We all need to read Eckhart Tolle's new book A NEW EARTH — which has a section about how the rise of the male ego has dominated the world and virtually annihilated the nurturing, sacred feminine. This has created a catastrophic imbalance in our world and we are reaping the pain now. That said, I saw IRONMAN on Friday night and loved it. I thought Robert Downey, Jr. was brilliant — and I loved his inventor's lab with the 3-D computers. Of course the villain was a company like Halliburton and Blackwater or any giant weapons manufacturer. It was a morality tale about our blood lust. Why on earth is the U.S. so proud of it's hi-tech "smart" weapons that annihilate tribes of helpless civilians?
Took my stepson to the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu for extra credit this weekend. It's the home of ancient Greek, Roman and Etruscan antiquities. It is the most spectacular place, an exact replica of a spectacular Roman villa. Saw the bronze Victorious Youth, the Herculaneum Women. Here is Hercules, and below is a papyrus scroll piece from Homer's original Odyssey -- the actual original writing by Homer from 100 B.C.
Taped a great show "Better Living with Steve Spitz" where I cooked my favorite Sesame Tofu recipe and chatted with the amazing Steve Spitz. SteveSpitz.com What a cool human being! Spitz does humanitarian work for Children with Aids, cooks, designs, is very spiritual and was the original inventor of honey mustard dressing. We filmed his really fun new talk show in the Desert at Morongo - a stunning hotel and casino which has five star dining at a sky-high all glass 3-story dining room overlooking the beautiful canyon below Idyllwilde. (Remember Albert Brook's classic Modern Romance when he and Kathryn Harold go to Idyllwilde?) Tony Dennison from The Closer was another guest on the show.
People who create music blow me away. This song is so gorgeous it made me cry. And the generosity of the free piano teachers on You Tube that show close up lessons are like angels.
My stepson Kevin (12) has been learning this song "APOLOGIZE" by One Republic on his Yamaha piano. Click on this You Tube video and watch this gifted pianist play the piano part to this beautiful song. The version with TIMBLALAND and ONE REPUBLIC is below.
Another wonderfully generous pianist named "Ryan" shows you CLOSE UP how to play this song:
Apologize Close UP piano lesson
Also: please comment on Rush Limpbotomy's comments and the way he is inciting a riot with his "Operation Chaos." The FCC needs to revoke Rush Limbaugh's license. This divisive, hateful "excellence in broadcasting has no place on the public airwaves. The propaganda must cease.
On Monday April 28, 2008, Bill Press will be the guest on the Basham and Cornell Radio heard weekday mornings at 8 a.m. on 1230 AM KLAV in Las Vegas and worldwide on the web.
Bill Press is a political commentator and author. He was the chair of the California Democratic Party from 1993 to 1996. He has served in different appointed positions such as a chief of staff to California State Sen. Peter Behr (a Republican) and director of the California Office of Planning and Research under Gov. Jerry Brown. One of the country's most well-known progressive commentators addresses how--and why--the conservative movement went off the rails in his new book “Trainwreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution (and Not a Moment Too Soon)”
According to even Newt Gingrich, "Republicans have lost their way." Always better with one-liners than worthwhile policies, John McCain recently said, "We spent money like a drunken sailor. Although I never really knew a sailor, drunk or sober, with the imagination of my colleagues."
Bill Press, however, says the Republicans have been governing exactly the way you'd expect. If a politician's most basic belief is that government always fails, why would anyone think he'd try to prove otherwise? Trainwreck details the rise of the modern conservative movement from Robert Taft to Ronald Reagan and its fall from Newt Gingrich to the abject failure of George W. Bush.
Once champions of fiscal responsibility, conservatives have brought us, instead, record high federal spending and bloated budget deficits. Once leery of foreign entanglements, conservatives have launched us, instead, into an unprecedented age of imperial wars and conquests. Once apostles of honesty and integrity in government, conservatives have, instead, used their positions of power to enrich themselves or evade the rule of law.
For decades, conservatives struggled to topple liberals from the federal throne, but, once in power, they didn't deliver. Everything they touched, they trashed. Here is the story of who, how, and why.
UPCOMING GUESTS: Bill Press, Senators Tom Daschle, Lincoln Chaffee and Arlen Specter. If you live in Vegas you can tune in Live or go to our website and listen in the audio archives.
The Basham and Cornell Show broadcasts weekday mornings at 8 am Pacific (11 a.m. Eastern) on KLAV 1230 AM Radio live in Las Vegas. Again, all shows are simulcast worldwide on the Internet (and archived) and can be listened to at Basham and Cornell Radio If you've missed our show, check out the audio archives. We have interviewed John & Elizabeth Edwards, Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich, John Dean, Pat Buchanan, NBC Bureau Chief in Tel Aviv Martin Fletcher, Pulitzer Prize winner Charlie Savage, Congressman Charlie Rangel,Valerie Plame, Christine Pelosi, Larisa Alexandrovna, Dahr Jamail, Senator Mike Gravel; Senator Byron Dorgan; bestselling authors Greg Palast, Paul Krugman, Greg Anrig.
The Basham and Cornell Show broadcasts weekday mornings at 8 am Pacific (11 a.m. Eastern). All shows are simulcast on the Internet (and archived) and can be listened to at www.BashamAndCornell.com
GREAT interview with Bill Press today............i REALLY need to read his book after I read Krugman's and Kevin Phillips new book.....................It was awesome to hear someone else actually say McSame is nothing but an Angry old war mongering fool and that the phony image he has constructed of a moderate and a maverick might have been somewhat true at one time but right now his image is just as phony and just as dishonest as the one of a moderate and "Compasionate Conservative"............that the Crawford Caligula who will be the next Depression president tried to construct................GWB made a pathetic attempt to immitate Reagan from when he bought ther pig farm and converted it into a "ranch" so he could look like a cool regular guy clearing brush, to his simple dumbed down talk and arrogant cowbow bravado.
ReplyDeleteAll it was was a pitiful attempt to stem outsi8de daddies shadow and try to make a name for himself by acting like his hero and "acting" like a tough guy...........because we all know pretending is the closest that gutless idiot could get to being a tough guy.
Thank you Mike!
ReplyDeleteHey listen to this beautiful song:
It's the piano version to Apologize by One
McCain Calls Obama Insensitive to Poor
Posted: 2008-04-27 20:08:27
Filed Under: Elections News, Barack Obama, John McCain
CORAL GABLES, Fla. (April 27) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Sunday called Democratic rival Barack Obama insensitive to poor people and out of touch on economic issues.
The GOP nominee-in-waiting rapped his Democratic rival for opposing his idea to suspend the tax on fuel during the summer, a proposal that McCain believes will particularly help low-income people who usually have older cars that guzzle more gas.
"I noticed again today that Sen. Obama repeated his opposition to giving low-income Americans a tax break, a little bit of relief so they can travel a little further and a little longer, and maybe have a little bit of money left over to enjoy some other things in their lives," McCain said. "Obviously Sen. Obama does not understand that this would be a nice thing for Americans, and the special interests should not be dictating this policy."
The Arizona senator deflected questions about his record on the Bush administration's tax cuts — he initially opposed them but now supports extending them — by again criticizing Obama.
"Sen. Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax, which would have a direct effect on 100 million Americans," McCain said. "That means he has no understanding of the economy and that he is totally insensitive to the hopes and dreams and ambitions of 100 million Americans who will be affected by his almost doubling of the capital gains tax."
In an interview with "Fox News Sunday," Obama said McCain "not only wants to continue some of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, he actually wants to extend them, and he hasn't told us really how he's going to pay for them. It is irresponsible. And the irony is he said it was irresponsible."
Obama also said he would not raise the capital gains tax higher than it was under President Reagan and added, "I'm mindful that we've got to keep our capital gains tax to a point where we can actually get more revenue."
This bogus dishonest BS NEEDS to be addressed.........
ReplyDeleteFIRSTLY, isnt it "INTERESTING" that the candidate of the Orwellian party of dishonesty and his mirror image that has infected the Democratic party would call Obama an elitist and insensitive to the poor when THEY are the ones proposing the repeal of an 18 cent tax for a mere 3 months, while Obama has proposed substantial tax cuts for those making less than $75,000..........I believe he said between $1000-$1500............lets examine what McSame and Shillery are proposing and see exactly who the elitists are who are insensitive to the poor.
McSame wants an 18 cent tax repealed for 3 months so when you examine this you see that...
1) 18 cents a gallon is roughly equivalent to $2 a week or around $25 total for the whole program.
2) Secondly How much of an actual impact do you think $25 is going to make to those struggling to keep their homes, or who cant afford to drive to work or feed their kids or afford adaquate medical care for their families.
3) like usual the repugs prefer to steal from the working class and poor and give to the rich rather than actually help the working class............Obama wants to give a substantial I believe 4 figure tax cut to help the working class, while McSame and Shillery are proposing around a paltry $25 to EVERYONE............do you REALLY think Warren Buffet and Bill Gates NEED the extra $25 and can you honestly say its a wise use of resources to give it to them rather than specifically targetting the working class making less than $75,000 who REALLY need help.
So in closing I ask you guys who sounds like the elitist who is insensitive to the poor and who sounds like the real deal rather than a sound bite queen or welfare queen for the wealthy, who sounds more like Marie Antoinette saying let the peasants eat cake and who sounds more like FDR?
That was good Lydia, do you know that guy.......the name sounds kinda familiar?
ReplyDeleteThere have been rumors circulating that Rev Wright is now on Shillery's payroll..........at this point although i do find it curious that he is putting himself out there SO MUCH.........i'm still kinda skeptical of this, as it could be repug or Shillery propaganda to hurt people's credibilty and brand them conspiracy theorists.
ReplyDeleteSo with that said........do you guys think this could be true, or do you think its repug and/or Shillery disinformation?
I think its all a bunch of shit.
ReplyDeleteALL of it. Obama, Clinton, fighting, bickering, like two cheap used car salesman, and the news, including Keith Olberman, focusing on this fRACKING Rev Wright bullshit.
Obama's running for President of the United States. Not Rev Wright.
So who CARES what the pastor of his church says? Obama didn't say it, the pastor did. It has NOTHING to do with the election. Not ONE DAMNED thing. But Olberman and the rest are content to spend a quarter hour a night blabbering endlessly on it so ultimately it will have something to do with the election probably.
Because everyone keeps talking about it like it means something, which it most certainly does not.
And if Obama's campaign manager had even half a brain (instead of just half a wit) then he'd tell Obama to tell the next person who asks him about something Rev Wright said to go ask Rev Wright and stop pestering him about it.
ReplyDeleteBecause it doesn't have a g0damned thing to do with him.
And I doubt Obama lost the vote in PA. Its the damned diebolds and the lying pollsters, who target their audience depending on what result their client desires.
ReplyDeleteThe republicans don't want to run against Obama. McCain cannot beat him.
But McCain might have a chance against Clinton.
Its all fubar.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are idiots.
Complete and utter idiots.
Even with their big fat brains, they're still idiots.
Because like Forrest Gump's mom used to say, "stupid is as stupid does". And everything they do with regards to getting elected, is stupid.
If either of these candidates really cared about the country, they'd announce they were dropping out to add cohesion to the party so we could actually win in the general election.
ReplyDeleteInstead, just 7 months before the general election, here they are tearing the party apart, and moving McCain ahead in the polls.
Its not the died in the wool libs who they're turning. Its the fence-sitters, and the conservatives with brains, who wanted to vote dem this year, but just won't be able to bring themselves to after this kindergarten cockfight Obama and Hilary are launching.
