CAN SARAH PALIN DEBATE JOE BIDEN? Will it be a case of dueling victims? Biden's son Beau is going to Iraq in November; Palin's son goes to Iraq in September. Biden lost his wife and daughter in a car accident and raised his sons alone for years. If the Rovebots use Palin's precious Down Syndrome child as a political maneuver (to show that we must force all women, even rape and incest victims as young as 12, to bring a child into the world against their will, which reeks of fascism is you ask me) then Obama should bring up the S-Chip program and the fact that McCain voted against health care for low-income children 5 years in a row!!! Most Americans could not afford to raise a Down Syndrome child on the McCain health plan.
I have to admit Sarah Palin's story is fascinating: a moose-hunting mother of five, with a special-needs child. God Bless her for being a good mother. But she is pro-gun, pro-NRA, pro-drilling, anti-environment and anti-choice (I refuse to say "pro-life" because anyone who believes it's okay to kill fellow humans in invasion-wars or hunt wild animals — is not pro-life!
And she will never get Hillary's supporters who are mainly women over 50, marginalized by the UNEQUAL pay for equal work agenda of the McCain neocons who voted against the Equal Rights Amendment for decades! I have to wonder if Hillary's supporters are against the ERA and against Choice! Palin shares John McCain’s commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush’s failed economic policies — that’s not the change we need, it’s more of the same with a vengeance.
Palin is a beautiful former Miss Alaska, or as my radio co-host, Doug Basham puts it, she's a "MILF." But she is pro-BIG OIL and her husband owes his education to BP Offshore Oil Co. that has been trying to increase taxes on oil. London-based BP is heavily involved in the gas pipeline negotiations with his wife's administration. This is a serious conflict of interest.
Obama has transcended petty partisan politics by uniting us all in a speech that was severe, hard-hitting and transformational. He is a true leader and not a "celebrity." This election is about US: you and me, patriotic Americans joining together against the dark forces of corporate greed, cronyism, oil and war profiteering. Obama is a symbol of the American Dream and of our enlightened nature as a people. No matter what devious political maneuvering McCain and the Rovebots engage in — the TRUTH will win, for the truth has a liberal bias. Obama simply told the truth with strength, passion, empathy and honesty. - Lydia
Obama's Thursday speech, delivered before about 75,000 at the football home of the Denver Broncos, not only topped this past year's Oscars (32 million), but every night of the just-concluded Beijing Games (which, at its best, scored 34.9 million), and last spring's American Idol finale (31.7 million).
Obama has transcended petty partisan politics by uniting us all in a speech that was severe, hard-hitting and transformational. He is a true leader and not a "celebrity." This election is about US: you and me, patriotic Americans joining together against the dark forces of corporate greed, cronyism, oil and war profiteering. Obama is a symbol of the American Dream and of our enlightened nature as a people. No matter what devious political maneuvering McCain and the Rovebots engage in — the TRUTH will win, for the truth has a liberal bias. Obama simply told the truth with strength, passion, empathy and honesty. - Lydia
Touching on a centrist chord, he said Americans might disagree on issues such as abortion and guns, but they should be able to find a common ground that would reduce unwanted pregnancies and protect the second amendment while keeping AK-47's from criminals.
"He directly addressed a lot of hot-button issues that Democrats usually run away from," said delegate Sam Hagedorn, of Rochester. "It was moving, it was energetic, and it called on us to be better citizens here in America and around the world."
Obama also delivered a lot of the red meat his supporters have been waiting for, reminding people of what he has done, while saying, "John McCain doesn't get it."
By Seth McLaughlin, Post-Bulletin, Rochester MN
Sarah Palin's husband works for BP offshore oil Co. that has been trying to increase taxes on oil...
What a conflict of interest. I am so friggin sick of Republicans who do nothing but raise oil prices. First the Bush and Cheney oil clan, Condaleeza used to be an executive at Shell, and now the VP is a little devil in disguise, whose husband has been giving the green light to do offshore oil drilling in Northern Alaska and who has helped contribute to the rise in oil prices. I guess it really is true that gas will go to $7/gallon with Republicans in office. Wake up! Don't let the economy take a further dive...I don't want to be robbed further by these oil thieves who are driving record inflation.
Todd Palin, who took college courses, but does not have a degree, said he is grateful for the training he received from the multinational oil company BP starting in 1989.
Until recently, he earned hourly wages as a production operator in a BP-run facility that separates oil from gas and water. Palin was making between $100,000 and $120,000 a year before he went on leave in December to make more time for his family and avoid potential conflicts of interest. London-based BP is heavily involved in the gas pipeline negotiations with his wife's administration.
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