Wednesday, April 04, 2012


LISTEN LIVE RIGHT NOW: My interview on DARE TO DREAM on OVERCOMING TRAGEDY, Listen live right now to the rest of my spiritual comedy interview on DARE TO DREAM:


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Johnnymoomoo said...
    I don't know what to believe about global warming.

    I don't know what to believe about global warming.

    Well Johnny, there's your problem.

    Global warming isn't something you "believe" in.

    Religion is something you "Believe in".

    Your children's future is something you "believe in".

    Your dreams are something you "believe in".

    Science doesn't require you to believe in it.

    Facts don't require your belief.

    1. Lydia Cornell6:30 AM

      Hi Johnny Moo Moo! Miss you. How are you? Have been hoping you are well and in good spirits.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    But thanks for once more seeding the right wing idea that the science of global warming is something individuals need to make a "belief choice" on.

    Once more proving you're little more than a right wing "concern troll" here to play off the more hard line neocon trolls.

    When the scientists at NASA needs you to "believe in them", they'll let you know.

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Next Great Depression? MIT researchers predict ‘global economic collapse’ by 2030

    A new study from researchers at Jay W. Forrester's institute at MIT says that the world could suffer from "global economic collapse" and "precipitous population decline" if people continue to consume the world's resources at the current pace.

    Most of the computer scenarios found population and economic growth continuing at a steady rate until about 2030. But without "drastic measures for environmental protection," the scenarios predict the likelihood of a population and economic crash.

    However, the study said "unlimited economic growth" is still possible if world governments enact policies and invest in green technologies that help limit the expansion of our ecological footprint.

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Unfortunately our government has republicans in it and they don't "believe" in this stuff.

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Trucks blown on their side in Japan. 2 people killed in violent wind and rain. Fears of another Typhoon, so soon after the last one which created the huge tsunami that killed so many people by dragging them out to sea as far as Alaska, and this is just one of the many extreme events we're seeing.

    The right wing will try to confuse people and say 'so what, its not unusual to have a violent storm or tornado or typhoon, they've been around forever'.

    But this is their straw argument.

    Because its not about the typhoons storms or tornadoes, or even necessarily their severity.

    Its about their FREQUENCY.

  6. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Scientists studying global warming have been warning us for years that what we would see from global warming is not necessarily warmer climates every where. Not at first.

    The first signs would be dramatic increases in "extreme weather events".

    That means more rain, more snow, more wind, more hail, more ice, more tornadoes, more hurricanes and typhoons, etc.

    More EXTREME weather events.

    More of them means they will occur more frequently. Closer together, and more often.

    And that's EXACTLY what we're seeing. Every year their predictions are proving more and more accurate, and every year the republican anti scientists come out in droves to tell us how its all a hoax of the "evil liberal media conspiracy".

    All wearing their Tea Party issued Tin Foil Hats.

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    But who knows, maybe those tin foil hat wearers can help fight global warming too.

    If we could get enough of them to stand together outside during the day wearing their tin foil caps, then maybe they could help reflect some of that sunlight back into the atmosphere.

    Tin foil does make a stronger reflecting substance than dirt.

  8. Anonymous11:02 PM

    This one is from Big K's own Home-made Training for Tea Partiers Video Tutorial

    Its much more technical and in depth but then again he does have a BS in Mechanical Engineering so...

  9. A little known fact about the Chevy Volt...

    During it's initial design phase it was conceived to run on advanced composting technologies and had internet connectivity. It was called "Project Worfeus".

    The problem was, when switched on it refused to go anywhere and immediately connected to an internet blogging site and spewed copious amounts of methane into the atmosphere.

    On the plus side, it regenerated it's own power source and was estimated to produce enough bullshit to run practically forever.
    They eventually had to switch it off though because it had no redeeming qualities and really stunk up the place.

    True story.

  10. Typical lying right wing troll.

    takes what is true about HIMSELF,

    and lies claiming that it is about another

    he disagrees with.

    Doesn't work very well for Willard or Volty

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    He's just upset Clif because I spoke a little too much truth, too plainly.

    He can't counter the reality of the increased and more frequent extreme weather events which are right in line with predictions of global warming science, so he turns to attacking me personally, albeit in a sad attempt at humor.

  12. Anonymous8:59 AM

    And I say sad, because he in his pitiful attempt to insult me thus discrediting the facts I presented, he inadvertently described himself as consuming fecal matter, since he's "Volt" and described the Volt as running on manure.


    ...maybe he'd better leave the jokes to me from now on.

  13. Anonymous8:59 AM

    ...before he hurts himself.

  14. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Its not his fault though.

    The right wing just sorta got screwed on that whole "funny gene" thing.

    The right hasn't been able to come up with anyone funny since Dennis Miller.

    And Miller hasn't been funny since 1979.

  15. Oh and Worf,

    The recent weather events have gotten me thinking. Perhaps you're right after all.

    It's scary to see Texas having tornadoes in springtime. That NEVER happens.

    I've noticed too that more and more over the past few months it's been getting warmer and warmer.

    Is it too late?

  16. Anonymous11:13 AM

    At 1:50 yesterday, I wrote;

    The right wing will try to confuse people and say 'so what, its not unusual to have a violent storm or tornado or typhoon, they've been around forever'.

  17. Anonymous11:14 AM

    And as we see, I was right.

  18. "The first signs would be dramatic increases in "extreme weather events".

    That means more rain, more snow, more wind, more hail, more ice, more tornadoes, more hurricanes and typhoons, etc"

    ONE does not "more" make...

    A tornado in Texas during the spring does not "extreme" make...

    And the National Hurricane Center is actually predicting FEWER not "more" hurricanes this year...

  19. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Now as predicted, the troll lies, calling all the tornadoes we've been reading about over the last several months, ......"ONE".

  20. Anonymous12:11 PM

    As I predicted, the stupid troll will just keep going around and around in circles. He'll pretend that many is one, he'll also desperately try to change the fact that we're talking about not simply more frequent events, but more EXTREME events more frequently.

    Its not one or the other as the troll tries to twist it into.

    Its not just the frequency, and not just the severity.

    Its the more severe events, happening more often.

    As I said repeatedly above.

  21. Anonymous12:13 PM

    But the troll will play dumb and try to shift focus to one or the other.

    They change the parameters that science predicted and that we're experiencing now, so as to justify their apathy and inaction on the issue.

    But, all the right wing liars in the world won't change the fact that we are now seeing MORE EXTREME weather events, MORE OFTEN.

  22. Is it too late?

    James Hanson thinks so.

    So does this article;

    Climate scientists: It’s basically too late to stop warming

    this article from 2005 explains the methane problem;

    Global Warming: Methane Could Be Far Worse Than Carbon Dioxide

    Which the scientists lead by Semiletov who did a survey on the ESAS, found columns of methane bubbling up out of the shallow sea that were over ONE KILOMETER in diameter.

