The political catch phrase of the 1980's was something Ronald Reagan called "Trickle Down Economics." This brand of economics was said simply to make the richer even richer, and their wealth would trickle down through the economy to the less fortunate class of people.
Throughout the Reagan years, the poor and middle class waited patiently for the trickle down to get to them, but it seldom did. Trickle Down Economics worked very well for the wealthy Americans, but it had an adverse reaction for the rest of society.
Today there is a new version of the Trickle Down Theory. This version also involves the Republican party, the same party Ronald Reagan was so proud of. This theory is called Trickle Up Economics and like cream, it always rises to the top.
One example of the Triple Up theory involves Jack Abramoff. Abramoff never held an office in the White House but his bribery and scandals rose from the visitors area that Abramoff occupied, to the President's closet ally.
Next in the Trickle Up scenario is Scooter Libby. Libby was the close confidant to the Vice President, and helped his ally spread the name of a covert CIA agent for political gain. This scandal has slowly "trickled up" to the hallway of the President of the United States.
The Trickle Up theory raised eyebrows again as Alberto Gonzales became embroiled in firing U.S attorneys because they wouldn't indict Democratic candidates before an election. As the evidence unfolds the deeds once again have risen to the Presidents door.
As more and more revelations unfold, from the scandals of Republican Congressmen, or the disappearance of millions of dollars meant for the people of New Orleans and of Iraq, the cream always rises to the top of the U.S government.
The lying and trickery that brought a war in Iraq to the wounded soldiers lying in blood and urine at Walter Reed, the evidence once again "trickles up" to the Oval office.
The past six years have brought lies and wars, death and deception to a country that was once unified as one. Some call it treason, some call it shame, but the past six years have brought the Republican version of Trickle Up Economics, from the lowest of White House aides to the occupant of the nations highest office.
Our soldiers will not be safe and America will not be secure until those in Congress allow impeachment proceedings to "Trickle Up" to the top two people in the United States government.
Trickle Down Effect cartoon copyright: copyright
Deb & Lyd at Ray & Sharon Courts Hollywood Collectors Show last weekend
As always, please don't hold your (our) collective breaths! ; (
ReplyDeleteWe used to call it The Buck Stops Here, Lydia.
ReplyDeleteBut of course, that was before the President was a criminal...
Oh. Sorry. I didn't see that it was Larry's post.
ReplyDeleteChimpy's system of economics could also be called reverse-socialism, as he grabs every resource he can find from those who can't afford it and sends it to those who don't have time to count it.
ReplyDeleteIt's called a plutocracy, Rog.
ReplyDeleteHey guys:
ReplyDeleteLydia and Doug have a new original piece over at their blog.
Here's the link:
Read it and comment on it.
:) :)
Lemme try that link like this:
Good post all we need is the shit to start trickling up as well to the crminals and we'll be all set.
ReplyDeleteWell put.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as trickle down goes, they've stopped using the phrase but never stopped going on the theory that "the market" will take care of everything. Just let the wealthy alone, tax them as little as possible, make every aspect of life "market driven" including health care, and we'll all be better off.
Of course it's demonstrably false - the gap between rich and poor has only gotten wider since Reagan. But the corporations seem to put more stock in "the unregulated markets will fix everything" theory than, say, the theory of global warming.
I guess it's more of a religious thing for them as they continue to hope and pray that the working class and poor will soon begin to reap rewards from The Market Driven Life, to borrow a phrase.
Our soldiers will not be safe and America will not be secure until those in Congress allow impeachment proceedings to "Trickle Up" to the top two people in the United States government.
So true Larry!
Let's get that "Trickle Up" going... :)
Trickle up - excellent!
ReplyDeleteI especially like this theory applied to Commander Guy and Darth Vader.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSign the petition to end the war:
We coined this phrase to define Chimpy's policies awhile back.
ReplyDelete-The "jobs created" are disproportionately Government jobs. This is happening at the same time the Chimperor is running stunning deficits. Deficits caused by his "trickle up" economics, which mandate huge tax rebates to the wellborn and well to do that are covered by borrowing. That money, no matter what you might think, is going to be paid back by the not-so-well-to-do. The system has been plenty rigged now to see to it that this is so. Whatever you might think, this is, in fact, a de facto transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the ultrarich. So the next time you decide to use that "socialist" rhetoric on someone, make sure its a Chimperor worshipper like yourself-you are advocating this socialist wealth transferring.
"Trickle down economics" is the term derisively applied to the American Free Enterprise system by liberals who favor marxist European policies.
ReplyDeleteThe "Capitalist" economic system indeed has its "poor" folks, because statistically someone will always occupy the lower 20% of the bell curve, at least temporarily.
However the poor in the U.S. generally eat well, drive automobiles, telephones, televison sets, a high literacy rate, etc. In short our "poor" are far wealthier than "rich" folks in most other countries or even our own country a few generations ago.
That capitalism generates wealth is beyond debate. This capitalist reactor of ours easily invents more, learns more, and produces more benefits in a year than mankind did under a millennia of rule by Kings and Barons and Caliphs and Emperors. It’s just amazing what people can do when you just get the hell out of their way.
As an economic system for increasing prosperity, you just can’t beat it. And those who despise capitalism can’t argue with this – they just can’t. What they can do, perpetually and loudly, is talk about how unfair Capitalism is. Because it allows the hard-working and ambitious to keep the rewards of their hard work and ambition, Capitalism does indeed produce some pretty uneven results.
But does uneven mean unfair? Depends on how you measure fair.
Where you stand on the political spectrum, what you think of rich and poor people, and what you think about rich and poor nations and how they should act in the world, comes down, in my mind, to one single issue, and one only: Can wealth be created, or can it only be redistributed?
If you believe, as I do, that wealth can be manufactured out of thin air, then there is no limit to the amount of wealth you can amass. And since you are creating it out of thin air, there is no moral onus on making money – you work hard to create it and have stolen from no one. There is an expression for this: you earned it.
Indeed, since charity depends on excess wealth, excess capacity, the more you make for yourself the better off everyone else is. You can even throw charity out the window if you are so hard-hearted; the fact remains that you will spend that money to get the things you want, and the more you have the more you can spend. That money goes to other people. This interchange is called “the economy,” and rich societies are rich because they understand in their bones the centerpiece of Capitalist thinking: Wealth can be created from thin air by human ingenuity and hard work.
Here’s something even the dimmest hippy protester / poet should be able to wrap his mind around:
You buy a legal pad: $1.29
You steal a Bic pen from the counter at Kinko’s: free.
