"It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
-- George W. Bush 9-13-2001
"I don't know where he (bin Laden) is. I have no idea and I really don't care.
It's not that important. It's not our priority."
-- George W. Bush 3-13-2002
As the Native Americans reminded us; "No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves."
To allow the terrorists to define our lives for us, to "hop" to their commands and live in fear of their threats, is to give them too much power. In fact, by focusing on fighting our enemies, is to empower them and bring them to life. Bush, who calls himself a Christian, should know this, especially if he's the leader of the free world. Anyone with any sense knows this.
Why don't modern-day pharisees get it? Why can't they see themselves? Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Tom Delay, Tim LaHaye, Bush, Cheney, Coulter are bogged down in primitive eye-for-an-eye Old Testament thought. This will get us nowhere but to chaos and hatred. Whatever you fight becomes larger. What you focus on GROWS.
FIRST THIS TRAGIC NEWS: 16,000 HOMELESS CHILDREN in L.A. including 5,000 infants, toddlers and preschoolers. There are over 88,000 homeless people here, altogether, on any given night. "Take care of the orphans and widows," Christ said. Today at church I could not stop crying hearing our pastor, Mark Brewer, along with Bobby Shriver (Mayor of Santa Monica and Maria's brother) speak about the tragic situation. God Bless these poor little souls. They suffer from malnutrition, depression, suicide and despair. "What does it say when a society as rich as ours allows our most vulnerable people — our children — to live on the streets?" Pastor Brewer founded IMAGINE LA.ORG to make sure every single child has a permanent bed to sleep in. I am getting my children involved in helping homeless children, instead of yearning for "the new Nintendo or a mansion with a tennis court." The values of our culture are pathetically upside down.
What Bush and his administration is capable of is bone-chilling. Torture? Are they kidding? If we are to win hearts and minds, we have to abide by the principle of "attraction, not promotion." How can we sell our brand of democracy if we are no better than the barbarians who torture? And how can we expect our own soldiers to be treated humanely, if we ourselves violate this most basic moral code?!! These terrorists are no different than any other enemy in history. Why is it okay for the U.S. to break the Geneva convention codes just because these are Muslim terrorists?
Now THIS is UNBELIEVABLE!! Bush was asked point blank why don't we go into Pakistan to get Osama Bin Laden, since Pakistan has admitted giving Bin Laden and his Taliban friends a safe haven, and Bush shockingly said, "We can't send troops into Pakistan — its' a sovereign nation." WHAT?!! Osama Bin Laden, "the baddest terrorist" in the world, is responsible for the Sept. 11 massacre on America — and Bush takes a "hands off" approach? Is he insane or just a blatant liar? WHY DID HE INVADE IRAQ, A SOVEREIGN NATION? Bin Laden was never in Iraq. It makes no sense. Sometimes I think Bush is actually working against America. Maybe he's a double agent and he's really a Muslim extremist in disguise! He seems to do everything to destroy us, and ruin our good name in the world. And he has no moral compass; he does not abide by principle. If we torture we are no better than the heathen and barbarians. And breaking the Geneva convention will only put our own soldiers at risk... an eye-for-an eye anyone?
The reason we are the greatest country in the world is BECAUSE of our moral integrity, our freedom of religion and speech, our democratic values, and our MORAL HIGH GROUND, BASED ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ideals, which would never, ever, ever allow torturing a prisoner of war.
Anyone who thinks it's okay to concentrate power in one branch of government or to spy on citizens or torture prisoners in secret prisons is not pro-American and is ruled by fear.
What parent, when their child expresses a fear of ghosts, says: "Yes you should be very afraid of ghosts?" A good, strong parent dismisses fear as "there is nothing to fear but fear itself." This government has exploited American's fears in order to gain power and control. WE NOW HAVE PROOF OF THIS. The mere fact that Bush will not make a deal to get Bin Laden, and will not protect our borders, is enough evidence that he is not really interested in anything but fear-mongering for political gain.
George Bush is the opposite of a Christian, or what a real Christian is supposed to be. This is the most shameful administration in the history of our great country.
Here are excerpts from the letter sent to the Senate Armed Services Committee by 29 retired military leaders, pleading with the Senate to NOT LET BUSH GET AWAY WITH HIS INHUMANE DESIRE TO TORTURE HUMAN BEINGS. I cannot believe we are even discussing this; I can't believe we have a president who is so amoral (and claims he's a Christian) and a Congress who even debates this issue!
Dear Chairman Warner and Senator Levin:
"As retired military leaders of the U.S. Armed Forces and former officials of the Department of Defense, we write to express our profound concern about a key provision ... that violates the core principles of the Geneva Conventions and poses a grave threat to American service-members, now and in future wars...."
** We supported your efforts last year to clarify that all detainees in U.S. custody must be treated humanely. That was particularly important, because the Administration determined that it was not bound by the basic humane treatment standards contained in Geneva Common Article 3."
Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions provides the minimum standards for humane treatment and fair justice that apply to anyone captured in armed conflict.... The United States military has abided by the basic requirements of Common Article 3 in every conflict since the Conventions were adopted. In each case, we applied the Geneva Conventions -- including, at a minimum, Common Article 3 -- even to enemies that systematically violated the Conventions themselves.
We have abided by this standard in our own conduct for a simple reason: the same standard serves to protect American servicemen and women when they engage in conflicts covered by Common Article 3. Preserving the integrity of this standard has become increasingly important in recent years when our adversaries often are not nation-states. Congress acted in 1997 to further this goal by criminalizing violations of Common Article 3 in the War Crimes Act, enabling us to hold accountable those who abuse our captured personnel, no matter the nature of the armed conflict.
If any agency of the U.S. government is excused from compliance with these standards, or if we seek to redefine what Common Article 3 requires, we should not imagine that our enemies will take notice of the technical distinctions when they hold U.S. prisoners captive. If degradation, humiliation, physical and mental brutalization of prisoners is decriminalized or considered permissible under a restrictive interpretation of Common Article 3, we will forfeit all credible objections should such barbaric practices be inflicted upon American prisoners.
This is not just a theoretical concern. We have people deployed right now in theaters where Common Article 3 is the only source of legal protection should they be captured. If we allow that standard to be eroded, we put their safety at greater risk.
Our servicemen and women have operated for too long with unclear and unlawful guidance on detainee treatment, and some have been left to take the blame when things went wrong. The guidance is now clear.
Moreover, were we to take this step, we would be viewed by the rest of the world as having
formally renounced the clear strictures of the Geneva Conventions. Our enemies would be
encouraged to interpret the Conventions in their own way as well, placing our troops in jeopardy in
future conflicts. And American moral authority in the war would be further damaged....
As the United States has greater exposure militarily than any other nation, we have long emphasized the reciprocal nature of the Geneva Conventions. That is why we believe – and the United States has always asserted -- that a broad interpretation of Common Article 3 is vital to the safety of U.S. personnel. But the Administration’s bill would put us on the opposite side of that argument. We urge you to consider the impact that redefining Common Article 3 would have on Americans who put their lives at risk in defense of our Nation. We believe their interests, and their safety and protection should they become prisoners, should be your highest priority as you address this issue. With respect,
General John Shalikashvili, USA (Ret.)
General Joseph Hoar, USMC (Ret.)
General Merrill A. McPeak (Ret. USAF)
Admiral Stansfield Turner, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Robert G. Gard, Jr., USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Lee F. Gunn, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, USA (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Donald L. Kerrick, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Albert H. Konetzni Jr., USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Charles Otstott, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan, USN (Ret.)
Major General John Batiste, USA (Ret.)
Major General Eugene Fox, USA (Ret.)
Major General John L. Fugh, USA (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Don Guter, USN (Ret.)
Major General Fred E. Haynes, USMC (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John D. Hutson, USN (Ret.)
Major General Melvyn Montano, ANG (Ret.)
Major General Gerald T. Sajer, USA (Ret.)
Major General Michael J. Scotti Jr., USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David M. Brahms, USMC (Ret.)
Brigadier General James P. Cullen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David R. Irvine, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General John H. Johns, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Richard O’Meara, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Murray G. Sagsveen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Anthony Verrengia, USAF (Ret.)
Brigadier General Stephen N. Xenakis, USA (Ret.)
Ambassador Pete Peterson, USAF (Ret.)
Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson, USA (Ret.)
Honorable William H. Taft IV
You can read the entire letter here: MILITARY and the article at: US NEWS WIRE
The TRUTH can never be destroyed, because it is real. A lie has to ride "piggyback" on the truth. It can’t exist without the truth.
This administration’s sick attempts at propaganda is despicable. This is the most telling thing, the worst thing. How can they hoist blatant propaganda on an unsuspecting people? How can they declare America is a democracy, if the very government put in place to protect us from totalitarianism, is using propaganda to win elections!
Met John Dean recently at a C-SPAN Progressive Dems event, and he told me that these Bush-Cheney-Rove-Coulter neoconservatives will stop at nothing to gain power. They are beyond corrupt; they are amoral, malicious and sociopathic. In his new book “Conservatives without Conscience” he describes another book published by St. Martin’s Press which completely fabricated and rewrote the entire Watergate history, including making up lies out of whole cloth and accusing his wife Mo of knowing about a DNC call-girl ring, responsible for the Watergate break-ins. Total lies, yet a major publisher put a great deal of money into it — and Time and 60 Minutes believed it too! All because Gordon Liddy had a vendetta, among other things.
I have recently been slandered, smeared and threatened repeatedly by several right-wing hackers as well. These people must be stopped at every level. Truly sick people. They and the hackers who have tried to destroy my family’s life, need our prayers.
For SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS to the world crises, along with some amazing prayer miracles in the next few weeks, please check out RADICAL PRAYER at my other blog THE PEACEMAKERS* LIGHT OF TRUTH
You can reach my Home page at: LYDIA CORNELL
And we uncover the truth about Ann Coulter like no one has ever done before at: COULTER KAMPF where you can also find breaking news about hate-speak, extremism, propaganda and smear tactics.
"We all have built into us the capacities for kindness and creativity and beauty. It's a matter of perspective. As Einstein said, "The single most important decision any of us will ever make is whether or not to believe that the universe is friendly." It's our choice.
If you get a chance everyone should see Bush's Press Conference from today on C-SPAN.
ReplyDeleteIt's bizarre.
It's like he's losing his mind.
Going insane.
Hey Bush's speech on 9/11 was cool. Dubya rawwhawks.
ReplyDeleteBush is insane.
ReplyDeleteEven far right wing stalwarts like John Warner are against him.
No one is buying his torture for terror bullshit.
America see's him now for what he is. A madman run amuck.
A BushZombie said...
ReplyDeleteHey Bush's speech on 9/11 was cool.
Thanks Fonzie, but Ice Cold is more like it.
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
Yes but we like quiche.
No, I believe both "real" men and women know that certain values such as freedom and honor are more important than life itself.
This means that "real" men must sometimes fight to protect what they hold to be dear.
For example, if your husband failed to fight a vicious thug in order to protect your life or the life of your kids, I seriously doubt you would consider that a "real" man.
Most folks wouldn't celebrate such a cowardly act as "turning the other cheek". Personally I would call that cowering like a dhimmi.
I have no doubt that your husband would agree.
Freedom Fairy said...
ReplyDeleteHey Bush's speech on 9/11 was cool.
I don't want you to see the speech on C-SPAN worfeus was talking about 15 minutes ago.
I want to distract you and get you to not see the clearly maddening President, talking himself into circles and effectively hanging himself in front of the cameras.
I'm a little pussy and I worship torture to keep me and my family of wimps and pussys safe.
Cause we're afraid of the big bad terrorists.
Actually wharf, as I recall her husband is a masculine Conservative guy who would probably have a brew with me after kicking your scrawny ass for leering like a lecher.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you live?
ReplyDeleteYou bore me loser.
ReplyDeleteYou're a waste of time and keystrokes.
Go read your soldier of fortune you little wannabe commando, and when you're finished, shove it up your ass.
See you even bore yourself.
ReplyDeleteI'll come back when someone who has emotionally developed beyond the third grade shows up.
Bye looooser, say hi to your gal Bonnie Blowup.
ReplyDeleteI think the satellite dish on your head needs re-tuning.
Do you see pink bunnies hopping on your ceiling when you go to bed?
Volt said "Hey raffy,
ReplyDeleteIn case you haven't noticed, unemployment numbers are running pretty dammed low.
Although they do fluctuate, they have been at times lower than Clintoons unemployment numbers...
Actually Larry, the economy was STILL growing even with oil over $70 a barrel. And if you look, it's dropping now... :
FF said "Cousin it, I'm pretty sure the Bush economy is robust. In a free market economy, there is the concept of creative destruction in which less productive companies contract or fail when more productive companies do a better job of providing goods and services."
Hey genius Ford is cutting over 40% of its salaried workforce as well as over 30,000 factory jobs and your crowing about unemployment being low and the economy being robust, are you people fools, are you that out of touch with reality.
These are good paying middle class blue and white collar jobs that are virtually evaporating, what are they going to be replaced by, jobs at McDonalds or Walmart, our standard of living is declining because of Bush's failed policies which have done nothing to protect good paying jobs from being outsources to countries with cheaper labor.
What are you going to do Fascist Fan when they outsource your job to India or China, i'm sure there are people in china who would count beans or play at the computer for 5 times less than they pay you FF, when that happens I guess we can say cool, thats only creative destruction when you are unemployed or forced to take a job paying far less money than you previously made.
Bush had to have lost his mind, whatever mind he had. It has been revealed that Pakistan is harboring Bin Laden; protecting him aas long as he "lives a peaceful life" along his fellow Taliban friends. Bush just admitted he can't invade Pakistan to catch Bin Laden because Pakistan is a sovereign nation! OSAMA BIN LADEN: the cause of the 911 massacre and the baddest terrorist in the world whom Bush vowed to go to the ends of the earth to catch!
funny Lydia, Bush had no problems invading the sovreign nation of Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with attacking us and murdering 3000 Americans on 9/11.............................if thats being tough on terrorists and Al Qaeda then Americans need their heads examined, we need to impeach this ignorant thug.
ReplyDeleteletting osama walk of into the sunset for attacking us but attacking a sovreign nation that had nothing to do with attacling us would be akin to dropping atomic bombs on China in WW2 instead of japan, after all they are all oriental right???
I've been saying for over a year now Lydia that Bin Laden was in Kashmir,(Pakistan\India disputed region) and I clearly predicted that one day he would wander across the border into Pakistan where he enjoys an 80 percent approval rating.
ReplyDeleteAs for Bush saying he can't invade Pakistan because its a soverign nation?
What was Iraq? A US state?
What Bushy meant to say, was he only invades sovereign nations that can't fight back.
ReplyDeleteThats what he "meant" to say.
hey Worf, didnt you me Bush only invades sovreign nations that cant fight back with lots and lots of oil!
ReplyDeleteI wish i could have sen his press conference, I heard Bush looked like an incoherrent raving lunatic
ReplyDeleteImpatient, SS guards, fed up with uncooperative crying children suckling their mothers breast, would pickup infants by their legs and smash their little bodies against the trunk of a tree killing them instantly.
Do you feel such a individual deserves protection under the Geneva convention?
Remember, the mothers were forced to watch.
You Libs forget that Bush is not asking to legalize torture. He is simply asking the Congress to define ambiguous terms so that our interrogators will know what is legal and what is not. These interrogators are straight shooters and will not break the law, nor should they. If the ambiguity persists, they will refuse to interrogate detainees for fear of violating vague stautes, and a valuable source of information on the war on terror will end. Is that what you want?
ReplyDeleteCommon Article Three of the Geneva Conventions proscribes "outrages upon personal dignity" in interrogations of enemy combatants. That is rather vague. Would you rather that that standard be interpreted in the field, where the interpretions may differ widely, or would you rather that this term is defined and codified by the Congress to give our intelligence professionals the proper guidelines?
ReplyDeleteJohnny Moo Moo said;
ReplyDeleteDo you feel such a individual deserves protection under the Geneva convention?
But thats not the question.
Perhaps the republicans sin is not really that they're evil. Perhaps their sin is 2 dimensional thinking.
If you are basing your decision soley on a persons presumed worthyness, then I suppose thats the only decision you could arrive at.
But just like chess, you need to think a few more moves ahead than that.
The question has nothing to do with whether ore not a person deserves it, or even if by doing so you may save lives.
The question is, do we want the world to do what they will invariably do, and follow our lead?
Because their is one thing you can be certain of. When we start messing with the Geneva Conventions and legalizing torture, the gloves will come off throughout the world. Every nation will feel free to interpret the Geneva Conventions as they wish. Many countries which now honor the Geneva Conventions, many based on our lead, will be free to modify or even abandon the Conventions, and you can bet your ass it will be open season on US troops.
The world has a way of punishing its own.
Of course theres the humanity factor involved. I'd exlain it to you but if you have to ask that question then you obviously won't comprehend it.
ReplyDeleteWorf said
ReplyDelete"The question is, do we want the world to do what they will invariably do, and follow our lead?"
Excellent logic.....I knew you were going to say that.
However, I can only wish the rest of the world could follow such moral thinking.
Thus, I know in my heart not all indivduals are capable of such resonable thought; no amount of reasoning can persuade them from performing acts of terrorism despite the best example being set.
Quite simply, some people could care a less about example.
I really do wish I were wrong!
Nevertheless, I must concede that someone on the planet has to keep things in check by preventing us from becoming pure barbarians.....generally speaking, I suggest a good example is better than a bad one.
ReplyDeleteThe reason we are the greatest country in the world is BECAUSE of our moral integrity, our freedom of religion and speech, our democratic values, and our MORAL HIGH GROUND, BASED ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ideals, which would never, ever, ever allow torturing a prisoner of war.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks it's okay to concentrate power in one branch of government or to spy on citizens or torture prisoners in secret prisons is not pro-American and is ruled by fear.
What parent, when their child expresses a fear of ghosts, says: "Yes you should be very afraid of ghosts?" A good, strong parent dismisses fear as "there is nothing to fear but fear itself." This government has exploited American's fears in order to gain power and control. WE NOW HAVE PROOF OF THIS. The mere fact that Bush will not make a deal to get Bin Laden, and will not protect our borders, is enough evidence that he is not really interested in anything but fear-mongering for political gain.
Volt said
ReplyDelete"the USA has been a greater force for good in the world than the bums in here will admit."
Actually volt, Ive always wanted to say this:
"The United States had the world in it's hands in 1945....if they really wanted too."
Ms. Cornell said
ReplyDelete" The reason we are the greatest country in the world"
Uhhhh.....Lydia, can we split that to include Canada?
I clearly remember Mikes proposal in working together on developing the Alberta oil Sands; I agreed, as we are long time friends and allies.
The Fooles said;
ReplyDeleteDubya rawwhawks.
"rawwhawks" is the kind of sound a parrot would make, and The Idiot just parrots what dead Eye and KKKarl tells him to.
Tiny gaharaninTexan said;
ReplyDeleteHe is simply asking the Congress to define ambiguous terms so that our interrogators will know what is legal and what is not
They already did that A44clown, McCains bill if ZI remember right, the one Bush signed a statement saying he could IGNORE. NICE try at spin stupid, but it has already been done.
Georguie Boy forgot to READ this part of the Geneva convention;
ReplyDeleteArticle 17
Every prisoner of war, when questioned on the subject, is bound to give only his surname, first names and rank, date of birth, and army, regimental, personal or serial number, or failing this, equivalent information. If he wilfully infringes this rule, he may render himself liable to a restriction of the privileges accorded to his rank or status.
(snip) and THIS.
No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever.
Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to any unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind.
KIND OF ANSWERS to IDIOTS question, and is the reason they are tryuing to GET around the Geneva Convention
and wanna BET they conviently forgot this little rule;
Article 41
In every camp the text of the present Convention and its Annexes and the contents of any special agreement provided for in Article 6, shall be posted, in the prisoners' own language, at places where all may read them. Copies shall be supplied, on request, to the prisoners who cannot have access to the copy which has been posted.
Regulations, orders, notices and publications of every kind relating to the conduct of prisoners of war shall be issued to them in a language which they understand. Such regulations, orders and publications shall be posted in the manner described above and copies shall be handed to the prisoners' representative. Every order and command addressed to prisoners of war individually must likewise be given in a language which they understand.
Article 70
Immediately upon capture, or not more than one week after arrival at a camp, even if it is a transit camp, likewise in case of sickness or transfer to hospital or another camp, every prisoner of war shall be enabled to write direct to his family, on the one hand, and to the Central Prisoners of War Agency provided for in Article 123, on the other hand, a card similar, if possible, to the model annexed to the present Convention, informing his relatives of his capture, address and state of health. The said cards shall be forwarded as rapidly as possible and may not be delayed in any manner.
Article 97
Prisoners of war shall not in any case be transferred to penitentiary establishments (prisons, penitentiaries, convict prisons, etc.) to undergo disciplinary punishment therein.
Article 98
A prisoner of war undergoing confinement as a disciplinary punishment, shall continue to enjoy the benefits of the provisions of this Convention except in so far as these are necessarily rendered inapplicable by the mere fact that he is confined. In no case may he be deprived of the benefits of the provisions of Articles 78 and 126.
Prisoners of war awarded disciplinary punishment shall be allowed to exercise and to stay in the open air at least two hours daily.(waterboarding is NOT considered exercise)
Article 102
A prisoner of war can be validly sentenced only if the sentence has been pronounced by the same courts according to the same procedure as in the case of members of the armed forces of the Detaining Power, and if, furthermore, the provisions of the present Chapter have been observed.
AND they have FAILED miserably with this one, because secret prisons were NEVER revealed, thus THE US Government VIOLATED this provision.
Kind of shows the total dishonesty of The Idiot, Dead Eye, McDumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gonzolas, Rice, and their minions.
Article 126
Representatives or delegates of the Protecting Powers shall have permission to go to all places where prisoners of war may be, particularly to places of internment, imprisonment and labour, and shall have access to all premises occupied by prisoners of war; they shall also be allowed to go to the places of departure, passage and arrival of prisoners who are being transferred. They shall be able to interview the prisoners, and in particular the prisoners' representatives, without witnesses, either personally or through an interpreter.
Representatives and delegates of the Protecting Powers shall have full liberty to select the places they wish to visit. The duration and frequency of these visits shall not be restricted. Visits may not be prohibited except for reasons of imperative military necessity, and then only as an exceptional and temporary measure.
The Detaining Power and the Power on which the said prisoners of war depend may agree, if necessary, that compatriots of these prisoners of war be permitted to participate in the visits.
The delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross shall enjoy the same prerogatives. The appointment of such delegates shall be submitted to the approval of the Power detaining the prisoners of war to be visited.
The entirs text of the 1949 Geneva Convention can be found HERE
ReplyDeleteSorry Volt
ReplyDeleteI have to disagree.....Canada is the greatest country in the world. Our peace making abilities and resistance to terrorism make us the mightiest......not to mention our back bacon, beer, and smokes.
Something Americans are quite incapable of producing efficiently.
Johnny the Foole said;
ReplyDelete"The United States had the world in it's hands in 1945....if they really wanted too."
Bull son, it couldn't have gotten as far in the USSR in 1945 as the Nazi's did in 1941, and It would have never been able to "conqure" China, India, or the Muslim states. It did not have the Military forces to take on the whole world and win any more than the Germans did, you say you read a lot of Books on WW2 then you MUST realise the enormity of your STUPID assinine statement.
Rant all youwant numbnuts, but YOU know what I say is the truth and the reasom Eisenhower and Marshal slapped Patton's wish to drive to Moscow down.
McCarthur in Korea in October 1950 also proved we did not have the assets to Take on the Might of Red China...in their backyard, let alone their country.
Volt said
ReplyDelete"Think of all the eastern European countries that wouldn't have fallen under Soviet oppression."
Patton was 100 percent correct.
Too bad Ike didnt listen too him.
Later FOOLES, enjoy the repug circle jerk, and wipe when your done.
ReplyDeleteLOL VOLT :D
ReplyDeleteWHAT SEPARATES MAN FROM ANIMAL? WHAT SEPARATES THE CIVILIIZED MAN FROM THE BARBARIAN? WHAT SEPARATES GOOD CHRISTIANS FROM EXTREMSIT JIHADISTS? The obedience to moral laws, the obedience to moral standards, the obedience to the Geneva Convention.
ReplyDeleteDo you really want to give the terrorists better P.R. by torturing them — against everything a civilized Christian nation stands for? We must lead by example.
ReplyDeleteI meant the U.S. had the atomic bomb and could have easily mass produced this item to rule the world for a period of seven years..... had it really wanted too.
Stalin feared the bomb and had no desire to further his conquest of pushing further west or taking a clearly defeated Japan.
Uhhhhhh...Lydia......you must have missed my 5:21 PM post in which I basically agreed with Worf.
ReplyDeletePay attention please!
Sometimes girls bug me....LOL!
ReplyDeletePork cops? What part of the chicken is that?
ReplyDeleteDolt said "Precisely!
ReplyDeleteAnd we didn't need the Geneva conventions to teach us that.
And as much as we'd like the rest of the world to follow suite, they DON'T.
So lets keep our options open and make them wonder."
are you that clueless, the geneva conventions provide order and rules of conduct as well as accountability, if other countries "CHOOSE" not to follow them then their leaders both military and government will be subject to War Crimes, doing away with humane rules of conduct during war will like worf said open a pandora's box, it will remove the accountability of leaders which has been Bush's goal from day one, he has been slowly removing and dismantling all safeguards and checks and balances be they corporate oversight or regulation, constitutional and personal rights and freedoms as well as international law and rules of conduct, Bush deems himself above any law or standard of conduct and claims the right to defy or disregard any law he dislikes or finds inconvienient at the time including the Constitution which despite the fact he sworn to honor, adhere to and defend he called "A DAMN PIECE OF PAPER" to me a man with a mindset like this is far more dangerous than any terrorist.
I meant PORK CHOPS....lol.
ReplyDeleteBush wants to claim the moral high ground and say we are better than the terrorists but he asks to do the very things we decry the enemy for.
ReplyDeleteBush claims pre-emptive attacks are wrong and fears iraq or iran would use WMD to attack Israel or America pre=emptively, but yet he has made a case for nuking iran pre=emptively and invading Iraq pre-emptively thats kind of like shooting someone you dont like pre-emptively in the back then claiming you felt that he might have done the same to you some day.Did bush ever stop to think maybe these country want nukes SO BAD because they are afraid of the USA and its unstable warmongering leaders. I know if a 300 pound UFC fighter were threating me, i would want some kind of weapon to protect myself and clearly the USA is the 800 pound gorilla of the world and being that we have been acting like a arrogant belligerant bully I cant blame other countries for wanting nukes as protection and insurance from pre emptive attacks and planned regime changes by the USA. Is it that difficult for America to open a dialogue and listen to other country's needs and perspective instead of saying its "OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" and doing what is only in our best interests.
Bush claims the muslims have no regard for life or human dignity and they use torture yet he is saying he wants to be able to torture them.
Bush has said they hate us for our freedom and freedom is worth fighting for and dying for yet he is willing to quickly sacrifice that freedom.
Wow. Look at all these Traitors Lydia found.
General John Shalikashvili, USA (Ret.)
General Joseph Hoar, USMC (Ret.)
General Merrill A. McPeak (Ret. USAF)
Admiral Stansfield Turner, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Robert G. Gard, Jr., USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Lee F. Gunn, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, USA (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Donald L. Kerrick, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Albert H. Konetzni Jr., USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Charles Otstott, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan, USN (Ret.)
Major General John Batiste, USA (Ret.)
Major General Eugene Fox, USA (Ret.)
Major General John L. Fugh, USA (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Don Guter, USN (Ret.)
