Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Back during the late ‘60s, there was a series of missions that would lead up to a manned lunar landing of Apollo 8. It was going to take humans to the moon and back. And that mission took place about the same time that there was much upheaval in the world. Soviet tanks had rolled into Prague, in Czechoslovakia; Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy were assassinated; the Viet Nam war was escalating. And yet they went ahead with this mission to the moon.

And on that mission, one of the astronauts looked back at the earth. He saw this beautiful, vibrant orb floating in black space. And it suddenly dawned on him, “This is home. That is my home.”

So when we see pictures of earth from space, it looks so peaceful and beautiful, and as we get back down to street level, it can remain that way if we bring in the element of prayer—if we see each other and our earthly home as representing the spiritual idea of Truth and Love. And that becomes evident to the degree that we do that in our personal and collective experience.

I had to really stop watching the news. I was seriously in danger of apoplectic shock at Bush and all the bizarre news lately. But I have to tell you this: nothing is as it seems. As a person who has overcome unbelievable tragedy through prayer, and experienced absolute miracles in praying for others -- I know it's our job to "stand porter at the door of thought" and seek out the good no matter how much false evidence appears real, which spells FEAR. All we have to do is consciously overcome our fear with love, especially for those who offend us and look like crazy maniacs! Don't give these guys too much power by focusing on their wrongs too much. On that note, I have to at least point out the wrongs -- because "silence is complicity."

Remember: Every moment is a choice between LOVE AND FEAR.

Congresswoman Lynne Woolsey's fundraiser with the brilliant Ilene Proctor
photos by Margery Epstein

So, what has happened to our beautiful nation? How could one administration take away our freedom, destroy our precious constitution, be bribed by anyone and everyone, blatantly lie, not care at all about the poor or the Katrina victims, condone inhumane torture and detention of innocent people, put us into eternal debt, buy off the media, get drunk and shoot someone in the face and not file a police report, destroy medicare, sell our ports to the UAE -- never be challenged and not seem to care? But we cannot lose our minds, we have to actually do something! We have to stand up to these corrupt people in the White House. And the un-American, immoral, un-Christian forces behind these people -- as well as the propaganda media. How could this happen in America? Read about how the votes were stolen below. And Hurricane Katrina has scattered thousands of people to distant parts of the U.S. where they are not registered to vote. Plus no absentee ballots! I listened to AM talk radio the past 3 nights -- and was horrified: no wonder middle-Americans have the wrong concept of Democrats/liberals! Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush, Al Rantell -- their sole purpose on earth is to "eradicate liberals"; every other word out of their mouths is about how horrible liberals are. At least some of them have lost faith in Bush, but that doesn't make up for their campaign against their fellow citizens. You can always tell who the good guys are though. Instead of discussing their corrupt president, they bash the other party! And they constantly talk about "killing" people who distrub them; Michael Savage actually said criminals should be rounded up, stripped naked and forced to run in the hot sun, chased by something...Isn't it perverse? The only real Christians I recognize have distinctly liberal values: tolerance, caring for the poor, equal rights, liberty, generosity, caring for the earth. LIberal means "progressive or enlightened." We must rise above this state of affairs, and it's time to take action!! We have to stop them from getting away with this. First we have to change our thought about the essence of evil; we have to stop the hatred in our own hearts, and then IMPEACH BUSH NOW!! He is not a republican, not a conservative, what on earth is he?

This blog is a 2005 Koufax Award Double Nominee!!
BEST POST: Cornell's BradBlog article Death Is Sexier than Sex, to Ann Coulter

BEST NEW BLOG 2005 Koufax Award Nominee

BEST POST voting will start soon at: Wampum (vote here for BRADBLOG: Death is Sexier than Sex)
BEST NEW BLOG voting at: Wampum

Thanks to everyone who nominated us, and check out this wonderfully generous website and all the nominees.

Trey Wyatt just sent me this picture of us on Prince Albert's boat in Monte Carlo. Those jet-set days were wild!

308,000 cancelled registrations put Bush back in the White House? by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
February 28, 2006

While life goes on during the Bush2 nightmare, so does the research on what really happened here in 2004 to give George W. Bush a second term.

Pundits throughout the state and nation---many of them alleged Democrats---continue to tell those of us who question Bush's second coming that we should "get over it," that the election is old news.

But things get curiouser and curiouser. In our 2005 compendium HOW THE GOP STOLE OHIO'S 2004 ELECTION & IS RIGGING 2008 (, we list more than a hundred different ways the Republican Party denied the democratic process in the Buckeye State. For a book of documents to be published September 11 by the New Press entitled WHAT HAPPENED IN OHIO?, we are continuing to dig.

It turns out, we missed more than a few of the dirty tricks Karl Rove, Ken Blackwell and their GOP used to get themselves four more years. In an election won with death by a thousand cuts, some that are still hidden go very deep. Over the next few weeks we will list them as they are verified.

All this, however, pales before a new revelation just released by the Board of Elections in Cuyahoga County, the heavily Democratic county surrounding Cleveland.

Robert J. Bennett, the Republican chair of the Cuyahoga Board of Elections, and the Chair of the Ohio Republican Party, has confirmed that prior to the 2004 election, his BOE eliminated---with no public notice---a staggering 175,414 voters from the Cleveland-area registration rolls. He has not explained why the revelation of this massive registration purge has been kept secret for so long. Virtually no Ohio or national media has bothered to report on this story.

Many of the affected precincts in Cuyahoga County went 90% and more for John Kerry. The county overall went more than 60% for Kerry.

The eliminations have been given credence by repeated sworn testimony and affidavits from long-time Cleveland voters that they came to their usual polling stations only to be told that they were not registered. When they could get them, many were forced to cast provisional ballots which were highly likely to be pitched in the trash, or which remain uncounted.

Ohio election history would indicate that the elimination of 175,000 voters in heavily Democratic Cleveland must almost certainly spell doom for any state-wide Democratic campaign. These 175,000 pre-2004 election eliminations must now be added to the 105,000 from Cincinnati and the 28,000 from Toledo.

Therefore, to put it simply: at least 308,000 voters, most of them likely Democrats, were eliminated from the registration rolls prior to an election allegedly won by less than 119,000 votes, where more than 106,000 votes still remain uncounted, and where the GOP Secretary of State continues to successfully fight off a meaningful recount.
The rest of the above is a long post, I will post a link to this instead of keeping it here.

** In addition, it seems evident that the Democratic Party will now enter Ohio's 2006 gubernatorial and US Senate races, and its 2008 presidential contest, with close to a half-million voters having been eliminated from the registration rolls, the vast majority of them from traditional Democratic strongholds, and with serious legislative barriers having been erected against new voter registration drives.

Here's a pic of Warren Beatty and me at Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey fundraiser 3 weeks ago, at the Sheinbaums. I admire Warren's work and have known him for years. He went to Northwestern with Nancy Dussault, who played my mother on Too Close for Comfort.


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Bush is a king. No one seems to do anything to remove him. and did you hear the UAE ultimately answers to a sultan? I don't think he'll be impeached.

  2. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Hey Saudis caught 4 leading Al Queda terrorists today. Does this seem a little fishy? UAE wants a deal for Dubai, and suddenly Saudis are catching the bad guys.

  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Yes I agree IMPEACH BUSH NOW. But how?

  4. Anonymous12:30 AM

    FREEDOM FAN have you ever even read Christ's words? They have nothing to do with anything the "religious right" says. NOTHING AT ALL.

  5. Anonymous12:33 AM

    The only sins Christ condems are "pride & arrogance". He told us to take care of the poor, and love one another and love our enemies. That's it! And he said not to cast stones and judge one another, but to leave judgment and vengeance to God. I don't know who these "Christians" are following but it isn't Christ.

