BREAKING NEWS: In Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum, Rupert Murdoch was asked if News Corp. (FOX "News") had managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq. His answer?
“No, I don’t think so. We tried.” Asked by Rose for further comment, he said: “We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution.”
Let me repeat this: “We Tried!”
FOX NEWS, including Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, have deliberately PROMOTED the war in Iraq! The fact that Murdoch virtually admits FOX is a propaganda network should be FRONT PAGE NEWS. This is unconscionable, illegal, shameful. It took an act of Congress to make Murdoch a citizen so he could buy a U.S. TV network -- in order to sway and manipulate Americans. If the news, which is supposed to be "Fair and Balanced" can be bought and sold, then anyone with enough money can come in and do this.
And he owns MYSPACE!!!
Heard a great review yesterday on Harrison's show: Howard Zin's new book "Voices of a People’s History of the United States." The voices are loud and clear — and our vision is becoming clearer. I personally feel that I am coming out of a fog in my own life, on many converging levels. As I lift the blinders and come out of anesthesia, I am becoming more resolute. We can't allow these destructive people to hold our country hostage any longer. What kind of message does it send to the world that the most powerful democratic nation in the world — a government by the people, for the people and OF THE PEOPLE — allows a dictator to remain in office? On principle alone, we should start impeachment proceedings now. If Bush and Cheney were out, Pelosi would be President, but of course this won't happen; there's not enough time. I wonder if it's possible to launch impeachment proceedings and freeze the decider's war powers? Wishful thinking.
In my view, Gore, Edwards, Obama and Hilary are all great candidates. But I believe Gore and Edwards have the best chance of winning the actual election. I am thrilled that Gore has received both a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar nomination for bringing global warming to the attention of the world.
Bush is not doing things half-assed, he’s doing them full-assed.
Found these tidbits from Doug Thompson of the conservative Capitol Hill Blue back in 2005:
Aside from the below classic quote, don't forget that Bush said back on the 2000 campaign trail, "There oughta be limits to freedom."GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the [Patriot] act could further alienate conservatives...
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President
and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
"I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
Attorney General Alberto [Geneva Convention is "rather quaint"] Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”
I like the question posed to Gonzalez last week, when Congress asked him what Bush thinks the role of Congress is during war time. Does Bush realize Congress is a co-equal branch of government? Is he again going to dismiss the Constitution?
By the way, smirking while sending more troops to their death should be a high crime and misdemeanor. The horrifying thing is, Bush actually believes he’s right. He believes his policies are working. He believes he’s abiding by a higher moral law that will prove him right in the long
Here's a quote that reminds me of the administration's belief system:
"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship......the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Herman Goering from his cell at Nuremberg, April 18, 1946
And here's a great quote by my wonderful mother:
"I used to think, and still do, that it would be so wonderful if one never ever spoke of one's belief system but instead lived in such a way that people would ask, 'What is it that makes you so loving and kind?'"
Is that a utopian thought?"
ReplyDeleteIt's a little hard to call "Capitol Hill Blue" conservative. That's like saying the National Enquirer or some other gossip rag is conservative or liberal.
They're out to make a profit. That alone might make them conservative, true, but they've also been the first on the rumours about Bush's relapse into alcohol, Jenna's abortion in Dec. 2000, and Laura moving out of the East Wing and into a hotel for a few weeks.
Most of which were never vetted by the so-called "liberal" media, which almost proves that the MSM is conservative.
That Goering quote is very relevant to today. We saw this all through the 2004 election cycle and it may have been the only way Bush could hold onto power (that and rigging the Ohio vote, but this put him in the position to be able to play that card).
Whatever the reputation of the source, the exchange on the Consitution is believable, given his actions over the years. Between magical thinking and a Napolean complex, we've got a genuine mess in the White House. One we are liable to be paying for a long time to come.
ReplyDeleteSaint Hillary will save us.
ReplyDeleteThey're out to make a profit. That alone might make them conservative...
Natcherly. Dhimmicrats only care about saving the planet ... and of course the children.
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteNatcherly. Dhimmicrats only care about saving the planet ... and of course the children.
Beats only thinking about ourselves, Gaydalf.
Say, how's that Bible study working out for you? Care to misquote Jesus yet again?
It takes a village to have an idiot, and Gaydalf is Example A of that fact.
ReplyDeleteOne would imagine that Gaydalf hasn't bred.
ReplyDeleteFirst, there's that whole Brokeback Mountin thing...he still hasn't worked that it takes a man and a woman to procreate.
Second, he's probably scared his kids would abandon him once they found out how big a jerk he is. It seems he gets abandoned a lot. So much so that people are dying to leave him.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteBush is not doing things half-assed, he’s doing them full-assed.
Wish I'd said that....:D
Worf said....
ReplyDeleteWish I'd said that....:D
Wish I'd said that....:D
Lydia, I could not agree with you more. The prospect of President Pelosi is not realistic, because before Bush could be impeached, Cheney would resign, and bush would appoint another monster to take his place. Nevertheless, the impeachment process would expose, in such a way that even the conservative MSM could not cover up, the depths of criminality to which Bush and his neocon/theocon handlers have fallen. In the process the voters just could wise up enough to never again allow such a complete misanthrope to steal the reins of power.
Another excellent article, BTW. Thank you, Lydia.
Miss Cellania said...
ReplyDeleteWhatever the reputation of the source, the exchange on the Consitution is believable, given his actions over the years.
Absolutely. Even if we didn't have quotes by witnesses, Bush's disdain for the Constitution is "self evident".
Never mind the Constitution, that "piece of paper" as he calls it, is his sole source of power as President.
Tomcat said....
ReplyDeleteThe prospect of President Pelosi is not realistic, because before Bush could be impeached, Cheney would resign, and bush would appoint another monster to take his place.
Damn. Thats a scenario I had not considered.
Thats for ruining my wet dream.
Sorry, Worf. I might as well finish the job. Then Bush's appointed monster would grant Bush a full pardon.
ReplyDeleteI am going to have to ponder this some TomCat. I think the Congress can impose some sort of moratorium on presidential appointments in the presence of extreme corruption and abuse of power.
ReplyDeleteI will have to look into that. I can't see them letting him skate that easily.
Of course, given our weak willed congress, I guess its possible.
If hearings are being held for both the President and Vice President, they might be able to tie his hands from appointing a new VP.
ReplyDeleteNot sure yet. I'm not a Consitutional scholar. But I have a feeling that there may be a way.
Great News For Bush!
ReplyDeleteThere were 1000 Iraqi's killed this past week.
There were 21 Americans killed when a copter was shot down over Iraq.
I bet Bush is proud.
ReplyDeleteGreat News For Bush!
ReplyDelete135 Iraqi's were killed today in another suicide bombing.
I bet Bush is Proud.
Is that what Vice President Cheney means by a "Huge Success"?
ReplyDeleteYes, a huge success and getting more successful everyday.
ReplyDeleteGee, I'd hate to see a failure then.
ReplyDeleteMuch less a "huge" failure.
To Reach for the Moon
ReplyDeleteChina's lunar program is about more than national pride. Try this: a limitless supply of clean, safe energy.
By Melinda Liu and Mary Carmichael
Feb. 12, 2007
Western analysts still can't say what Beijing was thinking when it shot down one of its aging weather satellites. True, the recent test was a fine show of marksmanship, destroying a refrigerator-size target sailing at orbital speed 500 miles up (as high as U.S. spy satellites). But was it worth risking a new arms race? Was it even worth the mess it caused? The Union of Concerned Scientists says the test left some 2 million pieces of shrapnel in orbit, each one a threat to any country's passing spacecraft. That's why Washington and Moscow gave up such tests decades ago: the space lanes are already littered with too much potentially lethal debris.
