Congressman Dennis Kucinich just introduced another Article of Impeachment. It is imperative that we get this process started for the sake of our children -- to reveal the stunning betrayal of our Constitution.
In the Audio Archives: Don't miss our interviews with Congressman Robert Wexler (twice!) whose new book FIRE BREATHING LIBERAL is astonishing and funny! He has hilarious stories about his appearances on The Colbert Report. We also had a great time with award-winning journalist Naomi Klein, author of SHOCK DOCTRINE on the Basham and Cornell Radio heard weekday mornings at 8 a.m. on 1230 AM KLAV in Las Vegas and worldwide on the web.
American ingenuity can create new industry, rebuild our infrastructure, (my idea is to build water pipelines to funnel flood water to Nevada, California and al the states suffering from severe drought. We could also start desalination of ocean water. Could this possibly bring down the levels of rising oceans due to global warming of polar ice caps? Either way, we should be doing mass desalination. We can also attract capital with American-made products, transform our banking system..
Clif on the Blog says: Lydia one of your comments on the post if unscientific.
There is no way humanly possible way we could affect the ocean levels by desalinations efforts because we could never use enough water and KEEP it out of the Oceans to make any difference.
All most all of our water usage returns to the oceans with in a couple of months, a year at best.
What we could draw out would either be used for human consumption .... and we aren't good at retaining water, or agriculture which sends the majority of their water usage right back into the enviroment and in the end the ocean.
Add to that the requirements of the energy needed for mass desalination, and we are sort of caught in a bind.
We haven't enough spare electrical capacity (it is what would be used for energy) in the places where the desalination could reasonably be attempted.
It won't work, and would be a nightmare if tried.
Lydia it isn't going to be the end of chaos, just seem like it once George W Bush and the neo-cons have been deposited on the ash heap of history.
ReplyDeleteJust as when a hurricane passes, it seems like the weather is calm, but most times the wind is still blowing, just so much less.
Bush ET Al have been like the combination of a hurricane topped with a tsunami on our country and the freedoms our founding fathers fought so hard to get.
It may seem calm, but in reality it will be back to "normal".
Lydia one of your comments on the post if unscientific;
ReplyDeleteWe could also start desalination of ocean water. Imagine how this would help bring down the levels of rising oceans due to global warming of polar ice caps.
There is no humanly possible way we could affect the ocean levels by desalinations efforts because we could never use enough water and KEEP it out of the Oceans to make any difference.
All most all of our water usage returns to the oceans with in a couple of months, a year at best.
What we could draw out would either be used for human consumption .... and we aren't good at retaining water, or agriculture which sends the majority of their water usage right back into the enviroment and in the end the ocean.
Add to that the requirements of the energy needed for mass desalination, and we are sort of caught in a bind.
We haven't enough spare electrical capacity (it is what would be used for energy) in the places where the desalination could reasonably be attempted.
It won't work, and would be a nightmare if tried.
Usually I'm all for the positive thinking.
If only someone could give me something positive to think about.
But I see little to be hopeful for at this point.
Hey Bart,
ReplyDeleteYour blog still up, or am I banned?...LOL
Yea, its still up.
ReplyDeletetry not to disturb the crickets
ReplyDeleteThe past few days my browser times out and says "can't find the server at..."
ReplyDeleteSame thing even with a web based proxy...(which I tried cause I thought maybe you banned
Here Lydia. Lets take a look at some of the "love" comng from the Christian churches.
ReplyDeleteThis was taken directly from the Westboro BAPTIST Church website.
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception 400 Michigan Ave. NE Tony Snow (Press Secretary for 6 "B" George W. Bush) is dead, YES!
He had a platform, he was given some small talent by his creator. He was an unfaithful steward, and is now residing in hell. Each opportunity he had to faithfully Report what the servants at WBC had to tell this country/world, Tony Snow besmerched and vilified the words of God and the people of God.
Thereby being a party to the crime of passing laws to make the preaching of the gospel to this adulterous and sinful generation = criminal activity. That is a very bad monkey!
Not only do they write such things, but they plan on attending his funeral, to protest and smear him, because he wouldn't join their hatred of the homosexual community.
What's really Ironic, is just after this little beattiutde, is right after this, they post from Matthew where Jesus is condemning the Pharisees and Saducees.
Who is who these assclowns are.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteThe past few days my browser times out and says "can't find the server at..."
Same thing even with a web based proxy...(which I tried cause I thought maybe you banned
You must be using the wrong address. Its a TypePad Blog, and its always there.
Gotta love them Baptists, ay?
ReplyDeleteBut hey, if them trashing Tony didn't ruffle anyones feathers, how bout this little gem, taken directly from the home page of the Westboro BAPTIST Church.
God is america's enemy, dashing your soldiers to pieces. 4,119 dead. 29,978 wounded
Now, how much of Bush's "Faith Based Initiatives" money went to fund the Baptist church assoc again?
Yea, great program there Lyd.
Great idea.
God knows these guys need funding.
Perhaps they could use their share for group therapy.
Collateral Damage
ReplyDeleteAccording to Jane Mayer, the United States has succeeded in creating an American gulag.
The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals
With the appearance of this very fine book, Hillary Clinton can claim a belated vindication of sorts: A right-wing conspiracy does indeed exist, although she misapprehended its scope and nature. The conspiracy is not vast and does not consist of Clinton-haters. It is small, secretive and made up chiefly of lawyers contemptuous of the Constitution and the rule of law.
In The Dark Side, Jane Mayer, a staff writer for the New Yorker, documents some of the ugliest allegations of wrongdoing charged against the Bush administration. Her achievement lies less in bringing new revelations to light than in weaving into a comprehensive narrative a story revealed elsewhere in bits and pieces. Recast as a series of indictments, the story Mayer tells goes like this: Since embarking upon its global war on terror, the United States has blatantly disregarded the Geneva Conventions. It has imprisoned suspects, including U.S. citizens, without charge, holding them indefinitely and denying them due process. It has created an American gulag in which thousands of detainees, including many innocent of any wrongdoing, have been subjected to ritual abuse and humiliation. It has delivered suspected terrorists into the hands of foreign torturers.
Under the guise of "enhanced interrogation techniques," it has succeeded, in Mayer's words, in "making torture the official law of the land in all but name." Further, it has done all these things as a direct result of policy decisions made at the highest levels of government.
To dismiss these as wild, anti-American ravings will not do. They are facts, which Mayer substantiates in persuasive detail, citing the testimony not of noted liberals like Noam Chomsky or Keith Olbermann but of military officers, intelligence professionals, "hard-line law-and-order stalwarts in the criminal justice system" and impeccably conservative Bush appointees who resisted the conspiracy from within the administration.
Above all, the story Mayer tells is one of fear and its exploitation.
That fear should trump concern for due process and indeed justice qualifies as a recurring phenomenon in American history. In 1919, government-stoked paranoia about radicalism produced the Red Scare. After Pearl Harbor, hysteria mixed with racism led to the confinement of some 110,000 Japanese Americans in internment camps. The onset of the Cold War triggered another panic, anxieties about a new communist threat giving rise to McCarthyism. In this sense, the response evoked by 9/11 looks a bit like déjà vu all over again: Frightened Americans, more worried about their own safety than someone else's civil liberties, allowed senior government officials to exploit a climate of fear.
Although Mayer does not dwell on this historical context, her account suggests implicitly that the present period differs in at least one crucial respect. Whereas the earlier departures from the rule of law represented momentary if egregious lapses in democratic practice, the abuses orchestrated from within the Bush administration suggest that democracy itself is fast becoming something of a sham. From Mayer, we learn that in George W. Bush's Washington, the decisions that matter are made in secret by a handful of presidential appointees committed to the proposition that nothing should inhibit the exercise of executive power. The Congress, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the "interagency process" -- all of these constitute impediments that threaten to constrain the president. In a national security crisis, constraint is intolerable. Much the same applies to the media and, by extension, to the American people: The public's right to know extends no further than whatever the White House wishes to make known.
In the Bush administration, the task of sweeping aside impediments to the exercise of power fell to a small group of lawyers styling themselves the "War Council." Led by David Addington, chief of staff to Vice President Cheney, and including Alberto Gonzalez, then serving as White House counsel, and John Yoo, at the time deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, the War Council seized upon 9/11 as a pretext for establishing what Addington himself referred to as a "new paradigm" of vastly expanded presidential authority. As the administration embarked upon its war on terror, Mayer says, the American legal system "was instantly regarded as a burden." To shed that burden, members of the War Council issued (in secret, of course) what she describes as "error-prone legal decisions whose preordained conclusions were dictated by Addington." In the view of the War Council, Mayer writes, when it came to matters of national security, presidential authority was "not limited by any laws"; indeed, the president "had the power to override existing laws that Congress had specifically designed to curb him." The net effect was to declare the concept of checks and balances inoperable.