  6. Anonymous12:52 AM

    This blatent denial of the primary right of a citizen to vote in Ohio, during the 2004 election, is reminisint of the same tactics in Florida where George Bush beat Al Gore by only by 537 votes, or 0.01%, out of 6 million cast. In this same election Katherine Harris had Choice Point cut as many as 57,000 mostly african american voters from the rolls has been a well documented fact.

    The story starts with Floridas felon voter law, enacted in 1998, which denies a person convicted of a felony of the right to vote. One thing that is interesting is that Florida is the only state that pays a private company to "cleanse" voter rolls.

    Florida has had to correct its felon list five times since 1998 due to errors.

    In May 1998, state hired a firm for this program was Professional Analysis, a local Tallahassee company, which charged $5,700 for the job. That company was apparently unable to perform satisfactorily and, in July 1998, the DOE issued another bid request, howeverprocess no award was made to any company.

    In September 1998, the job was assigned to DBT Online's, inspite of the fact that it was the most expensive bid (several thousand percent over competitors) $2,317,800. In the files about the DBT bid there appears a handwritten note which reads "don't need" next to the listing of verification databases, though this work was included in the price. The contract stated that DBT was to compare the Division's Central Voter File with a number of public record databases, from various Florida agencies, other states, and federal agencies, to help the Division determine whether disqualified persons appeared in the Central Voter File. DBT Online later merged into ChoicePoint, of Atlanta.

    A database company like DBT/ChoicePoint is typically hired for their accuracy assurance expertise, with the sole purpose of improving the accuracy of the database, primarily through database cross-checking.

    The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has said that the national figure for "standard" margin of error for legal disenfranchisement is about 2 %.

    Database experts consulted by Greg Palast (including DBT's vice-president) told him that in order to obtain 85% accuracy or better, one needs at least the following three things:

    * Social Security numbers;
    * Address history;
    * A check against other databases.

    ChoicePoint, in contrast, used virtually no Social Security numbers, did not check address histories, and used no database cross-checking, although it had 1,200 databases that could be employed for the task.

    At first, Florida specified only exact matches on names, birthdates and genders to identify voters as felons. However, state records reveal a memo dated March 1999 from Emmett "Bucky" Mitchell, a lawyer for the state elections office who was supervising the felon purge, asking DBT to loosen its criteria for acceptable matches. When DBT representatives warned Mitchell that this would yield a large proportion of false positives (mismatches), Mitchell's reply was that it would be up to each county elections supervisor to deal with the problem.

    In February 2000, in a phone conversation with the BBC's London studios, ChoicePoint vice-president James Lee said that the state "wanted there to be more names than were actually verified as being a convicted felon".

    The first list DBT Online provided to the Division of Elections in April 2000 contained the names of 181,157 persons. Approximately 65,776 of those included on the first list were identified as felons.

    In May 2000, DBT discovered that approximately 8,000 names were erroneously placed on the exclusion list, mostly those of former Texas prisoners who were included on a DBT list that turned out never to have been convicted of more than a misdemeanor. Later in the month, DBT provided a revised list to the Division of Elections (DOE) containing a total of 173,127 persons. Of those included on the "corrected list", 57,746 were identified as felons.

    Then, on February 16, 2001, DBT Senior Vice-President George Bruder testified before the US Civil Rights Commission that the company had misinformed the Florida Supervisors of Elections regarding the usage of race in compiling the list.
    According to the Palm Beach Post, blacks accounted for 88% of those removed from the rolls, though they make up only about 11% of Florida's voters.

    Because some of the source databases used did not list race, the matching criteria did not require a match with the voter's race for inclusion in the felon list. However, the decision was also made to enlarge upon this decision, and rule as ineligible the voter in question even if there was an explicit disagreement between the races listed on the source database and the voter list. According to the Palm Beach Post, more than 1,300 registered voters were matched with felons although their races or sexes were different. [3]

    Meaning if a guy named Jeffrey Steven was convicted of a felony, a black guy named Steven Jeffrey would get cut, while a white guy named Steven Jeffery would not.

    Between May 1999 and Election Day 2000, two Florida secretaries of state (Sandra Mortham and Katherine Harris, both protégées of Governor Jeb Bush) distributed the scrub lists produced by the cleansing process to counties, and ordered the 57,700 people identified as "ex-felons" to be removed from voter rolls. Together the lists comprised nearly 1 % of Florida's electorate and nearly 3 % of its African-American voters.

    At the time of the election, the purge list contained an inordinate number of false positives — people identified as felons who were not actually felons.

    On 17 April 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90 % of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).

    Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

    "DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

    "The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March. [1]
    Mark Hull, the former senior programmer for CDB Infotek, a ChoicePoint company, said the state and ChoicePoint could have chosen criteria that would have brought down the number of false positives to less than a fragment of 1%. George W. Bush's officially received fewer than 600 more votes in Florida than Al Gore (2000 Election), and thus the purging of thousands of elgibile African-American voters, who had a 90% Democractic vote rate (, THE GREAT FLORIDA EX-CON GAME, How the 'felon' voter-purge was itself felonious, Harper's Magazine, March 1, 2002) was quite significant for the outcome of the election.

    The only reliable measure of accuracy of the felon list comes from Leon County (Tallahassee), whose in-house experts checked each name in their county one by one. Out of the 694 named felons in Tallahassee, they could verify only 34 of them, or 5%. Statistically, this sample tells us that there is a more than 99% chance that at least 90.2% of those listed as felons in the 2000 Florida Central Voter File were, in fact, eligible voters.

    Thus Katherine Harris used a list that was obviously extremely eronious to disenfranchise a large number of ethnic voters who had only voted for George Bush at a 10% rate, and this was before her antics on election night and weeks after.

    In a related matter some 179,855 ballots were not counted in the official tally. These were ballots which were mistakenly filled out, however, in some counties the voting machines (Accuvotes) would return the ballot and allow voters to try again, whereas in other counties the reject mechanisms were not enabled, thus giving voters only one chance to mark the ballot correctly. As a general trend, reject mechanisms were disabled disproportionately in counties with Democratic Party county leadership and African American and Hispanic populations.

    The butterfly ballot nor Ralph Nader are not what cost Al Gore Florida and the election, but a particin securtary of State who also wore the hat of chairperson of the Bush campaign for President in the state of Florida. In a state where at least 50,000 voters about 90% democratic are illegally disenfranchised, 537 votes for a winning margin is immoral as well as criminal.

    Sorry this is so long but the data won't condense much further and tell the full story.

  7. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Sleezy in the state house, state administration positions she held, sleezy in congress, at least she's consistant;

  8. Great Blog Lydia!!, I couldnt have summarized my feeling better.BTW, I like the pictures also.

  9. Gotta luv these hollywood types. They are so wise, so courageous, so progressive.

    They totally ignore the death of fellow Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh, who was viciously murdered by the islamofacists for his film depicting the harsh lives of women suffering under the thumb of Islam. The author of the film, Muslim apostate Hirsi Ali lives in fear for her life. Does anyone in hollyweird even mention their plight? Naaah.

    Don't the wise liberals and feminists who pretend to care about womens' happiness and liberty even dare to talk about the oppression of women under shariah? Naaah. They're too busy shrieking for more partial birth abortions.

    If anyone in hollyweird had real balls he would make an authentic film about the life of Muhammad. It would be a huge success and he would become immensely famous...also dead.

    Gee I hope I don't miss the oscars this year (again). They will no doubt be honoring the brave progressives who brought us that box office smash, broke back mountain.

  10. Ann Coulter said something like:

    Both Democrats and Republicans must run campaigns as Republicans. Once elected, Republicans sometimes break campaign promises; Democrats always do.

