SHOCKING REVELATIONS: And if you're wondering why the GM boss was fired but the giant, gluttonous bankers aren't being fired too -- read below Ellen Brown's "Web of Deceit." There is no Federal Reserve. The bankers are the "THEY" behind everything from the beginning, not the MIC. You will be shocked. It took her six years across several continents to investigate and write this book.
We were on two giant video screens in front of 300 people. I had a blast with guest stars and will post their photos later.
Fans came from all over the world: UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, Burbank...
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
- Max Ehrmann in the 1920s
On Monday March 30, 2009, Ellen Brown will be the guest on the Basham and Cornell Radio Show at 8 am Pacific Time on AM 1230 KLAV in Las Vegas and simulcast worldwide on the web at: Basham and Cornell Radio
Ellen Brown, J.D., is a financial expert who has plunged in where others feared to tread, daring to swim against the sharks of Wall Street. She developed her research skills in other shark-infested waters, practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles.
Ellen has authored 11 books, and in her latest, “The Web of Debt”, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and "the money trust."
She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back.
A prodigious blogger, Brown maintains a respected website that is heavily frequented by readers
eager to learn what is happening and what we can do about it.
Web of Debt unravels the deceptions in our money scheme and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which we are heading. Then it explores a workable alternative, one that was tested in colonial America and is grounded in the best of American economic thought, including the writings of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.
The Basham and Cornell Show broadcasts weekday mornings at 8 am Pacific (11 a.m. Eastern) on KLAV 1230 AM Radio live in Las Vegas. Again, all shows are simulcast worldwide on the Internet (and archived) and can be listened to at Basham and Cornell Radio
If you've missed our show, check out the audio archives for MP3 podcasts. We have interviewed Helen Thomas, legendary White House correspondent; Tom Daschle, former Senate Majority Leader; Presidential candidates, Pulitzer Prize winner Charlie Savage; MSNBC's Pat Buchanan, former Reagan advisor; CNN's Paul Begala, former Clinton advisor; Bill Press, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Rep. Robert Wexler, Sen. John Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich, John Dean, NBC Bureau Chief in Tel Aviv Martin Fletcher, Congressman Charlie Rangel,Valerie Plame, Vincent Bugliosi, Christine Pelosi, Dahr Jamail, Senator Mike Gravel; Senator Byron Dorgan; bestselling authors Naomi Klein, Paul Krugman.... and many more.
Ellen Brown, J.D., is a financial expert who has plunged in where others feared to tread, daring to swim against the sharks of Wall Street. She developed her research skills in other shark-infested waters, practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles.
Ellen has authored 11 books, and in her latest, “The Web of Debt”, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and "the money trust."
She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back.
A prodigious blogger, Brown maintains a respected website that is heavily frequented by readers
eager to learn what is happening and what we can do about it.
Web of Debt unravels the deceptions in our money scheme and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which we are heading. Then it explores a workable alternative, one that was tested in colonial America and is grounded in the best of American economic thought, including the writings of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.
The Basham and Cornell Show broadcasts weekday mornings at 8 am Pacific (11 a.m. Eastern) on KLAV 1230 AM Radio live in Las Vegas. Again, all shows are simulcast worldwide on the Internet (and archived) and can be listened to at Basham and Cornell Radio
If you've missed our show, check out the audio archives for MP3 podcasts. We have interviewed Helen Thomas, legendary White House correspondent; Tom Daschle, former Senate Majority Leader; Presidential candidates, Pulitzer Prize winner Charlie Savage; MSNBC's Pat Buchanan, former Reagan advisor; CNN's Paul Begala, former Clinton advisor; Bill Press, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Rep. Robert Wexler, Sen. John Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Dennis & Elizabeth Kucinich, John Dean, NBC Bureau Chief in Tel Aviv Martin Fletcher, Congressman Charlie Rangel,Valerie Plame, Vincent Bugliosi, Christine Pelosi, Dahr Jamail, Senator Mike Gravel; Senator Byron Dorgan; bestselling authors Naomi Klein, Paul Krugman.... and many more.
Jim - you had the 11:11 too? That is so cool. I have to hear about it.
ReplyDeleteJim, you're right: Alcoholism is not a weakness and there is nothing weak about being a recovered alcoholic. The most creative geniuses on the planet are sober alcoholics. Alcoholism is a disease - like diabetes, etc.
You cannot manage this or solve it with human will power. It can only be "cured" by surrendering your "self-will run riot", your resentments (the number one destroyer) and your EGO.
I love this: Ego is an acronym for "EDGING GOD OUT"
Anyone who has stopped drinking through a spiritual surrender is a walking miracle, as you and I are Jim and many people I know.
Hi Lydia. I just wanted you to know that I personally started blogging (keeping a journal was more like it) back in April of 07. I didn't "meet" Volt until April of 08. But this contributor of yours persists in saying that we're the same person. In order for this to be true, Volt would have to have been living a duel existence for 12 months (the purpose, I gather, to trick somebody down the road). Do you not concur that this is some very bizare reasoning? And now he seems to be saying that you're living some sort of duel existence. I don't know, maybe Volt is right about the intervention thing.
ReplyDeleteI hope you Hurry up and get that interview in the archives i've wanted to read that book for a while...........i'll have to let Clif know about this interview as well........I KNOW he would be interested in hearing it as well.
ReplyDeleteI am in the middle of a fascinating interview about the BANKING SYSTEM. right now, on the air. It will give you chills.
ReplyDeleteWill "take no prisoners" Haskell said...
ReplyDeleteHi Lydia. I just wanted you to know that I personally started blogging (keeping a journal was more like it) back in April of 07. I didn't "meet" Volt until April of 08. But this contributor of yours persists in saying that we're the same person. In order for this to be true, Volt would have to have been living a duel existence for 12 months (the purpose, I gather, to trick somebody down the road). Do you not concur that this is some very bizare reasoning? And now he seems to be saying that you're living some sort of duel existence. I don't know, maybe Volt is right about the intervention thing......and might I add your hair is looking very lovely today Mrs Cleaver?
Enough with the Eddie Haskell whining. What do you need to intervene in? Because I am a "contributor to a blog" like YOU?
I comment in a blog. So? Bloggers need help because you don't like their comments?
You call me the crazy one but I've found out that pretty much all of you people are nuts. Hopping in and out under sock puppet handles all over the place. Living a constant lie. Hell from what I can tell, I'm the only one here who's actually honest.
The ONLY one.
Everyone else here, and I DO mean EVERYONE, is lost in a web of deception and lies.
If that's what constitutes spirituality then I'm glad I'm not that spiritual.
Not one of you here knows what it means to be honest. Truly honest. Not ONE of you.
And as I said last night, I was just waiting for a plausible explanation, and I see I'm not going to get one, because there isn't one.
The obvious is the explanation.
As it always was.
The convoluted contortions of Voltron and Will, MCH, making implausible excuses to explain away the obvious almost pale in comparison to the level of utter across the board deceit that has apparently been going on all along.
We hear a lot about sanity. We hear a lot about how "messed up" I am. Even when others are foaming at the mouth, calling me a "f'n murderer", and as Voltron puts is "piling on" to "poke" me, and then when I respond in a normal manner, I am labeled "angry" and "crazy".
But none of you look to hard inwards.
Those who kick someone, then call that someone angry when they respond are the lowest form of liar and are obvious in their intent and design. There's no ambiguity there. No concealment. Just a couple of nuts obsessed with one blogger who unlike them, is honest enough to be who he is, and who they could never, ever beat in a debate. And its that frustration, that fuels them.
And now, those losers have lost their chance, because now that the truth of this blog has been revealed to me recently, and what I've learned, has made it impossible for me to continue here.
When dishonesty and deception are the bastions of both sides, then its time find a new side. One that doesn't include lies, deceit, trickery, backbiting and outright dishonesty.
Say what you want about me but I never stooped to dishonesty or deception. I never lied to my antagonists, much less my "friends".
So as you chortle and chuckle about how Bartlebee needs help, thus elevating yourselves in your own minds, try looking in the mirror sometime. Because the one in need of real help, will be staring back at you.
Because for all the criticism's I've heard of ole Bartlebee, and I've heard a ton of them lately, at least I'm not dishonest.
At least I came to you openly and genuinely and never under a false identity or in deceit.
Lydia said,
Ego is an acronym for "EDGING GOD OUT"
But I doubt dishonesty draws him much closer.
I've heard nothing recently but how bad my ego is.
Bart your ego is this and Bart your ego's destroying you. So many "concerned" people over my ego.
I'm touched.
But at least I understand why now.
Because obviously my comfort with who I am makes a stark contrast to most of you in here because my ego is not sullied by deceit.
Just remember this.
When you assume a false identity, you are telling a lie.
And every thing you say, every word under that identity, is ANOTHER lie.
And thus the assumption of one false identity can spawn a thousand lies in a single afternoon, because everything you say under that identity, is a lie.
And no one ever became spiritual, from lying.
I'm done unless someone has something else to see to me, or about me.
ReplyDeleteLydia, I've never assumed a "false identity" in my life. I have no idea who's behind some of these characterizations (I think that Cosmic Cowboy might have been Rusty but even with that I'm not totally sure) but it isn't me. As for not liking a particular person's "comments", that, too, is ridiculous. I could care less what another person's positions are. I just don't like being maniacally accused of things that I haven't done. I mean, you can't really like it, either, right (the fact that you've been accused of having another handle, etc.)?
ReplyDeleteMike, the interview should be in the archives by now. I had trouble hearing Ellen because she spoke so low, but what she said is absolutely mind-blowing, and if Congress really knew this stuff (a lot of them don't) there might be a whole new banking system.
ReplyDeleteWill, I don't like being attacked by anyone. Especially friends.
No one really knows anyone and it is not our place to judge others.
No matter what, we must treat each other with respect -- exactly how we would each want to be treated.
Will "take no prisoners" Haskell said..
ReplyDeleteI just don't like being maniacally accused of things that I haven't done. I mean, you can't really like it, either, right (the fact that you've been accused of having another handle, etc.)?
I didn't accuse you specifically of anything in that comment other than being a crybaby.
And since I am leaving as soon as you and others stop talking to me, and about me, why are you balling?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
ReplyDeleteLydia, I've never assumed a "false identity" in my life. I have no idea who's behind some of these characterizations (I think that Cosmic Cowboy might have been Rusty but even with that I'm not totally sure)"
LYING AGAIN I cant just lie and make stuff up and expect NOT to get called on your CLEARLY accused Clif even after it was pointed out he didnt have electricity and it couldnt have been himj stiop trying to pretend to be some bastion of honesty will.
And we see for all everyones self deluded claims about my "paranoia", we see that the truth is, several here are obsessed with me, which is why the dirtbag just posted again as me, impersonating me again, and speaking foul things.
ReplyDeleteNow Lydia, you're wrong.
We can "know" people, when they reveal themselves to us.
And if my sin choices are between ego and dishonesty I'll take ego any day.
And I wasn't "attacking" you either Lydia, nor am I.
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying goodbye.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteMike, the interview should be in the archives by now. I had trouble hearing Ellen because she spoke so low, but what she said is absolutely mind-blowing, and if Congress really knew this stuff (a lot of them don't) there might be a whole new banking system."
Cool i'll check it out when i get home from work........just ordered the book too BTW, i've been meaning to read Web of Debt for about 2 years now!
That was a Real good person to Interview.........we Need to give MORE people like that a voice.
JFK wanted to shut down the Federal Reserve and neuter the Military Industrial Complex and he took a bullet to the head............the world would have been a MUCH better place if he had.
And knowing what happened to my Mom Lydia, I'd think you wouldn't let that comment impersonating me stand.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I'd think you wouldn't let the person doing it stay either, or such deception and deceit stand either.
But deception becomes a hard thing to control. Especially when we allow it, or worse, embrace it.
Just remember. Every time someone posts under an assumed handle, its a lie.
And everything they say under that handle, however much it may be based in fact, is still a lie.
And lies breed more lies. And more lies breed more lies. Until finally the truth becomes impossible to see through the maze of deceit.
And no one ever finds spirituality, in a lie.
