Friday, March 25, 2016


Other titles for this post: ~ HOW TO BE A VIRGIN AGAIN 

"Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force; that thoughts rule the world." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I really want to be a virgin again in more ways than one. In this age, we’ve seen too much, done too much, been too naked. Mortal life is getting too extreme. There’s too much hard-core violence and porn in the airwaves. But is it possible to become innocent again? Can we put the Genie back in the bottle? 

There is nothing in the physical world left to want, do or imagine. I don’t want one more luxury gadget to make my life easier except maybe the newest iphone or a flying car. Okay, and maybe a Jet-pack like the Jetsons had. Actually nothing in the material world impresses me anymore. Except seeing, actually seeing The Force, which some call "God" but which I often call Love. Imagine if love were a tangible force. What would it look like?

I was thinking about the tragedy and the terrorist bombings ~  Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernardino, 9/11, Oklahoma bombings, as well as Hurricanes, wildfires and mass shootings.. and the Indonesian tsunami – and of how many bodies have rotted and evaporated, and how quickly human life is snuffed out. It proves to me what I’ve always known: that flesh is not man's most important quality. This mortal life is but a dream, and man is not made of matter, no matter how real the illusion seems. Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts. 

As a culture we put so much emphasis on the body: on the cellular substance of a fetus, the death and burial of a corpse, the saving of an unconscious sack of flesh that contains no life force or spirit, as in the case of Terry Schiavo, who was brain dead, but not allowed to be taken off life support. This case became a political circus. We are focused so exclusively on the letter, not the spirit; the style, not the substance; the right hat, not the heart; the ritual, not the meaning... and the flesh, which can be wiped out so easily — that it must make me wonder: is flesh man’s most important quality?

At the risk of sounding like a crackpot, I have to say here that I no longer believe in the physical universe as being primary. The invisible harmony is what's real. In other words, the things I know are valuable and real are the things I can’t see with my eyes – the invisible qualities of love, truth, wisdom, soul, principle, thought, harmony, wisdom, compassion, beauty, strength and character – things that cannot be physically touched or scientifically proven. Man is spiritual; we are linked to the Divine and to each other by the invisible fabric of love.

As Emerson said: "this is a spiritual universe and thoughts rule the world."

Imagine if the human pageant were just a tapestry — and God sees the complete, beautiful picture on the finished side — but from our vantage point beneath, we only see dangling threads that keep disappearing as they are woven in and out. As people pass on, certain threads disappear because they are part of a grand stitch that completes a beautiful landscape or picture on the other side. We can’t see the whole picture. We don't know the reason for death and suffering; we don't know what's on the other side, but I'm sure there are many mansions and colors -- and the weave creates a majestic tapestry.

One of my favorite books is MANS SEARCH FOR MEANING by Viktor Frankl, who overcame concentration camp torture through the power of his mind. This is a universe of thought. Thought is energy and it is swift.

Here's the Catch 22: what you think about all day long, is what you become; what you focus on grows. So if you're thinking about how bad the world is, or how much you lack, you will get more of the same. Or as I wrote in the comedy film "Venus Conspiracy", "You can be attractive even if you're not good looking, because if you radiate love, you attract people." I know it's a silly line, but it is true. Beyond "The Secret" the best metaphysical writers who really know the truth are Eckhart Tolle, Mary Baker Eddy, Emmet Fox, Depak Chopra, Neal Donald Walsch.. actually there are many. 

Whatsoever things are good, pure, beautiful — if we think on these things we will bring these into our life in proportion to our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality, and as Shakespeare said, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

I have the profound sense that we are doing the right thing everyday when we are loving to others, especially those who offend us and disturb us, and especially those less fortunate. Have you seen someone's face light up with just one kind word?

My sister went through open-heart surgery to replace a valve a few months after our brother’s death. Through the past few years, with the help of a pacemaker, she has gradually improved her heartbeat as she has became more spiritually attuned.

In December she started writing songs again. She wrote a song that was so beautiful, it had to come from the Source of love; it was pure inspiration. Her heart suddenly went into "sinus" or normal rhythm. The connection was clear.

When the troubles with her downstairs neighbor began to escalate, my sister developed debilitating pain in her feet, a form of arthritis. She could hardly walk. She was told not to hike anymore with her dog.