    Which leads to comments like this;

    Ancient Warming Has Disturbing Implications for Our Future

    take away;

    “Our major conclusion,” says lead author Ying Cui, a graduate student in geosciences at Penn State, “is that we’re pumping CO2 into the atmosphere at about ten times the average rate during the PETM.”

    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) occurred 55-60 million years ago.

    That’s at a time when carbon levels were climbing a tenth as fast as they are today, which suggests that the biological world, at least, is poised to go through a far more wrenching set of changes (and just to compound the situation, there weren’t any icecaps before the PETM, so that period of warming didn’t raise sea levels as much as they’re likely to go up during our own episode of climate change).

    If you actually WANT to understand the problems we face and how each rise of 1^C in temp affects the planet get the book Six Degrees by Mark Lynas, and read it with an open mind not the mindset informed by the daily talking points from the RNC, Koch Exxon deniers movement. Joking and sound bite sarcasm just shows your wallowing in your ignorance on the issue.

    We have passed the tipping point of keeping the planet below 2^C of human added warming, and now feedback mechanisms including the release of very large amounts of methane hydrates are beginning to happen. The Ice in the Arctic is shrinking, not just in coverage, but much more important in total volume, most estimates recently give 2015-2020 as the date when NO floating ice exists north of the Arctic circle. Years before the IPCC estimate from a decade ago.

  23. BTW voltron, "one" tornado that hurled a 53" semi trailer hundreds of feet in the air in early April IS extreme, regardless of your right wing kool-aide addled intertubes trolling attempts ........ and there was morte then "one" tornado that day.

  24. Anonymous12:32 PM

    'Very unusual' start to tornado season

    By Miguel Llanos,

    Tornado season is only just beginning, but already this year has seen dozens of destructive twisters from Illinois to Texas, where up to 18 might have touched town on Tuesday alone in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

  25. Anonymous12:32 PM


    To a republican troll, that equals "1".

  26. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "We're at just the beginning of a very unusual" tornado season, NBC weather anchor Al Roker said on TODAY.

    The numbers show just how unusual: March saw 223 twisters, up from an average of 80 from 1991-2010, according to the National Weather Service. February saw 63, compared to an average of 29; and January saw 97, compared to an average of 35.

    So what's behind the outbreak?

    "We've had record heat," meteorologist Greg Forbes told TODAY, and "that warmth is a big ingredient that provides the instability for the storms."

  27. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The neocon troll however wants people to believe its just "ONE" tornado.


  28. Anonymous12:37 PM

    March saw 223 twisters, up from an average of 80 from 1991-2010, according to the National Weather Service.

    So, in Voltron's math class, he learned that TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE = 1.

  29. BTW volty, the United States intelligence community accepts both AGW and the consequences of it;

    Climate Change Will Be More Severe in 2025

    from another part of the same report;

    Thomas Fingar, “the U.S. intelligence community’s top analyst,” sees it happening by the mid-2020s:

    By 2025, droughts, food shortages and scarcity of fresh water will plague large swaths of the globe, from northern China to the Horn of Africa.

    For poorer countries, climate change “could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back,” Fingar said, while the United States will face “Dust Bowl” conditions in the parched Southwest“¦.

    He said U.S. intelligence agencies accepted the consensual scientific view of global warming, including the conclusion that it is too late to avert significant disruption over the next two decades. The conclusions are in line with an intelligence assessment produced this summer that characterized global warming as a serious security threat for the coming decades.

    Floods and droughts will trigger mass migrations and political upheaval in many parts of the developing world.


    Get used to it volty, it is comin' this way no matter HOW MUCH you vainly try to deny the reality of it all.

  30. Cliff said:

    "By 2025, droughts, food shortages and scarcity of fresh water will plague large swaths of the globe, from northern China to the Horn of Africa.

    For poorer countries, climate change “could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back,” Fingar said, while the United States will face “Dust Bowl” conditions in the parched Southwest"

    Gee,Cliff, your just a bucket of sunshine today. But,according to Worfs favorite site....NASA...they indicate a little light in your dark gloomy forest.


    "Whatever the explanation, if the trend continues, the global ozone layer should be restored to 1980 levels sometime between 2030 and 2070. By then even the Antarctic ozone hole might close--for good."

  31. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Wow, the tag team trolls are at it again.

    Only problem is, this one doesn't know the difference between global warming via the blanket effect, and an Ozone hole.

  32. Anonymous5:48 PM

    This is what happens when right wing rubes set out to prove their own preconceived beliefs on a matter of science, rather than just letting the scientists do their jobs.

    You end up with idiots like Johnny, who can't tell the difference between carbon emission build up and holes in the ozone.

  33. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Or idiots like Big K, who come in waving 4 year degrees in mechanical engineering who think that makes them qualified to denounce the entire scientific community studying global warming.

  34. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Or idiots like Voltron, who think TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE tornadoes equals "ONE".

  35. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Voltron said...

    ONE does not "more" make...

    A tornado in Texas during the spring does not "extreme" make...


    The Truth? - It wasn't one. It was 223 for March, THREE times "more" than the average.

    The Truth? - The severity of the event was devastating. Multiple tornadoes leaving widespread damage.

    So while Voltron lies and calls it "one", and while Voltron dismisses the suffering and destruction as nothing more than a "SPRING TORNADO".....we see the truth, is much much different.

  36. Cliffs post was simply gloomy.....I posted something positive for him to brighten his cloudy,global warming, day!

    BTW, global warming and ozone depletion are somewhat related.Ive been checking it out lately.

    "Although these two issues are separate, they have some interesting connections. For example, PSCs form in cold areas of the stratosphere. That’s why the ozone hole is over Antarctica, and not somewhere else. Unfortunately, global warming is, paradoxically, cooling the stratosphere, as a stronger greenhouse effect means that less heat reaches the stratosphere. Therefore, as climate change progresses, it will make it easier for the ozone depletion reactions to occur, even though there are fewer CFCs.

    Additionally, CFCs are very strong greenhouse gases, but their use has drastically reduced so their radiative effects are of lesser concern to us. However, some of their replacements, HFCs, are greenhouse gases of similar strength. They don’t deplete the ozone, but, per molecule, they can be thousands of times stronger than carbon dioxide at trapping heat. Currently, their atmospheric concentrations are low enough that they contribute far less forcing than carbon dioxide, but it wouldn’t take a large increase in HFCs to put us in a bad situation, simply because they are so potent."

  37. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Johnnymoomoo said...

    Cliffs post was simply gloomy.....I posted something positive for him to brighten his cloudy,global warming, day

    gee, for some reason I find it highly doubtful that your motivation was to brighten Clif's day.

  38. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Here's what Voltron called a "Spring Tornado" and "not extreme".