The statement I made is that I've never assumed a false identity in my life. THAT is NOT a lie. There are a lot of people who could be imitating this contributor (including himself). The only real suspect for Nicholas was Clif (unless, of course, you did it, Mike - something I've never alleged).
ReplyDeleteWell Champ its not me or clif THAT I KNOW...........You not so much!
ReplyDeleteWell since we're clearing the air here so to speak, I'll say this once again.
ReplyDeleteMy first visit to this board was in 2005 as "Eric" which is my real name. It was in fact my first experience with blogging.
I found this blog through Lydia's email to Ann Coulter, via the bradblog article which Ann referenced in her posting. I came here more out of curiosity than anything else since I remembered Lydia from TCFC.
In an debate with Worf I was looking for something to express how I felt about an issue and through ignorance I neglected to credit the source.
Worf immediately labeled me a plagiarist and continued to beat that horse every time I showed up.
I became weary of hearing that crap, so I changed my moniker to "Voltaire". After a couple of years I got tired of that handle and switched to "Voltron".
At that time Mike got into the habit of calling everyone in the opposition "Eric". I never denied being Eric, but I did ignore him when he addressed me by that name.
He finally settled in on TT as Eric, and I let him.
In all that time I have NEVER posted under more than ONE screen name at the same time. When I became "Voltron", "Voltaire" died,
AND I made sure you guys KNEW it was still me by stating it in my first post as Voltron and by keeping the name similar. And when I became "Voltaire", "Eric" died.
I have NEVER at ANY time posted under any handle but the above.
My beliefs and opinions for better or worse are honestly held and are mine.
Contrary to Bart's rant, I have never lied about who I am or what I believe. I may have made a lie of omission on occasion, but that's about it.
Further, at one time I emailed both Lydia AND Bart with my full name and contact information. They can choose whether to believe that information or not, But it wouldn't have been too terribly hard to verify. And Bart, you can still pick up a phone and call or send a letter. I'll answer.
That information will change soon as I will be moving. If either of you would like an update when that happens, ask and I will oblige.
Also Bart, you're not quite THAT honest either. The night I sent you that email, you lied to me about your info. That's OK, I understand why you did, and I didn't believe you anyway.
That said, the name calling and the accusations have gotten out of hand and moved well beyond civil discourse. If this post or Bart's or anyone else's helps improve that, all to the better I suppose.
And as Will pointed out once or twice our host has not been beyond that either.
Now as to exactly who's who, while I don't personally know or associate with anyone else on this board, I do recognize Will, MCH and Rusty as separate entities.
It's not hard to tell from the posting styles. The way you type and the phrases that one uses become a habit. Someone might be able to fool you with only one or two posts, but over a longer period of time will fall back into their old habits.
And IF they are someones "sock puppets" I have no idea who "Sara" or "Jackie" or Bart's new impersonator is. Although I would bet that Bart's new impersonator and "Jackie" are one and the same...
Regardless of how you may feel about my opinions, I AM a pretty nice guy once you get to know me.
And Lydia, Mike and Bart ought to know that.
Lydia and Mike once caught me chatting with and trying to help one of her estranged relatives, and I was behaving in a decent manner was I not? I probably shouldn't have gotten involved and I misunderstood the relationship, but it seemed at the time that that person was hurting.
(And Lydia, I hope they found peace?)
And Bart also knows that a couple of times he was feeling low I popped into his blog and attempted to cheer him up.
Now perhaps we can begin anew eh?
Oh and I forgot...
ReplyDeleteAnd you look lovely today Mrs. Clever.
(humor folks, humor)
Damn! That should have read "Mrs. Cleaver"...
ReplyDeleteOh and Mike, I should probably add I have also NEVER worked for Blogger or in the computer industry.
ReplyDeleteI'm fairly technically minded and I do know my way around a computer somewhat, more hardware wise than software though.
While you might have me replace your video card or add memory to your computer, you wouldn't want me coding any software for you. The chance that it would actually work at all is slim, and if it did it would be a thousand times more complicated than necessary.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAlso Bart, you're not quite THAT honest either. The night I sent you that email, you lied to me about your info.
First, you lied to me. And you never provided your last name.
Second, I WITHELD information until you were willing to provide EQUAL information, which you never did. And that is not dishonest. That's just being prudent when dealing with a nutjob who's been stalking you on the internet and who sends you one photo of a guy who looks like a cross between Charles Manson and the Elephant Man.
I was wise, not dishonest. You on the other hand came in under a veil of deception, lying about who you were to cover your shame at being impotent in a debate with me.
And you've stalked this blog ever since, mocking everyone including Lydia, who call "the bimbo", right before putting on your Eddie Haskell routine paying her false flattery and trying to sound reasonable, until the next time you bash her and the blog.
And third, you are not here to "clear the air".
You see me saying goodbye, and pointing out that I will ONLY respond to comments made to me, or about me, so you make a comment both to me, and about me.
Because you're obsessed and you cannot just let me go.
I mentioned your name NO where in there, yet you still can't let me go.
And you call me the one in need of help.
Oh and while we're at it, you guys have lousy memories too.
ReplyDeleteAbout half the things you attribute to me are things somebody else said.
"First, you lied to me. And you never provided your last name.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I WITHELD information until you were willing to provide EQUAL information, which you never did..."
I gave you my FULL name, street address, city, state and zip code, my phone number, where I worked and what I did there.
What more would you like?
Secondly I have NEVER called Lydia a "bimbo". That was Johnny who did that.
Thank you everyone. I like the calm posts.
ReplyDeletePlease read the new update.
And please behave.
I won't be around until tomorrow night, and can't post with my iphone.
And moreover, I didn't "send" you that picture.
ReplyDeleteLydia ASKED for it and I posted it on my blog where Carl linked to it and one of my boy calling me a "child molester".
I told you about that that night as well, and you said you never saw it and I gave you the link.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd IF they are someones "sock puppets" I have no idea who "Sara" or "Jackie" or Bart's new impersonator is. Although I would bet that Bart's new impersonator and "Jackie" are one and the same
No. They're different people.
But who cares?
When you've got a blog full of sock puppets and deceit, who really cares?
You lied about who you were, but I never lied about who I was. Ever.
And as I said earlier, from what I can tell now, knowing what I know, I'm the ONLY one in this blog who is actually the least bit honest.
I never stooped to deception or trickery, yet my name has been dragged through the mud more than anyone else here, and by everyone else here.
You call me all sorts of things, including paranoid to try and conceal the truth, and to drive me out.
And you have. All of you. Driven me out. And if you want me to stay out, all you have to do is stop talking to me, and about me.
But as we see from Will, Voltron, and others, that's almost impossible for you.
Because I'm not paranoid. You're obsessed.
Voltron said...
...we have a cause too Bart
It has nothing to do with right wing politics or subversion of the left.
It's you.
12:19 AM
And I did save all those emails. You want to read them again?
ReplyDeleteIt would take me a while as they're on my old computer. I'd have to dig it out and plug it back in but I CAN post our entire dialog from that night.
Voltron\Voltaire\Eric\? said...
ReplyDeleteI gave you my FULL name, street address, city, state and zip code, my phone number, where I worked and what I did there.
No you didn't.
You gave me a website, said you worked there, told me to call the main number and ask for your someone you said was your boss and when I got him to ask for "Voltron".
That's what you did.
So stop lying.
But hey, there's my email.
Feel free to send me those things now if you like.
Shouldn't matter, if you've "already sent them".
Yeah, you've been a jerk to me and quite a few others. What of it?
ReplyDelete"You gave me a website, said you worked there, told me to call the main number and ask for your someone you said was your boss and when I got him to ask for "Voltron".
ReplyDeleteThat's what you did.
So stop lying."
Complete bullshit.
I sent Lydia the exact same email I sent you. If she kept it she could verify that.
But would you like me to post the emails from that night Bart? Because I can.
And your desperation I can smell Volt.
ReplyDeleteI'm leaving, so you're working overtime to keep me here, and take this to another level.
I say goodbye, mention nothing to you and you suddenly are full of things to say to me.
Because you're desperate, and I can smell your desperation.
And THIS is what I mean by faulty memories. This is the complete and utter crap I have to answer for every time I post.
ReplyDeleteJerk said...
ReplyDeleteComplete bullshit.
I sent Lydia the exact same email I sent you. If she kept it she could verify that
Prove it.
Send me the email.
I don't have that account any more but you never provided anything other than your website, told me to ask for your boss, and ask him to speak to "Voltron".
That's what you said asswipe.
But feel free to send me the information now that you claim to have sent.
Information I somehow don't seem to know, and never did seem to know.
I knew your website. That's all you provided.
And a photo. You sent me that raggedy old photo of your puss that we use in the field now to scare away crows.
Give me a few minutes to plug in the old computer. I'll start posting them.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd THIS is what I mean by faulty memories. This is the complete and utter crap I have to answer for every time I post.
You're a liar.
You never sent me anything other than your work website told me to copy the number and call and ask for your boss.
Prove otherwise. Resend the email with that data and stop yapping about it.
Don't talk.
Put up.
Put up or shut up.
Send me the information now punk.
Like I said, it's on my old computer. It'll take a few minutes, but you'll get it.
ReplyDeleteAnd then I'm sure you'll publically apologize on the board and tell them you lied?
You send them to me and I'll compare them with he originals (if I still have them) and if you're telling the truth, I'll state that.
ReplyDeleteBut while you're doing it, perhaps you can come up with a plausible excuse as to why you are so desperately trying to keep me here?
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't you just let me leave, if you don't like me so much?
I didn't say anything to, or about you.
So why are you trying to keep me here?
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd THIS is what I mean by faulty memories. This is the complete and utter crap I have to answer for every time I post.
You wouldn't have to deal with anything if you could keep your big fat mouth shut for a change and just let me go.
But you can't.
Because you're a lunatic, obsessed with stalking me.
Must be a slow computer.
ReplyDeleteI still see nothing.
You got the right address?
Voltron said...
ReplyDelete...we have a cause too Bart
It has nothing to do with right wing politics or subversion of the left.
It's you.
12:19 AM
Boy, that must be one slow computer.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd moreover, I didn't "send" you that picture.
Lydia ASKED for it and I posted it on my blog where Carl linked to it and one of my boy calling me a "child molester".
I told you about that that night as well, and you said you never saw it and I gave you the link.
So you didn't "send me" the "sent me" a link.
And the significant difference between the two is again....?
Yea, that's what I thought.
ReplyDeleteWell Bart, it appears that I no longer have access to it.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't on my last computer, and the first computer I can't access the hard drive.
So if Lydia didn't keep it then I guess I can't prove it to you.
But I know what I sent.
hmmmm, now how did I predict that?
ReplyDeleteSure Volt, sure.
But hey, I have an easy solution.
Since you're that concerned with it then there's nothing stopping you from sending me the information again, is there?
I mean you do still know your own address and phone number, right?
And you still know your own last name, right?
So send it over big guy.
Send it over if like you said, you've "already sent it" before.
Because if you had, then it doesn't matter, right?
Send it over now, and I'll conclude at least on the surface, that my memory may have been wrong.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, I'm clearly not as obsessed with it as you are, so maybe you remember better.
Doesn't mean I'm dishonest. Just means I may have forgotten, which I know I didn't but hey, if you send it over again then that implies to me at least its possible that you sent it once before, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
How's that work for ya champ?
There you go.
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty much how I sent it last time.
And YOU looked up my employer on the internet and asked me if my bosses name was X, and I replied "yes".
And it was you who wouldn't give your last name. You told me Robert, and your nickname was Fast Bob, and your friends called you "buddy".
ReplyDeleteYou said you couldn't give your last name because of your employment in security.
AND I asked you if you ever posted on Ragingbull as RapidRobert as I had had run ins with him before on the VCSY board.
Coming back to you now?
And I told you you should talk to a "Portuno Diamo" on that board, because if he wasn't a computer genius he was the best bullshitter I'd ever heard.
ReplyDeleteOk, Volt sent me his what appears to be his contact information so its certainly plausible that he may have sent them that night.
ReplyDeleteNow, is there anything else you need from me Volt, or is your obsession finally waning?
May I leave now, or did you want to continue talking to me, or about me?