If one of them really cared about America they'd bow out for the greater good,and the other could take them as veep, ensuring LOTS of votes.
It reminds me of the story from the Old Testament found in 1st Kings about the two women fighting over a child, whose case is brought before Solomon.
ReplyDeleteSolomon decrees the child shall be divided in half, and 1 half given to each woman claiming to be the childs mother. When one of the woman come forward and withdraws her claim, offering to give the child to the other woman so as not to harm it, Solomon gives the child to her instead, seeing that she was the true mother, or at least the one best suited to raise the child. As she was the only one of the two who put the child above her own desires.
Our country is the child.
Obama's one mother.
Hilary's the other mother.
Which one really loves the child?
I am sad that the media has so much power to obsess and spin everything. The best thing Obama can do is rise above it, let it diminish by his making one final statement distancing himself from the narcissist and ego-maniac Rev. Wright.
ReplyDeleteYou only make your enemies stronger by coming down to their level and validating their petty arguments. The quicker Obama ignores this whole thing the more insane and stupid everyone else looks.
Spiritually he just has to rise above it and let them muck about in the mud like piglets.
Which one will put the country above their own desires?
ReplyDeleteAt this point its been neither.
It's like Al Qaeda -- we obsessed about them until we virtually emboldened them. We gave our enemies life by focusing on them so much.
ReplyDeleteHey, click on the you tube video on the blog page. It's so beautiful. Music makes me believe in something much bigger and divine.
ReplyDeleteBart, I agree with everything you said EXCEPT the part about Obama fighting with Hillary.................whats he supposed to do just let the lying Bit$% run over him............see thats what liars like Rove, Bush, Cheney, Penn< hillary love to do they love to muddy the waters and lie and say both candidates are slinging mudd and lying and they are both bad when thats not accurate at all.................Hillary's campaign equates getting the truth out and putting out facts that are unfavorable to Clinton to lying, smearing, spinning, character assassination deflection of issues etc......
ReplyDeleteAlso While i agree with you that the press focusing on REv Wright ad Nauseum is pathetic and despicable...........i think Olberman is one of the good guys the few times i've seen him he was taking Clinton and McSame to task for their hippocrissy.
BTW Bart, i agreed with everything you said last week about Donahue and Bill Maher...........i just had a real busy week and didnt have time to respond,
ReplyDeleteSeriously. Someone answer that please? How can either of them really give a crap about the country or the party to continue this ugly cockfight they've been waging?
ReplyDeleteDo they honestly think they're wining hearts and minds?
Do they honestly think theres going to still be time to launch any kind of real campaign to sell themselves on the fencesitters when this clusterfrack is through?
Does either of their campaign managers own a calendar?
Novembers just around the corner, and all the fencesitters are seeing and hearing about with regards to the two democratic candidates are smeers and jeers and all the smut and crap that can be found.
And the worst part is, NONE of its coming from the right wing.
Anyone notice that?
Anyone notice that the McCain campaigns doing NO smearing or muckracking?
Wanna know why?
Because the democrats are doing it for them.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteHillary.................whats he supposed to do just let the lying Bit$% run over him............see
At one point, YES.
Its not about "HIM" Mike.
Its about the country. All 399 MILLION of us.
And continuing this debaucle just months before the general is bringing closer and closer to the possibility of actually losing the general, just because these two knuckleheads couldn't put the people above the primary.
And if we lose the general over this bullshit, it won't really matter at that point then who won the primary's, now will it?
If EITHER of them cared about the country, they'd go to the other and offer to be their veep and give them the nomination.
ReplyDeleteThen that one can be either the first female VP in history, or the first black VP in history.
Or they can continue destroying each others character, and then they can both spend the rest of their time playing masters celebrity golf.
While we live under a country ruled by the prototype of the character played by Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove.
ReplyDeletecosmiccowboy said...
ReplyDeleteAs I said today on enigma's blog,Obama has to get out in front of this Rev.Wright thing.
I think Wright is out for his 15 minutes of fame or is a crackpot.
The media is going to ride this for as long as the can,all they care about is ratings,nothing else.
If Obama doesnt come out and really distance himself from Wright
we will be seeing these rants of his until election day.
Obama lost the white vote by a wide margin in Pa.,this could also hurt him in Indiana."
Obama NEEDS to focus on the economy, healthcare, and other REAL issues.............MCSAME gave him the PERFECT opening with that stupid comment he made and his stupid position on the gas tax...........Obama needs to dismantle McSame and make him look like an agry old fool like I just did.
After all the muck and character assasinations going on from both sides of this democratic debaucle, its going to take a year just to undo the damage done to their public images and for the public forget.
ReplyDeleteProblem is, we don't have that much time.
I disagree Bart.............Obama NEEDS to win this..............Hillary is almost as bad as him.........she acts just like Rove and Bush and if she wins i will probably never support the Democrats again unless they form another party.
ReplyDeleteCome on she acts just like the Orwellian fascists we've railed on for the last 5 years and you say he should just step aside and we should all fall in line and support the witch..........i'm not buying what your selling...............its sad that people set the bar so damn low that better than a repug becomes acceptable.
If theres a possibility of steak, i wont settle for dog food because its better than dog shit!
Now I realize that McSame is unstable and he has essentially guatanteed war so many justify the lesser of two evils...........but What we say can shape who the candidate is..........if people say they wont support hillary even if they would if she was the non it could force the super delegates hands and end this.
I know you want Obama Mike. I do too. But its not about what we want, or who gets elected.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, we've got another disaster being positioned to take over for our previous disaster.
Bush was disaster 1 and McCains disaster 2.
We need to be more concerned at this point about making sure Mad Man McCain doesn't win rather than worrying about who wins the primary.
Ask yourself this question.
Will you be happy if Obama wins the primary but McCain wins the general?
Because thats where we're heading if this keeps up.
Bart said "And the worst part is, NONE of its coming from the right wing.
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice that?
Anyone notice that the McCain campaigns doing NO smearing or muckracking?
Wanna know why?
Because the democrats are doing it for them."
Well they got started now mcSame has been going after him and the North Carolina repug party is attacking him..................Obama scares the c rap outta the Reich Wing......they are doing EVERYTHING possible to try to run against Hillary!
Think I'm kidding? Then you've got a short memory.
ReplyDelete2 months ago McCain was polling around 30 percent.
Now, after two months of ignorant bickering and slandering each other, Obama and Clinton have managed all by themselves to move McCain ahead in the polls to a solid 50 percent.
And the McCain campaign didn't have to raise a finger.
They just let us do it for them.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI disagree Bart.............Obama NEEDS to win this..............
Mike, I know you're a smart guy, so listen to what I am saying.
I am saying its not going to matter soon if its Hilary or Obama if this continues.
Just 2 months of this bickering has cost us a whopping TWENTY PERCENT of the general vote!!!
Do you get it?
2 months ago, if one of them had emerged as victor, we would have had a 70\30 split, and barring any major catastrophes, sailed into the general for a win.
Now its FIFTY FIFTY!!!
2 months of stupid, ignorant bickering has cost us our lead!
No I dont think you are kidding.............I see the Dems chances imploding i've been saying she is destroying the party for 3 months now.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that McSame would me a disaster and a nightmare and could start WW3...........but I havent given up yet.
I'm still willing to take a risk and go for the Maximax rather than settle for the minimax............i'm still hopping for that steak rather than being willing to settle for dog food.
Clearly i'm out of touch with you guys..........I will say this if McCrazy or Clinton win............I'll likely give up blogging, rip up my voting card and probably not ever vote again till this countyry is ready for real change instead of the brainwashing and media sorcery the MSM gives us to manipulate things the way they want.
You gonna sit back are you and open a Sam Adams for a toast when Obama wins the primary only to lose the general?
ReplyDeleteBecause THATS where we're heading.
If this continues, you can celebrate Obama's primary win up until January, when John McCain is sworn in as commander and chief.
This isn't my opinion Mike.
ReplyDeleteMcCains gained a whopping TWENTY PERCENT in the polls thanks to this idiotic cockfight between the two democratic candidates.
Which means much more, and we'll lose the general for sure.
Hell did you watch Bill Maher?
Even GARRY SHANDLING was talking about voting for McCain!!!
Holy sh$t. Thats when we know we're in trouble.
Mike said...
ReplyDeletei've been saying she is destroying the party for 3 months now.
And thats the problem.
You're blaming HER, instead of blaming THEM.
Its THEM Mike.
Not her.
Not him.
I think if this is settled by June 1st the dems still have a chance.................McSame cant compete on real issues "IF" and its becoming a big if there is enough time for the party to unite the Dems can still win EVEN if McCrazy is ahead in the polls NOW.
ReplyDeleteHe wants to continue the war and 70%-80% of America are against the war.
He wants to continue GWB's Welfare for the Wealthy and 80% of America are against those economic policies.
He is against health care and most of America would prefer it
The list goes on and on...........I think if this disaster wraps up in the next month we can still win this and Obama is the stronger candidate thats why i havent given up.
Just because you like him doesn't remove him from the equation Mike.
ReplyDeleteIt's BOTH of them destroying the party.
Not "her". And not him.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI think if this is settled by June 1st the dems still have a chance.
We lost TWENTY POINTS in the last two months!!!
And you want to go to JUNE???
Heres a tip.
50 plus 50 plus 20 is over 100 percent. Elections are based only on 100 percent of the populace. Not 120 percent.
Therefore, if we lose another 20 points between now and June due to this ignorant cockfight (and you know they save the real smut for last), then we've already lost the general election.
Did you listen to Lydia's show this morning.........fear mongering is "ALL" the Reich Wing has left and America is sick and tired of that.
ReplyDeleteHillary is playing the fear card.........she is HOPING that superdelegates think she wont quit no matter WHAT happens so they think the ONLY thing to do is support her.
I say we see how next weeks primaries play out and hope the Superdelegates all jump and force her out next week and we can unite.
Its time to see someone rise up.
ReplyDeleteIf Obama deserved the praise you laud on him, then he'd do the right thing, and step up for the better of the country and end this debaucle.
This race is bigger than him, and bigger than her.
And if McCain wins, then God help us all.
Have you guys had any surveys lately, i have had two..........i'm thinking the superdelegates are nervous and are going to move to end this REAL soon.........I KNOW its getting ugly but I havent given up hope yet.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
ReplyDeleteHillary is playing the fear card.........she is HOPING that superdelegates think she wont quit no matter WHAT happens so they think the ONLY thing to do is support her.
You're telling me bad things about Hilary.
Don't you see? You're blinded by your hate of her and your love for Obama.
You're not seeing the bigger picture. The picture the neocons don't want you to think about.
Everytime you say a bad thing about Hilary you tear down what may be our candidate to oppose McCain.
Every word you and the rest of us write, every bad story on the news, or smear from the Obama campaign, moves the chances of her winning the general against McCain that much further away.
And thats exactly what they want us to do.
Its not the superdelegates who need to end this. Its the candidates.
ReplyDeleteOne needs to be the candidate and one needs to be their veep.
Then the entire party will come together.
But it won't work if they keep this smear campaign going.
He's been out of the news cycle for the last few days i'm wondering if he is considering dropping out.
ReplyDeleteThe RNC and the DNC have one thing in common for this election.
ReplyDeleteThey're both counting on democrats like you to help them win.
Well I dont think it would be wise for him to pick her as the VP.........possibly the other way around.........remember JFK and Lyndon Johnson!
