Brandi Carlile
My son turned me onto "Smallville," and the opening theme song is beautiful. GREAT MUSIC is one version of love in action. The current top 20 is surprisingly good. Linkin Park ("What I've Done!") Snow Patrol ("Chasing Cars"); Plain White Ts ("Hey There Delilah"), The Fray, Maroon, Fergie, Gwen Stefani, and my current fave artist today is Brandi Carlile. Her second album, The Story, was released in April 2007. It was produced by T Bone Burnett and includes a collaboration with the Indigo Girls on "Cannonball." The album was recorded in an eleven-day-long session with Carlile , the twins (Tim and Phil Hanseroth) and drummer Matt Chamberlain to capture the raw intensity of Carlile's live performances.
What you resist persists; what you fear is what you draw to you. Whatever you fight, fights back at you. If you fear growing up, if you are afraid of evolving, you are doomed to be an immature adult. There is nothing more unattractive than an immature adult. These are the people whose lives have gone off track because they are foolishly chasing their youth instead of accepting change. But life is a flow, and we must follow it wherever it leads us. The happiest people are those who can put this into a positive perspective. Everything you think you have lost is really your opportunity to gain. It's looking at the glass as half full instead of half empty.
GOOD is the underlying, invisible, spiritual language of the universe. Harmony, good is the underlying structure of all things. It's the genetic code of the universe. All things work toward good, toward the light when you are in faith. In other words, when you activate your "faith" in the goodness of people and the universe, that's when people and events respond accordingly. That's when things go your way. You are in the divine flow, working together with good.
Another word for good is God. Another word for love is God.
I know one thing for a fact that prayer actually changes things in the physical universe. But prayer is not what religion teaches it is: it's not begging some anthropomorphic God for favors. It's acknowledging the good already there. Underlying everything are the laws of the universe and you cannot really break these laws: truth, honesty, goodness, right action, principle, order, harmony, love, liberty, equal rights, etc
Prayer is holding to the GOOD so solidly, holding good in your thoughts so powerfully, evil has no room to grow; it is drowned out, extinguished by our lack of attention to it. That's what Christ meant when he said: bless your enemies, resist NOT evil. Evil cannot thrive in an atmosphere that doesn't acknowledge it. When you think constructive thoughts about someone, and direct the highest good toward your fellow man, his behavior can change.
What does love look like?
Eric Nelson
It looked like a pack of sweaty bike riders, appearing out of nowhere, speeding down a lonesome road in 100-degree heat. At least that’s what it looked like to me. But there was more to it.
I was perhaps 130 miles into an all-day 200-mile bike ride through the foothills of California’s Eastern Sierra when I began to run out of steam. Not having much else to think about, I wondered why I was feeling this way.
Had I eaten the right food last night? Had I gotten enough sleep? Was I taking in plenty of fluids? Had I trained hard enough? Even though the answer to all these questions was an unequivocal “Yes,” I still felt pretty exhausted.
The only answer I could think of was love.
This led me to ask a different question: “If it’s not food and water, not the amount of rest or training, then what is it that propels me forward? What is the source of my strength?” The only answer I could think of was love. My love for the spectacular scenery surrounding me. My love for biking. My love for the freedom, flexibility, harmony, and joy I experience each time I ride.
“That’s nice,” I thought. “But what does love have to do with strength? What does love feel like? What does love look like?” You’ve guessed it. As if on cue, there appeared, almost out of nowhere, a pack of sweaty bike riders, speeding down this lonesome road in 100-degree heat.
One of these bikers invited me to join his pace line. (This is when riders line up directly behind one another as closely as possible so as to take advantage of the lead rider’s wind break or “draft,” with each rider taking a turn “pulling” the line.) The effect was a decrease in the amount of energy I had to expend while, at the same time, increasing my speed. Not a bad deal!
This sense of the sustaining power of love stayed right with me.
A few miles down the road, feeling refreshed, I broke away from the pack. But this sense of the sustaining power of love stayed right with me. At one stage this love looked like another solo rider and me keeping one another company on a long uphill stretch.
Later on it looked like a gloriously long downhill with nary a car in sight. And for the last 30 miles or so, love looked (and felt) like a steady tailwind gently pushing me across the finish line.
So what exactly was this “love” that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, this love that looked like many different things? Was it simply positive thinking, some happy thought that had the effect of taking my mind off my body just long enough to finish the ride? No. As I see it, each instance described was confirmation of the love of God, the love of Love itself.
The strength I experienced that day didn’t come from my body.
The strength I experienced that day didn’t come from my body. It didn’t come from the pace line or the tailwind. It came from my acknowledgment of the presence of God, the presence—and power —of divine Love.
“‘God is Love.’ More than this we cannot ask, higher we cannot look, farther we cannot go,” said Mary Baker Eddy. While everything about my ride — the scenery, the camaraderie, the sense of accomplishment — was great, it was this enlarged understanding of Love as the very source of my strength that really put the icing on the cake. As it says in the book of Psalms, “It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.”
I realized that if God is Love and God is infinite, then the expressions or proofs of Love’s presence must be infinite as well. God’s wisdom and health and supply and compassion—and, yes, strength—must be reflected everywhere, in everything, and in everyone.
It’s nice to know that when you are in need of strength, encouragement, inspiration, you can acknowledge God’s presence, the presence of Love, and ask yourself, What does Love look like?
The mental picture you hold of someone is the picture you create. We are all according to the law of the universe -- that what you picture in your mind, that what you hold in your thoughts becomes your reality.
Promise Yourself....
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.
To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
A somewhat different and shortened version of this was adopted by Optimist International, which publishes it on the Web, with the following statement:
Many have found inspiration in The Optimist Creed. In hospitals, the creed has been used to help patients recover from illness. In locker rooms, coaches have used it to motivate their players.
Optimist International adopted this creed in 1922. It was originally published in 1912 in a book titled: "Your Forces and How to Use Them." The author was Christian D. Larson, a prolific writer and lecturer who believed that people have tremendous latent powers, which could be harnessed for success with the proper attitude.
Charles S. Braden, in his definitive history of New Thought, Spirits in Rebellion: The Rise and Development of New Thought (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1963)
ReplyDeleteHave you ever considered quantum physics or the existence of multi-verses? These thories provide for spirituality and science to work together in determining the outcome of events. If you're interested, try watching "What the Bleep Do We Know?" for the scientific explanation and "The Secret" for the more spiritual side. It also explains how the effects of prayer may actually have a basis in science.
Matt at Boulder Blog
The Optimist's Creed is a wonderful prescription to live by. But I think it takes an exceptional human being to stay by it, and I am certainly not such a person, unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteMy wife bought the book The Secret and keeps telling me I need to read it. Havent yet, but it has definitely made an impact on her life and outlook on things.
ReplyDelete"Paris Hilton is rotting in one of America's dungeons for a traffic violation in where no one was injured, and no property loss occured.
ReplyDeleteIt is not just wrong. Its whats destroying the fabric of our society."
I've thought about it, and I'm afraid I have to agree with Worf on this one.
They should have waited until AFTER she maimed or killed someone and THEN arrest her.
Ah just saw the new blog I was over in the old one still.
ReplyDeleteNow, one can only hope that in this blog, we can be free to disagree, express our views, share our opinions without being attacked personally and insulted.
ReplyDeleteIt's bad enough each and every single one of us has been labelled as a traitor, treasonous, un-American, and anti-Christian for disagreeing with George Bush. I certainly dont want to be called the same for not being outraged that Paris Hilton is in jail.
Fact is, Im not outraged about it. I'm hoping she will learn a valuable lesson - that drinking and driving is NEVER ok, regardless if you get caught, arrested and/or convicted. If somebody had been killed -- and the chances were very high of that happening -- Paris would be spending a lot more than just 45 days in jail. Cut her some slack? Give her a break? Seems to me she actually lucked out big time!
The world is not her personal playground, and just because a person has money it does entitle them to be above the law.
Playtime is over, Paris, time to grow up now.
Hi Lydia:
ReplyDeleteNice post! :)
I haven't be around much this weekend because my best friend's boyfriend passed away Saturday morning. :(
This friend just lost her mother in April and has been as she says, "trying to reel from that.."
Sorry - that was supposed to read The world is not her personal playground, and just because a person has money it DOESN'T entitle them to be above the law.
ReplyDeleteok, as you were.
Guys i'm not telling anyone what to do here or anything...........but i'm going to just suggest that anyone wanting to discuss paris hilton should head over to the previous thread..........I think Volt and the trolls might be using it to prevent people from discussing other issues they dont want discussed, plus i think part of the reason Lydia started the new thread is she wanted us to move on.
