"As the Native Americans reminded us: "No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves."
You can reach my Home page at: LYDIA CORNELL
And for SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS to the world crises, along with some amazing prayer miracles in the next few weeks, please check out RADICAL PRAYER at my other blog THE PEACEMAKERS* LIGHT OF TRUTH
And we uncover the truth about Ann Coulter like no one has ever done before at: COULTER KAMPF where you can also find breaking news about hate-speak, extremism, propaganda and smear tactics.
BREAKING STORY!! NEW EVIDENCE OF THE TACTICS OF PROPAGANDA FROM RIGHT-WING COULTER SMEAR MACHINE. ANN COULTER: POLITICS OF PERSONAL DESTRUCTION or "HOW COULTER'S PROPAGANDIST TRIED TO DESTROY A GOOD CHRISTIAN" HUMAN EVENTS COVER-UP OF COULTER'S PLAIGIARISM The online "news" journal HUMAN EVENTS recently published a "hit-piece" written by Lisa De Pasquale (Coulter's publicist) assassinating the character of a lifelong conservative Christian in order to quell rising interest in Ann Coulter’s current plagiarism problems. At COULTERKAMPF you will find links to a 5-part series of essays by CoulterWatch on their mind-bending adventures trying to expose the truth about HUMAN EVENTS, one of the "news" journals that supports and enables Ann Coulter's crimes.
"No longer will we be defensive with the Ann Coulters and the smear and fear crowd, we will take the fight to them, on our terms, and win the fight, our way." - Brent Budowsky
Opinion by Lydia Cornell
First published in March 2006 in the Macon Daily
MACON,GA.- Maybe we're all on Punked or Candid Camera and this is just a great big reality show called "The Government". Like The Truman Show, the producers are just seeing how far they can go until we figure out it's a big joke! Wouldn't it be wonderful to find out Bush is just an actor-clown they hired to make us go crazy? And the Blue team is going crazier than the Red team because we think it's real, but they're all in on the secret. I just wish Donald Trump would hurry up and say "Bush, you're fired!"
Would that it were all a bad dream. (As Coulter would say in her New England upper-crust way. Wonder if my issues are showing.)
Mr. Bush, I'll never forget when you first said you would go to the ends of the earth to find Osama, then you turned around and acted like we were all crazy for asking if you'd caught him yet. You said, "Osama? I don't spend that much time (thinkin') about him. Now explain to me why you justify illegal spying on Americans, yet you were willing to sell our ports to the very people you're afraid we're talking to on the phone! Maybe you're finally getting the concept of "loving your enemies" and you're just ready for a group hug. But I must say your timing is strange. They say we're only as sick as our secrets.
And my jaw dropped open the day you said something like, "Heck other countries get to own parts of America, why not the United Arab Emirates, who've been our allies on the war on terror? Just because they harbored some 911 terrorists and cooked their books for them, and don't keep any paperwork and go on hunting trips with Osama and support the Taliban - is no reason for bigotry. We don't want them to think we don't it's because they're Muslim. " But Mr. Bush, wasn't it only a short time ago that you said something like: "Any nation that does business with terrorists, or harbors terrorists, is a terrorist...” I guess you only meant that about your fellow Americans: Democrats or liberals - since Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage constantly bash liberals as being traitors! Why are we traitors? Because we value life so much we are horrified by this illegal war? Because we are pro-LIFE in the best sense of the word: we want our troops home alive? And this offends you?
Our president broke the law by not going to the FISA court to "legally" wiretap us; our vice-president broke the law (shooting humans while drunk and waiting until the liquor wore off before filing a police report.) Our enemies hate us for our freedoms. Our troops are fighting for our freedoms; is this so we can be wiretapped so we can have no freedoms? Or are they fighting for our president to be able to break the law and sell our ports to a nation that funds terrorists? Does the UAE get to be wiretapped too? Or just American moms and dads who might be wearing 'Peace' signs on their t-shirts. And by the way, does FOX News fall under Freedom of the Press?
I have to admit I'm a little more carefree these days, a little less paranoid that my phones are tapped or I might be taken away in the dead of night for e-mailing jokes about our leader - now that the whole world realizes that Bush is of questionable mental stability. In researching my book about Stalin, what horrified me the most were the pedestrian things that are now seeping into America: a woman, sitting in her communal kitchen in Stalinist Russia, said something about the Mediterranean Sea being as beautiful as Russia's Black Sea. A roommate overheard her, and reported this comment as being "unpatriotic." That night, a white "bread truck" came by and took the woman away; she was never heard from again. I also read about a young mother accidentally putting her coffee cup down on a newspaper photo of Stalin's face. Someone watching in the cafe, reported this as "defaming our great leader." A white "bread truck" took her away to a prison camp in Siberia. She left 3 young children behind. After I heard about James Moore, the author of "Bush's Brain" suddenly being on the "No -Fly list", banned from flying outside of America, and unable to get through the red tape to understand why, that's when I began to wonder what kind of country we are living in. I have a theory about when this all started, but that will take more space than I have here.
UH-OH, spoke too soon. Interesting side-note: I do not wear a tin-foil hat, but the other night at about 8 p.m., a white “bread truck” was parked outside our house. It didn't mean anything to me, until my youngest son came running to the back of the house breathlessly whispering, “There's a big man in our front yard looking through our mail-box! He came in our gate... he's wearing a knit cap, like a burglar!” I ran to the front door and peeked out. I saw a dark figure move through the lawn. I waited until I thought it was safe, and then opened the front door. Suddenly across the street, I saw this white van. A man wearing a knit cap was sitting in the driver's side, lights on, reading something. I immediately felt this person was reading addresses off my mail, maybe to see if I lived there. My son and I sneaked out the back door, and headed over to the van, but the van took off. Who knows? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Again. But in light of the fact that Ann Coulter STILL has my home number on her website, it's not too far fetched to have a wingnut stalking me. After hearing Ruth Bader Ginzburg talk about the right-wing death threats she and Sandra Day O'Connor received, I have one question: WHY ARE RIGHT-WINGERS THE ONLY ONES WHO WANT PEOPLE KILLED FOR THEIR THOUGHTS? You never hear about Left-wingers threatening people's lives whose ideologies they disagree with.
A few days ago, someone lit our giant trash barrel on fire, which is in the alley behind our house, bordering our back wall . The plastic lid on the barrel melted, and my kids desperately tried to reach the hose over to put out the fire. Luckily the fire department came and filled the barrel with water. It appeared to be arson. My son subsequently found an opened lighter on the edge of our lawn. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but in light of the hackers on my blog, the death threats I got from Ann Coulter fans, and the slanderous National Enquirer article, it feels very real. But I refuse to live in fear.
After 911, we had the whole world on the brink of love. Everyone's heart was open. Most Muslims were shedding tears for us. At that moment, our leader had a choice: Love or Fear.
Worfeus, a historian and commenter on my blog, said: "Vladimir Putin actually CALLED Bush on the phone that morning and not only offered condolences, but offered to do whatever he could to help. He even assured him that even though Protocol required he raise the Russian Defense Condition in proportion to ours, he understood WHY we were raising ours and assured Mr. Bush that Russia would stand down. It was an EPIC moment in history, that one single phone call. Mr. Bush called it "nice of him".
"And I think if the Taliban were part of the planning body of 911, then we should have invaded Afghanistan after 9/11, it seemed like the right thing to do. But the idea that they were hiding Bin Laden doesn't wash with me," Worfeus says. "If getting Bin Laden was the goal, WHY on earth did we BROADCAST for 2 months Exactly WHEN and WHERE we were coming, and WHAT we'd do when we got there? That's like calling up criminals and telling them you're coming over to arrest them later in the week. What idiot would possibly think they'd still be there when they got there?"
I went through agony when I lost my younger brother; I cannot fathom my mother's grief and heartache, having lost her only son. Her eyes well up with tears every time she hears my husband's name, Paul, which was my brother's name. It is too much to bear when I think of parents losing sons & daughters needlessly in Iraq. This is a war that was "sold" to us and shoved down our throats by a certifiable lunatic. George Bush has caused nothing but chaos, poverty, death, bankruptcy, bad global relations, division, hatred and sadness in the world. "By their fruits you shall know them."
The mere fact that Bush sat in a Katrina briefing, probably playing his Nintendo Gameboy under the table, as they showed detailed evidence of a catastrophic hurricane and levee breach on its way to the Gulf, and Bush had the nerve to later say: "I never knew the storms were gonna be that bad! I never knew the levees were gonna be breached till I saw it on TV four days later!"
Tell me we're not inside a Simpson's episode!? Little Dubya probably got out of a lot of spankings as a kid with his cute little "aw shucks" grin. Right now our president is probably asking Rove when he gets to go to the playroom and have his ice cream cone.
Bush based his "evidence" for going to war in Iraq on LIES that Cheney and Scooter Libby had to cover up. He took money from corrupt lobbyists, grinned and lied about it, and he's still not helping the people of New Orleans! Guess why? Apparently certain "companies" don't want the people to come back; that's why the trailers are sitting empty, undelivered. These companies are waiting like vultures to clear the land for profitable building developments. A side benefit is that all these scattered homeless souls cannot register to vote, nor can they obtain absentee ballots. The longer the delay in rebuilding New Orleans, the better for the Corruption party.
Also, Bush's own mother said he shouldn't soil his mind with visions of poverty and ugliness. Weren't these the same parents who went to play golf the day their baby daughter died, Dubya's baby sister, who died crib death? So Bush can't deal with death or grieving. Well he should have had some therapy before going to the White House. In fact, someone better be writing legislation to ensure that the next leader of the Free World has a brain scan to rule out mental disorders.
I say this: WE ALL SHOULD MARCH right up to Mr. Bush's front door (which is our front door, since we paid for it) and hold him accountable for causing, directly or indirectly, more deaths & destruction than anyone else has in this new century. If his goal is to spread democracy, he sure is killing a lot of people to do it.
Mr. Bush, my children have lost their innocence because of you. They have to watch me cry every night during fervent prayers for our dying troops and countless children lost in this war. I have to explain to my kids what good morals are: the opposite of yours. I would rather my sons have an appetite for love, not war. People who have morals do not do what our president does. You have destroyed the very definition of moral values. And just for the record, your party's irresponsible Ann Coulter-led witch-hunt/persecution/media blitz exposing the consensual affair of Clinton and Lewinsky, two adults, was in itself immoral and damaging to kids. In painstaking detail you paraded these blow-by-blowjob horrors for the press, not caring what effect it had on childhood innocence. And yes, we were all rightly appalled by the president's behavior. But where was the right-wing morality brigade in keeping this porn out of the mainstream for our children's sake? I still hear Republican mothers talk about how shameful Clinton was, yet they never see how the media salivated and profited at the sex appeal of it all. These same mothers never castigate you, Mr. Bush, for moral corruption on a life-threatening scale.
You, Mr. Bush, appear to be against everything pure and beautiful about America: peace, goodwill, harmony, tolerance, trust, truth, forgiveness, LIFE, diplomacy, caring for the poor, caring for your own KATRINA victims - AREN'T THESE GOOD VALUES? Oops, I shouldn't have said "LIFE"; I know how much you care about frozen fetal cells. While you and your Christian Coalition scour the cartoon channel for sexual immorality, seeing gays in square pants, how do I explain to my kids this pervasive news coverage of children being blown to bits because WE played the bully; we invaded a country that was pretty much under the world's watchful control? How do I explain your "Christian" morality of killing, invading and turning a blind eye to torture and corruption? Yesterday a little 3-year-old Iraqi girl died after the 3rd bomb hit her tiny apartment; the only piece her brother's found was her hand clutching her teddy bear.
Mr. Bush, why did you have to invade a foreign land? Was there really imminent danger to America from Saddam, even though the whole world was hovering over him, watching him? Weren't there more brainy, imaginative ways of gaining allies in the underground - attracting people to our light, who would gladly usurp Saddam from within? Even if it had taken a few more years of clever spy-work, wouldn't it have been creatively challenging and fun - to work out diplomatic solutions to grotesque problems? Christ waited over 2,000 years for someone to finally put his teachings to use. And when biggest challenge comes along, our "Christian" leader disses Christ! You don't even give his method a half-hearted try. Wouldn't it have been worth saving lives and winning hearts to the cause of true Democracy and true Christianity? And after all the Mission Impossible spy movies you've seen, couldn't you figure out a more clever way than carpet-bombing? Did you do it to show off your heavy metal machinery, your SHOCK and AWE capabilities so the "enemy" (or anybody who doesn't agree with you) would be scared off? Mr. Bush, you have single-handedly robbed the world of its hope and innocence. To say nothing of the mockery you have made of true Christianity: the most peaceful force that ever came to man. You have rearranged the fragile building blocks of this planet with your Neanderthal eye-for-an-eye fraudulent, militant "Christianity". Maybe you don't realize the word Christ is in the word Christianity because the vowel sounds are different. But eye-for-an-eye is the OLD TESTAMENT! Christ came with the new law: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU. RESIST NOT EVIL. This means, “Do not fight or resist evil; do not fight anyone or anything, it doesn't work. Most evolved people know this. Schools teach that you deal with bullies on the playground by not engaging them in battle, by walking away, not hitting them back.
There's a saying: If you're in the jungle and a jaguar is chasing you, get out of his way because he's going to eat you. It's nothing personal; it's just the nature of the beast. So go back to your house and stay out of his way. Muslim fundamentalists would not be killing us if we would get our footprints off their oil, mind our own business, and pray for them. They do not seem to know the God of love, but since love is all there is, evil has no real power, no matter how much you physicalize it by focusing on it. In other words, what you focus on GROWS! It also wouldn't hurt to protect our borders and make our country as invincible as Israel is. My girlfriend says she feels safer in Israel than here.