We also discussed Carl and Johnny.
ReplyDeleteYou could have left a long time ago Bart. You just didn't have to call me a liar.
ReplyDeleteEverything I said in my first post on this thread is true.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd it was you who wouldn't give your last name. You told me Robert, and your nickname was Fast Bob, and your friends called you "buddy".
Robert is part of my name.
And my friends do call me buddy.
So? What's your point?
And if you think it "appears" wrongly, call the number and we'll chat.
ReplyDelete"Doesn't mean I'm dishonest. Just means I may have forgotten,..."
ReplyDeleteYes but when anyone else does that they're a "liar", and the lowest of low. Despicable even...
That's the point.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteYou could have left a long time ago Bart. You just didn't have to call me a liar.
Everything I said in my first post on this thread is true.
I didn't say ANYTHING to you.
And you are a liar.
You got caught plagiarizing and then came in under a the guise of deceit, trying to harass me and cover your embarrassment.
And you've changed it again, and did more deceit.
All of you people with your sock puppets and your secret handles are lost in a sea of deception, and nonsense.
And when you assume a false handle, with the intent of deceiving someone, that is a lie.
Nothing more.
As for when I'll leave, I'll leave when you and the rest of the obsessed are done talking to me, and about me.
Voltron said...
ReplyDelete"Doesn't mean I'm dishonest. Just means I may have forgotten,..."
Yes but when anyone else does that they're a "liar", and the lowest of low. Despicable even...
Look, first of all I'm just saying that to appease you. I remember a different evening, and different information, and I remember you giving me WORK information, not that home address you just sent me. That's new.
At least new to me.
But I am GIVING you the benefit of the doubt, if you'd take it.
But that doesn't mean I lied even if I didn't remember correctly.
And I don't call people liars for forgetting something and then admitting they may have forgot.
I call people liars for OUTWARD DECEIT.
And OUTWARD DECEIT is when you present yourself to me as someone I know regularly, then come in under a made up handle using deception and trickery.
THAT'S a LIE Voltron.
And THAT'S what I've had my fill of in here.
"You got caught plagiarizing and then came in under a the guise of deceit, trying to harass me and cover your embarrassment."
ReplyDeleteI made an innocent mistake as a newbie, I tried to apologize for it, and you wouldn't accept it or move on from it. YOU harassed ME.
That's why I changed my handle.
"And you've changed it again, and did more deceit."
No deception on that one Bart. Like I said above I made SURE everyone knew it was me, and I even kept the name similar so there would be no mistaking who it was.
How many times have you changed yours? And maybe there was no deceit between your friends when you came back as Bartlebee, but you didn't state it outright on the board. None of the opposition was told.
AND I have NEVER posted as anyone but Voltron since assuming that handle. NEVER.
ReplyDeleteI did everything but sign my name.
I posted just as I always did, even going out of my way to post my little sarcastic faces, you know, my trademark.
I made it painfully clear who I was and I never, ever, ever denied I was worfeus.
I went out of my way to make it clear I was. I just didn't jump everytime one of you obsessed right wing nuts hounded me over it.
So you're lying now, desperately trying to convince yourself that I am a liar like you.
I'm not.
I tell the truth, and I don't use deception or trickery.
I have no reason to believe or expect that she would have kept it, but if Lydia still has it that would prove it.
ReplyDeleteBecause I didn't know your email and sent it to her first asking her to forward it to you. When I told you I had done so, you gave me your email and asked me to send it direct, and I simply sent you the same one I sent her.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAND I have NEVER posted as anyone but Voltron since assuming that handle. NEVER.
How does anyone know that?
Its all deception, backbiting, gossip and lies.
And we know you DID lie, TWICE, coming in under assumed handles to try and deceive and harass.
So honestly dude, who cares?
ReplyDeleteI called you Worf once when I first caught on and you replied "The names Bartlebee".
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI have no reason to believe or expect that she would have kept it, but if Lydia still has it that would prove it.
Because I didn't know your email and sent it to her first asking her to forward it to you. When I told you I had done so, you gave me your email and asked me to send it direct, and I simply sent you the same one I sent her.
Are we back on that again?
I thought we agreed I would state my memory may have been wrong and leave it at that.
Is there some way, in the next century, that you're going to grow up enough, to just let it go?
"How does anyone know that?"
ReplyDeleteThey don't. The same way nobody knows if what your saying is true or not.
"And we know you DID lie, TWICE, coming in under assumed handles to try and deceive and harass."
Perhaps you missed this part:
"I made an innocent mistake as a newbie, I tried to apologize for it, and you wouldn't accept it or move on from it. YOU harassed ME.
That's why I changed my handle.
"And you've changed it again, and did more deceit."
No deception on that one Bart. Like I said above I made SURE everyone knew it was me, and I even kept the name similar so there would be no mistaking who it was."
Voltron said...
I called you Worf once when I first caught on and you replied "The names Bartlebee".
And if you called me Worf right now, I'd tell you the same thing, so?
I made it perfectly clear who I was, and I told my "friends" immediately.
I wasn't worried about answering the questions of the assholes, although you can't say I didn't make it perfectly clear.
I posted my trademark on practically every other post back then, just so you couldn't say what you're trying to say now.
Deal with it.
"So honestly dude, who cares?"
ReplyDeleteI care.
I may not be able to prove it to yours or anyone elses satisfaction, but I KNOW I'm telling the truth.
And I resent being called a liar every time I open my mouth.
And evidently a lot of other people do too.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeletePerhaps you missed this part:
"I made an innocent mistake as a newbie, I tried to apologize for it, and you wouldn't accept it or move on from it. YOU harassed ME.
Lots of people apologize Volt. Doesn't mean they stopped doing what they were doing wrong.
And when it comes to DECEPTION, you'll find me less than forgiving.
I tolerate a lot out of people.
Call me names. Scream at me. Hell I even bounce off threats.
But when someones used deception, ...not just a simple lie, but outright DECEPTION, then that person's credibility with me is shot.
And nothing I've seen you do has shown me any indication that you're any further removed from the deception I've seen twice from you before.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd I resent being called a liar every time I open my mouth.
Well try not lying every time you open your mouth.
That might help.
And as for resent?
I resent being stalked by a lying scumbag like you for 4 years you right wing prick.
I resent your making it a sport to gang people up on me, and "kick me" like you brag about just to get a reaction so you can then label me as "angry".
I resent your 4 years of diversion, lies, deceit and bullshit.
How's that for resentment a$$hole?
Now, anything else you want to get off your chest, or can we get back to parting ways on a somewhat civilized manner?
ReplyDeleteAnd if that's it from the rest of the peanut gallery, then I'll say good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
There does appear to be some deception going on in here, I'll admit that. But I don't think it's Will or MCH, and I KNOW for certain it isn't me.
ReplyDeleteYou can believe that or not, and obviously you've chosen the latter.
But know this, instead of actually figuring out and targeting the ones who are doing the deceiving you've just decided to shoot everything that moves.
That's paranoia. That's ego.
The majority of the deception is in your own mind.
You've let them get to you.
OK, I'm done.
Go if you wish.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteThere does appear to be some deception going on in here, I'll admit that. But I don't think it's Will or MCH, and I KNOW for certain it isn't me.
You can believe that or not, and obviously you've chosen the latter.
No, I am not necessarily doubting you at this point, or condemning you.
I'm just pointing out you've used deception twice on me, and that makes it impossible for me to know when you're lying or telling the truth.
And it makes it impossible for me to know if you're a sock puppet that appears like you, or not.
That's the rub.
That's the problem with deceit.
Once you head down that road the roadmap is no longer any good.
So I don't know. I honestly don't know.
And that's the sad thing about this blog.
Who knows anymore?
And who cares?
Deceptron said....
ReplyDeleteBut know this, instead of actually figuring out and targeting the ones who are doing the deceiving you've just decided to shoot everything that moves.
That's paranoia. That's ego.
The majority of the deception is in your own mind.
Sorry. Couldn't help myself on the "deceptron" thing. For old times sake if you will.
As for my "paranoia and ego, all I can say is 'here we go again'.
1. Its not my ego that is posting as me saying all sorts of nonsense.
2. Its not my paranoia that is stalking me.
4. Its not my ego when you post that you are "poking me" and kicking me and harassing me and "dogpiling" on me...etc... over the last four years.
That was real.
That was you.
Apparently it is you who have the ego problem, not being able to see your own dirty deeds for the last four years.
And as for 1 an 2, like I said, WHO KNOWS?
I know at least 3 who are impersonating others, from BOTH sides, but who knows?
Who really knows?
Because like I said, when you're dealing with deceit, you never really know what you've got.
That's why I avoid it.
That's why I keep it out of my life.
All the water in the world,
ReplyDeleteHowever hard it tried;
Could never sink the smallest ship,
Unless it gets inside.
And all the evil in the world,
The blackest kind of sin;
Can never hurt you the least bit;
Unless you let it in.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"I'm just pointing out you've used deception twice on me, and that makes it impossible for me to know when you're lying or telling the truth."
ReplyDeleteWhen I went from Voltaire to Voltron my very first post was confirming my identity. No deception there.
On the first one from Eric to Voltaire, yes. But not for nefarious purposes. Just to get you off my back for an innocent mistake I made as a newbie, even after I apologized repeatedly.
And admit it, you wouldn't have let up, you would have just kept beating it with no appearance of ever stopping.
"Its not my ego when you post that you are "poking me" and kicking me and harassing me and "dogpiling" on me...etc... over the last four years."
Hey, other people get offended too. I admit you've annoyed the hell out of me lately, and I've enjoyed "poking you". You've been a jerk. And it's not as if you and Clif and Mike haven't enjoyed a good dogpile on Voltron either.
That said, we also USED to have some decent conversations here.
I wish we could get back to them without all the wild accusations.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteOn the first one from Eric to Voltaire, yes.
So you used deceit and trickery once, but not the second time.
And this helps how?
I only shot him once your honor.
That second bullet wasn't mine.
But not for nefarious purposes. Just to get you off my back for an innocent mistake I made as a newbie, even after I apologized repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteAnd admit it, you wouldn't have let up, you would have just kept beating it with no appearance of ever stopping.
Matter of fact Mike and Clif are STILL beating that one on occasion.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteBut not for nefarious purposes.
Oh I'm sorry.
Which part of deceiving some one and using trickery and deception to try and beat them in a debate do you find particularly honorable?
Oh and after thinking about it, you're right about your impostor and Jackie being different.
ReplyDeleteJackie took your side against MCH, the impostor seems not to like you.
Regarding the remark he made about your mother though, I seem to recall several remarks YOU made about MY mother, my brother and my father as well.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd admit it, you wouldn't have let up, you would have just kept beating it with no appearance of ever stopping.
So let me see if I have this right.
The reason you lied the first time, and deceived using deception and guile to debate me was...,
.. because you got caught using deception to deceive us into thinking that someone elses words were yours?
And you find which part of this again particularly admirable?
Which part of continuing to beat a newbie who made an innocent mistake and apologized repeatedly for it do you find particularly honorable?
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteOh and after thinking about it, you're right about your impostor and Jackie being different.
Jackie took your side against MCH, the impostor seems not to like you.
No Jackie didn't. Jackie mocked me, saying things that I said but changing parts to make them sound more silly.
Jackie never took MY side on anything.
Now, what happened to "I'm done"?
Having trouble cutting the umbilical?
No Bart, while I admit you've gotten my goat with all the accusations lately, I don't necessarily dislike you.
ReplyDeleteI just wish you'd admit that your human just like the rest of us and have made your share of mistakes.
Then maybe we could move on and get back to having decent discussions without calling each other names.
So yes, I hate to see you leave. This is more your board than mine. You share the prevailing ideology here. I don't. It was never my intention to drive you away, I just wanted to humble you a little bit.
And you do know the times you were feeling low I DID pop into your blog to try to cheer you up...
ReplyDeleteEven after all the names you've called me.
Just don't tell Ann Coulter. She wouldn't understand...LOL
ReplyDeleteWell, if we're done for now I'm gonna switch back to the new computer. This one's starting to smoke...
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteWhich part of continuing to beat a newbie who made an innocent mistake and apologized repeatedly for it do you find particularly honorable?
