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Cheri Hall Cramer and her boys Trey and Louis. And above with Corrie Brianna Johnston-Grier |

LYDIA CORNELL: AFI Best Actress Nominee, People's Choice Award winner; Actor, Writer, Director, Producer; woman and children advocate; teen mentor, comedienne, talk show host, inspirational pubic speaker best known for her starring role on ABC's "Too Close for Comfort" as TV legend Ted Knight's daughter 'Sara'; HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm, and over 250 shows, episodes and movies worldwide. Turns tragedy into comedy, life-saving issues for women and equal pay for equal work...
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
What I’m about to say may sound weird, but there were several pivotal ‘light bulb’ moments that changed everything and rearranged my molecular structure. These events were so extraordinary, so uncanny — I have to pinch myself to believe they really happened. These events were nothing short of full-blown miracles. That’s the only way to describe them.
My awakening was of the spine-tingling, Twilight-Zonish variety. It’s hard to talk about this stuff because it appears to exist in the realm of the magical. But these things actually happened, and continue to happen. They give me concrete, tangible evidence of a loving, caring force in the universe. And now I’ve finally figured out the key to activating these gifts, which are really natural laws.
I've never publicly spoken about this to anyone outside of recovery circles, but I’ve often stopped to wonder ‘how did these seemingly miraculous events happen?’ There was one common element: surrender. When I gave up fighting, the outside picture totally changed. But what is the metaphysics of surrender? How did an ( invisible) inner change affect an outer result? In order to understand this, I had to study Quantum Physics, which inevitably led me to Einstein, who said, “No problem can be solved at the same level it was created on.” In other words, you can't fight fire with fire; you can't cure alcoholism with more alcohol or drugs — you have to go to a higher level — a spiritual or diplomatic solution. Or as George Carlin put it, “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
But what does this overused word spiritual really mean?
I began to wonder, what is this key that unlocks the door and enables someone to ‘let go?’ What is the metaphysics of surrender? I had to know how this spiritual concept worked. I mean it’s not easy to just let go when you’re in the grip of pain, whether emotional or physical.
Worfeus writes: "Life is what we focus on. Period. Just as with the Double-Slit experiment where matter literally changes from wave to particle depending on whether or not someone is observing it, life it seems really ends up being exactly what we focus on. Focus on the good and positive, and you'll find that's what dominates your life."
have discovered your brain activity produces waves that are measurable
according to your level of serenity or agitation. Enthusiasm and courage
actually change your brain waves. We radiate energy. Can these waves radiate
outward, affecting our outer circumstance? Are thoughts really things?
This means you can be attractive even if you’re not “good looking” because
if you radiate love you attract people. This is a joke I wrote for a movie.
have often felt like I’m on a two-lane highway going in opposite directions.
The theme of my life has been merging my lower nature with my higher nature
into one divine track or unity. When I could no longer cope, I surrendered
my will, my worries, and my fears.
And a miracle happened.
the mortal eye, these experiences are supernatural, spine tingling, like the
best magic. But as Wayne Dyer said, you have to believe it in order to see
it. You have to cooperate and conspire
with this force in order to conjure it. The creative force that sustains the
universe is interactive; it needs our participation. In fact, it can’t exist in
our lives without our consent, belief, faith or interaction. It needs playmates.
It needs to express itself through us. More and more I’m beginning to believe
what Elizabeth Gilbert said about her new epiphany: that we are not doing this
solo; there are no individual geniuses. We are all just transcribers of
creative consciousness – we are taking down God’s thoughts. Some are expressing
God through music, some through art, some through writing and poetry and
movies, some through comedy, some through tragedy, some through cooking,
planting and growing, some through design, building, teaching, science,
is the point of gaining the whole world if you lose your soul? After all the years of struggling to
make it — to find true love, to be rich, to have a happy family with a lagoon
pool and water-slides, to live my dreams in a hammock in Maui — I’ve come to
the conclusion that there is only one urgent need of mankind: to find God. But I’m
not talking about the kind of god you may be thinking of — the kind that
divides and judges. I thought I was too hip to believe in God and used to wonder if I find God will I still
have a good sex life? Not that
I have one now. I’m talking about unconditional love and an inner peace
that is unshakable.
I actually think we’re snowballing
toward excess for a reason: to show us that there is no material thing that can
make us really, permanently 'happy.' Matter is temporal.
All this chaos in the world is
happening to bring us closer to our spirit, our humanity. We have been
snowballing toward excess, materialism, style over substance, violence, porn,
for years. There is never enough blood, guts and sex and drugs to fill us up.