Mayer recognizes but does not dwell on the intimate relationship between the global war on terror and Addington's new paradigm. The entire rationale of the latter derived from the former: no war, no new paradigm. Hence, the rush to declare that after Sept. 11, 2001, everything had changed. The insistence that the gloves had to come off, that the so-called law enforcement approach to dealing with terrorism had failed definitively, that only conflict on a global scale could keep America safe: These provided the weapons that Addington's War Council wielded to mount its assault on the Constitution -- all of course justified as necessary to keep Americans safe.
Matthew Waxman, who in 2001 was serving as special assistant to then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, told Mayer that the decision to frame the U.S. response to 9/11 as a war was taken with "little or no detailed deliberation about long-term consequences." Yet the decision was a momentous one, he continues, setting the United States on "a course not only for our international response, but also in our domestic constitutional relations."
Little deliberation occurred because none was deemed necessary. As Mayer makes clear, the White House seized upon the prospect of open-ended war with alacrity. And why not? In the near term at least, going to war almost invariably works to the benefit of the executive branch. War elicits deference from Congress and the courts. As a wartime commander-in-chief, the president wields greater clout. In this particular case, war also helped deflect demands for accountability: Despite what Mayer describes as "the worst intelligence failure in the nation's history," the aftermath of 9/11 saw not a single senior official fired. (Earlier this week a bipartisan commission headed by former secretaries of state James A. Baker III and Warren Christopher proposed new legislation to govern the war-making powers of the president and Congress.)
Whether the prospect of war stretching for decades actually would serve the country's true interests received comparatively less attention. The issue was not one that troubled the War Council, obsessed as it was about ensuring that when it came to national security, nothing should encroach upon the prerogatives of the chief executive. "What was missing," Mayer says, "was a discussion of policy -- not just what was legal, but what was moral, ethical, right, and smart to do." Such matters remained on the periphery because "fundamentally, the drive for expanded presidential authority was about power."
The extremists of the last century, both on the far left and far right, would have seen much to admire in Addington and his War Council. They too had an appreciation for how war concentrates power and removes constraints on its use. For this very reason defenders of democracy once viewed war warily.
The Bush administration has rendered such thinking obsolete: In Washington, the concept of the global war on terror continuing for generations has become widely accepted. This ranks as a considerable -- if almost entirely noxious -- achievement. The Dark Side allows us a glimpse of what that achievement signifies.
What does everyone think of the NEW YORKER cover?
ReplyDeleteWell I "get it" Lydia.
ReplyDeleteIts designed to show how utterly stupid people are in believing these rumors about Obama, and draw attention to the ridiculous nature of them.
On the other hand, there is a percentage of the society who might look at the cover and conclude he's all those things.
But the likelyhood of anyone being that dumb, and also possessing the gift of literacy, is fairly slim.
The New Yorkers readership tends to be a more erudite slice of the population, so I doubt any of them don't "get it" either.
Bart, too bad most people who never "get" the New Yorker in the first place, will just see the cover on a news stand and think;
ReplyDelete"I was right after all."
Because it reinforces the lies they want to believe are true.
Well thats possible Clif.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the people thinking that already thought that, therefore, the cover isn't going to change anything.
Those people weren't voting for him anyway.
I don't think the New Yorker meant to smear him by anymeans, nor is this anything new. The New Yorker has a long line of covers like this showing characitures of famous people augmenting some misconception about them.
I can understand some people not liking it but its intention was to help Obama, not hurt him. It doesn't take much brainpower to figure out the message, so like I said, those thinking its portraying him as those things weren't voting for him anyway.
The Obama cartoon is a sideline.
ReplyDeleteSidelines are used to distract the American people from important issues. The press focuses on them, fueled on by management to push the drival and ignore the disaster.
Right now we're in a major mess, and the truth is the democrats both in congress and the lobbyists and DNC managment, don't want to do anything about it.
The worst thing that the DNC fears right now is a change in the economy. A crumbling economy is a sure win, and they know it. Americans will at the end of the day, vote for their pocketbooks, so the LAST the democrats want is any improvement on the economy.
Which is why they're more than willing to talk about regulations to make it more difficult for lenders to lend and borrowers to borrow, or to entertain offshore drilling, which hasn't a prayer of producing one single gallon of gas anytime in the next decade.
The Democrats in congress want the American people to founder, and lose their homes, livlyhoods, etc, because it means a win for them in November.
Anyone doubting that, ask yourselves where the congress is while our economy collapses.
Just like Mike and Clif have been warning us it would, for the last 3 years.
If the democrats enact some legislation that actually stimulates the economy, or reduces prices at the pump, so businesses can do business again, the republicans will just take credit for it anyway. And it will undo the impact of the bad economy on the mood of the voters.
ReplyDeleteThe dems won't do a thing until after the elections because they want this to be Bush's legacy.
Problem is, we all starve in the meantime.
It was plainly obvious that the New Yorker cover was satire.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, Obama's never been photographed wearing Islamic dress before, He and Michelle don't do the "fist bump", and she's not almost militant about how mean America is and how much racism she faced going to Princeton, and most assuredly liberals don't defend burning the American flag...
Anyone could see it was just comedy.
I respect and admire Kucinich and Wexler too. I think it is much to late to talk about Impeachment. I do think the numerous reasons for Impeachment should be listed by Congress and a pamphlet sent out to every single voter or every single american. Hell I believe there will be Presidential pardons all around and the chief scum can probably somehow give himself one!
ReplyDeleteOnly "stupid" people would believe that stuff actually happened...
ReplyDeleteWhat are you nutz Voltron?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to sanity?
So you're being sarcastic, about the fact that that article was sarcastic.
So you're actually endorsing those beliefs?
That Obama, a Christian, is a "secret muslim"?
The fist bump is a bad thing?
Michelle Obama is anti American?
You've got to be kidding, right?
Well, lets say I'm not convinced whats truly in his heart.
ReplyDeleteYes I'm sure he was raised Christian, but the Trinity thing was surely a way to gain street cred during his "community organizer" days. He surely KNEW what Wright was preaching and it wasn't Christianity anymore than the Westboro bunch you're complaining about.
I also note they stayed at that church even when it got too radical for Orca Winfrey.
Fist bump, don't really care.
And yes, I believe Michelle has a HUGE chip on her shoulder.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you nutz Voltron?
What happened to sanity?
So you're being sarcastic, about the fact that that article was sarcastic.
So you're actually endorsing those beliefs?
That Obama, a Christian, is a "secret muslim"?
The fist bump is a bad thing?
Michelle Obama is anti American?
You've got to be kidding, right?"
He doesnt think for himself................his handlers, the ones that sign his paycheck and give him his mindless talking points and robotioc marching or should i say goosestepping orders TELL him what to think................isnt that about how it goes Simple Simon
AND add to that the fact the cover was made primarily to ridicule Republicans or conservatives, AND that most of those issues were raised by the Clinton machine on Hillary's behalf.
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
ReplyDeleteWell, lets say I'm not convinced whats truly in his heart." house eh duncetron..........this from a guy whose candidate not only actually sought out Hagey and Parsley but has flip flopped omn EVERY key issue.........didnt McSame call Obama naive and misguided right before he flip flopped and adapted OBAMA"S position that we NEED to figfht the war on terror in Afghanistan and actually need to capture or kill the guy who attacked us on 9/11............too bads though that for all his "EXPERIENCE" and brilliance he didnt even have a coherent plann where the troops he wants to send to Afghanistan are gonna come from............if Obama said that you partisan stooges would be all over him but mcflipflop gets a free pass as usual.
Hey Voltron, I just love how you clowns say you don like, support or agree with Bush and Mcsame then proceed to defend them and their ignorant policies day in and day out................even better is your pathetic defence usually resembles something like "but a Demacrat did it once too"
ReplyDeleteBARTLEBEE said...
ReplyDeleteIf the democrats enact some legislation that actually stimulates the economy, or reduces prices at the pump, so businesses can do business again, the republicans will just take credit for it anyway. And it will undo the impact of the bad economy on the mood of the voters.
The dems won't do a thing until after the elections because they want this to be Bush's legacy.
Problem is, we all starve in the meantime."
You've just come to that conclusion..........thats been Pelosi's MO. since she came to power just let things fall apart and let it destroy the sucks but if it doesnt work it will suck 10 times as much........i think this election could be for all the marbles because the economy is as bad as its been since 1929 and we dont have a growing manufacturing base or a trade surplus to buy the commodities we need or maintain our overstretched military.
Mike, you might try lowering the dosage on your meds.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I have never claimed to totally support Bush. I like a few things he's done, but not all, and will admit to piss poor execution on most of the things I do like.
Second, I have never claimed to support McCain at all ever. Show me where I have.
Third, the only time I've mentioned that a Dem has done the same thing was regarding molesting the help, and only then to point out that we throw ours out and you guys pat yours on the back and bestow honors on them.
"If the democrats enact some legislation that actually stimulates the economy, or reduces prices at the pump, so businesses can do business again, the republicans will just take credit for it anyway. And it will undo the impact of the bad economy on the mood of the voters."
ReplyDeleteSeems to me the altruistic way might be to do whats right for the American people no matter who gets credit for it.
However, this isn't specific to Bela Pelosi. Democrats historically HAVE to covertly drag America down and blame it on Republicans to win. They simply don't win when things are good.