The drifting wreckage is a danger not only to other countries' spacecraft but to China's own ambitions for the heavens—which go far beyond blinding the U.S. military. Beijing put its first man into orbit less than four years ago. Today the Chinese are reaching for the moon. The first step, the launching of an unmanned lunar orbiter, is tentatively scheduled for April 17. A three-man mission will orbit the Earth later this year, and a spacewalk is planned for next year. Two years after that, the plan is to put down a lunar rover, followed in 2020 by a craft that will collect lunar samples and bring them home. Eventually Beijing wants to put people on the moon, although the target date remains undisclosed. "Their timetable is absolutely realistic," says Jim Benson, president of SpaceDev, a private space-exploration company in Poway, Calif. "Some of it actually seems a little conservative."
National pride is a big force behind China's moon program, but not the only one. The Chinese are aiming to do more than "just set up a flag or pick up a piece of rock," says Ye Zili of China's Space Science Society. What are they after? A limitless source of clean, safe energy to feed their voracious economy. The stable isotope helium 3 (3He), a potential fuel for nuclear fusion, was first found in moon rocks brought back by the Apollo missions. It is one constituent of the "solar wind" constantly given off by the Sun. The stuff bounces off Earth's magnetic field, but the moon has no magnetic field, and its surface has been soaking up 3He for billions of years.
If you could dig it up and put it into a fusion reactor you would get ordinary helium 4 (as in balloons), ordinary hydrogen (as in H2O) and an abundance of radioactivity-free energy.
According to Gerald Kulcinski, director of the Fusion Technology Institute at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, a mere 40 tons would be roughly enough to serve America's electrical needs for a year.
While the US is busy killing as many Arabs as we can kill, China is busy reaching for the stars.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention looking for ways to become oil independent.
I never thought I'd live to see the day when China actually looks smarter than the US.
Bush's lunar program is not about a limitless supply of clean, safe energy, but about the lunacy of blood for oil in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteOf course I never thought I'd see the day when the US had Alfred E Newman for a president.
ReplyDeleteLarry said...
ReplyDeleteBush's lunar program is not about a limitless supply of clean, safe energy, but about the lunacy of blood for oil in Iraq.
Wouldn't that make it his "lunacy" program?
There is enough coal in America to take care of the energy needs for decades. They are developing more ways to make it clean and safe.
ReplyDeleteCoal isn't as bloodthirsty as oil.
Yea Larry, but Coal will not burn hot enough to run an automobile for instance.
ReplyDeleteLook at this paragraph from the article.
If you could dig it up and put it into a fusion reactor you would get ordinary helium 4 (as in balloons), ordinary hydrogen (as in H2O) and an abundance of radioactivity-free energy
China is using their head. They're thinking smart, ambitious and literally, shooting for the moon.
Suppose if we stopped calling everyone but ourselves "evil", and made friends with China?
And we BOTH went to the moon to get this fuel supply? We could do it in less than half the time, and the entire world would benefit.
Wasn't that what the main part of the old U.S space program supposed to be about, finding energy alternatives?
ReplyDeleteYea but Exxon probably complained.
ReplyDeleteDid you read Robert Kennedy Jr.'s article about Exxon on Huffingtonpost?
ReplyDeleteMuch about Global Warming.
No, I missed it Larry. I'll have to check it out. In truth I get mad reading them, because I can't believe people are so damned stupid.
ReplyDeleteI spoke to a member of my immediate family the other day, whom I have not spoken to since we went into Iraq, due to a serious argument we had over the war.
We were drawn together over a family crisis, and spoke, but I was amazed to find that after years of disaster, exposed corruption, blood and horror, and and almost incomprehensible level of incompetence, that this family member is still happy with this president and the crimes he has wrought in our names.
It hurts when someone close to you is so far gone.
I know what you mean Worf. I have a couple in my family that think Bush is great. But they have nobody in or going to Iraq.
ReplyDeleteYou want to remember them as they were, but to see them supporting a tyrant and a dictator, is heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteI guess they watch Fox news more than they look at the real world.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I notice Larry, is this family members complete lack of information on the topic.
ReplyDeleteJust like Bush they "don't watch the news or read the papers".
They avoid all the news as if doing so is somehow a virtue. They talk as if informaton is evil, in that it detracts from their firm and iron fisted resolve.
And it doesn't help that we have a family member that just returned from Iraq. He is rather young, and didn't see much combat, spending most of his tour in the "green zone". He supports the war, as he is well brainwashed by this administration, and since he's been there, my word carry's no weight with them over his.
I am seen as a coward and a traitor by them, and he is seen as a glorious hero of freedom.
I think they do look at Fox one and a while though, cause they did have all the normal right wing talking points.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I mention the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi's, they say I am not supporting the troops.
I think the ones that have been in Iraq and support it are the ones hoping for promotion in some manner.
ReplyDeleteMuch like someone sucking up at work.
The power of good is in knowledge.
ReplyDeleteThe power of evil is in the lack thereof.
Worf said "Yea Larry, but Coal will not burn hot enough to run an automobile for instance.
ReplyDeleteLook at this paragraph from the article.
If you could dig it up and put it into a fusion reactor you would get ordinary helium 4 (as in balloons), ordinary hydrogen (as in H2O) and an abundance of radioactivity-free energy"
Yeah Worf but we have had the technology to make relatively clean burning synthethic fuels from both coal and natural gas that can power automobiles for some time and yet 95% of Americans are unaware of this, try googling Sassol, they are a South African company that has been a pioneerr in this for a long time.
I have an elderly relative who is unable to do anything but sit in a chair. She watches Fox all day and O"Reilly and believes all that crap.
ReplyDeleteShe completely gets quite if you talk about all the deaths.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteI think the ones that have been in Iraq and support it are the ones hoping for promotion in some manner.
Much like someone sucking up at work
I think, at least in this young mans case its more just going with the course of least resistance.
Its easier for him to go with the grain, and just accept that his mission was right.
Then there are the real hero's, like Marcus Byrne and his beautiful wife, who together are serving their country bravely, both by doing their jobs on the battlefield, and promoting truth on the web.
ReplyDeleteThere is someone in Pennsylvania that invented a way to get coal processed cleaner and safer, they bought his patent 7 years ago but you never hear anything about it.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteShe completely gets quite if you talk about all the deaths.
Exactly. This one does too. As soon as I mention the half a million dead Iraqi's or more, this person just tells me I am not "supporting the troops" and says they don't want to talk about it anymore.
Whenever facts, truth or reason hit them, the little world they've created in their minds to help them sleep at night while supporting the butchering of so many souls, they get angry, call me confrontational, and terminate the conversation.
The darkness always runs from the light.
Marcus and the few that do blog are fortunate they haven't been stopped by the powers that be.
ReplyDeleteSome have bought into the Bush rhetoric because he says he is a Christian.
ReplyDeleteChristian or not, this war is wrong.
Its actually driven my family apart Larry. We try to be congenial and all, but in truth there is a rift between us over this.
ReplyDeleteFortunately the members I am closest with have long since woken up to Bush and the evil he is spreading at the barrel of a gun.
At least I have some support. But it hurts when immediate family members can be so cold, so distant,and so ignorant of the facts. So ignorant in fact, that they revile you for even daring to mention them.
I only have one who is really cold, the elderly one just refuses to talk if it is negative about Bush.
ReplyDeleteSo goes the mind of the elderly.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteSome have bought into the Bush rhetoric because he says he is a Christian.
Are you sure you don't know them?
Thats exactly why they support him. They are devout fundamentalist Christians, and attend Church regularly and are heavily involved in Church activities throughout the week.
And they see Bush as a "man of God", whose wisdom and spiritual foresight surpasses us "puny mortals".
You can't put facts in front of them in the light of what they believe is divine ordination.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteMarcus and the few that do blog are fortunate they haven't been stopped by the powers that be.
Haven't heard Marcus in ages.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteSome have bought into the Bush rhetoric because he says he is a Christian.
Christian or not, this war is wrong.
Bush is Christian, like the town elders of Salem were Christian.
Right before they burned one of their neighbors alive.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.'
ReplyDeleteTheodore Roosevelt
I mean, really, Gaydalf, isnt that part of your charter as a card carrying fascist?