There is only one way to go: toward healing, the kingdom which is within us.
The more we focus on the good in others, even our enemies, the more the good
increases. This is a law of the universe, and it's the only real way to pray.
The word God
has become so political and dirty and misunderstood, I’m embarrassed to use it.
I feel guilty about being embarrassed, and I’m not even Catholic. Or Jewish. All I know is, no human power was able
to lift me out of my suicidal despair. The God I’m talking about has no
religion attached – no rules, dogma, yarmulkes, pointy bishops hats, long
velvet robes, crystals, coins, rosaries, bows toward Mecca or steps to the left.
No long, memorized prayers or deciphering of archaic doctrines. Only
redemption. I have had astonishing results from prayer. I know that prayer
actually changes things in the physical universe. But the kind of prayer I’m
talking about does not involve begging some anthropomorphic being who rules by
fear and punishment. It involves letting go of your fears and worries and truly
surrendering them to a loving higher power, whatever your own concept of this
is. Substituting your worries with Divine Love, the power of the universe. God
is love. It is really that simple. I had to get my intellect out of the way and
surrender my doubts first. Then I quietly screamed HELP!
If you ask my son’s Social Studies teacher what his religion is, he says, “Western Orthodox Baseball.” I think that’s a wise answer. Religion often gets in the way of God’s simple purpose: to love one another. Often it’s more about style — what tribe you belong to or what hat you wear — rather than substance. The Catch-22 is, by holding onto doubt and fear, we can’t experience the miracle because it takes our trust to activate it.
We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. Quantum Physics says just the opposite: what’s happening on the inside determines what’s happening on the outside. Our world is shaped by our thoughts. So your loving attention to something, literally alters the physical universe. This is scientific, but it is not easily understood.
Scientists have discovered that there is no solid matter in the universe. Not a single speck of solid matter anywhere. Even the tiniest atom has no solid core. At the quantum level, it is empty space.
Everything is energy.
Everything exists in waves of infinite possibility, until we look at it, observe it and lock it in or "particularize" it with our judgment, viewpoint or opinion. In my view, to "particularize" something is to make it into a particle locked in space and time. It appears to be solid once you have judged it and labeled it.
That is why it's important not to judge others or make negative assumptions about them — for you get whatever you choose to see — and you can therefore experience negative events that were never objectively there before you "locked them in" (made them into a particle, which appears to be solid) with your weighted observation or judgment.
The observer affects the object (wave) making it collapse into a particle at a certain moment in time.
I have written a White Paper which proves that our loving attention to an object actually changes the object in the physical universe.
Energy consists of sub-atomic particles that in turn make up atoms and finally matter. This energy exists as waves spread out over space and time. They have discovered that down to the tiniest atom, there is only empty space. There is no solid matter. Everything is energy. Everything exists in waves of infinite possibility. Only when we focus our attention on an object does that object become a particle. We "particularize" an object by our attention to it.
So thoughts really are things. And 85% of all disease is caused by stress -- which means worry, fear or misplaced thoughts that become ingrained habits of negativity. There is now scientific proof that loving thoughts actually create a thicker brain cortex. Monks who meditate on love regularly have no disease.
Dr. Christine Northrup says "Hope is a biochemical state in the body that promotes healing."
Laughter heals. And we know that love heals everything. Love is the actual definition of God. (If only fundamentalist Christians understood this. But they seem to omit Christ's teachings form their form of Christianity. Very bizarre.
Love is an interactive force. The creative force of love that created all this beauty in the world — from peacocks to butterflies to chocolate to puppies to humans — needs playmates to interact with, and to show off for. I call it 'god' but you can call it love or life or Buddha. This force needs our cooperation and our BELIEF belief in order to show off for us. This "showing off" is manifests are miracles in our lives.
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Morongo Casino The Cooking Show |
A Peacock I met at San Diego Zoo |
Me, in Barbados with some surfers |
My sister Kathryn and me at Jeff Franklin's manse |
A Swallowtail in my front yard. A Butterfly I met yesterday |
To experience magic and miracles try to adopt a childlike sense of wonder at all the beauty around you. Seek it and you'll find it. Really look for beauty. Look for the good in other people. Whatever you focus on magnifies. When you decide to trust others, they become trustworthy. When you start to appreciate this beautiful universe, it will show off for you. Act as if you believe in a power greater than yourself -- participate, conspire, and cooperate with the LOVE that surrounds all living things.
By loving ourselves, we can then give love to others, and forgive them when they are not "perfect." By this loving, selfless action, we create harmony and peace on earth.