First off Volty..........i pat "MINE" on the back...........first who exactly are "MINE"
ReplyDelete1) i'm not a registered Demacrat
2) unlike YOU i dont blindly support either party if they do something wrong........wrong is wrong no matter WHO does it..........something i've consistently said since day one.
And my point still stands Volt.......while you occasionally do say you dont agree with Bush and to a greater extent then proceed to spend copious amounts of time defending them and their policies and attacking Demacrats.........unlike many of us who comdemn Demacrats, when thery are wrong........many of us were extremely quick to show displeasure with Obama on FISA...........instead of saying "well a repug did it too or he's our guy we can trust him. to do it."
As for the child molestation.........most normal people who thought it was wrong WOULD NOT try to justify it by saying well a Dem did it friend's 9 year old tried to do that, when she got caught doing something wrong she tried to justify it by saying her brother did it too...........and there is NO OTHER explanation for a statement like than than a pathetic attempt to whitewash and justify a wrongdoing that has no justification.
According to you 2 wrongs ,make a right eh Voltron?
Voltron said...
ReplyDelete"If the democrats enact some legislation that actually stimulates the economy, or reduces prices at the pump, so businesses can do business again, the republicans will just take credit for it anyway. And it will undo the impact of the bad economy on the mood of the voters."
Seems to me the altruistic way might be to do whats right for the American people no matter who gets credit for it.
However, this isn't specific to Bela Pelosi. Democrats historically HAVE to covertly drag America down and blame it on Republicans to win. They simply don't win when things are good."
Ah I see.............Clinton didnt get relected and Kennedy DIDNT win when things were good........and Reagan didnt win when things were bad and Bush the dunce didnt get relected when things were bad by fear mongering and war mongering...............I just love how you repugs play so loose and dishonestly with historical facts.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteVoltron said...
Well, lets say I'm not convinced whats truly in his heart.
Thats beneath contempt.
You expose yourself as either a brainwashed wingnut, or one who bears false witness.
Or both.
Voltron said "However, this isn't specific to Bela Pelosi. Democrats historically HAVE to covertly drag America down and blame it on Republicans to win. They simply don't win when things are good."
ReplyDeleteGlass house's Duncetron........YOU honest upstanding repugs would "NEVER" use fear mongering to smear Democrats as treasonous, unpatriotic or unable to keep America safe........or try to steal elections or push through UnAmerican Unconstititional laws like FISA, torture, Habeous Corpus, Patriot Act, trial by military tribunals, etc......would ya?????????
Yes Mike you're right. I should have continued to pound the Republicans into dust even after they did the right thing and threw the bums out.
ReplyDeleteAND I should've kept quiet and let you all gloat while ignoring the fact that your bums are either still in office or retired with honors.
I also should acknowledge that while you're not a "registered" Demacrat you only support them on 99% of the issues much like Lieberman does.
I should also be like you and criticize wrongs no matter which Republican committed them while failing to see the many wrongs Dems commit. After all, pointing out the Dems wrongs is simply justification.
And whats ironic, is you guys have already admitted you know he is Christian, albeit inadvertantly.
ReplyDeleteSince your Alzheimers acting up, allow me to remind you of the infamous "Reverend Wright" attack your camp along with the help of the State Propaganda network's "FOX" news have been pushing now for the last two months.
...member that?
The entire crux of your neocon argument was that he had NOT just "visited" the United Church of Christ, but was a LIFELONG member.
Are we learning yet?
Does that clear it up just a bit for you Voltron?
ReplyDeleteSee, you guys must be targeting an extremely dim demograph, to call Obama a "secret Muslim", while at the same time accuse him of being a "Lifelong Member of the United Church of Christ".
Questioning therefore, whether the man is a Christian, is beneath not only contempt, but beyond reason.
ReplyDeleteI never said I believe he's a muslim. Even so using your logic there would be nothing wrong with that if he were.
Like I said before I believe he was raised Christian. Like most of us he's probably non practicing.
He's also a politician. Tell me you don't think Wright and Trinity were for street cred.
Also, he threw them under the bus when it became politically expedient to do so. If he truly honored that association he would've stayed and defended it now wouldn't he?
You really need to start reading more than just the first sentence before becoming morally outraged.
ReplyDeleteYou know what'd be wonderful Volty?
ReplyDeleteIf just for once, you'd talk to me as an honest person, instead of repeating right wing talking points like I was some sort of targeted demograph you were trying to influence.
Just once, talk to me like, ...well... you a person.
Voltron said...
I never said I believe he's a muslim.
No volt, you "implied" it, like every poltical stooge including Hilary Clintons done in the primaries.
Here. Here's Hilary.
I have "NO REASON TO BELIEVE" he's a Muslim....."
I mean you people must think we're really stupid.
That was her RESPONSE, to whether or not SHE thought Obama was a muslim.
Here's your response to the same question.
Well, lets say I'm not convinced whats truly in his heart.
Like I said before I believe he was raised Christian.
ReplyDeleteYou "believe" he was "raised" Christian.
When you want me to stop calling you an idiot, just stop talking to me like you think I'm one, and we'll git'r done.
OK Bart, I'll talk to you like you're a typical American college student. (I actually thought you were better than that and KNEW what I meant)
ReplyDeleteBut here we go:
I don't believe he has any DEEP religious convictions at all beyond what will help him politically.
Does THAT help at all?
ReplyDeleteYou know what'd be wonderful Volty?
If just for once, you'd talk to me as an honest person, instead of repeating right wing talking points like I was some sort of targeted demograph you were trying to influence.
Just once, talk to me like, ...well... you a person."
Thats it in a nutshell...............this clown is like a used car salesman trying to use his reich wing spiel and dishonest canned talking points trying to convince logical thinking people like we were brain washed robotic Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity listeners who cant think for themselves.
Do you EVER have an original thought that isnt a Reich Wing talking point that you guys all mindlessly parrot and goosestep to in unison.
"You "believe" he was "raised" Christian."
ReplyDeleteI believe he was raised in a Christian atmosphere (possibly even taken to a church on occaision) by his typical white grandparents, and gave it no more thought than the rest of us did when we were teenagers until he started to set his sights on a political carreer.
Doltron said...I believe he was raised in a Christian atmosphere (possibly even taken to a church on occaision) by his typical white grandparents, and gave it no more thought than the rest of us did when we were teenagers until he started to set his sights on a political carreer.
You talking about Obama or Bush?
BTW Voltron...........THIS is a PRIME example of why there should be a CLEAR cut seperation between church and state...........i dont give a F#$% what religion or what church any of these candidates belongs too or what their pastors say............YOU fools MADE it an issue then soin like a top when it comes back to bite YOUR clown.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can screech till the cows come home McSame isnt your guy..........IF that were true you and your incognito buffer troll wouldnt be trashing Obama at EVERY turn and defending McSame at EVERY turn.
Or every republican senator in Congress?
ReplyDeleteThat's what I "honestly" belive. If somehow you read "muslim" or "right wing" talking point into that, well it's in your head not mine.
ReplyDeleteSure Volt, sure.
ReplyDeleteThats why everytime you're asked if Obama's a muslim, instead of saying know, you say things like "I believe he was "raised" Christian".
Sure man.
I "believe" you're not a baby raper too. I "believe you don't molest children.
I mean, I have no reason to believe you do..... at this point.... some people however say you do..
... but I have no "reason to believe" that...
.... I mean.. I have no evidence at the moment.. to conclude that.....
ReplyDeleteI can speak for neither Will nor Rusty, but as for me I have NEVER defended McCain and will not.
I think Rusty defends him because he sees him as our only hope.
I think Will defends him when his sense of fairness demands that.
(notice I said "I think")
I personally am in a conundrum. On the one hand, if McCain is our only hope, we deserve to lose. However, on the other hand I don't like Obama's stated policies and believe him to be very much a socialist, which I will not support.
My vote will most assuredly be written in.
What I find amazing is Voltron is in here preaching personal responsibility and saying that people should be held accountable for their actions...........yet when it comes to holding the Bush Administration responsible for their crimes, treasonous acts and war crimes......they get a free pass!
ReplyDeleteYou said you hold YOUR guys accountable and throw them out of office and under the bus.........and YET with ALL the crimes, treasonous acts, and war crimes against humanity and Constitutional infringements that have been clearly proven against the Bush Admin..........Where's your outrage Voltron?
Bart just posted they got caught the other day soliciting donations for political favors, they politicized the Justice Department, spit on the US Constitution, tortured in our name, treasonously compromised national security by outing a covert agent who was working on the very thing you screech about today.......stopping Iran from developing nukes.............YET you not only dont throw out the bums and hold them accountable you defend your credibility with what you CLAIM is in the toilet Dolty!
Where I come from thats called a hippocrite Dolt!
ReplyDelete"I "believe" you're not a baby raper too. I "believe you don't molest children."
ReplyDeleteLet me enlighten you on the difference.
There is no evidence real or circumstantial (or even hearsay) that you could bring to that argument.
While I personally don't believe Obama is a muslim, a case COULD be made for that. There IS circumstantial evidence, and plenty of hearsay.