ReplyDeleteI think there were some good points made by everyone in the previous thread..........but i think many people failed to see the other sides point either because they were so vehement and didnt acknowledge other points that although valid didnt relate to this specific case or merely because they didnt like Paris!
"I think Volt and the trolls might be using it to prevent people from discussing other issues they dont want discussed..."
ReplyDeleteYou caught me.
You could probably tell since I've written the most posts of anyone by far on that subject eh?
Matt, thank you. Yes "WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?" is one of my favorites. I've been connecting quantum physics and spirituality/God for over 20 years and have known many versions of the same --
ReplyDeleteWhat I find astounding is that we've been going backward toward a primitive, archaic fundamentalism, when we should be going forward toward a much broader view of love as infinite, unified field.
Anyway, whatever happened to all the wonderful thinkers and authors who talked about all this long ago, from "Conversations with God" to "A Pathway of Roses", to Emmet Fox to Wayne Dyer, etc.
suzie, I'm so sorry about your best friend's boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless your friend. What happened?
I wish I could carry a tune or play an instrument, "Volt and the Trolls" would make a good band name...
ReplyDeleteFor the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary. For those who doubt, no miracle is sufficient.
ReplyDeleteNancy Gibbs
"The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned."
ReplyDelete-1 Corinthians 2:14
Beautiful post Lydia, it is hard but beneficial to try and live the optinmists creed as much as humanly possible.
ReplyDeleteSuzie, please give your best friend my most sincere condolences on her loss ... I will certainly send some good thoughts her way over the next several days
ReplyDeleteIf you expect the worst, you get the worst. And if you expect the best, you will get the best.
ReplyDeleteNorman Vincent Peale
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWorf I deleted your post because it had the "f" word in it and was cruel.
ReplyDeleteWe all get passionate and at times, hot-headed, but everyone is welcome to debate as long as they allow others to have an opinion too.
I am not angry, just overwhelmed.
Ok, so at the end of it all, I apologize for bringing the discussion into this new blog thread ... well, I didnt bring it in but I certainly continued it which is equally wrong so I humbly apologize.
ReplyDeleteNow then, The Secret, should I read it?
I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.
ReplyDeleteMark Twain
The Secret is the ancient law of the universe, the law of attraction, the law of God, simply repackaged.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing, but they focus so much on making money that it loses its spiritual basis
It is actually the same as Napoleon Hill's THINK AND GROW RICH... or Wayne Dyer or Emmet Fox or Shakespeare: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"
The Secret is also based on Christ's teachings: "Whatsover things are good, pure, honest... think on these things and you will bring them into your life.
But it really works. In fact, it's so simple.
Whatever thoughts you are holding about someone or something -- this is what your reality is. RIGHT NOW. Your thoughts create your reality.
If you fester and fume all day long, your reality is pretty crappy.
But it takes work to see the light and the good in everyone. Your view of others transforms the actual reality. At least for yourself.
In unison, it can change the world. THis is the essence of prayer
I have spine-tingling experiences of a higher power working in unison with me, when I surrender my ego, my human will. Which is never on my side. It is always so petty and self-centered.
Thank you Lydia, definitely gives me something to think about.
ReplyDeleteI'll probably start reading it next weekend ... going to be a long week at work and that may cloud my perceptions
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteMatt, thank you. Yes "WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?" is one of my favorites."
Lydia one of my coworkers bought this and is going to give it to me when they are done, so i'll be watching it soon.
ReplyDeleteDownload The Secret and watch it.
Just posted a photo of Brandi Carlile, my favorite new singer. Her new album The Story is amazing.
ReplyDeleteShannon Elizabeth has been talking about the law of attraction a lot lately.
ReplyDelete"There are three positive words that can help you anytime you’re feeling stressed or disconnected from your intuition. They are: “FIND YOUR CENTER.” When you say or think these three words, it immediately draws you back to your inner self. You’ll find yourself back at that place of calmness where your intuition has a clearer channel to communicate with you. Try repeating these words frequently throughout the day and you’ll remain in check with yourself as well as your spirit."
ReplyDelete-- John Holland
"Is it time to let something go? Time to release it to the universe and know and trust that it will be taken care of? You have to make room for energy, intuitive guidance, and abundance to flow through you. This week ask yourself, “what’s in my life that I no longer need?” By releasing and letting go, you’re opening yourself up to your own higher consciousness, and by doing so, you’re making room for more of what is in your highest good."
ReplyDelete-- John Holland
"Try to think positively today and repel any negative thoughts. Try not to judge yourself or others . . . which may be harder than you imagine. However, by doing so, you’ll change your reality, because thoughts are made up of positive and negative energy, and this directly affects your life. When you think a thought, your aura will magnify it with energy and put it out to the universe. By monitoring your thoughts, you’ll have conscious control over your future".
ReplyDelete-- John Holland
"Each day, silently repeat these three principles that are the foundation of self-referral. Notice over time how your perspective changes as you unpeel the layers of your true self.* I'm totally independent of the good or bad opinions of others.* I'm beneath no one. I'm superior to no one. All beings are my equal.* I'm fearless in the face of any and all challenges."-- Deepak Chopra
ReplyDeleteat least "she" gets it if some others don't yet.....
ReplyDeleteParis Hilton's Plea: Focus on Iraq, Not Me
"Today I told my attorneys not to appeal the judge's decision. While I greatly appreciate the Sheriff's concern for my health and welfare, after meeting with doctors I intend to serve my time as ordered by the judge.
This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to reflect and have already learned a bitter, but important lesson from this experience.
As I have said before, I hope others will learn from my mistake. I have also had time to read the mail from my fans. I very much appreciate all of their good wishes and hope they will keep their letters coming.
I must also say that I was shocked to see all of the attention devoted to the amount of time I would spend in jail for what I had done by the media, public and city officials. I would hope going forward that the public and the media will focus on more important things, like the men and women serving our country in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the world."
ReplyDeleteAn apparent suicide car bomber took aim at a U.S. convoy carrying demolition experts on Sunday, collapsing a major highway overpass south of Baghdad and trapping American soldiers in the rubble.
The vehicle detonated beside a support pillar, bringing down an Army checkpoint and a tent that had been on the collapsing span, dubbed "Checkpoint 20" by the U.S. military.
More than 26 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's disease, and a new forecast says the number will quadruple by 2050. At that rate, one in 85 people will have the brain-destroying disease in 40 years, researchers from Johns Hopkins University conclude.
ReplyDeleteCould this be from the air or chemicals in food?
China's trade surplus was 22.4 billion in May.
ReplyDeleteAnd America's deficit was what?
Two U.S soldiers were killed in Baghdad today.
ReplyDeleteHave another drink Bush.
As of Sunday, June 10, 2007, at least 3,505 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 2,864 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers.
ReplyDeleteThe Associated Press count is 14 higher than the Defense Department's count.
AP: Soldiers returning from war are finding it more difficult to get mental health treatment because military insurance is cutting payments to therapists, on top of already low reimbursement rates and a tangle of red tape.
ReplyDeleteBush taking care of the troops.
Joe "Loser" Lieberman called for a military strike on Iran Sunday.
ReplyDeleteAnd they voted him back in because?
Three U.S soldiers were killed and sixteen wounded from a suicide car bomber.
ReplyDeleteLONDON (Reuters) - Oil recovered to $69 on Monday, after a sell-off of more than $2 at the end of last week, buoyed by news leading exporter Saudi Arabia would keep OPEC supply curbs in place through July.
ReplyDeleteMore of the Bush economy.
CLIF, thank you for posting that.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people need time away from the world to gain lessons in humility.
Humility is such a wonderful virtue.
Our society has misplaced anger. We should be outraged that Bill O'Reilly and Rupert Murdoch get away with LYING and propagandizing on TV on an entire network. This should be a punishable crime.
But instead we are outraged at the wrong people: public celebrities whom we think are too rich and too elitist.
It is human nature and usually right to "afflict the comfortable, and comfort the afflicted."
After the Don Imus affair, the Michael Richard's outburst, and all the celebrities gone wild... our society needs scapegoats.
We really should be going after the ultimate elitists who have truly hurt our country: Bush, Cheney and Rove.
Why are they still walking around as if they did nothing wrong, while their underlings take all the blame for lesser crimes?
The photos on blog are of Nickelback and Brandi Carlile.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteThey should have waited until AFTER she maimed or killed someone and THEN arrest her.
I sure as damn hell wouldn't wait that long to throw your criminal ass into the hoosegow, Widdle Twucker.
MCH said...
ReplyDeleteNow then, The Secret, should I read it?
Lydia endorses it.
I do not.
To me, it's a load of crap designed to make Rhonda Byrnes a boatload of money.
According to The Secret, if you want something, you alter your behavior to get rid of negative thoughts surrounding it, and it will come to you.
