"No tree is so foolish as to have branches that fight among themselves." PRAY FOR PEACE
MEMORIAL DAY 2006: An Open Letter to Congress from a Mother Who Gave Her Son for America
Karen Meredith Remembers Her Son, Kenneth Michael Ballard, KIA in Iraq on May 30, 2004... from BRADBLOG.COM
Karen Meredith Remembers Her Son, Kenneth Michael Ballard, KIA in Iraq on May 30, 2004...
We first met Karen Meredith in Crawford, Texas last Summer where she was one of many Gold Star family members standing with Cindy Sheehan who'd also lost her only son...
On September 9, 2005, nearly a year and a half after she learned of the death of Ken in Najaf, the Army informed her that her son's death was an accident. They had known for a year, but failed to tell her. We blogged about that here.
An Open Letter to Members of Congress and the Senate
I want to tell you about one soldier that will be remembered this Memorial Day. 1Lt Kenneth Michael Ballard of Mountain View, California was 26 years old when he was killed in a fierce battle in Najaf, Iraq on 5.30.04. His gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery is plain. That headstone in Section 60, Site 8006 tells when he was born and when he died. It describes his valor and heroism with his medals, his 3 Bronze Stars, 2 with valor and his Purple Heart.
But you need to know more than that about Ken. You need to know this because you sent my only child to his untimely death. You are keeping our members of the military in harm's way in Iraq and you have the power to bring them home and to stop this senseless killing...
Ken was my only child. He was the oldest of 15 grandchildren. I raised Ken on my own for 25 years and I loved him a lot.
A mother wants to know her child is loved, but she doesn't want to find that out at his funeral when he is only 26 years old. And she surely doesn't want to watch his 26 year old friends bury their best friend. There is just something not right with that picture, but there is nothing right about this story.
A mother wants to watch her son grow to be the man he would have been. She wants to see him gaze into the eyes of the woman who will be his wife, and a mother wants to dance with her son at his wedding. She wants to hold his firstborn, counting the fingers and toes of this, her first grandchild. Would that baby have had the same cleft in their chin- just like their daddy? I'll never know because my baby came home in a box covered with a flag.
My son took an oath to defend the Constitution and to obey the orders of the President of the United States. In return, his Commander in Chief and this country owed him the TRUTH about the mission and why he and his men were going into harms way. They should never be sent into combat without suitable equipment or proper training. They should never be sent to into war without proper planning and without an exit strategy. They should never be sent into hostilities unless it is our last option. In March of 2003, there were other options.
You sent my only child to his untimely death. You are keeping our members of the military in harm's way in Iraq and you have the power to bring them home and to stop this pointless killing.
When you visit that cemetery to participate in Memorial Day ceremonies and proclaim the words of a grateful nation, look beyond the names on the headstones. Know there is a loving, broken family left behind every single one. Think about Ken. Look at his face; look at his eyes. He is one of 2463 US soldiers to die in this illegal war so far. He was the 100th soldier from California to die in Iraq. Ken is not a number, he's not a statistic. Think about Ken and the life that was stolen from our family when you vote to continue funding this war. It is time to end the lies. It is time to put up a vigorous fight to come up with an exit strategy that will end this war now. Do that because it is the right thing to do. Do it for Ken and for me. No other family should have to travel this hellish journey.
Where will you be on Memorial Day? What will you do to really honor our soldiers? I will be at Arlington National Cemetery on this Memorial Day 2006. It will have been two years since Ken was brutally killed.
Karen Meredith
Proud Mom of Lt Ken Ballard- KIA 5.30.04
Gold Star Families Speak Out
GOD BLESS THE REPORTERS WHO DIED TODAY, and the critically injured journalists in Iraq.
Tuesday I'll put the Vegas show back at the top. This is more important now. Just saw the Da Vinci Code and it resonated with me in the way Christ's true words do -- deep inside there is no denying the truth. The controversy surrounding Dan Brown’s blockbuster has opened an important dialoge about the foundations of the world’s oldest religion. I think its important to say here that whether or not one believes that Jesus was married or not, makes no difference; his essential message stays the same: "Love one another." I happen to believe he performed healing miracles and wanted us all to do the same, for the same mind that was in Christ is in us; and the kingdom of heaven is within. "And these signs will follow those who believe: they will heal the sick and raise the dead." He wanted us to uncover the Christ consciousness within all of us. It’s important to keep in mind that the Da Vinci Code in no way diminishes the beauty and reality of Christ’s ministry; after his crucifixtion, his name and his teachings exploded. Christianity grew exponentially and took on a life of its own: the Romans saw this as an opportunity to capitalze on this movement and form a ritualistic church in order to control this booming trend. But Jesus himself taught no theology whatsoever. In fact, the main evil he warned against repeatedly was overly religious people — and Pharisaical thought. The right-wing evangelicals have also mistakenly twisted Christ's message and have wrongly focused on the letter over the spirit of his teachings. Their obsession with sexual immorality tells a lot about them, not anyone else.
THE DA VINCI CODE: Why it Matters
Theologian: Clergy need to learn why ‘Da Vinci’ resonates by Helen Yanulus
A professor in the Theology/Religious Studies department of the Jesuit school, University of Scranton , Eric Plumer, is apparently working on a book called The Da Vinci Phenomenon: Why the Religious Claims Made in ‘The Da Vinci Code’ Have Struck Such a Chord in America. A rather unweildy title, but my heart sings with the knowledge that an institutional scholar is taking the reaction to DVC seriously in potentially positive ways.
Eric Plumer…noted that Brown’s religious thriller is “selling like hotcakes” because an element of the book — which was adapted for the big screen and made its debut last weekend — has resonated with readers. That interest swirls around the role of Mary Magdalene. Plumer’s belief is that Mary Magdalene’s mistaken reputation as a harlot is what people are responding to, as people realize how her faulty identity and the devaluing of women throughout Christian history has damaged the appreciation of the feminine in Western culture. Plumer noted that thoughts of sexuality were at one time regarded as degrading, impure and disgusting. But Jesus didn’t have that fear of women or sexuality.
My note: The Church has tried throughout history to erase women. I heard Al Rantell on KABC Talk Radio actually read from the Canon of the Vatican a paragraph that said something to the effect that "nothing was worse than lying down with a woman -- and it implied that even sexual contact with minors or boys, though wrong, was preferable." My jaw dropped when I heard this.
Also, what is wise or helpful in making priests celibate? How can they understand their married parishoners? And Jesus said, "Call no man 'father' on the earth." Where do priests get the gall to have people kiss their gold rings and call them "Father?"
I believe that the appeal of the book goes beyond this into an extra-Christian interest in the “sacred feminine,” but we’re going in the right direction here. Although Plumer obviously believes that Jesus was celibate, he goes on to reflect on issues of sexuality and the acceptance of women in Jesus’ ministry: “Many people like the idea that Jesus was more human and capable of understanding love between a man and a woman."
“It’s not Dan Brown’s fault that the novel is so popular. Churches have to ask themselves, ‘What aren’t we doing?’” Plumer said. “I think people sense that women were left out. That wasn’t the attitude of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ attitude towards women isn’t fully reflected in the church.”
ReplyDeleteI am working in Colorado for the next few weeks so I will drive over and catch your show.
"worfeus said...
Not to detract from your star qualities or anything, but Destiny is looking pretty sweet in that picture.
Hook us up.
1:07 PM "
Don't be a pig, Worfeus, just let the women do her their act. Stop droolling.
Calm down TT, Worf was being a gentleman. Any normal healthy male can recognize Destiny is hot.
ReplyDeleteI, however, respect her status as being married with children.....I was unsure before as Lydia's details about her were vague.
Damnnnnnnn!! :D
However, if she was single, I would rip Worfs pink turban in a second to get to her. LOL
Lydia said
ReplyDelete"and having guest bloggers. Including someone you know."
OH GOODY....I hope its Winona Ryder, Deborah Valkenberg, or Jim Bullock....hes funny!
Hmmmmmm....wonder if Deb would consider dating a lovable guy like me?
Lydia said
ReplyDelete"Am in rehearsals now and also a lot of work that is really changing my thinking about the whole world picture."
Obviously, my influence on Lydia is finally paying off.
Wonder if she will remember me if she makes it to the top?
ReplyDeleteMike has pissed me off a few times but he aint no weirdo.
ReplyDeleteI almost became a believer last night. Steven Colbert showed a tortilla with a figure of Jesus on it.
ReplyDeleteIf I were blind, I might have actually had faith in the tortilla.
Worf said
I'll have what Johnny's havin."
Actually Worf, I have a date with a slim bartender soon..... she seems mature and nice.
Also, I have invited a few chicks on here, however, if it were'nt for you and WD scaring them off, they might actually post.
Well, OK, just behave yourself.
ReplyDeleteReligious right using Mary Cheney's name for anti-gay fundraising
ReplyDeleteby John in DC - 5/26/2006 10:15:00 AM
One of the lead religious right groups, the Family Research Council, is attacking Mary Cheney by name in a fundraising letter, and accusing the openly-gay daughter of the vice president of "working to undercut the importance of marriage to our survival as a society."