    Democrats can't just come out and announce that they support snuffing babies anytime before actual natural birth, gay marriage, confiscatory taxation, banning all guns, a tsunami of job-killing frivolous lawsuits to enrich all their lawyer buddies, appointment of arrogant judges who legislate from the bench, and dhimmitude by our islamo-facist enemies.

  11. I didn't realize that Warren Beatty went to Northwestern (as well as Nancy Dussault). I spent two glorious years there in graduate school. Had a great time. And I learned a bit, too!

    Keep up your good work, Lydia, and hang onto your positive outlook on things, even when it may look pretty bleak at times.

  12. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Freedom Fan your post is weak considering the post I put up about Florida even though it took several years for a lot of people to dig all the facts out proves one thing,


    They knew they were STEALING the right to vote from over 50,000 people. That is how the CHRISTIFASCISTS operate, they violate the ten commandments while demanding they have the right to rub our noses in them.

    You know what really GALLS me, with the 50,000 voters who had their vote stolen in Florida 2000, combined with the 308,000 voters from Ohio that had their right to vote stolen in 2004, the ODDS of at least ONE of them having ended up in the Military, serving in either Afghanistan or Iraq and ending up having been wounded or killed. But if the GOP stole their vote that doesn't count because it has not been directly proven and since the election is over the point is moot, about the same attitude George Bush has shown for the fallen veterans, which he has never attended ONE funeral or even bothered to offer to.

    Well I guess that is how the operators who shrill support the troops really think about them. They vote to spend less per veteran this year with MORE severely wounded veterans from the Global War On Terror, not less. They raise the deductible and copay for retired veterans while demanding more and larger tax-cuts. Also they want some members of the National Guard not only to give their time, but pay the bills also.

    Sorry your rant using Ann Coulter, while good for unsubstantiated rhetorical shrill has no factual basis to back it up and everybody knows it. She is not the best person to put forward to defend the points of this thread namely the GOP in close election states using undemocratic means to deny voters who may not agree with them the right to vote, while killing people and possibility getting some of the people whose votes they stole killed in the name of spreading the democratic principles.

    Instead of ranting along with unchristian and undemocratic Ann, how about explaining how the GOP principles are lived up to by denying more and more American citizens, SOME OF WHO ARE VETERANS their GOD given right to vote. Didn't Jesus say, give to caesar(George Bush) what is ceasers and give to GOD what is Gods, and since the right to vote is god given, isn't stealing it an act against GOD also?

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Worfeus with the new law Christ gave then they couldn't have their precious death penalty which Christ takes away morally with hsi"let ye with out sin cast the first stone", so they deny the christian message and hurl the old ten commandments not the christian version.

  14. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Worfeus said...

    Unfortunately, the King James version from which most evangelical Christians work, also prohibits killing in the 10 commandments.

    Worfeus I have discussed the ten commandments with right wing Christians and am amazed with the Houdini type contortions the go through to justify how their beliefs and the 10 commandments are aligned with their christian values.

    It is more entertaining than Judge Judy................LOL

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Worfeus, you don't understand as one of them told me with a straight face, it is not a sin if it is done in the name of Jesus.



    I wish you would be less of a stranger. You're posts are some of the best in here.

    Thanks. I'll try to pop by more frequently. But every time I've been by, Worfeus seems to have morphed into another form. Perhaps you should change your handle to MORPHEUS?

  17. Worfeus said" Oh well, maybe I should let it go.

    It just pissed me off when they did that without bothering to drop me a note.

    They did the same thing to Ryan Neat. "

    sounds like a bunch of crap to me that someone would delete your posts and ban you without even letting you know what you "SUPPOSEDLY" did wrong, sounds like censorship, i'm sure they will claim you spamming, but I'm glad your here full time.

  18. Worfeus said "Rep Duncan Hunter is introducing legislation to ban foreign ownership of assets critical to national security."

    Its actually refreshing to see that some of the Repugs are actually human and can think for themselves and dont just blindly support the Neo Cons like robots.

  19. Worf, I could be wrong, but I though Ckeckpoint allready was an Israli company???

  20. Talk about mad, I had planned on spending the entire night on the blog last night, and when I got home I found out that my phone and Internet had been shut off, I was livid, I went with SBC which has since become AT&T about 6 months ago when I built my house and so far they have billed me every 3 months and then slapped me with 3 months late charges 3 times while this time they actually shut my phone off and hit me with a reconnection fee as well. then they claim that they sent the Bill every month and i'm lying because I have no record to prove what I say. I thought of quitting and moving to cable, but cable is more expensive and I really dont want to be without TV or Internet for a week or two. I think the FCC and the SEC really need to start doing their job more and deciding if these mergers are good for consumers, because either AT&T is in complete disarray due to the merger and thats why there are all these problems, or they know they are a little cheaper than cable and are just playing games to nickel and dime their customers to recoup the money, but either way we need an administration that looks to protect the people and promotes competition rather than looking out for the greedy special interests and the elite.

  21. I know, I think next year i'll move up to broadband unless AT&T pisses me off anymore, then it may be next month.

  22. I had planned on getting DSL this summer because I HATE DIAL UP, but with all the crap thats been going on AT&T have to prove themselves to me. I've always supported the telecoms over cable company's both as a user and investor, but I might have to reevalute that if I have anymore problems, I signed up for them to electronically bill my Credir card and I think that will create a paper trail and solve the BS, but i'm still in wait and see mode.

  23. Well you did something right by bringing Clif over here before you got banned. There's a great group of people over here, With Lydia, You, Clif, Kirk, Drewl, Rene etc...

  24. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Worfeus a biker buddy came by and we went to dinner, I didn't have time to work out what I was going to say about TP.

    They must not like the pics, I don't know why, but everytime very many show up they take them down. also late one night Ryan Neat posted and I read it as I refreshed his post dissappaered,

    I can't understand why they seem to want to cut out some stuff but MA, IRI, and a new troll calls himself Sam Alito, but people think it's NeD, they don't.

  25. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Maybe we will have some fun compoany soon...:

    MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla., March 2, 2006 – The widespread use of Web logs, or "blogs," by online writers has proliferated information on topics as varied as the authors.

    Blogs, in essence, are online journals or forums for their authors, known as "bloggers."

    Public affairs officials here said thousands of blogs are created each day, and they estimate that more than 21 million blogs are posted on the World Wide Web today.

    Blogs sometimes include information -- accurate and otherwise -- about the U.S. military's global war on terror.

    U.S. Central Command officials here took notice and created a team to engage these writers and their electronic information forums.

  26. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Let's see 21 million blogs, about 500,000 people in the army, somebody's working overtime.........

  27. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Worfeus a website, the title explains;

  28. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Worfeus declassified briefings told Bush the aluminum tubes were not used for Uranium and Iraq would not attack,

    Funny the American people start to see the chimp as he is and the video on Katrina, these memo's, and a hell of a lot of former neo-con and repug supporters are jumping ship, seems to be a "civil" war in the power camp, I have a funny feeling that some are trying to sabotage Bush and the neo-cons before he can ramp the country up to war with Iran.

  29. Lyd

    Dont worry, I havent abondoned ya. You are my first blog and will always be number one in my heart. Afterall, you need an atheist to keep the fake Christians in check :D

    Ive been lurking the blogosphere checking out some really strange and often disturbing blogs, thus, discussing a wide variety of topics.

    I picked a fight with a foul mouthed Republican at MC Hammers blog who apparently lives to crush Liberals, therefore, I directed him show! Sorry guys, I thought you would have fun playing with him :|

    Need more pics on your site....and dont forget Tiddles.... your dog.