For a newbie you sure seemed to know a lot about blogger at the time. Of course we have to take your word on that.
As for "beating you", if you mean I rode you on it during the debate, sure. You were being pretty nasty that day if you recall.
And why did you come in?
Lydia saw you guys come in. Something about "hey, there's this bible dude over here" and suddenly there you all were.
A whole crew of right wing trolls.
Big K. Eric. Stephen.
What was up with that?
See Volt, you're not being honest.
That might be your address, might not be. I could research it but I really don't care.
Because I KNOW, you have some ties to some right wing group.
Whether its a Christian church. An RNC community forum of some kind. Falwell's internet debate team.
I honestly don't know.
All I know is what I see and what I saw and what I saw was you, coming into a blog to take me on, with a bunch of right wing trolls with you, all ganging up on me and trying to beat me in debate.
And what I saw is this one, half educated blogger kick all your asses.
And then I saw handles changing.
New faces disappearing in the middle of a debate, and new faces appearing sounding just like them but claiming to be someone else.
I saw trickery, lies and deceit.
And now I see that that trickery, lies and deceit is more widely dispersed than I ever realized.
And yet I still have to listen to mindless twits like you calling me "paranoid", when I know that you know, I am not.
See, first to be paranoid you have to be afraid. Afraid of anyone in this hole, I am not. I clock in at a deuce and a half slim, and I swing a 9 pound mall for 20 hours a week, so I doubt anyone here "really" wants to come start trouble with me. But if so, that'll be their problem. And a big one at that.
And second, to be paranoid, I'd have to be pretty much wrong. And I'm not. It wasn't paranoia that made four trolls appear suddenly one afternoon 3 years ago.
And it wasn't paranoia that stalked me from thread to thread, or caused you and Will to spend hours on your blog discussing me, obsessed with me.
And it wasn't paranoia that impersonates me constantly, (this ain't the first time).
And it wasn't my paranoia that made pretty much everyone in here to use deception and trickery at one time or another, with much of it going on to this day.
The fact is for all the accusations about me, my ego, my so called "paranoia", the fact is I'm the only one here who hasn't used deception and trickery to try and either win a debate, or stalk and harass someone.
So say what you want about me, but at least I am honest. And I'll take that over your false accusations of ego and paranoia, any day.
I give up Bart.
ReplyDeleteHave it your way.
You always do.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteNo Bart, while I admit you've gotten my goat with all the accusations lately, I don't necessarily dislike you.
I just wish you'd admit that your human just like the rest of us and have made your share of mistakes.
Well thank you. I wish I could say I return the sentiment but at least I don't hate you. I guess that's something.
As for admitting that I'm human, when have I not done that?
I berate myself all the time, and I've done my share of apologizing for saying the wrong things, etc.
But I've never stooped to deception or trickery to try and win a debate, or worse, harass and stalk someone, just so you can paint them as "angry" or "paranoid".
There's an evil of sorts in that, and its an ugly one.
You were caught plagiarizing. You knew what you were doing. You presented it as your words, trying to counter me who was writing quite fast as I recall, putting out some pretty good prose.
So you wanted to to, so you went out to the web, stole something, then posted it like you had wrote it. Then when I figured it out you whined like you are now about "not playing by the rules".
Well, most adults don't need a rulebook to know that you don't plagiarize.
Most reasonable adults don't need a rule book to tell them when to be honest or not.
Either you're honest or you're not.
And you weren't that day. And then because I chided you on it, you wanted to start over without having to have us know about that dishonest episode, so you came back in, under a new handle, furthering your dishonesty.
And many called you on it and you denied it. Lying.
Which is why I point out the grievous nature of using deception and sock puppets to deceive someone. Because once you use the deception and trickery of a false identity, everything you say when disguised as that identity, is a lie.
Even if its correct, its still a lie. Because it comes from a position of deceit.
Now, maybe you did repent of this eventually, and now have been honest since day one. Maybe you're not Will, don't know Will, and have nothing to do with him.
But that's the rub.
Once you've lied like that, and used deception, everything you say from then on, is in question.
I'd like to trust you, but how can I?
That's the problem with deception.
Once you start, no one can trust you anymore.
And forgive me the mindless twits jibe. Old habits die hard.
ReplyDeleteWe were discussing religion Bart.
ReplyDeleteYou were very eloquent in stating your position, and I was trying to find something that captured my feelings on the subject because I knew I couldn't state it quite as elegantly.
It happened to be from a particular clergyman whom you disliked. The discussion was not particularly nasty at that point.
My simple mistake was not attributing it to it's author.
There was no attempt at deception. It did accurately describe my sentiments at the time.
And I never tried to defend it. I immediately apologized. And then found that I had to keep apologizing every time I posted.
I find that now 4 years later I'm STILL apologizing for it. And I'm tired of it.
And as for how I came to be here, read the first couple of paragraphs of my first post in this thread again.
As to "right wing" groups I belong to, I'm on the email list of Team Sarah and Redstate. Sue me.
Now if you don't mind I'm gonna switch back to my new computer. The hard drive on this one is starting to make screeching noises.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteWell since we're clearing the air here so to speak, I'll say this once again.
Voltron said...
And as for how I came to be here, read the first couple of paragraphs of my first post in this thread again.
I did. And it doesn't jive.
You didn't come in alone.
You all came in the same afternoon.
Big K. You. Stephen.
I spoke with Lydia via email that afternoon, and she saw something in a blog somewhere where someone said "hey, there's this bible dude in a blog debating one of us" , or something to that effect.
Then you all showed up.
The blog was prior before. Just one guy I was debating. Stephen I think. Can't remember because I'm not as obsessed with it as you. But I remember debating some guy, steve or Stephen, and suddenly in came you three. Together. The same day.
So to believe you I'd have to believe that all these right wingers just happened to find their way there on the same afternoon, and not knowing each other, all ganged up on this one blogger. And they all stayed for over a year. Some who are still here, like you, and those who lurk behind false identities.
So to believe that, once more I'd have to accept your highly implausible scenario, in place of the more likely one, that you all came in from a common right wing source.
Maybe they read Ann Coulter's site too? I don't know. All I know is I didn't and don't know who they were.
ReplyDeleteWeren't you complaining at the time that we were all sent by Ann?
Actually wouldn't that be a "common right wing source"?
ReplyDeleteAnd you were (and still are) the loudest guy in the room...
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteAnd you were (and still are) the loudest guy in the room...
Most literate is more like it.
But that doesn't explain how you all arrived on the same day.
Hasn't happened since. And the Coulter thing had been going on for a while.
Did Coulter say something? Was there a minor "call to arms" so to speak? What drove 4 right wing Coulter fans, into a liberal blog on the same afternoon to debate one guy?
You want me to accept the most unlikely of scenarios, in deference to the most obvious one.
Which is what you constantly do.
Present unlikely and implausible definitions, in place of the obvious.
While the obvious isn't ALWAYS right, it usually is.
And given I've known you to deceive, and not just lie but deceive, that doesn't bode well for the most unlikely scenarios, when coming from you.
You see my predicament.
This is why I always avoid deception.
Because once you do it, everything else is gilded in that light.
And when you say things like "you were the loudest in the room", we see you moving towards a better light.
ReplyDeleteA little bit of truth, seeping through the facade.
Its a small truth, no doubt. But it's a piece of a puzzle, and one more piece closer to you coming to grips with your own truth.
Something that I'm pretty sure you haven't done.
See, why did you come in?
This is a left wing blog, or it
was then when you came in.
So what was a right winger, from Ann Coulter's blog, doing in a left wing blog?
What was your purpose?
To spread sunshine?
See Volt, as you come to answer that question you'll start to see some of that "nefarious intent" that has been so elusive in your own self introspection.
"And the Coulter thing had been going on for a while."
ReplyDeleteNo, it was just within a few days of Ann posting Lydia's email to her. I hadn't thought of Lydia in years until I saw that post.
You don't think 3 or even more people might have read that, traced it back through bradblog and come here?
There's your common right wing source.
Maybe Lydia did read something else somewhere I don't know. But that's not how I got here.
And there you were...
"I found this blog through Lydia's email to Ann Coulter, via the bradblog article which Ann referenced in her posting. I came here more out of curiosity than anything else since I remembered Lydia from TCFC."
ReplyDelete3:12 post, this thread, third paragraph...
Voltron said...
ReplyDelete...we have a cause too Bart
It has nothing to do with right wing politics or subversion of the left.
It's you.
I'm done Volt. Enough.
ReplyDeleteLet it go.
The truth is there, you'll see it.
You know it. I know it. And posting what you claimed back then when we know you were open to using deceit does little to prove anything now.
Let it go.
Say goodnight Bartlebee.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteYou don't think 3 or even more people might have read that, traced it back through bradblog and come here?
All on the same afternoon and none since?
I don't.
"So yes, I hate to see you leave. This is more your board than mine. You share the prevailing ideology here. I don't. It was never my intention to drive you away, I just wanted to humble you a little bit."
ReplyDelete-7:10 PM
Goodnight Bart.
And don't forget you all talked like you knew each other back then.
ReplyDeleteThere was a comfortable familiarity.
A sense of collaboration.
I'm not the only one who saw it.
Lydia saw it. Mike saw it. Clif saw it.
So no.
I don't think your latest statistical elongations are the answer.
Given your history with me, I'd say the most obvious answer, is the correct one.
And enough with the "deceit". Get over yourself.
ReplyDelete"There was a comfortable familiarity.
ReplyDeleteA sense of collaboration."
Kinda like we shared the same ideology eh? Egad!
"...Mike saw it. Clif saw it."
If Mike saw it, he saw the tail end of it. And if Clif saw it, he was re-reading it because he didn't come along until much later.
Over myself? So we're back to the ego accusations again?
ReplyDeleteSo its my ego that won't let me trust you?
Its not the fact that you lied to me, plagiarized someones words to defeat me in debate, then came in under a false identity to stalk, ridicule and harass me, and its "my ego" that won't let me trust you?
Its my ego that made you start a blog dedicated to trashing this one?
ReplyDeleteIts my ego that made you spend the night in here keeping me here debating every little tidbit since the day you came in?
Even though I said nothing to you, and was leaving?
That was "MY" ego working there?
I'm over my self slim.
And I'm even more over you.
Where's the "honor" in continuing to beat a man after he's down and apologized MANY times for ONE damned innocent mistake made years ago?
ReplyDeleteLike I said, I get tired of it.
And of course all your innocent mistakes are just that and we have to forgive you.
Take your "deceit" and shove it right up your smug arrogant ass.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, I get tired of it.
Then why don't you shut your mouth for a change?
I was leaving pinhead. Why'd you stop me?
I wasn't talking to you when I left and you know it. So why'd you stop me?
Huh mouth?
I hope you re read this whole page.
ReplyDeleteI've tried very hard to be nice to you tonight. I even tried to talk you into not leaving. I stuck my hand out in peace several times and got it slapped down each and every time.
I overlooked all your smug pretentious comments to my overtures.
Yeah, it's ego buddy. You can do no wrong, and nobody else can do no right. Wah, Wah, Wah.
So go ahead and run away. Pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how great and noble you are.
After almost one hundred posts I think everybody here can see different.
Asstron said..
ReplyDeleteAnd of course all your innocent mistakes are just that and we have to forgive you.
You don't have to forgive me anything pal cause unlike you I never asked for it.
And trying to crop me into your deception and lies is more of your deception and lies.
I'm not the one running around with sock puppet handles, hanging out in an opposition blog stalking a blogger and trying to get information about them.
That would be you.
So I'm sorry if the truth hurts slick, but you're the one who decided to chose deception and trickery, and you're the assclown who's been hounding me for four years, and you're the one who CAME LOOKING FOR IT.
And You found it.
And you couldn't handle it.
And now its saying bye bye.
And apparently you're having a difficult time coming to terms with that.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI hope you re read this whole page.
I've tried very hard to be nice to you tonight. I even tried to talk you into not leaving. I stuck my hand out in peace several times and got it slapped down each and every time.
Be nice? That's nice? You insulted me tonight, and called me dishonest, even though I said nothing to you.