But, isn't "wanting something" a negative thought? Life is a zero-sum game, after all, which means you getting something means someone else loses something, and how do you know they didn't need it (as opposed to wanting it?) Which defeats the whole purpose of a balanced universe which is what The Secret claims to have inner knowledge of.
And so on. You get my drift, I think.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteI wish I could carry a tune or play an instrument,
The scuttlebutt in the drunk tank is you play a serious skin flute...
ReplyDeleteIf talking beautiful blondes into taking off their panties is now a crime, then consider me Al Capone.
Al Capone was never convicted of a crime, you virgin! :-)
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell condemned the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay yesterday, calling it "a major problem for America's perception" and charging, "if it was up to me, I would close Guantanamo -- not tomorrow, this afternoon."
ReplyDeleteLater, on CNN's Late Edition, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) expressed his disagreement with Powell about closing Guantanamo, saying "most of our prisoners would love to be in a facility more like Guantanamo and less like the state prisons.
The words of a rich snob whose idea of torture is a bad bagel.
Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt told the Examiner "that the newspaper ad he took out last week offering a million-dollar bounty for evidence of illicit sexual activity with lawmakers has yielded about 200 tips so far. He said he'll let them continue to trickle in over the next two weeks or so before his team begins to follow up on them."
ReplyDeleteThose moral Republicans are at it again!
CBS News reported Sunday that the final members of the 82nd Airborne are about to leave Fort Bragg for Iraq, saying, "This is only going to be to be the second time since World War II that the entire 82nd Airborne will be deployed overseas. Just one more sign of how thinly stretched the Army is right now."
ReplyDeleteAnd Bush cares about the troops.
From ThinkProgess
ReplyDeleteHuckabee: ‘Most’ Prisoners In The U.S. ‘Would Love’ To Be In Guantanamo »
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell condemned the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay yesterday, calling it “a major problem for America’s perception” and charging, “if it was up to me, I would close Guantanamo — not tomorrow, this afternoon.”
Later, on CNN’s Late Edition, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) expressed his disagreement with Powell about closing Guantanamo, saying “most of our prisoners would love to be in a facility more like Guantanamo and less like the state prisons that people are in in the United States.”
Pressed by host Wolf Blitzer to address the fact that “detainees are being held, by and large, without charges, without any evidence,” which is “causing a smear on the U.S. reputation,” Huckabee said it didn’t matter because hypothetically, “if we let somebody out” they could “come and fly an airliner into one of our skyscrapers.” Watch it:
Huckabee’s fearmongering over the prospect of closing Guantanamo is ignorant of the facts. Critics of the current military commission system are not arguing we should let the prisoners go. Instead, the criticism is aimed at creating a constitutional legal system that would provide for the conviction of terrorists.
The lawless environment at Guantanamo has dangerously tarnished the reputation of the United States abroad. As Powell noted, bad actors and “authoritarian figures” around the world are “using Guantanamo to hide their own misdeeds.”
The Center for American Progress has urged shifting detainee operations to Fort Leavenworth, KS, and prosecuting the remaining detainees in general courts-martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
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Filed under: Human Rights, Guantanamo
Posted by Matt at 12:37 pm
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These are the clowns that want to run our country..........a bunch of authoritarians that love and condone torture, fear mongering and work tirelessly to turn our country into a fascist Orwellian police state............ANYONE that votes repug is a fool who loathes freedom, privacy and democracy!
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Home ownership will remain out of reach for millions of Americans, despite slumping house prices, unless low-income wages grow faster, according to a national housing study released Monday.
ReplyDeleteA record 37.3 million households, or one in three, were paying a "moderate cost burden" of 30 percent of their income toward housing in 2005, according to The State of the Nation's Housing 2007. The study said the number of households with that cost burden had risen roughly 20 percent since 2001, when interest rate cuts helped spark a U.S. house price boom.
More of the Bush economy.
Huckabee has never seen a county jail much less a torture chamber.
ReplyDeleteCarl, let me explain. I know it's hard to understand, but once you get this you'll smack yourself on the face and say "I could have had a V-8!" It's so simple, but not easy to understand.
ReplyDeleteSorry but you are misunderstanding the law of attraction, and you are basing it on "fear and competition" which is why it can't work with this mindset.
It's nothing more than the laws of the universe. There is no scarcity or lack or competition. This is an abundant universe and we must bless those whom we envy or resent. We must keep our thoughts on what we want, for that is what we bring into our lives.
It just happens to work with money in the most measurable way. When you are over-analyzing, worrying or stressing about your problems, you are attracting more of the same.
When you are not focused on lack or want (that's why when you "want" something too much, you're pushing it away, because "want" means "lack."
this is basically an attitude of gratitude 24/7
Then amazing things start showing up as an automatic result of the laws of thought. The universe gives you whatever you think about and dwell on all day long.
A federal appeals court today ruled that the U.S. government cannot indefinitely imprison a U.S. resident on suspicion alone, and ordered the military to either charge Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri with his alleged terrorist crimes in a civilian court or release him.
ReplyDeleteAnother Bush debacle went wrong.
Correction: "We must keep our thoughts on the good already here, and on our visions of beauty, goodness, truth, wealth, health, success" rather than on what holds us back or what we lack.
ReplyDeleteMove forward, don't dwell on past mistakes or jealousies or fear. Never resent or envy others, or you create this.
Our thoughts create our reality so focus on the good at hand and it increases. The universe is elastic to our thought and delivers whatever we think we deserve.
Believe me, this is a fact. It's ancient and it's been repackaged as 'The Secret."
It's also Christ's teachings and in a more secular book: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it.
ReplyDelete- Rabindranath Tagore
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that home care workers are not entitled to overtime pay under federal law.
ReplyDeleteAnother Republican led ruling against lower wage workers.
Jamie Lee Curtis wrote a great post on the Paris Hilton thing, and the readers comments are most interesting.
Representative Patrick Kennedy, D-RI, writes that Congress must do everything in our power to return to good health the men and women who have fought for America' and goes on to explain what our legislators are doing in Washington, including blocking raises in 'premiums for the military health-insurance program, provided for a 3.5 percent pay increase for service members.
ReplyDeletePam Melson wants to donate one of her two healthy kidneys to a dying friend.
ReplyDeleteBut officials at the Waynesboro, Tenn., factory where she works refuse to give her time off, even without pay — a decision that a business ethicist and organ donation experts find troubling.
"They said letting me off to get this surgery would be like someone getting let off for getting breast implants," said Melson, who has worked at the factory for four years. "I think what I'm trying to do is a little more important than getting breast implants."
Dave Roberts, Tennessee Apparel's vice president of manufacturing, said he's not trying to discourage Melson from going through with the donation. But, he said, the Tullahoma-based company won't hold her job for her.
Melson, 31, is her family's sole financial provider since the store where her husband worked went out of business, and she said she can't afford to lose her job.
So, the transplant operation originally scheduled to take place this month at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has been postponed until officials at Tennessee Apparel relent or another donor is found.
This is Corporate America and how much they care.
So tired about dishonest BS propaganda in the MSM........WHAT happened to accountability these people have entire staffs to fact check and if they dont they should........they should be fined substantially for lying, saying have truths or conducting deceptive manipulative polls to deceice people.
ReplyDeleteI was just watching Larry Krudlow on CNBC and he put up a poll that said the majority of Americans would not vote for Congress People who voted not to fund the troops..........he then said that All the Democratic Presidential candidates except Biden voted to not fund the troops that is more BS media sorcery to deceive people, The Democrats Most Certainly DID NOT vote to cut funding to the troops........Did they vote to cut the trops pay checks and make them work for free.......No, Did they vote to cut their food and leave them to starve in Iraq no...............They voted to cut funding to the war to bring them home safely rather than in body bags.............It was the White House who said the troops DID Not deserve a small pay increse despite having their tours extended and serving multiple tours.
The General public who do not follow this closely will think the very different thiungs when they heat cutting funding for the troops and cutting funding for the war and Since that funding wasnt going in the troops pockets as salary that is a lie to say they were cutting funding for the troops.
Secondly Krudlow stated Paris Hilton had 3 DWI's...........Him or anyone else in the MSM should be fined for saying things that are not true and if this behavior continues they should be fired.
Look who said that. This guy is neocon from the Reagan years.
ReplyDeleteKrudlow is a partisan idiot but it wouldnt matter if it was a liberal if someone lies or says something that isnt true on the air there should be consequences.
ReplyDeleteLarry, that is tragic about the kidney donor not being allowed time off to donate her kidney.
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth is happening to our country?
Mike, I long ago learned not to look to the broadcast MSM for truth. They will always slant toward their corporate masters, from which they derive their revenues. I we want truth, we bloggers need to be the ones to provide it.