I believe her feet hurt because she was walking on eggshells. She was angry and hurt and unable to live freely in her own apartment because the downstairs neighbor kept harrrassing her about the noise upstairs with her dog.

The neighbor also harassed her because she was gay. This woman seemed completely malicious at times. What was more astounding was that she actually received mail from Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Christian evangelical station! We saw it in the mailbox. My sister tried to talk to her, but she refused. My sister tried to move, but couldn't find an apartment that took dogs and would double as a music studio.

She had to to work on this spiritually – seeing her neighbor through God’s eyes, as a child of love. She had to send love to her neighbor. This took a while, but she continued to return love for hate. Everytime the woman would rave and rant, or pound on the ceiling with a broom when my sister played music she was composing (in the daytime!) my sister would refrain from screaming back.

The situation turned around. My sister persisted in seeing the woman as a good person, and the woman became willing to talk. Now they actually wave to each other. This is nothing short of a miracle considering my sister was actually in fear of a hate crime at one point. She also thought her dog was going to be poisoned.

The Death of Adrienne Shelly: Neighbor vs. Neighbor

A few years ago, I was reading the list of Sundance films purchased for sale and was shocked to see that Adrienne Shelly, one of my favorite indie actress-turned-filmmakers, who directed "Waitress" had been murdered. She was murdered by a downstairs neighbor for complaining constantly about the noise he made. He finally marched upstairs and killed her. This was devastating, surreal.

I then thought of my sister and was grateful she had learned the spiritual lesson of getting along with her neighbor.

How to Solve Every Problem in Life ~ the Problem of Living in a Material World

So what is the code? Is there a formula one can plug in here for all problems in life? Yes.

What I've discovered is that the solution to any material problem is never at the level of the problem. As Einstein said: "No problem can be solved at the same level it was created on." You have to go to higher, smarter solution. You have to go to a diplomatic or spiritual solution. Problems are solved in the "gap" -- the space between. It always happens when you let go, or look away from the problem or get momentarily distracted. That's when you find your earring, or get the phone call. It's by “letting go."

No human power could relieve my alcoholism. It was not healed by dissecting the brain.

No military power can solve terrorism. We can’t fight fire with fire; we need to go above the problem and approach it from a different angle.

This hot-bead of hatred is something we actually started when we dropped bombs on Fallujah and invaded Iraq.  We fomented this hatred agains America years earlier when we got into bed with the Saudis and their oil oligarchy. 

But hating ones' enemies never resolves anything, as the Great Peacemaker said. 

All great spiritual leaders know that you must "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." And "a soft answer turns away wrath." Withdraw our energy from the situation and the situation will solve itself. We must withdraw and take care of our own side of the street.


On the Subject of Bigotry, Racism and Homophobia:

The more one pushes something down, the more it rears its ugly head in inappropriate places; perversions appear. This explains why celibacy in priests acts like a pressure cooker, often resulting in crimes of molestation. Celibacy is unnatural; too much pent up desire perverts itself. Like Pandora’s box, whatever is taboo becomes irresistibly tempting. People will sneak out of their cages to experience the forbidden.

So the Puritan, guilt-ridden over his own uncontrollable urges, cannot live with himself. Unable to cut out his own lustful thoughts, he looks outside himself for someone to blame and project his guilt onto. The easiest way to ameliorate his shame is to broadcast the evil, project it onto others where he can externalize it, see it as separate from himself – and lash at it with swords. This way he can feel morally superior. It's a quick fix. He investigates it, dwells on its dark side, inflates its evil effects until evil is all he sees. He makes the gay person into an object of disgust.

The only mystery left is innocence. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Kate, a woman at a 12-step meeting, was describing the day her dog Rufus died. Rufus had been suffering and she was not sure whether to put him to sleep or not. She finally agreed with the vet that this was the best course of action. 

But after she and her husband put Rufus to sleep, Kate was full of fear and doubt. She couldn't stop crying. She asked the universe, God, her Higher Power ~ for a sense of peace, a calming thought or a sign that she had done the right thing.

She went to work at the Body Shop in the Glendale mall that evening. An hour after she got to work, her husband called her, sounding frantic and bewildered. He asked her, "What is this dog doing on our couch? Did you go out and get a new dog?"

She said, "What dog on our couch? What are you talking about?"