If you want truth, then come to grips with why you're here. Why you've stalked a left wing blog, and a lone blogger for almost four frakkin years.
And come to grips with why you came in, and seek that "nefarious intent" that you can't seem to put your finger on. Think about how you began, plagiarizing, lying, deceit, ganging up on one guy, think about that, and you'll get a better image of yourself.
I'm not without flaw, no doubt.
But I never had to stoop to the deception and foul tactics you've used and continue to use in this blog to harass, stalk, and generally cause disturbance.
Come to grips with that Volt, then talk to me about my ego.
"And You found it.
ReplyDeleteAnd you couldn't handle it.
And now its saying bye bye."???
Well that's it then. You guys can't handle me so I'm leaving...
ReplyDelete(For tonight anyway,
Goodnight folks.)
I don't know what you're asking there, but I don't really want to know.
I'll say this in parting if you'll let me go.
I don't hate you, even though you've stalked me for four years. I don't despise you. I just don't trust you, and there's really nothing you can do about that. You made that bed so don't whine about lying in it.
All I know is this blog is laden in deceit, lies, backbiting, gossip and deception, and I know of several instances early on where you were discovered being a part of that, so what else do I have to go on?
First impressions tend to last a lifetime.
I didn't single you out tonight.
In fact I didn't even really address you. I placed you higher than things I've recently learned about so why'd you start up with me? And hell, for all I know at this point you just might be the best friend I have in here! You might be the only person in here I can trust! But that's the problem.
"Might". Because I just don't know anymore. I JUST DON'T KNOW.
And I didn't make it that way. I didn't choose for all this deceit to occur. Those engaging in it chose that.
And you're one of the ones who I know has been caught with these tactics before, and you've been effectively "stalking me" for four years now, at least online. You store my comments on your computers. You dig through records trying to find ways to criticize me. I mean what am I left to think about you? So in truth, I'm left with "I just don't know".
And that's not so bad, is it?
So don't cry little Volt. Don't cry tonight. Maybe some day I'll stick my head in your blog and say hi, assuming you guys find something to talk about this summer besides me.
Just don't hold your breath. My leaving isn't about you in specific. Its about the whole sordid nonsense. The lies, the deceit, the "who's who", the invasions of privacy, the backbiting, the gossip.
And the constant attempts to paint me as some kind of a nut, just because I stand up to people in a debate, and do it a little bit better perhaps.
Can't beat the debater? Then smear him. Destroy his character. And lie and deceive.
And I'm done with it.
I'm saying goodbye out of respect to the four years I've been here, and to everyone here to give them a chance to get off their shoulders whatevers on them, say their dirties, and when they're done, I'm done.
So like you always tell me, stop making it about you.
You think "we" hate Bush?
ReplyDeleteWell the majority of the American people can see thru the reich-wing smoke screen of the last 4+ months;
ReplyDeleteThe number of Americans who believe that the nation is headed in the right direction has roughly tripled since Barack Obama's election, and the public overwhelmingly blames the excesses of the financial industry, rather than the new president, for turmoil in the economy, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
They know it was the greed of wall Street and not Obama which crashed the economy.
On a lighter note, check out
It's frakkin' hilarious. Lydia, you really get a big laugh out of this one.
Hilarious!! Hey I just put up my favorite Fleetwood Mac song -- which I bet you've never heard. It's from "Mystery to Me" before Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham
ReplyDeleteI am just on a quick break, going back underground now.
I have to set some of these accusations straight. I don't even know what a sock puppet is. If it means another're flippin' crazy. Also, if someone has another identity...what's wrong with that? I don't think this whole "sock-puppet Identiy etc..." should carry so much baring as to who or whomever posts their thoughts on a subject started by Lydia.
ReplyDeleteNOW...this is for you BART exclusively!!!
I do not talk to Lydia as much as you think. It is rare because she and I are so busy that it next to never happens. When we do's never about blogging!!! NEVER! We talk about how good things are. How we can make the world better starting with us. We want to change the world...and we believe we can! Lydia is now what she calls "undercover" she does not take or make phone calls. I'm one of her closest friends...I understand that. So, I back off. She has the same respect for me. I write and can't be disturbed when I feel a pivotal or epic moment is about to be written on my freelance stuff or in my book. She has a million people that call her. I witnessed it when we met up after not seeing each other in person since the late 90s. Also to note...I haven't spoke to her in weeks. Again, I'm too is she. An occasional email is sent and often not answered due to the demands she has in her own private life...and professional.
So please just stop these insane rantings about myself and Lydia as well. And to each other. This is a blog of a spiritual base...Lydia welcomes us to get to know each other through these topics and our posts. The posts I read are almost never about the's more about personal attacks.
To REALLY clear things up with you BART! I'm sorry if some of my posts hit close to home with you. I was writing about these images I have of what you write and respond to. You are so crazy and paranoid. I just pictured you in a crazy moment swinging an ax around like a helicopter and screaming about the people and posts that are made! I'm sorry if Lydia is the only one that knows your ax story. So, please...get of that assumption. You're not important enough to me personally that I would investigate such nonsense about you. I could care less. I DO care about you as a person...believe it or not. I just hope you are ok...honest to God. I also went and made up the part of knowing your address (again, how would I know that...I don't even know your real name) just to see if it would push you over the edge. That's all. There is no secret conspiarcy going on here between Lydia, the people on the blog, and me.
I'm sorry about the whole thing. I kind of did it to see if the way you respond to things was really real. Now that I know it is I will NOT participate in the nonsense. I will continue to post and read but, I won't partake in these crazy character assasinations. Unless they hit too close to home...or something really bad about me or my dear friend Lydia (proud owner of this site and blog).
I do not have any access to the tech crap about this blog or site. I don't want to. I really just want to read, think, post...that's all. If I can make a couple of online friends thats cool too. However, I guess I will not make them here.
To end, I come from a place of spirit, love and humanity. I'm not perfect...God knows that. I care about all of you and now that I understand things about the people here a little better...I will not try to stir things up.
Now with that being said, again, I'm sorry. I am who I am...take or leave me.
For those who care I can post some of my articles that I had written about fairness, equality, respect, politcs, elderly, disabled, middle class, and crimes.
Yes, you know my real name...or part of it. My "stage name" I will not reveal but here is my complete name.
James Hillis Ford.
Some call me Jesse.
That's it.
Bless you all...I hope this clears things up and...lets start (or I will start to write with respect to one another and about the topics at hand.) caring a little bit more. All people have feelings. Including Bart, Voltron, Mike, MCH, Lydia and everyone else.
My screen name is "No Fear" because I am not afraid to be who I am and to speak out about good things, blessing and speak out against the crimes people commit. It is also a line from one of my favorite song writer's song..."I have no fear...I have only love..." Those who know the song and the artist I'm speaking of she is a very cool lady...and the way I interpreted that part is exacttly what she was meaing in that particular part of the song. Do you all want me to change my screen name? Let me know and I'll do it...I'll need help because I don't know how.
James Hillis Ford "Jesse"
Ahh...Fleetwood Mac is better with Stevie and Lindsey. I know the industry commercialized them but you should hear the demo of "Silver Springs"
ReplyDelete1:28 PM
Blogger No Fear said...
I have to set some of these accusations straight. I don't even know what a sock puppet is. If it means another're flippin' crazy. Also, if someone has another identity...what's wrong with that? I don't think this whole "sock-puppet Identiy etc..." should carry so much baring as to who or whomever posts their thoughts on a subject started by Lydia.
NOW...this is for you BART exclusively!!!
I do not talk to Lydia as much as you think. It is rare because she and I are so busy that it next to never happens. When we do's never about blogging!!! NEVER! We talk about how good things are. How we can make the world better starting with us. We want to change the world...and we believe we can! Lydia is now what she calls "undercover" she does not take or make phone calls. I'm one of her closest friends...I understand that. So, I back off. She has the same respect for me. I write and can't be disturbed when I feel a pivotal or epic moment is about to be written on my freelance stuff or in my book. She has a million people that call her. I witnessed it when we met up after not seeing each other in person since the late 90s. Also to note...I haven't spoke to her in weeks. Again, I'm too is she. An occasional email is sent and often not answered due to the demands she has in her own private life...and professional.
So please just stop these insane rantings about myself and Lydia as well. And to each other. This is a blog of a spiritual base...Lydia welcomes us to get to know each other through these topics and our posts. The posts I read are almost never about the's more about personal attacks.
To REALLY clear things up with you BART! I'm sorry if some of my posts hit close to home with you. I was writing about these images I have of what you write and respond to. You are so crazy and paranoid. I just pictured you in a crazy moment swinging an ax around like a helicopter and screaming about the people and posts that are made! I'm sorry if Lydia is the only one that knows your ax story. So, please...get of that assumption. You're not important enough to me personally that I would investigate such nonsense about you. I could care less. I DO care about you as a person...believe it or not. I just hope you are ok...honest to God. I also went and made up the part of knowing your address (again, how would I know that...I don't even know your real name) just to see if it would push you over the edge. That's all. There is no secret conspiarcy going on here between Lydia, the people on the blog, and me.
I'm sorry about the whole thing. I kind of did it to see if the way you respond to things was really real. Now that I know it is I will NOT participate in the nonsense. I will continue to post and read but, I won't partake in these crazy character assasinations. Unless they hit too close to home...or something really bad about me or my dear friend Lydia (proud owner of this site and blog).
I do not have any access to the tech crap about this blog or site. I don't want to. I really just want to read, think, post...that's all. If I can make a couple of online friends thats cool too. However, I guess I will not make them here.
To end, I come from a place of spirit, love and humanity. I'm not perfect...God knows that. I care about all of you and now that I understand things about the people here a little better...I will not try to stir things up.
Now with that being said, again, I'm sorry. I am who I am...take or leave me.
For those who care I can post some of my articles that I had written about fairness, equality, respect, politcs, elderly, disabled, middle class, and crimes.
Yes, you know my real name...or part of it. My "stage name" I will not reveal but here is my complete name.
James Hillis Ford.
Some call me Jesse.
That's it.
Bless you all...I hope this clears things up and...lets start (or I will start to write with respect to one another and about the topics at hand.) caring a little bit more. All people have feelings. Including Bart, Voltron, Mike, MCH, Lydia and everyone else.
My screen name is "No Fear" because I am not afraid to be who I am and to speak out about good things, blessing and speak out against the crimes people commit. It is also a line from one of my favorite song writer's song..."I have no fear...I have only love..." Those who know the song and the artist I'm speaking of she is a very cool lady...and the way I interpreted that part is exacttly what she was meaing in that particular part of the song. Do you all want me to change my screen name? Let me know and I'll do it...I'll need help because I don't know how.
James Hillis Ford "Jesse"
And so we see, the obsession with Bartlebee, just doesn't die.
A day later, Bart gone (Unless someone starts up with him again) and here we have mister (or misses) "No Fear", starting up again.
First off Jim, apparently your drug rehabed brain doesn't recall too well, because it was YOU who started off with the "ACCUSATIONS", insulting me for no reason, and now you persist with your nonsense about me.
I've never said word one to you.
I've ignored you for the most part.
Yet suddenly, out of the blue you start accusing me of all sorts of mental instability, ego problems, etc.
The same exact words, in the same exact way LYDIA says them to me.
And in all your ranting, you still didn't address the two questions I asked you that night repeatedly.
1. How'd you know I own an AX?
2. How'd did you repeat almost word for word, criticisms sent to me by Lydia in an email earlier that day?
Care to answer those questions "Jim"?
Now, we can go on if you want, or maybe you can get a clue, and learn to keep your mouth shut about other people who never said a cross word to or about you.
I'm a little baby and I like it.
ReplyDeleteI like it cross my heart and hope to die.
Noone will ever dare to pick on me
'cause if they ever do then I will cry.
I did not say one solitary word to you No Fear -- not one.
ReplyDelete250 words, maybe. Certainly 300 words filled with threats and cuss words.
But not ONE word.
So there. Nyahhhh!
Here is what I think, Lydia is actually No Fear Jim who is sometimes called Jesse. And Jim who is sopmetimes called Jesse actually was on Too Colse for Comfort, in the off chance that some day he would have a blog that I would be on and he wanted to fool me.