ReplyDeleteHi Lydia:
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question about my best girlfriend's boyfriend, he died of a heart attack and he was only 36.
They have an 11 month old baby. :(
Hi Guys!
ReplyDeleteIt's GEF's birthday! Please stop by my blog and wish him a Happy Birthday! :)
ReplyDeleteStudies show that ex-servicemen are twice as likely to commit suicide as civilians.
Sad but true.
Senate Republicans blocked a Senate no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Monday, rejecting a Democratic effort to force him from office amid criticism from lawmakers in both parties.
ReplyDeleteDo people still support Republicans?
The kidney thing reminds me of some friends of mine at work. They are married and when she became pregnant, they both filed for FMLA -- he was approved but she was not. It's just not right.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think Im going to do some digging and try to find an email address for some of the bigwigs at Tennessee Apparel ... anobody up for a good old-fashioned email campaign?
Mike you and Clif are really excellent writers and full of information, do you each have your own blogs?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm not the only one with the idea -- check out this posting from a different blog --
ReplyDeleteTennessee Apparel Corporation, in Waynesboro, Tennessee, says showing up for work is more important than saving lives!
Tennessee Apparel Corporation is run by the Devil himself.
And can you believe it? The Devil is apparently a Republican.
I was looking for contact info for this loathsome corporation (see below) and accidentally discovered that Ted D. Helms, President of Tennessee Apparel Corp., gives money to the RNC. Coincidentally, the cut-throat corporation gets lots of contracts from Bush's Department of Defense and InJustice.
And who else would do business with contemptible creeps like these? We don't call it the Dark Side for no reason.
Pam Melson wants to donate one of her two healthy kidneys to a dying friend.
But officials at the Waynesboro, Tenn., factory where she works refuse to give her time off, even without pay — a decision that a business ethicist and organ donation experts find troubling.
"They said letting me off to get this surgery would be like someone getting let off for getting breast implants," said Melson, who has worked at the factory for four years. "I think what I'm trying to do is a little more important than getting breast implants."
Dave Roberts, Tennessee Apparel's vice president of manufacturing, said he's not trying to discourage Melson from going through with the donation. But, he said, the Tullahoma-based company won't hold her job for her.
Melson, 31, is her family's sole financial provider since the store where her husband worked went out of business, and she said she can't afford to lose her job.
So, the transplant operation originally scheduled to take place this month at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has been postponed until officials at Tennessee Apparel relent or another donor is found.
In 2006, 4,079 people in the U.S. died waiting for a kidney. Eighty-five of them were Tennesseans. . .
Contact info for this ruthless embarrassment to the state of Tennessee is below. I could find only one email address, but it's a good one.
102 Industrial Dr
Waynesboro, TN 38485
(931) 722-2400
Tullahoma office: 931-455-3491 FAX: 931-455-1209
Marilyn Hiatt, Chairman of Board -- EMAIL --
Ted D. Helms, President
Dave Roberts, V.P. / Manufacturing
Rick Francis, V.P. / Administration
Jim Blackwell, Controller
News Politics Kidney Donation Tennessee Apparel Corp Ted D. Helms Waynesboro Tennessee Republicans
The actual post gives links providing documentation on the political contributions.
In a Meeting with the Wall Street Journal's editorial board, Secretary of State Condi Rice said that Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who promoted the invasion of Iraq, disclosed the name of a cover CIA agent then was convicted of four counts of perjury and obstruction of justice, had "served the country really well." She hinted that a presidential pardon was in order.
ReplyDeleteWas there any doubt one felon releasing another felon!
A member in good standing of the "Culture of Life."
ReplyDeleteNo surprises here.
Ok, I sent my email -- who's with me?
ReplyDeleteYou're right. I can't get onto your blog Jolly. Is it down?
"The Universe does not know whether the vibration that you're offering is because of something you're observing or something you're remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it".
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get on your blog this evening and I tried several times.
ReplyDeleteI think his blog must be down as I have tried from several different links.
Ok, it's not fair to put people on the spot so I will repeat the contact information -- the email address the chairman of the board of Tennessee apparel is ... her name is Marilyn Hiatt. Email her if you feel strongly about the kidney issue.
ReplyDeleteThere was some kind of sitewide outage. I haven't received an official answer yet as to what happened. As of now we're up (tonight's subject is Holy Joe LIEberman.)
ReplyDeleteDo you mean Lieberman the war-monger?
Hey guys did you see that the pentagon is developing a hormone bomb that would turn soldiers into homosexuals?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell, thats an interesting way to end the war ... turn all the soldiers into homosexuals then they'll get kicked out of the military.
ReplyDeleteWouldnt be ironic justice to set one of those puppies off in the White House?
ReplyDeleteI'll try again in a bit. Thanks! ;)
Oooh -- or better yet, the Republican convention!
ReplyDeletemch wondered,
ReplyDeleteWell, thats an interesting way to end the war ... turn all the soldiers into homosexuals then they'll get kicked out of the military.
Wouldnt be ironic justice to set one of those puppies off in the White House?
I'm not so sure it wasn't done. Jeffy Gannon, anyone?
ReplyDeleteFYI--I just tried to post on your blog and it didn't work.
I'm still having trouble on your blog Jolly.
ReplyDeleteJolly Roger said...
ReplyDeletemch wondered,
Well, thats an interesting way to end the war ... turn all the soldiers into homosexuals then they'll get kicked out of the military.
Wouldnt be ironic justice to set one of those puppies off in the White House?
I'm not so sure it wasn't done. Jeffy Gannon, anyone?"
Yeah, for a guy whose party claims to hate and descrinate against homosexuals.............Rove sure seems to like them.......look at his protoge Kenny Mehlman the guy TT says is such a good man.
The Repugs turning soldiers into being gay sort of tells where they hide in the wee hours of the night.
ReplyDeleteToyota outsold GM in global sales during 2006 which helped make them the number one car maker in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteMore of the Bush economy.
China's steel product exports surged 116.7% year-on-year in the first five months of this year, according to a Ministry of Commerce official.
ReplyDeleteChina exported 27.44 million tonnes of steel products in the first five months, up 116.7% from last year, while May exports stood at 6.17 million tonnes, dipping 13.83% from April, Yang Hongbin, a MOFCOM official from the Shanghai office, announced at the 3rd Steel Industry Development Strategy Conference.
The faltering U.S steel industry, and the growing China steel industry is another example of the Bush economy.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Home ownership will remain out of reach for millions of Americans, despite slumping house prices, unless low-income wages grow faster, according to a national housing study released Monday.
ReplyDeleteWhy this basic, bottom-line FACT exceeds the cognitive abilities of so many Chimpletons is a mystery to me.
We have a database problem.The blog will be flaky until at least in the morning. The postings by me will be flaky even afterward...
ReplyDeleteThose Chimpletons all try and live like there are no housing problems in America, after all in their minds there are homeless shelters who house the middle and lower class.
ReplyDeleteThis has no effect on them.
ReplyDeleteI finally got one comment in but couldn't get anymore. Will try tomorrow.
Jolly, was your blog hacked or is it just technical problems?
ReplyDeleteWhere are all the chicken hawks when the Army really needs them?
ReplyDeleteMore Bad News on the Recruitment Front
Larry C Johnson
There are more signs of serious problems with recruiting and maintaining the full complement of the United States Army. Many are focused on today's report from the Associated press:
The Army fell short of its recruiting goal for May, its first significant slip in two years. The active-duty Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force met or surpassed their May targets, although the Army National Guard and Air National Guard fell far short.
But the situation is more dire. A well connected friend of mine, who is a significant Republican fund raiser, tells me that Republican Senators are having trouble filling the slots at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Fewer troops and fewer officers is a recipe for disaster.
Add to this what I was told by a senior officer who recently served on the U.S. Army planning staff. My friend told me:
The Army is toasted. Completely fried. We are moving pieces around on the board that don't exists.
Like it or not, this is the reality that confronts us in the coming years. We will spend a decade trying to rebuild the Army. But first we need to withdraw from Iraq.
Heres an idea Clif, how about they start paying the soldiers higher wages instead of dishing out the big bucks to the repug contractors..........I have a couple of friends that were planning on being career military guys that are looking to get out of the military and become contractors.............most of thos contractors are making between $100,000-$200,000..............Yet Bush and his cronnies said a small raise for the soldiers who are putting their lives on the line, seperated from their families, missing their children grow up and doing multiple tours or having their tours extended is "UNNECCESSARY".............thats how these hippocrites support the troops.
ReplyDeleteJolly, was your blog hacked or is it just technical problems?
ReplyDeleteIt's a problem with the SQL (backend database) server. The problem is aggravated by the size of the blog-it has been online in one form or another since late 2004,and the signs of age are there.