You write the script for Weekend at Bernies 3: Bernie’s Revenge!: free.
You hire someone to type it: $30.00
You have Kinko’s print 5 copies: $62.20
You mail the 5 copies: $7.82
5 idiots in Hollywood love the idea: free
They enter a bidding war: free
You get a check for: one…million…dollars!
Get this through your heads, you socialist ninnies! There is not a big, limited pot of wealth that is filled with the Magic Sweat of Authentic Third World Laborers, that America uses its military to steal from when we run out of wealth here at home.
-Trinity, By Bill Whittle
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDelete"Trickle down economics" is the term derisively applied to the American Free Enterprise system by liberals who favor marxist European policies."
Lying AGAIN I see Foole..............Trickle down economics IS NOT the American Free Enterprise is a flawed and failed supply side economic system proposed by Reagan that George Bush termed Voodoo Economics.
It proposes cutting taxes on the wealthy and the benefits will eventually trickle down to the poor too bad it NEVER worked thouggh Foole........The poor have gotten consistently poorer while the rich have not only gotten wealthier but pay proportiately less taxes while the poor and middle class pay the same amount of tax as they did 30 years ago.
Your a liar Foole Trickle down is most certainly NOT Free Enterprise, its a a form of wealth distribution from the poor and middle class to the rich.
Trickle-down economics
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"Trickle-down economics" and "trickle-down theory," in political rhetoric, are characterizations by opponents of the policy of lowering taxes on high incomes and business activity. Proponents of these policies claim that they will promote new investment and economic growth, thereby indirectly benefiting people who do not directly pay the taxes. Opponents characterize this as a claim that the people who would otherwise pay the tax will distribute their benefit to less wealthy individuals, so that a fraction will reach the general population and stimulate the economy.[1] Proponents of the policies generally do not use the terms "trickle-down economics" themselves.
Today "trickle-down economics" is most closely identified with the economic policies of the Ronald Reagan administration, known as Reaganomics or supply-side economics. A major feature of these policies was the reduction of tax rates on capital gains, corporate income, and higher individual incomes, along with the reduction or elimination of various excise taxes. David Stockman, who as Reagan's budget director championed these cuts but then became skeptical of them, told journalist William Greider that the term "supply-side economics" was used to promote a trickle-down idea.[2]
The term "trickle-down" comes from an analogy with a phenomenon in marketing, the trickle-down effect.
Contents [hide]
1 Proponents' views
2 Criticisms
3 Criticism of term
4 References
5 See also
6 External links
[edit] Proponents' views
Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, says that taxation "may obstruct the industry the people, and discourage them from applying to certain branches of business which might give maintenance and employment to great multitudes. While it obliges the people to pay, it may thus diminish, or perhaps destroy, some of the funds which might enable them more easily to do so."[3]
Stockman placed supply-side economics in a long tradition in economics, and maintained that laissez-faire will benefit not just those well-placed in the market but also the poorest.[citation needed] Another variant centers on Simon Kuznets's "Law", which says that increases in income inequality that occur in the early stages of industrialization are followed by increases in income equality. A more general version argues that increases in real gross domestic product are almost always good for the poor.[citation needed]
Economist Thomas Sowell wrote that the actual path of money in a private enterprise economy is quite the opposite of that claimed by people who refer to the trickle-down theory. He noted that money invested in new business ventures is first paid out to employees, suppliers, and contractors. Only some time later, if the business is profitable, does money return to the owners.[4]
In the 1990s Congressional Record, non-pejorative uses of the term are rare but do appear.[5][6][7][8]
[edit] Criticisms
The ideas derided as "trickle-down economics" are often seen as a major rhetorical variant of "what's good for business and the rich is good for the country."[citation needed] In this form they have been ridiculed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt as "toryism."[citation needed] One economist critical of the policies, John Kenneth Galbraith, called them "horse and sparrow" economics: "if you feed enough oats to the horse, some will pass through to feed the sparrows."[9]
Many economists dispute that Reagan's tax cuts produced the economic boom of the 1980s; instead, they apply an eclectic version of Keynesian economics.[citation needed] Paul Volcker, the Fed chief appointed by Jimmy Carter, had already begun implementing contractionary monetary policies to solve the problem of severe inflation by raising unemployment (see Phillips Curve).
References to the trickle-down theory in the 1990s Congressional Record are overwhelmingly from Democrats saying that it has not worked, and that the benefit of tax cuts by the Reagan and first Bush administrations was enjoyed exclusively by the few individuals whose taxes fell.
[edit] Criticism of term
Speaking on the Senate floor in 1992, Sen. Hank Brown said, "Mr. President, the trickle-down theory attributed to the Republican Party has never been articulated by President Reagan and has never been articulated by President Bush and has never been advocated by either one of them. One might argue whether trickle down makes any sense or not. I do not think it does. To attribute to people who have advocated the opposite in policies is not only inaccurate but poisons the debate on public issues."[10]
Thomas Sowell claimed that, despite its political prominence, no trickle-down theory has ever existed among economists.[11] In response, many critics referred him to Stockman's remarks to Greider. However, because Stockman only made reference to the alleged theory, Sowell replied that Stockman's remarks merely affirmed that people were using the term.[12
Fascist Fan said "The "Capitalist" economic system indeed has its "poor" folks, because statistically someone will always occupy the lower 20% of the bell curve, at least temporarily."
ReplyDeleteAny statistics to back up your lies or is this more unproven BS from an Alzheimers patient Foole?
Fibbing Fascist said "However the poor in the U.S. generally eat well, drive automobiles, telephones, televison sets, a high literacy rate, etc. In short our "poor" are far wealthier than "rich" folks in most other countries or even our own country a few generations ago."
ReplyDeleteAgain you got a link to support this claim old man or do you you have diarrhea of the mouth and are playing fast and loose with the facts as other words your lying as usual!
I dont know why Lydia and Worf allow a Simpleton like YOU to come on here and just lie.......But its wearing REAL thin with me consider yourself warned Old Man the next time you come on here and spew BS and lies as if they were truth there will be consequences to deal with understand Old Man.
ReplyDeleteYour Lying will no longer be tolerated ..........YOU goy banned at Brad Blog for doing this and you still havent learned have you Old Man..........maybe you Really cant teach an old dog new tricks.
Essentially Everything out of your Mouth is Wrong or a lie Foole............A few days ago you were trying to Say the Dow was a good investment right after you reluctantly admitted it lost money in Real your still trying to convince all the shills to buy into your BS even when YOU KNOW its no longer true.