    I see you are with Warren Beatty; I have a few surprises myself.

    My ex-wife took modelling for years as a pre-teen and teen with Jill Henneesy; the actress from Law and Order. I have the Kodaks here right now of them together looking dweebish in gym suits.

    I almost ran over the actor who portrayed the President of the United States in the movie "Air Force One" with my 5.0 litre Mustang.

    My ex and I upset the filming of FX-2 with Brian Dennehy and almost appeared in it.

    I attended the same acting school as James Carey before he was famous; I failed miserably even though they called me back. :|

    Take care

    P.S. Whats this I hear about you and Freedom Fan getting married or something??

    Also, I suggest Rene could perhaps apply his ambtions towards helping the children of his community rather than focusing on protecting the well being of an 80's actress. Ahhhh...fake Christians.

  30. Kirk

    I suggest America should pull out of Iraq and allow the chrysalis to run its course. A quarter of a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives is more than enough.

    Its time you guys looked after your own.

    Let these fatheads battle it out amongst themselves...PERIOD! Ahhh...religion.

  31. Not bad froggy.

    Glad your not an evil demon anymore.

  32. Anonymous6:08 PM

    worfeus, come over to check out the Lydia site on your recommendation, good stuff here. I'm sorry to hear about your ban by TP - I think it was rough considering what others post. Please don't give up on TP though.

  33. Cool Worf!

    Does this mean Saddam can repent and be forgiven of his evil ways too...despite putting humans into shredders head first?

    Oh goody, I can be evil all my life and merely repent sincerely in the end.

  34. And Rene. If you are truly concerned about humankind , Im sure you will find endless opportunities in your community....Lydia and her husband can take care of themselves.

  35. Actually Worf, I thought this was your plan. I didnt invite people to stir things up.

  36. Is there something else you want from me Worf? Ive already agreed this war is futile.

    Perhaps I am negligent in writing essays about it.

  37. I have studied enough war and indescriable terror without the need to discuss it with people who simply dont care; I am simply dismissed as a war freak.

    Im sorry, you just seem to be someone who craves attention more than anything; your cause is merely a disguise for something deeper.. be it right or wrong.

    Nevertheless, I have never invited anyone here to stir things up. But!! Your followers will dismiss this because your consistency is far more attractive.

    If Lydia tells me to go away I will never come back, however, she will just have to trust Rene's at her comedy shows.

  38. Rene, who has posted three or four times on this blog, is treated like some kind of buddy.

    He feels compelled to protect a Hollywood actress.....wake up Worf. I thought you could smell B.S a mile away.

    And, suddenly he wants to catch her show?

    Im simply saying, I would have more respect for him if he told us how he recently helped starving children.

  39. Hey froggy

    Of course I would be lying If I didnt say I like some sort of attention myself, however, I dont go to incredible lengths to achieve it.

    Nor do I pretend to like suspicious individuals who want to protect Hollywood actresses.

    Because they sound nice, that must mean they are okay 100%.

    Duhhhh....Im a Christian.

  40. Sorry Worf, Lydia will tell me to leave if I get to heavy.....she e-mailed you about your profanity.

  41. Worf said

    "What do you think is wrong with Rene?"

    You mean I have to explain it to you again?

    C'mom Worf!

  42. Kirk

    No essays! I dont care about Iraq! I want to see Am3erica take care of its own for once. I love you guys..Seriously!!!


  43. I dont think that anyone reasonable would disagree that invading Iraq was a collossal blunder, now the tough question is how best to fix the Quagmire Bush got us into.

    BTW what do you guys think of his popping in in Afghanistan and vowing to capture Osama, looks like he is trying to deflect the heat and do a little damage control.

  44. I was just watching whats going on in Pakistan, you could be right. It does seem that making illegal money via perpetual war is what Bush is all about.

    BTW I wasnt saying Bush was sincere with his vow to capture Osama, I just said he must know he's on the ropes if he's trying to deflect all the scandals

  45. IM SAYING! IMPEACH BUSH BRILLIANTS and let the Iraq's deal with their own turmoil. New Orleans needs attention!

    MY GOD! A quarter of a Trillion dollars towards another country????

    The port deal sucks big time...IMPEACH!!!

    I cant believe it hasnt happened already????

  46. Im tired of big talk, but no action!

  47. Kirk said "Mike: What would cause one's approval rating to go up more now than finding Osama? Though I think it won't happen till fall. He's sowing the seeds of the capture right now."

    Youre absolutely right Kirk probably early fall right before the elections. bush is so transparent its sickening, why cant the rest of the nation see what a manipulator he is.

  48. If it were up to me Johnny, he would have been impeached a LONG TIME AGO, unfortunately the wheels of justice turn very slowly, hopefrully we can add some grease to them though.

  49. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I have been saying Bin Ladens in or near the disputed region between India and Pakistan,

    The military has beef up the American forces to levels of the 2002 war in afgahnistan, and pakistan has 100,00 troops operating along the border. Bush knows that about the only thing he can do to recover his image is snach Bin Laden, so it actually is important now after he already got to invade Iraq and waste 3 years

  50. I dont know if there is a good solution Worf, I want to get our troops out of that Quagmire Bush created as much as you do, But if we pull out and another crazy seizes power, is that the answer after all those deaths and all that money spent??

  51. Worf said "Well that sounds all well and good, but perhaps the best way to start is to get rid of the jackasses who wouldn't listen to us in the first place, and made this bloody mess."

    My sentiments exactly

  52. The plan is: IMPEACH if your so vehement and convinced! I want to see more people at the gates protesting this insanity.

    I want to see Lydia and Worfs little shiny faces at the gates...Am I asking to much?

  53. Who cares Mike ! Get out now and worry about your own. LET THEM BATTLE IT OUT!

  54. I think your right Clif, but thats pretty sad that Bush is going to finally do something he should have done 4 1/2 years ago just to burnish his tarnished image.

  55. Anonymous8:42 PM

    The india move is a gambit to oppose China in the region and remove them as an obstacle for moving on Iraq, of course the deal comes with the US selling arms to India, gotta help the neo-con military based industry make more profits along the way

  56. Worf I've been in agreement with you also that that is most likely where he is, those are extremly remote regions in politically unstable anti western countries, theres not many better places to hide that I can think of.

    And Johnny, I've said many times we should clean up our own backyard before we worry about someone elses, and I am also strongly against the invasion of Iraq, however my point is we went in there with absolutely no thought or planning whatsoever, if we do pull out (something I am for by the way) it should be well thought out and planned rather than a typical Neo Con kneejerk reaction.

  57. HELLOOOOOOOOO.......let them battle it out.

    You guys cant be there forever. Pull up a chair, pop some buttered popcorn, and enjoy the show in the mideast.

    Meanwhile, you can take glory in helping your fellow countrymen.

  58. The only wrench in that plan Worf is possession of the oil like Clif said.

  59. Bloody civil war it is. You should concern yourself with KATRINA.

  60. HEY EVERYONE -- Did anyone listen to Air America today, and hear them talking about Bush actually having a brain disorder related to unrecovered alcoholism in which your mind takes pieces of information and draws completely erroneous conculsions? This was discussed by a doctor apparently earlier on NPR and then in a book. I don't know whether to feel sorry for him or be angry. I kind of have sympathy right now. Also he was brought up in such a privileged lifestyle that he has no ability to connect with the suffering of others. His baby sister died and the parents kept their golf date that day. I'll research it. That's why he doesn't want to show funerals or coffins of our soldiers.

  61. Lydia:

    Its not fair to point out someones past alcoholism.

  62. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I wonder about his unresolved guilt for all he has failed at?