The way to alleviate this may be to turn what is there right now into an archival blog, and start all over. I'm playing with several possible solutions to it.
The Army is toasted. Completely fried. We are moving pieces around on the board that don't exists.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I have been calling the "May 1945 strategy" that seems to be preferred by Chimpy and the dolts of the PNAC. I call it that because as the Soviets were actually moving into Berlin, Hitler was down in the bunker, moving around non-existent armies for non-existent victories.
I think the army has fallen short of their goals at least 4 times in the past two years.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need your own blog software and a separate server so you will have plenty of room and speed.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need your own blog software and a separate server so you will have plenty of room and speed.
We done did that. lives on a rack that is mainly taken up by my other websites ;)
Serendipity has been unbelievably stable for the last 2(+) years-we blew up b2evolution and wordpress both, with nowhere near the traffic we get now. I really think the problem now is just bloat. The blog has been kicked off of several hosts for either number of visitors or content, which means I've had to reimport it several times. The Gun-Toting Liberal completely redid his site the other day due to similar problems, Hanlon's Razor also had to redo his earlier this year. It looks like my time has come.
I apologize for the geek stuff, for all those about to fall asleep....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAfghan police mistakenly thought U.S. troops on a nighttime mission were Taliban fighters and opened fire on them, prompting U.S. forces to return fire and call in attack aircraft, killing seven Afghan police.
ReplyDeleteAnother Bush well thought out planned.
For May, the United States military fell 399 soldiers short of making its recruiting goal. Apparently they've achieve the benefit of the relaxation of recruiting standards, and are now back to trying to talk high school students into risking their lives to see to it that Iraq's oil resources are properly allocated to American corporations. That may not work out all that well for them. It appears that now the military wants to take advantage of the same situation that unscrupulous American employers have been taking advantage of for years by offering low-wage and high-risk jobs to illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeleteBush not only wants employers to break the law, but he now plans to breaking the law by using illegal aliens in the military.
Another deed of felons.
The drop in U.S. government bond prices this past week is expected to cause pain for some homeowners and mortgage shoppers, and bring fresh opportunities to income investors.
ReplyDeleteThe yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which moves in the opposite direction to its price, jumped above the psychologically significant 5 percent threshold, ending Friday at 5.119 percent, up from 4.955 percent a week earlier. The 10-year's yield is now at its highest level since July 2006.
More of the Bush economy.
The Albanians Stole His Watch!
ReplyDeleteNow we know why he was so welcome...they wanted his Rolex!
ReplyDeleteAll due respect, and it's your life, so you should live it as you see fit, but that description smacks of horsedookeys...
In that scenario, all children should be fabulously wealthy because can you get more optimistic than a child?
But they aren't.
Carl, "contempt prior to investigation?"
ReplyDeleteThis requires an open mind. The mere fact that you are so cynic is a self-fulfulling prophecy.
I find it odd that someone who is against fundamentalism, is not seeing the metaphysics and spiritual truth behind this. It's just a natural law.
When we are so focused on wealth we are missing the point!
Wealth is a state of mind.
This is an abundant universe which is malleable "elastic" to our thought. The universe doesn't judge; it delivers according to your thought.
Starting with Emmet Fox's "Sermon on the Mount" then The Pathway of Roses, then "You'll See it When you Believe It" by Wayne Dyer....
or "Conversations with God."
Sometimes I think a catastrophic change or suffering needs to occur to hit bottom enough to really need to find God. Not the "church-version or doctrinal version of God, but the real thing.
“If it’s not food and water, not the amount of rest or training, then what is it that propels me forward? What is the source of my strength?” The only answer I could think of was love."
ReplyDeleteExcellent article. I had never really thought of things quite like that. I will try to remember this when I am struggling to muster the strength and the will to finish off my opponent in my next tough third set of joyful, hard-hitting tennis. I will blast that forehand down the line with all the love I can summon ;-)
Carl, oops I didn't mean to sound so arrogant. That came out wrong.
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant was "cynicism actually defeats good causes."
In ancient Greece, Cynics used to pee on works of art (or "pee on people's dreams"
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI, too, see a spirituality, but my spirituality comes more from a Buddhist perspective. To do without is a greater pleasure than to want.
God will provide. Jesus himself tells us this in The Sermon on the Mount. (Matt 6)
Who am I to argue with Him? :-)
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
Looks like the insurgents have a strategy to curtail the US military's ability to move troops and more importantly supplies around Iraq;
ReplyDeleteThird Day of Bridge Attacks in Iraq
Spike May Indicate New Campaign Against Transport Routes
Insurgents bombed a bridge over a major highway in Iraq for the third consecutive day on Tuesday. Bridge bombings have been on the rise in recent months, but this week's attacks indicate a new campaign against key transport routes may have begun.
Tuesday morning's attack partially destroyed a bridge linking the villages of al-Qariya al-Asriyah and al-Rashayed in northern Babil province on the main north-south highway about 35 miles south of Baghdad, and just six miles south of the bridge destroyed on Sunday.
The AP reports local police said about 60% of the bridge was damaged, though cars could still pass over it via one lane. But debris from the blast fell on the main north-south expressway below, further complicating efforts to reopen that main artery, closed after Sunday's blast dropped masses of concrete onto the roadway.
Three US soldiers were killed in Sunday's bridge bombing. A suicide car bomber struck a major bridge in Iraq's volatile Diyala province on Monday, cutting the span over the Diyala River, but causing no casualties. The destruction reportedly requires traffic to be detoured through al Qaeda-dominated territory.
In other recent bridge attacks, in mid-May a double car bomb brought down the Badoush bridge spanning the Tigris in Mosul, and others severely damaged the Old Diyala Bridge and the nearby New Diyala Bridge, which span the Diyala River, a tributary of the Tigris in southern Baghdad.
In mid-April, the 75-year-old British al-Sarafiya bridge in Baghdad was cut in two by a truck bomb, plunging a number of cars into the Tigris and killing approximately a dozen of Iraqis.
Ordinary Iraqis have begun relying on small ferries to cross rivers, but the destruction of key arteries has the potential to disrupt the transport of military supplies and manpower.
and here is Juan Coles take on this disturbing trend;
Guerrillas blew up another bridge in Iraq on Monday, this time over the Euphrates in Diyala province. Its destruction will make drivers from northeastern Diyala who want to go to Baghdad take a route through Baquba, among the more violent cities in Iraq. Guerrillas are attempting to cause Iraqi society and government to collapse by hitting the infrastructure, and the bridge demolitions are part of that strategy. Late on Sunday, an overpass leading to a bridge south of Baghdad was destroyed, and 3 American soldiers were killed and 6 wounded.
In short order, the insurgents have studied how the US Military operates, and has decided to LIMIT the military's options as to routes they use by destroying bridges to eliminate routes the insurgents do not the US to use. The result of this is two fold;
1. It limits the routes the insurgents need to stage ambushes and increases the chances of a pre-places IED to have a US convoy or HUMVEE going by it.
2. With a limited route selection it raises the need for convoy security, and makes the "usable" routes more congested which slows down both supply convoys and reaction forces to any type of attacks.
Another POSSIBLE senario to destroying bridges, is the insurgents now KNOW what routes are available to the US to respond to any attack thus they can "set up" an attack to get the rapid response units going down certain routes from which the insurgents have pre placed IED's waiting for such a response.
Apparently this has already played out in an attack on a US observation Helicopter, and subsequent attacks on two responding forces to the incidents.
Any such tactic like this is sure to cause a rise in US casualties, and force the US to change tactics to something which is either more manpower intensive, or worse. pre position small units in places to respond to such attacks which sets out small numbers of forces to situations like what happened back in may =where exactly such an out post was attacked and the troops were either killed or captured.
This would be more devastating to the "surge" approach because it destroys the US capability to effectively use it's forces in Iraq. And September is coming, where most of the republicans upon which the surge rests for their blocking the rest of the nation from getting it's demand of the USA getting out of this Bush created fiasco. Come September the re-pubies up for re-election are going to have to stand with Bush but take a significant chance of losing come Nov 2008, or cut and run from the greatest military fiasco since the Roman Empire.
surge on Georgie..............
See, I cast a glance at Rhonda Byrnes, and see Werner Erhard, or L. Ron Hubbard, and worry. So much money to be made off people who know less about their souls than they do about football or a soap opera (present company excepted, Lydia).
ReplyDeleteThis worries me. It's not much different than a televangelist, almost antiChristic in its aspect.
If she gave The Secret away, then maybe I'd believe in it. But she makes way too much money off it.
Hi Lydia!
The new poster, "Punditman", is a new author on my blog. He writes for Counterpunch and I'm thrilled that he will be part of our team!
