UPDATED: NOW WITH VIDEO! LATER UPDATE: 'Erroneous' Caption Scrubbed from Late-night O'Reilly Rebroadcasts Without Explanation!
Just amazing. Fox's O'Reilly Factor just covered the Mark Foley (R-FL) issue in two different segments, one of them with a page who says he received communications from Foley, and another with Ann Coulter.
Never mind the content of either segment for now. Incredibly, during a total of three different cutaways to video footage of Foley, he was labelled at the bottom of the screen eachtime as "(D-FL)" !
Three different times. In two different segements. Each cutaway about 15 seconds or more. Showing Foley as a DEMOCRAT. Amazing. FOX PROPAGANDA NETWORK IN ACTION
CHECK OUT MY THIS AMAZING BLOG: SimpyLeftBehind where my friend Carl writes: "Jamie over at Crooks and Liars has the ABC-TV video and brings up an interesting point. All the pages were warned to keep away from Foley since it was widely known that he's a sexual predator. That's how they protected these kids? Karl Rove's party that runs for office every 2 years based on scaring church-goers that the "gays are gonna get ya" and they allow this kind of crap to go on inside their own party-- with CHILDREN???
Oh and by the way, it's a federal offense to send dirty e-mails to a minor. He can't say he didn't know about the law. He wrote it!"
Hastert and Boehner can't get their stories straight about who knew what when, although Boehner told today's Washington Post that he had learned this spring of some 'contact' between Foley and a 16-year-old page. Boehner said he told House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and that Hastiest assured him 'we're taking care of it.'" This sounds like it revolves around the incident Rodney Alexander reported to Tom Reynolds and the GOP leadership when Foley tried to seduce a young page from his district.
When cornered by reporters Hastert gave a classic closing the barn door after the horses had all gotten away statement. Hastert has refused to comment on why, even after finding out that Foley had a diseased attitude towards children, he still allowed him to chair the House caucus on missing and exploited children." - Carl SimpyLeftBehind
From Wikipedia: Mark Adam Foley (born September 8, 1954) is an American politician, and was a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 until 2006, representing the 16th District of Florida. A former co-chair[1] of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, he resigned on September 29, 2006 after it became public that he had sent sexually explicit emails and instant messages to boys under the age of 16 who were serving as Congressional pages. [2]
STRENGTH LIES IN INTELLIGENCE. Democrats are stronger on terror because we know the value of human life. We will win the war on terror by gathering our forces and fortifying our homeland. By first bringing our troops home and strengthening our own borders, ports, airports and train stations and using our resources wisely. We can't afford to lose a single human life. We've lost over 2,600 troops, and another 16,000 missing arms and legs, and we've spent over 300 billion dollars on a war that has DEFINITELY CREATED MORE HATRED AND TERRORISM throughout the whole world against us.
Democrats will go out and communicate with our enemies: we will bridge the gap and open diplomatic channels. Syria, who was helping us right after 911 will be helping us again. Everyone wants to be on the side of the Peacemaker who brings a higher vision to conflict. In the time that George Bush and the Three Stooges have been in power, they have created more enemies than ever before in America's history. This is the most shameful time in our country. We must get these primitive self-serving oil barons and Neanderthals out of power before they destroy the world." L.C.
For SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS to the world crises, along with some amazing prayer miracles in the next few weeks, please check out RADICAL PRAYER at my other blog THE PEACEMAKERS* LIGHT OF TRUTH
You can reach my Home page at: LYDIA CORNELL
And we uncover the truth about Ann Coulter like no one has ever done before at: COULTER KAMPF where you can also find breaking news about hate-speak, extremism, propaganda and smear tactics.
"We all have built into us the capacities for kindness and creativity and beauty. It's a matter of perspective. As Einstein said, "The single most important decision any of us will ever make is whether or not to believe that the universe is friendly." It's our choice.
As the Native Americans reminded us: "No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves."
ReplyDeleteby Ann Coulter
September 27, 2006
It's just like old times. Bill Clinton delivers an impassioned speech, and within 24 hours the Web is bristling with documentation, establishing that nearly every sentence was a lie.
The glassy-eyed Clinton cultists are insisting their idol's on-air breakdown during a "Fox News Sunday" interview with Chris Wallace was a calculated performance, which is a bit like describing Hurricane Katrina as a "planned demolition." Like an Osama tape, they claim he was sending a signal to Democrats to show them how to treat Republicans. Listen up, Democrats: Let's energize the undecideds by throwing a hissy fit on national television!
The Clintonian plan for action apparently entails inventing lunatic conspiracy theories, telling lots of lies, shouting, sneering, interrupting, and telling your interlocutor, "(Y)ou've got that little smirk on your face and you think you're so clever" — all for asking a simple question. To wit: "Why didn't you do more to put bin Laden and al-Qaida out of business when you were president?" The only thing Clinton forgot to say to Wallace was, "You'd better put some ice on that."
Let me be the first to welcome Chris Wallace to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy! If the son of Mike Wallace is a member, can Chelsea be far behind?
According to Wallace, Clinton's aide, Jay Carson, demanded that the interview be stopped a few minutes into Clinton's tantrum — just before the part where he threw the lamp at Wallace. The last time Clinton got that red in the face, the encounter ended with a stained dress. Even Muslims thought Clinton overreacted. But the Clinton Kool-Aid drinkers tell us this was a masterfully planned set-piece by their leader.
I also think Jessica Savitch's slurred, incoherent broadcast on "NBC Nightly News" in October 1983 was intentional. Others say it was drug-addled breakdown that ended her career, but obviously Savitch intended to speak in garbled gibberish on air as a brilliantly executed prelude to her death in a ditch weeks later.
And when Stephen Colbert did a routine at the White House Correspondents Dinner that bombed, I think he planned it that way.
Then there was Capt. Joseph Hazelwood's meticulously planned off-loading of 11 million gallons of crude oil off the Exxon Valdez.
Clinton shouted so many lies during his televised meltdown, only the World Wide Web can capture them all. These are just a few.
Clinton yelled at Wallace: "What did I do? What did I do? I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since."
This is so crazy it's worthy of an Air America caller. Clinton has consistently misrepresented the presidential directive about political assassinations. Clinton did not order bin Laden assassinated. He did not even lift the ban on intelligence agencies attempting to assassinate bin Laden.
What he did was lift the ban on political assassinations — provided that assassinating bin Laden was not the purpose of the mission. So if U.S. forces were engaged in an operation to capture bin Laden, but accidentally killed him, they would not be court-martialed.
Clinton said, "All the right-wingers who now say I didn't do enough said I did too much — same people." As proof, he cites his humiliating withdrawal from Somalia, claiming, "They were all trying to get me to withdraw from Somalia in 1993 the next day after we were involved in 'Black Hawk down,' and I refused to do it."
He added, as if it mattered, "There is not a living soul in the world who thought that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with 'Black Hawk down.'"
In fact, what Republicans objected to was Clinton's transforming a U.N. mission in Somalia to prevent mass starvation into a much grander "nation-building" exercise — something the Democrats now hysterically support in Darfur and oppose in Iraq.
Democrats long to see American mothers weeping for their sons lost in a foreign war, but only if the mission serves absolutely no national security objectives of the United States. If we are building a democracy in a country while also making America safer — such as in Iraq — Democrats oppose it with every fiber of their being.
When Clinton's "nation-building" in Somalia led to the brutal killing of 18 Americans, some of whose corpses were then dragged through the streets, Clinton did what the Democrats are currently demanding we do in Iraq: He cut and ran.
Republicans didn't like that either, and it had nothing to do with whether it was al-Qaida we were running from. It could have been Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, al-Dawa or the Viet Cong. We ran, and the terrorists noticed.
Osama bin Laden told "ABC News" in 1998 that America's humiliating retreat from Somalia emboldened his jihadists: "The youth were surprised at the low morale of the American soldiers and realized more than before that the American soldier was a paper tiger and after a few blows ran in defeat."
If this is the message that Clinton is hoping to telegraph to the American people, I hope the voters are listening.
Tiny gaharaninTexan your PATHETIC.
ReplyDeleteThe republicans in power have NOTHING left to say except for;
ReplyDeleteI'M sorry for lying all these years.
They lied about the Intel.
They lied about how bad the war was going.
They lied about what the troops needed.
They lied about How many troops were needed.
They lied when they said they were TRYING to get Osama.
NOW we know the HID the facts about Republican Congressman Foley,
from the rest of congress,
from the people in that body who have the responsibility to protect the children American family's trust them to protect, as those children are pages in the halls of congress.
They hid the facts from the voters of Florida for at least three election cycles.
They hid the facts from the parents of the children Congressman Foley was around.
They HID THE FACTS from the American people, their true BOSSES.
They should resign in SHAME, but will not.
They played games in election cycles falsely claiming Democrats were SOFT on crime, when IN FACT it was The republican leadership which IS SOFT on CRIME.
Foley was coddled, until people outside congress outed his crimes.
Bob Ney was protected until the FBI nailed HIM.
Delay was protected, with the republicans going as far to CHANGE the rules to protect this criminal.
Duke Cunningham was protected, until he finally realised that he was cornered by the evidence. And HE had to admit that his repug enablers were WRONG as usual.
The republican party SHOULD be ashamed...and do a whole lot of soul searching about WHO they really are, but they will not. They will start up the smear and spin machine trying in vain to put lipstick on the PIG they have become.
they will slander the messengers, and deny the facts.
They will send out memo's of talking points and diversion tactics for their minions to spew around to muddy the stories, and try to divert attention Fromm their criminal negligence and incompetence,
after all that has become their stock in trade the last six years.
Why should this latest scandal change the PARTY who is now known by THE moniker of CULTURE of CORRUPTION?
They "Know" they are right even when they are wrong.
Why should they change now?
Hopefully the American voters will give them MANY reasons to think about it come November 7th 2006.
Repugs like Tiny Moron in Texan are a LARGE part of the problem, he thinks Anny Tranny's slime and Lies will cover up Foley's TRUE crimes and the GOP's incompetence and criminal negligence.
ReplyDeleteHe sees No problem with their actions except they did not cover this scandal up until AFTER election day because this will be the 4th supposedly safe repug seat lost to the democratic party because of repug criminal behavior.
He is true repug slime in action.
I am glad talll texan is here.
ReplyDeleteHe provides a great example of just how grown men, congress-men, can justify in their minds a Congressmen soliciting CHILDREN for sex, and therefore cover it up when it happens.
Because he, (and that bitch Ann Coulter) don't see the differnce between two ADULTS having CONSENUAL relations, and sex between an Adult and a CHILD.
Thank you TT.
From your excerpt from the master you have made us wonder if ALL of you aren't PEDOPHILES.
That explains an awful lot.
BTW tiny, Foley is the latest in a LONG line of repug pedophiles and perverts;
ReplyDeleteNot Every Republican is a Pedophile but Every pedophile seems to be a REPUBLICAN.
G.O.P: God’s Only Perverts. Another Republican pervert goes down in shame.
1. Serial killer/rapist Ted Bundy campaigned for the Republican Party
2. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
3. Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
4. Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
5. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
6. Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
7. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges.
8. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
9. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
10. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a minor working as a congressional page.
11. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
12. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
13. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with a juvenile and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
14. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks, an advisor to a California assemblyman, was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
15. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
16. Republican preacher Stephen White was arrested after allegedly offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
17. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews of Houston was indicted for indecency with a child, including exposing his genitals to a girl under the age of 17.
18. Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling confessed to molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
19. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram of Thurston County, Washington, pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
20. Republican St. Louis Election Board official Kevin Coan was arrested and charged with trying to buy sex from a 14-year-old girl whom he met on the Internet.
21. Republican politician Andrew Buhr, former committeeman for Hadley Township Missouri, was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
22. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland, a Tennessee state representative, was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to minors under 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
23. Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15 year old girl.
24. Republican legislator, Richard Gardner, a Nevada state representative, admitted to molesting his two daughters.
25. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
26. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
27. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
28. Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
29. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
30. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
31. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
32. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
33. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
34. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
35. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
36. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
37. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
38. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
39. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
40. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
41. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
42. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having
sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
43. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in
the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
44. Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six
years in prison.
45. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of
young women.
46.Clifton Bennett, 18, the son of Arizona Senate Republican President Ken Bennett, and his co-defendant, Kyle Wheeler, 19, were charged in January with 18 counts of aggravated assault and 18 counts of kidnapping for the incidents, which happened at a youth camp last June. The younger Bennett confessed to police that he and Wheeler sodomized the 11- to 14-year-old boys with broomsticks and flashlights in at least 40 incidents, court documents show. Yavapai County prosecutors now say they'll drop all but one assault charge and likely recommend little or no jail time if Bennett agrees to plead guilty. Wheeler has been offered a similar deal but faces an additional assault charge for choking three boys until they passed out. The plea agreements were presented in court last week and could be finalized Monday.
47. Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was charged with molesting his 9-year old step-daughter after including her in an anti-Gore television commercial and convicted of pedophilia and found guilty of "aggravated sexual assault of a child, two counts of indecency with a child by contact and one count of indecency with a child by exposure."
48. Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer.
49. Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography.
50. Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.
51. Republican Committeeman John R. Curtain was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor.
52. Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.
53. Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls and convicted.
54. Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable.
55. Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
56. Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.
57. Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28.
58. Thomas Adams, longtime Green Oaks, Illinois, mayor and former chairman of the Lake County Republican Central Committee, was charged Monday with possession and distribution of child pornography. Adams, 67, faces 11 counts of disseminating child pornography and two counts of possession. Lake County Judge Victoria Rossetti set his bond at $100,000. 7/26
59. The head of the Christian Coalition of Oregon, Lou Beres, "readily admitted sexually touching" the plaintiff in the lawsuit when she was 13 or 14 years old, according to the report. He also acknowledged sexually touching a 16 or 17-year-old friend of his daughter in 1976 or 1977. Beres denied allegations of sexual molestation when they first came to light in The Oregonian last October. Gresham police last fall investigated allegations Beres had molested underage family members, but Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Shrunk said the allegations occurred so long ago that Beres couldn't face charges under the statute of limitations. In March, Beres, 70, was sued in Multnomah County Circuit Court for $2.1 million by a relative who said he molested her repeatedly between 1963 and 1966.
60. On September 28, 2006, ABC News reported that in 2005 Foley had sent email messages, from his personal AOL account, to a then-16-year-old former Congressional page, asking the page to send a photo of himself to Foley, among other things. Foley submitted a letter of resignation from Congress on September 29, 2006 in the wake of news reports about the communications. Foley issued a statement, saying "I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent."
61. Metropolitan Police today charged the director of human resources at The Washington Times with one count of attempting to entice a minor on the Internet. Randall Casseday, 53, was arrested at 9:45 p.m. yesterday in the 1300 block of Brentwood Road NE, where police said he had arranged to meet who he thought was a 13-year-old girl. He had actually exchanged Internet messages and photographs with a male police officer posing as a girl.
62. Jeffrey Ray Nielsen, a Christian fundamentalist activist lawyer who was a legislative aide for California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and a close associate of Orange County GOP chairman Scott Baugh, has been charged by Orange County, California police with repeatedly engaging in sex with a 14-year old Westminster, California high school freshman male in 2003 and amassing a large amount of child pornography in his Ladera Ranch condo.
Oh Yeah, these guys represent Moral integrity and ‘Christian values’
Not pedophiles but good repug hypocrites just they same...
Republican activist Matthew Glavin, who preached family values, was caught masturbating in public and fondling an undercover park ranger
Republican anti-abortion activist Neal Horsley admitted to having sex with a mule
Republican Congressman Edward Schrock resigned from Congress after he was caught searching for sex on a gay telephone service. Listen to his telephone calls by clicking these files: File 1, File 2, File 3
Republican Mayor Jim West championed an anti-gay agenda, but was later found to be gay himself
Republican preacher Jimmy Swaggart preached fidelity, but cheated on his wife with a prostitute
Republican Congressman Bob Livingston was about to vote for impeaching President Clinton for sexual improprieties until it was disclosed he was an adulterer
Republican Congressman Henry Hyde denounced President Clinton's extramarital affair, but was later found to be an adulterer himself
Republican Senator Bob Packwood resigned from Congress after 29 women accused him of sexual harrassment
Several newspapers are now reporting that Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is dating and basically living with Callista Bisek, a "willowy blond Congressional aide 23 years his junior." Biske, 33, has been spending nights at Gingrich's apartment near the Capitol and has her own key. In an amazing act of hypocrisy, Gingrich was apparently dating Bisek all during Clinton-Lewinsky adultery scandal, even as he proclaimed family values and bitterly criticized the President for his adultery.
Reporters and other Washington insiders have known about this relationship since 1994, even before Gingrich became Speaker of the House, but did not have any solid proof to report. In 1995, Vanity Fair magazine described Bisek as Gingrich's "frequent breakfast companion." Gingrich was married to Marianne Gingrich during all of that time, and just filed for divorce in August 1999.
Newt pressed his first wife to sign divorce papers while she was still in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. He also graciously said "She isn't young enough or pretty enough to be the President's wife." But his second marriage hasn't been that smooth either. Newt and Marianne have been separated - "frankly", she told the Washington Post in June 1989, "it's been on and off for some time."
The hospital visit wasn't the end of it, either. Jackie had to take Newt to court to get him to contribute for bills, as utilities were about to be cut off.
John McCain has acknowledged engaging in extramarital affairs upon returning from Vietnam. While he was in Vietnam, his wife Carol had been severely injured in a car accident. Upon returning home in 1973, McCain found his wife to be very different from when he had married her. He soon began engaging in extramarital affairs and in 1979, he met Cindy Hensley. A year later, McCain sought a divorce from Carol and a month after that, he married Cindy.
