Please take 4 minutes to watch this and consider the ideas below. Thank you!
This is not what you think Please watch this. It's under 5 minutes. Please watch the video before reading any further.
This is how the law of life works: when you give, you receive. And the more you give, the more you receive.
It is wonderful the way love created a full circle of gifts. The one thing in the world the cab driver wanted, he received — as a result of his kindness and generosity.
Here's what's interesting. The woman was obnoxious and bitchy to the cab driver. She presented herself as a bitter, unhappy woman who complained a lot.
What is amazing about this is that the cab driver did not REACT. He did not return hate for hate. He did not spew anger or bark back at the woman.
He quietly persisted in trying to first understand her behavior. He tried to understand ("Seek first to understand, rather than to be understood," says the St. Francis prayer) -- and wondered why she was so bitchy and mean-spirited. "A soft answer turns away wrath."
Question: If the cab driver had called her a bitch or been equally rude to the woman — in other words, if he had retaliated in an "eye for an eye" way — would he have been the perfect donor match for this woman? I don't think so, but we would never know anyway, because a hateful, hostile person would never have considered giving his kidney or going to the clinic in the first place (to get the blood work done) Very few would give an organ to a total stranger.
What's interesting, is that this man had nothing left to live for. He was "surrendered" at the lowest point. He was empty which is often where you have to be to allow something new to come in. You have to be so beaten down at times that there is no place else to go, except to Source, spirit, the beginning of everything.. which some call God.
Here is my strange question: did this cab driver's loving attitude and gentle spirit CREATE the match? Did his act of being loving and generous and compassionate and going against the grain of retaliating and "fighting fire with fire" actually foment a healthy breeding ground for miracles and create the synchronicty of the highest order -- love, healing, life? After all, love and love making actually unite people in creating babies -- LIFE!
Obviously he would not have been open-hearted enough to even offer his kidney — but let's take it a step further. If he were a miserly, hateful, angry person — would he have had the right chemistry, the correct DNA, or even have a healthy kidney to give her? Would he have been the perfect match if his nature had been reactive, volatile, resentful, negative, withholding, conservative (fear based) or "quick to anger?"
What do you think? Did the cab driver's generous, loving compassion — his peaceful, non-reactive attitude — actually CREATE the right match for her kidney? Or was it all predestined?
Quantum physics says that the observer affects the object (wave) making it collapse into a particle at a certain moment in time.
Quantum Physics says that everything exists in waves of infinite possibility, until we turn around and lock it in or "particularize" it with our "judgment, observation or opinion." (This is why it's important not to make negative assumptions about people or to judge them, for you get whatever you choose to see -- and you can therefore experience negative events that were never objectively there before you "locked them in" with your weighted observation or judgment.
I believe his open-hearted attitude toward the rude woman — and his gentle persistence in trying to understand her pain — was the compassion that created the donor match. Anyone can be loving to someone who is loving to them first, but when we are loving to those who hate us and persecute us, we disarm them. We conquer our enemies. (By the way, that is the mark of a true Christian; the one who turns the other cheek and loves his enemies and his neighbor as himself.
Love is creative. It creates life. The cab driver's loving compassion actually made his kidney the right donor match.
Love in the face of hatred is the law of attraction. Like attracts like; hence, the kidney match. I know this may sound difficult to wrap your mind around, but with an understanding of Quantum Physics, it is simple to understand.
If the cab driver had returned hate for hate -- if he had been her equal in jerkiness -- which is so easy and common, in fact most of us behave very badly on a daily basis with others. Most of us take the easy, lazy way out and we don't extend ourselves beyond our own nose -- we have no interest in experiencing life from another's point of view, especially a bitchy old woman. Maybe a sad person will elicit some sympathy but how often do we actually stop to consider WHY someone is so ornery or mean? Not very often, which makes me think this cabbie was a very special human being to be able to "turn the other cheek and quest for anwers inside this woman's crotchety old soul.
It's so ordinary and easy and common for us in everyday life to instantly react with hurt pride or to lash out when insulted or attacked. It seems to be the way of the world - tit for tat, you insult me, I insult you back. In our American TV shows and comedies we are so snarky and sarcastic and mean to each other. We get annoyed and resentful so easily.
But if this cab driver had been as much a jerk as his passenger was to him, there would not have been a healing. There would have been no story, no gift, no miracle.
There would have just been two hollow, hateful people passing like ships in the night. Maybe the cabbie would have had to learn his lesson in another way.
But two jerks usually cancel each other out. So it's our job, each of us, to go out into the world and do what we can to make someone happy. Here's how simple it is: Love creates life. When we express love, no matter how someone else is behaving, everyone involved in an argument is healed.
I don't mean to repeat myself but this is an important point, and a major discovery. Love heals. it is a creative force. Hate is a destructive force; it does not create life — it kills life. Just as darkness is the absence of light, and coldness is the absence of warmth, hatred is the absence of love. Hatred, darkness and cold have no power of their own. They are not self-starters.
This man took a bad situation and shined love on it. By his generosity, he enabled his kidney to be the right one as a donor match.
How is this possible?
In Quantum physics, scientists have proven that our loving attention to an object actually changes the object in the physical universe.
We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. Quantum Physics says just the opposite: what’s happening on the inside determines what’s happening on the outside. Our world is shaped by our thoughts. So your loving attention to something, literally alters the physical universe. This is scientific, but it is not easily understood.
Energy consists of sub-atomic particles that in turn make up atoms and finally matter. This energy exists as waves spread out over space and time. They have discovered that down to the tiniest atom, there is only empty space. There is no solid matter. Everything is energy. Everything exists in waves of infinite possibility. Only when we focus our attention on an object does that object become a particle. We "particularize" an object by our attention to it.
So thoughts really are things. And 85% of all disease is caused by stress -- which means worry, fear or misplaced thoughts that become ingrained habits of negativity. There is now scientific proof that loving thoughts actually create a thicker brain cortex. Monks who meditate on love regularly have no disease.
Dr. Christine Northrup says "Hope is a biochemical state in the body that promotes healing."
Laughter heals. And we know that love heals everything. Love is the actual definition of God. (If only the hateful Christian and Muslim fundamentalists knew that; they seem to omit Christ's teachings form their form of Christianity. Very bizarre.
Love is an interactive force. The Creator needs playmates to show off for. God needs our cooperation and belief in order to manifest miracles in our lives.
To experience magic, miracles and wonder, we need to adopt a childlike wonder at all the beauty around us. We need to appreciate it, so it can show off for us. We need to "act as if" we believe in a power greater than ourselves -- participate, conspire, and cooperate with the LOVE (which is God and Goodness (they all mean the same thing.)
By our loving, selfless action, we create harmony and goodwill. By being loving and giving, this man became the perfect match.
In this case, the Universe kept putting the cabbie and the woman together because the woman needed to be "driven" into submission by the cab driver's gentleness. This is the method used by the Great Peacemaker when he healed so-called "sinners." He leaned on Divine Love with revolutionary softness. Christ didn't condemn the adulterer or the thief; his unconditional love made them want to walk in the light, and transformed their hearts. Whether you believe the healing miracles or not, loving your enemies actually works. "A soft answer turns away wrath."
In any case, fate/the universe/God or whatever you call your higher power — kept putting the cab driver and the bitch together because they each had a missing piece that created the whole; the full circle.
It is wonderful the way love created a full circle of gifts. The one thing in the world the cab driver wanted, he received — as a result of his generosity. The antidote to poverty and depression is generosity. This cab driver acted exactly as the Great Peacemaker would; he gave freely without thought of self. And he received everything.
And what was the catalyst? Returning love for hate. The cab driver persisted in being loving to his enemy.
Love in the face of hatred is the law of attraction. Like attracts like; hence, the kidney match. I know this may sound difficult to wrap your mind around, but with an understanding of Quantum Physics, it is simple to understand.
If the cab driver had returned hate for hate -- if he had been her equal in jerkiness -- which is so easy and common, in fact most of us behave very badly on a daily basis with others. Most of us take the easy, lazy way out and we don't extend ourselves beyond our own nose -- we have no interest in experiencing life from another's point of view, especially a bitchy old woman. Maybe a sad person will elicit some sympathy but how often do we actually stop to consider WHY someone is so ornery or mean? Not very often, which makes me think this cabbie was a very special human being to be able to "turn the other cheek and quest for anwers inside this woman's crotchety old soul.
It's so ordinary and easy and common for us in everyday life to instantly react with hurt pride or to lash out when insulted or attacked. It seems to be the way of the world - tit for tat, you insult me, I insult you back. In our American TV shows and comedies we are so snarky and sarcastic and mean to each other. We get annoyed and resentful so easily.