  63. I would like to see us pull out as much as anyone, however something you are forgetting Johnny is that we crteated a power vacum by removing Saddam now everyone in Iraq and possibly Iran and other neighboring countries want to claim the oil resources. look how this looks to the rest of the world we go in there bomb the crap out of them, bring in Haliburton et al to make a buck and pull out and leave the country in civil war and chaos, is there a RIGHT solution at this point???

  64. Clif do you really think Bush is capable of feeling guilt? I think at this point, he is motivated by arrogance and id worried about his image and how he will be remembered in history books.

  65. I have thought about that Worf...I DONT CARE! Let them fight it out. The Iraqis could have done something before if dissatisfied with their previous government.

    Your contribution is far exceeded.

  66. Worf, I agree three seperate counties is probably the only solution, but you still have to divide up the oil revenues some how, because that is what they will be fighting over.

  67. Anonymous9:04 PM

    As insecure he looks so much of the time his guilt must be almost as large as his self loathing

  68. Worf said :

    "Who said anything about fair?"

    No kiddin!

  69. Anonymous9:05 PM

    One solution which I do not see the Bush administration taking is to bring our Arab allies like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt into the fold, give them an actual say in the matter of what happens to one of their neighboring countries, a fellow Arab nation. We could have each bring a portion of their military forces into the country and replace American troops. Then we could have the Arab Council and Iran work with the separate factions in Iraq the same as the Dayton accord was done for the Balkans, or the peace talks in Paris brought the Vietnam War to an end. First of all the Arab presence in the negotiating would raise the trust factor for most Iraqi civilians. Second the replacement of the American face with an Arab face on the troops that maintain order would go far to defuse the foreign fighters claim of jihad, and probably also lead to the insurgency coming to the table as the viet cong did in the Paris peace talks did.

    We would have to give up the idea that we can dictate the path of Iraq in the future. It is actually an Arab regional problem. They know the problems of Iraq much better than we do and can work for a solution that all peoples of the region can live with both inside Iraq as well as the surrounding region. Not to place the solution in the hands of the people of the region is at best a willful ignorance of the cultural, political historical, problems we have in trying to formant a solution and imposing it on the situation, and at the worst smacks of an delusional arrogance that we always know better and everyone should just get used to it.

  70. Contribution may have been a bad word in this case.

  71. Lydia, i'm not discounting what you say, in fact your probably right about Bush's brain being impaired, but I dont think bush was ever the brains of the Neo Con agenda, I think he is the cheerleader or figure head that Rove and Cheney trot out to sell the agenda of the day. In his mind i'm sure he is more important and plays a larger role, but in reality I doubt it.

  72. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Bingo mike

  73. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Move the regional arab nations in let them replace us and we move out, simple and then they resolve it, so they will live with it.

  74. Clif said "We would have to give up the idea that we can dictate the path of Iraq in the future"

    With the current administration I think this will be a major sticking point Clif, from where I sit, they are all about dictating and war profiting.

  75. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Worfeus It had more to do with pappa Bush keeping his hand in the till for carlyle.

  76. Cliff said :

    "We would have to give up the idea that we can dictate the path of Iraq in the future. It is actually an Arab regional problem."

    Thanx Cliff! Finally someone who understands me.

  77. Anonymous9:16 PM

    That will be their down fall in the end hopefully they will not be in power then.

  78. Well Clif, your is not only the best solution i've heard, its the only real solution, I just dont think this administration would ever give up contrl, power and control is the air they breathe.


  80. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Yes but Bush not dictate his will, Rove not manipulate, Cheney give up control of the oil in the region? Not likely, what we need to do is heresy to the neo-cons

  81. I agree we should pull ASAP as well, all i'm saying is we should not just jump the gun and pull out until there is SOME KIND OF plan to keep order, Clif's is the best i've heard, I think we are doing more harm than good over there, but a kneejerk pull out with out a plan may be a mistake as well.

  82. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Symbolism with a veto for pappa

  83. Exactly Clif. I couldnt agree more, the only solution I see before January 2009 is impeachment.

  84. Anonymous9:24 PM

    We don't make the pland the arabs in the region do. It's their block if you will.

  85. Worf said :

    "Its not a video game Johnny."

    Are you suggesting American presence in the Middle is is justified because of a certain kind of twisted loyalty for being their for so many years.

    Get out and help Katrina victims.

  86. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Yes maybe two or three months left?

  87. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Iran couldn't control Iraq too many tribal ethnic differences, and the sunni's would eventually rise to the top which is what they have done ever time before even though they were numerically less

  88. Think how expensive this war is, we are entering another hurricaine season, and we still need to help the Katrina victims. With an election coming up, Im think the deficit is going to explode, the yield curve is already inverted which is a very reliable indicator of a recession which will drasticly lower tax revenues, with Bush's image tarnished and an election coming up, they will spend like drunken sailors and wreck our economy.

    If Bush's approval rating is 34% now, think what it will be after a severe and painful recession with high inflation and high oil prices, because I can see it coming.

  89. I dont care what the best thinkers say...its time to get out now! Good may prevail, or evil....well see!

    I do 100 % agree Worf...its a U.N. thing at this point. America has no cards left.

  90. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Can you say the president that made Hoover look good?.....GWB

  91. Mike:

    Stop making sense ....your scaring me :|

  92. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Johnny if you think thats scary wait till China and Japan dumps dollars......

  93. I think your right Clif, Bush will go down in the history books as the biggest failure ever.

  94. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Yes but for now he's a legend in his own mind

  95. Clif said "Johnny if you think thats scary wait till China and Japan dumps dollars...... "

    you know Clif, I think they are slowly diversifying their holdings now and thats why gold has gone up despite a rising dollar (they usually move inversely), but any meaningful dumping of dollars would cause the dollar to plummet and inflation to skyrocket.

  96. Johnny I think most of us agree on the majority of issues, I helped aid Katrina victims last fall and saw first hand not only how unprepaired our government was, but also a lack of urgency to help these people who lost everything, and it disgusted me.

  97. Anonymous9:49 PM

    But they both hold over 800 billion each, and if oil goes to the Euro they have no need for an inflationary dollar

  98. A little less talk and a little more impeachment is where Im coming from; am I really a bad guy.

    Bring back the president who liked bush.

    Good nite brilliants!

  99. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Later Jmm

  100. Absolutely right Clif, thats why Greenspan and Bernake keep raising rates despite an inverted yield curve, they are trying to entice China and Japan to hold our dollars, only thing is they Is they are in a damned if you do and damned if you dont situation, raise rates to far and push us into recession and with current debt levels it will be a severe one, dont raise rates enough and inflation takes over and China and Japan dump the dollar.

  101. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Either way this economy is headed for a train wreck, but this time we do not have a growing industrial base to grow our way out, and if oil rises at the same time, 1929 will look like the GOOD old days

  102. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Too bad Johnny Moo Moo left I just found this, about about a resolution from the Rutland County Democratic Committee, Rutland County, Vermont. They passed a resolution for the impeachment of Bush using rule 603,

    NOTE: Sec. 603. Inception of impeachment proceedings in the House. This refers to Jefferson's Manual-the House uses it as a supplement to its
    standing rules.>>
    In the House there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion:

    [...] by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State (III, 2469)

  103. Anonymous10:11 PM

    This deserves to be posted here;


    WHEREAS, Section 603 of the Manual of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives provides for impeachments to be initiated on a motion based on charges transmitted from a state legislature, and

    WHEREAS, George W. Bush has committed high crimes and misdemeanors as he has repeatedly and intentionally violated the United States Constitution and other laws of the United States, particularly the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Torture Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution is a treaty as part of the “supreme law of the land”,

    WHEREAS, George W. Bush has acted to strip Americans of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to legal counsel, without charge and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an “enemy combatant”, all in subversion of law, and

    WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered and authorized the Attorney General to override judicial orders for the release of detainees under U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly INS) jurisdiction, even though the judicial officer after full hearing has determined that a detainee is held wrongfully by the Government, and

    WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered at least thirty times the National Security Agency to intercept and otherwise record international telephone and other signals and communications by American citizens without warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, duly constituted by Congress in 1978, and designated certain U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants”, all in violation of constitutional guarantees of due process, and

    WHEREAS George W. Bush has admitted that he willfully and repeatedly violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and boasted that he would continue to do so, each violation constituting a felony,

    NOW THEREFORE the Rutland County Democratic Committee submits that his actions and admissions constitute ample grounds for his impeachment, and that the General Assembly of the State of Vermont has good cause for submitting charges to the U.S. House of Representatives under Section 603 as grounds for George W. Bush’s impeachment.