Rudy Giuliani had a high profile divorce from Donna Hanover , which he announced on public TV even before informing her. On May 10, 2000 Mr. Giuliani announced at a press conference that he was seeking a separation from his wife, Donna Hanover -- without first informing her of his decision. The reason? Judith Stish Nathan Giuliani, he began dating her before his divorce from Donna Hanover, his second wife, was final.
Defense contractor, Mitchell Wade, admitted that he paid California Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (republican) more than $1 million in bribes in exchange for millions more in government contracts.
Jessica Cutler, the former Senate aide who posted details of her sex life on the Internet. The case brought by REPUBLICAN Sen. Mike DeWine’s former counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Robert Steinbuch, alleges that Cutler engaged in an invasion of his privacy in 2004 by publishing sexually explicit facts about a relationship with Steinbuch.
Harvey Pitt, SEC Chief under George W. Bush until he was forced to resign in 2002. Worked for New Frontier Media, a firm which distributed teen sex videos
Rep. Jon Hinson (R-Miss.)
On Aug. 8, 1980, during his first reelection bid, Hinson stunned everyone by announcing that in 1976 he had been accused of committing an obscene act at a gay haunt in Virginia. Hinson, married and a strong conservative, added that in 1977 he had survived a fire in a gay D.C. movie theater. He was making the disclosure, he said, because he needed to clear his conscience. But he denied he was a homosexual and refused GOP demands that he resign. Hinson won reelection in a three-way race, with 39 percent of the vote. But three months later, he was arrested on charges of attempted oral sodomy in the restroom of a House office building. He resigned his seat on April 13, 1981.
Rep. Ernie Konnyu (R-Calif.)
In August 1987, two former Konnyu aides complained to the San Jose Mercury News that the freshman Republican had sexually harassed them.
Republican Party Chairman Sam Walls, who is married, was urged to drop his candidacy for Congress when it was found he likes to dress up in women's clothing.
Republican Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the rape of children in Iraqi prisons in order to humiliate their parents into providing information about the anti-American insurgency.
History of Scandals from 1979 to 2005
ReplyDeleteNovember 29, 2005
RUSH: Bill in Delray Beach, Florida. Glad you called, sir, welcome.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Listen, as you're you're recounting the corruption scandals of the past in Congress, you might want to remember the Keating Five, four of which were Democrats, and one was -- the only Republican was -- McCain -- and Jim Wright, the speaker of the House.
RUSH: Yeah, I got 'em all here. I got 'em all here. I've got the Keating Five. They say there was a Republican in that group, but I'm not so sure. Here's the list: Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, Don Riegle, John Glenn and John McCain. Who is the Republican in that group?
CALLER: (Laughing.) Uh, it might be five-for-five Democrats.
RUSH: The Keating scandal, the Keating Five, was also related to the Savings and Loan Scandal. This is 1980 and 1989. Remember the name Charles Keating? That's on the list. Let's just start here. These are the scandals, major scandals, 1975 through 1999.
• Lancegate: President Carter's OMB Director Bert Lance resignation amidst allegations of misuse of funds (1977)
• Tongsun Park "Koreagate" scandal involving alleged bribery of more than 100 members of Congress by South Korean government; charges were pressed only against congressmen Richard T. Hanna (convicted) and Otto E. Passman (not prosecuted because of illness); also implicated was South Korean President Park Chung Hee
• Betty Ford addictions (1978)
• Senator Herman Talmadge of Georgia ["Hummen, they called him. Hummen Talmadge of G'ogia.] punished after his ex-wife produced cash "gifts" he had hidden in an overcoat (1979); Talmadge later wrote, "I wish I'd burned that damn overcoat and charged everything on American Express." Talmadge the same year admitted to having spent five weeks in alcohol rehab; he was not re-elected to the Senate in 1980.
What this doesn't tell you is that Hummen would go back home to G'ogia and he'd go walkin' the streets and people would give him money! Constituents would give him money, and that's why it was in the overcoat. Hummen Talmadge. Hummen was around during the Watergate period. He wasn't on the committee or anything but he was constantly being interviewed about it.
• There was the Abscam scandal in (1980) ["One senator, Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ), and five members of the House: John Jenrette (D-SC), Richard Kelly (R-FL) -- later overturned -- Raymond Lederer (D-PA), Michael Myers (D-PA) and Frank Thompson (D-NJ) -- were convicted of bribery and conspiracy. John M. Murphy (D-NY), was convicted of a lesser charge. Most of the politicians resigned. Congressman Myers had to be expelled. Five other government officials were convicted, including the mayor of Camden, New Jersey, Angelo Errichetti. One politician targeted, but not indicted, was Congressman John Murtha (D-PA).]
• "Debategate": briefing book of President Jimmy Carter stolen and given to Ronald Reagan campaign before the 1980 presidential election debate in Cleveland, Ohio.
• October Surprise (1980).
Which, of course, the Democrats were still investigating in 1990.
• Anne Gorsuch Burford refusal to turn over EPA documents (1982)
• William Casey insider trading (1983)
• Iran-Contra affair (1985-1986)
• Savings and loan scandal and the Keating Five (1980-1989): Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, Don Riegle, John Glenn and John McCain.
• Senator John Tower's nomination as Defense Secretary derailed due to allegations of habitual and extreme alcohol abuse and improper ties to defense industry. (1987)
• Mario Biaggi convicted (1988) in Wedtech scandal of bribery, extortion, racketeering, filing a false tax return, mail fraud, and false financial disclosure; resigned from U.S. House before he could be expelled. He was a Democrat from New York.
• Speaker of the House "Fort Worthless" Jim Wright from Texas forced to resign after ethics committee investigation found dozens of violations of House rules, including alleged improper receipt of $145,000 in gifts by Wright's wife from a Fort Worth developer and large profits from "sale" of Wright's speeches.
Well, let me tell you about that. That was 1989. Fort Worthless Jim published a book of these speeches, and they had to get the book pretty thick to make it look Fort Worthless Jim was a substantive guy, and so they used a very large font, typeface, and some cases only one or two words per page. The books mostly were bought by organized labor in bulk, in boxes that were never opened. You had a tough time finding Fort Worthless Jim's book of speeches in the bookstore.
• Anthony Lee Coelho of California. That's Tony Coelho, who remains a major big shot organizing Democrat politics. He resigned from U.S. House for unethical finance practices including "junk bond" deal in 1989.
I remember I was watching Nightline that night. Barbara Walters was -- I saw Barbara Walters last night on Larry King Alive before the football started. You know, she was promoting her top ten most fascinating interviews. By the way, do you know who made her top ten most fascinating people list this year? Kanye West! Kanye West. Would somebody explain to me, of all the people in this country that might qualify as among the ten most fascinating, what in the world is Kanye West doing on the list? Now, I know I'm not an aficionado of rap music, but what am I missing here with Kanye West? Why is he among the fascinating? Is it that comment he made about Bush and Katrina? It has to be. It has to be. Anyway, she didn't look any older last night than when I watched her in 1989 on Nightline. A friend of mine said, "Well, it's all the Vaseline they put on the lens. It's a new version of soft focus." At any rate, I was watching her host Nightline. They were doing it on the resignation of Tony Coelho, and she was beside herself. "Can the government survive?" she said. It was just a congressman! He was a Democrat, powerful Democrat congressman from out in California. I met him a couple times.
• Alcee Hastings, federal district court judge impeached (1989) and convicted of soliciting a bribe. Nevertheless elected to U.S. House by the Democrats in Florida in 1992!
• Senator David Durenberger denounced by Senate for unethical financial transactions 1990.
• Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal implicates former Defense Secretary and Washington insider Clark Clifford (1991).
BCCI that was a Jimmy Carter Deal During his term in office.
• House Bank scandal (1992)
• Mary Rose Oakar (1992) allegations of "ghost employees" on payroll.
• President George H.W. Bush's pardon of six Iran-Contra affair figures on his last day in office ( January 20, 1993), days before the perjury trial of Casper Weinberger was scheduled to begin.
Well, it was a scandal only because the Democrats thought, "You can't do that! We had Weinberger nailed!" Weinberger was indicted the day before the election in 1992: a pure political indictment. That ought to be mentioned. Remember the special counsel on that? Lawrence Walsh. Political indictment. The day before the election, the Friday before the election, he indicted Weinberger. Democrats tried it again right before the election of 2000, leaking that Bush had a DWI he had never talked about, remember that?
• Travelgate (1993)
• Zoe Baird's nomination as Attorney General and Kimba Wood's subsequent near-nomination were derailed by past employment of illegal aliens as nannies. (1993)
Both nominated by President Clinton.
• Walter Fauntroy, Delegate to Congress from the District of Columbia, guilty plea regarding lying on financial disclosure form (1995)
• Wes Cooley (1996)
• Walter R. Tucker III of California resigned before bribery conviction (1996)
• Secretary of Agriculture Michael Espy forced to resign from office despite ultimate acquittal on criminal corruption charges (1998)
• Bruce ba-da ba-da ba-da Babbitt, Interior Secretary, independent probe (1998-2000) of alleged lying to Congress concerning influence of money in 1995 American Indian tribe casino decision finds no criminally prosecutable perjury by Babbitt.
• Vice-President Al Gore (1998) improper fundraising and "no controlling legal authority" defense.
This is those nuns out in California they bilked, the Buddhist nuns. Then he went out and said "no controlling legal authority."
• Whitewater scandal (1994-2000)
• Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich financial improprieties
• Dan "Rosty" Rostenkowski post office scandal (1994)
That's not even half of it. When they got to Rostenkowski's house in Illinois they found a bunch of furniture from his congressional office!
• Teamstergate: Ron Carey's and Bill Clinton's 1996 campaigns for the Presidency of the union and the US, respectively, swapped Teamster's Union general treasury funds into Clinton's campaign for Clinton Campaign funds into Ron Carey's campaign warchest. The Teamster's political director was jailed. No Clinton officials were charged. Carey's re-election was invalidated James Hoffa, Jr was elected when the Teamster election was rerun.
• Henry Cisneros resigns as Housing Secretary and, after lengthy probe that began in 1995, pleads guilty (1999) to lying to the FBI about money he paid former mistress; later pardoned by President Clinton in 2001(Possibly reclassify or cross-reference to Sex scandal)
• Pardongate (1999, 2001)
That's the Marc Rich pardon. We're just up to the year 2000 now, folks, and this just a list of scandals -- and Democrats want to talk about this "culture of corruption" out there? Nine out of ten of these that I've mentioned here are Democrats, and loads of them in the Clinton administration. Let's go.
• Linda Chavez, nomination as Secretary of Labor derailed by past employment of illegal alien. (2001)
• Jim Traficant (D-OH) we all know.
• Robert Torricelli bribery scandal (2002)
• Trent Lott resigned as Senate majority leader amid racial controversy
Yellow cake forgery, false evidence presented in the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
• That's still an ongoing controversy. To call this a scandal? We haven't even yet got to the bottom of this. Following that's the Valerie Plame affair.
• "Halliburton Company: is listed as a scandal, here. (laughing)
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, Tom DeLay, Bernard Kerik, Bush administration payment of columnists including Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher and Michael McManus. The Downing Street memo is listed. Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, and so on and so forth. This all from Wikipedia as they list the scandal from his 1975 to 1999. What's that? The House Bank Scandal? No, I mentioned it. It's here. I went through it earlier. The House Bank Scandal and the House post office scandal are both mentioned here.
RUSH: Other Democrat scandals? Let's not forget Massachusetts congressman Gary Studds and the little patty cake he was playing with those House pages. Remember that one? Remember that? How about Barney Frank, Stephen Gobie? Stephen Gobie, Barney's partner, running a... Well, a brothel-type thing ran in Barney's basement. Barney said he never knew it. Barney was also fixing parking tickets for the guy. Joe Biden. Joe Biden plagiarizing Neil Kinnock during a presidential primary that Biden quickly faded. The Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd waitress sandwich. This is a scandal that was repeated practically every night at La Brasserie in Washington, a restaurant that's now closed -- and I'm not making this up. It would either be Senator Kennedy on the bottom and Senator Dodd on the top and the waitress in the middle, or Dodd on the bottom, Kennedy on the top, and the waitress in the middle, hence the waitress sandwich. The governor of Kentucky, Paul Patton, was accused of pressuring his mistress, harassing her after she broke it off and then withdrawing Medicare money from her nursing home that she ran, remember that? If the Democrats want to play this culture of corruption game, let's just remind them there's a new media. Oh, Edwin Edwards of Louisiana! Gosh, we could probably take up the rest of the program today mentioning a bunch of Democrat scandals. By the way, Dave Durenberger is a Republican from Minnesota. I said he was a Democrat senator. What about New Jersey? The whole state's a culture of corruption there. New Jersey itself --which is, you know, Democrat-run state.
Clif said "Repugs like Tiny Moron in Texan are a LARGE part of the problem, he thinks Anny Tranny's slime and Lies will cover up Foley's TRUE crimes and the GOP's incompetence and criminal negligence.
ReplyDeleteHe sees No problem with their actions except they did not cover this scandal up until AFTER election day because this will be the 4th supposedly safe repug seat lost to the democratic party because of repug criminal behavior.
He is true repug slime in action."
exactly Clif this Halfwit Troll thinks that just like Rove he can cover up corruption, incompetence and down right evil merely by posting distractions by more incompetent fools like coulter......birds of a feather, he thinks that by changing the subject like a typical blog troll or hacking the blog he can be effectual at distracting from the real issues and/or silencing people, but just like his pathetic masters Bush, Rove, Coulter, Cheney he is totally incompetent and ineffectual he has driven no one off the blog and silenced no one, Coulter is a totally incompetent pathetic impotent bag of wind.
Repugs have no conscience to them its not wrong unless they get caught and convicted, our halfwit political operative made that distinction last week when he focused on the letter of the law instead of the spirit by focusing on the fact that Nixon like a true coward resigned before he would have surely been impeached yet TT triuphantly crows that Nixon WAS NEVER IMPEACHED.......news flash thats nothing to crow about son.
Mike said: "TT triuphantly crows that Nixon WAS NEVER IMPEACHED.......news flash thats nothing to crow about son.
ReplyDelete8:25 AM"
Well, Mike, it was news to you until I corrected you.
Funny MorominTexan, you list of slime from Rush( I suck down a couple oxycodone, befor I run off to the carribean with a bottle of little blue pills) has NO links to verify the truths of what he says. MINE does.
ReplyDeleteAnd My list has over 60 repug pedophiles, along with other repug hypocrits....not just smears witth NO proof.
If you think the American people think a consensual BLOW JOB between two adults is anywhere as sleazy as a 52 year old man text messaging a 16 year old boy about his body and sexual actions, your MORE delusional than I thought.
ReplyDeleteSon the repugs supposedly don't like either gay men, or pedophiles....try again.
ReplyDeleteRepugs clearly illustrate that they have no solutions to the current world problems many of which they played a key role in creating, all threy are is finger pointing "smear and fear" megalomaniac's, who are clearly living in the past, instead of offering solutions to our problems which occured DURING BUSH"s PRESIDENCY and DURING 12 YEARS OF REPUG CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL they attempt to rewrite history and deflect the blame onto the previous president..........that would be like in the wild west if a band of outlaws masacred a group of people and the cowardly lying sheriff blamed the previous sheriff for not capturing or killing the outlaws............REPUGS= NO ACCOUNTABILITY........REPUGS=ITS NOT WRONG UNLESS YOU GET CAUGHT AND CONVICTED!!
ReplyDeleteTT the defender of a gay repug pedophile.
ReplyDeleteTT who uses Limpman and Anny Tranny lies to defend a gay repug pedophile.
ReplyDeleteTT MUST think that Foley was OK, because he posts repug slime, not requests for his masters to clean upo their messes, and son I am not talking about their kleenex wipes, but an investigation as to why they need klennex with pages at all.
ReplyDeleteFoley is a disgusting creep, and I dont't defend him, or anyone like him. Clinton is a disgusting sexual predator that Mike defends and excuses.
ReplyDeleteSon Clinbton did not troll for 16 year old BOYS....try again a$$wipe
ReplyDeleteI'll ask this question again:
ReplyDeleteWho would you rather babysit your kids? Bush(43)? or Bill Clinton?
You are simply a repug slime who wants to make Clinton look bad, six years after Bush began his incompetendt, dishonest, criminal administration.
ReplyDeleteAnd the truth is coming out,
Condi HID a meeting where she WAS told something BAD was coming in July 2001.
And congress COVERED up for Foiley for YEARS
SAME answer FOOLE he does NOT coddle criminals, and pedophiles in HIS party.
ReplyDeleteBush is the one who claims he is RIGHT after all the facts tell the rest of us he has NO CLUE.
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton can admit his mistakes. BUSH can not.
ReplyDeleteYour as bad as Eichman ever was.
ReplyDeleteYou put party before country and facts.
ReplyDeleteTroll Tex said "Mike said: "TT triuphantly crows that Nixon WAS NEVER IMPEACHED.......news flash thats nothing to crow about son.
ReplyDelete8:25 AM"
Well, Mike, it was news to you until I corrected you"
Lying again Troll Tex, I KNEW NIXON WAS NEVER IMPEACHED......but resigning to avoid being impeached is the same thing in my book, obviously it isnt the same to you, thats like saying if I am about to be convicted of murder and sentenced to death and I flee before the sentence is pronounced and justice is executed that there is a difference, see to ypu sycophants legal inuendo and semantics mean something to to me wrong is is wrong regardless of wether you flee to avoid justice or were pardoned by another corrupt sychophant cronny.........molesting children is wrong regardless of wether you were pardoned or flee to avoid justice just as lying and criminal activity by Nixon was wrong regardless of wether he was formally impeached but evil doers like you love to hide behind semantics, nuances and technicalities, you crow that you fools are innocent unless proven guilty but yet try to rubber stamp laws that allow you and your ilk to make people disapear by labeling them a terrorist with no proof required but the sound of your own evil authoritarian megalomanic voice or your dislike or disdain you enemies of freedom are far more dangerous than ANY TERRORIST!