ReplyDeleteNow you tried to equate Reaganomics with a Free Enterprise system when that isnt true either..........Why dont you put your pointy dunce cap on and go sit in the corner Foole......thats about all your good for!
Get out your knee boots and heat up the knockwurst.
ReplyDeleteHere comes the Blog Nazi.
And he's taking no prisoners.
ReplyDeleteOf course we have considered an "internment blog", for particularly unsavory trolls.
ReplyDeleteRecent polling figures show the blognazi enjoying a dismal 28 percent approval rating with the right wing trolls, which in blognazi math denotes a mandate.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. This looks like it has teeth.
ReplyDeleteChevron Seen Settling Case on Iraq Oil
New York Times
Published: May 8, 2007
Chevron, the second-largest American oil company, is preparing to acknowledge that it should have known kickbacks were being paid to Saddam Hussein on oil it bought from Iraq as part of a defunct United Nations program, according to investigators.
The admission is part of a settlement being negotiated with United States prosecutors and includes fines totaling $25 million to $30 million, according to the investigators, who declined to be identified because the settlement was not yet public.
The penalty, which is still being negotiated, would be the largest so far in the United States in connection with investigations of companies involved in the oil-for-food scandal.
Now heres the rub.
ReplyDeleteGuess who sat on the Chevron board and chaired their public policy committee, which oversaw political concerns for the firm?
Condo-Leeeeeza Rice.
Ain't life grand?
They're ALL from the big oil companies.
ReplyDeleteBut they didn't go to Iraq for oil.
Who could possibly conclude that?
Freedom Fan said...
Trickle down = pee-ons
ReplyDeleteWhich Widdle Wizard enjoys for foreplay.
ReplyDeleteWiddle Wizard is going to blame liberals for coining "trickle down" (even tho it was David Stockman's phrase) because, you know, it was a failure.
That's all that needs to be said about that.
Stockman emerged as one of the most powerful and controversial OMB directors ever during a tenure that lasted until his resignation in August 1985. Committed to the doctrine of supply-side economics, Stockman took the lead in directing passage of the "Reagan Budget" (the Gramm-Latta Budget), which Stockman hoped to be a serious curtailment of the "welfare state", gaining a reputation as a tough negotiator with House Speaker Tip O'Neil's Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and Majority Leader Howard Baker's Republican-controlled Senate. During this period, although only in his early 30s, Stockman played a central and highly visible role as the ultimate "budget guru" in the fierce debate and contentious political wrangling over the future direction of the role of the federal government in American society.
Stockman's power within the Reagan Administration waned after the Atlantic Monthly magazine published the famous article, "The Education of David Stockman",[1] in its December 1981 issue based on lengthy interviews Stockman gave to reporter William Greider. It led to Stockman being "taken to the woodshed by Reagan" as the White House's PR team tried to deal with the article's damage to Reagan's perceived fiscal leadership skills. Stockman was quoted as referring to the Reagan Revolution's legacy tax act as: "I mean, Kemp-Roth [Reagan's 1981 tax cut] was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top rate.... It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down.' So the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."
Of the budget process in his first year on the job, Mr. Stockman is quoted as saying: "None of us really understands what's going on with all these numbers.", which turned out to be the subtitle of the 1981 Atlantic Monthly article.
After his first year at OMB and on the heels of 'being taken to the woodshed by the president' over his candor with Atlantic's William Greider, Stockman became disillusioned with the projected trend of increasingly large federal deficits and the rapidly expanding national debt as a result of the Reagan tax cut. On 1 August 1985, he left OMB and later wrote a memoir of his experience in the Reagan Administration titled The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed that, in part, specifically criticized the failure of Congressional Republicans to support a reduction in government spending as necessary offsets to the large tax cuts that would have avoided the creation of large deficits and an exploding national debt.
Damned Republicans. They screwed their own screwers...
Hey! Golden Shower Boy!
ReplyDeleteEver figure out which race Lenny Kravitz is. huh????
So Condi Rice, sat at the head of the political comittee for Chevron in 2000, during the time they were giving kickbacks to Saddam Hussein.
Really grim.
Worf, thanks for posting this. This is huge. Condi Rice on the board of Chevron while giving kickbacks to Sadaam!!!
ReplyDeleteWill Bill O'Reilly be brave enough to lambast the administration for this?
Will the truth reach the mainstream media?
Hi Lydia, Carl, Worf, et al! :)
ReplyDeleteI published an article this morning about the 35,000 troops about to be deployed and I've gotten some interesting comments from several Vietnam Vets. Apparently, my article appeared on AOL blogs news..
Anyway, I want to share this with you because of their comments. Also, nearly 40% of Americans now want Impeachment! :)
35000 to be deployed
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteWorf, thanks for posting this. This is huge. Condi Rice on the board of Chevron while giving kickbacks to Sadaam!!!
fascist fran farted,
ReplyDelete"Trickle down economics" is the term derisively applied to the American Free Enterprise system by liberals who favor marxist European policies.
Not even gonna try anymore. You are so much of a frigging idiot that you can't see the parallels in Stalinist collectivization and Chimpleton corpocracy.
You're too stupid to take seriously, and your use of the term "marxist" in this context leaves absolutely no doubt as to how clueless you really are.
Get off the meth. While there's still time.
It is unbelievable the stuff coming out, but we knew it would.
ReplyDeleteRice is going to come under severe scrutiny in the coming days and weeks for this.
We're finally starting to find all the droppings of that rat we smelled.
Hi Worf!
ReplyDeleteYep, that rat has been leaving droppings for 6+ years and enough is enough!
Theres rat turds everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit ignorance however in not knowing Condi Rice worked for Chevron.
They're ALL connected to big oil it seems.
But thats unbelievable that she was in such a high roll while they were giving kickbacks to Saddam Hussein.
Something not right with this picture.
Theres rat turds everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit ignorance however in not knowing Condi Rice worked for Chevron.
They're ALL connected to big oil it seems.
Condoliesalot Rice is a "face." You can bet she had no authority to make any decisions, because despite the winger propaganda...... she is one stupid person. Once you get her out of the shoe store she's useless.
ReplyDeleteShe's also complicit, her ignorance or impotence aside.
And she's half chipmunk.
ReplyDeleteAn evil chipmunk.
ReplyDeleteI think Rice is a puppet..just like Bush.
ReplyDeleteRice had an oil tanker named after her!
It probably sunk.
ReplyDeleteAnd I heard, like her, it had a weak bladder.
ReplyDeleteBLOGNAZI WORFEUS said...