Major General Fred E. Haynes, USMC (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John D. Hutson, USN (Ret.)
Major General Melvyn Montano, ANG (Ret.)
Major General Gerald T. Sajer, USA (Ret.)
Major General Michael J. Scotti Jr., USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David M. Brahms, USMC (Ret.)
Brigadier General James P. Cullen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David R. Irvine, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General John H. Johns, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Richard O’Meara, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Murray G. Sagsveen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Anthony Verrengia, USAF (Ret.)
Brigadier General Stephen N. Xenakis, USA (Ret.)
Ambassador Pete Peterson, USAF (Ret.)
Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson, USA (Ret.)
Honorable William H. Taft IV
Look at all these cowards and cut-n-runners.
I mean Brigader Generals and stuff.
You'd think they'd know better.
Don't want to "embolden" the enemy.
Hey would somebody please waterboard Voltaire?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Well, well. Looks like wharf deleted all his blustery third grade level posts where he threatened to beat me up if I ever showed up at his house, yet like a coward declined to give me his address.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you for being embarrassed you piss-ant buffoon.
Let's give you the benefit of the doubt -- perhaps you were stoned on weed at the time.
Where's yours dickwad?
The reason we are the greatest country in the world is BECAUSE of our moral integrity, our freedom of religion and speech, our democratic values, and our MORAL HIGH GROUND, BASED ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ideals, which would never, ever, ever allow torturing a prisoner of war.
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
Fantastic, Ms. Cornell! (cheering, applauding, standing ovulation). This is easily the best thing I have ever seen you write!
Be careful 'cause it sounds like you may be becoming a Conservative.
Now all that remains is for us to reach agreement as to what specifically constitutes "torture".
I doubt that either of us would find it acceptable to allow perhaps thousands of innocent folks to perish simply because some bureaucrat proscribed harsh interrogation of a captured jihadist.
So lets just enumerate exactly what is acceptable, and not place that heavy burden upon some agent just trying to do his best to protect our country and the lives of his friends.
As for drugs, don't do em, never will. Drugs are for losers, like you and your Rush Limpballs, who needs drugs to make his dickhard.
ReplyDeleteYou probably need drugs to grow a dick, dick.
Freedom Faggot said;
ReplyDeleteNow all that remains is for us to reach agreement as to what specifically constitutes "torture".
Now in order to do this we need to waterboard you.
We will first take you away from your home at gunpoint, with a plastic bag over your head.
If that bitch of a mother of yours gets in our way, we'll knock her down. We'll haul you off in the middle of the night, along with 50 other guys from your neighborhood who have similar names.
We'll take you and toss you in a dark cold steel cage, where you'll rot for years. Your family won't be allowed to ever see you, and you'll be completely cut off from the world, with no attorneys or advocates of any kind. Not even the Red Cross will be allowed to visit you. You'll be completely at our mercy.
You'll be completely alone.
You'll talk to nobody, and every day we'll tell you you're going to die in here. Everyday the guards will taunt you, beat you a little, humilate you. Laugh at your genitals, embarass you in front of women.
We'll even put their panties on your head, and then make you suck your fathers cock.
When your done sucking your fathers cock, we'll make you shit on him, and smear it all over him, and yourself. (this is the "psychological portion of your fun).
And once a week we'll take you into a room, where we'll strap you to a board, wrap cellophane over that big fat inbred mouth of yours, and your head and face, so you can't breath. While you're turning blue, we'll cut a hole in the cellophane where that big fat inbred mouth of yours is, and shove a dirty garden hose into it.
Then we'll turn on the water, and watch as your chest expands and your lungs fill up with water.
We'll watch you die.
Then we'll simply revive you, and do it all over again.
It'll be fun.
And when we're done, we'll ask you if you think its torture or not, you inbred cocksucking litte chickenshit nazi prick.
Let me know when you're ready to begin.
ReplyDeleteBy William F. Buckley Jr.
Fri Sep 15, 8:07 PM ET
The divisions on the question of how to deal with terrorist suspects reminds us that there is confused reasoning in town. This is not unexpected, but this time around it gives especially interesting paradoxes.
Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) -- miraculously still alive, given what he was made to suffer in Vietnam -- voted against authorizing "alternative interrogation practices," rejecting the toughness President Bush and his advisers deem necessary to cope with their problem. Most unexpected was the intercession of Colin Powell. As a former secretary of state and close adviser to presidents, he'd have been thought in favor of executive authority in matters touching on war.
Rep. Duncan Hunter (news, bio, voting record), R-Calif., head of the House Armed Services Committee, said simply that he would do whatever the president asked. Gen. Powell introduced an objection of arresting nature. He said that a departure from the Geneva Convention rules would encourage the world to "doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism."
It's worth it to pause for a minute with some basic questions, illuminated by a hypothetical case.
Habib Sulaiman, age 22, is picked up by security agents in London. He has been frequenting the airport, spending unaccountable time at international departures gates of British Airways. A search of his apartment brings out files focusing on airport transport. Telephone records disclose calls to a number that French authorities have listed as suspect. Sulaiman declines to answer any questions. One month later, he finds himself in Guantanamo. What is to be done with him?
Routine questioning, of the kind he has been subjected to ever since he was picked up, has accomplished nothing.
Hypothetically, he could be shot and buried. But of course we do not do that kind of thing.
We could just keep him in his Guantanamo cell. Just keep him there, let the months go by, turning -- maybe -- into years. But that, too, is something we don't go in for, certainly not in theory.
So after a while the commandant says, "Let's try something a little more persuasive than solitary confinement."
Like what? Like alternative interrogation practices.
A question before the Senate was whether to continue to abide by what is called Common Article 3. The Geneva Convention that begot Article 3 sought to prohibit inhumane treatment of combatants seized in wartime. In the language of the convention, the design was to prohibit "outrages upon personal dignity."
Legal questions arose. Gen. Michael Hayden of the CIA has said that clarifications have to be made, since outrages to human dignity can be adduced by imaginative, and even not really imaginative, detainees -- certainly Mr. Sulaiman could after awhile persuasively maintain that life in a cell in Guantanamo is an outrage against personal dignity.
Another matter, on which Mr. Bush is absolutely decisive, has to do with the auspices of Common Article 3. The Geneva Convention that came up with it was talking about treatment of organized combatants, and of course terrorists are militantly non-military. The point here is that Congress has the authority to modify its endorsement of the Geneva protocol by acting on the vagueness not only of the prohibition, but also of the category -- "combatants seized in wartime" -- being dealt with.
It was a maudlin mistake of Gen. Powell to take these questions and run them together under the rubric of morality. The eternal question, in international engagements but also in national and even local engagements, is how to balance competing claims: the claim to personal sovereignty and the claim to security for the community. Before airplanes existed, one didn't need expedited detentions based on suspicious activity.
As Congress closes in on the request of the commander in chief, elected legislators will need to review these questions. They should not be asked to define what exactly they condone, in the way of alternative interrogation practices. But they should not be dumbfounded into inactivity by general appeals to the Ten Commandments.
Wharf, you are one sick puppy indeed. Hopefully you won't delete your last post like you deleted the others.
ReplyDeletePlease leave it up and let everyone get a glimpse into that squirming, seething, amorphous, abominable growth inside your skull where decent, normal folks have a brain. Some of us here are liberals, some Conservative politically; you however are barely human.
You have fooled Ms. Cornell into thinking that you have a "good heart", but I know better. You are probably some twisted, freakish, suicidal, social misfit who intends to take some innocent folks with you when you go. The sooner the better for all of us.
ReplyDeleteSure asshole, sure.
One problem though with that assessment Herr Hoess.
I'm not the one in here advocating torture numbnuts.
You are.
ReplyDeleteLibs and nihilists full of self-hatred like wharf want the terrorists to win.
Libs actually admire terrorists because they hate America, Israel and the rest of western civilization with such conviction that they are willing to die to destroy us.
What is evident in the words and actions of libs, is genuine admiration for our Islamist enemies. Libs wish they could be as dedicated in their hatred of America as their IslamoFascist buddies.
Typically the only time you see libs pretending to be patriotic is during the dhimmicrat party convention when they wave flags to dupe swing voters. Otherwise they are listening to randi rhodes on air (head) america radio honoring traitors like george galloway.
Voltaire said ""doing away with humane rules of conduct during war will like worf said open a pandora's box, it will remove the accountability of leaders"
Only if they win Mikey, Only if they win.
And if they DO win, whose going to go in and get them?
Kinda like Kissenger. Do you know there are quite a few countries he can't visit because he'd be arrested for war crimes?"
Look at this inbred thug looking at it just from the perspective of what him and his cronnies can "get away with". I'll spell it out for you since i forgot to factor in that you people are fools and immoral thugs, any country that loses the war would have their leaders tried for war crimes and be held responsible as also would the nations who won the war that violated the Geneva Convention, but of course you just proved my point for me of why the Geneva Convention and thus accountability for humane and civil treatment of prisoners is so inportant during times of war, JUST AS I STATED YOU REPUG THUGS LOOK AT THINGS STRICTLY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT" AND THAT NOTHING IS WRONG IF YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT, you are sick and twisted people who have either lost your moral compass or never had one THAT IS WHY THE GENEVA CONVENTION IS SO IMPORTANT, TO MAKE THUGS WITH NO CONSCIENCE LIKE YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!
Lydia, Excellent post!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not too happy that the American public seems determined to elect a bunch of hippies and freaks and appeasers to undo the security improvements we've seen since 2001. But I've resigned myself to the possibility. I've been reading a Patton biography lately, and I'm amazed by the casualty figures. It seems like every major battle cost thousands or tens of thousands of men. I look at that, and I think about the losses in the World Wars and the Civil War, and the losses the British took from German rockets, and I conclude that it won't be the end of the world if the Muslim nuts destroy an American city with a nuclear weapon. And after that happens, we won't hear any more about making loonies like Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House.
ReplyDeleteI figure that an atomic bomb, which is the worst thing the Islamists can come up with, will take out 150,000 people, tops. That figure is pretty close to what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It will be the worst thing that ever happened to the US, but we'll still be able to come back, get serious, and mash our enemies like bugs all over the globe.
So if we pack the House and Senate with appeasing idiots this fall, and security becomes even more lax and PC than it is now, and a bomb vaporizes, say, Cleveland, I guess we'll be okay in the long run. We'll vote for the right people and have effective security eventually. It's just a matter of what has to happen to convince us to make the effort.
The important thing is to not be too close to a tempting target like New York, Washington, LA, or Chicago...The best possible city to live in is Detroit, because the Muslims will never hit it. It's packed with Arabs and Muslims of all descriptions...
-Steve H. Graham, HogOnIce.com
So cliffy living in KY, you and your lib buddies will be safe in the aftermath of a nuke and still be able to blame Dubya and the Jews for everything evil as usual.
For insane libs like mikey and decadent nihilists like wharf, the paramount concern is feeling good about nurturing the self-esteem of captured IslamoFascists with erections for 72 virgins, rather than grilling them to provide information to thwart the next terror attempt at instantly vaporizing the lives of thousands of fellow Americans.
The delusional FOOLE said;
ReplyDeleteSo cliffy living in KY, you and your lib buddies will be safe in the aftermath of a nuke and still be able to blame Dubya and the Jews for everything evil as usual.
Exactly where are the NUKES coming from Foole? .. Pakistan? .. they are the ONLY MUSLIM based country to HAVE them...and they seem to be MAKING peace with the Taliban, Bbbuuttt they claim to be OUR ally.
For insane libs like mikey and decadent nihilists like wharf,
Foole your the insane delusional one here...and as for decadent...well I've NEVER seen any proof, words do not make the action, otherwise, we all would have to call The Idiot...The STUPID Idiot.
the paramount concern is feeling good about nurturing the self-esteem of captured IslamoFascists with erections for 72 virgins,
No circle jerk pivot man, it is ABOUT following the LAW, and Not giving up the Constitution to Osama, as Bush seems determined to do.
rather than grilling them to provide information to thwart the next terror attempt at instantly vaporizing the lives of thousands of fellow Americans.
Nice spin, but as usual...your living in your delusional NEVER Never land, where everything is Bad enough to allow Bush to SH*T on the constitution, but NOT bad enough 5 years after 9-11 to replace the Incompetent Clown and his PNAC neo-con repug clown posse. Must be getting Hard to swallow for KKKArl, and figger out how to justify the incompetence of this group of greedy sycophants, who care for nothing but MORE power, and bigger bank accounts. After all they HAVE just about LOST Iraq, to the terrorists, and are losing Afghanistan Back to the Taliban, so if a nuke is wrought upon the US is is more the result the repug idiots in DC( who BTW control both houses, and the white House) were more concerned with Gay marriage, funneling Billions of federal taxpayers dollars into the coffers of companies they hold stock in, (or that contributed to the culture of corruption the Greedy Ole Party has become) and Tax Cuts..than Border security and port security(You know where they will HAVE to bring the NUKE in), PROPER MILITARY PLANNING TO ENSURE SUCCESS, holding people who either planned to fail, or failed to plan to account.
BUT blaming democrats for Bush's families failures is ONE of the repug parties better Sh*tstains on the body politic now days. Unlike their udder failure in New Orleans, and Iraq, and approaching failure in Afghanistan along with the budget deficits and destruction of the Military readiness and standards,, at least their gutless passing the BUCK away from the Desk HARRY TRUMAN said it should rest on...did NOT kill tens of thousands, or break the federal budget process for the next couple of decades.
Keep defending the criminal Idiots, and future generations will lump you into the group of Bushavikes, who are the 21st century version of Little Eichmans.....at least you can plead insanity, and use your posts on this BLOG as proof.
Johnny Moo Moo said;
ReplyDeleteI meant the U.S. had the atomic bomb and could have easily mass produced this item to rule the world for a period of seven years..... had it really wanted too.
Sorry Johnny, in 1945 we COULD NOT mass produce any Nukes. As it was we used up most of the Uranium we had produced at Oak Ridge, in the Bomb known as "little boy", and could only produce one or two more. And we did not have all that much Plutonium. In Total we ONLY produced 6 weapons in 1945,(and in 1946 we had a total of 11, thus we produced 8 that year.) NONE were ready when the war in Europe ended in May, and of those 6 we produced in 1945, we used 1 at trinity, and 2 on Japan, Thus we ONLY had 3 left, which was NO where enough to create a military advantage in Europe.
BTW where would have suggested
1 using them.
2 How to justify to the world, that we HAD to use the same weapons on the USSR that we used on Imperial Japan.
3 Exactly what would we do after exhausting the stockpiles of nuclear weapons?
Remember the USSR had about 25 million people in their Armed forces in 1945 and we had about 18 million. And a good number of those were still fighting the Japanese in the pacific, until Sept 1945, and until the Japanese surrendered, we HAD to be planning for an Invasion of it's homeland...which means almost every war planner would have told you your an IDIOT for suggestion any Military action against Russia at that time, and By the spring of 1946 it was far too late to consider it, because the situation was no amendable for another world war(which it would have quickly become), because France and England were deep into trying to save their empires, (remember Gandhi was giving them trouble in India At that time, and the french were getting deep into their Indochina War). thus we would not have their militarises to back us if we decided to attack at that time.
See Johnny it is EASY to make stupid statement like we should have done it, but when you LOOK at the situation which we faced(and those we would have had top rely on for help) and think it through, NO military action would have been possible that would have resulted in the ENDS fools who advocate it think it would have.
Instead we would have had a HOT war with the USSR and China, and instead of rebuilding western Europe to create NATO and win the scold war with their help, we would have had a totally destroyed Europe(where we would have had to fight the Russians.)
Also the Chinese communists would have made MUCH trouble in Asia for the US...and certainly would have provided troops for the soviets..which means we would have had to fight a 50-100 million man army.
At the same time we would have to keep a significant portion of our military in Asia as a check on the Chinese communists. and other communist movements which would have tried to take advantage of our war in Europe.
No son AS much as you repug clowns hate to admit it, both Roosevelt and Truman made the correct decisions, as to box the soviets in...contain them, and allow the western way of life, defeat communism....which is a better victory, because no amount of game playing will ever convince anybody but a deluded..Russian "ex-communist" that they could have won the cold war" They fought it as hard as they could, but LOST because their approach to forming a society did not allow the necessary freedoms to truly innovative and create the conditions for victory.
It is not the Rambo(present day Patton) answer for the cold war you clowns wanted.... just the correct one which worked.
Lydia said:
ReplyDelete"Osama Bin Laden, "the baddest terrorist" in the world, is responsible for the Sept. 11 massacre on America — and Bush takes a "hands off" approach?
Is he insane or just a blatant liar?"
Cliff said: "Unlike their udder failure..."
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about the dairy bill?
ReplyDeleteIts hard to imagine the mighty industrial capacity of the U.S would be incapable of finding the resources to build atomic weapons on a grand scale.
Im simply saying: If the U.S REALLY WANTED TOO, Im sure it could have bulit some kind of installation like Peenamunde.
Also, I am fully aware there were no atom bombs in Europe in 45. However, Stalin did have his eye on Japan and was building up massive forces.
Actually, part of the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima in August of 45 was to impress Stalin and stop him from invading Japan, as well as making him think twice about having any further designs on western Europe.
Even Hitler believed the bombs would be flying over Berlin in April 45....he was almost right.
And Cliff, I hardly doubt you would have felt the same way during the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Berlin Airlift. I,ll bet alot of people said: Damn, maybe we should have let Patton complete his admirable trek.
HELLO Captain Morgan
ReplyDeleteI trust you are of good mind and spirit and doing well.
Whatcha been doin?
Rene! Hey how ya doin?
ReplyDeleteIs that really cliffy? He looks like a Barbary pirate.
He told us he fought in Gulf I, but I'm not sure on which side.
Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole.
ReplyDelete-Ann Coulter
Feardom Fan said;
ReplyDeleteFor insane libs like mikey and decadent nihilists like wharf, the paramount concern is feeling good about nurturing the self-esteem of captured IslamoFascists with erections for 72 virgins, rather than grilling them to provide information to thwart the next terror attempt at instantly vaporizing the lives of thousands of fellow Americans.
No pinhead. That may be YOUR definition of simple humanity and decency.
But just because you're such a chickenshit peice of human garbage that you want to trade our decency for your perceived terror threats doesn't mean the rest of us sign on.
You're a coward freedom fag.
A stinking, snibbling little coward.
Nothing more.
ReplyDeleteThe America which libs love doesn't exist and never will, thank goodness.
The libs' America is one in which no one dares to celebrate our marvelous Judeo-Christian values, lest he become branded as "judgemental" or "intolerant".
The libs' America is one in which overtly showing patriotism is tantamount to jingoism at best or nazism at worst.
The libs' America is one in which big government confiscates more and more of the private sector's wealth for its lazy bureaucrats until our economy, stifled by high taxation, stagnates and fails as has our European neighbors.
The libs' America is one in which only government is good. The common man cannot trusted to generally to the right thing. So policemen and the military may own firearms but private citizens may not.
The libs' America is one in which a handful of unelected activist judges may trample the will of the people by legislating from the bench in utter distain for the U.S. Constitution and its clearly worded 10th amendment.
The libs' America is one in which facts are irrelevant, and no conspiracy theory is too hysterically insane, if it can be used to smear Conservatives. In this regard, libs are much like the Islamists who blame Jews for all the evil in the world.
The libs' America is one in which Republican Presidents like George Bush are more evil than hitler, but castro and even saddam hussein are benevolent dictators.
Just look at France to see where America will eventually be led if liberals prevail.
Terrorists: We will kill all infidels and rule the world!
ReplyDeleteLiberals: As they kill us, we should try to understand them and see that the root cause of their violence is us.
Religious Conservatives: Kill them! Kill them!
Jesus: Remember to love thy enemy.
Religious Conservatives: It's... uh... tough love.
ROFLMFAO! Volt you nailed it. How true.
Comparison of Terrorists to Conservative Chickens.
ReplyDelete1. Terrorists use fear to convince the masses that the US intends on invading their countries to kill all their people.
2. Conservatives use fear to convince the massest that the terrorists intend on invading our homeland to kill all their people.
Both use fear to sell their murder.
Both of their "fears" are based on unfounded concerns.
Both are cowards.
ReplyDeleteBoth are traitors to humanity.
I as an American have a better chance of getting hit by a bus than I dc of being killed by some terrorist.
ReplyDeleteLook out Freedom Fairy, I think I see a big bad terrorist coming.
ReplyDeleteBurn the Constitution. Shoot anything that moves.
Hide the kids. Get out the kevlar and RUN!
You little sissy you.
ReplyDeleteComparison of Terrorists to Conservative Chickens.
ReplyDelete1. Terrorists use fear to convince the masses that the US intends on invading their countries to kill all their people.
2. Conservatives use fear to convince the massest that the terrorists intend on invading our homeland to kill all their people.
Both use fear to sell their murder.
Both of their "fears" are based on unfounded concerns.
Both are traitors to humanity.
There is no terrorist threat...it's a lie.
-michael moore
So apparently it is liberals -- who coddle Muslim extremists, pretend the Islamic terrorist threat is fake, encourage Muslims to immigrate into their countries, live off welfare, hate their countries and fail to assimilate its values and instead implement freedom-crushing sharia -- who are the champions of humanity. *spit*
When I posted that article about the cushy treatment of detainees, the only alleged innaccuracy Worf could find was the daily calorie intake. I'm glad he found the rest of it to be accurate.
ReplyDeletewharf's posts are so unhinged...so childish...so morally crippled, that they often embarrass even wharf.
This is the reason that wharf routinely goes back and removes some of his posts, as he did earlier in this thread, in an attempt to conceal his pathetic adolescent bluster.
I enjoy seeing wharf's comments because he perfectly illustrates the decadent abyss and into which America's effeminate quislings gladly would lead us if given the chance.
Frightened Fairy said;
ReplyDeleteI enjoy seeing wharf's comments because he perfectly illustrates the decadent abyss and into which America's effeminate quislings gladly would lead us if given the chance.
You talk like a girly man.
RUN little girls, RUN!
ReplyDeleteI think I see the big bad terrorists.
General John Shalikashvili, USA (Ret.)
ReplyDeleteGeneral Joseph Hoar, USMC (Ret.)
General Merrill A. McPeak (Ret. USAF)
Admiral Stansfield Turner, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Robert G. Gard, Jr., USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Lee F. Gunn, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, USA (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Donald L. Kerrick, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Albert H. Konetzni Jr., USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Charles Otstott, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan, USN (Ret.)
Major General John Batiste, USA (Ret.)
Major General Eugene Fox, USA (Ret.)
Major General John L. Fugh, USA (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Don Guter, USN (Ret.)
Major General Fred E. Haynes, USMC (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John D. Hutson, USN (Ret.)
Major General Melvyn Montano, ANG (Ret.)
Major General Gerald T. Sajer, USA (Ret.)
Major General Michael J. Scotti Jr., USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David M. Brahms, USMC (Ret.)
Brigadier General James P. Cullen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David R. Irvine, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General John H. Johns, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Richard O’Meara, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Murray G. Sagsveen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Anthony Verrengia, USAF (Ret.)
Brigadier General Stephen N. Xenakis, USA (Ret.)
Ambassador Pete Peterson, USAF (Ret.)
Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson, USA (Ret.)
Honorable William H. Taft IV
Who are these men?
Why they are traitors and terrorist sympathizers of course.
At least according to a couple of assclowns who sit in a blog all day and "talk" about how tough they are.
Any American man between 17 and 42 who supports this war by sitting in a blog running their big fat mouths is a laughable joke.
ReplyDeleteIf you support the war, go fight the war.
Until you do, you're nothing more than a big fat chickenshit blowhard.
Johnny moo moo said...
Its hard to imagine the mighty industrial capacity of the U.S would be incapable of finding the resources to build atomic weapons on a grand scale.
No it is NOT Johnny, Nuclear weapons was a BRAND new technology, and in 1945 they did not have the knowledge or experience to understand what it took to create the enriched Uranium, or how to create Plutonium on a mas scale to create tens or hundreds of weapons. They did not have a "breeder" reactor built which gives large amounts of Plutonium. Thus they COULD NOT, and all your fairyland wishing will not change the facts.
Which are they only created 6 weapons in 1945, and used 3 of them.
They only were able to create 8 weapons in 1946.
Ford was able to retool from Model A's to create jeeps, and bombers because the technology was essentially the same to create a car or plane....but Ford nor GM, GE did not have the technology to create nuclear material in 1945 and could not ramp up to do so.
By the end of the decade, the technology was being created but by then the USSR had nukes.
And Cliff, I hardly doubt you would have felt the same way during the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Berlin Airlift.
During the Cuban Missile crisis, Kennedy did what was necessary to both force the missiles OUT of Cuba, but not do the ass-hatted thing Curtis Lemay wanted...use nuclear weapons to bomb Cuba, which would have resulted in a full scale Nuclear exchange,
RANT all you want BOY, but the policy initiated by Roosevelt, and especially Truman, WORKED. And Churchill agreed, because HE was NOLT for letting Patton loose. Even he could see the disaster that would be the result. And understood the western way of life would be able to defeat Communism over time.
I,ll bet alot of people said: Damn, maybe we should have let Patton complete his admirable trek.
Yea BOY maybe 10 or a 100 FOOLES(more fairyland wishing son?) like those FOOLERS on this BLOG who think it would have worked, However Eisenhower, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Truman KNEW better, and the policy they followed laid the foundation for the victory of western societies over the USSR communism in the late 1980's.
Bet all you want FOOLE but history says Eisenhower, Churchill, Truman and Roosevelt were RIGHT, and thus by extention...you are wrong.
as the Fantasy Foole likes to say;
Since the Islamist terror attacks of New York and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001 through September 8, 2006, there have been at least 5,060 acts of Islamist terror victimizing 59 different countries, killing 28,972 and injuring 56,120 people.
ReplyDelete-Islam: Religion of Peace
There is no terrorist threat...it's a lie
-michael moore
...their "fears" are based on unfounded concerns...I as an American have a better chance of getting hit by a bus than I dc of being killed by some terrorist.
-wharf rateus
Volt, wharf rateus simultaneously demonstrates the typical ingratitute and deeply ingrained narcissism characteristic of the left.
Dolty Boy said...
Terrorists: We are freedom fighters.
Liberals: They are freedom fighters.
Religious Conservatives: People who murder women and children are us much freedom fighters as Michael Moore is dangerously underweight.
Terrorists: The war is all because of the Jews!
Liberals: The war is all because of the neo-conservatives... who are Jews!
Religious Conservatives: Though the Jews killed our Savior, he came back in a couple days, so "no harm; no foul." Let's help Israel.
Terrorists: The infidel Americans will die and be chased from Iraq!
Liberals: It's a quagmire! We must flee!
Religious Conservatives: We are winning and must stay the course to bring peace and liberty (and Bibles) to the Iraqis.
Terrorists: Homosexuals should be killed!
Liberals: We shouldn't interfere with the culture in the Middle East.
Religious Conservatives: Homosexuals should not be killed and protected like all life... as long as I don't have to see them kiss or anything.
Terrorists: Crazy Islam based reality.
Liberals: Reality-based community (but not actual reality - only loosely based on it).
Religious Conservatives: Actual reality (but with God walking on earth as man... and if you don't want to believe it, phooey on youie).
Terrorists: All religions other than Islam should be destroyed.
Liberals: All religions should be destroyed... except for Islam which we should force kids to understand more since Muslims have been so oppressed.
Religious Conservatives: People should be free to be a part of any religion they want or none at all (You want to go to hell? Fine, go to hell).
Terrorists: We will kill all infidels and rule the world!
Liberals: As they kill us, we should try to understand them and see that the root cause of their violence is us.
Religious Conservatives: Kill them! Kill them!
Jesus: Remember to love thy enemy.