And I can't even believe you've got me arguing this point with you.
IF he WERE a muslim, you'd be saying it didn't matter.
And for someone now looking at third party candidates you're awfully defensive of him.
ReplyDeleteRight now we're finding out more about the only prisoner still at Gitmo.
ReplyDeleteTurns out, this poor bastards literally "grown up" in prison. Our prison.
Picked up at just 15 years old on the battlefield. Imprisoned without warrant or writ, no rights to defense, no charges, no council.
Just a casual charge that he threw a hand grenade.
On a battlefield.
I thought thats what folks did on the battlefield.
And THIS is the shit you want to support Volt?
ReplyDeleteThis 15 year old boy was tortured, terrorized, and litterally tossed into our dungeon for his entire teenage life. 5 years with no warrant, no charges, no rights to outside help.
5 years.
Imagine, from 15, to 20. In a US torture chamber.
And you're ok with this Volt?
This is the legacy you want on your tombstone?
What do you want to do, turn him loose so he can throw another grenade?
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, maybe he can kill more American soldiers...
Cause your "keep us all safe" bullshit you can have.
ReplyDeleteF#$k being safe. I don't want NUTHIN to do with this type of garbage. Nuthin.
20 years from now, people will be learning about guys like you, on PBS.
I can see it now;
Tonight, on the History Channel: BUSH'S BLITZ of the Middle East: SHOCK and AWE.......follow the tragedy and horror wrought by the infamous Bush regime, and their campaign of horror, as Bush's "Final Solution" for the "Arab Problem" reached its pinnacle. See as Bush's own personal Henchman, Rummy, drives US forces into the Arab nations, to exterminate and subdue to the population, and establish the pure blood of US Supremecy.
Well thats bedtime.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to do, turn him loose so he can throw another grenade?
Great idea, maybe he can kill more American soldiers...
Well, since you can't hold POW's indefinately...and you can't charge them as criminals for merely fighting on the battlefield, against invading forces, guess you gotta....
oh yea wait. You guys make up your own laws. Thats right.
Of course, soon I think, the international communities going to reaqquaint some of you with the real laws.... the ones we all made, and agreed to.
See, when I was growing up stringbean, guys who did shit like you're saying now, were considered evil. Criminal. Now, with the paternal and maternal lineage clearly suffering from weak DNA, we get things like you.
Cowards. Murderers. Liars and criminals.
Who call themselves heroes.
Just like your predecessors, the Nazi's..... liked to call themselves, too.
If you can condone imprisoning a 15 year old boy merely for fighting on the battlefield, with his elders, then you are not an American. You also do not want democracy, or love your country.
ReplyDeleteBecause those aren't American values.
Those are a pussy's values.
Voltron said...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to do, turn him loose so he can throw another grenade?
Great idea, maybe he can kill more American soldiers..."
Behold the Reich Wing liar and pitching out one of his "so you beat your wife statements"
Did I or ANYONE else say just let the guy go?
if you actually want my answer Dolty rather than constructing dishonest strawman arguments for me i'd be glad to give it to about you give the guy a fair trial and if he's guilty of SOMETHING you prove him guilty if not he goes free..............see this holding people indefinately without charging them, allowing them to defend themselves or presenting evidence against them is a load of shit.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know who did stuff like that.........the Nazi's........there's a real legitimate reason the Bush thugs get compared to the Nazi's and Gustapo............the similarities are many and that bothers you a great deal doesnt it? you want to molest any children?
There is no evidence real or circumstantial (or even hearsay) that you could bring to that argument.
ReplyDeleteThree showers a day?
ReplyDeletenow... Mikey.... we have "no reason" to "believe" he likes fondling children....
...I mean.... we've seen no "direct evidence"..... yet..... so at "this time" ..... we have no "conclusive proof" to believe he is a baby raper.
I mean..... "as far as I know".....
clif said...
ReplyDeleteThree showers a day?
...well... there is that....
...but still......I mean...that doesn't"prove".... anything..... I mean... I'm "willing' to give him the "benefit of the doubt".... for now....
ReplyDeleteSee Volt?
ReplyDeleteJust like you do.... I not calling you a child molester.....right?
OT but quite interesting;
ReplyDeleteRemember the guy Troy King who got caught by his wife with a young stud in a compromising position in the marital bed?
The Alabama Attorney general who wanted to out law gay marriage and sex toys, (except for his personal manly types of course).
In case you don't know who it is, HERE is a pic of the family values hypocrite getting sworn in.
Well it seems St Johnny the delusional is scrubbin' his web site of any mention that troy king Attorney General of Alabama USED to be his chairman of his Alabama campaign.
This is interesting since Mr King has been convicted of nothing and only charged by his wife of being a lying hypocrite as well as a closeted republican.
St Johnny seems to be throwing people under the bus rather easily now a days (think dr. Phil Gramm.) and all those lobbyists he didn't have runnin' his show who had to leave for some reason.
Nothing like trying to erase the tubes to pretend something never happened,
Somebody ought to tell senile old Johnny how the tubes really works and why scrubbing websites don't work so well.
Now Johnny Moo Moo?
ReplyDeleteYou remember him, right?
The guy that sent us those photos of himself... with some beach whore he hooked up with... you remember....looked like Andrew Dice Clay in a rehab?
Now THERE was a child molester if I ever saw one.
ReplyDeleteThe guy who made Chester the Molester look like a emergency room physician at St Judes.
ReplyDeleteLooked like he could change a nine dollar bill in threes?
...beady eyes.... nose like a dead bovine...?
You know.... pasty film on the teeth.... 2 inches of grease on the fingers.... moo moo... you remember...right?
ReplyDelete....kind of a cross between Vin Deisel and Pauly Shore....
but shorter...
ReplyDeleteI know Volt remembers him.
Only guy around for 3000 square miles that could make Voltron feel attractive.
Now. See Volt?
ReplyDeleteI never ONCE called YOU, ugly, or a child molester....right?
we learning yet?
John McCain today telling an audience in Albuquerque that "I know how to win wars".
ReplyDeleteJohn McSame learned one thing getting shot down,
Not to do in Aerial Combat what he did right before he got shot down.
That was IT.
Everything else he “learned” has NOTHING to do with winning a war;
Absolutely Nothing;
To paraphrase Gen. George Patton;
“You don’t win a war by becoming a POW,
You win wars by making the enemy a POW.”
By the way, Jon Stewart said all I really have to say about the Obama cartoon on the New Yorker cover.
ReplyDeleteWatch his show tonight, or catch it on the internet.
He made it clear, when he said "its just a fu$#king cartoon".
Which is pretty much what Obama said too.
Now doubt it was in bad taste, but I think it was supposed to be, to illuminate the lunacy of the right wing.
ReplyDeleteNo sane person would mistake that for something real. And anyone who did wasn't voting for Obama anyway.
Anyway Jon Stewart did a whole thing this evening about how ridiculous a story it is, when we're at war, and our economy is crumbling at a rate even worse than Mike predicted (and Mikey, you predicted some pretty bad shit, lol).
Theres real news out there, and this is just a sideline by the MSM to keep from having to deal with the real stories.
The war. The economy.
ReplyDeleteNow doubt = "no doubt".
No doubt.
Um ....
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to call St johnny .......
It seems that a US diplomat is going to talk with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator.
Didn't he question Barack Obama when he called for JUST such talks?
U.S. diplomat will talk nukes with Iran
In a break with past Bush administration policy, a top U.S. diplomat will for the first time join colleagues from other world powers at a meeting with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, The Associated Press has learned.
William Burns, America's third highest-ranking diplomat, will attend talks with the Iranian envoy, Saeed Jalili, in Switzerland on Saturday aimed at persuading Iran to halt activities that could lead to the development of atomic weapons, a senior U.S. official told the AP on Tuesday.
Official contacts between Iran and the United States are extremely rare and although Washington is part of a six-nation effort to get Iran to stop enriching and reprocessing uranium, the administration has shunned contacts with Tehran on the matter.
The senior U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of a formal announcement of Burns' plans expected on Wednesday, acknowledged a shift in the administration's approach but stressed that Burns would not meet Jalili separately and would not negotiate with him.
Lets see, Bush is Commander in Chief, and Condi Rice is the highest-ranking diplomat ......
Does St Johnny know that George W Bush just cut him off at the knees? is another....
ReplyDelete- Yoda
Well Voltron can feel safer today;
ReplyDeleteThe US Government has 1,000,000 on it's US terrorist watch list.
You know people like Nelson Mandala, Nobel Prize winning former president of South Africa ....was also on the list until an act of Congress removed his name -- the only way, according to the ACLU, to get off the list.
and Teddy Kennedy, US Senator, a real terror there ......
I'm sort of curious why US decorated veterans are on the list.
I understand why Saddam Hussein WAS placed on the list but didn't anybody tell homeland security he sorta got dead?
Jim Robinson, who was an assistant attorney-general during the Clinton presidency, said he could not print an electronic ticket at home because his name matched one on the list, even though he still had a top security clearance.