The husband looked at the dog tags and the saw the name of the dog: "Rufus." This was the name of their precious dog, the dog they had just put to sleep. He called the number on the dog tag and discovered that the owner was wondering where her dog was. It turns out that the pet sitting place dropped the dog off at the wrong home. Apparently the housekeeper who had been working at their house that day, let the dog inside.

Kate hadn't used that pet sitting place for three years. And on this night, a dog named Rufus was accidentally delivered to their door. 

The pet sitting place had obviously mixed up the addresses they had on file for two dogs named "Rufus." The person dropping off the dog, took it to the wrong house.

Kate and her husband immediately knew this was a godshot: a glimpse of uncanny, beautiful synchronicity. It was as if Rufus was saying "Hi, I'm okay! I made it over the Rainbow Bridge to the other side!" They had no doubt that Rufus was letting them know he was okay. 

They laughed out loud and knew that everything was going to be all right. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

HUFFINGTON POST: Lydia Cornell, 'Too Close For Comfort' Star, Backs Gay Marriage

HUFFINGTON POST: Lydia Cornell, 'Too Close For Comfort' Star, Backs Gay Marriage


Glennisha Morgan

Reprinted from Apr 8, 2013, 06:22 PM EDT


Updated Feb 2, 2016

Add Lydia Cornell to the growing list of gay marriage supporters in Hollywood. The star of 80's sitcom "Too Close For Comfort" and radio host has recently come out in support of marriage equality in a recent blog post.

As pointed out by Queerty, Cornell spoke of her lesbian sister not having a choice in her sexuality and how she's "heartsick at the bigotry" she sees in America.

She writes:

"My sister is gay, and she never made a choice, but that’s beside the point. The marriage contract is a private contract between two individuals. How does it hurt anyone to let two souls honor their monogamy by allowing them the sanctity and dignity of marriage, as other human beings have a right to? Isn’t this in the Bill of Rights?

I am heartsick at the bigotry I see in America today. I can’t believe my sister may never have the same rights I have! And furthermore, according to Suze Orman — as it stands now, civil unions do not permit the transfer of a deceased person’s estate to the partner. Next of ‘kin’ is first in line."

She then added, "Sexual immorality was not even on Christ’s radar, as was clear when the mob was stoning the prostitute: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

Cornell is among other stars such as Beyonce, Madonna, Snoop Lion, La La Anthony, Susan Olsen, and others who have recently sounded off in support of same-sex marriage.

Singer-actress Marie Osmond also subtly re-affirmed her support of marriage equality, pointing to her openly gay daughter Jessica in a poignant interview with Diane Sawyer.

 This is a no-brainer 

1. Gays exist. Gay people exist in society and in nature. This is not a choice. No one decides to be "straight" Whether one is gay or straight is not a decision that is consciously made. 
2. Gays are human
3. Therefore gays deserve the same civil rights all humans have. 

Why shouldn't Elton John be allowed to sanctify his life-partner relationship with a legitimate marriage ceremony? 
Do you honestly think gay people don't exist? Do you think Elton John is just a court jester, trained seal — a musical genius-entertainer put on earth just for your listening pleasure?  Does he have no right to a personal life? Is he a slave, here to simply entertain others with his musical genius?  Why shouldn't Elton John be allowed to sanctify his life-partner relationship with a legitimate marriage ceremony? Why would you deny any human being the same rights you have?  Why is his personal life your business? How arrogant! How inhumane! 
Why Many "Old Testament" Christians Are Wrong on Gay Marriage

1.  Christ said: "Leave judgment and vengeance to God.

2.  Christ said: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
2.  Christ said:  "My Kingdom is of the spirit, not the flesh. (Meaning he couldn't have cared less about human mortal laws, Kosher laws, laws of the flesh, having to do with sfood or clothing or sexuality. He had nothing to say about legalistic, pharisaical laws. All He cared about was "how much love is in our hearts; how we treat our fellow man. And how we treat the "least among you" (the poor, the widow, and the orphan.)
4. Christ brought the NEW LAW in the New Testament: the Law of Love. Read his Sermon on the Mount. In fact, without the New Law of Love, the Ten Commandments don't make much sense and are too hard to follow. Why not commit adultery? Why not kill? If you are motivated by loving your neighbor and your fellow man as much as you love yourself, you automatically won't want to kill or hurt anyone else. 
5. Christ was never bothered by anything EXCEPT the pharisees (the religious leaders) and money-changers (greed.) The power brokers or religious leaders with their hypocritical, hollow, cruel laws and dogmatic rules that oppressed the poor. They took all the heart out of life. They made rules that hurt people, such as "No healing on the Sabbath. It offends God!" LOL.  All Christ cared about was how you treated your neighbor, your fellow man and those less fortunate. Like a drop of water in the ocean, we are at one with Source of Love.