ReplyDeleteIt probably sunk.
Like this? LOL
Condi Ship
Stephen Pitt is my friend and he has such a way of portraying those evildoers! LMAO
Actually Susie, libs caused such a stink over the proposal the ship was ultimately named the "Altair Voyager".
ReplyDeleteFunny dolty boy, the ship sailed for a while with the name condalisa Rice painted on it's side since she went from working in the Bush 41` administration to a director of Chevron to working in the Bush 43 white house.
ReplyDeleteSee widdle boy Chevron named the ship for her in 1995 but in the spring of 2001 after hearing from the white house Chevron decided to change the name of one of their ships, nice deflection but as usual stupid and wrong son.
Read more than wiki about it foole.
ReplyDeleteNo, you're wrong about that!
"We made the change to eliminate the unnecessary attention caused by the vessel's original name," said Chevron spokesman Fred Gorell.
The tanker's name also raised more serious questions of possible conflict of interest for Rice because Chevron does business on six continents and 25 countries and has been sued for alleged human rights abuses in Nigeria.
Chevron redubs ship named for Bush aide
If you don't believe me son;
ReplyDeleteRead this;
Director of the Chevron Corporation (oil) from May 7, 1991-January 15, 2001. Her decade long stint ended seven days before being appointed by George W. Bush as National Security Advisor. A few months later Chevron renames their largest oil tanker, the "Condoleezza Rice" (named for her in 1995), the "Altair Voyager". A spokesman for the oil giant states, "We made the change to eliminate unnecessary attention caused by the vessel's original name.".
and this;
Leaving a wave of controversy in its wake, one of the most visible reminders of the Bush administration's ties to big oil - the 129,000-ton Chevron tanker Condoleezza Rice - has quietly been renamed, Chevron officials acknowledged yesterday.
"We made the change to eliminate the unnecessary attention caused by the vessel's original name," said Chevron spokesman Fred Gorell.
The double-hulled, Bahamian-registered oil tanker carrying the moniker of Bush's national security adviser was renamed the Altair Voyager, after a star, Gorell said.
The unannounced decision to rechristen the tanker was made by Chevron officials in late April, after "we had been in discussions with (Rice's) office," said Gorell. Asked if Rice or the White House had specifically requested the name change, Gorell said, "that's not for me to discuss."
Rice's spokeswoman, Maryellen Countryman, did not return calls on the matter yesterday.
The Chronicle reported a month ago that the White House had faced questions over the appropriateness of the tanker's name -- particularly as California struggled with the effects of an energy crisis.
The giant vessel was part of the international fleet of the San Francisco- based multinational oil firm, christened several years ago in honor of Rice, a longtime Chevron board member. Rice, a former Stanford University provost, served on Chevron's board from 1991 until Jan. 15, when she resigned after Bush named her his top national security aide.
But critics said the ship served as a giant floating symbol of the Bush administration's cozy ties to the oil industry.
"It does underscore that there's never been an administration in power in this country that has been so close to a single industry -- in this instance, the oil-and-gas industry," Chuck Lewis of the Washington-based Center for Public Integrity said last month when the watchdog organization first raised the issue.
The tanker's name also raised more serious questions of possible conflict of interest for Rice because Chevron does business on six continents and 25 countries and has been sued for alleged human rights abuses in Nigeria.
Last month, White House spokesman Scott McClellan insisted that the issue of the tanker had "already been addressed" by Rice, and he added, "she will uphold the highest ethical standards in office."
Chevron officials argued last month that the ship's name was entirely appropriate because it was a special honor for Rice -- part of a longstanding tradition of naming ships after members of the Chevron board. They noted that George Shultz, David Packard and Kenneth T. Derr were all afforded similar honors, and that those names did not change even when honorees went into government service.
"We would not be renaming the Condi Rice tanker," said Bonnie Schiken, spokeswoman for Chevron, in early April. "If you remember, Carla Hills was on our board, and went off the board to take a role in the administration . . . we did not rename the tanker."
Pat Moloney, executive director of the Pilot Commission and master of the historic liberty ship Jeremiah O'Brien, said yesterday, "In the old sailing ship days, they'd say it was bad luck to change the name of a ship."
But in modern times, it's not only common but prudent, he said, noting that the infamous Exxon Valdez was changed to the Sea River Mediterranean after its environmental disaster.
Chevron's move "makes good sense . . . because the ship has potential for high profile," said Moloney of the Condoleezza Rice. "The companies don't want an asset like that with an obvious political liability.
"As soon as I heard she was named (to the administration)," he said, "I figured they'd get out the paintbrush."
Actually Susie, libs caused such a stink over the proposal the ship was ultimately named the "Altair Voyager".
ReplyDeleteAnd 1/3 of the idiot team rears his little head.
If you really believe that "libs" are the only people in opposition to your moronic monkey Messiah and his stable of incompetent crony cretins, then you are also saying that nearly 3 out of every 4 Americans is a "lib."
I know, I know..... without handy talking points and supposed insults that only bother Chimpletons, you can't complete a sentence. If you represent what the word "conservative" means today, I doubt even 1 in 4 Americans fits the bill. Thankfully.
ReplyDeleteNo, you're wrong about that!
I would like to see something he's been RIGHT about.
Bet you NEVER even considered why Chevron might not want a ship named after Condi?
ReplyDeleteShe once had a Chevron oil tanker named after her when she served on the company's board of directors. After concerns that her name made the ship a more inviting terror target, the tanker was renamed Altair Voyager.
As usually your a fountain of misinformation Volt!
ReplyDeleteYou rerpugs are DEAD wrong about just about EVERYTHING!
Hey, at least you guys have finally acknowledged that the ships name WAS changed...
ReplyDeleteWell considering the re-pubies suck down the daily kool-aid before reading the GOPer talking points and then preforming the rectal cranial inserting routine to "think" they could learn someting and get beyond being the stupidest people on the planet.
ReplyDeleteOh and Jr.?
ReplyDeleteDon't just assume because a number of people seem to agree with you on the war, that they're automatically on YOUR side.
Hell widdle BOY nobody said it wasn't changed FOOLE.
ReplyDeleteGo check on three showers a day he might be all wet by now son.
Or find gay-dalf so you two can "dress up" and play with your widdle dollies which you two LOVE so much....
ReplyDeleteYes Cliffy, and nobody seemed to recall that it WAS either.
ReplyDeleteWell widdle BOY you seem to have forgotten a hell of a lot son, but your just trying to shovel SH*T like you always do here son.
