I am friends with a woman who just turned 70. I was trying to help her get sober over the holidays, as I quit drinking 21 years ago through a "catastrophic" spiritual awakening. I received an email from her which made me sad:
"I am having such a hard time this past two weeks...I have had a few drinks. I need so much to get past this but I just can't let go. I am afraid I'll be all alone. I know being physically alone is not the issue, but being reduced to notning is the aloneness I dread. That is what is happening to me now and I feel my soul is dying. Why does this happen to us as we get older? We become wallpaper and no one sees that we exist any more or that we have nothing more to offer. Why is this? I am so sad and I never feel close to God. I just don't know how..."
When we spoke on the phone, she said that her grown children were constantly attacking her and blaming her for their mistakes in life. This was like a mirror: it really hit home with me because I had spent many years blaming my mother for all my mistakes and problems; for my fear of success and failure and for not achieving all my dreams. And then the fear of aging and growing old really affected me. So I called my own mother to apologize for all the times I blamed her. She is often filled with shame and regret — and had been especially blue that day — and my one phone call opening this door, saying I'm sorry really cheered my mother up. Though we've sort of had this talk before, I don't think it was as real as it was this time. This talk really has healed our relationship.
Now that I'm a mother I see how hard it is: your kids will blame you no matter what. Kids are so obnoxious!!
The trick is to see the gift: My higher power is so loving, it put this older woman in my life so I could heal the relationship with my mother. Everything comes full circle.
We are all redeemable, even the "bad guys" in government and politics, even prisoners, even our leaders. Of course there are exceptions: a certain person in the White House is trying to rewrite history and refuses to acknowledge the deaths he caused by his illegitimate and unnecessary war — or the mistakes he made with any real sense of remorse.
I heard a humble young Israeli at a recovery meeting say that 'humility, and becoming humble' changed his life. This guy made a list of his character defects and then made a list of each of their "opposites." To overcome selfishness you must become more giving. To overcome arrogance, you must become humble.
Becoming humble means seeing your part in every argument. It means stopping to listen instead of defending yourself or retaliating out of ego or fear. It means really paying attention to the other person's needs. Humility is the key that unlocks the door to inner peace, world peace, emotional peace.
Humility is the greatest virtue. When I put "self" in the background and think of how I can give instead of get — the whole day goes better. When I think of how to "understand" rather than be "understood" or force my will and my opinions on others, I attract love.
Love is circular. Let's all be thinking of how we can help others. Human kindness is really all that matters.
"The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world!"
Mothers have the most powerful jobs on earth. You can influence your children to become world leaders, talented inventors, creative musicians, great athletes, passionate writers & artists, devoted school teachers, and committed physicians.
If, per chance, you think the job of a mother isn't important, then take a look at a recent survey that asked 5.4 million stay-at-home moms to list their job titles and daily duties: On the average, a stay-at-home mom would earn $131,000 a year. Total up the costs of being an animal caretaker, financial manager, food/beverage service worker, general office clerk, childcare worker, housekeeper, psychologist, bus driver, dietitian, property manager, social worker and recreation worker – and you'll see that $131,000 is a good deal!
Let's face it - mothers do so much for us: They cook good food for us to eat, turn a house into a home, mend our wounds, console us when we're disappointed, and cheer for us when we've done something well.
Mothers not only have great value to their families, they are also in a unique position to positively influence their families. Our moms are the ones to instill in us a sense of values, beliefs, and morality. Some experts say that by the age of four or five, most children have already formed a basic set of beliefs and values that shape their world view. To me, the best values are kindness, charity, empathy, compassion, honesty and integrity.
If America would stop valuing money and competition more than love and caring for each other — we'd all be happier and more wealthy.
In one week, the U.S. Constitution will be front and center as Barack Obama solemnly swears to "preserve, protect, and defend" it. Given all that has happened over the last eight years, that oath is not nearly as pro-forma as it used to be. During his final press conference yesterday, President Bush said that when it came time "to protect the homeland" he would "worry about the Constitution of the United States." It wasn't clear, as it hasn't been for most of his time in office, whether his concern was directed at upholding the document or circumventing it. So one of the questions facing the new president is: Will his promise to protect and defend the Constitution include an investigation into the assaults on it perpetrated by members of the Bush administration?
Great post Lydia..........I hope that woman is doing ok!