Religious Conservatives: It's... uh... tough love.
Boy you just forgot TWO words,
the last line should read
Funny...But untrue.
Then I could agree with ya son.
Dolty Boy said...
ReplyDeleteIt IS interesting though.
They get indignant and angry when we question their patriotism or love of their country, yet they give us nothing to support that patriotism.
Which you will accept. as a military officer I was required by OATH of COMMISION to defend the United States Constitution from ALL enemies, both Foreign ans domestic, and George Bush is a domestic enemy of the United States Constitution. He even said so when he called it a "Goddamned Piece of paper". which means you must also be, because you want to enable him to rip up parts of the Constitution illegally. That is the definition of a domestic enemy son.
Since we don't really KNOW them, all we can go by is what they post.
Well FOOLE I have never posted anything promoting, violating the US Constitution, unlike you, the Fantasy Foole, TinygaharaninTexan, Dusty Simpleton, or the other PNAC neo-con repug clown posse bootlickers here.
So even though I am critical of the leadership of the Administration and pentagon, it does not mean what you try to dishonestly claim it does.
Actually Washington, Jefferson, Madison, but especially Franklin would have put you clowns in the same boat as Benedict Arnold who was being sent to England where enemies of the principles that the US was founded on went to live.
It is the principles that allowed the United States rise above other nations and become a beacon for the world, Not the actions of gutless people like Taft, Ford, Limburgh, before WW2. Traitorous actions like McCarthy in the 50's. Illegal actions Like Nixon, Agnew, Kissinger, Liddy, Colson, ET AL in the late 60's an early 70's. Dubious and illegal actions of Reagan, Bush41, Casey, Powell, Weinberger, Rumsfeld, North, Abrams, Negroponte, Poindexter ET Al in the 80's. Or the current crop of corrupt criminals, Like the Idiot, Dead Eye, McDumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Delay, Cunningham, Ney, Harris, Blackwell, Taft, Fletcher, Bolton, Ashcroft, Gonzolas, Doolittle, Libby, Rove, Armatige, Feith, and their fellow anti constitution travelers, Limpman, Anny Tranny, O'Liely, Hannity, Savage, Gingrich, Kristol, ET AL.
Oriana Fallaci looses her battle with breast cancer September 15, 2006
ReplyDeleteWe suffer the sad loss of an icon today in the passing of Oriana Fallaci in her native Florence. This passionate and powerful voice of the 20th Century was forever bold and brazen in her dissection of politics, power and ego, and their devastating effects on democracies everywhere. She wrote with an integrity and force of character that defined her life's work up until the very last days. Fallaci was perhaps my greatest inspiration as a journalist. Her dynamic, dramatic and distinct point of view on the demise of democracies, especially in her latest works that evoked death threats against her, did nothing to silence her conviction or her writings. She died as she lived -- with passion, conviction, purpose and power. They don't make writers like her anymore.
-Giselle Fernandez, journalist and filmmaker
Citizen of the World - Prophet of Decline
WSJ, June 23, 2005
NEW YORK--Oriana Fallaci faces jail. In her mid-70s, stricken with a cancer that, for the moment, permits only the consumption of liquids--so yes, we drank champagne in the course of a three-hour interview--one of the most renowned journalists of the modern era has been indicted by a judge in her native Italy under provisions of the Italian Penal Code which proscribe the "vilipendio," or "vilification," of "any religion admitted by the state."
In her case, the religion deemed vilified is Islam, and the vilification was perpetrated, apparently, in a book she wrote last year--and which has sold many more than a million copies all over Europe--called "The Force of Reason." Its astringent thesis is that the Old Continent is on the verge of becoming a dominion of Islam, and that the people of the West have surrendered themselves fecklessly to the "sons of Allah." So in a nutshell, Oriana Fallaci faces up to two years' imprisonment for her beliefs--which is one reason why she has chosen to stay put in New York. Let us give thanks for the First Amendment.
...The impending Fall of the West, as she sees it, now torments Ms. Fallaci. And as much as that Fall, what torments her is the blithe way in which the West is marching toward its precipice of choice. "Look at the school system of the West today. Students do not know history! They don't, for Christ's sake. They don't know who Churchill was! ... Europe needs a Cavour."
Ms. Fallaci describes herself, too, as "a revolutionary"--"because I do what conservatives in Europe don't do, which is that I don't accept to be treated like a delinquent." She professes to "cry, sometimes, because I'm not 20 years younger, and I'm not healthy. But if I were, I would even sacrifice my writing to enter politics somehow."
..."You cannot survive if you do not know the past. We know why all the other civilizations have collapsed--from an excess of welfare, of richness, and from lack of morality, of spirituality." ...
"The moment you give up your principles, and your values . . . the moment you laugh at those principles, and those values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period." ...
"I feel less alone when I read the books of Ratzinger [Pope Benedict XVI ]." ... "I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. It's that simple! There must be some human truth here that is beyond religion."
Ms. Fallaci, who made her name by interviewing numerous statesmen (and not a few tyrants), believes that ours is "an age without leaders. We stopped having leaders at the end of the 20th century." Of George Bush, she will concede only that he has "vigor," and that he is "obstinate" (in her book a compliment) and "gutsy. . . . Nobody obliged him to do anything about Terri Schiavo, or to take a stand on stem cells. But he did." ...
John Paul II--"Wojtyla"--was a "warrior, who did more to end the Soviet Union than even America," but she will not forgive him for his "weakness toward the Islamic world... The scant hopes that she has for the West she rests on his successor. As a cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI wrote frequently on the European (and the Western) condition. Last year, he wrote an essay titled "If Europe Hates Itself," from which Ms. Fallaci reads this to me:
"The West reveals . . . a hatred of itself, which is strange and can only be considered pathological; the West . . . no longer loves itself; in its own history, it now sees only what is deplorable and destructive, while it is no longer able to perceive what is great and pure."
As the great Oriana Fallaci passes into the next life, lovers of freedom throughout the world mourn, but we find hope and courage for the future.
Eventually the timorous and rudderless flawed souls among us will grasp the wisdom and humanity of the noble giant named Oriana Fallaci.
YO Dolty BOy read this and maybe you might see that the people you deride, have a legitimate BITCH about clowns like you FOOLE
ReplyDeleteWhy I hate America
By Mickey Z.
"Why do you hate America?" This is a remarkably easy question to provoke. One might, for instance, expose elements of this nation's brutal foreign policy. Ask a single probing question about, say, U.S. complicity in the overthrow of governments in Guatemala, Iran, or Chile and thin-skinned patriots (sic) will come out of the woodwork to defend their country's honor by accusing you of being "anti-American." Of course, this allegation might lead me to ponder how totalitarian a culture this must be to even entertain such a concept, but I'd rather employ the vaunted Arundhati defense. The incomparable Ms. Roy says: "What does the term 'anti-American' mean? Does it mean you are anti-jazz or that you're opposed to freedom of speech? That you don't delight in Toni Morrison or John Updike? That you have a quarrel with giant sequoias?" (I'm a tree hugger remember? I don't argue with sequoias.)
When pressed, I sometimes reply: "I don't hate America. In fact, think it's one of the best countries anyone ever stole." But, after the laughter dies down, I have a confession to make: If by "America" they mean the elected/appointed officials and the corporations that own them, well, I guess I do hate that America-with justification.
Among many reasons, I hate America for the near-extermination and subsequent oppression of its indigenous population. I hate it for its role in the African slave trade and for dropping atomic bombs of civilians. I hate its control of institutions like the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization. I hate it for propping up brutal dictators like Suharto, Pinochet, Duvalier, Hussein, Marcos, and the Shah of Iran. I hate America for its unconditional support for Israel. I hate its bogus two-party system, its one-size-fits-all culture, and its income gap. I could go on for pages but I'll sum up with this: I hate America for being a hypocritical white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
After a paragraph like that, you know what comes next: If you hate America so much, why don't you leave? Leave America? That would potentially put me on the other end of U.S. foreign policy. No thanks.
I like how Paul Robeson answered that question before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1956: "My father was a slave and my people died to build this country, and I'm going to stay right here and have a part of it, just like you. And no fascist-minded people like you will drive me from it. Is that clear?"
Since none of my people died to build anything, I rely instead on William Blum, who declares, "I'm committed to fighting U.S. foreign policy, the greatest threat to peace and happiness in the world, and being in the United States I the best place for carrying out the battle. This is the belly of the beast, and I try to be an ulcer inside of it."
Needless to say, none of the above does a damn thing to placate the yellow ribbon crowd. It seems what offends flag-wavers most is when someone like me makes use of the freedom they claim to adore. According to their twisted logic, I am ungrateful for my liberty if I have the audacity to exercise it. If I make the choice to not salute the flag during the seventh inning stretch at Yankee Stadium, somehow I'm not worthy of having the freedom to make the choice to not salute the flag during the seventh inning stretch at Yankee Stadium. These so-called patriots not only claim to celebrate freedom while refusing my right to exploit it, they also ignore the social movements that fought for and won such freedoms.
There's plenty of tolerated public outcry against the Bush administration and the occupation of Iraq, but it's neither fashionable nor acceptable to go as far as saying, no, I do not support the troops and yes, I hate what America does. Fear of recrimination allows the status quo to control the terms of debate. Until we voice what is in our hearts and have the nerve to admit what we hate...we will never create something that can be loved.
BUT remember FOOLE it is UNAMERICAN to want to limit the first admenment....even if the current crop of sychophants in the white House seem intent on doing so, and yoiu SEEM to agree with them.
So son why do you hate the American Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, AMdison, ET Al fought to create, and want to replace it with the one the Idiot, Dead Eye ET AL want?
Why do YOU hate the freedoms OF ALL Americans, instaed of those who pass the reichwingnut test Bush ET AL have as expressed in the hiring of incompetent people for the CPA by the Husband of one of the sychophants who attempt to limit the idea of America to a pre revolutionary idea.
Fantasy Foole proves his insanity defense again when he said...
The America which libs love doesn't exist and never will, thank goodness.
Yes it DID foole, and Franklin's comment about creating a democracy if we could KEEP IT, proves that, because he was speaking to an American, NOT some foreign enemy. and he understood very well that only domestic enemies of the Constitution like the Idiot could destroy this democracy.
The libs' America is one in which no one dares to celebrate our marvelous Judeo-Christian values, lest he become branded as "judgemental" or "intolerant".
There is a big difference between a celebration of ones religious values, and attempting to force everyone to accept those values as the only "correct" values, which you do HERE daily, but it will make a good point in you insanity defense.
The libs' America is one in which overtly showing patriotism is tantamount to jingoism at best or nazism at worst.
NO son you being insane again. It is not the showing, but the claim that the way they show their patriotism is the only "acceptable" way to do it. YOU BOY were the one who decried KIRK12's patriotic display of HIS American flag in expressing in a political expression if his constitutional first amendment right to do so. You CLOWN were the one who wanted to LIMIT the constitutional rights of Kirk12, thus you showed your self to be ANTI_CONSTITUTION in that example. Thus your the person Franklin warned us about.
The libs' America is one in which big government confiscates more and more of the private sector's wealth for its lazy bureaucrats until our economy, stifled by high taxation, stagnates and fails as has our European neighbors.
Sorry son but it is the repugs who create the conditions where completely incompetent people get Taxpayers dollars to do work they are NOT QUALIFIED to do, except for the fact they goosestep in line with the ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL party of the repugs.
They steal from the federal government, but do not ask the taxpayer of 2006 to pay for their criminal behavior, but instead borrow from the Chinese and Arabs, which means FUTURE generations will have higher federal expenses.
Isn't raising the expenses a government has to pay but NOT allowing those who will have to pay the BILL in their taxes...just another form of taxation without representation which people like Washington, Paine, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison were TOTALLY against?
The libs' America is one in which only government is good.
No son it is NOT the only good, but DOES have a roll to play in creating a good environment for ALL. We accept many can do good, and do not exclude everyone except those who pas a "partisan political" test as Bush ET AL do.
We can see that even though we might not agree with a persons beliefs we can work with them...it is the reichwingnuts who have litmus tests for everybody...and attack and ridicule those they decide do not meet their limited illusions of what a "true American" is.
You clowns have Anny Tranny calling people "Godless and traitors" for not following the Party line rigidly enough.
People like The Limpman who decries(usually with dishonest tactics) actions which Franklin would find in line with the Ideals of democracy he laid out and Jefferson wrote about.
People like Cheney, Boehner, Delay, Frist, Hastert, Kristol, Davage, Rove, and you repug fooles here who decry the free thoughts of people who do not agree with the reichwing party line. In fact many moderate republicans, and some NOT so moderate, are calling you clowns to task son.
People like
George Will, Francis Fukuyama, Pat Buchanan, Colin Powell, Joe Scarborough, William F Buckley, Christopher Buckley, Bruce Bartlett, Charles Hagel, John McCain, John Warner, William Niskanen, Bruce Fein, Jeffrey Hart, Richard Viguerie.
Spin it anyway you want FOOLE and Dolt, but the current repug borrow and spend is JUST a modern form of Taxation without representation.
ReplyDeleteThey know since the Tax payers who would want to revolt against the High Taxes which will someday be required to PAY the Bill Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43 ran up, HAVE NOT BEEN Born yet, they will not have to face them like the last wanna be King George of America had to.
They are even less respectable than the King Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Paine, Patrick Henry, and many more Americans of 1775 fought against.
They were chicken hawks about war, and seem to be chicken hawks when it comes to Taxes also. Since their actions are NOT approved by those who have to PAY THE BILL, they seem gutless when it comes to battle or facing those who will eventually get handed the 10+ trillion dollar bill, the repugs have created in their give away for political power.
Seems this crop of sycophants and reichwing apologists for the 21st century wanna be King George, is doing exactly what the 18th century revolutionaries who fought against their wanna be King George.
They would fought then to stop him and when we fight to stop the same tactics, the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse boot licking Fooles decry us a disloyal...exactly the charge slung against the REVOLUTIONARY WAR in 1775.
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ReplyDeleteThanks for that eloquent explanation of why liberals like you hate America. Naturally, it was eloquent because the words were borrowed from someone else.
As we have discussed many times yet you still seem unable to grasp, the first amendment gives me the right to express my outrage at people like you who encourage our enemies, and work for the demise of our great nation. I have never questioned the legality of what you quislings do, only its obvious dearth of morality.
Obviously every country, including ours, has made mistakes and has done things of which it is not proud. However, leftists like you find absolutely nothing good to say about America, and instead dwell endlessly on her faults.
Many of these faults, like slavery -- certainly not unique to America -- have been corrected long ago, redeemed by the blood and tears of hundreds of thousands of our ancestors.
When anyone loves someone or some thing like a country, he looks for the good yet seeks to improve that which needs improvement. However, there is a stark contrast in intent between constructive criticism, based upon love, and destructive criticism, based upon hatred.
Your criticism clearly falls in the latter category. You do not value the remarkable achievements of your country and your fellow countrymen, past or present.
The America you seek does not exist and never will.
Yours is an intrustive America which smothers its subjects in security and appoints dreary bureaucrats to take care of its subjects as if they were helpless children, not capable adults.
Yours is an America which attempts to stamp out every hint of public religious expression.
Yours is an America of suffocating regulations, ever more laws and more lawyers, higher taxation and lower freedom.
Your America is simply a place where "citizens of the world dwell" without any shared values -- an empty shell of its former greatness. Yours is an America which fails to lead and thus fails to remain a world leader. It is an America which talks endlessly in the United Nations and appeases tyrants and other enemies of freedom.
The America I love is the real America, the one established upon the hopes and dreams of our founding fathers and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
The American I love is Reagan's shining city on a hill, which is free, prosperous and happy. It does not oppress other countries, but rather serves as a beacon which lights the way so that others around the world might similarly enjoy life in abundance.
The America I love is the one which honors truth, courage, and the confident, dynamic spirit of individual responsibility.
Voltaire the chicken said;
ReplyDeleteYeah, tell the people in India, Indonesia, France, the Phillipines, etc., etc., etc...etal
That THEIR fears are "unfounded concerns".
I'm sorry I didn't know you lived in all those places. If you live in those places then you certainly have my condolences.
But meanwhile, back here in the states, we are individually quite safe from terrorists.
Or are you like all right wingers and failed statistics 101 too? Terrorist killed 3000 people here in the US in the last 10 years.
We have 399,000,000 left.
Like I said pinhead, you chuckleheads have got a better chance of flipping your camouflage colored ATV's and breaking your scrawny necks than you do of being killed by a terrorist.
Buy a calculator.
Notice though Clif how these bozos turn that statement into my somehow saying there is "no terrorist threat".
ReplyDeleteNotice I never said that. I know the terrorists can strike again. Hell I know the terrorists WILL strike again. They have to. We've forced their hands.
But one things for sure, they will never "destroy" America.
We can do that, but their pathetic strikes won't accomplish that. 3000 people is a tiny fraction of our population. Even with a breifcase nuke they'd only kill in the thousands. 10, maybe 15. They don't have the capability to do more.
How does that "destroy" America.
These chicken trolls come in here talking about "our children will be speaking Arabic" and crap is just silly.
Only a fool would think a rag tag band of renagades like Al Quaida could topple a country of wealth, military might and hundreds of millions of people.
Only a fool would think that.
A fool and a really big chicken.
It drives the little vermin crazy.
ReplyDeleteFreedom Fag comes crawling in, day after day, desperatly trying to convince us that they are not the sick twisted vermin we know they are. Trying to convince us that we had to butcher a 100,000 people in a tiny defenseless nation, and that it is somehow equated with heroism.
It's not of course, but they must keep trying to convince us, as they believe that somehow, by doing so, they'll convince themselves, and ease the guilt that is slowly driving them all mad.
Mad as Bush, who is clearly going publically insane.
The madness that invariably comes to all those who commit or assist in murder.
Listen to the stupid little worm cry.
ReplyDeleteWhat number is the trigger.
Trigger to do what asshole?
Trigger to do what?
Turn the country into the paranoid police state you and your band of snibbling cowards have turned it into?
Butcher 100,000 innocent people who had nothing to do with the 3000 we lost?
Trigger for what you pathetic grovelling worm?
Grow a pair boy, and go join the fight in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't get in the military for some reason, like your extracirricular activities, then shoot me your resume.
I'll hook you up.
Go fight the fight you're in here running you fat mouth about every day. We're sick of hearing your hot air.
Look, I can't help you with your guilt.
ReplyDeleteIts not like you actually killed anybody. Just supported their be killed.
Maybe Jesus will understand, cause you didn't actually pull the trigger. After all you have to BE THERE to do that.
And we all know THATS not gonna happen.
I suggest talking to your psychiatrist friend you were talking about.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he can help absolve you of the blood but at least he can give you some good tranquilizers.
Louis Richardson just published a new book entitled, "What Terrorists Want, Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat."
ReplyDeleteFind it here on Amazon:
I read an interesting overview of it at Salon.com the other day. The book is a very intriguing analysis, by a terrorism expert, on understanding why terrorists do what they do, and why the Bush administration's approach is all wrong.
Some in this country would have us believe that the terrorist approach began on 9/11/01. What a load of crap! It is an age-old tool that will not be destroyed through military might. On the contrary, it often is that precise military might that engenders more terrorism. Sound familiar?
Our leaders are clueless.
That would be LOUISE Richardson, not Louis.
ReplyDeleteVoltaire the inbred bassett hound said;
ReplyDeleteJust as Neville Chamberlain convinced himself that Hitler would be satisfied with the Sudetenland, so do many Western intellectuals,
We never said anything about appeasing the terrorists you lying sack of shit.
We told you upfront to go get the terrorists.
And what did you do?
You went to Iraqi instead cause you were too much the sissy to go after the real terrorists.
You're a lying sack of shit.
When the democrats take back congress we'll go get Bin Laden. Something you and that inbred hillbilly you helped seize power should have done a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteQuit running your mouth girl, and go serve in Iraq.
Quit running your mouth girl.
Dolty Boy said;
ReplyDeleteYeah Cliffy and I imagine you'd be in the berth right next door.
I'm pretty sure they'd be against anyone who'd so cavalierly give away everything they risked their lives for as well.
I have given NOTHING away son, in fact I am one who is fighting to DEFEND the Constitution against the Foole you rant for. The leadership of the revolution would call you a TORY son, not me.
They would not have seen criticism of the PNAC neoc-on repug clown posse, as traitors, but instead exactly what they did.
Refusing to accept a "decider" ... instead of a democracy, is PATRIOTIC, even if you gutless sycophants do not think so son.
Just to add, this "freedom fan" posts comments in an extraordinary amount of blogs. I can't see how one guy could possibly find the time.
Hey ya got me nascar. "Freedom Fan" is really an entire team of "neocon" posters under the direction of Karl Rove.
The sinister International Jews also report to Karl, as does the upper management of Diebold Industries, as well as all the "Religious Right" Christian sleeper cells.
The only way to protect yourself from our vast right wing conspiracy is to wear one of these.
Hey FF, did you check out shrinkwrapped yet?
ReplyDeleteYeah, Volt I browsed it, thanks dude. Ironic that the first to be snuffed by the Islamists are those who are quick to cower and appease.
Your question to wharf about the "trigger" level of casualties before he would fight back was brilliant, as his answer was instructive:
The libs and nihilists are so totally narcissistic that any level of violence against their countrymen is acceptable as long as it does not directly affect them.
cliffy is equally dismissive of worldwide terror statistics, since the strikes don't yet directly impact KY, the home of KY jelly.
Everyone please check out the new item I just posted. Today at church we committed to mission work for the homeless children of Los Angeles, which has the largest homeless population in America.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you can, please help in your community. PATH is a great organization too, and our church is sponsoring Imagine LA - a city where no child sleeps on the street. (But over 16,000 do sleep on the street, and some even do their homework under a streetlight.)
God Bless them.
The FOOLE said...
Thanks for that eloquent explanation of why liberals like you hate America. Naturally, it was eloquent because the words were borrowed from someone else.
Might it be the fact I posted the authors name be the give away son...after all Dolrty and TinygarahaninTexan do it DAILY, post somebody else's opinion piece but you NEVER decry them...maybe because you too busy fitting the knee-pads, to service them eh son?
As we have discussed many times yet you still seem unable to grasp, the first amendment gives me the right to express my outrage at people like you who encourage our enemies, and work for the demise of our great nation. I have never questioned the legality of what you quislings do, only its obvious dearth of morality.
It is not Immoral stupid, to question the illegal and immoral policies that we as a nation have followed son, IT is how we as a nation we improve...it is sycophants LIKE YOU A$$WIPE who continually try to HOLD back on the evolution of this country to become BETTER. Could that be because in you insecurity you need so many people KEPT down for you, you approve the discrimination, killings, torture in your name?
Obviously every country, including ours, has made mistakes and has done things of which it is not proud. However, leftists like you find absolutely nothing good to say about America, and instead dwell endlessly on her faults.
Well son for the last 6 years it has been much more WRONG than Right. So just as in the 60's it is very important to attempt to stop the immoral and criminal behavior of let bootlickers like you know that you are much more alone in you gutless and immoral approval of the immoral and criminal behavior.
Many of these faults, like slavery -- certainly not unique to America --
But the FACT we did means we HAVE no moral authority to severely JUDGE others Like you LOVE to do, spend much more time looking into the national mirror and clean up here, before we attempt to clean up somebody else's land.
have been corrected long ago, redeemed by the blood and tears of hundreds of thousands of our ancestors.
No son they HAVE NOT. IT is LIES just like that which means that the work to IMPROVE America is NOT done. the institutional injustices which keeps people who had their futures stolen before they were born by people who made sure their direct ancestors would have a large advantage in life, means that the corrections you claim is insufficient. The fact that MORONS like George Allen can get away in the repug party with using the word Macaca, and then LIE about knowing what it meant is testament to the lack of improvement.
Lee Atwater apologised, which means HE knew it was wrong, and Rove continues Atwater's legacy...with no attempt by the repugs to correct his discriminatory approach to politics. The repugs still seek power with a version of the Racist Southern Strategy. And they still trek to the Racist Bob Jones U. to get their nod of approval.
NO SON the NEEDED corrections are NOT even really begun, until thinking of giving the racist people like the fooles whop run that kind of University approval is not an option, the corrections will never be finished.
White wash it all you want, but your not HONEST if you claim they are, either that or your a BIGGER BIGOT then I even thought you were, and you just do not HATE Muslims, but ALL people of color.
When anyone loves someone or some thing like a country, he looks for the good yet seeks to improve that which needs improvement. However, there is a stark contrast in intent between constructive criticism, based upon love, and destructive criticism, based upon hatred.
Right son, I am not calling for anything destructive, like furthering the discriminatory policies of the repugs. Nor do I advocate doing anything to the Military but remove the incompetent leadership which put the soldiers in peril with no PLAN, deny them needed protection, ignore the facts on the ground until it is SO bad, that it is commonly referred as a FIASCO. I want the people who are responsible for this situation dealt with both legally and morally. I want the US to rise above the little minded approach to foreign policy that places more effort on enlarging a company's bottom line, than actually helping people rise. A foreign policy which used a extreme political dogma. That restricts them to failed approaches which results in MORE enemies in worsening situations. and then PLACING the blame on those who did not have the stop because they were either ignores or swift-boated, by those who stole from the American people their country's good name for greedy political purposes.
Your criticism clearly falls in the latter category.
I will NOT accept, your sublimely repug attempt to call me unpatriotic. I am the one for the constitution son, you the one who kneels down and sucks off those who want to use it to wipe their asses.
You do not value the remarkable achievements of your country and your fellow countrymen, past or present.
People like John McCain who was swift-boated for serving by a group which HID from serving?
People like Ann Richards who tried to OPEN doors of opportunity, not slam them shut, because you already got yours?
People like Paul Hackett, who went and served, then came home to tell the rest of us IT is NOT working, and the sycophants in power are LYING about it.
People like Lydia Cornell who allow asswipes like you daily to spew your hate. While you and your fellow gutless repug sycophants deride her and her thoughts on HER blog. attack her for being a TRUE American, and asking for the truth, not the lies which historically will be revealed eventually, but if they are revealed now, maybe somebody can stop their immoral criminal behavior by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, ET AL.
are those who you mean son?
The America you seek does not exist and never will.
Sorry son, people like you in the 1850's said the same thing about Slavery.
People like you claimed the same thing about UNIONS in the late 1800's
People like you claimed the same thing about Discrimination for the first half of the 20th century.
And people like you excused Kissinger for his war crimes in Vietnam, and Chile.
People like you claimed the anti-war effort in the 60's did not matter.
People like you claimed, we have made enough advances in every decade of this nations history that we did not have to criticize the remaining needs, good thing they were WRONG eh FOOLE?
Yours is an intrustive America which smothers its subjects in security and appoints dreary bureaucrats to take care of its subjects as if they were helpless children, not capable adults.
Projection there eh son? Your clown sycophants, claim the need to rip up the constitution to make us safe...NOT me.
Your the sycophant that cries we need to destroy the rights of billions to stop a few thousand bad actors.
Your the idiot who follows the morons who created the incompetence of Homeland Insecurity, and destroyed FEMA, so that it is a laughing point instead of the Competent Department whose reaction under James Lee Witt received praise from all sides, not just a laugh line"your doing a heck of a job, Brownie"
Yours is an America which attempts to stamp out every hint of public religious expression.
No son we want to OPEN it up to ALL religious expression and freedoms, not just the reichwing christian approved one. We want ALL religions treated EQUALLY, as in no preference to any one particular one. I for one would rather the right followed the example of Jesus instead of the words of Falwell, Dobson, Robertson, Swaggart, Colson, and their anti CHRIST but pro American christian reichwing message.