ReplyDeleteI wish Hilary would drop out. But she's not big enough for that.
ReplyDeleteSadly, he is.
And sadly, the one who is big enough to drop out will be the one who deserves to be president the most.
And its possible that even if he did drop out, the delegates might override and give it to him. After all, he's certainly the winner.
He's got the most momentum and the best chance of winning, and he certainly "seems" like the one who'll do better by the people.
At least he did until this debacule started.
But if one of them doesn't drop out soon the damage may be too much to recover from, and we could lose the whole ball game trying to stack the team in our favor.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteWell I dont think it would be wise for him to pick her as the VP
Well Abraham Lincoln disagrees with you. After all he appointed his opponent William Seward as Secetary of State, one of the highest cabinet offices possible.
He also appointed another opponent, Salmon P Chase to Secretary of the Treasury.
And if Obama had Hilary for a running mate he'd sew up all those hardliners voting for her, that will likely vote for McCain or not at all rather than voting for him.
Not to mention it will show him as the wiser, more reasonable leader.
Think about it. The party's divided almost down the middle between Hilary and Obama.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that putting the two together is the best way to win the general.
Unfortunately, most people think like you are thinking Mike, and are more concerned with getting "their candidate" the nod than they are in winning the general election.
ReplyDeleteThey're only thinking about "now".
What they want "now".
They're not thinking of the bigger picture, or the best interests of the country.
Bottom line is, either Obama or Clinton will be a million times better for the United States right now than the mad bombadier McCain.
So we need to suck it up, pack it up and everyone get behind the party, the people and the country.
Before we lose the whole kit and kaboodle.
Campaigning against Hilary like this right now is just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
ReplyDeleteIf she wins the nod, and she might, then you've just spent the last 6 months helping the republicans to defeat our candidate.
You've just spent the last 6 months, helping John McCain become the President of the United States.
Hasn't anyone wondered why no trolls are in here? Or eslewhere?
ReplyDeleteWith John McCain suddenly holding HALF the popular vote, don't you think they'd be in here and other blogs campaiging like MAD???
The reason they're not, is because the BEST thing the right wing can do right now, is just SIT BACK, and WATCH US CONSUME OURSELVES.
Which is EXACTLY what we're doing.
So keep bashing Hilary.
ReplyDeleteKeep rooting for Obama while destroying Hilary, and you Hilary supporters keep bashing Obama while rooting for her.
But if you're going to, you might want to see if the RNC will cut you a check or two.
After all, you're doing more good work for their campaign than any of their current paid staff are doing.
Not trying to be a downer, but thats just the way it is.
ReplyDeleteMcCain picks up any more free votes off this democrat feud and we all might as well stay home come November.
The first mistake we made was thinking we already had it won.
ReplyDeleteWe did of course.
Have it won that is.
But what we forgot was that there was still one horrible, powerful unbeaten nemesis out there that would do everything within their power to keep us from realizing that victory.
Did anyone see Scalia last night on 60 minutes? How can he live with himself?
ReplyDeleteWe have to be careful the right wing doesn't get one more SUPREME COURT JUSTICE. Then it's over.
We must win in November. The media enjoys this bickering, but we must unite and win.
Its not enough to just say "we have to win in November" Lydia.
ReplyDeleteOr that we have to end the bickering.
We have to say what that means.
And theres only ONE way to do that and thats for ONE of the candidates to step up and concede for the benefit of the party and the nation. And the other needs to at least take them as their veep.
Because times up. We're out of time.
In the last 2 months we gave John McCain a TWENTY PLUS POINT BUMP!
Just by the smear campaigns from Hilary on Obama and Obama on Hilary. So it has to end NOW if we're going to win in November.
And that means ONE of them needs to bow out.
I know its an ugly truth but its the only truth we've left ourselves.
ReplyDeleteIn the last two months this fued has taken John McCain from what was surely to be an "also ran" with a dismal 30 percent (same as Bush) to whats now 50 percent.
50 percent!
We give him 5 more points and he holds, and thats the ball game!
One of these candidates needs to step up now, and if not, then like Mike said let the delegates do it for them. Call a special caucus and end it. Where's Howard Dean?
Where's DNC leadership?
Where's the concern for the country these two candidates claim to care about?
It needs to end now. Not in June. Not next month. Not next week. But NOW. One of them needs to bow out, or the party needs to do it for them.
And you know what the really sad part is?
ReplyDeleteEven if it does end now, it may be too late.
In the last 2 months we've given McCain a 20 point bump to give him a nice solid 50 percent of popular vote.
So instead of having this thing "sewn up" like we did 2 or 3 months ago, we've got a FIFTY FIFTY shot of losing the whole thing.
This bickering between the two candidates and the associated smear campaigns have taken this election from a sure thing, down to a freaking coin toss.
Hilary is a much less preferable choice from my perspective than Obama.
ReplyDeleteBut McCain is a far less preferable choice than both of them.
So given mee druthers, I'd rather see Hilary Bilary than Col Klink take the Oval Office, rather than spend another 2 months destroying her character and credibility trying to get Barak Obama elected only to lose in the general election due to all the scandals and smears generated by our own party.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see Scalia last night on 60 minutes? How can he live with himself?
We have to be careful the right wing doesn't get one more SUPREME COURT JUSTICE. Then it's over.
We must win in November. The media enjoys this bickering, but we must unite and win."
Thats a very valid point we NEED to consider we CANT let McSame win and get another Reich Wing Justice on the SCOTUS..............that said i think i'm following this election too closely..........i'm gonna go watch Race Against Time .
ANYONE who thinks Healthcare is an important issue or concerned about Reich wing judges taking over our courts and corpotate greed and a police state destroying this country NEEDS to watch this movie!
Not to be difficult, but if McCain wins the last thing you're going to be worried about is a Supreme Court nominee.
ReplyDeleteIf McCain wins you'll be worried about your sons, daughters, neices and nephews.
If McCain wins its going to be non stop WAR.
If McCain wins, we'll be worried about staying alive.
ReplyDeleteThose who would flat-out refuse to support Hill had better go back and look at her Senatorial voting record, and then compare it with the embalmed zombie's.
ReplyDeleteBetween the two of them, there is no way to argue that Hill isn't the preferable one, if you go strictly by voting record alone. I don't want her either, but if it's a choice of her or McCavein, I'm her best friend.
How can Scabia live with himself? He's never been anything but a greedy shill, and his work in advancing Chimpy has made him more money than he ever could have imagined.
ReplyDeleteScabia was scum when he was first submitted. Then, we actually had a Congress that did things-but somehow, this bum still got past. He, Thomas, and Allito are jokes that make it difficult to have any respect for the Supreme Court.
The FCC needs to revoke Rush Limbaugh's license.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Lydia. What's scary is not that he says such things, but that there are actually sheeple who hang on every word.
Both of those videos were great. The piano was beautiful. i love pure instrument.
ReplyDeleteI was sickened listening to Limbaugh and I refuse to believe how the likes of him and Coulter are not held accountable and tried for terrorism. I don't care who you are there is no roomfor public upheaval. I don't care whose fvor it is in!
I have to figure out some way to watch your show or listen to it at the same time I am doing my research because I can's stop outing the truth!
Thanks Tomcat and Average Patriot
ReplyDeleteAll our shows are available on our website in the archives and you can listen to them on demand anytime. All free.
Love and Peace
Jolly Roger said...
ReplyDeleteI don't want her either, but if it's a choice of her or McCavein, I'm her best friend.
You know it.
Problem is, by the time they get done publically destroying her character and she and her people get done publiclly destroying Obama's character they'll be unelectable.
We're handing the general election to McCain on a platter. In the past two months we've handed him a 20 points. A few more months and we won't have a prayer come November.
The DNC needs to show some leadership here and end this thing. Just PICK one.
I don't care who it is at this point just pick one and lets get a national campaign going for the general election, before we lose the whole damned thing.
Call a special election or caucus, leverage the super-delegates, but enough of this crap. I thought it would be over in Pennsylvania but somehow Hilary won.
ReplyDeleteSo now for the sake of the party, either one of these candidates who claims to care more about America than themselves needs to step forward and end this debacle.
And if neither of them can muster enough concern for the country to do it then the party leaders need to show some leadership and do it for them.
What good is it to win the primarys but lose in the general election?
ReplyDeleteParticularly if the reason you lost the general was because of what you did to win the primary.
After 8 years of George W Bush...
ReplyDeleteAfter Katrina, after Iraq, after the credit crisis, the domestic spying, after torture...
..after all this, you'd think the democrats would finally "get it", and come together for the big win.
Instead, we're all busy promoting one of our two presidential candidates while bashing the other and helping John McCain take the lead in the polls. He's already 6 points higher than Hilary.
Another month of this and we won't have to worry about who wins the primary, because the general will already be lost.
And whatever idiots advising Obama to come out against his own pastor needs to find a new career, preferably in something he's better suited to. Like fast food.
ReplyDeleteObama doesn't need to respond to this crap, because he isn't saying anything. His pastor is. All he has to say is talk to Rev Wright, because he said it, not me.
Instead he's now dragging himself down further into it and costing himself votes in the black community by publically condemning Wrights words.
What kind of braindead bonehead is advising Obama on this crap?
All Obama needed to do was LEAVE IT ALONE.
He didn't say it, Rev Wright said it. And everytime emptyheaded talking monkey with a microphone asks him about it he should tell him to ask Rev Wright, because last time he checked he wasn't responsible for Rev Wrights MOUTH.
This ain't rocket science.
Just pick a candidate in enough time to actually launch a national campaign for the general, don't say stupid shit, and stay out of clusterf#@k entanglements like this Rev Wright bullshit that don't involve you.
How hard can that be?
geesh, and to think we call Bush stupid.
ReplyDeleteAt least he figured out a way to get elected. Twice.
The democrats are handed the lead and they just hand it right back like they were passing a cassarole dish.
I can't stand it anymore!
I'm telling you I'm going nuts. BONKERS. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Its like we walk off the cliff and smash into the ground, only to dust ourselves off so we can climb back up the cliff to do it all over again.
Maybe you guys can cheer for these guys right now but I can't.
This ain't about who I'd like to have a beer with, or who really seems to "get people like me".
Its about getting the job done, and right now the democrats look like a monkey fuckin a football.
Either get it together quick, like yesterday, or give it up.
Cause if we don't, you're all gonna be sitting here come December scratching your asses, cursing the diebolds and talking about 2012.
And if thats too depressing a thought for anyone, imagine how depressing it going to be this Christmas.
ReplyDeleteWise up. F#$K your preferences. F#$K my preferences. F##K all of our preferences.
It ain't about what we want.
Its about not losing what we should have already won.
Its about not losing what Bush and the republicans have handed to us, on a silver platter.
ReplyDeleteBARTLEBEE said...
ReplyDeleteJolly Roger said...
I don't want her either, but if it's a choice of her or McCavein, I'm her best friend.
You know it.
Problem is, by the time they get done publically destroying her character and she and her people get done publiclly destroying Obama's character they'll be unelectable.
We're handing the general election to McCain on a platter. In the past two months we've handed him a 20 points. A few more months and we won't have a prayer come November.
The DNC needs to show some leadership here and end this thing. Just PICK one."
I think your right that the DNC NEEDS to end this fiasco before irreparable damage is done.