But if this cab driver had been as much a jerk as his passenger was to him, there would not have been a healing. There would have been no story, no gift, no miracle.
There would have just been two hollow, hateful people passing like ships in the night. Maybe the cabbie would have had to learn his lesson in another way.
But two jerks usually cancel each other out. So it's our job, each of us, to go out into the world and do what we can to make someone happy. Here's how simple it is: Love creates life. When we express love, no matter how someone else is behaving, everyone involved in an argument is healed.
I don't mean to repeat myself but this is an important point, and a major discovery. Love heals. it is a creative force. Hate is a destructive force; it does not create life — it kills life. Just as darkness is the absence of light, and coldness is the absence of warmth, hatred is the absence of love. Hatred, darkness and cold have no power of their own. They are not self-starters.
This man took a bad situation and shined love on it. By his generosity, he enabled his kidney to be the right one as a donor match.
How is this possible?
In Quantum physics, scientists have proven that our loving attention to an object actually changes the object in the physical universe.
We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. Quantum Physics says just the opposite: what’s happening on the inside determines what’s happening on the outside. Our world is shaped by our thoughts. So your loving attention to something, literally alters the physical universe. This is scientific, but it is not easily understood.
Energy consists of sub-atomic particles that in turn make up atoms and finally matter. This energy exists as waves spread out over space and time. They have discovered that down to the tiniest atom, there is only empty space. There is no solid matter. Everything is energy. Everything exists in waves of infinite possibility. Only when we focus our attention on an object does that object become a particle. We "particularize" an object by our attention to it.
So thoughts really are things. And 85% of all disease is caused by stress -- which means worry, fear or misplaced thoughts that become ingrained habits of negativity. There is now scientific proof that loving thoughts actually create a thicker brain cortex. Monks who meditate on love regularly have no disease.
Dr. Christine Northrup says "Hope is a biochemical state in the body that promotes healing."
Laughter heals. And we know that love heals everything. Love is the actual definition of God. (If only the hateful Christian and Muslim fundamentalists knew that; they seem to omit Christ's teachings form their form of Christianity. Very bizarre.
Love is an interactive force. The Creator needs playmates to show off for. God needs our cooperation and belief in order to manifest miracles in our lives.
To experience magic, miracles and wonder, we need to adopt a childlike wonder at all the beauty around us. We need to appreciate it, so it can show off for us. We need to "act as if" we believe in a power greater than ourselves -- participate, conspire, and cooperate with the LOVE (which is God and Goodness (they all mean the same thing.)
By our loving, selfless action, we create harmony and goodwill. By being loving and giving, this man became the perfect match.
In this case, the Universe kept putting the cabbie and the woman together because the woman needed to be "driven" into submission by the cab driver's gentleness. This is the method used by the Great Peacemaker when he healed so-called "sinners." He leaned on Divine Love with revolutionary softness. Christ didn't condemn the adulterer or the thief; his unconditional love made them want to walk in the light, and transformed their hearts. Whether you believe the healing miracles or not, loving your enemies actually works. "A soft answer turns away wrath."
In any case, fate/the universe/God or whatever you call your higher power — kept putting the cab driver and the bitch together because they each had a missing piece that created the whole; the full circle.
It is wonderful the way love created a full circle of gifts. The one thing in the world the cab driver wanted, he received — as a result of his generosity. The antidote to poverty and depression is generosity. This cab driver acted exactly as the Great Peacemaker would; he gave freely without thought of self. And he received everything.
And what was the catalyst? Returning love for hate. The cab driver persisted in being loving to his enemy.
ReplyDeletethank you for this..
and for speaking about things that matter..
and spreading light...
Thank you Enigma, for being receptive.
ReplyDeleteAnd spreading light yourself :)
I saw this on Friday and i love your analysis.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.
It's love that heals.
thank you.
Hi Lydia...
ReplyDeleteI'm finally at my desktop and not my blackberry. When I read the story on my phone I knew this was going to be big. This kind of holds barred conditions on this kind of love, always touches me so deeply...that I get the extra ooomph with the efforts that lay before me in life. You are one of the very few that knows the real Jim Hillis. Not the actor. Not the model. Not the guy you could have just brushed by with not even a smile or a nod...Lydia, in a lot of ways this story is like the "Full Circle" idea that I have... that I'm always trying to explain...always writing's kind of you and me. I needed some "saving" all those years ago...and I think in a lot of needed to save me. I don't keep my alcohol and drug addictions of the past a secret. My whole mission and returning to school is based on the work you did with me. You, without condition, reached into my life...actually, my self induced hell...and helped me find Jim Hillis...and NOT my stage names...NOT the airbrushed guy in liked me for I did you. People here on your site probably have heard us have this round...however, I don't think they have any clue as to what you did. You can save someone anyday by pulling them away from a reckless car...or grabbing someone when something is about to come crashing down on them. You can even save someone from suicide or the suicide mission on addictions. The difference in what you did for me is in the true essence of life, love and eternal happiness. You took this big bag of "damaged goods" and "Full Circled" him back to what we are truly here for. For wasn't Hollywood, my place in Beverly new series...It was about those who mattered to me...those I mattered to. The road was rough...and you started my journey...and kept on me even when you were carrying Jack. You called my mom who had the private line to the critically acclaimed nuthouse I put myself in...and she held the phone to her phone so you and I could scream back and forth about Emmet Fox...Love, Healing...and letting go...and in the end...I saw what you saw all along. I saw me through your eyes. You see me through GOD'S eyes...the way we should all see each other. You are right when you say we are mortals. To this day I have fears but, I'm ok...I'm human...We've battled the demons in my own you did yours...the true testament to ourselves...each other...the world...and to that we kind of get it now...or at least we're catching on. Thank you for this. When I get a glimpse of an earthbound angel...I can't help but laugh and cry...
Thank you for finding love in someone you could have ignored.
I think it saved a lot more than you and me.
I'll always love you.
Wow Jim, what a beautiful soul you are and a gifted writer.
ReplyDelete"Critically acclaimed nuthouse" is one of my faves.
Love you and thank you for this and everything else.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great story Lydia!
ReplyDeleteW.W.J.D.? Forgive, let them hurt you and then forgive again. This is a beautiful testament of love and forgiveness to the greatest extreme. To give life to a perfect stranger. Sometimes we forgive family and friends because we feel the need to. We have a desire to have them continually in our life and we want the relationships to be cordial. But to give to a perfect stranger a part of yourself that will bring new meaning and life-that is beautiful. And that is just what God did. He gave His son to a world that didn't want to receive Him. He gave a gift of eternal life to a world that would take His own. Aahh, such love. I am an incest survivor and I chose to forgive my abuser. In forgiving the perpetrator he rededicated his life to the Lord and became a new man in Christ. People ask me would I change it if I could. I say, "Not if it meant taking away the man I now know...the man that shares my love for the Lord." Loving those who hurt, betray, or offend us isn't easy and forgiving is even more difficult but I choose to forgive. Why? Someday I will stand before God and be accountable for the life I lived here on Earth. I have no reason to ask for His forgiveness but He offers it freely so who am I to hold a grudge against another. I'm glad to see that there is still good in this world and that people are willing to help others. God bless both the donor and the recipient. Lydia, thank you for sharing this and continue posting such beautiful blogs. I hope you stop by mine sometime. Take care and God bless now and forever PLUS one more day! ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers for an even brighter tomorrow! ~Gigi Romans 8:28
ReplyDeleteLydia, Larry King had a wonderful tribute to Patrick Swayze tonight. I believe CNN does a rebroadcast later. You might want to check it out. I don't know if you knew him or not but it sounds like he was a beautiful person with a beautiful family. And he fought his disease with such grace and determination. A very sad turn of events.
ReplyDeleteJudge tosses birther suit, threatens lawyer with sanctions
ReplyDeleteThe plaintiff “has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture,
In other words she is full of sh*t.
‘Bout sums it up don’-cha thunk?
BTW where the hell is the reich wing out-rage over her frivolous lawsuits?
Oh right, the hypocrisy of the reich wing is still operative here.
Does'nt seem to be any mention of Acorn on any of these leftwing sites.Does liberal corruption exist?
ReplyDeleteThey're perfect. Gods children actually...
I did notice however that their favorite newsman Jon Stewart had a nice piece on ACORN though...
ReplyDeleteFox gets punk’d: ACORN volunteer knew ‘pimp’ and ‘prostitute’ were fake, was putting them on
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity were all over the latest video release in the self-concocted ACORN “scandal” they’ve been pitching all over the cable and airwaves the past week. This time, they supposedly caught an ACORN volunteer named Tresa Kaelke giving them advice on how to set up their pimping operation.