    Widespread Tornado Damage: Forney Elementary, High Schools Damaged

    By Digital Media Producers

    April 3, 2012 7:13 PM

    Multiple tornadoes threw tractor-trailers in the air, damaged both a Forney elementary school and high school, leveled houses and shut down airline traffic out of Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport as one of the worst storms in years hit North Texas Tuesday.

    Baseball-sized hail punched holes through car roofs, and a Red Cross spokeswoman warned the breadth of the destruction may not be cleared until well into Wednesday.

    The mayors of Arlington and Lancaster declared a state of disaster following the storm strike and U.S. Sen. John Cornyn issued a statement promising to work with “state and local officials to ensure North Texans have all the federal support they need.”

    CBS 11 meteorologists Larry Mowry and Jeff Jamison reported damage in at least nine cities in five counties: The Dallas County cities of DeSoto, Lancaster and Mesquite; the Johnson County cities of Cleburne and Joshua; the Kaufman County city of Forney; the Rockwall County town of Royse City; and the Tarrant County cities of Kennedale and Arlington.

  39. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "MULTIPLE tornadoes"

    "Widespread damage".


    "BASEBALL sized hail punching holes through car roofs".

    a "State of DISASTER".

    This is what Voltron, the right wing troll calls "ONE" ..."Spring Tornado"....and "not severe".


    Voltron once again proven to be nothing more than a liar.

  40. Hey Mook-mook,

    reading facts and the truth instead of the idiotic right wing talking points can be a downer,

    but grown-ups can handle it,

    tea baggin' right wingers and other infantile people who populate the right wing

    or carry their water on the intertubes not so much;

    so just grow up.

    You can handle it

    with out mommy holdin' yer little hand

    if you try it.


  41. Anonymous8:41 PM

    ...bout time for a troll change ain't it?

  42. Anonymous9:04 PM

    More on what Voltron calls "ONE SPRING tornado" and "NOT severe".

    "More than 800 homes hit in Dallas area"

    Before Tuesday, the last big twister outbreak was on March 23, when tornadoes touched down in six states -- Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Missouri -- killing one person, injuring dozens and damaging hundreds of structures.

    So far this year, tornadoes have caused 55 deaths, most on Feb. 29 and March 2 during outbreaks across the Midwest and the South.

    The last "big twister outbreak" was on "March 23rd".

    Which is just over a ONE WEEK before this outbreak of multiple tornadoes on Tuesday.

    THIS is what Voltron calls "ONE SPRING tornado". and "NOT severe"

    See how they do it folks?

    Are we learning yet?

  43. Anonymous9:07 PM

    All these right wing trolls on the internet have are lies and lots of people to spread them.

    That's it.

    Just say the lie, repeat it often enough and get enough unscrupulous people to help spread it and half the people won't know the difference.

    The dumb half, but still half.

    And half is enough.

  44. Anonymous9:56 PM


    worf is still blathering on about me even after i have not been here for a week.

    that is because he does not care, i guess.

    and he keeps trying to belittle my degree. because he, again, does not care.

    and he has not shared what degree in nothing he has, because that is none of our business. he has one, it is a great one, apparently, and not from a religious institution, even though he attended a religious institution at some point, it is supposedly better than an undergraduate degree, but you cannot know what that is, because it is a secret.

    so secret, in fact, he once denied even having it.

    if he told you, he would have to kill you, which would require getting out of that chair, so, really, he cannot tell you.

    or, he was right the first time, and he cannot say anything derogatory about my degree that makes any sense.

    so he keeps drolling on about what people "believe" in, totally mischaracharising what they actually said, because he did not learn reading comprehension skills in that grade school he went to.

    go ahead worf, say something insulting that means nothing again.

    it makes me laugh.

    big k

  45. Anonymous9:58 PM

    oh yeah,

    i "tagged in."

    somehow that is ironic.

    thought i would get that out of the way for you.

    big k

  46. Anonymous10:22 PM

    We can see that.

  47. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Just like I said you would.

    Voltron makes a fool of himself and gets busted doing that thing he does, and suddenly "poof".

    He vanishes.

  48. Anonymous10:28 PM

    And then in you waddle, to pick up where he left off, since he can't continue having been shown to be a complete and utter liar.

    Now mind you, with your assistance he'll come in and say "nuh uh"...and then I'll have to show you two knuckleheads what he said over and over and over.

    Until he crawls back into the hole he rant to the several nights ago when he got his clock cleaned.

    In the meantime, the circle jerk of trolls like you will take turns where he left off.

    We've watched it for years.

    Nothing but reruns.

  49. Anonymous10:37 PM

    ..hey...maybe that's a good name for you,.. "Rerun".

    I like that.

  50. Anonymous11:01 PM

    i got a new name for you too,

    the cowardly liar.

    see, it works because you demand proof of my degree, but will not provide it yourself. because you are a coward.

    and a liar because you have changed your story a few times now. which one is true, are any of them? no one but you knows.

    you just keep charging people with things they did not say, supposing that gets you some points.

    on top of a coward and a liar, you are an idiot. you do not even remember the lies you uttered. and cannot read the responses to your posts well enough to say anything of value in return.

    big k

  51. Anonymous11:06 PM

    you "cleaned my clock?"

    with exacly what?

    you said nothing. you had nothing. you have no facts, will not answer queries, and throw only churlish remarks instead of reason and logic.

    it even too you about 200 posts to go back and find what you said so many years before so you could post about it again.

    cleaned my clock. please. i got bored, it was midnight. i had a glass of wine and went to bed.

    meanwhile, you are still here, a week later. talking about me.

    big k

  52. Anonymous11:07 PM

    talking about me,

    for a week,

    while not caring about what i said.

    because you cleaned my clock.

    you made me smile worf.

    big k

  53. Anonymous11:08 PM

    you big, fat, cowardly, liar you....

    thanks for the laugh.

    big k

  54. Anonymous11:14 PM

    by the way,

    i will be here for a little less than an hour. my wife is working on something, when she is done i will be doing something else.

    at which point i will let her in on your joke, and otherwise not think of you.

    i say this so you will not think you "ran me off" or something else childish.

    of course, i expect you to say i ran away from you again, because your stupid insults have bested me in cerebral combat again. apparently you think repeating idiotic, infantile, and indefensible statements is my kryptonite.

    big k

  55. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Rerun said...

    you "cleaned my clock?"

    with exacly what?

    So you're saying you're Voltron?

    So when someone is talking to you and they say the word "he", you think that means you?

    You think "HE" ...means you?


    What's that you were saying earlier about "reading comprehension skills"? lol

  56. Anonymous11:24 PM

    You know. The one where you were lecturing me about grade school and reading comprehension skills while spelling mischaracterizing , "mischaracharising"


    "so he keeps drolling on about what people "believe" in, totally mischaracharising what they actually said, because he did not learn reading comprehension skills in that grade school he went to.