ReplyDeleteAs for GWB..........I found his interview disgusting last night not only was he thumping his chest revising history to TRY to make himself look better but WORST of all he was hiding behing the troops and the rescue workers in New Orleans like a slimy cowardly piece of sludge.
ReplyDeleteIts sickening how a ignorant piece of sludge like GWB hides behind the military and rescue workings by acting indignant and implying that ANYONE who criticizes "HIS" response to Katrina or "HIS" handling of the War are criticizing the troops or rescue workers.
Thats a shameful baldfaced lie and he should be ashamed of himself for resoting to such a pathetic dishonest strawman argument to TRY to whitewash his legacy.
I agree Mike. I couldn't believe GWB's interview and his smug grin. And talking about his "presidential library!"
ReplyDeleteToo much.
I have faith in history, She will remember and accurately depict the most incompetant, corrupt, arrogant, and tyrranical leaders in history ... and she wil also remember that he was just the Vice President. Bush was a figurehead, nothing more.
ReplyDeleteDriving back from vegas right now. Stayed at the wynn hotel. And visited the new encore. Gorgeous!! I'll post pix when we get home.
ReplyDeleteHey folks,how about giving the general population a bit of heads-up and tell us where you'll be directing you hate after Tues.?
ReplyDeleteNow Rusty,
ReplyDeleteWe all know that for the next 4 years whenever "the One™" reneges on a promise it'll be because of something Bush did.
So they have carte blanche to continue hating him (or Republicans) at least for Obama's first term.
Yea,now that I give it some thought....you're right.
ReplyDeleteI heard that Obama (the day before his inauguration, I believe) will be hosting a tribute dinner for John McCain. I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I find this very uplifting. I think it says a lot about Obama. Hopefully, this will be another healing event as the country moves forward. P.S. Don't be surprised if McCain becomes a player/dealer again. It seems to be something that's part of his DNA.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing the left wing loon blogs will harp on Obama to investigate Bush.
ReplyDeleteThey will want to a war crimes trial and any other assorted charge they can think of.
Their hate knows no bounds.
I can honestly say I'm pretty damn impressed by Obama up to this point.I hope,for the good of the country he is a resounding success.
ReplyDeleteIt seems as if he's going to throw a few minor crumbs to the Move On wing of the party but so far he seems close to center...that is center of the liberal party.
It should be interesting to watch the left wing loon blogs to see if they will ever be critical of Obama when they dont get all their wishes fullfilled.
ReplyDeleteActually, Rusty, I think that there has been some criticism in certain quarters; places like the Daily Kos, etc.. As for Obama himself, I've been kind of liking him so far, too. The 800-900 billion dollar stimulus package has me hyperventilating a little but, hey, maybe this is a time when some deficit spending is necessary. Who knows. I mean, it's not like any of the economists ever agree on anything anyway. I just hope it works. I reluctantly voted for Obama this time. I would love nothing more than to vote enthusiastically for him NEXT time.
ReplyDeleteI heard that Obama (the day before his inauguration, I believe) will be hosting a tribute dinner for John McCain. I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I find this very uplifting. I think it says a lot about Obama. Hopefully, this will be another healing event as the country moves forward. P.S. Don't be surprised if McCain becomes a player/dealer again. It seems to be something that's part of his DNA.
ReplyDelete6:53 PM
Blogger thereturnofRusty said...
I'm guessing the left wing loon blogs will harp on Obama to investigate Bush.
They will want to a war crimes trial and any other assorted charge they can think of.
Their hate knows no bounds."
Since when is investigating and giving someone a fair trial for war crimes, treason and violations against the US Constitution "hate".............newsflash Simple Simon thats called justice not hate........by YOUR definition investigating and trying the Nazi's for war crimes was "hateful" and unfair eh little troll?
Did you hear that imbecile GWB talking out of the side of his lying mouth babbling about how we need to fight for justice and freedom when he has been the biggest enemy of justice and freedom this country has EVER seen.
ReplyDeleteBlogger Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteNow Rusty,
We all know that for the next 4 years whenever "the One™"
Look how the Voltron calles our President elect "the One".........a slimy right wing talking point that is so imbecilic he should be ashamed to use it..........thats all this crybaby has left is trying to slime a man who hasnt even taken office yet with slimy right wing talking points that all the right wingers mindlessly babble in unison like idiotic trained parrots.
Blogger thereturnofRusty said...
ReplyDeleteIt should be interesting to watch the left wing loon blogs to see if they will ever be critical of Obama when they dont get all their wishes fullfilled."