Also, Mentarch is a new author on my blog and he writes for Daily Kos.
Two great additions to the Suzie-Q blog!!
Carl said...
I, too, see a spirituality, but my spirituality comes more from a Buddhist perspective. To do without is a greater pleasure than to want.
God will provide. Jesus himself tells us this in The Sermon on the Mount. (Matt 6)
Who am I to argue with Him? :-)
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
Carl -- I totally agree with you here. Now go a few steps further. How does one "heal" the human body, mind and spirit? Why doesn't the Church ever want to deal with Christ's specific admonition to us -- that we can heal as he healed? Why do they dismiss the healing 'miracles?"
Because they do not understand the metaphysical key.
Wealth is only one aspect. And there is nothing bad about wealth, except our extreme focus on it (the "love of money" not money itself is bad. Money is simply an exchange.
Wealth is wonderful if you share it, and give generously to help others. It's hoarding wealth that's wrong.
I have no idea what Ronda Byrnes does with her profits from THE SECRET, but the book alone, the way it was published by a small publisher who was going bankrupt is a story in itself of applying the principles of the "Secret."
It's no secret at all. It is absolutely without a doubt the underlying laws of the universe.
A rose doesn't compete with a rose for sunshine or soil. We are not supposed to be competing with each other but enhancing each other, and sharing hte joy, wealth, abundance of this universe.
L. Ron Hubbard is a cult leader.
I hate when people take advantage of others or try to "opiate the masses."
Anyway, I can see how you wouldn't like the Secret DVD, but the book is so simple and reasonates the Truth, the Christ Truth.
The practical application of Christ's principles, for people who are afraid of the Bible.
ReplyDeleteEmmet Fox is better.
Hi Guys!
ReplyDeleteCarl, Mike, Clif, Larry, et al..
Punditman, thanks for posting. You have a great blog. I just left a comment for you over there.
ReplyDeleteCarl, very funny post: "With friends like these, who needs an enema?"
ReplyDeleteLeft a comment for you on your top blog post too.
Wayne Dyer explains it all much better, with more heart, in the most amazing ways. He has written over 20 books, each progressively more spiritual yet practical.
ReplyDeleteThe best one to start with is "You'll See it When you Believe It."
Ok, Im beginning to wonder if I'm the only one without a blog of my own ... what do you think guys, should I start one?
ReplyDeleteNext obvious question -- how do I start one?
ReplyDeleteNature competes all the time. Even roses. Life is aggressive and not particularly charitable.
We disagree. I'm willing to leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteGo to They'll walk you through it.
Woohoo! That's easier done than said!
ReplyDeleteOk, so I have the basics of it started but I dont have time to finish it up due to being on lunch break. Tonight I will polish the corners and write my first blog on it and unveil it for you all ... Im seriously psyched!
Doesnt it ask you to create your own blog when you sign up with blogger?
ReplyDeleteHey Sq, I was just checking out your profile............we have many of the same hobbies LOL!
ReplyDeleteChina warned Tuesday of unspecified countermeasures if the US Congress adopts a bill on Beijing's foreign exchange regime that could lead to higher US tariffs on Chinese imports.
ReplyDeleteBut "the US Congress could pass this legislation which will lead to the problem of higher tariffs on Chinese goods... If this happens then the Chinese departments concerned will make a response.
China holding the U.S economy at gunpoint. More of the Bush revolution.
Clif, you mentioned this before a couple of months ago..........if the insurgents target the supply routes and convoys things could get REALLY ugly for our soldiers...............Thats why I wish congress would have showed some spine and cut funding and ended the war so our soldiers were out of Harms way.
ReplyDeleteGWB is an incompetent fool not qualified to run a lemonade stand and he's running our country and making life and death decisions.
Yeah Larry, but that would be a BIG mistake for Congress to do something like that........Sure Bush has got us in this position but tarrifs reek of Smoot Hawly and could be one of the catalysts that tip us into recession along with an oil spike.
ReplyDeleteIf China were to dump our dollars and/or unpeg their currency things could REALLY get ugly real quick.
Congress will never cut off funding. Pelosi loves the photo ops as the Speaker, and the rest of them love that cut of Bush's war that they obviously are getting.
ReplyDeleteChina is holding the U.S economy hostage and Bush is the one hiding under the table.
I hope Pelosi gets drummed right out of office she is the Hillary Clinton style gutless big money Democrat that we DONT NEED!
ReplyDeletePelosi hasn't done anything since she took power except make big boasts.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment on my blog, Lydia. Thanks to Suzie Q's site, I have been reading you for awhile and I admire your writing. It is unique in its honesty and versatility. It must take a lot of courage for someone of your stature to go out on a limb and challenge the powers that be (I confess I did not know who you were, but then my TV watching has been sporadic at best, for a long time).
ReplyDeleteI have happily linked to you.
If I may chime in on the debate over "The Secret," while it raises some valid and inspiring notions, I too found it to be way too yuppie and way too materialistic. The DVD advises you to not pay any attention to all the negative news: wars and stuff like that. But if you must, then don't have an anti-war rally, have a peace rally. Don't oppose things because you only make them stronger. That's great. My how the warmongers of this world must love that philosphy. And what about the 12-year olds working in sweatshops? Do they deserve their fate because some capitalist with zero conscience knows the "Secret"? How do they improve their fate, by manifesting away their misery? This blogger here has something to say on this whole subject as well:
Moms are smart!
If China were to dump our dollars and/or unpeg their currency things could REALLY get ugly real quick.
ReplyDeleteThis will occur within days of an attack on Iran.
The Federal Government will go into default rather quickly, because nobody will want to fund Chimpy anymore-whatever kind of interest he might be paying. It isn't like we make anything someone can't get somewhere else anyway.
When the Federal Government can't afford to assert is authority in the States anymore, States will start to leave. Since the Federal Government will have no real way of stopping it, there won't be the kind of civil war this time that we hasd last time. States may quietly leave, or they may noisily leave-but they'll leave. I expect California to go first, probably in some kind of west coast Commonwealth. Other States and regions will soon follow. In 5 to 10 years, the dictatorship Chimpy and Shooter crave will exist-but it will only contain the Southeastern US (I think Texas will ultimately go it alone too.)
This isn't worst-case scenario. History tells us what's coming. It happened to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it happened to Rome, it happened to the Chinese empire, it happened to the USSR. It can, and it will, happen here.
jolly roger...that is one scary scenario. You seem quite certain of this chain of events, starting with an attack on Iran. Do you have any sources to cite, for further reading?
ReplyDeletejolly roger...that is one scary scenario. You seem quite certain of this chain of events, starting with an attack on Iran. Do you have any sources to cite, for further reading?
ReplyDeleteRussian and Austrian history make good starting points. What happened in Argentina post-Falklands is also worth looking at.
The compacts that Schwarzenegger is making with other States in the region, coupled with his public musings about whether or not the US has gotten too big to function as a democracy AND his increasing go-it-alone would seem to make California likely to be the first State to peel off.
Good deep stuff on this thread- tough wading down through heavy commenting. Hi everybody! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Chuck. You have lots to digest on your blog as well.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, did anyone watch Chris Matthews tonight when he called the republican presidential candidates all bozos.
ReplyDeleteHi Mike!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I knew that! ;)
Have you been in law enforcement?
Hi Punditman and Chuck!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see that you guys have come over here from my blog. :)
Punditman and Carl,
ReplyDeleteAgreed, The Secret as presented in its latest incarnation comes off as too materialistic and "get rich quick", and to me, materialism is the core problem, (I wrote a movie about this 10 years ago.)
But you are focusing on style over substance.
This law works perfectly for every problem in life when you apply it correctly. The problem is "having faith," of course.
Just as Galilleo said to the Catholic Church when they accused him of heresy for saying the earth circled around the sun, "Nevertheless, it does spin!"
And remember the same thing happened to Jesus. He encountered skeptics in his hometown; no one believed him.
You can't change the law, whether you believe in it or not. The key is to take a leap of faith. Why avoid the one thing that would make all the difference in the world? Many know this, but few can get through the gate -- the way is narrow.
Obviously, if your life is fine the way it is, and the way you've been doing things serves you, then no need to investigate this.
But much better than the Secret is "The Sermon on the Mount" by Emmet Fox or "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Francis Scovill Shin, or Dr. Wayne Dyer's "The Power of Intention," etc.
"It's never crowded along the extra mile".
ReplyDeleteWayne Dyer
"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect."
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo Emerson
"A walking meditation is a beneficial alternative when sitting meditations are getting too repetitive. With each step, begin to count from one to ten. Then count from ten down to one, and start again from one up to ten. As you walk and count, keep your focus on the sole of each foot as it hits the ground. What's happening as you count one, two, three, four, and so on to your steps is that you're bringing your awareness and focus back to the powerful present."