    This means a lot coming from a scholar like you.

  57. Anonymous11:40 PM

    But I get it, you're "laughing at me", and I "said nothing".

    Roger that.

    You want people to understand you're laughing at me and that I said nothing.

    Got it.

  58. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Rerun (Big K) said...

    "it makes me laugh."

    Rerun (Big K) said...

    "you made me smile worf."

    Rerun (Big K) said...

    "you said nothing."

    Screamin' Wizard said...

    "these postings amuse me."

    Screamin' Wizard said...

    "all these comments and you have said nothing. I am laughing my ass off at you."

  59. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "Until he crawls back into the hole he rant to the several nights ago when he got his clock cleaned.


    fine, you meant he "rant" off, not me. i can give you that much.

    big k.

  60. Anonymous11:58 PM

    you did bring me into that argument with johnny though, and you are still talking about me after a week.

    that was all you, and a few hours before i showed up.

    that is because you do not care.

    and i like the anonymous tag. no doubt in homage to me.

    big k

  61. Anonymous12:00 AM

    ...uh no big sKholar...fat fingering a "t" at the end of the word "ran" doesn't mean I don't know how to spell the word "ran".

    On the other hand, spelling
    "mischaracterizing" as "mischaracharising"
    does mean you don't know how to spell the word.

    Just like when you spell "seems" as "seams".

    Or when you spell "relativity" as "reltivity", ...or however the hell you spelled it, lol.

    Nice try though champ.

  62. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Hang in there and sooner or later you'll catch me in a misspell.

    We all do it.


  63. Anonymous12:05 AM

    ..unlike you, ...who does it routinely.

  64. Anonymous12:12 AM, back to this,... before I go back to reposting what voltron said so your easily predicted distraction effort doesn't achieve its intended mark...other than "making you laugh" that is... ;)

    Rerun (Big K) said...

    you said nothing.

    Rerun (Big K) said...

    it makes me laugh.

    Rerun (Big K) said...

    you made me smile worf.


    Screamin' Wizard said...

    these postings amuse me.

    Screamin' Wizard said...

    all these comments and you have said nothing. I am laughing my ass off at you.

  65. Anonymous12:13 AM

    So you and screamin wizard, both want me to know that I "said nothing"...and...

  66. Anonymous12:13 AM're laughing at me.

  67. Anonymous12:14 AM know, most people usually just say "lol" or use a smiley face.

    Most people don't type out repeatedly "I am laughing at you".

  68. Anonymous12:15 AM

    You and "screamin wizard" do though.

  69. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Guess great minds think alike.

  70. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Rerun said...

    fine, you meant he "rant" off, not me

    No, I WROTE it.

    Didn't just "meant" it.

    You just didn't "read" it.

  71. Anonymous12:24 AM

    ...because you were two busy lecturing me about my "reading comprehension skills".

  72. Anonymous12:30 AM

    You were ""mischaracharising" me.

    Whatever that means.

  73. Anonymous12:46 AM

    big k said...

    you made me smile worf.

    big k said...

    it makes me laugh.

    big k said...

    you said nothing.


    Screamin' Wizard said...

    these postings amuse me.

    Screamin' Wizard said...

    I am laughing my ass off at you

    Screamin' Wizard said...

    you have said nothing.

  74. The "Big K & Worf Comedy Hour" is sponsored by Preperation H.. .....soothing relief!


  75. I wonder if its too late for you guys to apply to "Big Brother" 2012?

    But, I don't think Worf would be good in any of the physical challenges.....being overweight plus all those "chilled six packs sitting in the freezer" have taken their toll on the poor devil.

    I would have to put my money on Big K winning the half mil.

  76. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Spin the Trollodex, out drops moo moo, talking about fights from the safety of his keyboard.

    Where his sort always talks tough, best.

  77. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Which makes sense, since Voltron got his clock cleaned...(well..technically he cleaned his own clock...still just as fun to watch) and scurried off, in comes Big k to pick to toss his usual slack-jawed barbs, who also ended up making a fool of himself and runs off, next in comes the Moo Moo character.

    To try a different approach.

    The 3 stooges.

    Volty, Klowny and Mooky.

  78. Anonymous8:22 AM

    You know the only problem with the Stooges?

    Nothing but reruns.

  79. Anonymous10:26 AM


    that time i "ran off."

    or, it was a little less than an hour later, and i went somewhere else. like i said i would. and you
    began your chortling about how i ran away, like i said you would.

    and you can hardly lecture someone on repeating themselves, cowardly liar.

    as evidenced in that little rant you had there.

    we all get the spelling thing. no sweat. acknowledged.

    i do not even care, which is why i do not run things through a word processor like i would at work before posting.

    if you will forgive the youthful parlance (or even if you wont), whatevers.

    big k

  80. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Its so easy to push the big baby's buttons.

    Right on cue.

  81. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Big K said...

    i told you worf.

    any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return.

    big k

    But when his bluff is called, big k now says;

    see, it works because you demand proof of my degree, but will not provide it yourself. because you are a coward.

    So...who's the "coward" and the "liar" again, big mouth?

  82. Anonymous10:45 AM

    And if you're still confused big mouth, that would be YOU.

  83. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Say's "ANY PROOF YOU DESIRE", and says "Won't even demand you provide any in return"...and then when someone calls him on it, he scurries away and hides until he thinks its safe to come out again.

    Like the little right wing rat troll, that he is.

  84. Anonymous12:38 PM

    reading comprehension again, coward.

    i did not say i was demanding any proof. i said you would not provide it. you stated before that was none of my business, so, i was simply paraphrasing what you said.

    the point stands, you demand proof you will not provide yourself. hence, you are a coward.

    deal with it, or prove me wrong.

    big k

  85. Anonymous12:41 PM

    and by prove it, i mean either stop demanding such proof, or be ready with your own.

    either way is fine with me.

    you do realize you are hijacking this thread though, as usual, with something unrelated to the topic at the top. ageism, freedom from failure, all that.

    subjects ripe with controversy, and a fresh topics.

    big k

  86. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "fresh topic" that is.

    i plead your fat finger defense on that one. before you play that broken record again.

    reruns, indeed.

    big k

  87. Anonymous12:50 PM

    and let me get this straight,

    last night you were not talking about me "ranting off" but today you say i "scurried away?"

    same basic meaning. you can see how i got confused there.

    everyone runs away from you worf. it has nothing to do with your "logic," i think i did a good job of punching holes in that last week. it has more to do with your smell, that chair of yours is growing some kind of funk.

    it is always safe for me to come back, you cannot do anything to me. if you could i might stick around longer than i usually do.

    you simply bore me after a while. sure, there is some novelty, and you make me laugh at your drivel, but your insistence in repeating idiotic statements and misrepresenting opposing viewpoints eventually inspires me to do something else.

    like read a book and forget you are there. all the while you rant to yourself on here for a week while i am gone, because you do not care, of course.

    big k

  88. Anonymous12:52 PM

    you are too predictable in your stupidity.

    example, last night. i stated i would leave shortly, and that you would drivel on about how you ran me off again.

    and you did exactly that. i even put up a road sign to help you out, but your reading comprehension skills got in the way.

    big k

  89. Anonymous1:08 PM

    deal with it, or prove me wrong


    i told you worf.

    any proof you desire.

    and i am not asking for that same proof in return.

    big k

  90. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Yet when I called you on it and said sure, go ahead then and provide proof, POOF!