Here's a bit more from the email solicitation they sent out yesterday (full solicitation is below):
We have our work cut out for us as you know. In the past few weeks, the media have been filled with appearances by Mary Cheney and others who are working to undercut the importance of marriage to our survival as a society.
The media have delighted in the fact that Vice President Cheney's daughter publicly opposes the very convictions that brought her father's political party into the White House.
Wow, using the vice president's daughter to fundraise. That takes guts. Or a total lack of brains.
Will Mary Cheney stand up to the religious right (just as she did to John Kerry and John Edwards) and defend her longtime partner Heather Poe? Will Vice President Dick Cheney, the president of the Senate, defend his daughter and tell the religious right to stop trying to make money by taking pot shots at his family? Or will Mary and Dick do what they usually do - sell out their family members for political gain?
Oh, it's going to be a nail biter over the next few weeks as Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist prepares to force the Senate to vote, yet again, on an amendment to the US Constitution that would make Mary Cheney and Heather Poe nothing more than good friends.
It's all about Mary now.
Wonder if dead eye dick and angry Lynn will attack these "christians" like they attacked both Kerry and Edwards in 2004....or is it alright foir "good christians" not to follow the real teachings of Jesus?
LANL Lawsuit delays explosives testing in Nevada
ReplyDeleteA huge explosives experiment scheduled at the Nevada Test Site that involves a Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist has been postponed because of a pending lawsuit.
The Divine Strake experiment was scheduled for June 2, but won't happen before June 23, according to the federal Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
The Winnemucca Indian Colony and 11 individuals have sued Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and two federal agency directors in U.S. District Court in an effort to stop the test.
Divine Strake involves detonating 700 tons of explosives -- ammonium-nitrate fuel oil -- above a tunnel on the test site, located about 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nev. The purpose of the test is to analyze "the capability of computer codes to predict the ground-shock environment and how the tunnel responds to that shock." The test does not involve a nuclear explosion.
Well they will have to put the test off, I wonder if that throws their timetable in Iran off to?
Wasn't it "touching" to hear Bush show his sensitive side in yesterdays press conference with Blair?
ReplyDeleteHis answer about his biggest regrets over bragging about getting Bin Laden dead or alive, and his moving sighs about the Prison abuse, wasn't that from deep inside his heart?
His touching performace about his regrets didn't mention the real things he should have regretted.
Sending US soldiers to a worthless war which resulted in thousands of soldiers and innocent civilians killed and maimed.
Bush's biggest regret was saying he would get Bin Laden dead or alive.
He obviously doesn't regret those thousands of lives who have been ruined forever by death and dismemberment at his hands.
His supposed heartfelt ( though rehearsed) answer tells just what type of individual he really is.
What a "Compassionate Conservative".
WOW...... thats a nice pic of the very lovely Lydia!!!
ReplyDeleteIf I didnt know better, I would swear Lyd was jealous of us slobbering over Destiny, therefore she puts up a pic of herself that makes Destiny look like the creature from the Black Lagoon.
Worf said
ReplyDelete"Now whur's the womenfolk pardner?
I'm ready to go a courtin."
Larry said
ReplyDelete"His supposed heartfelt ( though rehearsed) answer tells just what type of individual he really is."
Maybe I'm wrong Larry, but I thought Bush looked sincere. I admit I never really considered his appeareance to be rehearsed.
I may be guilty of giving Bush the benefit of the doubt.
Worf said
Worf, you devil....LOL!
Trip to Bahamas???
ReplyDeleteWatch it worfeus TT will accuse you of lying again...LOL
ReplyDeleteCheck out this cliff climber Worf. Bet you cant do this.
What happened to him?
ReplyDeleteThanks johnny, I think.
ReplyDeleteyou guys are right, those are some great pics of Lydia and Destiny.
I'm looking forward to Lydia becoming more active as well as the Guest bloggers. as for Bush, I dont think he has a sincere bone in his body.
the climbing video was pretty cool, how difficult of a climb was that Worf, and how difficult of a climb was that guy capable of?
ReplyDeleteI decided to find out for myself what happened to Dan. However, I turned to toast last night and kept reading the same paragraph a hundred times.
Dan died at Yosemite park doing a 1200 foot jump. It seems human error caused the rope to snap at a knot thus resulting in his death. His ropes were designed to take harsh weather and were actually left out for many weeks.
"In short, Osman had failed to realize that changing his jump angle would ultimately place an unbearable load on one of the knots that connected the ropes of his jump line."
I find it sad that he travelled to comfort his 12 year old daughter before this jump.
Ive wathed this video ten times and find it fascinating.....what balls!
Your turban is pink Worf because you enjoy expressing the softer and gentler side of yourself.
ReplyDeleteDont forget you only wear it on Thursday's.
Mike said
ReplyDelete"Thanks johnny, I think."
I realized after I posted that my defense of you did sound a little funny.......nonetheless sincere.
BRILLIANT WORFEUS! Wow, may I use that in my book?
Worf, all of the things you say are exactly true. makes it seem like the antichrist is really the church.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible speaks of women in a positive way. Women had a great significance such as in the story of Mary and Martha, Ruth and Naomi, among others.
ReplyDeleteFor the Catholic Church to view women as something they don't need is absurd.
The Catholic Church should look within itself to see why so many Priests have brought scandals the past few years.
The Catholic Church should look at taking care of the needs of the poor and downtrodden, instead of worrying about the place of women.
Nice post Lydia.
ReplyDeleteLydia, who claims to love all, doesnt even trust her most faithful followers who have defended her honor time and time again.
Lydia, who is quite unwilling to express to us the details of her book's in any shape, form, or matter, teases us endlessly on a release date for any of her books....NO FAITH!!
This lack of trust in her followers suggests she really doesnt have a lot of faith in humanity thus nullifying all she has written about God, love, and metaphysics.
Lydia is not really a believer in mankind. Her inability to trust others is really a confession she has no hope for humanity.
I wonder if Lydia would confess that lessons in life have taught her you cant trust everyone? Thus admitting my thesis religion is an illusion, and humans are incapable of true peace.
Humans need evil to feel alive....LOL!
Lydia said:
"Gandhi said that the most important battle to fight was in overcoming his own demons, fears and insecurities."
Like all religion, easily preached, but not practiced!!
Put this in your book Lyd:
Religion is an unbalanced, commercial commmodity that promises illusory relief from inescapable human emotional & physical suffering for the intention of self monetary gain.
Religion is a disguise!
ReplyDeletejohnny, i'm willing to bet that the contact she is under doesnt let her disclose info about the book probably since it is to counter Coulter's poisonous drivel.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your right Mike but couldnt she tell us that?
ReplyDeleteAlso Mike, the Coulter book is only one of many.
ReplyDeleteWhat good would it do for Lydia to disclose the details of her book?
ReplyDeleteThose who are Lydia's "followers" are willing to wait until the book is released.
Perhaps Lydia has enough trust in her " most faithful followers" who have defended her honor time and time again, to stick with her no matter when the book is released.
Those who support Lydia are more than willing to wait.
Maybe the rest are hoping for early fodder for their limited posts.
Worf said
ReplyDelete'She told you several times she could not disclose contents of the book."
Baloney Worf!
Worf said
"When have you ever heard of a book deal where the author was "encouraged" to disclose the contents of the book?"
Realistically, I havent questioned alot of authors lately on whom they give details to about their books.
But Im sure they tell some trusted friends details. (A hunch)
Whats the big secret about telling us through email when her life story comes out?
I said email Worf!! Helloooooooo!
ReplyDeleteIf someone asked me the release date of a book I was writing, I would gladly oblige .......unless of course money came into play.
Thats too paranoid Worf!
ReplyDeleteAnd remember, Im not the one screaming faith.
ReplyDeleteLydia knows her "true followers" are not concerned with getting endless scoops on her book.
ReplyDeleteLydia knows that her "true followers" will still support her efforts in spite of the questions of others.
Lydia knows her " true followers" are not looking for details so they can attack her latest writings.
Lydia's "true followers" will wait on the book.
All others will always attack the messenger to dig for dirt for their blogs.
ReplyDeleteLike Mike back in January, I simply want to know the approximate release date of her life story book....nothing more!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am interested in the Coulter book, Im more interested in her life story one.
Whats the secret with that?
ReplyDeleteWorf said
ReplyDelete"This must explain why the US makes so much more money than Canada."
LOl :D
Ok Worf, you win. I want Lydia to post on the blog, all transcripts, of all her books, in their entirety, for the world to see.
ReplyDeleteYour right Worf, silly me. Their is no trust when it comes to business.
ReplyDeleteErrrrr.....I mean money.
Lydias article????
ReplyDeleteI dont need the Da Vinci Code, I have already placed my faith in that tortilla.
Where do I find this article?
ReplyDeleteLydias main blog page only shows her and Destiny.......talks about Vegas.
ReplyDeleteOk...I never look there.
Gimmee a minute and I,ll pick it apart.
Sounds feminist...now back to my topic why Lydia chooses business over faith in humanity.
ReplyDeleteI mean if you really have faith then you have no problem disclosing minor details.
And forget the Coulter book, its at the bottom of my list.
Im really interested in all those miracles Lydia keeps talkin about that changed her life, but never elaborates.
"Religion is an unbalanced, commercial commmodity that promises illusory relief from inescapable human emotional & physical suffering for the intention of self monetary gain."