He said the Government's terrorist watch list had probably caused thousands of innocent Americans to be questioned, searched or otherwise hassled. "It's a pain in the neck and significantly interferes with my travel arrangements," he said.
He believes his name matches that of someone who was put on the list in early 2005, and he is routinely delayed while flying - despite having his security clearances renewed last year.
"If I were convinced that America is a safer place because I get hassled at the airport, I might put up with it," he said. "But I doubt it."
Oh and BTW, up to 20 suspected terrorists were left off the list as of last year due to a technology glitch.
Your reich wing republican government at work.
So Voltron can sleep safer,
Unless HE is on the list and wants to fly, or travel abroad ...........
sara said...
ReplyDeleteHelp me Barack Obama, your my only hope...............
...aaahhhhh...... Sister!.
ReplyDelete....the Schwartz is strong with this one.
Obama Wan never told you... but "I" am your father!
ReplyDeleteSorry. That was my Darth.... uh, smoke if ya got em.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess they do look about the same age...
ReplyDeleteand I guess that would make Karl Rove, Jabba the Hutt.
Bart, you just hurt Jabba's feelings.
ReplyDeleteNo wait. Cheney's Hutt.
Rove's more like "Bobba Fett", the paid hack working for Jabba.
And Dana Perino's like one of them interpreter goons Hutt had.
ReplyDelete'ooooh....jabba neeenu cacca boooooggooo...bullsh$t..bullsh$t...baggaa dak wok'
Bart if you had said;
ReplyDeleteRoves likes Cheney's butt, I'd a believed you.
Cheney's over there goin....
ReplyDelete'ho ho ho....bring me Jedi.. ho' belch burp....ho ho ho'
I mean, come on Voltron. Think about it.
ReplyDeleteIf the white house really respected people enough to not look in their faces and lie, don't you think they would have replaced that airhead Dana Perino, the minute she admitted on television that she didn't know what the Cuban Missle Crisis was?
How can the White House put out a comple idiot who has no knowledge of even recent history, as the person to lecture the press on matters of state?
Doesn't that seem just a little bit condescending?
Course, maybe what that tells us, is she was the only one in the country, dumb enough to take the job.
Bart if she is that clueless about the seminal event in the second half of the 20th century, maybe the Bushies thought she is clueless enough to sincerely lie for us, because she wouldn't know it was lies she is telling.
ReplyDeleteAnd if she says she don't know, she is honestly telling all she will ever know.
ReplyDeleteOnly one on the planet, dumb enough to take the job.
She's like Europa.
ReplyDeleteAn empty moon covered with ice, circling around a gas giant.
Naw Bart, Voltron could if he wasn't so busy getting ready to deploy to Iraq, after all he has been workin' since the spring 2006 on that deployment.
ReplyDeleteRemember him tellin' us all about it?
Oh and Sara?
ReplyDeleteKnow who Bush is?
Bush is like "Dark Hemelt", right after he ordered "Ludicrous Speed".
Can you picture it?
"smoke if ya got em...".
Clif said..
ReplyDeleteRemember him tellin' us all about it?
Yea, I gotta admit you kinda proved that one true. He said IF the war continued, he'd most likley have to pitch in and help out, and consider enlisting.
That was like 3 or 4 years ago.
I'd say that pretty much does confirm the "chickenhawk" label.
Bok bok.
Sorry Volt but fair is fair.
ReplyDeleteClif did call you on that one, years back. And you said if the war continued you'd look into enlisting.
You've had years to do that now, and they need guys bad. Real bad.
So why not jump in and help out, and take some of the stress off our troops.
After all, you're so angry at the notion of one of them getting killed on the battlefield by an enemy combatant that you're fine with imprisoning a 15 year old, or anyone for that matter not killed, but captured, indefinetly and even torturing them.
So why would you want to save another soldiers life, by enlisting in this war and letting one of them come home by adding another body, your body, to the fray?
Isn't that what you're all about?
Its what you've been preaching for the past 4 years.
Hey Volt.
ReplyDeleteYour Uncle called.
Uncle Sam he said his name was.
And he said he wants YOU.
...old guy.....long white beard...?
...snappy dresser...
Bart, Volt will use his granny hips excuse now.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if the little conservotard snake runnin his forked little tongue knows how frickin stupid and ignorant he actually sounds.
ReplyDeleteHere's a little advice honey, keep yer mouth shut and dont actually say anything, you'll "LOOK" smarter that way!
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates warned against a militarization of American foreign policy and stressed the role of the civilian state department.
ReplyDeleteTranslation: The Bush Senior Realists think Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith not only screwed up the Pentagon and almost destroyed the US armed forces but also imposed impossible burdens on it that other agencies should have borne.
"We cannot kill or capture our way to victory" in the long-term campaign against terrorism, Gates said, arguing that military action should be subordinate to political and economic efforts to undermine extremism.
Damn when we said the same things here, we were called unpatriotic and traitors by some clowns calling themselves voltaire, freedum fraud, tallthe welshtexan, crusty the sock puppet clown, who OBVIOUSLY know very little because they have been wrong for so long it's almost laughable ANY of them still post their drivel.
But then again dolty did say he WAS going to Iraq in 2006, I wonder if he ever went?
Here is ANOTHER warning of how bad things are becoming because bush the neo-cons dropped the ball and the stupid people cheered them on when they detoured into Iraq instead of FINISHING the job in Afghanistan ......
ReplyDeletePakistan border situation
The attack on the Kunar post, because of the sad loss of life, has garnered a lot of attention and comment. But this was, after all, just a minor tactical setback. What should really worry people in the US are the gathering storm clouds that are threatening to jeopardise the entire US-NATO enterprise in Afghanistan. The adjoining tribal territories in Pakistan are rapidly slipping out of control of the country’s government.
Pakistan’s civilian government is in complete disarray. The nominal cabinet has no power; decisions are made by a couple of unelected former fugitives from justice (accused of massive corruption) for whom the US obtained immunity from Musharraf. The political parties and factions are busy undermining each other, the country’s administration is in turmoil, its finances are in a mess, inflation is surging, ordinary people are daily facing shortages of food, water and electricity. The government is trying to negotiate agreements with the tribes, offering them money and autonomy in return for peace – the old policy the British used with considerable success. Unfortunately, when the US used these tribal areas in the 70s as the base from which to launch the jihad to oust the Soviets from Afghanistan (remember the mujahedins, darlings of the West?) they also destroyed the old tribal hierarchies, with radicals and militants taking control. To them, “peace” now means a free hand to support their Pakhtun brethren in Afghanistan in their fight to oust the new invaders. The US will not accept such an agreement. It is not surprising these negotiations are not making much progress.
The Pakistan army, having had its nose bloodied in Musharraf’s earlier attempt to militarily control the tribes, and with its standing in the country badly dented by his political shenanigans, is quite content to use the civilian government’s dithering as an excuse for its inaction; it has no intention of fighting a US proxy war in the tribal territories. It also knows that the US will still continue to pay it large subsidies to ensure the safeguarding of the US supply lines to Afghanistan (and the country’s nuclear weapons).
The US is in a bind. It has to deny the Pakhtun insurgency (the Taliban are only one part of it) the use of the tribal areas as a base. With Pakistan showing no will to control these areas, it is threatening to take unilateral military action there. This will obviously be through air strikes and Special Forces raids, both notorious for their inevitable “collateral damage”. This will add fuel to the fire of militancy, pushing more recruits into the ranks of the jihad, especially the deadly suicide bombers. An insurgency cannot be defeated by a few successful decapitation strikes, or even by turning a rugged mountainous base area into a free-fire zone. The more perceptive US commanders probably know this, but they have to be seen to do something about the continuous guerrilla attacks. How long will the NATO allies stick around fighting an unwinnable war? How long will the US public put up with it?
But that is not the worst of it. Believing Pakistan to be complicit in the US strikes on their people, the tribal militants will turn on it; they have already seen the deadly effect of their suicide bombs in the teeming cities. An already fragile governmental and societal structure will face severe stress; anything could happen. One thing is certain : the religious fundamentalists in the country will take full advantage of this turmoil. For the US, the first impact will be on their supply line through Pakistan. Then, Pakistan itself, as an ally, will be at risk.
One of the most difficult things for both statesman and soldier is to recognize a war as unwinnable before it is proved in the field.
Like we said back in the spring of 2006, NOT finishing the war in Afghanistan before illegally invading Iraq has doomed BOTH military enterprises to failure.
It has NOTHING to do with patriotism or other reichwing clueless distractions, BUT a real honest understanding of how counter insurgencies are fought, and how they have been lost, in many many countries around this planet the last several centuries.
ie; Why the British LOST the American revolution while being the pre-eminent military power at the time.
Why the Spanish Empire slowly lost control over Central and South America.
Why the British NEVER subdued Afghanistan in 1843, 1880, 1919, and why the Soviets failed to do so in the 1980's both while being top tiered World military powers at the time.
Why Churchill hated the British presence in Iraq post WW1 and got the hell out of there as fast as he could.
Why even though they militarily conquered Yugoslavia in WW2 the Nazi's were never able to subdue Tito's forces and how he remained a thorn in Hitler's side tying up troops which were needed elsewhere.