You are a barbarian Mr. Bush, hiding behind idiocy. And I know that's very judgmental of me to say that, but Christ called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers." And “evil triumphs when good people do nothing,” as Edmund Burke said (and we keep hearing over and over and over.)
Fortunately I believe in a power greater than ourselves and I know we're going to be all right. God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Einstein did say "goodness, truth and beauty are laws in the universe" as is harmony. Play the piano and you'll hear it. Kiss your child and you'll feel it. Go outside and breathe in the sunshine while playing with an amazingly beautiful striped animal or a butterfly. Bring coffee to someone who thinks you hate them.
Why do people keep arguing about God when God is simply love? Who can argue with human kindness? Asking to prove God is like asking to prove you love your kids. Love is actually the energy of our focused attention on Good, which I define as God. You can be attractive even if you're not "good looking" because if you radiate love, you attract people. This energy is molecular. Einstein's Unified Field therefore is love, which is God. Science proves God; the two are not mutually exclusive.
Lydia Cornell
August 25, 2006
I just heard the most wonderful thing on Al Franken's Air America show this morning. He was interviewing an expert on Sunni-Shia relations and discovered that Iran once spoke of Arnold Swarzenegger going there to broker a peace deal on nuclear disarmament with the Iranians. Apparently this idea came up in 2003 because Iran is full of young people who idolize Hollywood film stars (especially Swarzenegger) and even the leaders would be thrilled to have the Terminator come and speak to them.
WHY NOT? We are one world, connected by media and the internet, and we all are members of one race: human. We all want peace and prosperity. There are so many ways to speak to each other as long as we have common goals.
Only extremists seem to differ -- but they are in the minority. We must build on the positives - our common goals of peace, health and PROSPERITY. Everyone wants a world without war; we all want our children to grow up in a fresh beautiful world without hatred instilled in them.
Please President Bush, wake up and start communicating. Be a man of peace and ideas, not a "war president." War should always be the very last resort. Instead, you made it the first and only option. Do you really want your legacy to be "the leader who was so arrogant, so stubborn, so prideful and so stupid -- he started World War III?"
What Bush has done to our nation is treasonous: he has broken apart American families, created an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, shattered the American treasury and destroyed our esteem in the world. I love America and I know we can bring our nation back to sanity.
When I went on the USO tour of Beirut to visit the Marines, terrorism was in its infancy. This was right before the first major "truck bomb suicide attack" against U.S. Peacekeeping Forces.We visited aircraft carriers USS INCHON, USS SUMTER AND USS SHREVEPORT. US Magazine published my "Beirut Diary" when I returned, and I did Good Morning America.
Please check out one of the best radio shows in America DOUG BASHAM PROGRESSIVE TALK
Why shouldn't Schwarzenegger talk to the Iranians? This "idol worship" could work to help settle a very tense situation. And, for once, Arnold will do something that won't make us completely regret not electing him as our governor.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Charlie R. I miss the utopia we had in California when Gray Davis was guv.
ReplyDeleteNow what Californians desperately need are higher taxes, driver licenses for illegal aliens, and prison guards and other underpaid union folks making a "living wage" of at least $125K annually. That's why I'm voting for Phil Angelides.
FF said "and prison guards and other underpaid union folks making a "living wage" of at least $125K annually."
ReplyDeletemore repug elitest BS, if prison guards are making $125K annually it is because they are working 80-100 hour weeks because the powers that be are too cheap to hire more people they have to pay benefits for, I have first hand experience of this for years I worked 90 hour weeks because the bosses were too cheap to hire more workers that they had to pay benefits for yet those very same elitest bosses cried bloody murder when I was making way more money than they were, apparantly repugs falsely claim they are all for people earning their money through hard word, yet those very same elitest are the first to cry foul when someone they deem their lesser is willing to step up under the harsh conditions they create and sacrifice their leisure and put their life on hold to hold things together and keep the place from falling apart.
aparently repugs think only they are entitled to fair compensation they desire a bunch of have and have nots, they would prefer the middle class and poor be a bunch of indentured servants stuck on a treadmill where they are forced to run in place working harder and faster to enrich the wealthy while they lose ground financially while the wealthy increase their wealth and stature in life exponentially.
see you guys would like to destroy the middle class by outsourcing all the good paying blue collar jobs so thge wealthy can keep stealing from the middle class.
ReplyDeletewhat you genius's fail to realize is this will create a depression just like the Great Depression that will destroy many of the wealthy as well and lower our standard of living as a nation.
see if no one has any money but a few rich people, who will be able to buy anything, it creates a vicious circle just as in the 1930's.
Lydia says "One World, One Race" but seems to relish in Ann Coulters turban being ripped by way of theatrics from a fast talkin blonde.
ReplyDeleteI detect the scent of happy revenge.....hmmmmmmmm.
Your writings are completely nullified Lydia based on your own personal satisfaction of enjoying Coulters televised beating.
Should all of us feel such glee when our enemy experiences defeat? Yes! But Lydias writings suggest otherwise.
Lydia simply offers blue pills to lost souls.....LOL!
Nevertheless, Coulters statement that things are going "swimmingly" in Afghanistan is incorrect.
I mean, rather than choose to understand Coulter, Lydia has chosen vengeful satisfaction....go figure?
ReplyDeleteI too can tell everyone what they want to hear:
ReplyDelete"The world, one day, will be a perfect place if everyone chooses love."
Its that simple....just love each other....LOL!
ReplyDeleteVoltaires a jackass.. Talking about how we can't negotiate with terrorists. We can negotiate with anyone if we have to.
If we can negotiate with North Korea then we can negotiate with Iraq, Iran and the sects.
Labelling them unconditionally terrorists because they dare to take up arms against us, shows we just don't WANT to negotiate.
Comment by WORFEUS — August 23, 2006 @ 12:24 am
ReplyDeleteAnd the guy who confessed to the Jon Bonet killing I think is lying. DHS and the repubs got him to do it to take heat off Bush. Why else would they take a confessed murderer on an Airplanes without handcuffs, not to mention feed him luxury food, wine and champagne?
Its a lie.
1. Actually the idea of racial profiling Arabs is brilliant if you think about it.
Bush’s clear strategy has been simple.
He can’t catch the terrorists that killed us on 911, so he went out and created a whole new batch of terrorists in Iraq, and around the world by simply invading Arab land, Muslim Holy land, and killing thousands upon thousands of their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.
Simple. You can increase your success in killing terrorists simply by making more terrorists. Its certainly easier than taking an expiditionary force into Kashmir to kill the original small group of terrorists who were actually involved in 911.
It was a simple plan and it worked brilliantly.
Now, the President and the right-wing want to extend this success by tapping a whole new group of Muslims and Arabs who haven’t yet been recruited into becoming eternal haters of all that is America.
I mean, what methodology, what tactic or technique could ensure success more than legalized prejudice against their entire race? Leglized, Federalized bigotry. Pure genius!
Its the best plan in the world to ensure an endless supply of terrorists to kill.
Yes sir, this ones a keeper.
The best way to make sure we kill more terroists, is simply by creating more terrorists to kill.
Comment by WORFEUS — August 23, 2006 @ 12:19 am
Johnny, I didn't relish Coulter's idiocy. That comment came from Worfeus on the blog front page.
ReplyDeleteCan you read his name beneath the entry?
I am posting it to show poetic justice, that finally someone on FOX was able to put Coulter in her place. Do you not understand that Ann Coulter is responsible for spreading lies and hatred?
You don't get it do you. "Silence is complicity."
Worf said
ReplyDelete"And the guy who confessed to the Jon Bonet killing I think is lying. DHS and the repubs got him to do it to take heat off Bush."
Man, repubs are wackier than I thought.
Now Im convinced more than ever liberals are insane.
Lydia said
ReplyDelete"Johnny, I didn't relish Coulter's idiocy. That comment came from Worfeus on the blog front page."
Your right Lydia and I apologize.
I was wrong!
Sometimes I read too fast as their is so much to read.
Nevertheless, one would have to be one sick puppy to mix world politics and poor Jon Benet.
ReplyDeleteWorf said
ReplyDelete"We can negotiate with anyone if we have to."
If Worf's comical statement is true, then Lydia would fly to Coulters residence and give her a hug.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you noticed? Everytime they want to distract us, "Dark Heart and Iron Hand" runs specials on serial murderers, prison riots or child molestors.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the all-pervasive Child Molestor network keeps us in fear whenever terrorist threat levels go down. It's always something.
If you think this is tin-foil-hat theory, then you are not conscious.
Lydia said "Haven't you noticed? Everytime they want to distract us, "Dark Heart and Iron Hand" runs specials on serial murderers, prison riots or child molestors.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the all-pervasive Child Molestor network keeps us in fear whenever terrorist threat levels go down. It's always something."
I've been saying for close to 9 months now that all the cild molesting propaganda is both a distraction from Iraq as well as to Justify Bush's illegal unconstitutional warrantless spying program on America's citizens.
Worf good to have you back, Rusty TT and the other anonymous trolls you were all crowing about how you drove everyone off the blog, everone is still posting here, you clowns are as big a failure as your little dictator.
ReplyDeleteTT - that article you posted quoting NARAL cannot be real. Where did you get it? It sounds like satire.
ReplyDeleteI dont know what "Dark Heart and Iron Hand" is; does one not have a choice in turning the channel?
ReplyDeleteNo one forces anybody to focus on any subject.
Yes, Lydia, it was satire, from scrappleface.com. I forgot to link it.
ReplyDeleteI'm also tired of hearing about JonBenet. It's tragic, but enough already. People are killed everyday.
And to Worf, who obviously has a fear of travel and planes and airport security (which I find a little suspicious, to be honest), regarding the travel arrangements of this crazy bastard who they brought back from Thailand, two things: 1) He was not extradicted; he was expelled by Thai authorites as an "undesirable." This means that the American legal system had no authority over him until they landed in LA. 2) If you can get this crazy bastard drunk in first class, go for it. He might talk even more. If he really was the killer, he might reveal small details that only the killer might have known, and in a thin case to begin with, those little admissions against interest might very well make the case.
Nonetheless, I am tired of hearing about it.
Surely, liberals dont believe the coincidence of an ongoing mad world is a low down attempt by repubs to bury the Iraq war?
ReplyDeletePerhaps this is merely an attempt by libs to discredit the opposing party.
Are repubs responsible for every shmuck who comes along?
What is "Dark Heart and Iron Hand? Is this like a channel dedicated to murder stories or something?
ReplyDeleteIf it is, thats sad.
Like I said Volt......HOGWASH. Obviously Worf is much too chicken to be SQUASHED by the mighty Moo....LOL!
ReplyDeleteMoo Moo rocks mannnnnnnnnnn.
ReplyDeleteBTW, what was the point of Lydia posting Deb Valkenburgh in the previous thread?
Does Deb wanna debate or something?
I dont like doing this, but Im allowed to be a bonehead once in a blue moon.
ReplyDelete"Quran 9.123, 29, 5: Surely the worst beasts in God’s sight are the unbelievers. O ye who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers and let them find in you harshness. Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute. Then, when the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush [N S Rajaram, A Hindu View of the World]"
Volt said
ReplyDelete"I wonder how we keep winning elections...?)"
Like Wayne Dwyer said: "People respect strength. Stand up to a bully."
BTW, I found Dwyers old book at the Lake Simcoe cottage on a rainy day.
ReplyDeleteI checked it out for a joke.
Volt said
ReplyDelete"But our liberal intelligensia thinks we can "negotiate"."
If it were that simple, Im sure mankind would have figured this out long ago.
I know Im right.
ReplyDeleteUnreasonable people does not declassify the fact that war is profitable and excellent for the economy.
Perhaps unreasonable people is the ideal excuse for profiteering bigwigs.
I suggest it all boils down to the mighty buck.
Volt said
ReplyDelete"I'm probably not as well read as you Johnny."
Ridiculous Volt....we both have our strenght and weaknessses.
Volt said
ReplyDelete"btw, how's that work out for you personally? Someone sticks a gun in your face and demands your wallet, you say: "Hey! Lets negotiate."?"
Volt said
ReplyDelete"The unreasonable people will exist and continue to be unreasonable no matter what, they don't neccessarily care about who profits.
And when we are forced to clean these peoples clock, the arms suppliers and military contractors will always make money."
For the most part......agreed!
However, I suggest unreasonable people deeply care for their own selfish cause/profit and refuse to accept anothers views.
Whats funny is their vision of our being unreasonable is our vision of normalcy?
Of course our vision is corecct......LOL!
Careful Volt..... you almost stuck your foot in the rabbit hole with your 5:46 pm post.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure there arent 72 virgins Volt.....LOL?
ReplyDeleteJust kidding....I think.....LOL!
ReplyDeleteVolt said
ReplyDelete"grown up under the influence of Christian missionary education followed by indoctrination into Marxism, which has great attraction for those who consider themselves as the intellectuals."
Volt said
ReplyDelete"The REAL intellectuals don't HAVE to keep reminding everyone how smart they are."
The dumbest people are the ones who try to convince everyone else of how smart they are (Worf).
Thats why I still pick my nose with my thumb.
ReplyDeleteWorf and I are the oldest veterans of the site; we used to be friends but, I am a moderate, therefore, was dismissed through conspiracy theories for my failure to follow the liberal program 100%.
I hope the best for democracy in Afghanistan until the Taliban is completely eradicated....swimmingly is to comfortable a word at this point.
But Im sure we will win.....
All allied troops, in Afghanistan, have my full support despite differences in opinon over the Iraq War.
How true.
ReplyDeleteBut, in all fairness, men are almost as pigheaded and ignorant as women...LOL!