I dont know what blogs YOU are referring to but there have been MANY in here that have been critical of Obama.
looks like the hit and run or i guess i should say shit and run is over LOL :D
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU MIKE!! I wrote this as you were writing the same thing:
ReplyDeleteYes, why is it considered loony or fringe to demand that criminals be held accountable for corruption (allowing 12 billion to be stolen by "contractors" in Iraq and never investigating; lying us into a war for profit and imperialistic motives without knowing or planning for a peaceful outcome; killing thousands of innocent people, setting up a private, "for-profit" mercenary army that kills innocent civilians and gets away with it (while each "contractor" earns ten times what our American soldiers earn; and among hundreds of other crimes such as propagandizing the war, inflaming people to hate Muslims, circumventing the U.S. Constitution behind the People's back with over 700 "signing statements" giving the executive branch the authority of a king -- and going around the FISA law, allowing torture! which is against every Christian or moral code....
Jonathan Turley said "The decision on war crimes is not a difficult one. The answer is that you cannot order them. Moreover, it is not really important how “disturbed” Barack Obama and Eric Holder may be about a war crime. The question is whether as Attorney General Holder would enforce the law. The Democrats failed to press that point.
ReplyDeleteThe reason that Mukasey stated (rather implausibly) that he did not know what waterboarding was is that he knew an affirmative answer would commit him to enforce. Holder’s statement sets up a simple question. We now know that the Administration accepts decades of cases defining waterboarding as torture. There is no question that torture is a war crime. So, there is the simple question, will Obama and Holder walk away from a known war crime because it is politically inconvenient to prosecute. If so, they have attain little high ground by acknowledging a war crime and then doing nothing to prosecute the war criminals."
If water boarding "IS" torture and it has been proven to be torture and Bush and Cheney condoned it then they are guilty of war crimes..........its really very simple.
ReplyDeleteIf Bush and Cheney committed treason by lying us into a war then they should be charged with treason as well.
How critical of Obama will you be if he fails to pursue criminal charges against Bush and Cheney?
ReplyDeleteIs that your tipping point?
Blogger thereturnofRusty said...
ReplyDeleteHow critical of Obama will you be if he fails to pursue criminal charges against Bush and Cheney?
Is that your tipping point?"
Playing the ignorant TROLL as usual........actually if Eric Holder refuses do do HIS JOB and investigate the war crimes and treason then i'll be just as critical of him as I was of Gonzalez and Mukasey on THAT issue.
Further if Obama actually states he feels Bush and Cheney SHOULDNT be investigated then he will have earned my criticism on that issue as well..........but its the AG's job to investigate or not invesigate.........course you KNOW THAT as well your just trying to slime Obama because your bitter the right wing got handed their ass by the American public ONCE AGAIN and will likely be diminished for a very LONG time and possibly removed from the levers of power for DECADES just as they were in the 1930's after their failed policies of greed destroyed the economy and were exposed as the pathetic failures they truly are!
Tell me Crusty would it be "hateful" to prosecute a bankrobber whose actions resulted in many deaths...............would it be "hateful" to prosecute Madoff whose criminal acts have ruined the lives of thousands..............millions have died in a war based on lies from the actions of GWB, not to mention he has RUINED our economy with his cronyism and policies of greed that steal from the working class.
ReplyDeleteWhy should he NOT be investigated and prosecuted.........answer me that if your able?
Why should the Nazi's be prosecuted for torture and war crimes but NOT Cheney and Bush....................are the elites like Bush and Madoff above the law according to the Right Wing
ReplyDeleteThe truth is the Right Wing is crapping their pants and is scared shitless of Obama............they see all their talking points and economic BS and snakeoil being discredited just as it was during the Great Depression and they see the phony legacy and self created myth of Reagan being exposed and discredited just as your failed policies are and you dont know what to do..........so you desperately try to slime Obama and lie and TRY to convince people the FDR New Deal policies didnt work when the TRUTH IS ITS THE REAGAN Right wing Conservative Voodoo Economics and Supply Side BS that doesnt work and is being exposed and discredited more every day as Wall Street implodes and the corruption and rigged ponzi games of the wealthy elite are being exposed and brought to the light.
ReplyDeleteThe Truth is Crusty I dont think a guy like you or GWB or McSame that were saying the economy was Great, or strong or robust, or the fundamentals of the economy are strong less than 3-6 months ago has A shred of credibility..........you cant get more out of touch or flat out wrong than that.