You post articles by slime meisters who play fast and loose with the truth for partisin political spin, when the trhtu would not support them.
ReplyDeleteBoth who have questional activities in their pasts. Both who HATE Clinton, but find NOTHING to critise Bush for, even though BUSH has BLOWN the past SIX years even worse than Monica ever did Clinton.
I would rather have Clinton babysit my kids than the evil tyranical and incompetent Bush who would probably be bullying or fighting them for the Nintendo or PS2.
ReplyDeleteYour OUT here throwing what ever you can because the truth of PRE 9-11 bush whiter House activities and Negligence is coming to light and it is being combined with the fact that The repug Congressional leadership coddled and enabled a pedophile in THEIR ranks, attempting to hide it until November to retain HIS seat.
ReplyDeleteParty before the law seems to be their mantra.
Repugs clearly illustrate that they have no solutions to the current world problems many of which they played a key role in creating, all threy are is finger pointing "smear and fear" megalomaniac's, who are clearly living in the past, instead of offering solutions to our problems which occured DURING BUSH"s PRESIDENCY and DURING 12 YEARS OF REPUG CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL they attempt to rewrite history and deflect the blame onto the previous president..........that would be like in the wild west if a band of outlaws masacred a group of people and the cowardly lying sheriff blamed the previous sheriff for not capturing or killing the outlaws............REPUGS= NO ACCOUNTABILITY........REPUGS=ITS NOT WRONG UNLESS YOU GET CAUGHT AND CONVICTED!!
ReplyDeleteThey'll gay bash and gay bash and gay bash, but when it comes to taking care of crime amongst their own, it's "Don't ask, don't tell."
ReplyDeleteTT, how do you feel, supporting pedodphilia? Makes you more of a man, I imagine.
LIKE ..I said TT you are pathetic, and NO patriot, just a party hack who is willing to sell out the IDEALS of the founding fathers for power.
ReplyDeleteYou are a clear and present danger to the United States Constitution, and the republic it was founded upon.
Babysit my kid?
At least he had sex with a consenting adult, while Bush condoned pedophilia...
Later guys, I got a medical appointment.
ReplyDeleteOh and BTW TT you do not need a life,
ReplyDeleteJust a Conscience
Let me just throw out this question to eveyone, but the trolls in particular..................a law was passed allowing our government to label someone a terrorist and with no evidence to imprison them without due process in a foreign prison where they may be tortured and that confession achieved DURING torture used to convict them in a secret military tribunal where they can be imprisoned for life or put to death, now many of the trolls here are spewing the party rhetoric that democrats want to give Al Qaeda and foreign terrorists the same rights we as Americans are entitled to under the Constitution.........my question to you is: DO YOU SUPPORT REGULAR AMERICAN CITIZENS BEING DENIED THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO DUE PROCESS AND A FAIR TRIAL WITH PROPER UNBIASED REPRESENTATION OF THEIR CHOICE AS WELL AS ACCESS TO THEIR CHARGES AND THE EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM AND A TRIAL BY THEIR PEERS OR DO YOU PREFER THAT AMERICAN CITIZENS MAY BE SEIZED, IMPRISONED INDEFINATELY, TORTURED AND CONVICTED SECRETLY IN A FOREIGN LAND BY A SECRET MILITARY TRIBUNAL SIMILAR TO WHAT HITLER DID TO MAKE PEOPLE HE DID NOT LIKE OR WHO OPPOSED HIM DISAPEAR?????
ReplyDeleteListen to Rush Limbaugh online
ReplyDeleteI said way back in January that what is going on is a classic power grab and that the fascist Neo Cons ruling our country would first asttempt to control the media and the masses access to information which the government will use to deceive, influence and manipulate the masses to help them in their quest for absolute power, I then said they would change our laws and dismantle our Constitution and personal; freedoms albeit slowly at first to not alarm the masses or clue them into what is really going on, once all the laws are in place and the people in power have absolute power or close to it, powerful and influential voices of opposition and political opponents will start to disapear...........unfortunately I was far more right than I wanted to be, we have seen for years now that the MSM is in Bush's pocket and firmly controlled by the Reich Wing, and even more disturbing we have seen laws enacting to allow people to essentially disappear and be imprisoned indefinately with no due process, the government doesnt have to give the person a timely trial or day in court, doesnt have to present charges or evidence and doesnt have to let a trial of the persons peers edecide his fate, according to the Nazi's in power a "SECRET" military tribunal can decide a regular Americans fate with no public record, legal representation, or judicial oversight.
ReplyDeleteTHAT SCARES ME FAR MORE THAN ANY TERRORIST, in fact i'll the evil men that want to turn our country into a authoritarian police state reminiscent of Orwell's 1984 scare me far more than a rag tag band of rogue terrorist cells
Look its Rusty the Halfwit troll, are interest rates at 25 year lows halfwit????
ReplyDeleteLOL you are the stupidist troll I have met Interest rates have gone up 500% and you claim they are at 25 year lows.......hey Elmer Fudd, how is the mansion and yacht have you been jetsetting with anyother casino moguls.....LOL stupid pathetic halfwit loser you TT and Moo Moo belong together a bunch of dumb as dirt halfwit losers.
Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, wrote an article about fascism
ReplyDeletewhich appeared in Free Inquiry magazine, a journal of humanist
thought. Dr. Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany),
Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet
(Chile). He found the regimes all had 14 things in common, and he calls
these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The article is "Fascism
Anyone?," Lawrence Britt, Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20.
The 14 characteristics are:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans,
symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as
are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights -
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in
fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in
certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way
or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long
incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause-
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to
eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious
minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is
given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the
domestic agenda i s neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-
dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made
more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-
gay legislation and national policy.
6. Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in
other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation,
or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship,
especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in
the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and
terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major
tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's
policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the
ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually
beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist
government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely
suppressed .
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher
education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other
academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is
openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to
enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and
even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a
national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and
associates who appoint each other to government positions and use
governmental power and authority to protect their friends from
accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national
resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen
by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times
elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even
assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control
voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the
media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate
or control elections.
Any of this sound familiar?
What’’s coming
ReplyDeleteWhen all fascisms exhibit the same social and political agendas (the
14 points listed by Britt), then it is not hard to predict where a new
fascist uprising will lead. And it is not hard. The actions of fascists
and the social and political effects of fascism and fundamentalism
are clear and sobering. Here is some of whats coming, what will be
happening in our country in the next few years:
The theft of all social security funds, to be transferred to those who
control money, and the increasing destitution of all those
dependent on social security and social welfare programs.
Rising numbers of uninsured people in this country that already has
the highest percentage of citizens without health insurance in
the developed world.
Increased loss of funding for public education combined with
increased support for vouchers, urging Americans to entrust
their children’’s education to Christian schools.
More restrictions on civil liberties as America is turned into the
police state necessary for fascism to work
Withdrawal of virtually all funding for National Public Radio and
the Public Broadcasting System. At their best, these media
sometimes encourage critical questioning, so they are correctly
seen as enemies of the state’’s official stories.
The reinstatement of a draft, from which the children of privileged
parents will again be mostly exempt, leaving our poorest
children to fight and die in wars of imperialism and greed that
could never benefit them anyway. (That was my one-sentence
Veterans’’ Day sermon for this year.)
More imperialistic invasions: of Iran and others, and the
construction of a huge permanent embassy in Iraq.
More restrictions on speech, under the flag of national security.
Control of the internet to remove or cripple it as an instrument of
free communication that is exempt from government control.
This will be presented as a necessary anti-terrorist measure.
Efforts to remove the tax-exempt status of churches like this one,
and to characterize them as anti-American.
Tighter control of the editorial bias of almost all media, and
demonization of the few media they are unable to control ––
the New York Times, for instance.
Continued outsourcing of jobs, including more white-collar jobs, to
produce greater profits for those who control the money and
direct the society, while simultaneously reducing America’’s
workers to a more desperate and powerless status.
Moves in the banking industry to make it impossible for an
increasing number of Americans to own their homes. As they
did in the 1930s, those who control the money know that it is
to their advantage and profit to keep others renting rather than
Criminalization of those who protest, as un-American, with arrests,
detentions and harassment increasing. We already have a
higher percentage of our citizens in prison than any other
country in the world. That percentage will increase.
In the near future, it will be illegal or at least dangerous to say the
things I have said here this morning. In the fascist story, these
things are un-American. In the real history of a democratic
America, they were seen as profoundly patriotic, as the kind of
critical questions that kept the American spirit alive —— the
kind of questions, incidentally, that our media were supposed
to be pressing.
Can these schemes work? I don’’t think so. I think they are murderous,
rapacious and insane. But I don’’t know. Maybe they can. Similar
schemes have worked in countries like Chile, where a democracy in
which over 90% voted has been reduced to one in which only about 20%
vote because they say, as Americans are learning to say, that it no longer
matters who you vote for.
Gold Understands the Fed's Profligacy
ReplyDeleteApril 2nd, 2006
Robert McHugh, Ph.D.
There has been a rumor floating around the internet the past few days, suggesting the Fed is busy printing $2.0 trillion. I probably had 200 subscribers email it to me. Thanks. I don't know if that is remotely true or not, but precious metals are certainly behaving as if it is. The thrust up we have been waiting for in Gold has started, Gold catapulting $23.00 this week to $583.00. Silver has also done nicely, and has now gone parabolic. The problem with parabolic spikes is that all bets are off as to where the top comes in. The ascension becomes vertical until exhaustion, then a dramatic decline usually follows. Silver was up 0.77 this week to close at 11.50. Oil is rising sharply, up $2.60 a barrel to 66.86. These are inflation assets. It suggests a surge in inflation is coming, a surge in the kidnapped M-3 figure no doubt. U.S. Bonds agree, dropping like someone glued them to rocks and tossed them off a high rise, down two points this week to close Friday to 109^06. None of the above surprises us, as the charts have all suggested this was coming for a while now. It is just that, once it comes, it still takes your breath away.
Speaking of interest rates, the Fed raised the Federal Funds interest rate by one-quarter of a percent for the fifteenth time in a row, to 4.75 percent, accomplishing this with the power of suggestion rather than open market operations. In other words, they are raising interest rates at the same time they are increasing the money supply, which is not supposed to happen in a free market. It has been going on like this for a while now. It is called central planning.The Fed left the impression that more rate hikes were coming. Sure there are. It is their feeble and suicidal attempt to support the Dollar while they paint our economy with the next generation of Continentals, you know, the fiat currency that financed the Revolutionary war, which collapsed worthless shortly thereafter, and was quickly replaced by a precious metals backed currency and coinage. Suicidal because if rates rise much further, along with the stealth Federal Reserve bank examiner curtailment of commercial real estate lending policy, consumer and small business spending will go negative. Now class, can anyone spell the word R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N?
Here's a fascinating stat: Since the Fed announced it would hide the M-3 number, Gold has risen $123.11 or 26.4 percent. Since the Fed has actually stopped reporting M-3 two weeks ago, Gold has risen $39, or 7.1 percent. Gold understands the nonsense going on at the Fed. Of course, M3 has been kidnapped by the Federal Reserve, an institution that has forgotten that this great nation, America, is of the people, by the people, and for the people. The Fed has forgotten that it is a public servant, not the king, and is accountable to We, the people as our U.S. Constitution says in its first three words. The purpose of a Constitution is that it lays out the laws that government, in its servant position, must follow. Our government is subservient to the people, not the other way around, which makes America different, and makes America great. When government-appointed institutions, like the Federal Reserve, decide to hide their activities from public scrutiny, nothing good can come of it.
On March 7th, United States Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, introduced House Resolution 4892, in the 109th Congress, 2nd session. Cosponsoring the bill was Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina.This bill would require the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to continue to make available to the public on a weekly basis information on the measure of the M3 monetary aggregate, and its components, and for other purposes.
Please contact your congressional representative and ask her or him to vote For H.R. 4892. This is critical if We the people are going to be able to hold the Federal Reserve accountable for its profligate monetary actions. You can simply do a Google search, loading your Representative by name, and an email button will come up. If you load in the word "Congressman" or "Senator," you will be taken to a window where you can find your representative. This is critical if we are to protect the concept of free markets in America.
Read this paragraph from the previous article I posted and substitue Bush Administration for fed
ReplyDelete"an institution that has forgotten that this great nation, America, is of the people, by the people, and for the people. The Fed has forgotten that it is a PUBLIC SERVANT, NOT THE KING, AND IS ACCOUNTABLE TO WE, THE PEOPLE as our U.S. Constitution says in its first three words. The purpose of a Constitution is that it lays out the laws that government, in its SERVANT POSITION, MUST FOLLOW. OUR GOVENMENT IS SUBSERVIENT TO THE PEOPLE, not the other way around, which makes America different, and makes America great. When government-appointed institutions, like the Federal Reserve, decide to hide their activities from public scrutiny, nothing good can come of it.
In fact lets focus on this last sentence "When government institutions, decide to hide their activities from public scrutiny, nothing good can come of it.
Remember that next time Bush lobbies for secret military tribunals to decide the fate and deny Constitutional protections from regular Americans they can attach a label to and deny those rights to, torture imprison indefinatrely.
and Also remember that phrase when Bush attempts to destroy the checks and balances and circumvent oversight by classifying anything that casts him in a dammaging light or he wants to surpress from coming out because it might thwart is evil self serving agenda and grab for absolute power.
When government institutions, decide to hide their activities from public scrutiny, nothing good can come of it.
Torture is like a disease it is even happening right here in the USA, not just in secret prisons that is why it is SO IMPORTANT not to lose our moral compass and let these evil men erode our sense of right and wrong and what is acceptable, hate grows and feeds off of hate just as love grows and feeds off of love, if we open the pandora's box by legitimizing and condoning torture other countrys will do the same and civility will give way to chaos and perpetual war and evil and sadistic torture and abuses of human rights and dignity will spread around the globe like a malignant cancer as will hatred and MORE anti American sentiment thus aiding the terrorists in their recruitment and cause and making Americans far less safe thanks to the bush Administrations incompetence and sheer evil. These people are totally inept and incompetent and have failed at just about everything they have ever done and yet they are still controlling our country, they are not fit to run a lemonade stand and yet the incompetent rubberstamping repug congress has controlled our country for over 12 years while the Neo Con Fools have ruled our country for about 6 years, so for the previous 6 years the repugs have dominated our government and firmly held the reigns or power and been in charge but sadly like a typical repug they shun accountability and attempt to deflect the blame for All their failures onto the previous President and his administration.
Rusty do you have a reading comprehension problem also like your buddy Troll Tex, I clearly stated the Fed Funds rate MANY TIMES not the prime rare halfwit put your dunce cap back on and go sit in the corner or crawl back under your rock or bridge
ReplyDeletetypical repug getting caught with their foot in their mouth and using symantics and word games to try and weasel out of accountability........I CLEARLY SAID FED FUNDS RATE "MANY" times last week.........and AND YET YOU DISHONESTLY ATTEMPT TO PULL A BAIT AND SWITCH AND START TALKING ABOUT THE PRIME RATE like a lying hack, INSTEAD OF BEING A MAN ADMITTING YOUR MISTAKE AND SAYING YOU WERE WRONG YOU DISHONESTLY LIE AND TRY TO REFRAE THE DEBATE WHICH IS THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE INTO A FANTASY ARGUMENT WHICH NEITHER OF US MADE SO YOU CAN DEFLECT THE ISSUES AND TRUE TO SAVE FACE......its so sad that that is what the repugs have been reduced to deflecting the heat from their lies, coruption, incompetence, and out right evil by using "smear and fear", slanderous personal attacks, the old bait and switch where they falsely and dishonesty reconstruct our positions and arguments so they are easier for them to attack and counter and semantics and word games, its truly sad and pathetic that they fear facts and honest debate so MUCH they have to resort to Troll tactics.
ReplyDeleteeven if we were talking about the prime rate Rusty which is a lie, you claimed interest rates were at 25 year lows and since the prime rate has almost doubled that is a lie as well.
ReplyDeleteeven the 10 year treasury rate has gone up and is not at a 25 year low, but i'm sure you werent refering to that as that might call attention to the inverted yield curve a clear sign the economy is not healthy.
Mike, don't you have end-of-the-month reports to do?
ReplyDeleteA little upset are we trolls............well I cant blame you with all the lies and incompetence that has come to light, you are traitors and enemies to freedom and the constituition you prefer to silence and intimidate people and to take away the freedom of speech of those who don not agree with you..........but just like Coulter and your incompetent Neo Con masters you are a bunch of bumbling incompetent blowhard fools incapable of silencing anyone.
ReplyDeleteactually Troll Tex, I do have end of the month reports to do but i'm having to much fun holding you incompentent traitors and enemies of freedom accountable to leave, i'll be here all day, despite your incompetent attempts to try and silence me and hack the blog, your as much of an impotent bumbling fool as Coulter and your Neo Con masters who arent qualified to run a lemonade stand much less a country....the only confidence I have in that pack of fools is confidence they will fail, when Bush fails like usually daddy will get his useless son a job, but what about Coulter when the repug sychophants lose power and the deep pocketed enablers no longer find that evil hag usuful she will never work again because all she is, is a lying hateful, evil hag with no talent whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteAs for freedoms we have lost Dusty I would say the the right to assemble and express your self as evidenced by Cindy Sheehan being arrested, as well as the right to privacy since everything we do from phone calls to the Internet to financial tranaction are being monitored, which to me is akin to soldiers or government officials invading or home since talking on the phone or computer is usually done in the privacy of ones home.
ReplyDeletebut the real point Dusty is not the freedoms wehave lost as of right now, but it is where this could lead and what this information COULD BE USED FOR DOWN THE ROAD, it could be used to get dirt on political enemies, to sway elections, to set people up, learn voting preferences, to convict people with out evidence etc....
and lastly all these freedoms we have given up and all the possible future threats to freedom have not resulted in one conviction on terorism.
