Quote of the Day: " To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own." - Abraham Lincoln
CONGRATULATIONS to the OSCAR WINNERS!! I am thrilled about Kate Winslet, Sean Penn and SlumDog Millionaire - my favorite movie.
We need to inspire each other and stop spiraling down into so much fear about the economy. We need to lift each other up with hope and inspiration. We are entering the era of enlightenment. If the naysayers would stop trying to defeat Obama's economic recovery plans before it can see the light of day, everyone would win. (oops that was a funny typo earlier!) Our thoughts create our reality. Please give our new President a chance. And BANKS MUST START LENDING. (We are writing a persuasive argument about this issue now. Stay tuned!)
"If we have enough to money to kill people, we should have enough to help people." - from "Sicko" Michael Moore
I found this from "The Happy Pill" at Wordpress:
All of a sudden at the moment when I’ve pretty much reached the depths of my despair and discouragement this quote pops into my head that just really gives me a boost. It was something that gave me the faith and courage to keep on going in spite of it all. I’m going to write it below real big and hope you’ll remember it in case you reach a stage in your life where you feel you’ve reached your rock bottom. I hope that it will be an encouragement to you as it was for me. The quote was:
You’re never nearer the top, as when you’ve hit rock bottom!
Don’t exactly know where it’s from but that thought gave me an instantaneous surge of encouragement when I needed it so badly. Really, I couldn’t go any lower at the time and there was only one way to go and that was back up. The thought that this personal situation might end up propelling instantly to the top, or at least back up, gave me hope. It kinda reminded me of another quote that I heard with a similar meaning which said something to the affect of “God’s way up, is down!”.
If you look throughout history you will find so many examples of people who had terrible things done to them or did terrible things themselves. After hitting rock bottom in their lives, they didn’t give up, they just took the situation from where they were, kept fighting and often went on to do bigger, better and greater things than ever. There low point was a necessary stage, position, state of being, or catalyst that brought them closer to God, taught them important lessons and usually ended up spring boarding them back to heights higher than they had ever gone before. From From thehappypill.wordpress.com/ tag/love/
Joke of the Day:
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl."
The priest asks, "Is that you, Joey?"
"Yes, Father, it is."
"And who was the girl you were with?"
"I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation."
"Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?"
"I cannot say."
"Was it Nina Capelli?"
"I'm sorry, but I cannot name her."
"Was it Cathy Piriano?"
"My lips are sealed."
"Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?"
"Please, Father. I cannot tell you."
The priest sighs in frustration. "You're very tight-lipped, and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for four months. Now you go and behave yourself."
Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?"
"Four-months vacation and five good leads."
Strange as it may seem to you, there exists a mystic power that is able to transform your life so thoroughly, so radically, so completely, that when the process is completed your own friends would hardly recognize you, and, in fact, you would scarcely be able to recognize yourself. You would sit down and ask yourself: "Can I really be the man or woman that I vaguely remember, who went about under my name six months or six years ago? Was I really that person? Could that person have possibly been me?" And the truth will be that while in one sense you are indeed the same person, yet in another sense you will be someone utterly different.
This mystic but intensely real force can pick you up today, now, from the midst of failure, ruin, misery, despair – and in the twinkling of an eye, as Paul said, solve your problems, smooth out your difficulties, cut you free from any entanglements, and place you clear, safe, and happy upon the highroad of freedom and opportunity.
It can lift you out of an invalid’s bed, make you sound and well once more, and free to go out into the world to shape your life as you will. It can throw open the prison door and liberate the captive. It has a magical healing balm for the bruised or broken heart.
This mystic Power can teach you all things that you need to know, if only you are receptive and teachable. It can inspire you with new thoughts and ideas, so that your work may be truly original. It can impart new and wonderful kinds of knowledge as soon as you really want such knowledge – glorious knowledge – strange things not taught in schools or written in books. It can do for you that which is probably the most important thing of all in your present stage: it can find your true place in life for you, and put you into it too. It can find the right friends for you, kindred spirits who are interested in the same ideas and want the same things that you do. It can provide you with an ideal home. It can furnish you with the prosperity that means freedom, freedom to be and to do and to go as your soul calls.
This extraordinary Power, mystic though I have rightly called it, is nevertheless very real, no mere imaginary abstraction, but actually the most practical thing there is. The existence of this Power is already well known to thousands of people in the world today, and has been known to certain enlightened souls for tens of thousands of years. This Power is really no less than the primal Power of Being, and to discover that Power is the Divine birthright of all men. It is your right and your privilege to make your contact with this Power, and to allow it to work through your body, mind, and estate, so that you need no longer grovel upon the ground amid limitations and difficulties, but can soar up on wings like an eagle to the realm of dominion and joy.
But where, it will naturally be asked, is this wonderful, mystic Power to be contacted? Where may we find it? And how is it brought into action? The answer is perfectly simple – This Power is to be found within your own consciousness, the last place that most people would look for it. Right within your own mentality there lies a source of energy stronger than electricity, more potent than high explosive; unlimited and inexhaustible. You only need to make conscious contact with this Power to set it working in your affairs; and all the marvelous results enumerated can be yours. This is the real meaning of such sayings in the Bible as "The Kingdom of God is within you"; and "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all the rest shall be added." - Emmet Fox, "Power Through Constructive Thinking"
Loony Award of the Year:
Michele Bachmann: "We're Running Out Of Rich People In This Country" »
The Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner | February 17, 2009 at 03:17 PM
In an interview with a conservative talk show host, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has once again embarrassed herself. Posted by the blog Dump Bachmann and picked up by the MN Progressive Project, the clip has the Minnesota Republican telling KLTK's Chris Baker that she opposes she stimulus because we're "running out of rich people in this country."
By the way Michelle: ACORN is not getting a penny from the Stimulus plan. STOP LYING.
Also, please post your opinions of the OSCAR show.
ReplyDeleteWe are soon posting a persuasive essay on why BANKS MUST START LENDING. Bart has written extensively on this and we all have to agree that this is of the utmost urgency.
How can we get them to start lending? That is the big question......
I thought it was nice that they gave Heath Ledger the Oscar for best supporting. It really was sad that he died so young, when he was just getting started.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce was almost too hot.
My plasma screen melted.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteHow can we get them to start lending? That is the big question......
My plan is simple.
We give them the money but ONLY for lending.
Bush gave them 350 BILLION a few months ago but he put no stipulations on it for them to lend. So they didn't.
If we gave them the money but only for the purpose of lending, that would do it.
We could start with 100 Billion and go from there. Given a median home sale price of between 200,000 and 250,000, 100 Billion would create approximately 400,000 home sales, more than half of our losses in that area from 2007 to 2008.
That would translate to a boom in jobs, bringing back MILLIONS of jobs almost overnight.
All those ladies out there living in their vans in that LA Parking lot, who worked for the mortgage industry would suddenly find their jobs returning.
All those construction workers, home inspectors, realtors, builders, etc.
They'd all go back to work if we did this.
They'd HAVE to. Because someone has to sell and build the homes. Someone has to write the loans. Do the inspections. Ready the landscapes. Research the titles. Etc.
Home sales means jobs jobs jobs.
And more jobs.
And to make that happen all we have to do is make mortgage loans readily available again. Once home lending returns, home selling will return.
Same for the auto industry.
And as for specifics, there's one of three ways I can see us doing this.
ReplyDeleteI've listed them in order of preference.
1. Create a federal lending pool on which banks and lenders could make home loans. Do the same for auto loans. Banks keep the fees and interest. Principal payments are returned to the pool.
2. Inject the capital directly into the banks, but with restrictions attached requiring it only be used for making loans. Place a time period of 12 months on the funds requiring the funds be lent out by the end of the period or returned to the fed for redistribution.
3. Create a lending insurance fund, similar to the (or an extension of) FDIC. Insure all loans that are made for the next 12 to 24 months, whereby if a borrower defaults, the Fed repays the full value of the note to the lender, thus removing risk to the lender during this crisis.
Any one of these three methods will work. I like the first one best because it dangles the money in front of the lenders but only lets them access the funds when making loans.
But either of the three methods would work.
If we did either of these three things, we'd see an economic turn around by Christmas.
Ahhh...The Oscars.
ReplyDeleteI, to be totally honest, haven't watched the Oscars or the Grammys in years. The last time I watched one of them (I don't remember which) Elizabeth Taylor was at the podium and something was really wrong. She couldn't read the teleprompter or her papers...they took her off stage in a wheelchair after she left us with the comment, "...I'm used to winning these damn things not giving the damn things out..."
Bless her heart...She's fought some pretty scary demons...in her own person and she has stood strong and tall against the nasty demons that plauge many. I'll never forget on one occasion some woman at a press conference barked out something to the effect of, "...aren't you afraid you'll catch AIDS by kissing one of those (some deroggetory term)...she read her and the likes of her the shredding riot act as only Liz could do...as we all know she must have been a truck driver in another life... "...and YOU ARE IGNORANT...AND WHAT YOU SAID IS IGNORANT...SOMEONE GET THIS BROAD OUTTA HERE...!!!" Something to the effect of this was said...with my jaw on the floor all I could think of was, "If only Joe could see this!" He was a very good friend that I lost to that affliction...
Amazing lady like Lydia...
Standing up for what she believes...Not backing down when she knows she's right...and VERY passionate about her mission in life...and finally, giving back to her adoring public by acts as mentioned above...there's a high price to pay for being famous but, if used wisely...great things happen because, fans will listen to you.
Back to the Oscars.