How all the European Powers were pushed off the continent of Africa and the Middle East post WW2.
Why France lost Indochina then Algeria, they followed the over bearing military force route to failure in a counter insurgency.
Why we could NEVER win in Vietnam without in some way killing or removing 90% or the population of Vietnam.
We it seems, under George W Bush, have failed to learn the lessons history has taught time and time again.
Much to the detriment of upwards of 75-80,000 US casualties of those foreign policy quagmires, thanks to Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith's incompetence and Bush-Cheney's criminal indifference.
How did St Johnny get the title straight talk express with press people like these two?
ReplyDeleteLydia said "American ingenuity can create new industry, rebuild our infrastructure, (my idea is to build water pipelines to funnel flood water to Nevada, California and al the states sufferingsevere drought. We could also start desalination of ocean water. Imagine how this would help bring down the levels of rising oceans due to global warming of polar ice caps. Think about it. We should be doing mass desalination. We can also attract capital with American-made products, transform our banking system."
ReplyDeleteThis statement has MUCH MORE wisdom in it than many of you give it credit for, sure Clif it may not significantly reduce Ocean depths.......but AS USUAL look how the trolls mock what is said and look as USUAL how they superficially look at the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law and fail to see the forest over the trees.
What Lydia is CLEARLY saying is we NEED to focus on the common good and work to lead the world once again BOTH technologically and morally............Did ANY of you ever think we could have broken OPEC and raised the standard of living of the entire world by developing renewable clean alternative sources of energy AND developing cheap affordable desalination.........we could become the OPEC of water and solar and wind if we would only start innovating, committing ourselves and thinking outside the box.
Just think instead of committing trillions of dollars in resourrces and all our money to senseless wars and torture if we would committ them to develop cheap desalination plants, renewable wind and solar, and ways to utilize the fresh water of the polar ice caps.........we could be the Microsoft or OPEC of water and solar/wind and it would create good paying jobs, lower taxes and increase OUR own standard of living and quality of life rather than increase China's at our own expense, money would flow into the USA instead of hemoraging out to countries in the Middle East who hate want to talk national security developing an energy plan helps OUR national security alot more that squandering our military might and resources in unwinnable wars much as the Soviets did in Afghanistan.........the last 8 years will be known as Bush's folly lets hope the NEXT 8 arent Bush's Great Depression cause thats the way its looking.
In fact I watched CNBC today and they mentioned the Great Depression over and over again and were discussing bailouts.........thats not a good sign that the MSM is starting to see the similarities between the Great Depression and now and state that publicly.
ReplyDeleteI went to Bufflalo and unlike a NORMAL July there were hardly ANY boats on the river and lake, all i here about is increasing forclosures and bankrupcies they are hitting new records all the time, i hear collectors calling people where i work daily.
ReplyDeleteDebt is HIGHER than the Great Depression.........see once the vicious circle starts where people get laid off and file bankruptcy and lose their houses it takes on a life of its own as companies see write downs, losses and charge offs they lay people off and that causes MORE people to file bankruptcy and lose their homes which causes more layoffs.....the vicious circle gets worse and its extremely hard to stop.
Unfortunately i see the same repug arrogance as there was in the 20's wanting to help the ultra wealthy and corporate elite at the expense of the working class.
THATS why this election is such a big one not only will it determine whether we have a SCOTUS that loathes freedom and wants an Orwellian Fascist police state, but it will also determine whether we get a New New Deal or a New Gilded Age combined with a Fascist Police State like the Nazi's wanted.
Hey Bart, did you change the name of your site because the link no longer works...........if so could you post a link to the new address?
ReplyDeleteMike it works for me;
ReplyDeleteLittle Prophet
Hey Mike. Voltron said that. I think you guys had another link for a site I'm working on. Its still in production.
ReplyDeleteMy blog is just
I'm working on a new thread but have been kind of depressed since Obama voted to remove my 4th ammendment protections so I haven't done much on it.
What most people don't realize, is how badly I wanted to believe he was the one.
ReplyDeleteBut the "one" wouldn't have voted to remove my 4th amendment protections, so now I'm just depressed.
Remember that outpost in Afghanistan that 9 Americans died trying to hold?
ReplyDeleteBush's pentagon decided to abandon it;
Taliban drives NATO, American forces from Afghan post
Meanwhile over there:
US forces have abandoned a small base in eastern Afghanistan that was the scene of an intense assault by Taliban fighters in which 9 US soldiers died. The base was quickly occupied by Taliban fighters after the departure of the US forces, according to local government officials.
Nato spokesmen confirmed that US forces pulled out of the base in Wanat village of Nuristan yesterday afternoon.
“We are confirming we have vacated our combat outpost at Wanat,” Nato spokesman Mark Laity told The Times. “All these kinds of outposts are temporary. We will continue to maintain a strong presence in the area. We will continue to perform regular patrols in the area.”
It looks like we’re starting to reap the consequences of essentially outsourcing the fight in Afghanistan/Pakistan to NATO. It’s amazing that that fight — the real front in the war on terror — has been neglected for so long, especially considering even President Bush concedes it’s “probably true” the next attack will originate from there.
It is starting to sound like the Vietnam War .... we fight the enemy over ground and leave after the battle is over, just to return to fight over the ground again.
While Afghanistan war was getting started, McCain's battle cry in January 2002: "Next up Baghdad!"
ReplyDeleteLots of talk about Afghanistan in the presidential campaign this week. After years of neglect from Bush and his cronies, the situation in that country appears to be careening out of control.
Let's get a little historical perspective on the war in Afghanistan. Let's look at what the candidates were saying back in 2002.
I know it was "just a speech he gave in 2002" but there are many words of wisdom from that speech Obama gave:
So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the President today. You want a fight, President Bush? Let's finish the fight with Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings. You want a fight, President Bush?
In January of 2002, John McCain was also speaking out. McCain was warmongering to attack Iraq ten months before he voted for the war. McCain already wanted another war before the first one was finished:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) visited the Roosevelt yesterday and shouted, "Next up: Baghdad!" from the carrier's bridge.
McCain has been pushing the administration to make Iraq and its dictator, Saddam Hussein, the next targets in the war on terrorism.
Pentagon officials and Powell have cautioned against focusing on Baghdad, but McCain said yesterday that Iraq poses "a clear and present danger" to the U.S.
"I think Iraq is going to have to be considered," he said.
McCain couldn't wait to start the next war.
Remember even though the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are still being fought, he wants us to;
Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran .....
and he wants US troops there for 100 years
Oh look, Duncetron is crying this is a leftwing hate site and that anyone expressing a divergent opinion is attacked...........BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteToo bad for him the little hippocrite proceeded to attack two bloggers in the very same post not to mention him and his trolls called it an echo chamber before they flip flopped and said divergent opinions are attacked.........oh and that seething hateful piece of human waste Rusty that you choose to associate with.......HE"S NEVER HATEFUL IS HE DOLTY??????
Oh and seems Dolty has taken quite a liking to you, just like he did to Kay in Maine.
ReplyDeleteNice Reich Wing Hate site you got going Dolty you hippocrite you!
ReplyDeleteWhat most people don't realize, is how badly I wanted to believe he was the one.
But the "one" wouldn't have voted to remove my 4th amendment protections,"
You and me both buddy!
Mike I have no problem with infrastructure improvements.
ReplyDeleteHowever what Lydia proposes is not only scientifically not realistic, but won't make much of a difference, because there is 139,000,000 square miles of ocean.
To counter even three feet of rise in the ocean due to global warming, each one of us in the United States would have to use enough water to fill a hole 1/3 of a mile by 1 mile three feet deep. and that is one hell of a lot of water to use.
I am also NOT for building new intestate highways like the proposed Mexico to Canada super highway for NAFTA because with the rise in fuel prices which aren't going down much but will continue to rise over the next decade (how long such a highway would take to build) because when it would be finished the price of trucking junk for Wal-Mart, from Mexico or the new ports they wanna build in Mexico for Chinese junk to cut costs from US longshoremen, would cost too much for the average Wal-mart shopper to afford with their out sourced new lifestyles.
I am NOT for building more runways or airports since the cost of flying is gonna go outa sight for the average American and what we have will suffice for the government and uber rich like Cindy McSame who HAS to fly cause Arizona don't have roads it seems (according to her).
The infrastructure we need is a rebuilding of the transportation systems which used electricity for power which were dismantled by GM (during the 1930's)to push the US population into needing cars cause all mass transportation out side of large cities was dismantled.
I am for integration different types of mass transit so we could go from town to town and city to town like the Europeans were able to do when I served there in the 1970's. I could catch a bus a couple of blocks from the kaserne I was stationed on, ride it to catch a tram to the train station then go where I wanted in Germany or the rest of Europe.
I am for rebuilding the current electric grid and beefing it up so it could support the new electric vehicles we are going to be seeing in 2009, 2010, 2011 ........
I am for doing things which would help the people of this country over the enrichment of large greedy corporations and the people who push just for them like the republican party has done. (Which is why it hasn't been done since the republicans started pushing the bankrupted policies proposed by the paid for pretend guy, Ronald Reagan.)