    You ran away.

    You provided NO proof

    You're whining that I should.


    Proven wrong.

  91. Anonymous1:11 PM

    And proven to be a liar.

    You said you would.

    And then when called on your offer, you didn't.

    So you LIED.

  92. Anonymous1:15 PM


    First Big K says;

    told you worf.

    any proof you desire.

    and i am not asking for that same proof in return.

    big k

    ...and when called on it?

    and by prove it, i mean either stop demanding such proof, or be ready with your own.


    Deal with that, biotch.

  93. Anonymous1:41 PM

    any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return.

    either stop demanding such proof, or be ready with your own..

  94. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Time to send in the next troll.

  95. Ageism is not the most exciting topic, but Big K is right, we did kinda hijack this thread……I’m guilty of doing this myself.I guess one post wouldn’t hurt!

    There’s little escape from ageism………we’re all victims of it as we get older.

    But, let’s face it, if you’re the owner of a business who manufactures swimsuits and you need to hire some ladies to model/advertise your merchandise who are you going to hire?

    Smoking hot 120 lb 23 y.o college chicks with bodies to die for………


    ……or a bunch of ol shapeless, over the hill, fifty five y.o fossils who want to tell stories of how when they were a kid they had to walk ten miles in the snow, uphill, to get to school.


  96. Anonymous4:56 PM

    And poof.

    There he is.

  97. Anonymous4:57 PM

    we did kinda hijack this thread

    From who?

  98. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Lydia told us to talk about whatever we want, and argue as much as we want.

    So why the sudden complaints about "hijacking the thread" from both you AND big k?

    What's the sudden urgency for your concern for "the thread"?

  99. Anonymous5:28 PM

    . Volt gets busted lying about the tornadoes and runs away in the middle of a discussion and isn't heard from. Its been days since he up and left after being caught lying about the tornadoes.

    2. Big K takes his place, gets busted lying, and suddenly declares concern for the "thread being hijacked", even though Lydia told us all to have at it. Then he too runs away mid discussion.

    3. Then in you waltz, wanting to change the subject, also with this sudden "concern" about the "thread being hijacked".

    Question. Do you 3 stooges still actually believe you're fooling anyone here?

  100. Anonymous7:01 PM

    big k said...

    any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return.

    ..then, when called on it big k said;

    either stop demanding such proof, or be ready with your own..

    Then he vanished.

    And Johnny appeared....wanting to change the subject.

  101. Anonymous9:19 PM

    cowardly idiot said

    <"Yet when I called you on it and said sure, go ahead then and provide proof, POOF!

    You ran away.

    You provided NO proof

    You're whining that I should.


    Proven wrong.">

    i asked for what proof you wanted.

    and i am still waiting for that.

    i also said i would provide said proof when you came up with a good story as to where you went to school so that you could forget more math and science than i ever knew.

    waiting for that again.

    seriously, learn to read.

    big k

  102. Anonymous9:26 PM

    i was never called on my offer.

    you obviously did not understand it.

    try again.

    even if you were right, and you are not, you still demand proof and have stated on this forum you will not provide such proof yourself. that is a matter of simple fact. easily verified. you told the world yourself you were a coward and a liar. you did not need my help on that one.

    seriously, you could try to make this hard for me.

    what proof again? hmmmmm? i am ready to give it to you. still am. always were. i have nothing to fear worf, i actually did graduate. and if you want proof of it i really do not have a problem with providing it.

    of course, on an online forum, everything is easy to fake, so i leave the burden of coming up with the proof that is sufficient to you.

    of course, if i am able to provide such proof, it would only be fitting for you to acknowledge it.

    you will be too much of a coward to do this, i suspect. but that would be the honorable thing to do. i further suspect this is why you will not name your terms here.

    big k

  103. Anonymous9:33 PM

    and yes, idiot,

    i said be ready with your own. i, once again, did not demand you supply it. i would expect you would do so, since you have bragged about your nonsense credentials, but if you do not, fine.

    but if you are going to require others to provide such proof, you should be able to provide your own. otherwise the "coward" statement will always ring true.

    really, the only thing i ever wanted was to know where you supposedly graduated from in the 80's.

    after that, like i said, it is too easy to fake stuff online. you do not even know my full name. i do not know your first name. i am fine with all that, so what proof can either of us give?

    of course, you are too stupid to think of this before blathering on you need "proof" for, what, 400 or so posts.

    but if i were in your position, and had demanded someone provide something, and stuck my foot firmly in my mouth by saying i had some better credentials than they did, but they cannot know what they were, i would have provided that proof by now.

    once again, because i actually have it.

    it is a strictly voluntary thing on your part though. i do not need proof of anything, worf, but i would like an institutions name.

    like i said before, and you backed away from.

    big k

  104. Anonymous9:39 PM


    i was floored when i graduated from college at the ripe old age of 32 and was told i was to old to be changing careers by some companies.

    (that is right, i went back to school after a 6 year hiatus and finished while a part time student and full time insurance agent. this was expained years ago, but worf will question it so here it is).

    32, really, too old!! i cannot imagine what it is like to look for a job in your 50's. it is not just the models that have to deal with ageism, you better like where you are when you are in your 50's, moving will be hard to do at that point.

    which is why i will have a great retirement account. by about that time if i get laid off i will not be too concerned about it.

    i will not retire as well as i liked, but i doubt i will be skipping any meals.

    set your 401k's up folks. (or whatever other retirement vehicles you prefer).

    big k

  105. Anonymous9:47 PM


    it is simply a courtesy to respect the thread's topic.

    i doubt you have manners, so that can be forgiven in your case. i would not expect some savage living on the streets to know much better than that either.

    and the urge to change the subject comes from you repeating your stupidity over and over again. you will not say where you supposedly went to school. i know that. i will not be able to give you sufficient proof, because you will not state what that proof is, and i know that too.

    you have been told for some time to make the next move. either you cannot, or simply lack the ability to understand this.

    until you figure that out, the rest of us might as well move on without you.

    big k

  106. Anonymous9:58 PM

    i must admit though,

    i am less concerned with ageism than i am this idea that people should be free from financial wreckage and failure.

    if you take a risk, those are the consequences if you do not succeed. without those risks, the rewards would not be as great either. and if you are born into a less desirable station in life, you have the freedom to try to fix that in this country.

    i can only imagine what lydia was trying to insinuate when she says we should be free from those things. how would that be enforced? how many of our other freedoms would have to be infringed upon to make that happen, and would we truly be a free society if it were imposed?

    i am sorry, true freedom to me is the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them and/or pay the consequences.

    big k

  107. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You provided NO proof

    You're whining that I should.