    The County Committee further submits that Articles of Impeachment should charge that George W. Bush has violated his constitutional oath to execute faithfully the office of President and to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    In all of this George W. Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President, subversive of constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the State of Vermont and of the United States.

    WHEREFORE, George W. Bush, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any offices of honor, trust or profit under the United States.

    February 28, 2006

    Adopted: February 28, 2006

    This what you are talking about Johnny Moo Moo?

  104. WOW Thank you Clif! Now what happens? Can it just start in one state, or do other states have to do the same?

    Also, we can't of course let Cheney become president. He should be impeached for enriching himself via Haliburton.

  105. Do you think theres actually a chance of that happening Clif, with Republicans controling congress?

  106. Cheney should be impeached for a variety of reasons, just like Bush.

  107. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Lydia, just the Vermont Legislature is needed to pass this. Then it goes to the House in DC. Since this rule has never been used, and Henry Hyde probably wouldn't do anything. It would end up in federal court, but it would also make national headlines and get people to thinking.

  108. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Cheney's crimes probably would come out as the power centers in DC would move to gain an advantage. Most congress people would be reluctant to hold up the Administration if the polls went against them, and Cheney only has a 18% approval rating.

  109. Thats kinda what I thought Clif, but getting people thinking is exactly what we need.

  110. Wait till the end of the year Clif, i'll bet Bush will be LUCKY for an 18% approval rating and Cheney's will be in the single digits. Only the hard core Neo Con Idealogs could support either of these guys, they are starting to lose the mainstream conservatives allready.

  111. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Impeachment would include hearings in the House with everyone required to testify under oath except Bush, and anything can be investigated that is relevant to the crimes charged. Cheney is probably guilty of ordering the outing of an CIA agent in violation of federal law, and at impeachment executive privildige does not apply just the fifth, wouldn't that look great Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzolas, Rove and everyone else hiding behind the fifth admendment

  112. Anonymous10:46 PM

    It would be incredibly ironic if Chief Justice had to preside over the impeachment trial of the president that nominated him to the court in the first place.

  113. They Would take the fifth, they would say they dont have to answer, because it would jepordize national security, these guys are so arrogant they think they are calling all the shots and no one can touch them.

  114. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Impeachment rules are not like other rules, Bush's aids and cabinet ministers could be charged with obstruction and obstruction of congress is serious, special prosecutor time because the AG is a witness to the impeachment proceedings

  115. I'd love to see Gonzalez go down with this too, Bush put too many of his stooges like Gonzalez in place, remove the lacky's like Gonzalez trying to obstruct justice and sweep everything under the rug, and the house of cards collapses alot faster. still I think the dems will need to take back congress for this to get any kind of real traction.

  116. I can also see bush pulling a fast one like capturing or killing Bin Laden like a month or two before the elections to show how tough the repugs are on terrorism, it will be all spin of course, but these guys dont care as long as there are sheep that will belive them.

  117. I think Clif said it was Vermont

  118. Anonymous11:15 PM

    They have as many military people in afghanistan now as for the invasion and toppling of the Taliban, plus task force 121 has been sent back from Iraq to Afghanistan, It looks like bush told rummy dead or alive and I really mean it this time.

  119. Anonymous11:20 PM

    The articles came from the daily KOS website,

  120. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Worfeus got a link?

  121. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Worfeus it's a good start but each count of the inditement must be laid out in such a way to be legally understood what the exact charge is.

    That is why the lawyers get the big bucks.

  122. Anonymous12:41 AM

    But that is where the problem is now I can see Nixons crimes there but Bush's are different and as such the bill of particulars that is the core of the article of impeachment must be written to fit each particular crime Bush committed, impeach the chimp but with his own criminal actions pulling him down.

  123. Bagdad Dick said

    "We got em on the run. They insurgents are beginning to crumble."

    Obviously, this is good, but, I doubt this crumbling will ever be permanent - Hope Im wrong though!

    Eisenhower and Kennedy had noble intentions in Vietnam negotiating with Diem, additionally, I was never really impressed with the peaceniks during this war. But Iraq is much different.

    At this point in the game I suggest complete American withdrawal, followed by a United Nations led peace effort to stabilize the region.

    This is my best advice. Its quite clear things arent working out over there... or here for that matter.

    A quarter of a trillion smackers...I actually feel bad for you guys.

  124. Anonymous9:02 AM

    They've got high hopes,they've got high hopes,whoops there goes another rubber tree plant.

  125. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Bush arrives in Pakistan

    Think they'll keep him if we pay them?

  126. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Don't know, but why don't we offer the pakistani's the same as bush gave the Indians a couple of days ago, then we could negociate from there. One requirement though, they must have a large amount of brush to cut, then he'd never notice..............LOL

  127. How about we throw in Cheney, Rove and Gonsalez as well.

    BTW, think what a bunch of clowns we have running our country, the two top guys are named Bush and Dick, Bush is fond of trimming brush, while Dick is notorious for being a little to quick to fire his rifle. its really not funny, but these guys are so incompetent they could provide the late night talk shows material for weeks.

  128. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Personnaly I think he might have already done that, he looks ragged in the unscripted unstaged photos. We now all know Cheney has.....

  129. Anonymous1:40 PM

    On Wednesday, while members of the House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections were holding a hearing about mine safety, GOP Rep. Charles Norwood decided he'd had enough. With a full thirty minutes remaining within the scheduled time frame for the hearing, Norwood, the chairman of the subcommittee, simply shut down the hearing. The AFL-CIO blog has more:

    After witnesses from MSHA, the mining industry and the Mine Workers (UMWA Safety Director Dennis O'Dell) had testified, Norwood refused to allow Miller to continue his questioning of the witnesses.

    According to House rules, Miller had allotted time for the questions and the scheduled two-hour hearing had another 30 minutes to run when Norwood shut it down.

    "So far this year, 21 coal miners have died in the United States," says Miller. "This is a crisis. Yet Republican leaders in Congress were unwilling to devote more than a mere 90 minutes to this issue of life and death. Congress has a responsibility to take action to keep more people from dying in preventable mine accidents. The Republicans showed a complete lack of concern and respect for miners and their families by shutting down this hearing before all the facts could come out."

    Less than a month ago, the Republican leadership in the House was flat out refusing to hold hearings of any kind on mine safety. Rep. Miller and other House Democrats were forced to hold their own unofficial forum on the topic just to draw attention to it. And now that the Democrats have been allowed to hold a hearing, the Republicans use their bullying power as the majority party to shut it down prematurely. But it's no wonder Congressional Republicans don't want serious questions answered about mine safety. After all, they have a President to protect.