Yours is an America of suffocating regulations,
Good reichwingnut spin, regulations are necessary because of actions LIKE Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, Halliburton, Exxon, BP, and many other corporations and people to get everything they can with NO morality but the BOTTOM line. regulations seek to give people, the environment, nontraditional cultures, minorities women children the same rights as the bottom line.
ever more laws and more lawyers, higher taxation and lower freedom.
Sorry son, but you are the FOOLE here, because laws , lawyers are not in and of themselves bad, but you reichwingnut PNAc neo-con repugs use a generalisation like this to attempt to demonise things which prevent you from tasking immoral advantage of others even if it is not completely criminal. But you will continue to use such sweeping generalisations with not true facts. Because it is your attempt to make a victim out of the perpetrator, and decry the cost of the rights of those who do not empty their pockets for you clowns.
Your America is simply a place where "citizens of the world dwell" without any shared values -- an empty shell of its former greatness.
Former "greatness" which is it son, slavery, the discrimination of all the immigrants from Ireland, Germany, Italy, Eastern Europe and Asia? Or the child labor, which was stopped by laws and regulations you decry? Howe about the Robber Barons of old who did "economic impact studies" and decided it was cheaper to pay a paltry death benefit, that install safety equipment, another regulation which you decry. Or the support of Foreign dictators Like Samosa, Noriega, The Shah, Pinochet, Diem, Suarto, Marcos, among others. or the good ole times of JIM CROW, that the America you long for son?
Instead of one which actually values PEOPLE more than the dollar, something which you ridicule.
Yours is an America which fails to lead and thus fails to remain a world leader.
Leading is not the same as ILLEGALLY invading a country on lies, and then ignoring the disaster until it is a Fiasco. Leading is NOT DICTATING. Leading is not cherry picked intel. Leading is NOT limiting rights to a very small religious sect, while immorally forcing other nations to accept that dogma as the basis of foreign aid. Leading is not attacking the international agencies, because you can not dictate to all the world what you want.
But then again you clowns do not want to lead, you want to dictate.
It is an America which talks endlessly in the United Nations and appeases tyrants and other enemies of freedom.
Tyrants like Saddam which Reagan and Bush41, not only appeased, but aided in his first decade of lawlessness.
Tyrants like Pinochet who is on trial in Chile for war crimes when he seized power in a CIA aided coup
Tyrants like Diem in south Vietnam, Marcos in the Philippines, The Shah in Iran, Suharto in Indonesia, Samosa in Nicaragua, King Saud in Saudi Arabia, Musharraf in Pakistan, P.W. Bothain South Africa, all enemies of freedom SUPPORTED by the USA you wail longingly for son.
The America I love is the real America,
No son it is a fairyland reality that NEVER existed except in your mind, and the spin of the repugs who want to turn back the clock to an America which excluded many and allowed the rich and powerful much more free reign.
the one established upon the hopes and dreams of our founding fathers and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
Which you clowns want to tear up now. The revolutionaries would decry your pathetic attempt to steal their strong support of freedom to support the anti-freedom policies of The Idiot and the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse. Their dreams are NOT what you sycophants push for but the antithesis of those dreams. but LYING is one of your MORE natural traits when you post here son.
The American I love is Reagan's shining city on a hill, which is free, prosperous and happy.
Too bad the results of his policies and those of his successors have FAILED to even come close. You repugs are great at painting a mental picture, but SUCK at making it a reality, usually because you deny the actions which would actually lead to the results you claim to be for. Reagan was a great actor, but did not really set the stage for all Americans to live in the dream city you clowns claim to be for.
It does not oppress other countries,
YOU ARE KIDDING ...right. you have to be kidding here, because that is what you are for. Oppression and bombs, killings and illegal renditions for dogmatic purposes. You are delusional if you think we even come close to accepting your Orwellian lies here son.
but rather serves as a beacon which lights the way so that others around the world might similarly enjoy life in abundance.
By lowering the standard of living for millions here while sending factories and companies to slave labor wage countries...to boost the bottom line at the expense of both groups of people.
The America I love is the one which honors truth,
the it DOES not include George W Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, and the rest of the current crop of repug operators, because instead of truth, we get LIES, spin, distractions and distortions. These ARE NOT TRUTH
Leave the 102nd barking chicken hawk brigade out here son.
and the confident, dynamic spirit of individual responsibility.
Except NOBODY in DC is being held accountable, not the Idiot, Dead Eye, especially not Dumsfeld, or the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse, who pass the buck. Accountability is in dire need in DC. But the rubber-stamp repug lead congress is no where near there, and the Press is just starting to call for accountability 6 years after the incompetence began.
Your as delusional as ever FOOLE, and you have proved it HERTE son.
What the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse, actually fears, and are working day and night to prevent. Instead of actually working to catch Osama, and finding a way to WIN the war on terra.
ReplyDeleteThey realise that they are just as vunerable, in the end, as the people they emulate, who had a similar expierence.
How Bush Rules: Torture and The Quest For Unfettered Power
ReplyDelete“We do not torture,” President Bush has said time and again. But Bush has approved techniques that are defined as torture under the Geneva Conventions. In fact, he abrogated U.S. compliance with Article 3 of the Conventions that specifically prohibits torture. Indeed, his then White House counsel and now attorney general Alberto Gonzales contemptuously referred to the Conventions as “quaint.”
In the infamous memo of August 1, 2002 written by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, the so-called “Bybee memo,” after Jay Bybee, its director and since appointed by Bush to a federal judgeship, the Conventions were shoved aside and the definition revised. Rather than the Conventions stipulations against “cruel, inhumane and degrading” treatment of prisoners and “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment,” the administration adopted new standards: “Physical pain amounting to torture must be equivalent to intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death.” The Bush administration’s new torture policy prompted the export of torture technique from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib.
Bush’s torture policy is a centerpiece of his effort to concentrate unfettered power in the executive, an overarching change justified by an executive order declaring that in his role as commander-in-chief in wartime he can make and enforce laws at will.
In my new book, “How Bush Rules: Chronicles of a Radical Regime,” I present and analyze the history of Bush’s radical attempt to impose an imperial presidency
Sydney Blumenthal
(From TP)
Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole
ReplyDelete-Ann Coulter
Now here's cliffy to refute this:
1) Obviously every country, including ours, has made mistakes and has done things of which it is not proud. However, leftists like you find absolutely nothing good to say about America, and instead dwell endlessly on her faults.
Well son for the last 6 years it has been much more WRONG than Right...
[translation: yes I never say anything positive about America, so what?]
2) Many of these faults, like slavery -- certainly not unique to America --
But the FACT we did means we HAVE no moral authority...
[translation: America is amoral because we had slaves 150 years ago. We have done nothing decent since, and as my buddies ward churchill and noam chomsky claim, Americans are far more eevil than nazis, which is why I often refer to my fellow Americans as nazis]
3) [America's flaws like slavery] have been corrected long ago, redeemed by the blood and tears of hundreds of thousands of our ancestors.
No son they HAVE NOT...your a BIGGER BIGOT then I even thought you were, and you just do not HATE Muslims, but ALL people of color.
[translation: America still has virtual slavery because everyone knows that it enforces institutional racial discrimination; the civil war never happened; the civil rights movement never happened; there is no such thing as affirmative action (reverse discrimination); people of color are oppressed more than anywhere else on the planet; Africa is a utopia by comparison.
If you disagree with me and suggest that America has made astonishing progress in achieving racial equality, then you are a bigot and a racist, which you obviously are anyway because you are an eevil Republican. True Democrats put a former KKK Kleagle into one of the most powerful positions in the Senate, but hey so what?]
4) You do not value the remarkable achievements of your country and your fellow countrymen, past or present.
[I value] People like Paul Hackett, who went and served, then came home to tell the rest of us IT is NOT working...
[translation: True I don't value Americans who have achieved great things, but I admire Americans who always criticize America like I do.]
5) Yours is an intrustive America which smothers its subjects in security and appoints dreary bureaucrats to take care of its subjects as if they were helpless children, not capable adults.
People like you claimed the same thing about UNIONS in the late 1800's
[Translation: people are helpless children unless union thugs force workers to allow them to "help" while extorting exorbitant union dues.]
People like you claimed, we have made enough advances in every decade of this nations history that we did not have to criticize the remaining needs...
[Translation: people are helpless children unless the government is there to "help" them. There can never be enough government "help" even if it means ever higher taxation.]
6) Yours is an America which attempts to stamp out every hint of public religious expression.
No son we want to OPEN it up to ALL religious expression...
[Translation: The ACLU really wants to encourage more religious expression in public places. They really love the Boy Scouts and have made large contributions]
7) Yours is an America of suffocating regulations, ever more laws and more lawyers, higher taxation and lower freedom.
...regulations are necessary...
laws , lawyers are not in and of themselves bad...
[Translation: people are helpless children unless the government is there protect them with lots of regulations, laws and armies of lawyers. The more the better. Corporations are evil and will poison us and kill our children unless the government "helps" us.]
8) [America] does not oppress other countries, but rather serves as a beacon which lights the way so that others around the world might similarly enjoy life in abundance.
YOU ARE KIDDING ...right. you have to be kidding here, because that is what you are for.
[Translation: Well you Republicans are oppressing Iraq, which was formerly ruled by that benevolent dictator and my personal hero, saddam hussein.]
By lowering the standard of living for millions here while sending factories and companies to slave labor wage countries...to boost the bottom line at the expense of both groups of people.
[Translation: Free enterprise doesn't work. This is why we need to nationalize all American industry, control our economy like castro, and stamp out this globalization nonsense.]
9) Your America is simply a place where "citizens of the world dwell" without any shared values -- an empty shell of its former greatness.
Former "greatness"...[endless litany of evil deeds]
[Translation: Former "greatness" my ass. Don't make me laugh. America is thoroughly eevil. Haven't you been paying attention? How many more evil things must I enumerate? I have these eevil things memorized and search for more every day, but please don't say I "hate" America, or I will be forced to call you a "bigot" again, you bigot.]
The Foole said;
ReplyDeleteWell son for the last 6 years it has been much more WRONG than Right...
So just as in the 60's it is very important to attempt to stop the immoral and criminal behavior of leaders like the Idiot and Dead Eye, so that bootlickers like you know that you are much more alone in you gutless and immoral approval of the immoral and criminal behavior.
Which changes your attempt to SLANT my comments FOOLE.
[MIS][translation: yes I never say anything positive about America, so what?]
Sorry son but your mis-translation is as delusional as you are...because I said MUCH is wrong, and therefore much has to be done to make it right. MIS-Translate foole, but you’re just a piss-ant who wants to be seen as eradicate but are NOT.
2) Many of these faults, like slavery -- certainly not unique to America --
But the FACT we did means we HAVE no moral authority...
again you LEAVE something OUT;
to severely JUDGE others Like you LOVE to do, spend much more time looking into the national mirror and clean up here, before we attempt to clean up somebody else's land.
And this is significant, because you DISMISS the point entirely here, but as a repug Honesty is not a strong point is it son.
[MIS][translation: America is amoral because we had slaves 150 years ago.
No son we are amoral because we allow the results of slavery and the century of Jim Crow which followed(and some still yearn for) to fester, and build campaigns around.
We have done nothing decent since, and as my buddies ward Churchill and Noam Chomsky claim,
Sorry dingle berry but they are not buddies of MINE, as a matter of fact I do not know either of them. However Chomsky has some merit, Ward Churchill much less, but I'm sure God does love him anyway.
Americans are far more eevil than nazis,
No son I NEVER said that. Thus ANOTHER lie you have so many lies here it is incredible you think we believe anything you say anymore.
which is why I often refer to my fellow Americans as nazis]
No son, not my fellow Americans, but those who would tear up the constitution, something the Nazi's were never able to do(even with Prescott Bush's help). However those who emulate the tactics of Goebbels, and advocate the same societal control measures of early Nazi Germany need calling out.
3) [America's flaws like slavery] have been corrected long ago, redeemed by the blood and tears of hundreds of thousands of our ancestors.
No son they HAVE NOT...you’re a BIGGER BIGOT then I even thought you were, and you just do not HATE Muslims, but ALL people of color.
Full comment which is significantly different than what you try to make it mean son;
No son they HAVE NOT. IT is LIES just like that which means that the work to IMPROVE America is NOT done. The institutional injustices which keeps people who had their futures stolen before they were born by people who made sure their direct ancestors would have a large advantage in life, means that the corrections you claim is insufficient. The fact that MORONS like George Allen can get away in the repug party with using the word "macaca", and then LIE about knowing what it meant is testament to the lack of improvement.
Lee Atwater apologized, which means HE knew it was wrong, and Rove continues Atwater's legacy...with no attempt by the repugs to correct his discriminatory approach to politics. The repugs still seek power with a version of the Racist Southern Strategy. And they still trek to the Racist Bob Jones U. to get their nod of approval.
NO SON the NEEDED corrections are NOT even really begun, until thinking of giving the racist people like the fooles whop run that kind of University approval is not an option, the corrections will never be finished.
White wash it all you want, but your not HONEST if you claim they are, either that or you’re a BIGGER BIGOT then I even thought you were, and you just do not HATE Muslims, but ALL people of color.
[MIS][translation: America still has virtual slavery because everyone knows that it enforces institutional racial discrimination;
Not far off in many of the ways they approach people. During Katrina, white people were getting Food and essentials to survive, but people of Color were "Just looting", and many instances of RACIAL profiling have been exposed...like the NJ state police with in the last decade. It might chide your ass, but it is the truth, that many instances of institutional discrimination exist, both in Governments (especially local) and corporations...Like Bob Evans discrimination against Black Secret Service Agents.
the civil war never happened;
I never said this IDIOT, but you need something for a diversionary tactic because I am a bit closer to the truth then you LIKE.
the civil rights movement never happened;
Yes it did FOOLE, but it is NOT finished, otherwise George Allen could NOT expect to get away with a comment like Macaca in south east Virginia in 2006.
Ronald Reagan and George Bush43 would have not trekked to Bob Jones U, to make the point to their base that "they Know what the base expects".
there is no such thing as affirmative action (reverse discrimination);
There is son I never said there was not , but as a whole it is MUCH less than the discrimination people of color get DAILY, Hourly in 2006. But you seem to deny ant real discrimination even exists, because you seem to deny any remedy is necessary at all.
I did not say what you say it is your pathetic attempt to divert the truth I posted.
people of color are oppressed more than anywhere else on the planet;
I was NOT talking about anywhere else on the planet...son we were discussing the USA remember. But you have to try to spin the truth because it does not look so good, if all you got is the real truth.
Africa is a utopia by comparison.
No son, they have suffered MORE from European Colonization than we did here in North America, but proly because we threw the Europeans OUT sooner, thus had MORE time to create a country. I will admit imperfect as it is America is better at providing for it's people than African countries.
However you throw this out as another diversion...it is about the USA not Africa son.
If you disagree with me and suggest that America has made astonishing progress in achieving racial equality, then you are a bigot and a racist,
No son you just HAVE low standards for real progress, a few people of color in High places makes the vast majority living lives below the standard the majority has available to them. Real progress would be when Reagan can not run a dishonest campaign against "welfare queens", or Lee Atwater run a "willie horton" ad, and KNOW IT WILL work the base.
It would be a place where Katherine Harris does not PROFILE voters by race to disqualify them...see those are the standards I want to see, a time when REPUGS do not even TRY STUNTS like those.
which you obviously are anyway because you are an eevil Republican.
Your NOT evil because you’re a deluded repug son...but in fact because you allow excuses for the Idiot you NEVER would allow Clinton. You advocate for the MORONS who allowed Dumsfeld to use a untested war strategy, and refuse to even plan for operations after combat. That is criminal because it is a neglecting of the office he holds, and was a very substantial reason SO many AMERICAN soldiers gave their Lives, or were wounded. But calls for accountability is called Unpatriotic by YOU, that is what makes you evil, you aid in the enabling of Incompetent fooles like this and aid in the criminal deaths of US military service personnel. Which in actuality is UNDERMINING the security of this country.
True Democrats put a former KKK Kleagle into one of the most powerful positions in the Senate, but hey so what?]
You mean Senator Robert Byrd, (grow the BALLS to say what you really mean son) who was in the CLAN in WW2 when it was the OFFICIAL POLICY of the US Government that the Military be segregated, and separate but equal was the national MEME, but as early as 1952 he realized the error of HIS ways, long before the Civil rights era, unlike Strom Thurman (who had a daughter by a black teenager [pedophile?] and HID HER for ALL OF HIS LIFE.) Or Trent Lott who said this on December 5, 2002;
"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."
I wonder if those problems have anything to do with the civil rights movement?
You must mean everything has resolved itself SINCE then(2002) eh son?
BTW foole why not RANT against a president who paid dues as a KKK member also(in His younger days) none other than Harry S Truman. But like Robert Byrd, Truman gave up on the discrimination and grew as a person, and politician. Too bad the repugs played directly to people who did not, in their creation and implementation of their vaulted "southern strategy".
4) You do not value the remarkable achievements of your country and your fellow countrymen, past or present.
[I value] People like Paul Hackett, who went and served, then came home to tell the rest of us IT is NOT working...
BTW you left this out why am I not surprised?);
and the sycophants in power are LYING about it.
Might it be because a MARINE MAJOR fresh from the battle field is not easily swiftboated...and what he says is easily verified, so you just IGNORE the truth..and lie and spin in YOUR dishonest translations.
Other people I stated you ignored to attempt to make a dishonest point;
People like John McCain who was swift-boated for serving by a group which HID from serving?
People like Ann Richards who tried to OPEN doors of opportunity, not slam them shut, because you already got yours?
People like Lydia Cornell who allow asswipes like you daily to spew your hate. While you and your fellow gutless repug sycophants deride her and her thoughts on HER blog. attack her for being a TRUE American, and asking for the truth, not the lies which historically will be revealed eventually, but if they are revealed now, maybe somebody can stop their immoral criminal behavior by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, ET AL.
are those who you mean son?
which also colors your attempt at spin as DISHONEST AS USUAL.
[translation: True I don't value Americans who have achieved great things, but I admire Americans who always criticize America like I do.]
People like John McCain and Ann Richards did not achieve great Things?
What does John McCain have to DO for you to consider him a great American...he fought FOR America, and was even captured, and when he was offered a chance to go home early out of a POW camp, HE REFUSED, because he would NOT leave with out ALL the prisoners leaving free.
SON IF THAT is not the mark of a Great American...well your pathetic excuse of a hero who HID out in the national guard (cutting out early and running away when the Air Force started testing for cocaine) just does NOT cut it in MY book. People like McCain and Marine Captain Max Cleland who lost both legs and an arm when a grenade exploded in combat do however.
5) Yours is an intrustive America which smothers its subjects in security and appoints dreary bureaucrats to take care of its subjects as if they were helpless children, not capable adults.
People like you claimed the same thing about UNIONS in the late 1800's
Sorry son, BUT I said MUCH more than YOU want to give me credit for;
Sorry son, people like you in the 1850's said the same thing about Slavery.
People like you claimed the same thing about Discrimination for the first half of the 20th century.
And people like you excused Kissinger for his war crimes in Vietnam, and Chile.
People like you claimed the anti-war effort in the 60's did not matter.
[MIS][Translation: people are helpless children unless union thugs force workers to allow them to "help" while extorting exorbitant union dues.]
No son the time I mentioned about the rise of the UNION movement was when Robber Barons ran the US, and they used things LIKE child labor, and had working conditions which were criminal. You ignore that...to attempt to make a LYING repug point, what else should I expect, but LYING repug points from A LYING REPUG FOOLE.
People like you claimed, we have made enough advances in every decade of this nations history that we did not have to criticize the remaining needs...
You forgot MORE foole, must be the pain when I post the truth about you eh foole?
good thing they were WRONG eh FOOLE?
[MIS][Translation: people are helpless children unless the government is there to "help" them. There can never be enough government "help" even if it means ever higher taxation.]
Except FOOLE almost everything I posted about was where regular citizens LEAD the fight for equality and Justice, and the government was late to the change...NOT leading as you dishonestly suppose in you mistranslation
It was citizens not the government which lead the fight against slavery in the first half of the 19th century son, so that quote celebrates the citizen NOT the government which for much of that time defended the institution of slavery (usually for political reasons).
It was the workers of this country who fought for the RIGHT to organise...against the government which sided with the robber barons...read some HISTORY foole, federal troops were used to BREAK strikes not aid them.
The civil rights movement fought the federal state and local governments...for decades..so that quote is not an endorsement of the actions the governments took, but you seem to be for it, with you waxing for the "good ole days"
The anti-war movement was direct and indirect actions against the illegal policies of both the Johnson, and Nixon administrations...which means it was not PRO government or even partisan, but an acknowledgement that the Ideals of Franklin and Jefferson would live in the citizenry of this country almost 200 years after it's birth.
So see son I said PEOPLE...NOT government which was what Kissinger represents, something YOU defend...NOT me son.
Sorry your spin here is as HOLLOW as your covetous patriotism of flags and parades...NOT actions of patriots like those I cited.
Yours is an intrustive America which smothers its subjects in security and appoints dreary bureaucrats to take care of its subjects as if they were helpless children, not capable adults.
Projection there eh son? Your clown sycophants, claim the need to rip up the constitution to make us safe...NOT me.
Your the sycophant that cries we need to destroy the rights of billions to stop a few thousand bad actors.
Your the idiot who follows the morons who created the incompetence of Homeland Insecurity, and destroyed FEMA, so that it is a laughing point instead of the Competent Department whose reaction under James Lee Witt received praise from all sides, not just a laugh line"your doing a heck of a job, Brownie"
No way to SPIN these TRUTHS?
They are THAT bad, that even the Foole like you have no way to spin it?
6) Yours is an America which attempts to stamp out every hint of public religious expression.
No son we want to OPEN it up to ALL religious expression...
More you edited out to LIE again;
and freedoms, not just the reichwing christian approved one. We want ALL religions treated EQUALLY, as in no preference to any one particular one. I for one would rather the right followed the example of Jesus instead of the words of Falwell, Dobson, Robertson, Swaggart, Colson, and their anti CHRIST but pro American christian reichwing message
[MIS][Translation: The ACLU really wants to encourage more religious expression in public places. They really love the Boy Scouts and have made large contributions]
I never said ANYTHING about the ACLU, but instead advocated religious tolerance for the NATION, something even George Bush advocates. Which means we are in the curious position where I post a position I can agree with Him on, and YOU DECRY it, as you lie about what I said, and spin something I did not say.
BTW foole the boy scouts were NOT a religion last time I checked, thus are quite irrelevant as to the debate about religious openness. They do not have a religious exemption for any faith I know of, they allow them all in. In fact son these statements can be found on their website;
1. Jewish institutions have used the Scouting program since 1916. Today, Scouting is flourishing in Jewish communities.
2. Scouting serves an important role in the Islamic community. Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews operated by Islamic organizations can be found in major cities throughout the United States.
3. Buddhist youth have participated in Scouting for more than 75 years. Since 1920, young Buddhists in America have enjoyed the benefits of Scouting.
4. Since 1926, Lutheran congregations have recognized the benefits to youth who participate in the Scouting program and to the congregations that provide it.
5. Protestant churches have organized more than 26 percent of all packs, troops, and crews, making them the largest user of the Scouting program.
6. Five hundred sixty-three Scout units are chartered by Churches of Christ, serving more than 15,000 youth.
7. The Roman Catholic Church has used the Scouting program since the early days of the Boy Scouts of America. It is one of the most extensive users of the BSA program.
8. Since 1920, Presbyterian congregations have recognized that the Scouting program not only renders a service to the youth but also is extremely beneficial to the congregations that act as chartered organizations.
So FOOLE even the BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA agree with me and george, kind of makes you truly THE FOOLE doesn't it son.
7) Yours is an America of suffocating regulations, ever more laws and more lawyers, higher taxation and lower freedom.
...regulations are necessary...[see below, the foole combined two separate quotes to LIE about what I actually said]
laws , lawyers are not in and of themselves bad...
What about this son, not the spin you want, but what I posted;
Good reichwingnut spin, regulations are necessary because of actions LIKE Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, Halliburton, Exxon, BP, and many other corporations and people to get everything they can with NO morality but the BOTTOM line. Regulations seek to give people, the environment, nontraditional cultures, minorities women children the same rights as the bottom line.
Sorry son, but you are the FOOLE here, because laws , lawyers are not in and of themselves bad, but you reichwingnut PNAC neo-con repugs use a generalisation like this to attempt to demonise things which prevent you from tasking immoral advantage of others even if it is not completely criminal. But you will continue to use such sweeping generalisations with not true facts. Because it is your attempt to make a victim out of the perpetrator, and decry the cost of the rights of those who do not empty their pockets for you clowns.
[MIS][Translation: people are helpless children unless the government is there protect them with lots of regulations, laws and armies of lawyers. The more the better. Corporations are evil and will poison us and kill our children unless the government "helps" us.]
Isn't your helpless spin EXACTLY what The PNAC neo-con repug clown posse spews every day to RIP up the constitution?
Isn't their argument "If we do not give up rights to them, and allow them to do with prisoners as they please, we ARE NOT SAFE FROM TERRORISTS?"
As for corporations who are NOT responsible, well Hooker Chemicals created Love Canal, NOT the government, it was this environmental fiasco which created the need for a clean up fund...as it was JUST the tip of the iceberg of corporate pollution. BTW son it is NOT Limited to the USA or even Capitalistic Corporations, but the soviet Union left Many polluted sites in East Germany and former Warsaw pact nations as they retreated into the Borders of the USSR. And places like Chernobyl and Three mile Island do REQUIRE regulations...both to try to prevent them, and to clean them up if the unthinkable happens.
Love Canal, Three mile Island, and Chernobyl illustrate the need of the people to have somebody who does not have a bottom line in there for them. FOOLES like you think Corporations Like Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, Halliburton, Exxon, BP, are never Guilty for things LIKE the Exxon Valdeez, Gouging Electric Rate payers in California, Bilking Stock Owners, Ignoring Environmental Regulations until they are forced to follow them.
Fooles like you would turn back the clock to the 1880's, but fortunately progressives and MOST people will NOT allow that.
You forgot to Lie and Spin about this. I wonder why...couldn't spin the truth here either?
9) Your America is simply a place where "citizens of the world dwell" without any shared values -- an empty shell of its former greatness.
Former "greatness"...[endless litany of evil deeds]
[MIS][Translation: Former "greatness" my ass. Don't make me laugh. America is thoroughly eevil. Haven't you been paying attention? How many more evil things must I enumerate? I have these eevil things memorized and search for more every day, but please don't say I "hate" America, or I will be forced to call you a "bigot" again, you bigot.]
Former "greatness" which is it son, slavery, the discrimination of all the immigrants from Ireland, Germany, Italy, Eastern Europe and Asia? Or the child labor, which was stopped by laws and regulations you decry? Howe about the Robber Barons of old who did "economic impact studies" and decided it was cheaper to pay a paltry death benefit, that install safety equipment, another regulation which you decry. Or the support of Foreign dictators Like Somoza, Noriega, The Shah, Pinochet, Diem, Suarto, Marcos, among others. or the good ole times of JIM CROW, that the America you long for son?
Instead of one which actually values PEOPLE more than the dollar, something which you ridicule.
You want to create a Disney history of America, instead of admitting the TRUTH. And when ever it is pointed out to w repug like you that everybody has NOT had a great experience here, you CLOWNS want to go all”love it or leave it” instead of admitting that there were major problems which are not resolved, thus MUCH remains to be done to fulfill the aspirations of it’s founders. You clowns want to live in your never-never land version where if your doing OK, everything is just great, and those who do not think so are...Unpatriotic, hate America and want it to fail. Instead of admitting we have slightly higher aspirations for the county I love than YOU DO FOOLE. I actually expect more out of the country that the world used to look UP TO, than you obviously do. I want it to live up to what the politicians say it is or could be, not what you greedy repugs drag it down to. America is much more than the caricature you want to propagate to US, it is not all you claim it to be presently, but could be greater than you want to admit. Because it could actually offer real equality and honor all not just those with money or fame. And might even be able of a country Christ would be proud of having invoke HIS name as it’s inspiration.