I think the last time I went to see a picture was for something just for kicks (Fantastic Four #1?)
Once in a million years I'll read something...or see a trailer...or the word of mouth thing...and I'll go to the show without hesitation. Doubt. That is an amazing film. I sat on the edge of my seat the entire film. For a guy with ADHD...I couldn't get enough of this film...if it were a 4 hour movie...I would have watched with the same intensity. All charachters were played so brilliantly. The lighting director, with his shadows, pale faces...almost black and white at times, created a sense of the sometimes creepy sense of "Doubt"
I think Meryl, without doubt, should have owned that Oscar. No questions.
I know some had hesitations about the film...maybe I did too...about the whole Catholic abuse thing. It really wasn't much about that. It was more about, doing what's right...at all costs. It was about powerplay...politics...heirarchy...crime...deciept...and my personal favorite subject...the incredible power of women.
I have a whole review on Doubt...or my thoughts on the film. Actually, I think I just rattled them off. haha
As I said, I don't see many movies unless I have incredible urgency to so...I guess having not seen the others...I can't really debate. However, had you seen this film...I think you would understand what I'm talking about. Anyone have any input on that film?
No Fear said...
ReplyDeleteAhhh...The Oscars.
I, to be totally honest, haven't watched the Oscars or the Grammys in years. The last time I watched one of them (I don't remember which) Elizabeth Taylor was at the podium and something was really wrong. She couldn't read the teleprompter or her papers...they took her off stage in a wheelchair after she left us with the comment, "...I'm used to winning these damn things not giving the damn things out..."
I totally forgot to add that during this whole Elizabeth Taylor drama on the award show I recieved a call from Beth Hart. There are no co-inciednts. She had a big hit song called "L.A. Song" It was about being an artist and the suffering and the sometimes addiction problems...that can come with the territory. I know many artists, like her, that have been tormented by chemical addiction...my belief is that a singer, writer, actor is always crying to be heard and ultimately...the only ones that will listen is a line or a shot. Or so they have been tricked to believe...
I usually watch the Oscars if for anything to see the glitzy, glamorous starlets. Kate Winslet's looking awfully nice these days. So is Penelope Cruz.
ReplyDeleteI was glad they gave Heath Ledger the Oscar though, that was a cool thing to do.
The problem I have commenting on the movies is I haven't seen any of them.
I stopped going to public movies about 10 years ago. I just got tired of people talking, cell phones ringing, babies crying, etc. Back when I was young we used to have Ushers that walked around with flashlights with little red cones on them (so as not to disturb the other patrons). If that light shined on you you knew you'd better shut up or they'd escort you out. Those were the days, lol.
So I ended up building my own home theater, complete with surround sound, 106 inch screen, digital projector and comfortable seating. The only problem with that is I have to wait for the DVD to come out, so I am always 3 to 6 months behind everyone in knowing what is a good movie and what is not.
I'm anxious to see the "Reader", simply for the privilege of seeing Kate Winslet naked, lol. Just kidding.
I really can't comment on the movies because I haven't seen them.
Geez Bart...
ReplyDeleteTHOSE were the days!
There is nothing worse than trying to watch a show and there is someone a few seats away saying, "...nah, I'm at the movies...what? Hell no! She sucks...I can't believe I paid $10 bucks for this..."
No joke!
As far as your movie theater...it sounds like the bomb!
I thought I was the only one on here that remembers days without cellphones or having ushers in the theater...or having respect enough for your fellow movie goer to just shut the f*** up!!!
No Fear said...
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one on here that remembers days without cellphones or having ushers in the theater...or having respect enough for your fellow movie goer to just shut the f*** up!!!
We're dating ourselves with that admission, lol.
As for my movie theater, its nice, but its not what I want.
ReplyDeleteOne day, when this crisis is over and I'm independently wealthy, I plan on building one in as separate building. I've already designed it.
1000 square feet. Sloped floor. 17 foot ceiling with stage lights. 5 rows of actual movie seats. Lighted isle and a functional lobby with a full candy counter and concessions stand and of course old fashioned Atari video games (i.e. Missile Command, Bezerk, Battletank,). Even swing door bathroom and lobby to theater entrance doors.
I've got it all worked out and while it sounds expensive it's really not. Its mostly a matter of being willing to use used equipment which you can buy from Office and Theater closings and such, and of course the building, which would likely be a pole barn or metal Quonset Hut.
Right now my theater's in a fairly large room but I want the real McCoy. One I can invite friends over and really have a good time with.
Thanks for the insightful comments on the movies! And banking.
ReplyDeletePlease see The Reader everyone. And then will you read my review last blog post? It is such a deeply complex movie, and it still haunts me.
For sheer exhilaration, Slumdog is the best. I'm glad I saw it in the beginning, cuz there is so much hype, it's always a let-down when a film gets that many accolades.
The first scene was so brutal I almost walked out... glad I didn't.
Like I said Lydia, I will but I have to wait for the DVD to come out.
ReplyDeleteEven talking head Norah O’Donnell is wise to the idiocy of the republican’ts and their mantra of NO;
ReplyDeleteNorah O’Donnell exposes Republican hack John Feehery’s talking points in about a second and leaves him scratching his head like a dimwit when he had no response after he was asked to name one “pork barrel” project contained in the stimulus bill. (rough transcript)
Feehery:…. They go first with this huge pork bill.
O’Donnell: Name one piece of pork.
Feehery: Ahhh, bhah,,,You can’t do that to me right now, I can’t think of it right now, but it was a huge bunch of stuff that we don’t even know what’s in there.
O’Donnell: Well the reason I ask and it’s not to put you on the spot and everything, but it’s not pork. A lot of people say what it is, it’s infrastructure spending, it is spending that is stimulative. That’s what the White House says.
O’Donnell: Let me get this straight: Republicans want to come out and be against helping people who are unemployed?
Feehery: No, they don’t want to do that, but they…
O’Donnell: But that’s what it sounds like…
Feehery: What they don’t want to is go bankrupt in the off years and that’s why Republican governors are having a hard time with this legislation … the relief is temporary, but the changes are costly forever.
O’Donnell: Well it doesn’t sound clear that the republican party knows exactly what to do quite frankly since there’s this disagreement between the government on what to do. I want to read from the Politico, which has an interesting story today which says: Republicans are hatching a political comeback by dusting off a strategic playbook written nearly two decades ago.
Its themes: Unite against Democrats’ economic policy, block and counter health-care reform and tar them from spending scandals.The key point, a playbook from two decades ago. This is really I guess the grand old party.
Is that really the best Republicans have?
Feehery: Well, hopefully not …
O”Donnell: Is anybody a thinker in that party?
people if Norah O’Donnell is a callin’ you rubes Dumb,
you is really really dumb.
Here’s hopin’ Palin in 2012, to put the final nail in the reich-wing GOPer coffin for all time.
H/T crooksandliars.
lol, yes I saw that. Nora O'Donnell.
ReplyDeleteWho'dve thunk it?
The Bush administration policy of rendition. Oh, wait a minute, I guess we're going to have to call it the Bush/Obama policy of rendition NOW. Change we can believe in? You decide, I guess.
ReplyDeleteWill, don't you have a Ann Coulter Appreciation Society meeting to attend?
ReplyDeleteAs far as the banks.... they are behaving about like they did in the 1930s. I'm not sure why anyone thought they wouldn't, since history told us that they'd start hoarding to try to put down reserves against their presumed bad debt loads. Maybe the way to go is to set up some kind of a Federal "economic stimulus" authority for lending money, because even if they do front banks more money strictly for lending, they'll use accounting tricks to hoard it.
I just got done slamming Ann Coulter, JR. Not that that matters, of course.
ReplyDeleteJolly Roger said...
ReplyDeleteAs far as the banks.... they are behaving about like they did in the 1930s. I'm not sure why anyone thought they wouldn't, since history told us that they'd start hoarding to try to put down reserves against their presumed bad debt loads. Maybe the way to go is to set up some kind of a Federal "economic stimulus" authority for lending money, because even if they do front banks more money strictly for lending, they'll use accounting tricks to hoard it.
Your point is well taken JR except for the fact that we didn't try injecting lending capital yet.
Everyone keeps saying or talking like we did, but we didn't.
We gave them money and "hoped" they spend it on lending.
We "crossed our fingers" and handed it over.
So lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater, and give up on whats worked before. And whats worked before is injecting capital into the banks for lending, insuring loans and deposits, and of course and most critical, liquidating failed institutions and redistributing wealth and debt, so as to strengthen healthier institutions.
Your idea of the fed lending the money I agree would get the job done, but like the idea of nationalization it is moving away from capitalism and making the government our bankers and landlords. If the government is writing the loans then the government will own our homes.
While we can debate the merits of that I just don't see the need to abandon our system of free enterprise and capitalism. Not when there are other options at hand. Particularly options that have already been proven to work.
If we did like I said and simply set up a federal lending pool and permitted banks to write loans against it, how can they cheat on that?
The money is only accessible when writing home loans, not for the bank to access in any other way. Its not something they could manipulate to their advantage legally.
Remember they squandered this 350 Billion Bush gave them, but they did it legally. We just gave them the money, and hoped they'd lend it.
It was stupid, so lets not overreact to a stupid plan that didn't work. Of course they hoarded it, as you said. Because we let them. So we don't let them.
We structure the funds so that they are only available for making home loans. Do the same thing with auto loans. And the easiest way to structure them for lending is to create a lending fund that the banks can write notes against.