ReplyDeleteSeems like you need to LEARN something before you spew any more factuals here boy, cause your factuals don't seem to have many facts in them.
Or find gay-dalf so you two can "dress up" and play with your widdle dollies which you two LOVE so much....
ReplyDelete-GI Jane
Hey Volt, whatever do you suppose he's talking about?
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteOh and Jr.?
Don't just assume because a number of people seem to agree with you on the war, that they're automatically on YOUR side."
Is that some kind of stupid threat or something?
Oh And for the record your Wrong as usual.........because SO FAR........I have agreed with EVERYTHING JR has not so much!
Hey Grandpa are you here to make a FOOLE of yourself talking economics or finance again?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure FF.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he knows that there are many decaf brands of coffee on the market that have as much flavor as the original?
ReplyDeleteYou should proly stick to your area of expertise ... shining WR's boots.
Nice to see the gutless draft dodger has his pink pajama circle jerk broke back three showers a day boyfriends back.
ReplyDeleteGood lord Mikey, you guys sure do "threaten" easily.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, I'm absolutely SURE you agree with him.
Yeah yeah Clif. Ever try thinking up something new?
ReplyDeleteToo bad he didn't have the troops back in 1969,
ReplyDeleteor 1970.
or 1971
or 1972,
and he refuses to answer the question if he VOLUNTEERED to back the troops on active duty after he quit hiding out in ROTC while other people took his place in Vietnam
And Mike, I'm sure that if I disagree with you I'm also stifling your freedom of speech...
ReplyDeleteDolty Boy already admitted he was a gutless widdle punk who allowed others to take HIS place,
ReplyDeleteand NOW that he refuses to do anything but type on his widdle keyboard backing the stupidest president ever in the largest military fiasco ever he thinks he is SO bad, but in reality he is just another stupid lying gutless troll spewing GOPer talking points lies and disinformation.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteHey, at least you guys have finally acknowledged that the ships name WAS changed...
I said HAD... HAD being the operative word..
Sorry gay-dalf, but you couldn't intimidate me if YOU tried gutless
ReplyDeleteYour a scared widdle punk with all your GUNS which your sorry as HID from combat when it was your time GAY- dalf
Gee sorry Clif, but at the time they weren't taking 7-13 year olds...
ReplyDeletesee son all your GUNS ain't gonna save your sorry as when your HIDING under your bed widdle boy, cause you already showed how gutless you really are son.
ReplyDeleteAnd all your bragging about the "steal penis's" you have won't change that one bit son.
Sorry gay-dalf, but you couldn't intimidate me if YOU tried gutless Your a scared widdle punk...
ReplyDelete-GI Jane
Uh oh. Looks like someone is cranky cause his welfare check is late.
Yeah guys like you and PP who use baby talk are extraordinarily intimidating. Oooh hurt me.
sorry dolt BUT gaydalf was NOT a 7-13 year olds in 1969-1972, he was IN college hiding from the Vietnam war.....
ReplyDeleteHey Suzie, don't you ever grow weary of all these whining lib boys? Seriously.
ReplyDeleteYou keep running your mouth little man, and I'll make you go away.
ReplyDeleteYou can crawl back over to Voltrons blog and cry about how unfair it is.
You want to debate something thats fine.
You come in looking for trouble, and I'll send you packing.
Sorry son but I have NEVER received a welfare check in my life,
ReplyDeletea veterans disability check
Nice to see you honor disabled combat vets so much since YOU went the gutless route son.
BTW found the testicular fortitude to answer a simple question gay-dalf?
ReplyDeleteOr is the reality of what you did still shame you so much you can't answer it yet son?
ReplyDelete"Come in looking for trouble"...LOL
ReplyDeleteGee, what's that mean?
Just posting "hello" is trouble in here.
Cliffy, this is your lucky day, worf is riding in to save you, brave guy.
Looking for trouble is what I say it is.
ReplyDeleteYou guys like nazi rule, so I'm going to accomodate that.
Don't like it?
I don't need Worfeus or anybody to save me from your stupid half truths, I have destroyed then time after time widdle boy, and you still can't answer a simple question can YOU son?
ReplyDeleteHey Grandpa heres an idea why dont you take your pea shooters and stick one in your ass and stick the other in your other pie hole so you wont say something stupid AS USUAL and when your done doing that why dont you purchase yourself a pair of boots that are many sizes TOO big to go alomg with that pointy dunce cap you were and then maybe your hero GWB will make you his court jester and you can earn your bread being a foole who says stupid ignorant things to amuse the other Neo Con retards!
ReplyDeleteSimple question son:
ReplyDeleteWere you too much a dirt bag to get active duty, or were you too gutless an individual to ask for it?
which one was it son?
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteHey Suzie, don't you ever grow weary of all these whining lib boys? Seriously.
One Lib boy has more guts than all the Neocon boys combined!
Hey long till Gonzalez is FORCED to resign or impeached?
ReplyDeletedirt bag or gutless?
ReplyDeleteI will take a Lib guy any day over a gutless Chickenhawk!
Come on gay-dalf was it;
ReplyDeletedirt bag or gutless?
Hey FF, Will Rove be Indicted for Violating The Hatch Act?
ReplyDeleteWill he be frogmarched?
To those who don't KNOW;
ReplyDeleteA dirt bag is the bottom of the ROTC barrel who NEVER get active duty but get sent to the reserves.
That was the name the cadets who were the bottom of their class got known as....
FF said "Uh oh. Looks like someone is cranky cause his welfare check is late."
ReplyDeleteShut up old man before I shut you up!
so which is it gay-dalf;
ReplyDeletedirt bag or gutless?
You trolls dont seem to want to chit chat anymore go figure?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was something I said.
ReplyDeleteSorry Mike, Clif.
Didn't mean to frighten them off for you.
FF really doesn't deserve your keystrokes though. I read over your "debate", and while you were busy offering facts and data, FF was just mocking you and everyone in here.
You cleaned his clock, and he couldn't handle it.
Idiots like that never seem to figure it out that you MIX the insults with FACTS and INFORMATION.
ReplyDeleteCause gay-dalf you have shown your inability to really hold your own here time after time so I tend to think the US army didn't want you as an active duty officer son.
ReplyDeleteBut you did show your gutless side by running and hiding in ROTC instead of VOLUNTEERING for active duty after you graduated from high school while th3e nation was at war.
so which was it son,
dirt bag or gutless?
Freedom Fan said...
You should proly stick to your area of expertise ... shining WR's boots."
I'd rather shime my boots Foole is your face available?