ReplyDeleteSo bottom line you guys are nothing more than laughingstocks there is no reason whatsoever anyone one should listen to peple that have been dead wrong on essentially EVERYTHING for the last 8 years!
There's another point you guys might have missed.
ReplyDeleteWe had better try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc for war crimes; because if we don't, the international community might. That could lead to conflicts making World War II look like a shoolyard fight.
I don't think that Obama has the inclination or the stomach to go back and investigate/prosecute his predecessor. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'll have to leave that for others to decide.
ReplyDeleteI need jokes. Does anyone have a great joke for today? I want to post one on the blog and do this every Friday.
ReplyDeleteLast week I saw the funniest show on VH1 or E Channel: 100 FUNNIEST PRANKS, and I couldn't stop laughing for 3 days.
I never felt better. So laughter may be the second best thing...
really wonderful post Lydia....and good that you tried to help her...I send her and you much light for such a journey...that will be ongoing and challenging...
ReplyDeletehaving Purpose and feeling Needed is a beautiful thing....that gives everyone a Reason to be...
thank you for being out there tending souls and reminding folks about Compassion and the power to connect...and heal...
take care.....
Enigma!! So happy to see your beautiful face! I tried to open your Christmas card but couldn't for some reason. I think it's saved in email.
ReplyDeleteHow is your son?
I'll visit your blog...
Peace and Luv xo
Eighty-three of the nation's 100 largest corporations, including Citigroup, Bank of America and News Corp., had subsidiaries in offshore tax havens in 2007, and some of the companies received federal bailout funding, a government watchdog said Friday.
ReplyDeleteThe Government Accountability Office released a report that said Bank of America Inc., Citigroup Inc. and Morgan Stanley all had more than 100 units in countries that maintain low or no taxes. The three financial institutions were included in the $700 billion financial bailout approved by Congress.
Insurance giant American International Group Inc., which has received about $150 billion in bailout money, had 18 subsidiaries. JPMorgan Chase & Co. had 50 units and Wells Fargo & Co. had 18; both financial institutions received government bailout money.
Another failure of the miserable wretch George W Bush.
Circuit City became the largest retailer to fall victim to the expanding financial crisis Friday, announcing it will shut down its remaining 567 U.S. stores at the cost of 34,000 more jobs after failing to sell the business.
ReplyDeleteAnother parting gift to thousands of soon to be unemployed people, courtesy of George W Bush.
I think part of Circuit City's problem was the moronic decision the upper management made a few years ago; laying off everybody with experience so they could hire newbies and pay them less.
ReplyDeleteThe problem of course is experience also usually meant competence and knowledge of the products. They ended up with a bunch of kids with no customer service experience and the customers left in droves
No MCH, it's obviously Bush's fault.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteNo MCH, it's obviously Bush's fault."
Well with the way Bush ruined the economy with his welfare for the wealthy, wars of choice based on lies, robbing from the working class and the military to give to the wealthy elite and contractor cronnies, and reckless deregulation, oursourcing and predatory crony capitalism........theres plenty of blame to throw GWB's way as well but what MCH said is correct as well poor quality service is the death of many companies trying to cut corners.
You dont defend Bush Voltron..........no sirree!
I was driving yesterday and I came upon this guy hitch-hiking. He was carrying this big sign with him that read, "HEAVEN". So I hit him. I think he probably made it. He seemed like pretty nice guy. Again, courtesy of Steven Wright.
ReplyDeleteThe number of people filing for unemployment benefits hit a 26-year high last week, as the deepening recession forced more employers to cut jobs.
ReplyDeleteAnother parting gift from George W Bush.
Six more U.S soldiers are killed in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteAnother parting gift from George W Bush.
Very funny! thanks
ReplyDeleteInflation slowed to a half-century low last year and industrial output fell for the first time since 2002, data showed on Friday, as the recession deepened toward year-end, raising the specter of deflation.
ReplyDeleteAnother parting gift from George W Bush.
This just occurred to me. As betrayed and disappointed we all felt when Obama chose Warren to give the benediction for his inauguration, will conservatives feel just as betrayed and disappointed if Warren doesnt take that opportunity to spread his message of hate and discrimination?
ReplyDeleteHey Cliffy!
ReplyDeleteFound a new gem from your old buddy and mentor Juan Cole...