ReplyDeleteWho cares if Jesus was married.
Da Vinci Code is Dumb.
Just like Brokefag Mountain.
No one walks into a bank and tells the president:
ReplyDelete" I cant pay my mortgage, but I can give you a hug and loving thoughts"
Christians are fake and Catholics suck....end of story!
ReplyDeleteThus religion sucks!
Oooops....I meant Brokeback Mountain.
What happened to you Worf?
ReplyDeleteDont tell me you've seen the light again?
Hope your not pussy whipped?
Be a man!
ReplyDeleteLydia expects trust from others, but is too self important too give a little back.
ReplyDeleteThats suspicious.
Worf said
ReplyDelete"Please don't respond Johnny."
Dont worry Worf, Im used to it. Whenever an atheist makes valid points Christians become very, very, angry.
She knows what Im talkin about.
ReplyDeleteYour intelligence is that of a baby compared to mine.....your so up and down about religion is comical!
I meant "its" comical.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that those who are so unhappy with what Lydia says and does, would be much better off on a blog where everyone is miserable.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a blog like that of parch mind Ann Coulter.
Or maybe there is a blog, where the main writer posts books in their entirety for unhappy viewers to pick apart.
I can see why such viewers would be unhappy in the blog community, where viewers largely support the creator of the blog.
Jesus.........a man who appeared once in all of human history.
ReplyDeleteWOW....thats too much love.
Take another blue pill Worf.
I want Lydia to post all her books entirely.....LOL!
ReplyDeleteI am on this blog for the same reason Worf.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen other blogs where a lot of the emphasis is on "real Christianity".
No Worf, you come in to shove testicles down anonypussy's throat.....remember!
Real christian values.
Ohhhh, I get it, now that Worf is going to be in Lydias book hes a believer again.
Johnny you attack jesus and God because we do not follow their teachings...sort of like attacking the legislators for criminal behavior on the part of criminals..don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteYou chicken Worf....finding solice in Larry.
Christ would even forgive the negative ramblings of those who post venom on blogs, whose whole existence centers around trying to discredit those who understand the teaching of Christ.
ReplyDeleteChrists teachings are impossible to follow.....wake up and look around!
Guys like Larry love blue pills and eat them for breakfast.
Religion is an unbalanced, commercial commmodity that promises illusory relief from inescapable human emotional & physical suffering for the intention of self monetary gain.
ReplyDeleteChrists teachings are impossible to follow.....wake up and look around!
ReplyDeleteNot true he said the law..(ten comandments) were impossible to follow, buit his teachings of trying to be as "christian" as possible is not hard if that is a priority in your life...Get and read the book;
"The Sermon on the Mount" by Emmit Fox and then we can discuss this but given your ranting from a position not unlike Karl Marx about religion where we are really about SPIRITUALITY here...and there is a very big difference between the two.
ReplyDeleteIm Evil.....nothing more! Lydias not happy unless I empty my bank account for the world....what about her Beverly Hills lifestyle?
How is having compassion for the poor and downtrodden a commercial commodity?
ReplyDeleteHow is fighting for the oppressed a commercial commodity?
How is forgiving those who wrong you a commercial commodity?
ReplyDeleteI have nothing to do with Karl Marx, I simply realize Gods love is lazy.
Did you abandon your daughter at ten years old and left her a book to guide herself......INSANITY!
Religion is what the Robertson's and Falwell's of society try and impose on others.
ReplyDeleteSpirituality is totally different.
Johnny Jesus was not about religion he decryed the scribes and pharisees daily for their religiousity, and spiritual hollowness. It id like the modern day christofascists who decry the "violaters of the law>>10 commandments" but forget everything Jesus said about that exact idea...they want a stale dogmatic approach to religion where no one has to ask am I doing it right and they attack anything that even remotely looks foriegn to them...Christ was all about the spirit not the law..thus he rejected dogmatic approaches and those who would create a "church" to carry out a dogma for the masses.
ReplyDeleteGod is a kid with an ant farm, and if he has anything to say about it He will grow some balls and discuss it with me......what a wimp!
ReplyDeleteSpirtuality does not pay the mortgage!
Johnny at 17 I was in basic training at Ft Lenard Wood Missouri...but when my 18 year old daughter needed a place to stay I opened my door and would again for her...but you are comfusing a heavenly creater with a biological parent...they are not the same ...God does not exist in the flesh....HE IS SPIRIT
ReplyDeleteIm not disagreeing with your 8:05 pm post, Im just saying Jesus/God dont exist and could care less about life......loving thoughts didnt save Anne Frank from a horrible death.
He will grow some balls and discuss it with me......what a wimp!
ReplyDeleteON his terms ....not ,..yours...that is what your really angry at isn't it ...HE dictates the terms and you have little say in the matter.
ReplyDeleteHe has the same obsession with Lydia's writings. He attacks most everything she writes, can't wait to get the scoop on her book so he can read more.
Yet he strongly hints that her beliefs are phony and anyone who believe the same as she does.
He says he doesn't believe in God, doesn't believe what Lydia writes, but he can't seem to get enough of either.
Remember, when Christ appeared to the Apostles, he let the "feel and handle him" to see that he was real.
ReplyDeleteJesus never claimed to BE god.
No Cliff
ReplyDeleteGod/Jesus expects us to take care of our offspring emotionally and pyhsically. If i dont, I will go to the fish fry, however, He exempts Himself from the rule.....He merely writes a book.
Free will does not mean NEGLIGIENCE of duty.
Gods love is complete, 100% illusion for lost souls.
Worf said
ReplyDelete"I would save the pooch from the burning builing before the people"
I respect this cause I feel the same.
Ahhhh.....the comfort of illusion.
Think about it.....a guy who would save a dog rather than human life.
That qoute by Worf wont make Lydias book.
Might hurt sales.
How on earth can any blind fool believe in something that has appeared once in alllllllll of human history and actually consider this love.
ReplyDeleteOnly lost desperate souls.......LOL!
Excellent! I can feel your anger and hatred for me.
ReplyDeleteI expect nothing less from fake christians.
Not Cliff though.
Dont forget about Lydias endless forgiveness!
ReplyDeleteWonder if she forgives Hitler for burning children?
Johnny you have projected a lot here tonight...like claiming ..god wrote the bible but actually it was written by many people and edited and re-edited over the centuries by more people, thus it remains much more our direct handiwork than his..it may be inspired or not because many people I know claim to believe but do not live as they claim they believe, that does not keep me from forming my own opinions, and living my life accordingly...and letting others do the same.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing directally to forgive Hitler for...he actually did nothing directally to me as he was dead before I was born....
ReplyDeleteAs the prayer goes forgive me my tresspasses as I forgive those who have trespassed against me...it does not say to go through out history and pick and choose people to judge and then forgive them..in fact in another place Jesus chides us NOT ot judge...
ReplyDeleteI love your opinions and you know that....Im just saying love goes beyond an occasinal 4 billion year old visit.
Given the christian view he has visited once in the flesh and many more times in ther spirit...and some christians the mormans claim he visited here in the new world also...we do not know all the facts about when and where he came or why so to claim he just visited once is to clkaim alot johnny...it leaves a lot of possibilities out...sort of dogmatic don't you think?
ReplyDeletePerhaps Cliff....but tortillas dont count do they?
ReplyDeleteI never said anything about people seeing an imagfe of him..I was talking about HIS actual visits...they two are not the same...
ReplyDeleteI know Cliff, but some people actually believe in the tortilla???
ReplyDeleteThis suggests belief in anything for comfort.
Johnny some people believe in UFO's and some people followed Jim Jones or David Koresh...so the problems of individual beliefs of people are theirs not mine...and looking for jesus in a tortilla is a form of the dogmatism inspired by the catholic church over the centuries, but not limited to catholics. It denies spirituality because they look for signs not the spirit
ReplyDeleteMankinds evolution is a never ending, bottomless trip into the rabbit hole.....there is no Hollywood ending.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you people want from me?
Ok, Ill say it for a joke. Humanity, one day, will be perfect loving angels where greed, jelously, and power play no role whatsoever.
Lobotamy's will ensure we all sit around a campfire and sing Kum By Ya.
ReplyDeleteHuman emotion will forever out do spirit.....only lost souls believe otherwise!
Johnny lobotomies just result in people interested in dogma, not spirituality which requires actual thought..and a spiritual journey does not always end up with a choir singing Kumbaya--or much else..some spiritual journeys are hard and not exactly pleasant but necessary for spiritual growth...the questions are not wrong if it is for spiritual growth ...because that is the only way to actually achieve growth to question what you have now and what you are trying to achieve....the only unauthentic move is to abandon the quest for spiritual growth.
ReplyDeleteThats right Worf, I have a big axe.....Anne Frank died a horrible death despite her loving thoughts!
ReplyDeleteIs this site about truth or illusions?
CLIF, Emmet Fox "Sermon on the Mount" is the best book I've ever read about Christ. It's the metaphysical key to Matthew. Also, God is spirit. The missing key to Christ's healing power is that we are all made in his image, all good. The healing miracles are real only if you use the key. Johnny, I'm not even finished with the book!!!
ReplyDeleteJohnny do you need a friend of Bill?
Larry - you seem to be one of the true believers. Thank you for your words.