Or you could inject it directly into the banks with stipulations that it is only for lending enforced by legislation and oversight. Remember, this problem with the lenders began by removing that oversight. Like I've been saying now for over a year we need to return that oversight and that problem goes away.
We could also put the money into an insurance fund and insure loans against default.
Either of those three methods would ensure a significant return of wide scale lending without requiring abandoning the capitalism that built this country.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteThe Bush administration policy of rendition. Oh, wait a minute, I guess we're going to have to call it the Bush/Obama policy of rendition NOW. Change we can believe in? You decide, I guess.
Well, we'll have to see where he's going with all this but you're right, he's made some really poor moves in that area recently.
But if I didn't know better I'd say you seem almost pleased about it.
Not so much pleased as vindicated. I basically never saw this guy as any sort of transformative figure, just a hair or two better than McCain. That's all. But, unlike Limbaugh, I am rooting for him. I mean, why would I want the economy to nose-dive. Nobody wins if that happens.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteNot so much pleased as vindicated.
Then it's safe to say you are pleased that you are vindicated?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI basically never saw this guy as any sort of transformative figure, just a hair or two better than McCain. That's all. But, unlike Limbaugh, I am rooting for him.
"this guy"?
A "hair or two better than McCain"?
Ra ra ra.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteNot so much pleased as vindicated. I basically never saw this guy as any sort of transformative figure, just a hair or two better than McCain. That's all. But, unlike Limbaugh, I am rooting for him. I mean, why would I want the economy to nose-dive. Nobody wins if that happens
What are we talking about here? The economy or President Obama doing away with the Bush era policies?
I'm only asking because you started out criticizing him for seeming to endorse rendition but you want him to win for the economy?
Perhaps it would be good to remove any ambiguity on the question and clarify your own position on rendition.
Just so we're clear.
I dont even know why Lydia asked for opinions -- there is only one opinion that matters. If you raise one that disagrees with Bart, he'll viciously attack you, call you names, post 169 times telling you you're a liar, and then whine that you attacked him first.
ReplyDeleteLydia has confirmed for me that she doesnt give a shit about the blog. I dont either anymore. Bart -- you have no interest in fixing the problems in this country, you just want to sit and cry about them.
Well have yourself a good cry. Im out of here for the last time.
I'm against rendition, Bart. And, yes, I always want the country/economy to do well - NO MATTER WHO'S in COMMAND!!
ReplyDeleteMCH, feel free to leave comments over at my blog. I'd personally like to hear what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteMCH said...
ReplyDeleteI dont even know why Lydia asked for opinions -- there is only one opinion that matters. If you raise one that disagrees with Bart, he'll viciously attack you, call you names, post 169 times telling you you're a liar, and then whine that you attacked him first.
The only one who is "viciously attacking" anyone here is you.
Scroll up and look at the comments and produce the "vicious attacks" you are falsely accusing me of.
Everyone is going out of their way to be reasonable and polite.
But you for some reason seem hell bent on stirring up trouble.
MCH said...
ReplyDeleteLydia has confirmed for me that she doesnt give a shit about the blog. I dont either anymore.
Then why do you keep coming in and launching into a tirade of insults and profane personal attacks on me?
If you don't care about the blog as you constantly profess, why would you so consistently try to start trouble?
Everyone was discussing the issues and everyone was being reasonable and polite.
So why would you come into a blog you claim not to care about and launch another tirade of personal attacks on me?
MCH said...
ReplyDeleteBart -- you have no interest in fixing the problems in this country, you just want to sit and cry about them.
So that's why I spend my time offering solutions instead of "sitting and crying" about the problems like you?
All you've done is offer complaints, and calling for "heads to roll".
I on the other hand have been 100 percent consistent in offering SOLUTIONS.
You have offered none, thus this portion of your juvenile tirade against me is really just describing yourself.
You're the one crying about it.
I, and others in here are offering solutions.
MCH said...
ReplyDeleteWell have yourself a good cry. Im out of here for the last time.
Yea, well as you love to point out about me, we've heard that one before.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteMCH, feel free to leave comments over at my blog. I'd personally like to hear what you have to say.
No one said anything to him MCH, so please don't patronize his martyrdom by suggesting anyone attacked or attempted to silence him here.
As the posts clearly show.
No one attacked MCH in here. He is lying about that as the comments show.
The fact that he is childishly upset because someones actually listening to solutions I am offering for the crisis, is his problem.
No one said word one to him yet he is infuriated to the point of lashing out at both Lydia and me in a tirade of juvenile rants.
Clearly the more focused we are on the problem, ....the more intent we are on discussing solutions, and avoiding personal attacks and his emotional nonsense, the more angry he becomes.
At least, that's what the posts show.
In fact, the more polite and focused on the issues I am, the more enraged MCH becomes.
ReplyDeleteThat speaks more loudly to his intentions here, than anything I could possibly say.
But I will offer a solution, as well as an olive branch.
ReplyDeleteInstead of trying to bait me into an exchange of bellicose barbs, or trying to make Lydia feel guilty for daring to agree with me on one single issue(lending), how about presenting whatever arguments or evidence you have to refute what I've written?
Because so far you've only disagreed with the idea of anyone agreeing with me.
Instead of always making this personal, how about you drop the guilt trips on Lydia, quit trying to drive a wedge between her and myself and instead simply address my positions?
I will in turn remain focused on the issues, and ignore any history we have between us.
ReplyDeleteAs I've said now a hundred times, this isn't about me, its about the crisis our country is in, and unfreezing credit and getting the banks to lend is the only way we are going to save and or return the millions of jobs lost and being lost in the housing and auto industries.
My logic is simple and my solution is not difficult.
Instead of just throwing money at the problem and offering band aid solutions, we simply set aside some of the billions we are throwing at the problem for making home and auto loans. And there's three easy ways to do just that, that I've spelled out.
1. Create a federal lending pool on which banks and lenders could make home loans. Do the same for auto loans. Banks keep the fees and interest. Principal payments are returned to the pool.
2. Inject the capital directly into the banks, but with restrictions attached requiring it only be used for making loans. Place a time period of 12 months on the funds requiring the funds be lent out by the end of the period or returned to the fed for redistribution.
3. Create a lending insurance fund, similar to the (or an extension of) FDIC. Insure all loans that are made for the next 12 to 24 months, whereby if a borrower defaults, the Fed repays the full value of the note to the lender, thus removing risk to the lender during this crisis.
Any one of these three methods will work. I am open to discussing any reasons why you feel they would not.
You'll never drive Bartlebee from here you twisted crying freak,this is Bartlebee's domain.
ReplyDeleteOh give it a rest Jackie.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.
No matter how hard I try to be reasonable and civil it seems like there are some here determined to try and goad me into the old bellicose exchanges and one liner nonsense.
Fortunately my commitment to civility is not predicated on their nonsense.
I'll remain focused on the issues and I am ready to discuss them in a civil manner with anyone capable of doing so.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama is offering MY PLAN!!!
Live before congress.
Sorry, but even I'm blown away.
Sorry, but that just blew me away.
ReplyDeleteHe just said that the core of the crisis is the LENDING freeze.
And not only that, he just said he's going to do MY PLAN! The one I've been preaching about in here for over a year now.
He actually used my exact words.
He said he's creating a HOME AND AUTO LENDING FUND.
I really am flabbergasted.
Did you guys see the Congress stand and applaud when he said he's creating a lending fund for home and auto loans?
ReplyDeleteDo you believe this Lydia?
He even used the very words I used.
He said he is creating a HOME and AUTO LENDING FUND!
Thats MY IDEA!!! He’s actually doing my idea.
Sorry for being giddy folks but I just can’t believe this.
Its like a weights been lifted off my shoulders.
If you guys thought I was impossible before, wait till you get a load of me now, LOL.
ReplyDeleteNo seriously, this is just fantastic.
He is doing it all. He is so incredibly on track its just amazing.
In all my wildest dreams I never ever thought he would actually announce he was doing exactly what I suggested.
I figured he might do a variation of it. I figured he might "touch" on lending.
But he was ALL OVER IT!
He said credit was the problem! He said lending needed to return before anything returns.
He even went down the list like I have done a million times in here, pointing out that if someone can buy a house then people sell houses, construction workers go back to work, etc.
If I'm strutting you all will have to pardon me because this is more than he is agreeing with me. Its that I KNOW IT WILL WORK!
He is ROCKING THE HOUSE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny, Obama in just a month found two TRILLON dollars over a decade, of waste in the budge ….
ReplyDeleteBush and the republican’t found NONE in eight?
Ok, I know I know. I just can’t help it folks. For once I’m blown away. I really don’t know what to say. I have been pushing this plan for a year now. Months in here and over a year elsewhere. I’ve emailed him, I’ve written my congressman, I’ve posted it on his “YES WE CAN” website.
ReplyDeleteI’ve pushed it to friends, families, bloggers, trolls, anyone who would listen.
And tonight I hear him get up before the congress and use almost the exact same words I’ve been writing on it for a year now. But you’re right. Its not about me. Its about the plan. And its a great plan. A lending fund for home and auto loans guarantees a resurgence of home and auto sales and that means JOBS! Economic growth.
And thats not all he’s saying. He’s on top of everything tonight. I don’t mean to sound like a giddy schoolgirl but I’m honestly blown away.
I’ve never seen a President so focused, so on track.
So forgive me, because I don’t get many nights like this.
Tomorrow I will be back to my usual droll self.
He just announced the closing of GITMO!
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ReplyDeleteWe've got a President.
ReplyDeleteWe've finally got a President.