BTW, it seems karma is not done with the republicans;
ReplyDeleteMcSame just accused Obama of being stubborn and in denial of “success” that we are having in Iraq and in the war on Terror.
Meanwhile, our troops are dying, retreating, and giving up ground in Afghanistan as the Taliban grows stronger .......
Right where Obama says we need to reinforce and take the fight to ......
Now McSame AND Bush are following his lead, and calling for more troops in Afghanistan. (though once McSame realized just how stupid he sounded calling for more troops in Afghanistan AND asking for the US to keep the troops in Iraq for 100 years, he fliped to asking for more NATO troops)
Looks like Bush and McSame are following the "jr." Senator Obama’s proposed policies for America.
It seems Obama is one hell of a commander in chief if he can get both Bush and McSame to listen to his ideas .......
Somebody needs to tell George W Bush that the State Department wants to become appeasers next month;
ReplyDeleteU.S. to establish presence in Tehran: report
The United States will announce in the next month that it plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years, a British newspaper said on Thursday.
In a front-page report, the Guardian said Washington would open a U.S. interests section in the Iranian capital, halfway towards opening an embassy.
The unsourced report by the newspaper's Washington correspondent said: "The Guardian has learned that an announcement will be made in the next month to establish a U.S. interests section in Tehran, a halfway house to setting up a full embassy.
"The move will see US diplomats stationed in the country."
Senior U.S. diplomat William Burns said in testimony to Congress last week the United States was looking to opening up an interest section in Tehran but had not made a decision yet.
The Guardian said the development was "a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush who has pursued a hawkish approach to Iran throughout his time in office".
Washington said on Wednesday it was sending Burns to join atomic talks with Iran this weekend to signal to Tehran and others that Washington wanted a diplomatic solution to their nuclear impasse.
BTW, don't tell St Johnny just yet .......
He is a studin' the 21st century European map about now and couldn't handle too much more change this month.
Well with all the right wing screeching about how bad Obama's fundraising is going after he supposedly changed his position on Iraq (when he actually didn't, people who claim he did NEED to learn to read or listen better).
ReplyDeleteThey need to realize Obama is doing just fine;
Obama's $52 Million June
So much for a slow month. The Obama camp has announced a haul of $52 million for June, tamping down rumors that the candidate's fundraising support had lagged since winning the nomination.
St Johnny not even half that much;
McCain Raises $22 Million In June
Hey everyone, check out the beautiful, soothing pictures on the blog.
ReplyDeleteThat is Bhutan at the top.
Your government failing again under a republican administration how DON'T want government to work.
ReplyDelete8, 763 Disabled Veterans Died Without Receiving Benefits
For a long time now, I have been following the KBR corruption storyline: the dirty water, the electrocutions, the rape cover ups and the tax dodging.
KBR was turned loose on our troops because the Bush administration's blind adherence to right-wing dogma — "government bad, private industry good" — drove it to outsource the management of the war to dozens of private contractors. And, no surprise, the abuses don't end with KBR.
Today Lockheed Martin officials are appearing before Congress to explain why thousands of veterans with service-related disabilities may have been denied government disability or pension benefits or given the wrong amounts. Lockheed was hired (on a no-bid contract) by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to clear up a backlog of unpaid military benefits ....
It's yet another example of what happens when people who hate govenment are in charge of making the government work. And it's yet another example of how the Pentagon sets up their contracts in such a way as to completely let themselves off the hook for enforcing accountability over their contractors. Even when Lockheed Martin failed to deliver timely and accurate benefits to thousands of disabled veterans, DFAS found that its contract rendered it powerless to penalize the company.
Adding further incompetence to the matter, the DFAS then decided to assign its /own / employees to help Lockheed Martin fix the backlog. This move ultimately made the DFAS powerless to monitor Lockheed's quality control because, once they had committed their own employees, they were no longer an outside auditor.
After all the reports of the corruption, wrongdoing, bungling and negligence that have trickled back to the public regarding the no-bid, cost-plus contracts the Pentagon continues to hand out like candy, you would think that the Pentagon would start to rethink these contracts to be better able to force these contractors into, I don't know....doing their jobs? We're not just talking about a few minor slip ups, we're talking about a system that continues to allow contractors to be so negligent that their irresponsibility becomes a hazard to the health and lives of soldiers and veterans.
In this case, it's been reported that 8,763 veterans with service-related disabilities died before Lockheed Martin got around to distributing their payments. And furthermore, more than 60,000 payments and 28,000 denied claims were given after the DFAS has committed their own employees and thus abandoned their responsibility to monitor the quality control of the process, leading Congress to suspect that thousands of these claims were either given in the wrong amount or wrongfully denied.
Some right wing MORON has a hate based billboard fraudulently using the tragedy of 9-11 and an image of the twin towers burning to attack the democratic party, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS a republican president who ignored all the warning in the spring and summer of 2001, even when he took his month long yearly vacation and was warned by a PDB which was titled in laden determined to ATTACK AMERICA.
You'd think the American people would have learned by now, if they want the government upon which they rely for so much to actually work and NOT waste their hard earned money they pay in taxes, they need to kick the right wing frauds out and stop them enabling their friends to feed at the republican welfare for the rich outsourcing of government entities to private INCOMPETENT republicans.
In other words if you want America to work again;
Do Not Vote for the people who are trying to make sure it can't;
Don't vote for a republican this year.
Looks like St Johnny wants to use the FAILED education policies which have wrecked Arizona Schools, he has hired the right wing hack who created a fiasco where one didn't exist before as one of his campaign advisers about education (you know where St Johnny ends up at the bottom of the class)
ReplyDeleteLisa Graham Keegan: Who says there are no second acts in American lives?
No doubt, the fetching Lisa Graham Keegan will play well on television as an education adviser to President-elect McCain. It will be instructive to see if the national media look beyond the blond good looks and quick mind to see that Keegan represents everything that voters want to get away from in Republican education policy.
As a legislator and then as superintendent of public instruction in Arizona -- the equivalent of education secretary -- she aggressively embraced the "charter school movement" and made Arizona into a national leader as an education "marketplace," where charters became as ubiquitous as Circle K stores. Properly constituted and regulated, individual charter schools have turned in impressive results nationally. These individual charters can be studied for best practices, but, there's little evidence they can handle the job of public schools on a massive scale. Evidence mounts that many fail to outperform public schools, yet are more costly and prone to financial abuse.
The results of Keegan's crusade in Arizona were nothing short of tragic. Acting as if Arizona public schools were overfed, union-wrecked systems seen in a few big cities back east, she pushed for "school choice" in the form of charters. Few appear to perform well. Some are prime business ventures for well-connected right-wingers. Many are fly-by-night storefronts with no playgrounds, libraries or cafeterias. I recall seeing one where a roach coach would stop by at noon and toot the horn, as if it were a construction site. I guess the school owners were preparing the pupils for their future careers. Meanwhile, the costs of a school library -- a given when I was in Arizona public schools -- are foisted on the city library.
The Arizona Republic's news story made this important point:
Before Arizona adopted Keegan priorities such as charter schools and the high-stakes AIMS test, the state ranked below the national average in math, science, reading and writing, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, a division of the U.S. Department of Education. More than a dozen years later, it still does.
[In other words SHE failed]
Public education has become much more stratified between rich (well-funded districts, largely in the outer-ring suburbs) and poor (starved districts in heavily minority areas). Schemes such as tax credit donations go, naturally, to the already better-funded districts where the "donors" live. Distinguished high schools such as Camelback and Coronado have been allowed to fall into the category of "troubled inner-city schools." Arizona has remained near or at the bottom nationally in school funding, class size, teacher pay -- the real metrics necessary for success. Indeed, they are prerequisites for any further reform.
Keegan's charters skimmed public funding that should have gone to public schools. "Choice" and its many fads were part of every excuse in the shameful Legislature to cut education funding for real public schools. Meanwhile, there is little oversight of how charter money is spent, much less transparency about the owners' connections to legislators and Republican politics. Yet the "charter schools movement" (sounds like something promised by a laxative) is so politically potent that it slaps down any effort at real reform or even examination.
On another level, the charters contribute to the pernicious destruction of the things held in common, for the public good rather than private profit, that built the great America of the 20th century. They masquerade as public schools, with little accountability to the public in many states, and even a successful charter is an educational equivalent of a gated community. Meanwhile, money and power continue to strangle American meritocracy.
Keegan went on to become head of something called the Education Leaders Council in Washington, D.C. Before the group collapsed in scandal, it was on the gravy train of GOP earmarks. Like the charter schools in Arizona, it's difficult to find anything this organization accomplished. The Arizona Republic reports:
In a pair of 2006 reports, the inspector general for the U.S. Education Department said the ELC had used money inappropriately during the time Keegan was its chief executive. The ELC also had a poor financial-management system and inadequate written procedures for subcontracting, the reports said.
Even before the report, The Arizona Republic reported that some ELC board members were alarmed about Keegan's $235,000 salary and six-figure deals for other executives. During a three-year span beginning in 2003, eight members of the ELC's board of directors quit, along with four of its top executives, including Keegan, the auditors wrote.