GWB said the terrorists hate us for our freedom and yet he is willing to give up those very freedoms that make us special and surender and let the terrorists win. I for one am not willing to give up my freedom or privacy to let uncle government protect me, What happened to
"Give me liberty or give me death"
Patrick Henry
"those that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"
Ben Franklin
That is complete BS that liberals or Dems are weak on defense that is the partisan spin Rove uses to deceive the masses and Bubba in SC to vote repug, everyone here is for weeding out the true terrorists and securing our borders and ports and saying anything different is a dishonest lie.
ReplyDeleteI am all for keeping us safe and Bush has done nothing to do that, he has practicly abandoned Afghanistan, the war on terrorism and the search for Osama (the guy that attacked us) to invade an oil rich country that had nothing to do with the terrorists who attacked us for his self serving reasons. He has done nothing to secure our borders and ports in the 6 or so years he has been in office despite every other word out of his mouth being that he is out to protect us and keep us safe.
in fact he has not only not done anything with our ports but he sold port security to a middle eastern country not the wisest thing to do particularly from people claiming muslims should be converted or exterminated.
Every single one of our repug controlled intelligence agencies has clearly stated that invading Iraq which is what Bush the incompetent halfwit staked his presidency on is making our country much less safe!
Lastly not only has Bush DONE NOTHING TO KEEP US SAFE, but he has circumvented defied and and and trampled on the Constitution all in the name of keeping us safe while in fact we are much LESS SAFE due to his foolish policies.
TT - Rush Limbaugh is someone whom you should never quote. He has ZERO credibility and not just for being a couch potato collecting unemployment for 2 years as he cried on his wife's strong shoulder. He has the most obnoxious voice of arrogance and bluster.
ReplyDeleteThis is a man who needs humility in order to get and stay sober, and I'm sad that he chooses to lie instead.
Nothing is worse than the Republican culture of pro-family values hypocrites who talk about "morality" while destroying our country, robbing the poor, murdering our troops and preying on innocent children. And now this: Iraq has not been rebuilt because Bush chose 24-year old "loyalist" Republicans rather than experts in rebuilding hospitals and emergency rooms in Iraq. He fired the most heralded experts for the job who would have re-done all the hospitals and economic system. INstead he hired a kid to set up an Iraqi stock market and a medical director who sat around making lists of phramacuetical drugs the Iraqis didn't need and never will. By the way, he forgot to place the order for the medicines they most needed or to update the emergency rooms or bring anesthesia to the Iraqi hospitals.
This is criminal. Everything Bush has done is criminal. He should be impeached, indicted and throw in prison.
And the repugs greatest fear is losing control of Congress because when the congressional hearings and true oversight begins and all the dirt comes to light it will lay bare the republicans self serving agenda as well as the fact that not only have they done nothing to keep us safe and protect us, but they could care less about catching or stopping the real terrorists, 9/11 and all the tough talk and fear tactics and war mongering is about nothing more than opening up the Middle East to Imperial opportunism, the elite and the energy giants will benefit tremendously from overthrowing those govenments in Iran and Iraq that were hostile to us so American energy companies can make fortunes developing their reserves, thats what the bait and switch was about when we forsook the war on terror to invade Iraq.
WE were not at war. We were the victims of a terrorist attack by a group of terrorists. Bush invented an endless war.
Bush is responsible for all these deaths. Death and destruction is all he has accomplished in his entire tenure. These are his fruits. Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them."
Evil creates death.
lydia said "STRENGTH LIES IN INTELLIGENCE. Democrats are stronger on terror because we know the value of human life. We will win the war on terror by gathering our forces and fortifying our homeland. By first bringing our troops home and strengthening our own borders, ports, airports and train stations and using our resources wisely. We can't afford to lose a single human life. We've lost over 2,600 troops, and another 16,000 missing arms and legs, and we've spent over 300 billion dollars on a war that has DEFINITELY CREATED MORE HATRED AND TERRORISM throughout the whole world against us.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats will go out and communicate with our enemies: we will bridge the gap and open diplomatic channels. Syria, who was helping us right after 911 will be helping us again. Everyone wants to be on the side of the Peacemaker who brings a higher vision to conflict. In the time that George Bush and the Three Stooges have been in power, they have created more enemies than ever before in America's history. This is the most shameful time in our country. We must get these primitive self-serving oil barons and Neanderthals out of power before they destroy the world."
Lydia, that is one of your best posts, I couldnt have said it better, right on on all counts!!!!!!
Torture is like a disease it is even happening right here in the USA, not just in secret prisons that is why it is SO IMPORTANT not to lose our moral compass and let these evil men erode our sense of right and wrong and what is acceptable, hate grows and feeds off of hate just as love grows and feeds off of love, if we open the pandora's box by legitimizing and condoning torture other countrys will do the same and civility will give way to chaos and perpetual war and evil and sadistic torture and abuses of human rights and dignity will spread around the globe like a malignant cancer as will hatred and MORE anti American sentiment thus aiding the terrorists in their recruitment and cause and making Americans far less safe thanks to the bush Administrations incompetence and sheer evil. These people are totally inept and incompetent and have failed at just about everything they have ever done and yet they are still controlling our country, they are not fit to run a lemonade stand and yet the incompetent rubberstamping repug congress has controlled our country for over 12 years while the Neo Con Fools have ruled our country for about 6 years, so for the previous 6 years the repugs have dominated our government and firmly held the reigns or power and been in charge but sadly like a typical repug they shun accountability and attempt to deflect the blame for All their failures onto the previous President and his administration.
News bulletin
ReplyDeleteBush speaks out against wiretapping ruling
August 18, 2006
Email this Print this By DEB RIECHMANN
GWB said "The first reaction of course of Hezbollah and its supporters is to declare victory. I guess I WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING IF I WERE THEM, Bush said. Sometimes it takes people awhile to come to the sober realization of what forces create stability and what dont"
Typical repug declare victory regardless of weather it is warranted or not, BTW I wonder if Bush has come to the realization of what creates stability and what doesnt in Iraq????
News bulletin
ReplyDeleteBush speaks out against wiretapping ruling
August 18, 2006
Email this Print this By DEB RIECHMANN
CAMP DAVID, Md. President George W. Bush said those who agree with a federal judge in Detroit that his warrantless surveillance program is unconstitutional simply do not understand the nature of the world in which we live.
This country of ours is at war, the president said Friday. And we must give those whose responsibility it is to protect the United States the tools necessary to protect this country in a time of war.
The day before, the judge struck down the National Security Agencys warrantless wiretapping program, ruling it was an unconstitutional infringement on the right to privacy and free speech. Upon Bush s orders, the Justice Department appealed within hours.
I strongly disagree with this decision. Strongly disagree, he said of the ruling by U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union.
Bush suggested he sees the issue as a politically potent one in a year when most of Congress is up for re-election, and GOP control of the Capitol is in danger.
I made my position clear, he said. Itll be interesting to see what other policymakers how other policymakers react."
typical hippocritical repug, using fear tactics and calling it a war only when it is convienient for them, and saying it is not a war in order to defy the Geneva Convention to condone torture and deny due process to prisoners od war.
As for keeping us safe Bush made it abundantly clear that politics is more important than keeping us safe both domestically as well as our soldiers, supporting torture makes our soldiers less safe, and abandoning the war on terror to invade iraq as well as condoning torture and doing nothing to secure our ports and borders or prepare for disasters in almost 6 years in office. Bush trots out the fear tactics for political gain whenever an election is coming up or whenever one of his illegal policies is shot down and ruled unconstitutional, but with close to 6 years in office he has done almost nothing to make our country safer, in fact we are much less safe due to his inflamatory policies that destroy trust and breed ill will and hatred, even from former allies.
BTW, didnt GWB declare victory and say the war was over in may of 2003.............typical repug, declare victory wether it is true or not and twist the facts to suit your self serving agenda.
ReplyDeletemean if the war is over, then Bush cant keep saying we are still at war to justify his illegal unconstitutional programs..............and if what is going on in Iraq is his idea of "victory" and "Mission Acomplished", i'd hate to see his version of defeat and a failed mission, it would be downright scary, Bush and the Neo Cons dont just wear rose colored glasses, they have rose colored prescription windshields on their BMW's and Bentley's.
ReplyDeleteBoth regulations suggest in the name to aid in protecting the country, an euphemism is used to hide the true contents - the removal of basic/civil rights. The Patriot Act also uses patriotism to gain acceptance.
The occasion
Patriot Act
The 9/11 attacks were used as an occasion and to declare a threat to national security. “Of course” it was “necessary” to react to this threat “adequately”. The attacs were performed by terrorists according to the widely accepted opinion, although conspiration theories (the Wikipedia even has a category for them) say that the government performed the attacks to justify regulations like for example the Patriot Act and to get agreement for them.
Reichstag Fire Decree
The occasion was also an act of terrorism: The Reichstag was torched. Whether it was really one or more communist terrorist(s) or the NSDAP (Nazi Party) staged it to make takeover easier is still disputed today - but it was disputed also in 1933, when the Decree was created.
The Bulldog Manifesto
ReplyDeleteThe Reichstag Fire, 9/11, and Anthrax
What was the Reichstag Fire?
The Reichstag fire is an extremely pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi Germany. It began on the night of February 27, 1933, when a Berlin fire station received an alarm that the Reichstag ("Parliament") building was ablaze. The fire seemed to have been started in several places, and by the time the police and firemen arrived a huge explosion had set nearly the entire building on fire. Looking for clues, the police quickly found Marinus van der Lubbe, half-naked, cowering behind the building. Van der Lubbe was a mentally ill former Dutch Communist and unemployed bricklayer who had been floating around Europe for the last two years prior to 1933.
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring arrived soon after, and when they were shown Van der Lubbe, a known Communist agitator, Göring immediately declared the fire was set by the Communists and had the party leaders arrested. Hitler took advantage of the situation to declare a state of emergency and encouraged aging president Paul von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolishing most of the human rights provisions of the 1919 Weimar Republic constitution.
Prior to the fire, and during the election campaign in which Hitler eventually won, the Nazis had run on a platform of hysterical anti-communism, insisting that Germany was on the verge of a Communist revolution, and that the only way to stop the revolution was to pass the Enabling Act. The Enabling Act was a special power allowed by the Weimar Constitution to give the Chancellor (in this case, Hitler) the power to pass laws by decree, without the involvement of the Reichstag. The Enabling Act was only supposed to be used in times of extreme emergency. In fact, Hitler's platform during the campaign comprised little more than demands that voters increase the Nazi share of seats so that the Enabling Act could be passed.
The Reichstag Fire allowed Hitler to accelerate the banning of the Communist Party and was used to confirm Nazi claims of a pending Communist revolution. The Nazis argued the Reichstag fire was meant to serve as a signal to launch the revolution, and warned the German public about the grisly fate they would suffer under Communist rule. Eventually, the Nazis got their wish. They managed to pass the Enabling Act-- essentially turning Adolph Hitler into the Supreme Ruler of Germany. Eventually, Hitler managed to "parlay" this supremacy into the genocide known as the Holocaust.
Years later, after the fall of the Third Reich, at the Nuremberg trials, General Franz Halder claimed Göring had confessed to setting the fire:
"At a luncheon on the birthday of Hitler in 1942, the conversation turned to the topic of the Reichstag building [fire] and its artistic value. I heard with my own ears when Göring interrupted the conversation and shouted: 'The only one who really knows about the Reichstag is I, because I set it on fire!' With that he slapped his thigh with the flat of his hand."
What was 9/11?
9/11 was an extremely pivotal event in the establishment of a Neoconservative America. It started one morning when four (4) planes were hijacked..... And from all accounts, it was an open and shut case. Although there was no 'half-naked person cowering behind the wreckage,' like the Reichstag's Van der Lubbe, there was, within a few days following the hijackings, amazingly detailed dossiers on each of the hijackers. Luckily, each of the hijackers left copies of the Koran, box cutters, and aircraft piloting manuals in the trunk of their rental cars parked at the airport. But even more amazing, on September 12, Senator Orrin Hatch said "the US was monitoring bin Laden supporters and overheard them discussing the attack." [AP, 9/12/01] (Somehow, this little tidbit has always been lost in the shuffle. I wonder 'why'?).
Prior to taking control of Washington, the Neocons were already planning on invading Iraq. But there was no public support for such a campaign prior to 9/11. Moreover, prior to 9/11, on three occasions, President George W. Bush publicized his envy of dictatorships:
"You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier." - Bush describing life as the governor of Texas. (Governing Magazine 7/98)
"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked. (CNN 12/18/00)
"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it," [Bush] said. (Business Week 7/30/01)
On October 2, 2001, The Patriot Act is introduced in Congress. The next day, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D) accuses the Bush administration of reneging on an agreement on this anti-terrorist bill. [Washington Post, 10/4/01] Anthrax letters are sent to Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D) on October 9. [CNN, 11/18/01]
For the next few weeks, the country is freaked out (and rightfully so!) by a series of anthrax letters that reach not just the two Democratic Senators, but also various media companies who have been previously labeled as "liberal" by the right wing. During this scare, it is speculated that the letters are being sent from al-Qaeda or perhaps Iraq. During this scare, the Anthrax story is front page news, discussed almost 24 hours a day on the various news channels.
After an FBI investigation, it turns out that the Anthrax letters contain an anthrax strain which originates from a US Army base and that the likely source of the letter is a US government insider. But for some strange reason, this AMAZING FACT is hardly covered by the major media outlets. And after the revelation, the story becomes hardly discussed eventhough, to this day, the anthrax case has not been solved. (or has it?)
Nevertheless, 9/11 and the anthrax scare are used by the Neocons and President Bush to take the country to war against Iraq. It turns out that Iraq had absolutely no connection to the 9/11 attacks nor the anthrax attacks.
This seemingly neverending White House-sponsored orgy of 9/11 rhetoric, recrimination and revenge is treacherously similar to the Nazi orgy. (of course, it is not identical, but the similarities are certainly worthy of recognition.) Few Americans believe the Bush Administration had a part in bringing down the World Trade Center (whether directly or via gross negligence) in 2001. But the conviction is widespread throughout Europe and the Muslim world, and perhaps for good reason.
Similar to Germany's Hitler, Bush also came to power with a minority of votes (remember, he didn't even win the popular vote in 2000) and has since exploited the terrible tragedies of September 11 in much the same way the Nazis exploited the Reichstag fire. Bush has used American fear and anger, which has resulted from the tragedies of 9/11 and anthrax, to push an extreme rightist (Neocon) agenda aimed at devouring civil liberties, muting dissent, fattening a war machine (see Halliburton and Bechtel), and arrogating the right to unilaterally attack other countries without tangible and/or legal provocation.
Concurrently, with all of this, the Neocons have shamelessly mounted assaults against the natural environment, social security, human rights, organized labor, and a wide range of international treaties, including the Geneva Convention. Combining fear with elements of patriotism and religion, the Bush regime has strong-armed its way into an overtly militaristic and imperialistic policy aimed at taking over the world's greatest oil assets, including the Iraqi oil fields and the Afghanistan pipeline.
Ironically, the conservatives profess themselves to be staunch opponents of Big Government. Yet so-called "Patriotic conservatives" and Neocons have trashed virtually every guarantee of individual freedom on which American greatness has been built. Under the guise of fighting terrorism and national security, the administration has become the ultimate anti-Constitutional terrorist-- going so far as detaining hundreds of people for years without charges ever being brought against them, without trials, hearings, or the right to counsel. And even more disgusting, these so-called patriots support the use of torture-- ultimate acts of barbarism and terrorism.
7/13/2005 11:38:00 PM |Permalink | E-mail this post
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ReplyDeleteHow can you focus on all the rights that Bush has taken away from Americans?
How can you talk about the constant deaths of Iraqi citizens and of US soldiers?
How can you talk about all those things that poor Bush doesn't have time to deal with?
Poor Bush has an administration that are overrun with perverts, criminals and thieves.
Bush has an administration of criminal, moral and sexual degenerates that he would rather play house with, than work on the mess he is making of America.
Bush, Hassert and Frist has always been, and still are supporters of Foley and the other republican deviates that call themselves congress.
Bush has to many friends to protect, how can he be expected to protect America?
The Bulldog Manifesto
ReplyDelete9/11 -- The Gift That Keeps on Giving
(I feel a rant coming on......)
So what if the Bush administration wants to conduct illegal wiretaps, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration wants to attack a country that has never attacked us and was not a threat to us, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration wants to take away all my liberties, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration outs a CIA operative in order to smear a political opponent, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration has encumbered more foreign debt in the past five years then all of the preceding administrations did combined, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration paid American journalists to write deceptive and administration-friendly news stories, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration hasn't enacted an exit plan in Iraq, they are fighting the terrorists!
So what if the Bush administration has destroyed the United States' reputation overseas, they are fighting the terrorists!
Wanna break the law? Invoke 9/11!
Wanna start a war? Invoke 9/11!
Wanna piss on the Constitution? Invoke 9/11!
Wanna make sure your family business profits off the war? Invoke 9/11!
Wanna fuck with people you just don't like? Invoke 9/11!
Wanna make your political adversary look like a treasonous bastard? Invoke 9/11!
I'm so sick and tired of 9/11. The Bush regime uses 9/11 like a heroin addict uses a spoon. It's the ultimate political weapon. Meanwhile, ignorant bastards keep driving around town in their cars with their "9/11- Never Forget" bumper stickers. That's akin to a southern slave in the 1800's wearing a shirt that says "I Need to Be Whipped Some Mo' Masseh"
For god's sake, who has gained the most from 9/11? Who? Isn't it obvious?
your right larry the repugs in power are a bunch of ruberstamping enablers, criminals and perverts and sexual deviants.