The Supreme Court is considering weighing in on the issue of the legality of gay marriage. I cannot believe this is even a question! 

This letter from my sister astounded me:
"I'm a little surprised to find that living in a climate of wider acceptance for same-sex relationships also makes a huge difference in my personal happiness level. In a hostile climate it really is challenging to sidestep the trap of internalized homophobia, and we fall into patterns that reinforce the stereotypes (e.g., gay relationships don't last).
Practically my whole life I have felt subtle, subconscious feelings of being less deserving of love and companionship because I'm not part of the "norm". So, normalizing same sex relationships to the point of pushing for equal marriage rights actually feels like the right thing to do - even though it's scary, and I've had mixed feelings about it, politically.
In truth, I guess it didn't seem important enough so long as I wasn't in a relationship I felt was worth fighting for. Or maybe I was simply resigned to settling for outsider status -- like a kid with her nose pressed up against the glass, outside looking in at all the happy couples, all the while covering up her wistfulness with a smug refusal to participate in the bourgeois dance of the "breeders". A rebel, not an outsider, or so I thought. As if that was going to get me anywhere!

I think maybe because of these subconscious beliefs I was (as many of us were) choosing to be in relationships that I knew were only temporary. As society moves toward embracing love and coupling and marriage for all, I think we'll see a healthier, stabilizing effect on society as a whole. Happy people make for a happy, productive society. None of us is free so long as some are still unfree, I think the saying goes - as in, life, liberty and the pursuit of said happiness.

Now that I'm getting happier and healthier and more emotionally sober I've been able to choose to let love in fully, to really allow myself to love and be loved unconditionally. It's a miraculous and beautiful journey - from darkness to light, from ignorance to self-knowledge. I know there are lots of haters out there, but the sole fact that as a society we are participating in a dialogue at all is eons from where we were when I first came out of the closet in 1978 - not to mention the pre-Stonewall days of the "love that dare not speak its name"."

The only "sin" is hating, judging, hurting, harming, throwing stones, and not being compassionate toward others. Love your neighbor as yourself. The only sin Christ spoke of was being unkind. The only other item he mentioned was DIVORCE. But you don't see good Christians outside of courthouses protesting the sin of divorce, do you?  


This is an updated article from a spiritual political book I wrote, which will be released after the comedy books. 

Chelsea Handler: "I have never been more proud of my LGBT friends and the beautiful families they're raising —- and I think it's time we all do what we can to get them equal rights already. "

First I have to tell you something my radio co-host Doug Basham said after he saw Katie Couric ask Sarah Palin about gay rights. Palin answered that one of her best friends is gay, and that her pal "made a choice that isn't a choice that I have made.” Basham said, “I wish Couric had asked Palin, 'Do you remember the exact moment you chose to become heterosexual?'"

My sister is gay, and she never made a choice, but that’s beside the point. The marriage contract is a private contract between two individuals. How does it hurt anyone to let two souls honor their monogamy by allowing them the sanctity and dignity of marriage, as other human beings have a right to? Isn’t this in the Bill of Rights? I am heartsick at the bigotry I see in America today. I can’t believe my sister may never have the same rights I have! And furthermore, according to Suze Orman — as it stands now, civil unions do not permit the transfer of a deceased person's estate to the partner. Next of "kin" is first in line.

After my Ann Coulter death threats and hate-mail settled down simply for defending the Golden Rule, one thing became clear: certain "Old Testament" Christians are obsessed with the sexual immorality of others — to the exclusion of any other sin, including their own sins of pride and judgment — which by the way, were the only sins Jesus ever cared about or actually mentioned! Sexual immorality was not even on Christ’s radar, as was clear when the mob was stoning the prostitute: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

I find it interesting that he did condemn divorce, but since divorce is rampant among most religious sects, even evangelicals, it's odd that you never see religious people picketing courthouses to abolish divorce :) 

All this talk about Christ’s return and the "Rapture" misses the point entirely. I've prayed about this and been given a revelation of my own: when humans can love each other unconditionally — love their enemies and neighbors as themselves — then the so-called Rapture will happen. It will not be a big Broadway show; it will be a change in consciousness. This is the Second Coming. It will occur in the hearts of men.