ReplyDeleteDid you know Hitler didnt want a chick because he believed a women weakened a man....interesting.
ReplyDeleteAlso, he insisted on the replenishing of frogs from a nearby lake due to their eradication from a mosquito problem at the Wolf's Lair.
Hitler had a compassion for frogs.
Take care Volt.
ReplyDeleteInsurgents will continue with "suicide bombings, guerrilla warfare and ambushes" against the United States and its allies in Afghanistan, said Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, a self-described Taliban spokesman.
ReplyDeleteWashington Post
August 18
There has been a huge increase in violent attacks in Afghanistan in recent months, particularly in the south where Nato forces are helping the Afghan government to extend its authority.
BBC News
August 18
Sorry Thomas, I disagree. I still believe swimmingly is to comfortable a word at this time.
Heres my opinion.
I suggest we temporarily stop immigrating Muslims for obvious reasons. Hell my offspring recently told me of a girl at her high school named Allah......apparently she acts superior and is a bitch.
Additionally, I am convinced Army Group Center, North, and South, should be sent in(full massive allied invasion) to exterminate ALL, and I MEAN ALL radical Islamic groups or individuals as quickly as possible, thus put an end to Afghanistans turbulent and unstable political history once and for all.
Leave a few divisions behind and let things cool down; allow a democratic chrysalis to run its natural course.
If events go reasonably well and a general peace seems to take place with little or no terrorist acts, then reinstate immigration and pull out the last remaining divisions.
And if Pakistan is breeding terrorist scum, I suggest we rip there turbans as well.....civilian killers and cowardly bombers who refuse to give their oppenents a fighting chance severely piss me off.
Paulus's mighty Sixth Army in Stalingrad effectively controlled 90% of the city through intoxicating and insane door to door fighting.
ReplyDeleteEvery room, attic, basement, and stairwell, was fought for. And if this is what it takes in Afghanistan......so be it!
Only an unforseen build-up of Russian forces to the east prevented Paulus from completing his objective. His army was surrounded and anihilated in January 43.
Paulus should have committed suicide in honor of his soldiers who suffered horrible deaths.
As a Russian prisoner, Field Marshal Paulus eventually went on to preach communist propaganda against his fellow soldiers.
Nevertheless, Paulus begged Hitler for months to break free from the steel ring while he was still militarily powerful; even Hoths 4th Panzer Army could not bring relief. For selfish political reasons, Hitler refused, allowing the Sixth Army to die a slow, agonizing death, thus ending the greatest conflict in the history of mankind.
Of the 300,000 men in the Sixth Army, only five thousand survived.
ReplyDeleteDolt said "Seriously though, that's something I've noted on EVERY news channel not just FOX.
ReplyDeleteEvery time they have a debate between a liberal and a conservative, the liberal ALWAYS overtalks, yells, and dominates the conversation by not letting the conservative finish a thought or sentence.
You guys "win" by not letting anyone else speak."
nice attempt at projection there Volt, but you have it backwards thats exactly what conservatives like Coulter or Rush do, the try to out shout and not let liberals get a word in, they interupt and if there is a moderator who keeps them from using there out shouting or slander tactics they walk off the set, Coulter is a half wit slandering papertiger that couldnt debate her way out of a wet paper bag in a fair and honest debate.
Johnny said "Paulus's mighty Sixth Army in Stalingrad effectively controlled 90% of the city through intoxicating and insane door to door fighting.
ReplyDeleteEvery room, attic, basement, and stairwell, was fought for. And if this is what it takes in Afghanistan......so be it!"
Good post, we should be using ALL of our resources to take Afghanistan and capture or weed out the taliban and the real terrorists instead of wasting our resources and forsaking the war on terror to invade and occupy Iraq illegally which is only serving to create more terrorists out of moderate Muslims.
Tommy the Troll Said "Hey Luca Brasi: Does anyone but me think you're a stinky, fat ugly guinea bitch?
ReplyDeleteI own this thread. Nobody can dispute AMERICAN passion."
Ah typical repug with delusions of grandur, you own this thread, HAHAHAHAHAHA your a joke man, look at this guy try to look important and powerful, sounds like you have a napoleon complex there tough guy.
Tommy the troll said "The great thing about America's heritage of immigrants, moreover, is that how willing do you think that ANY of the devout Catholic Mexican landscapers who traveled over the Sonora desert to get here and give their families new lives and futures would be to giving up America to a bunch of Sharia-intetioned Muslims? I don't think so!
ReplyDeleteOur best and brightest are always borne of our newest. The Marines are chock full of second generation Hispanicsn and Eastern Europeans.
America endures ALWAYS! Even when despicable dishonest little punks like Mike and Clif try to eat away at our core. Hey, you think I'm tough on those guys? Give them 5 seconds with a first generation Guatamalan, Estonian or Mexican coming off USMC duty in Al Anbar where their brothers fell. I'd just slap those beyotches, I don't want to think what they'd do.
America works. We're blessed by God. We really are.
10:11 PM"
Ah look at the little troll trying to identify with minorities and spin it like anyone that doesnt agree with him is a dishonest punk trying to eat away at the core of America, America is not about starting wars or murdering people who dont do as we want or taking away person freedoms in the guise of safety and spinning liars like tommy boy or the Neo Cons who have lead us astray will prove to be only a temporary detour from the path of fredom and goodness.
Tommy Troll said "The answer, of course, is to create a free, prosperous FUTURE worth living for long oppressed Muslims so that they eradicate the 1%, 10% ... WHATEVER ... in their midst.
ReplyDeleteWhen they have an investment of blood and treasure in freedom, prosperity and self-determination, they have a future worth protecting.
That's the Bush doctrine. It's sublime in it's simple brilliance. The Rascals understood "People everywhere just got to be Free."
Our only hope in this WAR is to entice folks with an investment in a future of liberty, prosperity and hope to eradicate the vermin in their midst.
It's the toughest mission in human history, making this transformational change in the Middle East where Islam has been mangled, corrupted and defiled to create states of depotism, terror and abuse against the Muslim masses.
Hey, we transformed four of the terrible regimes in history: Germany, Japan, Russia and China - there are 70-100 MILLION deaths attributable amongst that foursome in the 20th Century. There were probably not ... 4 ... yesterday!!!!
We're MOTHERFUCKING AMERICA! We're on a mission from God. Don't get wobbly friend! This is a war for civilization, and we NEED to win. We will win. Bush may be an inarticulate (Yale/Harvard MBA grad)to some of his haters, but the man understands his historic obligation and he's a diamond hard rock of resolve.
I don't give a fock about France, because once we send Southwest Asia on a freedom train, we Americans are going to have to rescue the feckless French, Belgians, Dutch and Canadians from their Islamist-controlled Muslim populations.
America is about being a savior to ingrates. We're self actualizing."
look at this guy frantically spewing the Neo Con Koolaid about nation building and transforming the Middle East.
The one thing he did say that is valid is that we should encourage the Muslims to turn on and weed out the true terorists in their midst and the way to do that is to win over the masses and the good moderates by listening to their neds, helping them and winning their trust, not idgnoring them and doing what is best for us and killing and branding those that oppose us as terrorists. One thing I am certain about is that the way to defeat the terrorists is not to transform moderates in to radical terrosists by killing their children or friends and family or blowing up their homes or falsely imprisoning them so that for every insurgent we kill we create 3 more, than is lunacy.
We need to win the trust of the majority of good moderate muslims so they will give up and turn on the violent extremeists instead secretly hiding and supporting them or worse turning into violent extremeists.
Worf was absolutely right, Bush didnt care about finding the real terrorists so he went anout creating more people who hate us to fight so he can appear to be fighting terrorists as well as have justification for invading and occupying two countries with among the largest untapped oil and gas reserves on the planet.
You cant force freedom and democracy on people who dont want it, else it is really dictatorship and not democracy, you also cant claim to be for democracy then cry foul when you dont like the results of that democracy.
Your boy tommy said that only 1% of muslims are violent extremist terrorists now I havent verified that but I would say it sounds right,I would say that probably 1% would actually do something to attack us and probably 10% would wish us serious harm and seriously consider harming us.
ReplyDeleteSo unless you are calling your buddy a liar that would mean that 99% of all muslims are not radical terrorists actively trying to attack us. We need to keep that number from growing not increase those who hate us and are seeking to actively harm us.
Worf was absolutely right, Bush didnt care about finding the real terrorists so he went anout creating more people who hate us to fight so he can appear to be fighting terrorists ...
Wow that is indeed good news because it means when Bush leaves office, then all the world's terrorism will cease, and the world will become a peaceful place, just like it was before Bush became President.
Also when Bush leaves office it means there will be no more hurricanes targeting only black people, like hurricane Katrina did.
Tommy said "For the 28 million Afghans who no longer have to fear hellish Taliban oppression, murder and despotism ... 2006 Afghanistan is nothing short of a miracle."
ReplyDeletelook at the repug spinmeister, The Taliban are gaining ground and taking back Afghanistan, Osama and Al Qaeda are still operating and training terrorists in remote Pakistan while we foolishly abandon the war on terror and the search for those who attacked us and want to destroy us to squander and waste our military power and resources to invade and occupy Iraq a country who had nothing to do with attacking us and was strongly opposed to Al qeda and the Fundamentalist radicals.
any terrorists in Iraq were not there till we invaded and GWB is making us far less safe by creating more people who hate us and want to do us harm. And worst of all Bush is squandering our resources instead of securing our borders or ports or weeding out and catching the real terrorists who attacked us he is using our limited tax payer funded revenue to monitor liberal blogs, spy on 300,000,000 Americans phone calls and invade a sovreign country that had nothing to do with attacking us............I mean call me crazy but its not liberals who are blowing up planes and attacking us neither is it our entire population of 300,000,000 citizens who are all terrorists and wasting our limited financial and manpower resources on these things instead of on keeping our citizens safe or weeding out real terrorists is a clossal misallocation of resources than is treasonous in my opinion.
Fibbing Fascist said "Wow that is indeed good news because it means when Bush leaves office, then all the world's terrorism will cease, and the world will become a peaceful place, just like it was before Bush became President."
ReplyDeleteAlas Fibbing Fascist if only that spin were true and it were truly that easy to instantly end the longterm dammage and hatred created by Bush's incompetence, I think the ramifications from Bush's ignorant arrogant corrupt policies will be felt for decades.
Johnny said "All allied troops, in Afghanistan, have my full support despite differences in opinon over the Iraq War."
ReplyDeleteAhh finally someone besides a liberal who sees through all the spin and sees what we really need to be focusing our resources on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How true Mike.
ReplyDeleteFor a "pro-life' culture you repugs sure love death and war.
you are reeking of hatred for your fellow man. Why do you think God put us all in different colors and tribes? So we can overcome the easy way: the hatred.
It's easy to fight those who hurt you; the higher law calls on us to love those who hate us and seek to hurt us.
Then you will see miracles begin to happen in human relationships.
There are 1.5 billion Muslims. They want peace. ONly fundamentalist extremists (in all religions) preach intolerance. Look in the mirror.
Standing up to evil, renouncing it, and seeing the Christ Truth in your fellow man, no matter how deceiving appearances are, is the key. But to retaliate on the level of engaging in fear-based obsession and magnifying the enemy, onlyh makes the "enemy" larger. This is a spiritual law. Violence against innocents on the hopes of killing militants, is always wrong. There are much more clever and thoughtful ways of annihiating an enemy and it starts in your thought about them. They diminish when the whole world in on one side and reduces their power. WE are feeding the darkness and giving it more power. But it has no real power. Just like darkness has no power of its own.
Blessing your enemies is the divine law, the Christ Truth, and never fails to work when applied properly.
"But I say unto you, Love your enemmies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you...
"For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Don't even sinners do the same? what merit is there in that?
To return love for hate, now that is truly holy.
Anyway, it's hard but every single time I think hateful thoughts about Muslim terrorists, or George Bush or intolerant "Christians" I turn my thoughts to love. The hardest people to do this with are ex-friends and family.
It works, even if you can only do it 9 times out of 10. It changes everything.
Coulter: Bin Laden Is ‘Irrelevant,’ ‘Things Are Going Swimmingly In Afghanistan’ »
ReplyDeleteFor Ms. Coulter’s benefit, here’s an update on the situation in the last couple of months in Afghanistan:
– Security situation is “close to anarchy.” Last month, a senior British military commander said “the situation is close to anarchy” in Afghanistan, and warned western forces were “running out of time” to meet expectations Afghanis have for their security.
– Discontent among Afghans is “boiling.” “After months of widespread frustration with corruption, the economy and a lack of justice and security,” the New York Times reported that “doubts about President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, and by extension the American-led effort to rebuild that nation, have led to a crisis of confidence.”
– Opium production is at record levels. “Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has hit record levels - up by more than 40 percent from 2005 - despite hundreds of millions in counternarcotics money,” the Associated Press reported. “The increase could have serious repercussions for an already grave security situation, with drug lords joining the Taliban-led fight against Afghan and international forces.”
Crooks and Liars has more.
Transcript: expand post »
POWERS: Ann, let’s talk about let’s talk Usama bin Laden. How about let’s kill Usama bin Laden? How about let’s find Usama bin Laden? You’re talking about how, you know, Democrats don’t want to do things on terrorism, which I actually will in a second go ahead and list the things they want to do, but how about the fact we invaded Iraq, when, you know, over in Afghanistan everything was falling apart? And the fact that we let Usama bin Laden get away, and the president said he doesn’t even think about him, he doesn’t care about him.
BROWN: What happened to “mission accomplished”?
POWERS: What about that?
COULTER: I look forward to hearing that list.
POWERS: OK, you will in a second.