ReplyDeleteNo Rusty you are the Fool, I SPECIFICALLY SAID THE FED FUND RATES "AT LEAST" 4 times but even if we were talking about the prime rate halfwit it still has almost doubled and simple logic would tell any 1st grader that if something doubles it can not be at 25 year lows genius.
Rusty the village idiot said "You friggin idiot,why dont you tell the familys of the almost three thousand who died on 9-11 to forget about it.The lenghts you go to show your stupidity are amazing"
ReplyDeleteno i'll leave that to that lying hag Coulter she's the one telling people they dont have a right to speak out on 9/11.............you fools are all for freedom of speech as long as the person exercising that freedom doesnt disagree with you.
What do they expect?
ReplyDeletePoor Condi Rice can't seem to recall the warning from then CIA chief George Tenet, that there was an impending attack on America, just two months before 9/11.
How can Condi be expected to remember something to trivial when she she has loverboy Georgie to impress?
How can Condi be expected to remember something so trivial, when she has to fight with Karen Hughes for the affections of loverboy Georgie?
How can Condi be expected to remember something so trivial when stabbing Powell in the back to get his job is more important?
How can poor Condi be expected to concentrate on our National Security, when she has love on her mind?
Didnt Condi Rice publicly lie that Richard Clarke and the Clinton Administration Didnt leave them a comprehensive plan to deal with terrorism......how many times to we have to sit back and tolerate the lies, incompetence, criminal activities, corruption and ouright evil........the repugs are a culture of corruption.
ReplyDeleteI see the halfwit troll ran away and slithered back under his rock or bridge.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that Hassert will go down with the Foley ship as that old blowhard is nothing but corrupt.
ReplyDeleteI just cant fathom how other congress men, (men trusted to run our country) could just look the other way while a pervert and sexual predator trolls for and persues minor children.
ReplyDeleteMaybe most of those looking the other way are doing something similar or worse.
ReplyDeleteLarry if this doesnt get people to open their eyes and see that the oversight and the checks and balances not to mention the moral compass of our country's leaders is broken and dysfunctional I dont know what will.
ReplyDeletelike I said repug=culture of coruption!
ReplyDeleteNew Mason-Dixon poll shows Democrats may take the Senate.
ReplyDeleteLike James Carville said, if the Democrats can't win now, then they need to rethink the party.
BTW Dusty since it is a fact that left wing blogs are being monitored by the Federal Government I have to ask that when due to lack of money and limited resources we essentially abandoned the war on terror in Afghanistan and disbanded the CIA unit tasked with capturing Bin Laden, and our troops dont have enough armor or equipment, and we dont have enough troops to fight the war properly and we dont have enough money to secure our borders and ports and there isnt enough money to fund Homeland Security and to pay the Meteorologists to provide more advanced warnings of hurricaines and other natural disasters, how can you justify paying federal workers to monitor liberal blogs...............................................................
ReplyDeleteI mean Every other word out of Bush's mouth is how he is protecting us and keeping us safe, how then can he justify spending our limited budget and funding on monitoring and/or silencing people who disent with your political views rather than protecting our nation as he claims.
Its ludicris, after all its not the liberals and progressives blowing up airplanes and killing our citizens, its the terrorists and yet.........despite all his rhetoric about protecting us and keeping us safe, Bush and his Neo Con Cronnies care more about politics and spying on their political enemies than protecting our nation, this is clearly evidenced by Bush using taxpayer funded resources to monitor Liberal Blogs instead of:
1) Using our limited resources to weed out or capture Osama, Al Qaeda and The Taliban
2) Better funding the CIA and other intelligence units tasked with capturing Osama and key Al Qaeda Members.
3)Giving our troops adequate armour and equipment
4) providing adequate troop levels to get the job done and insure our troops safety
5)Securing our borders and ports
6) better funding Homeland Security so they are better prepaired and able to respond to disasters both natural and terrorist related, and so they have better technology to combat terrorists like the machines that can detect explosive liquids and weapons of those boarding airplanes......................................call me crazy but I think that since it isnt liberals blowing up planes it would be far wiser to spend our limited funding in these areas instead of monitoring liberal blogs......unless of course you really didnt give a rats a$$ about keeping us safe and it was all spin, rhetoric and fear tactics to stay in power and power and politics is the real driving and motivating force behind everything you are doing.
Bush is keeping us so safe that Hugo Chavez is boasting of having a spy in the White House.
ReplyDeleteI knew Tony Snow was a double agent.
If the Democrats cant win with all the gifts the repug criminals have given them, they need to disolve the party get rid of the majority of the leadership and form a new party with more vision and direction.............but I am pretty confident the democrats will win and take back at least one branch of the legislature and get the checks and balances functioning again.
ReplyDeleteTry going to Clusty and search certain blogs.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting what you will find.
Repugs clearly illustrate that they have no solutions to the current world problems many of which they played a key role in creating, all they are is finger pointing "smear and fear" megalomaniac's, who are clearly living in the past, instead of offering solutions to our problems which occured DURING BUSH"s PRESIDENCY and DURING 12 YEARS OF REPUG CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL they attempt to rewrite history and deflect the blame onto the previous president..........that would be like in the wild west if a band of outlaws masacred a group of people and the cowardly lying sheriff blamed the previous sheriff for not capturing or killing the outlaws............REPUGS= NO ACCOUNTABILITY........REPUGS=ITS NOT WRONG UNLESS YOU GET CAUGHT AND CONVICTED!!
ReplyDeleteTroll Tex said "Mike said: "TT triuphantly crows that Nixon WAS NEVER IMPEACHED.......news flash thats nothing to crow about son.
ReplyDelete8:25 AM"
Well, Mike, it was news to you until I corrected you"
Lying again Troll Tex, I KNEW NIXON WAS NEVER IMPEACHED......but resigning to avoid being impeached is the same thing in my book, obviously it isnt the same to you, thats like saying if I am about to be convicted of murder and sentenced to death and I flee before the sentence is pronounced and justice is executed that there is a difference, see to ypu sycophants legal inuendo and semantics mean something to to me wrong is is wrong regardless of wether you flee to avoid justice or were pardoned by another corrupt sychophant cronny.........molesting children is wrong regardless of wether you were pardoned or flee to avoid justice just as lying and criminal activity by Nixon was wrong regardless of wether he was formally impeached but evil doers like you love to hide behind semantics, nuances and technicalities, you crow that you fools are innocent unless proven guilty but yet try to rubber stamp laws that allow you and your ilk to make people disapear by labeling them a terrorist with no proof required but the sound of your own evil authoritarian megalomanic voice or your dislike or disdain you enemies of freedom are far more dangerous than ANY TERRORIST!
Let me just throw out this question to eveyone, but the trolls in particular..................a law was passed allowing our government to label someone a terrorist and with no evidence to imprison them without due process in a foreign prison where they may be tortured and that confession achieved DURING torture used to convict them in a secret military tribunal where they can be imprisoned for life or put to death, now many of the trolls here are spewing the party rhetoric that democrats want to give Al Qaeda and foreign terrorists the same rights we as Americans are entitled to under the Constitution.........my question to you is: DO YOU SUPPORT REGULAR AMERICAN CITIZENS BEING DENIED THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO DUE PROCESS AND A FAIR TRIAL WITH PROPER UNBIASED REPRESENTATION OF THEIR CHOICE AS WELL AS ACCESS TO THEIR CHARGES AND THE EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM AND A TRIAL BY THEIR PEERS OR DO YOU PREFER THAT AMERICAN CITIZENS MAY BE SEIZED, IMPRISONED INDEFINATELY, TORTURED AND CONVICTED SECRETLY IN A FOREIGN LAND BY A SECRET MILITARY TRIBUNAL SIMILAR TO WHAT HITLER DID TO MAKE PEOPLE HE DID NOT LIKE OR WHO OPPOSED HIM DISAPEAR?????
ReplyDeleteAll they want to do is say what about this Dem.
ReplyDeleteHow many Repubs are pedophiles? How many right-wing supporters are pedophiles.
As all their wagons circle, it shows there are more perverts in the Republican party than most know.
And all Troll tex can come up with is to ask if you would rather Bill Clinton or GWB babysit your kids and when everyone present replied Clinton the troll slithered back under his bridge or rock.
ReplyDeleteIf the U.S. attacks Iran we will be in military confilcts through the rest of this decade.
ReplyDeleteAsk the questions: If Bush is right in saying that terrorists back down if the U.S. acts “strong” why is it that the Bush administration has not created and released a legally required report on the terrorist activities? Is it because the number of terrorist attacks has more than tripled since he has been in office?
Bush and his administration has made U.S. citizens and the world a much less safe place to live.
Iraq War Debilitating U.S. Marine Corps
ReplyDeleteThe President has called up 2,500 inactive Marine reservists for involuntary duty to make up for manpower shortages. Even though many Marines have already served three tours in Iraq, the Marine Corps came up 1,200 volunteers short of its requirements. Defense commentator Fred Kagan from the conservative American Enterprise Institute put it bluntly:
It is one of an avalanche of symptoms that the ground forces are overstretched by operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. … This administration needs to understand this is not a short-term problem, and it really needs a systemic fix in the size of the ground forces.
But the Marines are not just short manpower. A report released today by the Center for American Progress shows that the war in Iraq is increasingly taking its toll on the equipment of the Marine Corps. Vehicles like the Humvee and M1A1 tanks built to last for 15 years or more are wearing out in less than five. The cost to replace and repair the equipment damaged and destroyed is enormous – more than $5 billion a year.
To make up for the equipment shortfalls, the Marines have been taking equipment from units outside of Iraq and from their strategic reserves. Unable to train with the equipment that they will be using in combat, the readiness of Marine Corps units outside of Iraq are suffering.
– Max Bergmann"
But yet Bush has no qualms using tax payer money and resources to monitor liberal blogs
Hey I got an idea if the war in Iraq is so vital and the repugs truly believe in it that strongly how bout they put their money where their mouth is and give back the tax cuts to the wealthy to help pay for the war they think is so vital and institute a draft so their children are putting their lives on the line and dying for a cause they claim to believe in so strongly as well as the poor and the liberals, I havent sen any repugs in congress or on this blog for that matter who have served in a war........disgraceful, never ask another to do something you arent willing to do your self.
ReplyDeleteFriday :: August 18, 2006
ReplyDeleteBush: It's 'Naive' to Believe the President Must Follow the Law
by TChris
Our ever-defiant president intends to continue wielding unbounded and unchecked executive power, regardless of what a court tells him about the law, and if you don't like it, you're naive.
"I would say that those who herald this decision simply do not understand the nature of the world in which we live," Mr. Bush said in a question-answer session at Camp David, Md.
"This decision" refers to Judge Taylor's declaration that the NSA wiretapping program is unconstititutional (discussed here and here at TalkLeft). "Those who herald the decision" understand the Constitution and the obligation of the president to obey the law. It's really pretty simple.
The president resorted to his tired argument, "if Al Qaeda is calling into the United States, we want to know why they're calling." So do we. That's why we want the president to hasten to a FISA court and get a warrant that will help him intercept suspicious calls. His stubborn insistence that he don't need no stinkin' warrant has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with an unprecedented assertion of executive domination over the other -- supposedly coequal -- branches of government.
What happens if the president loses an appeal? What happens if the Supreme Court doesn't take the case, or takes it and affirms? Will the president continue to insist that he isn't obliged to follow court decisions that diminish the scope of the powers he believes himself free to exercise? It's good that this constitutional crisis has a defined ending point: Bush's last day in office.
Posted by Dadler
ReplyDeleteAugust 18, 2006 04:12 PM
Excellent, as usual he thinks we're children and talk to us as such. We just don't know how bad the world is. Can I laugh yet? Is this quarter-wit serious? The real joke is that this coddled silver-spoon THINK he has the cred or experience or record of success to say this. When you lack entirely an imagination ("I have no idea how poor people think", for example) you have no ability to put information and facts to use in a genuinely proactive manner. So telling the public how lacking THEY are in knowledge about the harsh reality is, in reality, telling us that HE doesn't possess the intellectual and creative chops to do the job.
He might as well be wearing a sign that says "I'm the President and I know it." Wow, you figure that out all by yourself?
Posted by MeridyM
ReplyDeleteAugust 18, 2006 04:57 PM
His stubborn insistence that he don't need no stinkin' warrant has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with an unprecedented assertion of executive domination over the other -- supposedly coequal -- branches of government.
Not to mention his need to be able to spy on his political enemies and the journalists who don't like him.
Posted by osceolamo
ReplyDeleteAugust 19, 2006 08:14 AM
Based on Bush-logic, every leader of every country wherein a "terrorist" attack has taken place can make up his/her own rules/laws and ignore/violate every law ever written by declaring a "war on terror" and or attacking a country they "think" they can easily defeat. In other words, they can elect to become "dictators" if their country is attacked and/or if they attack another country. Isn't that what Hitler's Germany, Japan and Italy did during WWII?
Posted by Bill Arnett
ReplyDeleteAugust 19, 2006 10:20 AM
I remember reading an article a few months back that initially Bushco was applying for warrants through FISA, which has a long history of easily granting warrants upon a show of cause, and that in its entire history (since 1978) of the court they have DENIED only five requests for warrants.
All five of those were requests from Bush and Abu Gonzales. This would tend to indicate that they were utterly unable to provide sufficient justification to obtain a warrant, and THAT'S why they decided to sidestep the FISA court altogether. There is no way the FISA court would allow rampant, unwarranted, sweeping, wholesale tapping of millions of phones. A showing of probable cause for so many numbers would be impossible and indeed "too much paperwork" for the DOJ.
That is why Bush and ABU CLAIM that the process is too slow and burdensome, because NO JUDGE is going to believe that millions and millions of America are in contact with "terrorists" and issue warrants by the millions.
Ain't it nice that the wartime president who would be king is instead being shown to be nothing more than a court jester?
Posted by Bill Arnett
ReplyDeleteAugust 19, 2006 10:20 AM
I remember reading an article a few months back that initially Bushco was applying for warrants through FISA, which has a long history of easily granting warrants upon a show of cause, and that in its entire history (since 1978) of the court they have DENIED only five requests for warrants.
All five of those were requests from Bush and Abu Gonzales. This would tend to indicate that they were utterly unable to provide sufficient justification to obtain a warrant, and THAT'S why they decided to sidestep the FISA court altogether. There is no way the FISA court would allow rampant, unwarranted, sweeping, wholesale tapping of millions of phones. A showing of probable cause for so many numbers would be impossible and indeed "too much paperwork" for the DOJ.
That is why Bush and ABU CLAIM that the process is too slow and burdensome, because NO JUDGE is going to believe that millions and millions of America are in contact with "terrorists" and issue warrants by the millions.
Ain't it nice that the wartime president who would be king is instead being shown to be nothing more than a court jester?
Posted by Ernesto Del Mundo
ReplyDeleteAugust 19, 2006 12:57 PM
This may be a "naive" perspective, but I do wonder what would happen if we knew more about what our government is doing to combat terrorism rather than less.
You hit the tip of the Bush state secret iceberg right there. I look at this issue from the larger perspective of why the Bush administration is so secretive in all of its dealings, not just this one subject. I doubt that they think this is for the good of the American public, since they can't be that naive (with the possible exception of the President).
Here's some fun facts to consider:
From 1953 to 1975 (the height of the Cold War) there were a total of 4 times that the President of the U.S. invoked the state secrets priviledge. Bush has invoked it 24 times in the last 5 years. This action can literally shut down any court case on the basis that it can reveal secrets the POTUS does not want disclosed.
There was an 81 percent increase in the number of documents stamped "secret" in the first 3 years of this administration.
A total of 64 percent (an all time record high) of the advisory committe meetings held by people in this administration have been closed to the public, contradicting the intent of the Federal Advisory Commmitte Act.
This pattern began before 9/11. Remember the Cheney Energy Task Force meetings?
BTW...Cheney is the only VP in history to claim that he has the Presidential executive priviledge to mark any document he chooses "secret" and no one knows how many documents he's declared to be secret, not even Bush (who I doubt will ever ask him, anyway).
Posted by oscar wilde
ReplyDeleteAugust 19, 2006 01:13 PM
Maybe the government should just lay its cards on the table, tell us all what it knows about the terrorists,
How would we spend the other fifty nine mimutes?
'Tis ninety five percent about gaining political advantage.
You can rest assured bushco knows a damn site more about his political adversaries than he does about any terrist.
Bay Buchanan: Email Hastert Calls ‘Overly Friendly’ Had ‘Predator Stamped All Over It’ »
ReplyDeleteProminent conservative pundit Bay Buchanan appeared on CNN this afternoon and lit into Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) and the rest of the House leadership. Buchanan said that the email that Hastert was informed about — and described as “overly friendly” — “had predator stamped all over it. No one in the country can suggest otherwise.” Buchanan said that Hastert and others “failed the parent of this country.” Watch it:
FACT CHECK: Excuses About The Foley Cover-Up Debunked »
ReplyDeleteSome leading conservatives have tried to excuse, justify, or downplay the scandal surrounding Rep. Mark Foley’s (R-FL) predatory behavior towards underage pages. We debunk their claims below:
EXCUSE #1: Foley’s initial e-mails seemed harmless, “over friendly”.
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) said he dropped the matter when Foley told them, “When I was a young person, an adult (who) became my mentor inspired me to be a congressman, and that’s all I’m doing.” Foley said if he was guilty of anything, Shimkus said, it was of being “overly friendly.” [St. Louis Tribune, 10/1/06]
“[T]he actual notes were relatively innocuous — there was nothing sexual in those notes.” [Newt Gingrich, Fox News Sunday, 10/1/06]
FACT: At least 11 House members and staff, all Republicans, knew of the inappropriate emails sent by Foley to a page in 2005. In the e-mails, Foley asked the page to “send me a pic of you” and said about another young page, “he’s in really good shape.” The boy told House officials that Foley’s messages “freaked him out” and were “sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.” Dr. Timothy M. Osberg, a psychologist and professor of psychology at Niagara University, said that the e-mail, coupled with the boy’s reaction to it, “should send up red flags.”