Somehow she landed back in Phoenix with a $175,000 a year job working for Maricopa County (this in a city where the average salary is well below the national mean, partly because of the right's vendetta against quality education). Now she's on board with President-elect McCain. Government has sure been good to these people who keep telling us "government is the problem."
Perhaps we should give Keegan the benefit of the doubt. Many people, frustrated with the state of public education, were entranced by the idea of school choice. I was one of them, in the late 1980s. In practice, it has failed, and never more so than in Arizona. There, the big issues were never those of, say, Chicago. They were never the problems the conservative intellectuals could throw to such effect, the education welfare queens. Indeed, old liberals did much damage themselves in the 1960s and 1970s.
But in Arizona the consistent problems have been lack of adequate funding, failure to keep pace with population growth, the destabilization of districts by sprawl, and the historic migration of a Mexican workforce to keep Arizona's ponzi scheme economy going. Keegan never addressed these real issues.
Once when someone challenged John Maynard Keynes about changing his position on a particular issue, the great economist retorted, "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" On the right, the answer is clear. Keegan will be pushing her same "reforms" for McCain, no matter the tragic, scandalous results. No matter the damage to Arizona's future in a competitive global economy. No matter the way the state's education "marketplace" has helped create a permanent underclass. No matter the damage to individual children. The facts, after all, have a liberal bias. These "market-driven approaches" are very profitable for the right. Expect to hear horror stories about "liberal" public schools and those lazy, overpaid teachers at "government schools." Meanwhile, the actions of the right, from relentless budget cuts to "school choice" to mindless teaching to the test, these have wrecked our schools. They have been in charge for a generation.
These are their failures.
I'll say this for Lisa: She lands well.
Another example of welfare for wingnuts in action, and the long list of failures it produces.
Too bad the children of Arizona have been denied a GOOD education just so some wingnuts could get their right wing sponsored welfare handouts.
Like the troops under Bush ...... wingnuts keep getting right wing welfare while the people they are supposed to be serving get the shaft.
Lydia Cornell said...
ReplyDeleteHey everyone, check out the beautiful, soothing pictures on the blog.
Are you trying to hypnotize us?
...getting sleeepy....
ReplyDeleteLooks like another republican has seem the real difference between Barack Obama and John McCain;
ReplyDeleteI'm a lifelong conservative activist and I'm backing Barack Obama
These are not my words , but those of one Larry Hunter, who's creds as a conservative Republican are lengthy, to say the least. Yesterday he wrote a piece for the Daily News outlining his reasons for why he is voting for Obama.
It's an interesting article, some of which, especially on Obama's policies and positions I think he is reading wrong, but so be it.
The money quote comes in the first three paragraphs.
I'm a lifelong Republican - a supply-side conservative. I worked in the Reagan White House. I was the chief economist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for five years. In 1994, I helped write the Republican Contract with America. I served on Bob Dole's presidential campaign team and was chief economist for Jack Kemp's Empower America.
This November, I'm voting for Barack Obama.
When I first made this decision, many colleagues were shocked. How could I support a candidate with a domestic policy platform that's antithetical to almost everything I believe in?
The answer is simple: Unjustified war and unconstitutional abridgment of individual rights vs. ill-conceived tax and economic policies - this is the difference between venial and mortal sins.
Whether Larry has truly seen the light and left the dark side I couldn't say. The news here - another nail in the Republican Party coffin just got hammered home.
Looks like St Johnny is the mortal sinner in his eyes, just like George W Bush was.
Those pictures are beautiful that first one is magical. Anyway at this point Impeachment, treason, crimes against America, crimes against humanity, the thousands of broken laws, etc, etc. etc. should all be listed made into a book and sent to every single voting age American.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I think it is too late to show a facade of concern to hold Bush accountable. It is way too late. He and his cronies will get away with all of the tremendous harm they have done to our country and the world.
Some of them are really good;
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain Limerick Thread!
Oh and that 52,000,000 dollars Barack raised in June, it came from around 760,000 donors ....... and he can use any or all of it for the general election since he isn't using federal dollars to fund his campaign ...... and the reichwingers howled when he decided he could do better then 85,000,000 for the entire general election?
ReplyDeletePitty St Johnny ain't doing so good eh boys?
Arizona Donors Give McCain Cold Shoulder
Many Big Time Bundlers in Likely GOP Nominee's Home State Haven't Taken Up Their Senator's Cause
About says it all
ReplyDeletean average patriot said...
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I think it is too late to show a facade of concern to hold Bush accountable. It is way too late. He and his cronies will get away with all of the tremendous harm they have done to our country and the world.
And we have one person to thank for that.
And her name is Nancy Pelosi.
If Nancy Pelosi would permit it, he'd likely be impeached by now.
Yay! Keith Olberman is back!
ReplyDeleteMike said...
ReplyDeleteOh and seems Dolty has taken quite a liking to you, just like he did to Kay in Maine."
Ok you got my curiosity who is Kay in Maine and whats up with this frickin troglodyte Voltronis he the village idiot or resident dooche bag, and does he always whine like a little girl when his deranged rantings get exposed as deranged conservotard rantings?
Just wonderin ya know.
Great picture Lydia, i really like em!
ReplyDeleteIsnt it frickin disgusting that LOSER mcain makes jokes about a woman getting raped and finds it amusing.
ReplyDeleteAlso didnt the LOSER also have a fundraiser associated with his campaign that said women enjoy being raped, why does this ignorant, deranged, warmongering chauvanist get a free pass with the media, he should be in a strait jacket in a looney bin or Alzheimer's clinic rather than a frickin presidential candidate.
Hey Clif, any idea how much money has mcLOSER raised?
ReplyDeleteSara, he weaseled $22,000,000 out of the right wing sheeple.
ReplyDeleteSara you nailed dolt, but have you met rustyridesagain yet?
ReplyDeleteNo Clif, i havent met the LOSER yet, but i'm sure i will.
ReplyDeleteHave no fear though Sara doesnt suffer fools well!
Speaking of fooles, maybe you will get lucky and witness the resurrection of freedom fan
ReplyDeleteMandela celebrates 90th birthday
ReplyDeleteGaddafi son arrested for assault
ReplyDeleteSo it ain't just the Bush brats, who get in trouble with the law I guess.
So i guess this freedom fan is like another ignorant troll i'll be encountering soon?
ReplyDeleteLike how many of these goons are there?
Isn't it pitiful how these losers living in their mom's basements still support these war criminals and defend the war and Constitutional infringements of a failed presidency.
ReplyDeleteOne positive point we need to look at is that the Conservatives used to own the military vote, it used to be a given, not only have the Conservatives lost the military vote, but they have lost the largest generation since the Baby Boomers, my generation for good.
Picture the Conventions this fall, one will be like a rock concert with 70,000 screaming enthusiastic people, the other will look like a funeral with 3000 or so old people who look like they are in mourning because the Republican Revolution is dead.
Hey, howcome I got deleted?
ReplyDeleteDid you guys not like something i said, i think the word needs to get out how mcLOSER really feels about women.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you there. She is not the only one but because of complicity one we must get rid of. This mess is all their responsibility not just Bush's. They have all been enablers.
I was just having my coffee hearing how tired she is of Bush doing everything wrong. She helps enable it how the hell do you think responsible citizens feel?
JR, you've vwritten some great blogs lately, i'll have to pop over to comment tonight.
ReplyDeletesara said...
ReplyDeleteMike said...
Oh and seems Dolty has taken quite a liking to you, just like he did to Kay in Maine."
Ok you got my curiosity who is Kay in Maine and whats up with this frickin troglodyte Voltronis he the village idiot or resident dooche bag, and does he always whine like a little girl when his deranged rantings get exposed as deranged conservotard rantings?
Just wonderin ya know."
Sara, Kay in Maine was another blogger that Voltron and his Reich Wing trolls attacked while crying like little hippocrites when they got attacked back..........BTW, those are AWESOME images of all the trolls...Clif's right you got them all pegged allready.
Clif, so Obama is outraising Mcsame like 2 to 1??????
ReplyDeleteNew blog is up about definitive evidence of Diebold tampering and election fraud.
ReplyDeleteAlso open thread on Obama in Iraq and Pelosi's comments about Bush.
an average patriot said...
I have to agree with you there. She is not the only one but because of complicity one we must get rid of
Yea but she's the only one standing in the way of Impeachment.
She won't let the vote on the floor, and since hearings have to occur in the lower House, before getting to the Senate, SHE is the one keeping it from happening.
If she'd allow the vote, they'd vote for it, and she knows that.
And she's afraid of being implicated, which she would be once hearings began.
As Professor Jonathan Turley so aptly stated, this is about crimes "hidden in plain sight".
Everyone knows they broke the law on multiple occasions, from violating domestic spying laws to torture, to outing a CIA agent, then lying about it to cover it up, which makes it a conspiracy to conceal a crime.
Its all in plain sight, which is why they don't want to be pinned down on it under oath.
The Diebold goons need to be put in frickin jail.