COULTER: But as for catching Usama, it’s irrelevant. Things are going swimmingly in Afghanistan.
POWERS: No, they’re not.
COULTER: I mean, it’s like a fading movie star now.
BROWN: “Swimmingly”?
POWERS: Things in Afghanistan are going horribly. But this is interesting, Usama bin Laden is irrelevant. The person, the mastermind behind the Al Qaeda attacks on the United States is completely irrelevant. Is that what you’re saying?
COULTER: Right, it was handed to Bill Clinton twice.
POWERS: Oh, it’s Bill Clinton’s fault.
COULTER: And Bill Clinton said no…
POWERS: Yes, because I think that actually George Bush was president in 2001.
COULTER: I know you’re trying to imitate Alan Colmes, but at some point he does let me answer.
POWERS: Yes, OK. Let’s go — Michael, why don’t we talk about the things that the…
COULTER: OK, well, good night! It was nice being here.
POWERS: … Democrats actually arguing about the fact that all of the…
POWERS: … Republicans have voted against all the things the…
COULTER: I think I can leave.
POWERS: … Democrats have brought up, like increasing funding for border security, increasing funding for port security…
COULTER: I think I can leave now.
POWERS: … increasing funding for airline security. I mean, isn’t that true, Michael?
HANNITY: Hang on, Ann. « collapse post
It’s so nice to see that mangy hag Coulter get a little does of her own medicine!
ReplyDeleteOne thing is for certain: Coulter can’t take the same medicine she dishes out.
Comment by D.Tree — August 25, 2006 @ 12:33 pm
She’s just like all conservatives, if she cant answer a easy question she throws a temper tantrum like a 4 year old child and storms off. They do this shit all the time on show’s that aren’t conservative shows, it even funnier becuase this is a conservative show.
Comment by Al Gore — August 25, 2006 @ 12:33 pm
The tide must be turning! Hooray, Aghani Annie has met her Waterloo. Now it is time to just laugh at her and ridicule her as a circus sideshow geek. If anyone ever quotes her, just laugh. She is an intellectual lightweight and a laughingstock.
ReplyDeleteHer days as a ‘Stand-up fascist’ are almost over.
Comment by GSD — August 25, 2006 @ 1:38 pm
Are you wearing a tinfoil hat Tommy boy, do you hear voices in your head, get off the watertower and get some help, you are a danger to your self and society, your delusional why do all repugs think the are millionaire rich playboys, ladies men and super tough guys, is your name Elmer Fudd Tommy do you own a mansion and a yacht, seems you have a napoleon complex there son if you think you would ever bitch slap me, get some help son before its too late.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a joke you are a pathetic deluded joke!
Rusty Simpleton said "Or is it the fact that no one but you and Cliffy give a damn about that dribble you and him cut and paste."
ReplyDeleteFunny Rusty how anything you dont agree with is drivel or liberal spin, but yet everything you say is perfectly reliable and unbiased according to you the world of a name calling slandering slimy troll is good as gold and worth more than experts in their field and repuable media sources and news papers, despite the fact all you do is attack and slander people and never post any facts to back up your point of view you and coulter deem your self intellectuals when all you really are is pathetic.
Rusty Simpleton said "Mike,why dont you just admit you dont want a conservative point of view here.At least me and a few others have a sense of humor."
ReplyDeleteAnother Lie, I would welcome decent conservatives, even people like Volt who I strongly disagree with on many things I welcome here, despite our disagrements volt is always fairly respectful and usually always answers questions, it is clear volt is hear for real discussion not just to slander and insult people they disagree with and call them names to bury the thread and stop real discussion.
I proved you are nothing but a name calling slandering troll last blog when I assembled your quotes from the last few days, you debate nothing Rusty just slander.
ReplyDeleteAnd its amusing how all the sites we get information from are all biased lib sites but yours are all reputable another funny thing rusty you like most repubs hate facts and evidence its all spin and talking points what do we have to go on to back up anything you say the the word of a foul mouthed slimy troll who considers himself the brilliant and enlightened DR Rusty Shackleford.
if your so brilliant rusty old boy how come all you can post is retated 6th grade insults and slander. and why do you have to hide behind multiple aliases.
see Rusty Simpleton I may throw a jibe or name in my post but I always have an argument and a point all you do is insult people and call names you dont discuss anything its all about the blogger instead f discussion, what does saying things like "you like what Wufuss Dufuss's mother did with her tongue last night" have to do with honest discussion.
ReplyDeleteyou are nothing more than a blog troll trying to bury discussion with insults, I proved that the other night and if it were me I would ban your slimy intellectually challanged a$$.
volt is always fairly respectful and usually always answers questions...
Yes, but he sometimes never does.
For a "pro-life' culture you repugs sure love death and war.
ReplyDeleteyou are reeking of hatred for your fellow man. Why do you think God put us all in different colors and tribes? So we can overcome the easy way: the hatred.
-Lydia Cornell
Ms. Cornell are you suggesting that Republicans are racist? I despise racists. Please provide an example of someone on your blog who has said something racist or bigoted or demonstrated a hatred for his fellow man, so I can help you expose him.
Otherwise please retract your unwise generalization.
Blessing your enemies is the divine law, the Christ Truth, and never fails to work when applied properly.
ReplyDelete"But I say unto you, Love your enemmies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you...
-Lydia Cornell
If loving your enemies "never fails", then would you advise that we disband our military forces and destroy all our weaponry?
Does "loving your enemies" also apply to vicious domestic criminals? If so, should we disband our police force and release all the murderers, armed bandits and rapists?
Or does "loving your enemies" only apply in the case of opposing certain wars in order to undermine your political rivals?
Are you suggesting that we immediately pull out all our troops from Iraq and let the insurgents destroy the nascent democratically elected government?
Are you okay with the carnage of innocents that will inevitably follow the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq while the majority of Iraqis are begging us to stay to protect them and restore order?
For a "pro-life' culture you repugs sure love death and war.
-Lydia Cornell
No sane person loves death and war. But Conservative Americans love freedom, and we hold it to be more dear than life itself.
How will you feel about the death of all the innocent Iraqis, following an immediate U.S. withdrawal? If that is fine with you, would it be fair to characterize you dhimmicrats as "loving death" and reeking of hatred for your fellow man?
There are 1.5 billion Muslims. They want peace. ONly fundamentalist extremists (in all religions) preach intolerance. Look in the mirror.
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
I have no problem with what someone believes as long as it doesn't motivate him to hate and kill me.
Brother, I don't care if you believe in stones, as long as you don't throw them at me.
-Wafa Sultan
I am proud when I "look in the mirror" because I am intolerant only of belief systems based upon intolerance and hatred which motivate terrorists to kill innocent "infidels" around the world.
Which do you prefer: harsh truth or pleasant falsehood? It may be soothing to believe that most Muslims want peace. This is what British Muslims really believe:
Forty-five percent say 9/11 was a conspiracy by the American and Israeli governments. This figure is more than twice as high as those who say it was not a conspiracy. Tragically, almost one in four British Muslims believe that last year's 7/7 attacks on London were justified because of British support for the U.S.-led war on terror.
When asked, "Is Britain my country or their country?" only one in four say it is [theirs]. Thirty percent of British Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia (Islamic religious) law than under British law. According to the report, "Half of those who express a preference for living under Sharia law say that, given the choice, they would move to a country governed by those laws."
Twenty-eight percent hope for the U.K. one day to become a fundamentalist Islamic state. This comports with last year's Daily Telegraph newspaper survey that found one-third of British Muslims believe that Western society is decadent and immoral and that Muslims should seek to end it.
The news is no less alarming on the question of freedom of speech. Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed. Sixty-eight percent support the arrest and prosecution of those British people who "insult Islam." When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not.
-Many British Muslims Put Islam First
Two-thirds of Muslims in a modern Western country like Britain believe that ordinary citizens should be imprisoned for merely insulting their religion with silly cartoons. One in four believe it is fine to kill their innocent fellow countrymen in order to properly express their opinion on foreign policy.
That is the recent opinion of Muslims living in a healthy Western democracy. How "peaceful" do you suppose Muslims are in countries dominated by Islam like Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Iran?
Which do you feel would be more effective in countering this worldwide oppressive, misogynistic culture of death, embraced by 1.5 billion folks:
A) Pray and think happy thoughts. Avoid doing or saying anything which might offend Islam or
B) Challenge their warped ideas with better ones at every opportunity?
What would happen to freedom in the U.S. if we were host to a significant Muslim population?
The unpleasant truth is that many, probably most, Muslims hate the West. When they live in the West they do not assimilate, but rather strive to undermine the culture of the host country, and impose their repressive Islamic Shariah government like the Taliban.
Appeasement of such vicious bullies may be fine for liberals, but peace without freedom is unacceptable for me.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
-Thomas Jefferson
Thanks, Volt.
ReplyDeleteYes I did read your post.
No doubt the libs will blame George Bush for the oppression of Hindus in India by IslamoFascists, just like they blame him for the 9/11 massacre and hurricane Katrina.
Johnny moo moo said...
ReplyDeleteWorf said
"We can negotiate with anyone if we have to."
Everyone talks tough till some gets the drop on them. Then they suddenly remember how to talk.
When a guns aimed at your head, and you've fired your last shot, you'll suddenly become a master negoiator.
My point was simple.
If we can do it then, why can't we do it before it gets to that.
Voltaire said...
ReplyDeleteGood point FF.
How many millions of innocent civilians died when we pulled out of southeast asia?
Guess that was a pretty good reason for staying the hell out of there, huh?
Hi Worf!
ReplyDeleteHow was the weather over in exile?
In almost every great major battle in history, both sides talked tough right up to the end.
ReplyDeleteUntil one side or the other surrendered.
Then suddenly they magically learn how to be nice again.
And sometimes BOTH sides decide to be nice again, when they've both "had enough".
And in the process countless scores of innocent civillians die, soldiers, kids. And for what?
So a handfull of puffed up windbags can spout off?
Its time to put some smart people in charge. Its time to toss the clowns and the pinheads and push them aside to make way for thinking men and women.
They've had their 15 minutes and they blew it miserably. 100,000 people lie dead. Our military is depleted, and most of the world despises us. We have become an international joke, and a threat, and we are rapidly approaching rogue nation status. Our economy is faultering. 600 billion going to Iraq and counting, we have entire states in ruins, and the only thing these mental midgets can come up with is spying on their own people.
They've had their run, and they're done.
Their 15 minutes are up.
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeletevolt is always fairly respectful and usually always answers questions...
Yes, but he sometimes never does.
Voltaire said...
I occaisionally mostly do.
" sometimes never, occasionally mostly?" PRETTY FUNNY
FF - the concept of loving your enemies is the entire point of Christ's mission! That and his healing "miracles" (which he told us we are all supposed to be doing) have been buried by pharisaical, fundamentalist thought.
Christ's "new law" in the New Testament was revolutionary! Moses' laws were the negative "thou shalt nots." Christ brought the Beatitudes (means "Blessings" which were all focused on a HIGHER LAW -- the law of LOVE, a spiritual way of dealing with life. "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth or the kingdom...
Don't you guys get it? You are bogged down in primitive eye-for-an-eye Old Testament thought. This will get us nowhere.
We have to be progressive enough to realize life is spiritual. Thoughts rule the world.
Lift your consciousness above what your material senses tell you and then you'll see what I'm talking about.
Act "as if" you really trust God, instead of fear-based human manipulations. If you really follow Christ, you will be able to stare a lion in the eye and he will back down.
It's time.
Ms. Cornell, I am aware of Christ's teachings; I was raised Christian. Christ had some beautiful ideas.
ReplyDeleteBut I was inquiring how you apply these messages in the real world.
I see you have carefully avoided my specific questions, since it's a little more challenging than simply repeating Bible study platitudes.
A man can be a Christian or a patriot, but he can't legally be a Christian and a patriot, except in the usual way.
ReplyDeleteOne of the two with the mouth, the other with the heart.
Mark Twain
Word it as softly as you please, the spirit of patriotism is the spirit of the dog and wolf.
ReplyDeleteThe moment there is a misunderstanding about a boundary line or a hamper of fish or some other squalid matter, see patriotism rise, and hear him split the universe with his war-whoop.
Mark Twain
BERLIN (Reuters) - German authorities issued an arrest warrant on Saturday for a Syrian suspect in a failed plot to detonate bombs on German trains last month...
ReplyDeleteSuitcases like those in the footage were found packed with propane gas tanks and crude detonating devices on trains in the Dortmund and Koblenz. The explosives failed to detonate.
A poll on Saturday by RTL television found that 73 percent of Germans expect Germany will face further terror attacks.
-Arrest order for Syrian suspect in German bomb plot
There is no terrorist threat...It's a lie.
-michael moore, worf's lib hero
The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner.
ReplyDelete-Mark Twain, worf's mentor
Statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.
ReplyDeleteMark Twain
Chronicle of Young Satan
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
ReplyDelete-Mark Twain
Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thought that is forever flowing through one's head.
ReplyDelete-Mark Twain
Vae vobis scribae et Pharisaei hypocritae quia decimatis mentam et anethum et cyminum et reliquistis quae graviora sunt legis iudicium et misericordiam et fidem haec oportuit facere et illa non omitterei
(From the Vulgate)
Tempus fugit. Eloqua English.
ReplyDeleteFF said
ReplyDelete"Or does "loving your enemies" only apply in the case of opposing certain wars in order to undermine your political rivals?"
FF, your 8:51 PM post is important and should not be ignored....well said!
I would like to hear Lydia's take on it.
Her consumption of blue pills is astonishing; the ant farm is a harsh reality to accept. I guess I can understand her hiding behind self imposed illusions to avoid truth.