Now, you’d think they would clue in that they were being put on when the woman talked about having killed one of her ex-husbands, but no. They proceeded apace — and then splashed it all over Fox News this week, credulously.
Can we all say it together, Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe are sh*t eating stoopid
“They were not believable”, said Ms. Kaelke of the two actors. “Somewhat entertaining, but they weren’t even good actors. I didn’t know what to make of them. They were clearly playing with me. I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me. Like Stephan Colbert does – saying the most outrageous things with a straightface.” While her sense of humor might not be funny to many people, the fact is that she spun false scenario after false scenario and the videographer ate them up.
The wanna be I spy punks were being Punk’d and didn’t even know it.
Hannity: Did you ever check to see if in fact she (Kaelka) had a husband that was killed?
Giles: We’re working on that.
Hannity: You haven’t gotten to the details on that.
Breitbart: Look, there’s so much stuff coming in …
Hannity: In fairness, she could have just been — Breitbart: She certainly does exist and if you look on the internet, you can see that she’s also involved in the other side of ACORN. So she is a community organizer in the political sense.
Damn, even dumb as a bag of cowsh*t hannity realized she was a punkin’ the reich wing home schooled morons.
Too bad they pushed this crap before checkin de factz.
But stoopid is as stoopid does,
The rest of the reich wing howlin’ idiots brigade not so much stoopid as deliberate ignorance based on their ideology of hate filled rants at people not like them …….
BTW fooles;
did the fake pimp & prostitute in the end get a mortgage through ACORN or not?
So Acorn is better at denying fake loans then Wall Street or the corrupt banking industry, which both enabled the liar loans which caused the housing bubble to crash.
Interesting, how the karma gods sometimes uses things like this to expose reich wing fake outrage with the truth ………………………………………………..
BTW nice to see the crusty-voltron brokeback duo is still a trollin' the tubes.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course we believe Ms. Kaelki's explanation. What possible reason could she have for lying? 83-7 to cut off funding. Man, Clif, you're even out of step with the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteSo, widdle will you are out of step with doctors on health care
ReplyDeleteHere's the poll
ReplyDeleteWhy Won't The Media Address the Real Issue? 'ACORN' Is Wingnut Code for The 'N' Word.
ReplyDeleteCrusty and voltron being two of the bigots, with widdle will carrying their racist water.
Cause if ya remember voltron was all hyped up last fall over the KKKarl rove slimy attempt at getting US attorneys especially in Nevada to hype the non story of supposed voter fraud by acorn where the real story was some low level employees were padding their sheets with bogus registrations NOT actually allowing people to vote.
ReplyDeleteHowever the bigot never mentions the REAL story of voter fraud from 2008;
Head of CA GOP Voter Registration Firm Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud
Amongst other things, the fact that Jacoby and Young Political Majors were hired by the California Republican Party to head up their voter registration efforts in the state. Jacoby had been arrested for Voter Registration Fraud last October, smack dab during the media's orgasmic heights of last year's phony GOP ACORN "Voter Fraud" hoax, even as Fox "News" (and the other news outlets who similarly fell for the scam) was going wall-to-wall with unsupported insinuations about voter fraud by ACORN, Democrats, and Obama.
Cause ya know it was a white GOPer not some minority doing the crime.
typical reich wing hypocrisy,
It seems this Clif is a bit upset over the uncovering of Acorn.Although he does'nt mention the House and Senate both voting to stop federal funding to Acorn and the Terminator demanding an investigation in Ca..He must have just forgotten.
ReplyDeleteAnd in typical liberal deflection he thinks he can justify Acorns action by dredging up some idiodic commment from a leftwing loon.Oh yea,that settels the issue.What a friggin moron.
ReplyDeleteDid I mention he's also using the last card in the lib deck....yep,the tired old race card.
ReplyDeleteIt seems crusty missed the fact this reich wing GOP operative DID PLEAD guilty, nobody from Acorn has been found guilty from 2008.
ReplyDeleteThe same way the reich-wing troll missed the FACT anny tranny used a FBI boyfriend to help her get out of the charges of actual voter fraud in Florida.
Like how he missed anny tranny being investigated for voter fraud in Connecticut.
I wonder if her FBI boyfriend is still on speed dial, and when is faux noise gonna report on actual REAL voting shenanigans by reich-wing GOPer operatives?
Oh right never they give reich wingers a free pass.
Nor will this story about real pay for play corruption get the attention by the reich wing and faux noise;
ReplyDeleteNot talking: Ashcroft aide pleads the fifth
Former top Ashcroft aide takes the fifth in trial related to Abramoff lobbying scandal
You know GOPer government officials breaking the law and scammin' the system while screeching goberment never works.
..... and when elected tryin their damned best to make sure they give the most incompetent government lobbyists money can buy.
My lord,this fellow has quite a bit of useless time on his hands being able to dig up these inconsequential tidbits to deflect a truely major story that may very well lead to the White House.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the administration will somehow read his post's and name him "useless tidbit czar."
Nice way to push the bigots view of the crap faux noise pushed crusty,
ReplyDeleteA trial where a high ranking bush official takes the fifth to not incriminate himself is a useless tidbit, that DOES reach to the high levels of the bush admin son. but a gutless coward who flings reich wing crap here would wanna ignore it wouldn't he son?
A GOPer admitting voting fraud during the 2008 election isn't the dog whistle crap you wanna here eh son?
anny tranny committing voting fraud in two states ain't news cause she's white right son?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBTW crusty you might be able to say hello to Sen Dukakis soon.
ReplyDeleteThis toy soldier seems to always reference Fox news or has he calls it "faux noise." A while back this same little man was on this blog trumpeting how MSNBC was over taking Fox in the rating and his hero Olbermann was about to fly past O'Rielly.How's that going by the way?
ReplyDeleteDukakis or Kennedy,same thing.I wonder if he'll wear that over sized helmet he had on during his presidential run?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Willie Horton will be his chief of staff.
ReplyDeleteWho'da Thunk It
ReplyDeleteI will not even try to explain the arguments or the data. But public opinion and polling expert Professor Charles Franklin, a Professor at the University of Wisconsin, has posted a fascinating analysis of a ton of recent polling data on health care reform. And the upshot is that contrary to what I would imagine most of our expectations would be, the decline in support for reform began slowing in August and has now basically stopped. Meanwhile, support for reform firmed up and started to grow at around the same time. In other words, the inflection point seems to have been during the heat of the townhall craziness, and in advance of the presidential speech.
If he's right, the history of August was very different from what we thought. This is a very interesting read.
--Josh Marshall
keep preachin de crazy crusty ......
Irving Kristol, 1920-2009
ReplyDeleteWe have lost an mental midget. Irving Kristol was full of crapy ideas he foisted with the help of the reich wing. Irving understood that ideas have consequences mostly he gets richer while others die for his frauds- and his greed resulted in his unique ability to shape the American political landscape with the power of propaganda, reich wing money and morons to buy his bullsh*t. Irving was a genuine fraud who crudely and forcefully defiled America’s values and principles. He leaves us with a crapy legacy that will continue to devolve our political dialogue into teabaggin and other reich wing insanity for many years to come. My condolences and prayers are with the victims of this fraud and the hundreds of thousands of victims who have been illegally murdered in the ignorance he pushed.
According to Robert Gibbs, Clif, President Obama was disgusted by what he saw on that tape. Is he being "duped", too? And what about Ms. Pelosi? It seems that she's all about cutting the funding for Acorn, too. Has she been duped? Or is she just showing a lack of spine? Seriously, I'm curious.
ReplyDeleteAs for Mr. Kristol, yes, his existence absolutely DOES have a lot to answer for. But, really, do you necessarily always have to take a crap on people the very second they die? I mean, it's kind of creepy, man.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened at other ACORN offices, it's clear that James O'Keefe, the right wing poster boy for this "scandal" had an agenda and went looking to tape footage of ACORN workers that would support that agenda. That doesn't make him a journalist, unless you consider that lying about your purpose for visiting ACORN offices, secretly taping people without their knowledge or consent, and not revealing the other instances where ACORN officials threw you out of their offices constitutes acceptable and ethical journalistic behavior. Any organization will have employees that violate its rules and policies, or make mistakes in response to what they clearly perceived as a prank. Major multinational corporations with government contracts such as KBR, Blackwater, Boeing and others have a long history of illegal and fraudulent activity. Yet the government still doles out massive contracts to them worth far more than any funding provided to ACORN. Funny how no one in the corporate owned republican talking points repeating media is mentioning that right now.
ReplyDeletewiddle will NOT half as creepy as lying to get an illegal war attacking the patriotism of veterans because their political views are different then your own like mr kristols demented followers have done for years.
ReplyDeleteHope he rots in hell beside paul weyrich.