But I saw right through that.
Pants on fire.
I'm not paranoid. People really are going out of their way to make my life hard. People really are making up sock puppuets 3 or 4 years in advance.
But they cant fool me.
Fleetwood Mac (if thats what they want to call themselves) are really just a sock puppet for the Who
The liars. But they cant fool me.
No Fear\Jim Hillis\? said...
ReplyDeleteAlso, if someone has another identity...what's wrong with that?
And there it is folks.
The loss of conscience that inevitably comes with deceit.
When a person stoops to deceit, and deception, they no longer have a moral compass to guide them, and suddenly lying is no longer wrong to them.
Because once you head down that road, all road maps that guided you before are no longer valid.
And sadly, those people wake up one day and discover that all they have left is their lies and deceptions.
And since most people cannot move forward without seeing themselves as good, they declare the sin itself good and can no longer discern good from evil, right from wrong, truth from deception.
"Jim" asked, "what's wrong with deception".
I wonder if there's anyone left in here, who can tell him.
Oh and the 2:38, 2:40, 2:42 and both 2:43 comments are not me.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think someone would have a conscience, or some shred of moral character.
But we see even at this late stage in the game, there are those here who have neither, and never will.
Jim asked what's wrong with lying.
And that tells you all you need to know, about "Mister" "no fear".
And something noteworthy in Jim's comments is his insistence that he is "Not Lydia".
ReplyDeleteSee, I never said he was.
I just asked how he knew things only Lydia could know.
She could have told him these things.
Maybe she shared my emails with him.
Maybe there's another explanation.
Who knows?
I just asked HOW he knew.
And for three days now, he has dodged the question.
And instead anxiously tries to convince us, that he is not her.
Even though no one ever said he was.
I wonder why.
No question, Lydia, "Hypnotized" is my all-time favorite Fleetwood Mac song, too. Im hadn't heard it in years. Thanks for posting it up.
ReplyDeleteBARTLEEBEE said...
ReplyDeleteFirst off Jim, apparently your drug rehabed brain doesn't recall too well, because it was YOU who started off with the "ACCUSATIONS", insulting me for no reason, and now you persist with your nonsense about me.
No Fear said...
Bart...I've come clean with you. You started with me my "weakness" "alcholism" "drug addicted brain" etc... You are foolish hypocritical bigot!!! I, in my heart to heart post apologized and explained thing in full. Sorry if I sound like Lydia... I explained our friendship and "how much time we spend talking with each other and we NEVER talk about this blog or the people here!.
The way you address people that have walked through "HONEST TO GOD REAL PAINFULL HELL" and have survived and live to tell about it are in fact some of the strongest people you will ever know. I think what you say about people that openly lay out their life, feelings, and recovery to maybe prevent someone from not having to go that road...because someone like me already did it...and it wasn't paint us from such evil in your heart that it's painful to read by me and I'm sure a lot of others. You are a prejudiced fool if you really think those things. I can't get why you you would mock someone that is open about their recovery and someone that is open about taking a simple med to keep them from staying awake for hours on end.
I've never said word one to you.
I've ignored you for the most part.
No Fear said...
Oh, please.
Yet suddenly, out of the blue you start accusing me of all sorts of mental instability, ego problems, etc.
The same exact words, in the same exact way LYDIA says them to me.
And in all your ranting, you still didn't address the two questions I asked you that night repeatedly.
1. How'd you know I own an AX?
2. How'd did you repeat almost word for word, criticisms sent to me by Lydia in an email earlier that day?
Care to answer those questions "Jim"?
Yes I care to answer those questions. Did you even read my post? I didn't know a damn thing about you or your ax. Get off it! I was writing metaphorically. AND Regarding persoal communications between YOU and LYDIA I'm not privvy to. It's like... you are not the one that spins the world or contributes such wise insight that I would even want to know anything about you.
What I had written initally a couple of days ago...I didn't call you out by did. I was making an observation of these "posts" or "debates" as I see them. You don't debate. You slam people. You think about people being sock puppets...what the hell is that, anyway? Hidden identities and conspiricies...I don't get it at all...YOU are not that important!!! So, knock it off now. So your 2 questions, by now should be answered. 1. I made up the my apology post. 2. I have no friggin' idea about anything Lydia has said or written to YOU about. So please. Get off your cross and hang out without all this cruelty and vindictive stuff.
I think you owe the people that have been brave enough to have admitted to themselves and others about their addiction or mental health...those that were brave enough to seek help...and especially those that are brave enough that...they don't keep it as a dirty little secret...and that they let everone that cares know about the struggle. That's pretty brave if you ask me. I personally revealed the demons I fought to in some small or big way...prevent others from taking that path. I don't call it a mistake or preventing others from making the same mistakes I have...because they were journeys that I took...and maybe I can steer some people from that path. Because it was hell. It hurt. You can't imagine those demons unless you fought or are still fighting them.
So, once again... stop judging people as if you were some kind of Deity. Jesus never condemed ANYONE! In fact he reached out to those most ostracized by people like you. As a Christian...I follow the new testament pretty much...and it was about our savior's journey here. So unless you are another messiah we don't know of...cut it out, Bart.
I'll continue to pray because I think you really feel these things. I think you really discriminate against those that have recovered. I think you don't believe people when they clarify situations in full open honesty. I think you really believe we're out to get you.
I think your great Bart...You have a mind of your own and intelligence. So quit the dramatics and get on with show.
I hope this helps.
PS I hope my previous post and this will be acceptable as an apology to all. I guess I went about things the wrong way. I just needed to know if all this was real...Now I know. And I'm so sorry...
No Fear said...
ReplyDeleteBart...I've come clean with you. You started with me my "weakness" "alcholism" "drug addicted brain" etc...
I never asked.
Much less cared.
ReplyDelete[No Fear\Jim Hillis\? said...
Also, if someone has another identity...what's wrong with that?]
"And there it is folks.
The loss of conscience that inevitably comes with deceit.
When a person stoops to deceit, and deception, they no longer have a moral compass to guide them, and suddenly lying is no longer wrong to them."
ReplyDeleteOh and the 2:38, 2:40, 2:42 and both 2:43 comments are not me.
What the hell?!?!?!
And something noteworthy in Jim's comments is his insistence that he is "Not Lydia".
See, I never said he was.
I just asked how he knew things only Lydia could know.
She could have told him these things.
Maybe she shared my emails with him.
Maybe there's another explanation.
Who knows?
I just asked HOW he knew.
And for three days now, he has dodged the question.
And instead anxiously tries to convince us, that he is not her.
Even though no one ever said he was.
I wonder why.
3:09 PM
I totally am leaving this alone. I can't win. This is so crazy... I can't help nor can I clarify. Maybe Lydia will drop in...I hope so...and read this bullshit.
Jim Hillis\Some Fear\? LIED again and said....
What I had written initally a couple of days ago...I didn't call you out by did. I was making an observation of these "posts" or "debates" as I see them.
See the problem with lying folks?
They become too cumbersome to manage, because you tell so many you forget which one you told to whom.
Here's what you said "Jim".
I know one person that dogged me about taking medicine and promoting the bullshit of Tom Cruise (his life is a complete lie in it's self...thank God for Publicty Agents and keep him as a Grandiose person and to hide his dirty little secrests) toward me...all the while there are 3,000 posts a day from him that even the most brilliant person could never know why? These thoughts are just negative, grandiose, heroic, histrionic and ego ridden
See, you identified me clearly by bringing out our little discussion on Tom Cruise.
Then you also identified me by mocking the number of posts I make.
So we see "Jim", "No Fear", whoever....we see that lies tend to create more lies.
Which is why it's never a good idea to start.
Because once you start, you just can't stop.
Worfeus\Bartlebee\Waynebro\? said:
ReplyDelete"Then you also identified me by mocking the number of posts I make.
So we see "Jim", "No Fear", whoever....we see that lies tend to create more lies."
No Fear said...
ReplyDeleteI totally am leaving this alone. I can't win. This is so crazy...
You can't win because you begin from a position of deceit.
What I said was true.
I never claimed you were Lydia.
I write that, and you just call it crazy and run from it.
Because its true.
If I were lying, like you, you could just go back and show me where I said you were Lydia.
But you can't.
Because I didn't.
Yet you frantically are trying to convince us, that you're not.
All I asked, was why.
Hey here's an interesting article I just read:
ReplyDelete"In psychology, psychological projection (or projection bias) is a defense mechanism where a person's personal attributes, unacceptable or unwanted thoughts, and/or emotions are ascribed onto another person or people. According to Wade, Tavris (2000) projection occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else.[1]
An example of such simple behavior would be: blame for failure, making an excuse for your own faults by projecting the cause of said failure onto someone else, hence blaming them and not accepting the reality of the failure. One would argue that you are projecting the threatening feelings.
Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted subconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them."
It's funny. If no one had said anything to me tonight, I'd be gone. Invisible. Silent. You'd never have to hear from me again.
ReplyDeleteYet for three days now the obsession with Bartlebee continues, and one by one we see the obsessed lining up to get smacked.
I don't know why. Perhaps they're in love with me. But for some reason, these people just don't want to let go.
Clif changed the topic of the board and was trying to move things on, but we see people just can't let go.
They just can't let go of their Bartlebee.
ReplyDeleteI really dig what was written by her and what I heard on the radio.
Some of you guys that were interested may have read the letter I had written to Lydia when I was in L.A. a couple of months ago. It's on her Blog front page.
I've encountered "SHARKS" of the worst kind in our own governmnent. My friend and I were lied to...and sent away. Little did they know...I don't like to be told "NO, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" When I truly believe in my heart that I'm right! Yes my friend did live in Beverly Hills for almost 70 years!!! She was in a rent controlled apartment. She was kicked out with a promise of $5,000 that she never recieved. Also, when the new owner and his crooked lawyer were finished revamping the little law (at that time) the people were supposed to come back under the rent control their same rent agreement. I DID get her full benefits BUT, I wish I had the time and resources for a good attorney to investigate the evil crimes.
Perhaps YOU just can't let go of us.
ReplyDeleteHas it occurred to you that IF you really wanted to go, you just would have?
IF that's what you really want, ignore us. We'll get tired of talking to or about you eventually.
But you can't. You have to have the last word.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeletePerhaps YOU just can't let go of us.
Has it occurred to you that IF you really wanted to go, you just would have?
For the love of God, I tried to ignore you tonight.
What's wrong with you?
You're posting articles about projection, then writing me telling me "I" can't let YOU go?
I told you days ago.
When you guys can stop talking to, and about me, I will be done.
And for days you can't stop talking to me, or about me.
No one said a word to you tonight.
I even tried ignoring you.
But your obsession with all things Bartlebee wins out everytime.
One more time since you're too stupid to understand the first dozen times or so.
I will be done, when you people who are OBSESSED with me, can find the strength within yourselves to stop talking to me, and about me.
And for days, none of you have been able to do that.
The irony here, is you don't even conceal your obsession very well.
ReplyDeleteObsessedtron said...
Voltron said...
We'll get tired of talking to or about you eventually.
If it were me, I'd be embarrassed to admit I was obsessed with talking to or about someone.
Apparently Elizabeth Taylor hasn't cornered the market on "Obsession".
I promise this is the last of my response to you Bart. This is what the conversion held. This is how you painted me as "Lydia" This is your anger full force. This is you name calling. This is you totally flipped out and paranoid.
ReplyDeleteJust stop Bart. We should all get along.
I tried to make peace but, you seem to be just an argumentive person. I thought it was a joke at first but, it's who you are. And I'm so sorry.
So how did you know I have an AX slick?
7:45 PM
Well "Jim"?
I'm waiting.
7:52 PM
Jim Said...
Read, think, post. NOT Skim, flip out, and retaliate with outlandish posts just to argue.
Well since you identified that you're talking to me Jim with the Tom Cruise thing I'll just say this.
You're the one who came in talking about your therapy.
You're the ex alcoholic, and the one who sees a shrink.
Just because people like you are so weak you need that stuff, don't crop me in with your nonsense.
I'm sick of this crap about my "ego".
I'm sick of being told by mental cases that "I" need a shrink.