Worf said
ReplyDelete"When a guns aimed at your head, and you've fired your last shot, you'll suddenly become a master negoiator.
If we can do it then, why can't we do it before it gets to that."
WHY? How come people are unable to negotiate beforehand with perfect results every time? Good question!
I will answer it after I receive my latest transmissions from the planet Xenon. The satellite dish built into my head had problems....but its ok now.
Emperor Toodles of Xenon wants me to collect all the cabbage heads on Earth to fuel his "Time Particle Anti-Gravity Fusion Accelarator." This will enable us to fly into black holes without being crushed by its immense gravity.
Once inside, we are hopeful we will locate the Pink Bunny God; his wisdom is infinite.
Im still waiting for the dropship to pick me up?
Just when I thought the Dems/Libs might be capable of reason, I see the following:
ReplyDeleteHuffPo Writer Yearns for Terror Attack
If this represents the kind of thinking in the Democratic Party, then we have some pretty sick and twisted thinking going on there. And you people think you can win elections with this crap?
"what the Iraqi people want"
ReplyDeleteIn yesterday's press conference, President Bush insisted that there would be no withdrawal of American troops from Iraq as long as he was president. He gave a long, scattered list of reasons. Among them was a claim put forward in a number of different ways that boiled down to this: "it's what the Iraqi people want."
Mark Tessler and Mansoor Moaddel recently released some of the data from their latest survey of Iraqi public opinion. As reported in US News, this survey revealed that
The growing sense of insecurity affected all three of Iraq's major ethnic and religious groups. The number of Iraqis who "strongly agreed" that life is "unpredictable and dangerous" jumped from 41% to 48% of Shiites, from 67% to 79% of Sunnis, and from 16% to 50% of Kurds. The most recent survey, done in April this year, also asked for "the three main reasons for the U.S. invasion of Iraq." Less than 2% chose "to bring democracy to Iraq" as their first choice. The list was topped by "to control Iraqi oil" (76%), followed by "to build military bases" (41%) and "to help Israel" (32%).
The survey also asked a direct question about the presence of American troops in Iraq (which for some reason was not included either in Kaplan's story or in the University of Michigan press release). Tessler kindly provided me with a short write-up of the data, forthcoming in the TAARI Newsletter. Here is Table 3, responses to the question "Do you support or oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq?"
The bottom line: 91.7% of Iraqis oppose the presence of coalition troops in the country, up from 74.4% in 2004. 84.5% are "strongly opposed". Among Sunnis, opposition to the US presence went from 94.5% to 97.9% (97.2% "strongly opposed"). Among Shia, opposition to the US presence went from 81.2% to 94.6%, with "strongly opposed" going from 63.5% to 89.7%. Even among the Kurds, opposition went from 19.6% to 63.3%. In other words, it isn't just that Iraqis oppose the American presence - it's that their feelings are intense: only 7.2% "somewhat oppose" and 4.7% "somewhat support."
Maybe there are reasons for keeping American troops in Iraq, but "it's what the Iraqi people want" really doesn't seem to be one of them.
Only over 90% of the Iraqi people want the US OUT OF IRAQ, that is no mandate is it?
Hell if the MAJORITY of the Kurds now want the US out, we have LOST the battle for hearts and minds...and thus have little but massive firepower to throw into the country. And our use of massive fire power to attempt to pacify the country in 2004-2005 was what caused the insurgency in the first place.
ReplyDeleteTiny inTellect quoting ONE blogger off ONE blog is not representative of the VAST majority of the 60%= of the American people who do not approve of the IDIOT and his minions ...like YOU
ReplyDeleteVOLT SAID:
ReplyDeleteMan is an animal with a spirit, a predator with a soul. On this earth me must strive to feed and balance BOTH.
This false belief is the basis of all man's troubles. Duality is why fundamentalists are mired in pain.
Read Genesis 1, not the allegory after Adam falls under the "mist" of false belief.
We are made in God's image and we are wholly good. Everything else is a lie. Actual physical healings happen in the physical world when you stop giving evil any power.
You feed the "lie" by believing in duality, that man is both good and evil, but consider you could be wrong.
If this is the current thinking of the Democratic Party, I have to question their patriotism.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine, even for just a moment, that this Democrat is even considering that a terrorist attack would help the Democrats politically. These rantings, from an obviously disordered mind , show you who wants to actually fight terrorism, and who just wants terrorism. Amazing. Literally amazing.
Clif, I noticed that you did not even denounce this blogger and his insane comments.
This transcends politics. Either you are against terrorism or you are for it, and I guess the latter position has gained traction with some in the Democrat Party.
Tiny InTellect, I do NOT have the TIME you do to scour the internet for a single poster that you can make political HAY out of, since you idiot in DC has BLOWN the war in Iraq SOOOO bad that 91.7% of the population want the US out. And Turkey and Iran is operating in Kurdistan against the Kurdish PPK just as the Israeli's did against hezbollah...
ReplyDeleteYOU spin the MOST arcane political agenda...like that particular blogger had any REAL impact on US policy.
I do not SPEND my time looking for people who have no real power to vilify when those who have the power in their Hands are SCREWING up sooo badly all by themsleves.
Tiny InTellect, I do NOT have the TIME you do to scour the internet for a single poster that you can make political HAY out of, since you idiot in DC has BLOWN the war in Iraq SOOOO bad that 91.7% of the population want the US out. And Turkey and Iran is operating in Kurdistan against the Kurdish PPK just as the Israeli's did against hezbollah...
ReplyDeleteYOU spin the MOST arcane political agenda...like that particular blogger had any REAL impact on US policy.
I do not SPEND my time looking for people who have no real power to vilify when those who have the power in their Hands are SCREWING up sooo badly all by themsleves.
Tiny inTellect said;
ReplyDeleteIf this is the current thinking of the Democratic Party, I have to question their patriotism.
It is LESS thinking about Democratic policy...than coulterguist, or limpman,malkin, or O'Liely who bloviate DAILY worse things on the NATIONS airwaves.
Hell a couple of days ago the Idiot coulterguist stuck it's foot so far in it's MOUTH it had to run off Faux news of all places.
Clif, you still have not condemned this guy's comments.
ReplyDeleteYes it is sliding into civil war DOLT since less than 20% of the american public actually fought in our own civil war.....you are just being diashonestly stupid as usual
ReplyDeleteSorry TT but YOU do not dictate where I go on the internet....just because you want to control the frame of the debate here I do not have to follow where you want to direct ME to go. If the blogger said something stupid, then he proly will get called out on it, buit I do not read that particular blog
ReplyDeleteBUT like Dolty boy did I will POST all of the column for you tiny one;
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray we don't get hit again, like we did on September 11. Even one life lost to the violence of terrorism is too much.
If I somehow knew an attack was coming, I wouldn't pause for a second to report it in order to prevent it from occuring.
But on the other hand, I remind myself that without the ultimate sacrifice paid by 400,000 U.S. soldiers in World War II, tyranny could well have an iron grip on the world, and even on this nation.
If the Nazis had prevailed, tens, if not hundreds of millions more would have been killed.
That realization has led my brain to launch a political calculus 180 degrees removed from my pacifist-inclined leanings. An entirely hypothetical yet realpolitik calculus that is ugly, and cold-hearted but must be posited:
This is a type of calculus that Pentagon war games planners and political consultants do all the time- a combination of what-if actions and consequences that are unpleasant to consider but are in the realm of plausibility.
What if another terror attack just before this fall's elections could save many thousand-times the lives lost?
I start from the premise that there is already a substantial portion of the electorate that tends to vote GOP because they feel that Bush has "kept us safe," and that the Republicans do a better job combating terrorism.
If an attack occurred just before the elections, I have to think that at least a few of the voters who persist in this "Bush has kept us safe" thinking would realize the fallacy they have been under.
If 5% of the "he's kept us safe" revise their thinking enough to vote Democrat, well, then, the Dems could recapture the House and the Senate and be in a position to:
Block the next Supreme Court appointment, one which would surely result in the overturning of Roe and the death of hundreds if not thousands of women from abortion-prohibiting states at the hands of back-alley abortionists;
Be in a position to elevate the party's chances for a regime change in 2008. A regime change that would:
Save hundreds of thousands of American lives by enacting universal health care;
Save untold numbers of lives by pushing for cleaner air standards that would greatly reduce heart and lung diseases;
More enthusiastically address the need for mass transit, the greater availability of which would surely cut highway deaths;
Enact meaningful gun control legislation that would reduce crime and cut fatalities by thousands a year;
Fund stem cell research that could result in cures saving millions of lives;
Boost the minimum wage, helping to cut down on poverty which helps spawn violent crime and the deaths that spring from those acts;
Be less inclined to launch foolish wars, absence of which would save thousands of soldiers' lives- and quite likely moderate the likelihood of further terror acts.
I am not proud of myself for even considering the notion that another terror attack that costs even one American life could ever be considered anything else but evil and hurtful. And I know that when I weigh the possibility that such an attack- that might, say, kill 100- would prevent hundreds of thousands of Americans from dying who otherwise would- I am exhibiting a calculating cold heart diametrically opposed to everything I stand for as a human being. A human being, who, just so you know, is opposed to most wars and to capital punishment.
But in light of the very real potential of the next two American elections to solidify our growing American persona as a warlike, polluter-friendly nation with repressive domestic tendencies and inadequate health care for so many tens of millions, let me ask you this. Even if only from the standpoint of a purely intellectual exercise in alternative future history:
If you knew us getting hit again would launch a chain of transformative, cascading events that would enable a better nation where millions who would have died will live longer, would such a calculus have any moral validity?
Any at all?
SO we all can see how DOSHONEST re[pugs are by cutting a comment OUT of context and decry the snippet they pretend is trhe whole
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ReplyDeleteNo Dolty your being DISHONESTLY STUPID if you pretend a civil war for sectarian control of areas in Iraq is not occuring,...and that it is not the direct nresults of Bush, Cheney and Dumsfeld incompetent policies. and Tommy Franks FAILURE to provide security in Iraq immediately following phase 3 operations, which allowed the insurgency to greminate.
ReplyDeleteAND the study says that 91.7% want the US out
ReplyDeleteAnd you post something stupid about not being a civil war just because the MSM wants to focus on a ten year old murder case instead of the total FIASCO Iraq has become...
ReplyDeleteAnd thwe FACT that Turkey has 250,000 troops on the Northern border of Iraq to occupy the Kurdish territory if the claim independence.
ReplyDeleteClif, did they do a "stupid" transplant at the VA hosptital? I mean, are you nuts?
ReplyDeleteAny self-respecting American should condemn those comments, and you see fit to post the entire article. Good heavens, man, have you lost your mind?
Or the FACT that Bush has broken the military SOOO badly that they have to call back reservists to fill gaps because chicken hawk young repugs ..ain't got the GUTS to put their asses on the line for what they clain is the most important thing today.
ReplyDeleteThe man condems them in his OWN article ...or are YOU that stupid son?
ReplyDeleteClif, all know what he was suggesting, including you.
ReplyDeleteLater, got to go with the munchkin.....and enjoy the day.
ReplyDelete"clif said...
ReplyDeleteSorry TT but YOU do not dictate where I go on the internet"
Touchy, touchy.
AND the study says that 91.7% want the US out
Of course the Iraqis want the U.S. out; so do Americans.
What the University of Michigan survey failed to ask was when. A comprehensive previous survey taken in January 2006 showed that 70% want the troops taken out gradually -- half of those wanted 6 months, half wanted 2 years.
-What the Iraqis Want
I must question the impartiality of a survey that failed to ask such an important question.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteVOLT SAID:
Man is an animal with a spirit, a predator with a soul. On this earth me must strive to feed and balance BOTH.
This false belief is the basis of all man's troubles. Duality is why fundamentalists are mired in pain.
My take on it is simple actually.
Man is as he acts.
Here, let me repeat it.
Man is, as he acts.
Simply put, if a man acts like an animal, then hes an animal.
If he acts like a saint, then hes a saint.
The choice is his, and his alone.
We are what we do.
We are the sum of our deeds.
TT said
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine, even for just a moment, that this Democrat is even considering that a terrorist attack would help the Democrats politically. These rantings, from an obviously disordered mind , show you who wants to actually fight terrorism, and who just wants terrorism.
Terrorism still works, for President Bush.
Tony Blankley
Mclauglin Group
August 27, 2006
For a "pro-life' culture you repugs sure love death and war. you are reeking of hatred for your fellow man.
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
The U.S. invasion of Iraq actually saved thousands of Iraqi lives!
But be sceptical. Don't use any of the higher figures. Don't count the starved children. Don't listen to those who claim Saddam actually "disappeared" 300,000 Iraqis. Don't blame Saddam for the dead in the 2003 war. Don't add to his list the victims of the terrorists and torturers he paid. Be kind to the killer.
Yet when you do all this, you still find Saddam claimed on average between 90 and 120 victims each day. Every day. For 24 years. That's three or four times higher than the daily deaths in fighting in Iraq today. And that's after bending all the figures in Saddam's favour.
I know, liberating Iraq was about more than ending Saddam's reign of terror.
We must not forget the other gains -- that we know Iraq is no longer working on secret weapons. That Iraq now holds free and fair elections, last backed by 11 million voters. That the West has one less enemy and sponsor of terror. That democracy is at last now on the agenda of the Middle East.
-Body of Evidence, by Andrew Bolt of Herald Sun Times
So from the invasion in March 2003 to the present, conservatively 134,000 Iraqi lives have been saved. (105 people/day @ 365 days/year @ 3.5 years)
Altogether between 40,100-44,600 Iraqi civilians have been killed between March 2003 to August 2006. Almost all of this resulted from sectarian violence and attacks by insurgents. It includes many deaths from criminal activity as well.