BTW the supposed crimes of acorn are low level workers gave BAD ADVICE, no real laws were broken
ReplyDeleteKBR electrocuted US soldiers in a combat zone.
But the reich wing screeches about the bad advice and ignores the murders of US soldiers.
Typical reich wing hypocrisy.
the reich wing wants war crimes covered up by demanding an end of investigations into torture, but screeches about bad advice from African-Americans,
ReplyDeleteSeems a little out of proportion if you ask me, and yes the gutless politicians in congress are playing along the reich wing script of attack with no facts of actual laws being broken, while ignoring real violations of the law.
Obama and Pelosi must be part of that "reich wing" hypocrisy, too. Oh, and what about your hypocrisy, Clif. President Obama (simply because he wanted to differentiate himself from Bush) is sending more and more youngsters to die in what is clearly now an unwinnable war....and you've been frigging silent about it. Principled liberals all over the internet are voicing their objections. Not you, though. Can you say man-crush, Cliffy?
ReplyDeleteClif,A.K.A. "czar of useless tidbits" never mentions how he feels about the house voting to cut off all funding to Acorn.The czar must have missed that tidbit.
ReplyDeleteWiddle will;
ReplyDeleteQuoting President Barack Obama;
"George, this is not the biggest issue facing the country. It's not something I'm paying a lot of attention to."
So widdle will he thinks you make much ado about nothing really son.
PS faux noise whined when the President didn't go on their reich wing propaganda outfit.
But then again, faux noise is fixated on a few low level people giving bad advice, sorta like you and your buddy crusty.
Maybe Clif would be willing to enlighten everyone why Fox news has
ReplyDeletefour times the viewers MSMBC has and why in prime time Fox has more viewers then CNN,CNBC and MSNBC combined.His answer should be a doozy.
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteObama and Pelosi must be part of that "reich wing" hypocrisy, too. Oh, and what about your hypocrisy, Clif. President Obama (simply because he wanted to differentiate himself from Bush) is sending more and more youngsters to die in what is clearly now an unwinnable war....and you've been frigging silent about it. Principled liberals all over the internet are voicing their objections. Not you, though. Can you say man-crush, Cliffy?"
Sorry Will but I think he took a hard line on Afghanistan because he didnt want to be portrayed as "WEAK" against the war on terror by the demagogues from the Right Wing.........unfortunately he played right into their hands like MOST demacrats seem to do when they let the inbred knuckle dragging imbeciles on the Right frame the issues and buffalo the Dems into reacting to and legitimizing their babbling nonsense.
Now Obama will be portrayed as Weak on the war on terror and if something like another terrorist attack happens after pulling out or reducing our presence in Afghanistan or Iraq, the Orwellian Idiots on the Right will babble that ONLY repugs can keep us safe.
And if he stays there indefinately we are wasting resources and putting our soldiers in harms way out of fear of the Right Wing imbeciles calling the demacrats names and playing politics........see good decisions or policy are NEVER made out of fear.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Clif would be willing to enlighten everyone why Fox news has
four times the viewers MSMBC has and why in prime time Fox has more viewers then CNN,CNBC and MSNBC combined.His answer should be a doozy."
Hey Troll any FACTS or links to back up what you say or is all we have to go on the hollow words of a lying foul mouthed troll.
If the Demacrats had any guts they wouldnt react to or legitimize these idiots instead they would ignore, riddicule or expose their lies, corruption and incompetence.
ReplyDeleteFaux noise spouts reich wing propaganda which it was created for by Rupert Murdoch, who hire reich winger roger Ailes, and there are a couple million dumb sh8ts who watch it out of a country of over 300 million.
ReplyDeleteSorta like a dog and pony show repeated daily for the fooles stoopid enuf to believe it, like our gutless chuckle head crusty ...........
Remember crusty billions of flys eat sh*t each day, from your piss poor logic they much be right, so eat up son.
Yeah I was going to say something similar Clif that many more eat at McDonalds than go out for a nice dinner and that DOESNT make McDonalds better.........but i'd like to see some facts before I believe ANYTHING that moron troll says.
ReplyDeleteAll things considered, crusty the gutless sock puppet is just like a teeny widdle fly, ....................... spreading the crap he eats daily
ReplyDeleteCome on girls its the truth just accept it,O'Reilly has triple the viewers KO has,Fox news prime time shows have more viewers then the other three combined.
ReplyDeleteYou girls are just being crappy because Fox got Van Jones fired and broke the Acorn story.Its alright just accept the facts and go on to a different subject.
How does the fake noise sh*t taste tonight crusty?
ReplyDeleteHere is what crusty calls insignificant
ReplyDeleteGreen Beret electrocuted in shower on Iraq base
A highly decorated Green Beret, Staff Sgt. Ryan Maseth died a painful death in Iraq this year. He died not on the battlefield. He died in what should have been one of the safest spots in Iraq: on a U.S. base, in his bathroom.
The water pump was not properly grounded, and when he turned on the shower, a jolt of electricity shot through his body and electrocuted him January 2.
Maseth, 24, was not the first. At least 12 U.S. troops have been electrocuted in Iraq since the start of the war in 2003, according to military and government officials.
In fact, the Army issued a bulletin in 2004 warning that electrocution was "growing at an alarming rate." It said five soldiers died that year by electrocution, with improper grounding the likely culprit in each case.
The Army bulletin detailed one soldier's death in a shower -- eerily similar to Maseth's case -- that said he was found "lying on a shower room floor with burn marks on his body."
Army documents obtained by CNN show that U.S.-paid contractor Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) inspected the building and found serious electrical problems a full 11 months before Maseth was electrocuted.
KBR noted "several safety issues concerning the improper grounding of electrical devices." But KBR's contract did not cover "fixing potential hazards." It covered repairing items only after they broke down.
That to crusty is insignificant because a story about a couple of lying clowns and how they got punked by Acorn workers, where no LAWS were broken or people murdered for profit,
but just bad advice was given ...
well now,
crusty thinks is just sooooooo horrible.
US Servicemen electrocuted for profit, to him or fake noise, not so much it seems.
No wonder we all think he is a clown. (except his brokeback brothers widdle will and voltron.)
But of course since this happened while Bush was f*&king up the entire country, crusty fake noise and the sh*t eaters who blindly follow their propaganda, all give it a free pass just like fake noise ET AL did for the violent criminal Richard Cheney who got away with assaulting a man by shooting him in the face.
ReplyDeleteIf Rush or Hannity shit on a silver platter and told this numbskull it was meatloaf........he'd lap it up and say it was delicious.........thats how imbred brainwashed these knuckledragging imbeciles truly are!
ReplyDeleteSad isnt it that the trained parrot brigade of the Right cant think for themselves and worse they NEED iDIOTS like Hannity and Rush to Tell them what to think and say.
You two twits should watch Fox once in a while,you may very well become enlightened.
ReplyDeleteAre either of you capable of even perhaps hearing a different point of view? Or are you so tied to Liberal talking points you're just
human puppets?
It must really suck to be you guys...spending each day so damn filled with hate and anger.
ReplyDeleteYou two must be pure joys to be near.Have either of you ever thought of seeking some help before you harm yourselves or worse an innocent person.
Its kind of scary for us normal folks to know there are people like you running around loose.
Lets see, crusty attacks most people here repeatedly, but claims we are the ones with a problem;
ReplyDeletewhat's the matta crusty hate losing that much?
I just happened to look at this weeks TV listings and low and behold Obie is is appearing on the Food Network's Bobby Flay show and later on in the week will be on the Travel Channel with Samantha Brown.
ReplyDeleteCliffy,you seem to have trouble seeing the difference between a attack and the truth.You and Mike should re-read your postings.I think you'll agree they are'nt written by totally sane people.I'm not saying you two are passengers on the Disorient Express,not yet anyway,but you're heading that way.
ReplyDeleteIt just may be time for you two to seek some professional help.
Mike, are you still eating 5 Big Mac's a day?
ReplyDeleteMike is too slow.
ReplyDeleteClif's disabled, dont'cha know.
These two, and Worf always got their a--es chewed out something fierce.
I agree with you 100%, Mike. He had to put up a macho front to avoid the "Democrats are weak on national security" mantra. But like I titled one of my own posts, someday someday comes.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't people just accept Fox News propaganda, after all I do?
ReplyDeleteThey have such pretty lights and dumb bimbos, I just watch all day.
ReplyDeleteBeing a sock puppet for a complete moron isn't a bad way to go through life, is it?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou two twits should watch Fox once in a while,you may very well become enlightened.
Are either of you capable of even perhaps hearing a different point of view? Or are you so tied to Liberal talking points you're just
human puppets?'
So much projecting, lies and strawmen in one post my my your little pinhead must be spinning little troll.