    No. You are the one who said that you would provide "any proof you desire"

  108. Anonymous10:07 PM

    And you were the one who said you wouldn't even ask for it in return.

    Your three long winded rants are thus refuted.

  109. Anonymous10:09 PM

    any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return.

    big k

    either stop demanding such proof, or be ready with your own..

    big k

  110. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Big K said...


    it is simply a courtesy to respect the thread's topic.

    A sentiment noticeably lacking in your previous activities.

    But now, being proven a liar, suddenly Big K wants to change the subject.

    Suddenly, both Johnny and Big K wants to make sure the "thread stays on topic".

    Even though Lydia told us to have at it with whatever we want.

  111. Anonymous10:14 PM

    So the glaring question is, ...if you never worried about it before....

    ...and if the blog owner doesn't care what we talk about....

    : |

    ...then why do you and Johnny suddenly care so much?

  112. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I know why.

  113. Anonymous10:15 PM

    ..and so does everyone else.

  114. Anonymous10:17 PM's why.

    "any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return."

    big k

    "either stop demanding such proof, or be ready with your own.."

    big k

  115. Anonymous10:36 PM

    You said you would offer "any proof I desire without asking for it in return.

    You didn't provide proof.

    You did ask for it in return.

    You did the exact opposite of what you said you'd do.

  116. Anonymous10:43 PM

    man worf,

    you are just the gift that keeps on giving.

    that was what, 4 posts repeating my phrase "any proof you desire."

    just repeated. over and over again.

    yet, what proof you actually desire, or in other words, something relevant, was not given.

    reading comprehension calls you it's bitch. just so you know that.

    i will not respond to your idiocy on this subject until you make a move.

    and, once again, and you can simply see this by scrolling up and reading carefully for understanding, i am interested in changing the subject because you cannot move past this, and the ball is in your court.

    has been for some time.

    4 posts though. you must think repeating yourself makes you right.

    that is a child’s reasoning. not a college graduate's.

    crazy, i was just thinking about you graduating, and i started to smile again. oh what fun.

    big k

  117. Anonymous10:46 PM

    4 posts though. you must think repeating yourself makes you right.


    Four posts of repeating YOUR "self"...

    Your words.

    And I'll keep posting them until you "deal" with them.

  118. Anonymous10:48 PM

    And since YOU made the offer to provide "ANY PROOF" I "DESIRE"...WITHOUT asking for that proof in return, ....the ball is in YOUR court.

  119. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I'm calling your bluff.

  120. Anonymous10:48 PM


    "if you are going to require others to provide such proof, you should be able to provide your own."

    that is not a demand. that is a suggestion.

    look up "suggestion" in those college textbooks you have there worf. i am sure you kept them. i kept mine. i am surrounded by them right now, in fact.

    i am sure you can look up such a simple word in your professional library.

    big k

  121. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return."

    big k

  122. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Well, I "DESIRE" any proof.

  123. Anonymous10:52 PM

    You said - "any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return."


    I desire any proof.

  124. Anonymous10:53 PM

    YOU offered it.

    I gladly accept your offer.

  125. Anonymous10:54 PM


    maybe you need a little help.

    another english lesson for the befuddled worf.

    when someone asks a simple question, such as "what proof do you want?" it would be customary to respond with a relevant answer. that is the basis of a conversational exchange.

    the question was made, now it is your turn to respond with a relevant answer.

    you may need help with the word "relevant."

    according to

    "having direct bearing on the matter in hand; pertinent "

    there you go. if you focus on that real hard, you may be able to come up with something.

    give it a shot.

    big k

  126. Anonymous10:56 PM

    when someone asks a simple question, such as "what proof do you want?" it would be customary to respond with a relevant answer.

    I gave you an answer.


  127. Anonymous10:57 PM

    ...mister reading comprehension doesn't understand the word "any"?

  128. Anonymous10:57 PM

    any proof at all, hmm?

    interesting tactic.

    where do i send a picture of my deploma?

    would a website suffice that showed my senior design project being tested? it was written after i graduated but has pictures of my team and me testing it at asu stadiom. there are even pics of me in there.

    and, where did you graduate from worf? per the deal. no proof, but a name.

    big k

  129. Anonymous10:58 PM

    You're free to provide any proof you want.

  130. Anonymous10:59 PM



    i know you are already typing that one.

    big k

  131. Anonymous10:59 PM

    and, where did you graduate from worf? per the deal. no proof, but a name.

    uhh, no...mister "reading comprehension"....that wasn't "the deal".

    How many times do I have to repost your own words, before you face up to them?

  132. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Here's "the deal".

    "any proof you desire.

    and i am not asking for that same proof in return."

  133. Anonymous11:05 PM

    that is not proof,

    that is just a name. in hindsight i should have also asked for a discipline, but i did not. but on the last thread, i did say i would give you your proof if you gave me a name of your school.

    go back and post that 50 times.

    maybe you will read the whole thing by then.

    big k

  134. Anonymous11:10 PM

    whats wrong worf,

    cat got your tongue?

    are you unable to keep up with your keyboard, or mine?

    i have the link to that other blog for you. it is right here. gimme a name and you can see it. date stamped and everything.

    big k

  135. Anonymous11:12 PM

    For the record, ..and I don't owe you this, but I'm going to meet you part way here and explain something to you.

    Only a complete and utter moron, would post any identifying information about himself online.

    I don't care who you are nor do I want to know who you are or where you went to school.


    So I took you up on it.

    You were the one who's been waving his degree when we have any sort of global warming discussion. This isn't the first time we've heard about your "studies" you know.

    I only mentioned mine once at first, and then only a passing comment.

    Even when you were challenging me on it I seldom mentioned it.

    Because unlike you, I'm not dumb enough to try to mix my private or professional life into a political blog on the internet. That's potential death to most careers worth anything these days.

    Companies don't hire employees or contractors who sit in political blogs calling people names. They google you now. Use your name, lose your job. Simple as that. You'd know that if you worked in any sort of actual professional world. Or at least, you should.

    That's why I never have mentioned my name in here, my school, work, family, NOTHING.

    Although some in here have tried to and think its funny to try and delve into someones personal, private or professional life over a fucking argument in a chat room.

    What sort of stupid f#$king moron risks his professional career, over a chat room?

    We read articles every day of people being fired or not hired over something they said in a chat room, often as simple as using profantity, or holding the wrong poltical views. Or even holding strong political views at all.