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ReplyDeleteok. I've exposed myself to everyone.
ReplyDeleteSay your dirties.
They can't hurt me tonight.
ReplyDeleteHe is going to out maneuver and out class the republican'ts and unless they start finding solutions and not just obstruct from the weak position they actually are in, the party of No is gonna just get weaker.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most populist Presidential address since Teddy Roosevelt railed against “the malefactors of great wealth” in 1904.
ReplyDeleteclif said...
ReplyDeleteHe is going to out maneuver and out class the republican'ts and unless they start finding solutions and not just obstruct from the weak position they actually are in, the party of No is gonna just get weaker.
We’ve been here before, and fortunately this President is smart enough to know that, and not succumb to the baiting of the naysayers and defeatists on the right.
They need to either get on the train or get out of the way.
I honestly feel the first actual "hope" tonight that I've felt in almost 8 years.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know what to say. It's a really good feeling.
A really, really good feeling.
The republican nonsense response is on right now, and Bobby Jindal is delivering it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not even listening, because who cares what he has to say?
Please tell me Bobby Jindal ain’t the best hope the GOPers got?
ReplyDeleteComparing the response of Barack Obama to this economic crisis to Bush’s response to Katrina?
F#%king INSANE
Here we go again, tax cuts are the answer for everything;
ReplyDeleteDamn didn’t anybody tell him that idea is a failure according to the American people given the results of the last election.
He is starting to sound like he belongs at disney land
ReplyDeletehawking the we can do anything, display.
jindal was the best they could find,
That IDIOT Jindal sounds like Mr Roger;s he sounds like he's talking to a damn kindergardner..........if THATS the best they got the repugs are in BIG TROUBLE!
ReplyDeleteNote to the republican'ts;
ReplyDeleteNext time you need somebody to follow a great speech by Barack Obama,
Find somebody who actually looks and sounds all grown up.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteThat IDIOT Jindal sounds like Mr Roger;s he sounds like he's talking to a damn kindergardner..........if THATS the best they got the repugs are in BIG TROUBLE!
I didn’t listen because frankly I don’t care what he has to say. The republicans have by their partisan nonsense have made themselves irrelevant.
But from what Rachel Maddow said apparently he used the governments response to Katrina as a benchmark for where we should be….so I guess I might have missed a good laugh.
bart, I couldn't believe a republican't would use the republican't incompetence in reaction to Katrina to attack Obama who had nothing to do with it at all.
ReplyDeleteclif said...
ReplyDeletejindal was the best they could find,
Chris Matthews made a good point there about them picking Jindal.
He said they had to pick him because they couldn't pick a member of congress because they had nothing to do with the plan.
The republicans nonsense and can't do attitude has made them irrelevant so they had to farm out their response outside of Congress, because they didn't want attention drawn to the fact that they've been trying to throw a wrench into the recovery plan from day one.
The republicans are irrelevant. Their scorched earth policies and disregard for this country has made them so.
clif said...
ReplyDeletebart, I couldn't believe a republican't would use the republican't incompetence in reaction to Katrina to attack Obama who had nothing to do with it at all.
It was unbelievable.
Rachel Maddow couldn't even talk. She was speechless.
You could see it really took her back.
That was ignorance on a level that no one could have predicted.
Well I Hope Obama uses a lending fund that the lenders can tap ONLY to make loans I dont trust those bastards and they shouldnt touch a penny of taxpayer money.
ReplyDeletegreat comment about jindal and his happy talk;
ReplyDeleteDidn’t Bobby Jindal star in that comedy movie about White Castle hamburgers?
Any doubts I had about President Obama's plans or ideas have been swept away by this address tonight.
ReplyDeleteI never thought I'd have faith in another President again but I can honestly say that tonight I have the utmost faith in President Obama.
He was FDR like even.
clif said...
ReplyDeletegreat comment about jindal and his happy talk;
Didn’t Bobby Jindal star in that comedy movie about White Castle hamburgers?
Yea, I think you're right. He also was on that one where they got kidnapped to gitmo I think too.
Here. This comment from ThinkProgress.
ReplyDeleteI sure as hell see it! My day job is as office manager for a small construction firm. Even though we are a leader in our specialty in this area, we have been struggling to keep our small crew (and me!) working and paid these past few months.
If credit loosens up again, we will be back to our usual 3-month waiting list! And job security for 8 people.
It was an inspiring and uplifting speech, with fire and determination. I have to say, I am so pleased with this President, and totally willing to give him time to get it done!
I've been saying these IDIOT repugs are irrelevant for months now..........its only the dead-enders like Voltron that somehow feel that their slimy obstructionist fingerpointing means they are still relevant or powerrful.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of voltron, where is he?
ReplyDeletesulking of just feeling more depressed?
That speech ENDS the idiotic Reagan era
ReplyDeleteHe's probably up on the water tower with his pea shooter mutters dishonest Reich wing talking points.
ReplyDeleteThat was as commanding a performance, as confident of a performance as I have seen from a President
ReplyDeleteHoward Feinman
"This was the best darn budget speech as anyones ever made"
ReplyDeleteHoward Feinman
clif said...
ReplyDeleteThat speech ENDS the idiotic Reagan era
Remember the Jelly Bean speech?
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteHe's probably up on the water tower with his pea shooter mutters dishonest Reich wing talking points
The real irony here is what President Obama is doing will benefit him and his family too.
I missed the speech.......i'll have to watch the repeat........all I got to see was that Idiot Bobby Jindal's pathetic Mr Roger's impression.
ReplyDeletemike go here;
ReplyDeleteWell next time he needs replacement fur his granny hips, Obama will help him out.
ReplyDeleteThank God for Obama and God Bless America. For many years I've felt that our entire way of doing things has to change. This out-sourcing of all our manufacturing to China and India -- paying third world countries slave wages to maximize profits and avoid paying health care, and avoid safety regulations -- all for corporate profiteering had been SINISTER and evil.
ReplyDeleteAn economy based on predatory credit card companies and lenders is bizarre. A stock market that is just legalized gambling -- and a mafia-like corporatocracy -- NONE OF IT COULD LAST.
It was a house of cards. Back in those days I couldn't believe Michael Eisner got away with 200 million dollar bonus each year. I never understood home prices rising above $100,000 max.
It's funny that Cheney used to hold private energy meetings that barred anyone from participating but BIG OIL.
The Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.) had to be changed to Operation Iraqi Freedom because the acronym hit too close to home.
The things we should put these guys in prison for....
I think Obama's speech was the most hopeful, honest, clear and wonderful thing I've heard in a long time. It was not just a speech, but a plan.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI missed the speech.......i'll have to watch the repeat........all I got to see was that Idiot Bobby Jindal's pathetic Mr Roger's impression.
Oh Mike. You've got to see this address.
I can't even call it a speech. It was an address to Congress and the American people that was the best one I've ever seen in my life.
I'm not kidding here and I am not exaggerating. He covered EVERY base.
He is doing things we didn't even know he was doing. And of course, (don't get me started lol) he announced he is doing my plan, i.e. creating a federal lending fund for home and auto loans.
I really couldn't believe it. He covered small business growth, stabilizing financial institutions, everything.
This was the best I've ever seen in my life.
I actually started blubbering a little.
I'll deny that tomorrow.
He denounced torture.
ReplyDeleteHe announced the closure of gitmo.
He attacked health care.
It was unfreakinbelievable.
Lydia said..
ReplyDeleteI think Obama's speech was the most hopeful, honest, clear and wonderful thing I've heard in a long time. It was not just a speech, but a plan.
I was a plan and a way out and it was leadership.
This speech will be seen as the beginning of a new future,
ReplyDeletelike FDR's was.
Great catch by Ana Marie Cox.
ReplyDeleteBobbie Jindal said; the GOP lost the trust and deserved to lose the trust
of the American people
due to the total hypocrisy in the way they governed,
but now just one month later .....
drum roll please;
we should trust the GOP.
Bobby "Mr Rogers Neighborhood" Jindal basically said government is incompetent never trust government, the GOP doesnt deserve your trust but trust us anyway
ReplyDeleteclif said...
ReplyDeleteThis speech will be seen as the beginning of a new future,
like FDR's was.
Couldn't agree more.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteBobby "Mr Rogers Neighborhood" Jindal basically said government is incompetent never trust government, the GOP doesnt deserve your trust but trust us anyway
Yea, what was up with that?
"trust me, you can't trust me?"
Actually bart that would be
ReplyDeleteYou don't trust me,
I know I don't deserve to be trusted,
So trust me, please?
Now I know why they got somebody who looks 14, to try to deliver that with a straight face.
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ReplyDeleteAnd you know it's bad when the folks at Fox think Jindal blew it.
ReplyDeleteDamn when you lose your base .......
Oops Obama seems to have hit another one outa de park;
ReplyDeleteAnother national poll is out testing the reaction to Obama's speech, with CNN showing that speech-watchers came away feeling optimistic and reassured.
The numbers: 68% of viewers said they had a positive reaction, compared to 24% negative. And an astonishing 85% said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction the country is headed in (though granted, feeling more optimistic than before might be a low bar), and only 11% said it made them more negative.
And 82% of speech-watchers say they support Obama's economic plans as outlined in the speech, with only 17% against.
clif said...
ReplyDeleteAnd you know it's bad when the folks at Fox think Jindal blew it.
Damn when you lose your base .......
Yea, I saw that Clif.
Fox actually called Jindal's speech "amateurish and childish".
Which it was, it was just weird hearing the talking heads at Fox saying that.