I thought long and hard about what you and Lydia said and I agree with the vast majority of what you said....................Hillary is better than McSame........we cant let the Angry old man be the one with his finger on the button or the one nominating Supreme Court Justices...........so if Hillary is the Nom.......i'll be rooting for her........but i STILL have serious issues with her, the fear and smear Rovian campaign and the repug nazi talk she stooped too was a bridge burner for me.
The point where you lost me is when you say they are BOTH running negative smear campaigns and that there was voting fraud in Penn...........not trying to be a jerk and insult you here......but lets call a spade a spade, Hillary is the one running the negative campaign.
Its night and day different responding with the TRUTH or FACTS that are not favorable to your opponent and questioning their honesty, integrity, judgement and credibility as it is from lying, spinning, smearing, using fear mongering, smearing your opponents as unpatriotic, or hating your country........thats nazi/mccarthy demagogery, defelecting from real issues and focusing on scandals and smears, resorting to veiled rascism.
I agree with you i want this to be over, at this point i'm willing to root for Hillary and accept her as our non if thats whats decided..........but i thought more of you than to equate what Obama is doing to the type of campaign Hillary has run..........maybe your not following this as closely as i am but you;d have to be blind as a bat to equate the types of campaigns these two are running and say they are similar.
While I think this needs to end Next week or there coulkd be severe damage.........polls and people are fickle and once this returns to real issues rather than demagogery, MCarthy/Nazi like smears and tabloid BS the Dems can very easily pull ahead again particularly if gas is over $4.
You have a strong argument that we need to not tip this to the repugs by permanently alienating the party, i'm even willing to gag and accept a joint ticket if it becomes neccessary...........BUT i'm reluctantant to reward a spoiled brat who is throwing a tantrum and give them what they want becauses that only encourages others to throw tantrums in the future if they think it will get them what they want.
Bottom line he was MUCH more electable than her.......right now i'm no longer sure thats the case thanks to Hillary.............She on the other hand has been her own worst enemy, the lies, smears, fear monger, gutter politics and lack of sincerity and credibility have hurt her slightly but no where near what they have hurt him.
Again not trying to be a jerk, but after all the spin and BS we've heard out of the trolls and repugs i dont stand for it when our people do it either........My uncle was saying the sdame things you said and i wasnt buying it either.
I can accept we NEED to end this and root for EITHER candidate, i CANT accept that they are both equally wrong and are BOTH running negative smear campaigns because thats BS!
ReplyDeletereally good post...really loved the song - amazing...
I did send an email to you last night ( I hope it made it...)
I will be back later- I want to listen to the Bill Press Interview...
Mike said....
ReplyDeletebut lets call a spade a spade, Hillary is the one running the negative campaign.
Ok, lets.
What did Obama mean when he sent a letter to the NYT calling Hillary "D-PUNJAB" for her investments in India?
What was the Obama campaign doing investigating her financial background in the first place???
Why did Obama roll out three Serbian war veterans to discredit Hilary's story about dodging sniper fire, calling her "dishonest"?
Why does he say stuff like this?
"She's taken different positions at different times on issues as fundamental as trade, or even the war, to suit the politics of the moment. And when she gets caught at it, the notion is, 'Well, you know what, that's just politics. That's how it works in Washington. You can say one thing here and say another thing there.'" - Barak Obama
or this...
"“So maybe you say something about trade when you’re campaigning with your husband eight, 10, 12 years ago. You say something different now [when] you’re campaigning in Ohio or Pennsylvania." - Barak Obama
While I certainly concede the Clinton campaign has launched "more" character attacks than has the Obama campaign, its absolutely ridiculous to claim its "Hilary running the smear campaign".
Its BOTH of them.
Your problem is the same as everyone elses. You're reading everything with a bias towards "your candidate".
Sure Hilary's campaign is using dirty tricks. But its patently false to make the claim Obama's campaign is "above the frey".
Obama's campaigns just better at playing it down.
When the Obama campaign publically suggested that Hilary Clinton was trying to suppress votes in Pennsylvania, without ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, no one said a word.
ReplyDeleteWe understand that the Clinton campaign may want to depress turnout because Barack Obama has closed a 20-point gap over the course of this month as voters across the state got to know him.”
“It has been the hallmark of the Democratic party to educate and protect the rights of voters. If the Clinton campaign disagrees with that principle, they should say so today.”
Obama Campaign Manager, Pennsylvannia
See, Obama's campaign is careful to disguise their smears in soft speak, and Clinton tends to be more direct.
But a smears a smear, and Obama's campaign is ANYTHING but "above the frey".
When you take off your Barak Obama 3D sunglasses, you'll be better able to see the damage coming from BOTH sides of the isle, to the party, and the people.
ReplyDeleteOnce again I steer you back to 1st Kings, and the story of the two mothers who both claimed to Solomon that the child was rightfully theirs.
When Solomon saw this, he ordered the child be divided in half, and one half given to each of the woman.
When one of the women came forward and offered to give the whole child to the other, so as to spare its life, Solomon knew the child was rightfully hers, whether by blood or love, because she was the only one of the two who actually cared about the child itself.
Its the same here.
WE'RE the child. US. The people of the US.
And Obama and Clinton are the two mothers.
Only in this scenario, when the king offered to split us right down the middle, they said "ok".
If either of them really cared about the country, then they'd come forward and end this debacle.
And whats bullshit, is to sit here calling Barak Obama a "uniter" when both he and Hilary have divided this party further apart than its ever been divided before.
ReplyDeleteUniters my ass.
Sorry Mike, you know me and I'm not trying to be a jerk either. Just accurate.
ReplyDeleteAnd your position is indefensible, as is the candidates.
If you doubt me then I suggest investing in a newer, better calendar and a better calculator as well, and try adding up the months we have until the general election. You'll find it adds up to SIX.
SIX lousy months to launch a national campaign and make people "like" our candidates.
Problem is, we don't even have 6 months, because our two "uniters" are busy dividing the party in half, and smearing each others characters so that neither of them will be electable by the time one of them is finally chosen by the DNC.
Meanwhile, the RNC candidate, John McCain, is just sitting back, sipping a brew and laughing, while we destroy ourselves and he steadily climbs in the polls without lifting a finger. We gave him 20 points in the last two months, taking him from a dismal, Bush-like 30 percent, to now whats easily half the voting population.
He went from a 3rd of the country, to HALF, without raising a finger or taking out his checkbook.
So when we do finally get around to launching a campaign, with 3 or 4 months left to go, we'll have to spend those 3 or 4 months undoing the damage to our candidate that was done to them by our other candidate, and trying to gain back the 20 or 30 percent of the voting population that went over to McCain because they couldn't stand all the fighting and smearing from our two candidates.
Its utterly indefensible at this point to defend either Hilary or Obama. People doing so are lost in partisan infighting and have shelved their concern for the country as a whole for their tunnelvision in trying to get "their candidate" elected in the primary while lambasting the other.
And anyone doubting this needs to go out and buy a new calendar and a better calaculator, because the Gregorian calendar is telling my Texas Instruments pocket calculator that times up
Bartlebee said:
ReplyDeleteWhen one of the women came forward and offered to give the whole child to the other, so as to spare its life, Solomon knew the child was rightfully hers, whether by blood or love, because she was the only one of the two who actually cared about the child itself.
Its the same here.
WE'RE the child. US. The people of the US.
And Obama and Clinton are the two mothers.
If either of them really cared about the country, then they'd come forward and end this debacle.
I TOTALLY AGREE with you here -- that both Obama and Hillary have to stop.
BUT I AGREE WITH MIKE in that Hillary is the one slinging more dirt - and should never have said McCain and herself have more experience.
I see Obama as more of a peacemaker.
It may be that people on his staff are the ones doing all the damage...
But I am also sick of the way we, as progressives, can't stop maligning Hillary because it is not healthy to tear her down so much. She is amazing and brilliant and resilient.. and I know in my heart she would fight for health care, and all the causes mothers care about.
Everyone take off the blinders and stop hurting both of our candidates.
I may like Obama more than Hillary and think he can beat McCain, but hating Hillary so much reeks of misogyny and is weakening out party. BOTH of them should get together on the same ticket because there will be a lot of older working class blue collar men and single women and unhappy Hillary supporters who have paid their dues to this country than there will be unhappy college-aged Obama supporters -- who may think it's trendy and cool to support Obama, but can we trust they will go to the polls or sleep off their college hangovers that day?
I'm just saying -- we have to stop alienating Hillary supporters. There are tons of them and they call in on Air America expressing their dismay at how Randi Rhodes and all the hosts are so one-sided pro Obama!
Let's be fair - let's root for both. We have two dream candidates. I just wish they were more like Kucinich, the ultimate Progressive.
ReplyDeleteMike said....
but lets call a spade a spade, Hillary is the one running the negative campaign.
Ok, lets.
What did Obama mean when he sent a letter to the NYT calling Hillary "D-PUNJAB" for her investments in India?
What was the Obama campaign doing investigating her financial background in the first place???
Why did Obama roll out three Serbian war veterans to discredit Hilary's story about dodging sniper fire, calling her "dishonest"?
Why does he say stuff like this?
"She's taken different positions at different times on issues as fundamental as trade, or even the war, to suit the politics of the moment. And when she gets caught at it, the notion is, 'Well, you know what, that's just politics. That's how it works in Washington. You can say one thing here and say another thing there.'" - Barak Obama
or this...
"“So maybe you say something about trade when you’re campaigning with your husband eight, 10, 12 years ago. You say something different now [when] you’re campaigning in Ohio or Pennsylvania." - Barak Obama
While I certainly concede the Clinton campaign has launched "more" character attacks than has the Obama campaign, its absolutely ridiculous to claim its "Hilary running the smear campaign".
Its BOTH of them.
Your problem is the same as everyone elses. You're reading everything with a bias towards "your candidate".
Sure Hilary's campaign is using dirty tricks. But its patently false to make the claim Obama's campaign is "above the frey".
Obama's campaigns just better at playing it down."
IF Obama's campaign misrepresented something or used an unsubstantiated allegation against Hillary then I condemn that.
Bottom line my position is very similar to yours so i would hardly call that indefensible............I think this election going on is damaging the party and our chances to beat McSame and i just want it to end so we have a reasonable chance to win in November, at this point I think as much as I was against it in the past a joint ticket is the best way to win since if Obama loses it would likely alienate the African American and College student base and if Hillary loses it would likely alienate the Women and senior citizen base, and winning with either of those demographics alienated is doubtful.
My Point though Bart is this Obama might have questioned her honesty, judgement, credibility and sincereity BUT he did it with facts while she used lies, fear mongering, unsubstantiated fears, deflection from issues demagogery,deliberate misrepresentation etc.....See Bart, while i will admit that Obama focusing on how his credibility, judgement, honesty etc are superior may have helped to divide or embitter the party slightly, those are legitimate election issues and he used facts to support his arguments, while she used Rovian tactics and lies and propaganda.
And He ONLY did it after she took the campaign into the gutter..........let me ask you something Bart, what do YOU have done and what do you think he should have done, should Obama just have let her run over him and destroy him like what Bush did to Kerry, or just dropped out and quit when Hillary started her negative smear campaign and handed it to her..........then every gutter smear and fear Karl Rove candidate that comes after her will realize that the formula to drive out the good candidates is to get into the gutter like Rove and make them worry about the party being hurt.
I've conceded your point that we have to look at the big picture of beating McSame............What about my point about examiining exactly who brought us to this place and insuring it doesnt happen again.
I most certainly am biased for Obama at this point.........BUT there is a reason that got me to this point.