    The biggest companies in the world right now are scouring peoples online entries and even going so far as asking for peoples FACE BOOK PASSWORDS. That stories all over the web right now and has been for weeks.

    And theres dozens of other stories that are similarly about invading peoples personal blogging and social media activity to evaluate them for a professional position.

    So what sort of idiot would voluntarily start providing identifying information on the web of any kind?

    I'll tell you what sort.

    The sort who doesn't work in a professional field large enough to worry about it. Or the sort that's too stupid to know better.

    I wouldn't tell you what f$#king planet I come from, much less anything about my professional life, and only a f#$king idiot, would.

  136. Anonymous11:14 PM

    at this point, i am asking for nothing more than i have given you up till now.

    just the name of an institution.

    no proof. none what so ever.

    whatcha got, coward?

    i suspect you finally learned how to use your scroll button. that is what is taking so long.

    big k

  137. Anonymous11:20 PM

    i didnt ask for your name. i do not want to know what company you work for. thousands of people graduate from colleges every day, no company can track you down on that alone.

    and i do know how important it is not to bring your company into discussions like this, and i said so before on the last thread. if you were able to understand as much.

    no name. not a first. not a last. i do not want to know who you work for, or what sector you work in. do you own your own company? not my issue. what state are you in? i do not care.

    but you said you had something and then clammed up.

    you did ask where i went, and i told you as much. thousands graduate from my school. much less from my degree, but i am not concerned about that. i do not bring my company into these discussions, i have said nothing they would care about anyway.

    and your point about companies looking you up is why i do not have a facebook, myspace, twitter, or any such account. i do not even have a blog in my own name.

    so. that is cleared. i want nothing that would incriminate you.

    and a name of an institution will not.

    big k

  138. Anonymous11:25 PM


    you met me part of the way by explaining what i explained on the last thread.

    i just wanted to clear that up.

    big k

  139. Anonymous11:27 PM


    He keeps prying.

    Trying to get tidbits of identifying information. A little here. A little there. Just like others in here.

    I wouldn't tell you what Solar System it was in. You can ask till you're blue in the face.

  140. Anonymous11:28 PM

    You're the one who offered to provide "ANY PROOF" I desire without asking it in return.


    I desire any proof.

    And I'm still waiting.

  141. Anonymous11:29 PM

    And stop asking for it in return, since you said you wouldn't do that.

  142. Anonymous11:29 PM

    "any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return."

  143. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Feel free to provide the proof you offered to provide.

    I'll be waiting right here, for you to honor your word.

  144. Anonymous11:36 PM

    i take it back,

    i did ask for your discipline,

    "i will provide any proof you want, just tell me this school you went to and the course of study.

    last thread, buddy.

    post that 50 times. maybe you will read it by then.

    big k

  145. Anonymous11:38 PM

    a name is not proof.

    if it were, the name i already gave would be proof enough by your own definition.

    big k

  146. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Going back on his word said...

    i take it back,

    i did ask for your discipline,

    "i will provide any proof you want, just tell me this school you went to and the course of study.

    Doesn't matter "buddy".

    THIS offer, is the one I'm cashing in.

  147. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "any proof you desire. and i am not asking for that same proof in return."

    That's the offer I'm calling you on.

  148. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    a name is not proof.

    No, it isn't. I agree.

    And I still wouldn't tell you what f$#king Constellation it exists in.

    No matter how many times you call me coward.

  149. Anonymous11:46 PM

    You made the offer to provide "any proof" I "desire".


    I desire any proof.

  150. Anonymous11:46 PM


    i am bored with you again.

    here is the blog i was talking about. it was a build thread i did when i was working on my hotrod. i did it as a senior design project. the post was done just weeks before graduation. the date stamp is on the top. i signed my first name on the bottom.

    there is no math in there, and that blog does not appreciate cad drawings and such. there was a lot of science that went into that thing to get the performance numbers we were able to achieve, but i left it out because of the venue.

    i still have my official write up on it though. in case you really want to read about the vibration analysis or computational fluid dynamics analysis of the exhaust and stuff.

    it was a fun post. read and enjoy. otherwise, good night.

    probably not.

    big k

  151. Anonymous11:54 PM

    ...uhh...that's a link to a forum blog where someone, I'm assuming you is "claiming" to be graduating from Arizona State.

    Anyone can write anything in a blog, and just because it has a date stamp on it doesn't mean you can't go back and edit it later.

    I don't see anything even remotely resembling "proof" there.

  152. Anonymous11:56 PM

    i am bored with you again.

    Which is code for "I've painted myself into a corner again"

  153. Anonymous12:01 AM

    i thought as much,

    "any proof."

    i asked if another blog would work. you responded, "any proof."

    i asked you what proof you wanted many times, anticipating you would do exactly what you just did. you responded "any proof." no specifics.

    i again remind you about my answering questions post. you should try to read it again. try real hard. you might get it if you kep at it.

    and you can add to the thread, but not edit it once it is in there.

    big k

  154. Anonymous12:04 AM

    "any proof."

    Yea....the defining word there being "PROOF".

    A hot rod forum named "The JalopyJournal" doesn't even remotely constitute "PROOF" of a college degree.

  155. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Perhaps you're struggling with the definition of the word "Proof".

  156. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I don't care what "PROOF" you provide.

    As long as it constitutes "PROOF".

  157. Anonymous12:13 AM

    So when you apply for a job, and tell them you've got a college degree and they ask for proof, you point them to the "JalopyJournal", where you "claim" to have one?

    Is that how you "prove" it?

  158. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Based on that Automobile blog you sent me to, the only school one could safely conclude you attended is "Lincoln Tech".

  159. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Now, leave me alone and let me eat my Peeps.

    Happy Easter.

  160. Anonymous1:53 PM

    It's already been a very record-breaking hot year

    By SETH BORENSTEIN | Associated Press – 7 hrs ago

    WASHINGTON (AP) — It's been so warm in the United States this year, especially in March, that national records weren't just broken, they were deep-fried.

    Temperatures in the lower 48 states were 8.6 degrees above normal for March and 6 degrees higher than average for the first three months of the year, according to calculations by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That far exceeds the old records.

  161. Big K said

    “if you take a risk, those are the consequences if you do not succeed. without those risks, the rewards would not be as great either. and if you are born into a less desirable station in life, you have the freedom to try to fix that in this country.

    i can only imagine what lydia was trying to insinuate when she says we should be free from those things. how would that be enforced? how many of our other freedoms would have to be infringed upon to make that happen, and would we truly be a free society if it were imposed?

    i am sorry, true freedom to me is the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them and/or pay the consequences.”

    Well said! The logic is clear and undeniable………I have to agree with it for the most part. However, I must point out that both luck, and higher powers, often play an important role when it comes to someone’s success……hard work does not automatically guarantee success.

    Additionally, one does have to remember:

    “The problem with experience is sometimes it teaches us too late.”