"There are rumors that the Israeli government may declare a unilateral cease fire Saturday. They had better. Because if they ruin the Obama inauguration by splashing the bloody bodies of dead Palestinian children all over the press during the next few days, no Americans, even the most pro-Israeli, are going to forgive them."
Damn Israelis! They better not screw up Hussein's immaculation!
"You dont defend Bush Voltron..........no sirree!
There are many things I disagree with Bush on and would not defend him for.
That said, Bush is NOT responsible for every damn thing on earth since creation.
ReplyDeleteThis is below you.
"will conservatives feel just as betrayed and disappointed if Warren doesnt take that opportunity to spread his message of hate and discrimination?"
Having a sincerely held belief does not make it "hate" no matter how much some may wish that it does. The christian mantra is "Love the sinner, hate the sin."
Also "discrimination" is not neccessarily a BAD thing. Do you not discriminate when grocery shopping for your family? Would you bring home rotten vegetables or fruit so as not to discriminate?
Even Lydia's version of heaven discriminates. Read the "Narrow is the Gate" thread.
I suppose a better way to say that is this:
ReplyDeleteIF it is his sincerely held belief that gays will not go to heaven, then his message of repentance and ceasing to sin would be a message of LOVE since he clearly wants them to go to heaven.
You may BELIVE that he is mistaken in HIS beliefs, but to outright claim "hate" and "discrimination" is to be able to read his mind.
A power that I don't believe you have.
On a parting note, since I think Lydia mentioned it, I read that the FISA court is about to rule that the warrantless wiretaps under Bush were LEGAL...
ReplyDeleteShould be no surprise right? I mean after all, B. Hussein is about to become president and he'll NEED that power to watch over us and make sure there is no dissent.
I'm addicted to placebos. I could quit. But it wouldn't matter.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to defend what Warren said about gays. I totally disagree with him in fact. But, I will tell you this. Warren's a major league improvement over guys like Falwell, Haggee, and Robertson. If Obama had to pick a Fundamentalist minister to speak, I think that this was probably the best choice he could have made.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Voltron, but when somebody uses a supposedly sacred text (the Bible) to coerce others into not only withholding fundamental rights away from an entire group of people but to actively take those same rights away from people who already have them ... that's preaching hatred and discrimination.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct that I discriminate when shopping, but my not buying generic cheese puffs because I prefer Cheetos is not the same thing as telling two people who love each other they have to remain unmarried because my religious beliefs forbid it.
Also, Warren is free to tell his congregation what he wants. However, why should people who never go to his church and never intend to go to his church have to follow his religious idiocy -- sorry, ideology?
Let me ask you this. Suppose somebody proposed outlawing heterosexual marriages in this country because his religion forbids it. How would you feel about that? Then, suppose this person succeeded in convincing the state of New York to disolve all currently valid New York marriages simply because his religious beliefs forbid it. Then, the incoming president invited this guy to pray at his inauguration?
If you dont like gay marriage, dont have one. But dont pull rights away from others.
Oh, and comparing people whose rights have been snatched away to produce at the grocery store is beneath you.
ReplyDeleteHey Cliffy!
ReplyDeleteFound a new gem from your old buddy and mentor Juan Cole...
"There are rumors that the Israeli government may declare a unilateral cease fire Saturday. They had better. Because if they ruin the Obama inauguration by splashing the bloody bodies of dead Palestinian children all over the press during the next few days, no Americans, even the most pro-Israeli, are going to forgive them."
Damn Israelis! They better not screw up Hussein's immaculation!
7:54 AM
Blogger Voltron said...
"You dont defend Bush Voltron..........no sirree!
There are many things I disagree with Bush on and would not defend him for.
That said, Bush is NOT responsible for every damn thing on earth since creation."
Yeah but its funny how you "CONVIENIENTLY" left off the rest of the post where you clearly WERE defending him on the economy and where I clearly showed the many ways he has compromised and destroyed our economy..........but you dont defend him LOL!
Blogger Voltron said...
This is below you.
"will conservatives feel just as betrayed and disappointed if Warren doesnt take that opportunity to spread his message of hate and discrimination?"
Having a sincerely held belief does not make it "hate" no matter how much some may wish that it does. The christian mantra is "Love the sinner, hate the sin."