If you remember I didnt support Obama from the beginning, I supported Edwards..........However till 3 months ago I would have supported ANY Dem that got the nom.........What turned me against Hillary was her choice to take this into the gutter and hurt the party and our chances in the fall.............She said McCrazy has more experience than Obama, and she used the fearmongering and demogogery that YOU and I have been railing on for years and THAT is why i have been attacking her and stated I would not vote for her..............Bart you know I respect your opinion, so please dont take this the wrong way, but i've been barking at the moon for the last 3 months that Hillary is destroying the party and ruining our chances to beat McSame.........i'll admit i didnt think it would go this far and Obama has albeit unintentionally divided and polarized the party as well butwhat was he supposed to do just hand it to her becausec she started throwing a tantrum.
I've been saying what you are saying now for about 3 months so I have to say better late than never but where were you.
You see i agree with your main point that this thing NEEDS to end and that we are doing serious damage to our chances to win in November...........it is on the secondary point where we disagree.
ReplyDeleteSee let me put it this way.........if two men are stars on opposing football teams in the NFC and the NFC championship is coming up and the majority of the nation wants one of these two teams to beat the big AFC bully in the Superbowl that the whole country loathes and instead of showing class and taking the highroad one of the players decides to jump the other one in a dark alley, because the other team is favored to win. So the one man sucker punches the other with a set of brass knuckles and tries to break his kneecaps with a baseball bat rather than facing him honorably in the Championship game and letting the better team win..........is the man who chooses to defend himself by throwing some punches back so he wont be mauled, killed or maimed EQUALLY at fault to the man to turned it into a gutter or backalley brawl?
If both men are injured as a result of the first players poor judgement and both teams chances to beat the big bad bully are compromised are they EQUALLY at fault, are they both guilty of brawling, fighting and disorderly conduct or are there mitigating circumstances where there was a clear instigator.
Your right at this point fielding a candidate to beat McCrazy is whats important.........do i clearly favor Obama, your damn striaght he was CLEARLY head and shoulders more electable.....as much as I like Obama and dont care for Hillary i'm starting to think reluctantly albeit that at this point she might be the stronger candidate and Obama being her VP might be the right way to beat McCrazy....................if that happens I wont support her the same way i would Obama but I will root for her to beat McCrazy........the sad thing is back in January I would have without question accepted Hillary as the Nom if she won it in an honorable and fair way and would have contributed to her campaign.........she is the one that lost me just like she did Olberman.........for me using the fear mongering, smears and saying mcCrazy is a better candidate than Obama were bridge burners.........SHE WAS HER OWN WORST ENEMY.
Trust me i'm not a blind partisan and it isnt sour grapes if my candidae doesnt win.........the reason i wont let go of the fact that SHE took it negative and is the one to do the overwhelming majority of damage and she is the one that made this divisive and polarizing is because I want the DNC and Demacratic party to see the damage and insure this NEVER happens again............like you said before we can begin to to redeem ourselves and insure history doesnt repeat itself until we accept and face the problems.
1) The Primaries NEED to be compressed so they are over in Feb.
2) And there needs to be a mechanism or consequence for one candidate adopting a scorched earth policy and destroying the party's chances.
Lydia said "
ReplyDeleteI may like Obama more than Hillary and think he can beat McCain, but hating Hillary so much reeks of misogyny and is weakening out party. BOTH of them should get together on the same ticket because there will be a lot of older working class blue collar men and single women and unhappy Hillary supporters who have paid their dues to this country than there will be unhappy college-aged Obama supporters -- who may think it's trendy and cool to support Obama, but can we trust they will go to the polls or sleep off their college hangovers that day?
I'm just saying -- we have to stop alienating Hillary supporters. There are tons of them and they call in on Air America expressing their dismay at how Randi Rhodes and all the hosts are so one-sided pro Obama!"
Lydia, you raise some good points I think to put it bluntly the Hillary supporters are kinda like the repugs in that they dont see shades of grey, just black and white and they DO feel alienated and offended by Obama supporters attacking Hillary or by Obama defending himself by putting out facts that are unfavorable to Hillary and focusing on key relevant issues like judgement, sincerity, honesty etc......
As for the Misogny comment I have to say i'm kind of disapointed in you for that comment, you are usually very insightful but i just dont see this, could you provide some examples..........As for Me, it doesnt even enter into my thinking if some one is a woman or an African American, an Atheist whatever..........I just want a smart candidate and a good person..........but both personally and in my career I have NEVER EVER shown disrespect towards women or rascism and i get angry when i see others do those types of things AND THATS one of the reasons Hillary lost me they were CLEARLY using veiled rascism to divide and polarize the electorate because they KNEW that was the only way they could win..........she gambled she could destroy him and still possibly beat McCrazy...........it remains to be seen if that gamble will pay off but.
For the record Lydia I want saying you were calling me Misoginistic but i responded because i felt it could be implied........but for that matter i dont see the nation as a whole making gender an issue in this I really dont.
But you are certainly right about the divisions......at this point i think a joint ticket is the BEST way to win............BTW YOU guys know how much I prefer Obama to Her.......BUT she has damaged him severely and she has done better in the basttleground states so at this point she might be more electable.........secondly i hate to say this but if he named Hillary her VP.......i could HONESTLY see her pulling a LBJ and having him assassinated just like Kennedy was.........because she is a megalomaniac who craves the power so deeply.
One last thing for the record I dont hate Hillary or the repugs for that matter..........I MAY loathe or even hate their behavior or actions but I dont hate them..........I never thought about Hillary or GWB before they ran for or became President.
ReplyDeleteI KNOW you didnt mean i felt that way but i'm just making a point here........we NEED to stop acting like we are clairavoyant and possess ESP and can read [people's minds to KNOW who or what they hate............thats what the repugs do and thats what Hillary has done to turn me against her..........I KNOW what i love or hate and i dont need someone else saying i hate my country or am not patriotic because i criticize it or say i'm not proud.
Let me just give an example, I have many friends i respect highly, however if i stated i was never this proud of them or even if i said i was never proud of them before that in no way equates to my hating them or even not liking them.
And its riddiculous to imply that, i'm just using you as an example Lydia, dont be offended, if you criticized your husband, would it be fair to say you HATE him like Reich Wingers say about people who criticize our president or something our country has done they dont agree with............if you dont agree with your husband on EVERYTHING does that mean you hate him or are disloyal.
See we need to expose that idiotic talk for exactly what it is Nazi/Joe McCarthy demagogery and we need to make the people using it the laughgstocks and fools they truly are and deserve to be.
Well I guess i'm not too popular here tonight...........but I just want to say you guys KNOW I like and respect you both a great deal......and honestly are thinking isnt that far apart at all.
ReplyDeleteI remain hopeful poles are fickle and so are people and we can still win this once the focus comes back to real issues McCrazy will plummet AGAIN!
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteI TOTALLY AGREE with you here -- that both Obama and Hillary have to stop.
BUT I AGREE WITH MIKE in that Hillary is the one slinging more dirt
Then you don't agree with me.
Because you, like Mike, just don't get it.
Who gives a shit "who's slinging more dirt?"
It doesn't matter.
I don't know how much more clearly I can say this but I'll try again.
Its not about who's doing more smearing than the other. The fact that they're doing it at all is the problem?
Don't you get it?
Who cares who "started it" or who's doing it more?
What matters is that they're doing it. Two months ago the democrats had this race won regardless of which candidate they chose.
Now, two months later, we've all but lost it. John McCains climbed from a dismal 30 percent to 50 percent thanks to this shit.
Sorry, but you guys just don't get it. If you did, you would see no reason to tell me, "but Hilary's doing it more!".
Lydia said...
ReplyDeleteEveryone take off the blinders and stop hurting both of our candidates.
Once again you just don't seem to get it. No one here does except Jolly Roger so far.
You say it has to end, then you tell us to stop "hurting the candidates?"
The CANDIDATES are hurting the candidates.
The Candidates are the ones who are two small to step up and end this thing, which is why we need the DNC to do it for them.
The CANDIDATES are hurting the candidates, and if they'd put their Country before themselves and their career aspirations, then this thing would have been over 2 months ago when it should have been.
When we had the race won.
You say you agree with what I said about the story of Solomon and the two mothers but then you go on to talk about how Hilary is doing it more.
ReplyDeleteIf you agreed with me you wouldn't say that.
If you agreed with me you'd be calling your local DNC headquarters or emailing them and telling them to end this debacle before we lose the whole damned thing.
Bart said "If you agreed with me you'd be calling your local DNC headquarters or emailing them and telling them to end this debacle before we lose the whole damned thing."
ReplyDeleteAllready did that several times over...........i think they are waiting to see how next Tuesday shakes out to see where they cast their dice.
Make no mistake about it. We're out of time. WELL out of time.
ReplyDeleteAnd the McCain camp knows it, and their campaign manager is a genius.
He's sitting back, and letting the drawn out war between Obama and Clinton and watching his numbers climb without raising a finger, or spending one more nickel than they normally would.
He's doing nothing to gain in the polls, because he doesn't have to.
All he has to do is wait for people to get sick of these two chuckleheads and either find their way to his camp, support some 3rd party loser that doesn't have a chance, or just not vote all together.
And its working like a charm.
We've handed him 20 percent of the voting block in just two short months.
In two more months, when you guys finally figure out who's actually running in the general, you can all celebrate getting your guy the DNC nod, right before John McCain bury's them in the General.
We'll have 4 short months, 120 days left to put together a national campaign to convince the fencesitters that they shouldn't believe all the bullshit the one candidate said about the other, forget trying to convince them to vote for them.
And when you're sitting here in December talking about how "we'll get them in 2012" you can thank these days, right here. Because the ball was in our court, and we just handed it right back to the republicans.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteWell I guess i'm not too popular here tonight.........
You're always popular here Mike. This ain't about popularity and it ain't about making friends. Its about not making the same damned stupid mistakes we made in the last two general elections.
Unfortunately it looks like after 8 years of Bush, Iraq, Katrina, Torture, Constitutional devastation, and the most incredible bungling apathetic incompetence we've ever seen, we still haven't learned a thing.
Not a goddamned thing.
And I'm still reading your stuff so if I missed something hold on, I'll get to it.
ReplyDeleteLydia said...
ReplyDeleteBOTH of them should get together on the same ticket
Now thats a good idea, and I like your lets root for them both idea.
I just hope you see that we don't have time to "root for them both".
Every day this goes on McCain moves up in the polls a little more. And he's playing it like a pro.
Next Tuesday's may be too late.
Today may be too late.
Don't you see? We may have already lost this thing.
With the diebolds, the republican Gerrymandering, the voter suppression and such we needed to go into this thing with an overwhelming lead! Like 70\30, which is where we were just two months ago when the analysts were warning the DNC to end this thing.
Now, two months later, we're going in at 50\50!. FIFTY FIFTY and we STILL haven't picked a candidate!
So the fact is not only may Tuesday be too late, today may be to late as well.
Dee Dee Meyers said the Dems have a habit of letting defeat snatch things from the jaws of victory..............and she's right we had this locked up and instead of clinching a certain victory they essentially punted the football to McCrazy on first down.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
ReplyDeleteAnd He ONLY did it after she took the campaign into the gutter..........
See Mike? This is what I'm talking about. In one breath you say you agree with me and in the next you're saying "but she did it first".
It don't matter buddy. Let it go.
What matters this time is we don't lose the ball game, and I fear we may already have.
Everytime we say "Hilary's smearing Obama", we're smearing her in the general if she gets the nod.
ReplyDeleteEverytime Hilary does something ugly it hurts her in the general.