  162. Big K said

    “(that is right, i went back to school after a 6 year hiatus and finished while a part time student and full time insurance agent."

    Wow, very impressive. You certainly give inspiration to others………kudo’s!

  163. Worf said:

    "Now, leave me alone and let me eat my Peeps.


  164. "i can only imagine what lydia was trying to insinuate when she says we should be free from those things."

    I guess we'll never know.....Ms.cornell LOVES hanging out with the nodding donkeys on Facebook where everyone literally agrees with everything she says....LOL!

  165. In the Oops this might be bad department;

    It’s Not Over: Government Plans for the Worst: Forced Evacuation of Tokyo

    Not good if you live in Tokyo either.

  166. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Arizona lawmakers to review cyberbullying bill over free speech concerns

    By Liz Goodwin | The Lookout – 10 hrs ago

    Members of the Arizona House and Senate will review a recently passed anti-cyberstalking bill after critics raised concerns that it's so broad it could authorize arrests for online "trolls" who write mean comments on social media and news sites.

  167. Anonymous10:14 PM

    ..where's that you said you went to school at again k?

    ...Arizona State?

  168. Peeps:

    "Peeps are marshmallow candies, sold in the United States and Canada, that are shaped into chicks, bunnies, and other animals."

    I have never heard the term before and am surprised it can be found on Wikipedia.

    Very strange videos though. Whoever made them was certainly high on crack.....LOL!

    Is it just me or does anyone else feel just a little guilty when they bite the heads off peeps?

  169. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Republican means small, less intrusive government. a pigs eye.

  170. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Maybe Jan Brewer arrested big k for being mean to me on the internets?

  171. Anonymous9:28 AM

    That's the republican version of freedom.

    Get angry, go out in force and protest the idea of the govt giving out free medical care, ....cuz......

    ....that's not freedom.

    But the police being able to stop you on the street because you look Mexican....or being able to monitor and lock you up for "trolling" on an internet chat room....that's freedom.

  172. Anonymous9:29 AM style.

  173. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Rare, Unexplained Daytime Fireball Scorches Texas Sky

    By Natalie Wolchover | – 1 hr 57 mins ago

    A great ball of fire streaked across the Texas sky during the daytime last week, much to the surprise of thousands of people who witnessed it. So bright that it looked "like a little piece of the sun falling," as one San Antonio resident told the local news station, the rare daytime meteor event was yet another example of the scientific mystery known as spring fireball season.

    According to NASA, 30 years of observations show that there's a consistent uptick in the number of fireballs — meteors that glow brighter than the planets as they scorch through Earth's atmosphere

  174. Anonymous11:02 AM

    And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

    Luke 21

  175. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Biggest Solar Storm in Eight Years Now Pummeling Earth

    Andrew Fazekas
    for National Geographic News
    Published January 24, 2012

    Earth is currently weathering the largest solar storm recorded in more than eight years, thanks to a giant wave of charged particles from the sun that slammed into the planet's magnetic field Tuesday morning.

  176. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Widespread destruction from Japan earthquake, tsunamis

    March 11, 2011|By the CNN Wire Staff

    The morning after Japan was struck by the most powerful earthquake to hit the island nation in recorded history and the tsunami it unleashed -- and even as the earth continued to twitch with aftershocks -- the disaster's massive impact was only beginning to be revealed.

    The 8.9-magnitude temblor, which was centered near the east coast of Japan, killed thousands of people, caused the formation of 30-foot walls of water that swept across rice fields, engulfed entire towns, dragged houses onto highways, and tossed cars and boats like toys.

    Some waves reached six miles (10 kilometers) inland in Miyagi Prefecture on Japan's east coast.

  177. Anonymous11:17 AM

    And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring

  178. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Israeli Army Chief Says Nation Needs to Build Up Military to Strike Iran

    By Jonathan Ferziger and David Lerman - Feb 1, 2012 6:02 PM ET

    Israeli Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz said his country must build up its military capabilities and be prepared to strike if economic sanctions fail to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

    Israel must be “willing to deploy” its military assets...

  179. Anonymous11:22 AM

    And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

  180. Anonymous11:25 AM

    "..when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled"

  181. Anonymous11:27 AM

    "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares"

  182. Looks like Little Ricky pulled out early .........

  183. Anonymous8:10 PM

    And ye shall hear of wars...

    04/10/12 WaPo: Afghan officials stress need for U.S. security presence beyond 2014 withdrawal

    04/10/12 AP: Bombers kill 16 police, civilians in Afghanistan

    Taliban suicide bombers killed at least 16 people on Tuesday as they stepped up their fight against Afghan forces slowly taking the lead from U.S. and international troops.

    04/09/12 NPR: US To Step Aside On Afghan Night Raids
    U.S. and Afghan officials have worked out the details over controversial night raids against suspected Taliban fighters.

  184. Anonymous8:11 PM

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian forces press assault as peace plan falter - Syrian forces pressed home a sustained assault on opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, ignoring an international peace plan under which troops were to silence their guns and withdraw from urban areas. Opposition groups said Syrian troops killed 31 people on Tuesday, and Turkish media reported heavy gunfire coming from what appeared to be an army post topped with a Syrian flag a short distance from the Turkish border.

  185. Anonymous8:11 PM

    War With Iran Is Coming!

    Forbes magazine - Mar. 12, 2012

    Twice in recent years Israel has been ready to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, only to be dissuaded by strong U.S. pressure. But unless there’s a regime change in Iran soon, war will come. April 9, 2012

    North Korea readies for war in response to US threats to attack

    South Korean intelligence officials claim North Korea preparing for nuclear test

    April 09, 2012 | Associated Press

  186. Anonymous8:11 PM

    ..and rumours of wars:...

  187. Anonymous10:55 PM

    clif said...
    Looks like Little Ricky pulled out early ......

    Yup. Which is one of the few signs we've seen lately that it might not be the apocalypse after all.

  188. Anonymous10:08 AM

    As weather gets biblical, insurers go missing

    By Matt Stroud | Reuters – Wed, Apr 11, 2012

    PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - As weather disasters strike with more frequency, homeowners first get hit with the destruction or total loss of property.

    Many are then hit with the unexpected loss of homeowners insurance policies as insurance companies re-evaluate their financial liabilities.

  189. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Two things we can learn from that story that expose republican "chanting points" for the nonsense that they are.

    1. The weather is getting "biblical".

    2. These are the same insurance companies that the tea bagging right wing wants us to trust with our lives.

  190. Please check out the new blog post and this AMAZING TED TALK!! This explains everything about why we are suffering so much here in America.

    And why healthy, whole people are the most loving, giving and GENEROUS. And they have the most courage. They do not live in fear. THey are open and vulnerable.

  191. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Like this...

  192. I never live in fear. I enjoy what I do and will never apologize for it.