Note how carl and GIJ both use "gay" as an epithet; it would appear that PP and GIJ are self-hating gays.
Also the term "fascist" is an apparent projection of PP's own racism:
Like Clarence Thomas, he's what would have been termed a "house n*gra" back in the Old South.
Here in a candid moment, carl uses the "N" word to demonstrate that racism is okay, as long as it is directed at Conservatives.
Thus liberals like carl routinely project their own racism, using it as a weapon against Conservatives. The charge of "racism" against conservatives is a classic example of the Goebbels' "Big Lie" technique*.
The truth is that Republicans are the party that freed the slaves, in opposition to the Democrat party. The truth is that Republicans voted overwhelmingly for the 1964 Civil Rights Act in contrast to Democrats (80% of Republicans supported it, but only 61% of Democrats did). The truth is that most Republicans welcome everyone, regardless of race, to the game of life.
On the other hand, liberals push race and gender discrimination in employment and education. The euphemism for this sick discrimination is called "affirmative action". George Bush once accurately termed the liberal position the "soft bigotry of low expectations". Liberals have destroyed the black family by creating a corrupt welfare system which breeds a cycle of dependency and resentment, and results in inner city crime and squalor. Conservatives believe in encouraging the powerful and life-affirming ideal of individual responsibility in all our citizens.
*The phrase Big Lie refers to a propaganda technique which entered mass consciousness with Adolf Hitler's 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf. In that book Hitler wrote that people came to believe that Germany lost World War I in the field due to a propaganda technique used by Jews who were influential in the German press. This technique, he believed, consisted of telling a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe anyone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". The first documented use of the phrase "big lie" is in the corresponding passage: "in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility".
Later, Joseph Goebbels put forth a slightly different theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the phrase big lie. In this theory, the English are attributed with using a propaganda technique wherein they had the mendacity to "lie big" and "stick to it".
Sure carl's use of the "N" word, especially while hypocritically smearing Conservatives as "racists" and "fascists", is disgusting but this repugnant behavior has become typical of modern liberals in the U.S.
Thank God theres not that many left Larry, who have sold their souls for the evil Bush spreads.
ReplyDeleteBush was right about one thing.
This is about "good and evil".
And he's the evil.
Him, and all those who support him.
I had a chilling conversation yesterday about GWB and what has been going on for the last 6 years.
ReplyDeleteTo provide a quick Summary I was innitially talking to an 85 year old woman who grew up during the rise of Hitler in Germany and fled to the USA during WW2.
Now this woman who witnessed the horrors of the rise of fascism and an evil dictator first hand and regognizes the same deceptions and rhetoric used to seize power and justify acts of war has echoed what I have said for years that the Neo Cons have modeled their play blook after Hitler and that GWB NEEDS to be impeached to stop the rise of fascism and attempt to restore our international reputation.
Now in the middle of this conversation a professor who is a Constitutional scholar and also specializes in WW2 walked up and interjected himself into the conversation.
He said that unless GWB and Dick Cheney are impeached which he doubts he thinks the US will start WW3 by attacking Iran. He then said he felt this fould lead to martial law to allow the Neo Cons to seize power, followed by the implemerntaion of a draft to get the massive army needded for a world war.
He then said he felt the Neo Cons would form a national police/spy unit to intimidate and murder dissenters, much like the SS. He also predicted prisons and concentration camps and the government taking over all media and education systems to control all access to knowledge.
He said the government would controll the Internet, the MSM, all schools and libraries and any undesirable information and/or knowledge would be destroyed and/or surpressed.
"Power-worship blurs political judgement because it leads, almost unavoidably, to the belief that present trends will continue. Whoever is winning at the present moment will always seem to be invincible."
ReplyDeleteGeorge Orwell
The blood of almost a million souls cries to the heavens for justice. And in the eyes of God, an Iraqi child is worth no less than an American child.
ReplyDeleteBut to Bush, and the right wing killers who march with him, a hundred thousand dead Iraqi's is simply a good start.
Clif has thought that Marcus might be banned from blogging for a while now.
ReplyDeleteMike said...
ReplyDeleteHe said that unless GWB and Dick Cheney are impeached which he doubts he thinks the US will start WW3 by attacking Iran.
Thats what I think too Mike. I am afraid for us all.
Bush thinks he can now be a "trojan horse" and go to a meeting of Democrats, and hug the speaker and her companion seal, and everyone will fall at his heals.
ReplyDeleteBeware of the tall dark stranger.
BTW Lydia another excellent article, this one seems almost like it sprang from my own mind, it truly echoes my feelings, I have written extensively about the comparisons to the rise of hitler, the attacks on the Constitution and our freedoms and the fact that Bush and Cheney MUST BE IMPEACHED.
ReplyDeleteMike said....
ReplyDeleteHe then said he felt the Neo Cons would form a national police/spy unit to intimidate and murder dissenters, much like the SS.
Thats so chilling. Of course, they wouldn't get me. I'd be in Mexico by then, kicking back and drinking tequila.
And fondling large breasted senorita's.
ReplyDeleteBush and Cheney will never be impeached.
ReplyDeletePelosi has said repeatedly before and after the elections that she will not allow it.
So much for the prancing princess
And to the fools like FF, Rusty, Volt, I say consider where this could go, dont consider what has happened so far consider the loss of freedom, the economic ruin if oil were to hit $300 a barrel and if China, Japan, the Saudi's etc were to stop financing our deficit and propping up the dollar. Also consider if a draft were implemented to fight the war you crave and if standards were loosened so that not only were your sons and matbe even daughters over there dying but possibly you yourselves as well.
ReplyDeleteI for one would be interested to know if you still support this war if you yourself were over there putting your life on the line instead of cheering it on from your keyboard as other peopls children die.
Gas is $1.99 per gallon in Colorado. They better enjoy it. WWIII is on the way.
ReplyDeleteI found it chilling as well Worf, the 85 year old woman walked away in tears at that point saying she would have nightmares most likely because she lived through this once allready.
ReplyDeleteAs for me i'd be in Mexico with you drinking some type of rum drink with an umbrella in it on a beach preferably.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteBush and Cheney will never be impeached.
Pelosi has said repeatedly before and after the elections that she will not allow it.
So much for the prancing princess
Well I predicted he will be impeached before the year is out.
I made that prediction at the turn of the new year.
But I do fear Pelosi. She is way to weak. She is having to much fun prancing as you said, like the Belle of the Ball.
She is neither serious, steady or committed. She is just another fat cat politician aggrendizing her own name as she cowtows to the right wing.
She still has time to turn it around, but her performance thus far does not bode well for that possiblity.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteAs for me i'd be in Mexico with you drinking some type of rum drink with an umbrella in it on a beach preferably.
F$#$kin A!
We'd get a couple of those little mexican girls to wait on us, and kick back until the big one hits.
We'd be a couple of regular high falootin "gringos".
Pelosi will not use an Air Force plane to haul her and her family and her friends to California and back to Washington DC regularly.
ReplyDeleteI thought she promised to stop all the perks?
Larry I think if we atack Iran and Iran doesnt let any oil pass through the straoight of Hormuz where 70%-80% of the worlds oil exports pass through, gasoline could go to $10 a gallon and oil $300 a barrel.
ReplyDeleteThen our economy would implode and we would not be able to finance war much longer, The Neo Cons would likely declare martial law to remain in power and confuscate what they need and little minions that blindly support them like FF would be destroyed.
I believe that as well Mike and how can the U.S economy continue to finance the mess we are already in?
ReplyDeleteThe economy is on corporate props now just waiting until Bush leaves office.
Larry. while I agree with you guys that the congress apperars weak, saying you will impeach someone before you come to power is not wise, it makes you look partisan and vindictive.
ReplyDeleteI want Bush impeached more than almost anyone, and if I were in Congress I would have said the same think at that point.
What you do is start the hearings and investigations and let the evidence lead you to impeachment rather than making it appear impeachment was the objective all along even if it really was, thats politics.