EXCUSE #2: The parents didn’t want the matter pursued.
Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-NY) said Rep. Lamar Alexander (R-LA) “told him that he had spoken with the page’s parents. They didn’t want the matter pursued, he said, ’so I thought it had to be pretty well satisfied.’” [Buffalo News, 10/1/06]
FACT: The House leadership had an obligation to protect the dozens of pages who are under their care. At the very least, Foley’s emails should have been passed on law authorities, and the full House page board should have been informed. expand post »
EXCUSE #3: Democrats are exploiting this issue for political gain right before the November elections.
Reynolds called his critics’ reactions to his negligence in the Foley case “as crass as anything I have seen.” “I’m certainly not going to react to some campaign rhetoric…on a tragic incident of a page,” he said. [Buffalo News, 10/1/06]
“I don’t believe in coincidence, and apparently neither does Hastert. The timing of this revelation has more to do about helping Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats than protecting teenagers with whom Foley was communicating.” [Mark Levin, National Review, 10/1/06]
FACT: The House leadership consistently hid this case from the public for partisan purposes. In late 2005, Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), chairman of the House Page Board, “was notified by the then Clerk of the House, who manages the Page Program, that he had been told by Congressman Rodney Alexander (R-LA) about an email exchange between Congressman Foley and a former House Page.” Shimkus interviewed Foley and told him “to cease all contact with this former house page.” But Shimkus never informed Rep. Dale Kildee (D-MI), the only Democrat on the House page board. Today, Hastert held a meeting “to review ways to protect pages,” but once again, Kildee was not invited.
EXCUSE #4: Former President Bill Clinton wasn’t harshly penalized for his relations with Monica Lewinsky.
“Nor did inappropriate behavior toward a subordinate even cost Bill Clinton his standing within the Democratic Party, even though indirectly he was impeached for it.” [Fox News host Brit Hume, 10/1/06]
FACT: Foley made unwanted advances toward underage boys, which one page described as “sick” and reported to authorities. Clinton had a consensual relationship with an adult. The fact that it was an extramarital affair was virtually unanimously condemned by members of both parties.
EXCUSE #5: This scandal is minor compared to other scandals on Capitol Hill.
“I hate to tell you, but it’s not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill. And there have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty e-mails.” [White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, 10/2/06]
FACT: The emails were not “simply naughty.” They were predatory, extremely inappropriate, and potentially in violation of federal law.
EXCUSE #6: House leaders would have been accused of “gay bashing” if they had pursued the case.
“Well, you could have second thoughts about it, but I think had they overly aggressively reacted to the initial round, they would have also been accused of gay bashing.” [Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 10/1/06]
FACT: The issue here is not homosexuality. The issue is sexual harrassment of minors. « collapse post
Conservative Activists Call on Hastert To Resign
ReplyDeleteConservative talk show host Michael Reagan and Citizens United President David Bossie have called on House Speaker Dennis Hastert to resign immediately over his role in covering up Mark Foley’s inappropriate behavior. Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, was molested at age 8 by a camp counselor.
From a release:
“Speaker Hastert had knowledge of Congressman Foley’s inappropriate behavior and chose to protect a potential pedophile and powerful colleague over a congressional page,” said David Bossie, president of conservative advocacy group Citizens United.
“This inaction demonstrates a lack of leadership on Speaker Hastert’s part, and calls into question both his judgment and character. If Speaker Hastert was willing to sacrifice a child to protect Rep. Foley’s seat and his own leadership position, then he surely does not share our American and conservative values,” says Mr. Bossie. …
Michael Reagan, nationally syndicated radio show host and chairman of Citizens United’s Faith and Family Project, is also calling for resignations. “Any member of Congress who was aware of the sexual emails and protected the congressman should also resign effective immediately. I was sexually abused by a day camp counselor at age eight and also made to be part of child pornography,” Mr. Reagan stated.
Digg It!
Hastert Holds Meeting On Foley Scandal, Democratic Member of Page Board Excluded
ReplyDeleteThe House leadership continues to treat Foley’s predatory advances towards underage pages as a partisan issue. The Note reports that Speaker Dennis Hastert held a meeting today “to review ways to protect pages” but did not include Rep. Dale Kildee (D-MI), the Democratic member of the three-person House Page Board:
The Speaker will continue his effort to rid the GOP majority of Foley’s taint by meeting with the Clerk of the House, Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), and his staff today to review ways to protect pages while they are serving in the nation’s Capitol. The Speaker will also discuss how Congress can protect pages after their program concludes.
The Clerk of the House, Karen Haas, is a former aide of Hastert’s. Both Hastert and Shimkus are part of the problem. They were both told about Foley’s inappropriate behavior in late 2005 and did virtually nothing to stop it.
This meeting will not “rid the…majority of Foley’s taint.” It simply reinforces the notion that the House leadership is more interested in protecting themselves politically than protecting the children under their care.
I dont blame the trolls for hiding under their bridges though, if I werre them, I would act like a turtle or an ostrich and be ashamed to show my face also.
ReplyDeleteThe Republican scandals(and there are many) are so boggling that even the most loyal right-winger surely has to take notice.
ReplyDeleteDeaths in an illegal war, payoffs from lobbyists, elimination of basic rights, predators lurking the halls of congress.
How much more will it take before these lovers of blood and preversion are dropped from power?
Dont try and defend your halfwit troll budy Volt, he stated interest rates were at 25 year lows, and I made it clear we were talking about the rfed funds rate that would clearly be 2003-2004, anyone that would state we are at 25 year lows when the fed fund rate has risen by 500% is CLEARLY A FOOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteFrom the If I said this with out a link, the trolls would go apesh*t department, but with a LINK they have to SHUP-UP and see their own advocate cut and run.
ReplyDeleteFrist Declares Afghanistan Unwinnable
U.S. Senate majority leader calls for efforts to bring Taliban into Afghan government
The Associated Press
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Monday that the Afghan guerrilla war can never be won militarily and called for efforts to bring the Taliban and their supporters into the Afghan government.
The Tennessee Republican said he had learned from briefings that Taliban fighters were too numerous and had too much popular support to be defeated by military means…
Sen. Mel Martinez, a Republican from Florida accompanying Frist, said negotiating with the Taliban was not “out of the question” but that fighters who refused to join the political process would have to be defeated.
“A political solution is how it’s all going to be solved,” he said.
WTF? Haven't they heard Henry "Still Hankerin' for Victory" Kissinger? Oh wait. I get it. Afghanistan, which gets 1/4 to 1/7 the money that Iraq gets, is just so not important.
Even a popular conservative blogger has had it with the GOP:
From Hotair.com blog:
The Commissar has decided to vote Democratic this fall.
Why not? What’s the difference?
[He quotes the AP story that I quote above the fold.]
Update: If we’re going to do this, just pull everyone out. Don’t lend an imprimatur of legitimacy to it by shepherding these medieval savages into a U.S.-backed government. Pull out, admit defeat, and let the Taliban take back the country through force. Then we can really and truly be back to September 10, 2001. Minus a skyscraper or two.
Update: Ace says he’s done with the GOP. So am I. That’s it.
Then there's Billmon at the Whiskey Bar blog -- the headline alone is priceless!
Mullah Omar Come Home: All is Forgiven
"Out of the black smoke and ashes of that terrible day, America stood up strong, united, and determined. After careful deliberation, we answered back. We toppled the Taliban in Afghanistan, where al-Qaeda had trained."
Sen. Bill Frist
Press Release: Frist Denounces Democrats' Plan to Cut and Run
June 30, 2006
Even by Dr. Frist's standards, this is quite an Orwellian volte face: From Islamofascist menace to potential "democratic" partner in just two months.
Goebbels: Hah. I did it overnight!
Hmmm. First the Pakistanis cut a truce deal with Al Qaeda and its tribal allies in the frontier territories, and now Frist and his sidekick Mel Martinez fly to Kabul and float this trial balloon.
Something big is up. Who knows? Maybe Dr. K doing his Nixon-goes-to-China thing.
... I think we can take a guess at the larger motive: To shore up (or at least simmer down) the Afghanistan front in advance of the attack on Iran.
Well we have Condi IGNORING a warning about Al Quaeda two months before 9-11.
ReplyDeleteWe have BUSH REFUSING TO SEND ENOUGH TROOPS TO CATCH BIN LADEN, WHEN HE IS told personnaly that they have him trapped.
We have Rumsfeld undermanning the effort in afghanistan.
and NOW we have Frist calling the war in afghanistan...UNWINNABLE militarily.
The GAUL of the neo-con fooles is incredible.
Condi Was Briefed by Tenet/Black on July 10, 2001
ReplyDeleteThe New York Times has answered my two questions posed in this morning's "Rice Loyalist Headed 9/11 Commission Probes":
1. Was Condi briefed by George Tenet and Cofer Black on July 10, 2001, as claimed in Bob Woodward's new book, State of Denial?
2. Was the 9/11 Commission informed of the July 10th meeting? (This is crucial since the 9/11 Commission Report does NOT mention the meeting, and various commission members deny ever hearing about the meeting.)
Records Show Tenet Briefed Rice on Al Qaeda Threat By PHILIP SHENON and MARK MAZZETTI
JIDDA, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 2 — A review of White House records has determined that George J. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, did brief Condoleezza Rice and other top officials on July 10, 2001, about the looming threat from Al Qaeda, a State Department spokesman said Monday. [...]
[Sean] McCormack also said records show that the Sept. 11 commission was informed about the meeting ... Read all.
Roger Cressey also just confirmed the meeting on Keith Olbermann's Countdown. He said the meeting included Black, Tenet, Rice, Stephen Hadley, and Dick Clarke.
Cressey believes that the Commission "just missed it" -- i.e., failed to report on the July 10 meeting by accident. Right.
Kos weighs in:
I thought it was Clinton's fault... by kos Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 04:48:45 PM PDT
Incompetents. The whole lot of them.
I don't recall that scene being in the ABC/Disney mockumentary on 9-11....
A knucklehead said;
ReplyDeleteYou friggin idiot,why dont you tell the familys of the almost three thousand who died on 9-11 to forget about it
Uhhhh, thats what Bush told them.
Oh and whats that queen bitch of yours call em?
Oh yea.
Sell it to someone else jackass.
White House records reveal that former CIA chief George Tenet did brief little Condi Rice on the planned attack of Al-Qaida two months before 9/11.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Condi just get done saying that never happened.
Looks like Condi is as bad at lying to the American people as her sweetie Bush.
The Mooney Washington Times wants to throw Hastert under the bus for allowing the Foley scandal to go on so long, and Embarrass the repugs SO MUCH
ReplyDeleteResign, Mr. Speaker
........House Speaker Dennis Hastert must do the only right thing, and resign his speakership at once. Either he was grossly negligent for not taking the red flags fully into account and ordering a swift investigation, for not even remembering the order of events leading up to last week's revelations -- or he deliberately looked the other way in hopes that a brewing scandal would simply blow away. He gave phony answers Friday to the old and ever-relevant questions of what did he know and when did he know it? Mr. Hastert has forfeited the confidence of the public and his party, and he cannot preside over the necessary coming investigation, an investigation that must examine his own inept performance.........
and so it has begun, the in fighting to take advantage of the latest scandal for power in the GOP(Greedy Old Pedophiles)
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteWhite House records reveal that former CIA chief George Tenet did brief little Condi Rice on the planned attack of Al-Qaida two months before 9/11.
Didn't Condi just get done saying that never happened.
She also claimed several times that she never received a "comprehensive report on Al Quaeda", a claim she repeated last week.
Of course Richard Clarke just produced last week the actual "Comprehensive Report on Terrorism and Al Quaeda" that she recieved just 4 days after innaugeration days.
Condi Rice might just have become less tenable in her position as Secretary of state than Dumsfeld is.
ReplyDeleteHe is incompetent, she appears to be dishonest, and Bush can not be seen as defending the dishonesty of Rice.
Lets hope Condi starts to get her hide tainted instead of all the praise and accolades she normally gets.
ReplyDeleteShe is worthless.
Beyond worthless.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to be getting better yet.
ReplyDeleteRumsfeld, Ashcroft received warning of al Qaida attack before 9/11
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and former Attorney General John Ashcroft received the same CIA briefing about an imminent al-Qaida strike on an American target that was given to the White House two months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The State Department's disclosure Monday that the pair was briefed within a week after then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice was told about the threat on July 10, 2001, raised new questions about what the Bush administration did in response, and about why so many officials have claimed they never received or don't remember the warning.
One official who helped to prepare the briefing, which included a PowerPoint presentation, described it as a "10 on a scale of 1 to 10" that "connected the dots" in earlier intelligence reports to present a stark warning that al-Qaida, which had already killed Americans in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and East Africa, was poised to strike again.
Former CIA Director George Tenet gave the independent Sept. 11, 2001, commission the same briefing on Jan. 28, 2004, but the commission made no mention of the warning in its 428-page final report. According to three former senior intelligence officials, Tenet testified to commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste and to Philip Zelikow, the panel's executive director and the principal author of its report, who's now Rice's top adviser.
A new book by Bob Woodward of The Washington Post alleges that Rice failed to take the July 2001 warning seriously when it was delivered at a White House meeting by Tenet, Cofer Black, then the agency's chief of top counterterrorism, and a third CIA official whose identity remains protected.
Rice's deputy, Stephen J. Hadley, who became national security adviser after she became secretary of state, and Rice's top counterterrorism aide, Richard Clarke, also were present.
Woodward wrote that Tenet and Black considered the briefing the "starkest warning they had given the White House" on the threat posed by Osama bin Laden's terrorist network. But, he wrote, the pair felt as if Rice gave them "the brush-off."
If this is TRUE, then they ALL were warned, but CHOOSE to ignore the warnings, because they had different priorities.
Washington Post is reporting that the FBI knew in July about the Foley emails.
ReplyDeleteThe teenager involved sent them copies but they were supposedly still investigating when it became public.
How will Hassert deny knowledge now?
Whats eerie here is the similarity between how they handled it, the republican congress that is, and the way the Catholic Church handled the same problem.
ReplyDeleteIf you guys missed Jon Stewart, you should really try to catch the repeat.
ReplyDeleteHe took Trent Lott out for a ride.
He could have went a little harder in my book, but then no one else would come on.
He hammered him pretty good though.
I missed it. Chris Matthews is on Leno tonight, Olbermann on Letterman Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteLarry. You can download the interview for free from comedycentral.com.
ReplyDeleteJust go to the Daily Show section and you can watch it on streaming video.
It might not be up till tomorrow, it usually takes about 12 hours, but it will be there.
He really hammered the republican congress.
He asked Lott if he could honestly say the republicans "deserve" to hold both houses of congress.
From ThinkProgess.
ReplyDeleteTonight on ABC, investigative journalist Brian Ross suggested there may be other members of Congress who engaged in inappropriate behavior towards congressional pages:
ROSS: We’re hearing quite a bit from former pages.
They’re sending us all sorts of messages about possible other members.
Condi claims she offered to resign after the 2004 elections but Bush gave her Poswell's job instead.
ReplyDeleteIronic that all the Presidents worthless men claim to offer to resign, but it is never accepted?
Larry just THINK how bad Bush would look if he had competent help. All the incompetence around him, helps hide how incompetent he really is.
ReplyDeleteBush probably does look like a genious compared to his 3 underlings.
ReplyDeleteThe worst President in U.S history looks better than the top three of his administration.
America is in trouble.
Together they make one giant clusterf$#k of incompetence.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Tom Delay and Foley can be character witnesses at each others trial.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should hold their trial in a secret prison somewhere, whadda ya think?
ReplyDeleteWe could "render" them in the middle of the night and haul them off to a secret prison where their accusers will also be their jail keepers, their judges, their attorneys and their executioners.
We could use "classified" secret evidence to accuse them, and then just lock them away for ever, without ever even allowing their families to ever see them again.
After all, thats what THEY voted for.
The criminals running this country should face the same kind of treatment that they impose on others.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, they claim it will provide vital information, and if that is true, maybe Foley and Delay will spill the beans on the other Republican criminals and perverts.
Master please, let me waterboard them. Just once....heh heh heh
ReplyDeleteChris Matthews is up next on Leno.
ReplyDeleteHopefully he won't show his true leanings.
I am just seeing Hardball.
I imagine our troll buddies are crying out this evening, "why is it always us???".
They are just not having a good year....and the special prosecutor hasn't even been appointed yet. And just wait till the Grand Jury is appointed.
And November is just around the corner. Oh well. Theres always next decade boys.
hmmmm...wonder if those guys are still taking odds on Novemnber.
ReplyDeleteOh well. I don't gamble anyway. But if I were a bettin man,..
Tonight on Hardball they said the democrats are leading in almost every state.
ReplyDeleteAnd they weren't talking about the lower house. They were talking about the Senate.
" Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteTT - Rush Limbaugh is someone whom you should never quote."
Are Liberals Truly Offended by Foley?
October 2, 2006
RUSH: I have to admit, my friends, I'm a little confused about certain aspects of the situation here involving Mark Foley and the page. Now, the school system, the public school system has since the late eighties been teaching us that kids are going to have sex, we can't stop 'em, it's not our business to stop 'em. I mean, we've gone so far as teaching them to use condoms with bananas, or in some cases peanuts, cucumbers, but peanuts, too. You have to give them all life possibilities out there. And we had parents out on Long Island who are inviting their kids to have their boyfriend or girlfriend spend the night at the house because it would be cleaner and safer than if they were conjugating in the back seat of the family sedan. They went so far as to say we might even put a pack of cigarettes on the nightstand so that you can have a smoke after you have sex. Now I realize that that's sex among teenagers, but the public education sex ed. program does not say that it's wrong. You start talking abstinence to them, and they go nuts. Yeah, easy for you to say. We can't stop these kids, so we gave 'em condoms to encourage the risky behavior.