Look, we don't pick the DNC candidate. The DNC does.
Oh they let you vote so you "feel" like you're part of the system, but THEY pick in the end who they want. He doesn't even half to be on the ballot.
So for once, let the damned DNC just act like they have at least one ball, and end this damned thing now. Tonight. Tomorrow. This week. End it. Say they're throwing their support behind one, preferably Obama but if not thats ok too.
As long as whoever they pick wins the general election.
Because thats the ONLY thing that matters now.
ReplyDeleteWhat about my point about examiining exactly who brought us to this place and insuring it doesnt happen again.
Because right now it doesn't matter one f#$king bit who started it, and who did it more, or worse.
What matters is they WIN, and the LAST thing we need right now going into the general already lame and only a few months out, is an analysis of all the stupid f@#king things these clowns did during the last two months to give McCain 20 free points.
You want to analyze it? Fine.
Do it in January when they're being sworn in.
Right now thats the last thing we need.
You do the malpractice investigation AFTER the operation is over.
ReplyDeleteNot when you've got an beating heart sitting in your hands.
Mike said...
ReplyDeletei've been barking at the moon for the last 3 months that Hillary is destroying the party and ruining our chances to beat McSame
I know, thats the problem.
And if she gets the DNC nod, those words are going to haunt you each time you throw out some support for her.
What are you gonna say about her then? She's destroying the party, a lying bitch who smeared Obama with lies every chance she got, but you'd like her to be President?
Don't you think its going to be a bit hard finding something to say about her that will escape the last three solid months of bashing her?
And you know the trolls won't let you forget. They're not here right now because like McCain, they don't need to be. They're letting you, and everyone else bash one of the candidates so that when we finally get around to picking one, they'll have an ample supply of ammunition to throw right back at you.
6 months ago was one thing. But we're 6 months out. That means if they go till June like they're talking, then we'll have less than 120 days to not only launch a national campaign, but to figure out a way to clean up all the damage done to our candidates reputations that we did to them ourselves.
ReplyDeleteEven if we picked one and launched a national campaign tonight, I'm afraid it may be to late.
ReplyDeleteGoing into the general election at 50\50 is a bad, bad place for us to be starting.
For the diebold thing to work, the polling needs to be close.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks to this infighting we've been brokering for the last 2 months, it is close.
REALLY close.
And that hasn't boded well for us in the past.
You're all focusing on the primary's when you should be focusing on the general.
ReplyDeleteNOTHING but the general.
With 6 months to go its the only thing that matters now.
"...its like a finger....pointing at the moon.
ReplyDeleteDON'T concentrate on the finger... or you'll miss all that heavenly glory"
Bruce Lee
"Enter the Dragon"
You're focusing on the primary's because you think they still matter.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is, they don't.
Not one damned bit.
Not now.
ReplyDeleteNot when John McCains halfway around the track and we're still suiting up.
The primaries mattered 2 months ago, when we had a 40 point lead.
ReplyDeleteWhen they should have ended.
Now the only thing about the primaries that matters, is that they end.
If the democrats were just big enough to run clean campaigns then this wouldn't be a problem. We'd have time.
ReplyDeleteBecause the country would be seeing two decent, likable people following the electoral process.
But unfortunately the democrats don't practice what they preach.
Instead all democratic primary races now are smear campaigns.
The assholes always say "oh we're going to run a clean campaign", and then invariably proceed to launch an endless campaign of smear attacks until one of the dipshits finally drops out and the other one drags their battered and bruised carcass into the general just in time to get their asses kicked by a repulican campaign manager who just sat back and took notes during our ridiculously long primary.
How about the candidates don't MENTION each other in one party campaigns?
How about instead of finding nasty things to say about each other, WHETHER TRUE OR NOT, they instead just don't say ANYTHING.
How about instead they focus their campaigns on presenting their positions on matters?
You guys talk about Obama like he's a guilded saint compared to clinton, but his quips, though more cleverly disguised are just as foul as hers. I listen to him. He mentions her constantly. "Hilary this, Hilary that"
Why does he have to mention her at all?
And don't give me some media pandering soundbite about how in the "real world" they have to now.
I live in the real world too, and in the real world people hate that shit.
How about instead of everyone telling me how much more above the frey the Obama campaign is how about he start SHOWING me that? How about that?
How about he starts getting above it, by never mentioning her name again? How about he stops responding to her camps attacks with counter attacks, and instead just tell us what he's going to do?
How about when Howard Dean comes out tomorrow on Jon Stewart, everyone boos his do nothing good for nothing ass off the stage, and maybe the DNC will get the message finally and elect a chairman who has at least one functioning testical? How about that?
ReplyDeleteHow about we start holding our leaders to the same level of accountability we hold the republican leaders to?
How bout that?
How about for once this year we don't focus so hard on the battle that we lose the war?
ReplyDeleteYou're preaching to me about the superiority of Obama because you think the primaries still matter.
ReplyDeleteThey don't.
The primaries stopped mattering the day our 40 point lead dropped to a 30 point lead. That was about two months ago when the analysts started warning us to get out.
But Howard Dean and the DNC knows better I guess, as apparently the candidates do too.
Because together, and with our help they've managed to turn that 40 point lead into a NO point lead.
Well guess everyones sufficiently pissed off now after that. You guys always clam up when I've said something that you don't like thats hard to hear.
ReplyDeleteWell, its the truth.
I'm not saying it to be an asshole, and I'm not saying to piss people off. I'm saying it because there are two kinds of friends in this world. The ones who'll tell you what they think you want to hear so as not to disturb you, and those who'll tell you the truth. I'm the latter.
And I honestly can't sit back and watch you guys wrapped up in these stupid primaries while we lose the whole ball game, all over again.
We just keep making the same mistakes over and over, and we acknowledge them, then proceed to continue to do the same stupid thing over and over and over.
Look at that Bruce Lee quote I put up. That too was not put there to be a smart ass, or to upset you.
That was put there to clarify a simple point.
We're the student Lee was talking to. The General Elections are the "moon", and the primaries are the "finger".
The primaries only "point" to the general elections. By themselves they mean NOTHING.
But the democrats every year now act as if the primaries were everything and spend all of our time, talents and energy promoting our choice while performing accross the board character assinations on the other choices presented to us.
"...its like a finger....pointing at the moon.
ReplyDeleteDON'T concentrate on the finger... or you'll miss all that heavenly glory"
Bruce Lee
"Enter the Dragon"
I thought about writing this as a Reconstitution post, but I'll do it here.
ReplyDeleteFor all of the talk Obama and Clinton supporters have about refusing to support the other person in a general election, Pennsylvania had a result that nobody seems to remember.
McCavein lost over 1 in 4 Gopper votes. To either Huckabee or to Paul, two guys who will not, cannot win. Running unopposed, McCavein can't even get all his own people to vote for him. The opportunity to knock him off hasn't gone away, and isn't going to go away. Once this Primary nonsense is over, some effort should be made to reach out to at least the Paul voters (the Huck contingent are most likely unreachable, but I've been surprised before.)
ReplyDeleteWell guess everyones sufficiently pissed off now after that. You guys always clam up when I've said something that you don't like thats hard to hear.
Well, its the truth.
I'm not saying it to be an asshole, and I'm not saying to piss people off. I'm saying it because there are two kinds of friends in this world. The ones who'll tell you what they think you want to hear so as not to disturb you, and those who'll tell you the truth. I'm the latter.
And I honestly can't sit back and watch you guys wrapped up in these stupid primaries while we lose the whole ball game, all over again."
I'm not pissed off in the least, and i havent clammed up because you said something i dont like..........i've just been busy LOL.
But for the record let me clearly state my position so i'm NOT battling straw men here.
I agree with you we need to end these primaries because we are doing damage to the party i said that 3 months ago when this started becoming negative and polarizing.
I thought the Superdelegates should have ended this back in February when the Partys chances started being hurt by Hillary going negative then this would NEVER have happened I blame the Super delegates for not ending this the minute this went negative. Now When Hillary took it negative Obama was ahead in every metric and he was NOT the one engaging in those tactics.......to end the campaign you HAVE TO pick the more electable candidate that was clearly Obama particularly since MANY of Hillary's victorys were from repug subterfuge.
Now you seem to be portraying me as some blindly loyal Obama partisan, while I admit I have bashed her quite forcefully and negatively but at this point I would accept and root for WHOEVER the candidate is against McCrazy and have clearly stated that.
I asked you point blank more than once how you would have handled this or what you think SHOULD have been done.....ok of course we need to suport one candidate ASAP and this should NEVER have gone negative in the first place those are moot points we BOTH agree on.
My Question to you AGAIN is once Hillary DID take it negative and do damage to the party what are you saying should have been done:
1) Should the Superdelegates all have ended this by jumping to Obama
2) should the Super delegats have said she doesnt care about the party and WONT back down so lets just support her to end this and set a prescedent that if the less electable candidate throws a tantrum and adopts a scorched earth policy we';; just spinelessly cave in and give them what they want even if it hurts the party's chances.
3) Should Obama just have kept silent and let her run over him and swift boat him like what happened to John Kerry?
4) or should Obama just have caved and quit and given it to her even if he clearly though HE was more electable.
You say it doesnt matter WHO went negative first, I say BS maybe NOW its moot but back then when it was critical it mattered a GREAT deal if it WERE dealt with THEN then we wouldnt be where we are now.
1) if the moment Hillary took this negative all the superdelegates said they were jumping to obama because she used poor judgement again by putting her own selfish interests over the party and the country.
2)By rewarding and NOT punish that type of behavior you are telling future candidates that throwing a tantrum and attempting to destroy the party will be rewarded rather than punished......what happens if in the future the less electable candidate pulls the same BS.
I do not agree with your reasoning that it doesnt matter who started this........if someone starts a fight or assaults someone do you just let the person get away with it then claim the guy who got sucker punched and is defending himself is equally at fault or should you have immediately have stopped it and punished the person who started it.
As for me not being able to defend my position to the trolls, i got into a knock down drag out one with my uncle on this very topic..........I dont have to defend my position to the knuckle draggers.......they are a laughing stock anyway.
1) you will NEVER convince those brainwashed nazi's of anything and they are too far gone to worry about they would not vote for either of our candidates anyway regardless of wqhat BS they say.
2) They dissed McCrazy as well so like usual they have the hippocritical position.....but woirrying about appearing reasonable to a bunch of brainwashed goosesteppers who believe in genocide, torture, endless war, rascism, steaqliong from the working class and oppose freedom, liberty science, facts etc... is an exercise in futility and the absurd.
See i'm not wrapped up in the primaries and i'm not a partisan for only one candidate...........at this point i'll go with either of em if they can beat McCrazy but we need to pick the MOST electable.
See all i have to say to the trolls if Hill is the Nom is I am supporting the best candidate PERIOD!!!
ReplyDeletenothing more needs to be said.
I agree with you that at this point we need to focus on the solution.........however my side point that you dont seem to want to acknowledge for some reason is if we HAD focused on the solution 3 months ago instead of putting our heads in the sand is we would be in this position now and the election would have been a slam dunk rather than a crap shoot.
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt HAVE to black and white where you are completely right and i'm completely wrong.
ReplyDeleteIts not the negaive talk itself that has hurt either caqndidate the repugs have done that anyway.........its the fact that we have driven off the independents and moderate repugs and divided and polarized our base so now the seniuor citizens and women might not support Obama and the African Americans and college kids might not support her.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteto end the campaign you HAVE TO pick the more electable candidate
To end the campaign you just have to end it.