Yours is an America which fails to lead and thus fails to remain a world leader.
Leading is not the same as ILLEGALLY invading a country on lies, and then ignoring the disaster until it is a Fiasco. Leading is NOT DICTATING. Leading is not cherry picked Intel. Leading is NOT limiting rights to a very small religious sect, while immorally forcing other nations to accept that dogma as the basis of foreign aid. Leading is not attacking the international agencies, because you can not dictate to all the world what you want.
But then again you clowns do not want to lead, you want to dictate.
It is an America which talks endlessly in the United Nations and appeases tyrants and other enemies of freedom.
Tyrants like Saddam which Reagan and Bush41, not only appeased, but aided in his first decade of lawlessness.
Tyrants like Pinochet who is on trial in Chile for war crimes when he seized power in a CIA aided coup
Tyrants like Diem in south Vietnam, Marcos in the Philippines, The Shah in Iran, Suharto in Indonesia, Somoza in Nicaragua, King Saud in Saudi Arabia, Musharraf in Pakistan, P.W. Bothain South Africa, all enemies of freedom SUPPORTED by the USA you wail longingly for son.
The America I love is the real America,
No son it is a fairyland reality that NEVER existed except in your mind, and the spin of the repugs who want to turn back the clock to an America which excluded many and allowed the rich and powerful much more free reign.
the one established upon the hopes and dreams of our founding fathers and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
Which you clowns want to tear up now. The revolutionaries would decry your pathetic attempt to steal their strong support of freedom to support the anti-freedom policies of The Idiot and the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse. Their dreams are NOT what you sycophants push for but the antithesis of those dreams. but LYING is one of your MORE natural traits when you post here son.
The American I love is Reagan's shining city on a hill, which is free, prosperous and happy.
Too bad the results of his policies and those of his successors have FAILED to even come close. You repugs are great at painting a mental picture, but SUCK at making it a reality, usually because you deny the actions which would actually lead to the results you claim to be for. Reagan was a great actor, but did not really set the stage for all Americans to live in the dream city you clowns claim to be for.
SINCE you ignored all this, I have to ascertain you agree with these statements of mine, thank you for giving up on these delusions son.
8) [America] does not oppress other countries, but rather serves as a beacon which lights the way so that others around the world might similarly enjoy life in abundance.
YOU ARE KIDDING ...right. you have to be kidding here, because that is what you are for.
But as usual you leave out something to attempt a dishonest spin;
Oppression and bombs, killings and illegal renditions for dogmatic purposes. You are delusional if you think we even come close to accepting your Orwellian lies here son.
[MIS][Translation: Well you Republicans are oppressing Iraq, which was formerly ruled by that benevolent dictator and my personal hero, Saddam Hussein.]
Sorry but THAT is NOT what I said foole, but your dishonest lying spin...as usual
You republicans oppressed the people of IRAQ since Mar 2003, Saddam oppressed them before that, remember I fought in a war against him, unlike YOU. He is NO hero to me, but an Iraqi version of the Idiot in Chief, who wants the kind of power Saddam used to have. Saddam was just the Iraqi decider.
By lowering the standard of living for millions here while sending factories and companies to slave labor wage countries...to boost the bottom line at the expense of both groups of people.
[MIS][Translation: Free enterprise doesn't work. This is why we need to nationalize all American industry, control our economy like castro, and stamp out this globalization nonsense.]
Not what I said FOOLE, unless you think free enterprise is about LOWER STANDARDS. Instead of aiding everyone to RISE in their living conditions. I never even came close to you asinine statement about nationalization.....that is a repug strawman you tout but since I did not say it...YOU LIE about it. I am for raising the living conditions around this planet, and have traveled quite a few places. 1880's capitalism is NOT what anybody on this planet needs, but is what the Corporations are really looking for, places like China, Mexico, Bangladesh, Thailand, and South America. Even places Like the Marianas a US protectorate, has been shielded by REPUGS like Delay, and Abramoff from the conditions that all US workers EXPECT to have provided when they show up for work. You decry the quest for aiding the downtrodden and poor of the planet...and then question the patriotism of those who do, EVEN though that was WHAT Jesus commanded us to do.
Who is the REAL anti-christ person here? I am for sending Christ’s principles into the workplace, why do you OPPOSE it so viciously? WAS JESUS CHRIST THAT BAD?
Son you forgot to comment HERE;
The America I love is the one which honors truth,
Then it DOES not include George W Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, and the rest of the current crop of repug operators, because instead of truth, we get LIES, spin, distractions and distortions. These ARE NOT TRUTH
You MUST agree here also...
Leave the 102nd barking chicken hawk brigade out here son.
And here, we agree again eh son?
And Here son;
and the confident, dynamic spirit of individual responsibility.
Except NOBODY in DC is being held accountable, not the Idiot, Dead Eye, especially not Dumsfeld, or the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse, who pass the buck. Accountability is in dire need in DC. But the rubber-stamp repug lead congress is no where near there, and the Press is just starting to call for accountability 6 years after the incompetence began.
Your as delusional as ever FOOLE, and you have proved it HERE son,[a second time]
THANKS VOLTAIRE for your response to my above post about homeless children. Here is is again:
ReplyDeleteEveryone please check out the new item I just posted. Today at church we committed to mission work for the homeless children of Los Angeles, which has the largest homeless population in America.
Whenever you can, please help in your community. Women's shelters and P.A.T.H. (People Assisting the Homeless) are great too, and our church is sponsoring IMAGINE L.A. - a city where no child sleeps on the street. (But over 16,000 do sleep on the street, and some even do their homework under a streetlight.)
MIS-Translate foole, but you’re just a piss-ant who wants to be seen as eradicate but are NOT
Fascist foole said "The America which libs love doesn't exist and never will.
ReplyDeleteThe libs' America is one in which no one dares to celebrate our marvelous Judeo-Christian values, lest he become branded as "judgemental" or "intolerant"."
unfortunately you are right Foole for now we are living in the Reich Wings sick and twisted utopia.
no Fibbing Fascist celebrating judeo christian values are fine AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT JUDGEMENTAL AND INTOLLERANT, unfortunately the majority of the reich wing are intollerant and judgemental.
fascist fan said "The libs' America is one in which overtly showing patriotism is tantamount to jingoism at best or nazism at worst."
ReplyDeleteWrong another lie, showing patriotism is fine, but smearing those who disagree with you and do not share your political views as unpatriotic or traitors is a slimy dirty tactic that reeks of nazism and Hitler. You people twisted the concept of patriotism in to a dirty word that little resembles its true meaning just as you did with the word liberal. people like you are intellectually dishonest fear mongers.
fascist foolle said "The libs' America is one in which big government confiscates more and more of the private sector's wealth for its lazy bureaucrats until our economy, stifled by high taxation, stagnates and fails as has our European neighbors."
ReplyDeleteThis is truly laughable because under bush all we have had is big govenment and the wealthy elite confiscating working people's wealth for lazy bureaucrats and the wealthy elite.
Although conservatives claim liberals are for tax and spend the last time we have had fiscal responsibility and a surplus was under the democratic Clinton administration.
not that democrats are actually for raising taxes, but even if they were, which is worse spending like a drunken sailor with out the money to pay for it like a drunken irresponsible 18 year old on a credit card binge or being fiscally responsible and not spending more than the income/tax revenue coming in.
running huge deficits without raising taxes is mortgaging our childrens future and sacrificing their standard of living for our selfish material needs today, shame on you selfish greedy fooles, I dont even have children and it makes me sick that we are burdening my families and friends children whom I care about deeply with debt for frivilous corrupt things like big tax cuts for the wealthy elite or unneccessary wars and the right to torture, while we are doing nothing to make our country safer or insure our children have a better standard of living than we do, look at the rising costs of education and all the homeless children that Lydia just posted about and all you fools can think about is your desire to torture muslims or steal more of the pie for yourselves today.
Fascist Foole said "The libs' America is one in which only government is good. The common man cannot trusted to generally to the right thing. So policemen and the military may own firearms but private citizens may not"
ReplyDeleteanother laughable statement by a deluded fool, DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK WE THINK OUR GOVERNMENT IS GOOD, the Bush administration is the most evil corrupt group of megalomaniacs I HAVE "EVER" seen occupy the white house.
it is us saying the common man is to be trusted and police and government are not worthy of ABSOLUTE TRUST. it is repugs that want to turn America into a POLICE STATE, not liberals.
Fascist Fool said "The libs' America is one in which a handful of unelected activist judges may trample the will of the people by legislating from the bench in utter distain for the U.S. Constitution and its clearly worded 10th amendment."
ReplyDeleteNo foole it is the liberals that are saying the Constitution and the sacred and precious principles and freedoms it represents need to be protected and defended from those who prefer fascist and dictatorship, as for your activist judges we need all 3 branches of government to respect and adhere to the Constitution, but just as important we need the power mad Executive branch to realize and respect that there are 3 branches of government not just one and we need the Executive branch to serve the will of the people, not just their own self serving interests and those of the wealthy elite who support them.
fascist foole said"The libs' America is one in which facts are irrelevant, and no conspiracy theory is too hysterically insane, if it can be used to smear Conservatives. In this regard, libs are much like the Islamists who blame Jews for all the evil in the world."
ReplyDeleteno it is conservatives who hold facts and evidence as irrelevant, they rely on spin, smear and personal attacks, look at the above statement for example this slimy halfwit wannabe intellectual tries to smear and discredit liberals by associating them with islamist terrorists, but there are no facts or evidence to support this insane association, just spin and smear.
Lydia, regarding your post about helping the homeless, i will try to do what I can also, i have been extremely busy lately taking care of some things, but i will make some time this week.
ReplyDelete“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty,” he said, in 1954. “We must remember always that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.
ReplyDelete“We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular.”
And so good night, and good luck.
Edward R. Murrow.
interesting, i post a whole string of comments and all this coward can muster is a foolish post about hot pockets to slander me personally, that means a lot coming from a loser slandering people under multiple handles......................are you upset I made your pseudo intellectual buddy look foolish so your trying to deflect things......by the way fool, your the one that seems obsessed with hot pockets rusty.
ReplyDeleteTuesday, August 22
ReplyDeleteOp-Eds: The Latest From Carter, Miller, Uhler, Ostroy, and Pringle.
Our Anti-Democratic Government: The Bush Administration Assault on the Twin Pillars of Our Democracy, Ivan Carter
The Constitution's limitation upon the powers of government, and its separation of powers and system of checks and balances thereunder, serve as the basic structure of our democracy. Nevertheless, the Bush Administration's approach has been to subvert these processes to its own belief as to how government should be run. At the same time, while information serves as the lifeblood of democracy, the Bush Administration's approach, when it comes to governmental information of any sort, has been to subvert this principle as well; once again, to its own beliefs. This time, regarding what information, and in what context, the public, and even Congress, should know. The result has been an extraordinary assault...on the subtle underpinnings of what in effect constitute our democracy, and make America, America.
Fear and Loathing in the Occident: Why Do We Hate Them?, Jason Miller
ReplyDeleteIslamophobia is a mental and spiritual affliction. And our Western ruling elites bear the responsibility for inflicting it upon the psyches of the masses. Now that the Stalinist/Maoist regimes have collapsed or evolved toward capitalism and no fascist states with imperial ambitions exist (besides the United States and its few allies), the American Empire needed to find a new "enemy” to replace Stalinists and Nazis.
Much of the soft power employed by the leaders of America’s “top down democracy” stems from psychological manipulation of “the mob”. Mobilization of the masses against a common enemy “threatening the very existence of the American Way” has long been a staple in the United States’ ruling elites’ ongoing push to monopolize the world’s wealth, power, and prestige. And who better to vilify than Islamic people? Many are dark-skinned and live in developing nations, meaning their lives are inconsequential in the prevailing moral calculus of the West. The Middle East is predominately Islamic, its sands are oozing with crude oil, and it is home to Israel. From the perspective of the Empire, what better region to target than the Middle East?...
Letter: You Guys Are Patriots, Pac
ReplyDeleteThank you for your courageous, heartfelt website. Bush says that anyone who is not with HIM is with the terrorists. In other words: any dissent is treason. But to quote Thomas Jefferson: "To criticize those in power, is the highest form of patriotism." You brave souls at Bushwatch are the greatest patriots known to me.
Bush Blows It: Finally, American Gets Wise To Bush Terror Tactics (excerpts), Frank Rich
ReplyDeleteTHE results are in for the White House’s latest effort to exploit terrorism for political gain: the era of Americans’ fearing fear itself is over. In each poll released since the foiling of the trans-Atlantic terror plot — Gallup, Newsweek, CBS, Zogby, Pew — George W. Bush’s approval rating remains stuck in the 30’s, just as it has been with little letup in the year since Katrina stripped the last remaining fig leaf of credibility from his presidency. While the new Middle East promised by Condi Rice remains a delusion, the death rattle of the domestic political order we’ve lived with since 9/11 can be found everywhere: in Americans’ unhysterical reaction to the terror plot, in politicians’ and pundits’ hysterical overreaction to Joe Lieberman’s defeat in Connecticut, even in the ho-hum box-office reaction to Oliver Stone’s “World Trade Center.”
It’s not as if the White House didn’t pull out all the stops to milk the terror plot to further its politics of fear. One self-congratulatory presidential photo op was held at the National Counterterrorism Center, a dead ringer for the set in “24.” But Mr. Bush’s Jack Bauer is no more persuasive than his Tom Cruise of “Top Gun.” By crying wolf about terrorism way too often, usually when a distraction is needed from bad news in Iraq, he and his administration have long since become comedy fodder, and not just on “The Daily Show.” June’s scenario was particularly choice: as Baghdad imploded, Alberto Gonzales breathlessly unmasked a Miami terror cell plotting a “full ground war” and the destruction of the Sears Tower, even though the alleged cell had no concrete plans, no contacts with terrorist networks and no equipment, including boots.
What makes the foiled London-Pakistan plot seem more of a serious threat — though not so serious it disrupted Tony Blair’s vacation — is that the British vouched for it, not Attorney General Gonzales and his Keystone Kops. This didn’t stop Michael Chertoff from grabbing credit in his promotional sprint through last Sunday’s talk shows. “It was as if we had an opportunity to stop 9/11 before it actually was carried out,” he said, insinuating himself into that royal we. But no matter how persistent his invocation of 9/11, our secretary of homeland security is too discredited to impress a public that has been plenty disillusioned since Karl Rove first exhibited the flag-draped remains of a World Trade Center victim in a 2004 campaign commercial. We look at Mr. Chertoff and still see the man who couldn’t figure out what was happening in New Orleans when the catastrophe was being broadcast in real time on television.
No matter what the threat at hand, he can’t get his story straight. When he said last weekend that the foiling of the London plot revealed a Qaeda in disarray because “it’s been five years since they’ve been capable of putting together something of this sort,” he didn’t seem to realize that he was flatly contradicting the Ashcroft-Gonzales claims for the gravity of all the Qaeda plots they’ve boasted of stopping in those five years. As recently as last October, Mr. Bush himself announced a list of 10 grisly foiled plots, including one he later described as a Qaeda plan “already set in motion” to fly a hijacked plane “into the tallest building on the West Coast.”
Dick Cheney’s credibility is also nil: he will always be the man who told us that Iraqis would greet our troops as liberators and that the insurgency was in its last throes in May 2005. His latest and predictable effort to exploit terrorism for election-year fear-mongering — arguing that Ned Lamont’s dissent on Iraq gave comfort to “Al Qaeda types” — has no traction because the public has long since untangled the administration’s bogus linkage between the Iraq war and Al Qaeda. That’s why, of all the poll findings last week, the most revealing was one in the CBS survey: While the percentage of Americans who chose terrorism as our “most important problem” increased in the immediate aftermath of the London plot, terrorism still came in second, at only 17 percent, to Iraq, at 28 percent.
The administration’s constant refrain that Iraq is the “central front” in the war on terror is not only false but has now also backfired politically: only 9 percent in the CBS poll felt that our involvement in Iraq was helping decrease terrorism. As its fifth anniversary arrives, 9/11 itself has been dwarfed by the mayhem in Iraq, where more civilians are now killed per month than died in the attack on America. The box-office returns of “World Trade Center” are a cultural sign of just how much America has moved on. For all the debate about whether it was “too soon” for such a Hollywood movie, it did better in the Northeast, where such concerns were most prevalent, than in the rest of the country, where, like “United 93,” it may have arrived too late. Despite wild acclaim from conservatives and an accompanying e-mail campaign, “World Trade Center” couldn’t outdraw “Step Up,” a teen romance starring a former Abercrombie & Fitch model and playing on 500 fewer screens....
6:20 PM
Friday, August 18...Next Update: Monday, August 21
ReplyDeleteBlowback: Bush Policies Help The Terrorists (excerpts), Bob Herbert
Almost three years ago, in the immediate aftermath of the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Jessica Stern, who lectures on terrorism at Harvard, wrote in The New York Times that the U.S. had created in Iraq “precisely the situation the Bush administration has described as a breeding ground for terrorists: a state unable to control its borders or provide for its citizens’ rudimentary needs.” Ms. Stern went on to say, “As bad as the situation inside Iraq may be, the effect that the war has had on terrorist recruitment around the globe may be even more worrisome.”
The situation has grown only worse since then. While Republicans are savoring the political possibilities of a foiled terror plot, the spiraling chaos in Iraq and other Bush administration policies are contributing mightily to the anger and radicalism in the Muslim world. Ms. Stern, the author of “Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill,” said in an interview last week: “We’re in a world where Islamist terrorist leaders are teaching their followers that they have been humiliated. Well, first of all, it’s true that Islamic civilization has fallen behind economically, intellectually, politically. It was once the greatest civilization. That’s true. But the terrorist leaders teach their followers that not only is this humiliating, but somebody else is to blame — and that’s us. They say that we have deliberately set out to destroy the Islamic world and humiliate Muslims.”
While it’s not true that the United States is trying to humiliate the Muslim world, said Ms. Stern, “I think that as we contemplate our policy remedies today, we also need to think about how they may ultimately be used by our terrorist enemies to recruit.” The debacle in Iraq, and inhumane policies like torture, rendition and the incarceration of Muslims without trial at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, serve only to strengthen the appeal of militants who are single-mindedly dedicated to the destruction of American lives.
The U.S. needs to be much, much smarter in its efforts to counter this mortal threat. We should be focused like a laser on the fight against Al Qaeda-type terrorism. We need to ramp up our security efforts here at home. (Even as the terror plot in Britain was emerging, the Bush administration was trying to eliminate millions of dollars in funding for explosives-detection technology. Congress blocked that effort.) We need a new approach to foreign policy that draws on the wisest heads both here and abroad. And we need a strategy for withdrawal from Iraq.
Bush Diaries: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Birds of a Feather , Peter Clothier
ReplyDeleteYou're not going to like me for this, Bush, but I was watching the Mike Wallace interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sixty Minutes last night and I couldn't help but be struck by the qualities you share in common. Struck and, frankly, deeply disturbed. You don't believe me? Well, here's what I saw: I saw a man of cocky self-assurance, willing to shoot off his mouth at the slightest provocation, alternately bellicose and charming in an awkward, slightly sinister way, unable to listen, and sensitive to the slightest suggestion of criticism. Okay? And then there was the same glib dismissal of the possibility of any point of view other than his own, the same prejudicial partisanship, the same nationalistic arrogance, same readiness to exculpate his friends and castigate his enemies, and the same propensity to ward off serious questions with a jibe and the same sly mockery of the questioner. Same grin, hiding the same anger--in my judgment--and the same discomfort with himself as a public figure. Oh, and he had to close the interview because it was time to get off to his prayers....
It's the Busheviks Who are Terrorizing America , Andy Ostroy
ReplyDeleteWe are indeed in a war with terrorists. We are being terrorized by the Bush administration. Playing the only political card they have left, the Busheviks have moved the war on terror to the top of their agenda, using VP Dick Cheney, RNC chair Ken Mehlman, Congressman, Senators, media spinners and the president himself to scare the bajeesus out of America in a desperate and pathetic attempt to repeat their successes of '02 and '04. Although we're not sure for how long, the thwarted British terror plot last week breathed new life into a dead presidency and gave the Republican-controlled Congress reason to believe they could retain power. But two new polls out last week spell serious t-r-o-u-b-l-e for Repugs, and as a result we can expect more and more political terrorizing here at home between now and November....
Here is a perfect illustration of repug spin ans smear in action I clearly stated 3-4 days prior my position on affirmative action and despite my clearly stating my position TT and Rusty try to falsely and dishonestly lie and misrepresent my position to fit their arguments and talking points and when that doesnt work they try to slimi;y portray me as a flip flopper or someone who has benefitted frpm AA, when it is something i clearly stated I no longer support
ReplyDeleteTroll Tex said"Mike loves affirmative action as well, but that's another story."
Mike replied "Typical repug lying and spinning falsehoods, not only is that an unsubstantiated fact, but it is a blatant outright lie since several days ago you made that claim and I responded to you that, that was not the case............and yet after I clearly stated my position you attempted to lie and deceive by stating otherwise obviously as a distraction from Clif cleaning your clock and beating your slimy troll a$$ into the ground.
Face reality Troll Tex your clearly not smart enough to debate honestly particularly with all the lies your Neo Con Masters have boxed you into a corner with hence the lies and deception you must resort to, the only way you have a chance of refuting our arguments is if you dishonestly lie and reframe our arguments into postions that in no way resemble our actual positions so they are more easily attacked by a simpleton like you and your cronnies.
Your time is over and your desperation is clearly showing."
rusty said "Mikey,I'm guessing you're a proponnent of affirmative action because its helped you get a job a couple times.True?"
TT said "Mike, what is your position on affirmative action?"
Mike replied "TT i'm not abot to get into a long discussion on AA, I will say this though, at its inception when attitudes were different AA probably solved mpore problems than it created, I dont think that is the case today, as it creates a kind of reverse discrimination where jobs dont go to the most qualified they go a a person based on filling a quota or avoiding a law suit.
I think what we really need to focus on is seeing the minorities aquire the skills and education they need so they are among the most qualified then if discrimination occurs it needs to be dealt with severely enough so that it is a deterent for other corporations to engage in this type of behavior.
But just to make something clear Troll tex, DONT EVER create or infer my postion for me, its a slimy deceptive repug tactic and you would not like it done to you, in fact I believe you called it a "slippery Slope" when I threatened to give you a taste of your own medicine and do likewise.
been visiting the Psychic Friends Network a little too much my little green friend, I wonder if your masters would approve of their easily distracted operative doing that on repug time."
TT said "So, Mike, is it fair to say that, like your hero, John Kerry, you were in favor of affirmative action before you were against it?
No wonder you guys can't wil elections."
Mike replied "Lying and spinning again I see.
See Troll Tex, over time things change and I think over 40 or 50 years it is reasonable for intelligent people to change their mind on things as society changes and new information comes in, it is the pig headed arogant "my way or the highway" ideologues like GWB that feel they are never wrong and dont like to look for the best solution or course of action but would rather bend and twist facts to fit their desired outcomes or twisted decisions and policies than change their policies, choose a new course of action or admit they are wrong.
Changing course when new information comes in is a sign of intelligence not wealness or indeciveness as the repug spin machine chooses to portray it, being decisive is great if you are right but terrible if you are wrong and Bush has been proven wrong on almost everything."
Remember when Dusty Pimpleton said; there were NO repugs switching to the democratic party?
ReplyDeleteWell he must NOT READ TOO WELL:
Wave of Party Switchers Hits Republicans
Citing extremism, more GOPers are joining the Democrats.
A trend of local, below-the-radar party-switches is undercutting Republicans as they face the sternest challenge in a decade to one-party control of Congress and several state legislatures. Such party-switching by elected officials often indicates that the label they are shedding has lost appeal and foreshadows poor performance at the polls.
Some recent switchers are exiting GOP ranks with a bang. Distorted priorities, the federal deficit and the Iraq war are common themes in their announcements. And in a direct swipe at the far-right ideology that has become a governing credo in the Bush years, they cite intolerance in the party as the chief reason for leaving.
"The moderate Republican has been pushed aside for the extreme right wing," Oklahoma state Senator Nancy Riley told the Associated Press in August, when she became a Democrat. Riley represents a district in suburban Tulsa and has served as minority whip in a chamber that her former party was looking to take over in the fall election. She announced her defection after years of what she described as "abhorrent" treatment by Republican leaders who suffer a "lack of compassion for people."
In central South Carolina, county prosecutor Barney Giese also switched parties. The law-enforcement pro is the son of Warren Giese, a longtime GOP state senator and revered football coach. His announcement upset Republican leaders, struggling to maintain one-party control in a state that Democrats added to their roster of early primary battlegrounds for the 2008 nomination.
"My relationship with some of the leaders of the Republican Party is damaged," Giese told The State, a Columbia newspaper. "No one gets elected without bipartisan support. ... My conflict with them started with me being independent."
On the other coast, Rodney Tom, a state representative in Washington, didn't mince words when he left the GOP this spring. "I realized that the far right has complete control of the party," he told the Seattle Times in announcing his switch.
Now running for state Senate as a Democrat, he represents a district of suburbs that was once lopsidedly Republican. But Tom says voters there generally back abortion rights, nondiscrimination for gay people, balanced budgets and investment in state infrastructure, such as transportation projects. That has soured them on today's conservatives. "For me to be effective for my constituents," he added, "I need to be a Democrat."
Tom's switch underscores a shift in allegiances away from the GOP among well-educated, upper-middle class voters based in part on the strident antigay and antiabortion stands of Republicans.
Begun in the Clinton years, this erosion of the conservative base has motivated some right-wing strategists to peddle the stances all the more ferociously in hopes of finding and winning over new converts from other demographic groups. It may pay short-term dividends. Bush strategist Karl Rove claims to have identified and successfully solicited votes from as many as 4 million new GOP voters in 2004.
Yet the stigma of pandering to intolerance can sear a negative after-image into the minds of other voters. That effect and friction from dealing with party leaders driven by rigid beliefs are two factors consistently flagged by the party switchers. Showing up as much in red states as in blue, the pattern cannot be dismissed as a regional fluke.
In Idaho, Tony Edmondson, a former county commissioner, broke with the GOP in August. He criticized state lawmakers, who in the spring placed a ballot measure barring same-sex marriage before state voters in the fall. "The legislature decided to focus on issues of ideology and posturing ... instead of focusing on the people's business," he told the Associated Press. Edmondson is running for state senate as a Democrat.
In New Jersey, former state Assemblyman Paul R. D'Amato left the GOP, charging the party with operating a "closed shop that discourages individuality, discussion and openness." The Press of Atlantic City noted that D'Amato joined two other local elected Republicans, James Carney and Alisa Cooper, who have become Democrats in the past two years.
And party-switchers figure in two marquee races this fall. Former Kansas GOP chair Mark Parkinson has joined Democratic governor Kathleen Sibelius as her choice for lieutenant governor on her re-election ticket. In Virginia, longtime Republican and Reagan-era secretary of the Navy Jim Webb is challenging incumbent U.S. senator George Allen, a voting-rights foe sometimes pegged as an '08 White House hopeful, in his hard-fought reelection bid. "National security policy under the Bush-Cheney Administration is in total disarray," Webb said in an August speech. "There is no end in sight to the conflict in Iraq ... and homeland security is being neglected."