Now, the liberals also tell us that sex and gender issues are just lifestyles, not choices. Maybe choices in the case of sex changes like the chopadickoffame and the adadictomy, but these are just lifestyle things, gender and so forth, we're not to condemn. Any two people can love each other, any four people can love each other. You can define your family however you want, including your animal or animals. This we have been taught by the tolerant left among us. Kids can have sex, too. Not with somebody just in their age-group, alternative lifestyles, but not if the person is sexually active but younger, apparently. So we find here that there are limits. There are things that will offend liberals. Or are there? Because I continue to ask, are they really offended by this? How many of them wish they were in on the action?
Gary Studds's person was 17 years old, Barney Frank, Stephen Gobie was running a little male prostitution ring out of Barney's basement, and Barney didn't know about it, he said. He arranged, I think he got 33 parking tickets fixed so that the visitors could park right there in front of Barney's pad. But I don't believe that they find what Foley did repugnant. They have defended it too often when it has been discovered to have taken place amongst their ranks. Look it, if they want to play the hypocrisy game, which they are doing, and that's what they think is the strong suit that they have, sort of like the ace-in-the-hole, then we can play the hypocrisy game as well here on the EIB Network.
Listen to Rush Limbaugh online
ReplyDeleteNoon ET/9 AM PT
Tiny MORON in Texan:
ReplyDeleteRush (little blue pill) Limpman has gotten so rediculas, he is Pulling a Matt Druge attack, and sliming the Kids. aAnd diverting the blame for a 52 year old mans actions onto a liberal strwaman.
Clif, the "Blog Idiot" is the one who spends all his waking hours cuting and pasting articles. Gee, who might that be?
ReplyDeleteBTW it looks like the repugs are trying to throw Denny Hastert under the bus.
ReplyDeleteThe MOONEY controlled, Washington Times has an editorial against the GOP speaker of the House, calling for him to resign, 5 weeks before an election. And Josh Marshall has this up;
Boehner Flips -- Again, Re-Blames Hastert
Top Republicans are pointing the finger at Speaker Dennis Hastert for not doing more after learning of solicitous emails sent from Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) to a Congressional page.
Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) this morning switched his position on the leader's culpability, telling a radio interviewer, "I believe I talked to the Speaker and he told me it had been taken care of."
On Saturday, Boehner had denied speaking to Hastert about Foley this spring -- after initially telling The Washington Post that he had.
Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-NY), head of the House GOP's political arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee, has also implicated Hastert. "I did what most people would do in a workplace," Reynolds said at a press conference last night, “I heard something, I took it to my supervisor.”
I would say they were trying to make Hastert the sacrificial "lamb" but ONE LOOK at Hastert, he is their sacrificial "pig"
It is the fooles who STILL back the Idiot and party of pedophile protectors son.
ReplyDeleteGetting testy because your time has come boy?
ReplyDeleteCan you see the writing on the wall?
And the Foleygate scandal undercuts the get out the christian hypocrit vote eh son?
With all the scandals to choose from, many different people will find at least ONE reason to throw the repug HYPOCRITS out eh son?
ReplyDeleteAfter all all the repug seats in congress that are in play are leaning toward the dems, and the foleygate polls have not even been released yet.
And the senate has 8 repugs seats in play NOW.
This is with out Woodwards relevations in the newest polls...which means repugs lose a few more points...translation VOTERS.
Like I SAID son the blog IDIOT who puts up a post quoting Rush(little blue pill) Limpman...to try to shift the blame to liberals and children;
Only an IDIOT would be THAT DESPERATE, so GO look in a mirror at the BLOG IDIOT SON.............
Sucks eh son, to realise YOUR an Idiot who is trying to divert attention because it is the repugs WHO enabled Foley for years...and tried to keep HIM in power until after the election JUST TO SAVE HIS SEAT
ReplyDeletein other words son,
The repugs placed their quest for power above the safety of children they were supposed to be looking out for.
Tick tick tick...November is a commin son, and Foleygate is the last straw for MANY American Voters.....
ReplyDeleteSee the only GOOD for the repugs about Foleygate, is it is overshadowing the question of Condi's INACTION given the fact she WAS warned inn JULY 2001 about the looming al Quaeda attack.
ReplyDeleteAnd the question of why the 9-11 commission "omitted it" from their report?
Like these stories quote;
Why Did 9/11 Panel Omit "Secret" Meeting?
Condi Was Briefed by Tenet/Black on July 10, 2001
Rice Loyalist Headed 9/11 Commission Probes
Just as 9-11 was the best thing that ever happened to the Bush Administration, Foleygate was the best thing Condi could have wished for about NOW.
And the repugs are trying to give away Foley cash just as they did Abramoff cash earlier this year;
ReplyDelete* Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-PA.) -- $1,000 to the Victims Center of Chester County, PA
* Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY.) -- $1,000 to the Boone County Court Appointed Special Advocates, Inc.
* Rep. Clay Shaw Jr. (R-FL.) -- $2,000 to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children
* Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA.) -- $1,000 returned to Foley's PAC
* Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH.) -- $5,000 returned to Foley's PAC
* Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-CT.) -- $1,000 returned to Foley's PAC
* Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN.) -- $2,500 to unnamed charity
* Sen. George Allen (R-VA.) -- $2,000 to unnamed charity
* Rep. Mark Kennedy (R-MN.) -- $3,000 to unnamed charity
* Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH.) -- $3,000 to unnamed charity
* Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM.) -- $8,000 to unnamed charity
* Rep. Mark Green (R-FL.) -- $1,000 to unnamed charity
* Candidate Vernon Buchanan (R-Fl.) -- $1,000 to unnamed charity
damn man you'd think they would stop taking cash from criminals,
Oh yea right they all are repugs, and only disavow the ones who got caught.
Hastert is a GOP slime that covers up for pedophiles in the GOP, and Boehner is just a FLIP-FLOPPER.
ReplyDeleteBoehner Points Finger at the Speaker
ABC's Teddy Davis reports: In a radio interview with 700 WLW radio in Cincinnati, House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) placed responsibility for the Foley matter not being handled properly on House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL).
"I believe I talked to the Speaker and he told me it had been taken care of," said Boehner. "And, and, and my position is it's in his corner, it's his responsibility. The Clerk of the House who runs the page program, the Page Board—all report to the Speaker. And I believe it had been dealt with."
Please note that by saying that he talked with the Speaker about Foley, Boehner is reversing course and going back to his original position.
On Friday, Boehner told the Washington Post that he "had learned in late spring of inappropriate e-mails Foley sent to the page, a boy from Louisiana, and that he promptly told Hastert, who appeared to know already of the concerns. Hours later, Boehner contacted The Post to say he could not be sure he had spoken with Hastert." LINK
According to today's radio interview, Boehner has gone back to saying that he did talk to Hastert about Foley.
All of this comes as Hastert faces intensifying questions about why Republicans had not reacted more assertively to Foley's messages.
I guess in the GOP lexicon scheme of crimes, a flip flopper like Boehner, or Bush (On Osama) is better than a pedophile like Foiley, or those who cover up for him like Hastert.
ReplyDeleteClif said "Like I SAID son the blog IDIOT who puts up a post quoting Rush(little blue pill) Limpman...to try to shift the blame to liberals and children;
Only an IDIOT would be THAT DESPERATE, so GO look in a mirror at the BLOG IDIOT SON.............
Sucks eh son, to realise YOUR an Idiot who is trying to divert attention because it is the repugs WHO enabled Foley for years...and tried to keep HIM in power until after the election JUST TO SAVE HIS SEAT"
Absolutely right Clif this fool is trying to distract by posting garbage from the lying incompetent Coulter and Rush because that is all the "Blog Idiot" has left its really sad and pathetic isnt it, after he gets beat down with a dose of reality the halfwits only remaining options are to hack the blog or slither back under his rock and hide which repugs are good at to avoid justice, nixon was a prime example.
regarding Foly the fact that he resigned speaks volumes and means to caught dead to rights.....BECAUSE REPUGS NEVER SURRENDER OR GIVE UP POWER UNLESS FORCED TO, LIKE CLIF SAID YOU FOOLS PUT POLITICS AND HOLDING ON TO POWER ABOVE THE INTERESTS AND SAFETY OF CHILDREN......truly pathetic.
"Mike said...
ReplyDeleteClif said "Like I SAID son the blog IDIOT who puts up a post quoting Rush(little blue pill)"
Gee, Mike, intersting that you know the color of the pills. Something you want to tell us?
BTW Tiny conscience...it is NOT just Foley who has problems,
ReplyDeleteHastert, Cheney, Bush and Boehner Go Easy on Pedophiles and An Adulterer Accused of Beating His Mistress, Half His Age
You would think that with the GOP betrayal of our youth still red hot in the news, the Republican leadership wouldn’t be raising money for a Congressman who last year was outed for allegedly trying to strangle his mistress.
But you would be wrong.
Pennsylvania Republican Don Sherwood is 64, married and the father of three daughters.
But last year, Cynthia Ore, 29, sued Sherwood. It seems Sherwood had been keeping her as his Washington mistress. Ms. Ore says that Sherwood "repeatedly struck her in the face, neck, chest and back, ‘violently yanking’ her hair and repeatedly tried to choke or strangle her. Afterward he would tell her he would never beat her again, then beg her not to leave him."
"After news accounts of the incident and police report were published, Mr. Sherwood issued a statement apologizing for the ‘pain and embarrassment’ he caused his supporters and family. He has declined to talk in detail about his relationship with Ms. Ore."
Eventually, Sherwood made a confidential financial settlement with Ms. Ore, thus keeping the case from being aired in a courtroom. He admitted to the adulterous affair with a woman half his age, but denied that he physically abused her.
Now, he is behind in his race in a normally "safe Republican" seat, so Hastert, Boehner, Bush and Cheney are going to bat for him to try and keep the district in the GOP column. They are all holding fundraisers for him and endorsing his "leadership."
You would think after covering up for a pedophile and keeping him in the House leadership and chair of the committee that oversees the safety of our children from sexual predators, you would think that the Republican leadership wouldn’t be out raising money for an adulterer accused of beating and strangling his mistress.
But you would be underestimating the moral turpitude of the guys at the top of the GOP.
The Republican leadership in America cares about only one thing: power.
They have no other values.
They put our youth and women at risk.
They are shameless and without decency.
If you want to argue with that judgement, tell us what they are doing raising money for Don Sherwood.
Go ahead, just tell us.
Tiny conscienceinTexan said...
ReplyDelete"Mike said...
Clif said "Like I SAID son the blog IDIOT who puts up a post quoting Rush(little blue pill)"
Gee, Mike, intersting that you know the color of the pills. Something you want to tell us?
First of all SON I said it first, and they were the pills Rush took to the Dominican Republic.
Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic. Customs officials found the Viagra in his luggage but his name was not on the prescription, said Paul Miller, a spokesman for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.
It must suck to be the BLOG Idiot.
ReplyDeleteClif, how did you know the color of the pills? Got ED?
ReplyDeleteRight Tiny conscienceinTexan?
ReplyDeleteTiny conscienceinTexan said...
ReplyDeleteClif, how did you know the color of the pills? Got ED?
No stupid, they advertise it as the little blue pill on TV numbnuts.
Got a brain?
"clif said...
ReplyDeleteIt must suck to be the BLOG Idiot.
11:14 AM"
I wouldn't know. Why don't you tell us how it feels.
Wow. Nice come back.
ReplyDelete"I know you are but what am I"
Very slick. No ones heard that before.
You've graduated to a 3rd grade level TT.
Tiny conscienceinTexan said...
ReplyDelete"clif said...
It must suck to be the BLOG Idiot.
11:14 AM"
I wouldn't know. Why don't you tell us how it feels.
I can't son, as I am NO good at projecting YOUR feelings about being the Blog Idiot.
trying to change the subject again fool, well I cant blame you for that, if I were a slimy halfwit political operative facing child molestation scandals as well as lies and/or gross incompetence from key high level repug and Bush administration officials as well as a civil war in Iraq and losing the war in Afghanistan were a repug has declared the war "UNWINABLE" for the mightiest country on earth,............I would be at a loss as to what to do as well, distraction is all you fools have left, but with all the scandals you corrupt fools have thats like trying to plug the holes in a rupturing damm with your fingers.......you clowns are done you had your time and just like always you screwed up and will be finished for at least a decade possibly a generation....AMERICA IS SICK AND TIRED OF YOU
ReplyDeleteBush and Don Sherwood
ReplyDeleteThere's little need for this small blog to publicize a Buzzflash story, but the matter of Republican congressman Don Sherwood deserves some comment. Sherwood's former mistress has brought suit against him for physical assault, including beatings and strangulation.
And yet Bush is now stumping for Sherwood. You would think that in the wake of the Foley mess, the president would steer clear of any candidate accused of gross sexual impropriety. Yet Bush seems unconcerned.
Why don't the normal political rules apply?
Of course, if Sherwood's mistress convinces a jury that she was brutalized during a fit of rage, then the congressman deserves to lose his seat, perhaps his freedom, and certainly a lot of money.
Putting those concerns to one side, let's look at the matter from a practical, tactical standpoint. Bush's religious right political base does not share my Libertarian impulses. They do not countenance congressmen who keep mistresses, never mind congressmen who strangle mistresses. Why the hell would Bush appear with Sherwood in the wake of the Foley scandal? It makes no sense.
# posted by Joseph : 4:59 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
ReplyDeleteFoleygate: Arrogance, spying and...Scientology?
Not only did the Republican leadership keep Foley's creepy behavior secret from Democratic members of the House page program, the pattern of partisanship continues.
Today, Dennis Hastert announced that there will be changes in the program. All well and good. But why did Hastert proclaim this decision to the press without mentioning one word about the changes to Democrat Dale Kildee, who sits the House Page Board?
This slight may seem small, but it speaks volume about Republican arrogance. Even now, on the brink of defeat, the GOP takes power for granted.
I'm still wondering about the source of the IMs. Brian Ross has told the Washington Post that he received the transcripts from the pages themselves. Could this claim be a white lie?
We also know that the IMs concern several different pages. Would the boys themselves have kept these records? Not just one boy, but several? Most people prefer not to keep logs of sexually-oriented chats, especially if they live in households where others have access to the computer. These logs, if discovered by family members, would have been particularly embarrassing.
I stress the point because if Ross received the logs from some source other than the youths, all sorts of interesting scenarios emerge. The companies providing instant messaging services -- Foley seems to have used AOL -- will make logs available to law enforcement if served with a subpoena. (The companies do not divulge the length of time that they keep these records.) If some law enforcement agency requested those chats, then we know that someone considered Foley a serious problem quite some time ago. And that would change the complexion of this tale considerably.
I haven't had an AOL account in years, but I know that in order to log IMs using AIM, one must download and install a special program. Did all the boys go to such trouble?
(Joe Scarborough makes much the same point: "Someone had these IM's and held on to them for a year so to inflict maximum damage on Mark Foley and the Republican Party.")
Ross also says he "verified" the IMs before airing them. Verified how? Well, we know that ABC confronted Foley himself, since he tried to strike a deal in order to keep the logs secret. It seems likely that the congressman, in the shock of the moment, broke down and blabbed all. Must have been quite a scene.
A Feeney connection? Another Florida Republican congressman, Tom Feeney -- now in a tightening race with vote fraud whistleblower Clint Curtis -- is a staunch opponent of internet predators. So was Foley, until the world learned that he had become what he opposed. As BradBlog points out, Feeney is a Deputy Whip as well as a fellow Republican; he may thus have had inside knowledge of Foley's problem. Foley has contributed money to Feeney. More conspiratorial minds than mine may detect the subtle, lingering odor of blackmail; I jump to no such conclusions, and merely note the sequence of events.
A Scientology connection? Justin Rood (citing Wonkette) has found an interesting tidbit:
Foley had a relationship with the Scientology community in Florida; the Scientologists have a detox center in Clearwater, Fla.; Foley's attorney David Roth faxed news of his client's treatment to a Florida TV station from a fax machine in Clearwater, Fla.; Roth's office, however, isn't in Clearwater.
The relationship was one of long standing. In 1999, Foley condemned Germany's crackdown on Scientology. Foley was present at a Scientology event in Los Angeles back in 2001; in 2003, Scientologists held a benefit for Foley's abortive plans to run for Senate. The Clearwater Business Association -- a Hubbardian front group -- held a brunch for Foley in 2003; if you go here, you can see a shot of Foley holding a copy of Dianetics. Since most politicians shun the sect, this embrace seems very odd.
Clearwater is the home of the Narconon center -- another Scientology front organization. This, some suspect, is the "hotel" where the congressman has checked in, although we should quickly note that there are eight other drug rehab centers in that city.
A Foley/Scientology connection would be ironic, given Hubbard's intolerant view of homosexuality.
# posted by Joseph : 4:37 PM 11 comments
It only gets WORSE;
ReplyDeleteNew Foley Instant Messages; Had Internet Sex While Awaiting House Vote
Now how is Tiny conscienceinTexan gonna defend this SLIME...
McClatchy Newspapers:
ReplyDeleteJohn Ashcroft and Donald Rumsfield received the same CIA briefing about a pending Al-Qaida attack on America that Condi Rice received.
The State Department disclosed that the pair was briefed within one week after Condi Rice was told on July 10,2001.
If these three main players in the Bush administration knew two months in advance, why didn't they respond?
Why didn't Bush and Cheney respond?
Foley also appears to have solicitated underage drinking,
ReplyDeleteAccording to another message, Foley also invites the teen and a friend to come to his house near Capitol Hill so they can drink alcohol.