To experience magic and miracles try to adopt a childlike sense of wonder at all the beauty around you. Seek it and you'll find it. Really look for beauty. Look for the good in other people. Whatever you focus on magnifies. When you decide to trust others, they become trustworthy. When you start to appreciate this beautiful universe, it will show off for you. Act as if you believe in a power greater than yourself -- participate, conspire, and cooperate with the LOVE that surrounds all living things.
By loving ourselves, we can then give love to others, and forgive them when they are not "perfect." By this loving, selfless action, we create harmony and peace on earth.
Worfeus writes: "Life is what we focus on. Period. Just as with the Double-Slit experiment where matter literally changes from wave to particle depending on whether or not someone is observing it, life it seems really ends up being exactly what we focus on. Focus on the good and positive, and you'll find that's what dominates your life."
In Quantum physics, scientists have proven that our loving attention to an object actually changes the object in the physical universe.
We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. Quantum Physics says just the opposite: what’s happening on the inside determines what’s happening on the outside. Our world is shaped by our thoughts. So your loving attention to something, literally alters the physical universe. This is scientific, but it is not easily understood.
Energy consists of sub-atomic particles that in turn make up atoms and finally matter. This energy exists as waves spread out over space and time. They have discovered that down to the tiniest atom, there is only empty space. There is no solid matter. Everything is energy. Everything exists in waves of infinite possibility. Only when we focus our attention on an object does that object become a particle. We "particularize" an object by our attention to it.
So thoughts really are things. And 85% of all disease is caused by stress -- which means worry, fear or misplaced thoughts that become ingrained habits of negativity. There is now scientific proof that loving thoughts actually create a thicker brain cortex. Monks who meditate on love regularly have no disease.
Dr. Christine Northrup says "Hope is a biochemical state in the body that promotes healing."
Laughter heals. And we know that love heals everything. Love is the actual definition of God. (If only fundamentalist Christians understood this. But they seem to omit Christ's teachings form their form of Christianity. Very bizarre.
Love is an interactive force. The creative force of love that created all this beauty in the world — from peacocks to butterflies to chocolate to puppies to humans — needs playmates to interact with, and to show off for. I call it 'god' but you can call it love or life or Buddha. This force needs our cooperation and our BELIEF belief in order to show off for us. This "showing off" is manifests are miracles in our lives.
To experience magic and miracles try to adopt a childlike sense of wonder at all the beauty around you. Seek it and you'll find it. Really look for beauty. Look for the good in other people. Whatever you focus on magnifies. When you decide to trust others, they become trustworthy. When you start to appreciate this beautiful universe, it will show off for you. Act as if you believe in a power greater than yourself -- participate, conspire, and cooperate with the LOVE that surrounds all living things.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Monday, July 08, 2013
News release: 2013-216 July 8, 2013
Radio Bursts Discovered From Beyond our Galaxy The full version of this story with accompanying images is at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013-216&cid=release_2013-216 Astronomers, including a team member from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., have detected the first population of radio bursts known to originate from galaxies beyond our own Milky Way. The sources of the light bursts are unknown, but cataclysmic events, such as merging or exploding stars, are likely the triggers. A radio burst is a quick surge of light from a point on the sky, made up of longer wavelengths in the radio portion of the light spectrum. A single radio burst was detected about six years ago, but researchers were unclear about whether it came from within or beyond our galaxy. The new radio-burst detections -- four in total -- are from billions of light-years away, erasing any doubt that the phenomenon is real. The discovery, described in the July 4 issue of the journal Science, comes from an international team that used the Parkes Observatory in Australia. "Short radio bursts are really tricky to identify," explained Sarah Burke Spolaor of JPL. "Our team had to search 11 months of data covering a large sky area to find them." Spolaor developed the software used to seek single pulses in the radio data and pick out genuine signals from local interference sources -- such as cell phones, spark plugs and aircraft. This amounted to an enormous and complex computational task. Dan Thornton, lead author of the new study from England's University of Manchester and Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, said, "The radio bursts last for just a few milliseconds and the farthest one that we detected was 11 billion light-years away." The findings open the door to studying an entirely new class of eruptive cosmic events and can also help with cosmology mysteries, for example, about the nature of matter in the universe. Our sky is full of flares and bursts of varying natures. For instance, gamma-ray bursts are thought to occur when stars collapse into black holes. They are routinely detected by a network of telescopes on the ground and in space, including NASA's Swift and Fermi. When one telescope