Guess Jindal's 15 minutes are up, huh?
I wanna know where they hid "caribou barbie"
ReplyDeletecause you know she would of tried to hog the limelight
if she could of.
did they tell her to watch to see if da ruskies were a comin'?
ReplyDeleteclif said...
ReplyDeleteI wanna know where they hid "caribou barbie"
cause you know she would of tried to hog the limelight
if she could of.
Ok, I'm trying to be nice but....could you imagine if she gave the rebuttal?
What freakin' planet does He live on?
ReplyDeleteObama speech bad,
jindal speech good, but bad delivery?
and he LIKES the katrina reference?
Can someone please tell me what the hell they put in the reich-wing kool-aid?
Salt Peter.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was the yellow micro-dot.
ReplyDeleteyou know one thing interesting,
ReplyDeleteNO triangulation or co opting or the republican themes like Clinton did.
Obama ran on a platform, and for the most part this speech reflects that platform
3 weeks ago Bartlebee said...
ReplyDeleteOf course lending has to return before anything works, so while I want this bill passed we don't have to pretend its the only bill that will ever come out of congress again. We just passed one last quarter.
Things like a 15,000 tax break for home buyers and a 1500 tax break for auto buyers (something that's in this bill) are good moves to help those markets but of course they'll only work if the people can get the mortgages and auto loans to buy those homes and vehicles.
Lending is still the key but I believe this bill will stop the hemorrhaging at least, and keep us from going under. It won't take much to get lending going, just some federal insurance or a lending fund like I suggested.
And tonight, President Obama said...
You see, the flow of credit is the lifeblood of our economy. The ability to get a loan is how you finance the purchase of everything from a home to a car to a college education; how stores stock their shelves, farms buy equipment, and businesses make payroll.
But credit has stopped flowing the way it should. Too many bad loans from the housing crisis have made their way onto the books of too many banks. With so much debt and so little confidence, these banks are now fearful of lending out any more money to households, to businesses, or to each other.
When there is no lending, families can't afford to buy homes or cars. So businesses are forced to make layoffs. Our economy suffers even more, and credit dries up even further.
That is why this administration is moving swiftly and aggressively to break this destructive cycle, restore confidence, and re-start lending.
We will do so in several ways. First, we are creating a new lending fund that represents the largest effort ever to help provide auto loans, college loans, and small business loans to the consumers and entrepreneurs who keep this economy running.
Sorry, can't help myself.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how close what he said tonight is to what I have been saying for a over a year now.
It's eerie.
President Obama said...
ReplyDeleteSo the recovery plan we passed is the first step in getting our economy back on track.
But it is just the first step.
Because even if we manage this plan flawlessly, there will be no real recovery unless we clean up the credit crisis that has severely weakened our financial system.
I want to speak plainly and candidly about this issue tonight, because every American should know that it directly affects you and your family's well-being.
You should also know that the money you've deposited in banks across the country is safe; your insurance is secure; and you can rely on the continued operation of our financial system.
That is not the source of concern.
The concern is that if we do not re-start lending in this country, our recovery will be choked off before it even begins.
I said this (and a hundred more like it) 3 weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteIf lending doesn't return soon, those people will lose their jobs eventually, and then lending will become moot
Tonight the President said this;
The concern is that if we do not re-start lending in this country, our recovery will be choked off before it even begins.
Sorry. I'll stop now. It's just I've been so obsessed with getting this idea out there....that I never really considered that it would ever get out there.
ReplyDeleteOf course I'm not saying he saw my suggestions but who knows? I wrote him enough about it. And his staff. I also posted it in every major blog out there about a kazillion times.
You all know I've battered you to death about it. Here's what I said in ThinkProgress, in just one thread, three days ago.
“That LENDING MUST RETURN FIRST, BEFORE we throw money at other areas.”
“Return wide scale lending.”
“Create a Federal fund with it and allow lenders to draw against it to write loans.”
“Lending was the key as it still is.”
“If lending doesn’t return soon, those people will lose their jobs eventually, and then lending will become moot”
“Call, write or email your congressmen and tell them that they need to inject capital back into the banks for the SOLE PURPOSE OF LENDING. If they do that, the housing markets will return, and bringing millions and millions of jobs and lots of production with it.”
“If President Obama and congress created a vehicle to inject lending capital, and ONLY lending capital into the more stable banks, help collapse the unstable ones while redistributing their assets much like the RTC did, then we’d see a resurgence of jobs and economic growth almost overnight.”
“Lending is still the key but I believe this bill will stop the hemmoraging at least, and keep us from going under. It won’t take much to get lending going, just some federal imsurance or a lending fund like I suggested.”
“Restart lending and we prop up the economy again, meaning people go back to work, and the hemorrhaging stops long enough to do the sort of rebuilding and such people are talking about.”
“All we have to do is resurrect the RTC, or create a similar entity to restructure debt, inject lending capital and manage liquidation and restructuring of failing financial institutions.”
These are just a few of my comments on the subject over the past few days and weeks.
And here’s what President Obama said tonight.
“So the recovery plan we passed is the first step in getting our economy back on track.
But it is just the first step.
Because even if we manage this plan flawlessly, there will be no real recovery unless we clean up the credit crisis that has severely weakened our financial system.
I want to speak plainly and candidly about this issue tonight, because every American should know that it directly affects you and your family’s well-being.
You should also know that the money you’ve deposited in banks across the country is safe; your insurance is secure; and you can rely on the continued operation of our financial system.
That is not the source of concern.
The concern is that if we do not re-start lending in this country, our recovery will be choked off before it even begins.
You see, the flow of credit is the lifeblood of our economy. The ability to get a loan is how you finance the purchase of everything from a home to a car to a college education; how stores stock their shelves, farms buy equipment, and businesses make payroll.
But credit has stopped flowing the way it should. Too many bad loans from the housing crisis have made their way onto the books of too many banks. With so much debt and so little confidence, these banks are now fearful of lending out any more money to households, to businesses, or to each other.
When there is no lending, families can’t afford to buy homes or cars. So businesses are forced to make layoffs. Our economy suffers even more, and credit dries up even further.
That is why this administration is moving swiftly and aggressively to break this destructive cycle, restore confidence, and re-start lending.
We will do so in several ways. First, we are creating a new lending fund that represents the largest effort ever to help provide auto loans, college loans, and small business loans to the consumers and entrepreneurs who keep this economy running.“
You have to admit its pretty freakishly similar. Wouldn't it be a neat thought to think he actually saw it? lol
Its the term "Lending Fund" that puzzles me.
ReplyDeleteIts not a term I've ever heard a President say before, or in any political context for that matter.
Google the term "federal lending fund" and you get no direct matches.
It's just a term I came up with to describe my plan. So naturally it threw me to hear him utter those exact same words. Where'd they come up with the idea?
Did we just think about the plan and the exact same terminology at the same time?
Did someone else think of the same plan and the exact same terminology for it?
Possible. Don't know.
But you have to admit its at least plausible that they saw my letters, and got the plan and the term from them.
You never know, right?
Anyway thats all I have to say about it. Like I said its not about me its about the plan. And I don't care who suggested it or came up with it first or how he got the idea.
Just that he got it.
Given the comparison between Bobby Jindal and Kenneth from NBC's "30 Rock" and of course the Sarah Palin vs Tina Fey comparisons ......
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think the writers of 30 rock, are using a jedhi mind trick on the republicans, to keep their show popular.
That is as least as plausible, as the GOP thinking that Palin and Jindal are the best they have, to go up against Obama in four years isn't it?
Either that, or the Karma Gods have been working overtime, just to give comedians good material the last six months.
This analysis about sums up Jindal's childish "Mr Roger's Neighborhood" like "Me To" speech last night.
ReplyDelete""Bobby Jindal's Response Speech Demonstrates Business Storytelling Do's and Don'ts," says National Storytelling Expert
Avondale, AZ, February 25, 2009 --(PR.com)-- National storytelling expert and speaking coach, K. Sean Buvala, reviews Bobby Jindal's "Republican Response" speech and offers four public-speaking tips gleaned from the Governor's presentation.
Buvala, the director of the national storytelling resource site at Storyteller.net, says, "Regardless of anyone's political preferences, the Governor's speech illustrates that stories and storytelling can be used in any type of important speech. As a corporate storyteller, I was happy to see yet another national figure make use of story in their presentation. I also think that any person using stories can learn four things from Mr. Jindal's speech."
Use intentional hand gestures. Buvala says, "The Governor uses frequent, choppy hand gestures that are synchronous with the syllables of the words he speaks. It looks as if he is conducting an orchestra or cutting onions to the rhythm of his words. Speakers should plan the gestures that they will use with their stories. These intentional movements can then enhance the stories being told instead of being a distraction."
Be careful when using "Me too" stories. Mr. Buvala continues, "While I appreciate and respect the Governor's family story of struggling immigrants, his narrative immediately following his comments regarding the president's family history both lessens and distracts from the power of the Governor's background story. In order to seem less like a 'me too' attempt at connection, the story might have served better at the end of the story. While it is a good thing that the Governor used stories, the placement of those stories must be carefully considered. "
Use tone and pacing appropriate for your audience. Buvala notes that, "Bobby Jindal's pacing, tone and inflection during his speech reminded me of a school teacher giving a motivational speech to young children rather than a thoughtful reaction intended for thinking adults. The constant head nodding, the sharp intake of breath between sentences and the higher pitch of his speaking took power away from his stories, perhaps making his narratives sound childish. I'd suggest that the Governor concentrate on slowing his pace, intentionally speak with a lower pitch and allow himself to breath deeply by using longer pauses more often."