The Ku Klux Klan also used the Bible to justify killing Blacks. Where are all the reasonable, sane people of faith who actually follow Christ’s teachings?

Maybe they don't realize that 'Christ' is the root of the word 'Christianity' because the vowel sounds are different! They often espouse the EXACT OPPOSITE of Christ’s teachings. If fundamentalists take the Bible literally, then why don’t they take Christ’s actual words literally?

There's a cartoon I saw shortly after the 2004 election: I can't remember the exact words, but two pot-bellied Rednecks are standing around drinking beer, happy with being red: "Well, my son lost his legs in Iraq, veteran benefits got cut, lost my pension plan to Enron, got laid-off down at the plant, they cancelled my health insurance, Bush vetoed stem cells which would have saved my daughter’s life from brain cancer -- BUT I'M SURE AS HELL GLAD THOSE TWO GAYS DOWN THE STREET CAN'T GET MARRIED!"

We’re a nation ruled by several opposing forces: the atheist, the optimist, the materialist — and of course, the idiot — that person inside all of us (or just fundamentalists and neocons) who choose to remain unconscious.

What is so strange is that modern-day fundamentalists often condone the death penalty quite casually, yet think fetal cells in a Petri dish are too sacred to be used for stem cell research in order to save lives! This seems highly immoral to me.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to be gay or lesbian in America today. There is a “Christian” group that has a website called "" that displays an animated picture of Matthew Shepherd surrounded by flames, burning in hell. Shepherd was brutally murdered in Wyoming, the victim of a hate crime.

Instead of seeing the beauty and unique goodness of the gay person — his artistic gifts of design or dance, the sweetness of his spirit, his yearning to be accepted and to bury the agony of being bullied as a child or of being “born different" — the morally repulsed “Christian” chooses the easy way: hatred.

My son’s best friend and his brother are being raised by a gay male couple, who are scholars and wonderful parents. Both children are completely "straight" and have girlfriends already. The family considered moving to Canada out of fear. They are very afraid of the hateful Christian ruling elite in America. I can’t think of anything more un-Christlike than an intolerant “Christian.”

It saddens me that many in the religious right have taken their obsession with morality and their fear of Hollywood to such an extreme they've lost compassion for their fellow man. They have become homophobic, disdainful of the poor and cruel toward any human who does not meet their rigorous standards — while ignoring their own pride, the character flaw which annoyed Christ the most!

Intolerance is the easy way out, and many will go through this wide, broad gate. Very few will squeeze through the "narrow gate" of turning the other cheek and loving one's enemies. It's easy to judge others from a position of moral superiority; it's difficult to look kindly upon criminals, prisoners, "sinners." It's difficult to love "the other," as Christ commanded us to do. Most fundamentalist right-wing Christians these days refuse to look at their enemy as a whole human being. They are ruled by primitive fears that totally contradict Christ’s entire mission: to love one another for love casts out fear.

Some more notes..

The more one pushes something down, the more it rears its ugly head in inappropriate places; perversions appear. This explains why celibacy in priests acts like a pressure cooker, often resulting in crimes of molestation. Celibacy is unnatural; too much pent up desire perverts itself. Like Pandora’s box, whatever is taboo becomes irresistibly tempting. People will sneak out of their cages to experience the forbidden.

So the Puritan, guilt-ridden over his own uncontrollable urges, cannot live with himself. Unable to cut out his own base, lustful thoughts, he looks outside himself for someone to blame and project his guilt onto. The easiest way to ameliorate his shame is to broadcast the evil, project it onto others where he can externalize it, see it as separate from himself – and lash at it with swords. This way he can feel morally superior. It's a quick fix. He investigates it, dwells on its dark side, inflates its evil effects until evil is all he sees. He makes the gay person into an object of disgust.