Furthermore, only between 1,056 and 1,848 Iraqi civilians (about 3.5% of total deaths) have been accidentally killed directly by U.S. and British forces during major combat operations.
-Brookings Institution Iraq Index
The dhimmicrats' screaming about the Iraqi deaths caused by coalition forces is merely a bogus attempt to smear their political opposition.
Obviously, the libs' goal is simply to get elected into positions of power. The lib pseudo-superior moral preening is a facade.
Libs couldn't give a rat's ass about the welfare of the Iraqi people.
FF said;
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. invasion of Iraq actually saved thousands of Iraqi lives!
Now THATS funny!
To all die hard hold outs that believe that simptletons folly, there is a plane leaving for Kuwait tomorrow morning.
ReplyDeleteBe on it.
Because there are a "few" Iraqi's who'd like to thank you, for "saving so many of their lives".
The U.S. invasion of Iraq actually saved thousands of Iraqi lives!
Now THATS funny!
Yeah hilarious. In fact about as funny as your implication that saddam was a humanitarian. I challenge you to watch all four of these videos on a full stomach:
Saddam’s Crimes Against Humanity
As the trial of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein resumes, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies is posting 4 videos of actual torture and murder that took place under Saddam Hussein’s regime.
FDD President Cliff May notes: “Television news, understandably, will not broadcast such videos. But they are, nevertheless, an important record of Saddam Hussein’s crimes against humanity that should be available to the public as his trial resumes.”
WARNING: This material is extremely shocking and graphic in nature. It should not be viewed by children.
But hey, you libs please feel free to wail about prisoners being forced to wear panties-on-the head at Abu Ghraib.
Stop it FF.
ReplyDeleteYou're killin me.
Dolty Boy said...
ReplyDeleteJust so I'm clear on this cliffy,
Is it the University researchers OR the Iraqi people who are intelligent when they agree with YOU
And stupid when they don't?
No sonm just you STUPID statements LIKE this one;
Dolty Boy said;
So I guess it's not sliding into a "Civil war" anytime soon huh?
No son according to some it is already there...except the MORONS running the Fiasco in DC can not admit they blew it THIS bad.
And we probably don't have to worry about creating another Islamic government....
Too Bad the shiite majority in Iraq depends on al Sistani, and al Sadr, both hard line Shiite religious leaders, and the leadership of the Iraqi government rests on these two shiite leaders. With out them he would have NO majority.
So both statements you MADE ...are the rantings of a stupid repug just as I stated.
The FOOLE said;
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. invasion of Iraq actually saved thousands of Iraqi lives!
just do not tell the people who operate the morgue in baghdad or Falugha or Ramadi or Najaf or Basra or any other major Iraqi city they do not have thousands of dead bodies since 2003 to deal with......
As usual the foole spews dishonest repug neo-con spin with NO facts to back it up, and denies the Truth on the ground.
Typical idiot repug spinmeister.
Tiny inTellect said...
ReplyDeleteClif, all know what he was suggesting, including you.
when he said this...
I hope and pray we don't get hit again, like we did on September 11. Even one life lost to the violence of terrorism is too much.
or when he posts this;
I am not proud of myself for even considering the notion that another terror attack that costs even one American life could ever be considered anything else but evil and hurtful. And I know that when I weigh the possibility that such an attack- that might, say, kill 100- would prevent hundreds of thousands of Americans from dying who otherwise would- I am exhibiting a calculating cold heart diametrically opposed to everything I stand for as a human being. A human being, who, just so you know, is opposed to most wars and to capital punishment.
He was NOT as you SUGGEST ASKING for it,
If this represents the kind of thinking in the Democratic Party, then we have some pretty sick and twisted thinking going on there. And you people think you can win elections with this crap?
but posing a hypothetical question he even found repulsive...
Which you lie about by claiming he was ASKING for another attack.
As usual the foole spews dishonest repug neo-con spin with NO facts to back it up, and denies the Truth on the ground. Typical idiot repug spinmeister.
What a surprise! cliffy dismisses the facts, recently published by the Brookings Institute, as "repug neo-con spin".
The Brookings Institution is a think tank, based in Washington, D.C., in the United States.
Brookings is devoted to public service through research and education in the social sciences, particularly in economics, government, and foreign policy" [1]. Its stated principal purpose is "to aid in the development of sound public policies and to promote public understanding of issues of national importance."
The organization is currently headed by Strobe Talbott, a former Clinton administration appointee in the U.S. State Department.
Yeah cliffy, please don't let actual facts interfere with your insane, twisted lib world view and hatred of Western civilization.
Mann Projects Democratic Takeover
ReplyDeleteBrookings Institution scholar Thomas Mann "projects the Democrats to pickup 25-35 House seats, and four to five Senate seats with a chance to maybe hit six," according to Thomas Schaller. "Alternatively, Mann said the chance of Democrats capturing the House are two in three, and put the capture of the Senate at 50:50. One lunch attendee whose very close friend happens to be a Republican pollster told him that his internal GOP numbers point to 26 House pickups and six Senate gains for the Democrats."
"In his remarks, Mann also cautioned Democrats to not let the GOP somehow turn the election into a prospective, future-oriented question, but to make it as much a retrospective assessment of Bush in the Republicans. (No shocker there.) He also said Democrats ought to not only figure out a way to make Iraq -- Bush's biggest liability -- into as big a liability as possible."
Last month in the Washington Post, Mann wrote "If history is any guide, we're heading into a major political storm. And that means we could see a national tide in November that will sweep the Democrats back into the majority."
Rumsfeld to GIs’ families: I’m not Santa Claus
ReplyDeleteNo sh*t sherlock, your the grinch....
Dumsfeld did not have to waste the taxpayers money flying to Alaska to say that. We already knew the repugs are way to stingy to ever GIVE toys for free...(or anything else for that matter)
YO FOOLE the deaths we cause are NOT all the deaths we are responsible FOR, the FAILURE to provide security after we destroyed the security aparatus of the country means ALL the deaths in the country due to the LACK of security fall on Bush, and Dumsfelds shoulders, as PRE both Geneva convention standards..and UN rules we were responsible for the security of the nation until we re-established the police and army, which we have failed to do up to now...but don't let those FACTS get in you way of serving repug feces to us all
ReplyDeleteTypical lying repug leave out the fact that the repugs in charge have FAILED to furfil their requirements and ignore the deaths that result from their INCOMPETENCE
ReplyDelete...don't let those FACTS get in you way of serving repug feces to us all
Hey cliffy, I don't know what kinda feces you're munching, but I didn't serve them. Typically, I serve my guests rare, aged, fire-grilled T-bone steaks with a fine red California cabernet.
Hey I never claimed we weren't indirectly responsible for deaths caused by regime change -- throwing out a dictator and installing a democracy. As I stated, the death count of Iraqi civilians of around 43,000 includes those deaths and even deaths from criminal activity. We were directly responsible for less than 1900 accidental deaths over the last 3.5 years.
The facts still stand: The Liberation of Iraq Saved Thousands More Innocent Iraqi Lives Than Were Lost. So deal, pops.
And thanks for the de facto retraction of your lame charge that the Brookings Institute is an unreliable "neo-con" source, foole.
Facts to liberals are like kryptonite to superman.
-Larry Elder
Last month in the Washington Post, Mann wrote "If history is any guide, we're heading into a major political storm. And that means we could see a national tide in November that will sweep the Democrats back into the majority."
ReplyDeleteImpossible. Perhaps you dhimmicrats have forgotten that Diebold controls the elections and Karl Rove controls Diebold!
I almost want Republicans to lose just so I can watch you hippie-critters claim that Diebold somehow miraculously "cleaned up its act" this time. If we lose, I can guarantee I won't be crying and throwing temper tantrums like you disgustingly childish libs.
The FOOLE said;
ReplyDeleteThe facts still stand: The Liberation of Iraq Saved Thousands More Innocent Iraqi Lives Than Were Lost.
No FACT stupid..because many say MORE than 100,000 people have been killed...including up to 50,000 in the assult on Falugha in Nov 2004.
Figures which DOD refuse to give a true accounting of, and have tried to HIDE. Your facts are like your whole ARGUMENT repug spin to put a pretty mask on the corpse of repug failures.
The Foole said;
ReplyDeleteI almost want Republicans to lose just so I can watch you hippie-critters claim that Diebold somehow miraculously "cleaned up its act"
Be careful what you wish for FOOLE.....
But come November you will be screeching because Democrats have recaptured the House..and the repug corruption theft of taxpayers money for their repug enablers and cronies is finally OVER, hope your not to disappointed by that son.
ReplyDeleteThe Liberation of Iraq Saved Thousands More Innocent Iraqi Lives Than Were Lost.
ReplyDeleteMuhammed Saeed al-Sahaf
"Baghdad Bob"
The Foole said;
ReplyDeleteAs I stated, the death count of Iraqi civilians of around 43,000 includes those deaths and even deaths from criminal activity. We were directly responsible for less than 1900 accidental deaths over the last 3.5 years.
Your proly using DOD ifgures there, you know the idiots who lead this FIASCO in the first place...and can not even admit that. Good references there son.
Because we all know the DOD is SOOOOOO honest all the times...
ReplyDeleteActually Clif I think the DoD IS giving perhaps an accurate "body count".
ReplyDeleteThats how the Pentagon calculates casualties. Buy counting actual bodies. No body. No death.
On the other hand, the Lancet did has been counting the dead in Iraq using more scientific methods to determine a more accurate picture of the casualties. The Lancet understood that when a building is destroyed, many bodies are not recovered. Just ask the people who searched through the rubble of the Twin Towers.
The Lancet cacluated the bodie count to be closer to 100,000 dead, mostly civilian women and children and most of them killed by coalition air strikes.
That was a few years ago. Now its likely closer to twice that figure. Guys like FF are just too far gone to accept or acknowledge this. Never mind that Wiki (FF's fav) describes the Lancet as;
The oldest and most respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the WORLD
All guys like him can do is lable it a left wing rag and move on. He can't wash off the blood, so he figures he might as well bathe in it.
Statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.
ReplyDeleteMark Twain
Chronicle of Young Satan
ReplyDeleteWiki describes the Lancet as "One the oldest and most respected peer-reviewed medical journals in the WORLD".
Quite simply, one cannot
ReplyDeletereason/negotiate with the insane or mentally disturbed.......not to mention the people who have little or no conscience.
As was the point of my 6:10 AM post.
Try reasoning with this political figure?
ReplyDeleteVery nice video.
But it's interesting that you chose the other one. I have a thought for you, but forgot it, maybe later.
Ff said "volt is always fairly respectful and usually always answers questions...
Yes, but he sometimes never does."
Typical repug focusing on the mintai because thats all they have, they fear facts and truth thus they have to deflect the issues with minutai, insults slander and lies and peronal attacks and name calling......see they try to make it all about the blogger instead of addressing the bloggers arguments and key points.
Hey Clif and Worf, good to have you guys back.
ReplyDeleteFF said "Ms. Cornell are you suggesting that Republicans are racist? I despise racists. Please provide an example of someone on your blog who has said something racist or bigoted or demonstrated a hatred for his fellow man, so I can help you expose him."
ReplyDeletelook at my collection of posts from Rusty, clippy and all the other liying slandering name calling cowardly alias's FF and you will have your answer hate is all those lower forms of life spew.
Fascist Fool said "If loving your enemies "never fails", then would you advise that we disband our military forces and destroy all our weaponry?
ReplyDeleteDoes "loving your enemies" also apply to vicious domestic criminals? If so, should we disband our police force and release all the murderers, armed bandits and rapists?
Or does "loving your enemies" only apply in the case of opposing certain wars in order to undermine your political rivals?
Are you suggesting that we immediately pull out all our troops from Iraq and let the insurgents destroy the nascent democratically elected government?
Are you okay with the carnage of innocents that will inevitably follow the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq while the majority of Iraqis are begging us to stay to protect them and restore order?
For a "pro-life' culture you repugs sure love death and war.
-Lydia Cornell
No sane person loves death and war. But Conservative Americans love freedom, and we hold it to be more dear than life itself.
How will you feel about the death of all the innocent Iraqis, following an immediate U.S. withdrawal? If that is fine with you, would it be fair to characterize you dhimmicrats as "loving death" and reeking of hatred for your fellow man?"
typical repug take someones asrgument and twist it into the absurd, Lydia never said the Military should be disbanded in fact within the last several days she clarified her position on that, however the military should not be used as a tool to enrich the elite, further government power or murder and spread hate with perpetual war while leaving our borders and ports unsecured and our country and citizens much less safe due to the hatred being sown by Neo Con policies of death and hatred.
Ff said "For a "pro-life' culture you repugs sure love death and war.
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
No sane person loves death and war. But Conservative Americans love freedom, and we hold it to be more dear than life itself.
How will you feel about the death of all the innocent Iraqis, following an immediate U.S. withdrawal? If that is fine with you, would it be fair to characterize you dhimmicrats as "loving death" and reeking of hatred for your fellow man?"
It sure doesnt seem like repugs love freedom you guys are doing everything in your power to run roughshod over the constitution and take away are constutional freedoms all in the name of safety, but in reality Bush has done nothing to make us safer, its nothing more than a power grab, in the close to 6 years he has been in office he has done absolutely nothing to secure our ports or borders, has abandoned the war against the real terrorists to invade a country that had nothing to do with attacking us and disbanded the CIA unit whose job it was to catch OSAMA the guy who masterminded the attack on us.