Use stories to "frame" your presentation. "Finally," says Sean Buvala, "although Mr. Jindal's family history story might have been better placed in the speech, he does refer back to his opening story at the end of his presentation, when speaking again of his father's words. This process, called 'framing,' reminds the listeners of the central point of a talk, giving them a virtual 'frame' in which to see the ideas painted with the speaker's words."
Buvala, who teaches monthly public workshops for business storytelling, knows that stories used in national conversations help unify listening audiences. "Governor Jindal's use of personal stories allows the audience to understand the speaker as a human being rather than just a 'talking head' for an ideology."
Sean Buvala is an award winning storyteller and has more than 23 years national experience in the art of storytelling. For more information about group or private coaching in the art of storytelling for corporate or business use, or to access Sean's free podcast, please contact Sean Buvala via his website at www.seantells.net.
Not only did Jindal sound like Fred Rogers talking to a 4 year old........but he also slimily stooped to the "Me To" racial minority with a compelling story gig which was pretty pathetic.
ReplyDeleteNot only is it pathetic that the repugs think THAT is the best they got.......but its even MORE pathetic that they think the formula for success is using a token minority to preach their message of Obstructionism, and being the party of Hoover and party of "NO".........from what he said to the childish condescending tone you would use to a 4 year old it says the repugs STILL think Americans are stupid and that their dishonest talking points and empty tired old rhetoric and failed ideologies can STILL be sold to the American people.
Obama is a new refreshing start. Time to forget the past, and get onto a better future.
ReplyDeleteJindal is the Gopper equivalent of a minstrel show, another blatant pander to try to convince people of their "inclusiveness." This is the same tactic that brought them so much success when they put Caribou Barbie on the national ticket. Why, the women of America just FLEW to the polls to vote for McCain, didn't they?
ReplyDeleteI knew the Goppers had no ideas, but I have been absolutely stunned lately at how completely stupid, breathtakingly stupid, they actually are. Apparently you can't wing it if all you have is a right wing.
Tom Delay is on Hardball claiming the President's speech last night was the "most irresponsible speech ever given by a president to Congress".
Yeah, "Hot Tub Tom" is sure going to sway a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteMethinks Dale Gribble inhaled too many of them insecticide fumes. But if he hadn't, he'd never have been the big star he was in the Gopper Party, so I guess maybe it sort of works out.
Hmmmm...testing...testing...is this thing on?
ReplyDeleteOkay... Bobby Jindal Fun Facts
ReplyDelete1.) He changed his first name from Piyul to Bobby after being "mesmerized" by an episode of the Brady Bunch when he was four years old.
2.) He converted to a very conservative form of Catholicism when he was in high school. He has apparently turned his back on his Hindu parents.
3.) While in college, took part in an exorcism ritual.
4.) Wrote some rather nasty unpleasant anti-Protestant remarks for the Oxford review.
This is the best my party has to offer? Teddy Roosevelt is doing 1000 rpm in his grave.
Bases his personality on the Brady Bunch,
ReplyDeleteemulates Kenneth the Page,
Rush the drug addict has a man crush on him?
I thought he WAS Sarah in slacks?!?
ReplyDeleteThere is something I feel that I should bring to your attention. Some of you undoubtedly already know about this scumbag; I found out while probing the "tubes" tonight, and I am appalled, incensed, infuriated, and sickened.
ReplyDeleteMeet Dave Schultheis
Bart, I sincerely hope that Obama's (and your) lending plan works (i.e., stimulates the economy). I mean, seriously, who the hell wants a depression. I certainly don't want to lose my MY job. But the thing is, guy, IT HAS TO WORK. Obama and his colleagues in Congress have just forked over over a trillion borrowed/freshly printed dollars in a manner that few, if any, independent voices are saying will be of a stimulative nature. 1) There's just not enough of that infrastructure spending that Obama initially promised and 2) that $13 dollar a week temporary tax cut that you so correctly lambasted will probably do nothing more than blow an even bigger hole in the deficit. You seem to like his (and your) banking plan more-so. Here's to hoping that you're right on this one, too.
ReplyDeleteObama and his colleagues in Congress have just forked over over a trillion borrowed/freshly printed dollars in a manner that few, if any, independent voices are saying will be of a stimulative nature.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a plain, out-and-out lie. Until you stop telling lies, you cannot be taken seriously by anyone.
and he wonders why we think he is a reich-winger LYING about his real reason for being here.
ReplyDeleteName me one nonpartisan who thinks that this spending is stimulative. Is that the "lie" you're talking about? It certainly can't be the part about this being deficit spending. P.S. And, please, don't give me Schwarzenegger and Criss as nonpartisan examples. Those 2 clowns are just looking for a hand-out. I wasn't even talikng to you, man.
ReplyDeletesorry widdle boy,
deal with it.
Clf, you arrogant pooch. How the hell do you know what another person's motivation is? You can barely keep the pedal to the metal in your life, for Christ!
ReplyDeleteLookie the moron gets called on the real ways he presents the reich wing talking points then cries like a baby because of it.
ReplyDeleteSorry son but you are much more transparent then ya thunk ya were.
and shallow
And you're a commie-pinko, Clif....Ah, I'm just busting your ass.
ReplyDeleteno substance
posting a lie to make yourself feel better
eh will?
You're the bald-faced liar, Clif. I'll say it again - I haven't voted Republican for preident since 1988. I voted for Ross Perot TWICE, you dingleberry! I mean, sure, question my sanity/judgement but calling ME (as opposed to you) a partisan. That just ain't gonna stick, bozo.
ReplyDeleteGetting a little touchy son?
ReplyDeleteWhat's the matter don't like getting caught lying like I did about your LIES on your waste of bandwidth?
You LIED and when called on it tried to change the lie to you didn't have to admit you lied in the first place.
sorry son BUT you lied and refused to admit it for MONTHS.
BTW, it's Crist not Criss and I supported him for governor does this also make me a clown?
ReplyDeleteAre you calling me a Clown!
How dare you...when I was six years old, clowns killed and ate my aunt and uncle...right in front of me...I must go to bed now...I'm truly traumatized...I mean, they didn't even leave me a rib bone or anything...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteBart, I sincerely hope that Obama's (and your) lending plan works (i.e., stimulates the economy). I mean, seriously, who the hell wants a depression. I certainly don't want to lose my MY job. But the thing is, guy, IT HAS TO WORK
Well we all hope it works, I hope.
I was fairly exited last night (did it show?) that he addressed the lending crisis. So far no one has wanted to touch it for some reason, which is why I spent all of my posts on it. Because I know its the crux of the problem. We can do anything we want but unless we address lending what good will it do? None.
And of course I was very exited to hear him actually state he was creating a "lending fund" which was the idea I wrote him about. That he used those actual words sort of stunned me.
But we haven't heard the details of the lending fund yet so I'll be interested to see where they go with it. If they do it right it will work.
The important thing is he gets it, and understands where lending fits into the picture, and the impact of the lending freeze.
There are those out there on the right trying to damage his efforts and denying or ignoring the actual problem of lending because they don't want him to address it because they know doing so will make the rest of his plans fall into place.
In fact we even saw your buddy Voltron in here, just days ago trying to pretend there was no lending freeze, selling that lie with his anecdotal nonsense about his boss being able to get a loan, and trying to imply it was only people with bad credit who could not get a loan.
Well, he looks pretty silly now, huh?
I'm anxious to see the details of his plans. I'm sure they won't be exactly what I wanted or think they should do but I am encouraged that he is seriously addressing the issue. Any attention towards unfreezing credit is sure to produce huge returns and thus whatever steps he takes in that direction I am behind.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteThere's just not enough of that infrastructure spending that Obama initially promised
And who's fault is that?
The republicans stripped as much as the could from the bill in their obvious attempts to make the bill as ineffectual as they could.
So they could say, "see, govt doesn't work".
Will said...
ReplyDeletethat $13 dollar a week temporary tax cut that you so correctly lambasted will probably do nothing more than blow an even bigger hole in the deficit.
While I think its a waste, when you're talking trillions, what's another 100 billion or so?
Look, lets make no mistake about it.
ReplyDeleteBobby Jindal's speech, while poorly delivered was written by the RNC, and spells out their intentions all too clear.
This is war.
War against the remaining Neocon "Volksturm" and the American people.
The RNC is determined to crash and burn this train in a desperate attempt at CYA.
They made a disaster of the country, and the only way to cover their collective butts is to convince Americans that government doesn't work, and government can't really help them.
And the problem they face right now is that Americans are already convinced that "Republican Government" doesn't work.
So now they are determined to convince people that neither does democratic government.
And the only way to do that, is to sabotage it.
And please don't anyone accuse me of name calling.
ReplyDeleteThe term "Volksturm" is an accurate depiction of the remaining holdouts of the far right wingnuts in this country, who like Rush Limbaugh, would rather see this country fail than see a democrat succeed.
NeoCon Volksturm...I like that Bartlebee. Pretty well sums things up. My favorite term for them though is the American Taliban.
ReplyDeletePalin and Jindal are their political faces with David Barton lending a pseudo intellectual veneer to them. Friedman and Strauss are their prophets and Hagee, Osteen, and Christians United for Israel are their spiritual leaders.
A scary bunch.
Scary in the fact that these people acctually desire Armageddon. Some are not content to wait for it. They're willing to start it.
ReplyDeleteGood night friends. See you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteFrank Frey said...