You might want to check your hippocrissy at the door Volty.............lets see now so if having a a "sincerely" held belief is not hate why do right wing ideolugues and hippocrites like You, Crusty, Fascist Fan etc... CONSTANTLY accuse anyone who "SINCERELY" doesnt agree with GWB's policies or thinks the war was a disasterous mistake predicated on lies and treason of "HATING" GWB, or "hating" their country or "hating" the troops or military.
8:09 AM
ReplyDeleteBlogger Voltron said...
I suppose a better way to say that is this:
IF it is his sincerely held belief that gays will not go to heaven, then his message of repentance and ceasing to sin would be a message of LOVE since he clearly wants them to go to heaven.
You may BELIVE that he is mistaken in HIS beliefs, but to outright claim "hate" and "discrimination" is to be able to read his mind.
A power that I don't believe you have."
HMMMMMMMMM Volt do YOU AND CRUSTY AND FF have that power because you have CONSTANTLY claimed the power to read minds when you claim liverals hate their country, hate the troops and the military, and hate GWB just because they sincerely disagree............looks like you dont like it when the Right Wing dishonest slimeball tactics get used on YOU clowns but like a true right wing hippocrite YOU have no problem using THE VERY SAME TACTICS YOU DECRY on your opponents when your arguments come up empty as they USUALLY DO!
Blogger Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI suppose a better way to say that is this:
IF it is his sincerely held belief that gays will not go to heaven, then his message of repentance and ceasing to sin would be a message of LOVE since he clearly wants them to go to heaven."
So denying gays or other minorities rights and freedoms YOU deem YOURSELF worthy of, or assaulting, beating or lyinching them is "for their own good because YOU really care about them!
Have you been drinking today Voltron this is almost too easy.........like shooting fish in a barrel.
Better go back on your meds Volty and put that White KKK sheet back in the closet!
ReplyDeleteVoltron said"Also "discrimination" is not neccessarily a BAD thing. Do you not discriminate when grocery shopping for your family? Would you bring home rotten vegetables or fruit so as not to discriminate?
ReplyDeleteEven Lydia's version of heaven discriminates. Read the "Narrow is the Gate" thread."
Another riddiculous strawman comparison...........Lydia's version of heaven preaches MORE acceptance, love and tolerance not less Simple Simon..........looks like your trying to hijack and glom on to what she says JUST LIKE Right Wing Fundamentalist Wack jobs like Falwell try to do to the Bible, aand New Testament to dishonestly justify and preach war, intolerance and discrimination and link their bigotry and war mongering zealotry to the Bible or Jesus for legitimacy!
"Yeah but its funny how you "CONVIENIENTLY" left off the rest of the post where you clearly WERE defending him on the economy..."
ReplyDeleteYou mean this one?:
"Voltron said...
No MCH, it's obviously Bush's fault.
10:22 AM"
So your ADMITTING the economic collapse is Bush's fault then?
ReplyDelete"Sorry, Voltron, but when somebody uses a supposedly sacred text (the Bible) to coerce others into not only withholding fundamental rights away from an entire group of people but to actively take those same rights away from people who already have them ... that's preaching hatred and discrimination."
ReplyDeleteSorry MCH, but this country was founded on Judeo-Christian tenets, one of which is the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman.
Marriage as an institution has existed throughout this countries founding and before.
The gay rights activists are the ones trying to change that centuries old institution therefore the burden is upon them to make their case to the people.
The people VOTED NOT to allow it.
An unelected Judge ruled to defy their will.
The people then AGAIN voted against it.
So do you believe in rule by fiat or by the will of the people?
Also, those who hurried to marry while they KNEW there was ongoing conflict regarding this legislation should get no sympathy for their exploitation of this issue.
If you live on the cutting edge, sometimes you get cut.
Too, gays already have the same rights any other citizen has. I can't marry a dude either and I'm not crying about it.
Warren sincerely believes what he preaches and his followers do as well. No coercion is required.
"So your ADMITTING the economic collapse is Bush's fault then?"
Is it the fault of the Dems that ran or had oversight of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or Bernie Mac, or Bush who tried 17 times in 2007 alone to stop it?
Ya got me there. I'd say Bush.
For the information of the humor impaired, the "Bernie Mac" reference was humor...
ReplyDeleteSo if the people vote to not allow African Americans to sit in the front of the bus or drink from the same drinking fountain is that ok with you.........or how about if after the past 8 years of repug misrule they decide to vote to brand repugs like the Nazis did to the jews or even if vigilantes decided to lyncg repugs........by YOUR oWN twisted logic should the will of the people trump the freedoms outlined in the US Constitution and would the vigilante's be lynching people as an act of kindness because they care about them?