Lets see here:
1) Beautiful strawman......What makes you think I DONT watch Faux News occasionally are you "CLAIMING" to be clairavoyant or are you just addicted to lying and creating strawman just like your hero the fat drug addict.
2) A different point of view..........HMMMM I came on here last night criticizing Obama and Congressional Demacrats tell me "GENIUS" are those "liberal talking points".............lets see now I have PLENTY of friends who are consevatives/repugs and many who ALSO work at insurance companies.............Lydia is married to a repug so it seems we are capable of hearing and respecting differeing points of view just fine.
You not so much little troll why all focus on attacking people personally, and why all the sock puppets it seems YOUR the one incapable of hearing and respecting differing points of view little troll hence all the lies, personal idiocy and attacks and strawmen.........what you THINK you know could fit in a thimble little troll what makes you think I dont ever watch Faux News........for that matter what makes you even think my real name is really Mike?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIt must really suck to be you guys...spending each day so damn filled with hate and anger.
You two must be pure joys to be near.Have either of you ever thought of seeking some help before you harm yourselves or worse an innocent person.
Its kind of scary for us normal folks to know there are people like you running around loose."
Said the slimy gutless troll hiding behind a sockpuppet with personal attacks because he has NOTHING legitimate to say and CANT debate facts or truth.
you NEED some NEW talkingpoints little troll that old tired Reich Wing crap about being angry and out of touch with the mainstream is pretty pathetic even for you tell your masters to come up with SOME new talking points for their little trained parrot to regurgitate..........if thatys the best you got you guys are in big trouble just like you were in the last two elections.
America sees how transparent you losers truly are and how bereft of good ideas and original thoughts you IDIOTS are and their sick and tired of you morons!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteCliffy,you seem to have trouble seeing the difference between a attack and the truth.You and Mike should re-read your postings.I think you'll agree they are'nt written by totally sane people.I'm not saying you two are passengers on the Disorient Express,not yet anyway,but you're heading that way.
It just may be time for you two to seek some professional help."
PROJECTING again I see little sockpuppet!
Its YOU who NEEDS some help numbskull take a long look at yourself and look how utterly pathetic your life truly is!
My life is not pathetic,
ReplyDeleteI have Fox News and sock puppet handles to fill my days.
Obama's strength is thoughtfulness. I strongly suggest he go back to it. Leave the Wyatt Earp stuff to others.
ReplyDelete"thoughtfulness" are we watching the same guy.The person I'm watching has a problem
ReplyDeletewith the truth.
cosmiccowboy said...
ReplyDelete"thoughtfulness" are we watching the same guy.The person I'm watching has a problem
with the truth."
Projecting AGAIN I see houses little sock puppet glass houses......if ANYONE "KNOWS" about having a "problem" with the truth it would be you and the Right might say you guys are EXPERTS at lying.
The person I'm watching has a problem with the truth.
ReplyDeleteSeems to be your problem isn't it,
You and the truth seem never to meet up ........
Cosmic Cowboy =Voltron!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLoved the Love story.
Happy 60th birthday, Bruce Springsteen.
ReplyDeleteWhere is freedum fan ranting chuck norris shouldn't be desecrating the Flag?
ReplyDeleteBy staining it with their weak ass tea.
(WND also)
Funny, they screech when somebody burns one, but pissing all over it with tea is OK?
...... wingnuts certainly are a hypocritical bunch.
Massachusetts has a new senator, Paul Kirk, former staff assistant to Senator Ted Kennedy and head of the DNC.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that President Obama is re-examining not just his Afghanistan strategy but our mission over there as well. Suffice it to say that I welcome this decision.
ReplyDeleteObama is a thoughtful, reasonable man. He may have his hands tied by the "powers that be" behind the throne (military, banking, medical, Bilderberger) but his heart and intentions are in the right place, and he is BRILLIANT, educated and determined.
ReplyDeleteUnlike his horrific, lying predecessor, who should be indicted for criminal negligence if not war crimes.
What astounds me is TREASONOUS Sarah Palin -- getting around $300,000 or more to speak to a bunch of bankers in Japan. She puts down our U.S. President on foreign soil (while we are at war, no less!) which is TREASONOUS.
How dare these r-wing extremists condemn the Dixie Chicks for speaking out against Bush, a now-proven liar who killed more people in his phony Iraq invasion than were killed in 9/11 - and ruined more lives --
So Palin is allowed to condemn her own president and LIE to the bankers and then say "WE NEEDED MORE DEREGULATOIN!!!!????
The very thing that caused our country's financial downfall: thaking down the firewall between banks and investment banks. Banks are to be run by the government as in the Constitution.
Military powers, Lydia? Obama's the Commander in Chief. It's up to him to lead us out of what could easily be a Johnson, McNamara, Nixon, Kissinger type of quagmire over there.
ReplyDeleteObama's the Commander in Chief.
ReplyDeleteFunny Bill Clinton was the commander in chief, but the generals revolt forced him to accept don't ask don't tell
By the beginning of 1993, it appeared that the military's ban on gay personnel would soon be overturned. Shortly after his inauguration, President Clinton asked the Secretary of Defense to prepare a draft policy to end discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and he proposed to use the interim period to resolve "the real, practical problems that would be involved" in implementing a new policy. Clinton's proposal, however, was greeted with intense opposition from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, members of Congress, the political opposition, and a considerable segment of the U.S. public.
PS remember it was six former flag officers who came out in 2006 which helped doom the Rumdfelds holding the sec of Def, but he was supposedly higher rank then they were.
Watch the episode of Saving Private Ryan where the NCO's go to the brigade commander and refuse to serve under their commander to see how subordinates can influence commanders, especially if they can get the public IE faux noise, AEI and the republiscum to back their play. which was how they got Clinton to back down in 1993
AEI, republiscum and reich wing want to use the same tactics to force Obama to accept the neo-con position in Afghanistan, which is part of their pushin' the birfer movement to undercut his legitimacy as commander in chief, to the extent mid level officers do NOT get courts martial for challenging his position, IE the main meme of faux noise for months, the teabaggin' movement etc.
Politics as normal by the traitorous reich wing who have worked very hard to destroy the middle class and constitutional protections against their desires of corporations over everyone
I do remember. He should have shown more leadership. Like Truman did when HE integrated the military.
ReplyDeleteTruman did NOT face the reich wing hate filled media like Rush, Hannity, American Spectator, Weekly Standard, and religious reich clowns and their media empires like un-christian coalition, and Focus on the (money) Family nor the reich wing multi million or billion aires, who throw millions of dollars at the propaganda outfits like AEI, Hudson Institute, CATO institute, (or their astro turf propaganda fronts) each year.
ReplyDeleteTruman didn't face the lies and distortions the reich wing peddles each day.
Sorry sometimes the President can not FORCE changes in the culture of an institution as large as the US military is over night. If he had tried he would have ripped it apart, with help from the reich wing republican party before country crowd .....
It was all about "showers", Clif. Homophobia, pure and simple.......Truman didn't face adversities in integrating the military? Are you frigging kidding me? The entire south was frigging segregated. Even in the north there was prejudice. Truman led and he was a hero because of it. P.S. I'm on the record, Clif. I actually think that Clinton (apart from his personal failings) was a pretty good President (probably in the top half of the 44). But, yes, on this one, he clearly could have done better.
ReplyDeleteUmmm widdle will there were NO congressional laws like the UCMJ Article 125
ReplyDelete“(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient
to complete the offense.
(b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall by punished as a court-martial may direct.”
The UCMJ Uniformed Code of Military Justice, also known as the Congressional Code of Military Criminal Law
requiring segregation of the US military.
No national Jim Crow laws, about military service, so no legal prohibition from congress to have integrated units.
So Harry Truman could as Commander in Chief require the commanders under him to integrate the units so all military members were able to serve in all units they had the military qualifications to serve in, race no longer being a way to segregate the units.
But Congress NOT the president WRITES US Code, it is their constitutional duty,
Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution provided that Congress has the power to regulate the land and naval forces.
The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, signed into law by President Harry S. Truman, and became effective on 31 May 1951.
The president ENFORCES the law, through his role as Commander in Chief.
This means he MUST enforce all of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice as written by congress.
Like this Air Force JAG Flyer explains;
Congress has determined homosexual conduct is incompatible with military service
see article 125 UCMJ written by congressional action
Congress wrote the LAW, so Bill Clinton couldn't CHANGE the LAW congressional action, which people like Sen Sam Nunn among others refused to do, and the admirals and generals with congresses backing including Gen Colin Powell, stated they didn't want gays openly serving in the US military.
The best he could actually do with out congressional action was his order for the commanders NOT to search out if people were gay, if they didn't openly admit it by word or action. IE don't ask (commanders) don't tell gay troops).