Worf - thank you for your wisdom about the historical truth of Jesus.
Mike - thanks for your kind letter.
Lydia I was turned on to Emmit's book by a friend who told me I needed to read it..it was back after the Gulf War when I was thrashing around with a lot of anger and discontent.
ReplyDeleteEverbody hates Johnny for the red pill.
ReplyDeleteI just cant understand Anne Franks horrible death...she was good!
Lydia's words are nullified by her death.
Good does not always prevail.
Johnny - here's a hint: my first healing miracle started the day I got sober, 11 years ago on Sept. 11, 1994.
ReplyDeleteA series of "God Shots" started and haven't stopped, although they wane when I get back into worry or fear ( which is a form of fighting my enemies by dwelling on them too much. Focus on material problems brings them into being.) When I "let go and let God" (cast my burdens on the universal love that creates us all) my difficulties seem to vanish. It's a thought universe.
I was given absolutely joyous, seemingly supernatural kind of neon epiphanies that I have to describe to be believed. I don't know why I experienced God's presence that way, maybe because I'm immature and needed everything in technicolor -- so there would be no mistaking this power. But the only thing I know for sure is that GOD EXISTS (BUT NOT THE RELIGIOUS kind you keep harping on Johnny.)
All the magic is activated by my faith. It takes the complicity of our faith. Gain a childlike mind and then the creator starts playing with you.
But I really went through years of darkness, knowingly turning my back on this divine source, just because I felt like being an asshole for awhile.
Worf, there is no solid matter. The hidden language is just beneath the surface (like the software in a computer.) We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
ReplyDeleteJohnny Pork Pie moo moo said...
ReplyDeleteEverbody hates Johnny for the red pill.
I do not hate you , either pill..I for one do not believe in that particular analogy.
I just cant understand Anne Franks horrible death...she was good!
But she lived in evil times where many dogmatic christians sided with very evil hearted men who had evil intentions and scapegoated Anne Frank and 12 million others for their attemps at gaining power..it has little to do with God but much more to do with how those who should have known better did not act any better....
God is not interested in the public words but the hidden (to everybody else ) intentions, and how we carry out those intentions dishonestly cloaking them in words spoken by his servants from years ago...
worfeus said...
ReplyDeleteEveryone experiences spirituality differently I think.
That is the main focus of Jesus message you must expierence it for your self no amount of going to church..reciting dead over used words with out true individual meaning...no amount of bargining will get you there...you must pick up your particular staff and begin your personal individual journey..the only one you can make and your the only one who can make it.
Worfeus I for one see string theroy as a confirmation of the spiritual dimension of matter..we expierence the vibration of the "string" as different particules and energy forms...thus a "one" creates the many for us to expierence..but we do not directally expierence the "one" unless we no longer wallow in our expierences of the many.
ReplyDeleteWorfeus evil did not win because those who are truly evil do not allow the one because they are focused on the many totally thus they limit their spiritual self and eventually shrivel it up to the point where emptiness and anger is all they have left thus no spirit just the illusion of the many
ReplyDeleteThe string is the primortial entity...thus the same as God is the primortial being, each does not exibit itself directially but throught
ReplyDeletevibrations or secondary ie physical ways for us who are made spirits made flesh to have an expierence of...the string creates the enviroment we exist in the flesh in and God attempts to show the way of the spirit to us...
We as physical beings who are attempting to become spiritually connected to God must find a way to silence the many to concentrate on the ONE...ie GOD
Worfeus to me the "devil" was "made up" so as to be able to be used..ie as an excuse...a scape goat...a provocator when needed..he does not make sense in a spiritual journey ...why with all that it takes would a "god" make something as hideous as the devil just to increase the human tendency for selfadulation?
ReplyDeleteBut from a dogmatic sense the devil makes perfect sense...it is easily used to control the masses...and as a convient answer when no other one would surfice...Hitler was a pawn of the devil is an easy out instead of admitting he was a hollow bitter man who had little spiritual about him that used his abilities to gain power in this realm and focused his rage upon groups and people who were not able to defend themselves, and were not defended like Christ required...because the "christians" that hitler relied on were more about the dogma of the many than the spiritual journey of the one.
ReplyDeleteWorf said
ReplyDelete'There has been no one greater deterrent to the expansion of human knowledge, than religion.'
Good to have ya back Worf! Illusions incapacitate human evolution.
In a way history is repeating itself because we have the dogma of the many...tax cuts...
ReplyDelete10 commandments...anti-gay marriage amendment...abortion...anti Muslim anti Arab...anti immigration....as the message that Christians here worry about because those who want to rule the many see that as their best bet...
Not individual spiritual journeys into personal quests for full authenticity and spiritual fitness that might make people not care who is on American Idol less than who "won"
Worfeus, we agree completely, but you have misunderstood what I'm saying.
ReplyDeleteWhy don’t mainstream churches practice the healing power of Christ? After all, Jesus tells us we are supposed to do just as he did by “healing the sick and raising the dead.” Churches subscribe to the ideas of personal salvation and dying for our sins — which are self-centered goals, but seem to discard Christ’s actual words and his most important teachings. This is because very few can figure out how he performed the miracles; they are using their physical senses to understand something “not of this world.” We forget that the kingdom is within us and these are not really miracles, they are the natural result of the right kind of prayer.
As a student of metaphysics, I know this entails raising our consciousness above the primitive belief in disease, evil, sin or sickness. This may seem controversial, but I think its time to discard old ideas that have never served us. Most religious fundamentalists are mired in archaic views of duality — and this sets man up for failure. Man can never fully know his Divine nature if he believes in both God and evil as having power. Constantly battling our lower nature is an endless process. It’s time to take a leap into a new thought: what I’m proposing is that there really is no opposing force to good. There only appears to be. It’s the fog of illusion. Fear is not real; man’s sinful nature is not his default mechanism. I know this is antithetical to many religious beliefs, but my own thrilling healing miracles have shown me this truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. When I focus only on the health and goodness in a person, that is all that becomes real. Healings result from a change in consciousness. Yes it seems impossible, but you have to keep having leaps and bounds of the "risen Christ-like faith." My young stepson was diagnosed at birth with Osteogenesis, or “brittle bone disease,” and I chronicle in this book some full-blown prayer “miracles.” It’s clear that Jesus had the Christ consciousness: he resurrected his thought above mortal belief in sin and sickness. Healing becomes quite natural, even automatic, when we stop dwelling on our enemies: sickness, disease, disharmony & death. We give power to our enemies by fighting them. Resist not evil is what Christ told us.
My transformation from a self-centered, ego-driven tight-wad to a civic-minded humanitarian. In other words, I was a Republican until I got sober. (Dan will think I’m insulting him, but he knows I’m just kidding.. sort of.) The most important change was when I began to widen my circle and have more compassion for others. I believe that’s the main idea: to transcend our demanding egos and put others first. As Christ said, “you have to lose your life to save it,” and the St. Fransis Prayer,“It is by self-forgetting that one finds.” I always tell my children, “No matter how much you acquire or accomplish in life, if you’re not kind to others, you’ve missed the whole point.”
The truth is, if people just quietly lived the Golden Rule without bragging about their religion so much, a lot of conflict would be resolved. Jesus in fact, didn’t want religion to get in the way of his message, nor did he want people to worship his "Jesusness" or his personality. He wanted people to follow his principles by loving one another.
Those are the temporal laws of the many which we expierence as physics...not all relms abide by those laws..ie a black hole...the first milli second after the big bang....thus they are not "universal"
ReplyDeleteWorfeus the grand unified theroy which string theroy is the current best idea is about combining those different laws and theroies into a single blueprint ..... is a mathmatical set of equasions that work in theroy...thus have a chance to work in practice, by expierment...but it is still limited by the realm of the many the physical ..and the laws of the many do not dictate to the one but exactally the reverse...the one dictates the ways the many can be created thus expierenced...
ReplyDeleteVery simple worfeus do you believe the physical is more real than the spiritual or vise versa?
ReplyDeleteGiven the facts that we know that there seems to have been a "big bang" and that there is two paradoxes in the realm of the physical either boundless space...or space with something beyond...and did time begin with the big bang? or is spacetime something that can transend the physical?
But if the one creates the many those paradoxes only exist in the created realm of the many and do not exist in the non physical realm of the one.
ReplyDeleteHey Worf, I'm not saying our bodies are not glorious creations of the Divine Mind. I happen to love material life and its beauty. Einstein said that "goodness, truth and beauty were laws of the universe. There is a divine harmony beneath the surface of all things. (String...
ReplyDeleteEinstein almost made the connection: the Unified Field is spirit, love. We are all connected by love.
It's just death and disease which are illusions I now realize. This may be too advanced to talk about here, but Christ didn't acknowledge a person's sickness, he saw them as already divinely perfect, made in God's image. He saw the blind man whole, and his faith made the man's false illusion fall away. Anyway, it works! That's all that matters. But it takes a huge leap in consciousness. The 12-steps are an amazing beginning. Also rent WHAT THE BLEEP.."
But how Christ healed is all in a wonderful book by Mary Baker Eddy. And if anyone gives me that pathetic argument I've heard before I really understood this truth, I quote this famous line: "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance; that principle is CONTEMPT PRIOR TO INVESTIGATION."