ReplyDeleteJohn Holland
"Is it time to let something go? Time to release it to the universe and know and trust that it will be taken care of? You have to make room for energy, intuitive guidance, and abundance to flow through you. This week ask yourself, “what’s in my life that I no longer need?” By releasing and letting go, you’re opening yourself up to your own higher consciousness, and by doing so, you’re making room for more of what is in your highest good."
ReplyDeleteJohn Holland
I especially enjoyed the Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer it was compelling and filled with scripture to back up the concept of Intention.
ReplyDeleteOk, Larry, for my own peace of mind, please tell me who the John Holland is that you keep quoting. I went to college wih a John Holland who was the most arrogant, self-serving, egotistical, center-of-attention demanding, holier-than-thou piece of work you'd never want to meet -- and those were his good points.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, he was a total jerk.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOk, found him on the net -- not the same guy. Cool, in that case I can read what he has to say and take him seriously
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI see you peaceniks still think you are winning, if what you have done since November is winning, i'd hate to see what you surrender monkeys consider losing.
ReplyDeletei'd like to ask you libs something are you going to surrender in 2008 just like you surrendered to President Bush and funded the war?
I don't know which peaceniks you are referring to, but your boy hasn't the time to surrender, since most of his administration is either under indictment, or resigning before prosecution.
ReplyDeleteA few questions for our newest lib?
ReplyDeleteMCH, Do you think Fred Thompson is the second coming of the great Ronald Reagan,
Do you think the lib congress will keep surrendering to President Bush and trying to surrender to the terrorists,
Do you think Reed and Pelosi will jump when Rove says Boo.
When is Gonzalez going to be removed
When is Rove going to be indicted and frog marched
When is Bush and Cheney going to be impeached
and last but certainly not least how many seats will the Republicans regain in Congress when they reclaim the majority as well as the White House.
Feel free to answer my questions Leisure Suit Larry if you dare, since our newcomber is probably off surrendering or discussing surrender or dreaming about surrender.
ReplyDeleteSince this blog seems infested with trolls, I will say Fred Thompson is another old slag they pulled out of the closet of dried up neocons and like Cheney and Rummy, tell him he is the star of life.
ReplyDeleteBeside you seem to think this is your blog. You are mere uninvited nuisance that tends to latch onto things that are not yours.
ReplyDeletetardtexan blathered,
ReplyDeleteA few Chimpleton talking points for our newest lib, since I haven't got 5 functioning brain cells with which to ask a question on my own...
tard...... do I need to remind you that you and your beloved monkey Messiah haven't been right ONCE in 6 years?
I was telling you and the rest of your Chimpy-worshiping cabal what was going to happen in Iraq in 2002. And when it didn't immediately materialize, you all went ape sh*t-told me how sad I must be at having nothing with which to criticize Chimpy.
I tried to tell you time would see me out, and see me out it did. So why are you and the rest of your ilk STILL on that stupid kick? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Stupid? A joke?
Excellent point Jolly. He seems to forget his boys haven't been right about a anything they had predicted, or made up.
ReplyDeleteAh, Tallltexan, I've heard about you and I must admit, the rumors don't do you justice. Since we are on the topic of questions, I have a few for you:
ReplyDeleteDo you always spell "tall" with three l's?
Do you always spell "newcomer" with a b?
Are you familiar with the proper usage of question marks, commas, or periods?
Tell you what. How about you go back to first grade, learn the basics of punctuation and spelling, then come back and see if you can post something with looking like a complete imbecile.
Jolly Roger said...
ReplyDeleteIf China were to dump our dollars and/or unpeg their currency things could REALLY get ugly real quick.
This will occur within days of an attack on Iran.
The Federal Government will go into default rather quickly, because nobody will want to fund Chimpy anymore-whatever kind of interest he might be paying. It isn't like we make anything someone can't get somewhere else anyway.
When the Federal Government can't afford to assert is authority in the States anymore, States will start to leave. Since the Federal Government will have no real way of stopping it, there won't be the kind of civil war this time that we hasd last time. States may quietly leave, or they may noisily leave-but they'll leave. I expect California to go first, probably in some kind of west coast Commonwealth. Other States and regions will soon follow. In 5 to 10 years, the dictatorship Chimpy and Shooter crave will exist-but it will only contain the Southeastern US (I think Texas will ultimately go it alone too.)
This isn't worst-case scenario. History tells us what's coming. It happened to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it happened to Rome, it happened to the Chinese empire, it happened to the USSR. It can, and it will, happen here."
Jolly Roger, I agree completely that attacking Iran could be the catalyst that destroys this country, although it could break the country apart like you say, I think it more likely that GWB uses it to declare martial law and seize ultimate power by turning this country into an Orwellian Police state ruled by a tyranical dictator............Think about it, with all the Directives and spying it makes sense.
The U.S is already being turned into a police state and attacking Iran would further enhance that option.
ReplyDeleteAttacking iran would be "THE" dumbest think we could do, it would be a nightmare scenario that would probably end life as we know it possibly forever.
ReplyDeleteJR, speaking of the fall of Rome, i'll be writing a post on that real soon.
ReplyDeleteThe US is threatening to get much tougher with international energy companies that do business with Iran.
ReplyDeleteOil firms may face fines and other penalties if they sign deals to develop Iranian reserves of oil and gas, a State Department source told the BBC.
Another step toward war.
Timely withdrawal from Iraq presents the best option for driving al-Qaida out of the troubled country, one expert says.
ReplyDeleteU.S. interests in the conflict, primarily preventing the country from becoming a launching pad for terrorists, would be best served by setting a 12-month timetable for disengagement said Lawrence Korb, senior fellow with the Center for American Progress.
Does Bush listen to the experts?
Senate Democrats will once again try to impose timetables for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, Majority Leader Harry Reid announced Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteReid said Democrats will use a defense authorization bill for fiscal year 2008 as a vehicle to revive two Iraq timetable amendments that they pushed unsuccessfully during a fight over Iraq funding in May.
Does anyone really believe this blubber after all the boasts that were made the last time?
Insurance companies have used improper hard-sell tactics to persuade Medicare recipients to sign up for private health plans that cost the government far more than the traditional Medicare program, federal and state official say.
ReplyDeleteMore of Bush's America.
CHINA has launched a crackdown on US food imports, seizing pistachio nuts and vowing tough inspections in the wake of Washington's own offensive rejecting suspect Chinese food and drug ingredients.
ReplyDeleteLarry said...
ReplyDeleteI don't know which peaceniks you are referring to, but your boy hasn't the time to surrender, since most of his administration is either under indictment, or resigning before prosecution.
TT - wait until September. Reid and Pelosi are not finished. You'll see.
The Army now admits that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste - either tossed overboard or packed into vessels.
ReplyDeleteA sane reader might wonder why neoconservatives would want to expand a conflict in which the US has failed. Surely, even delusional "cakewalk" neoconservatives must realize that attacking Iran would greatly increase the threat to US troops in Iraq and perhaps bring missile attacks on oil facilities and US bases throughout the Middle East. An attack on Iran would further radicalize Muslims and further undermine US puppets in the Middle East. It could bring war to the entire region.
ReplyDeleteThe point is that the neoconservatives do realize this. Their defeat in Iraq and Israel's defeat in Lebanon has taught the neoconservatives that the US cannot prevail in the Middle East by conventional military means.
The neoconservatives' plan is to escape the failure of their Iraq plan by orchestrating a war with Iran in which the US can prevail only by using nuclear weapons. As previously reported, the neoconservatives believe that the use of nuclear weapons against Iran will convince Muslims that they must accept US rule.
Thus the Bush doctrine.
Larry, those inside the pentagon think China is the “next” economic engine of the planet is going to be interesting, because it is a combination of the pseudo-Marxist Government style with a pseudo capitalist economy, which is a combination of the two major competing economic-political systems of the 20th century.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, China has already shown the tendency of Rising empires to exploit others for the good of their economy. Both in their actions in Africa, where they are using their large monetary reserves they have accumulated to “buy” up the resources of the African peoples with no real regards for the people themselves, and trying to guarantee their access to the Oil resources of the planet with agreements with both Iran and Venezuela. China know the limits of Oil today and are trying to guarantee they have access to the real resource which has driven the economic expansion of the planet for the last century.
In the end the neo-cons and the rest of the right will have much to screech about as the oil becomes MORE and MORE scarce and prices climb into the hundreds of dollars a barrel for what is available, and China uses it's almost one trillion dollars of currency it holds to buy up what oil reserves it can or bid up the spot market to get the oil it needs to the detriment of countries who can not borrow money any more.