The TRUTH turns out to he, your hero Harry Truman agreed with prohibiting gays from serving while he was desegregating the military, sort of ironic, considering your rants above against Bill Clinton, don'cha thunk?
Nice to see you really do not know what the hell you are talking about;
But really good attempt at another reich wing historical revision instead of the TRUTH, son it is what you do best.
BTW widdle one, before you go off on a tangent, Bill Clinton DIDN'T tell the commanders of units to break the law,
ReplyDeleteNo, he just required the commanders NOT to vigorously investigate their personnel for their sexual identity unless they actually provided evidence themselves by their verbal communication or actions.
Something which was within his rights as Commander in Chief, set the requirements where commanders are supposed to focus their time and the taxpayers money.
E respect their fourth amendment rights, unless the commander had
So, are you saying that Obama is also powerless to get rid of "don't ask, don't tell"? If so, THEN WHY THE HELL DID HE MAKE THE FRIGGING CAMPAIGN PROMISE. He seems to think he has the power to change it. Even you said it was on his "to do" list. Are you saying that he is also ignorant of the process?....Of course, Harry Truman was anti-gay. It was 1941. EVERYBODY WAS ANTI-GAY! In 1992 we knew a hell of a lot more; namely that homosexuality isn't a perversion. "Don't ask-don't tell" is a bigoted and archaic concept that should be eliminated. Hopefully, this President will show more moral leadership than his predecessors.
ReplyDeleteNice meltdown son,
ReplyDeleteLEARN what the F*&k you are talking about in the first place and you won't be so ignorant on the tubes.
have a nice day.
Will seems to have quite a bit of useless time on his hands,posting about inconsequential tidbits to deflect the truth,he never researched.
ReplyDeleteIt seems Will is a bit upset over the uncovering of his ignorance.He thinks he can justify his ignorance by dredging up some idiodic commment about Obamas campaign statements,instead of admitting he posted while being ignorant.Oh yea,that settels the issue.What a friggin moron.
The senate finance committee today voted down the public option.
ReplyDeleteShould we find this troubling?
That cosmiccowboy is really voltron,in his normal drag disguise as a sock puppet,yes it is troubling he is that big a loon.What a friggin loser.
ReplyDeleteits quite scarry that friggin loony tunes like this are running around among normal people,when they should be in a strait jacket in a rubber room.
ReplyDeleteTypical Clif. Whenever he can't intellectually deal with a situation, he resorts to name-calling and sock-puppetry. Clif, President Obama could halt "don't ask/don't tell" with an executive order. Yes, at some point, the Congress would have to pass a law to make it permanent (which shouldn't be a problem in Obama's case with such huge majorities). But until then, the President could halt all of this bigotry with the swipe of his pen.
ReplyDeletethe President could halt all of this bigotry with the swipe of his pen.
ReplyDeleteArticle I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution provided that Congress has the power to regulate the land and naval forces.
The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, signed into law by President Harry S. Truman, and became effective on 31 May 1951.
The US Constitution and the UCMJ Congress constitutionally wrote says your full of shi-ite as usual son.
Spin it any way ya want boy, however the president can not over rule a LAW, even if Bush and Cheney thought they could,
ReplyDeleteSince Article 125 of the UCMJ is a LAW relevant to the United States Uniformed Services. IE Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and all of the members who took the oath to join them ....
So Barack Obama can no more over rule it then Bill Clinton could, only congressional action can change the LAW.
You are screeching at the wrong person as usual son.
BTW numbnuts in case you haven't thought to the END of the, don't ask don't tell policy, with out congressional action, then the question are your gay can be asked openly by recruiters and commanders again,
ReplyDeleteThat means gays can be openly excluded by recruiters, because of the answer they give to a question they were asked, LEGALLY, instead of what Bill Clinton was able to achieve, allowing them to sign up and serve by denying the recruiters and the commanders from openly questioning them.
Sorry but with out any congressional action to change Article 125, don't ask don't tell is the best you can get.
and with id-a-jets like voltron crusty and the ilk they travel with (hard line reich wingers) and promote, congress critters are never gonna find the balls to over rule the reich-wing anti-christ movement of discrimination against gays that pushes the country to deny equal rights for all citizens.
It is the fact the MSM and quite a large portion of the congress still thunk pleasing the hate filled reich-wing anti-christ greedy church going bigots crowd who are the real problem you are ignoring with your rants against Obama and Clinton.
Keep claiming a US president has powers he doesn't constitutionally have and you will be still blowing smoke outa yer arse like you normally do son.
have a nice time trying son.
Did'nt Clif get caught up in the dont ask dont tell thing.I remember him saying thats why he got tossed out of the army.
ReplyDeleteJust how many friggin sock puppets do you have voltron,cant keep em strait eh boy?
ReplyDeleteNo Voltron I didn't get caught up in don't ask don't tell because I was MEDICALLY discharged before Bill Clinton was elected, so YOU lied again Voltron, like you usually do.
ReplyDeleteNice try at covering your stooge widdle will who seems a little dense on how the US government really works.
You're wrong, Clif. It all starts with an executive order. And, beides, Obama made a campaign promise to get rid of it. Are you implying that this President is being naive here? And I'm not "ranting" against the President. If I'm ranting agianst anybody, it's you, nimrod.
ReplyDeleteIt all starts with an executive order.
ReplyDeleteSorry widdle one but the constitution TRUMPS your fantasies boy,
The US Constitution says CONGRESS regulates the military which means writes their laws, Not any president, so no signing statement or executive order can change LAW, no matter what the neo-cons or their concern trolls thunk son.
............. man are you stupid.
Sucks to argue Dick Cheney's position where the president can change congressional laws, at will eh boy?
ReplyDeleteYou two should get a room.Who the hell gives a flying f*#k about that policy? Just you two.You two potato heads sound like a couple of 5th graders.No one except a few butt pirates and carpet munchers care anything about it.
ReplyDeleteWiddle will that is what your buddy's think of you.
ReplyDeleteKeep carrying their water boy.
This may be a pressing issue for you two queens,but the truth is nobody else cares.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess you would know what dragqueens really think wouldn't you?
ReplyDeleteI bet you were real excited when you hear there was going to be a lot of teabagging going on this summer.
ReplyDeleteHope the dumb as dirt crowd didn't disappoint you any.
Or maybe you already knew the hard line right wing are a bunch of closet queens anyway.
ReplyDeleteI bet your gaydar went off continuously while they were in Washington eh cosmiccowboy?
ReplyDelete"The executive branch has the authority to suspend conduct discharges WITHOUT (my emphasis) legislative action.""A repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" begins with an executive order.", yes, Clif, you're wrong, as usual. President Obama, if he had the courage to, could stop this discriminatory practice NOW. Yes, in order to permanently end it (beyond Obama's reign), Congress would have to pass a law (again, something that shouldn't be hard with such a huge Democratic majority). But, now, as we speak, Obama could end it with the stroke of a pen. Why are you being so stubborn here, Clif?
ReplyDeleteUmmm numbnuts he can't SELECTIVELY suspend discharges with out another generals revolt backed by congress who is afraid of the reich wing anti-christ greedy bastard church going crowd, because he would be legally wrong to just protect one class of people who violate the UCMJ over others which should never be done.
ReplyDeleteInterfering with the right of the UCMJ to operate after facts have been adjudicated undermines the IDEA of law, and would destroy the moral in the military,
If you really want to CHANGE the LAW, which is the root of the problem lobby congress stupid.
Sorry if ya don't like the real solution son.
Otherwise like Dick Cheney you want special treatment under the rule of law ............ which reich wingers were supposed to be against.
PS presidents can not as a rule undermine the culture of the military unless congress changes the law, other wise what you are suggesting would be undone at the first moment the reich wing returns to power.
Damn you really do not think things thru do ya?
This is interesting, Clif. This anonymous (small case a) handle was hammering you several threads ago (to which you idiotically attempted to blame me for it). Now he's hammering ME. That seems to indicate to me that he's (it's) probably you, playing games. Talk about a person with some spare time on his hands! LOL
ReplyDeleteFor some reason you want the rule of law subverted, instead of a bad law being corrected.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why that is.
Oh right you don't thunk things thru.
ReplyDeleteOh, now you're saying it's because of the generals. LOL I busted you, Clif. You tried to tell me that the President didn't have the POWER. That only Congress had the power. What a weasel you are. It's 2009 now, Clif. I don't think that the generals would mutiny this time. And they sure wouldn't have mutinied under old "give 'em hell" Harry. You're pathetic, Clif.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you're losing an argument, Clif, you always bring up Bush and Cheney. It's absolutely pathetic. The hell with Bush and Cheney.