And that you still say stuff like that shows you don't really get it.
Because if you did, you'd know it doesn't matter anymore.
Neither of them is "more electable" at this point.
Because both their campaign managers have made sure of that.
To end the campaign we just need to end the campaign.
As the repuggies say, just "GIT'R DONE".
Here. Here's the headline from Reuters this morning.
ReplyDeleteObama fights perception he is elitist
Thu May 1, 2008 3:23pm EDT
FORT WAYNE, Indiana (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama sought to convince Americans he is not elitist on Thursday as new polls showed his aura of inevitability has declined after weeks of negative headlines.
So while the republicans are sitting back gaining points and running a very, very smart national campaign for the general election, we're sitting here talking about THIS BULLSHIT.
Here, from that same Reuters article this morning.
ReplyDeleteAndrew said in a long letter explaining his switch that it was time to "heal the rift in our party," end the lengthy nominating process and pick a candidate to face McCain.
"While I was hopeful that a long, contested primary season would invigorate our party, the polls show that the tone and temperature of the race is now hurting us"
Least they get it.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteNow you seem to be portraying me as some blindly loyal Obama partisan
Well I never intended to portray you as blindly loyal, but you do seem to be blind to the bigger picture here. So does pretty much EVERYBODY!
You say in one breath it has to end and then proceed to launch a discourse on the superiority of Obama, and how "Hilary started it" or "its Hilary doing it".
When you "get it" Mike, you won't say that stuff.
When you do get it all you'll be saying is "who gives a shit lets just pick one and end this ignorant bullshit!".
Thats what you'll say when you get it.
And if I'm missing stuff hang tight. I'm still reading your latest posts.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
ReplyDeleteI asked you point blank more than once how you would have handled this or what you think SHOULD have been done..
And I answered you yesterday.
I said just end it.
If the candidates are too small to step up for the good of the party, and the nation, then let the DNC and Howard Dean act like they have at least ONE functioning Testicle, and pick a candidate.
Preferably based on the popular vote but however they do it doesn't matter.
All that matters is that they just do it.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteMy Question to you AGAIN is once Hillary DID take it negative and do damage to the party what are you saying should have been done:
1) Should the Superdelegates all have ended this by jumping to Obama
2) should the Super delegats have said she doesnt care about the party and WONT back down so lets just support her to end this and set a prescedent that if the less electable candidate throws a tantrum and adopts a scorched earth policy we';; just spinelessly cave in and give them what they want even if it hurts the party's chances.
3) Should Obama just have kept silent and let her run over him and swift boat him like what happened to John Kerry?
4) or should Obama just have caved and quit and given it to her even if he clearly though HE was more electable.
I'll answer these one by one.
Mike said...1) Should the Superdelegates all have ended this by jumping to Obama
Why not?
When we saw the poll numbers climbing for McCain, and saw the campaign taking an ugly turn like our DNC campaigns always do, why not?
Mike said...
ReplyDelete2) should the Super delegats have said she doesnt care about the party and WONT back down so lets just support her to end this and set a prescedent that if the less electable candidate throws a tantrum and adopts a scorched earth policy we';; just spinelessly cave in and give them what they want even if it hurts the party's chances.
lol, well obviously the way you architechted that one of course not.
What they should have done is stepped in and put a stop to it.
They hold all the cards after all.
Bart said "When you do get it all you'll be saying is "who gives a shit lets just pick one and end this ignorant bullshit!".
ReplyDeleteThat is what i'm saying.......if its been that unclear after the many times i have stated this allow me to clarify I just want this over now and dont care which of them it is.
my previous post was refering to what should have been done 2-3 months ago.
Mike said..
ReplyDelete3) Should Obama just have kept silent and let her run over him and swift boat him like what happened to John Kerry?
What good did it do for Kerry when he reacted to that shit?
What good did it do him?
Do we have a President named Kerry that I don't know about?
Did it quiet the attacks in the media when he responded or inflame them even more?
And more importantly that statement of yours leaves out one key pivotal ingredient.
This isn't the right wing coming after him.
Its the LEFT wing.
Its US.
Obama should have kept his mouth shut and focused on promting himself as superior and above the frey.
Unfortunately the inbred DNC throwback running his campaign advised him otherwise.
Mike said...
ReplyDelete4) or should Obama just have caved and quit and given it to her even if he clearly though HE was more electable.
Not then, but now if he was the bigger of the two, he'd step up and do something to end this, including bowing out just for the sake of the party.
A better solution of course would be for him to approach Hilary and offer her the Veep slot.
But continuing to respond to attacks as well launching his own shows he cares little more about the country than the rest of them.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteThat is what i'm saying.......if its been that unclear after the many times i have stated this allow me to clarify I just want this over now and dont care which of them it is.
my previous post was refering to what should have been done 2-3 months ago.
Ok, well I don't hear you saying that. I hear you saying that, right before you proceed to tell me how bad Hilary is and how great Obama is, and how "she started it".
Sorry Mike, but your words don't match that sentence thus far.
Now, I do believe this is a position you are beginning to adopt but I don't see it in any of your writings.
You just got through saying they HAVE to pick the best candidate, which shows you didn't get it when you said that.
Anyway I'm not trying to focus on you. Its not just you. Its everyone. I mean come on. If I go through this blog for the last 2 weeks, all I see is DNC Primary bullshit.
From everyone. The articles. The bloggers. The comments. All of it with regards to th election is DNC primary BULLSHIT.
When people get it they won't be talking about the primaries.
They'll be CURSING them.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that at this point we need to focus on the solution.........however my side point that you dont seem to want to acknowledge for some reason is if we HAD focused on the solution 3 months ago instead of putting our heads in the sand is we would be in this position now and the election would have been a slam dunk rather than a crap shoot.
I'm not sure what you're talking about there. I just got through writing about 250 times that 2 or 3 months ago this thing should have been ended so I'm not sure how you arrived at this post.
I have no answer, since the comment proceeds from a false assumption.
See? Cosmic Cowboy\aka Moo Moo, aka Rusty, is here to try and fuel the fires more.
ReplyDeletePlaying devils advocate to further demean the candidates.
Frankly, I'm sick to my stomach of this.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt HAVE to black and white where you are completely right and i'm completely wrong.
You really don't get it.
I have stated 1000 times now this ain't about you, me or who's right or who's wrong.
Don't make this personal. Its not.
Its about the facts. And the facts are you by your own admission have spent the last 3 months bashing Hilary, like everyone else on the Obama bandwagon.
You can't say "I agree with you" when your comments for the last 3 months say otherwise.
You may agree with me "now". But thats a recent development over the last 24 hours.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteYou say it doesnt matter WHO went negative first, I say BS maybe NOW its moot but back then when it was critical it mattered a GREAT deal if it WERE dealt with THEN then we wouldnt be where we are now.
Another post that shows you don't get it at all. You're still busy bashing Hilary.
I mean really, WHO????
I'll tell you who.
Obama supporters, thats who.
If you "got it", you wouldn't care who started it because it doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteThe fact he responded to it is all that matters.
He had a choice.
No one twisted his arm.
He could have been the bigger man that you guys keep claiming that he is, and just ignored it.
But he didn't.
So it doesn't matter who the hell "started it".
All that matters now is that someone finishes it.
Mike said...
ReplyDelete1) if the moment Hillary took this negative all the superdelegates said they were jumping to obama because she used poor judgement again by putting her own selfish interests over the party and the country.
Sure. That would've been fine with me IF Obama didn't respond to it.
He did.
So that statement is just another Hilary bash and demonstrates further that you are indeed an Obama supporter who still can't see the forrest for the trees.
You're still concentrating on the "finger" and missing all that heavenly glory.
(come on Mike, I thought you of all people would appreciate an "Enter the Dragon" quote).
Mike said...
ReplyDelete2)By rewarding and NOT punish that type of behavior you are telling future candidates that throwing a tantrum and attempting to destroy the party will be rewarded rather than punished......what happens if in the future the less electable candidate pulls the same BS.
I'm glad you posted this because it represents whats wrong with the DNC.
You're all still trying to play
"kindergarten cop", worrying about shit that you don't need to worry about to win the race.
That stuffs fine. Sure we have to work on that.
Thats how we lose races Mike.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with your reasoning that it doesnt matter who started this
Your own words admit it.
You don't "get it" one little bit.
Because if you did, you'd know that it DOESN'T MATTER who started it.
It doesn't even matter that Obama responded.
NONE of that matters right now.
But don't worry.
It will matter in December.
When you're all sitting here scratching your asses, cursing the Diebolds and talking about how we'll "get em in 2012", then that stuff can matter for you.
ReplyDeleteThen you can spend the next 4 years dissecting "who started it".
You'll have all the time you need then to focus on that bullshit.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
I agree with you that at this point we need to focus on the solution.........however my side point that you dont seem to want to acknowledge for some reason is if we HAD focused on the solution 3 months ago instead of putting our heads in the sand is we would be in this position now and the election would have been a slam dunk rather than a crap shoot.
I'm not sure what you're talking about there. I just got through writing about 250 times that 2 or 3 months ago this thing should have been ended so I'm not sure how you arrived at this post.
I have no answer, since the comment proceeds from a false assumption."
I wasnt assigning you a false position, I was saying that MY position 2-3 months ago was that the Superdelegats could have and SHOULD have ended this and the ONLY way to do that would have been to in a unitary block jump to Obama and thats NOT because thats the candidate "I" like, its because he was ahead and doing so would have either ended the primary right then or sent a message that that type of destructive campaigning would NOT be tolerated, while jumping to her would only have emboldened her and made Obama more desperate to do the same.
And yes my position has changed in the last week.......but you just cant seem to give me credit for saying the Superdelegates should have ended this promptly 2-3 months ago......please tell me how this position differs from yours?
I have e-mailed and left messages for party leaders several times in the last 3 months that the party is being damaged and they need to end this
Look, I've said about 300 times now they should've ended this 3 months ago.
ReplyDeleteThats a GIVEN.
It is NOT in debate here.
And the fact that you say that is fine, except you've spent the last 3 months promoting your candidate and bashing the other.
And except for the fact that in your scenario 3 mos ago Obama has to be the one, which shows you still don't get it.
And except for the fact that we have yet to invent time traveling machines to transport us back to 3 months ago to do something about it.
Our positions are poles apart.
You write repeatedly on how Obama is superior, how the delegates shouldve given it to him, and how we need to examine who "started it".
I don't GIVE A RATS ASS about any of that shit.
I don't care if the DNC nomintates DAFFY DUCK!
It doens't matter.
All I care about is that we don't lose another fu$#King general election because we're f$#@$king around in the primaries!
Is that clear enough?
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteI have e-mailed and left messages for party leaders several times in the last 3 months that the party is being damaged and they need to end this
Good. But it doens't help to do that and then spend that same 3 months bashing the other candidate.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
I have e-mailed and left messages for party leaders several times in the last 3 months that the party is being damaged and they need to end this
Good. But it doens't help to do that and then spend that same 3 months bashing the other candidate."
I may not have handled this very well and likely may have added fuel to the fire.......but that doesnt change my position that the MINUTE this went negative the SD's should have ended this and we all know the only way that could have been done, as jumping to her side would have only reinforced that behavior from both candidates.
No I concede I may have gotten lost in the middle but my Early position was for the good of the party and NOT a particular candidate just as my current position is now.........I just want us to win this I no longer care who the candidate is.