in the network detects a burst, it can notify others to quickly slew to the target for coordinated observations. The newfound radio bursts, while likely of a different origin than gamma-ray bursts, also consist of light waves generated by powerful events happening at great distances. Researchers would like to develop systems similar to the gamma-ray burst networks of telescopes to follow up quickly on radio bursts, but this is more challenging because radio waves are slowed by gas in space. Time is needed to process the radio observations and tease out the short-lived bursts. On the other hand, the fact that radio waves are impeded as they travel through space to reach us offers benefits. By studying how the radio waves have been slowed, scientists can better understand baryonic matter, the material that gets in the way. Baryonic matter is what makes up people and planets and everything you see. The rest of the universe consists of mysterious substances called dark matter and dark energy. Exactly what is triggering the release of the radio waves is unknown. Theories include colliding neutron stars or black holes; evaporating black holes; and stellar explosions called supernovae. The new data do not fit nicely with any of these scenarios, leaving the scientists perplexed. Further scans for radio bursts using the Parkes Observatory are ongoing. Researchers are also using other telescopes to search for and characterize these events. For instance, the V-Fastr project, developed in part at JPL, is currently running on the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Very Long Baseline Array, an international network of telescopes. It will enable scientists to localize a burst's origin to a precise location in a distant host galaxy. Other institutions participating in this study are: Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany; the INAF-Cagliari Astronomical Observatory and the Cagliari Observatory and University, Italy; Swinburne University of Technology, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics and Curtin University, all in Australia; and West Virginia University, Morgantown. JPL is managed by the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, for NASA. Whitney Clavin 818-354-4673 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. whitney.clavin@jpl.nasa.gov
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Monday, July 01, 2013
TEENAGERS ARE NOT NICE PEOPLE... but that doesn't justify lying, does it?
Okay, so I dented my son's back fender on his brand new car. I was scared to tell him, so I called my bff James Hillis Ford, and whispered the news into the phone, and decided not to tell my son right away.
My plan was to sleep on it, and maybe even pretend that it happened another way — possibly at his own work parking lot — just maybe I could get away with it. Now I am someone who prides myself on being honest to a fault. (Pride always goes before the fall.) But for some reason I just couldn't face my teenager's wrath. In case you haven't noticed, teenagers are not nice people. I had been trying to park it for him in the impossibly small spot given to us by a Good Samaritan -- because you can't park your own car in front of your own house at night in this town. Not a single car is allowed to be on the streets in our small prestigious Westside city; they love to give $100 parking tickets.
So anyway, I was doing a "no good deed goes unpunished" deed by parking it for him, since I pride myself on being an expert parker (pride always goes before the fall, or did I say this already?) and this way, he gets to stay home for the summer and go to work at his new job at Scopely everyday, and so every night I park it for him. This particular evening I misjudged the space size and angled it too close to a pole...
You won't believe what happened next. To be continued...
Check out my new PUSHPAGE
On Saturday, June 29, 2013, I went to the private FoCA (Friends of CalArts) screening of MONSTERS UNIVERSITY on the Disney Studios lot
Okay, so I dented my son's back fender on his brand new car. I was scared to tell him, so I called my bff James Hillis Ford, and whispered the news into the phone, and decided not to tell my son right away.
My plan was to sleep on it, and maybe even pretend that it happened another way — possibly at his own work parking lot — just maybe I could get away with it. Now I am someone who prides myself on being honest to a fault. (Pride always goes before the fall.) But for some reason I just couldn't face my teenager's wrath. In case you haven't noticed, teenagers are not nice people. I had been trying to park it for him in the impossibly small spot given to us by a Good Samaritan -- because you can't park your own car in front of your own house at night in this town. Not a single car is allowed to be on the streets in our small prestigious Westside city; they love to give $100 parking tickets.
So anyway, I was doing a "no good deed goes unpunished" deed by parking it for him, since I pride myself on being an expert parker (pride always goes before the fall, or did I say this already?) and this way, he gets to stay home for the summer and go to work at his new job at Scopely everyday, and so every night I park it for him. This particular evening I misjudged the space size and angled it too close to a pole...
You won't believe what happened next. To be continued...
Check out my new PUSHPAGE
On Saturday, June 29, 2013, I went to the private FoCA (Friends of CalArts) screening of MONSTERS UNIVERSITY on the Disney Studios lot
At the Monsters U red carpet Saturday, June 29, 2013 |
In front of the Seven Dwarves at Walt Disney Studios |
By the way: great people work at Scopely, the new innovative mobile gaming company.
My son works there too :) But don't let him know I said that.
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