ReplyDeleteScary in the fact that these people acctually desire Armageddon. Some are not content to wait for it. They're willing to start it.
Or invent it.
Blogger Jolly Roger said...
ReplyDeleteJindal is the Gopper equivalent of a minstrel show, another blatant pander to try to convince people of their "inclusiveness." This is the same tactic that brought them so much success when they put Caribou Barbie on the national ticket. Why, the women of America just FLEW to the polls to vote for McCain, didn't they?
I knew the Goppers had no ideas, but I have been absolutely stunned lately at how completely stupid, breathtakingly stupid, they actually are. Apparently you can't wing it if all you have is a right wing."
I couldnt have said it better those IDIOTS seemed to think that Americans are so damned stupid that because Hillary didnt get the nomination women would flock to that babbling idiot Palin because she had a vagina too............just like these IDIOTS STILL seem to think that if they put a token foreign born person Mr Rogers (Jindal) people would flock to him if they pretended he was "LIKE" Obama and they could have a shot at the White House in 2012.
They still think Americans are sheep they can BS and deceive with their dishonest rhetoric and tired worn out talking points and failed discredited ideologies.
Whats pathetic is they are like a broken record, their rhetoric and canned talking points hasnt changed in over 80 years.
Blogger Frank Frey said...
ReplyDeleteNeoCon Volksturm...I like that Bartlebee. Pretty well sums things up. My favorite term for them though is the American Taliban.
Palin and Jindal are their political faces with David Barton lending a pseudo intellectual veneer to them. Friedman and Strauss are their prophets and Hagee, Osteen, and Christians United for Israel are their spiritual leaders.
A scary bunch."
Yep you guys got that right the repugs are the party of scorcghed earth obstructionism, the party of "no" and the party of "me too"...........they want Obama to fail and the country to collapse into Depression just so they can have a shot in 2012..........what happened to country first?
Blogger BARTLEBEE said...
ReplyDeleteWill said...
that $13 dollar a week temporary tax cut that you so correctly lambasted will probably do nothing more than blow an even bigger hole in the deficit.
While I think its a waste, when you're talking trillions, what's another 100 billion or so?"
EXACTLY why are you focusing on 100 billion when we are talking trillions?
Blogger BARTLEBEE said...
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Hart said...
There's just not enough of that infrastructure spending that Obama initially promised
And who's fault is that?
The republicans stripped as much as the could from the bill in their obvious attempts to make the bill as ineffectual as they could.
So they could say, "see, govt doesn't work"."
Yep........those obstructionist IDIOTS stripped out as much infrastructure as possible, and quibbled over what was stimulus, put out phony disinformation to try and throw a wrench in things and get babbling for idiotic failed tax cuts for the wealthy that flat out dont work.
Mike said...
ReplyDeletethose IDIOTS seemed to think that Americans are so damned stupid that because Hillary didnt get the nomination women would flock to that babbling idiot Palin because she had a vagina too.........
Just like they seemed to think that just because we elected a black President that people would flock to Micheal Steele.
Seems they're literally stuck on stupid.
They did think that with Steele.........LOL.......just when i think these IDIOTS cant get any stupider they prove me wrong!
ReplyDeleteThe difference is the American people see through their crap NOW and dont like their intelligence insulted by that condescending BS!
stuck on stupid
ReplyDeletethe end result of years of reich wing kool-aid it seems.
Well after Jindal flames out and Steele is exposed as the fraud he is;
ReplyDeletewho they gonna ask to from for them next?
this guy?
BTW in case you are wondering he is the highest ranking African-American elected public office holder in the entire country.
ReplyDeleteCause the reich- wingers have no African American congresspeople in either house nor state governorships
they are soooooooooooo inclusive in that way.
Clif said..
ReplyDeleteBTW in case you are wondering he is the highest ranking African-American elected public office holder in the entire country.
The highest ranking "republican" African-American elected public office holder in the entire country.
The highest ranking African-American elected public office holder in the entire country is President Barack Obama, and that just drives them nuts.
Sorry bart,
ReplyDeleteI meant to sat highest REPUBLICAN African-American elected public office holder in the entire country.
Sorry for the confusion.
I wish blogger had an edit function
ReplyDeleteOh I knew you meant that Clif. I was just editing it for you.
ReplyDeleteI figured it was just a typo.
In fact, that "stuck on stupid" I got from you.
ReplyDeleteIt really does describe where they are now. I mean, what the hell were they thinking last night?
ReplyDeletePresident Obama delivers the most rousing, motivating positive address we've seen in that hall for almost half a century, and they send out Jindal to pout on national television?
I mean, here comes Jindal, looking like a cross between Alfred E Newman and Dobie Gillis, eyes spinning counter clockwise while he criticizes spending for Seismic activity (what he called "Volcano monitoring) while at the same time declaring the government wasn't prepared for Katrina.
Even a school kid is going to be able to see the lunacy of those two comparisons. After all, after pointing out the failures of government in not being prepared for Katrina, the last thing one would think he would want to do is criticize the President spending for preparation for other natural disasters.
No, stuck on stupid works. Its a perfect fit.
Because that's exactly where they seem to be.
Kenneth Responds!
ReplyDeleteI love your insightful look at "The Reader"...no I didn't see it but it sounds really intense. Kind of like those Classic Rock bands making layers and layers of tracks before they have the song cut. What I mean by this is that the movie sounds like a story but, it has a lot of unspoken or unwritten meanings. I love movies like that...sort of like the songs I like...they need to be interpreted. I feel the same about "Doubt".
Thank you for your post on political corruption and corporation corruption at it's worst. I think I told you that there was a big to do story on CNN about this guy that worked in an obscure (purposely) department called the "Dept of Mineral and whatever" This guy and a few others had the job of keeping track and tracing all of the "oil" (mineral) coming and going and where and when and so on...
Around 2001 (early Bush term) he and the others were given a direct order that their jobs were now more "cushy" for they will not drag out the oil tracing etc...they have another dept working on it as well that oversees this whole thing...
Well this guy continued to do his job...and as he worked he was full of fear...he collected until he was terminated in 2006...a dictionary size of documents of the who, what , where of the oil. He came out public for fear of his life for now, he made sure the "right people" the true American's (that always do the right thing) had copies of his tracings....
I'm sure you know the rest...where the oil traced back to...there was more than a lot of personal intrest then the American intrest in oil...for years.
Catch my drift?
The story "Quickly" disappeard. Not surprising.
I call out those that committed and to this day commit those crimes...I have a battery of questions...
But, I, as one cannot conquer all the bull**** to get to the sources.
I would like to start with Glenn Tilton of United Airlines...I have a whole folder on his ties to the "Big Boys Club" and his robberies...on so many levels...that people are broke, in massive debt...or, I don't know how to say it..."gone"
I will start with me...in places like here to demand accountability and answers...
Let's see how much "American" intrest was at heart for 8 years...
Just make a call and ask "Kelly McCarthy"...she'll just answer in a difficult to desipher accent..."did you want a Hertz rental car with that???"
Ahhh...no, I work here too and I just made an internal call, "Ms McCarthy" my family is from the Lakes Of Calarney...where's yours from? "Bombay...errr...I mean Dublin..."
Yeah, right.
You arrived the the angel of passage. We had passed a crossroad. We can't look back...there's nothing there...yesterday is gone, tomorrow never comes...let the healing begin today. With You. With Me...With you...
I'll start with a sincere...
Let the healing begin with me...
Jindal is just painful to watch. But you know, all of their shining stars are, whether it be Bobby, Joe the Dumber, or Caribou Barbie. It's like putting a magnifying glass to the worst aspects of our society.
ReplyDeleteJoe the non-Plumber is now part of the GOPer brain trust,
ReplyDeleteAs if you thought they couldn't have gotten any more pathetic and comical.
I guess they had to find somebody to make Bobby Jindal seem all grown up and reasonable by comparison.
"We don't have to protect the environment. The Second Coming is at hand."
ReplyDeleteJames Watt, Secretary of the Interior under President Ronald Reagan.
Think about it. This was in the 1980's. This was the attitude of the man who was in charge of national environmental policy. He was and still is not alone. This sort of dogmatic millennialism has infected parts of our military. This is the religion of
Sarah Palin
Bobby Jindal
Rick Warrent
and a host of others. Scary as all hell isn't it?
Joe the Plumber had a book signing today in Washington for his book.
ReplyDeleteHe sold 11 copies.
Sean Hannity posted a poll asking his viewers which type of “Revolution” they’d prefer, listing “ARMED REBELLION”, and such.
ReplyDeleteAnd the reason he posted that was because that’s what his viewers have all been talking and posting about.
President Obama has been in office for less than 2 months, and the neocons are already preaching SEDITION.
Hey Frank,
ReplyDeletegive "jimmy dim-bulb" a break,
he also thunked ketchup was a vegetable,
and Wayne Newton was entertainment.
With their wholesale attacks on the constitution in the last decade,
ReplyDeletethe neo-cons have already been practicing sedition,
now they just want to use guns on those of us who want the constitution to protect all.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're wrong...I fear you may not be.
Blogger clif said...
ReplyDeleteWith their wholesale attacks on the constitution in the last decade,
the neo-cons have already been practicing sedition,
now they just want to use guns on those of us who want the constitution to protect all."
Well you KNOW i've made it clear i'm AGAINST all that crap about declaring people "enemy combatants" and locking them up without being charged or given a fair trial and being tortured..........but since these IDIOTS are for all that crap maybe they should get a little closer look at the policies THEY CLAIM to support.