BTW Larry, I am just saying I predicted it. I hope I am right about this prediction, and I hope you are wrong.
ReplyDeleteWe'll see, but I know the only thing that will heal our international relations is for the world to see us impeach this monster before he does start WW3.
Of course, I predicted in 2000 that Bush would start WW3, and my prediction at the beginning of the year was more based on wishful thinking. The one that I said in 2000 came from somewhere other than my own mind. I just sort of said it, and at the time, I didn't know why.
Mike said...
ReplyDeleteLarry. while I agree with you guys that the congress apperars weak, saying you will impeach someone before you come to power is not wise, it makes you look partisan and vindictive.
A fair and logical point.
I hope you're right and I'm willing to give her a little time, but seeing her applaud the President at the SOTU showed absolutely no spine, and so I have my doubts.
Worf I hope you are right about impeachment and I hope you and Mike are wrong about WWIII.
ReplyDeleteI believe WWIII will be here by Christmas.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteI believe WWIII will be here by Christmas
Wanna go to Mexico with Mike and Me?
We could be the "Three Amigos".
ReplyDeleteMexico it is. I always thought most of us would end up there anyway looking for work after Bush gets done.
ReplyDeleteJohn Edwards was on Meet The Press today, and he kept assderting how Congress is an co equal branch and needs to assert its authority and do what the people elected them for to end this war.
ReplyDeleteI just hope he was being honest and that wasnt empty campaign bluster, because its going to come down to a fight to impeach the dictator and I hope they have the backbone and stones for that fight, because it very well may decide the future of our country and the world.
TomCat - I did slight corrections to my article.
ReplyDeleteAm rushing to pick up my son from Forest Home winter church camp! We were stuck in gridlock the other day because a crane fell on the freeway. It took me 5 hours to go 2 miles.
Go Bears!
Lydia said "It took me 5 hours to go 2 miles.
ReplyDeleteGo Bears!"
Well you must be a saint, I know if I was stuck in traffic where it took me 5 hours to go 2 miles, we'd be even closer to WW3 and go banana's.
As for the Bears?????
We finally found something to disagree on,
On that note, i'm gonna take a quick shower and go for a quick motorcycle ride befor the Superbowl starts.
"All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies."
ReplyDeleteJohn Arbuthnot
May the Republicans swallow long and hard.
Catcalls Drowned Out Hillary Fans At DNC Meeting
ReplyDeleteThe Huffington Post | Melinda Henneberger | Posted February 4, 2007 05:24 PM
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got very different receptions from the crowd at the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting, where all of the party's presidential candidates spoke.
Obama and the crowd exchanged "I love you"s and other endearments as he took the stage. And through the whole of his speech, the audience chanted, "You can do it!"
Clinton's welcome was not just less enthusiastic, but hostile -- and though there seemed to be almost as many Clinton placards as there were people in the room, catcalls drowned out any roars of approval from her cheering section as she began to speak. In reaction to a claim that she had been a tough critic of the war, someone in the crowd shouted, "NOT!'' Code Pink protesters repeatedly interrupted her, yelling, "Stop funding war!'' and one Army vet kept calling, "How about bringing them home, Hillary?'' Definitely, the applause at the end of her address was much louder than when she'd started - which, as her campaign sees it, is how all of America will react once they get to know her. Unless, you know, they already did that.
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) regrets voting for the Iraq War resolution in 2002:
ReplyDeleteThe resolution was a resolution that authorized the president to take that action if he deemed it necessary. Had I been more true to myself and the principles I believed in at the time, I would have openly opposed the whole adventure vocally and aggressively. I had a tough time reconciling doing that against the duties of majority leader in the House. I would have served myself and my party and my country better, though, had I done so.
I think that's farther than Sen. Clinton has been willing to go.
-- David Kurtz
Thats exactly what is wrong with Hillary, she has done what Democrats have done for quite some time and has cost them elections and that is playing not to lose instead of playing to win.
ReplyDeleteInstead of embracing the anti war platform Hillary tries to play both sides of the fence and be a repug light or a hawk light almost like she thinks she is going to draw sizable repugs and war hawks to support her, that is delusional no repug is ever gonna vote for Hillary no matter who is running.
People that try and be all things to all people usually appeal to few, if you stradle the fence for too long you usually end up with a pain in the ............
Hillary and the other Dems need to see which way the wind is blowing and the clear direction of the tide and do what the American people elected them to do, which is end the war, reign in and impeach a dictator run amuk, and take care of the poor and middle class, not try to imitate or be a kinder gentler version of that which the Will of the American people resoundingly drummed out of office during last Novembers elections and still vehemently oppose.
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that Republicans voted overwhelmingly for the 1964 Civil Rights Act in contrast to Democrats (80% of Republicans supported it, but only 61% of Democrats did).
Yup. The liberal Republicans, like Nelson Rockefeller, Jacob Javits, Lowell Weicker..THOSE Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, in deference to a progressive agenda.
Now? You're just a party of bigots and haters, Fawnbot. Why else do you think people like Strom Thurmond and Phil Gramm ran to your arms? They knew their hatred would be welcome'
Typical. You live forty years ago and think it's the way things still are.
You and your kind are ideologically bereft. Step aside, boy, let real Americans through.
Another troll stomped into the dust by Carl.
Hey guys, interesting comment on Tweety Bird Matthews show today. Hillary is the only candidate running who is already raising money for the general election.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a "Sooper Bowl"?
ReplyDeleteIs that some sort of Republican thing with two teams marching in lockstep up and down the field trying to cop cheap gropes of the other eleven men?
Live life. Play hockey :-)
Larry, Republicans may blow but they don't swallow.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, I've dated a few.
Clif brough up Dick Armey's regrets. Yes "principles" above all.
ReplyDeleteSteven Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People talks about staying true to right principles, a win-win paradigm. The more you think of how you can help others, understand them and give instead of receive — the more benefit comes back to you.
Also, go against popular herd culture. Never vote against your conscience, no matter how trendy it is.
If Congress people all abided by firm principles, and did not waver, stopped looking over their shoulder at the party line, their popularity, the vote count or what others think about them — but really abided by principles of right vs. wrong, imagine what a great country we would have.
Also we need a leader who thinks outside the box, and doesn't have such a black and white viewpoint. A good diplomat can make even an enemy into a friend.
Hecklers outshouted pro Hillary boosters at this weekends Democratic National Committee meeting, especially when Hillary said she had been a tough ctitic of the war.
ReplyDeleteThe large group of hecklers were described as hostile as she made those comments.
Wonder if she will ever admit she was wrong?
The Washington Times is reporting that John Warner told his fellow Republicans in a closed door meeting, that he will join them and vote against HIS OWN RESOLUTION, against the war.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Bush even got this old right-winger scared as well.
Carl said "Hey guys, interesting comment on Tweety Bird Matthews show today. Hillary is the only candidate running who is already raising money for the general election."
ReplyDeleteI heard that as well, Carl, and couldnt help thinking it would be nice if a better candidate won the Primary and she used all her money to support that Candidate.
It looks like McCaine is going after the Bush/Neo Con money, the winner for the Dems will likely go after the Clinton money ass well.
larry isnt it disgusting how the rethugs have hijacked democracy.
ReplyDeleteThats why its so critical to repeal Bush's spy program and the Patriot Act, they could very well use that spying to dig up dirt on people and blackmail them to vote or do what they want.
Mike it is disgusting and now they take one of their senior members of the Senate and twist his arm to vote against his own resolution.
ReplyDeleteWhat have we become?
Larry "IF" he actually votes against his own resolution he should be crusified by the MSM, if he's going to blindly flip flop on something he obviously felt strong enough about to create a resolution on then he should be smeared and painted into a corner so he pays a price and loses his seat in Congress The Dems should take a page from Karl Rove and smear the crimminals that blindly appease or support the Neo Cons against the will of the people, that vote should come back to haunt him when he's up for relection.
ReplyDeleteLydia said "Here's a quote that reminds me of the administration's belief system:
ReplyDelete"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship...