As a culture we put so much emphasis on the body: on cellular substance of the fetus, the death and burial of a corpse, the saving of an unconscious sack of flesh that contains no life force or spirit, as in the case of Terry Shiavo. We are focused so exclusively on the letter, not the spirit; the style, not the substance; the right hat, not the heart, the ritual, not the meaning — and the flesh which can be wiped out so easily — that it must make me wonder: is flesh man’s most important quality?

At the risk of sounding like a crackpot, I have to say here that I no longer believe in the physical universe as being primary. The invisible harmony is what's real. In other words, the things I know are valuable and real are the things I can’t see with my eyes – the invisible qualities of love, truth, wisdom, soul, principle, thought, harmony, wisdom, compassion, beauty, strength and character – things that cannot be physically touched or scientifically proven.

As Emerson said: "this is a spiritual universe and thoughts rule the world."

The more one pushes something down, the more it rears it head in inappropriate places; perversions appear. This explains why celibacy in priests acts like a pressure cooker, often resulting in crimes of molestation. Celibacy is unnatural; too much pent up desire perverts itself. Like Pandora’s box, whatever is taboo becomes irresistibly tempting. People will sneak out of their cages to experience the forbidden.

So the Puritan, guilt-ridden over his own uncontrollable urges, cannot live with himself. Unable to cut out his own lustful thoughts, he looks outside himself for someone to blame and project his guilt onto. The easiest way to ameliorate his shame is to broadcast the evil, project it onto others where he can externalize it, see it as separate from himself – and lash at it with swords. This way he can feel morally superior. It's a quick fix. He investigates it, dwells on its dark side, inflates its evil effects until evil is all he sees. He makes the gay person into an object of disgust.

Sorry this article was so long and repetitive. I had no idea I had pasted four articles together. This was a glitch. I removed the second half.

Thank you to: 

Here is a reprint of my Huffington Post article on Gay Marriage: 

Lydia Cornell, 'Too Close For Comfort' Star, Backs Gay Marriage

Monday, March 21, 2016


I attended NASCAR at Fontana yesterday with Gold Star Mom Lee Ann Smith, to honor and remember her son Sgt. Andrew R. Tobin who was killed in action by the Taliban.


"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by, 'I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you took me in.'" - Mother Teresa

Feed the hungry, give to the poor. If you Google these words in your city or community, you will find local ways to help othes right now.

 In Los Angeles, check out P.A.T.H. (People Assisting the Homeless) or The L.A. Mission or Imagine L.A. -- which finds homes for children and homeless families in L.A. It is a charity of Bel Air Pres, at the top of Mulholland at the Sepulveda pass. It's always a wonderful place for helping others. They have lots of charity work for everyone to participate in. When my kids were little we would always go up for Advent and make wreaths and give gifts to prisoners and children who are suffering and have nothing. We also worked at Hope Gardens, for homeless families. It's an amazing place. You can check out their website: (This church is fantastic for EVERYTHING! Meeting singles, groups, helping the community, the world, etc.)

Also, check out the LOS ANGELES FOOD BANK

Operation Gobble!
Date and Time:   Monday, November 19th - Registration is from 8:35 am to 8:55 am – volunteer project starts at 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. *Please bring in your release form on the day of your service project.
Address: Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is located at 1734 E. 41st Street, Los Angeles, 90058

Volunteers are needed to assemble food packages that go to women with infants, children, and senior citizens in Los Angeles County. Food packages include canned fruit, cereal , rice, and other non-perishable food items. Take this opportunity to support the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank with a great hands-on event! Help us help those in need in our community. *Once you register you will receive an email confirmation with all the logistics and forms. ***All volunteers must wear closed toed shoes*** *

This is a hard time for my mother and family. My younger brother died on December 1, 1995 and we always have this memory of his life on Thanksgiving. Also just google "Feed the hungry Los Angeles" or "Help the Poor"