The shift throws a wrench in the Republican machine as it rumbles across a troubled political landscape. The results of special elections for state legislature in the past year have showcased Democratic voting strength, even in areas the GOP has long dominated (see "GOP Trashed in Special Elections," April 2006). Now another gauge indicates Republican political power at risk.
Twelve years ago, GOP leaders trumpeted a host of Democratic office-holders who had jumped ship as a grassroots rejection of Bill Clinton and his party. They went on to post huge gains in the '94 mid-term elections. Now, as Nov. 7 nears, a similar dynamic of popular disaffection with Republicans is taking shape.
The repugs seem to be losing AT the grassroots which means where the people REALLY LIVE, not the Ivory towers of pundrity like Faux Lies, AEI spinmeister U or any of the other Scaife-Moony funded repug slime operations.
ReplyDeleteGOP senators heading battle with Bush are heavy hitters
ReplyDeleteMcCain, Graham, Warner have deep military credentials
The three Republican senators leading the fight against the Bush administration's plan for prosecuting suspected terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay have impressive military credentials.
Former Navy pilot John McCain, R-Ariz., was captured during the Vietnam War and spent more than five years as a prisoner of war.
Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is a military law officer in the Air Force Reserve; when on active duty, he once prompted an overhaul of a flawed Air Force drug-testing program after defending a demoted pilot on a drug charge.
And John Warner, R-Va., has spent years immersed in defense issues and the law, beginning with service in the Navy and Marine Corps during World War II and the Korean War and including two years as the secretary of the Navy.
For this powerful group, the fight is personal.
"For me, it's a simple test," Graham said. "If it's a trial, would I be OK with our guys being tried in that way? If it's an interrogation setting, would I be OK with our guys being interrogated?"
Because, Graham added, U.S. decisions about handling detainees could "come back to haunt us."
This week, the Senate is headed to a showdown over how to prosecute suspected terrorists and whether to require the CIA to use interrogation techniques that comply with the Geneva Conventions' mandate that wartime prisoners be "treated humanely."
The Republican versus Republican legislative fight was provoked by the Supreme Court's ruling in June that the military commissions devised by the Bush administration violate U.S. law. Those commissions were designed by the administration to put detainees on trial but the court ruled that it was up to Congress to create any special judicial system for enemy combatants.
On one side of the debate are the Bush administration and most of the 55 Republicans in the Senate, who say U.S. interrogators should be viewed as following the Geneva Conventions as long as they do not engage in "cruel, inhuman or degrading" treatment barred by a 2005 federal law. The administration and its backers in Congress also want to allow military commissions to be able to convict suspected terrorists after viewing classified evidence that the suspects can't see.
At a news conference Friday, President Bush said he would object to any legislation that would jeopardize the CIA's "invaluable" program for interrogating suspected terrorists.
"The intelligence community must be able to tell me that the bill Congress sends to my desk will allow this vital program to continue," Bush said.
In his radio address Saturday, Bush said his proposal provides clear rules for U.S. personnel involved in detaining and questioning alleged terrorists held by the CIA.
"The information the Central Intelligence Agency has obtained by questioning men like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks) has helped disrupt terrorist plots, including planned strikes inside the United States and on a U.S. Marine base in East Africa, an American consulate in Pakistan and Britain's Heathrow Airport," Bush said.
"This CIA program has saved American lives, and the lives of people in other countries," he said.
Bush's comments were a challenge to McCain, Graham and Warner, who want U.S. soldiers and operatives to strictly follow the Geneva Conventions when interrogating prisoners. They also want stronger legal protections for enemy combatants and to make it harder for U.S. prosecutors to use classified intelligence in the courtroom without sharing it with the defendants on trial.
One way or another, "we're set up for a collision," predicted Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who backs the Bush plan and has been an outspoken critic of the proposal by McCain, Graham and Warner.
Senate Democrats have been content to mostly sit back and watch Republicans fight among themselves, though most, if not all, of the chamber's Democrats are expected ultimately to line up behind the three. A handful of Republicans, including Susan Collins of Maine, also support the trio.
Cornyn said the three senators' backgrounds and engaging personalities -- Graham and McCain are regulars on Sunday morning TV talk shows -- are what make them such formidable opponents.
Given their pro-military voting records and their own military backgrounds, the three have unmatched credentials when it comes to issues involving military justice. Their campaign has weakened what Republican Senate aides hoped would be a chance to use the congressional debates on this issue to claim that Democrats were weak on terrorism, in advance of the Nov. 7 elections.
McCain warns that if the United States doesn't strictly follow the Geneva Conventions, including the treaty's ban on "outrages upon personal dignity," other nations could follow suit with captured U.S. soldiers.
"Weakening the Geneva protections is not only unnecessary, but would set an example to other countries, with less respect for basic human rights, that they could issue their own legislative 'reinterpretations,' " McCain said in a statement released Friday. "This puts our military personnel and others directly at risk in this and future wars."
Graham also said lawmakers aren't just deciding, in a vacuum, what legal rights and protections to give suspected terrorists. They're effectively deciding how other countries will treat American captives.
"Whatever we do will (either) lead the way for the world, set an example we can be proud of, be a shining light for people to follow, or we can set -- by cutting legal corners -- policies that will come back to haunt us," Graham said.
Graham and McCain have been in a similar position before. Last year, the two successfully battled the administration and won approval of a ban on torture.
Unlike anyone else in the Senate, McCain has personal experience with torture. The Arizona Republican was beaten and interrogated regularly during his years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. McCain insists that using torture as an interrogation technique only results in bad intelligence "because, under torture, a detainee will tell his interrogator anything to make the pain stop."
Warner has emerged as a surprising ally of McCain and Graham. Warner generally stands with Republicans on defense and national security issues when the two parties are divided but he has been aggressive in investigating the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
The three senators already have forced the administration to change course on plans for trying detainees. The three Republicans were among the first voices in the Congress to urge the administration to adapt the existing military courts-martial system for trying suspected terrorists. During a July hearing, Graham bluntly warned administration lawyers that if they did not take that approach, "it's going to be a long, hot summer."
Ultimately, the Bush administration sent Congress a plan for commissions that generally tracks the courts-martial procedures.
I think Rove has gotten the Idiot in Chief to stick his foot in a rather large political COWPIE, and these US military ceterans are not going to allow the president to smear that cowpie all over the US Military.
Brent Budowsky: George Washington, George III, George Bush: If Thomas Paine Were Here, Part 1
ReplyDeleteby Brent Budowsky
Thomas Paine and his fellow traitor to the Crown and champion of democracy George Washington must be standing at the Gates of heaven and pounding the table while they call down to us with outrage about what we do.
This is the first in a series of notes that will be followed by actionable suggestions on matters such as the future of Air America and its possible alliance with grassroots and blogs for mutual empowerment; a call to action against dangers of scandal or outrages in a Congressional election that could be a repeat of 2000; and ending the Republican Senate cover-up of the remainder of the Intelligence Committee report that could prove false statements, potentially before Congressional Committees involving pre-war intelligence, that must not be covered up until after the election.
Here, we set the stage, and define the mission:
Never before in the history of the Republic have the politics of fear been used so ignobly to put our freedoms under basic attack.
Never before in the history of the Republic have those freedoms been surrendered so casually, so fearfully, so timidly. and so meekly by a society that so easily forgets about the rivers of blood of American heroes who died to give us what we so casually, so fearfully, so timidly and so meekly surrender today.
One personal note. I have faced enough danger in my life, as have many of you. And I live and work at the epicenter of the next major terrorist attack, if and when there is one, yards from the World Bank, blocks from the White House, and if there is a significant terrorist attack in our capital I might well be dead.
But I will tell you this: I will be damned if I will surrender even one of my rights, even one of your rights, even one of America's first principles, for somebody else's politics, or somebody else's fear. And I do not believe you would either.
I do not refer to what might happen. I refer to the freedoms that have already been surrendered, largely without a fight, though I propose that those who cannot decide whether voting is worth the effort, consider what these people would do if there is another terrorist attack, a prospect that would make George Washington tremble with anger and make Tom Paine pound his fist with rage.
George Washington crossed the Delaware with troops risking death in a river frozen with ice on a Christmas Eve, rallying them to courage, on behalf of a banner of freedom that they hoped, and prayed, and fought to make timeless.
George Bush implores our people to be afraid, and wants people to think: we may not be comfortable with a President who claims the unilateral power to abrogate the Bill of Rights and violate Federal Law at will with a signing statement, but he makes us feel a little bit safer, so it's ok. And so it happened.
Praise the Lord that the troops that crossed the Delaware with Washington were made of sterner stuff than those who let this happen.
George Washington lived with his troops at Valley Forge, where many died of famine, while others died with their bare feet bleeding into the ice, and he rallied them with bravery, for a cause greater than themselves, greater than their lives, greater even than the Nation they created and the times they lived in.
George Bush tells us to be afraid watching our television sets from the safety of our living rooms, and wants us to think: we may be uncomfortable when tens of millions of us are spied on, when the Congress and Courts are not permitted to know, when even our newspapers of record are labelled as traitors, but it makes us feel a litte bit safer, so its ok. And so it happened.
Praise the Lord that the Continental Army was made of men and women with sterner stuff than this.
Thomas Paine wrote one of the great best sellers in human history, gave his money to the troops, and travelled with Washington and the soldiers into battle. At the most dangerous hours of what Paine called The American Crisis he would put pen to paper, believing that the sun never shined on a greater cause than this, and rallied the nation to greater heights of courage, while he rallied the troops to greater bravery in battle.
Standing at the banks of the Delaware about to cross into what may be the single greatest epic battle for freedom in history, facing long odds and the prospect that defeat could spell doom for the cause they loved so deeply, Washington read to cheering troops these words by Thomas Paine as they prepared to man the boats and charge into battle:
"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of this country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly".
George Bush implores us to be afraid, and unlike Washington quoting Paine to cheering soldiers, wants us to think like this: we may be a bit uncomfortable with an executive so unilaterally powerful it has much in common with the British crown, with secret after secret kept from the American people who like sheep are no longer allowed to know, with a Congress that accepts the treatment of the vassal, and courts that too often are no longer permitted to know any more than our people, but it makes us feel safer, so its ok. And so it happened.
Praise the Lord that the patriots who rallied to the cause at Lexington and Concord were made of sterner stuff than this.
George Washington faced many dark days when the Continental Army appeared doomed to defeat, when his advisors urged him to approve torture against the captured troops of the Crown. Washington said NO, we need not do these things to win, and if we do, we lose the specialness and power and wonder of what makes America America. Thomas Paine said, loudly and often, when the great notion of America was challenged from any direction: In America, the Law is King.
George Bush beseeches us to be afraid, and wants us to think like this: we may be uncomfortable with the use of torture that is opposed and condemned by every leader of every democratic country everywhere in the world, we may be uncomfortable with tactics opposed by every branch of our military at every level of command, we may not be comfortable with abuses condemned by every leader of every religion except for the mullahs who advise the murderers, but it makes us feel a little safer, so it is ok. And so it has happened.
Praise the Lord that those who rang that bell on that July 4 in Philadelphia, all called traitors in their time, were made of sterner stuff than this.
George Washington believed that politics must be a noble profession, that the unity of the Nation is the first principle in the conduct of war, that power must be used wisely, and the greatest obligation of the most powerful is to know when to stand aside for the better interests of the country.
When the Continental Army had triumphed Geoge Washington had the power to be the King, but he chose to go home instead, believing too much power is unhealthy for our democracy. When Washington served brilliantly as our first President, he had the power to remain President for life, but chose again to yield power and the presidency to others, in the higher interests of our democracy.
George Bush implores our people to be afraid, and wants us to think like this: we may be uncomfortable with our nation so deliberately divided, with so much of our politics to be so disastrously disgusting and distrusted, with even heroes in the other party demeaned for their very acts of heroism, but if those who oppose him can be portrayed in the most grotesque ways as friends of the terrorists or enemies of the State, our country may more divided, but we are more afraid, so its ok. And so it has happened.
Praise the Lord that the colonial armies that marched on Yorktown were made of sterner and nobler stuff than this.
What is missing from our country at this time, is any serious debate on the enormous stakes that are involved, and the enormous dangers that await a continuation of a one party government, without any checks and balances, flouting the values that have been protected for more than two hundred years, with a nation more divided than at any moment since the Civil War, with policies that anger and alienate the decent opinion of freedom's friends throught the world, with actions that are alien to the first principles of our American democracy.
The deadly sin of the Bush presidency, is that they mock George Washington by trying to make us afraid, and they use that fear, to mock what Washington and Paine and all others fought for. These are not differences of degree, or distinctions of policy. These are defamations against our democracy, the first principles of our freedom, the core of our constitution, the profoundly patriotic notion that in America the Law is the King, as Paine wrote, and that in America the King is Not the law, as the merchandisers of fear want the timid and afraid to so meekly accept.
The Bill of Rights, the rule of law, the freedom of the press, the protection against the King knocking on our doors at night without warrant, the protection against government spying on us without Courts or the Congress being made aware, the notion of America as a family rather than warring clans of domestic enemies, the respect for first principles of democracies everywhere, the defense against practices that violate the common spirit of the great religions of the world, and more, and more.
These matters go the heart of the character of our country, issues that determine whether we believe in the values and instituions of George Bush, George Washington or George III.
Heaven help us, if we are attacked again, and those who merchandise the selling of fear in service to their ambition of the surrender of our liberties, use even that failure, to create even more fear, to seize even more power, to attack even more freedom, in their endless obsession to win at all costs, to rule without limits, and to demean their fellow patriots with no regard to honor, integrity and truth.
What is striking is not only the Draconian danger of the merchandising of fear and monopolization of power that would follow another terrorist attack, but the Draconian fact of what has already happened, what fundamental freedoms have already been stripped away with barely a fight, and hardly a debate, about the first principles of freedom, democracy, liberty and law.
The real heroes of America are sent to battle in faraway lands, wisely or not, while the society at home that pays no price for their sacrifice, makes no sacrifice of their own, cannot even provide them with enough bandages and helmets and armor, sits in the safety of our homes bartering away our freedoms, surrending so many of our rights, persuaded by the sales forces of fear while they listen to their IPODs or watch their television screens and so casually give away freedoms they esteem so lightly, which Paine said we must hold so dearly, and fight for so hard.
For those who populate the Loyal Opposition, what is striking is their sense of business as usual, their internecine rivalries rather than a fight for our lives for the things that are most important, the lethargy of the leaders, the fippancy of the financiers, and the deadwood of insiderism of a party that too often appears too accustomed to losing, too weak to wage the fight to win, and too lacking in first principles to understand the magnitude of the stakes, or the urgency of the mission.
I and others have written about how we can win, and we will have more to say as this epic event unfolds. The President's popularity is rising again; the forces of intimidation and fear are taking their toll; even timid television networks are capable of running films that exploit fear to corrupt our sacred moments in what border on propaganda films of the State; polls are beginning to show the race for Congress is narrowing and we now enter seven weeks in which they will throw at us an unprecedented barrage of slanders and fear.
Each and every one of us will have to think and act, to work and dream, like George Washington reading those words of Thomas Paine to courageous colonists who pounded their fists, and jumped into their boats, and got off at the South Bank of the Delaware to charge into the fight they won, for the values we fight for today, and will no longer surrender to any one, on any day, any more.
Each and every one of us can find our own barricade to man, our own battle station to defend, our own personal and individual way with our money, our time, our brains, our energy, our hearts, our soul, our feet and our spirit for our America and the America that has always a beacon of hope for our people and people everywhere.
Dreaming of the American Revolution for freedom before the fight was even begun, Thomas Paine wrote these words, his vision that can be our vision, for the day this fight is finally won:
"The air, purged of its poisonous vapors, was fresh and healthy. The dried fountains were replenished; the waters sweet and wholesome. The sickly earth, recovered to new life, abounded with vegetation. The groves were musical with innumerable songsters, and the long deserted fields echoed with the joyous sound...."
That day will come. God Bless America.
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ReplyDeletepeople like FF and TT and Volt are small minded 2 dimensional followers who hate freedom and are traitors to our Constitution and everything it symbolizes, they would prefer to sacrifice liberty and freedom and blindly goosestep behind those that prefer fascism and dictatorship, they smear and slander those that prefer standing tall and fighting for freedom and instead prefer to live in fear with their heads in the sand shooting at anything that moves and cowardly sacrificing our key freedoms in the name of safety and in the guise of fascism.
ReplyDeleteJosh Marshall has it about right, but he did have a lot of hypocricy to choose from;
ReplyDeleteIf you were to pick the single greatest hypocrisy of the Bush Presidency, wouldn't it have to be this: that the man who ostentatiously claims Jesus as his favorite philosopher (he of "do unto others as ye would have them do unto you" fame) would say, in all seriousness, "Common Article III says that there will be no outrages upon human dignity. It's very vague. "What does that mean, 'outrages upon human dignity'?"
That's my entry. Yours?
When James Traficant plead gfuilty to bribery charges, and did not RESIGN fron the House of representatives;
ReplyDeleteThe House Ethics Committee recommended that he be expelled from the House, and on July 25 the House voted 420-1 to expel him, with 9 members voting present. The long NO vote Gary Condit...
And there the House did the RIGHT thing. Traficant admitted to breaking the LAW and thus should have been EXPELLED in disgrace.
At least "Duke" Cunningham, and Tom Delay have had the conscience to quit, for reasons of their own, before their might have been forced out also.
Ney pleading GUILTY of the charges against HIM, in the Jack Abramoff case, will the Repug lead House, expell a repug member, as quickly as they expelled Traficant?
It will be interesting to see if the repugs are really FOR the rule of law, and against admitted criminals holding office.
Georgie did not get much of a bump in his political speech on 9-11-06, or the ABC Lieomentary, as these tracking polls show
ReplyDeleteSept 18: Approve 41%, Disapprove 58%
Sept 17: Approve 41%, Disapprove 57%
Sept 16: Approve 44%, Disapprove 54%
Sept 15: Approve 45%, Disapprove 53%
Sept 14: Approve 47%, Disapprove 50%
Sept 13: Approve 45%, Disapprove 52%
Sept 12: Approve 44%, Disapprove 54%
Sept 11: Approve 41%, Disapprove 57%
Sept 10: Approve 42%, Disapprove 56%
Sept 9: Approve 42%, Disapprove 56%
bush's poll numbers seem going DOWN again......and that is not good news after Scaife spent 40 million for the aBC GOP propoganda film. and Rove's plan to politicies 9-11 for spreading FEAR...and More FEAR, and of course MORE FEAR...like it is All he has left to spin for the corrupt party in power.
And other polls say that the RACES in Montana, Ohio, and even Rhode Island are turning for the democrats........
MUST SUCK to be a GOP operative nowdays...
so much BAD NEWS...
and truths coming to the light of day,
and so many people NOT BUYING the lies and spin of the PNAC neo-con repug clown posse anymore.
"KARMA'S a BITCH ... isn't it?"
We Are Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran Right Now.
ReplyDeleteJust now on CNN, Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, “We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now.
The evidence is overwhelming.”
Gardiner, who taught at the U.S. Army’s National War College, has previously suggested that U.S. forces were already on the ground in Iran
The previous was from TP.
ReplyDeleteThe Bush Administration
ReplyDeleteIn George W. Bush's first presidential debate with Al Gore in 2000, the following exchange took place:
MODERATOR: New question. How would you go about as president deciding when it was in the national interest to use U.S. force, generally?
BUSH: Well, if it's in our vital national interest, and that means whether our territory is threatened or people could be harmed, whether or not the alliances are -- our defense alliances are threatened, whether or not our friends in the Middle East are threatened. That would be a time to seriously consider the use of force.
Secondly, whether or not the mission was clear. Whether or not it was a clear understanding as to what the mission would be.
Thirdly, whether or not we were prepared and trained to win. Whether or not our forces were of high morale and high standing and well-equipped.
And finally, whether or not there was an exit strategy. I would take the use of force very seriously. I would be guarded in my approach. I don't think we can be all things to all people in the world. I think we've got to be very careful when we commit our troops.
The vice president and I have a disagreement about the use of troops. He believes in nation building. I would be very careful about using our troops as nation builders. I believe the role of the military is to fight and win war and therefore prevent war from happening in the first place. So I would take my responsibility seriously.
Yes, believe it or not, back in 2000 George W. Bush insisted that the U.S. military should only be used if "the mission was clear," if there was an "exit strategy," and that he would take this responsibility "seriously" and be "very careful about using our troops as nation builders."
But for those of you who are scratching your heads at Bush's anti-nation-building comments given his new-found penchant for spreading democracy across the Middle East at the barrel of a gun, don't worry - he never really intended to build a nation in Iraq.
Last week the Washington Post reported:
After the fall of Saddam Hussein's government in April 2003, the opportunity to participate in the U.S.-led effort to reconstruct Iraq attracted all manner of Americans - restless professionals, Arabic-speaking academics, development specialists and war-zone adventurers. But before they could go to Baghdad, they had to get past Jim O'Beirne's office in the Pentagon.
To pass muster with O'Beirne, a political appointee who screens prospective political appointees for Defense Department posts, applicants didn't need to be experts in the Middle East or in post-conflict reconstruction. What seemed most important was loyalty to the Bush administration.
O'Beirne's staff posed blunt questions to some candidates about domestic politics: Did you vote for George W. Bush in 2000? Do you support the way the president is fighting the war on terror? Two people who sought jobs with the U.S. occupation authority said they were even asked their views on Roe v. Wade.
Many of those chosen by O'Beirne's office to work for the Coalition Provisional Authority, which ran Iraq's government from April 2003 to June 2004, lacked vital skills and experience. A 24-year-old who had never worked in finance - but had applied for a White House job - was sent to reopen Baghdad's stock exchange. The daughter of a prominent neoconservative commentator and a recent graduate from an evangelical university for home-schooled children were tapped to manage Iraq's $13 billion budget, even though they didn't have a background in accounting.
The decision to send the loyal and the willing instead of the best and the brightest is now regarded by many people involved in the 3 1/2-year effort to stabilize and rebuild Iraq as one of the Bush administration's gravest errors.
Yes folks, "the mission was clear" all right - it was to line the pockets of Republican party cronies at the expense of innocent Iraqi civilians and American troops. I'm glad Bush is taking his responsibilities "seriously."
At least the term "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" makes sense NOW
Okay, I think somebody needs to sit down and explain this to me really slowly. A few weeks ago, not long after Donald Rumsfeld compared critics of the administration's "war on terror" policies to Nazi appeasers, George W. Bush said this:
ReplyDeleteBin laden and his terrorists' allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them. The question is "Will we listen? Will we pay attention to what these evil men say?"
And then last week, this happened:
Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes appeared on Fox this morning to discuss his recent meeting with President Bush in the Oval Office. The key takeaway for Barnes was that "bin Laden doesn't fit with the administration's strategy for combating terrorism." Barnes said that Bush told him capturing bin Laden is "not a top priority use of American resources."
So let me get this straight: bin Laden is Hitler, and anyone who thinks we should ignore him is a Neville Chamberlain clone - but capturing him isn't a top priority for the Bush administration?
If your brain hasn't melted into a confused puddle of mush yet, I'm afraid there's more. During the same press conference in which he accused his fellow Republicans of helping the terrorists, George declared that we couldn't go into Pakistan to get bin Laden anyway, because:
First of all, Pakistan is a sovereign nation," Bush said. "In order for us to send thousands of troops into a sovereign nation, we've got to be invited by the government of Pakistan.
Er, like we were invited into Afghanistan and Iraq? Forgive me, but how does George square this new found respect for national sovereignty with his soaring rhetoric of 2001?
We fight the terrorists and we fight all of those who give them aid. America has a message for the nations of the world: If you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the United States and our friends.
Come on, Dubya. This is just getting ridiculous.
But the sycophantic trolls will here NOT SEE any contradictions, (read FLIP FLOPS). They will screech and howl that pointing out such contradictions is UNPATRIOTIC, and that those who DO... HATE AMERICA, or some form of reichwingnut smear.
An America that is willing to use torture or other spurious means in order to save itself from some perceived enemy is not worth being saved.
ReplyDeleteWorf said "We Are Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran Right Now.
ReplyDeleteJust now on CNN, Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, “We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now.
The evidence is overwhelming.”
Gardiner, who taught at the U.S. Army’s National War College, has previously suggested that U.S. forces were already on the ground in Iran"
was he talking intelligence or special forces or does he mean real military action, i'm gonnapop over to TP and check that out, if that fool is invading Iran that could send oil to $200 a v\barrel and send us into another Great Depression, not to mention WW3. Bush is an insane fool.
Keith Olbermann does it again, tonight with this comment, on Georgie's Rant in the Rose Garden
ReplyDeleteBush owes us an apology
The President of the United States owes this country an apology.
It will not be offered, of course.
He does not realize its necessity.
There are now none around him who would tell him or could.
The last of them, it appears, was the very man whose letter provoked the President into the conduct, for which the apology is essential.
An apology is this President's only hope of regaining the slightest measure of confidence, of what has been, for nearly two years, a clear majority of his people.
Not "confidence" in his policies nor in his designs nor even in something as narrowly focused as which vision of torture shall prevail -- his, or that of the man who has sent him into apoplexy, Colin Powell.
In a larger sense, the President needs to regain our confidence, that he has some basic understanding of what this country represents -- of what it must maintain if we are to defeat not only terrorists, but if we are also to defeat what is ever more increasingly apparent, as an attempt to re-define the way we live here, and what we mean, when we say the word "freedom."
Because it is evident now that, if not its architect, this President intends to be the contractor, for this narrowing of the definition of freedom.
The President revealed this last Friday, as he fairly spat through his teeth, words of unrestrained fury directed at the man who was once the very symbol of his administration, who was once an ambassador from this administration to its critics, as he had once been an ambassador from the military to its critics.
The former Secretary of State, Mr. Powell, had written, simply and candidly and without anger, that "the world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism."
This President's response included not merely what is apparently the Presidential equivalent of threatening to hold one's breath, but within it contained one particularly chilling phrase.
"Mr. President, former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism," he was asked by a reporter. "If a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former secretary of state feels this way, don't you think that Americans and the rest of the world are beginning to wonder whether you're following a flawed strategy?"
“If there's any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it's flawed logic,” Bush said. “It's just -- I simply can't accept that. It's unacceptable to think that there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective.
Of course it's acceptable to think that there's "any kind of comparison."
And in this particular debate, it is not only acceptable, it is obviously necessary, even if Mr. Powell never made the comparison in his letter.
Some will think that our actions at Abu Ghraib, or in Guantanamo, or in secret prisons in Eastern Europe, are all too comparable to the actions of the extremists.
Some will think that there is no similarity, or, if there is one, it is to the slightest and most unavoidable of degrees.
What all of us will agree on, is that we have the right -- we have the duty -- to think about the comparison.
And, most importantly, that the other guy, whose opinion about this we cannot fathom, has exactly the same right as we do: to think -- and say -- what his mind and his heart and his conscience tell him, is right.
All of us agree about that.
Except, it seems, this President.
With increasing rage, he and his administration have begun to tell us, we are not permitted to disagree with them, that we cannot be right, that Colin Powell cannot be right.
And then there was that one, most awful phrase.
In four simple words last Friday, the President brought into sharp focus what has been only vaguely clear these past five-and-a-half years - the way the terrain at night is perceptible only during an angry flash of lightning, and then, a second later, all again is dark.
“It's unacceptable to think," he said.
It is never unacceptable to think.
And when a President says thinking is unacceptable, even on one topic, even in the heat of the moment, even in the turning of a phrase extracted from its context, he takes us toward a new and fearful path -- one heretofore the realm of science fiction authors and apocalyptic visionaries.
That flash of lightning freezes at the distant horizon, and we can just make out a world in which authority can actually suggest it has become unacceptable to think.