ReplyDeleteNow he's hammering ME.
ReplyDeleteFunny stupid he mentions cosmiccowboy by name, but never references you in any way, I wonder why you claim he is hammering you;
.... are you admitting cosmiccowboy is your sock puppet?
Or is your persecution complex that large?
Sorry, but as any first year law student will tell you the Executive Branch can not supercede nor repeal laws promulgated by the Legislative Branch.
ReplyDeleteYour logic or lack thereof is as seriously flawed as your understanding of our legal system.
I'm trying to help you here Will, but I must ask, are you saying you support the blatant over stepping of President Bush with his signing statements and executive orders that hastily and ignorantly pushed us into a disaterous war and foreign policy?
Umm widdle will President's do not have the power to CHANGE the LAW.
ReplyDeleteThe LAW is why gays can't openly serve.
You want the president to undermine the idea of the law, by using his constitutional power of pardon, to undermine the UCMJ, which wouldn't work in practice, because the Generals would be right in revolting against such a power grab by the president from the UCMJ and their power to enforce it.
Your solution would create MOE problems, which BTW wouldn't save very many service members because their careers would he over, low efficiency reports and being written up for every violation would condemn then after they got a pardon from the president, I know that culture.
Either you change the law, or accept don't ask don't tell is as good as it gets.
You think you have a solution where you can blame Obama for not doing a stupid thing, which is what you were after all along, more ranting against Obama
You lame brained idea creates many more problems then it solves.
The Predident can not repeal nor render null and void a law promulgated by Congress which is the ONLY official legislative body.
ReplyDeleteAny repeal of or new legislation must be put forth by Congress.
Thats simply the law.
I don't think that the generals would mutiny this time.
ReplyDeleteYou really do not know the underlying culture of the Officer corps which make up the US military in the 21st century.
The Air Force has a very hard line right leaning religious officer corps.
Army, Marine generals and Navy admirals do not as a rule accept the idea of gays in the military, which is why don't ask don't tell was necessary.
If you do not think they would push back HARD, you know nothing about the personalities which get promoted to that rank.
And there is far too many reich wing republiscum who would LOVE to push Obama into that corner before health care or climate change which affects us all, not a minority of us, are resolved.
ReplyDeleteSeems widdle will doesn't know the LAW nor the culture of the military by his lame brained arguments.
ReplyDeleteBut then again he derides veterans every time they disagree with him.
Thank you for sharing this story of real love.
ReplyDeleteIn a world where so much of the news is bad, it is wonderful to read about the good in people.
There is hope for a better tomorrow after all.
George Vreeland Hill
Lydia, you write so well and have such great points of views. Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Vreeland Hill 2012 - Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLuv xo Lydia
Teeluck - Thank you! Luv xo
ReplyDeleteTesting this site. Sending everyone LOVE.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my live broadcasts on Kelsey Grammer's site TODHD
Can't seem to publish comments
ReplyDeletewow, read James Hillis Ford's comment here. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteI am doing a profile of this magnificent humanitarian in thenext week.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteCan't seem to publish comments
I don't know about you, Lydia. But, in my opinion, McChrystal should have been fired MONTHS AGO - this, for his involvement in the disgraceful Tillman cover-up. That I think was a far more egregious offense than a could of moronic quips to some dink from "Rolling Stone".
ReplyDeleteThe Tillman coverup was an ATROCITY!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that Lydia.
ReplyDeleteI hope things work out for the best.
Well maybe not
ReplyDeleteWell maybe not
ReplyDeleteWhy do so-called "patriots" hate the police and fire departments?
ReplyDeleteWe saw a bunch of grannies and grandpaws out on the highway holding "NO TAXATION" signs while waving the American Flag.
But they didn't know that. They are in the tea-party. Go figure. They must get all their knowledge from Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hasn'tany... the haters.
Well Lydia, You DO know of course that the IRS will take donations.
ReplyDeleteLet your love show. Get out that check book and write 'em a big fat bonus check!
You're not one of the "haters", are you?
BTW, I should have known that post you deleted was a sympathy ploy to drag someone in for you to hate on for awhile...
ReplyDeleteSo how's that "Hope & Change" workin' out for ya?
Is comrade Zero still your hero?
Just curious, how can you possibly regurgitate that much bile on others and then call THEM "the haters"?
ReplyDeleteEver heard of a little thing called hypocrisy?
ReplyDeleteVolt said:
ReplyDelete"Well Lydia, You DO know of course that the IRS will take donations.
Let your love show. Get out that check book and write 'em a big fat bonus check!"
Good one......LOL!
Hey, I could use some special "unconditional" loving myself. May I request one of those hefty bonus love checks as well?
BTW, nice writing Ms.Cornell.
ReplyDeleteIt is good that she gave a kidney to maintain life. I have no problem as long as it is voluntary. I don't know if there are going to be complications with the donor or not. But maintaining the best quality of life should be all of our goals.
ReplyDeleteLydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteWhy do so-called "patriots" hate the police and fire departments?
We saw a bunch of grannies and grandpaws out on the highway holding "NO TAXATION" signs while waving the American Flag.
But they didn't know that. They are in the tea-party. Go figure. They must get all their knowledge from Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hasn'tany... the haters.
What would be wrong with tax cuts Lydia? The national guard and military should be under federal control and all the rest should be local. Nobody is saying no taxes but many of us are paying way too much and that has to stop. If you destroy the private sector, then what do you have left? It is only the private sector that produces wealth,not the government. They just take it. Conservatives don't hate anybody, that is not fair to say that. We have a different idea on how to do things. My business got hit hard with taxes this year and yet I am told that only if I pay more then my life will be better. How far is this going to go before it will stop? That is the question I pose to you because we are worse off then ever and Obama has had three years to fix it and it hasn't been fixed. In fact it is worse. What he has proposed cannot be done because there is not enough money to do it even if you were to take every penny from every citizen. Start thinking for yourself because I know you are not stupid but misinformed. We shouldn't depend on government for all of our needs or wants. We cannot blame Bush anymore for this. He's been gone for almost four years so now it is on the current administration.
What would be wrong with tax cuts Lydia?
ReplyDeleteWe have had 30 years of continuous tax cuts historically, and the countries economy is in shambles, middle class shrinking and employment down with good paying jobs disappearing replaced by low wage no benefit wal-mart style temporary jobs. Why not at least go back to Reagan's original tax levels and solve the problems for 95% of the citizens of the count4ry, and stop coddling the uber wealthy like the politicians from the right have done for the last 30 years?
The national guard and military should be under federal control and all the rest should be local.
Ummmmm sorry but the "National Guard" is a state agency which has to be federalised to come under Federal Control, the national Guard is the state level control.
BTW the federal agencies also need to coordinate air traffic control since that is intra state, Inter state trade, IE like the FTC does, Interstate highway system, since it also transcends any individual state.
The water system the US Army Corp of Engineers manages supersedes any individual state. You seem to want to leave all that out.
Nobody is saying no taxes but many of us are paying way too much and that has to stop.
Mitt doesn't, neither does Sheldon Adleson, Warren Buffet, the Koch brothers, President Obama, Bill Clinton, none of them are. Same tired OLD right wing talking point, with NO real connection historically, like the wealthy and corporations are paying the lowest rates in the last 75 years.
If you are speaking about the combined taxes of both payroll, combined with FICA & SECA Tax Rates, which the middle class pays a MUCH higher rate then the rich who Boo Hoo so much FALSELY about their burden well, thank Reagan, he and Greenspan created the system to raise total taxes on the backs of the poor and middle class, to balance their planed cuts for the wealthy.
If you destroy the private sector, then what do you have left?
Well since the 80's the hedge funds and corporate outsourcing promoted by wall street has done EXACTLY that.
It is only the private sector that produces wealth,not the government.
Don't tell that to the DOD welfare queens.
PS the way wall street has operated since the 80's also take lots of monetary wealth out of the system with out contributing much in return.
Conservatives don't hate anybody,
BULL, total bull, the teabagger hate has been documented time and time again.
that is not fair to say that.
Oh YES it is. anybody who advocates forcably brainwashing 1.4 billion people into a different religious ideology or committing genocide is totally full of hate.
So are the teabaggers who screech about the birfer issue, which is driven by hate not the facts. so is all the dog whistle comments about President Obama not being a Christian, but a Muslim like Franklin Graham just did, publicly on Morning Joe.
We have a different idea on how to do things.
YES WE DO, you guys want to return to the time where robber barons controlled the economy and has many public figures as a well paid puppet for their and only their interests.
My business got hit hard with taxes this year and yet I am told that only if I pay more then my life will be better.
Got some verifiable FACTS to back up that statement?