Love is such a transformative force, it can reverse any past mistakes or regrets even from a moment ago. In fact if you stop going over the mistakes made yesterday, this very action will alleviate my suffering and create a new reality. LOve is such a creative force, it remakes the body. It can reverse any dis-ease. Your thoughts are the only thing creating your reality, and your attitude is the only thing you really have control over. Gain ctotal dominion over your reality right now. If you judge others, or yourself, you stay in a state of negative condemnation. You cannot thrive and grow in this state. Your cells are dependent upon your happiness and joy. That's why I can't listen to talk radio anymore: it actually hurts my heart to hear anyone put anyone down. And the constant negativity, looking at "what's not working" is defeating us! If you focus on the problem you never rise above the problem. Even Einstein said that "you can't solve a problem on the level it was created on." You have to go to a higher level: a diplomatic or spiritual solution. You have to forget your worries, let go and let love take care of you. All your needs are provided for the more relaxed and joyful you are. It's the LAW OF ATTRACTION! You attract the level of emotional joy, serenity, confidence you feel right now. Love is the key. Turn all fear to love. You can't be angry or in fear at the same time you are trusting the universe, and helping your fellow man.

With Brandyn Speaks! raising money for hungry, homebound seniors at Splendors Day Spa!

Saturday, March 05, 2016



BY James Hillis Ford

Shared publicly  -  Jul 11, 2014
This is a link that will bring you to a Federal Court Summary of the takedown of a man who stole the actual identity of an Army veteran and pretended to be a war hero -- using the fraudulent moniker "Lt. Col.Richard Lewis" from Tennessee.  This man is not a Lt. Col. but he did actually plagiarize the Iraq War Papers written by the REAL Col. Richard Lewis. 

Celebrity Stalker, Cyber Criminal, Plagiarist, multi convicted felon...that smeared my best friend's name, Lydia Cornell, as well as names of several celebrities from Keley Grammer to Gene Simmons and Corbin Bleu.  Using the credentials of a true Army veteran Navy hero, a Military Federal Jag Attorney, this guy entered into court 3 years ago pretending to be the real attorney. If you think that was the most insane thing anyone would do...It gets far he kept adding people to his crazy lawsuit...including the judges that kicked him out of court, the judges that put out warrants on him for violation protective orders on many of us...he claims I threatened him and caused him physical harm. I never met him.

In addition, he constantly stole other people's copyrighted wildlife photos and published them as "his own" and sent them to Lydia to impress her with his amazing photography.  

My friend was tricked into meeting him.  Lydia Cornell, star of Too Close For Comfort and costar of 250 shows and films, most recently HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm..  and a co star of mine in the past and in upcoming projects...has a heart of gold.  So when this impostor went to Beverly Hills to meet her as his dying wish (his first illness was a rare genetic thick blood disorder that he and only one other person in medical history suffered from) Lydia agreed to meet him at a local café.  Little did she know he was a pro at the con con con game...even selling out his own kids, ex wives and the many victims before her and the rest of us.  She was going through a divorce and he offered to handle her simple legal paper work for he claimed to be a Federal JAG-C attorney.

Lydia Cornell is a major activist for many non profit and charitable causes.  She is a Physics master actually, but she easily gets hurt by men such as this felon/impostor...whom by the way, gave her his purple heart....that was later found to be an ebay purchase. He sent her his award winning essays on freedom and peace during his time as supposed Lieutenant Cornel Lewis.  The essays he plagiarized were from the true Military hero Lewis. What he did was change the War, The Military Branch, The dates and President's names....and the middle initial.  The man cannot write anything comprehensible, he can't spell...and he began a smear campaign on the internet accusing us of what he is guilty of.  Every polluted word he misspelled on Social Media and sites like Rip Off Report etc...were cruel, criminal lies.  This man attempted to be a hair dresser...I find anyone's quest for undertaking or perusing a challenging education for their desired work admirable.  

THIS MAN STOLE THE IDENTITY OF A LT. COL. in the U.S. ARMY: "Lt. Col. RL" the fraud, the first man convicted on Cyber Crime in Florida...and while serving time in jail, he was busted and convicted again!  He was committing the same crimes he was locked up for.... he never did get his Cosmetology license.  He did get a victim in Beauty School though...he married and divorced a lovely woman...that he slaps fraudulent lawsuits on.  Often and regularly.

When he was to appear in court to answer to multiple criminal complaints...he claimed that he had several strokes, hospitalizations...and now he was suffering from leukemia.  The judge reminded him of the restraining order stop smearing our names on the which he cried out via phone that he was IMPOTENT!  So, I guess what he cant do to women in court he cant do to them in bed either. 