I guess gay-dalf doesn't want to explain how if he was a good enough cadet and he asked for active duty in 1973 he would have gotten it,
ReplyDeletethen HOW did he end up as a hospital administrator in the reserves.
Bet he wants to blame that one on the evil liberals also, but can;'t think of a credible way which won't get laughed at like he always does .
Interesting the Trolls didnt even TRY debating that the War in Iraq wasnt about oil!
ReplyDeleteThey didnt even TRY defending Rove!
They Didnt even try to defend Bush or Gonzalez!
What did they do........Volt tried debating the name of a boat that no one else was even arguing with him about and FF tried to derail with his insults and corny stupid jokes as usual........nothing of substance!
He doesnt want to explain how he LIED and tried to claim Trickle Down Theory as the Free Enterprise System!
ReplyDeleteI'm referring to Freedom Flop mind you.
ReplyDeleteRight now he's writing a letter to Lydia.
It goes like this.
Dear Mrs Cornell,
I am only writing you because I am concerned for your blog, and of course your safety and the safety of others.
I think it is unsafe to allow someone as clearly unbalanced as worfeus is, and I think you should be more careful with who you allow to administer your blog. Not all people are nice reasonable people like myself, and I'd hate to see anything happen to anyone because worf made them mad.
Just a word of advice from someone who wants to merely debate reasonable and current issues.
Your friend, Freedom Flake
Thank you Eddie Haskell.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
ReplyDeleteThey didnt even TRY defending Rove!
They Didnt even try to defend Bush or Gonzalez!
What did they do........Volt tried debating the name of a boat that no one else was even arguing with him about and FF tried to derail with his insults and corny stupid jokes as usual........nothing of substance!
Yea, I read through the debate and thats EXACTLY what they were doing.
No substance.
ReplyDeleteNo defense of the ENDLESS cornicopia of crimes, scandals and bungles being exposed almost DAILY now on this White House.
Just a thousand little red herrings, with the hopes of getting someone upset.
Well it worked.
They got me upset.
And now, they can deal with that.
Impressive, 1st Amendment Defender.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly have found a pair of balls, now that Ms. Cornell give you access to delete button.
Tell me again which "issue" and "facts" you are mixing with "insults", you hypocritical lib pansy ass.
That's right, delete my comment like a real man.
FF is not going to get carte blanche in here any more. No more moo moo like random insult rants, no gleeful mocking of liberals without bothering to support an argument.
ReplyDeleteIf he wants to hang, then he'll have to work for it. He'll have to do what we do, and actually support his positions with facts, NOT insults.
Or he can leave and never come back.
ReplyDeleteThat works too.
I guess gay-dalf doesn't want to explain how if he was a good enough cadet and he asked for active duty in 1973 he would have gotten it,
ReplyDeletethen HOW did he end up as a hospital administrator in the reserves.
Bet he wants to blame that one on the evil liberals also, but can;'t think of a credible way which won't get laughed at like he always does .
which is it gay-dalf:
ReplyDeleteDIRT BAG
Or is it;
You guys see Stewart just torturing George Tenet?
ReplyDeleteTenet is hanging himself. He might as well start getting fitted for an orange jumpsuit now.
These talk show appearances are going to haunt him forever.
My money's on both Clif.
ReplyDeleteYour a lightweight Grandpa either start supporting your claims..........err I mean lies with facts like everyone else does or.........PISS OFF YA GEEZER!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteworfeus, Stewart's slow roasting of Tenent and asking who else deserves scorn and who else should go was priceless
ReplyDeleteJust tyurned on John Stewart!
ReplyDeleteCool Mike. You're in for one of Jon's better interviews.
ReplyDeleteNot his best perhaps, but definately in the top 10.
He got Tenet to all but incriminate himself as complicit in assisting George W Bush with manipulating the evidence to sell the invasion of Iraq.(let's stop calling it a war. It's not. It was an invasion, and now its an occupation)
I like John OLivers rant about to looming fall of Pax Americana like Pax Britannia fell.....empires who waste their treasuries on world dominance never last, but fooles like the neo-cons and their stupid trolls refuse to admit that, cause right now they delude themselves they are winning while the country is crumbling. The industrial base is gone and treasury is broke, and middle class shrinking, which means the game is almost over for US world dominance but stupid people like Tiny the Liar, Gaydalf(the gutless dirt bag) and dolty boy try to sell the delusions of the 1950 over again.
ReplyDeleteThe fall began with Reagan and Bush just about finished the job.
I told TT last night to keep their dog on a leash.
ReplyDeleteIf he thinks he's going to come in here to take a crap, he's sadly mistaken.
Tenet wrote a book to try to delude people about his complicity at starting an illegal war of aggression against a nation which had NOTHING to do with 9-11 and HAD NO WMD's, even though he and Cheney and Bush and rice and Rumsfeld and Powell all lied about that.
ReplyDeleteIf you listen to Tenet tonight he says he BELEIVED the information on Niger and the Aluminum tubes, even though HE had information that explained Niger never took place, and the Tubes were the wrong size for nukes.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, he is now admitting to being criminally negligent, just to avoid being found criminally complicit.
Tenet is a liar. He lied in March 2003 and he's lying now.
ReplyDeleteI tried to support him, but I thought he was going to come clean.
ReplyDeleteHe's not.
He's trying to save his ass, like Mike said he was a while back.
I should have listened to him.
Tenet is talking in circles.
ReplyDeleteAnd hes digging himself a hole doing it.
He's like an auger bit.
ReplyDeleteworfeus people at Sandia and Los Alamos KNEW the tubes were wrong Tenet could have called either place and get the Intel if he had wanted to.
ReplyDeleteThe centrifuges which separate U235 (what they want) from U238 spin at 50,000 to 70,000 RPM's to be able to separate essentially very similar mass particles so they can get the 90-95% enriched Uranium they need for a bomb,
BTW nuclear reactors use 5-7% enriched fuel which is why they can NEVER go high order but just over heat and melt down.
Too bad the neo-cons and their enablers LIE so much when the facts are so easy to check.
ReplyDeleteHey Clif.
ReplyDeleteDid you see that the crew of the USS Rhode Island, a Nuclear Submarine, are fans of the Colbert Report?
They sent lots of pictures of them with Colbert posters throughout the Sub.
So according to TT's dog, they're all traitors.
ReplyDeleteclif said...
ReplyDeleteworfeus people at Sandia and Los Alamos KNEW the tubes were wrong Tenet could have called either place and get the Intel if he had wanted to.