Thus the lightning flash reveals not merely a President we have already seen, the one who believes he has a monopoly on current truth.
It now shows us a President who has decided that of all our commanders-in-chief, ever, he alone has had the knowledge necessary to alter and re-shape our inalienable rights.
This is a frightening, and a dangerous, delusion, Mr. President.
If Mr. Powell's letter -- cautionary, concerned, predominantly supportive -- can induce from you such wrath and such intolerance, what would you say were this statement to be shouted to you by a reporter, or written to you by a colleague?
"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”
Those incendiary thoughts came, of course, from a prior holder of your job, Mr. Bush.
They were the words of Thomas Jefferson.
He put them in the Declaration of Independence.
Mr. Bush, what would you say to something that anti-thetical to the status quo just now?
Would you call it "unacceptable" for Jefferson to think such things, or to write them?
Between your confidence in your infallibility, sir, and your demonizing of dissent, and now these rages better suited to a thwarted three-year old, you have left the unnerving sense of a White House coming unglued - a chilling suspicion that perhaps we have not seen the peak of the anger; that we can no longer forecast what next will be said to, or about, anyone who disagrees.
Or what will next be done to them.
On this newscast last Friday night, Constitiutional law Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University, suggested that at some point in the near future some of the "detainees" transferred from secret CIA cells to Guantanamo, will finally get to tell the Red Cross that they have indeed been tortured.
Thus the debate over the Geneva Conventions, might not be about further interrogations of detainees, but about those already conducted, and the possible liability of the administration, for them.
That, certainly, could explain Mr. Bush's fury.
That, at this point, is speculative.
But at least it provides an alternative possibility as to why the President's words were at such variance from the entire history of this country.
For, there needs to be some other explanation, Mr. Bush, than that you truly believe we should live in a United States of America in which a thought is unacceptable.
There needs to be a delegation of responsible leaders -- Republicans or otherwise -- who can sit you down as Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott once sat Richard Nixon down - and explain the reality of the situation you have created.
There needs to be an apology from the President of the United States.
And more than one.
But, Mr. Bush, the others -- for warnings unheeded five years ago, for war unjustified four years ago, for battle unprepared three years ago -- they are not weighted with the urgency and necessity of this one.
We must know that, to you, thought with which you disagree -- and even voice with which you disagree and even action with which you disagree -- are still sacrosanct to you.
The philosopher Voltaire once insisted to another author, "I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write." Since the nation's birth, Mr. Bush, we have misquoted and even embellished that statement, but we have served ourselves well, by subscribing to its essence.
Oddly, there are other words of Voltaire's that are more pertinent still, just now.
"Think for yourselves," he wrote, "and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too."
Apologize, sir, for even hinting at an America where a few have that privilege to think and the rest of us get yelled at by the President.
Anything else, Mr. Bush, is truly unacceptable.
A country that claims it must survive because it is a bastion of decency to the world and then uses torture, illegal imprisonment, murder and other indecent means to acheive that survival, has negated the very reason it originally heralded as its reason for surviving.
ReplyDeleteThe action negates the mandate.
And fate has shown a historical tendency of acknowledging any shift in a nations morality
Rothenberg: "Vulnerability Is Entirely On One Side Of The Partisan Aisle"
ReplyDeleteThe latest analysis from nonpartisan observer Stuart Rothenberg:
[R]ight now there isn’t a single Democratic seat that ranks in the 25 most vulnerable House seats in the country.
Not one. Not a single one. The vulnerability is entirely on one side of the partisan aisle.
Interestingly, Rothenberg points to the lack of vulnerable Dem incumbents as proof that the conventional wisdom -- which holds that this will be an "anti-incumbent" election -- is flat out wrong.
More from Rothenberg:
We are not going to have an anti-incumbent election in November. We are going to have an anti-Bush election...
Republican incumbents are in trouble not because they are incumbents, but because they are Republicans....
This election isn’t really about agendas. Sure, Democrats have something called their “New Direction,” but most voters aren’t regarding November primarily as a choice between two visions or two ideologies. No, it’s about sending a message to the president and to Congress that they aren’t happy — specifically with the Iraq War, but more generally as well.
Interesting -- this election isn't about incumbency, it's about Republicans and Bush, and that bodes well for Dems. Or so says Rothenberg, anyway.
FF - can you really, honestly say you think Bush rocks or "rawwhawks" as you said so eloquently?
ReplyDeleteAre these your honest feelings?
I am horrified by this imbecile. He is not educated, wise or reasonable enough to be a crossing guard. I wouldn't trust my kids to cross the street with him. He would probably look the other way when a car is coming. This man is a danger to civilization.
Whats amazing Lydia is that after all the monumental screwups this clown has made, after all the lies that have been exposed, now he wants to change the Geneva Conventions.
ReplyDeleteThey've been good enough for every President since their inception and yet Bush, the knucklehead, thinks he has the wisdom or the intelligence to change them.
There is a reason why Bush is the laughing stock of the world, and the most hated President in US history.
I am not proud of myself for being so harsh on the prez, nor do I like being this way. If it weren't for his arrogance and inability to admit his mistakes, I would forgive him, but his hubris is astounding!
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be pointed out in the loudest terms so people don't think this is normal. We can never allow America to sit still and let this man get away with the destruction of our beautiful country, our ideals, morals and values. He has absolutely ZERO character. I cannot believe how the media lays down for him.
Why on earth aren't they screaming from the rafters and condemning him on national news broadcasts? How can they live with themselves. This is pure evil. And they know it. How can their silence be bought like this?
Bill Maher said on Scarborough Country today that right now, the most patriotic thing we can do is ridicule this President.
ReplyDeleteI understand what he meant.
ReplyDeleteDissent is not an evil. Its a right. A privlege.
And the Preamble of our own Declaration of Independence says that its not only our right, but its also our DUTY to throw off the bonds of oppresive and corrupt government.
We should not feel unpatriotic for calling our leaders to account.
When we stop calling our leaders to account, we will stop being America.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
ReplyDeleteBut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Declartion of Independence of the United States of America
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ReplyDeleteGovernments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.
ReplyDeleteThomas Jefferson
Would Bush water board HIM for saying this TODAY?
Lydia said "It needs to be pointed out in the loudest terms so people don't think this is normal. We can never allow America to sit still and let this man get away with the destruction of our beautiful country, our ideals, morals and values. He has absolutely ZERO character. I cannot believe how the media lays down for him.
ReplyDeleteWhy on earth aren't they screaming from the rafters and condemning him on national news broadcasts? How can they live with themselves. This is pure evil. And they know it. How can their silence be bought like this?"
Its scary isnt it the way the way he has the media either in his pocket or playing dead for him, it really shows how deep the roots of fascism run.
On that note, has anyone seen the quotes of Olberman that Clif posted, if not you need to read them, Olberman is the one voice of honesty and reason in the MSM wilderness, we need to support this guy as much aws possible, i'm going to go out and buy his book this week, in fact on second thought i'll buy 2 books, we need to support the only guy brave enough to speak the truth and challenge these Neo Con fools publicly like they need to be challenged.
Clif your 4:34PM post was excellent also, I think it scared the trolls away, they must have their heads in the sand or be pokong clinton voodoo dolls with pins or something.
ReplyDeleteFF - can you really, honestly say you think Bush rocks or "rawwhawks" as you said so eloquently? Are these your honest feelings?
ReplyDelete-Lydia Cornell
Ms. Cornell, Bush has made mistakes and is flawed as are all of us. But Bush is a decent guy who is grounded in Conservative principles. Although he is not eloquent, I reject the popular assertion that he is stupid. Liberals claimed the same thing about one of our greatest Presidents, Ronald Reagan.
Bush is also fairly honest as politicians go. He certainly is more credible than Clinton, who was a habitual liar, and whose void of life principles were supplanted by poll watching and reelection fund-raising. Clinton was certainly a genius, but that alone is an insufficient qualification. I prefer someone with decency, courage, and the good judgement to hire and listen to smart advisors.
"Bush lied about Iraqi WMD" is a transparent canard; the U.N. and nearly the entire world leadership said the same thing. Bush recognizes that the real "danger to civilization" comes from folks who teach their kids to hate and kill us as they kill themselves.
Liberals suggest that we blame ourselves because our enemies want to kill us. Similarly, it is those same liberals who excuse criminal killers in our midst as they search in vain for the root causes in society. The same pathology is manifest in both attitudes.
Conservatives believe in the fundamental goodness of most people, but we recognize that evil exists and are prepared to deal with it harshly.
Iraq will eventually become a peaceful democracy, provided the American people support the mission, and the Iraqi people cultivate a love of freedom. Only a cynical partisan would argue that Iraqis were better off under the thumb of saddam hussein.
Anyone; who yearns to put Iraq back in control by a tyrant and giddily works for our failure militarily, merely to hurt Bush and other political opponents; is un-American. Stability in the Middle East obviously is vital to American national security and that of our allies.
The same liberals who want us to fail in Iraq are the same ones who criticize our friends in Israel for defending themselves. Many liberals like some on your blog, would welcome the demise of tiny Israel.
Islamic terrorism is real, but it only represents an urgent short term danger. The long term danger is the destruction of Western freedom and the replacement of our way of life with Islamic sharia as immigrants with high fertility rates replace the endemic populations of Europe. So the real epic clash of civilizations is really in the arena ideas, where we battle right now. I wouldn't worry too much about our chances of winning if it were not for the self-doubt and ready willingness to surrender which I find among my countrymen such as those right here on this blog.
This week the great writer and journalist, Oriana Fallaci passed away before the Islamists could fulfill their death fatwa on her, and before the dhimmified Italians could imprison her for her beliefs:
• The struggle for freedom does not include the submission to a religion which, like the Muslim religion, wants to annihilate other religions.
• The moment you give up your principles, and your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period.
• The West reveals a hatred of itself, which is strange and can only be considered pathological; it now sees only what is deplorable and destructive.
• The Muslims refuse our culture and try to impose their culture on us. I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward my culture-it is toward my values, my principles, my civilization.
• In obedience to the stupid, vile, dishonest fashion of Political Correctness, the usual opportunists exploit the word Peace.
• In France, the France of Liberty-Equality-Fraternity, they burn synagogues, terrorize Jews, profane their cemeteries.
• I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe, Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism.
• I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. There must be some human truth that is beyond religion.
• Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense.
• Because our cultural identity has been well defined for thousands of years, we cannot bear a migratory wave of people who have nothing to do with us, who aim to absorb us.
• I think: we cannot lose. We cannot lose because Islam is a pond. And a pond is a cavity full of stagnant water. Water that never moves, never runs, never purifies itself, never becomes clean. The pond does not love Life...The West, instead, is a river. And rivers are courses of living water. Water that runs, that flows, and in flowing it purifies itself (and) renews itself.
• I find it shameful that the youth of Holland and Germany and Denmark flaunt the kaffiah just as Mussolini's avant garde used to flaunt the club and the fascist badge... I find it shameful that they are on the side of the very ones who inaugurated terrorism, killing us on airplanes, in airports, at the Olympics, and who today entertain themselves by killing western journalists. By shooting them, abducting them, cutting their throats, decapitating them. There's someone in Italy who, since the appearance of Anger and Pride, would like to do the same to me. Citing verses of the Koran he exhorts his "brothers" in the mosques and the Islamic Community to chastise me in the name of Allah. To kill me. Or rather to die with me. Since he's someone who speaks English well, I'll respond to him in English: "Fuck you."
-Oriana Fallaci
Ms. Cornell I know you are a woman of faith, who advocates turning the other cheek and loving your enemies as Christ taught, but while that represents a beautiful ideal, I do not find that a workable solution for dealing with the world's evil.
So my response to those who would kill us merely for what we say or what we believe runs more along the lines of Ms. Fallaci's salty retort to those who sought to silence her permanently.
If as Americans we turn on ourselves, and fail to recognize real evil despite all the warnings, then we deserve to return to the Dark Ages from whence we emerged just a few centuries ago.
Great civilizations are not conquered from without, but rather destroy themselves from within.
-Will Durant
Some of us are not ready to let that happen. One of those is George W. Bush.
The FOOLE quoted;
ReplyDeleteGreat civilizations are not conquered from without, but rather destroy themselves from within.
-Will Durant
But showed his delusional side when he said;
Some of us are not ready to let that happen. One of those is George W. Bush.....
while I was ROTFLMAO....
One question son, what does the inside or you ANUS look like, because you MUST keep your head up there MOST OF THE TIME.
Bush is the MOST dangerous thing to happen to the constitution, since the CIVIL WAR, PERIOD.
The Foole said;
ReplyDeleteBush is also fairly honest as politicians go.
BHa Wha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho he he he he he he ...your a FUNNY Foole.
He HID his DUI for years son, and REFUSES to discuss his DRUG use.
The SEC records of their Investigation of HIM are still sealed almost 20 years later.
He failed to fulfill HIS duty to the US Military...right after the Air Force started Drug testing their pilots, for drugs like cocaine.
He was given warnings about Osama from DAY one, and ignored them, then LIED about even getting any warnings.
He has run the MOST SECRECY OBSESSED administration in HISTORY
He certainly is more credible than Clinton,
Right Foole, Clinton LIES about going to war....
Clinton lies about No Child Left behind(which the Idiot does not request enough Funding to FULLY fund, and thus places the burden on the states and local school districts)
Clinton Hires repug operatives to SILENCE government scientists
Clinton Tried to HIDE the PORT deal, and lied when it was exposed.
Clinton was the ONE who said He would Fire anybody who leaked names, But DID NOT even when it was apparent to everyone, but those LIKE you who LIE for these clowns. ROVE did exactly what BUSH said he would fire people for but he did not fire Rove, even if it was NOT criminal, it was wrong.
Clinton was the one who said he wanted Osama DEAD OR ALIVE, right before allowing Osama escape, then just 6 months later said he did not think about Him much, The worst mass murder in US history, the head terrorist who DECLARED war on the US AND attacked us on 9-11-01.
Which results in People like Joel Connelly saying things like this;
Two days after 9/11, President Bush declared: "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our No. 1 priority, and we will not rest until we find him."
Six months later, laying political groundwork for the Iraq war, the president said: "I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
Yet, people LIKE YOU FOOLE, claim he IS strong against terrorism. No wonder the swiftboaters were SO vicious, they had to keep everyone from questioning BUSH'S FLIP FLOPS.
who was a habitual liar,
Only to somebody who BELIEVES Anny Tranny, The Limpman, and O'Liely tell the truth.....
and is terminally delusional...
Bush Lied when he claimed to be a compassionate conservative.
Some conservatives are beginning to think he lied about actually being a conservative,
He LIED about the INTEL
He Lied about the plan, as some generals called for MORE troops and WERE ignored.
He lied about NOT Being warned about OSAMA in 2001, or that Nobody thought about planes as weapons, after they were warned BY the British, among others
He Lied about no warning about the Levees, before Katrina,
He lies saying Iraq was going well, until this year when the truth MUGGED him.
and whose void of life principles were supplanted by poll watching and reelection fund-raising.
You meant Rove there son, polls and spin is all that CLOWN lives for.
Bush was the one who went to a fund raiser in California, as a MAJOR American City was being Drowned....
and as for being DEVOID of life principles...the FIASCO in Iraq which the Idiot Lied us into and refused for 3 years to admit is was that bad, as 2684 soldiers DIED and over 20,000 were wounded, and as many as 100,000 Iraqi DIED for his lies and misleading the US and the world.
His cavalier attitude as Katrina tore the Gulf area apart, by eating Cake at a birthday party, and then the NEXT day(as people were drowning, and lives were being destroyed, and an American City was devastated)...he PLAYED air guitar at a county fair, and THEN went to a FUND RAISER in San Diego.
But when he finally decided to return to the job he was hired to do, he did fly by and gawked from 25,000 ft.
But an ASSCLOWN like you would LIE for the liar in Chief....
Clinton was certainly a genius, but that alone is an insufficient qualification.
But it does help if he IS interested in the Job, and wants to hear about policies and problems Instead of Just a couple of DUMB solutions which for some reason DO NOT work.
Then tries to use photo ops and spin to cover up HIS INCOMPETENCE.
I prefer someone with decency,
Leaves the LYING PNAC neo-con repug clown Posse, and their K street enablers out there son, doesn't IT?
Also people who used the jet of Enron, at the same time they were BILKING Californians of MILLIONS, and had Jack Abramoff in His office in TEXAS, long before he was appointed by 5 repug appointed judges. Then trying to deny HOW close he was to BOTH criminals.....
Good BYE to the Barking 102nd Chicken Hawk Gutless brigade....
and the good judgement to hire and listen to smart advisors.
You ARE Kidding here RIGHT?
The CPA in Iraq with all the unqualified repug operatives?
Claude Allen?
David Sarivan?
Ronald McDumsfeld?
Roberto Gonzolas?
He listened to them, while IGNORING the Advice of Colin Powell, Paul O’Neil, Brett Scowcroft, Thomas E. White, L. Paul Bremer, John McCain, Charles Hagel, Olympia Snow, John Warner, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Arlen Spector, Richard Clark, Christopher Shays, George Herbert Walker Bush,
The 9-11 Commission,
And these Generals;
General Anthony Zinni, USMC (Ret.)
General Wesley Clark, (USA Ret.)
General John Shalikashvili, USA (Ret.)
General Joseph Hoar, USMC (Ret.)
General Merrill A. McPeak (Ret. USAF)
General Eric Shinsek, USA (Ret.)
Admiral Stansfield Turner, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Robert G. Gard, Jr., USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Lee F. Gunn, USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, USA (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Donald L. Kerrick, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Albert H. Konetzni Jr., USN (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Gregory Newbold, USA (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Paul K. Van Riper, USMC (Ret.)
Lieutenant General Charles Otstott, USA (Ret.)
Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan, USN (Ret.)
Major General John Batiste, USA (Ret.)
Major General Paul D. Eaton, USA (Ret.)
Major General Eugene Fox, USA (Ret.)
Major General John L. Fugh, USA (Ret.)
Rear Admiral Don Guter, USN (Ret.)
Major General Fred E. Haynes, USMC (Ret.)
Rear Admiral John D. Hutson, USN (Ret.)
Major General Melvyn Montano, ANG (Ret.)
Major General John Riggs, USA (Ret.)
Major General Gerald T. Sajer, USA (Ret.)
Major General Michael J. Scotti Jr., USA (Ret.)
Major General Charles H. Swannack Jr., USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David M. Brahms, USMC (Ret.)
Brigadier General James P. Cullen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General David R. Irvine, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General John H. Johns, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Richard O’Meara, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Murray G. Sagsveen, USA (Ret.)
Brigadier General Anthony Verrengia, USAF (Ret.)
Brigadier General Stephen N. Xenakis, USA (Ret.)
Ambassador Pete Peterson, USAF (Ret.)
Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson, USA (Ret.)
Honorable William H. Taft IV
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ReplyDeleteFive Years Later, Our Civil Liberty in Danger
ReplyDeleteby James C. Harrington
The fifth anniversary of the horrific Sept. 11 tragedy is an opportunity to take stock of our democracy. One thing is clear: the Administration has manipulated that terrible event to expand its power and undermine our civil liberty, rather than strengthening our constitutional rights.
The government has undertaken secret court proceedings, military tribunals for American citizens, and jailing people in secret locations without access to attorney and family. It invades people's medical and bank records and information about their purchases. It uses expansive wiretapping and secret warrantless "sneak and peek" searches of homes.
Sept. 11 represented a massive failure in intelligence analysis and government coordination. Rather than admit its failures, Administration deflected censure by arguing we are safer if we gave up "a little" of our freedoms.
The Administration has beaten the drums of fear to convince us to tolerate spying on those who oppose the Administration, surveillance of ourselves because we "have nothing to hide" and "it will catch terrorists," and discrimination.
In Austin, for example, three weeks after Sept. 11, an American Airlines pilot ejected an Indian family with a Muslim name from his plane, as they went to a family funeral in Chicago.
In mid-Spring 2002, there were a series of FBI "visits" to University of Texas foreign students of Arab origin, purportedly to ask if they knew any terrorists.
Suppression of Speech
It's become common for the Secret Service to move into an area the President or some high Administration functionary will visit and work with local police to establish "free speech zones" for protests. These zones are set up far enough from the event to be out of sight and hearing. In classic doublespeak, "free speech zones" are used to repress free speech.
For instance, during President George Bush's April 2001 appearance in Austin to dedicate the Bob Bullock Museum of Texas History, Austin police kept protestors two blocks to the back of the ceremonies, out of eyesight and earshot. When the demonstrators later walked to the Governor's Mansion where Bush was having lunch, the police blocked them from getting to a free speech area, and turned horses on them. This summer, a judge ruled this violated the protestors' rights.
Then there are the "Crawford 5," arrested in May 2003, while driving through Crawford to the Bush ranch, for violating a sham parade ordinance (passed after Bush was elected), and thrown into the county jail to sleep on the floor for the night. The Crawford 5 won their First Amendment appeal before a McLennan County Court at Law, and then settled in federal court.
In February 2004, three undercover army officers from Ft. Hood showed up at a University of Texas Law School conference on women's issues in Muslim countries. The next Monday, military investigators came back, asking for a list of conference attendees.
In May of this year, USA Today revealed the federal government was secretly acquiring customers' records from phone companies. President Bush eventually admitted this program had begun prior to Sept. 11, as did clandestine warrantless wiretapping of Americans.
The Future
There is good news, however -- even here in Texas. Tremendous grassroots organizing is going on. Dallas, El Paso, and Austin have joined 400 municipalities around the nation and eight states and adopted ordinances or resolutions, criticizing the Patriot Act.
Librarians around the country and Texas resisted keeping records of who checked out what reading materials rather than having to turn them over to government agents. More federal and state judges -- some here in Texas -- are beginning to put the brakes on governmental suppression of our rights.
The political manipulation of the 9-11 tragedy has battered our civil liberty and our sense of democratic freedoms. The Bill of Rights is a sacred legacy our forbears passed on to us, and the best tribute we can pay to our compatriots who gave their lives on that terrible Sept. 11 morning is to vindicate it for ourselves and the next generation.
* * *
James C. Harrington is director of the Texas Civil Rights Project, a nonprofit foundation that promotes civil liberty, human rights, and economic and racial justice throughout Texas. This piece is abridged from an article appearing in the Texas Observer.
You're right clif:
ReplyDeleteThere is no terrorist threat.
Presbyterians are more dangerous than peaceful Islamists. The Pope is a "ChristoFascist".
Israel is illegitimate and must be destroyed; then the Palestinians will be happy and the Middle East will be peaceful utopia.
Saddam Hussein is wonderful and Iraq should be handed back to him.
Our free enterprise economy must be replaced with European style socialism.
The government needs to raise taxes and pass more choking regulations until our economy fails then claim that all industry must be nationalized because free enterprise doesn't work.
All workers should be forced to join unions.
Anyone who criticizes you is violating your first amendment rights, and must be silenced.
Dubya is hitler. Neocons are nazis.
I'm convinced...that you are an off-the-scale leftist. Congrats comrade.
Nice Try Rusty Simpleton, but the obvious reason they came forward AFTER they retired is because they were afraid of retaliation by their authoritarian bosses, you know the typical repug spin and smear of anyone who speaks the truth and speaks out against them kinda like you just did simple simon.
ReplyDeleteoh look Fibbing Fascist hasbeen so brutalized and humiliated he is resorting to quick point and shoot or is hit and run lies and false generalizations and trying to put words in peoples mouths they never said and falsely and dishonestly creating their positions and arguments for them, its really rather pathetic what the wanna be smart guy hippocritical foole has been reduced to, he used to quasi debate albeit with his false sweeping generalizations, know he doesnt even do that, itsjust spin and smear and then run.
ReplyDeleteits amazing how you traitorous unpatriotic foolsattempt to smear and discredit anyone who speaks out against you, so nowyou are trying to spin things that Colin Powell and a whole slew of distinguished generals and military people are incompetent traitors, good luck with that one Simple Simon.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to think that you can silence people and take away their freedom of speech by labeling them traitors and unpatriotic if the disagree with you, if you or Bush tried that crap with Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson they would bitch slap your little dictator into next week.
GWB isnt fit to shine our founding fathers shoes, they put their lives on the line for freedom and democracy, the very freedoms and democracy Bush is out to destroy, no Simple Simon, it is you who and the Neo Con fooles you support who are the unpatriotic traitors and the enemy of democracy.
Keith Olbermann does it again, tonight with this comment, on Georgie's Rant in the Rose Garden
ReplyDeleteBush owes us an apology
The President of the United States owes this country an apology.
It will not be offered, of course.
He does not realize its necessity.
There are now none around him who would tell him or could.
The last of them, it appears, was the very man whose letter provoked the President into the conduct, for which the apology is essential.
An apology is this President's only hope of regaining the slightest measure of confidence, of what has been, for nearly two years, a clear majority of his people.
Not "confidence" in his policies nor in his designs nor even in something as narrowly focused as which vision of torture shall prevail -- his, or that of the man who has sent him into apoplexy, Colin Powell.
In a larger sense, the President needs to regain our confidence, that he has some basic understanding of what this country represents -- of what it must maintain if we are to defeat not only terrorists, but if we are also to defeat what is ever more increasingly apparent, as an attempt to re-define the way we live here, and what we mean, when we say the word "freedom."
Because it is evident now that, if not its architect, this President intends to be the contractor, for this narrowing of the definition of freedom.
The President revealed this last Friday, as he fairly spat through his teeth, words of unrestrained fury directed at the man who was once the very symbol of his administration, who was once an ambassador from this administration to its critics, as he had once been an ambassador from the military to its critics.
The former Secretary of State, Mr. Powell, had written, simply and candidly and without anger, that "the world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism."
This President's response included not merely what is apparently the Presidential equivalent of threatening to hold one's breath, but within it contained one particularly chilling phrase.
"Mr. President, former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism," he was asked by a reporter. "If a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former secretary of state feels this way, don't you think that Americans and the rest of the world are beginning to wonder whether you're following a flawed strategy?"
“If there's any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it's flawed logic,” Bush said. “It's just -- I simply can't accept that. It's unacceptable to think that there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective.
Of course it's acceptable to think that there's "any kind of comparison."
And in this particular debate, it is not only acceptable, it is obviously necessary, even if Mr. Powell never made the comparison in his letter.
Some will think that our actions at Abu Ghraib, or in Guantanamo, or in secret prisons in Eastern Europe, are all too comparable to the actions of the extremists.
Some will think that there is no similarity, or, if there is one, it is to the slightest and most unavoidable of degrees.
What all of us will agree on, is that we have the right -- we have the duty -- to think about the comparison.
And, most importantly, that the other guy, whose opinion about this we cannot fathom, has exactly the same right as we do: to think -- and say -- what his mind and his heart and his conscience tell him, is right.
All of us agree about that.
Except, it seems, this President.
With increasing rage, he and his administration have begun to tell us, we are not permitted to disagree with them, that we cannot be right, that Colin Powell cannot be right.
And then there was that one, most awful phrase.
In four simple words last Friday, the President brought into sharp focus what has been only vaguely clear these past five-and-a-half years - the way the terrain at night is perceptible only during an angry flash of lightning, and then, a second later, all again is dark.
“It's unacceptable to think," he said.
It is never unacceptable to think.
And when a President says thinking is unacceptable, even on one topic, even in the heat of the moment, even in the turning of a phrase extracted from its context, he takes us toward a new and fearful path -- one heretofore the realm of science fiction authors and apocalyptic visionaries.
That flash of lightning freezes at the distant horizon, and we can just make out a world in which authority can actually suggest it has become unacceptable to think.
Thus the lightning flash reveals not merely a President we have already seen, the one who believes he has a monopoly on current truth.