ReplyDeleteKeep dodging your own hippocrissy Volty.
ReplyDeleteKeep dodging your own hippocrissy Volty.
ReplyDeleteOh and BTW MCH,
ReplyDeleteregarding "fundamental" rights.
At the time of our country's founding, sodomy was a crime punishable by death.
I'd say we've come a long way in tolerance. Wouldn't you?
Keep dodging your own hippocrissy Volty.
ReplyDelete11:21 AM
Blogger Voltron said...
Oh and BTW MCH,
regarding "fundamental" rights.
At the time of our country's founding, sodomy was a crime punishable by death.
I'd say we've come a long way in tolerance. Wouldn't you?"
Back then treason was ca crime punishable by death..........so right back at ya Volty!
"...by YOUR oWN twisted logic should the will of the people trump the freedoms outlined in the US Constitution and would the vigilante's be lynching people as an act of kindness because they care about them?"
ReplyDeleteActually Mikey, the Constitution itself gives the people the right to change it by popular vote or revolution. So yes the will of the people DOES trump the Constitution.
So if you can get your lynching measure passed go for it.
"Back then treason was ca crime punishable by death..........so right back at ya Volty!"
ReplyDeleteYes Mike, if we still did that there would be many less Democrats and liberals...
ReplyDeleteBlogger Voltron said...
"...by YOUR oWN twisted logic should the will of the people trump the freedoms outlined in the US Constitution and would the vigilante's be lynching people as an act of kindness because they care about them?"
Actually Mikey, the Constitution itself gives the people the right to change it by popular vote or revolution. So yes the will of the people DOES trump the Constitution."
Sorry Duncetron but the people cant change the Constitution with a vote it requires and overwhelming consensus vote of Congress NOT THE PEOPLE..........you need to go back to school and get edjamacated as your hero GWB would say...........as for the revolution route Volty you better hope the FISA Big Brother police arent listen or else you might become a person of interest and be sent to one of those secret prisond to be tortured huh?
Blogger Voltron said...
ReplyDelete"Back then treason was ca crime punishable by death..........so right back at ya Volty!"
Yes Mike, if we still did that there would be many less Democrats and liberals..."
Dream on from the treason of Nixon, to the Iran Contra to the Bush fiasco the repugs would go the way of the dinosaurs.........treason and presidential pardons has ben their bread and butterr for decades.........we need to change the Constitution to limit the scope of Presidential pardons then your boys would think twice about committing treason.
But again if that were to happen between the deaths from treason and the deaths from old age the repug party would go extinct just like the Whig party did.
Blogger Voltron said...
This is below you.
"will conservatives feel just as betrayed and disappointed if Warren doesnt take that opportunity to spread his message of hate and discrimination?"
Having a sincerely held belief does not make it "hate" no matter how much some may wish that it does. The christian mantra is "Love the sinner, hate the sin."
You might want to check your hippocrissy at the door Volty.............lets see now so if having a a "sincerely" held belief is not hate why do right wing ideolugues and hippocrites like You, Crusty, Fascist Fan etc... CONSTANTLY accuse anyone who "SINCERELY" doesnt agree with GWB's policies or thinks the war was a disasterous mistake predicated on lies and treason of "HATING" GWB, or "hating" their country or "hating" the troops or military.
Blogger Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI suppose a better way to say that is this:
IF it is his sincerely held belief that gays will not go to heaven, then his message of repentance and ceasing to sin would be a message of LOVE since he clearly wants them to go to heaven.
You may BELIVE that he is mistaken in HIS beliefs, but to outright claim "hate" and "discrimination" is to be able to read his mind.
A power that I don't believe you have."
HMMMMMMMMM Volt do YOU AND CRUSTY AND FF have that power because you have CONSTANTLY claimed the power to read minds when you claim liverals hate their country, hate the troops and the military, and hate GWB just because they sincerely disagree............looks like you dont like it when the Right Wing dishonest slimeball tactics get used on YOU clowns but like a true right wing hippocrite YOU have no problem using THE VERY SAME TACTICS YOU DECRY on your opponents when your arguments come up empty as they USUALLY DO!
Blogger Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI suppose a better way to say that is this:
IF it is his sincerely held belief that gays will not go to heaven, then his message of repentance and ceasing to sin would be a message of LOVE since he clearly wants them to go to heaven."