    Beyond the mine safety issue, this seems like it's part of a growing anti-democratic trend for the Republicans. I know what you're thinking -- when did the Republicans ever conduct business democratically? But it seems that their efforts lately have been at least somewhat uncharacteristically sloppy. Take as one example Republican efforts to smother Rep. Louise Slaughter's report on Congressional ethics, "America for Sale: The Cost of Republican Corruption". Rather than ignoring it, as one would do in a position of strength, the Republicans strangely called attention to it by making the bizarre and baseless claim that reporting on corruption somehow constitutes an ethics violation.

    I have trouble believing that the Republicans are incapable of recognizing the visuals here. These blatant attempts to stifle dissent feed so easily into the Democratic narrative that the Republicans are dishonest and corrupt. And yet they just keep doing it. If there's any bright side to this kind of official bullying, it's that the Republicans are acting very much like they realize that their control of Washington is rapidly coming to an end.

    They seem to be running scared, but mean. The repugs will get more vioscious as they see their "power" slipping away.

  130. Well Clif, i hope people remember all this come election time.

  131. Anonymous1:55 PM

    It's not if they remember, it's if they can get their votes counted...

  132. I'm hoping for both.

  133. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I am too, but with the more places Diebold is getting "accepted" like California, and the new "anti voter fraud laws" I'm getting discouraged, Georgia has enacted a law to require an ID requirement and does not have the ID in most counties that are dominated by african americans, thus depriving many more the right to vote by fiat.

  134. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Lou Dobbs is giving Bush hell about Bush's conmments about americans accepting the uotsourcing of high paying manufacturing jobs by as Bush says training for the 21th century jobs being created now, Dobbs reads form thr Dept. of Labor list of fastest growing jobs this decade,

    #1 Nursing assistant, low paying with little room for advancement.

    #2 resturante worker, minimum wage but you get tips.

  135. Anonymous3:31 PM

    But you don't understand Freedom Fan quote her so she must be a good christian and we should ignore anything she says in direct contridiction to the principles that Christ spoke about.

  136. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Opps my bad that would mean we end up ignoring almost everything she says,

    oh well, I guess the choise is Christs principles or her words.....

  137. The problem Clif is that Bush has no plan whatsoever to create decent paying middle class jobs, its not even a blip on the radar screen in his mind, outsourcing is a trend that has been in place quite some time, there are many things he could do to help the poor and middle class as well as to help create good paying jobs, without fighting the trend, (you never want to be on the wrong side of a major trend) like tax breaks for companies that choose to remain in the USA, as well as tax write offs and increased depreciation allowances to encourage capital investment and increase productivity, also education credits to help these people acquire new skills and move into new careers, and thats just off the top of my head, but its obvious to me Bush doesnt care about helping anyone other than helping his cronnies line their pockets.

  138. I cant wait till the day when NO ONE pays any attention to Coulter or Bush, because they both crave the attention, its the air they breathe, and neither deserves a bit of attention, their both jokes, and not very funny ones at that.

  139. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Thus all the tax breaks for the last 50 years that in the end did not save any jobs, but made the owners richer here, before they went there to get even richer, and those of us still here end up paying the bill,

    1 Lower paying jobs

    2 Massive government debt

    3 Crumbling infrastructure

    4 a broken education system

    5 Medical care disaster

    6 Increasing personal debt, with negative savings

    7 A military that is about broke in both manpower and equipment issues

    8 Involvement in a worsing foriegn war

    9 Trashing of federal regulations that protected consumers and citizens from "corporate america"

    10 Ripping up a numerous regulations that protected the enviroment for future generations, or the outright deliberate ignoring of those regulations.

  140. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Worfeus Lou is slowly moving from hard line conservatism to a more progressive position on workers issues

  141. Anonymous4:45 PM

    That has been the republican approach for a long time, the neo-cons put it on steriods.

  142. Anonymous5:04 PM

    don't have HBO either

  143. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Maybe Cheney sent him?

  144. Cliff

    Thanks for the Link.


    Sorry to hear about your being banned at TP; hard to believe. I thought you were a perfect gentleman discussing abortion with the ladies .

    Additionally, I have to admire your bravery for dangerously exposing yourself to all that estrogen and only coming out with a few minor cuts & bruises.

  145. Anonymous5:50 PM

    But the boomerang of Karma if not justice may catch O'Liely on this one.

  146. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Worfeus TP just put up a thread about O'Liely... oh happy day(when he shuts uo)

  147. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Pennsylvania - The phalanx of Vietnam veterans outside Trinity United Methodist Church in New Kingstown yesterday before Capt. Bryan D. Willard's funeral dwarfed the four protesters.

    About 50 veterans and bikers stood side by side on the sidewalk in front of the church, their backs to the protesters across the street, their bodies shielding the view from the church of the protesters' signs.

    The signs read: "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "God is Your Enemy."

    The protesters, from the 100-member Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., said they picket the funerals of U.S. service members killed on duty because their deaths are God's punishment for homosexuality in America.

    Willard was killed Feb. 17 in a helicopter crash off the eastern coast of Africa.

    Protester Shirley Phelps-Roper said Westboro members came to the funeral because "America has sinned."

    The veterans had their own reasons for being there.

    "We are here because there is no way on God's green earth we are going to let someone like this organization interfere with the funeral of a young man who died in the service of his country," said John Travers, president of the Capital Area Chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America.

    "I fought for them so they could [protest.] I'm not very impressed with them. This is not the time or place to do this," said William Shay of Duncannon, a member of the Vietnam Vets Motorcycle Club.

    A few local residents, holding American flags, stood across the street.

    "That down there is a bunch of idiots," Dave Henninger of Silver Spring Twp. said of the protesters.

    "What they're protesting has nothing to do with what's going on at the funeral," New Kingstown resident Beverly McGee said.

    The residents were happy to see the line of veterans. "They're great. That's just great," McGee's neighbor Sandi Wyland said.

    Earlier in the day, the Kansas group paced the bottom steps in front of the Capitol, armed with signs.

    State Rep. Jennifer Mann, D-Lehigh, said yesterday she plans to introduce legislation placing limitations on demonstrations at funerals or memorial services in the state.

    Mann's proposal would require protesters to stay at least 500 feet from a funeral or memorial service, one hour before and after the service.

  148. There was a link around Lydias links that mentioned your name, therefore I thought I would check it out...good read.

    Type "Johnny moo moo Worfeus" and tell me what you think of that? Weird!

  149. How do these links get there? Theres almost two pages dedicated to us.

  150. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Worfeus I've been to one of these funerals and ! person screaming those things and worse while the greiving family goes in and out is 2 too many

  151. Cliff

    I think Worf went for burgers or something?

    May I ask how many men you had under your command during the Gulf War?

    My guess is between 100 and 160?

  152. Anonymous6:45 PM

    An 11 man Bomb squad we disarmed any munition or explosive hazzard and destroyed over 500,000 rounds of enemy captured munitions. I worked directly under the Divisional Deputy Commanding General, and was responsible for the entire divisional area for explosive hazzards, and about 15 people were killed after the end of combat by unexploded ammunition. The unit ran 375 missions to disarm or blow up munitions and did surveys on all captured Iraqi munitions in the northern Half of Kuwait.

  153. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This candidate in Fla running for congress has a unique approach;

    Why am I considering running for Congress?

    My name is Clint Curtis. I am considering running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida's 24th Congressional District. I will need your help.

    I can promise you that:

    - My vote will not be for sale
    - I will not accept “questionable donations”
    - I will not take trips on lobbyist money
    - I will not accept money from foreign governments
    - I will return honesty and integrity to the 24th congressional office.

    I am a former Republican who became a whistleblower that came forward and testified to Congress under oath, regarding the request from a sitting congressman to build a computer program that could, without detection, flip your vote in an election. This manipulation would allow a person or political party to take control of voting machine and decide who wins the election, regardless of the true vote count. In March of 2005, I passed a polygraph test as to the accuracy of my statements.