Herbert Spencer
Lydia I put it a similar way ..keep believing that you can't and you won't
ReplyDeleteI think we're all on the same wavelength...
WORF: You said,
ReplyDeleteYou know, that was the differences between the Pharisees and the Saducess? There were others but this was the biggy.
Pharisees believed in the literal ressurection of the body. Saducess didn't.
Seems the Pharisees were right, if you believe the Gospel accounts of Jesus' ressurection. Something the Catholic church runs from, and many of the Protestant churches deny.
Wow -- why do they deny it? How do the churches explain their Easter services, if they don't believe in the resurrection? I wondered why Mel Gibson's movie focused so much on the gore -- although I loved it. You have got to see Da Vinci code if for Paul Bettany's rivieting performance as a masochistic ascetic (albino) Chilling.
Lydia the church which has basicallyn become a dogmatic power structure..focus on the physical realm here and consolidation of their control and power thus they keep people locked into their illusions which are self contridictory and waste much time on the contrite instead of opening up discussions of how to begin a spiritual journey and then helping those who choose to go... because if someone begins such a journey they almost never end up where they were "headed" for or thought they would.
ReplyDeleteThanks Clif -- I totally agree.
ReplyDeleteWhere are you Worf?
I'm going to sleep,
Sweet Dreams everyone.
Larry said "Religion is what the Robertson's and Falwell's of society try and impose on others.
ReplyDeleteSpirituality is totally different."
exactly right Larry, religion is perverted by the wealthy and the men of power spirituality is something totally different.
Mike religion can attempt to control me thru my words, which they attempt to edit..and my actions which they attempt to limit...but spirituality is beyond their reach because it is of the non physical realm where religion and its minions can not go after me...they must go their for themselves, and though I can join in someones journey for a brief moment, they can not live mine, nor I theirs...
ReplyDeleteWorf said "Exactly Larry.
ReplyDeleteLydia gets it. I sense you get it. I know Mike and Clif get it.
Christ was about good. And he taught simple easy things that are virtually impossible to do at times.
But like they say, better to shoot at the moon and miss, than shoot at nothing and hit it."
exactly Worf, religion has been perverted by the wealthy and men of power to push their agenda's, because of this I was turned of to religion at a young age and was always creeped out and uncomfortable around religious fanatics, it is people like Lydia, Clif etc who practice a spiritual form of religion who have changed my thinking that religion itself is evil or bad. its such a simple concept to be kind to others or to go out of your way to help or protect those less fortunate or those incapable of defending themselves yet the majority of people just dont get it.
Two points
ReplyDelete#1We know that we have now three independent sources confirming that attorneys for Karl Rove were handed an indictment either late in the night of May 12 or early in the morning of May 13. We know that each source was in a position to know what they were talking about. We know that the office of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald will not confirm, will not deny, will not comment on its investigation or on our report. We know that both Rove's attorney Robert Luskin and Rove's spokesman Mark Corallo have categorically denied all key facts we have set forth. We know we have information that directly contradicts Luskin and Corallo's denials. We know that there were two network news crews outside of the building in Washington, DC that houses the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm that represents Karl Rove. We know that the 4th floor of that building (where the Patton Boggs offices are located) was locked down all day Friday and into Saturday night. We know that we have not received a request for a retraction from anyone. And we know that White House spokesman Tony Snow now refuses to discuss Karl Rove - at all.
Further, we know - and we want our readers to know - that we are dependent on confidential sources. We know that a report based solely on information obtained from confidential sources bears some inherent risks. We know that this is - by far - the biggest story we have ever covered, and that we are learning some things as we go along. Finally, we know that we have the support of those who have always supported us, and that must now earn the support of those who have joined us as of late.
from truthout.org
ReplyDeletesame article;
We believe that we hit a nerve with our report. When I get calls on my cell phone from Karl Rove's attorney and spokesman, I have to wonder what's up. "I" believe - but cannot confirm - that Mark Corallo, Karl Rove's spokesman gave Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post my phone number. I believe Howard Kurtz contacted me with the intention of writing a piece critical of our organization. I know that Anne Marie Squeo of the Wall Street Journal attacked us and independent journalism as a whole in her piece titled, "Rove's Camp Takes Center of Web Storm / Bloggers Underscore How Net's Reporting, Dynamics Provide Grist for the Rumor Mill." We believe that rolling out that much conservative journalistic muscle to rebut this story is telling. And we believe that Rove's camp is making a concerted effort to discredit our story and our organization.
Further - and again this is "What We Believe" - Rove may be turning state's evidence. We suspect that the scope of Fitzgerald's investigation may have broadened - clearly to Cheney - and according to one "off the record source" to individuals and events not directly related to the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. We believe that the indictment which does exist against Karl Rove is sealed. Finally, we believe that there is currently a great deal of activity in the Plame investigation.
We know that this story is of vital interest to the community, and that providing as much information as we can is very important to our readers. We want you to know that this is challenging territory and that we are proceeding with as much speed as the terrain will allow.
now to the bloviation of wufuss crybaby and TT because Fitzmas is a pretty smart lawyer..and he does not play his hand openly..thus the spin machines can shrill for a while longer...
Worfeus the sealed inditement is to keep Rove usable in the investigation...he can hold to the idea that he is not indicted but has to play ball if he wants a lighter sentence...Libby probably wouldn't play ball with fitzmas so he publically indicted him..
ReplyDeleteWorfeus if KKKarl gives up enough he might skate with a suspended sentence, and it could be sealed also..it is according to what he has on who that he is willing to trade for his freedom.
ReplyDeleteLets hope that the Bush/Rove dirt machine aren't doing something to prevent Fitzgerald from nailing the real power behind the worthless throne of Bush.
ReplyDeleteThese guys are the biggest cutthroats Washington has seen and there is no doubt, they are working behind the scenes to derail Rove's demise.
If Fitzgerald has the goods on Rove, then Roves only real hope is to trade up...Fitz has a history of working up the food chain...and it might be the VP he really wants...thus he's willing to trade up...but only if Rove comes thru...wonder if Bush is willing to throw Cheney under the bus after Nov...and put his "successor" in place to run in 08?
ReplyDeleteI can't see Rove turning on Bush..they have been together for almost 15 years...more if you count Rove's work for daddy Bush...and VP's are much more expendable to the party than Presidents. Bush was not the one writing on the NYT story about Joe Wilson..nor did he run the inner hit squad like Cheney and libby...Rove probably coordinated with them in 03..
ReplyDeletePoor Cheney will probably have to step down due to " health" reasons, if he senses Rove is turning the screws in his back.
ReplyDeleteCheney didn't get Bush to where he is like Rove and daddy's money.
This guy has a pretty good idea...
I've felt that Cheney was going to go down for this for a while.
ReplyDeletewell i'll be heading home this afternoon, 2 week vacations arent what they used to be, it went way too fast, back to the grind.
ReplyDelete2 CBS cameramen were killed in Iraq today, and 1 CBS reporter was seriously injured in a car bomb attack.
ReplyDeleteWorfeus this is a story from Afghanistan that could become BIG if the people do not accept the US there any more,...
ReplyDeleteAfghans Riot After Deadly Crash by U.S. Military Truck
Published: May 29, 2006
KABUL, Afghanistan, May 29 — A deadly traffic accident caused by a United States military convoy quickly escalated into a full-blown anti-American riot that raged across much of the Afghan capital on Monday, leaving at least 14 people dead and scores injured.
Witnesses said American soldiers fired on Afghans throwing stones at them after the crash, although the United States military said only that warning shots were fired in the air.
But the crash tapped into a latent resentment of the American military presence here and violence radiated quickly through the city. Gunfire rang out as Afghan police officers and army soldiers tried to control rioters who rampaged for around six hours through the streets burning and looting a dozen offices, cars and police posts. By the end of the day, at least 14 people were dead and more than 90 were injured, hospital officials said.
The Ministry of Interior announced a nighttime curfew for the city for the first time in four years, from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m., and President Hamid Karzai called for calm on national television. "This country has been destroyed for years by rioters and they are using this traffic incident as an excuse," he said.
The speed and magnitude of the unrest was such that hundreds of police officers and army troops struggled to keep the violence from spreading. Both the Afghan government and the American military authority issued statements promising full investigations into the initial event.
Scores of people were treated in hospitals for gunshot wounds, as it became clear the American military, police officers and army soldiers had used their weapons to try to disperse the crowds.
If the Afghan people start fighting against the US like the insurgency in Iraq...Bush has real problems because the lack of finishing the war in Afghanistan before invading Iraq will be his legacy....
Two poorly planned fiascos...two failed wars ......twice the critism his dad took...
That would have worked for defeating the enemy who attacked us on 9-11...
ReplyDeletesarcasm on
but there is all that oil in Iraq...and Saddam was getting rich off of it....Cheney was going nuts because he let Saddam get away in 91 and left Saddam all that oil...he had a ready made counter Saddam insurgency and he missed it in 91...he had to get back and correct HIS goof...
47 People were killed in Iraq today as bombings in Baghdad filled the day.
ReplyDeleteAn Iraqi army patrol was hit by bombs today killing 12.
11 People were killed when a bomb hit a bus carrying day laborers.
Yes all is well in Iraq now that Bush has a "humble" attitude.