It sure seems to me the Neo Cons love death and perpetual war as peace is not even an option for them, and as for your question about the deaths of all the innocent Iraqi's after an immediate USA withdrawl, first of all I never said it should be an IMMEDIATE kneejerk half cocked withdrawl, (thats how the repugs operate, half cocked with out planning and thinking things through) but we need to start planning a withdrawl, first of all our tropps would not be in this situation if not for GWB's illegal pre-emptive war, they are not equiped to keep the peace during an imbedded insurgency/civil war and we need to clean up our own backyard and protect our own country and citizens before we worry about someone else.
Its funny how we have deficits as far as the eye can see and a desperate need for more soldiers yet I dont se any repugs offering to enlist or to give back the tax cut for the wealthy to help pay for the war in fact if we surveyed the wealthiest top 5%-10% of repugs I would be willing to bet that LESS than 15 are or have ever been in the military.
FF said "I am proud when I "look in the mirror" because I am intolerant only of belief systems based upon intolerance and hatred which motivate terrorists to kill innocent "infidels" around the world.
ReplyDeleteYou better start looking at Bush and the Neo Con belief systems then FF because they are most definately based on intolerance and hatred and are motivating moderate Muslims to hate and want to kill infidels around the world, Osama couldnt have a better recruiter to turn moderate Muslims into terrorists that hate us and want to do us harm than GWB and his pack of Neo Con fools all they do is create hatred, mistrust and anti American sentiment with their harsh arrogant corrupt policies and self serving agenda.
Worf said "And in the process countless scores of innocent civillians die, soldiers, kids. And for what?
ReplyDeleteSo a handfull of puffed up windbags can spout off?
Its time to put some smart people in charge. Its time to toss the clowns and the pinheads and push them aside to make way for thinking men and women.
They've had their 15 minutes and they blew it miserably. 100,000 people lie dead. Our military is depleted, and most of the world despises us. We have become an international joke, and a threat, and we are rapidly approaching rogue nation status. Our economy is faultering. 600 billion going to Iraq and counting, we have entire states in ruins, and the only thing these mental midgets can come up with is spying on their own people.
They've had their run, and they're done.
Their 15 minutes are up."
Couldnt have said it better how many people have to die so these corrupt thugs can enrich the elite and hold on to poerr they have had their 15 mintes and screwed up every second of the way, its time for new leadership, their greatest fear is the Democrats will take back congress in November and once that happens it will be all over but the crying for the repugs many of which will be in jail or possibly even tried for treason once evidence from the hearings and investigations comes to light of what they have really been doing.
Come November i'll dedicate my favorite song from the first band I ever saw live in concert to GWB and the Neo Cons, cause come November the jig will officially be up and hopefully the lawman will have put an end to their running and the hangman will be coming from the gallows and those treasonous criminals wont have very long!
"Oh mamma I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law
Lawman has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home
Oh mamma I can hear you a-crying you're so scared and all alone
Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very
The jig is up the news is out they've finally found me
The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
This will be the end today of the wanted man
Oh mamma I've been years on the lam
And had a high price on my head
Lawman said get him dead or alive
Now it's for sure he'll see me dead
Dear mamma I can hear you crying
You're so scared and all alone
Hangman is coming down from the gallows
And I don't have very long
The jig is up, the news is out
They finally found me
The renegade who had it made
Retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
The judge'll have revenge today
On the wanted man
[Guitar Solo]
Oh Mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law
Hangman is coming down from the gallows And I don't have very long
The jig is up, the news is out
They finally found me
The renegade who had it made
Retrieved from a bounty
Never more to go astray
This'll be the end today
Of the wanted man"
I'd like Bush to get the real terrorist, the pieces of dirt that attacked us and to do what he said and keep us safe by securing our ports and borders and listening to Muslims and what we are doing that they dont like and working with them to weed out the extremists instead of creating more, instead of giving up our constutional freedoms and privacy for BS that does absolutely nothing to make us safer.
ReplyDeleteBush says they hate us for or freedom yet he is quick to give up those very freedoms that make us special and make our country far less safe in the process.
"those that give up freedpm for a little safety, deserve neither freedom nor safety" BF
I disagree i've seen Styx twice and they were awesome both times.
ReplyDeleteFF said "No sane person loves death and war. But Conservative Americans love freedom, and we hold it to be more dear than life itself."
ReplyDeleteNo Volt the guy who said this should be doing standup, anyone that is willing to sacrifice our constitutoional freedoms as you people are then claims they love freedom and hold it more dear than life itself is either a liar, a comedian or mentally deficient or all of the above!
Voltaire said...
ReplyDeleteActually worf, thats called "begging for your life"
I'll defer to the more experienced at that.
Yes, LETS get on our knees ahead of time. I'm sure that will please our new masters.
Well I can't say much for your negotiating methods but whatever works for you.
The right are riddled by hippocrissy. they claim to be brave warriors yet are ruled as well as rule by fear.
ReplyDeletethey claim that perpetual war death and stirring up and inflaming hatred is the route to safety and peace.
ReplyDeleteThey claim to love freedom more than life itself yet are so willing and quick to give up those very precious freedoms that make us special for the false promise of safety.
ReplyDeleteVolt said "“a totalitarian ideology of infiltration which represents, in the end, the greatest danger for European societies.”
ReplyDeleteyou guys would know all about totalitarian ideologies!
The right claims to love and value life so much but their core ideologies revolve around and bring death.
ReplyDeleteJust finished watching the movie "Munich". EXCELLENT!
ReplyDeleteI strongly recommend it to everyone here. If you dont see it, you have no right to blog here.
An outstanding thinker.
Lydia said
Very nice video.
But it's interesting that you chose the other one. I have a thought for you, but forgot it, maybe later."
Kinda vague Lyd....please explain? Its not nice to tease a moo moo brain.
Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage.
ReplyDeleteBut if we don't practice these tough habits of thought, we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us, and we risk becoming a nation of suckers, up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along.
Dr Carl Sagan
From The Demon-Haunted World
The Fine Art of Baloney Detection
Ah typical repug with delusions of grandur...9:32 AM
Typical repug focusing on the mintai because thats all they have, they fear facts and truth...5:52 PM
...typical repug take someones asrgument and twist it into the absurd...6:01 PM
Mike are you capable of actually rebutting a Conservative argument with a cogent argument of your own?
Apparently you believe that merely suggesting that your opponents are all "typical repugs" somehow inoculates you from the necessity of specifically demonstrating how your opponents’ arguments are flawed. It doesn't.
Your pointless, repetitive yammering reflects a small mind trapped in an endless loop.
Try challenging yourself to think.
The following comment was taking from a post in TP by a young married soldier CURRENTLY serving in Iraq. Johnny should like him as Toms an atheist. I thought I'd share this one with everyone.
ReplyDeleteI’m in Iraq right now have been for 8 months in two different regions Nineveh (Mosul) and Anbar (Ramadi).
These good news stories they keep trying to blast over the bad news stories are the exception not the rule. We kill 1 insurgent, literally, 3 more come from around the corner and drag the body away.
They are going to use the military Information Operations network (actual military doctrine, look it up) on the American people as we gradually slide out to cover up the fact things are bad and only getting worse.
The fact is we cant win the public because we can’t repair the stuff we damaged because the situation is too volatile. From over here it looks like we make gradual gains and then we slide backward farther than we moved forward.
We could be doing this for years. This why if the Iraqis wanted to be free they should have done it themselves, it should not have been done by an occupying army.
Comment by TomPaine — August 28, 2006 @ 2:36 am
Tom keeps an eBlogger blog here;
From Tom's ABOUT ME section.
ReplyDeleteName:TomPaine Location:Ramadi, Al Anbar, Iraq
I am an Atheist Liberal from the USA born and raised in Indiana. I hate alot of things, like alot of things and like most liberals have a generally REALISTIC outlook on life.
I am married and have one son.
I used to be a little more conservative but I ran out of Kool-Aid...I enlisted in the Army Reserve in 1999 got my comission active duty 2004 and became a Paratrooper in 2002.
Ran out of kool-aid.
Now THATS funny.
Dolty Boy said;
ReplyDelete"The time will not wait for you to wake up. The time will keep slipping off your hand. You will not even know when it is no more within your power to do anything at all to reverse the situation."
A fitting tribute to the FAILURES of the repugsd and their IDIOT in Chief and the guy who pulls his strings Dead Eye. They took a situation where the entire world was behind the US and in three short years have reduced the US to a pariah in world affairs. All while bankrupting the country.
Goodmorning everyone!
ReplyDeleteOkay, here's a concern I have this morning and have been trying to figure it out:
The Kentucky plane crash....
What are the chances that the pilot of this plane who has been piloting for Comair for years, who has flown this type of aircraft for years, and who has taken off and landed at this airport in Kentucky for years...would choose the short, unlit runway rather than the long, well-lit runway? Why would he choose to make that fatal mistake?
Was he and the co-pilot drunk out of their minds?
Was this a "suicide mission" and an intentional act?
All day yesterday I was trying to wrap my brain around this and during one of the press conferences yesterday one of the reporters asked about the pilot being German. I didn't think too much of it at the time but now I'm wondering if the reporter was thinking the same thing as me!
In 1999, an Egyptian pilot purposely crashed his commercial airplane (Egypt Air) into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after takeoff from Florida! Right before he suicided the plane he was praying to Allah!
So, is this why the voice recorder dialogue has not been released to the public yet concerning yesterday's plane crash in Kentucky?
And why has the passenger list not been divulged to the public either? Protecting the public from the idea that there was a 'terrorist' on board? Was there a key person on board?
I want some answers!!!!
What do you guys think?
About Arnold Schwarzenegger...
ReplyDeletea lot of people forget that he was connected to Ken Lay at Enron and was purposely pushed into running for Governor to take Gray Davis down! Enron was screwing the people of California right before that and Arnold Schwarzenegger knows that.
If Arnold can broker some peace on the planet, good, but I don't trust the asshole as far as I can throw him!!!!
He's a republican party shill. He could care less about the people of California or America for that matter. Even his home country of Austria is onto him and it's why they have ripped his name off practically everything in that country!
Anyone connected to the American right wing or the Oil Maggot Regime in Washington is hated and despised. Can any of us think of a time in our history when the American president and his cabinet was detested as much as those in Washington right now? I can't.
with delusions of grandur...9:32 AM
Typical repug focusing on the mintai because thats all they have, they fear facts and truth...5:52 PM
...typical repug take someones asrgument and twist it into the absurd...6:01 PM
Mike are you capable of actually rebutting a Conservative argument with a cogent argument of your own?
Apparently you believe that merely suggesting that your opponents are all "typical repugs" somehow inoculates you from the necessity of specifically demonstrating how your opponents’ arguments are flawed. It doesn't.
Your pointless, repetitive yammering reflects a small mind trapped in an endless loop.
Try challenging yourself to think."
interesting Foole that out of roughly 10 posts you would choose to not address one of my points and/or arguments but would take several of my partial posts out of context and instead of refuting or addressing my arguments on your hippocrissy, use of false generalizations and spin and smear tactics you instead try to spin it like I am merely slandering conservatives with no valid arguments or points to back it up, when that is a lie, my points illustrating your hippocrissy and how you attempt to falesly and dishonestly attempt to portray our position so it is easier for your simple 2 dimensional minds to refute were very clear and just like I said in the rest of the post you convieniently omitted the rest of my post which stated you were trying to dishonestly portray Lydia's position as saying the Military should be disbanded when a mere day or two prior she clearly indicated that was not the case.
BTW Foole, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess since you copied my collection of posts like I did of Rusty and Clippy and the other troll alias's I should be flattered only difference is you took my posts purposely out of context and used just the jibes and insults while leaving out my arguments and points, while my collection of posts did not do that as the posts had no points, they were strictly slander, lies name calling and personal attacks, repugs have boxed them self into a corner with all the lies FF so now it is not even possible for you to engage in honest debate hence the self admitted false generalizations and the constant attempts to wrench discussion away from he issues and make it about the blogger where you can utilize lies slander false generalizations etc...
BTW Freedom Foole the reason I keep repeating arguements over and over is because you clowns are too afraid to address them, you guys fear the the truth and as well as people who shine the light of truth on the dark paths you and your kind are leading us down hence your constant push to discredit us, does it bother you fool when I keep repeating my arguments you are too afraid or not inteligent enough to rebutt or address over and over.....good because I will do it more and more if it does, Darkness both flees before the light and fears it as do pysudo intellection wanna be smart guys like you.
here is the entire post from yesterday of which you reposted just a part out of context.
mike said "typical repug take someones asrgument and twist it into the absurd, Lydia never said the Military should be disbanded in fact within the last several days she clarified her position on that, however the military should not be used as a tool to enrich the elite, further government power or murder and spread hate with perpetual war while leaving our borders and ports unsecured and our country and citizens much less safe due to the hatred being sown by Neo Con policies of death and hatred. "
Freedom Foe said "Ms. Cornell are you suggesting that Republicans are racist? I despise racists. Please provide an example of someone on your blog who has said something racist or bigoted or demonstrated a hatred for his fellow man, so I can help you expose him.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise please retract your unwise generalization."
HMMMMMMMMM, the self admited king of false generalizations asks someone else to retract a generalization that over the past 6 years most certainly appears to be true she never called you a rascist or bigot although you clearly exhibit hatred towards and malign an entire race of people based on the actions of the minority of extremists so i'll let the other bloggers judge if the shoe fits mr psyudo intellectual wanna be smart guy.
Kayinmaine, I was in Lexington this weekend, and watched the coverage along with many people who live there. Thay had Just refinished the main runway, and had not completely finished upgrading the lioghting system...it appears to those who work around there the pilot had gotten confused about which runway he was on and the temporary changes in the airport lighting might have contributed to his confusion.
ReplyDeleteThis was a tragedy which was caused by human error, nothing more. Part on the pilot, part on the situation.