Clif I am fairly sure that Tenet INCLUDED analysis to that effect WITH the report on the Tubes.
Him and Bush just chose to ignore it.
I don't think they showed it to Powell however.
Worfeus actually they went to a DOE official with out the expertise to get them to declare the tubes right, they didn't ask the right person,
ReplyDeleteaccording to Bush logic they asked a neuro-surgeon to diagnose a heart attack, and treat it.
Or like asking any of these stupid trolls for anything but fractals instead of facts.
Barents Sea lost half its ice in past 10 years
ReplyDeleteA new report on the state of the Barents Sea is setting off new alarms within Norway’s government and the institute that tracks developments in the Arctic.
The report, compiled by a management forum for the Arctic led by the Norwegian Polar Institute, shows that half of the summer ice in the Barents has disappeared over the past 10 years.
That in turn has reduced stocks of both fish and birds in the area, as temperatures have risen by a full degree during the same period.
"The reduction of the ice in the sea is dramatic," Bjørn Fossli Johansen of the Norwegian Polar Institute told "The ecosystem in the Barents is guided to a large degree by the climate. This will have consequences for the entire ecosystem."
Couldn't be global warming Tiny the Liar said Glenn Beck doesn't believe in it and since dolty boy agreed with Tiny the liar global warming is no longer something the reichwing idiots believe in.
Right, but what I am saying Clif is I think the CIA analysis included that information.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, they knew before Powell's speech.
ReplyDeleteI found this Gem over at the Voltron Ruffian (lol) blog.
Freedom Fan said...
What is interesting is mikey's level of outrage. I think he is reflexively one of the less liberal of the group, living amongst all the real men in Texas and all.
Hey Mike. Did you know you were so popular?
ReplyDeleteThey're over there crying about how unfair I am, and how crazy we all are.
Worfeus they knew because they refused to ask the people who would have exposed their attempts to deceive.
ReplyDeleteIf you plan on LYING you don't go to the experts who can expose your lies for their opinion you try to hide them from public view to keep your lies going.
And they can't stop talking about you Mike.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Volt, you're an "enigma".
Keep em guessing Mike.
clif said...
ReplyDeleteWorfeus they knew because they refused to ask the people who would have exposed their attempts to deceive.
I don't dispute that Clif, but from what I saw, the CIA discredited the Niger meeting as well as the Aluminum tubes.
I am about 90 percent sure that the data given to Bush included the summary that the information was discounted, and Bush took that out and gave the information to Powell.
That was from the "cherry picking" analogy back in 04.
ReplyDeleteworfeus the white House sent Powell to the wrong DOE guy, who didn't have enough expertise to discredit the tubes but knew they used aluminum tubes in centrifuges, so he told Powell it sounded right, and Powell never asked the DOE independently of what the white house got for him.
ReplyDeleteMost people in 2002 and 2003 didn't think they would blatantly lie like they did.
Most people still had 9-11 on their minds and didn't think the Bush admin and neo-cons were working from a pre 9-11 plan.
The PNAC plan of 1998
Ok, I see what you're saying.
ReplyDeleteI'm telling you you're the star over there at Voltrons ruffian blog.
They are just hypnotized by you.
Keep up the good work.
nite folks.
ReplyDelete"Mike said...
ReplyDeleteAs usually your a fountain of misinformation Volt!
You rerpugs are DEAD wrong about just about EVERYTHING!
8:40 PM"
Kind of like your contention that Nixon was impeached and Clitnon wasn't. It's pretty much acknowledged by your Liberal friends here that you were dead wrong on that as well
If you insult a Liberal, Carl will insult you with the term "widdle," the constant repetition of which is childish and makes this blog look like a playground.
ReplyDeleteHey Libs, can you go for one day without using the term "widdle," or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
Hey Libs, can you go for one day without using the term "widdle," or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
ReplyDeleteCan you conservobots talk about an issue in real-world terms? Your talking points are all pretty much proven 100% wrong. Show us some respect, and you'll get respect in return.
"Jolly Roger said...
ReplyDeleteHey Libs, can you go for one day without using the term "widdle," or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
Can you conservobots talk about an issue in real-world terms? Your talking points are all pretty much proven 100% wrong. Show us some respect, and you'll get respect in return.
6:07 AM"
Is that the way it works, Rev.?
Sorry TT, but we asked you not to spell out the F-Bomb.
ReplyDeleteYour 4:21 post has fallen prey to the blog nazi.
If you wish to repost it, simply substitute special characters for the vowels.
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance for your cooperation.
Seig Heil
ReplyDelete"BLOGNAZI WORFEUS said...
ReplyDeleteI told TT last night to keep their dog on a leash.
If he thinks he's going to come in here to take a crap, he's sadly mistaken."
Walter Sobchak: Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either.
The Dude: What are you a f****** park ranger now?
Ok guys, no amphibious rodents here, which means you can only insult Republicans.
There we go, no F-bomb.
ReplyDeleteAnd we thank you for your support.
ReplyDeleteTall Texan said...
ReplyDeleteThis is an example of a #4, guys.
Hey, Widdle Cowboy?
When you have something relevant to say, why don't you pony up on your widdle stickhorse and ride on in here and say something more relevant than "Pee pee, kaka, I made a poopy unner the stairs, Mommy! Lookit! Lookit!"
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteAnd this, my friends, is what we called a #8.
Widdle Wizard, shut up until you have something relevant to add to the topic. Now go outside and bring your widdle bwoomstick with you so all your fwiends can see why your house is so filthy all the time...
Voltron said...
ReplyDeletePoor Widdle one wants to play with him.
Pity. It might have something to do with the fat pantload trickling down your shorts, son.
Now go clean up, tighten up that ol' John Deere cap, and when you have something relevant to add, you dwive that widdle Tonka twuck right back in here and you stand up and say something...
I'm telling you you're the star over there at Voltrons ruffian blog.
That's sorta like being the target, not the star, dontcha think, those cretiny-criminal type stalkers...
Yeah yeah Carl.
ReplyDeleteI see you have your own pantload of revelance in those three posts.
Tall Texan said...
ReplyDeleteOk guys, no amphibious rodents here, which means you can only insult Republicans.
Non-sequitor, as by definition, Republicans are rodents and rodents tend to be amphibious. I think we shall call this a #25, fellows. I'll add it to the list...
Voltron said...
When you have something relevant to say, you dwive that widdle Tonka Twuck right back in here and make sure you've peed first...
"That's sorta like being the target, not the star, dontcha think, those cretiny-criminal type stalkers..."