Bush will never feel bad about starting an unjust war.
ReplyDeleteWait till elections are over and he will start another.
Bush and Cheney have to get all the money they can before they leave office.
They don't mind paying for it with the blood of others.
Yeah Clif, Like Worf said, thanks for your service and hope you had a great holiday.
ReplyDeleteWorf said "Whats really amazing is 22 percent of their viewers responded YES.
ReplyDeleteWho are these 22 percent?"
probably part of the same 29% of the backwash that supports our little dictator "the Decider" AKA Bush and the rest of the Neo Con Slimeballs.
Those 22% are the enemy, they are the dregs of society some of which post on this blog like anonymouse/wufuss daddy and troll texan.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad that those who built this won't get the recognition they deserve from this White House....
worfeus said...
ReplyDeleteBefore he revealed himself to his spiritual leaders, before he spoke with the Apostles or his followers, he appeared to a single
Why a woman? And why this woman?
He was horny?
Worfeus this is the massacare I was ranting about a couple of months ago when wufuss crybaby went by anonusless,,and he decried me for slamming the troops...he never served so could not see the implications of US Marines shooting children in their homes in cold blood.
ReplyDeleteThe Marines could face murder charges....and that would make the story front page ...something I was worried about because all of our troops still over there will feel the rath if the Sunnio Iraqi's retaliate because of this incident
Worfeus NOW you know why I was soo up in arms about it...because of the insanity of it but also bacause many more troops will be attacked because of it and they will be forced to kill their attackers to defend themselves.....anonfoole should be ashamed but he won't...
ReplyDeleteWorfeus I knew this one was bad...and it was not going away...me with my limited computer skills had stumbled upon the story and read it. Having been a officer in the Army I realised if it was true it was about as bad as it could get, the US military was killing muslim children in cold blood...that was going to come out..and now it has. This will take a news life of it's own...Osama will recruit thousands over it...the insurgents will get many fence sitters to help them over it...the troops in Iraq..and Afghanistan will face more attacks..and violence because of it..and the military will have to publically try each member accused of the incident and the attempt to hide it.....not good day for anybody...them because of what they already lost ..us because of what we will lose because of this...
ReplyDeleteI kind of remeber you talking about that as well Clif, but like Worf said there was so much other stuff going on at the time, that kind of slipped under the radar.
ReplyDeleteWorfeus, I was thinking about our lack of trolls lately on my never ending LOOOOONNNNGGG plane ride home yesterday, and I think the trolls left because we were discussing spirituality for the past few days and that is like a foreign language they are not capable of understanding.
ReplyDeleteAlso I think their absence made it pretty clear they are politically motivated and most likely paid blog trolls, Scaife and the Neo Cons must have given them the holiday weekend off since we werent really discussing politics.
Worfeus this is much worse than Abu Ghraib...bacause the Marines commanders had Pics taken of the casulities...the kids were ripped open..one girl had her head blown away. When..and I say when these pics come out the true horror will be revealed....2..3..5 year old kids shot for just being there.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a story on the net about a 10 year old who witnessed this and played dead and survived...if that is true it could protend bigger problems because the IRAQI government wants to investigate and may want to prosecute..the the chimp would have to decide if Iraqi soverty outweighs red neck"bring it on" thought processes.
If he turns the Marines over he'll get hell from the repugs...if he don't hell from the Iraqi's
To the trolls here... maybe instead of decrying everything a sitting US congressman knows from actually talking to those who have looked into this…maybe you should pull hard down on your ears so your head can pop out of your rectum…and check out
ReplyDelete1. why did the general in charge of the marine division RELEAVE the company and battalion commander of the unit from which several Marines are charged with these crimes.
2. Why would the Commandant of the marine Corps changer his schedule and go to Iraq to reafirm that marines do not shoot inocent civilians..(his words)
3. Why would the Marines either be in the Brig..or restricted to base…given that the military does not imprison service members with out good justification…and an article 38 UCMJ investigation at least...
4. Why would the Marine higher ups told other unit members clean up the area ..BUT get photo’s unless they hjad an idea that something was wrong…
think about what else is happening around this that does not directally link to Congressman Murtha and his position on the Armed services committee and maybe he is doing something the repug congress can’t seem to do…
yes that is constitutionaly supposed to be part of their job…but the repugs seem to have forgotten it in the K street era…
I JUST PUT up a letter to Congress on this ILLEGAL WAR from a mother whose only son died in Iraq
ReplyDeleteIt's from BradBlog.
worfeus said...
ReplyDeleteNo Carl.
Because it was his wife, and his closest friend.
I *was* kidding. :-)
But what's wrong with Jesus having the same testosterone impulses that you or I or any numberless college freshmen have?
Pretty powerful stuff, Lyd. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis has GOT to be the greatest feel good story of the summer. I can barely type through the tears.
2008 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton wowed the crowd at a pre-nomination breakfast in Buffalo Wednesday morning with a story about how she had befriended the maid who cleans her hotel room.
With just hours to go before she accepts the nomination for a second term as New York's junior senator, Clinton huddled with party faithful in a downstairs banquet room at Buffalo's convention center.
The former first lady recalled how, during her first Senate run, she began staying in a downtown hotel when she traveled to Buffalo - claiming that as time went by she and the maid became good friends.
According to the West New York Media Network, while Clinton recounted her friendship with the unnamed cleaning lady, the assembled Democrats became so quiet "you could hear a pin drop."
During her last trip to Buffalo before the election, Mrs. Clinton said the maid approached her and offered a good luck campaign gift. It was a snow globe of the city, which the maid handed over with the words: "Mrs. Clinton, don’t forget Buffalo."
According to WNY Media, the breakfast crowd "went wild as the Senator said, 'I won’t . . . I’ll do everything I can to help Buffalo.'"
Worf said "No Carl.
ReplyDeleteBecause it was his wife, and his closest friend.
It is important to note that mary did try to embrace him, however he forbade her, indicating he must appear to his father in heaven in his pure state.
Its just unlike us, during a sacred and monumental moment (the first human being to ever be ressurected in all of history), he was able to think of bigger things."
Worfeus, i'm a little curious as to your interpretation of the above two statements, are you saying he forbade her embrace because he moved from the physical plane of existence to the spiritual plane and thus was removed from physical desires however their spiritual bond was still intact, or was it like you said in the second paragraph that there were more important things to focus on at the time or some combination of the two statements?
Troll Texan was that directed at me to get some kind of response, or is that part of your crazy obsession/fetish with Hillary?
ReplyDeleteregardless its not worth a response.
Worfeus, see my point though as soon as the talk comes back to politics (ie the masacre/war) the trolls are back.
Check out this book called:Empire's Workshop: Latin America, The United States, and The Rise of the New Imperialism
ReplyDeleteby Grandin, Greg.
Here's the review:America's post-9/11 policy of idealistic military adventurism has a long history, argues this incisive study. NYU historian Grandin (The Blood of Guatemala ) sketches the vexed course of U.S. relations with Latin America, but focuses on the Reagan administration's involvement in Central America during the 1980s, when it backed the Salvadoran government in a brutal civil war against left-wing insurgents and the Nicaraguan Contras against the Sandinista regime. Then as now, Grandin contends, Washington justified a militarist stance by citing a threat to America (Communists advancing on the Rio Grande) and championing democracy and human rights. America did not send troops but did sponsor native death squads in El Salvador, and the author notes recent press reports that the U.S. military is sponsoring similar death squads in Iraq. Grandin's conception of American imperialism--covering everything from outright invasion to corporate investment and Fed interest-rate hikes--is too broad, and he overstates the importance of Central America in the making of the American New Right. But this timely book offers an analysis of the ideological foundations of today's foreign policy consensus and a cautionary tale about its dark legacy. (May 8)
you want to know why the American intervention in Iraq has failed, look at the El Salvador of a quarter-century ago.Latin America, writes Grandin (History/New York Univ.), has been a proving ground for America's imperial ambitions since the Jefferson administration. Over the last 200 years, he argues, "two broad arcs of hostility have defined U.S.-Latin American relations." The first is a pattern of direct military intervention, usually to protect American economic interests; the second, often carried out by proxy, pretends to nobler goals such as containing communism or drug smuggling or-now-terrorism. Grandin holds that a third period is dawning, one in which America projects military and economic power to "guard against the resurgence of a new, continent-wide democratic left," which has indeed emerged in Brazil, Bolivia and Venezuela and may soon sweep Mexico, bringing dreaded red flags to America's borders. Grandin suggests that this is justifiable, for the end product of America's imperialism in Latin America has been an impoverishment of the region, thanks to the "economic regime heralded by Milton Friedman and his colleagues and imposed by Reagan and his successors"; at the end of the 1960s, 11 percent of Latin Americans lived on less than $2 a day, whereas by 1996 the number had grown to 33 percent, or 165 million people. This pattern holds in El Salvador, ravaged by U.S.-backed death squads in the '70s and '80s and monitored by then-junior U.S. officials who now hold command, among them Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. The latter, Grandin observes, once argued that El Salvador, "with 50 percent of its population below the poverty level, was a model for what his administration hoped to achieve in Iraq."Nixon observed that the U.S. could do what it wanted in Latin America because his compatriots didn't give a damn about the place. Grandin's excellent book makes a good case for caring
Hey, Worf. Just got back from an extended weekend. I need to read more about Haditha, but if this is some kind of atrocity, then the guilty parties must be brought to justice.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of our country, but it only takes a few bad apples to make us all look bad. Just look at Abu Ghraib. Many of you Libs personally blamed Bush. Tsk, Tsk.