Don’t think so;
Ask your self why Saudi Arabia is cutting exports to Asia at the moment(when oil prices are high) and has had declining exports since Nov 2005, at the same time Mexico, and the North Sea is also declining( along with quite a few other countries).
BTW Russia says they have no decline, however they keep shutting down pipelines which they deliver supplies to foreign countries, for some reason (they claim maintenance, but this would be a good way to cover their inability to meet all contractual demands at the moment).
The resource wars have begun, and the America is in for one hell of a ride, just like any empire in decline. Iraq was the first naked act of fighting for control of the shrinking supplies of oil as demand, population and cars continue to rise.
China is just trying to position itself to the best advantage they can, too bad Bush wasted so much for NOTHING in Iraq. Because we might need the military at some time, too bad he destroyed it. china knows we have blown it big time and even loaned us the money to destroy our ground forces in Iraq while they used the money Wal-Mart ET Al sent them to both build up their military, and go around this planet buying up resources. Not just oil, but large amounts of scrap steel, and other metals, and raw materials they need to develop their infrastructure like cement to make concrete.
The 21st century is going to be more volatile than the 20th century ever was. And with limited energy supplies to fuel a very complex military machine, things could get quite hairy for the US because Bush ET AL wasted so much for nothing in Iraq.
Thompson must be the "official" neo-con approved candidate since Roves minions along with these reichwingers are climbing on board;
ReplyDeleteHawks for Thompson
Thompson puts together a foreign policy team.
FRED THOMPSON IS adding more big-name policy talent as his testing-the-waters committee continues to grow into a real presidential campaign. Among the new additions: Mark Esper, national security adviser to former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist; Joel Shin, a top policy staffer on Bush-Cheney 2000; and Elizabeth Cheney, a former top official in the State Department's Near East and South Asia department.
It looks like the Bush insiders are getting Thompson to be "their man" since so many of the former Bushites are jumping on board with Freddy boy the lying former lobbyist.
Like he played the good ole boy in stead of telling the truth he was a lobbyist when he ran for the senate.
He ain't no Reagan, but it looks like he is the best the GOP can dreg up at the moment, since Reagan is still rotting away under ground.
Hopefully the country will remember what happened last time a group of reichwingers got together and pushed a fraud to be their choice for the country,
ReplyDeletethe year 2000
and where that has gotten us......
hopefully this time the voters won't be fooled so easily.
Looks like somebody else don't like the lying fraud the GOP is trying to foist as their savior.
ReplyDeleteSaint Ronny of Republica
A. Alexander
It is no secret that each of the elevendy-billion Republican presidential candidates are wishing their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (or Joseph Smith?) would lay hands on them and drive out any un-Reagan-like demons that might possess their mortal soul. And, too, let's be completely truthful, the candidates wouldn't exactly be upset if the Savior placed them into the actual physical vessel that was formerly inhabited by Saint Ronny of Republica.
But everyone knows that isn't going to least not to the current crop. And, what a crop they are! Between them they've had more mistresses and divorces than Bill O'Reilly has had sessions of masturbatory phone sex - and that's a lot! To Romney's credit, he's managed to remain faithful to his wife. The worry with Mitt, however, is that he is going to break his neck while flippity-flopping around on the issues like a fish pitched up on a hot sandy river bank. One day the Romster is for one thing and the next he's against it. His campaign manager should seriously consider slapping a helmet on him and putting Mitty in one of those head immobilizing NASCAR driver seats - something to reduce the possibility of neck-injury-by-flop.
Even Jesus and Joseph, Smith that is, couldn't make this crew of womanizing flip-floppers resemble Saint Ronny of Republica. If He were to try and convert this crew to Reagan status, God himself would risk some kind of omnipotent being's injury due to overexertion. Indeed, they're hopeless and that's why Karl Rove, the RNC, the Neoconservative nuts, and the entire Bush clan have rolled out Fred Dalton Thompson. In his biggest role ever, Thompson is being prepped to play Saint Ronny of Republica.
Not only is Fred an actor like Reagan was, he's damn near as old now as Reagan would have been if he were still alive today. Fred Dalton Thompson is almost perfect! The only problem is that, well, okay, two problems really. His only two problems are that he's more a "Dubya" Republican and less a "Reagan" Republican. At least Fred seems to have co-opted all of George W. Bush's current positions on all the major issues...including Iraq. And the Good Lord knows today's Conservatives are more convinced than ever that George W. isn't really a Conservative at all. They would never have thought that about Saint Ronny of Repulica.
The other problem with Fred Dalton Thompson is that he doesn't look anything like Reagan. Truth be told, Thompson looks more like Skeletor than any other creature either real or fictitious. If Fred Dalton Thompson becomes the Republican nominee, his image is going to give children all across America a mean case of the night terrors. Saint Ronny of Republica was lots of things, but scary looking wasn't one of them.
In the final analysis, it is a little hard to understand why the Republicans are getting so excited about Fred Dalton Thompson. He supports all of George W. Bush's failed policies and couldn't be confused with the image of Saint Ronny of Republica if all the lights went out and Jesus and Joseph, Smith that is, damned the entire nation to blindness. There is just no way that the Republicans can hide Skeletor ugly...not even if they wrap Fred in the spirit of Saint Ronny of Republica.
Of course digging up the rotting worm infested corpse of St Ronny of the Depends won't help either.....
You'd think they would defend this shrine better since the last time somebody attacked it Iraq itself seemed to "blow up"
ReplyDeleteMinarets blown up at revered Iraq Shi'ite shrine
Militants blew up two minarets of a revered Shi'ite mosque in the Iraqi city of Samarra on Wednesday, targeting a shrine that had already been badly damaged in a 2006 attack, Shi'ite officials said.
One witness said the minarets at Samarra's Golden Mosque had been largely destroyed. The attack on the mosque last year was a turning point in Iraq, sparking a wave of sectarian violence that has killed tens of thousands of people and pushed the country to the brink of all-out civil war.
"The explosion targeted the two golden minarets. They have been damaged ... This is a criminal act which aims at creating sectarian strife," Saleh al-Haidari, the head of the Shi'ite endowment in Iraq, a major religious body, told Reuters.
He blamed "extremists" for the attack. It was unclear exactly how the minarets had been blown up, but residents said there had been clashes between gunmen and police in the area before the blast, which occurred around 9.00 a.m.
This can't be good on the heals of a failing surge, and all the bridges which are being attacked.........
ReplyDeleteThe senario on China that you laid out points more than ever to the U.S being held hostage to a degree because of the slumping economy, and China's ability to flood U.S markets with goods.
If the U.S does come to conflict with China, you are right as well, Bush has already brought about the defeat of the U.S.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how much of the worlds oil market China has wrapped up for themselves compared to the U.S?
ReplyDeleteThe decision to issue "muster" orders for 5,000 members of the Individual Ready Reserve, or IRR, is not a prelude to a new mobilization or deployment of reservists to Iraq, an Army spokesman said. Instead it is part of a new effort to fix an IRR call-up system that failed on multiple fronts early in the Iraq war.
Of course it isn't a prelude, it is a full blown deployment of more reserves being stuck in the mires of hell.
Washington Post:
ReplyDeleteAdm. Michael G. Mullen, the Bush administration's choice to become the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is deeply concerned that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are straining the U.S. military and he probably would seek political solutions to those conflicts.
He won't keep those thought for long, now that he is a Bushy.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that as many as 75000 people may have been exposed to drinking water contaminated by dry cleaning fluid at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.
ReplyDeleteTaking care of the U.S troops Bush style.
Three more U.S soldiers were killed in Baghdad today.
ReplyDeleteAnother result of the Bush love of war.
ReplyDeleteIraq’s political leaders have failed to reach agreements on nearly every law that the Americans have demanded as benchmarks, despite heavy pressure from Congress, the White House and top military commanders. With only three months until progress reports are due in Washington, the deadlock has reached a point where many Iraqi and American officials now question whether any substantive laws will pass before the end of the year.
Did anyone really believe they would?
The breast cancer drug Herceptin is considered the model for the future of medicine tailored to each individual. The drug is given only to the 20 percent of breast cancer patients whose tumors have a particular genetic characteristic.
ReplyDeleteBut now, nearly a decade after the drug’s approval, evidence is emerging that the testing of the tumors can be highly inaccurate or that the wrong cutoff values are being used to determine who qualifies for treatment.
That could mean that as many as 40 percent of women with early breast cancer might benefit from the drug but are not getting it, some experts say.
Only in Bush's version of healthcare for America.
The Connecticut for Lieberman Party is calling on Senator Joseph Lieberman to resign from the U.S. Senate following his remarks made Sunday on CBS' Face the Nation regarding military action against Iran. "No longer represents the views of the citizens of Connecticut.
ReplyDeleteIf only he would.