...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Herman Goering from his cell at Nuremberg, April 18, 1946"
That quote does indeed remind me of the way the Neo Cons think, they think the people are mere sheep or pawns to be deceived, manipulated and influenced to bring about their own self serving agendas.
These are evil men who see things only in black and white and frame everything in an "Us VS Them" type epic struggle to deceive and scare the simpleminded, these men always believe the ends justify the means and are willing to say and do anything to achieve what they want.
Lydia said "And here's a great quote by my wonderful mother:
ReplyDelete"I used to think, and still do, that it would be so wonderful if one never ever spoke of one's belief system but instead lived in such a way that people would ask, 'What is it that makes you so loving and kind?'"
Is that a utopian thought?""
Excellent quote Lydia, and no I dont think it sounds Utopian, I think you just summarized my feelings and beliefs about organized religion for the last few decades, if more people felt and acted in this way the world would be a much better place.
Think of all the evil and heinous deeds committed in the name of organized religion and the rigid untolerant belief systems associated with them.
Organized religion, just as zealous patriotism, nationalissm and ethnocentrism does far more harm than good, it fosters that "Us VS Them" mentality that allows us to dehumanize and marginalize those not part of the little zealous clicks these small minded people subscribe to. It makes it far easier to torture or kill those deemed less than us or those whose cause is deemed not as just or righteous as the one subscribed to by the fascists/religious powers that be pushing for war.
Knowing what we know even NOW, there is no question Bush anmd Cheney should be impeached.
ReplyDelete1) They have lied, twisted and misrepresented intelligence, cherry picked intelligence, played deceptive word games, tried to imply links to terrorism when there were none etc.... to push our country into an unneccessary war of choice.
2) They have lied, violated the Constitution and broken the law by illegally spying on the American people, not to mention massively wasted resoiurces that could have been used to fight real terrorists.
3) they have violated the Constitution and Geneva Convention by saying they have the authority to deny Habeous Corpous or to torture either American Citizens or foreigners and deny them proper representation, a fair trial, rules of evidence the right to know what they are accused of etc....
4) They have broken the law, endangered our countries security and national interests and endangered a CIA operatives life by outing her for political gain to discredit her and her husband who were querstioning the evidence presented to go to war with Iraq.
And this is just off ther top of my head, can you even imagine what the hearings and investigations would reveal, i'm SURE what we know now is only the tip of the iceberg.
These people MUST BE IMPEACHED before they can do more damage, and I dont mean JUST impeached, they need to be chareged with treason as well, because they have without a doubt committed treason against our country!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that it was the right thing to do. You might say removing Saddam from power was a right thing to do.
Maybe it was, but was that necessarily then our responsibility to do that?
And was it our responsibility to do that by invading a country that had no way declared any war on us?
The resolution was a resolution that authorized the president to take that action if he deemed it necessary.
Had I been more true to myself and the principles I believed in at the time, I would have openly opposed the whole adventure vocally and aggressively.
I had a tough time reconciling doing that against the duties of majority leader in the House.
I would have served myself and my party and my country better, though, had I done so.
Dick Armey
Republican, Texas
You know Saddam was certainly a bad man, i'm not going to argue that, but I think the Iraqi's have stated they were better off under that brutal dictator than they are now.
ReplyDeletesometimes brutal strong men are the only option to preventing chaos, civil war and mass slaughter, once a power vaccum is created you have mass violence and chaos as everyone isfighting for power and with Saddam gone a power vaccum is exactly what you have.
I do not believe for one minute that the intention was to free the iraqi's from a brutal dictator.
1) first if this was the case why was the original reason to save the world from Saddam's WMD....before that was discredited of course.
2) Why the lies, twisted intelligence, phony links to terrorism to justify the war and deceive the American people into accepting it..
3) Why did we virtually abandon the war on terror in Afghanistan against the real terrorists who attacked us if this was really about fighting terrorists or liberating oppressed people from dictators and brutal regimes, the taliban are making a come back in Afghanistan.
4) if we really care about liberating oppressed peoples from brutal dictators, why do we only do it in an oil rich country where there are clearly conflicts of interest and ulterior motives for us being there, why do we not do similioar in poor African or Asian countries like North Korea or Rhwanda, North Korea has announced they have WMD and even fired them off and the Neo Cons do NOTHING.
THIS WAR IS ALL ABOUT OIL, and nothing more, they might lie and cloak it in fair sounding, benevolent or flowery sounding talk of freedom, democracy, liberation, but at the end of the day its all about oil and money.
ReplyDeleteThe Washington Times is a Republican rag and the Warner story was from them.
I haven't seen it anywhere else but when has the right wing cared about negative press?
Check out Lydia's interviews on You Tube.
ReplyDeleteOne is a short clip from Young Turks and the other is from Chillers.
Don't try to tell ME that faux noise is not just a propaganda outfit for Bush and the re-pubies, Murdoch as much as admitted that;
ReplyDeleteMurdoch Confesses To Propaganda On Iraq
Last Friday, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Rupert Murdoch sat on a panel where he lamented what he described as a “loss of power” due to the ascension of the Internet and other new media. The notion that this captain of one of the most dominant media conglomerates in the world is trembling in the shadow of bloggers is simply absurd. Especially when you consider the fact that his company is also a dominant player on the Internet with an aggressive acquisitiveness that includes MySpace, the world’s largest online social networking site.
But there was a more shocking exchange that took place that ought to have caused more of a stir amongst professional journalists and all freedom loving people. It was an exchange that revealed something that most conscious beings knew, but which I have never seen explicitly articulated.
Murdoch was asked if News Corp. had managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq. His answer?
“No, I don’t think so. We tried.” Asked by Rose for further comment, he said: “We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution.”
Let me repeat this: “We Tried!”
Setting aside the nonsense that they had ever been critical of Bush’s adventures in Baghdad, having confessed to being deliberatly deceitful raises some questions. For instance, how can anyone ever again take seriously Fox News or any of Murdoch’s other instruments of bias? How can News Corp. continue to pretend that they are “fair and balanced?” How can any other media company exhibit the slightest expression of respect or patronization?
And speaking of other media companies, where are they now? The Chairman and CEO of a media empire that includes the number one rated cable news network, and numerous newspapers around the world, has just admitted that he tried to use that empire to “shape the agenda” in support of a partisan political goal with consequences of life, death, and global destabilization. Why has the media, who you might think would have some interest in this subject, virtually ignored these remarks? We know they were there because, on the very same day, there was a media tempest over remarks by John Kerry on whether Bush had turned the U. S. into an international pariah. That trumped up commotion was led, of course, by Fox News. Even the Hollywood Reporter downplayed the most startling portion of Murdoch’s presentation by headlining their story: “Big media has less sway on Internet.” They apparently felt that that was a more weighty revelation than the attempted thought-control exposed by Murdoch.
Where is the outrage? Where are the calls to disband this mammoth and unlawful propaganda machine? Murdoch, who was made an American citizen by an act of Congress because, otherwise, he could not own an American television network, should have his citizenship revoked and be deported back to Australia. Think of the precedent this sets for any other wealthy and ambitious ideologue that seeks to manipulate public opinion. There are plenty of wealthy and ambitious ideologues in the Middle East and elsewhere who may view Murdoch as a role model.
At the very least, it needs to be broadcast far and wide that News Corp. and Fox News are nothing but a tool of the neo-con operatives in government. You might say we already knew that, but this is different. We are not merely accusing them of this stance, they have now admitted it. And it can not be tolerated! Not by any standard of journalistic ethics. Not by a nation that values a free press so much that it incorporated that freedom into its Constitution.
Let's see;
Rush Limpballs admits to being a drug addicted Liar ...
Murdoch admits "Faux Noise" is a propaganda wing of Bushco, inc. and spews propaganda for the admibnistration instead of factually reporting the news ...
And Anny Tranny is still a lying wench who makes it up and plagerises to sell hate speech filled books ...