There is an expose in progress about this man and what he has done to innocent people..
This man wants so badly to be badly he would attempt to destroy my friend...Lydia was my neighbor in Beverly Hills.  She saved my life because  that's what she does.  She is the real deal, the real hero...I was working on a series and was so addicted to cocaine and Whisky that she put everything on hold to help me.  I mean everything.  She did the Quantum Leap pilot and had other series casting directors that were wanting her for regular work. She stayed with me until hiatus on my show...Sent me back to Boston, To my grandmother and Mom....and I got better.  Little did I know, in my drug daze...that Lydia got clean and sober first...and cared enough to love a guy to wellness...and having faith for him until he could have it on his own.

So this is the woman this career criminal was hell bent on destroying.  He made sexual advances on her to which she politely declined.  His jealous rage over Lydia and her friends' fame...and with my close friendship with her that this man used to go into jealous rages filling social media sites with such venom and lies about me and her...

He publicly attacked Lydia Cornell on RIPOFF REPORT claiming she was a criminal. He committed slander and defamation on numerous websites claiming that she was a prostitute and even posted her home address -- defying crazy fans to attack her.  He threatened to "bash my face in." 

We were working on live shows at the time...and we were beginning to film a "sizzle reel" for a certain network.  At the time, Lydia believed he was really a true war hero and secret do-gooder. EVERYTHING HE SAID WAS A LIE. Lydia believed him, but thought his "war injuries" had caused lesions on his brain. Lydia kept reporting this information to her 'real' attorney who was working in cahoots with this "attorney/war hero/Jag-C military criminal attorney." HER OWN ATTORNEY PUT A GAG ORDER ON HER FORBIDDING HER TO PROTEST THE CRIMINALS HEINOUS SLANDER AND ACTIONS. 

This criminal would call her cell phone a million times until she answered and then say he was dying in his car on the side of the road in Glendale on his way to Attorney Nelle Paegle's office -- and he would make Lydia run to his side ...only to find the doctors said it was a miracle...but next time he wouldn't be lucky.

He began to claim that she and I and others threatened him and his minor grandchildren, stalked them,...etc....none of us live anywhere near Maynardville, TN.  Not even 1000 miles close...his claims of our harassment caused heart attacks, strokes and his cancer.  He posted Ustream videos about his cancer...leukemia, and how he was in chemo, and how we were causing him such harm.  Having some knowledge about the subject...I posted some questions regarding his condition and his appearance being unusual for his course of treatment...etc...and I also informed him what kind of cancer leukemia was and what it he had it all wrong.  Claiming to be on heavy chemotherapy which was radiation combined with oral medication...I found it odd that he had a buzz cut...with full eyebrows, beard, he was not at all gaunt, his pallor wasn't sickly etc...His answer was another video the next day with a fully shaved head beard and eyebrows...and yet another lawsuit threat to me.

EVERYTHING HE SAID WAS A LIE. Lydia believed him, but thought his "war injuries" had caused lesions on his brain

The thing is...many knew of his aliases on facebook.  It was there all truth unraveled...regarding his illnesses, his family situations and his state of well being.  There were daily videos of him partying at Tennessee barbeques, birthday parties, restaurants, Water parks...etc....In his illness he must have been so sick he forgot how sick he said he was...using that as reason for his inability to appear in court...and for his support of many claims in his lawsuit smear campaign painting himself as a stressed out victim...suffering from disease at our hands....

I wasn't going to write this much...the histrionic borderline subject of this article will be happy of the fame this will garner his name.

However, sorry Mr. "L"  You don't know my real name.  You know my professional name.  And I'm not famous...unless you remember the guy that played the leads friend...Or the airbrushed guy next to cologne or wrinkled clothing.. Either way...this will never catapult you to stardom.

I just don't want you to hurt anyone that you can really hurt.  You see, it wasn't long before we all realized hardly anyone was paying attention to you...and if they by chance came across your bullshit...they were all laughing batshit at you.  And it wasn't because of your was because sometimes people laugh when they cross someone so's a natural defense mechanism.  They were laughing because the alternative would be the tears for such a pathetic man...and his sad quest to be anyone but himself...and the sad tears for what you did to family and all those that bought your lies...The man that thought he was such a nobody he would hurt anyone that held out their hand in good faith...if it would make some local newspaper.

I laughed so hard I cried.  Not for you, Richard.  I cried for all the right reasons.

Henceforth, to cease to exist.