislation that Weiner introduced. It was an attempt on his part to embarrass the Republicans and, yes, mission accomplished (it was actually quite crafty). 2) And, yes, he did in fact talk about this on the Maddow show. Are we in agreement so far? 3) But, BUT, about halfway through the interview, the suject turned to single-payer. It was at this point that Weiner said, a) "Why even have private insurance at all?" and b) Tomorrow I'll be taking the next step by offering a true single-payer health care plan" (I think it was around the 4 minute mark of the interview). 4) It was a day or two after that that I informed you guys of this plan. 5) I also informed you of Congressman Weiner's own web-site in which he has a link (drum-roll, please) labeled, "Weiner pushes for single-payer system". Now, unless Mr. Weiner is lying about this, I really think that you can pretty much take that to the bank. 6) I'm also very curious as to why you won't answer my question about Obama. He evidently isn't in favor of single-payer, either. Why are you not attacking him? I mean, you do put priciples over politics, don't you. 7) I have in no way approached this issue from a right-wing perspective. I am FOR tighter regulations on the insurance companies. I am FOR (or at least I'm not opposed to) providing Medicaid to the working poor who don't have insurance (this I would pay for with cuts in foreign aid and farming subsidies to agribusiness). And I am willing to entertain Senator Conrad's ideas regarding co-opts (as an alternative to the public option). Look, I know that you guys see everything in black and white but, believe it or not, there's a large chunk of us out here who don't like Sean Hannity OR Keith Olbermann. And we don't deserve to be labeled by a mental midget menagerie.
ReplyDeleteI'll leave it up to Lydia to decide if she wants to allow the language that this fellow uses ("blanking off"). He says that we "already pay taxes", implying that it wouldn't require more. And when he quotes me, he leaves off the question mark. I was asking him a question (granted, it was rhetorical). We already pay taxes, he goes. LOL I can see why Volt doesn't like coming here anymore (and MCH....and Frank Frey....).
ReplyDeleteSo widdle will you have NO answers to the questions I asked,
ReplyDeleteYOU just ignore then and continue your don Quixote routine against single payer with out actually explaining why the rest of the planet that has them hasn't collapsed like you claim we would do.
Typical concern trolling there bub
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteAlright, I'm going to try this one more time. The only thing that I ask is that you read these words slowly and carefully. 1) Yes I am aware of the Medicare legislation that Weiner introduced. It was an attempt on his part to embarrass the Republicans and, yes, mission accomplished (it was actually quite crafty). 2) And, yes, he did in fact talk about this on the Maddow show. Are we in agreement so far?
Only if you agree you're a lying sack of shit.
Funny widdle will thinks he is arguing against single payer, but can't define EXACTLY what type of single payer is being proposed, nor can he state why single payer is bad for any body but rich wall street corporate medical conglomerates and their greedy owners.
ReplyDeleteAll he has is the same TIRED old RNC reich wing talking points he pushes
exactly which single payer system are you arguing against son?
ReplyDeletethe VA system?
Medicare system
Medicaid system
Canadian system where well over 90% of the Canadians are satisfied.
German system where more then 90% of the citizens of ermany give it high marks?
What is the problem widdle will?
You didn't say all that troll.
ReplyDeleteWhat you said was this.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Talk to Congressman Weiner. He just introduced single-payer legislation/told Rachel Maddow that his goal was to eliminate private health insurance coverage.
8:48 PM
THATS what you said troll.
Deal with it.
What is so bad about the German system?
ReplyDeleteOr Swedish system?
Why do more Americans go to Canada just to buy drugs then the total number of Canadians come to the US for all aspects of health care?
Come on widdle will you are against these style systems, so you should be able to explain what is wrong with them.
ReplyDeleteExplain what is your exact objection to the systems the vast majority of the civilized world uses to handle the health care of their citizens?
You spout so much you MUST have studied them right?