Speaking purely from my perspective 2 months ago.........this should have been ended the minute it went negative...........the reason i started trashing her was not because i was some obama fanatic it was out of frustration and concern that our chances for victory were being destroyed by selfish greed.
Like we said thats moot NOW.........but you just dont seem to want to give me cedit for having the corect position and looking at the good of the party and the big picture originally in February........sure i may have lost my way and got sucked up in the fighting........but you just dont seem to want to give me credit for saying this 3 months ago when no one else was...........if the SD"s HAD listened to me and ended it we would not be where we are now with a polarized and divided electorate.
I got a question for you Mike.
ReplyDeleteDo you like crow?
How much crow pie do you think you can eat at a sitting?
The reason I ask is because if Hilary gets the nod, then how exactly were you planning on "supporting her"?
Beyond voting for her of course?
What exactly are you planning on saying when Voltron calls her a lying bitch?
That she's a better lying bitch than McCain?
You can't lambast someone for 3 straight months, just 6 months out from the actual election, and then do a 180 and start defending her.
Not effectively at least.
When the trolls start pulling your last 3 months of Hilary bashing quotes out you're not going to have a leg to stand on in defending her. Just like the rest of the Obama camp.
You can't call someone an evil lying bitch, and then turn around and say she should be President.
It doesn't hold water, you know?
At least not when you did it just a few months earlier.
ReplyDeleteLike we said thats moot NOW.........but you just dont seem to want to give me cedit for having the corect position and looking at the good of the party and the big picture originally in February........
What good is it to state the correct position and then do the opposite?
I give you credit for being smart. I always do.
But smart is as smart does.
And "saying" it should end, and then proceeding to do the opposite, well... I'm not sure thats the kind of "credit" you want me to give you.
And "saying" you agree with me, while in the next breath bashing Hilary more, and promoting your candidate as superior doesn't exactly bode well for "credit" either Mike.
ReplyDeleteYou "say" you agree with me.
Now you've even said "I just want us to win this I no longer care who the candidate is.
which is the RIGHT thing to say.
But saying it, and then proceeding to bash Clinton for "starting it", is contradictory.
Saying its not enough. You have to "mean it".
But I will give you credit for this. It "looks" like you are starting to get it, and one thing I've always admired about you is your ability to revisit your positions, which is a rare and valuable quality.
In fact its a quality that if one of our candidates possesed, then maybe this shit would be over by now.
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ReplyDeleteLeast you know what you are.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought I told you clowns about messing around with calculators and integers and shit.
ReplyDeleteYou know it always makes you look stupid.
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ReplyDeleteChevron posts record $18.7 billion profit
ReplyDeleteDavid R. Baker,
Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Soaring oil prices lifted Chevron Corp.'s annual profit to $18.7 billion in 2007, the fourth consecutive year that the San Ramon company made record amounts of money.
Chevron, America's second-largest oil company, reported Friday that its annual profit jumped 9 percent from 2006, as crude oil prices reached their highest levels in 26 years. Sales topped $220.9 billion, up 5 percent from the year before.
Chevron's profit served as yet another milestone in this decade's historic increase in energy prices, one that has seen the cost of crude oil triple while gasoline prices have hit record heights.
Other companies have made even more. Exxon Mobil, the country's largest oil company, reported on Friday that its 2007 profit hit $40.6 billion, a 3 percent increase from 2006, while sales passed $404 billion. No American business has ever scored a higher profit.
ReplyDeleteFriends don't let neocons drive calculators.
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ReplyDeleteMath to a neocon.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
The big oil companies make about 9.5% profit on what they produce.
Math in the real world.
Chevron, America's second-largest oil company, reported Friday that its annual profit jumped 9 percent
Remember folks, a strong back, is a terrible thing to waste.
Perhaps if we started them when they're young... on something simpler... like an Abacus.
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ReplyDeleteLike I said nimord, stay away from the math.
ReplyDeleteTry chisembop. I heard it works wonder with the Chinese schoolkids.
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ReplyDeleteI imagine if Dick Cheney took a shit on a silver platter, and told Voltron it was meatloaf, the dumb mutherfuker would pour ketchup on it and gobble it up.
ReplyDeleteSome people you can just never help.
Only pity.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteLets forget about that for now though, that was just a side comment.
Yea, I bet you'd like to forget about that one dumbass.
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ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd I strongly dislike McCain.
Yea I'm sure you do.
Having his leg broken like that I imagine he can't goosestep high enough for you crowd, huh?
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI don't know who this "nimord" is.
The sheer tonnage of what you don't know, could stun a team of oxen in its tracks.
Voltron, Nimrod.... Dumbass.... all the same to me.
ReplyDeleteJust another dipshit selling bullshit to the shitheads who'll listen.
What you are is just another right wing idiot who thinks he knows how to operate a calculator.
ReplyDeleteBefore you start with the calculator, you might try a dictionary first.
Then you'd know the difference between an increase in profit and an increase in revenue.
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ReplyDeleteHere Mike, Clif, Larry. You guys have been wanting a primer for deciphering republospeak for sometime now.
ReplyDeleteWell here it is.
Voltron said...
Lets forget about that for now though, that was just a side comment.
Please disregard my last idiotic answer that does not make sense, in deference to my next idiotic answer that won't make sense.
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ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteTell that dictionary thing to the reporter who wrote your story.
Yea? What about the 3000 other reporters out there writing the same stories?
They're all wrong to?
Your argument is when they quote "revenue" as opposed to "profit" , they all just are collectively wrong?
Thats your answer?
Is it possible theres someone smarter next to your cubicle that you could send in?
Like a 4th grader?
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ReplyDeleteVoltron is here to try and mire facts folks, which is why he's on the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder.
Or maybe because he's on the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder, is why he's in here muddying facts.
Fact. Oil companies are enjoying record profits.
Thats the fact.
Voltron wants to try and make you think otherwise, so he talks about margins (which he knows nothing about) and other bullshit to try and disguise the fact, that the oil execs who took home 10 million dollars 5 years ago, is taking home 100 million dollars today.
Because he's a liar and a ignorant son of a bitch.
It occurred to me that we are rapidly aproaching the mark of one full year that I have been visiting this particular blog. It also means that I will have to repost -- and tragically update -- that very first post because the message behind it is still very much valid.
ReplyDeleteI hate this stupid war.
Yea. Let me off the hook you ignorant peice of shit.
ReplyDeleteLet me off you halfwitted bellycrawling worm.
You're a joke.
The oil companies are enjoying the HIGHEST PROFITS IN HISTORY.
And little peices of shit like you just try to bury that with bullshit, like you do everything else.
I can talk about this one all night junior, epecially with a fu$#king idiot like you.
Exxon Mobil Profit Sets Record Again
February 1, 2008
By any measure, Exxon Mobil’s performance last year was a blowout.
The company reported Friday that it beat its own record for the highest profits ever recorded by any company, with net income rising 3 percent to $40.6 billion, thanks to surging oil prices. The company’s sales, more than $404 billion, exceeded the gross domestic product of 120 countries.
Exxon Mobil earned more than $1,287 of profit for every second of 2007
The company also had its most profitable quarter ever.
You don't understand what margin is dipshit and the last thing I need is some inbred truckdriver with a grannyhip telling me what a margin is, get it?
ReplyDeleteYou don't know shit.
The margin changes constanly dumbass, and the margin doesn't play a role here in these figures.
Margins have to do with expense.
These are PROFITS.
PROFITS are what you have AFTER expense.
Like I said before, ditch the calculator and buy a dictionary.
dolty stuttered,
ReplyDeleteGeez. No wonder you guys can't run a political campaign...
Going BACK to my previous example:
IF I have a profit margin of 9% and in my first year my revenue is $100 I make $9. Now in my second year my revenue is $1000 my profit is $90.
Thats a 1000% jump in my profit over the previous year.
However my margin is STILL only 9%.
No wonder you guys can't run an economy. You might actually want to go back over this steaming pile and fix it.
dolty, your argument is stupid. There are better ways to make this argument. I could do it better than you can, and believe me, I'm no friend of big oil; they've strangled innovation and progress for a century now.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot lipstick this pig, the way you're going about it.
I'm not sure if you're just really this fu#king stupid, or if you're just playing your stupid game to try and bury the fact that the oil companies, execs and shareholders are reaping in the profits while other companies are going out of business.
ReplyDeleteBut you know whats really funny?
People like you.
The inbred blue collar braindeads like you are the ones voting in the rat bastards who are destroying the jobs and businesses that support your dumbasses.
Too funny.
Trucking going well these days is it shithead?
Glad you voted in the oil barrons so they could triple the cost of doing business for your company you half baked limpdick twit???
Keep voting republican dumbass.
And have a nice retirement.
By the way, what do y'all make of today's news?
ReplyDeleteWell if your trucking companies enjoying themselves these days dumbass, then you're gonna love this summer, when it its 4 dollars a gallon and quadruples, because you stupid mutherfu$@#kers keep voting in oil grabbers who start wars to drive up the price so they and their pals can make a buck.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead dumbass. Vote in McCain. Vote in another warmongering son of a bitch who'll get it up to 8 bucks a gallon, and I'll drop a coin in your cup when I see your toothless ass standing on the side of the road.
Whats really funny is the dumbass thinks he sounds erudite for talking about margins, while his trucking company figures out how they're going to stay in business.
ReplyDeleteWhats that dolty? My elitism is showing?
Well if being correct is what you call elitism I'll take that over your doltishness showing anyday.
Record oil boosts profits for BP, Royal Dutch Shell
ReplyDeleteTuesday, April 29, 2008
The Associated Press
Europe’s two biggest oil producers, BP and Royal Dutch Shell, posted combined profits of $17 billion for the first quarter as oil prices surged to a record. Britain’s prime minister said some of those profits should be reinvested. LONDON | BP PLC and Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Europe’s two biggest oil producers, posted forecast-busting first-quarter earnings on Tuesday, thanks to record crude oil prices.
The combined profits of $17 billion reignited calls for a windfall tax on oil profits as consumers struggle to pay for food and fuel.
Yea, keep preaching bullshit dumbass.
Pretty soon when you can't get a job driving a truck for more than 8 bucks an hour you'll have all the time in the world to spread your inane bullshit.
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ReplyDeleteLONDON | BP PLC and Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Europe’s two biggest oil producers, posted forecast-busting first-quarter earnings
ReplyDeleteAnd this dipshit wants to talk about margins.
Idoits like you Dolt deserve the mess we're in.
Problem is, we don't.
What happened over the last 8 years is the national bar was lowered for us all, so the kids from the short bus could play too.
ReplyDeleteNow, 8 years later, with a bankrupt economy, a debacle in a foriegn country with hundreds of thousands dead, despised by the entire world, this shithead still thinks he has something to say.
Go home rube. Go home, soak your head, and learn to vote smart, instead of that black thing in your chest you call a heart.
Listen to the stupid mutherf#@$ker.
ReplyDeleteOil prices were steady for 20 years!
Then they elect in their oil grabbers and in a few short years prices TRIPLE, and are STILL CLIMBING.
And this dumb mutherf#@ker still thinks he has something to say.
And based on that toothless Alfred E Newman photo you sent me, you oughta fit right in.
ReplyDeleteIn fact they'll likely have a hard time distinguishing you from a horses ass.
Of course, when you're applying for the job, I wouldn't tell them about your blog posts.
Wouldn't want em to think you were overqualified.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteNo bart, I understand gas prices are way too high.
Apparently not.
Or at least you're too stupid to figure out how they got there.