  154. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Johnny another mission we had was clearing the Highway north of Kuwait City where the Air Force destroyed 250 vehicles of saddam's army as they tried to flee the city on the last day of combat, some of it was not pretty.

  155. Anonymous6:53 PM

    All US Army EOD units are between 10-16 soldiers and are seperate units, I was the unit commander. In Kuwait I traveled the battle field for 3 monthsafter the war doing missions, about 15 directly in the middle of the burning oil fields, and that was one surreal place.

  156. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Worfeus its the adrenilin, I used to sky dive, I still ride, I guess I'm a adreny junky.

    Plus it was one of the few jobs as an officer where I could still do actual hands on work, most officer jobs at that level in peace time are desk jobs, in peace time we destroyed and duds on the range, I walked up on about 50 live grenades while at home base,(if they dud and quite a few do you have to walk up to them and place half a pound of plastic explosives next to them with a slow burniong time fuse and BOOM the grenade vanishes) and we also did bomb squad duty for any military ammo found off post in the state I was in.

  157. Anonymous7:07 PM

    An inside joke for the bomb squad is you have to pass a psychological test to join, but who wants the job but a bunch of nuts?

  158. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Same for jumping out of a plane,

    simple if you believe in the parachute you jump,

    if you don't, nobody's getting you out of the plane until it lands.

  159. Cliff said

    "I worked directly under the Divisional Deputy Commanding General, and was responsible for the entire divisional area for explosive hazzards..."

    Wow! Thanx have my deepest respect :)

    I have often wondered how I would react in a real battle; would I be paralyzed by fear? No amount of reading could prepare me for the real deal....despite my best powers of observation.

  160. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Johnny when your there you are with people you know, people you have trained with, spent off duty time with, you do it together, and work to take care of everyone. The job for us was mopre dangerous but walking up on your first LIVE dud grenade is a good warm-up.

  161. Worf said

    I was a semi-professional (means I guided for beer money LoL) rock climber in Utah for almost a decade.

    No kiddin!

    I have no stomach for that; I know my strap would break and someone would be hanging on to my one arm while looking into my eyes.

  162. Anonymous7:23 PM

    From janeaneat air america;

    Call Bill O’Reilly at 1-877-9-NO-SPIN from 12-2pm eastern time, mention Keith Olbermann, get harrased by Fox security, and win a special Majority Report prize!

  163. Cliff

    You must trust these guys like your brothers; your lives depend on each others.

    Ever have a bomb that truly terrified you?

  164. Anonymous7:38 PM

    A few but you do the job, as the senior ranking soldier I went in if I was there we usually work in two man teams, one actor one observber, the observ. is for safety, they stay at a safe range(unless you work on a live nuke)

  165. G. Gordon Liddy bionically enhanced.

    Thats funny :D

  166. Cliff

    I wouldnt like your job, but, I would do it if I had too.

  167. Worf, Do you still climb mountains. I never would have guessed you did this.

  168. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I couldn't until I was trained and it is nothing like the movies. Most thing we do are classified so the real bad guys here and overseas don't know how we beat them, one neat thing on the first day of EOD school is after you start your FBI file, yes the government tracks the people they teach these skills to, is that the instructor tells you your life insurance will be cancelled if they find out your job and the IRA has a standing $25,000 bounty on US and British bomb techs.

  169. Cliff said

    "...yes the government tracks the people they teach these skills to, is that the instructor tells you your life insurance will be cancelled if they find out your job and the IRA has a standing $25,000 bounty on US and British bomb techs."

    Unbelievable! I had no idea of this? Truly fascinating! Hope were not being monitored now :|

  170. Anonymous7:56 PM

    At least it ain't shoveling cow manure, did that when I was a young teen on a dairy farm, when the gutter machine broke, I always tell myself if I ain't shoveling cow manure it can be worse.

  171. Worf

    Whats the highest you ever climbed? And, have you ever done it without safety gear?

  172. Anonymous8:01 PM

    monitering as to travel, bank accounts, jobs, where I live nopt tracking this computor, I'm boring to them, but right after Oklahoma city my phone was tapped, partly because my sister lived on tinker AFB outside Oklahoma city and I had visited recently

  173. Yeah! Im seeing a bigger picture Cliff. Hmmffff!

  174. Anyways, Im happy your okay and among the living. And you have two beautiful daughters :)

  175. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Worfeus don't go up much but I got into repelling while I was in the army.

  176. Worf

    You never really know someone. Impressive!

    I would crap my pants after 100 feet.

  177. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I enjoyed repelling in panama during jungle warefare school, best cliffs right on the Atlantic Ocean

  178. Anonymous8:21 PM

    But the best repelling is coiled line out a helo, sorta like bungy jumping but you start sliding down the line not rebounding.

  179. Anonymous8:29 PM

    TP is awfully quite Bill Mahar must be good...

  180. You must work out or something? I know you have to be powerful to scale cliffs. And your probably right,I would most likely crap my pants st 35 feet.

  181. Anonymous8:31 PM

    In the military we call front repel austrailian because that is the way they do it, the first time it's different if you are used to the US style but you can go a bit faster.

  182. And Cliff, Kirk was right ,you should run for congress or something. Ill bet you could make the trains run on time.

    Better than me anyways!

  183. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Only on my home layout( I model small ones, circa the late 30's, I love steam locomotives)

  184. Worf

    Is that you climbing?

  185. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Worfeus did you submit the photo?

  186. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I model the small ones and collect brass models made overseas, started to make my own brass one a lot of fine metal working, but good to learn.

  187. No way would I climb that rock. Forget it!

  188. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Those are the ones I collect, mostly the New York Central RR, I grew up near their mainline in upstate NY, now I live with a the CSX RR in the back yard in a small farm house in rural KY, trains have fasinated me since I was little,

  189. So worf, your into climbing?

  190. Dont think i'd climb that rock either, I did a little easy rock climbing when I was younger I was also in the Monkey club at school, I always had very good upper body and arm strength, I repelled from about 80 feet, before without a problem, but I think your right most people are scared of heights.

  191. As for Bill Maher, I dont get HBO right now, but if I get fed up with my AT&T and dish network combo I just may end up getting it or if I get the raise and promotion at work that i'm up for, then i'll probably spring for it,because I really like Bill Maher

  192. Mike

    I wanted to tell you I really think its cool you helped with the Katrina disaster.

  193. My last big vacation was about 6 years ago, I went to Machu Pichu Peru, I thought I wasnt afraid of nothing, so I signed up for a trek to climb the Mountain you always see shouded in mist over the lost city of the incas, they say it is a pretty dangerous climb and people die on it every year, well I got a little more than half way up and i'll admit I pussed out, I have gone over 160 MPH on motorcycles and repelled off 80 foot cliffs without a problem, but I was scared on this climb, so I guess i'm a failure as a hardcore climber, I do like easier climbs and hiking though, in fact I plan on doing some hiking and easy climbs this spring.

  194. Johnny said "Mike

    I wanted to tell you I really think its cool you helped with the Katrina disaster"

    Thanks johnny, i'd do it again in a heartbeat, these poor people lost everything and most of them took it so well, better than I would i'm sure, the military guys were the real heros though, many of these guys were up 48 hours straight helping, I just gave up my weekend and worked a couple of 14 hour days.

  195. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Mike what bike fastest I've been is over 135 but that's all the speedo read, older suzuki with a turbo.

  196. I think climbing is cool, we get climbers from all over the world that come where i live because there is good climbing and its fairly warm in the winter and I talk with them all the time.