Well Worf, Troll Texan had no problem with nuking Iran pre-emptively or all the innocent people who would die in such an act, I wouldnt want to answer for him regarding the massacre in Haditha, but looking how he blindly supports this administration no matter what heinous acts they committ, my guess is he would just say that Haditha was collateral damage for the common good, and it will benefit Israel in the longrun and thats really all that is important. See you cant debate an idealogue cause they dont want to, all they see is their own point of view and what they want or what's best for them, its tunnel vision with these clowns.
ReplyDeleteTroll Texan said "I'm proud of our country, but it only takes a few bad apples to make us all look bad. Just look at Abu Ghraib. Many of you Libs personally blamed Bush. Tsk, Tsk."
ReplyDeleteShit never rolls uphill in your world Troll Texan, its the peasants and hired help putting their lives on the line who are out of control, Bush can do no wrong, he can walk on water right?
Mike wrote: "See you cant debate an idealogue cause they dont want to, all they see is their own point of view and what they want or what's best for them, its tunnel vision with these clowns."
ReplyDeleteLook in the mirror my friend. That's you to a tee.
Sorry friend, but its not me that has an agenda, unless opposing a sensless war, and children and innocent civilians being slaughtered, or nuking countries pre emptively or oppressing and stealing from the poor is an agenda in your eyes.see you never want to debate when the answers make you or your people look bad do yah???
ReplyDeleteHow bout this one troll texan, answer me how I benefit from us either not having invaded Iraq in the first place or making an exit strategy and pulling out, or how myself or the majority of Americans have benefitted from Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, (and dont say the tax cuts stimulated the economy because it has been proven in numerous studies that giving tax cuts/money to the poor and middle class stimulates the economy while the wealthy usually dont change their spending habits and in fact usually choose to save the money.)
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand Bush and his cabal of Neo Cons and oil cronnies have benefitted from the war and from his tax cuts every way you look, Carlyle Group benefits from the weapons used in the war as well as the defense spending and the oil infrastructure spending and the money his oil cronnies will make by opening Iraq and in their minds hopefully Iran up so American energy companies can develop their oil and natural gas reserves.
See instead of the useless and unwanted tax cut I got I would have prefered they used the money to really keep us safe by securing our borders and ports which not only would have really kept us safe, but would have created good paying jobs and really stimulated the economy, instead of our idiot in chiefs way of keeping us safe, forgetting about the guy who attacked us and invading another country and while claiming to liberate them from a dictator torturing and killing innocent civialians and children, I mean call me crazy but that doesnt sound like the best plan to keep us safe, but considering the source that it came from the most corrupt, inempt, incompetent and worst president ever its not that big of a surprise.
Ever think securing our borders and spreading a little good will and kindness by helping those less fortunate around the world would keep us safer than spreading death and hate and fear tactics, just a thought?
I'm proud of our country, but it only takes a few bad apples to make us all look bad. Just look at Abu Ghraib.
ReplyDeleteTT it is not just a "few" bad apples when the president...Vice President and Secretary of Defense say publicly over and over again that the Geneva convention does not apply...they quibble about meanings and split hairs when those on the battle field hear the headlines...and they take some of it as the truth...wonder why Abu Ghraib was SOOO bad it was not just a few...there were US military Officers in a few pics...and some officers have felt the UCMJ...just as # US Marine officers were relieved of command ..in the civilian world that is like getting fired...they will never get promoted and when they can not make rank they will get riffed...pass this massacre off as a few bad apples if you want but it will be much bigger in the IRAQI scheme over there than any "election" is for those who will no longer look upon out invasion or occupation as favorable..
Kinda like what happened in Kabul Afghanistan this weekend when a US truck lost it's brakes slammed into parked cars..one was a taxi with people in it..and the Afghan's had their fill and went on a rampage for 6 hours...it ain't getting better it is getting worse in both places...one war fought on the cheap and half hearted because Bush wanted the other which is turning out to be a bigger fiasco than Vietnam ever was.
Yo TT the massacares are really just part of the war that Bush..Cheney .. Rummy, and Condi..have foisted upon Iraq so the American companies could get at Iraqs oil and enlarge their profits...
ReplyDeleteIn Iraq, “it’s the oil, stupid.”
Opinion Editorial
by Antonia Juhasz, Topeka Capitol Journal
January 21st, 2006
Amid all the talk of training Iraqi soldiers, heading off a civil war, and protecting a fledging democracy, one overriding agenda has been ignored in the debate over the timetable for bringing U.S. troops home. President George W. Bush will not withdraw our forces until U.S. oil companies have secure access to Iraq’s resources.
The process of securing this access involves three steps. The first, put into motion with the December 15, 2005, election, is the formation a legitimate Iraqi government with the authority to, among other things, sign contracts with foreign oil companies. The second step is the completion and passage of a new national oil law that is set to conclude at the start of 2006. The third, having enough security on the ground for U.S. oil companies to get to work, is uncertain, and therefore the timeline for full U.S. troop withdrawal remains unknown. Prior to the 2003 invasion, foreign companies had limited to no access to the Iraqi market. Only Iraqis or citizens of Arab nations could own a business in Iraq, the oil sector was fully nationalized, and other than a few deals through the U.N. oil-for-food program, no U.S. companies had oil contracts. Following the invasion, the Bush administration implemented orders that have the effect of law allowing for the privatization of Iraq’s state-owned enterprises, 100 percent foreign ownership of Iraqi businesses, and repatriation of 100 percent of profits earned in Iraq by foreign companies. These orders were enshrined in the October 15 Iraq constitution. Before new oil contracts can be signed, the existing contracts had to be erased. In May 2003, “Energy Intelligence” reported that the U.S.-appointed senior adviser to the Iraqi Oil Ministry, Thamer al-Ghadban, announced that few, if any of the dozens of contracts signed with foreign oil companies under the Hussein regime would be honored. In June 2004, after being appointed Iraq’s Minister of Oil, al-Ghadban told Shell Oil in-house magazine that 2005 would be the “year of dialogue” with multinational oil companies. The Bush orders laid the groundwork for U.S. oil companies in Iraq, but a new national law currently making its way through the Iraqi Parliament will seal the deal. The law has its roots in the U.S. State Department’s Future of Iraq Project’s Oil and Energy Working Group, which found that Iraq “should be opened to international oil companies as quickly as possible after the war” and that the best method for doing so was through Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs). Ibrahim Bahr al Uloum, a member of the Working Group, succeeded al-Ghadban as Minister of Oil in early 2005.
None of the top oil producers in the Middle East use Production Sharing Agreements because they favor private companies at the expense of the exporting governments, including terms of 25 to 40 years and agreements that lock in the laws in effect at the time the contract was signed. Meaning that future Iraqi governments could change their laws, but the changes would not affect these oil contracts.
A new report by Greg Muttitt published by Oil Change International, the Institute for Policy Studies, and others, states that Iraq’s new oil law is set for implementation in 2006. It allows for currently producing oil fields — 17 out of 80 known fields - to be developed by Iraq’s National Oil Company, while all new fields would be opened to private companies using PSAs, giving private companies control of 64 percent of known reserves. If a further 200 billion barrels are found, as the Oil Ministry predicts, foreign companies could control 87 percent of Iraq’s oil.
The Iraqi Oil Ministry aims “to begin signing long-term contracts with foreign oil companies during the first nine months of 2006,” according to the report.
Signing the contracts is just the beginning, U.S. oil companies also need a safe place to work. This is where the U.S. military comes in and it is why Bush refuses to bring our troops home.
Antonia Juhasz is a visiting scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies and on the Board of Oil Change International. She is author of “The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time,” Regan Books, to be published in April 2006 —
The PNAC crowd is BIG OIL thus their project for the new American Century has the destabilisation of regiums that do not allowe US corporations free reign in foriegn countries and the invasion of those in the middle east that have vast untapped oil reserves..like IRAQ and IRAN.....
Leave it to pstchopaths like the wanna be rusty Shackleford to make jokes when the question of the cold blooded murder of 2 and 3 year old children is being discussed...it makes FF's previous denial of acknowledgement of the hoorors of Abu Ghraib pale by comparison...but poor poor rusty has NO shame or conscience....just a piddling little bank account
ReplyDeleteRusty you are truly pathetic...children do not get MURDERED everyday where the Battalion Commander and Two Comapny Commanders get releaved of command..and the Commandant of The Marine Corps makes a special trip to the battle zone to reafirm that Marines do not shoot unarmed civilians especially young children...
ReplyDeleteBut continue to bloviate onward..you show the lack of remorse this was done by members of the military under the guise of fighting Terrorists over there..which 2 and 3 year old children might not be ..before they come here...
My guess is that most Iraqi's that have connections with the murdered adults and Children have little good feelings for the US forces and probably are much more willing to hear the insurgents out..thus this incident makes it harder on the troops there and denies us the claim we are spreading democracy
You do not advance the cause of democracy by killing children...