They're in all the other blogs claiming Obama is not a Natural Born US Citizen.
ReplyDeleteThey're laughing and applauding at the idea of a nuclear attack on Obama's hometown.
They're making photos of monkey's shot to death and tying it to his stimulus plan.
They're saying he will "Learn the lesson of Lincoln".
They're publicly hoping he will fail on the radio and even inciting others to call for his (and the countries) failure.
And now Sean Hannity is polling on what sort of Armed Rebellion is most popular with his listeners.
Clearly they've lost their minds.
Cant lose something they NEVER had!
ReplyDeleteFor the last time, Clif, I made a mistake and I corrected it. I'll bet that even Sarah Palin knows the difference between a mistake and a lie. And, yes, I like the way you got out of Dodge when Voltron came up with that Wikipedia qute. So typical.
ReplyDeleteP.S.. Bartlebee, thank you for civilly answering my comment. I appreciate it. This is how political discourse should always be.
ReplyDeleteI think Chris Matthews made a good point on infrastructure. You go state by state, find all the bridges under code and FIX 'EM. It takes the partisanship out.
ReplyDeleteI understand Sam the Sprinkler Installer couldn't even fill up a row of seats at CPAC either.
ReplyDeleteMan, when you're so stupid even the 'tards have no interest in you, you might as well go back to..... what was it Sam was supposed to have been doing again?
ReplyDeleteBlogger Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
For the last time, Clif, I made a mistake and I corrected it. I'll bet that even Sarah Palin knows the difference between a mistake and a lie."
Well heck she ought to, she's told enough lies and made enough mistakes to be a certified expert in THOSE fields at least!
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteI'll bet that even Sarah Palin knows the difference between a mistake and a lie
I'd take that bet.
Jolly Roger said...
ReplyDeleteI understand Sam the Sprinkler Installer couldn't even fill up a row of seats at CPAC either.
At his big book signing in downtown DC yesterday, he didn't fare too well either.
You'd think with all the republicans in Washington he'd have sold out.
But he didn't. Well, not exactly.
He sold 11 copies.
11 copies.
Should be about enough for a bus ticket back to Vermont.
Assuming they want him back.
ReplyDeleteGood lord Bart, you can't even get sarcasm correct.
ReplyDeleteThere were 11 PEOPLE there.
He SOLD 5 copies...
I'm only reporting what I heard slick.
ReplyDeleteThanks for correcting me, and pointing out that instead of a measly 11 copies sold of his "book".... he only sold a dismal 5.
5 copies ay?
Guess he'll have to panhandle the rest for that bus ticket home.
Course, Joe's no stranger to welfare, so panhandling the money for a ride home shouldn't be too difficult.
ReplyDeleteGiven the literacy skills of his fans, one would think the publishers might have included more pictures.
ReplyDeleteJindal Admits Katrina Story Was False
ReplyDeleteTPMmuckraker and others have lately raised serious doubts about a key story told by Bobby Jindal in his GOP response speech Tuesday, in which the governor backed a tough-talking sheriff's efforts to rescue Katrina victims, government red tape be damned. Now a spokeswoman tells Politico the story was false.
Typical, a republican't gives a speech to the American people and he thinks he HAS to lie to all of us.
How typical of another Washington insider, who spent almost all of the bush mis-administrator inside Washington, helping the reich wing f*&k up our economy, foreign policy, enviroment, causing good paying jobs to be sent over seas. and the lying about everything as fast as He could.
ReplyDeleteJindal Admits Katrina Story Was False
ReplyDeleteOh and BTW the claim of a mag-lev train to Las Vegas was also less than true.
ReplyDeleteBut his bitching of monitoring Volcanoes so when one decided to go Mt St Helens on all of us is true.
He doesn't want anybody to know if another Mt St Helens is gonna happen.
Why does he want so many people killed cause he don't want warnings made?
How can you tell when a republican't is lying?
ReplyDeleteThey are giving a speech.
This is why republican'ts seem to need a copy of the Ten Commandments in all government buildings.
ReplyDeleteTo tell them to STOP LYING.
clif said...
ReplyDeleteHow can you tell when a republican't is lying?
Lips are moving?
Report: Bunning Threatens Revenge Against GOP, To Resign And Hand Seat To Dems
ReplyDeleteGood boy,
party before country,
self before party,
it is the GOPer way after all.
Just out from the Times-Picayune ...
ReplyDeleteLouisiana's transportation department plans to request federal dollars for a New Orleans to Baton Rouge passenger rail service from the same pot of railroad money in the president's economic stimulus package that Gov. Bobby Jindal criticized as unnecessary pork on national television Tuesday night.
republican't your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Obama's plan (which, to be fair, was also McCain's) for surging troops in Afghanistan? Let's just say that this is one campaign promise I wish he WOULD reconsider. The Brits and the Soviets AT THE HEIGHT OF THEIR POWERS couldn't tame that country. What makes us think that we (a nation already weary of war) will fare any better? I think that we should keep ships in the Mediterranean and bomb terror targets as necessary. But a huge U.S. footprint "in country", I'm not so sure that that's the best thing to do at this point.
ReplyDeleteYou know Will, you'd do a lot better selling your claims to progressivism if everyone of your posts wasn't something either criticizing, mocking or condemning something President Obama does.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought.
Concern Troll:
ReplyDeleteA concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the user's sockpuppet claims to hold.
The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns".
I'm not a progressive, Bart (though, YES, a lot of people who define themselves as such ARE diappointed in Mr. Obama). I just don't like open-ended conflicts in far away areas, with cultures that are night and day to ours, NO MATTER WHO THE PRESIDENT IS.
ReplyDeleteThe "concern troll" definition doesn't apply to me. I certainly don't claim to share Clif's views on politics. LOL Just for the record, though, on economic and energy matters, yes, I'm probably a tweek or two to the right of you guys. On social issues, however (abortion rights, gay marriage, gays in the military, embryonic stem-cell research, etc.), I'm very liberal (if you want to use the labels, I'm saying). As for military matters, let's just say that I adhere more to the Powell Doctrine than I do the Cheney-Rumsfeld Doctrine. That, and containment.
ReplyDeleteYou've repeatedly and consistently professed that you "run a liberal blog" to dissuade comments that you are a neocon incognito.
ReplyDeleteNow you claim you're not one.
And you wonder why no one buys your nonsense.
I don't ever remember saying that I run a "liberal" blog. I try to run a nonpartisan blog. It did start off (April 2007) as a somewhat left of center critique of right-wing media/the Iraq war. Since then,though, as I've networked with other bloggers and seen that said deprvity is a characteristic that cuts across party affiliation, I've ventured to a much more centrist presentation. And that's where I've stayed for the past 10 months or so. O, and, yes, this whole "yes, but" thing that apparently drives you crazy, I've done it with Voltron, too. It doesn't seem to bother him, though.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you do this every time? Can't we just respectfully talk about the issues? I don't imply/state that your positions are disengenuous. You said that you had changed. NO?
ReplyDeleteI referred to the president as "this guy". Is that the mocking and condemnation you're referring to? My God, compare that to the stuff that you guys say about Republicans. And, no, I don't have a whole hell of a lot of confidence in this stimulus bill. Is that not a position that's allowed here? But EVEN WITH THAT, Bart, I still want it to work. And I want this president to succeed, too. Of course, I also want the right to criticize him. Seriously, are we cool here?
ReplyDeleteObserve class.
ReplyDeleteThe anatomy of the tangled webs weaved by the "CONCERN TROLL".
First, Will paints himself last year as a LEFT OF CENTER.
When I blew that one out of the water (12 months of "left of center" posting prior to ever "meeting" him)
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
in April of 2007, I started a left of center blog
Note how Will makes it clear he is definitely NOT a "moderate".
He makes that clear by mocking the very notion.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
At first he said I was a closet right-winger pretending to be a moderate.
Ok, so we clearly see Will has established himself as "left of center" and definitely NOT a "moderate".
Got it.
But then, when will was cornered doing nothing but criticizing Obama, he does a complete 180 and declares himself suddenly a moderate.
A month ago he was "LEFT OF CENTER" and definitely NOT a "MODERATE".
But now suddenly he's a "centrist", "Swing voter", "independent", or MODERATE.
A far cry from the bold "LEFT OF CENTER" claims he had been trying to sell us on earlier.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
I had to vote for somebody, Bartlebee. If I had a centrist option I would have taken that.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Bottom-line, I'm an independent
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Just for the record, Barack Obama won this election because of people just like me - swing voters
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Swing-voting behavior, do you find that unseemly, too, Bartlebee?
And today of course Will points out to quell any exposure of himself as Concern Troll that he is "not a progressive".
Which is laughable, because no one ever thought he was.
But that's now how he tried to sell himself in here. He sold himself as a liberal, and based that bogus claim on his so called liberal or "LEFT" wing blog, which he proclaimed proved he was left wing, even going so far as to mock the very notion that he was a moderate.
But when his constant attacks on President Obama gave him away to even the most gullible amongst us, he changed his story and did a complete 180, and started proclaiming himself a moderate.
The very thing he mocked Clif for for even suggesting.
Thus we see Will in his true light, and we see the ambiguous nature of his true devotions is no longer ambiguous.
Because we know he's not a moderate.
He said so.
And we know he's not a leftist. Because he then claimed to be a centrist.
So by the process of elimination, we are left with one option.
He is what we knew he was from the day he waddled in.
A neocon "CONCERN TROLL", and nothing more.