I guess that about covers it.
Fox News is still campaigning for Bush's war and in fact are promoting the escalation.
ReplyDeleteI saw some "religious right" conference in Florida being promoted, with several "religious right" figures speaking. Their main speaker is Twiggy Coulter.
Now thats propaganda.
ReplyDeleteMurdoch was asked if News Corp. had managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq. His answer?
“No, I don’t think so. We tried.” Asked by Rose for further comment, he said: “We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution.”
Let me repeat this: “We Tried!”
Setting aside the nonsense that they had ever been critical of Bush’s adventures in Baghdad, having confessed to being deliberatly deceitful raises some questions. For instance, how can anyone ever again take seriously Fox News or any of Murdoch’s other instruments of bias? How can News Corp. continue to pretend that they are “fair and balanced?” How can any other media company exhibit the slightest expression of respect or patronization
ReplyDeleteClif, please repost the link. The link of where this article came from is not working.
We've known Fox was a Reich Wing propaganda tool for a long time, but what i've been saying is;
ReplyDelete1) Fox should "NOT" be able to call itself a news show, because a news show reports unbiased facts and does not EVER support political policy, push an "agenda" or attempt to influence and shape public opinion.
2) We need to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to help prevent biased agenda's in the media.
3) We need to seriously consider breaking up the Media empires and comglomerates built by the men of power who use these empires to promote their views rather than truth.
We need a media that truthfully and honestly reports news and current events, not one that tries to brainwash, influence and deceive people because they deem themselves wiser than the unwashed sheeple.
ReplyDeleteThe Fox News channel has commentary shows like O'Reilly and Hannity & Colmes -- which do not pretend to be unbiased, unlike the independent "journalism" we find daily at the NY Times, LA Times and seeBS.
ReplyDeleteHey Foole, you say you dont like elitest liberals thinking they are wise enough to decide whats best for all, how to you feel about elitest Neo Cons like Rupert Murdock who think they are wise enough to decide what policies are best for us, then endeavor to deceive and influence the masses to accept those policies via Faux "News" propaganda and lies.
ReplyDeleteThen they should call it the Hannity and Colmes comedy or entertainment show, so people particularly conservatives who arent smart enough to tell the difference dont think they are watching a truthful and honest news show that reports facts rather than biased and politically slanted opinions.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone venture a guess as to when Bush and Cheney will be impeached?
ReplyDeleteWhen will Bush be tried for war crimes?
When will Karl Rove be arrested?
When will Rex Grossman have a good playoff game?
ReplyDeleteYou're just a party of bigots and haters...BIG SHMILE, MASTER RACIST!
(pretending not to be a bigot or a hater)
Like Clarence Thomas, [Thomas Sowell] would have been termed a "house n*gra" back in the Old South.
(demonstrating typical liberal bigotry and hatred toward Conservative "n*gra"s.)
/carl may now have an albatross
Then they should call it the Hannity and Colmes comedy or entertainment show, so people particularly conservatives who arent smart enough to tell the difference...
Conservatives are smart enough to distinguish journalism from commentary. Did you really confuse what Hannity does with independent "journalism"?
how to you feel about elitest Neo Cons like Rupert Murdock who think they are wise enough to decide what policies are best for us...
Murdock doesn't control his team like puppets. Didn't you see them all vociferously revolt when he was going to air that "If I Did It" piece by oj simpson?
Ahh foole quoting people out of context as usual I see, because you are too cowardly to debate fairly and honestly.
ReplyDeleteCarl, Thu, and Clif have ripped you to shreds lately Foole, no wonder you dont want to face them in honest I dont even waste my time with you anymore because you are to intellectually dishonest to answer questions or debare like a man.
FF - but what about the moniker 'FAIR AND BALANCED ? It is anything but fair and balanced, and the actual news with Shepherd Smith and those panicky flash 'TERROR ALERT!" ALERT! constantly instilling fear into us...
ReplyDeleteMy older relatives in Texas watch Fox News and actually believe they report unbiased news, but they don't, not even on their broadcasts.
This will be a big job, but I'm sure someone is going back over the past 6 years and digging up every single "news" broadcast as to how they favorably slant Bush's policies -- NORMAL NEWS BROADCASTS DO NOT DO THIS.
By the way, FF, thank you for your kind words the other day.
No FF, the advertisers revolted, Murdock and Faux News will say and do anything or anyone to make a buck, and when they realized not only that they couldnt make money of theOJ deal but it could possibly be a liability they axed it. But they axed it for financial reasons not moral ones.
ReplyDeleteYou repugs are really reaching if you try to claim the moral high ground nowadays. Thats almost as much of an urban myth as the repugs are the fiscally responsibal party or that they value freedom and small less obtrusive government.............................BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out the wonderful photo of Bush on Kay's blog.
ReplyDeleteVery inspiring.
I did last night Larry, those pictures are priceless!
ReplyDeleteYo gay-dalf when the moron who OWNS the entire show admits it is a propaganda NOT news site I guess your idiotic drivel is just that son.
ReplyDeleteBTW link HERE
and Crooksandliars also has the story...
Juan Cole even weighs in on this one;
Rupert Murdoch, who gives you Bill O'Reilly, Daniel Pipes, and other fantasists of the hard Right by his ownership of a vast media empire admitted at the Davos conference that his companies had "tried" to propagandize for Bush's Iraq War. He said that they were critical of the execution of the war, though. He doesn't watch or read his own media if he thinks that. It is never a discouraging word and 'what were the RNC talking points today?' over there in Foxland.
Murdoch's remarks are a good reason for which the news conglomerates should be broken up so that a wider range of views can be published. While Murdoch complains about competition from the internet, the fact is that far more people watch television than get their news from any blogger.
Murdoch's media have done more to cheapen American values and drive the country toward fascistic ways of thinking than anything since the McCarthy period in the 1950s. The airwaves belong to the public, and this man only licenses them. When will the public take them back and use them for purposes of which Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Franklin would have approved?
ReplyDeleteThis photo just went up today.
Another good one Larry, I thought you were talking about the one where bush gets his pink slip...............if it could only be that easy!
ReplyDeleteJudge orders release of Libby tapes.
ReplyDeleteNow we can hear him squeal on his buddies.
You think Cheney and Bush will look good in orange jumpsuits with numbers on it?
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Rove. He will look good as well.
ReplyDeleteRove is the one i'd like to see go down the most although its a close horse race, I am so sick and tired of his "smear and fear" nazi talk and tactics.
ReplyDeleteRove has been quite since the trial started. Must be in hiding.
ReplyDeleteThat and after the humbling he got in the last election, america is sick and tired of his empty rhetoric and finger pointing and smear tactics, they want real solutions not fear tactics and McCarthy type smears.
ReplyDeleteMike they will get the re-pubies to keep them out of the clink, after all they know way too much, KKKarl has his files which will be traded for a quite pardon which for some reason will be classified.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Clif there is no justice for the elite in America.
ReplyDeleteThe airwaves belong to the public, and this man only licenses them. When will the public take them back and use them for purposes of which Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Franklin would have approved?
(typical liberal proponent of "free speech", while demanding censorship of opposing viewpoints)
Yo Gay-dalf try another widdle dolly son the last two were hilarious, and some of my bro's here can't wait to soo just hopw juvenile you really are son.
ReplyDelete...there is no justice for the elite in America.
Agreed. Lose that smarmy shyster john edwards fellow and all the other lying lib trial lawyers.
Hey Foole, please explain how demanding that news or shows representing themselves as news shows being compelled to report facts and truth as opposed to politically biased and slanted BS to influence public opinion is censorship.
ReplyDeleteIf Hannity wants to spew his Reich Wing BS, then thats fine, just call it the Sean Hannity entertainment hour, the Sean Hannity Comedy hour or the Sean Hannity propaganda Hour, and dont allow people to be mislead into thinking its factual unbiased news, and dont kid yourself foole there are plenty of mindless automatons who think Faux News is factual unbiased news, just look at Troll Tex.