Exactly what tax rates, and which exact taxes, FDIC, IRS, State, or other taxes?
How far is this going to go before it will stop?
ReplyDeletewhat stop???????????
Tax rates are at a historical LOW.
Corporate rates are below middle class rates for almost every fortune 500 company, and the uber wealthy also.
Yes that needs to stop, so those who benefit the most from the society pays their FAIR SHARE, just like Warren Buffet honestly stated.
That is the question I pose to you because we are worse off then ever and Obama has had three years to fix it and it hasn't been fixed.
Of course you totally leave out republican obstruction for doing anything to actually fix the economic problems because most republicans have publicly stated they want him to fail.
Minority leader McConnell says GOP goal is to make Obama fail
The obstruction started in the Senate using the filibuster from the get go.
Then moved to the house.
In fact it is worse.
Total; bull; unmitigated bull.
Stock market hits highs not seem since 2008, before the crash.
Th US economy is NOT losing jobs any more but slowly creating jobs, however the republicans are blocking everything that might help create jobs, like good infrastructure jobs to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure the republican ideology of tax cuts uber alles has created.
What he has proposed cannot be done because there is not enough money to do it even if you were to take every penny from every citizen.
False analogy, corporations cannot operate on a pay as you go fiscal system, neither can individual people, which is why corporation BORROW money every year, and so do individuals, IE car loans and mortgages. What has caused so much debt are the tax cuts of Reagan and the two Bush's, combined with running two optional wars off the books for years.
If the Clinton economic principles had been followed instead of Bush sending everyone a $300 check while not telling them that it would break the budget for decades, is the problem, but in your right wing fantasy world-view, facts like that are ignored.
Start thinking for yourself
ReplyDeleteGood idea, when ya gonna start skippy????????????????????????????????
because I know you are not stupid but misinformed.
I cannot vouch for you though, given the right wing fantasy talking points you pushed here.
We shouldn't depend on government for all of our needs or wants.
Very few do but that won't stop your right wing false analogies and generalisations from being pushed in your robotic obedience to the right wing meme of tax cuts uber alles, and being the panacea for problems that do not have anything to do with taxes at all.
We cannot blame Bush anymore for this.
We can hand Reagan his debt he ran up with NO PAN to ever pay for it, otherwise he would have laid such a plan out in detail for congress to vote on, he NEVER DID.
We can hand Bush Sr. his debt he ran up with NO PAN to ever pay for it, otherwise he would have laid such a plan out in detail for congress to vote on, he NEVER DID.
We can hand Bush Jr. his debt he ran up with NO PAN to ever pay for it, otherwise he would have laid such a plan out in detail for congress to vote on, he NEVER DID.
He's been gone for almost four years
Thank God and the voters for that .
so now it is on the current administration.
Yes the administration the right wing is doing everything they can to make "FAIL" no matter the damage to the country. The right wing could have allowed the people who are still enjoying a very well life style and economic conditions, vis a vis the poor and middle class to return to the 39% rates and made sure the hedge funds and people who live off the sweat of others like Mitt Romney has done for decades to pay their investment rates at the same rates as these they live off do.
But they refused. protecting the richest among us while the economy flailed in 2008-2011. Making sure the rich have extra money while the rest cut budgets, lose homes, jobs, and much else.
So Christian of them don't ya thunk so??????????
BTW the Dow Jones hit the 13000 mark for the first time since May 2008, before the recession started.
ReplyDeleteJob growth for 23 consecutivemonths, and unemployment is declining,
however you screech;
That is the question I pose to you because we are worse off then ever and Obama has had three years to fix it and it hasn't been fixed. In fact it is worse.
Quit huffing the Limbaugh, Fox News, RNC talking points meth pipe and get some help.
Please, it is for your own good :)
ReplyDeletethese are the taxes we are talking about.
Obama has already lowered all middle class and SMALL business taxes -- in fact he gave small businesses the MOST INCREDIBLE BREAKS EVER.
He has achieved every single thing he set out to do, and no one knows about it.
He got college kids their student loans and percentages lowered. He got HEALTH CARE PRE-EXISTING conditions omitted legally.
Only scammers and shiesters and con artists and fake Christians (anti=Christ) don't see the Truth and the Light.
Stop being an idiot.
Sorry voltron. didn't mean to upset you. Just can't believe you disguised yourself so well.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know about red hair?
Love is Life, YEP even for those hard headed Republicans that think their Sh*t don't stink, you know the ones the ones that watch FOX news reports and think that they get the words they speak from God herself... We all know the Anti-Christ news station FOX NEWS...My God as I pray to her and wish FOX news would once tell the truth about just ONE THING
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter how good the economy gets Clif, they just keep repeating the lie "its broken" and hoping people as dumb as them believe it.
ReplyDeleteWhen Bush handed Obama the reigns the economy was in the tank, no one was hiring, mortgage lending was frozen and every economist and financial expert was predicting financial meltdown of the worst sort.
Yet three year later, President Obama's done exactly what he said he'd do. No quick fixes, but slow, steady progress digging us out of the republican dug hole.
Yet they just keep parroting their Tea Party talking points by lying and saying up is down, black is white and its all Obama's fault, because they can't do anything else.
Like I said 3 years ago. It wouldn't matter if Obama healed the economy, cured cancer and crapped gold dandelions on the White House lawn.
ReplyDeleteThese idiots would still not be happy, because he's not a redneck, tobacco spitting gun toting inbred.
Which is all they want for President.
"Sorry voltron. didn't mean to upset you. Just can't believe you disguised yourself so well."
ReplyDeleteOh hi Lydia,
Yeah, you too.
What is the reason you hang out here again Voltron?
ReplyDeleteIf not to harass, spread lies and generally try to insult and ridicule the blog owner?
...and anyone who comes in that's not right wing?
ReplyDelete...think hard...
ReplyDeleteGee..suddenly the big mouth's, got nothing to say.
ReplyDelete....I believe that's checkmate.
ReplyDeleteThis story shows to us, that everything is possible in our world and if we want, we can call it miracle. Anyway love and positive thinking makes always good for us, if we just believe it. Thank you Lyd for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the reason you hang out here again
ReplyDeleteIf not to harass, spread lies and generally try to insult and ridicule the blog owner?
Worf, you take everything so goddamn seriously....learn to loosen up a little.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm the one taking everything so "serious", then why are you the one posting as anonymous?
ReplyDeleteWell, well. well ....
ReplyDeleteThe Dow Jones closed above 13,000 for the first time since before the republican caused economic crash of 2008.
When Bill Clinton was president the Dow rose 224%
When Bush held the white house for 8 years the Dow DROPPED 22%
Since Obama was elected by a clear majority the Dow has risen 56%,
.... and the right wing trolls still peddle the same tired old false republicans are better for the economy bullsh*t.
Simply amazing if you ask me.
But then again,
they ain't too bright,
they is republicans,
after all.
Can you guys believe Davy Jones died today? He was only 66. Man that is way too young to die.
ReplyDeleteHey Voltron, tell me;
ReplyDeleteIs This Guy really you?
Andrew Breitbart died today, at age 43, reported to be natural Causes, but 43? a little young for mother Nature to take you out.
ReplyDeleteWingnut conspiracies that Obama was behind his untimely death in
3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
Everything bad is Obama's fault.
ReplyDeleteEverything good must be someone else's.
At least if you ask a republican.
told ya so
ReplyDeleteHoly crap.
ReplyDeleteI could make a fortune in there if I'd just open up a Reynolds Wrap haberdashery.
Meet the real Worf ladies. Notice the toilet close-by in the background....its for those unexpected emergencies due to his unorthodox Cheeto, pizza slice, candy bar, ice-cream, and Count Chocula consumption.
Meet the real Worf ladies. Notice the toilet close-by in the background....its for those unexpected emergencies due to his unorthodox Cheeto, pizza slice, candy bar, ice-cream, and Count Chocula consumption.
mook mook;
ReplyDeletePLEASE put some clothes on
for gods sake
if not the rest of us.
Hi Lydia,
ReplyDeletethanks for using your background and presence to creating and improving the understanding of the whole "spiritual" quantum/universal connection. some very nice writing! ( and this is coming from a healer/herbalist/animal peep:).
One suggestion, not sure re blogger, as I use WP. But if you can find the "read more" tab in your dashboard, you'll get better real estate on your pages:) find a good hook/stopping point, insert the read more bit, and the reader can click that to get to full post:) This gives readers a chance to scroll your main page, and see a post that catches their interest:) If I can offer support, glad to help:)
we need more monkeys:) thanks for putting yourself out there:)
Teri J. Dluznieski
author:dancing in your bubble: ancient teaching, modern healing
( btw- only signing for ID, since I can't remember my WP login ID:)
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