I'm not angry in here. I didn't say anything angry, other than responding in kind to trolls.
You don't like it? Fine.
But don't start lecturing me about how "angry" I am.
I'm just blogging. And deflecting all the jabs.
7:41 PM
No Fear said...
Reading that I automatically think... How can someone freaking out with delusions be allowed to have an ax!!!
First of all how do you know I own an AXE?
Second, I'm not the one "freaking out".
Just cause someone doesn't kiss your behind doesn't mean they're "freaking out".
Calling people angry to paint them as such, is a passive aggressive method of attacking them and I don't appreciate it.
You started with me, so don't push your flaws onto my head.
But I want to know how you know I have an AX.
7:43 PM
Who said Alcohol? If you read what you just wrote here about're completely and totally out of touch...and so far removed from what this blog is about. I think those in recovery are the bravest people. They have faced really scary, bad, life threating demons. And they survived. Also to note...if I am adding to the list of many that are hinting you are off your rocker and need a doctor...don't you think, "well...I dunno, do you think?"
As far as what you said to me... little one... I'll pray for you until they come to get you and your ax. Listen to us need serious help.
You're the weak WHACK JOB!!!
Furthermore, don't ever call me weak. You haven't got a clue. You sit at a computer and write these threats. Come on little girly man... I'd like to see you face us all in person...or just me. Where do you live. Actually never mind, I've got it here.
7:52 PM
Jim said...
As far as what you said to me... little one... I'll pray for you until they come to get you and your ax. Listen to us need serious help.
You're the weak WHACK JOB!!!
Furthermore, don't ever call me weak. You haven't got a clue. You sit at a computer and write these threats. Come on little girly man... I'd like to see you face us all in person...or just me. Where do you live. Actually never mind, I've got it here.
What threat asshole?
What threat?
And how do you have my address?
And now you're threatening me you two bit punk?
You couldn't handle my balls with your mouth.
7:56 PM
And you call me the whack job.
You're a liar Hillis and I never threatened you but you just made the mistake of threatening me.
7:57 PM
No Fear said...
Jim said...
As far as what you said to me... little one... I'll pray for you until they come to get you and your ax. Listen to us need serious help.
You're the weak WHACK JOB!!!
Furthermore, don't ever call me weak. You haven't got a clue. You sit at a computer and write these threats. Come on little girly man... I'd like to see you face us all in person...or just me. Where do you live. Actually never mind, I've got it here.
What threat asshole?
What threat?
And how do you have my address?
And now you're threatening me you two bit punk?
You couldn't handle my balls with your mouth.
7:56 PM
Oh my God. You are so far worse than I ever thought.
AND I never threatend you. I just would like to see you say these things to people in person but, write argumentative things behind a thinly veiled identity that you created. I've got news for you...I can see right through you.
And please. Don't gross me out with reference to "your balls" or anything like that again. It's childish and disgusting.
Reread the past couple of pages. Then tell me whose angry.
Your poor thing.
8:02 PM
All Fear said...
Furthermore, don't ever call me weak. You haven't got a clue. You sit at a computer and write these threats. Come on little girly man... I'd like to see you face us all in person...
Send me your contact information.
Send it to
Lets see what you're made of mouth.
8:02 PM
All Fear said...
AND I never threatend you. I just would like to see you say these things to people in person but, no...yo
Shoot me your contact info tough guy.
I've been open since day one in here. Lydia has my full name, my address, my work information, my credit card information, and I've posted my photo many times on here.
Hell Larry went and pulled my financial background like some privacy invading punk last year and posted my salary on here.
So talk tough all you want chief but I've never threatened ANYONE in here and you're a liar.
8:07 PM
No Fear said...
All Fear said...
Furthermore, don't ever call me weak. You haven't got a clue. You sit at a computer and write these threats. Come on little girly man... I'd like to see you face us all in person...
Send me your contact information.
Send it to
Lets see what you're made of mouth.
In all seriousness Bart, I just had to point out the craziness in here. It's gotten sooo friggin weird.
Leave me and my posts alone and I'll do the same.
I have something more to write about in here.
And not play "scratch your eyes out"
Go to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day.
Maybe we'll all feel better.
God help us all.
8:11 PM
Lydia said...
Reread the past couple of pages. Then tell me whose angry.
Your poor thing.
You come in and out of the blue start calling me names, insulting me, declaring I need psychiatric help and when I tell you to go f#$k yourself, and rightfully so, you call label me "angry"?
If you walk over to a sleeping dog and kick it in the ribs, and the dog bites your dumb ass, then you can't really blame it on the dog.
Dumb ass.
8:14 PM
All Fear said...
Leave me and my posts alone and I'll do the same.
You come in and start sh$t with me?
Insulting me and calling me crazy, then when I respond you label me angry and yourself superior and NOW you tell ME to leave YOU alone?
Go blow yourself.
Try not starting sh$t with people if you don't like it given back to you.
8:18 PM
And for a guy, you sure talk a lot like Lydia Cornell.
8:20 PM
MCH said...
Ok, Im done for tonight ... good night all. Jim, it's been a pleasure meeting you.
8:20 PM
Someone who knows I have use an AX regularly, but should have no way of knowing that said...
In all seriousness Bart, I just had to point out the craziness in here. It's gotten sooo friggin weird.
No, what you did is attack me, call me names, accuse me of all sorts of crap and disorders and then when I dared to respond you threatened me, claiming you knew where I lived, and then cried about me being the "angry one".
I don't know what the level of self deluded hubris one must have to do such nonsense, but clearly you possess it.
8:24 PM
And you've YET to explain how you knew I used an AX regularly.
Please explain that one slick.
You've been dodging that question for an hour now.
I know how you know, but I want you to come to the realization of your own level of dishonesty on your own.
So tell us.
How did you know I used an AX?
8:26 PM
No Fear\Jim\Asshole\Whatever....
ReplyDeleteWhy would you spam the blog with every post I wrote over the last several days?
We all know where to find them.
What was the purpose of that?
I see the comments.
And you just LIED claiming you didn't identify me, but you DID.
And I proved that.
And now like the mealy mouthed liar that you are, you're concealing the fact that you got caught lying by plastering a bunch of comments with no actual commentary on them so that you just bury your shame.
Well you lied.
You claimed you didn't address me specifically, and I just proved you did.
Posting every comment I made out of context and with no explanations is just a pathetic attempt by a simple mind to conceal its shame at being shown to be nothing more than a silly little liar.
ReplyDeleteBARTLEBEE said...
ReplyDeleteNo Fear\Jim\Asshole\Whatever....
Why would you spam the blog with every post I wrote over the last several days?
We all know where to find them.
What was the purpose of that?
I see the comments.
And you just LIED claiming you didn't identify me, but you DID.
And I proved that.
And now like the mealy mouthed liar that you are, you're concealing the fact that you got caught lying by plastering a bunch of comments with no actual commentary on them so that you just bury your shame.
Well you lied.
You claimed you didn't address me specifically, and I just proved you did.
4:19 PM
Posting every comment I made out of context and with no explanations is just a pathetic attempt by a simple mind to conceal its shame at being shown to be nothing more than a silly little liar.
4:21 PM
This made me laugh so fast and so bad that I blew snots out.
I can't believe you or this.
Bart it's over.
Post all you want.
I'll stick to my guns with my inital apology post. I hope you do the same.
Full Circle,
James Hillis Ford
You know, since you're pushing it "Jim", perhaps you'd like to explain why when we click your profile, your blog is "Lydia Cornell"?
ReplyDeleteAnd when you click on it, it tries to log you into her website?
Any ideas on that one chief?
I have no idea what you're talking about except for the fact that I listed...for this google account only that I am following her blog.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't anyone else have that.
Quit the name calling and trying to frame people. you have any friends?
Do you ever get out of your selfish way and take someone to a movie or for an ice cream? Do you take pride in anything? Is this blog your intire world?
I just picture you sitting at your computer waiting to pounce on innocent people. You have a very "Romney, Bush, Cheney" mind set. I'll bet you wish you could wiretap...or invade peoples personal emails.
You are not THE ONE Bart...
" whom do you cry when people are unkind...come down here for a minute...well come down her for a minute..."
See, when you create an identity it automatically assigns you the blogs you own and posts that in your profile.
But for some reason you've got this blog in your profile, but the link tries to log us into her private website.
403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
So what's the story there big guy?
And don't worry, I realize these questions for some reason seem to take you a lot more time to answer, so I'll be patient while you come up with one something.
No Fear said...
ReplyDeleteDoesn't anyone else have that.
Lydia does.
No one else has their profiles configured with her stored credentials and private site address from where the actual server is managed.
ReplyDeleteThat would be something she would have.
Hey Bart!
ReplyDeleteCheck out MY profile...
How quick is this...
ReplyDeleteYou're an idiot. Try doing it on some other people's names.
My patience is wearing thin.
Any more regarding this...or me...or website access...or anything it to the Owner of the site.
Until then...knock your crazy ass crap off.
Now I have to take one of my clients for a swim.
You should stop your idiodic name really adds to how stupid we think you are.
I've apologized, explained, came from a place of love...
and you continue to be a negative, obsessed, paranoid ass.
Leave me the hell alone.
Why don't you go pick on somebody that holds any belief in what you're sayins. Ok, SLICK?!?!?
Ok. That works. I don't have that on my profile but your answer is good "Jim".
ReplyDeleteJust curious you know.
Since you just made another post saying the exact same things Lydia said to me not too long back in an email I'm sitting here reading.
See that's the problem when you deceive people.
ReplyDeleteThen know one trusts anything you do or say, or anything about you from that point.
That's why I asked the question. Because I didn't know.
And I still 'don't know'.
What I do know, is you have quoted Lydia to me several times now verbatim, for things she has been saying to me for years.
And I do know that you repeated an email she had sent to me hours earlier, seeming to know our entire discussion.
And I do know that you seemed to know I owned an Ax, which your metaphorical claim may or may not answer.
So I don't know if you're her. Never said you were. Just ASKED.
Because Lydia knows what she said to me. And it wasn't my "paranoia", that made her confess to me what she confessed to me.
Now. You want I should go on?
You want me to continue "Jim"?
ReplyDeleteOr do you want to do what I tried to get you to do days ago, and drop your accusations about me and my mental stability, and drop your obsession with me, and say goodnight Bartlebee, once and for all.
And when you, and the rest of the "we're not obsessed we just can't stop talking to or about you" crowd, can muster enough wherewithal to let go, then I'll say goodnight, and goodbye.
Or....I can go on.
If you like.
ReplyDeleteI'll even let you all have the last word.
ReplyDeleteAs long as that word is, "goodbye".
Hey that's cool.
ReplyDeleteI can have the last word as long as you dictate it?
What a deal!
Somehow just can't bring yourself to say goodbye, huh Volt.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, with your "cause" gone, what's a troll to do?
See it's my "ego" that controlled Volt's keyboard when he wrote that "I" was his "cause".
ReplyDeleteJust my "paranoia" that I keep getting labeled with.
And it was my "Paranoia" that wrote the emails I have from certain people exposing a web of lies, trickery and nonsense.
Its all my "paranoia".
So pardon me if I dare to stand up to the backbiting pricks in here who feel they can label me paranoid and mental and everything else under the sun, and think I have no right to respond.
ReplyDeleteI apologize sincerely, and I mean that. I thought you were just being a huge jerk.
I never realized how serious it was or how deep this went. I hope that you find peace.
And again, I'm sorry for my part in this.
I don't know if I mentioned it yet....BUT WE'RE GOING TO THE FINAL FOUR, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Final Four of what...Will:-)
ReplyDeleteI mean the NFL doesn't start playing until what, late July? There are no other sports out there...rly...srsly
ReplyDeleteI mean the NFL doesn't start playing until what, late July? There are no other sports out there...rly...srsly
ReplyDeleteI mean the NFL doesn't start playing until what, late July? There are no other sports out there...rly...srsly
ReplyDeleteI guess by now you may have figured that I like football:-)
ReplyDeleteFrank widdle will probably means a bunch of college students who worked their asses off are going to the final four and will wants to piggy back on their hard work, since he did little else but run his fat face about it .........