ReplyDeleteYeah? Speaking of stalking, have you found that quote yet Carl?
Must really suck to know that everyone in here has their finger on the delete button except you, huh Carl?
ReplyDeleteFinding fine speaking venues at graduation is never easy for late-second-termers, as President Bush is learning. Whereas he once spoke at Ohio State or the University of Texas, now he's left with Florida community colleges or small schools in rural areas that are run by former aides.
ReplyDeleteWell, naturally...he'd speak to audiences where English is a second language, even for the native-born...
Voltron said...
When you have something relevant to say, you dwive that widdle Tonka Twuck right back in here and make sure you've peed first...
Tsk, tsk, damned global warming...
ReplyDeleteMIAMI -- The Atlantic's first named storm of the year has formed three weeks before the official start of hurricane season.
Forecasters said Subtropical Storm Andrea was centered about 140 miles southeast of Savannah, Ga., at 11 a.m. EDT. The National Hurricane Center said Andrea had top sustained winds near 45 mph.
Subtropical systems are hybrid weather formations that are usually weaker than hurricanes and tropical storms. Like tropical storms, they get their power from warm ocean waters at the centers, and bad weather that forms when warm and cold fronts collide.
The season hasn't even opened yet. Ohmy!
Poor Rednecks...
ReplyDeleteNow where will they get their tooth into a good burger????
Carl I know this may go over your head, but "Cracker Barrel" doesn't mean it's a whites only restaurant.
ReplyDeleteOh my. MOre bad news for rednecks and chickenhawks...
ReplyDeleteThe majority of Americans disapprove of U.S. President George W. Bush's decision to veto a war spending bill that called for U.S. troops to leave Iraq in 2008, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.
The poll found that 54 percent of Americans opposed Bush's May 1 veto, while 44 percent backed the president's decision to kill the 124-billion-U.S.-dollar bill.
Meanwhile, 57 percent of Americans said they want Congress to send another spending bill with a timetable for withdrawal back to the White House.
Must be tough, being so deeply in the minority, when you're used to being der master racists...
Voltron said...
When you have something relevant to say, you dwive that widdle Tonka Twuck right back in here and make sure you've peed first...
Yes PP, thanx for that excellent evidence of further lib brain damage.
ReplyDeleteHowever, this is for everyone else:
Most climatologists today believe that the relationship between climate change and hurricane intensity is unproven, and that the increase in hurricane activity noted over the last 20 years, can be accounted for by factors other than climate change such as the 25-40 year cycle. Recently, Kerry Emanuel published a paper in the journal Nature that found a good correlation between hurricane intensity and sea surface temperatures. Some journalists have claimed Emanuel's paper concludes that the recent increase in intense Atlantic storms is due to global warming, but Emanual stated that
"it would be absurd to attribute the Katrina disaster to global warming".
Carl I know this may go over your head, but "Cracker Barrel" doesn't mean it's a whites only restaurant.
LOL. But anything higher than a cockroach's ass is proly way over PP's head.
The poll found that 54 percent of Americans opposed Bush's May 1 veto, while 44 percent backed the president's decision to kill the 124-billion-U.S.-dollar bill.
Yes but you forget we have Diebold on our side so voter's opinions don't really count...
I'ts kinda telling that he'd assume a restaurant called "Cracker Barrel" was a redneck establishment isn't it?
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fan said...
Widdle Wizard, once you washed your pointy widdle hat of the poopies you've made in it, go outside and please enjoy the sunshine, now that the short bus drops you off early.
And when sometime in the next decade or so, an intelligent thought somehow forces its way into your brain, you're welcome to wide your widdle bwoomstick right back in here, and step up and repeat it.
Until then? Please, don't bother the adults.
After all, your cwients are getting vewy angwy at how you've f*cked their investments up...
ReplyDeleteOf course if it were, they'd have a great sense of humor...
ReplyDelete" Carl said...
ReplyDeleteAfter all, your cwients are getting vewy angwy at how you've f*cked their investments up...
9:27 AM"
Carl, what do your "clients" say about you?
Get out of New York much Carl?
ReplyDeleteSimply because a business is based in Tennessee doesn't automatically make it racist.
(And last I looked Randy Newman wasn't their spokesman)
Poor Widdle Twolls...
ReplyDeleteOne lives off the government dole.
Another is trying to hide his little lawn ornament from his mixed-race kid, to the utter disgust of his sheet-wearin' friends.
And the last is losing money investing for clients in a market that keeps going up.
Gotta pity them...
Carl, what do your "clients" say about you?
I believe the most common question from PP's clients is:
"is it in yet?".
But....sing it with me, everyone...o/~they're rednecks...doo doo doo doo doo...rednecks...o/~
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fan said...
Widdle Wizard, once you washed your pointy widdle hat of the poopies you've made in it, go outside and please enjoy the sunshine, now that the short bus drops you off early.
And when sometime in the next decade or so, an intelligent thought somehow forces its way into your brain, you're welcome to wide your widdle bwoomstick right back in here, and step up and repeat it.
Until then? Please, don't bother the adults.
Voltron said...
When you have something relevant to say, you dwive that widdle Tonka Twuck right back in here and make sure you've peed first...
Hey PP, instead of your usual hilarious baby talk shtick why don't you do that nazi accent that you luv so much?
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteYes but you forget we have Diebold on our side so voter's opinions don't really count...
Good point.
It certaily worked that way in 04.
Tall Texan said...
Hey, Widdle Cowboy?
When you have something relevant to say, why don't you pony up on your widdle stickhorse and ride on in here and say something more relevant than "Pee pee, kaka, I made a poopy unner the stairs, Mommy! Lookit! Lookit!"
Gentlemen, by my count, this little piece of trolling would be a #4 off the list. Can someone go confirm that for me, please?
ReplyDeleteGetting pretty lame there Carl.
ReplyDeleteFind a link yet?
ReplyDeleteIt was Stalin who said something along the lines of "the votes don't count, but who counts the votes does."
Voltron said...
When you have something relevant to say, you dwive that widdle Tonka Twuck right back in here and make sure you've peed first...oh...and make sure you've put that lawn ornament wouldn't want to piss off your fwiends...
Freedom Fan said...
Widdle Wizard, once you washed your pointy widdle hat of the poopies you've made in it, go outside and please enjoy the sunshine, now that the short bus drops you off early.
And when sometime in the next decade or so, an intelligent thought somehow forces its way into your brain, you're welcome to wide your widdle bwoomstick right back in here, and step up and repeat it.
Until then? Please, don't bother the adults.