Teen: are you going to be in town over the veterans day weekend
Maf54: I may be now that your coming
Maf54: who you coming to visit
Teen: haha good stuff
Teen: umm no one really
Maf54: we will be adjourned ny then
Teen: oh good
Maf54: by
Maf54: then we can have a few drinks
Maf54: lol
Teen: yes yes ;-)
Maf54: your not old enough to drink
Teen: shhh…
Maf54: ok
Teen: that's not what my ID says
Teen: lol
Maf54: ok
Teen: I probably shouldn't be telling you that huh
Maf54: we may need to drink at my house so we don't get busted
Huffington Post is reporting that Foley is still lurking around My Space using the same screen name.
ReplyDeleteIs that Rehab for him?
Thats so foul Clif, that email exchange.
ReplyDeleteBut whats even more foul, is that the republicans thought it was a "political problem", and TRIED to sweep it under the rug.
Repugs are done, and all they have left is cheap insults and threats.
Like I said before. Those who are laughing now, will be crying later. And later is sooner than they think.
YOU tube has a south park take on Foley, and it is quite funny....
thats the stadard operating procedure of a sexual predator Clif, when I was growing up there was this 45-50 year old lawyer that used to invite highschool and middle school kids over and serve them alcohol and drugs and offer to represent them for free, well when he got them drunk or represented them once in court he got them to sign something and then sent them a bill for like $3000 when the teenagers contacted him about this bill that was never agreed upon that came from no where he said they could have sex with him instead, I stayed clear of this clown from the beginning I didnt trust him and thought he was creepy but I had a few friends that got taken to the cleaners by this lowlife and they all operate the same they prey on teens or kids who are too enbarrased to come forward and they usually have powerful political allies enabling them, this clown got caught after like 20 years in a sting operation and was disbarred and went to jail, but its amazing the similarities between how these low life predators operate and how politicians enable them to continue preying on children.
ReplyDeleteThe House repug leadership, the Enablers of Mark Foley.
ReplyDelete"All the Young Dudes", should be the repug theme song this election.
ReplyDeleteEverytime one of them is on the MSM it should play in the background.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
ReplyDelete"Remember the Eisenhower!"
A "strike group" led by the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower is heading to the Persian Gulf today. Many observers presume that Bush plans to hit Iran. I think the strategy could be more devious.
As noted in earlier posts, the Iranians possess a new class of cruise missiles which can easily destroy any ship in the Gulf. I believe that the neocons are placing the Eisnhower in harm's way precisely because they know that sunken ships justify wars. Any number of covert tactics (faked signals intelligence, bogus information fed to Iranian agents) could lead the Iranians to believe that they are under attack and must hit first or be hit.
Would the necons sacrifice an aircraft carrier to get their war? In my opinion, yes.
Not only will that oil-rich nation be reduced to nuclear rubble, neocon ideology will experience a resurgence within the U.S. -- where the law now allows Bush to kidnap and torture all progressive activists and writers. Alas, the distraction of the pageboy scandal will keep most progressives from seeing the real danger.
The strike group includes a submarine, probably equipped with nuclear missiles, which will handle the response after the Eisenhower goes down. That's an apt name for the sacrificial ship: The general who led our crusade against Hitler represented a form of responsible Republicanism which the neocons have murdered.
If this prediction proves wrong -- well, thank god. That'll be the most satisfying plate of crow anyone ever ate.
# posted by Joseph : 10:04 AM 16
The republicans are desperate. They know its over.
ReplyDeleteThats why the decent trolls, like FF and Volt are nowhere to be seen, cause they have nothing to say. They know its over.
And all thats left is for the scum to come in and threaten people.
After all, when you can't make your point using your brain, because you are hopelessly outgunned, most punks usually turn to threats of physical violence.
ABC News reports that Foley engaged in internet sex with a high school student in the House chamber, while he prepared to vote for an Emergency Wartime Appropriations Bill.
ReplyDeleteIs that doing the peoples business?
ReplyDeleteMonkey business.
Whats amazing to me Larry is this slug was in charge of the commitee for MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN!
They even WARNED THE PAGES!!!!!
The self righteous republican hypocrites who stand up and proclaim the loudest about child molestors and evil, turn out to be guilty of it themselves, and then try to cover it up!
They're sick.
I think I will write a new poem tonight.
ReplyDeleteI'll call it, "Lost November".
Let me just throw out this question to eveyone, but the trolls in particular..................a law was passed allowing our government to label someone a terrorist and with no evidence to imprison them without due process in a foreign prison where they may be tortured and that confession achieved DURING torture used to convict them in a secret military tribunal where they can be imprisoned for life or put to death, now many of the trolls here are spewing the party rhetoric that democrats want to give Al Qaeda and foreign terrorists the same rights we as Americans are entitled to under the Constitution.........my question to you is: DO YOU SUPPORT REGULAR AMERICAN CITIZENS BEING DENIED THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO DUE PROCESS AND A FAIR TRIAL WITH PROPER UNBIASED REPRESENTATION OF THEIR CHOICE AS WELL AS ACCESS TO THEIR CHARGES AND THE EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM AND A TRIAL BY THEIR PEERS OR DO YOU PREFER THAT AMERICAN CITIZENS MAY BE SEIZED, IMPRISONED INDEFINATELY, TORTURED AND CONVICTED SECRETLY IN A FOREIGN LAND BY A SECRET MILITARY TRIBUNAL SIMILAR TO WHAT HITLER DID TO MAKE PEOPLE HE DID NOT LIKE OR WHO OPPOSED HIM DISAPEAR?????
ReplyDeleteMajority Leader Boehner is blaming Hassert because he supposedly told him about weeks ago and Hassert did nothing.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't Boehner do something? Maybe he should be looked at in the coverup.
No Spinning Past This Scandal
ReplyDeleteEven when damage control seems a lost cause, I suppose you have to follow the playbook. So Mark Foley resigns his House seat in a nanosecond, then explains those creepy electronic messages to young congressional pages by declaring himself an alcoholic, effectively blaming it all on demon rum. House Speaker Dennis Hastert promptly calls for a really thorough - meaning really slow - investigation. The rest of the Republican leadership declares itself shocked and/or saddened, but agrees that the time has come to move on, folks, nothing to see here.
These practiced responses have long served politicians, but you don't get the sense that anyone thinks they'll work this time. There's really no effective spin you can put on the Foley scandal, no way that even the Republican Party's image-making geniuses can make people feel good about a 52-year-old man discussing masturbatory techniques with a male teenager via instant message.
About all the party leadership can do is hope the whole affair is so unsavory that some voters will be too grossed out to pay much attention. Then maybe it wouldn't sink in that House leaders were told in November 2005 - that's almost a year ago, for anyone who's counting - about an inappropriate e-mail that Foley had sent to a House page. The situation was handled with nothing more than a quiet warning.
The leadership didn't launch an investigation, which probably would have unearthed the much more explicit instant-message exchange between the Florida Republican and another young male page that surfaced last week. House leaders even let Foley continue to serve as co-chair of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, an irony too sad and unforgivable to properly enjoy.
Hastert doesn't remember ever being told of any problem with Foley, but others remember telling him about the e-mail incident. That's one of the questions - What did I know, and when did I know it? - that Hastert wants investigators to get to the bottom of. Eventually. Certainly after the November elections.
Former speaker Newt Gingrich suggested over the weekend that House leaders may have worried last year that if they pursued the Foley matter, they'd be "accused of gay-bashing." Clearly, in terms of his spinning skills, Gingrich has lost a step. The issue was whether a congressman was having improper communications with a child, not whether the congressman was gay; it would have been just as troubling if the e-mail had been sent to a female page. And anyway, it's a little late for the Republicans to denounce gay-bashing after raising it to an art form.
I don't know whether the Republicans will lose control of the House this fall, but I know that they deserve to. That judgment has nothing to do with party politics; there have been times when the Democrats were in control and allowed Congress to sink to a similar level of corruption. But that's surely where we are now, and since the Republicans are the ones in charge, they're the ones who deserve the blame.
We've had the Jack Abramoff scandal. We've had the Randy "Duke" Cunningham scandal. Congress - especially the House - has made immigrants into scapegoats. House Republicans didn't even clear their throats in objection when the White House demanded, and eventually won, the right to decide what is and isn't torture. For years now the House has legislated primarily to shovel pork, pork and more pork to the folks back home.
And now, however it happened - either because of a deliberate political decision or because the institution is so degraded that it couldn't stir itself to action, like an overstuffed aristocrat crippled by gout - we learn that the House has countenanced a congressman's sick advances toward teenagers.
Congressional pages tend to be idealistic, patriotic young people who wholeheartedly believe in America. Many are contemplating a career in politics, and they are thrilled to have the chance to come to the U.S. Capitol and witness the workings of our great democracy.
Those who came in contact with Mark Foley certainly got a lesson, didn't they?
Famous quotations are the last refuge of newspaper columnists and other scoundrels, so I try to avoid them, but at the moment I can't help thinking of what Oliver Cromwell said to the so-called Rump Parliament in 1653. Voters would do well to send the same message to the House of Representatives next month:
"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"
Uh. Mah. Gawd.
ReplyDeleteI…words simply fail me.
In the fine tradition of George W. Bush standing under the "Mission Accomplished" sign, or any one of the Katrina backdrops (where no expense was spared to bring power to an area for a photo op, and then just as quickly cut off), we now have the head of the NRCC, Tom Reynolds, using small prop children as set decoration in a press conference devoted to the topic of…yes, predatory online sexual solicitation of minors.
Even the reporters present could not contain themselves:
Reporter: Congressman, do you mind asking the children to leave the room so we can have a frank discussion of this, because it's an adult topic. It just doesn't seem appropriate to me.
Reynolds: I'll take your questions, but I'm not going to ask any of my supporters to leave.
Reporter: Who are the children, Congressman? Who are these children?
Reynolds: Pardon me?
Reporter: Who are these children?
Reynolds: Well, a number of them are from the community. There are several of the "thirtysomething" set that are here and uh I've known them and I've known their children as they were born.
Reporter: Do you think it's appropriate for them to be listening to the subject matter though?
Reynolds: Sir, I'll be happy to answer your questions, I'm still, uh…
Nobody has yet answered the question as to why the matter was put at the feet of the NRCC anyway (a body whose sole function is the re-election of Republicans to Congress), but considering the problems that the situation is visiting upon the GOP for November I guess it's small wonder nobody was really anxious to do anything about it. Reynolds now says it's All Denny Hasert's Fault.
We thought there were new nadirs hit with Drudge's "blame those teenage beasts" defense of the GOP, and then came Rush's "the teenagers were setting him up" line of attack, but this was a damn good shot at the "how low can they go" gold medal.
Nice coda: fundies are pissed. Seems the GOP kingpins seriously misjudged the amount of kool-aid they were capable of chugging and confused them with die-hard authoritarian cultists who would have no trouble with a little institutional coverup of page diddling, considering it was All For The Cause, after all.
Looks like that was a bit of a miscalculation.
BuffaloGeek also reports that:
Marc Odien asked him if he or the NRCC had any plans to return the money or earmark it for programs or groups which fight against sexual predators.
Reynolds said it was essentially clean money. Foley did not raise the money using illegal or immoral means and it was given as per standard operating procedure to the NRCC. He has no intention of returning it.
Like a good Republican, Reynolds never takes his eye off the ball — he wants that $2.7 million Foley raised for his re-election campaign for the NRCC. Any thought about using the money to help get therapy for any of the kids who might have been traumatized in the situation, especially because of the GOP leadership's inaction? Doesn't seem like that was ever a consideration. Reynolds cares about the kids who may have suffered in this case about as much as those he is using as his small human backdrops.
The Associated Press is reporting that Fox News had copies of the emails of Foley but never ran it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like more Republican coverup.
I've seen all the repug trolls on this site make fun of Lydia's story about Stalin using white bread trucks to make people he did not like disapear in the middle of the night never to be seen again.
ReplyDeletewe have now enacted laws to allow similar things to happen in America, now I have to wonder how comfortable the Neo Cons will feel with those evil stupid laws in place if they lose both houses of congress and the presidency over the next few years?
Hassert says he won't resign over this Foley coverup.
ReplyDeleteWhy should Hassert resign?
Bush will find another potential terrorist plot about to hit America, dominate the news for a couple of weeks, and then everything will be fine as always.
Repugs clearly illustrate that they have no solutions to the current world problems many of which they played a key role in creating, all threy are is finger pointing "smear and fear" megalomaniac's, who are clearly living in the past, instead of offering solutions to our problems which occured DURING BUSH"s PRESIDENCY and DURING 12 YEARS OF REPUG CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL they attempt to rewrite history and deflect the blame onto the previous president..........that would be like in the wild west if a band of outlaws masacred a group of people and the cowardly lying sheriff blamed the previous sheriff for not capturing or killing the outlaws............REPUGS= NO ACCOUNTABILITY........REPUGS=ITS NOT WRONG UNLESS YOU GET CAUGHT AND CONVICTED!!
ReplyDeleteWorf made a keen observation, things must be REALLY BAD if even the regualar sychophant trolls arent here defending their heros's
ReplyDeleteKeith Olbermann will be on Letterman tonight.
ReplyDeleteThat should be good.
They will be back when things die down and Bush stays on the airwaves with his usual terror banter.
ReplyDeleteThere is only one way to keep them off here, and that solution is simple, hack free.
Should Dennis Hastert quit as House speaker?
ReplyDeleteYes 62%
No 31%
Not sure 7%
Total Votes: 105,080
Note on Poll Results
Wonder if that 31% supporting Hastert is the same backwash of America that supports Bush and his Neo Con cronnies?
ReplyDeletei'm not wondering too hard though, as i'm sure that all the enablers and rubberstampers stick together, power is far more important to them than decency, morality or doing the right thing or what is best for our country.
Will this scandal hurt other Republicans on Election Day?
ReplyDeleteYes 77%
No 23%
Total Votes: 164,394
Note on Poll Results
I bet you a steak dinner that Bush will find another terror plot before the middle of the month.
ReplyDeleteThat should keep the press occupied until election day.
Thats right Mike.
ReplyDeleteNow that the covers are being pulled back, and Americans, instead of being afraid, are getting angry, they know their reign of terror is over.
Which is why the trolls with half a brain have nothing to say. Because they know there IS nothing to say.
It's all been said before, and no ones buying it anymore.
Their game is up, which is why the bellycrawlers come in to try and trick Clif into showing up to some republican ambush. Even if he just wanted to fight Clif, who in their right mind wants to fight over a blog?
See, rustys problem is clear. He can't hang in a debate, so he starts stompin his wittle feet and threatening everyone with bopping them over the head.
Its typical in rooms like this. The losers always get frustrated and start threatening people, because they don't have the brainpower to keep up.
It's common among those with down syndrome too. You will see them trying to put together a complicated puzzle or model, and 20 minutes later they're smashing it on the floor.
Its not that the puzzle is faulty. Its that they're too mentally impaired to construct it.
So they start breaking things.
The good news is in our advanced society, people like that, people who can't control themselves, will always wind up "being controlled".
Which makes them even more frustrated.
Hastert: Foley Scandal Is A Liberal Conspiracy To ‘Get To Me’ And ‘Affect Our Election’
ReplyDeleteInterviewed by Rush Limbaugh today, House Speaker Hastert said Mark Foley’s inappropriate behavior was “a political issue” and promised Rush that “we are going on offense.”
The “offense” is an effort to portray the scandal as a conspiracy specifically timed by liberals to affect the elections. “We are the insulation to protect this country,” Hastert declared, “and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well”:
SPEAKER HASTERT: There were two pieces of paper out there, one that we knew about and we acted on; one that happened in 2003 we didn’t know about, but somebody had it, and, you know, they’re trying — and they drop it the last day of the session, you know, before we adjourn on an election year. Now, we took care of Mr. Foley. We found out about it, asked him to resign. He did resign. He’s gone. We asked for an investigation. We’ve done that. We’re trying to build better protections for these page programs.
But, you know, this is a political issue in itself, too, and what we’ve tried to do as the Republican Party is make a better economy, protect this country against terrorism — and we’ve worked at it ever since 9/11, worked with the president on it — and there are some people that try to tear us down. We are the insulation to protect this country, and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well.
Right denny, the horrible liberals brainwashed The good congressman Foley so he would committe these vile acts and then Physically prevented you from doing anything about it.
Bush is finished. He tried to change the laws so the people he's been torturing for the last 4 years can never talk to a single impartial soul, and tell their story, but thats going to backfire and end up in the Supreme Court.
ReplyDeleteWhen it does, Bush could be facing war crimes charges.
I'll bet then he won't want a "secret tribunal".
I'll bet then he'll be glad we are a progressed society, that doesn't "torture" our confessions out of people, like HE'S BEEN TRYING TO DO.
I'll bet then he'll be glad that most Americans are better human beings than he is.
Larry said...
ReplyDeleteI bet you a steak dinner that Bush will find another terror plot before the middle of the month.
That should keep the press occupied until election day.
Mmmm. Steak.
I'd take the bet but its a losing one.
I'd sure like the steak dinner though.
The National Journal is supposed to drop another bombshell on another congressman at 5PM.
ReplyDeleteWhich pervert will be exposed this time?
From Jack Cafferty on CNN, he got an email which said;
ReplyDeleteGOP now stands for Grope Our Pages
I can't understand what it is about a grown man like that that makes him want to fondle a freakin boy.
ReplyDeleteIn all my wildest sex fantasys, (and they get pretty wild), I can't imagine seeing a boy in one of them, unless of course I'm the boy. (thats the one about the overbosomed domineering schoolmarm and the inquisitive young math pupil :).
What kind of sick f@#ks are these guys anyway. And why are so many of them turning out to be repuggies?