Sorry Gay-dalf, but it is the repugnants who ALWAYS lawyer up like Scooter Libby has done after he committed perjury.
ReplyDeleteWanna bet Rep. Jerry Lewis(R) breaks $100,000 for the lawyer he is paying for his corruption investigation, ... oh wait he already has ...
Or like Tom Delay, Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley, Bill Frist, Bob Ney, Kathrine Harris, Willian Sweeny, and a whole bunch of other repugnant crooks have done in the past couple of years.
You reichwingnuts are quick to blame the people you turn to to keep your sorry asses out of jail.
Seems the real reason you morons HATE lawyers is a hell of a lot of them refuse to drink the kool-aid, and know how to make you and youre greedy corporations OBEY the law. it the Sean Hannity entertainment hour, the Sean Hannity Comedy hour or the Sean Hannity propaganda Hour, and dont allow people to be mislead into thinking its factual unbiased news, and dont kid yourself foole there are plenty of mindless automatons who think Faux News is factual unbiased news, just look at Troll Tex.
How thoughtful that you want to protect us Conservatives from ourselves.
I propose doing the same for MSNBC since your lib buddy keith olberman is easily the most rabid partisan on the tube.
Poor poor gay-dalf reduced to 7th grade idiotic posts on the pink pajama circle jerk brokeback chat room and meeting room ......
ReplyDeleteIt must SUCK to realize so many see right through him that he has to act out on dolty boys website.
Hope it helps him cope with all his inadequacies, but proly not really. Gay-dalf is certinately close to Mook Mook delusional at this point
Deal!, although what olberman is saying is much more factually based than Faux news even if his bias and disdain for the Neo Cons and GWB in particular are clearly evident.
ReplyDeleteOlbermann does NOT try to conflate the white house spin as truth son, like the ENTIRE Fox Noise Machine has done for the last 6 years.
ReplyDeleteSucks to be so wrong for so loing doesn't it son?
Bet you wish you were dodging the draft guarding the parade ground with some other chicken hawks telling each other how much you really wanted to go to Vietnam if only you hadn't had to defedn that important p[arade ground.
Well Mike I gotta go, take care.
ReplyDeleteBTW gay-dalf we are waiting to see your next creation with your widdle dolly son.
Maybe he is afraid if Edwards were elected that he might call up all those high school ROTC boys.
ReplyDeleteDamn Larry go lookie at the pink pajama circle jerk romper room, Dolty boy and gay-dsalf are playing with their widdle dollies together, Ahhhhhh... Isn't it cute?
The is reporting that Cheney's personal financial advisor sent an email to all his clients blasting the Bush/Cheney energy policy.
ReplyDeleteGuess Cheney will look for another advisor.
later Clif.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how long it took them to dream up that kindergarten prank?
ReplyDeleteThey're even patting themselves on the back.
ReplyDeleteI am not going to get behind John Edwards, especially after his performance on Meet the Press yesterday.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but Edwards can take a hike as far as I am concerned.
You have to admit he is better than Hillary.
ReplyDeleteShe never has denounced the war.
I didnt see the entire show yesterday, but what did Edwards say that was that bad, I actually thought he sounded better than most Democrats i've heard lately?
ReplyDeleteThe lies these folks on the right, including the trolls who think they have a reason to be on this blog, should never be discounted.
They're agenda is nothing less than the subversion of the American way, led by that grand Aussie bastard, Rupert Murdoch himself.
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteHow thoughtful that you want to protect us Conservatives from ourselves.
We believe the mentally handicapped deserve "special treatment"....
Cmon, Master Racist! You know damned well you're an idiot, so why not just fess up and make the rest of us respect you just that much more?
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteThe airwaves belong to the public, and this man only licenses them. When will the public take them back and use them for purposes of which Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Franklin would have approved?
(typical liberal proponent of "free speech", while demanding censorship of opposing viewpoints)
It stopped being "free" speech when he started making money off public airwaves, dickless.
Freedom Fan said...
ReplyDeleteConservatives are smart enough to distinguish journalism from commentary. Did you really confuse what Hannity does with independent "journalism"?
Apparently the first part of your comment is in great doubt, Idjit:
The Hazards of Watching Fox News
"But news sources also accounted for major differences in misperceptions, according to PIPA, which asked more than 3,300 respondents since May where they "tended to get most of [their] news.'' Eighty percent identified broadcast media, while 19 percent cited print media.
Among those who said broadcast media, 30 percent said two or more networks; 18 percent, Fox News; 16 percent, CNN; 24 percent, the three big networks – NBC (14 percent), ABC (11 percent), CBS (9 percent); and three percent, the two public networks, National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).
For each of the three misperceptions, the study found enormous differences between the viewers of Fox, who held the most misperceptions, and NPR/PBS, who held the fewest by far. Eighty percent of Fox viewers were found to hold at least one misperception, compared to 23 percent of NPR/PBS consumers. All the other media fell in between. "
Learn the truth: listen to NPR.
You may not think Fox is a "news" station, but enough of your fellow travelers do that you ought to be ashamed for them, Jismist.
ReplyDeleteHillary hasn't denounced the war, because based on the misinformation she was given by Bush as well as by her husband's administration, she believed Saddam had WMDs. To say she was wrong would raise the issue of Clinton's lack of intelligence.
Of course, Bush was supposed to be running the "adult" administration, so should have known better.
All that said, her position of 'He started it, he'd better end it" has more than made up for it in my eyes. I've leaned towards Hillary all along, altho I like Obama a lot, and when she said that, I leaned just a little more towards endorsing her.
I dont know Carl, regardless of what clinton and the rest of Congress were "TOLD" I think it is their responsibility to investigate and verify the accuracy of what they are told, and the "I went with what I was told then" just doesnt cut it with me Carl.
ReplyDeleteI saw through the rhetoric and inconsistencies back in 2002-present, I expect no less from Congress, its their job to ask questions and seek the truth not blindly act like a bunch of gutless simpletons and give in to Cheney;s pressure to and Rove's smear tactics.
No Carl, I think that the democrats that voted for the war were either stupid or gutless or some combination.
I want elected officials to show courage and seek the truth, not take the path of least resistance to appease the President and Vice President because they are afraid of getting smeared as supporting or in league with the terrorists, I feel like we just lived through some weird combination of the McCarthy era coupled with the rise of Nazi style fascism.
ReplyDeleteIn the wake of a terror the wake of the 1990s No Fly Zone violations...and given that Bush broke his covenant with Congress to use force only as a last resort if UN sanctions and inspections failed, I would have voted the same way.
Yeah Carl, but Bush and his pack of Neo con fools dishonestly helped foster that mindset.
ReplyDeleteThey lied and misrepresented evidence to make it appear that iraq had WMD and was in league with Al Qaeda terrorists and were plotting to attack and destroy the USA and other countries were in immenent danger.
If Congress felt this was true they should have investigated and proceeded from a reasoned position of knowledge rather than fear.
What i'm saying is if I saw through the BS, then my elected representatives should have as well or at least should have asked tough questions and investigated so they could proceed from a position of intelligance rather than one of ignorance and fear.
Like Bill Maher said, I expect my president and elected representatives to be at least as smart as me, and i dont think that was the case at all as I smelled BS from the beginning.
If the anonymous loser is worried about Lydia's income maybe he/she/it should buy a few hundred dollars of her products.
ReplyDeleteHey loser you should write a book what its like to live in Seattle and pretend to be a Casino boss in Vegas, it could be like one of those spoofs where there's a 40 year old loser living in his parents basement and he daydreams that he's a somebody.......we could even call it "Sleepwalking in Seattle: The Rusty Shackleturd Story"
ReplyDeleteMaybe he/she/it should write a book on stalking stars that pay him/her/it no mind.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteLydia's and her husband should write a book called "How to Live in Beverly Hills" with no job. I can't figure out what either one of them does to earn a living.
Y'know, you could say the same thing about Bush and Laura...
The anonymous phony seems to know alot about stalking at autograph shows.