It now shows us a President who has decided that of all our commanders-in-chief, ever, he alone has had the knowledge necessary to alter and re-shape our inalienable rights.
This is a frightening, and a dangerous, delusion, Mr. President.
If Mr. Powell's letter -- cautionary, concerned, predominantly supportive -- can induce from you such wrath and such intolerance, what would you say were this statement to be shouted to you by a reporter, or written to you by a colleague?
"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”
Those incendiary thoughts came, of course, from a prior holder of your job, Mr. Bush.
They were the words of Thomas Jefferson.
He put them in the Declaration of Independence.
Mr. Bush, what would you say to something that anti-thetical to the status quo just now?
Would you call it "unacceptable" for Jefferson to think such things, or to write them?
Between your confidence in your infallibility, sir, and your demonizing of dissent, and now these rages better suited to a thwarted three-year old, you have left the unnerving sense of a White House coming unglued - a chilling suspicion that perhaps we have not seen the peak of the anger; that we can no longer forecast what next will be said to, or about, anyone who disagrees.
Or what will next be done to them.
On this newscast last Friday night, Constitiutional law Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University, suggested that at some point in the near future some of the "detainees" transferred from secret CIA cells to Guantanamo, will finally get to tell the Red Cross that they have indeed been tortured.
Thus the debate over the Geneva Conventions, might not be about further interrogations of detainees, but about those already conducted, and the possible liability of the administration, for them.
That, certainly, could explain Mr. Bush's fury.
That, at this point, is speculative.
But at least it provides an alternative possibility as to why the President's words were at such variance from the entire history of this country.
For, there needs to be some other explanation, Mr. Bush, than that you truly believe we should live in a United States of America in which a thought is unacceptable.
There needs to be a delegation of responsible leaders -- Republicans or otherwise -- who can sit you down as Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott once sat Richard Nixon down - and explain the reality of the situation you have created.
There needs to be an apology from the President of the United States.
And more than one.
But, Mr. Bush, the others -- for warnings unheeded five years ago, for war unjustified four years ago, for battle unprepared three years ago -- they are not weighted with the urgency and necessity of this one.
We must know that, to you, thought with which you disagree -- and even voice with which you disagree and even action with which you disagree -- are still sacrosanct to you.
The philosopher Voltaire once insisted to another author, "I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write." Since the nation's birth, Mr. Bush, we have misquoted and even embellished that statement, but we have served ourselves well, by subscribing to its essence.
Oddly, there are other words of Voltaire's that are more pertinent still, just now.
"Think for yourselves," he wrote, "and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too."
Apologize, sir, for even hinting at an America where a few have that privilege to think and the rest of us get yelled at by the President.
Anything else, Mr. Bush, is truly unacceptable.
there Simple Simon, read what Olberman said to put your pathetiv Fool in Chief in his place yesterday.
ReplyDeleteBTW fool I choose Clif to have my back in a foxhole over ANY of you cowardly chickenhawk Neo Con wannabe brave pseudo patriots
ReplyDeleteMike, can you please excercise your First Amendment rights on this blog, and tell us, once agaim, how you have been silenced.
ReplyDeleteyou would know the answer to that better than me you slimy political operative/hacker, how bout you tell us!
ReplyDeleteWhats wrong Troll Tex, how bout you tell us how you silence people by locking them out of the blog and hacking their computers as well as the blog.
ReplyDeleteMike, I don't accept the premise of your question. Nice try.
ReplyDeleteNo, I didnt think you would, I figured you would take the 5th, the one Amendment you corrupt fools support, wouldnt want to incriminate yourself would ya?
ReplyDeleteI clearly answered you, go back and read, you are capable of reading arent you traitor.
ReplyDeleteMike, I didn't take the fifth. I don't hack and I don't silence. All I do on this blog is read and post.
ReplyDeleteWith all the crap you and Clif paste here, I think you two are the big silencers here.
Now that I've answered your question, answer mine: have you ever posted as "Big Ed"?
ReplyDeleteYou want to know what utter fools and failures you people are, you took a guy who was the furthest thing you could get from political and not only made him take notice of politics, but made him become committed to opposing and challenging you corrupy ememies of freedom and democracy every chance I get, now think if you polarize the nation and do that to 100 million more people.
ReplyDeleteI never even voted till 2000 and never voted for a Democrat until 2004 and then only because I despised Bush, I am still not a registed Democrat. although I probably leaned towards the left slightly, I had no problem with Reagan or Bush SR I dont think they were evil people or enemies of Democracy, so when you try and portray a guy like me as a partisan spewing pre-packaged talking points it shows how dumb, clueless and desperate you are and how married to your old tired repug talking points you are.
Rusty said "Mike,you never clearly answer anything.When ever someone ask's you a serious question,you just call them names,spout the days lib talking points or say something stupi using those little childish name you and the Col.brilliantly make up"
ReplyDeletelook in the mirror son, how does it feel.
Rusty said "Mike,you never clearly answer anything.When ever someone ask's you a serious question,you just call them names,spout the days lib talking points or say something stupi using those little childish name you and the Col.brilliantly make up"
ReplyDeletelook in the mirror son, how does it feel.
A peice of human garbage said...
ReplyDeleteA question,how many of those so called hero's came foward before they retired? You can discount what they have to say off hand because none of those pussies had the balls to raise their hands while they were active
Someone explain to this peice of crap the military code of conduct for a General who disagrees with his superiors.
Explain to this mental midget that a General CANNOT complain while he is serving.
When a General disagrees significantly with his superiors he must first resign, THEN speak out.
Someone explain to this bellycrawling snot nosed punk in a blog who just called 29 US Generals and Rear Admirals "pussies" how things work in the military.
As for your question of what freedoms I have lost, read my 8:45AM post
ReplyDelete1) I have lost the freedom to exercise my free speech to protest my government see 8:45AM post
2) I have lost my freedom of speech on the internet and more particularly on this blog as I have repeatedly had my free speech taken away by Right wing hackers attempting to silence me by locking me out of the blog, disabling posts and hacking my compiter.
3) I have had my constitutional right to privacy destroyed and have my phone calls, internet and financial transactions monitored.
4) I am somewhat fearful to travel overseas after the intense anti american sentiment and outright hatred of America even by former allies
5) I have had my privacy and my identity violated by hackers on this blog
I already did Worf, but all this piece of Human waste wants to do is smear, slander and discredit people.
ReplyDeleteHe is a peice of waste Mike.
ReplyDeleteProbably a snot nosed pimple faced 17 year old playing on his mommas pewter.
Imagine, some little worm in a blog too scared to go fight in the war he claims to support, calling 29 Generals and Admirals of the United States Army and Navy, a bunch of pussies cause they don't agree with the President whose ass he's sucking everyday.
29 military masters, all pussies cause they don't agree with his little reichfuhrer.
Little worms like this nightcrawler prove our point everyday.
He's not even worth talking to Mike.
ReplyDeleteI gave up a long time ago.
I only talk to people. Human beings.
Worms don't have eyes, so trying to get them to see logic is futile.
They just eat whatevers put in their path.
Worf, can you give me an answer, I want a security consultation, i would greatly prefer to talk to you, as you allready know some of the issues i'm, dealing with.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of config and security issues I want answers to.
if you require a fee for a little help for someone fighting the same cause you are fighting that can be arranged, but if this is what you do for a living I see no reason why you wouldnt help a fellow human being, after all that is one of the main problems in this world, no one goes out of their way to help any one.
calling someone a traitor, in league with the enemy, or an appeaser is the slimiest most cowardly way to try and silence someone.
ReplyDeleteits amazing that you people have the nerve to say that Colin Powell is supporting the terrorists and is a traitor merely for disagreeing with you and expressing his opinion.
Its laughable if you think about it that our president can say that Colin Powell and a bunch of distinguished generals and military experts are supporing terrorists and traitors, you gotta wonder if Bush and the people that spout his riddiculous, poisonous rhetoric are retarded or mentally ill.
During U.N. talks, Bush hints at Iran sanctions
ReplyDeletePresident to try persuading skeptical leaders about his Mideast policyMSNBC News Services
Updated: 19 minutes ago
Bush's speech was to highlight his "freedom agenda" for the Middle East, a strategy
Washington's foes in the region see as a pretext for bullying countries it opposes. "He will talk about it at the U.N. as a struggle between the forces of extremism and the forces of moderation," White House national security adviser Stephen Hadley said."
that is truly laughable is Bush trying to portray his Administration as a bunch of moderates, his Extreme radical Right Wing Neo Con administration I think our Country has "EVER" seen. I never ever remember a bunch of fringe extremists ever seizing power like this, these clowns certainly dont speak for or speak the will of the people.
Canadian was falsely accused, panel says
ReplyDeleteMuslim held by U.S. was sent to Syria for interrogation
By Doug Struck
Updated: 3:42 a.m. MT Sept 19, 2006
TORONTO, Sept. 18 - Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria, where he was tortured, a judicial report found Monday.
The report, released in Ottawa, was the result of a 2 1/2-year inquiry that represented one of the first public investigations into mistakes made as part of the United States' "extraordinary rendition" program, which has secretly spirited suspects to foreign countries for interrogation by often brutal methods.
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The inquiry, which focused on the Canadian intelligence services, found that agents who were under pressure to find terrorists after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, falsely labeled an Ottawa computer consultant, Maher Arar, as a dangerous radical. They asked U.S. authorities to put him and his wife, a university economist, on the al-Qaeda "watchlist," without justification, the report said.
Arar was also listed as "an Islamic extremist individual" who was in the Washington area on Sept. 11. The report concluded that he had no involvement in Islamic extremism and was on business in San Diego that day, said the head of the inquiry commission, Ontario Justice Dennis O'Connor.
Coffin-sized dungeon
Arar, now 36, was detained by U.S. authorities as he changed planes in New York on Sept. 26, 2002. He was held for questioning for 12 days, then flown by jet to Jordan and driven to Syria. He was beaten, forced to confess to having trained in Afghanistan -- where he never has been -- and then kept in a coffin-size dungeon for 10 months before he was released, the Canadian inquiry commission found.
O'Connor concluded "categorically there is no evidence" that Arar did anything wrong or was a security threat.
Although the report centered on Canadian actions, the counsel for the commission, Paul Cavalluzzo, said the results show that the U.S. practice of renditions "ought to be reviewed."
"This is really the first report in the Western world that has had access to all of the government documents we wanted and saw the practice of extraordinary rendition in full color," he said in an interview from Ottawa. "The ramifications were that an innocent Canadian was tortured, his life was put upside down, and it set him back years and years."
Arar, who came to Canada from Syria when he was 17, said in Ottawa that he was thankful that he had been vindicated. He expressed surprise and anger at learning Monday that Canadian authorities also had asked U.S. authorities to put his wife on the al-Qaeda watchlist.
"Today Justice O'Connor has cleared my name and restored my reputation," he said at a news conference. He said the individual Canadian officials should be held accountable: "Justice requires no less."
‘An innocent man’
O'Connor said it was beyond his mandate to recommend discipline for any individual.
"He really is a victim of authorities in three governments, as well as being an innocent man," Irwin Cottler, a member of parliament from the Liberal Party, said after the report was issued.
Stockwell Day, the federal government's public safety minister, said the treatment of Arar was "regrettable. We hope, with any future situations, never to see this happen again."
Since Sept. 11, the CIA, working with other intelligence agencies, has captured an estimated 3,000 people in its effort to dismantle terrorist networks. Many of them have been secretly taken by "extraordinary rendition" to other countries, hidden from U.S. legal requirements and often subject to torture.
Those renditions are often carried out by CIA agents dressed head to toe in black, wearing masks, who blindfold their subjects and dress them in black. The practice is generating increased opposition by other countries; Italy is seeking to prosecute CIA officers who allegedly abducted a Muslim cleric in Milan in February 2003, and German prosecutors are investigating the CIA's activities in their country.
Although details of the renditions and the destinations of those held are secret, President Bush has confirmed the existence of CIA-run prisons throughout the world. Some of the subjects of renditions have been held in those prisons.
O'Connor also recommended that the government review the case of three other Muslim Canadian citizens, who were detained when they traveled through Syria, to determine what role Canadian authorities played in their imprisonment.
But it was the case of Arar, a reserved, soft-spoken father of two, that created an outrage in Canada after he returned in 2003 and said he wanted the public to know what had happened to him.
The report said agents of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "overstated" Arar's importance in the broad investigation they began of potential Canadian suspects after Sept. 11.
Talking to other Muslim Canadians
Canadian police opened a file on Arar after seeing him talking to two other Muslim Canadians they were watching, authorities have acknowledged. Arar insisted the men were casual acquaintances in the small Muslim community in Montreal, where he lived before moving to British Columbia.
O'Connor said Monday that police agents told the Americans that Arar was "suspected of being linked to the al Qaeda movement." The judge concluded: "The RCMP had no basis for this description."
The Mounties also falsely claimed Arar had refused to be interviewed and had "suddenly" left for Tunisia. It listed him as a business associate of another man they called a "Bin Laden associate." Those descriptions were "either completely inaccurate" or overstated his casual connections, O'Connor said in a 822-page, three-volume report.
That information "very likely" led to his rendition, the report said. U.S. officials refused to cooperate with the Canadian inquiry.
‘Sheer incompetence’
Cavalluzzo said the Canadian agents apparently operated without proper training. "The best one can say is that it was sheer incompetence. They did not appreciate the fact that the branding of someone as a 'target' or 'suspect' or 'Islamic extremist' to Americans in 2002 could lead to disastrous consequences."
After Arar was detained in New York, Canadian authorities apparently were unaware the Americans were preparing to send him to Syria, according to the commission finding.
The RCMP contact, Inspector Michel Cabana, "was under the impression that Mr. Arar would only be detained for a short time," O'Connor's report said. "In his view, Mr. Arar was being held in a country with many of the same values as Canada."
Arar filed a lawsuit in U.S. federal court, but the case was dismissed by a judge citing "national security" issues. Arar also is seeking compensation from the Canadian government.
Some crucial questions about the incident remain unanswered, at least publicly. Over the repeated objections of O'Connor, the federal government censored much of the testimony given during the proceedings as well as some of the final report. O'Connor's report said a federal court should be asked to decide whether to disclose some of the censored items.
Arar was not permitted to testify; the judge ruled it would be unfair to subject him to questioning based on secret information. He has testified before a European Parliament committee in Brussels.
This is why we need safeguards like the Geneva Convention to protect people from false imprisonment either mistakenly or on purpose of political enemies and from torture.
ReplyDeleteWe DONT BRING FREEDOM WITH GUNS AND TORTURE, Bush's words ring hollow and are emptier and more contradictory and hippocritical evey time the fool speaks.
Okay, I think somebody needs to sit down and explain this to me really slowly. A few weeks ago, not long after Donald Rumsfeld compared critics of the administration's "war on terror" policies to Nazi appeasers, George W. Bush said this:
ReplyDeleteBin laden and his terrorists' allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them. The question is "Will we listen? Will we pay attention to what these evil men say?"
And then last week, this happened:
Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes appeared on Fox this morning to discuss his recent meeting with President Bush in the Oval Office. The key takeaway for Barnes was that "bin Laden doesn't fit with the administration's strategy for combating terrorism." Barnes said that Bush told him capturing bin Laden is "not a top priority use of American resources."
So let me get this straight: bin Laden is Hitler, and anyone who thinks we should ignore him is a Neville Chamberlain clone - but capturing him isn't a top priority for the Bush administration?
If your brain hasn't melted into a confused puddle of mush yet, I'm afraid there's more. During the same press conference in which he accused his fellow Republicans of helping the terrorists, George declared that we couldn't go into Pakistan to get bin Laden anyway, because:
First of all, Pakistan is a sovereign nation," Bush said. "In order for us to send thousands of troops into a sovereign nation, we've got to be invited by the government of Pakistan.
Er, like we were invited into Afghanistan and Iraq? Forgive me, but how does George square this new found respect for national sovereignty with his soaring rhetoric of 2001?
We fight the terrorists and we fight all of those who give them aid. America has a message for the nations of the world: If you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable by the United States and our friends.
Come on, Dubya. This is just getting ridiculous.
But the sycophantic trolls will here NOT SEE any contradictions, (read FLIP FLOPS). They will screech and howl that pointing out such contradictions is UNPATRIOTIC, and that those who DO... HATE AMERICA, or some form of reichwingnut smear.
Terror, nukes and Sibel Edmonds
ReplyDeleteI haven't much time to write, but I must pass along a couple of possibly-related items from Gary Buell's Covert History. Kill the Messenger, a new documentary about Sibel Edmonds, will shed some light on the revelations that the Bush administration has tried to muzzle. The official site, I should warn you, is a disaster area of poor design -- Edmonds' full name does not even rate a mention until you get to the small type.
But check out this paragraph from the promotional materials:
What she discovers is mind-boggling. The targets of FBI wiretaps are not only foreign individuals supected of espionage and terrorism in the U.S. but also their accomplices, that is...top officials at the State Department and at the Pentagon. These people are clearly engaged in criminal activities such as technological espionage, nuclear black market, heroin trafficking, money laundering, corruption of high-ranking officials, particularly in the U.S. Congress.
I remind readers that Bush's ally, Pakistan, still harbors and protects not just Osama Bin Laden but A.Q. Khan, the terrorists' favorite nuke-seller. Before 9/11, R.G. Abbas, a key agent of Pakistan's ISI -- that nation's CIA, closely tied to our CIA -- told an FBI informant that "those towers are coming down," indicating the Twin Towers. The ultra-important documentary 911: Press for Truth has much more information on the connections linking Pakistan, Al Qaeda, and the American neocon/intelligence networks.
An earlier Covert History post leads us to this remarkable story from the Canada Free Press site.
Urgent news from Abu Dawood, one of the newly appointed commanders of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan:
Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S. Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning
(Emphasis added.) Buell voices all proper suspicions of this announcement. But the journalist responsible for the data is Hamid Mir, who has some major credits on his resume.
Mir's earlier reports regarding the resurgence of the Taliban with support from Iran and Russia and an unofficial truce (reported by some Western sources) between President Pervez Musharraf and al Qaeda have been panned out by the press in recent months.
Bush, who often comes thisclose to saying more than he ought, has pretty much confessed his foreknowledge of an imminent terror attack. (Scroll down for my post on the "time is running out" speech.) Meanwhile, the Navy is readying itself for a naval blockade of Iran.
As I've said before, a nuke going off in an American city will provide plenty of excuse for re-institution of the draft as well as an attack on Iran. The result will be World War III.
I find credible the assertion that a high-level network, including officials at the State Department and the Pentagon, have known about and abetted the acquisition of nukes by terror groups.
What can Democrats do? We need some pre-emptive action -- even pre-emptive rhetoric will do. The White House already pushes the line that anyone who criticizes Bush must be a ally of terror. Here's the counter-play:
Bush has engineered open borders. The administration refuses to secure our ports. This government has coddled Pakistan and Osama Bin Laden. The Bushites have hushed whistleblowers like Sibel Edmonds instead of encouraging them to speak.
Every Dem in the country should speak to these concerns, as loudly as possible, as soon as possible -- and they should do so before the next terror strike reconsolidates neocon power.
THE FOOLE said...
ReplyDeleteYou're right clif:
There is no terrorist threat.
I NEVER SAID that, so either you can NOT READ, or you a LIAR, which I believe is what is happening.
The Idiot has screwed UP so badly the last 6 years that you assclowns stoop to lying about those of US who question his incompet3ence, and dishonesty.
Presbyterians are more dangerous than peaceful Islamists. The Pope is a "ChristoFascist".
Th only thing I POSTED about Presbyterians was THIS:
8. Since 1920, Presbyterian congregations have recognized that the Scouting program not only renders a service to the youth but also is extremely beneficial to the congregations that act as chartered organizations.
Nothing attacking them or the Boy Scouts, thus you LYING AGAIN SON, you nose must reach Hawaii by now, and your credibility is lower than dead eyes.
And I said NOTHING about the POPE, because I read his speech..and can see he was attempting to make the point, which you would slander him for, the ONE I attempt to make, SOME Muslims are doing bad things, and they MUST be stopped(too bad Georgie cut and ran to IRAQ). But the quote everyone took out of context,..A favorite tactic of yours son, and attempted to smear the POPE just as you attempt to smear me here.
I have NO problem with the POPE, why do YOU?
Israel is illegitimate and must be destroyed; then the Palestinians will be happy and the Middle East will be peaceful utopia.
I NEVER said; Illegitimate BOY . I said that some who were creating Israel committed crimes against the indigenous population which lived in Palestine, and those crimes NEED to be addressed as part of the PEACE process in that region. Both sides have committed horrendous crimes to gain advantage in that struggle, with the majority of civilians suffering. If they can not admit WHAT they have done, their claims of a true DEMOCRACY is suspect, because a TRUE democracy is inclusive, and admitted THE TRUTH. Israel does NOT admit the truth, not does it give Palestinians the same rights as the Jewish populations, They act towards the Palestinians almost exactly the SAME way the bigots acted during the JIM CROW period HERE in the US. Failing to address the crimes that some of the leadership which created the country, and the discrimination they inflict on those they see as LESS than a JEW, is a significant part of the problem.
SCREECH and WAIL (and LIE) all you want son, but those are truths that stand in the way of a true and lasting Peace, and Just as the African -American community here would NOT accept second class citizenry HERE, the people who's ancestry go back centuries on that ground will not accept it there.
I disagree with their tactics...and a lot of their rhetoric, but do Understand their true claims of being attacked by a people who CAME basically out of Europe, and took land from the Palestinians. Actuall7y addressing those concerns....ALL of them, and a true willingness to compromise...NOT attempt to dictate terms with Tanks, planes, bombs and bullets, would go a long way at solving the situation....And if the US could condition the TAXPAYERS money we send to then TO acting within the same requirements we have demanded of IRAQ and Iran, would go far in AIDING the Israeli's to make the changes to truly seek a true and lasting PEACE.
But instead of admitting what I say is necessary for a true resolution of the 100 year old conflict between the Israeli's and Palestinians...YOU will LIE about what I say...spin it to attempt to change the meanings of NY words...and think you have made an Intelligent point, instead of showing the Little twisted HATE filled world YOU LIVE IN.
Saddam Hussein is wonderful and Iraq should be handed back to him.
MOT what I have said....why do you HAVE to LIE so much...OH right the truth is NOT what you want it to be, THUS you LIE.
I actually said;
He is NO hero to me, but an Iraqi version of the Idiot in Chief, who wants the kind of power Saddam used to have, remember I fought in a war against him, unlike YOU.
Tyrants like Saddam which Reagan and Bush41, not only appeased, but aided in his first decade of lawlessness.
So son it is REPUGS who say him that way, AND did what you claim I want....FOOLE.
Our free enterprise economy must be replaced with European style socialism.
The government needs to raise taxes and pass more choking regulations until our economy fails then claim that all industry must be nationalized because free enterprise doesn't work.
I never said anything like that, But since you admire LIARS like Anny Tranny and The Limpman, you would do exactly what they do, take a moderate position and PUSH it so far to an extreme NOBODY but you cum-sucking buddies would agree that I even came close to saying it.
You clowns throw out Lies and Half truths, and get peons like Dusty to cheer you on (when he is not kneeling down and servicing those who pat his head) to throw out attacks which are even MORE asisine than YOU are BOY.
You can NOT win a debate ON the merits...And have failed here repeatedly...FOR MONTHS...but continue to LIE and SPIN your lies, And then you claim to be the only people who can be trusted.....Heads up son(wipe your chin) PEOPLE NO LONGER BELIEVE you the clowns you sycophantically keep you nose in the crack of their as(so you can get the SH*T you spew for them first). They no longer think they are HONEST..or RIGHT.
So all you got left is LIES deceit distortions and your FAVORITE Generalisations.
Which since you have spit them up so much are HOLLOW and can be seen as the thoughts of a little minded man trying to be MORE than he really is.
All workers should be forced to join unions.
Never said that....hell son DO YOU LIE to your WIFE this MUCH...She must be stupid if she reads your lies here and then BELIEVES ANYTHING YOU SAY.
Anyone who criticizes you is violating your first amendment rights, and must be silenced.
Bush does that son, but not because we violate HIS first amendment, but because the truth is an anathema to him...it is not what he wants because the truth shows he is incompetent, dishonest, deceitful, unchristlike, narrow minded, and greedy. But those are the traits repugs seem to value in those they allow to get leadership in their party.
I am NOT for silencing anyone...YOU clowns are......YOU ARE THE FOOLE who attacked KIRK12, NOT ME boy.
You the foole who attacked British Gary...NOT me.
Your the one for only allowing your view of the world to be allowed to be spoken of or written about. Otherwise you attack people you disagree with with personal attacks NOT their TRUR ideas.
Dubya is hitler.
No son, he just decided ti emulate quite a bit of Hitlers policies and political strategy when he ran in 2000, and since he was selected by the supreme court.
Neocons are nazis.
No son they JUST act like them. They proly do not pay dues...but fundamentally have a lot of the tactics and strategy of early and mid 1930's nazi party ideas woven into their political message...and political campaigns...
We say they act like them...and you lie and say we said they were.
But if they keep acting like them....it would bring a reasonable person to believe they want something the Nazi's had at that time.
I'm sure they do not want what the nazi'z got after 1942...but then why did they do as nazi germany did in 1939?
I'm convinced...that you are an off-the-scale leftist. Congrats comrade.
See son push it to the extreme Left because I do not goosestep in lockstep with FOOLES like you. Be convinced...but as usual you a delusional assclown. Only somebody either dishonest or on drugs(like Limpman) could have made such a mental jump as you do...
So which is it SON?
LIAR or Druggy
It is really simple son.
Progressives and Neo-cons both have a philosophical approach to the world, the difference,
Progressives when they compare their Philosophical approach to the truths of the day try to find a way to adjust their philosophy to fit with in the truths with out violating their princiuples ...
Neo-cons just LIE and deny the truth.
It should not be forgotten that the Bush administration has done three things to make the possibility of a nuclear detonation in the US a reality.
ReplyDeleteThey shut down the only nuclear watchdog agency in America, run by the Dept of Energy, with Bush himself saying "we just don't need them anymore". They accounted for every gram of fissable material in the US and their work was not only professional to the extreme but they were called the greatest bargain in govt for their frugal efficiency and the quality of their work.
Valerie Plame we all know was the end of a covert operation that tracked nuclear and dual-use materials globally. No conspirator could move nuclear material into the US or anywhere else without the fear of discovery as long as that operation was active. Ms. Plame's outting resulted in the entire operation being compromised and effectively shut down.
Third, the removal of the UC board of Regents as the overseers of our nuclear arsenal. Their integrity would certainly prevent any mis-handling of warheads or the loss of any assets. Bush put his cronies and co-conspirators the Carlyle Group and Bechtel in charge of the nuclear arsenal.
The result of all this is that today, if he wanted to, Dick Cheney could take several warheads out of a production facillity and deliver them to any city, any group he chooses and no one would ever know. Four years ago this would have been impossible. It required these three manuevers to make it a possibility.
One has to ask why...
# posted by Anonymous : 7:13 AM
Going to back Sibel Edmonds -- her charges of high level corruption in the U.S. are not new. She's been saying as much from the beginning, but is prohibited by law from discussing the matter. There is a blanket gag order in effect.
ReplyDeleteIt's a very curious situation -- and one fundamentally at odds with the free society we're supposed to be.
Will she *ever* get her day in court? Seems unlike. The Justice Dept. argues that hearing airing her charges poses a threat to National Security, and judges accept it.
Beyond that, she is highly credible, and a patriot in the true sense (devotion to an ideal, not a political party). Listen to one of her interviews, and you'll see what I mean.