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about the UConn Huskies, Frank (NCAA hoops). And I'm telling you, I'm so flat-out pumped that I'm not even going to let the miscreant levels (the paranoid, the unemployed, the boot-lickers, the nuanced-challenged, the stoogiest, etc.) of this freak show get me down. Not on this particular evening, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think he's bad wait until the Kansas City Chiefs have a winning season...I might actually still be able to remember who they are:-)
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about the UConn Huskies
ReplyDeleteSo I was right, they are going and you actually contributed NOTHING to their success.
Well, no matter who says what about whom at least no one here is an Oakland Raiders Fan.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your team!
Just 400 previously rejected absentee ballots to be reviewed for possible counting
Finding likely to favor Franken; Coleman Attorneys vow to appeal...
Just in from St. Paul, the 3-judge panel in MN's U.S. Senate Election Contest have returned to issue a ruling...
In a potentially decisive ruling, a panel of three judges today ordered up to 400 new absentee ballots opened and counted, far fewer than Republican Norm Coleman had sought in his effort to overcome a lead held by DFLer Al Franken.
The ballots appear to include some that Franken had identified as wrongly rejected as well as ballots that Coleman wanted opened in his quest to overcome a 225-vote lead that Franken gained after a recount.
The ruling is likely very good news for Al Franken, and former Sen. Norm Coleman's attorneys have already vowed to appeal...
Maybe we are challenged by the darkness because we have the light.
ReplyDeleteAnny ain't so popular it seems
ReplyDeleteI love her line;
ReplyDelete.... mommy's hungry
I can't answer your question
I have to go ....
real strong CON .... servative there, typical anny tranny
Clif -
ReplyDeleteGreat interview. I think her time is coming to a close. Good riddance too sez I. I've never liked her especially since she began disparaging veterans. I've never thought she was particularly funny and apparently neither do a lot of other Americans.
Men AND women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ReplyDeleteGood night's after midnight here in Tampa and this old soldier is going to bed.
ReplyDeleteTake care friends.
The purpose of this blog has always been to radiate love, peace and healing.
ReplyDeleteI am so sensitive to violence, I cried at the James Bond movie, all the gun massacres. My husband said I had “too much compassion” and my stepson grumbled that I made him have a conscience after the movie – that I made him less numb.
And that is a bad thing?
My sole purpose in starting this blog was to challenge the base, primitive, eye-for-an-eye fundamentalism that is so focused on the letter of the law rather than of the spirit of Love.
That is why I'm so shocked at what I've seen here the past few days. This is such a distraction when I have so much amazing work to do. I have kept only half an eye on the blog because of the pressure I'm under. I haven't even written any good posts lately because I can't be distracted. And then this happens.
This whole world is too focused on people's mistakes, flaws, flubs, appearances, bodies, style over substance.
It's all the same disease: fundamentalism=materialism = narcissism= consumerism.
The key to healing is love, but you can't give away what you haven't got. We have to love ourselves first.
To love yourself fully, you must focus on what you have to be grateful for, your loved ones, your health, your friends, your pets, the sunshine and the presence inside of you.
It is a feeling of pure love and bliss, and it is perfection.
All the problems in the world are caused by lack of love. We forget our Source. But that can be reversed in an instant once we love our neighbor as ourselves.
It's called the Golden Rule.
Years ago I learned the lessons of Don Juan and Jesus and Gandhi and Wayne Dyer and Mary Baker Eddy and Zen Buddhism, and Viktor Frankl -- that what you focus on GROWS. What you put your attention on determines your whole life.
Put your heart on love and you will bring that into your life. When in doubt about a person's motives, always think the higher thought -- find whatever good you can, or just assume the best.
Don't go out of your way to look for flaws in others. We are all here for a reason; we all have a right to be here and we are drawn to each other for lessons, even the trolls.
See the person through the eyes of God and they will become a different person than you thought. This is turning the other cheek. It starts in our thought.
No wise man ever retaliates and fights. Even Jesus didn't judge the sinner. He healed everyone, no matter what they had done, no questions asked.
His love healed them. People who had never been loved, never known love.
We each have it all inside us.
But you have to choose it.
I fell back into "fighting my enemies" with the Ann Coulter thing, and with the Bush-Cheney-Rove regime -- although I caught myself and stopped giving the dark side so much attention.
Yes, I know -- that's hard to do when you have a radio show that KNOWS TOO MUCH. I mean we had the whole Gonzo-gate scandal on, and we interviewed several insiders and highly placed Republican operatives, and later, the Rove-ousted Attorney David Iglesias who told us all about the evils of the Rove-cabal.
But still, Obama is right: non-reactiveness is always the way. If someone is bothering you, turn the other cheek. See the "Christ" in him and he will cease to bother you, which means "See the Love in him."
As Alanon and every spiritual teaching says -- we attract to ourselves the exact experience we put out.
When someone is obnoxious, cruel, inflammatory or accusatory, it's just a test to see if you can stay in spiritual harmony while dragons are flying in your face.
Does this mean I am attracting all this negative energy on my blog? I guess I have some lessons to learn in setting boundaries.
There is no power in the dark side, and nothing evil is real.
Only good is real. You can instantly see the good in anyone by not feeding the dark side with your thoughts.
There's a saying in Alanon: that whenever you point a finger at someone, look at your fingers -- there are three pointing back at you.
Never take someone elses' inventory, until you've looked inside your own storehouse first. This means you must first take inventory of your own most glaring character defects that keep you isolated from other human beings.
We must look inside ourselves to see why we have so many broken relationships. People who have a lot of time in recovery (I have 14 years sober) have done this unbelievably revealing work of looking inside their souls and admitting their faults. Then sharing them and realizing ALL HUMANS HAVE SIMILAR BURDENS, FLAWS AND DEFECTS OF CHARACTER. We share them and give them to God, or the Universe or whatever we think of as our higher power. We let them go, cast our burdens on the Higher Power -- and we are changed. We go forward and "sin" no more.
This is the 4th step of cleaning out our crap.
Whenever you dissect a problem or examine it or pick a person apart -- you not only make a problem bigger. You feed it. And you lose the whole picture. You lose the essence of a human being, you create your own enemies
And by remembering the love that created you, you can "unthink" all the error. You can stop yourself in the middle of a fight and reverse position and really hear the other person, and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Thinking the worst of others is a form of "evil" itself. Never giving anyone the benefit of the doubt is tyrannical, inhumane.
I've seen a lot of that here on this blog the past few days and I won't stand for it.
I am the standard-bearer and this blog bears my name.
I denounce the non-stop rabid hate attacks that I have witnessed here in the past few days.
We have family, friends, fans and visitors from all over the world. I am horrified at the vitriol, lies and totally unfounded accusations flowing here.
Debating is fine, arguing is normal, but attacking others is not permitted.
If you can't bring intelligent
conversation, higher thinking, thoughtful, reasoned debate -- then find a boxing ring.
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Shakespeare
My whole purpose in life is unity: unifying opposing forces -- combatting anything negative. I don't have time for fighting or arguing.
At the end of everyday, before you go to sleep, think through the events of the day.
If any of the events or moments did not go the way you wanted, replay them in your mind in a way that gives you peace or thrills you.
This is the 10th step: review your day and see where you could have done better -- where you could have been more loving, had more faith, given some poor soul the benefit of the doubt.
The entire 12-step program would absolutely save the world if everyone did these steps. Mainly -- cleaning up their own side of the street and not taking other peoples' "inventory" -- which means: NEVER accuse others, judge others, attack others. (Cast no stones)
You have no idea what burdens the other guy is carrying. Never take his inventory, but clean your own house first and list your own "inventory" -- your own character defects.
Character defects are: pride, fear, envy, low self-esteem (which means lack of faith in a higher power) anger, resentment...
And when you have seen that almost every character defect is caused by self-centered fear (fear that you will be diminished somehow; fear that you're not going to get what you want... fear that you might lose what you have, or that someone is going to take something away from you, etc.)
We must always be looking at what we did to cause a fight, regardless of what the other person did to provoke you.
We always have a part. We are never totally innocent if we have had a confrontation.
The bigger man always apologizes for his part, regardless of what the other person did or did not do. This is personal spiritual growth. And by the way, the faster you forgive, the faster you are released from the suffering.
Always making amends for your part in any conflict. Always seeking "first to understand, rather than to be understood."
We always humbly admit when we are wrong. And we are always wrong if we have caused anyone pain.
Being in the Present...
If you are not in joy most of the time, you are failing in life. Our primary purpose is to bring joy to others and hence to ourselves. To delight in life and this beautiful universe.
Our primary aim is to feel and experience joy.
Then begin to do only those things which bring you joy.
For example: When I read outside in the sun, I'm in a state of joy. When I walk in nature, I'm in a state of joy. When I see my children, I am in a state of joy.
So you want to constantly put yourself in that state, and when you do, then all you have to do is have the intention of what you want, and what you want comes to you effortlessly.
More on how to manifest a great career or job tomorrow.
Stick to the issues.
Yea all that sounds well and good except this ain't about pointing fingers or finding fault with others or worrying about who's better than who.
ReplyDeleteThis is about knowing who the hell is who.
This is about trust.
And I'm not judging anyone.
ReplyDeleteI'm just tired of being judged by people who have no more right to judge me than I do to judge them.
so perhaps it's time for everybody -- I mean EVERYBODY (including myself) -- to turn the other cheek. Dont worry about what was said yesterday, the day before, last month, last year, 3 years ago ... deal with it and move on already.
ReplyDeleteWe're all mixed bags, Lydia - each and every one of us.
ReplyDeleteAnd, no, Clif, I don't actually play for UConn. Hell, I doubt I could get a scholarship to play for the senior center these days. But I do like to watch.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone. That's more like it.
ReplyDeleteThe main point of my long diatribe is this:
When in doubt about a person's motives, always think the higher thought -- find whatever good you can, or just assume the best.
Don't go out of your way to look for flaws in others. We are all here for a reason; we all have a right to be here and we are drawn to each other for lessons, even the trolls.
Hey you have to play the Fleetwood Mac video for "Hypnotized" -- the pictures are amazing.
ReplyDeleteMike, I know you would appreciate this.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteWhen in doubt about a person's motives, always think the higher thought -- find whatever good you can, or just assume the best
And what happens when you find out the lower thoughts were the right ones?
You want to keep making this about me judging people, or "holding grudges" and you know its not.
It about trusting people, and when people violate that trust to the point of outright purposeful deception, you can't just "think happy thoughts" about them to make it go away
When you can no longer trust someone, all the happy thoughts in the world won't return that trust.
When a person or persons sets out to purposely deceive, particularly to deceive a "friend", then those persons can no longer be trusted.
And trying to paint this as a question of "ego" won't change that either. Unless the ego you're referring to is the ego of those who lied and deceived, and then can't even own up to it, and think it should all be swept under the rug with happy thoughts.
That I suppose is ego. Ego usually keeps people from confronting their own transgressions.
Lydia, I'm personally willing to take a lie-detector test to answer these following questions. 1) Are you a sock puppet of Voltron? 2) Are you and Voltron the same person? 3) Have you ever blogged at this site under the markers of MCH, Frank Frey, or Rusty? 4) Are you Bartlebee's imposter? 5) Did you vote for Ross Perot in 1992? 6) Did you vote for Ross Perot in 1996? 7) Did you vote for Ralph Nader in 2000? 8) Did you vote for John Kerry in 2004? 9) Did you vote for Barack Obama in 2008? 10) Did you vote for Ned Lamont in 2006? 11) Did you vote for Jodi Rell in 2006? And, yes, if there are OTHER questions out there that people would like to ask, I'll answer those, too. If it turns out that I am using deception on ANY of these questions, I personally will pay for the test. If, however, the test shows that I'm being truthful, then your contributors must pay. That's my challenge. Any takers?
ReplyDeleteBoy, some people sure are desperate to convince people who they are.
ReplyDeleteEspecially when no ones accusing them of anything.
What's that old saying?
"Thou dost protest too much...."
Yea Will, you go find yourself someone to administer a polygraph, and tell them you want them to test you on whether or not you've lied about being Voltron in an online chat room.
And after they drop you off at the local mental institution, be sure to tell them Bart sent you.