ReplyDeletePerhaps some investigating is in order for this loser.
ReplyDeleteEven I was taken in by Powell's presentation before the UN. It seemed very detailed and very real, until of course, the rebuttal evidence started coming out. Because it was Powell, I tended to give him the benefit of the doubt, which gave the Bushies a lot of political cover.
ReplyDeleteNah. If it's true, which I doubt, Lydia ought to be proud that she's still that popular this many years out.
After all, Eric Estrada had to resort to selling time shares in Florida. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel!
Besides, we don't love Lydia for her body, but for her massive mind and gigantic heart, so anon?
ReplyDeleteFuck off.
(sorry to use the French here, Lyd, but it had to be said)
I bet Lydia is not shallow like you neocons. I bet she doesn't care about money and lives each day appreciating what she has!
ReplyDeleteYou neocons don't. You appreciate nothing.
carl the rhetoric coming from Bush and Cheney just didnt add up or make sense.
ReplyDeleteAnd while I agree with you that I like and respect Powell as well, what he said just wasnt that convincing, there were no smoking guns and when examined in the scope of the rhetoric coming from Bush, Cheney et al it just didnt add up.
remember Bush isnt smart enough to hide his true feelings and intentions, they always creep out despite his handlers trying to hide them.
Like when Bush said "Saddam is a bad man, he tried to kill my dad"
or when Bush said something like, sure the war was about oil we cant let one man or country ruin our economy by corning the worlds oil and sending it to $400 a barrel.
or when he tried to imply a link between Saddam and Al Qaeda and when a source spoke up and challenged it they were immediately silenced.
thats what raised red flags for me more than anything, anytime a dissenting opinion came out or a tough question was asked the person was either attacked or silenced.
carl the runup to sell the war just seemed too much like a propaganda machine trying to sell the war just like Hitler did, they used fear, a catastrophe to make the people fearful and angry, they gave the people a common enemy to hate, and a patriotic cause to rally around and attacked the patriotism of anyone who questioned them all while providing virtually no real hard evidence to support their position.
I can see why others bought into the deception particularly Congressmen who were worried abour relection, but I never bought into it, I saw the rise of hitler all over again, as Rove, Bush and Cheney use very similar tactics.
Well Kay, the Neo Con fools do seem to appreciate power and money, but not much else other than that, they are as shallow as they are ignorant.
ReplyDeleteI understand your point of view, just as I understand Hillary's. I can't say precisely how I would have handled these past six years if I was a Senator.
I realize that at the time it would have taken a great deal of courage to stand up to and oppose the Neo Cons, but if somebody had, that person would now be perceived as a fearless leader and very possibly be a front runner for presiden in 2008.
ReplyDeleteTrue Mike. That is all the neocons focus on is money and power. The neocons here can say it as many times as they want, but the truth is, Ms. Lydia has more love & compassion in her heart than all the neocons put together across the nation and here. ;-)
ReplyDeleteIf I were a Senator, I would said "all in" and pushed all my chips in the center and put my political life on the line for what I believed in and thought was right.
ReplyDeleteI also realize that most Senators prefer to play it safe rather than risk their career on standing up for what they believe in or a principle, but I have trouble supporting a weak willed spineless, unquestioning person for president.
Dont get me wrong though if it came down to voting for Hillary or a war mongering repug or Neo Con, Hillary would get my vote, but her gutless, noncommittal semi hawkish position on the war has not won me over one bit, i'm hoping she loses the primaries and puts her money behind another candidate, preferably Gore.
Dennis Kucinich & Russ Feingold are the only two who aren't holding back AND it's a bummer that Feingold isn't running in 2008!
ReplyDeleteI like Dennis Kucinich though. He speaks my language.
Kay said "but the truth is, Ms. Lydia has more love & compassion in her heart than all the neocons put together across the nation and here. ;-)"
ReplyDeletewell I cant help but agree with this statement my only question is do you really consider that lump of blackest coal the Neo Cons have to be a heart, it could be argued those black hearted thugs dont have a heart at all, just a lump of coal and blue blood coursing through their veins.
I still say i'd like to see Gore enter the race, I like Feingolds stance on impeachment, but his saying we should just make Bush's illegal unconstitutional spying on american citizens program legal was a deal breaker for me, I dont know if I can support someone who could use such poor judgement and place so little value on freedom and privacy.
ReplyDeleteHillary learned from Bill the art of finessing an answer so that people know what you mean without you being held accountable for your precise words ("I have caused pain in my marriage" as code for "I fooled around")
ReplyDeleteLOL, yeah Carl, Bill Clinton was the master of Finess answers, to bad he cant run again, Bill was a great president and a smart man.
ReplyDeleteThings were so much more carefree when he was running our country, there just wasnt much to worry about.
Yup. Sure miss the greatest President this country ever had: eight years of peace, eight years of prosperity, income actually rose, bankruptcies down, single-handedly took tens of millions of people off the welfare, all while keeping the economy expanding at a rate unheard of in our entire history, and the history of the planet.
ReplyDeleteGotta love a guy like that!
Yeah, all incomes levels rose under Clinton, plus we had a surplus that helped to keep interest rates low, the poor and the middle class actually had their real incomes rise under Clinton.
ReplyDeleteThere was just a sense of well being under Clinton.
Chris Matthews is making me sick with all the drool over Rudy running and Matthews desire to see a Rudy/Haley Barbour ticket.
ReplyDeleteHas he forgot those clowns support the war that he is against?
Larry, i kinda get the feling that Mathews is basically a repug, but one who is against the war and despises the Neo Cons.
ReplyDeletehe's butted heads with cheney and Libby before, i've read that Cheney and Libby went to Tim Russert and the head of the Network to complain that mathews is biased against the administration and antisemetic (same BS trolls like TT use on Lydia), they basically tried to silence him and/or get him fired, and threatened the network will no longer have access to the Bush Administration if they dont reign Mathews in, but he still shows his disdain and disgust for the Neo Cons and their agenda.
it is kinda bizaire though that he is so opposed to the war but supports many of the people that support it, i guess ignorance is an epidemic with repugs.
ReplyDeleteMatthews makes no bones about his love for Rudy. I don't understand it.
ReplyDeleteRudy was about to be run out of town before 9/11.
He is filthy with mob ties and covered in corruption.
The Bush Administration think they can intimidate the media into doing or saying anything they want, for several years that seemed to be the case, but thankfully it appears the pied piper is losing much of its influence over the MSM and the masses, although they still have a relatively strong hold, far, far more than they should, for such a group of ignorant, incompetent fringe waccos.
ReplyDeleteThey are getting ready to vote on the Iraq resolution.
ReplyDeleteDon't be surprised if Bush wins.
At least it will drive more people away from the Repugs.
Thats exactly what needs to happen, if the repugs put partisan interests over the will of the people, the Democrats need to make them pay for it when they are up for relection.
ReplyDeleteBush will just keep dragging the repug party down further and further into obsolesence and irrelevance its like most of the repugs are just blindly following the pied piper right off the edge of a cliff.
The repugs will lose more power and influence in 2008, mark my words on this I dont think they have a prayer for a happy ending either in Iraq or for them in 2008.
The gutless Repugs won't even vote on a resolution that has no teeth.
ReplyDeleteThey are afraid they might lose some right-wing dollars.
Latest CBS poll has Bush at 28% approval.
ReplyDeleteChristmas fruitcake polled higher than Bush.
What a leader.
Worf, I believe that the pResident can appoint a new Veep without Senatorial approval, but I may be wrong.
ReplyDeleteLydia, I'm sure little correction was needed.
TomCat said...
ReplyDeleteWorf, I believe that the pResident can appoint a new Veep without Senatorial approval, but I may be wrong.
I think you're right too though. I haven't researched it though. I thought it might need congressional approval, since the VP is the head of the Senate but I might be wrong.
I'm praying you are though, lol.
He'd probably appoint Joe Lieberman.
Or Katherine Harris.
ReplyDeleteGod help us all then.