So denying gays or other minorities rights and freedoms YOU deem YOURSELF worthy of, or assaulting, beating or lyinching them is "for their own good because YOU really care about them!
Have you been drinking today Voltron this is almost too easy.........like shooting fish in a barrel.
Voltron said"Also "discrimination" is not neccessarily a BAD thing. Do you not discriminate when grocery shopping for your family? Would you bring home rotten vegetables or fruit so as not to discriminate?
ReplyDeleteEven Lydia's version of heaven discriminates. Read the "Narrow is the Gate" thread."
Another riddiculous strawman comparison...........Lydia's version of heaven preaches MORE acceptance, love and tolerance not less Simple Simon..........looks like your trying to hijack and glom on to what she says JUST LIKE Right Wing Fundamentalist Wack jobs like Falwell try to do to the Bible, aand New Testament to dishonestly justify and preach war, intolerance and discrimination and link their bigotry and war mongering zealotry to the Bible or Jesus for legitimacy!
Tell me Voltron since your SUCH a chanpion for the will of the people, would you be ok with it if the "people voted to raise taxes on the wealthy. or to limit the pay of CEO's, or to stop the FISA spy program, or to allow a foreigner to become president?
ReplyDeleteJust curious Volty to see the extent of your hippocrissy!
Marriage used to be between a man and several women ... and still is in many cultures.
ReplyDeleteMarriage used to be considered a property exchange thus the tradition of the father "giving away" his daughter in exchange for a dowery ... and still is in many cultures.
Marriage used to be prearranged, often times the bride and groom would first meet on their wedding day ... and still is in many cultures.
Marriage used to be forbidden between members of different races ... and still is in different cultures.
So can we PLEASE stop with the moronic argument of redefining marriage? It's been redefined countless times throughout history INCLUDING in our own country.
Oh, and you're right, you're not whining about wanting to marry another dude ... probably because you dont want to. However, what if you wanted to marry a nice lady and was told you cant because it's against my religion?
Besides, how sacred could it be if you're legally allowed to do it in Las Vegas while drunk and in front of an Elvis impersonator?
Oh, and as for the whole Christian tenents thing I will bring back my challenge ...
ReplyDeleteFind me one place in any of the 4 gospels where Jesus condemns either homosexuality or gay marriage and I will vote Republican for the rest of my life. However, if I find 5 places where Jesus says give up what you have to take care of the poor, you have to vote Democrat. Up to it?
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett says the U.S. is engaged in an "economic Pearl Harbor."
ReplyDeleteIn an interview that aired Sunday on "Dateline NBC," the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said the nation's economic situation is not as bad at World War II or the Great Depression, but it's still pretty severe.
Another parting gift from George Hoover Bush.
Bush is today making his final visit to Camp David as president.
ReplyDeleteHe will likely miss the place: According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, today's trip marks Mr. Bush's 149th visit to the presidential retreat. The planned three-day stay, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.
Yes, that's 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there.
The always vacationing George Hoover Bush brought the U.S to near Depression while on his elaborate ongoing vacations.
Imagine fighting for your country in Iraq, risking life and limb, only to be billed for your lost or damaged uniform. That's what is happening to some soldiers returning from Iraq.
ReplyDeleteThey served bravely and are now being slapped with a bill from Uncle Sam. The men you are about to hear from are being charged for the uniforms they served in -- one of them damaged on the battlefield, others lost in the confusion of war.
They dodge roadside bombs and bullets for a year in Iraq, but for some soldiers there are no handshakes at their homecoming. Instead, they're handed a bill for damaged or missing equipment.
"I'm so proud to be in the military ... at the same time I just could not believe that when I got back after sacrificing so much that I owed the Army money," the soldier said.
This soldier got a bill for about $500 dollars for lost gear. Another soldier had to pay nearly $800 dollars for items such as trousers, a coat, a helmet which he lost during a year spent in some of Iraq's most dangerous towns.
Another parting gift from George Hoover Bush.
With some games, folks, when you lose, you actually win. Say, for instance, musical electric-chairs. Perfect example, right?
ReplyDeleteThis is funny:
ReplyDeleteBesides, how sacred could it be if you're legally allowed to do it in Las Vegas while drunk and in front of an Elvis impersonator?
Just posted photos and details on the amazing Obama concert on the National Mall.
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