Hitler couldn't win he killed children in this way
Stalin did also
We accuse Saddam of the same things...
Why are you DEFENDING this..do you also defend Hitler..Stalin..Saddam?
Mackey does and says what mr Scaife tells him to do and say, it gives you a pretty good indication of what the Right stands for though just by listening to blowhards like him.
ReplyDeleteFunny Mackey isnt going from the DOJ to being Richard Scaife's lackey a step backwards, I always thought you Reich Wingnuts always preached about moving up in the world, unfortunately the only time you move up is when your master tells you to jump and you say "how high mr Scaife"
Mike, didn't Bush express contrition over the Abu Ghraib matter recently in his presser with Tony Blair?
ReplyDeleteIn the immediate aftermath of the torture allegations, didn't Rumsfeld offer "his deepest apologies" for the events at Abu Ghraib?
Yes, the buck stops with the highest officer of the land and/or department head, and this administration is no different.
I don't have the time to research the following thesis, but I would posit that in every major war, there have been some loose cannons, rogue elements, or "bad apples," as we have been calling them, whose actions have caused untold grief to their victims and political headaches to the responsible government leaders who needed a scandal like that like a hole in the head.
It's a simple matter of statistics. You get enough people together and a small percentage of them will fail you.
Do you actually think that Bush and Rumsfeld actually and personally orchestrated the Abu Ghraib matter? They spent the summer of 2004 reacting to this scandal (and still managed to beat John Kerry).
When the CIA tricked JFK into launching the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, JFK said later at a presser "Victory has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan," and just as with our current leaders, he, in his own way, but without apologizing as Bush did, did not apologize.
Mike said "...and dont [sic] say the tax cuts stimulated the economy because it has been proven in numerous studies that giving tax cuts/money to the poor and middle class stimulates the economy while the wealthy usually dont change their spending habits and in fact usually choose to save the money."
I'm glad you agree that tax cuts stimulate the economy, just as Reagan, Kennedy, and now, Bush thought. Mike, what do you think happens when people save money? The banks have more money to lend out to common folks at good rates and that has been largely responsible for the housing boom we've seen. More Americans own their own home now than at any time in history. That's what happens when you cut taxes and the rich put their money in banks who then lend it out.
Mike wrote "On the other hand Bush and his cabal of Neo Cons and oil cronnies have benefitted from the war and from his tax cuts every way you look, Carlyle Group benefits from the weapons used in the war as well as the defense spending and the oil infrastructure spending and the money his oil cronnies will make by opening Iraq and in their minds hopefully Iran up so American energy companies can develop their oil and natural gas reserves."
And, as usual, Mike has no proof of this. However is it not a good thing that Iraq's oil is coming online, more and more every day? Fact is, Iraq is producing more oil now than before the war. Is that a bad thing, or would you rather that we pay $8/gallon at the pump.
A couple of general comments on democracy in the Middle East: the only genuine democracy in the Middle East, until recently, was Israel. Now there are two democracies when you add Iraq to the Middle-East democracy club.
Believe me, the PEOPLE of Iran know what's happened in Iraq, and the Iranian PEOPLE want democracy more than anything, and that very fact scares the tar out of the mullahs and that nutjob president of Iran.
The fact is that this war, not unlike any other, is messy, bloody, and unpredictable, but the milestones of success are unmistakable: a) the transfer of sovereignty; b) the elections for a transitional government; c) the approval of an Iraqi constitution; d) parliamentary elections; and, e) the formation of the new Iraqi Unity Government (which was agreed to by the Sunnis, the Shiites, and the Kurds).
The fact that there is now a viable, but still burgeoning, Arab democracy in the Middle East means that, slowly but surely, democracy will spread to other regions, and this, my friends, is the ONLY way to maintain world peace.
Real democracies produce responsible leaders, not despots and tyrants.
How many democracies have gone to war with each other in the past 50 years?
What's worse, having a conflict between two countries where one country has a mad man as a leader, or where both nations have leaders sane enough not to resort to end-of-the-world proclamations on a daily basis?
The stability of the entire Middle East is at stake, and, fortunately, the whole thing is coming together -- not in a neat a tidy way, but it is inexorably coming together, and the stability of world peace depends, on large measure, on the stability of the Middle East.
So, my Liberal friends, I know you will pick and choose failures here and there (and I am not minimizing them) but, please, take a step back and look at the big picture. This is more important than who wins in '06 or '08, or any other political issue.
The world is changing very fast, and as long as the United States helps nudge things along so that these rapid changes do not enganger our nation, or the world for that matter, I would say that, all things being equal, we are doing the right to help ensure lasting world peace.
TT said "Fact is, Iraq is producing more oil now than before the war. Is that a bad thing, or would you rather that we pay $8/gallon at the pump."
ReplyDeleteTT got any evidence to support that Iraq is producing more oil now than before the war because I have heard the opposite from numerous sources.
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ReplyDeleteSpeaking after a summit with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush said "I think the biggest mistake that's happened so far, at least from our country's involvement, is Abu Ghraib. We've been paying for that for a long period of time."
My god, how big IS your clown nose????
Did he say "I'm sorry"? No. Did he say he regret that it occured? No.
He said it was a mistake, but you know what? That's not fucking good enough from this turd because he could JSUT as easily have meant "It was a mistake letting those soldiers have cameras so the story could get out"
What fucking planet DO YOU LIVE ON????
TT said "what do you think happens when people save money? The banks have more money to lend out to common folks at good rates and that has been largely responsible for the housing boom we've seen. More Americans own their own home now than at any time in history. That's what happens when you cut taxes and the rich put their money in banks who then lend it out."
ReplyDeleteTT the housing boom was a direct result of foreign countries loaning us money to keep interest rates low, not the wealthy saving their money in bank accounts, obviously you are not aware of how a Fractional Reserve Banking system works Troll Texan, see banks dont have to actually have the money in reserve to loan out, unfortunately that is what causes runs on the bank and economic collapses and depressions and we are vulnerable right now to China and Japan pulling their reserves out of US denominated assets right now and causing another depression, thats part of the reason the fed is raising interest rates to appease them instead of strictly to fight inflation as they claim. See just because our leaders say something does not make it true, you have to learn to understand how things really work and read between the lines as to whats really going on.
Tall Texan said...
ReplyDeleteThis has GOT to be the greatest feel good story of the summer. I can barely type through the tears.
What? Mommy finally tell you that you were adopted from a black family?
Carlyle Group benefits from the weapons used in the war as well as the defense spending and the oil infrastructure spending and the money his oil cronnies will make by opening Iraq and in their minds hopefully Iran up so American energy companies can develop their oil and natural gas reserves."
ReplyDeleteAnd, as usual, Mike has no proof of this.
The Carlyle Group is the fourth largest defense contractor and its subsidiaries help manufacture the Abrams tank.
You could bother to look it up, if your hands weren't coming out your ass...
I'm glad you agree that tax cuts stimulate the economy, just as Reagan, Kennedy, and now, Bush thought.
ReplyDeleteAnd two of them were wrong. Meanwhile, the person who RAISED taxes, Clinton, saw an economic explosion.
Sucker, you're playing with a pro now. Go get your A game, or have Daddy take over.
Rusty said
ReplyDelete"Sad thing but shit happens in war."
War is never a picnic Rusty, however, children must never be easily dismissed as simple expendable objects for the sake of political philosophy for we run the extreme danger of becoming desensitized to the cause.
True soldiers who posess honor, only fight other armed enemy soldiers.
Mike you mean this?
ReplyDeleteReport: Iraq oil production remains below prewar level
By Rowan Scarborough
May 2, 2006
Insurgents have come up with new ways to pierce Iraq's vital oil industry, keeping the daily flow below prewar levels despite an emerging protection force and a reduced number of attacks.
New numbers this week from the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction (SIGIR) show oil production at 2.18 million barrels per day, 400,000 below 2003 prewar levels.
The World Bank estimates that just to stay at the current level, Iraq will need to invest at least $1 billion in additional revenue each year. The Iraqis want to achieve a 2.3 million-barrel-per-day rate.
Lest you think this is some liberal propaganda, TT...
Rusty Shackelford said...
ReplyDeleteHey Klink,people get murdered everyday,every hour
Just curious: when's your turn?
Do you actually think that Bush and Rumsfeld actually and personally orchestrated the Abu Ghraib matter?
ReplyDeleteRummy calling for better intel and sending Gen Miller from Gitmo to Iraq definately helped in creating the wrong enviroment that resulted in the horrors of Abu Ghraib..
And Bush with Cheney mouthing Gonzales opinion that many enemy combatments do not deserve the geneva convention definately helped create a mindset that ..."Arabs" do not deserve protections that the Viet cong were given, nor the law calles for.....and the UCMJ...thus the charges for low level enlisted who can be shown on film and pictures to have violated the Geneva Convention and UCMJ are going to prison...but the leaders who advocated that approach puiblically do not....
And rusty mind what the Fvck do you think is gonna happen when the debt bomb explodes all over this economy...the dot.com bubble was a wall street phemon...the debt debacle is gonna make 1929 look mild..in comparison....
ReplyDeleteCarl said
ReplyDelete"He was horny?"