Worfeus said "These good news stories they keep trying to blast over the bad news stories are the exception not the rule. We kill 1 insurgent, literally, 3 more come from around the corner and drag the body away.
ReplyDeleteThey are going to use the military Information Operations network (actual military doctrine, look it up) on the American people as we gradually slide out to cover up the fact things are bad and only getting worse.
The fact is we cant win the public because we can’t repair the stuff we damaged because the situation is too volatile. From over here it looks like we make gradual gains and then we slide backward farther than we moved forward."
excllent point worf, i've been saying since January that GWB's is creating a unwinnable war with his divisive policies of hate, like the greek Hydra for every insurgent we kill 3 more sprout up.
Also on a related note to tom's other point i was watching the Sunday morning political shows and Mike Brown the former director of FEMA was on and he stated point blank that the Bush Administration pressured him to spin things that things were going great with the disaster relief for hurricaine katrina and the system was working as it should, despite the fact that was an absolute lie and things were a disaster, so my question is since lies and spin seems to be Neo Con policy I dont think it is much of a stretch to assume they are using spin to portray Iraq is much better than it is, when in reality it is a disaster caused by the foolish arrogant boy who wanted to be king better known as our fool in chief!!!
Mike seems a lot or repugs are making "racist" statements lately...and then apologizing for them. Like these;
ReplyDeleteI think it’s safe to say the last two weeks have been less than kind when it comes to conservatives and race relations.
* Sen. George Allen’s (R-Va.) "macaca" scandal.
* Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) joked about how a "nice little Guatemalan man" fixing up his house might be an illegal immigrant.
* A leading congressional candidate in Florida said he knows, "from my own experience, that blacks are not the greatest swimmers, and may not even know how to swim."
* Two congressional candidates and a gubernatorial candidate believe people who "appear" to be Arab or Muslim should be subjected to racial profiling at airports.
* Pat Buchanan’s new book argues for "an immediate moratorium on all immigration," in order to preserve the dominance of the white race in America.
And in one you may not have heard about, a Baptist church in Mississippi voted out a 12-year-old boy who "asked Jesus to live in his heart" — because the child is biracial and church members didn’t want the black side of his family attending with him.
And these are just from the last two weeks.
and YES Tiny inTellect there ARE a lot of links in there, but a LOT of repugs seem intent on putting their foots in their mouths.....these links just cover the LAST TWO WEEKS of repugs with toes tickling their tonsils, which is a polite way of saying they seem to be intent on saying or doing racist things.
KAY: I agree about Schwarzenegger, but if it would prevent nuclear war to have a movie star the Iranians idolize, go over there and make a deal with them, speak to them, open up a dialogue, it would be worth it. Bush has too much pride to actually communicate with anyone.
ReplyDeleteWORF: Great post from Tom, the soldier in Iraq, who says: "This why if the Iraqis wanted to be free they should have done it themselves, it should not have been done by an occupying army."
Comment by TomPaine
The so-called "insurgents" are IRAQI PEOPLE RISING UP AGAINST US! How would you feel if an invading army came to our country to get rid of Bush? We'd all rise up against them to defend George Bush. (As Worf and I said before, he may be a tyrannical dictator, but at least he's "our dictator.") It's not another country's business!
Kaye, i'm afraid i'm in agreement with Clif on this one, i just dont see a conspiracy theory with what happened in Kentucky. it looks like Human error to me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I consider conspiracy theories I look at what peoples motivations are, what certain people would stand to gain or lose from a specific event as well as logic, and first of all like I have said many times it is not regular Americans blowing up airplanes, it is not 70 year old grandmothers or 3 year old girls or liberals, it is radical fundamentalist muslims.
Second look at the trolls arguments lately, they keep crowing that GWB's policies are working because we have not had another terrorist attack since 9/11, I see your point that the Neo Cons use fear tactics to sway public opinion and it is a valid one, look at all the inept so called terrorist masterminds being caught lately to insill fear in the masses and spin Bush's assault on our constitutional freedoms as necessary and just, when they are really no more than a megalomaniac power grab. however I dont think the Neo Cons would resort to letting an actual terrorist plot slip through and succeed unless the Democrats win congress if that happens then I believe they will let something slip through to deceive and sway the masses by spinning it that dems are weak on national security and fighting the war on terror, and say nothing like this happened under Bush, and that is why we need repugs in charge and need to keep our mouths shut and give them as much power as they crave while goosestepping in lockstep and never questioning anything they say because our leaders "MUST" be smarter than us.
Not a Clue
ReplyDeleteBy Charley Reese
08/26/06 "Information Clearing House" -- - To get a better idea of what ails the world, let's use our imagination to transport ourselves into outer space. From there, we can look down on Earth not as an American or as a European, but as a disinterested alien.
We see a collection of sovereign nations – some large, some small, some powerful and some weak. We also see that some of the powerful nations do not respect the sovereignty of some of the others.
For example, by what right do the United States and the Europeans tell Iran it cannot enrich uranium? Other nations enrich uranium. Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and it grants the right to enrich uranium. Where does the United States get off telling the Iranians they can't do it?
Oh, the U.S. claims Iran wants to build nuclear weapons. Well, first and foremost, Iran denies that, and there is no proof to the contrary. But suppose Iran does want to build nuclear weapons. Why shouldn't it? We have nukes. The British, the French, the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians, the Pakistanis and the Israelis all have nuclear weapons. Why shouldn't Iran? For that matter, what right does anyone have to tell the North Koreans they can't have nukes and can't even test their missiles? Everybody else tests the missiles.
What you see is that the United States and some of the European states are still trying to run the world to suit them, even though formal colonialism has been a long time dead. President Bush seems to think that he has the right to engineer regime change in any country he chooses. The U.S. record on regime change is poor. One reason so many Iranians hate us is because we engineered a regime change in the 1950s that threw out their elected nationalist leader and replaced him with the Shah. A lot of Iranians were executed, tortured and imprisoned before the Iranian people could finally get rid of him.
What right do we have to tell Syria and Iran that they can't supply arms to Hezbollah? We supply arms to Israel. In fact, we are about the world's largest arms peddler. Mr. Bush calls Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The government of Lebanon and the European Union do not. Just because an American politician sticks a label on a group of people doesn't mean those people lose all of their rights.
I don't think the world will know peace until all the nations of the world agree to respect each other's sovereignty. That means no sanctions, no externally arranged coups, no invasions, no refusal to talk. We would do much better if we talked to the Iranians and North Koreans and, while acknowledging their right to nuclear technology, offered incentives – including a security guarantee – not to develop it. You know, of course, that the U.S. refuses to talk to the Iranians and the North Koreans and has refused their requests for security guarantees. Countries don't like to be "dissed" any more than individuals do.
I've been accused by some right-wingers of not liking America. As usual, they have it wrong. I love America, but I don't like this present administration one bit. I think the Bushies are a dangerous combination of ignorance and arrogance, and that they act in a reckless manner. They ignore what they should pay attention to and pay attention to what they should ignore.
Bush seems intent on pursuing regime change in Syria and Iran. If he persists, he will likely unleash a regional war, the consequences of which will be catastrophic.
What have you gotten for your $300 billion, your 2,600 dead, your 8,000 seriously maimed in Bush's ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Stability? Don't make me laugh. Security? America is hated in more parts of the world today than at any time in its history. What has Bush done right?
Before you resurrect the slogan "Stay the course," remember that one of the definitions of insanity is to keep doing the wrong thing. Let's face it, folks. We elected ourselves a disaster. Bush didn't understand the world when he was elected; he doesn't now; and when he goes home to Crawford, Texas, he will still be puzzled by it all.
Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years
Seems georgie is as clueless as his backwash.
ReplyDelete"I think the Bushies are a dangerous combination of ignorance and arrogance, and that they act in a reckless manner. They ignore what they should pay attention to and pay attention to what they should ignore.
Bush seems intent on pursuing regime change in Syria and Iran. If he persists, he will likely unleash a regional war, the consequences of which will be catastrophic.
What have you gotten for your $300 billion, your 2,600 dead, your 8,000 seriously maimed in Bush's ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Stability? Don't make me laugh. Security? America is hated in more parts of the world today than at any time in its history. What has Bush done right?
Before you resurrect the slogan "Stay the course," remember that one of the definitions of insanity is to keep doing the wrong thing. Let's face it, folks. We elected ourselves a disaster. Bush didn't understand the world when he was elected; he doesn't now; and when he goes home to Crawford, Texas, he will still be puzzled by it all.
Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years
NOT Kool aid DOLTY...just reality...something repug neo-con trolls run from. and dead eye and the idiot seem clueless about
ReplyDeleteI agree excellent posts clif!
ReplyDeleteI see far more evil than good come out of formal organized religion, and so called phony patriotism, nationalism and ethnocentrism.
They DID not say Israel had to be wiped off the mar....that is a MISTRANSLATION....read Juan Cole...and BTW the author is listed...I just reposted like YOU like to do so.
ReplyDeleteUNLIKE you chicken hawk repug trolls(ff excepted) I served in the US Army.
ReplyDeleteYou know your HATE muslim posts, you seem to relish in Dolty.
ReplyDeleteNo dolt, in our great country people are innocent until proven guilty we cant fabricate a scenario that may happen in the future to justify shooting and killing someone who hasnt broken the law yet or done anything wrong.
ReplyDeletetherefore pre-emptive invading of a country that hasnt done anything wrong or committed any aggression is luddicris, there is NO WAY TO JUSTIFY PRE_EMPTIVELY NUKING A COUNTRY WE CLAIM WE DONT WANT TO POSSESS NUCLEAR WEAPONS BECAUSE IT "MAY" PRE_EMPTIIVELY NUKE ANOTHER COUNTRY lest we become the very thing we decry and demonize.
if nuking another country pre-emptively is wrong, them is it wrong no matter who does it, including the USA, I dont see how you people can justify and rationalize these horrific acts away and hippocriticaslly claim they are ok if we are the ones doing them.........its funny how your cause is always the righteous one that is justified no matter how flawed or illogical your twisted logic really is.
No son it was simply asking the question......
ReplyDeleteWHY do we get to set the rules for the Whole world?
Why does the US get to do things they ATTACK other nationms for doing?
NOT anti-US just asking some revelant questions which shows thw hypocracy of the Idiot, dead eye , dumsfeld and idiot minions.
Dolt said "Is this the libs answer, surrender BEFORE you've exhausted every last recourse? "
ReplyDeletethats his point dolt, you guys havent exhausted every last resources you wont even consider opening a dialogue or listening to your enemies beefs with the USA you just want to drop bombs and kill people and talk tough by saying you are the "DECIDER" and its scorched earth and your way or the highway.
the hippocrissy from the right is astounding!
ReplyDeleteWe hate killing people.
And we hate being killed.
ReplyDeleteIt WAS NOT bashing America but the stupid idiots who have gotten the US in the mess it currently finds itself in concerning Iraq, Afghanistan, port security, Katrina fiasco, overburdening debt(which is why dead eye is putting his money in foreign currencies), the stupid tax cuts which add top the debt which will assist in collapsing the value of the dollar.
ReplyDeleteSee it asks questions about US leadership which means; the idiot, dead eye and dumsfeld, not the country which they care little about otherwise they would work for real security and the benefit of the citizens not just their rich friends and repug contributors.
The leadership IS not the country...that was true when Clinton was President, and true today.
ReplyDeleteIt questions hypocritical and failed policies, which undermine the security and morality of the country...and leads the rest of the planet to resist the US in its goals because of the self serving actions of a few greedy immoral people.
ReplyDeleteLyd said "And we hate being killed. "
ReplyDeletewell since i've never been killed before i wouldnt know about this first hand, but it is a slow tortuous agonizing death to watch all the lies, slander death and hatred being progated in our countries good name by those evil athoritarian megalomaniacs who keep trying to spin what they are doing as for our own good and neccessary.........that is a slow death indeed they are making the world hate us and bankrupting our country both economically and morrally and my biggest fear is that the generations to follow, our children and grandchildren will live in much less safe world and have a much lower standard of living thanks to Bush's hateful arogant stupid policies, the ramifications and consequences of which will likely effect us for decades to come....and certainly not for the better.
clif said "It WAS NOT bashing America but the stupid idiots who have gotten the US in the mess it currently finds itself in concerning Iraq, Afghanistan, port security, Katrina fiasco, overburdening debt(which is why dead eye is putting his money in foreign currencies), the stupid tax cuts which add top the debt which will assist in collapsing the value of the dollar."
ReplyDeleteexactly stop confusing the Bush supporters with the majority you guys are the minority approximately 1/3 of our country supports the iraq invasion and GWB or the backwash, the majority do not same goes for the morally bankrupt repug congress that last I heard only 18% supported.
MIKE said;
ReplyDeleteexcllent point worf, i've been saying since January that GWB's is creating a unwinnable war with his divisive policies of hate, like the greek Hydra for every insurgent we kill 3 more sprout up.
Thanks Mike, but I didn't say it.
Scroll back up and read it and you'll see I was quoting Tom Paine.
Tom's a young miltary officer currently serving in Iraq and he posted that in TP last night.
I thought Tom showed amazing bravery, as he's not only putting his life on the line in Iraq, but hes speaking out from Iraq, which I would think would be sort of dangerous in and of itself.
I posted a link to Tom's Blog too.
He's a brave young man.
clif said "It questions hypocritical and failed policies, which undermine the security and morality of the country...and leads the rest of the planet to resist the US in its goals because of the self serving actions of a few greedy immoral people. "
ReplyDeleteexcellent summary Clif!!!!!!!!
Sorry worf I realized and acknowledged it was Tom that said that at the bottom of that post, I should have referenced it as your quote of Tom at the top, but regardless it was a great post and it was a brave thinkg for him to say.